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aledethanlast · 1 day ago
Why do you think Mathilda is hiding Jeremy's papers 🤔
Short answer: because Jeremy is the only one of her kids who will piss on her if she were on fire, and she knows it.
Long answer: because Mathilda consistently, across every family story, makes shit decisions that feed into her own wants in the short and mid term, even as they make everyone else miserable.
Trent Knox told her from the outset of their relationship that he would not make any concessions in his career for their family, and she still chose to have 5 kids by him before she left.
We don't know much about the transitory period when Knox became Wilshire, but we can only assume that the sudden political connection is when the now-Wilshires became image-obsessed to the point of using their entire neighborhood as a spy network, not to mention Warren's brazen leveraging of his family's influence in law enforcement.
Bryson is selling Jeremy prescription drugs and then cocaine, but it's a higher priority to pay off his boyfriend to go away. Noah's mental state turns bad, then worse, but Mathilda won't bother with the subject past blaming Jeremy for setting a poor example.
Then it blows up. Because of fucking course it's going to blow up. But Mathilda is a rich woman with a rich husband, and they've got one answer for everything: throw money at it until it goes away. They bury Dexter, they bury the drugs, they bury the police reports, they bury Jeremy's addiction.
But there is no amount of money that makes Joshua, her youngest living son, be willing to stay in the same house as the rest of them, and has to be sent to live with his grandfather in DC. And I think that's what makes her panic and tighten her hold so much on the rest of them.
Annalise is "allowed" to live alone in her mid-twenties, and Bryson gets to go to college across the country, but Jeremy has described them as emotionally checked out since he was in high school. Two books in, we have yet to hear either of them say something kind. They are here because complying is marginally easier than fighting.
Jeremy is the last one still truly in the house, the last one Mathilda can exercise complete control over, and the last one willing to tell her how much it hurts him.
She knows what she's doing. She knows that if Jeremy had any choice in the matter he would get as far away from her as he possibly could and never, ever come back. But he is also the last of her children who hasn't yet given up on seeing her as a loving mother.
This is why she hides every document he needs to get away from her. Why she tightens her grip even when she can see his face turning blue. Mathilda can't accept that her children hate her, and will justify any abuse to keep hold of the last one willing to look her in the eye and say he loves her, even if it breaks him.
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starving-mimi · 22 hours ago
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and now as a sidenote, it's time for mimi rambling/ PSA ! (which might sounds dickish here and there)
I've seen an absolute sudden increase in "daily [characters] blog"[which consist, for those who don't know, of drawing a certain character or thing everyday (or trying to)] and as somebody who's been posting daily for over 2 years (if you ignore small breaks i took on rarer occasion here and there) I feel like I'm in a position where I can say things about these kinds of blogs.
if you're the owner of one of these kind blogs or think about making one, this message's for you
to current owners of such blogs:
do not FORCE yourself to draw/post everyday, much less MULTIPLE TIMES a day
even though it's the goal of these kinds of blogs, do not tell yourself that just because it has DAILY in the name, you NEED to post everyday. Use queue if needed, don't post if you don't feel like it.
You're going to burnout sooo quickly if you just draw slop because you don't want to skip a day, no one LIKES slop posts made just to fill in the day, trust me, i have many! No one is going to hunt you down for forgetting a day or even mention it to you or anything! (or at worse if you know you'll have a period of innactivity, make a post about it to your followers that you can later delete if you really want)
Don't try answering requests as soon as possible just because you don't want to "disappoint" people or whatever! you owe people nothing, and especially not a "quick reply", again, you'll burn out if you force yourself into doing people's request
also this might be more of a personal opinion, but, please keep it to posting once a day (or like twice if absolutely needed), if you're just going to post a ton a day, might as well just post to a main where you just so happen to also post daily (also lazier posts made only because you want to rush multiple drawings every day are just bruh.)
to people considering making one of these blogs:
honestly, don't. You want to challenge yourself into drawing everyday? Do that on your main blog! You have too many doodles/art and want to post it all? Post it on your main! Don't put yourself under the limitations of having a blog specifically for DAILY posting, especially for a SINGLE character. Even if you love a character, you WILL get bored/burned out/just out of ideas for what to even draw with only ONE character
Sure it's cool and everyone else is doing it, but you're also putting yourself under unnecessary stress and limits. Not only your art, but yourself will suffer of these limits eventually
You trust and know yourself enough to know you WILL post daily on that blog? AND won't let it take so much over your life and schedule that you feel terrible when you don't post/decide to abandon it? Then make one, who am i to stop you ig
You wanna make one on a whim because everyone else is doing it and it looks fun? But you don't know if you're going to actually hold up to posting everyday? Yet again, don't. Don't make one. Just post on your account, let people know you by your username, not because of some gimmick (like I mean, ppl know me as (starving-)mimi, not as "daily dst funny" or whatever, do you really want to be only known as "that person who draws [character] everyday" and not as yourself? If you do then ig go make one, but I think it's much nicer to be recognised for who you are than to be just known as "that person who draws a character daily")
tl;dr: don't put yourself under the curse of silly daily posting on a whim just because everyone else is doing it and it's the current trend, and don't post slop art just because you don't want to skip a day POST SLOP BECAUSE YOU WANNA TORTURE PEOPLE WITH IT BHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA cough, i mean. cough.
this might all seems very obvious, but i think people don't realise that daily posting isn't always as fun as it seems :')
TL;DR FOR THE TL;DR post daily cuz you got too much stuff to post that is just too good to all dump in a single post, not just because everyone else is doing it and you find the people daily posting cool and want to get in on the trend
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balkanradfem · 23 hours ago
To make a pond + Earthworks!
I've been enamored by the idea that I could build my own pond in the future, but when I started looking into it (typing 'how to build a pond into youtube'), all people did was put a big plastic tarp into a landscape and add water inside. That wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't about to bring a plastic tarp in my environment, and it was obvious that once the tarp gets damaged and punctured, the water would drain into the soil and the pond would be no more. That's no fun.
Unable to immediately find a better way, I turned to my own brain to figure this out. There were natural ponds in the world, and somehow they didn't need a tarp to hold all that water in. Artificial lakes existed, and for sure there weren't any tarps holding the water in. Rivers don't drain easily, and they usually have a lot of sand on the bottom – but sand is a very drainable material, so that's probably not it.
I stumbled upon an interesting piece of information when I was learning about rocks. By some definitions, ice is also a type of rock, so there was a lesson on icebergs. I found out there that sometimes icebergs split apart and travel in the water, and when a huge chonk ends up in a non-icy landscape, it eventually melts and it turns into a lake. There were pictures of lakes that looked like they had no business being in that landscape, but were there because an iceberg had melted there. The water didn't drain or ran off, why? I assumed it was because the iceberg was so heavy it compacted the soil underneath, and the compacted clay was enough to hold the water in.
So I started playing with the idea that if I locate a soil with high percentage of clay, and then dig a pond, and then line the bottom with the highest-density clay I can find, and then I redirect all water from the landscape to go towards that pond, maybe I could make a little pond in there. Possibly it would dry out during the summer but for the rest of year, having a natural pond would be very nice. I wasn't sure if this logic would hold but then I also couldn't see why not. Clay doesn't drain easily and there's lots of it deep underground. I would grab a shovel and try.
