pufffinn · 2 years
nobody understands garmadon like i do. sorry that’s just the truth
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lilcriceta · 4 months
I've been going crazy with Collector AU (by @cutepotatook) lately and I made this babi :> I want to show her off a bit :>
My English is very bad so please don't criticize me if you find any wrong grammars or words ;v;
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★ My baby is Collector! Astray. She is a 10 year old little girl :>
★ Her design is slightly based on Collector Y/n's design ;v;
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★ Ngl when Astray has great affection or admiration for these two people :>
★ Anyway, Layra by @softlantern :>
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★ About Astray's lore, she was born as a creation of God. From childhood, she was always pampered and cared for very carefully by them (God in A's universe has no defined gender). Because of that, she has a great love for her God and is very attached to them like a child would do to its mother.
★ Until one day, the God created new creations, took care of their new children and gradually spent less time with Astray. At first she didn't mind much, but gradually she had a hunch that God was probably spending too much time with her new siblings. One time she asked for a hug from the God, they ignored her, making her feel a bit sad. Even though she told herself that everything was okay, a part of her was harboring jealousy. Astray's jealousy grew stronger and stronger as she observed the children being lovingly cared for and cherished by the God, she could not hold back her jealousy.
★ When she couldn't stand it anymore, she committed a heinous crime. She lured another of her siblings to a secluded place, and with a weapon in hand, she used it to vent her anger brutally on that child. Whatever comes must come, Astray's crime was discovered by the God. They were angry and punished her by causing her body to be tormented in extreme pain, her soul to pieces, she lost all her memories, was banished to a terrible place and forgotten by everyone (the two pictures above are when Astray was banished to the terrible place called The Void Realm). The little girl was banished there with many bleeding wounds in the shape of sparkling stars shining on her body, she was completely exhausted.
★ The Void Realm where she was banished to was not a good place. It is a place where there is no sun, not a single ray of light, it can be said with certainty that nothing like that exists. The Void Realm is a space covered in pitch black (the whole sky is black, the surface is only black water). Due to her exhausted state, she was unconscious there for an unknown amount of time (but let's just say it was a long time). Luckily, she was found by Collector! Wally was in a state where her body was floating on the water. Then Collector took Astray home and let Helper! Wally takes care of her wounds while he tries to put the pieces of her soul back together. The two of them took care of the little girl until she woke up, letting her live in the Collector's mansion :>
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★ This is just a silly little comic where the duo encounters someone who wants to harm the little girl :> The truth is that Astray falls asleep very easily when she is in someone's embrace, no matter how big or small the embrace is, she will still fall asleep. Collector and Helper often witness such things, but I think they will simply put her to bed😭😭😭
★ A small fun fact is that Collector often calls Astray by cute nicknames like: Little Dove ; My Angel ; Little one ;... when she got used to life here. As for Helper, he simply calls her by her real name ;v; As for Astray, she often calls Collector Mr. Collector and Mister (she is used to using honorifics, a habit when she used to live in heaven) and with Helper, she calls him Mister or Mr. Blueberry (she calls him exactly what she thinks of him :P)
★ Woof the family trope so much hmu- I think Collector, Helper and Astray fit the family of three, the warm and happi one🥹🥹🥹 (don't mind me, I'm being silli now😔😔😔)
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windvexer · 7 months
different anon but would you be willing to give an example of two herbs that have the same abilities but provide different results? idk why i just can't like imagine what that would be like 😭 no worries if you're not willing, thank you if you are!
Hi! We are in reference to this ask.
My take on this is that we gotta ask ourselves WHY an herb has a certain correspondence.
WHY is spicy red pepper so good at banishing? I mean there are lots of ways we can explore correspondences, and lots of frameworks we can use to find these answers - but a popular reasoning we can apply is that capsaicin, the chemicals that make peppers so spicy, is a defense mechanism of the plant to burn and irritate many animals that want to eat its fruit.
