soyeonsbabygirl · 4 months
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newlyy · 9 days
Your post about misogynistic/patriarchal women really resonated with me and I empathize SO much girl I would be rich if I had a dollar for every single time i’ve seen a woman say some variant or another of “women are WAY worse than men!!!!” and wholeheartedly mean it. It ESPECIALLY makes me feel like the Joker when I see women who by all means carry themselves as feminist/progressive say shit like “misogynistic women are way worse than misogynistic men!!!” or some other misogynistic gaslighty bullshit that came straight from the ancient misogyny playbook.
I wish there was more of us having the space and drive to criticize our own sex class’ actions in a fair and just way without carrying the guilt of how our sex class is treated & without also following the subconscious path of least resistance (woman bad, man good). I wish there were more outlets for us to just be so fucking for real with each other, but in the way of respect, maturity, empathy, dignity, and accountability. I wish we all had more self awareness about the patterns we perpetuate.
It sucks when you not only have to cope with 50% of the population automatically hating you because of the morally neutral biological sex you happened to develop as in the womb, but you also have to deal with the members of your OWN sex perpetuating the cycles of subjugation and working against their own interests on top of that because of how deeply the knife of misogyny is plunged into our stomachs. As an individual girl/woman in the world, you have to incessantly deal with and mentally prepare for the indiscriminate bombardment of misogyny that is almost guaranteed to sneak up on you from every single direction possible. Feeling like you have close to no true allies, or only very few of them on a global scale. It’s a brutal, harrowing feeling.
It definitely gave me more insight into how the human mind copes with pain and injustice in bizarre and miserable ways, I guess. Newlyy I am ripping off the skin of my face thinking about this, it truly is suffocating. The patterns, the cycles, the history repeating itself!!!! I see you and I get it
exactly. you're completely right. no notes.
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Wanted to draw Corpse Bride AU based on jewish fairy tales again but I dont think I will be able to draw them (I gave up) .
First is a refernce to a fairy tale "Princess Long Braid" where a princess with long braids was kidnapped by a demon I think, and the king called any men for her rescue. Said king was so desperate that he promised that the one who saves her will marry her. And several young men agreed to rescue the princess together because they figured they wouldnt be able to defeat the demon alone. They managed to rescue her by working together but that caused a dilemma "who will be the one marrying her?" and they let the princess choose and she chose the wizard because he was the only one of his kind. At the end the wizard cast magic spell and turned flowers they saw in the garden into beautiful princesses and those princesses married the ones braided princess rejected.
the latter drawing was a reference to a fairy tale about a girl who saw a black cat come to her home place and befriended said cat, played with it. Later she found out that the cat was a demon, and felt wary because her grandmother (or mother.?) warned her about demons and dark beings. However, when she saw one black cat she had not seen before acting like it wanted to show her something, she followed after and found out that that new cat was another demon, - a young man who was seeking her help concerning his wife (the cat that has been visitng them and the one the girl played with). Said demons were described as "good looking with black hair". The girl called the grandmother and although the grandmother was wary of them she helped anyway, and ..I dont remember the girl was rewarded I think and later on she continued seeing black cats at her place and played with tiny black kittens. (I mean that the end shows that the demons aka cats kept visiting them afterwards and they had kittens that also visited them, the end).
! If something is wrong or unfair or insensitive in my posts, please inform me. If my post is insensitive I can take it down.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Same!! Ive been intrested into demonology and probably the occult for about 9 years, and also been in so many media,like SPN, Helltaker, Sandman, Shadowhunters (infernal devices) lucifer tv, and quite a few animes. I love how they all have the same characters but how different they all are, like in obey me differs from Shadowhunters...like i still have a deep rooted hatred for Asmodeus (TMI) but in love with Asmo from OM.
I like to put other refernces, like in TMI Belphegor denounces marriage because he hated being married.
Witj tje whole Lucifer story which is really intresting how they interpreted it, and also I kinda feel like Asmodeus and Solomon story from stories and how they have done that in Obey me.
Also Lilith, the queen of hell, mother of all demons, and wife to Lucifer (many media) has done the same concept for Lilith, but it differs from OM to making Lilith their sister.
Im not that deep into it, but ive been intressted in the King and the lore surrounding Asmodeus, and Asmodeus (TMI) lead me to Obey me, listenjbg to chants and got a sigil necklase.
But im not much of an expert compared to other people. But my friend always says every fandom that you are in, there are demons and or angels.
Oh yes I was absolutely in the SPN fandom and it was definitely because I was curious about the whole angel/demon thing. I got pretty into it for a while. Sandman is another one and I was also drawn to Good Omens for the same reason. One of my favorite fictional angels is Islington from Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Just something about him was so creepy lol.
I’m not familiar with Shadowhunters or the Mortal Instruments though I have heard of them!
But it is so interesting to see the differences. Lilith is a great example! I felt like they really went in a completely different direction with her for OM. Because she is far more often depicted as evil. And in OM she is always an angel and she’s just really wholesome even if she did rebel when it came to humans.
I’m pretty sure it’s the same for Asmo. Asmodeus is always supposed to be this completely evil type of character and OM was just like nah we’re going to make him delightful instead! I suppose they have to do some of that because of the fact that this is an otome game and you’re supposed to want to date him lol.
What can I say some of us just find these ideas really interesting! I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but I personally enjoy it.
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sajaffery · 1 year
thank you gobstikelsa1970..although i blame you for having to break one of my earlier rules. this was supposed to be all part of the same post. which started yesterday and was supposed to continue and continue until tumblr officially decided to kick me off their website altogether for being a nuisance and a show off at which point i would be forced to roam the face of this earth with words pouring out of my fingers into the thankless earth. sorry. i kind of got ahead of myself there. but ive decided to continue this on a seperate post, titled the same with a few sad dots and a 2 at the end. perhaps my two followers wont hate me so much anymore, and they might even ask other people to follow me. although they seem to only be interested in large naked men with bulging muscles. i hope thats not why they added me for i can only ever be a large naked man with a bulging stomach. they might be into that, after a few beers, maybe a couple of tequila shots and five hundred years of solitude. another cliched literary refernce. see earlier post for reference and explanation for terrible grammer and spelling. fuck dead white old men! were they old? i cant remember. and I cant go back and check either. you certainly can. but you wont. because youve got better things to do, like continue reading this post. emoticon alert. okay this is starting to get repetitive. I’m making the same jokes as yesterday. its probably a good thing i cant go back and reread my posts because then i definietely would be cracking the same jokes again and again. or i might be able to build on them and improve them. isnt that what all writers do? Bukowski certainly does. I’ve read three books by him and countless short stories and it seems to be the same books over and over again with very similar characters, especially women. doing the same things over and over again and him just finding us better ways to tell us about it. so I guess I can do that. but I cant rered what I wrote yesterday so I cant. and I’m not great. by any stretch if the imagination. but then neither was Bukowski. another reason why my wife cant read this, she’d pick up the laptop and smash it over my head for saying that.                          (FORCED DELETION)
I FUCKING HATE DONALD TRUMP. compared to him, i’m jesus christ. i.e. impossible to hate. everyone loves jesus, even the people who hate bible bashers because the man just talked about love. and he had cool hair. the poor guy was even ready to marry a prossi. how fucking awesome can you get. my mum called me jesus the other day because she was yelling at me and i just kept smiling at her. thats how amazing the man was. although it does kind of help the argument that he might have been deluded. even mad. huh. i didnt think of it like that. not a very nice thing for my mum to have said. hmmm. i’m blanking for a bit. oh new rule! i have to tell you, i say you even though i know nobody is reading this, and if someone is…cringe!!! but yes i have to tell you why i stopped writing yesterday because i wrote down i have to go to work but thats not good enough as an excuse because i’m actually at work as i write this. my work involves sitting behind a counter with a laptop infront of me and ignoring every customer who walks in as much as i can. yes i’m a till jocky and not the cool kind like randall from clerks, but more the sad kind like Dante because he hates being there but has nowhere fucking else to go. my parents own this place. hence my dad being a rich capitalist and my being a fake socialist. and ive been stuck here for the last six years now and i reconize 90% of the people who walk into this place and i want to punch atleast 90% of those 90%. I cant punch the rest of the 10% because theyre too fucking old. not because I like them. wow I hate a lot of people. no. no. this is just a symptom me hating myself again. it has to be I’m starting to come out like a monster in this post, my two hypersexualised followers are going to be defollowing me any second. can you find out if someone has defollowed you? do you get a little notification for that? like you do when someone is following you. such and such person is no longer following you. LOSER! me. not them. i’m the dumpee remember, not the dumper. maybe this is me. maybe this is why i’m writing this, because i cant possibly hope to tell anyone any of these things. not face to face anyway. who would want to listen? God knows I wouldn’t. except maybe if i was getting paid for it. even then. clearly ive gone through medical school or at least graduate school to be sitting there and getting paid to listen to this crap and eventually i’d reach a point where i’d want to get this person out of my room, out of my face out of my life, just as far away from me as possible, wow. i want to stop writing this now. i suddenly dont feel great. and i feel tired 
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skltart · 2 years
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ignoring most of canon and all of history in favour of erins first real white christmas with her two moms and two dads :))
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theskeleton-system · 4 years
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For context; Chandlo was the first person to find Fungus. He brings him back to town to show Snorpy, but Snorpy is talking to Floofty.
This is pretty much the whole conversation-
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carolina-star · 2 years
💫Star Wars Modern AU Masterlist💫
Basically this is an AU where  Obi-Wan become little Anakin tutor (aka father figure, aka big brother) and for the rest of his live Obi-Wan is doom to the Skywalker drama. And the clones are here because i love them.
So little time line: 1999, Obi-Wan (25) and Anakin (9) meet. 2012 Luke and Leia are born. 2022 Luke and Leia are 10.
