unnamed-atlas · 1 year
I need to draw Wilford and Dark in the Barbie western outfits asap
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dakooftacos · 5 months
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that mood when the easiest thing for you to semi-freehand draw is whatever characters are in the show you're working on at the moment
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slavhew · 2 months
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i draw myself a lot
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toytulini · 7 months
god I know this is like The Wrong Stance on AI. I know its not about whether the art is Real and Human or If It Has A Soul and how a lot of the arguments against it are the same bullshit arguments people made against digital art like I Know. I Knowwww. but god, I'm really sorry, not to post like one of those annoying poetry bloggers I cant stand (yall are valid, live your truth, theres nothing wrong with what you post I'm just a petty bitch who hates poetry. unless I dont hate it.)
But theres just something about the way AI art will almost certainly never be able to mimic the exact way my pencil leaves an indentation in the paper, the way some of the lines I can never fully erase cause I pressed too hard, theyll have to at least train them to draw with a physical pencil first, and sure, they could train it to draw with a pencil and even erase the exact same piece I drew, line for line, on a piece of paper with a robot arm powered by AI, but they can't replicate. idk. the lineage of lefty bitches in my family, and the way I grew up going through school with my entire left arm silver with graphite, from doodling on my schoolwork. not yet anyway. but I guess I do live for the day we make the ai sentient enough that we can traumatize it by giving it homework after kneecapping its executive functions so it copes by drawing a big tiddy lobster monster. sure
#toy txt post#reblogs OFF i dont trust yall to be normal with this one i do NOT want it getting notes#i posted part of this before in a chat to a friend but im feeling it again. so#i havent drawn my big tiddy lobster bitch in awhile i should draw her again#also yea SORRY im sure this is The Wrong Feeling To Have About AI but also sometimes im a little grateful that i dont think my style is#smth a lot of the ppl coding ai to make art find to be worth trying to replicate except maybe as like a fake progress shot on a piece#which is smth i used to be really insecure about. how unfinished all my art looks bc it isnt to the point i cant fucking watch#like speedpaints and shit bc i just start feeling stupidly insecure about all the points in the video where I Would Have Stopped and been#like. im not touching it anymore i dont want to ruin it#and ive been insecure about my inability to really do digital art with like a stylus and shit like the way i do it with a pencil#and i know that is just me needing to Practice it but being too frustrated by it#anyway i know its just a Tool and its Fine and the problem is the art theft and the labor problems of it but liiiiiiike#i just.#im sure there will be unique things and usages of ai as a tool and i genuinely hope that ppl can figure out a way to make one that isnr#isnt* just full of stolen content bc theres unique fuckin shit about like digital art programs u can write stupid poetry that you hate#about it. or stupid poetry that i hate. cos im the poetry hater. listen. i cant stress this enough: its fine. youre fine. keep posting your#poetry and reblogging shit that speaks to you. im just a Bitch okay Ignore Me#i should go draw bokrae like. eating a computer about this#the real reason for that graphics card shortage was bokrae ate them all when she was in the mood for a crunchy snack
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
i shouldve played pokemon violet in spanish....
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seiishindraws · 1 year
I noticed when looking super close at your line art that the there's slight red green and blue on the sides of the lines like an old 80s anime and i think that's super cool! How do you do it?
oh, that's chromatic aberration! i guess you could say its a kind of colour/visual distortion.
it's pretty simple to do, but i usually just use a csp auto action to do it for me to make things go quicker, but i can teach you how to do it manually in most programs.
i'm going to use this silly doodle of me as pompompurin as an example lol
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youre gonna wanna merge everything onto a single separate layer first and then we're gonna work with that merged layer. make two copies of that merged layer so you have three of them in total.
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the top merged layer will be our red layer, so youre going to want to got to EDIT > Tonal Correction > Level Correction
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the level correction graph will pop up. since the top layer will be our red one, select the green level and drag the rightmost arrow on the Output scale all the way to the leftmost side. do the same for the blue level.
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the image should be red like this afterwards.
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the middle layer is going to be our blue layer so do the same thing we did for the top layer except youre going to reduce the green and red levels instead, and the middle layer should be all blue like this.
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for the bottom layer, it will be our green layer. same process as before, reduce the red and blue levels so its all green.
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your layers should be looking like this now
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from here, you want to set the layer modes of the red and blue layers to Screen, DON'T do the same for the bottom green layer though. you'll notice once you've done that, the image will look normal again!
