#ASAU time
ageless-soul-au · 1 month
Flicker? 👉👈
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Here's the boy!! Plus an added Time. Honestly we can't wait to get to Flicker's introduction, he's going to make so many people viscerally uncomfortable 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Flicker and Time are from ASAU, please don't tag any other AUs!! 🪲🌱
Bonus little guy:
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pafyna · 5 months
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“Magic time!” Red cheered, waving her hands. Her hair looked a little silly, gathered into a little curly poof on top of her head, but it had kept it out of her face when working and the Colors seemed used to it, so this must have been a regular forge occurrence.
— The Stolen Altars, Ch. 20
Red from @ageless-soul-au she is SUCH A LITTLE BEAN, I am not over her reactions on this chapter— enough to not forget finishing this sketch djdjdnfk
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ketchupkio · 2 years
it got me curious though, are u gonna do more character ref sheets? I dont draw but i imagine its probably alot of work just to do one, but i will say that I think it would be a pretty neat addition to the series? :>
I've got a ref in the works for Wild, and initially i intended to do all of them in the beginning but it was definitely more work than anticipated. I want to at least have official art that someone could use for all of them eventually but it might take some time. I think there's enough art out there of Legend and Wars that they don't need one per se (and Twilight too) but *shrug*. I've had a height lineup of the whole cast forever (from like those sites that let you plug in characters and compare them) and I've wanted to do something with that but,,,,, it's so much vdnvkdnlvds
so I'D LIKE TO. It just might take a bit.
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sparklepoint · 6 months
hey i saw stuff about ur asau (hermit!yusuke is perfect and kitteh ann is the fluffiest little baby and i love her) and i just wanted to ask if you have the other arcanas planned? is it a direct one to one swap or is it different?
omg. ty for giving us a chance to introduce
 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ card shuffle ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
@floodbender’s and mine roleswap au in which the story roles are remixed based on randomly reassigned arcanas + canon backgrounds
it’s kind of a work in progress so this is not q definitive & some arcs are less developed than others, but we do in fact have something planned for everyone :3c let's meet the cast!!
starting with <3 bitter bitch besties <3
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○ the fool – akechi
he has pretty much the same backstory as canon, but without Metaverse access; therefore his only outlet has been trying to prove himself academically etc. to show them all
it isn’t really working. even with all the effort, he still gets written off automatically most of the time
there is no arrest/probation/anything out of the ordinary that brings him to staying with Sojiro and going to Shujin, just a last minute arrangement by his previous foster placement 
Akechi POV: you’ve been booted from a family who didn’t want you there for the n-th time in your life and are now moving to stay with some rando who doesn’t want you there either. and everyone at the new school immediately labels you a troublemaker with a problematic background
(of course Shujin is going to make up rumors regardless)
personality-wise, it is as you might expect from a no powers AU Akechi - at the start he’s a bitter, cynical bastard masking behind his Pleasant Boy mode
would have eventually snapped in some self-destructive way if he didn’t meet someone who gets it
rest of the story is spent rehabilitating this man with the power of friendship, mutual understanding, and insane romance. and flufy kity
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akechi and makoto: the world is a cruel and unjust place. *minutes later* omg lady ann!!!