Capsaicin creates discomfort, burning, irritation, distress, and even outright mindboggling pain when it's interacted with.
This is one justification for why it's such a good banishing agent - it causes active distress and pain to its target until the target chooses to leave, or is literally forced out by the snapping, biting hounds made of dripping, crystalline fire, conjured by the Witch and set loose upon the target.
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So spicy red pepper banishes because if you're staying, you're getting burned.
Another banishing plant is bay laurel.
Bay Laurel is very closely associated with the Sun, Apollo, divinity, wishes, and oracular power. As opposed to spicy red peppers, it doesn't have irritating properties. But I find bay laurel to be an immensely powerful banisher.
I personally find bay laurel to be a powerful banisher because of its close connection with the sun and the celestial realms. When a Witch works over bay laurel, these virtues can be evoked to drive away shadowy and chthonic powers.
I don't experience bay laurel manifesting in a manner similar to fiery hounds. I find it to be like someone turned on a very, very bright invisible light - a light so bright that all shadows disappear, a light blessed with very celestial virtues. In the face of this high power, it's very difficult for incompatible presences to stay in the same area. It's not like screaming bloody murder and chasing after the target with an axe - it's more like the most revered magistrate just stepped into the room, and everyone stops talking and cleans up their act real fast.
Practically speaking, how is there a difference in manifestation? The following is completely hypothetical and I'm not speaking about any particular personal experiences:
I'm imagining I've got an unwanted houseguest that (due to Social Reasons) I can't ask to leave, but I want them gone. Which agent has a better chance of getting them to leave - an attack dog made of fire, or a celestial, far-seeing magistrate?
I personally might suspect that bay laurel is going to have a much better chance of banishing that houseguest's unwanted behavior (as opposed to getting them out of the door that very day) and putting them on track to making new plans and leaving ASAP. This manifestation might be less explosive, and fix ongoing problems, but it might also result in the houseguest staying for a longer period of time while they make new arrangements.
Bay laurel may also assist in banishing by causing people involved to have sudden insight into the reality of the situation, providing clarity, and helping people see the inevitable unwanted results of the houseguest continuing to stay. Perhaps bay laurel will banish by providing insight into new, helpful, and better housing circumstances for the guest. Perhaps it will also function to maintain order, clarity, and order within the household while these arrangements are put in order.
On the other hand, when people are being terrorized by invisible bitey fire dogs, they can experience a sudden onset of stress that makes them want to immediately get up and leave, like now - even if they don't have any other plans for where to stay. Bitey fire dogs might make that person get out of my house real quick, but this movement could be due to sudden intense upset, a blowout with family members, their behavior getting worse resulting in them being thrown out, or a temper tantrum or meltdown where they realize they've got to leave and make their exit post-haste.
Or, perhaps they could experience a feeling that they're completely unwanted in the house and it really, really irritates them to stay. Which, if I already couldn't kick them out due to Social Reasons, might bite me in the ass - maybe they're going to complain to family members that I was a shitty, unwelcoming host, and it tends up just as badly for me on a social level as if I kicked that person out.
Both of these plants can banish. To me, at least, they do not provide the same results.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 years
ooh, kang x reader where she's trapped in the quantum realm and he finds her, quickly becoming infatuated with her. she's kinda awkward at first but eventually warms up to him, because he's so loving with her and only her. basically strangers to friends to lovers. pleaseeeee.
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You have absolutely no clue how you ended up in… where ever this was.
You were stuck here, you learned after a while. Until you met someone, or two people.
“Hello…?” You said, as they both stood in front of you.
“You’re human.” One said.
“Uh, yeah.. I don’t know how I got here or where here exactly is.. do you know a way out?”
They both looked at each other and then back to you.
“Nathaniel.” The man said.
“Janet.” The woman said.
They seemed friendly. And they took you back ti their camp with them.