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from here, all you need to do is shift the red layer in one direction, and the blue layer in another, to as much of an extent you want. the further they are from each other, the more drastic the effect will be
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and that's how you do it! my other personal tip would be to add a layer of noise set to Overlay or Soft Light at a lowered opacity over the drawing bc it goes well with the aberration, or even sharpen the image.
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if you dont want to do all that hard work though and you happen to have clip studio paint, just use an auto action, like this one!:
anyway i hope that helps? ^^;;;
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chubs-deuce · 4 months
Hi! First of all I wanted to say I love your art so much thank you for sharing your work with us!
If I may ask, how do you come up with the poses in your art? Do you use refs or just sketch them from imagination? Any tips you could share about it?
Figuring out poses is the hardest part of art for me and I am just in awe of how dynamic and great the poses are in your work!
Thank you again and I hope you have a great day!!
oh boy am I ever happy to talk about this!! :D
first of all thank you so much!! <3 I'm genuinely so happy to hear that aaaa-
In regards to coming up with ideas? I oftentimes just kind of fuck around and find out - a lot of times I just get a momentary brain-spark that gives me a glimpse of an idea if that makes sense? It's mostly just the general vibe, a specific feeling, a facial expression, a rough silhouette and if it intrigues me enough I will try to pursue the idea in-depth!
I normally do try to do the poses by hand myself, but sometimes the image in my head isn't detailed enough and I get hung up on where to place the hands or legs or for some reason or another I just can't get the torso and head to sit right... so I get a little help!
More specifically I use a program to make pose references! :D
It's called DesignDoll and it's free on windows (tho you can't save without the pro service which is meh but it offers perfectly succinct functions as is already so I never bothered with the paid version)! It can be a bit finnicky to control sometimes (the elbows and knees love twisting into random angles whenever hands/feet are moved) but it's really really versatile once you know what you're doing! Ngl making raking references in it can take me up to an hour at times but it's really fun too so it's never been a bother for me haha
Some recent examples:
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What actually helps me the most with this process tho is the fact that I can make these poses and choose the angles and everything myself! I find that the process of making the refs actually really helps me refine the concept in my head - a lot better than I would be able to in a drawing anyway! Plus I'm very lazy so I hate redrawing things overly often haha
You can probably see it the best in the first drawing and the karaoke one - I didn't use the references 1:1, I still do change things spontaneously if I find it works better for my drawing that way - so I don't really use it for the proportions so much as just visualizing my idea with more precision that I can then adapt properly into the artwork :D
I highly recommend doing something similar if you often find yourself with only fragments of a pose or no clear idea for one!!! DesignDoll isn't the only program of this kind either so it's worth looking into other alternatives too if you don't have a windows system to run this one on!
(just please do not use generative AI for art references! Always remember that there is no such thing as ethical generative AI! ;w;)
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
how to not let your autistic inner child win (or how to write an if) by the secretary
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[id: a student with glasses being pointed at and mocked by two students on screens, and two more offscreen with only their arms showing. the central bullied student looks sad, and everyone else is laughing. end id]
Ruhoh, is this another secretary essay? Well, yes it is! The gender politics one will eventually come around when I feel like it, but this one, as the title suggest, is about how to write an IF. And since I'm presuming most of you are on the spectrum (or on a spectrum), it gets a little tongue-in-cheek.
Anyways, if you have autism, you have eternal swag. It's just true! But having so much swag makes it a problem when writing, or doing any sort of project. This is something I've noticed from people who don't have evil autism. Those not afflicted by the rare autism version of evil autism (my autism) will often be really bad at just... doing things - despite having all the abilities to do so! I think it might be a adhd thing or something too. Anyways, I love helping people, (this is my evil autism), and I'd like to share some girl tips on how to kill your inner child :)
I think something I've noticed from people making any sort goals- online, real life, job, working, etc - is it is straight forward. ie: I want to graduate from high school, I want to make a video game, I want to journal everyday. These are all achievable using your abilities that you learn and gain through your life, and failure doesn't exempt you from trying again. Thing is, this specific thing I just described (straightforward goals) is something I think a lot of autistic people struggle with.