i. the magician – ann
flufy kity
backstory inherent to the arcana role
she does not have hang ups about not being human specifically and embraces cathood quite well
instead her issues stem from feelings of comparative inadequacy and not knowing what her role in life and on the team is supposed to be, especially after the PTs get a dedicated navigator
similar to her canon arc, she does mostly handle these feelings by focusing on trying harder & with more purpose rather than growing resentful
when Morgana coined the ‘Lady Ann’ nickname it stuck and now everyone calls her that
still has a widdle crush on Shiho
the only reason Akechi has any side confidants
vii. the chariot – makoto
Makoto handles pressure from Sae far worse in this one
attempted to investigate and expose Kamoshida’s behavior on her own last year and got kicked off the student council for her trouble
grades are suddenly hard to keep up even though she’s putting in the same amount of effort if not more. keeps being left ‘accidentally’ out of the loop about important info. school just kind of making it clear it doesn’t like her anymore
entire social circle crumbled and no support from Sae who at this point is simply mad at her for ‘sabotaging herself for childish reasons’ 
would have eventually snapped in some self-destructive way if she didn’t meet someone who gets it
disillusioned, desperately lonely, and stewing in a lot of suppressed rage
in light of this it’s not surprising that she and Akechi end up bonding pretty much right away in spite of his typically raised hackles
used to be friends with Haru in middle school
vi. the lovers – haru
while Okumura still has a Palace, his behaviour towards Haru is more distant and less outright abusive, and she does not have an engagement hanging over her
instead Kamoshida creeps on her, fixated on adding a demure chaebol princess to his conquests 
Haru’s having trouble rebuffing him as she has issues setting down boundaries with men in general due to her proper upbringing, and is of course scared of his position of authority
in particular, the rooftop garden becomes a hazard for being cornered instead of a sanctuary; 
(fortunately it is also a prime place to be overheard by anyone who's heading up there for definitely not a teen vigilante meeting)
Kamoshida lets out that Haru is the Okumura Foods heiress, which makes her seem like a stuck-up rich princess to the Shujin rumor mill and leaves her ostracized
with regards to Makoto: in Shujin Kamoshida Issues forced them to drift apart, and now, even though both of them want to reignite the middle school friendship, each is reluctant to involve the other in her own respective mess via association
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(pictured: childhood friend matching bwacelets)
after that is sorted, they reconnect and begin a prolonged awkward romance dance
(meanwhile the rumor mill is busy debating which one of them is dating Akechi)
iv. the emperor – joker ren akira
legal name, under which he is mildly famous, is Ren Amamiya, actual name he goes by is Akira
for these claiming your chosen identity reasons, his codename is Daybreak :)
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his parents are both in the entertainment industry, and the second Palace belongs to his father
Dad Amamiya is a formerly acclaimed, currently washed-up movie director. a nightmare to work with who uses his old connections to run people he doesn’t like out of the industry and ruin their careers
his wife is aware of his transgressions but is too attached to the lifestyle to care 
to Akira’s parents, he is more or less a prop in their public performance as a happy picture-perfect celebrity couple; in his father’s Palace, his cognition is played by an actor
he had long since learned that going against his parents achieves nothing, and has been going through the motions keeping his head down until he meets the team
the meeting is a chance encounter prompted by Emperor-typical  overwhelming fascination with Ann, which in his case is because he’s That Much Of A Cat Person 
rest of his arc is about separating himself from his parents’ legacy as somebody who still wishes to pursue a career in entertainment
ii. the high priestess – morgana
he has Ann’s parents and last name since she doesn’t need them anymore
unlike her, he doesn’t handle their constant absence well and is therefore desperate for the Thieves’ companionship (while being just as tsundere about it in human form as he is in canon)
he kickstarts the Kaneshiro plot despite not being on the student council: since he is a very special smart boy, he can absolutely solve Shujin’s mafia crisis all by himself!
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(it is probably rather obvious how well this goes)
his arc is a more mundane version of his canon one about recalibrating the self-worth issues and loneliness until he can be comfortable with himself and his place in the group
his awkward crush here is converted into being an even bigger Ann Stan than the rest of them
still besties with Akira. also perpetual ninth wheel
ix. the hermit – yusuke
Madarame does not have a Palace
without the international recognition from stealing Kitagawa-san’s masterwork he has to subsist on smaller-time forgery and predatory contracts and the like