I got an additional piece of information reading a book about collecting and filtering rainwater to make it drinkable; the book recommended before you do anything about this, you need to learn about 'Earthworks', a system of modifying the earth's surface to keep as much water in as possible, and to redirect it to where you want it. I immediately liked this, because I had already planned to do that, but I was interested in tried and true methods. So I looked it up, and one of the first videos I've found, was of people deciding to make a natural pond in the forest. They found the most dense clay-rich ground, dug to see if it was super dense and non-draining deep in. Then they created a dam to stop water from flowing past the pond, and redirected all rainwater that would fall into the forest, towards the pond. And it worked. It filled out within a month or two. It wasn't draining away.
I felt so vindicated, the logic I had put together in my head was real and I could see how other people did it in real life! And I learned about berms and swales; they're methods of making your ground uneven, so it could take in and hold more rainwater. Berms are little hills you make that have good drainage, and swales are shallow canals you make inbetween the hills; they hold the rainwater, stop it from flowing away from your property, and redirect it to where you want it to, for instance to irrigate a garden, fill a pond, or to water a big tree you want to grow.
The methods of keeping rainwater from evaporating are currently relevant, because the climate is getting unstable, and rain is no longer as consistent as it has been in the past. I've noticed that we now get tons of rain in the spring, winter and fall, but next to none in the summer, creating a drought. The forests and the animals feel it too; they struggle to survive the summer, and a lot of plants and animals die from lack of hydration, which they didn't need to deal with beforehand. There's also less ground covered by old resilient trees and foliage that keeps the water in the landscape; clean cutting forests means dry ground, water evaporating, streams and canals drying up, trees drying up because of no water supply.
The people who were building a pond in the forest were not doing it for fun and giggles; they noticed the natural streams of the forests have dried up as a result of cut areas and lack of consistent rain. The forest was in danger of drying up. So by building a system of swales (or trenches) to redirect rainwater, and ponds to store it, they've managed to revitalize parts of the forest. The forest around the pond was visibly greener within months, wildlife was multiplying around the pond where it could get water, new flowers and native plants were flourishing next to the pond.
Slightly modifying the landscape to keep water in is something people do to prevent the spread of deserts; digging half-moon shaped holes in the ground to hold water has enabled trees to grow even in the driest, sun-heated areas. I've been fascinated by the methods of growing trees in the desert! And right now we need to make sure other livable  green areas don't start turning into deserts, because the climate is threatening it, and the animals are unlikely to survive it all on their own.
And if you build a little pond, you're gonna have more birds in your backyard. There's gonna be little frogs and turtles and tiny critters coming to drink from your pond. Maybe a little lizard or a snake. You're gonna be able to plant flowers around it, your trees will be happy, and if you want a great big willow, she's going to enjoy that water too, and purify it with her roots. I'm still putting it together in my brain if I could make a little swampy area and plant rice in it, that would be the ultimate success.
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anord · 2 days ago
ANORD: A Dissection.
This is just explaining how Anord as a character works. There will most likely be a sequel to this.
it is long, but it is worth it,,,, PLEASE READ IT I BEG
thank you
and without further ado, I present: I have been thinking about this guy for almost a quarter of my life wowza
For this to make sense you have to realize that there are thousands of people named Anord/Chaos (if you didn’t know- “Anord” translates to “Chaos” in Irish. A lot of character names/funky words I write are just google translated Irish, so if you want some more context, google translate it!!)
Today we are talking about the Anord you all know. 
Confirming this now: HE IS NOT HUMAN, HE IS NOT A GOD. Technically by this Daisy’s House lore requirements he would be considered a false god.
Anord is an entity made out of this green goopy stuff which SHOULD have a name (like how God Blood is called Ichor sometimes- i need a cool name like that!!) but for now it is just called Pure Chaos because that’s what it is! 
It is concentrated chaos. If something unexpected happens, it generates this energy called chaos. Whether that’s spilling milk or assassinating the president, it’s considered chaos.
Anord is MADE ENTIRELY of this stuff. He has no blood. He has no bones. He has no heart. He has his body of chaotic energy that he has collected for a LOOONG time. 
Time is weird in this universe, so please keep that in mind if you’re like “how is that possible??” with any of this stuff. We’ll get into Anord’s association with time soon
PURE CHAOS: its properties are strange. It’s almost the consistency of oobleck. It’s not quite liquid, not quite solid, depending on the concentration. This is why anord’s body is mainly solid!! Pure chaos is constantly shifting and changing, and can be manipulated by some. For now, only Anord has the power to manipulate it, but IF YOU WANT TO MAKE CHAOS OC’S PLEEEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT IT*!! Pure chaos is made by any living and non living being. So if the wind knocks over a flower vase, that is considered chaos. Storms are a great cause of chaos. It is not always man made, but it is most often made by humans. Pure Chaos can technically be harnessed and used by any being!! It is open for anyone to include this into their lore!! PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT IT THOUGH bc I don’t want to be the source of mary sues!! It can be powerful, but it does have limits!!
Anord’s main and practically only motive is to cause chaos. Why? Because he’s made out of it!! It makes him feel good! It’s a necessary part of his life! No chaos, no Anord. If he does not absorb enough chaos to sustain himself, his body will start to slowly eat at itself and disintegrate. This is why he is often shown to be malnourished and skinny (this is also due to other mental factors). 
This is why he likes hanging around Rose. He doesn't love her. HELL, he HATES HER!! He only sticks around because she’s easy to manipulate and is a great source of chaotic energy to feed on. 
Do not think of Anord as a human full of sin or a god above man. He is a parasite. He is a powerful parasite. He’s a selfish adrenaline junkie that wants to wreck everything and everyone.
Anord and Time have a strained situationship. 
Anord - the body - is a fairly recent form created in the year 2000. Again, it was created out of Pure Chaos and can switch to different forms. More on that later.
Anord - the mind - was born long ago. I cannot talk about this due to spoilers!! 
Like I said before, there are thousands of Anords. One of these is the ACTUAL God of Chaos. They started the Earth. They are the cause of every single chaotic event in the history of the planet. They caused the Big Bang. Chaos created the universe. Before that, it was bleak nothing. Chaos (the god) created humanity indirectly. They created everything indirectly, really. Almost as if they built the track, the marble, and the hand and whispered to the hand to push the marble down the track. ANYWAYS Chaos (the god) likes to basically sponsor humans. Ever since humanity was made, there would be one human that would cause chaos that would catch the god’s eye and they’d basically attach to that human and watch them live, influencing their actions subtly. The Anord (mind) that you talk to every day was one of these humans long ago. He was the last.
The first was Eve. So technically speaking Anord is trans. I said it it's canon.
(Diversity win! The one that will destroy everything and everyone you know and love is genderfluid!)
Every time one of these humans would die, another would be born. This also goes for other gods in my universe.
So technically Anord as a whole has existed since day 1. Actually, a little before that.
Anord (mind) that you know is not that old. He is very young compared to the other souls in that vessel.
You heard me right. Every single person that Anord (the god) has overlooked is inside Anord (the vessel). Anord (the mind you know) is the one who talks the most as he is the one who created Anord (the body). Anord (the mind) had a different name when he was a human but he does not like to be called that. Treat it as a deadname. 
So not only is there Anord (the one you know) but there is Anord (Witch from the salem trials) or Anord (participant in the Boston Tea Party) or Anord (in his world war two era)
Basically if you can think of any time period, there is an Anord alive somewhere either chilling or fucking someone’s wife. 