I deeply remember sitting down in the corner of my high school, looking like the hottest girl who played pokemon on her ds when someone who had +1% more autism than me told me that, one day, he was going to make the most cool pokemon game ever where you could date other characters and have babies and have your children go on adventure too. As a 14 year old, I thought to myself 'bitch, shut up' but also, 'this is so unrealistic, but he really believes it, uh'. And he did! And you know, I think that's okay. I think it's okay to believe that you can make things that you cannot do at the moment - I mean that's just how life it. We didn't go on the Moon thinking we couldn't
But... the guy didnt know how to code, or how to make games, or how to program, or how to develop stories, or how to make art, etc etc etc. He didn't know these things, but he wanted to make these things. And I see this to a certain degree quite a bit when it comes to creation. I want to say: it's a very important of the process but simply one part.
I think being able to imagine what you could do if you have all the resources in the world, all the time, and all the help is important - but it is even more important to look within and go 'alright with all this in mind - what can I do?'
And if you're in the field of IF, well, what can you do? Coding, storytelling, character design, plotting arcs, etc. I think the skills can be learned by anybody (sidenote incoming)
If anybody ever fucking says that art is innate, they're fucking lying. It's a skill you grind out. You work it out. You work even if you feel not creative. You write words even if they don't come to you naturally. You draw even if the images can't be conjured. You work you work you work and you make something. You cannot always make art when feeling creative because you aren't always creative. you must be willing to die for your art, yes, but you must also be willing to create without any creative sparks! If you want to be an artist, you better work bitch.
(sidenote ending) and with that in mind, you need to develop restraints onto yourself. In IF, it's actually to create restraints, and here are some I suggest for all of my fellow autists who might struggle with them. I love you guys, truly, anyways. here they are:
restrain characters.
Make three characters + a main character. Write a couple of scenes with them. Is that your maximum? Is that too much? Go up and down until you find the right amount. You can add more character when your writing is better. Stick to a minimum per scene. If you have ideas for 30 characters, you can easily melt them into 10. Seriously. Put the heat on maximum and start creating new fun dolls to play with.
2. restrain scenes
You cannot write 500 per interaction. This is a bad idea because a) you might do the thing where you run out of creativity which you need to learn to do without but it is hard and b) interactions are time limited and time sensitive. not everybody will go through them. if you have a 30k update, but most people will only see 1k... are you really writing a game for them or for yourself? I made my wife do this format:
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youll gain the ability to gauge if a scene is important or not eventually, I'm sure.
3. restrain area
I recommend writing like a murder novelist. You have a closed circle, and the player cannot leave it. they can only be within that space. That space that exists within that specific story is the only thing they have access to. it can be a school, a city, a bedroom - but its limited. you create setpieces that players interact with. some set pieces are the same with just a different coat of paint on.
anyways, i believe in dreaming big, but i also believe that we have little time on our hands to create. when wanting to make something, restraint yourself. its always way more fun to find ways to break out of our bonds then just roaming free, right? I mean... maybe not. I'm not your mother, you know.
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sitp-recs · 10 months
hi, can you by any chance recommend any drarry fics where they're both professors?
Absolutely, anon! I hope you enjoy:
Professor Potter and his Magical Menagerie by @dracogotgame (T, 7.5k)
Harry Potter descends on Hogwarts with a horde of magical beasts. Professor Malfoy is not amused.
More Than That by joosetta (E, 11k)
This is a story about two 52 year old men who refuse to age gracefully.
Homecoming by November Snowflake (E, 27k)
Harry thinks spending two weeks as a guest lecturer at Hogwarts will offer the perfect chance to get away from his troubles. Then he meets his assigned faculty guide: Potions Master Draco Malfoy.
Phoenix in the Fire by @lqtraintracks (E, 28k)
Harry never expected to have a hot summer fling with Draco Malfoy when he agreed to mind the castle with him. He also never expected that it would all have to end on August thirty-first. What happens when casual sex with Harry’s ex-enemy turns not casual after all? And how the hell is he going to stop Draco from making one of the biggest mistakes of his life?
Boom Clap (The Sound of My Heart) by Femme and noeon (E, 39k)
Post-war Hogwarts has been energized by its new teaching fellows program. Where once bitter enmity divided the wizarding community, Malfoy and Potter chummily patrol hallways together whilst Granger and Zabini seek lost parts of the castle at McGonagall’s behest and Chang supervises Quidditch when not lecturing in Charms.
Of Roses and Dragonfire by xErised (E, 53k)
Years after That Kiss, Potter (and his new pet snake) appears again, this time as Hogwarts's Quidditch and Muggle Games instructor (what are Muggle Games anyway? Is this why Potter is swimming in the Great Lake wearing such a tiny pair of pants?), disrupting Draco's peaceful life as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.
A Lick and a Promise by @tackytigerfic (E, 55k)
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts! When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help. Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea.