his main victim is Yusuke’s mom, who lived long enough to start actually raising her son, but her poor health made her the perfect exploitable dependant 
after she succumbs to her illness, Madarame proceeds to take his frustrations over losing the convenient setup out on Yusuke in his typical insidious way
over the subsequent years trapped in an abusive living situation you’re told to be grateful for, the comments about how she would have lived longer and created masterpieces if she didn’t have to take care of you accumulate to create the most depressed teenage boy in the world
as far as Madarame’s concerned, if Yusuke’s too miserable to keep up with his schoolwork, it’s just another instance of him being a drain on everyone in his life. Madarame’s not going to cater to him and pay for his scholarship – he can just stay in and keep house, if that’s all he’s good for
that leaves Yusuke just listlessly haunting the place, convinced that all he can really do with his life is wait to die and go to hell for the sin of being himself: he sees his life with Madarame as perpetual penitence for his mother’s death, his work as almost ritual sacrifices to appease him, and the shack as his purgatory [--beginning navigation]
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his Palace is stylistically themed after the Shinto Yomi with more general underworld theming as well; cognitive Madarame is of course the final boss, although he only drops the benevolent underworld guide pretence once thoroughly provoked
the gang finds out about All This after a series of Mementos requests from Madarame’s latest underpaid helper
post change of heart we’re getting Yusuke the fuuuck out of there
Sojiro ends up taking him in, first temporarily and then permanently
neither of us has the vocabulary to concisely explain the respective holes in their heads this Yusuke and this Akechi have about each other
team navigator. please take a moment to imagine yusukespeak navigator lines
iii. the empress – sumire
the Okumura setup is still happening (sorry Haru), but the PTs recognize it as bait and stay away, instead ending up doing a different palace entirely
the Palace Ruler for this arc is the Yoshizawas’ abusive coach (not the one from Sumire’s confidant)
a classic unethical teen sports situation with disproportionate pressure and a concerning disregard of their physical and mental wellbeing as long as they Get Results tm
neither of the sisters is good at standing up for herself, which in Kasumi’s case spirals into continuous self-denial for the sake of The Sport and in Sumire’s exacerbates her feelings of inadequacy
at the moment Kasumi is being pushed to compete despite an injury which would put her out of commission, which is the deadline/reasoning to deal with this ASAP
the palace theme is Colosseum/gladiatorial arena, with the implication of entertainment of the masses at the expense of the athletes’ lives
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(pictured gladiator!cogsumi)
xi. justice – ryuji
Ryuji is the one to get slapped with the arrest record courtesy of Shido in this one
the consequences for a 14yo on scholarship and with no support system outside of his mom (except he just feels guilty about creating problems for her) are predictably devastating 
he winds up at Shido’s Palace afterwards by accident while loitering around the Diet building, which is where his awakening happens
he’s spotted entering or exiting the Metaverse, which leads to Shido making him the job offer he cannot refuse
initially framed as “help with secret research” in exchange for erasing his record and bankrolling opportunities for a sports career, but it’s not like there are any easy ways out once the requests starts getting seedier
he’s just the Metaverse assassin/errand boy for the conspiracy, no astroturfed public persona
to an extent Ryuji convinces himself this is for the best since many of his targets do very much have it coming and it’s AN outlet for letting out some steam over the bleak as shit view of society he now has, but ultimately this arrangement and all the murder involved make him utterly miserable, and on a level he understands this is not going to end well for him
gives himself away to the Phantom Thieves early and in the dumbest way possible
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for all the above reasons, he’s not at all hard to persuade to switch sides and start double-agenting
did you guess who’s faith no you didn’t
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○ faith – hifumi
we just really like hifumi so she’s included
at first her deal is a toned down version of her canon arc, with her mom pushing her towards an idol-like career based off of shogi. then her father actually dies
mom’s grief response is to lean in further into building her career, thinking that this is what her dad would have wanted; Hifumi’s own grief response is to start crumbling under that pressure until “I wish I could just be the person my mother wants to see” is the prevailing sentiment
this is where Maruki’s unethical therapy comes in and actualizes her into the perfect teenage celebrity personality
thirdsem Hifumi is terrified she will never be enough as herself and it takes the team effort to get her to let go of the idol persona, but conveniently there are SO many people with parent issues here to talk to her about it .