So now that we know more about Anord’s mental insides lets learn about his physical insides
Bro has no bones 💀
Pure Chaos is VERY hard to control. He has to have conscious effort to keep his body in human shape. When he’s not doing well, a lot of the times he locks himself in his room because he doesn’t have the effort for all of his cosmetic details (he goes bald :hearts:)
Another thing is that pure chaos HURTS LIKE HELL when you want to change forms. Imagine staying in one place for so long and then you have to rip all of your atoms away from their spot and rearrange them into something new. Yeowch. 
His body can be in 3 states basically.
FORM 1: goop
Jello + honey texture (thick and not opaque. Jiggly.)
Tiny (could fit in your hands if you cupped them together)
Adorable (just a little guy)
Nonverbal (Its mouth can only eat)
Really likes milk (it makes him grow)
A small little slime guy. He slides around and bites ankles. He only goes into this form when weak/wounded because he heals faster. This is what his form looks like when he doesn’t force it into human shape. 
FORM 2: egg
Human shape (from the outside it looks absolutely normal)
Literally just skin and outside bits (like eyes and teeth)
Just goop on the inside (no bones, organs, blood, nothing)
Green on the inside
He is in this form most of the time lately. I call this the egg form because he’s just a shell with slime inside. You can tell if he’s in this form if he bleeds/spits/cries green chaos goop. This form occurs when he puts all of his effort into his outside appearance. Why would he need to waste brain usage to form organs and bones and such when nobody’s gonna see that? He can function without those things. 
FORM 3: ooo you wanna be a human sooo baaad
Human shape
Has organs and innards and everthing
No green anywhere (except his eyeballs)
This is the form he’s mainly in when he’s strong enough. Basically an asshole human guy.
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pistachi0art · 8 months ago
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now what’s all this about?
(part 1/part 2/ part 4? ->)
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alyanas-little-hideout · 7 hours ago
oh I actually know why/how some of these happen. 1.) you already figured that out- thaw it first or it won't properly mix with seasonings and won't cook evenly
2.) stir noodles while they boil- usually they won't burn, but if they press against the bottom of the pot they can stick, which causes them to heat up way higher than the boiling water would, so they burn. It also means that they can stick together and prevent water from actually getting to the noodles.
3.) you over/undermixed it then. Buttercreams are kinda temperamental- they'll *taste* right but the texture relies a lot on aeration.
4.) Oil ;-;
5.) you're not the only person who needed to look up a youtube video for eggs lol, growing up we only ever ate them fried and cooked over hard so I had to go look up how to do sunny-side up. putting some water (like a tablespoon) in the pan (not on the egg) and then covering the pan will steam the top of the egg, which makes it a lot more consistent to make sunny side up eggs.
6.) I... I'm impressed by your immune system.
7.) too much salt will kill your yeast. (I also suck at bread but it's mostly because I keep saying "oh I can just knead by hand I don't need a stand mixer" like my wrists don't start dying 20 seconds into that)
8.) Everyone who regularly eats rice will tell you to use a rice cooker. Presuming that is not realistic- wash your rice first (critically important- you need to remove the starch layer on the outside of the grains of rice or else they'll stick together and be incredibly mushy- just pour water over them and mix the water and rice together before pouring out the water and repeating until the water comes away clear.) Then you're going to want to add it to a pot alongside water (2 parts rice to 3 parts water by volume) and stir as it comes to a boil- and then this is very important. You are going to cover the pot. and you are going to wait while it cooks- should take about 13 minutes if using 1 cup of rice, before taking it off of the heat and waiting another 10 minutes before opening the pot.
9.) using a splash guard when frying can help, but otherwise it's just a matter of practice
10.) I've... never tried eating tofu raw. It's pretty good seasoned and pan-fried though!
11.) why. Why were you trying to microwave a full container of peanut butter?
12.) I've actually seen someone try to pour water into an empty kettle after it had been sitting on the stove heating up. It didn't go well.
13.) How... did too much butter mess up hashbrowns?
I'm genuinely scared to know how it's possible to start a fire when boiling water.
Foods I have fucked up that I have had no right to fuck up
This one's for you @returnsnull7404
Ground beef; I did not know you had to dethaw it and was confused on why my ground beef was hard and tasted bad; this happened several times and I had to literally film the cooking process and send it to someone to figure out what was going wrong
Noodles; I somehow burnt them while also not cooking them at all; yes I cooked them in water, no I don't know how I ended up with burnt raw noodles regardless
Buttercream frosting; I still don't know how I fucked this one up, tasted fine, but the texture was wrong
Box brownie mix; I forgot the oil
Sunny side up eggs; The whites were cooked fine but the yellow bits hardened up and tasted God awful. This happened three times. I am the only person who has ever needed to look up a youtube video on cooking eggs
Chicken broth; used two month old chicken (It was in the freezer for like, 75% of that time but I left it to dethaw in the fridge for like two weeks and yeah I'm not sure how I didn't get sick cause I ate it anyway. Didn't taste great)
Bread, literally too many times to count; I am very talented when it comes to killing yeast
Rice; I still have no goddamn idea on how to cook rice. I can not get rice right, ever. Literally have never managed to cook rice correctly a single time in my life.
Chicken drumsticks; I actually managed to make this one taste good (With step by step instructions given to me by a friend) but I also managed to splatter myself with oil several times during the process and give myself some minor burns
Tofu; I did not know you had to cook it and thought you could eat it raw. And in fairness to me you can, but you probably shouldn't, it is bad
Peanut butter; I didn't know that the foil on the container had metal and put it in the microwave. The container itself was plastic. Which also can't go in the microwave
Boiling water in a kettle; I didn't realize the lid was hot and also managed to burn myself, again
In conclusion I'm not entirely sure how I'm alive sometimes
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artifeast · 4 months ago
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some more telesphore :3
#the kingmaker histories#telesphore winterlich#my art#tel-only doodle dump partially cuz i love him dearly and he's fun to draw and i needed the practice drawing his handsome face ^^#and partially cuz depending on how you count it he's got like 5-7 fewer fanarts (on tumblr) than eisen/colette...#which is so so criminal eviltwisted and makes me so sad. so i took matters into my own hands :3#(though it'd be a fool's errand trying to keep the numbers even permanently LMAO. i also just wanted to draw a bunch of telsies)#(so i might probly fuck up the ratios later by doing this for eisen+colette lol...#i wanna get more consistent/comfortable drawing them all)#with this i have now posted (way) more telsie fanart than every other fanartist combined (excluding meg tuten's art ofc). yippee yippee#(it's not a competition) (but i am still keeping count) (i'm freak)#(but 'm not counting meg's cuz there's so much and i couldn't possibly find it all. plus i can't imagine how much is unposted)#(i just know there's Oodles and i love it all and that is enough for mee)#honestly this should've been hat practice as well but. i do not like drawing hats.#and i struggle with drawing the top of his head anyway so it's still useful practice lmao#if you asked me for my favorite character the answer would simultaneously be:#“i love all three of the protags so much!!! i couldn't possibly pick </3"#and “telesphore <3”#the margin? SO slim. i'm so very obsessed w/ all three of them#unimaginable fondness in my heart
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rickybaby · 11 months ago
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Ricciardo confesses ‘I’m not naive’ to Red Bull pressure
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thepromisedbride · 10 months ago
i don’t talk about bridgerton on here but just to clarify. i will not be having ANY eloise hate on this account. i will bite.