Ships for the moment: Anidala (Anakin and Padme), Codywan (Obi-wan and Commander Cody)
Down below I´ll link family trees, mainly the Fett. They have their own section.
The first summer with uncle Qui-Gon Obi-wan chilhood
Cody and his crush a little story about the first time Cody saw Obi-wan
Obi-wan and Anakin meet    Part1     Part2
Pretty hair more of Obi-Wan and little Anakin
Aayla and Quinlan or Bly has a big crush with Aayla
The moving Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Extra
The Fett twins sketch
Obi-Wan´s stalker
Room mate
C3po and R2d2
Anakin and Padmé first meet
A winter Morning Chewbacca, Han and Mallatobuck
Sweet poison Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka
You left Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka
You´re a grandmother now The twins are here, also the first comic of this AU
Coffe time this could or not be part of this moden AU
Lando and Han probably plotting something
When Han thought he was going to have a puppy but it was a baby human Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Family photo I present you Chewbacca and his wife Mallatobuck with their to children, Han and Lumpawaroo
Celebrating Lando and his mom
Lando´s first break up or when Han has to watch Pride and Prejudice
The Animal Crossing Era
Fashion sense with Lando, Han and Lumpy
The Fett Family 1999 edit
The big refernce a family tree with the names and all link inside.
Jaster´s children Jaster, Arla and Jango
Arla´s children Arla, Gregor, Keeli, Waxer an Boil
Jango´s children Jango, Alpha, Fordo, Fox, Wolffe, Cody, Rex, Bly, Boba and Omega.
Alpha´s children Alpha, Howzer, Trooper the dog and Jesse
Fordo´s children Fordo and Ponds
The cousins Hevy, Hardcase and Kix
Modern AU Questions:
Maul I don´t ship Obi-wan with Maul, but you´ll have Codywan
About Padmé and childbirth Padmé survives and she´s happy with her babies
Aayla Secura yes, Aayla is this AU
Cody and Obi´wan meeting as adults Yes, I will draw this, i´m working on it
How they meet Ashoka
Depa and Caleb Caleb (Kanan) is Depa son
The Masterlist with all my other AU include more Star Wars AU
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julietas-basil · 2 years
Hi! Thanks for the follow! Just wondering if there could be a piece about Julieta and Augustín? I can imagine she'd be into risky sex, where someone can walk in on them and moment
Hewoo dear friendOwO
I think Julieta would like to occupy Agustίn for awhile 👀she seems like the type to pull her husband in to stop the burning heat...
Hmmh...let's see 🤔
NSFW,explicit content,language,intimate moments,fluff,romance,mentions of certain body parts,if underaged or uncomfortable with refernced content, I would kindly suggest you scrolling over,for any sane request don't hesitate to drop what you'd like! speaking through DM is a very good solution too I'm happily open to meet new friends and discuss and go encanto crazy!
thank you for your time !
Today was Antonio's birthday and of course the whole neighbourhood would be invited to the party,which meant Julieta would have the wholde day ahead of her to pick the menu,get groceries. Thankfully, Mirabel was there to assist with the list,while Agustίn had insisted he gave away the Arepas and Empanadas to the wounded villagers. The menu would have to be a mix of Toñito's favorite dishes along with the tranditional favorites,nothing foreign to the Healer,all within her cooking ability...
She would get tired again,her legs aching in pain switching position every now and then to avoid any excess issue that would work against this day which had to be perfect. Julieta undeniably loved her youngest primo and Loved to see his expression light up when he sees his gift-inspired cake which happened to be his most favorite thing!The old cook smiled genuinely at the thought as she prepared the sugary creme,along with the sugar paste. Small pieces of papers,filled in delicate handwriting,were full of recipies that Julieta was determined to bring to life. The minutes turned into hours and the healer had attempted to finish most of the dishes. Luisa appeared at the end like "a machine god" placing the dishes over the tables that had been scattered across the room...
She let a sigh escape her throat,once she placed her self on the chair in front of her. The nurse grabbed the white towel resting on her apron to wip off the slightest of sweat drops,that had covered up her forhead. Her eyes scanned at the cleaned kitched,nodding her head amazed at how her courage was enough to accomplish such things!
"¿Mamá?" Isabela entered the room quietly,hands folded in her lap. Julieta turned her head to take a better look at her oldest daughter "Mi pequeña linda..." the mother sighed upon seeing her hija,walking towards the girl to wrap her in a warm hug "You've grown mi Isabelita" the mother smiled kindly,kissing the top of Isabela's head "Would you like to join us ?" the younger adult asked blushing. Julieta almost cursed at herself for missing the time "Give me a moment mi hija" she fixed her self,removing the teal apron and followed her daughter out of the kitchen...
As the healer carelessly walked through the crowd,a familiar hand grabbed her by the arm,twisting her over his arms "Hola,Amor" Agustίn pushed the grey haired woman tightly to his waist,a rose wrapped between his teeth "Eres hermana,hoy dίa" flashing a smile to his wife "You look very attractive as well,mi Vida" Julieta giggled "This is for you..." the tall man handed the beautiful flower to his love,wrapping her lips in a longing kiss.
The older woman let herself get lost in the romantic affection,the warmth radiating from their bodies awaking something in her. It's been a long time,since they had enjoyed their touches quite thoroughly,his knuckles between her curly locks,his burning kisses running paths down her neck-collarbone. His pianist's hands grazing over her most sensitive parts,massaging her clitoris every so slowly and elegantly...This!this was enough to light up a fire within her body.
Julieta parted from the kiss to take the accident-prone man into her arms,which extented enought to rest on his neck "Agustίn..."she allowed her breath to fall on his ear,making the man shiver with want "I want you to fuck me,Amor" the middle aged woman confessed in his ear "WHaT?" Agustίn blushed almost but falsely,practically shouted,earning the confused glares of some of the villagers. Julieta parted and turned to leave an awkward smile as the people around them returned to their talking or dancing like nothing happened..
" Agustίn,Let's go someplace else.." The cook took the pianist's hand into her own "The whole house is packed with people" the younger man complained giggling "come with me" ulieta would be one of the most patient person out of everyone in this family,but during these times impatience and stubborness win over her calm exterior...The faint brunette guided her husband through teams of people driving him into the backyard of the house. The woman sighed at noticing the empty space "Mi Cariñosa,someone might come here , this is an open space and there are..people on the side" Julieta shushed the tall man with a lustful kiss "We could risk it! Come on we'll be quick,corazon" the cook bit her lower lip,fingers rushing over the buttons of his pants.
Agustίn raised his hands in protest,whining when his wife abruptly dragged him against the wall "Eek! Julieta..." the 50 year old woman was on her knees,fighting again over the buttons of his underwear, a few long strands falling on her face " Amor,are you okay?" the short woman asked concerned,the man replied by noding his head,his palm coming to to stroke his esposa's hair. Soft fingertips,fell upon the warm shaft,exposing the pulsating member in the air " You look so hot Agustίn..." the small woman let her mouth run the sentence,skillful hands gripping onto the burning flesh "Julieta..." his hips squirmed slightly to meet her touch.
It was painfully slow and it had been so long since he had felt her pleasure him like that,he would only spend the nights in their bathroom helping himself,while thinking about her; Her small rosy shaped-heart lips,her vanilla taste,the lovely eyes that hid so much love inside and her body,that even after three pregnacies,despite the excess server remained angelic and beautiful...
She knew how he liked it,regardless of the lack of intimacy,stroking his length in a steady rythm,turning and twisting the soft flesh repeatedly,her other palm fondling his thin thigh reassuringly "You like it Querido?" the kneeled woman asked picking up her speed,the tall man responded by cupping his wife's hand "Te Quiero Amor..." the healer said,helping herself up. Immediately she wrapped her husband into a lustful kiss,turning them over so her back was stuck on the wall.
Their lips connected in a passionate kiss,their tongues lapping over the other's lips sleepily ,tasting sweet flavour of wine. In the middle of the kiss,large hands tenderly gropping Julieta's lower back "Agustίn..." the adult woman sighed into the kiss,as she felt both of his palms squeeze her mounts even more.
"CAMILO BRING IT BACK!" a voice of a young girl came from the distance,camilo following short with a toy in his hand.
Julieta,embraced her lover tightly,to cover his bulge,before anyone would see anything..."Hola tia...and tio!" he stayed there to wave at his relatives,only to start running again,Mirabel chasing him " Hola mamá,hi papá!" their youngest flashed a smile "CAMILO..YOU'RE GONNA DIE!" the elders grinned awkwardly at the grumby girl,sighing when the kids left...
"Don't you dare go anywhere..."Agustίn standed still as Julieta grasped his arms. He was caught red handed,as his penis poked at her skirt "Julieta we have to..." the tall man stared at his erection,grimancing over the sight "Take me Corazon,make me yours again..." the grey haired woman took his face into her hands staring deeply into his chocolate eyes. The man in front of her,leaned a little to lift her skirt over waist taking hold of her thighs,which she helped enfold around his waist. The accident-prone man was sprightly shifting his leg underneath her backside,his digits traveled below her underwear to cup her heated entrance,massaging the wet opening to lube his fingers,before thrusting them in "¡Ay,!" Julieta whimpered under her breath,her eyebrows frowned under the influence of pleasure... After a few minutes of pleasuring his wife,he guided his burning flesh over her vagina,pushing forward with his weight. The cook moaned loudly at the sensation,gripping her husband's shoulderblades,nails digging in. The pace increased rapidly,the couple's panting matching through the process,their chests heaving,trying to hold on to each other for dear life. The short woman captured's lips into her "Amor,I'm close-" the tall man located his arms under her thighs,giving more freedom to his thrusts '"Yo sé,mi lindo me too" the younger man smiled between sighs,a tingling fire building in his abdomen...