“You’re in the quantum realm. It’s a place without time or space.” The man explained, in easy terms. You don’t know where Janet went, but it didn’t matter. It had seemed like days you’ve been alone, so you didn’t care.
“So what are you guys working on, exactly?”
“We’re working on a way to escape the quantum realm. We’ve been here for a while now.”
While Janet and Nathaniel worked, you took a small break. You sat and watched what looked like the sky. It was beautiful, you would admit. You’ve been here for what you assumed was weeks.
You heard someone coming up next to you and you turned your head. It was Nathaniel.
“Hi.” You said, and turned your head back.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He said after a while of silence.
“Yeah. Sometimes.. I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes I don’t wanna go back, Y’Know? Like no one’s waiting for me back there. And here at least I have…” you looked at the ground now.
“You know you can tell me anything.” He said, he brought his hand to your chin and directed your gaze to him.
He knew that you were destined to be together, all of his versions had fallen in love with you. No matter what you looked like or how you acted, no matter how different or how similar each version of you was, no matter if you were dead or alive, they all fell in love with you.
And he couldn’t help but feel the same way. He just hoped that you would understand eventually too, that you both were meant to be together.
“At least here I have you.”
He smiled, and he glanced back. Janet was not looking or paying attention to you guys.
You both leaned in for a slow, and passionate kiss.
And when Janet betrayed him, and set the place and plans to ruin, he protected you like it was the last thing he’d do. He covered your entire body as you both went flying back.
You didn’t leave him when Janet said he wasn’t who he said he was. You stayed next to him the whole time.
You were really the one meant for him.
If he wasn’t in his weakest form, if he hadn’t just been banished maybe things would have been different and he could have protected you better.
You were still alive, thankfully. You looked up at him and he stroked your hair.
“Don’t worry, love, we will find another way out.”
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shen-liqin · 9 months
My thoughts are a bit messy right now but someone please tell me how THE FUCK I DIDN’T NOTICE THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN (SIMBA + SCAR) AND (MOBEI-JUN + LINGUANG-JUN) EARLIER?!?!?!?! I’VE BEEN IN THIS DAMN FANDOM SINCE AUG 2022 😭
Simba used to be close with his uncle Scar. Mobei-Jun used to be close to Linguang-Jun as a kid. (both were close to their uncles as kids and trusted them whole-heartedly)
Simba gets betrayed/hurt by his uncle as a child and left for dead after being banished(?) from the Pride Lands. (happens after his uncle kills his father, blames the death on him, then sends hyenas after him to ensure he’s dead) Mobei-Jun is betrayed and left for dead by his uncle as a kid (left in the human realm and forced to survive against grown ass Huan Hua cultivators) (both were betrayed by their uncles as kids and left for dead one way or another)
Scar wants his brother (who he kinda resents) and nephew dead because he wants to be king. Linguang-Jun wants his brother (who he really resents) and his nephew dead because he wants to be king (+ revenge for his brother stealing his wife-to-be) (both want their family members dead so they can be king and have tried to have their nephews killed multiple times)
I got this belated enlightenment while doing house chores and listening to Disney Villain Songs on Spotify (Be Prepared was playing) and everything just clicked).
New head-canons for me guys:
Airplane-bro was inspired by Simba and Scar when he was creating Mobei-Jun’s dynamic/interactions with his uncle. This has led to him making Disney references in multiple chapters of PIDW (and of course, cucumber-bro rants about plagiarism and how much of a shitty author airplane is for not bothering to think of new material).
Ya’ll cannot tell me that baby Mobei-Jun DIDN’T sing or do something similar to “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” when he was too young to understand the real dangers behind being a Northern Desert Prince.
I am now a firm believer of Linguang-Jun singing “Be Prepared” every damn time he tries to convince other demons to go against Mobei-Jun or assassinate him. Man’s gotta use his charisma and great singing voice somehow-
What would be even funnier is if Airplane actually forgets where he got the inspiration for Mobei-Jun’s relationship with his uncle. As far as we know, he was either in his 20s or middle-aged when he died in his first life, and has been alive for around 40-60 years since he first transmigrated. He’s bound to have forgotten some shit from his novel (even if it’s related to his ideal man/wank character).