#eloise bridgerton they could never make me hate you!!#addressing the normal talking points one by one to get them sorted:#- ​no i don’t care that eloise called pen some names after the discovery. she was devastated and furious.#she can apologise in the future but in the moment of course she said it#- ​yes pen did write about eloise as a way to save her but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t possibly ruined eloise’s life#- similarly: eloise isn’t (just) angry that she was written about. daphne also went through whistledown and it very much terrified her#so have many other women including marina#- eloise is betrayed because she told pen everything and is realising pen told her nothing#(and she’s probably thinking about any secrets she might have said to her best friend that could now be used against the ton and her family)#- as claudio said: being regency gossip girl isnt a moral girlboss thing its deeply harmful tbh#- ​pen did have reasons to become whistledown! that doesn’t mean that she’s innocent or right!#- eloise isnt now friends with cressida to spite pen lmao she’s alone and scared and cressida was the last person who offered her friendship#she has no idea how to manage society by herself#(and she needs someone to improve the reputation of her and her family)#- im also convinced she has other ulterior motives for befriending cressida. like she’s keeping an eye on her or smth#- eloise didn’t just ignore anything pen said and that’s why she only just figured it out. pen deliberately didn’t speak like lw to hide it#the moment she did eloise was like huh that’s weird she doesn’t normally talk like that. and THATS when she figured it out#- eloise just found out her best friend has betrayed her and been hiding this massive secret#but she hasn’t told anyone. not even her own family. im not hearing out any accusations of HER of being disloyal#- also pen clearly wasn’t that upset at writing about eloise bc the moment eloise and colin upset her she went straight back to it lmao#side note but no i don’t think the queen is going to name her the ‘emerald’ or anything because she’s suddenly in the spotlight#eloise is tbh the only debutante she actually consistently recognised (for good or bad)#a new dress is not going to be interesting for charlotte to change her whole tradition#tl;dr i love eloise and i will die on this hill#eloise bridgerton#bridgerton
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zafiro-anyejo · 3 months ago
very few 'parenting' things frustrate me more than parents who give their screaming kids an ipad, but I think "emotionally neglectful for 20 years and then wondering why their kid isn't thriving/adjusting to adulthood well, so they try to make up for it by being an overbearing helicopter parent" might take the cake.
#at least be consistent in your parenting style#ughhh#'oh no i neglected my kid for 20 years/was unstable (and still am!) and now they aren't thriving. surely it is the vieo gamez and not me'#i s2g if i break up with my partner their mother will be one of the reasons#the sucky thing is generational trauma hopefully gets distilled through each subsequent generation but it is the parents' job#to choose whether they are 1) financially ready and 2) emotionally ready to make that change and give their kids a better life#my grandpa grew up digging through trash for things to eat and decided when he had kids he would not be mean like his dad#and that they would have food on the table#my partner has literally said his mom 'just wanted a kid' and basically baby-trapped his dad#and she was like... in her mid-30s by this point#insane. insane. insane.#i understand baby fever and all that but at least make sure you are in a stable relationship first??#and also my partner's WHOLE FAMILY is like this#just... generation after generation of awful upbringings and kids rebelling and having kids too young and getting in bad relationships and#dealing with undiagnosed mental health disorders#maybe we should just break up at this point idk#delete later#i think i am freaking out because i got news about a possible health scare about one of my own family members so i'm spiraling#thanks for letting me vent. again#if my crap is too annoying PLEASE unfollow me#i don't keep a diary because i'm too immature to do that and thrive on others' validation and i am too broke for therapy#delete later maybe#i might keep this one up just so i can look back on it in a few weeks and be like 'girl u need meds' like hells yeah i do#a good thing that happened today is i avoided my urge to drink the half bottle of wine in the fridge#irish genes be gone from me today muahahaha
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transhetanybodys · 11 hours ago
I thought of the idea of her mom knowing what's up because I don't like it when female characters are given agency lmao, I totally get what you're saying though and I don't think the creators of Wonka intended for her to know about what was going on. They probably didn't intend for Noodle's dad to be shady either, they probably have it in their notes for the characters and stuff that both of Noodle's parents are more morally upstanding than her uncle which would be a worse route to go for the characters imo because it would make this systemic issue of large businesses needing to resort to shady tactics to keep on gathering more and more wealth for their shareholders and their owners inheriting not just generational wealth and high up positions in them from their parents but also knowledge on how to keep those shady tactics going and values that are in line with continuing to grow their wealth and please the shareholders into just an issue with those three leaders of the Chocolate Cabal being individually bad apples. I can see this being an issue that I'm worried will arise with the sequel with stuff like Officer Affable being morally upstanding in comparison to the Chief of Police, where these systemic issues might be reduced down to bad apples ruining everything and the solution being reduced down to removing them, buuut this is a side tangent that's besides the point lmao.
I can justify her mom knowing what's up and getting involved in it after she learns about it from her husband to myself because it's entirely possible that Slugworth wouldn't realize she knows what's up, considering that he already didn't like her for being poor and probably wasn't paying a lot of attention to her, and he could totally have just not realized that someone who is 1. poor and thus didn't grow up being steeped in the values associated with generational wealth and 2. a woman could even learn about and get involved in large scale business practices. He could have underestimated her due to his own biases without looking like an idiot I think, just close minded and myopic, but again you're probably right and I would be genuinely shocked if they did what I want them to with her mom. I like your idea of the new Fickelgruber and Prodnose trying to sell themselves as more morally upstanding. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do with them yet but I'm definitely not gonna have them be twirling their mustaches evilly while approaching her lmao, you're right that they should approach this carefully to be convincing villains. They wouldn't frame it as 'the Chocolate Cabal,' they'd frame it as an alliance. I'm just spitballing now but maybe the new Fickelgruber is a black girl a little older than Noodle that he adopted to make himself seem super morally great and virtuous and all that (and also out of universe it would have the message that bigotry isn't consistent or logical and bigots will often make exceptions for people in the minority groups they're prejudiced against and think that those people are 'some of the good ones' while not examining their beliefs about the group they're in) and she tries to sell herself as being self made and hard working like Noodle because she unlike the old leaders of the Chocolate Cabal and the new Prodnose wasn't born into generational wealth.
She doesn't really remember what poverty is like though and is a foil to her dad in that he is comedically over the top disgusted by poor people while she's condescendingly interested in them in a very inspo-porn way if that makes sense. New Prodnose guy can be old Prodnose's genetic son and a foil to him in that instead of comedically not getting the point of anything he's very astute and addresses points that the person who was speaking doesn't even realize they're making/can be made based on what they're saying. I obviously don't have the Noodle and New Fickelgruber dynamic fully worked out yet but she's gonna be the main one working on her, trying to relate to her and frame what she and New Prodnose are doing as not really that bad and romanticize it as a way for Noodle to rise above her initial station in life. Girlbossifying political corruption if you will. Doesn't she want to keep up the alliances her dad had and walk in his footsteps? Doesn't she want to honor the sacrifices he and her mom made and do what she needs to do to make the kind of life for her and her mom that he would've provided for them if he hadn't died (no your uncle totally didn't murder him don't worry about it)? Doesn't she want to prove Old Fickelgruber and all the naysayers wrong and prove that people who were born into poverty (and women) can break through the glass ceiling and make something of themselves? And Noodle never really stops being suspicious of her and New Prodnose because she's a suspicious and untrusting person to begin with (understandable considering what she's been through), but she starts to get into her head more and more.