"¡Ay,aquí Amor!" the woman exclaimed once she felt him hit her spot "Julieta I will-" her husband attempted going faster again "Do it, Agustίn!" the healer commended already feeling waves of ecstasy hitting her by the seconds "but-" the bee-man fussed at the incident failing,as his wife shushed him up
"Cum in me Gus, por favor mi Querido!Te Quero mucho!"
His thrust were now harder more desperate,the way she called him,claiming how much she wants him to ravish her,hold her,pleasure her...love her with all he had
All of a sudden their eyes locked there,rocking through their orgasm together,moaning their names lost in their blissful moment, Julieta shivered once she felt him fill her with his orgasm,groaning slightly at the powerful sensation "That's right,let it all out mi hermoso" a few trembles were adequate for the tall man to finish thrusting into his lover,whimpering a few curses as he removed himself from between her legs. As the gentleman he is,Agustίn settled his wife gently on the ground,almost falling on his feet "Gus!" Julieta used her arms as an obstacle to prevent her esposito from tripping "Gracias my love!" the healer placed a tender kiss on his fluching cheeks aiding him over the kitchen "Come on,i'll get you something bee-boy" her hand massaged his hair...Joining the others at the party like they never missed a moment. Though one thing was on Agustin's mind,and tomorrow morning seemed to be the perfect time to make everything up for his wife,the ideal way to wake her up.
After all the pianist knew all her buttons...
I hope you enjoyned the answer,it definately was something new to me (not as an idea tho 👀) and I loved writing it out as a julistin simp lol...thank you again for trusting me with your request is an honor and it means a lot to me! I wish you a good day <3
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baeddel · 3 years
uzumaki spoilers [again, read Uzumaki first]
i think we are licensed to say that Ito was influenced by Lovecraft when making Uzumaki. he has described Lovecraft as an influence himself, and he makes a comedic reference to the Mountains of Madness in one of the self-insert skits. the infohazard theme that was important in Lovecraft is an important theme in Uzumaki. but it’s interesting to see how they differ. Lovecraft was worried about humanity; the limits of human rationality, the development of the human species, and the fragility of human civilization. for Lovecraft only white men have access to rationality, so only white men can understand the horrors that lesser men bring into existence; this is alluded to in Pickman’s Model (“I’ve got a place that I don’t believe three living Nordic men besides myself have ever seen...”), and is implicit in stories like the Mound. Lovecraft’s protagonists are white American academics, scientists and artists who use their superior reason to uncover the horrible truths of the universe which humanity had until now been too primitive to witness. when they do reach beyond the veil they go mad, catatonic, chittering, or else kill themselves. lesser men mistake what they see for gods and make cults to them with obscene practices, or else degenerate into subhumans.
when Ligotti takes up the same things he uses similar characters and similar devices but with new coordinates. his refernces are not racial scientism and theosophy but structural anthropology and German idealism. the horrible wisdom of the world was not out of reach of Ligotti’s humanity but inescapably evident to it; all of our discourses and social institutions are ruses and devices through which we can hide from it. his protagonists uncover the truth because they are curious, knowledge-hungry fools. impulsively following the intellectual riddles that preoccupy them they disturb things that were better left alone. if they leave with their lives then they find their own way to avert their gaze and put the truth away.
in Uzumaki i think the relevant comparison is shūyō, self-cultivation. virtually every strain of East Asian discourse (religious, philosophical, etc.) has some version of this. what it means to cultivate yourself varies according to tradition but you should have the idea from the name. it’s about developing one’s learning, one’s habits and morals, or one’s te, inner power. everything from Buddhist meditation to martial arts to alchemy to keeping a rock garden is built on a theory of self-cultivation. while self-cultivation isn’t uncommon, there is an expectation that a very cultivated person will be strange (especially outside of Confucianism). sages are different from ordinary people; people can’t understand them, they have a different sense of right and wrong from other people, etc.
the first character in Uzumaki who has any idea about the spiral horror is Suichi’s father. he has renounced everything and devoted himself to the spiral; he spends all of his money on spiral merchandise and sits in his room staring at them. he learns, just by looking at the spirals, how to work miracles; he can move his eyes independently, extend his tongue unnaturally and curl it up, and finally extends and twists up his whole body into a spiral. he achieves a sort of twisted immortality in the spiral. you can easily read this as a dark paroday of self-cultivation; he is a middle-aged man who gets taken by fanciful ideas and spends a lot of money on it. it could as easily be green tea or anything else. his contortions are like a sort of evil tai chi.
Suichi is the second character who knows about the spiral horror. he knows, perhaps, more than his father; he knows how terrible it is. he withdraws from the world, sits alone in his home and does not eat. he rejects whoever comes to him except his lover-disciple; he teaches her how to avoid the spiral, though she cannot learn from him. he is one who has “drowned in the midst of dry land.”
Suichi’s father introduces Yasuo, Kirie’s father, to the spiral horror. he calls pottery “the art of the spiral,” a phrase Kirie’s father repeats for the rest of the manga. he turns his pottery into a form of spiral-cultivation. yet unlike Suichi’s father he doesn’t kill himself doing so. he listens when his family express their troubles and he goes on working on it quietly; he functions well even in the finale when everyone else is losing their minds.
when we get to the bottom of Dragonfly Pond we collect the fruit of cultivation. correct me if i’m wrong but i don’t think we see Suichi’s father in the underground structure at all. he remains in Kurôzu-cho, in the mud, the trees and smoke. Yasuo joins the tangle of bodies and is petrified next to his wife. Suichi basks in the light of the spiral without being petrified; he embraces Kirie and they become a spiral together in a happy infinity.
Uzumaki contains something of a self-cultivation manual. it shows us three sages, but also three lovers, and their different routes to immortality and also love. Suichi’s father cultivates himself excessively; he achieves a restless immortality within a few days but he never learns the truth of the spiral. as a lover he neglects his partner, and then calls to her from hell. he drives her insane and then condemns her to share his fate, all the while she begs him to stop. i don’t know about a Japanese parallel but in the Daoist system you would say that he shattered his shen and lost his vitality. Yasuo cultivated himself slowly, doing a little bit every so often by gathering the clay and firing it. he listened to his wife’s concerns and moderated his practices. he and his lover were petrified by the light of the spiral below Dragonfly Pond. as he lived a normal life, he met the same fate as the townsfolk. now Suichi: where common people are mesmerized by the spiral, and the other sages sought to harness it, Suichi rejected it. he withdrew from society into a reticent life of skeptical contemplation. he advised and mentored his lover so he could protect her from the spiral horror. thus he united with his lover and became immortal with her. it was because he rejected the spiral that he found a peaceful immortality in it.
interestingly we already find a lot of what we like about Bloodborne’s use of Lovecraft in Uzumaki. whereas in Bloodborne the Cthulu cult and its horrors are carried out not by primitives but by the Church, the hospital, and the repressive organs of the state, in Uzumaki it’s done by fathers, teachers, doctors and so on. whereas in Bloodborne it takes the form not of shamanistic religion but revealed faith and academic science, in Uzumaki it takes the form of self-cultivation. and in Bloodborne we also find a sort of practical-philosophical manual which stands along with the best tetsugaku, with its own failed sages (Micolash’s delerium, Rom’s ignorance) and ultimate successes (the Hunter in the third ending).
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Toughts on this deviantart post?
Found this https://www.deviantart.com/hotwar696/art/Who-is-the-real-Gary-Stu-835695208 it’s pretty bad i think. Or at least misleading. Toughts?
Let’s throw up the image and text for full context
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A lot of Conway/Romita fans think that Venom is an awful Gary Stu. Ironically they like the post clone saga Norman Osborn who is not even the same character as the one back the in Conway/Romita days. Despising Harry Osborn when back in the days he simply did not have enough time for him. Also despite what post clone saga stories might have told you he only became a villain because an accident gave him brain damage. Yes, that’s right with the exception of the animated Spider-Man series from 1994 the pre clone saga Norman Osborn was not some inhuman monster who became insane. He was a tragic bussinessman who lost his wife and got brain damage after an explosion to his face. Becoming a villain after an explosion to the face by the way is also the villain origin for Dr. Octopus so yeah Norman Osborn was not a very original villain even before becoming the Gary Stu version of Lex Luthor.Image size
I am going to address every point here, but let me get the most important thing out of the way first.
This is not a valid point to make for two big reasons.
1) The first is that antagonists* do not count as Gary/Marty Stus/Mary Sues.
The function of an antagonists within fiction is to oppose and challenge the protagonists. By having them be extremely powerful, hyper capable, have immense accomplishments and so on, you build them up as a challenge to over come, as someone the protagonist is the underdog in comparison to.
A classic example from manga and anime is Freeza from Dragon Ball. As originally portrayed he can reduce whole planets to dust with a single finger and the true limits of his power are beyond imagining. Had the protagonists all attacked him at once along with all of Freeza’s subordinates they still would’ve lost because he is more powerful and all of them combined. He withstands the most powerful version of the most powerful technique in the series up until that point. 
Were this character the protagonist he’d almost certainly a Marty Stu. But as the antagonist he is a supremely effective challenge for the heroes to over come precisely because he does outstrip them so throughly. 
2) It’s very obvious the OP is reacting against arguments he’s heard from one specific or several specific people on an incredibly narrow topic. That’s fine. But he’s broadbrushing it as though it’s a widely held opinion when it’s at best widely held within a niche within a niche within another niche. 
Like, this is obviously a discussion he’s had at Toonzone or some other similar forum because he references BTAS, Spec Spidey and has drawn both Norman and Venom in their 1994 designs. 
But let’s talk about the broader points made.
- None of that symbiote crap. I don’t disagree that it’s myopic and disingenuous to dismiss symbiotes on principle. Putting aside how they’ve been a staple for over 30 years now (and their recent stories have been very good in fact), it smacks of failing to look beyond your own preferences. There are bad symbiote stories and characters. There are even things that inherently suck on principle within Spider-Man. But the symbiotes are not among them. They are exceptions to the rule and proven that over and over. The person the OP is referncing is entitled to not like them but not to dismiss them on principle. I hate Screwball but I don’t think her concept is inherently shit. I liked her in he Fake Red manga!