Imagine if one day Mobei-Jun send Airplane out to spy on Linguang-Jun because the old man has been coming off as more slimy as of late and is practically begging to be monitored. Airplane bro is pissed at both of them because:
a) His King is probably making the right move but he still has a shit ton of paperwork to get done for both Cang Qiong and the Nothern Desert as the Anding Peak Lord and Mobei’s unofficial official adviser
b) Linguang-Jun was just caught for another scheme three fucking days ago and Airplane is so damn tired of all the work he’s had to do to remedy the treaties and alliances his scheming screwed up
Anyways, time skip a bit and Airplane manages to sneak into one of Linguang-Jun’s bases and sees him singing “Be Prepared” to the crowd of enraptured and slightly horny plant demons from the west and just- blanks. Mind you, this happens BEFORE Cucumber-bro becomes Shen Qingqiu, meaning Airplane has been bottling up so many modern day references and songs for the past 60-80 fucking years.
Once Linguang-Jun finishes convincing the plant demons that yes, “murdering my nephew for me will guarantee you and your kin a stable food source and power within my court once I’m King”. He goes back to the Northern Palace and comes across the puny human that his nephew has been trying to court for the past 40 or so years. He’s about to frighten the subject of Mobei-Jun’s failed love life when said human sudden looks at him with a slightly manic smile (which looks even more unnerving since he’s standing eerily still against the palace hallways) and asks,
“Do you know anything about Mickey Mouse, Linguang-Jun…?”
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verosvault · 8 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 5 "Mall Madness"
Timestamp: 1:46:04
Video Length: 4min. & 59sec.
Kristen tries to reach out to Cassandra
Brennan: "Yeah, you can reach out and talk to Cassandra."
Ally: "I don't wanna say anything. Can I just listen?"
Brennan: "You listen."
Ally: "Can I just open up the channel of communication and-"
Brennan: "Listen-"
The Amazing Caption Team: "(Brennan exhales ominously)"
MYSTERY VOICE?!: "She is at my side once more.
Ally: "So she is the death?"
Zac: "Is that Cassandra?"
Ally: "That's the- That's the Nightmare King talking about Kalina?"
Siobhan: "No"
Ally: "No?"
Emily: "Cassandra?"
Ally: "Did Cassandra turn back into the Nightmare King and someone is by her side once more?"
Siobhan: "Is Cassandra a lesser god serving a more powerful god?"
MYSTERY VOICE?!: "Do you wish for divinity?"
Kristen: "To serve, or to be, myself?"
I loved Ally's answer there! I wanna dissect that line SO BADLY but I'm too dumb to do that! 😂🤣💀 I don't know how I would! 💀✋
MYSTERY VOICE?!: "You have opened yourself to listen. Do you wish to listen?"
Kristen: "Yes"
MYSTERY VOICE?!: "Good. I shall give you a master you deserve."
Brennan: "Red, crackling light. And a slimy, rotting set of block letters that says "Yes!" with an exclamation mark is shunted out of the portal. (squelches)"
1. I love Zac's reaction! That's LITERALLY ME! 😭✋
2. Brennan's "Squelch" sound was too good! 😭✋
Fig: "We've got to clear this before the party."
Kristen casts banishment on the "YES!" 😭✋
Kristen: "Thank you, kind master. I will cherish it. Who do I serve? Who am I speaking to?"
Lou: *laughs* "Serve?" *Covers his face* 😂😂
MYSTERY VOICE?!: "I am coming for you."
Lou's reaction! 😭😭 LITERALLY ME! 😭✋ It's just so funny that Lou is making that face when that voice is talking to Kristen! Not Fabian! 😂🤣💀😭✋
MYSTERY VOICE?!: "And when I find you, I will break you in a way that none who loved you will recognize the ruin I have wrought."