Finely Drawn Lines by @the-sinking-ship (E, 61k)
Draco doesn’t consider himself an artist (though the dozens of sketchbooks lining his shelves might suggest differently). Yet ever since Potter returned to Hogwarts, accepting a teaching position alongside Draco, his drawings have taken on a rather singular focus.
Transfigurations by Resonant (E, 71k)
Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry returns to England to help re-open Hogwarts.
Lessons in Humility by playout (E, 86k)
After the dissolution of his marriage and a good bit of soul-searching, Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new Defense teacher. Go figure, it happens to be the same year Draco takes over the role of Potions Master. Neither man is happy about this turn of events. Will they be able to set aside their differences and learn a thing or two about trust and humility on the way?
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (M, 114k)
Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
A Secondary Education by Thunderbird587 (E, 234k)
Fleeing the aftermath of his recent divorce, Draco Malfoy takes up a post as the new Potions Master at Hogwarts. At first he believes his hopes for a fresh start are dashed when he sees that a certain boyhood rival is on staff there as well. But Harry Potter is being weirdly nice to him, leaving Draco no choice but to play along.
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nocturneblight · 26 days
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“Neon ebony idk-“
A simple doodle for today, Im more so playing with those slick gradients you can use on drawing programs, mixing colors to see what’s my fixation, pink, blue, purple… all are pretty awesome. As for lineart? This isn’t anything special but again, I’m not to fixated on that. Haven’t been feeling it recently so my post have been slowed. Haven’t been feeling like drawing at all recently, feels like a material desire sometimes… what’s the point in making art if your not doing well? You can’t separate the artist from their work, to me anyway… what truly makes the art worthy is why the artist made it, pure passion? Because you liked the subject so much you had to see them again in your own way? Heck yeah. That’s awesome, that’s what arts all about. Now making something to meet your own personal deadline or need to say you did something that hit it big? Meh.
But anyways, whatever it is. I encourage anyone who’s exhausted as of the moment to take it easy, If your hobbies are burning you out, just take some time off them, do something else and put them off until your ready to come back. That means even if it takes over a week or more! All living things are temporary, are creations won’t last forever, our works too. Therefor let’s not pressure ourselves to do stuff because it’s in our pattern, We’re not machines, we’re much more complicated. So many things of modern life demand us to hurry up and do things but again, all this stuff isn’t gonna carry over with us when we’re dead, so just take it easy. Don’t live for some artificial reason, rest up, make yourself better and happy with what eases you. Return when you wish too, everything else can wait. That’s all folks, have a great day and night!
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herrscherofmagic · 3 months
i've spent nearly 47 hours over the last ten days drawing nothing but kiana (and hov)
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anyways, since I've had about enough of drawing Kiana for the rest of my life (/hj) I'm gonna put a pause on this project; but I'll turn it from a sprint into a marathon and try and work on it occasionally instead of all at once
I want to draw other things again x-x
Close-ups of the drawings below, as well as the reference image set, and some other misc. thoughts
Portraits drawn from imagination
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Started the process by trying to draw Kiana's head from imagination; then after each drawing I'd pause, look at some references, see what mistakes I made, then put away the references and drew from imagination (and referring to previous drawings) again. I also took breaks at two points to practice drawing eyes & hair before going back to drawing Kiana
For the last 4 portraits, I'd draw a head from imagination as a warm-up to a drawing session, and then do another head much later on instead of doing it immediately. Around halfway through this "phase" I started the other phases at random points, and finished this portion of the process in the first ~10-15 hours of drawing time. The rest of the time was split across the other exercises
Also I gave her an angry expression because I felt it was the easiest for me to do from memory since I've drawn HoV more than just "Kiana" herself. I also used a boring level 3/4 view without much perspective because it forced me to really make sure I was doing everything accurately and with care.
Basically my thinking was that if I could make a boring level 3/4 portrait look good enough, then I'd have no trouble getting it to look good in other perspectives. That seemed to be true when I got to the stage where I was doing expression practice and had to deal with more head tilt and other perspectives, lol
Studies of still images from screenshots of gameplay, character art, and stills from animated shorts
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Did rough sketches first, then drew with solid color over the sketches on a separate layer. not much else to say here, lol
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Started with an anatomy model loosely based on the proportions of Kiana's in-game model, and then two attempts at doing full-body drawings from imagination before realizing that it's bloody insane to try and do that much detail from imagination and I have much better things to do with my life than that x-x
Color studies
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yaaaay color! yippee!