- Joker in BTAS was a wuss, Spec cartoon Norman was better. I mean, maybe that’s true. there can be extenuating circumstances applying to both. But the Joke screaming doesn’t make him a wuss. if he was a wuss he wouldn’t have taken on Superman or Batman repeatedly. Norman might have been scared but so full of spite that he wasn’t going to give Vulture the satisfaction.
- He technically killed Spider-Man because he killed Ben Reilly. Well, first of all he was trying to kill Peter. Second of all ben didn’t look stupid. he looked identical to Peter but with blonde hair; how is that stupid? Third of all killing a clone of Spider-Man isn’t technically killing him, if it was Norman would’ve routinely been murdering Spidey clone. Fourth of all the OP is framing this as a grand win for Norman because he got to kill Spidey technically. it is a win for him but not for that reason. Ben sacrificed  himself to save Peter who Norman was really aiming at
- Killing off baby May, apart from being debatable at all due to the presentation of that story, didn’t prevent Peter from maturing. it prevented him from maturing a specific way but it didn’t stop him from maturing period. Dealing with a miscarriage is  an experience that can age a person. Peter went back to ESU to complete his education immediately after that and some years later he became a teacher under JMS’ run. That’s also a totally meta-textual point to make and therefore doesn’t apply to Norman being a Gary Stu. Successfully preventing character development is something you attribute to writers not the characters. 
- I don’t get rh point about Nathanial Gray or Von Strucker
- Yes he was the Kingpin of Europe. How does that make him a Gary Stu? Wison Fisk was the Kingpin of America as were many other characters.
- Yes he was President of the USA but only in an out of continuity story, Earth X (and maybe other ones too). The argumentation of the OP is broken because he is conflating multiple different versions as the same thing. pre-OMD, post-OMD, Spec cartoon, Earth X etc. By this logic Venom would also be a Gary Stu and so would countless other characters. Superman would be a Gary Stu because he is DC’s Jesus but also DC’s Hitler. 
- The next point is a total strawman. Putting aside how in my experience people throw more shade at Norman than is deserved, even Norman fans like myself do not deny BAD stories with the character exist. What’s ironic is that he has chosen the more obvious targets like the Gathering of Five or the Final Chapter. 
Both of those stories are in most respects much worse than Sins Past and the element that makes Sins past bad isn’t even the fact that Norman slept with Gwen. It’s the simple fact that a woman who was clearly not pregnant in the Romita years apparently was and neither she nor MJ seemed to give a shit about the children after they were born. The further irony of his referencing this story is that he’s framed his argument as Silver Age stans are ignoring stuff like Sins Past. the reality is it is Silver/Bronze Age stans who HATE Sins Past more than anyone else in the Spider-Fandom precisely because  it messes with the stuff they stan
His referencing of the Clone Saga is also divorced from context. Everyone worth their salt is aware Norman was never originally intended as the villain of the Clone Saga. That was a late addition, and noticeably a late addition at a time when the Clone Saga stories being told were on the whole actually good!  Norman’s return story was on balance good!  It got a trade paperback in the 1990s when only the most popular stories got such treatment. It is utterly disingenuous to hold the worst of the Clone Saga up as a Norman Osborn story because those were never written with him in mind as the villain. 
Additionally I do not know why he is referencing Maximum Carnage or Superior Spider-Man. Okay, maybe he means the former is a symbiote story as opposed to a Carnage story specifically. But if he’s trying to prove Norman is a gary Stu but Venom is not why would you treat Maximum Carnage as a general symbiote story rather than cite a Venom specific story? And it still wouldn’t explain citing Superior Spider-Man. This is about contrasting Norman and Venom, what did Doc Ock have to do with any of this?
- Citing Morlun is equally confusing. The point the OP is trying to make is that silver/bronze age fans put Norman on a pedestal and look down on Venom. Putting aside how that really misrepresents the situation, why would you cite a villain who is not only NOT a silver/bronze age character but appeared long after Venom and if anything gets more  disdain than Venom does. Old school fans who dislike Venom or symbiotes on principle do not generally like Morlun, if anything they dislike him more  than Venom as they regard mysticism even more inappropriate for Spider-Man than aliens.
- The OP finally cites the Final Chapter but failed to do it at the appropriate point in his rant and also misrepresents it. He’s conflated the bomb implanted into Aunt May’s head in that story with the revelation that she was impersonated by an actress in ASm #400. He’s combined both characters and events. How do you fuck up that badly? The actress died of natural causes and then much later we got the implanted bomb. Norman never  killed the actress, the actress agreed to work with him specifically because she was already dying. Also the guy’s grammar is messed up. I’m pretty sure ‘operated into her’ isn’t a real phrase.
- ‘A chad lady killer’…um…what? Isn’t that term intended to be slang for a kind of James Bond figure? A ‘man’s man’ who has lots of sex with women? It doesn’t mean a man who kills women is a manly. Whether people use the term chad ironically or sincerely the overwhelming majority aren’t going around proclaiming Jack the Ripper as the ultimate real life Chad. 
- The framing of Norman’s relationship with Gwen is misrepresentative of what happened. It pretends like Norman had se with Gwen specifically to get one over on Peter. He didn’t. He wasn’t even aware he was the Goblin at that time, that Peter was Spider-Man and very likely didn’t know Peter had feelings for Gwen as they weren’t dating at that time. Norman had sex with Gwen because they were both vulnerable and had a moment of passion. 
I’d also question his designating Gwen as Peter’s second love interest. I guess that’d be accurate if you are speaking strictly in terms of Peter’s regular girlfriends. But normally love interest means someone the readers are aware is being framed as potential romantic partner for the protagonist. In this sense Liz was the first love interest, Betty was the second and Gwen was the third. 
- WTF does shit was so cash even mean?
Now for the text.
-A lot of Conway/Romita fans think that Venom is an awful Gary Stu. Ironically they like the post clone saga Norman Osborn who is not even the same character as the one back the in Conway/Romita days.
Yeah, there isn’t a lot. The vast majority of Conway/Romita stans do not like post-Clone Saga Norman.
And is he not the same character s he was before.
From a certain POV that’s true. But that’s chiefly because silver Age Norman was usually an amnesic who wasn’t his true self. His Goblin persona in the Silver Age is actually fairly similar to his post-Clone Saga self. The reason for the different presentation is simply a passage of time. Doc Ock in the 1990s wasn’t presented identically to how he was in the silver age just because times had changed. The Joker wasn’t presented the same way in the post-Killing Joke or Death in the Family eras of Batman as he was back in the 1940s.
The core of the character, that this guy was a real nasty, egotistical, sadistic and power hungry monster? No, that was all the same it was just ramped up. Norman’s ‘ghost’ had evolved in the interim between his death and his return too. In a sense his place and framing within the mythos had always evolved with the times. It’s just that when he came back suddenly that wasn’t a metaphorical ghost but a flesh and blood character.
But the same can be said of any successful character over time as I outlined above. Shit Absolute Carnage depicted Carnage in a way that is not identical to how he was initially presented. But it was most definitily an evolution of that.
- “Despising Harry Osborn when back in the days he simply did not have enough time for him.”
Not true. The first time Norman began to remember he was the Goblin he got passive aggressive towards Harry. When he got his powers he was downright mean to him as depicted in ASM #40. But he also never despised Harry either. Norman always loved Harry in a toxic manner, through neglect or abuse. That was true post-Clone Saga. 
In fact the entire reason Norman initiated the Clone Saga was specifically because he wanted revenge for Harry’s death.
And again, the OP is treating this as a wholesale invention of the post-clone saga era when it wasn’t. Norman being an abusive father was introduced long before anyone was thinking about the Clone Saga. It was established in the Child Within circa 1991 IIRC. Later (when the Clone Saga was being planned I think) it was further explored in Spec annual 1994, but that just added to what we already knew from the forrmer story. Shit, this depiction of Harry and Norman’s relationship was showcased in Untold Tales of Spider-Man. That was both set long before the Clone Saga, IIRC written before Norman’s return was decided upon and written by someone who definitely didn’t agree with his return.
Norman never despised Harry, but he was a shitty Dad. He was a shitty Dad in ASm #40. He didn’t just have no time for Harry, he neglected him specifically because he wanted to gain money and thereby gain power.
Even if you do argue that Norman didn’t despise Harry in the silver age but did post-clone saga, so long as that change was organically introduced that makes it fine. better than fine as that’s simply more dramatically enriching than him being a nice guy who happens to not have time for his son.
- “Also despite what post clone saga stories might have told you he only became a villain because an accident gave him brain damage.”
LOL nope.
a) As I just said, even if this was a retcon of the post-Clone Saga era (which it wasn’t) it made Norman a better  character. A man being bad because he got brain damage is a cliche, lazy, over simplistic explanation for his villainy. It’s also arguably less realistic and actually makes the characetr a lesser villain as some surgery and thereby might be able to fix them. In fact you could argue they are in effect a victim of their brain damage and thereby not accountable for their actions. That’s so much less substantive than someone’s life experiences shaping them into a horrible human being. By this author’s wn logic Doc Ock’s origin (pre-Clone Saga I might add) makes him a LESSER villain because it established that he was actually evil because of his life before his accident. that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back, he didn’t just get a knock to the noggin and wound up evil
b) If Norman’s evilness stems from brain damage how come when he was a nice guy in the silver age neither he nor Harry suggested surgery or medication to help heal that damage? That would’ve meant he’d never have been evil again
c) ASm #40 makes it clear he was a piece of shit BEFORE his accident. He was neglecting his son, railroading his partner, stealing his inventions and power hungry before getting brain damage.
d) You could easily argue Norman was always brain damaged the doctors just mistakenly believed his injuries stemmed from the accident
e) Child Within and Spec Annual 1994 established Norman as a psychopath before he got his powers. Both were written before the Clone Saga. Post-Clone Saga stories like Revenge of the Green Goblin merely built upon this, they didn’t wholesale invent it
“Yes, that’s right with the exception of the animated Spider-Man series from 1994 the pre clone saga Norman Osborn was not some inhuman monster who became insane.”