bonus: xvii. the star – futaba
Wakaba survives the assassination attempt, but is left unable to continue her scientific work, igniting Futaba’s interest in researching the topic herself
her confidant’s Mementos quest block is still her uncle, who is not as horrifically abusive, but treats them poorly and demands Futaba reimburses him for taking care of them financially
Sojiro is still a pseudo-parental figure in her life, but his role is limited since he cannot insert himself into the situation without permission and Futaba conceals the extent of it from him
she becomes available as a confidant during Yusuke’s arc, which still overlaps with the Medjed crisis
her fixation with cognitive pscience leads to digging into the Phantom Thieves leads to offering to deal with Medjed for them – but only if they prove themselves to her by sorting out a specific request that hit a little close to home. cue Yusuke arc
from then on she’s their tech guy
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and that's everyone ✧∘* thank you so much for expressing interest and thank you @floodbender for cowriting this post with me ♡
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 7 months
okay, normally i wouldn't make callout posts about one specific person, and i hate the fact that i'm even doing this because callout culture sucks... but oh my goodness, i feel like i have to because of what i've seen, this is a safety thing basically. if you don't want to read that sort of thing then just keep scrolling but uhhh tea under the cutoff:
basically on youtube in the comments of httyd related videos there's this person who frequently pops up called dra-gozill-asau-r under the username @/ pr-imev-alya-utja13-05 (without the dashes, i put them there to avoid them finding this post - i do not want them finding this post oof). if you see them, ignore them. you'll recognise them by their classic phrases "you're a httyd 2 fanboy", "you're a httyd purist", "people are not wrong for defending the hidden world" and calling people "woman/girl/etc" in a derogatory manner. they clearly have issues and have been hyperfixating on attacking people with opinions different to theirs for years now. they will not see reason and realise that people are allowed to have differing opinions, they will just abuse and abuse and abuse. just block 'em and move on.
this person will pop up in the most random places 'defending' thw (by abusing people basically), and their reading comprehension must be in the negatives because it doesn't matter what you say to them, they ignore it in favour of abusing others. i made the mistake of interacting with them one time and my youtube channel got ass blasted with hate comments until i blocked them at which point they brought out the alt account. like i outright specified to this kid that i literally don't hold anything against anyone if they like thw and they responded with something along the lines of "and you say that we who like thw aren't true fans?" (like omg i said the opposite?? they reaching fr). they refuse to see reason and it gets under my skin.
this person then had the audacity to say to me that they're not even a fan of httyd (but they made the mistake of linking their twitter in their profile :/ i go to it so i can find out what kind of person i'm dealing with and what the most effective/least harmful way to approach them is,, and what do i see except this person claiming that they think win/ger from res/cue ri/ders is kinda hot). they are very clearly a dragons fan and they uhhhh thirst for a lot of various fictional dragons from various franchises which like, i got nothing against monster fuckers (im on the monster fucker site after all), i just think its funny that this person had the audacity to say that they're not even a fan of httyd when they're posting shit like aforementioned.
basically just block this person and move on is what i'm saying. please for the love of fuck do not attack this person or interact with em or anything, thats just weird. ignore em.
and remember, you can like what you like and dislike what you dislike, and your neighbor may have differing opinions to you and that's okay, people should be free to have individual thoughts
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monochromaticblue · 7 months
ooh considering youre so hyped about him... asau akira????
He’s my favourite so he’s the first character I ever saw worked on and the most developed
Funfact: when I randomized the roles Akira got Fool again originally
TW: Abuse, self harm, torture
Akira Sakura, formerly Akira Kurusu is the adoptive son of Sojiro just as Futaba is.
A few years prior to canon, Akira lived with his twin brother Ren and his parents. Akiras dad was a private investigator currently gathering evidence against Kamoshida for a client. When his investigations started to get a bit too close for comfort, Kamoshida employed Haru to silence him.
Haru unfortunately has really bad timing and when she shoots his shadow, he was driving the car, with the rest of the family in it. This ultimately results in a pretty nasty car crash, Akira being the only one to come out alive. The crash was labeled as a murder suicide after a (fake) note is found in their house detailing how much Akiras father hated his family.
After taking a few months to recover, Akira, already severely fucked up, is sent to live with family. Because of the note his dad left, Akira is blamed for the deaths of everyone else and even abused by a few family members. Eventually Akira is taken in by Sojiro, an old family friend but because of everything he’s already been through, he’s become a shut in.
Akiras Alibaba alias in this au would either be Orpheus or Prometheus, I can’t explain why I just like them. His palace takes the form of a prison due to his blaming himself for his family’s death. Cognitive Ren & Parents are the wardens and final bosses. There are cognitive Akiras throughout the palace going through various torture methods in prison cells. Akiras real shadow is in the very final area of the palace, the solitary confinement room.
Akira and Cognitive Ren have a moment to talk before the palace collapses and it’s just Akira finally stopping blaming himself for what happened.