Action sketches/"gesture" drawings
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"Gesture" is in quotes because I was way too slow with these for it to really count as proper gesture drawing, imo. But the intention was to start with gesture, and I got closer to that as I went on.
It's way too tempting to start adding detail so I had to metaphysically slap myself with a frying pan to keep myself from getting derailed by that >.>
To get references for this, I did screen recording of gameplay on the PC with OBS studios, then used DaVinci Resolve to play back the recordings.
On PC, when using the mouse controls you can hold the camera fairly still when doing an attack sequence, making it awesome for getting unique angles. For instance, when I recorded Void Drifter's attacks, I was able to get at least 4 different PoVs of her attacks: from the left, the right, behind & above, and in front & below.
Unfortunately, though, it was a bit of a hassle to get good recordings because I had to go into an actual combat stage to record it instead of being able to use an empty testing stage.
With DaVinci Resolve I could "split" clips to make cuts in the timeline that let me easily mark the spots where different attack sequences started, and I could also easily play it in .5x speed to help me figure out how the animations were going from one set of frames to another.
Plus if you close the program after saving, when you open it up again it remembers which frame you were last on and takes you straight there, making it easy to continue from one day to another.
I used White Comet, Herrscher of the Void, and Void Drifter attack animations here, but I also did recordings of Knight Moonbeam and Herrscher of Flamescion, and I might give those a try someday.
Facial expressions practice
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Started with the set of rough sketches (first image), then did some expression practice from imagination (second and third images) to try and get used to how the proportions of the face change slightly with movement of the eyebrows/eyelids/jaw, since the shape of the eyes and mouth is especially important when doing stylized faces (like the anime style that HI3rd uses)
Then this morning I started working through the original rough sketches and developing them one-by-one, getting through 8 before I decided to call it quits and wrap up the project for now
So the facial expression practice pretty much the culmination of all my practice. All the practice with proportions, the contours & forms of the hair, monochromatic shading, line quality, shape design, etc.
This was also one of the few times I've ever taken stylized references and actually adapted them to some extent instead of directly copying them!
This is especially noticeable in the hair, where I used a more standard style for the hair, in contrast with the variety of hairstyles and shapes used in the various manga references (i.e. black-and-white Escape from Nagazora Kiana's messy hair vs the neat and solid hair in the colored Gratitude Arc, AE Invasion, and Moon Shadow Kiana)
Reference images
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maniculum · 10 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Choglaem
First, it seems that Tumblr's search function is flawed in such a way that just searching the tag doesn't actually get all of the results. So if you drew something for this round and it's not in this post, let me know and I'll put it in a reblog. Same applies to previous (and future) rounds.
Anyway, it's now time to look at the results for the Choglaem! Anyone who doesn't know what that means is encouraged to look at previous posts in this series, collected at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting .
And here's the link to the entry people are working from:
Now, let's get into it. As before, these are presented roughly in the order that people posted them. (I'm going to go through the tag on Tumblr's regular search, then again on the alternate search method someone suggested, so any that only show up on the alternate source are going to be at the end.)
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@embervoices (link to post here) decided to show that the Choglaem is bigger than all living things on the earth by... having it fight Godzilla. Perfect. Inspired. Love it. No notes.
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@mobileleprechaun (link to post) has helpfully labelled their drawing for us, which I enjoy. Also the interpretation that the tongue through the blowhole is a lure used by an underwater predator is a good one -- honestly, putting something this large in the water just feels more plausible, you know? In their tags, mobileleprechaun describes this as "sort of a dinosaur snake tsuchinoko", and I had to Google that last one, so let me show you the best result from that ...
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(If anyone else needed that word defined, it's a creature from Japanese folklore that does actually look a lot like a fat snake, but I'm pretty sure it's not just a fat snake. There's a (disappointingly brief) Wikipedia article about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsuchinoko)
Anyway, the drawing is great! I have no idea why Saddam Hussein is there; you'll have to ask mobileleprechaun.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has given her Choglaem wings to aid in causing the air to become turbulent. The medieval stylization is pretty dead-on, I have to say; I swear I've seen those trees before. And I think this Choglaem may actually be the closest to the drawing in the Aberdeen Bestiary out of all the submissions we got, so coolest-capybara is clearly quite good at thinking like a medieval artist. The post linked above contains a brief explanation of her design choices and also a link to the medieval illustration that elephant is based on.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) has once more done a very realistic-looking depiction of this week's beaſt. According to their post, part of their inspiration was an oarfish -- and I have to say this is pretty believable as a terrestrial version of an oarfish, so well done. I'm impressed by this one, which manages to look cool and dangerous but also kinda cute -- I think the tongue-through-the-blowhole part of the description makes all of them look a bit goofy in an endearing sort of way. The post linked above describes their design decisions, including a brief diversion over round pupils vs. slit pupils in snakes.