LOL nope again.
First of all, 1994-cartoon Norman WAS fairly sympathetic before becoming the Goblin. In the show he got a loan from Kingpin and was forced to pay off the debt by targeting Spider-Man. Even if he didn’t initially realise Fisk was a criminal when he got the loan, by the time he did realise going to the police would’ve resulted in him losing his son and/or his life. He wouldn’t be the first man to get in deep with the mob after all.
When his inital effort to kill Spider-Man failed he was forced to give Kingpin his company and attempted to get out from this by assasinating Fisk. This backfired hard endangering his son, but Norman risked his life to save Harry. 
His whole character until season 3 was basically defined by being a morally grey character. he loved his son, he was maybe egotistical and a ruthless businessman but the worst things he did were either on Kingpin’s orders or attempts to free himself of a very powerful and very dangerous controlling force in his life. 
Not a nice man, but a far cry from an inhuman monster or an insane person, at least until he was exposed to the Goblin gas.
SECOND of all if you are an inhumane monster how exactly do you then ‘go insane’? Aren’t they functionally the same thing within the context of the dicussion?
It’s also not representative of canonical Norman. Canonical Norman was a psychopath because of his life experiences and possibly hereditary mental illnesses within the family. The Goblin formula by empowering him sent him on an ego trip.
The OP isn’t even using the commonly held misconceptions about Norman Osborn, he’s just using his own very specific ones. Most people mistakenly believe the Goblin formula drove Norman nuts when ASM #40 just claims the accident gave him brain damage. Over time creators decided the formula itself makes the user nuts. 
“He was a tragic bussinessman who lost his wife and got brain damage after an explosion to his face“
a) Unless I am mistaken there was little word paid to Norman’s wife in the Silver Age. And what little we got never presented Norman as being affected by her passing. That was an invention of the 1990s and 2000s; and a very good one at that. 
b) Yes how tragic a businessman he was to have neglected his son, sought power, rail roaded his partner and stolen his inventions. Obviously none of that is bad. he only became bad after an explosion gave him brain damage.
c) Even if he really was a tragic businessman blah blah blah, that is a LESS EFFECTIVE villain and a LESS complex character than the post-clone saga guy we got
“Becoming a villain after an explosion to the face by the way is also the villain origin for Dr. Octopus so yeah Norman Osborn was not a very original villain even before becoming the Gary Stu version of Lex Luthor.”
I’ve already addressed the idiotic criticism that Norman became a Luthor knock off.
The OP is disingenuous on several levels with his other point as well though.
For starters brain damage was never the sum totality of Norman’s origin as a character. Doc Ock was just a guy who was at best maybe a little odd looking due to his arms then had an accident and became evil. that was it.
Not only was Ott far from the first villain with such an origin, but to sit there and say Norman was unoriginal merely because he also took a boom to the face is moronic. Norman’s life before  his accident made him incredibly different to Otto. It made him comparatively more layered and complex next to the likes of Otto or the other rogues because he wasn’t nice initially, he had this strained relationship with his son and above all else he had this internal denial over his failings as a father. THAT shit doesn’t count as part of his origin? ALL that matters is explosion+brain damage=evil?
That’s obviously moving the goal posts to win.
And it’s a self-defeating argument. Silver Age Norman is bad because he is unoriginal (even though functionally he actually was). Okay, in the 1990s and beyond he got a revised origin that was more original. But that’s bad because changed him from his Silver Age self.
Goal posts. They a movin!
Not to mention as I already said DOC OCK’s origin was also changed so his villainy didn’t just stem from a random accident that knocked his noggin.
So Doc Ock sucks too right?
Finally, I say this as someone who likes Norman AND Venom.
I would never call Venom a Gary Stu. I’ve never even SEEN anyone claim Venom was a Gary Stu. BOTH Norman and Venom get under appreciated.
Fuck i wrote like over 10 essays DEFENDING Venom. 
You can pass my comments onto this idiot if you wish.
*Not necesarilly villains as you can have a villain protagonist, see Superior Spider-Man
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loulougoingsolo · 5 years
Is Annie ok yet?
We are expecting a blizzard later today, and the best way to get through a day like this is to sit by the fire and eat soup. My plan was to make lentil soup today, but today’s GMM inspired me to make minestrone instead - only, I have to make it from scratch. While my soup is simmering on the stove, I think I’ll have just enough time to write this post.
I buy canned soups rarely, but when I do, my go-to canned soup is a tomato soup with mascarpone cheese, and every now and then I buy a can of a very Finnish delicacy, peasoup made from dried peas - only to remember the next day all the reasons why I rarely eat it. I usually prefer to make my own soups, because I’m a bit picky when it comes to soups, and quite frankly, I don’t like the taste of “can”.
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On GMM however, today’s menu consists only of canned soups. Rhett and Link are trying to find the name brands of different soup varieties by tasting four different brands in each round. The first soup variety is chicken noodle, but this time, no bathing is involved - for the most part, only things being dipped into the soups are the spoons.
It’s actually remarkable how similar the different brands look, and yet, they taste nothing alike. You’d imagine the taste, being the most important aspect of any food, would be the thing to imitate, but it sure looks like the appearance matters in knock-off soups as much as it does in knock-off shoes or bags.
Both guys manage to find the chicken noodle name brand Campbell’s, but in the heat of the competition, Rhett also manages to find Link’s finger with his skewer. Should we start a petition to completely ban sharp objects on GMM, not just from Link, but from Rhett also? And somebody, kiss Link’s boo-boo!
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The next round involves a lot of clam chowder. I personally wouldn’t want to eat anything clammy to begin with, but I’d have trouble with a soup that thick even without the clams. And the fact that you can’t really tell what, other than the clams, these soups contain, is really troubling for me. The guys don’t seem to be troubled by this clammy dish at all, although they find out that this time, the name brand wasn’t the best brand.
I really need to give the Mythical Kitchen some more time - I’ve only had time to watch a few of the episodes so far. The podcast is something I’ll definately add to my to-do list, because I have a bit more time to spare to listening things than to watching. And I like a good food debate.
But the next soup is minestrone (mine is about ready right now, and might I say, it turned out perfect). The soup to find in this round is Amy’s, and after tasting all of the soups, Rhett manages to find her soup (there is a Britney Spears refernce waiting to happen here, but I’m not going there), which apparently is not only the most natural one, but also the blandest of these four.
Loaded potato soup looks very similar to clam chowder, and it’s again one of the soups that I would not dip my spoon in. I’d rather have my baked potato on its own with a glass of water than eat it in a soup form - but I’m all for Rhett and Link doing a vlog where they go to the Rotary club, or any club of their choosing, and throw one dollar bills to everyone there.
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Progresso was the name brand to find on this round, as it was on the clam chowder round, and once again, it fails to impress.
Then we move on to tomato soup, and instead of trying to find the iconic Campbell’s tomato soup (not included in this round), the soup to locate is Annie’s. Thanks to Link, the jukebox in my brain is now playing the greatest hits of Michael Jackson - and I’m okay with it. Not sure about Annie though, thanks for asking.
Since Link doesn’t mind eating tomato soup while he dislikes tomatoes, Rhett asks if he’d be open to eating olive soup, too. One of my worst food related memories is a vegetable soup I once had in a somewhat sketchy place. It was called a Greek veggie soup, and it was one of those creamy soups that I hate, with hardly any visible bits or chunks. The taste was absolutely horrible, and after a closer inspection, I could see a tiny speck of a black olive in it. A moment later, I found a piece of lettuce. To this day, I firmly believe we were served the Greek salad of the previous day, only in a soup form. Eww.
But we are talking about tomato soup now. And somehow, about dipping fingers in it. But what the heck did just happen?
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I didn’t see this coming, at all, even when Link took his finger too close to Rhett, but it did. Rhett just dunked Link’s hand in the tomato soup and licked his finger clean. Now, I’m starting to think the fan fic episode really messed up with the guys’ brain. Not that I’m complaining. Because I actually clapped my hands when this happened. I’m all for the guys acting on their instincts, especially if this is the outcome. (But how diva-esque is it that Link, after this happens, just stretches his arm and asks for someone to clean it off-screen?) I know this was not the same hand that Rhett accidentally almost pierced in the earlier round, but I think this classifies as someone kissing Link’g boo-boo.
Well, since Link correctly identifies Annie’s soup, the guys tie this game, and are therefore both known as Souperstars from now on.
Every meal needs to end with a tasty dessert, and today’s dessert, served in GMMore, is s’mores - or to be exact, the More is a Mythical Society voted S’More. I always go for the rhinkiest option in those votes, and I most definately voted for the guys to do the episode while in a shared sleeping bag - but for some reason, I expected to see a two-person version instead of this, rather tight one. (Oh, and I love this new wheel-ending, even if I prefer not to think about a naked and dehydrated ghosts peeing into my ear. I wasn’t freaked out, but I did get chills.)
I remember when Link in a previous S’more, when the guys had to hold hands for the whole episode, made sure to point out that they are just friends, and that he wanted to set some boundaries. Today, while talking about dating his wife, Christy, he told a story about sharing a sleeping bag with her one night on a beach.
“It’s tough to maintain your physical boundaries in a relationship...when sharing a sleeping bag.”
So, yeah, after that, the thing you need to do is to climb into the same sleeping bag with your platonic best friend. But the rule about sharing a sleeping bag is to always keep all hands visible and on the outside. You know, to set physical boundaries and all that.