Akiras persona, Pollux is derived from the Greek myth of Castro and Pollux where Pollux is the immortal twin of the mortal Castro, who gives up half of his immortality for Castro. I thought it was pretty fitting for him
Following his awakening, Akira is still pretty quiet but slowly opens up to the rest of the thieves (eventual shuake mayhaps.). The beach episode would probably not happen here since Akira has a lot of scars everywhere from the accident and himself that he would rather not show off, I’m thinking they take him to Dome Town instead? But I haven’t decided on that yet.
ANYWAYS. THATS AKIRA. I RAMBLED SO MUCH BUT I LOVE HIM. THANK YOU FOR ASKING. He’s just a guy. Things are still subject to change though
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legendstrauma · 2 years
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Reading Confidential from ASAU for the first time and I love Hyrule. @ketchupkio @mizuriii
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starsfic · 1 year
Art School AU Sanzang: So uhhh… my question is: my "friend" keeps on going into the pantry and grabbing handfuls of fettuccine… uncooked…
ASAU Ao Lie: I would hope they're not grabbing handfuls of cooked fettuccine!
ASAU Wujing: In your pantry!
ASAU Sanzang: Yeah… and eating them raw, and they keep calling them 'chips'. … How do I make them stop?
ASAU Ao Lie: Is your "friend" here?
ASAU Sanzang, motioning to Wukong: Yeah.
ASAU Ao Lie, to Wukong: You're a monster! Words MEAN things! >:(
ASAU Bajie: Does anybody remember- I haven't been to Olive Garden in many moons- but they DO have a like- fettuccine bottle that you can just- grab em out of and chew-
Everyone else: No.
ASAU Bajie, to Ao Lie and Wujing: YOU FUCKIN BASTARDS
Sanzang: "I just want him to stop doing it so Xiaotian doesn't break the pantry."
Bajie: *yelling*
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wildsage00 · 10 months
🤝 Those two Links from different AU's you think would get along really well? Bonus Link Spirit and Heroes Spirit Picori. I've decided they would have an adorable friendship. Get that little guy ON A TRAIN!!!!!! ADDITIONALLY, Bonus Links Wake and Linked Maze Sky!!!!!!!! They are both so sweet and supportive.
😘 (For AU's that allow this) favorite crossover Linkship? I have been overthinking this for way too long Linked Maze Time and ASAU Wild????? idk if that would actually work but it's what i'm going to say.
📝 Who's your favorite Link to write? 🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜WARNUT 🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜 (but probably actually botw link)
🗡 Favorite version of [HW Link]? Eras from Heroes Spirit and extending to space au because Lee infused him with Sweetest Guy Around Syndrome (barring the murder) and I explode every time the comic or fics update.
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symphonic-scream · 11 months
Hello, fellow Magician!Goro-ist (see https://archiveofourown.org/works/44101893 for explanation)!
It's a refreshing change of pace to find another ASAU that's contains no NG+ or any other timeline hooey... to my memory...
Tell me more about Crow as opposed to Rasu, if you wouldn't mind...
Okay so the reason I chose Goro was. Just because someone needed the fucking braincell. He's a little irked by his three teammates at first, and wants to peck at them all the time for what they do, but. They grow on him eventually
He's serious. To a fault. They have to *teach* him what joking is. And it still doesn't work! Cause it's Yusuke, Haru, and Makoto! He also just. Has a car. No Mona Bus, he just drives them around in his like, Honda CRV or some shit
Basically just. A less insane Akechi. That's Crow. He scowls and calls them all idiots but he's taking the corners softer so they don't flop all over the car
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ageless-soul-au · 10 months
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Just a bunch of Kio's recent doodles :3 ft Fae's redesign and Time's whole outfit??? Omg?????
Everyone belongs to ASAU, pls don't tag any other AUs!
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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B-52 bombers will receive APUs for fast start of their engines
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/27/2022 - 14:39 in Military
After almost 70 years, the redesigned B-52 Stratofortress bomber will receive an APU and can be triggered quickly without the use of ground support equipment.
As part of the Commercial Engine Replacement Program (CERP), Boeing selected Honeywell's proven auxiliary power unit (APU) 36-150 to upgrade the B-52 with an auxiliary starting air unit (ASAU) on the wing. As reported by Aerospace Manufacturing and Design, each ASAU consists of an APU and a controller that provides high-pressure air to start the main jet engines before starting.