Silverhart also mentions that the nonsense-names I'm using sound like the names of mythical animals in a fantasy novel, so I feel I should confess what my process for randomly generating these names was. I've got a Goblin conlang that's been sitting in my pile of works-in-progress for years; I just fed the phonology from that into Zompist's gen program (link here), then picked out several dozen of my favorite results. So that's why they sound like kinda-plausible words.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) has drawn us a Choglaem who is having problems. Or, I don't know, maybe it meant to knot itself up like that; who am I to judge? Either way I think it's cute. Just look at that face. A brief overview of her design decisions is included in the linked post; I think the chicken crest is a pretty sensible call given the source material.
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@pomrania (link to post here) has made some creative choices with their version. I like how they've decided that if the Choglaem kills with its tail, the tail should have something at the end rather than just... you know. A tail. That tracks. "The tail ends in a fist", specifically, however, was not something I saw coming. The crest looking like an emo hairstyle is funny, I think, and the angry elephant is great. The expression on the Choglaem's face is suspect to me; it looks like it's having too much fun with this. The linked post above includes an early draft, and itself links to a post with a detailed account of the artist's thought process and some additional sketches.
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@miapcain (link to post here) has... wait, hold on, look at that border. That's gorgeous. Had to acknowledge that before moving to the inside of the frame. Anyway, Mia has given her Choglaem legs, which might seem odd for something described as a "snake", but actually isn't out of the ordinary for a medieval bestiary -- the authors tended to play a bit more fast and loose with their categorization of animals than we do today, and there are indeed examples of animals with legs being called "serpents" or "snakes". (I assume the artist knows this, I just want to share that with the rest of the audience.) Anyway, the drawing style is great; I like the stylized landscape and the muted colors. That elephant is definitely modeled after a medieval elephant -- I swear I've seen it before -- but I couldn't tell you which one offhand. Anyway. Love the vibes here. Not sure why the tongue is a vine, but it's a cool design feature.
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@rautavaara (link to post here) has gone an entirely different direction with this one, and I can kind of see the steps. Snakelike creature, kills with its tail... what if the tail it kills with is a snake. As a result, we have this chimeric "bovid-lion-snake beast", as the artist describes. It definitely stands out from the crowd, and looks menacing as hell. Rautavaara continues with the cool frames and stylization, and I continue to appreciate them. Kind of an art-deco feel on this one.
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@karthara (link to post here) gives us a big snake with a somewhat aquatic-looking fin-crest, grappling with an elephant in a very believable manner. That is a quality depiction of a snake fighting an elephant, no mistake. And like I said before, a kind of aquatic look feels right for something this big. The linked post contains a short description of the design decisions.
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@gradling (link to post here) apparently also had the thought of "if it kills with its tail there should be something dangerous on the tail", and made the excellent decision to give the Choglaem a thagomizer. That's amazing and I love it. The crest also looks quite good. I don't have anything else to add here. Thagomizer. Brilliant.
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@moustawott (link to post here) has done this very cool, kind of celestial-looking Choglaem. I like that its pose is evoking an infinity symbol. And, of course, it is in its natural habitat:
the skies
A brief explanation of design choices can be found in the post linked above.
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@treesurface (link to post here) has managed to really evoke the size of this thing even though it's the only thing on the page, which I think is quite good. Also, the brief discussion of their design choices in the post linked is pretty interesting, and honestly that's what I want to highlight for this piece, so go check that out.
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@scarlettbookworm (link to post here) has given us an elephant apparently in the moment when it realizes it's about to be attacked by a Choglaem. In order to allow their Choglaem to lurk despite its size, they've given it camo-pattern scales, which I think is clever. There's a pretty good explanation of their design choices in the linked post, which I think is worth reading.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) apparently did this with a fountain pen, which I think is very cool. I like the oarfish-inspired crest, and the very menacing face, and the elephant being ambushed. However -- and I realize I've said this like three times in a row now -- you should check out the linked post to read the artist's explanation of their design decisions. They describe it pretty thoroughly and I think it's more worthwhile to read their account of what they've drawn than it is to read mine.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) posted this while I was typing this round-up, so this will be the last result from Normal Tumblr Search. They've given us another "there should be something dangerous on the end of its tail" interpretation and drawn their Choglaem with an ankylosaur-style club, which I think is excellent. As per usual, their post includes an amazingly detailed modern-naturalist-style description of the animal in question, which I always enjoy. It's exactly my jam. (That bit about where the largest Choglaem lives... is that a reference to something? It feels familiar.)