She thought at first that the way she and Wonka were running their companies was the way her dad had run the Slugworth company and thus that a company that was run that way could be successful and last for a long time, but after she finds out that he was almost as if not just as corrupt as her uncle I think her faith in that idea would shatter pretty quickly because she tends to be pessimistic. Her and Wonka's companies starting to not do as well would really freak her out because she doesn't want to go back to living in poverty and New Fickelgruber would be there to play into that. She never trusts them but she gets to a point where she's desperate enough to ally with them anyway because hey clearly the Chocolate Cabal was able to be really successful for a really long time and she has way more hope of being financially successful allied with them than she does running a company that is a rival to them. I like your ideas though, I'll keep them in mind.
When we get an inevitable Wonka sequel I hope they do the incredibly obvious thing and create parallels between Wonka's five washhouse buddies and the five kids from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It's so perfect that I'm surprised it wasn't done in Wonka itself but then again the washhouse crew besides Noodle didn't show up a lot to begin with. I know the basic outline of what I would do with a sequel/what I am going to do with my fan sequel when I finally get around to writing it and I'm not optimistic enough to hope that they're going to do most of what I want, but Wonka's five friends each paralleling one of the kids that got a golden ticket and Wonka and Noodle having a falling out that results in the Slugworth company she inherited from her dad being a competitor to his like it is in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory are both things that they realllllly should do. The first one because it would be such a missed opportunity if they didn't and the second because Wonka would have zero continuity with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory if they didn't.
Anyway I don't have this fully worked out yet but here's the list of who I've matched up with who so far (subject to change) (obviously I'm gonna have to expand on the personalities of these guys for this but that shouldn't be an issue considering that most of them got like 20 lines in the original, they're gonna become a lot more flawed but also a lot more in depth):
Noodle=Violet (gum chewing/ambition)
Lottie=Mike (sloth/media escapism)
Piper=Veruca (materialism/entitlement)
Chucklesworth=Charlie (influenceable/loyal)
Chucklesworth=Agustus (gluttony)
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aria0fgold · 5 months ago
ensekai has the new ui now! I've been playing around its settings to see what works for me and orz... I still end up motion sick... But, at least the changes I made lessened it by A LOT, so I'm happy bout that!
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trans-yllz · 2 years ago
I've never had to be the person who Has Conversations With Parents when shit happens w kids but I had to TWICE today and both times they were very receptive and understanding but it's sooo hard to work out what you're going to say and how you're going to say it so that you don't upset the parents or have your concerns come off wrong while also making sure they fully understand the situation While there's a million children and like 12 other parents are lining up to sign their kids out 😭
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adventremnant · 16 days ago
tips that aren't the same list from 2006
you know exactly what dumbass list I mean, and none of that shit is practical, it's giving uwu ana butterfly and we all know it
hi, I'm angel, I'm a nutrition major, and here are tips to keep yourself safe and hide your eating habits that actually make sense. this will not be in any particular order, but
avoid ketosis. i know, i know, you heard it burns fat faster! it also makes you smell like a dog rolled in sharpies and makes you stupid. i'm not kidding, you will be slow as fuck. avoid keto at all costs, carbs are better and healthier than being caught and dumb
take electrolytes and pay close attention to your potassium intake. if you neglect this, you will damage your heart and muscles and run the risk of having a heart attack. i use liquid IV because I have POTS and need the extra sodium, but that brand is also good for ED-havers because it has extra b vitamins
take ultra strength prenatal vitamins. they contain extra folate, fish oil, and dha, all of which are necessary to protect your heart and brain when you're not intaking much food.
For other supplements, I recommend Metamucil to keep your bowels going, iron, vitamin c packets (will make the iron absorb better, I personally use the +immunity ones), b-complex, calcium-magnesium-zinc, and vitamin d. Make sure the b-complex contains b-12. Feel free to send me an ask or dm me for dosages because some of these will depend on where you live geographically or what food you are eating.
find a protein shake you like. I'm a muscle milk bitch personally, but fairlife, premier, etc, are all good. make sure it isn't a meal replacement shake, and make sure it contains at least 20g of protein. these contain vitamins beyond protein that will help you stay healthy. the protein will also keep you full. i recommend using it as milk in coffee because the coffee will also suppress hunger and act as a mild laxative without harming the bowels. don't take your iron along with this, as dairy will hinder the absorption of iron.
don't take laxatives. you're going to give yourself IBD. maybe once a month as an extra cleanout you can do a little miralax, but the natural route is always better. regularly drink coffee and drink specifically senna green tea, they're both natural laxatives. the metamucil i recommend will also keep you going. if you need a bigger laxative effect, blend a whole peeled and seeded orange, a few inches of peeled fresh ginger, juice from a whole lemon, add a tsp each of cracked black pepper and turmeric, blend with coconut water until it's a thin smoothie consistency. drink that, you'll be good.
the best thing you can do for yourself is hide your behaviors behind health food gym girlie orthorexic behaviors. nobody takes orthorexia seriously and they encourage those behaviors. you can cut out whatever the hell you want if you're crunchy and healthy about it.
don't go too crazy about it. old tips would tell you to act like you loved food and it's really obvious. being obsessed with food and cooking is weird and obvious. don't talk about food constantly and make it your whole personality to try to hide, it's bizarre and one of the signs they tell parents to look out for. you have to be nonchalant. food is whatever. you like it, you have favorite meals, but you get tired of tastes quickly, you're picky about textures, you don't like it once it gets cold, etc. it's just fuel and it's meaningless to you. you eat for your health, not for pleasure.
high impact workouts like HIIT and running may not be the best idea. some studies show that high impact exercise stimulates hunger hormones in some individuals. pilates, ballet, and yoga are low impact, high results, and give a very desirable aesthetic. they're also quiet and can be done with a yoga mat and maybe a theraband.
get a job. get a hobby. join a sport. being out of your house as much as possible gives you the largest opportunity for excuses. oh my job catered lunch, oh there were snacks at practice, oh so and so brought something to the knitting circle. this can also be an opportunity to earn or save money (or swindle your mom out of cash by obtaining money for concessions at games and then only getting a diet coke)
if you control your own food, maximize your nutrition. salmon, tuna, sardines. kale, chard, spinach. beans, lentils. berries. protein pasta. pasture raised eggs. the fancy filtered fairlife milk. your body will hold out so much longer if you're keeping it fueled with proper vitamins and minerals.
track your food using cronometer - if someone sees it on your phone and asks, you have a perfect built-in excuse. oh, you don't care about the calories, but it tracks vitamin and mineral intake, and you're trying to make sure you're getting enough of those because you have, say, an iron deficiency or you're worried you're not getting enough omega-3s.
anorexic hair is really obvious. it's from malnutrition and stress. absolutely ensure you're getting enough omega-3s and other fats in your diet (avocados, eggs, oily fish, nuts like walnuts) to avoid the anorexia hair and the sallow, dry skin. this is also why i insist you take vitamin d, iron, vitamin c, a b-complex, and a pre-natal with folate and dha, those will also protect your hair and skin health. also make sure you're trimming dead ends, get a deep conditioner and/or bond repair treatment, do scalp massages, and if it does fall out, start using a mousse for volume and get a cut to maximize volume to hide it.
keep up your oral, skin, and nail health, too. these can also be obvious indicators. if you're taking the vitamins and keeping to the foods i'm recommending, it'll help, but make sure you're brushing and flossing, use the nasty brown listerine, a good dry skin lotion like curel, and a nail oil. keep your nails short if they start peeling, but if they're peeling, you need to take more vitamin d and iron, or you could have celiac disease.
there's no such thing as a broken metabolism, and you can't boost or slow down your metabolism. those are myths. the only way to make your bmr higher is to have more muscle.
extra tip: if you start fainting, tell people you have or think you have POTS. work smarter not harder.