Thanks to Honeywell ASAU, the redesigned B-52 Stratofortress bomber will meet the operational requirements of fast start without the use of ground support equipment, thus increasing the readiness of the mission and the flexibility of aircraft's operations.
Currently the B-52 has ground support equipment to start its engines. Alternatively, in an emergency situation, the USAF can use explosive gunpowder cartridges to quickly start some of the aircraft's engines, with the remaining engines driven by internal generator power while the bomber taxis to the end of the runway. This "Cart Start" reduces takeoff time from one hour to ten minutes, as can be seen in the video below:
“The B-52 is one of the most durable aircraft in the USAF, ensuring the readiness of the force against emerging threats,” said Dave Marinick, president of Motors and Power Systems at Honeywell Aerospace. “We are confident that our proven APU 36-150 will exceed USAF expectations throughout the CERP contract and subsequent B-52 active service squad service that will last until at least 2050. Honeywell's auxiliary power systems proudly serve all generations of USAF's long-range attack aircraft, and Honeywell hopes to continue to serve the USAF in the next phase of the B-52's operational life."
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Honeywell APU 36-150.
ASAU is the latest variant of Honeywell's successful APU 36-150 model series. This new version is equipped with the latest compressor technology originally developed for the commercial aircraft sector, with minor modifications to meet the specified performance and installation requirements of the B-52 ASAU application.
In early 2022, Lockheed Martin Sikorsky-Boeing's DEFIANT X helicopter, currently a candidate to win the U.S. Army's Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) competition, also selected Honeywell's APU 36-150 for its auxiliary energy needs.
Honeywell has a long history of supporting USAF and Boeing by providing secondary power systems and APUs for aircraft. Honeywell's secondary power systems are in active service on F-15, F-22, F-35 and F/A-18 fighters. Honeywell APUs are also in active service on USAF C-130 and C-17 transport aircraft and M32 land carts.
As already explained, the CERP represents "the biggest modification in history" of the B-52. The new package includes radar, engines, communications, towers, cabin displays and the exclusion of a crew station, which means that it "makes sense" to have a new designation. The B-52H will be redesigned as B-52J or possibly B-52K, but the USAF has not yet decided what will constitute the new B-52 variant.
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As some of the new APG-79B4 radars will be installed on the bombers before the new Rolls-Royce F130 engines, the question is whether there will be two designations. For the version with the new radar, the B-52 pilot operating manual and maintenance manuals will be rewritten; and it will be rewritten again when the engines are changed.
Tags: Military AviationBoeing B-52H StratofortressHoneywell
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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ketchupkio · 1 month
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For @birdmomblogs! Sorry i couldn't stop myself from making it asau lololol
Hierarchy of needs meme by c-upid
Wind (he/him) and Tetra (he/she) are from @ageless-soul-au, pls don't tag any other AUs!
Requests are closed for the time being! Thanks for sending them in, everyone!
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authordgaster · 2 years
Age Swap AU Pairings
A list of who gets together and my opinions/reasons for these pairings.
This will be specifically for a Revelations Route, so if you wanna ship different combinations of characters in this AU, I won’t stop you.
I also won’t be getting into the Child Units (yet.) With all of that in mind, here’s the ASAU Pairings:
Corrin X Azura. I mean… it’s Corrin and Azura. How can I not? Especially since they’re not altered in this AU, but their kids are. Imagine big sibling Kana little brother Shigure dynamic.
Sakura X Hana. I’m as much of a sucker for Sakulise as the next FE14 fan, but honestly the bond these two have and have had for easily a decade at this point just overrides the softness of Adult Sakulise. Shiro is their son with Ryoma serving as a surrogate father.
Elise X Effie. Same as with Sakura and Hana, Elise and Effie’s bond in this universe (realm?) is just too strong for me not to pair them together. Siegbert is their son with Xander serving as a surrogate father.
Takumi X Oboro. This is a cute pairing, what can I say? Can you tell I’m a sucker for Liege X Lord pairings? Also, just imagine cute and sweet Kiragi making his mom’s Demon Face.