All right, I'm now looking through "#choglaem" on @findtags's search system, and it is a bit different, oddly. There are fewer results than in the regular Tumblr search -- only six of the above images show up -- but it also has one that doesn't show up on the normal search! Dammit tumblr.
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@hairycarrot ... whom Tumblr will not let me tag? what the hell? [edit: the tag works now that i’ve posted this, but the editor seemed to think this blog wasn’t real] um... (link to post here). Anyway, they've done this neat stylized thing that kind of looks like pastels? I don't know art, that's just what it looks like to me and I like it. I also enjoy the Choglaem being coiled up like a spring -- I know it's because it's a constrictor and showing it in coils is a good way to communicate that, but I still like the look. Very pleasant-looking depiction of an elephant being ambushed by a giant snake.
All right, time for the reveal. Here's the Aberdeen Bestiary drawing:
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Yep. That snake has legs and wings. So everyone who added limbs was in an appropriately medieval mindset. It doesn't seem to have a crest, though, and I don't see any blowholes. And it's attacking with its bite more than with its tail. Honestly, I think y'all read the entry much more closely than this artist did.
But maybe they were also working with more preconceptions.
Because you see.
This is the entry for the Dragon.
Yeah, that's not what I was expecting from a bestiary description of a dragon either.
The interesting thing about it to me is that it's absolutely not what you generally see in fictional depictions of dragons in medieval literature. The bestiary entry is very firm on the idea that it's not venomous, it's a constrictor, it kills with its tail -- and most medieval dragons I've read about are highly venomous. Some of them aren't even that large; they're dangerous for their venom rather than their size. So maybe this is a bit of medieval mythbusting -- "no, guys, real dragons actually don't have venom at all".
And yes, this means there's historical precedent for the green & black dragons in D&D; dragons being so venomous they spit, breathe, or blow out poison instead of having to inject it with a bite is a pretty common motif in medieval dragon stories. I think a lot of people think of those as just variants on the classic fire-breathing version depicted by the red dragon, but actually there aren't that many fire-breathing dragons in medieval stories as far as I remember. (I would do some research on this, but I wanted to have this posted like two hours ago, so you're just getting what I remember off the top of my head instead of proper sources, sorry.) To my understanding, the classic fantasy dragon breathes fire because Smaug breathed fire. And Smaug breathed fire because the dragon in Beowulf breathed fire. But the Beowulf dragon isn't actually representative in that regard; the venom-spitting dragon is more common as far as I've seen. (No word on lightning or cold, sorry blue and white dragons.)
Anyway, there's probably room to reintroduce the constrictor dragon that kills with its tail. What colors haven't already been used up in the various monster manuals, splatbooks, &c.?
I'm rambling. End of post.
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plurpaws · 4 months
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Here is a pinned post!
ℹ️ — My name is Rico and I am a multimedia animal artist. I draw furries and I make music as GYNX and do all sorts of other things too. my pronouns are he/him and I am 20 years old ^D^
I have a Personal Website! check it out to learn some more about me and find cool fun things. it is currently undergoing renovations (again) but here it is anyway
I also have a (18+ ONLY) Discord server for my tumblr followers!!
I also have a server that anyone old enough to use discord can join, centered around my music/the "PIPE DREAM SOUNDSYSTEMS" universe
FAQ below the cut
❓️What software do you use?
for drawing I use a variety of programs... paint tool sai , clip studio paint, drawpile, krita, ms paint, TEv2. for music I formerly used FL studio 21 but have recently transitioned to ableton live
❓️Are you ok with fanart?
YES please TAG ME IN IT SO I CAN SEE‼️‼️‼️‼️ I do have a toyhouse where I keep all my characters
❓️Are you ok with your art being used as a pfp (with credit)?
YES, but please don't use commissions/gifts/etc or art of my fursona (tagged #fursona lucky)
❓️ are you ok with your characters being kinned or selfshipped with?
YES and I think it's really awesome
tags for browsing below!