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blythesarchives · 3 months ago
Sugar Plums. | W.S
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summary: The soldier has an attachment to you.
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warnings: Suggestive 18+ MDNI & Fluff | Fem!reader | Winter Soldier!Bucky | Brief mentions of PTSD | Brief talk of HYDRA | Heavy petting | Love biting/hickeys
a/n: This came to me randomly but thought it was cute and somewhat spicy. I added some fluff to balance it all out and tried to keep the sexy scenes sweet too. I see so many fics of him being super aggressive in bed and those are great, but for me I think he'd be a little more like this. Takes place after the events of CA:TWS. Contains roughly translated Russian, native speakers can correct me if anything was translated wrong. Ty. ;; wc: 5.5k
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It was so awkward.
Everyone sat frozen in place, their eyes locked on the imposing figure of the Winter Soldier as he towered behind you, his piercing blue eyes methodically scanning the room and studying each occupant with an intensity that made them shift uncomfortably in their seats.
"Absolutely not!" Tony was the first to break the suffocating silence, his voice sharp and decisive as he beat Steve to speaking by a mere second. There was absolutely no way he would even consider allowing the fist of HYDRA to take up residence in his tower, treating him like he was nothing more than some lost stray that needed sheltering. "He's not staying here, no way in hell - this isn't a halfway house for reformed assassins."
"Tony, come on. HYDRA is gone, their control over him is broken," you reasoned desperately, your voice taking on a pleading tone as you gestured toward the silent figure behind you, "He's been surviving on his own for weeks, barely getting by. Just look at him...he's exhausted, malnourished, and clearly needs somewhere safe to stay and recover."
"Uh, how about no?" Tony fired back, staring at you like you had grown a second head...or like you had a towering sleeper soldier looming behind you.
Tony wasn't your favorite person in the world, but he was usually somewhat reasonable.
"There's absolutely no way that he's staying here. Have you completely lost your mind? What if he suddenly snaps or loses control and goes completely berserk, hm? What if one night those sleeper triggers buried in his brain suddenly activate and he systematically takes us out one by one in our sleep?" Tony added emphatically, his hands gesturing wildly in the air as he attempted to visualize the gruesome scenarios playing out in his mind.
"Your state-of-the-art security cameras can't give us a heads up before that happens?" You asked with dry sarcasm, your tone deliberately flat and unimpressed, clearly making a joke while you tried to find some kind of middle ground that would get the agitated, self-proclaimed playboy to calm down and think rationally.
"No chance in hell, sweet cheeks," he folded his arms and glared at you with sternness that etched across his features. "Too dangerous."
"He's staying, whether you like it or not," you replied in the same unwavering tone, standing your ground with resolute conviction. "He's hurt, weak, completely vulnerable. There's absolutely nothing he could possibly do in this state. He needs somewhere warm and safe to stay, especially since he's been struggling to survive out on the streets for weeks now. Besides, winter is coming fast and there’s no way he won’t get hypothermia or something." You added with concern, knowing full well that while the soldier hadn't been entirely helpless during his ordeal, he certainly hadn't managed to secure any kind of stable shelter.
His temporary refuges consisted only of cold spaces beneath bridges, dark corners tucked away in forgotten alleys, or the remains of abandoned buildings - not a single place where he could truly let his guard down or feel protected from the harsh elements. With winter's rapid approach and already light dustings of snow, the temperatures would only get more brutal as the nights went on.
You continued to argue with Tony, Steve butting in every so often, luckily siding with you, desperate to have his old friend somewhere safe. It was a long, frustrating argument that lasted much longer than need be.
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Earlier that day, while you had been making your way down the frost-covered street of New York's downtown district, his eyes had caught sight of your familiar form. Something deep within him told him to follow you, a magnetic pull that he couldn't explain. He obeyed the instinct, trailing silently behind you all the way back to the tower. When you finally became aware of his presence, he was thoroughly drenched from the steadily falling snow, his cheeks and nose having turned a bright, rosy color from the biting cold as he tried to suppress his constant shivering.
The moment you made your sudden turn to approach him, he visibly startled, immediately taking a defensive step backward as his mind raced through all the possible scenarios and potential threats. His eyes darted across your face with obvious wariness as you fully turned to face him, his entire body subtly shifting its weight from foot to foot, muscles tensed and ready to bolt away.
"It's okay...you look cold..." You spoke softly, your voice barely above a whisper, trying not to startle him as you took in his disheveled appearance. The soldier, the one whose face had practically been plastered across every news channel, the same one Steve had spoken about with such raw emotion in his voice.
You remembered how Steve had mourned his best friend, utterly confused and devastated about why he had saved from the river, while Bucky fell to what should have been his death. Steve held onto that grief, that guilt, like a lifeline. He held onto it so desperately, clinging to the faintest hope that a sliver of Bucky was still somewhere deep inside the persona of the Winter Soldier.
Looking at him now, you couldn't see any trace of the man from Steve's stories - the soldier's eyes were too wild and wide, filled with fear and confusion.
But despite everything you'd heard, despite the destruction you'd witnessed on the news, despite the intense warnings from everyone in the tower, there was something about his presence that didn't trigger your fight or flight response.
He didn't make you feel unsafe.
He looked absolutely beat down, exhausted to his very core, his shoulders slumped in a way that made you wonder when he'd last had a moment's rest. You weren't even sure he could take you down if he tried in this state, though you knew his reputation suggested otherwise. He was shaking from the cold air as it blew in a stinging breeze, his metal arm gleaming dully in what little light remained, while the incoming winter storm brought with it a thick haze and countless tiny pinpricks of needle-like snowflakes that seemed to cut through the air.
"Come inside with me, I'll take care of you." You offered quietly, your voice gentle and reassuring as you extended your hand towards him. Your body language remained open and non-threatening, shoulders relaxed and posture deliberately casual to help put him at ease and to show him you felt no fear.
After a few silent moments where his piercing blue eyes studied you through the thick haze, he finally shifted his weight forward and took a step in your direction.
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The water in the shower had set a steady steam in the bathroom, the mirror had fogged and the tiles sweat below your bare feet.
You could hear the gentle splashing of water against the bathtub as he cleaned himself. The mechanical whirring of his metal arm caught your attention, hopefully that thing was waterproof, but it must be, right?
After setting out a fresh towel and clean clothes for his use, you quietly excused yourself to provide him with privacy. The state of his current attire was awful, every piece was thoroughly saturated and carried an unmistakable stench that made you wrinkle your nose. The clothes were in such poor condition that you couldn't help but wonder if they had been scavenged from someone who no longer needed them.
You wouldn’t put it past the soldier to steal from a cadaver.
His shower routine was notably brief, years of conditioning taught him to minimize the time spent on his personal care. Upon finishing, he emerged from behind the curtain and efficiently dried himself with the provided towel. His gaze fell upon the fresh clothes you had thoughtfully placed by the sink, while his previous garments had been discreetly removed.