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Now, because tasting soup powders is, simply put, pretty insane, I’m not going to say much about that. Other than, I need to buy a bag of a soup with broccoli in it and see if they do expand like the little dinosaur capsules, and turn back into real broccoli. I’ll end this post by stating that instead of Michael Jackson, my head is now playing Nelly’s It’s getting hot in herre on repeat - just because Link mentioned the sleeping bag was getting a little too warm.
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dearreader · 4 years
hey just a reminder to not assume people’s sexuality. to understabd when this is more harmful than good i suggest watch dan howells coming out video.
also my sister told me constantly growing up that she would support me if i had a girlfriend, or when my mom made refernce to my future husband my sister would add on “or wife” to it. and while i understand she was just trying to make me feel safe, it seriously made me try harder to be straight. like i’m already questioning why i think about girls and suddenly someone is saying they think i’m gay and would support me no matter what, that made me double down on trying to be straight more and worsened my internalized homo and biphobia.
also assuming someones sexuality is just fucking rude expecually when they are constantly saying that’s not it. like stop it.
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dartiri11 · 4 years
The Chosen Hero (Zelda Botw fanstory pt2)
Since he met the golden wolf, Soren couldn't sleep. He thought about it all night. "If he is able to pull it, he is the Chosen hero" His son was only five years old. His King was already searching for the legendary blade. If he finds it, and Link is able to pull it...
Soren spent days and nights with Hyrule's ancient history. Hoping to find a hole in the wolf's prophecy. Useless. It was always the same. The hero and the princess had to fight against a terrible beast. Sometimes the hero even died. But Hyrule was always rescued. Every time.
Soren's wife often asked if something was wrong. But he couldn't tell her. It was too much for him and he didnt want to strain her or their family.
"Daddy, what are you doing?" Link stood next to him and wad looking at the history books on his fathers desk.
"I'm just reading some stories. But they are nothing for you, Kiddo." He answered and picked up his son. "Come on, let's go playing with your sister." But Link was still watching the books. "No, tell me! What stories are they?"
The royal guard sighned. "Stories about heros. Heros who went on adventures to rescue a beautyful princess. And had to defeat monsters, which has snatched the princess." He said with a cheering smile towards Link
"I want to be a hero too! A hero like you, Daddy! One day i will be just like you. Without fears and fighting against monsters." Link smiled at his father and punshed the air where he was probably imagining some monsters. His father tried to smile back.
Soren looked worried at his sons left hand. The triangle-symbol was horrifying. He closed his eyes and tightened the hug. When Soren opened his eyes a few seconds later, he looked out of the window. It was dark outside.
Through all the searching he hadn't noticed the time. Outside was a low light. Flittering. He looked exactlier towarts it. Suddely he felt cold. He felt freezing.
In the middle of the town, on an empty street. There he was standing. The golden wolf. Watching them.
His son's tender voice tore him out of his thoughts. "Whats wrong, Daddy?" He looked at Links worried face and tried to smile. "Nothing Linkie. Dont worry." He looked out of the window again. The wolf was still there. Now sitting. The golden animal gave him the same look like in the woods a few days ago. Compassion. Like he was sorry.
Soren took his son to bed and went downstairs. He left the house and went to the place, the wolf sat before. He looked around searching for a golden shine. But then he saw a golden fluffy tail vanishing befind a corner. He ran towars to it and went ingnorant into a hide and seek game.
The royal guard ran throgh the whole town. The only refernce points he had were a softly howl or a part of a tail here and there. It was dark and he felt cold. But that didnt matter. He wanted to meet him again and find out something useful. He rushed through the streets without looking at his sorroundings. He was just fixed to follow the wolf.
When he finally saw the wolf sitting at one place, he noticed that he stood right before his own house. The wolf led him around in a circle.
"W-why? Why do you play with me? Why cant you just my son grow in peace?! Are you the one who chose him?!" The wolf showed nothing.
"Youre not afraid. You would follow me anywhere to protect your son. You wont stop. Not until you found the end. Even when your way is a circle." The creature answered his question. "Anyway, youve read the history of Hyrule. Right?"
Why does that matter? Why does the strange thing want to know?
"Good. Then you should know that im not the one, who have chosen him. He was chosen by the godess Hylia. All heros had no choice. They had to fight or die. But never alone. Maybe this time the hero will have more Allies." The wolf told him.
"And whatever happens, i wont let your son die. I promise." He said determined. "But you have to promise me somthing too."
Soren nodded.
"The king will find the Master Sword soon. And your son will pull it." He sat up again. "Give him the training i never had."
He left the guard and started walking along the empty street. Suddely the wolf turned into a little boy in a green tunic. He grew taller and a golden armour appeared around him. The man which was a wolf a few secons ago turned around and Soren saw red and blue marks in his face. His one eye was closed and had a scar over it. The man looked at him and smiled before he fell into golden dust and was carried away by the wind.
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hedlund-hunnam · 5 years
Triple Frontier: Bond of Brotherhood Chapter Three: Tom “Redfly” Davis
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Thomas Davis had few things that he cherished in life. His family and his dedication to the Special Forces. His driven nature and stern leadership made him idolised by many and cherished by his band of brothers. He loved his girls more than anything else, however he missed being on active duty so much it drove him to drink. To become distant from the ones he loves. He needed something that will change his way of looking at life, and fast.
“The one thing I got is taking care of these girls”
Thomas Michael Davis was born into one would say a troubled home, no direction and no sense of belonging. His father, Samuel, a raging alcoholic with nothing better to do that have a beer bottle to his lip or beating on his only son. Thomas loathed his father and everything to do with him. He vowed one day to be a better father to his children. There would be days on end that he would come home to his father passed out on the couch and would have to raise himself. He was a vey independent boy, and would grow into a very independent man. He craved to be the father he never had. One that his children could be proud of. Look up too. Love. He vowed that one day that would happened and that is exactly what he did.
Tom enjoyed high school and was dedicated to completing it and enjoyed the fact that he finally had control of something, he can decide where his life goes. He excelled in everything he put his mind too and would continue to do that for the rest of his life. He was class president, Captain of his football team and had his dream girl wrapped around his finger. His girlfriend throughout high school, Molly was his everything. She was the head cheerleader, yet had a very smart head on her shoulders. Her dedication and love to everything she did is what made Tom fall head over heels for her. He knew one day he wanted to marry her and start a family. And that is exactly what he did.
March 25th 2004, Tessa Marie Davis was born. The day he was waiting for his entire life. He became a dad. Holding his baby girl for the first time was when he felt true love. Her big blue eyes staring up at him with nothing but pure love and admiration. He vowed that day to be the best father he could possibly be, the father he never had. Molly, the love of his life had married a few years later and it was the fairytale Tom had planned for his entire life. His plan was going exactly as he wanted. Then, the special forces found him. He had thought and contemplated about joining the special forces unit a bit throughout high school, and had always had that in the back of his mind. To be a leader was something Tom was used to and excelled at. So he then took the biggest risk of his life and signed up for the challenge of a lifetime.
Tom ‘Redfly’ Davis began his years throughout the special forces as an operative with a skill set men would pray at night for. He was a soldier every man wanted to be, and a leader every man looked up to. His unit was fast, cunning and successful at every mission and duty that was thrown their way. He had his favourites that was for sure. Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia, a cunning and brave man that always strived for the next best thing. He was a wiseass but was always dedicated to his brothers in arms. William ‘Ironhead’ Miller, the calm and collected one with a temper that many men feared. He would count everything, his steps, his tracks, and his kills. He was a brave soldier and dedication to his family was admirable. Finally, there was Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales a sarcastic individual with a smile too match. The best pilot there ever was, and his talent in the air was never unnoticed. For four years these men fought along side one another and the bonds that were created were nothing short of strong. Towards the end of those four years Will’s younger brother Ben joined the forces and Tom was a little apprehensive of someone so young joining his unit of men he has trained with for years, but once he saw the talent that the young man had, he was sure he would be destined for great things. They had finally completed their team, their unbreakable force to be reckoned with. No greater team existed and no greater leader. Tom ‘Redfly’ had finally found his passion and his life couldn't be better.
Then came the end of his services. He was spit back into society with no plan, no goals, absolutely no idea what he was going to do with himself so he then chose to create a new life for himself back home with his girls. His now teenage daughter was starting high school and his relationship with Molly was sitting in the balance. He lost his motivation and didn't know where his life was heading. He began a job in realestate selling condos by the beach to older couples looking to retire away in paradise. He couldn't sell a condo to save his life and his growing depression towards life was present in his relationship with his daughter and his wife. 
Molly had filed for divorce and he lost all connection with Tess. He had no plan and that killed Tom. He had little money left and bills starting pilling up so he turned to drinking to help him cope. He had turned into the man he had never wanted to be. His father. He needed his skill set back and to be able to use all of his skills for his own benefit. And that was when Santiago, came back into his life after being deployed away for three years trying to make a life for himself as well with a plan. A plan that had Tom hesitant at first but knew that he would be right back where he needed to be.
For Mental Refernce: This is Tom, training for recruitment into the special forces. Let’s say he definitely got in.
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Whiskey, Sweetheart: Part 13
Pairing: Norman Reedus x OFC, Past JDM x OFC Warnings: RPF, Smut, Language, Breif Violence, Jealousy, Angst, Older man/Younger Woman.
Series Masterlist
Summary: After Jeffrey’s neglect pushed her away and into the arms of his best friend, Norman and Ky have to figure out if their new relationship can withstand not only the aftermath of the unspeakable crime they commited to keep her safe, but the backlash that comes from being co-workers with a very betrayed Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
A/n: This is the Sequel to Anytime, Sweetheart and The Conquests of Norman Reedus. You’ll probably be a bit confused if you haven’t read Conquests yet, though, or at least the Finale, but you could probably figure it out on your own if you don’t want to. But I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to, lol.