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triaelf9 · 8 months
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So I stumbled across THIS atrocity at the bookstore yesterday when I was looking for actually USEFUL books.
So a couple things. A: the image on the cover, As we might expect, the hand is fucked up, What is going on with the jacket sleeve, who knows, just at a glance.
B: Wasn't the whole point of this garbage to make it so ANYONE could do it? Why are they selling you a book that teaches you how to write prompts? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose, having to spend money and time to learn how to do it?
C: Again, back to that picture "no really, buy this book, and learn how to draw a hand with 3 and...a half? fingers! Clothing that makes no sense!
And then, of course, you realize what the trick is, it's like all the other snake oil situations "don't go to the doctor, buy my all natural organic $50 shit drink that'll cure you!" "it's a problem that you can't own digital art, here are these NFTs that'll solve this problem I JUST MADE UP and now you can pay to solve that solution!" Just now it's "art is elitist and out of reach, but now there's 'AI" so how you win is to buy this book I made to teach you how to get better at using MY program that I made to solve a problem that DIDN'T EXIST"
Anyway, wtf.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 2 months
Queen Lightbringer Ref | DT
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Dont ask why she uh... NaKeD? (It's bcs I can't draw clothes on a frikin lizerd with wings, man, ITS SIMPLE AS THAT-)
Anyways, This is Queen Lightbringer, she hatched on a Lunar Eclipse, which is why she is tinted red (If you wanna learn more, you can go here). I don't know much about her (bcs her creator/owner (My frend Leo) didn't write her a backstory :') ) but all I can say is, she's a TALL Nightwing with a weird red tint which normie ahh Nighywings don't have also 2 colored silver scales (that also give her weird powers) that look like eyes bcs eclipses can do that now apparently. Oh yeh Eclipsed-Nightwings also have glowing eye scale patterns under their wings now. (Also her pupils are white & glow, weird am I right?)
Now as for the Bio... idk man... This is more of a placeholder bio than anything. VVV
|| idfk what her age is | Female, She/Her (pronouns might be changed) | TALL | ?? | Nightwing (Eclipsed) |
Btw Bonus lol (No wings bruh)
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You know it's kinda weird to have a Nightwing w/o having a wonky ahh posture. But then again I guess bcs HER LEGS are weird longer than normal. (No that isn't bcs of the gosh digity eclipse... Unless it was?)
Anyways Credits bcs why not:
Character was designed by me. (Srry if wonky, haven't drawn dragons in like a long time + Nightwings are build weird)
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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sing-you-fools · 7 months
you gotta make bad art before you can make good art but that's scary so here are some tips to make it less intimidating (based on how i made it less intimidating for me)
-download a drawing program on your phone/tablet/whatever you typically have on you. sketchbook is wonderful and it's free if you don't need a million brushes. (note that my phone has a built-in stylus and I don't know what stylus options exist for phones that don't have that)
-now when you're scrolling social media and feel like "wow i think my brain is liquefying" switch to the drawing app. or when you're stuck in the waiting room at your doctor's office, draw something. it's a two-for-one thing. more art, less doomscrolling.
-don't start with blorbo from your shows! blorbo from your shows won't look the way you want and it'll be frustrating. but if "shampoo bottle from your shower" doesn't look right, that doesn't have as many feelings attached, right? start with "random item you see." take a picture of it if you want; that can make it much easier to see the shapes that are happening in it.
-even better, start with very basic geometric shapes. draw a sphere. an egg. a pyramid. give yourself a few minutes. do your best. this gets boring, though, so feel free to switch it up.
-don't worry about drawing the whole thing! whatever it is. you're practicing. focus on one part. focus on one aspect of one part. draw the base of that post over there (imagine there's a post with a base) and focus your efforts on the light. your goal isn't "make it perfect" but "understand this aspect of drawing a little better."
-make intentional mistakes if you struggle with needing it to be perfect. then the unintentional ones won't feel like they're ruining it, but giving it personality.
-give yourself a time limit. do not let yourself spend days perfecting it. start with five or ten minutes to sketch at first. in art classes they aren't sitting there perfectly drawing their model, they're doing their best in five minutes before she changes pose and then starting again.
anyway I've been doing this for a few months and Nozzle on the Bottle From My Shower didn't look this good back when I started. the perspective's a little fucky but that's okay, my goal here was "try something new with shadows" and I kinda like it. I could make it better with more time but I'm not gonna because I'll learn more from starting a drawing of a coffee mug or alphabet magnet from scratch than from obsessing over this one.
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