The soldier hesitated momentarily before donning the clean outfit. It wasn’t anything fancy, a pair of grey sweatpants emblazoned with the Avenger's logo along the side and a simple yet comfortable black tank top. When he finally emerged from the bathroom to face you, his body language betrayed his uncertainty as he stood there, not sure what to do now. Comfort was completely foreign to him, and care was a dream away.
"Tony finally gave in," you replied softly, your voice sounded in the quiet stillness of the bedroom. "He said you could stay here with us."
He remained motionless, his expression blank and unreadable as he stood there, offering neither response nor the slightest hint of acknowledgement to your words. You weren’t sure what to expect but that seemed pretty in character for him at the moment.
"You'll be staying in my quarters since no one else is comfortable having you in their space just yet...but don't worry too much about that," you reassured gently, though you could tell from his demeanor that others' opinions held little weight in his mind. "They'll come around after some time, I'm sure of it."
His gaze fixed upon you then, his brow creasing ever so slightly with an unspoken question as he began to move. Each step was deliberate and measured as he crossed the room, closing the distance between you until he stood directly in front of you, close enough that you could see the water droplets from his freshly washed hair beading at the ends and falling onto the fabric of your top, leaving dark spots where they landed.
"Everything's going to be fine," you said with gentle reassurance, trying to ease the tension in the air. "Why don't we head to the kitchen and get you something to eat? You must be hungry." You offered, hoping to bring some normalcy to the situation.
The soldier shadowed your every movement, following closely behind like a faithful companion who refused to stray from their master's side.
Upon entering the expansive kitchen, you immediately made your way to the industrial-sized refrigerator, searching through its contents for something suitable to offer him. The kitchen was perpetually stocked to the brim with an array of foods, snacks, and ingredients, practically anything one could imagine or desire. It was like having a private, fully-stocked grocery store.
Though with a the ravenous super soldier with enhanced metabolism, the mighty Asgardian god whose appetite matched his status, and Banner's surprisingly hulk-ish consumption…the team still depleted their food with an efficiency that would put a pack of famished wolves to shame.
"Hm...what should you have...do you want anything specific?" You turned over your shoulder to address him, but he maintained his characteristic silence. Unmoving, and completely stoic, like a statue carved from marble.
"Нет [No]," came his quiet response, the Russian word rolling off his tongue deeply. He remained perfectly still, observing with careful attention as you continued your search through the refrigerator's contents, trying to determine what would be most appropriate for him to eat. Your mind was working quickly, knowing you wanted to avoid anything too time-consuming to prepare. You wanted to get some food into him sooner rather than later.
"How about...I could make some soup real quick? Tomato and grilled cheese might be a safe option for you. Shouldn't upset your stomach too much if you haven’t been eating a lot, and it will warm you up if you're still feeling cold." You turned back toward him once more, studying his features carefully for any hint of reaction or preference to your suggestion, any subtle change in his expression.
But, he didn't provide even the slightest indication of his feelings.
You decided on tomato soup and a grilled cheese anyway, you figured it was best and immediately set to work in the kitchen.
Although you typically prided yourself on preparing meals completely from scratch, this particular circumstance called for something different. You assembled the sandwich, buttering the bread before placing it in a heated pan to get a golden-brown crust while keeping a watchful eye on the pot of soup simmering beside it, occasionally stirring for even heating.
Once everything reached the perfect temperature and consistency, you transferred the meal onto clean dishes, relieved it didn’t take too long. You presented him with the steaming bowl of soup and perfectly grilled sandwich, watching as the soldier deliberately took his place at the counter, his eyes fixed intently on the rising steam from the bowl before him.
You watched him, noting how his entire body remained unnaturally rigid and motionless, as though every muscle was locked in place and braced for something. His lips bore a slight sheen of moisture, like he had licked them at some point when you weren't watching. Yet despite his obvious hunger, he hadn't made even the slightest attempt to reach for the food. His eyes held intense longing and hesitation, briefly meeting yours before quickly darting away, as if making eye contact was somehow forbidden.
"What's wrong?" You asked with growing concern etched across your features, "You're hungry aren't you? I can tell you haven't eaten in a while. Especially not anything warm, at least. I know it can be hard out there, all by yourself…"
His response came in the form of an almost imperceptible nod, his gaze remaining firmly fixed on the bowl and sandwich before him, as though they were the most important and most dangerous objects in the room.
"So why aren't you eating? The food's getting cold, it won’t be as good if it cools too much."
"Я не могу совершить действие без приказа. [I cannot perform an action without an order]," the soldier responded in barely more than a whisper, his voice carrying the weight of years of conditioning.
You stood there, completely lost in the language barrier between you. Your limited knowledge of Russian extended only to the most basic words - 'да' and 'нет' - leaving you clueless by his response and worried about the implications of his behavior.
You didn't want to wake Natasha, even though she would certainly understand what he was saying in Russian, but disturbing her sleep for something as simple as a quick translation seemed unnecessary and might put her in a bad mood. Instead, an idea popped into your head that would avoid an angry widow. You reached for your phone and placed it on the smooth counter surface, navigating to a translator app before looking up at him again. "Can you repeat that?"
The soldier's eyes flickered briefly to the phone screen, taking in the sight of the translation app with what seemed like recognition, before his gaze deliberately returned to the untouched food laid out before him. "I cannot perform an action without an order," he stated in perfect, albeit mechanical English this time.
You blinked in surprise, thoroughly caught off guard by the sudden switch to English when he had been persistently speaking Russian up until this point. "Okay...well...eat then, you can eat freely here, you don't need an order to do that." You slowly tucked your phone away into your pocket as his right hand gradually lifted from where it had been resting in his lap, reaching out to pick up the sandwich.
You weren't sure what you were expecting, but he wolfed down his food within a minute, that sandwich was gone within maybe three bites. The soup swallowed just as fast.
God, he was starving, and the realization made your heart ache.
"Better?" You asked gently, to which he only nodded, swallowing the last of the food in his mouth.
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This became routine, the soldier stuck by your side like a duckling imprinting on its mother.
He followed you diligently around every corner of the tower, his protective instincts activated as he positioned himself like an ever-vigilant guardian. His eyes constantly scanned the surroundings, noting how others would cast uncertain and sometimes suspicious glances in his direction.
These looks made him increasingly self-conscious and anxious, as though he were some exotic creature put on display at a zoo for others to gawk at. But in your presence, he seemed a bit more at ease. He genuinely liked being around you.
Gradually, the rigid tension that had defined his existence began to melt away, and he started allowing more intimate gestures of care. He let you gently brush his unruly hair into place, carefully wash his face with warm water, or trim his growing stubble for him.
He accepted these tender ministrations without the slightest resistance or complaint, though a nagging worry lingered in your mind that his compliance stemmed from years of conditioning to submit to others' wishes. Each time you worried about that, you’d see a genuine warmth and contentment in his gaze rather than submission, showing you that he truly found comfort and pleasure in your gentle touch.
It was evening, the room reflected the warm glow of festive holiday lights emanating from a miniature Christmas tree nestled in the corner. The soldier found himself transfixed by the small decorated tree, his eyes lingering on each twinkling light as their vibrant colors danced and shimmered. The sterile, monotonous walls he had grown accustomed to during his confinement were nothing compared to the colorful lights. The gentle play of red, green, and gold seemed to awaken something long dormant within him, he almost wanted to plant himself in front of the tree and just stare at it.