*This chapter will have refernces to the Kuolema/Ville story I wrote at the beginning of the year, which can be found in the RPF Masterlist where the rest of the series is located, but it’s not something that will be detrimental. If you’ve already read TCoNR, then you’ll know who Lema is, and the story of her and Norman :)
Everything tags:@aquivercactus  @srj1990@dragongirl420@docharleythegeekqueen @jesbakescookies  @make-things-beautiful2 @through-thesilver-lining@sorenmarie87  @daddy-kink-confirmed@redm81 @heyitscam99 @kazosa@blacklightguidesnic@fandomoniumflurry @his-paradox@keepcalmimthecupcake @ambeazyyy @wilde-abandon
JDM TAGS: @jdmfanfiction @jeffreydeanneganstrash
Norman tags: @reedusteinrambles @jodiereedus22 @dollycrybaby
Whiskey, Sweetheart: @elinyaes @jml509@xagateophobiax@missghoul18   @beffyblueeyes  @foreveror-never @zombeeemomeee @jackybehappy   @journeyrose
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Our ride to Santa’s Workshop the next morning was pleasant despite the freezing temperatures. After bitching enough to Norman about his ventures in speeding and the fact that my eyebrows were going to freeze off if he didn’t slow it down, he kept to a reasonable speed to where I could actually enjoy the ride and take in the beautiful terrain around us. After the two hour ride to the small village that was blanketed in slow, we arrived at Santa’s Workshop and were greeted by the Big Man himself.
“Ho Ho Ho! Welcome to my workshop!” The actor portraying Santa beamed, his Finnish accent thick. He had a bright smile on his rosy cheek as he ushered us into a large wooden cabin, the warmth of the room enveloping us instantly. 
“I hear that you saw the Aurora yesterday, did they treat you well?” The jolly man asked as he let himself fall into one of the decadent chairs beside the roaring fireplace. Norman and I occupied the comfortable looking couch across from him, the camera crew surrounding us to get the best shot of the conversation.
“We did, it was beautiful,” Norman replied, smile curling his face as he bobbed his head. He turned to look at me and throw and arm over my shoulder, beaming, “I’m glad we got to do it. This has been a wild trip for sure.”
“Well I hope you see all there is to see here, and enjoy your trip through Finland, Now, join us for story time.” He smiled warmly as a group of other tourists came in and gathered around the man. The children sat on the floor in front of him, the parents and other adults fathered around on the other sides of the couch we were sitting on. The man went into what was obviously a rehearsed greeting while he pulled out a rather large book from the sack that sat beside his chair. 
I listened intently as he read everyone the traditional Christmas tales, as well as some of the legends and stories that were based in the Arctic Laplands. Once the man was finished we gathered with the other groups outside and wandered around the area, taking pictures in front of the giant snowman and playing wtih the beautiful Husky puppies that were raised there.
We had lunch at the small coffee cafe, the crew fascinated with making sure they got the perfect shot of Norman burning his tongue when taking a sip of his coffee.
Afterwards we ventured through the Reindeer sanctuary, taking the snowmobile tour and sleigh rides. Watching Norman try to drive a sleigh was probably funnier than the sight of him getting a blow job in a chicken suit.
OR the sight of me, giving him said blow job in said chicken suit.
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I giggled at Norman as we munched on the food that was in front of us. We were back at the Apukka resort, spending the night before heading to Helsinki in the morning. We had ordered a bunch of stuff from the restaurant near by, and had locked ourselves in our room after the camera crew had retired to gorge. He was currently doing a little dance for the taste of whatever that he’d stuffed his mouth with.
“Fat ass,” I chuckled, popping a piece of potato in my mouth and smirking as he flipped me off. Holding my mouth open, i mumbled, “GImme some”
“Fat ass,” Norman mimicked, holding his fork out to me. I took the food in my already half-full mouth, my cheeks bulging as I chewed, earning me a snort from him, “How do you not weigh seven hundred pounds?”
“Good genetics,” I muttered before swallowing. I winked at him after wiping my mouth with my napkin, smirking at his dramatic eyeroll. 
“You ready for tomorrow?” He asked as he wiped his own face and closed his container of food before getting up off the bed to put it away, “Gonna be a long ride.”
“Don’t remind me,” I whined, closing my own lids and handing it to him as well, “Ten hours in the snow on the back of the bike? I’m gonna have hypothermia. Ville Valo better be worth it.”
“Did you just say ‘Ville Valo?’” Norman asked as he suddenly stopped on his way back into the bed, his eyes narrowing. 
“Uh, yeah,” I replied back, quirking my eyebrow, “He’s the lead singer of HIM.”
Norman’s eyes closed as he sighed deeply, his head shaking from side to side before he looked to the ceiling and chuckled, “Of fucking course he is.”
“Something wrong?” I asked, my head ticking to the side in curiosity.
“No, nothing’s wrong, it’s just...gonna probably be awkward as fuck meeting him...again.” Norman sighed as he crawled under the covers with me, propping his head up on his knuckles.
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“I met him last year when I was in Helsinki doing a photography thing with a friend of mine. He picked them up from the bar we’d been partying at.”
“And it’s gonna be awkward tomorrow because...?” I trailed off, prompting him to continue as he rolled over onto his back and scrubbed his face as it turned red.
“I kinda went back to my hotel with his soon-to-be ex wife...” He confessed when he removed his hands from his face and rolled back over to look at me, “And kinda shared some words with him about being a douche I think.”
“What?!” I screeched, rolling over myself to hide my burning face as I busted out laughing, “You fucked Kuolema Valo?!”
“Uh, well, yeah, but I didn’t know who either of them are at the time.” Norman answered, obviously still slightly embarrassed.
“Holy shit. My boyfriend fucked one of the hottest chicks in the entire fucking planet. She’s fucked Ville! By proxy, do you know what that means?” I asked excitedly, sitting up and rolling him onto his back so I could lay across his chest.
“What, babe?” Norman chuckled, brushing the hair back that had fallen in my face as I stared down at him in awe.
“I FUCKED VILLE VALO!” I concluded loudly, kissing him deeply and diving my tongue into his mouth. 
“Jesus, girl, you’re crazy,” Norman laughed once he pulled away from me, his hands wandering down my back to squeeze my ass, “You gonna leave me for him tomorrow if he gives you the chance or somethin’?”
“Maybe,” I replied teasingly, earning me a chuckle from him as he kneaded my ass some more, “She’s so fucking hot, dude. Was it good?”
“Whiskey, I’m not telling you that.” He snorted, attempting to distract me by kissing on my neck and jaw.
“Was she better than me?” I asked curiously, pulling away from his lips to quirk another haughty eyebrow at him, “Should I be jealous?”
Snorting again as he tried to hold back his laugh, Norman rolled his eyes before rolling me over onto my back so he could hover over me. He attacked my neck again with his lips and teeth, a low growl emitting from his throat as goosebumps flushed across my skin.
 “Ain’t no one better’n you, Whiskey,” He rasped, his voice low and gritty and dirty as one of his huge palms covered my breast to grope it, “Ain’t know one you gotta be jealous of.”
“Good,” I panted, wrapping my legs around his waist as we became tangled in the sheets, and in each other.
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I was pretty proud of myself when I late a total of three whole hours on the back of Norman’s bike in the freezing cold weather. Norman was less than amused, though. 
“You know, the show is called Ride with Norman Reedus,” He griped into his helmet’s headset, “The point is to kinda...ride with me.”
“Honey, I don’t know if you understand this but your girlfriend weighs 100 pounds soaking wet and isn’t trying to die.” I retorted back into the microphone attached to me in the comfy, warm Suburban that was following Norman. 
“Pretty sure you said somethin’ of that nature the first time I met you.” Norman rasped through the line, making me roll my eyes.
“Pretty sure I did, too, babe.” I retorted back, earning me a chuckle him as revved the bike’s engine and rushed forward in front of the camera crew, flipping me off through the window as he passed.
It was only a couple hours later into the ride that the roads got too bad for the motorcycle and Norman had them load it up into the tailor so he could join me in the warmth. He instantly pressed his frozen fingers into the small of my back, wincing when I let out a shrill screech into his ear. 
We spent the rest of the way having random conversations about things we normally would never talk about as the camera man ‘directed’ us. You could tell that it was almost awkward because it’s not like he could talk about the details of the first time we met, or how we got together, or anything else having to do with our relationship. 
It was a very, very long drive.
Traffic is a mother fucking bitch wherever you are in the world. Add snow, and it’s worse. 
By the time we even got into Helsinki, we didn’t have time to even check into the hotel room much less make the dinner reservations that we’d planned, and were rushed to the spot where the concert was being held immediately. 
Try doing your makeup on a bumpy ass road, with your boyfriend trying to change clothes and knocking into you, with a camera pointed in your face. Yeah, not fun. 
Per usual, I looked like a raccoon. Whatever.
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I was going to die. That was all there is to it. 
Norman had made sure that we were towards the front of the stage, surrounded by security when it was time for the band’s performance. He stood behind me with his hands on my hips until The drummer, whom I didn’t recognize, walked out, followed by Mige, Burton, and Linde. I immediately started screaming when Ville joined them, his deep voice rasping a greeting in Finnish that I didn’t even mind not understanding. 
Bending down to kiss my temple as I swooned, Norman teased, “You really weren’t kidding, were you?”
“Shut up,” I snapped back, smacking him in the chest with the back of my hand, “He’s still talking.”
After the brief introduction, Linde started playing out the beginning notes to my favorite song, and Norman would have sworn I’d lost my damn mind.
I climbed up on to his shoulders like he was a fucking tree, earning me a lot of grunts and “what the fucks” from him as I made myself comfortable to get the best view. 