Leo X Niles. I don’t even know how to put my feelings on this pair into words, so I’ll just trust y’all to accept it. Forrest is their son with Beruka serving as a surrogate mother.
Hinoka X Hinata. This pairing is unique since it’s the only time I don’t ship a lord with their non swapped retainer (or another lord) but honestly I just like the himbo samurai/tomboy princess dynamic. Also protective older cousin Hisame is interesting.
Camilla X Beruka. Cute but strong Malig and her scary Assassin waifu? What’s not to love? Also Niles served as a surrogate father so they raise Nina together.
Ryoma X Xander. I decided to pair these two together since I figured I should do at least one pairing between a Hoshido and Nohrian royal. Since they couldn’t have kids with each other, they agreed to be surrogates so their oldest sisters could have kids, allowing Shiro and Siegbert to exist in this world.
Jakob X Charlotte. A very… very chaotic duo. This was simply a duo born from the fact that they were kinda just leftover after I paired off most of the other characters. Add super strength to Dwyer’s mountain of secret skills.
Silas X Felicia. One: they’re cute. Two: imagining Sophie inheriting Felicia’s clumsiness and ice magic is equally hilarious and terrifying.
Kaze X Orochi. Stoic ninja who struggles with feeling like he failed his liege due to something out of his control plus merry diviner who struggled with feeling like she failed her liege due to something out of her control equals both fun shenanigans and absolute angst. Also imagining Midori being able to somehow use a combination of Divining and her Medicine could make her a force of nature in her own way.
Saizo X Kagero. What can I say, I’m a sucker for this duo too. I’m sure they could be happy together once Saizo learns to stop having the personality of a cactus. Plus having two Ninja parents probably makes Asugi a super ninja.
Laslow X Selena X Odin. If I was gonna have Corrin get with Azura, an OT3 would be needed so all the kids would be capable of existing and I’m just a sucker for this trio. I’ll be using Henry!Laslow, Robin!Selena, and Lon’qu!Odin. Soleil inherits the Fell brand, Ophelia inherits the Exalts’s brand, and they get to be awesome redhead step sisters. Sorry to anyone who ships these two.
Azama X Subaki: …ok, look, so far I’ve done three wlw and only two mlm pairings. Two more guys were gonna have to get together. And after I saw these two, reread their supports, then read @unassumingvenusaur’s fanmade S Support for them, I wound up enjoying this pairing immensely. Also for the sake of not having to do anymore surrogates because this is getting complicated: Transmac Subaki (which I feel could not only make his backstory more interesting given the implications of how terrible his parents are) allowing for them to have a brown haired Caeldori and a red haired Mitama who are sisters.
Arthur X Setsuna. Apparently luck works like integers because when you combine an unlucky Fighter with an equally unlucky Archer, you get a doubly lucky Wyvern riding super hero. Also imagining dorks like Arthur and Setsuna together is just adorable tbh.
Kaden X Peri. When I don’t pair Peri (heh) with Laslow, I usually pair her with one of the furries so I can create an absolutely terrifying Kitsune/Wolfskin. In this case I decided that Peri would be Selkie’s mother and the rest of the army gets to suffer then consequences.
Hayato X Mozu. One: this is basically genderswapped Cyril/Lysithea and Donnel/Maribelle which already makes it a win. Two: Rhajat with Mozu’s hair and freckles is a hilariously adorable image.
Benny X Rinkah. Gentle giant meats muscular spitfire to create flaming good boy.
Keaton X Nyx. Yes, let’s pair the most mature woman in the army who considers herself a monster with one of the most immature guys in the army who can turn into a monster.
Feel free to share your opinions on the pairs, I’ll probably talk more about the child units in the future.
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nitroish · 2 years
ASAU Warriors for the ask meme, u are permitted to be mean to him this ONE (1) time :)
Ilysm 🫂🫂🫂🫂
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actingwithportals · 1 year
friends to enemies to lovers :3
A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it.
B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
C: Neutral. A good author might be able to sell it, but a bad one will kill it deader than dead.
D: Not my favorite. I avoid it if I can, but it won’t necessarily put me off reading something.
F: Hate it. Will immediately make me nope out of a fic.
Ohshit, in a way I guess this is kinda the trope I'm doing with Quirrel/Tiso in ASAU isn't it?
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