MYSTERY VOICE?!: "Lean your soul in closer, that I might give you more than words." 😭✋
Ally cuts this off! 😭✋
Kristen gets some images of a shattered mall, of fractions of these red glass stars collecting shards of blue astral mall, the corpses of dead wizards floating in astral space, strudel streaming out of a portal endlessly in sort of- oblivion.
Ally makes a Religion check and gets a 19!
Brennan: "Looking at all of this here, you do not feel the presence of another divinity, but yet something divine has happened. I think what you know is that there is some rage working within Cassandra that was prompted by those stars, that was prompted by those shattering things. So, I think all of your questions come back to them. Like- That's what started this. Obviously, it began within Cassandra's chest, though, and you keep coming back to that term, 'I thought you were dead', you hear 'I thought you were dead,' and you look down and see this dead- or- you banished it, but you see the slime left by the dead, rotting god that you summoned in your Freshman Year, and you suddenly remember that the Wizard Synod, the Synod of Spire, this mall, was in the Astral Realm."
Zac: "When Cassandra was saying, 'I thought you were dead,' would she be talking about 'Yes!', or is that something else?"
Emily: "I think so"
Ally: "She knew very much about 'Yes!'"
Murph: "That's why she, that's the example of-"
Emily says that the rotting "Yes!" means that Kristen's god turned into toxic positivity!! 😂🤣💀
Ally just laughs! 😂🤣💀
Ally: "I think so. Oh no...okay, okay..."
The Bad Kids wanna go find Ragh to talk to him about this maybe. 🥲
Brennan: "As you say that, I don't think it would be intuitive that it's "Yes!", because "Yes!" slid out like a dead, flat joke."
Ally: "Okay."
Brennan: "You think whatever that voice was slid 'Yes!' out to you and said, 'I'll give you a master you deserve.' and it was like a- you know what I mean? It's like- It's like a humiliation. It's like 'Here's your god.'"
Ally: "So when she said, 'I thought you were dead', it wasn't to 'Yes!'"
Brennan: "It wasn't to 'Yes!', you don't think it was."
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sillyygeese · 1 year
still reeling from chapter 188 haha
here's another incredible angsty animatic: https://youtu.be/2UC5DauEMpw
also i finally got around to sketching kdj as the demon king of salvation
so im at chapter 194, kdj just got banished to the demon realm
and biyoo still hasnt been born yet :(
omg real. i don’t think anyone gets over chapter 188 lmao
wait is the demon realm what the orv in 6 minutes video meant by “kim dokja goes in the garbage where he belongs” or am i misremembering the wiki page 😭
and i will totally check out the wiki page soon!
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regaliasonata · 2 years
So we've had a lot of dinosaurs/ninjas/cars... but whats a theme YOU wanna see explored in power rangers??? Personally i'd love another martial arts or magic focused season tbhhh
Ohhh I got lots of idea but mainly I want to see something supernatural.
So magic definitely like I've been wanting that to have another season. Cause like I had an idea of a Norse mythos seaosn for power rangers(like loki could be an anti hero and Hela could possibly be an Antagonist but she becomes a pink ranger) stuff with ragnarok etc
Lately I've been thinking of the aspect of angels and maybe other mystical realms(kh and genshin have been swirling in my head for a while.) Like imagine a season that takes a dark turn where the rangers get their powers from godlike angelic beings (say they were the original rangers before the main cast). They did something terrible to humans but maybe one ranger didn't comply and they banished him to earth (major lucifer vibes with ff15's ardyn inspired). And the rangers really have to decide what true justice lies within the world. Also cue this lucifer like villain killing the original rangers as revenge, sorry I started to ramble
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But overall another magic based season, heck maybe a ghost one where their powers come from spirits or even them taking visits to other realms. (My inner jungle fury and persona are speaking😭)
So yeah that's what I was thinking.
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