“She's smiling like heaven is down on earth Sun is shining so bright it hurts All her wishes have finally com true Her heart is weeping.  Happiness is killing her. She'll be right here in my arms So in Love She'll be right here in these arms She can't let go”
“You are, absolutely, the best boyfriend any human being could possibly ever ask for,” I rasped hoarsely as we made our way out of the auditorium towards the back stage area. The camera guy said that they had everything that they needed, so they headed back to the hotel to prepare for the flight home the next day.
Norman had his arm thrown over my shoulders as he kissed the crown of my sweaty head, squeezing me tighter into his side, “Happy Valentines Day, Whiskey.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, babe.” I cooed back as I stepped up onto my tippy toes to press a kiss to his lips as we were ushered in to what appeared to be a green room of sorts. I instantly recognized two of the band members from another Finnish band that I listened to, Jussi and Jyrki from The 69 Eyes. Jyrki stood up from his seat with a smile, barking out a hello to Norman as he extended his hand for him to grasp and pull him into a hug. 
“It’s so good to see you, friend, long time.” Jyrki said excitedly, patting Norman on the back before turning his attention to me, “You must be Kylin, it’s nice to meet you.”
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“It’s nice to meet you too, sir,” I squeaked out nervously, placing my sweaty palm into his hand. He kissed the back of mine and gave me a soft smile as I grinned at him stupidly, “I love all of ya’ll’s stuff, I wish we would’ve been able to get here to see ya’ll play.” 
“If that’s not the cutest fuckin’ Southern accent I’ve ever heard in my entire life!” Was suddenly heard as the door opened. Turning to see who it was, my eyes widened as Bam Margera walked in, followed by Ville and Kuolema. 
I immediately started sweating again, my mouth hanging open in awe as Bam shook hands with Norman, “Big fan, man.”
“Same here,” Norma rasped back, throwing his arm around my shoulders, “This is my girlfriend, Kylin.”
“Nice to meet ya, where’s that accent from?” Bam inquired, extending his hand while lifting an eyebrow.
My mouth kinda flopped around like a fish sucking air for a moment, before Norman practically smacked me on the back of my head and back into reality, “Uh..Uh... Texas, I”m from Texas.”
“Well, Tex, this here is Ville Valo and his beautiful wife Lema, but of course you prolly already knew that. Willie, this is-”
“Norman Reedus, I know.” Ville drawled lazily, cooling holding his hand out to shake Norman’s, “Surely, Bammy, you remember the story of when he fucked my wife.”
Kuolema’s mouth dropped as she gawked at her husband, slapping him in the chest before snapping something in Finnish that I could only assume to be a scolding, Her bright eyes turned to me as her face reddened, “Please excuse my husband, it’s nice to meet you” She asked in English, her accent thick as she sighed deeply before flicking her eyes to my boyfriend, “It’s good to see you again, Norman.”
“You too, sweetheart,” Norman replied with a small smile. 
I looked back up to Ville, who was glaring daggers at Norman without much subtly, smiling at him as I said, “I really loved the show, ya’ll are like...my favorite band ever.” 
“Good thing Norman here knows all the right people then, huh, love?” Ville deadpanned with a sarcastic smile.
“Anybody want anything to drink?” Jussi called from his spot at the makeshift bar as he pulled out two bottles of Vodka. 
“I’ll take a wine, veli!” Kuolema called back, before gesturing to me, “Do you want anything, darling?”
“Oh..uh, no thanks, I’m good,” I smiled back, internally grimacing when Norman quirked an eyebrow at my denial of alcohol.
“You okay, babe? You sure youd don’t want some Whiskey, sweetheart?” Norm asked curiously, looking down at me with his face furrowed.
“I’m fine, Norm. Just don’t feel like drinking tonight,” I shrugged easily, smiling up at him and hoping he would’t question it. 
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“Alright, then, well, I’m drankin’, so I’ll be back,” Norman said as he squeezed me closer into this side, “You gonna be alright for a  minute or are you gonna embarrass yourself?”
“I’ll probably embarrass myself, but I’ll be okay,” I chuckled, earning me a giggle from Kuolema and Ville before Norman sauntered away to find Jussi. 
Kuolema led us to the couches and I sat on the opposite side of one of them as the couple, smiling like a creeper as I tried to realize that what was actually going on was reality. Bam plopped down into the chair closest to me, taking a sip of his Redbull as he leaned back, “So how you likin’ Finland, Tex?”]
“It’s cold,” I replied back with a smirk, nodding my head, “And snowier than New York or even Vancouver.”
“Your brother’s in that demon show, right? Supernatural or whatever? They film in Vancover?” Bam asked.
“Yeah, Jensen films in ‘Couver and I follow him around sometimes. I work for another one of the cast members as their assistant so I’m constantly up there. It’s a different kinda cold though.” I replied.
“That’s how I feel with Pennsylvania and here, it may be the same temperature, but the air is different,” Kuolema added as she took the offered glass from Jyrki, who smiled at me again before waling back over to where Norman and Jussi were talking. 
“So how did you meet Norman?” Kuolema asked, taking another sip of her wine and ignoring the annoyed look on Ville’s face.
“Oh, uh...” I huffed out a laugh, “I met him through my ex, Jeff. It’s a long story.”
Jesus, if I ever needed a fucking drink...
“Norman fancies things that belong to other people, huh?” Ville snickered, his eyebrow raising haughtily. Bam almost choked on his Redbull.
Good Lord...
“Um, it’s a little bit more complicated then that, actually.” I smiled politely back, internally appalled that this was what my first time meeting my idol consisted of. It was taking all of my willpower to not instinctually snap back at the man, go off on him, and storm out of the room, but I knew these were Norman’s friends and I had to behave, despite the most uncomfortable Valentines Day this was turning into be, “Um, I’m getting’ thirsty, so, um, I’m gonna go find Norm and get a drink. It really was nice to meet you, Ville, I’ve been a huge fan for years.”
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I stood up from my spot on the couch at the same time Kuolema did. She grabbed me by the hand , winding our elbows together as we stepped over Bam’s feet. She gulped down the rest of the red liquid in her glass and said, “I’ll come with you. I’m needing a refill.”
Behind us, Bam could be heard bitching at Ville in what sounded like Finnish. Raising my eyebrows, I asked her about it.
“Oh, yeah, he kinda picked up on a lot of it over he years, plus with me in the house he gets to hear all the really good insults,” she answered with a giggle, her lips winding into a Cheshire grin as she looked over her shoulder as we approached Norman, Jussi, and Jyrki. The two band members greeted us again, snuggling Kuolema between them over dramatically as Norman tucked me into his side and kissed my temple. His breath already faintly smelled of Jack Daniels, and I smirked up at him at the goofy grin plastered on his face.
“You have brothers, don’t you, Kylin?” Lema asked as she pushed the two men off of her, regaining my attention,  “Isn’t it horrible?”
“Ya’ll’re siblings? Wow, I never knew that.” I replied with wide eyes.
“Long story,” She smirked, eyes flicking from mine to Norman again. I nodded my head with a snort in return before turning my head up to the man digging his nails into my back under my jacket.
“I think we’re about to get out of here, we got an early flight int he mornin’.” He rasped without looking away from me, getting a giggle from Kuolema in reply. 
“Awh, really? Leaving so early?” Jussi complained with a whine, distracting Norman from me for a second and gaining a laugh from him.
“Sorry, man. Time zones are a bitch and she’s gotta be all over this next week.” Norman sighed, pulling away from me to shake the two men’s hands and give Lema a quick hug goodbye. I gave her a hug as well and waved to everyone else as Norman practically dragged me out of the building, that devilish smile curling onto his face as his fingers dug into mine.
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“Now it’s time for you to get your real gift, sweetheart,” Norman teased, his eyes darkened as he climbed onto the bed to hover over me.
“And what would that be, babe?” I teased back, bucking my hips into his obvious hardon as he wedged my thighs open with his knees. 
“Oh, I think you know, girl.” He grinned as he rutted his dick into my panties, hi hands lifting up the over-sized shirt I’d worn to bed. It slipped over my head easily, and a growl left his lips at the sight of my exposed nipples. 
“These things are getting bigger, Whiskey,” He commented before attaching his lips to a sensitive nub, gently caressing the other with his large palm. I writhed below him, arching my back into his mouth as he devoured me whole. My panties came off shortly after, followed by what few clothes he’d been wearing as well. 
He grasped his throbbing cock in his hand as he swirled the head around into my soaking folds, earning a desperate moan from me as I dug my own fingers into my hair and needily bit my lip. Another growl left him as he forced himself inside me, not stopping until every bit of him was perfectly seated inside me. 
I gasped at the fullness, always never completely ready for the stretch that my body had to make to accommodate him. He wasted no time in pulling out and thrusting again, a deep, feral moan vibrating through him and into me. I let out a loud mewl myself, my legs securing themselves around his waist as he set his pace. 
Our bodies moved in sync with each other as we scratched and groped and heaved, our pants and wails probably heard through the hotel complex. 
“Fuck, yes, take it, baby,” He snarled as his teeth sunk into my shoulder, my hands grasping at his sweaty hair as I keened. My orgasm washed over me unexpectedly, my shrill cry and tightening walls the only warning he had before my body gripped him like a vice, successfully spilling him over the edge as well. He came deep inside of me with a harsh roar, his hot seed filling me and leaking onto the sheets. 
He collapsed next to me for a moment to catch his breath before getting up and going to the bathroom for a wash cloth. He came back and kneeled onto the bed between my legs, wiping the traces of his mess while watching my face with a smile. 
My heart fluttered, wondering if he was going to say anything about my lack of concern for the obvious accident he’d made. He said nothing , though, just watched me as I bit my lip and returned his grin while he cleaned me off. 
He threw the rag in the direction of the bathroom before curling up under the covers with me, his body molding into mine like it always did.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Whiskey.” He rasped before kissing my shoulder and neck, “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” 
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