Tony may have allowed his stay, but that didn’t mean there weren’t restrictions. He was stern about where and when the soldier could go anywhere with you, and he demanded that he not leave your room afterhours. It wasn’t hard to follow, the solider showed reluctance to leave your room at all, having been so accustomed to being kept in one room. You didn’t push him, but you felt bad for him because he was missing how the tower had been decorated for the holidays. So, you got a smaller tree for the bedroom to provide some kind of festive look for him to take in.
You emerged from the bathroom, wisps of steam following in your wake, your damp hair leaving little droplets on your shoulders as you continued to towel it dry with scrunches. He remained motionless on the edge of your bed, his attention immediately shifting as he turned and blinked up at your approaching figure.
His icy eyes traced a deliberate path across your form, which was barely concealed beneath the thin fabric of your sleep shirt, the hem teasingly brushing against your mid-thigh with each movement. "I am beat," you sighed heavily, your voice carrying the weight of the day's festivities. The marathon of holiday activities had clearly taken its toll, leaving you thoroughly drained. The tower often held an array of things to do because Tony loved to show off what he could afford, and it wasn’t like anyone else would object.
He observed with rapt attention as you made your way onto the bed and settled back against the pillows, releasing a deep exhale that seemed to melt away the day's tension. His unwavering gaze remained fixed on the rhythmic, hypnotic motion of your chest rising and falling with each breath.
You felt the bed shift beneath you as he moved, his weight causing the mattress to dip and creak softly. He crawled over to where you lay, his arms positioning themselves on either side of your body, caging you in. Your eyes fluttered open to find him hovering directly above you, his presence overwhelming in its proximity. This was something new…he had always maintained somewhat of a distance before, never daring to position himself so intimately over top of you.
"Я скомпрометирован. [I'm compromised]," the soldier spoke in a hushed tone, his voice carrying that distinctive gravelly pitch that made you feel tingly. The tension between you had become damned near impossible to ignore. What had started as a subtle pull had grown into an overwhelming force of attraction that seemed to draw you both together like magnets.
Still, you forced yourself to hold back, maintaining that last thread of restraint. You had no way of knowing the depth of his emotional capacity, if he was even capable of genuine feelings, or wanted to experience them at all after everything he endured.
"Soldat...?" The whispered word escaped your lips as you noticed the subtle shift in his demeanor, the way his muscles tensed as he remained suspended above you, perfectly still. "You know I don't understand-"
"I am compromised," he repeated, switching to English this time. His voice had dropped even lower, carrying an edge of frustration that vibrated through the minimal space between your bodies.
"Comprom..." You sat up slowly on your elbows and shook your head in confusion, your brow furrowed as you tried to process his words. That’s what you’d say about a machine or computer, not a man. "What are you talking about?" Your eyes wandered downward, suddenly drawn to an unmistakable tent in his fitted briefs that became obvious from your new viewing angle, causing you to freeze in place as your breath caught in your throat.
So, he could feel things.
"Oh..." You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you remained frozen in place, your cheeks growing warm. "I think I understand now...you're feeling a bit pent up, aren't you?"
His metal arm whirred softly, the sophisticated machinery humming as he moved to adjust his hand placement. "Да. [Yes]," he responded in a low voice, his gleaming titanium fingertips delicately ghosted across the bare skin of your thigh, just barely grazing beneath the hem of your thin sleep shirt. Goosebumps erupted along your body in response to the contact, the cool metal sudden against your flushed skin.
"Мне не нравится делиться вашим вниманием. [I don't like sharing your attention]," he muttered with an undertone of possession, his lips curling into a slight frown as he gradually leaned closer to you. His silken hair delicately tickled your face as he slowly lowered himself, the tips of your noses barely grazing against each other in an intimate gesture. His lips parted ever so slightly, revealing a glimpse of anticipation before he dipped his head down, warm lips pressing a tender, lingering kiss to your jawline.
You swallowed reflexively, your breath catching in your throat as you felt his warm, steady breath caress your sensitive skin, sending a visible shudder of growing excitement through your body.
He continued his gentle exploration, encouraged by your acceptance and the absence of any resistance. He pressed a trail of soft, purposeful kisses along the curve of your jaw, each one more intimate than the last, before gradually working his way down to your neck. His lips carefully followed the rhythmic flutter of your pulse beneath your skin, his tongue peeking out shyly to touch against you.
"Ah-" You voiced softly, feeling him settle on a particularly sensitive spot, right against the delicate side of your neck. It was nestled perfectly between the graceful junction where your neck connected to your collarbone, the skin there warm and inviting, holding a faint trace of blood flow from the intricate network of smaller veins positioned just beneath the surface.
He kissed many times with increasing intensity, clearly finding this spot ideal for his attentions. The soft, tentative pecks gradually became more passionate, open-mouthed kisses as each one was placed. His tongue began gently pressing against your skin with each lingering kiss, the pressure slowly growing in need. You felt your cheeks flush with warmth when he finally latched on, your eyes widening in surprise as the soldier's strong arms held you a little tighter.
Soldat began to suckle a mark, his ministrations gentle and teasing at first, but quickly growing in force and intensity as his skilled tongue swirled expertly around the trapped skin between his lips and teeth. The sensation drew a breathy moan from deep within you, making your entire body feel as though it were engulfed in flames of desire. Though you were completely helpless beneath the assassin, you had absolutely no intention or desire to push him away.
This felt too damned good.
Without thinking, your leg came up and hooked around his hips, drawing him closer until your bodies were flush against each other. The heat between you grew and you felt his painful erection trapped in his briefs, straining against the fabric as his arousal was staining them. Soldat exhaled sharply through his nose, his grip tightening possessively, but he did not let go.
His suckling grew increasingly intense, the sensitive skin tingling and starting to sting and burn with each passing moment. Still, he didn't release the bruised skin just yet.
Instead, he just bit down harder, ensuring the mark he left would last for days. You moaned loudly, your fingers gently tangling in his thick hair as your pleasured sounds encouraged his attention. He became more attentive when your little sounds of pleasure turned into sharp, quiet hisses - clearly indicating that the sensation had crossed from pleasure into discomfort, silently telling him to ease off.
When he did finally relent, he pulled back to admire his handiwork, looking down at the deep purple mark blooming on your neck. His breath came in heavy pants through his parted lips as he stayed quiet, watching intently as you struggled to catch your own breath too. The sight of you beneath him, disheveled and vulnerable, with flushed skin and labored breathing, was enough to draw him right back in.
He dipped back down with renewed hunger, his metal hand slowly threading through your hair before gently fisting it at the base of your skull, though his careful control ensured it wasn’t painful, just firm. He tugged just enough to guide your movement, encouraging you to expose more of your neck to his hungry gaze.
"E-easy..." You whispered, a note of anxious anticipation in your voice. You wanted more, god you wanted more, but his sudden change of behavior was a bit surprising for you.
"Понял. [Understood]," he whispered against your skin, pressing a soft kiss of reassurance to your jaw before returning his attention to your neck. Those soft kisses began again, trailing along your skin, but his restraint didn't last long as he quickly sought a new canvas for another mark. He latched onto a spot just a little bit higher on your neck, alternating between sucking and carefully controlled bites to gradually darken and bruise the sensitive flesh.
You felt bite after delicious bite, hickey after possessive hickey.
He marked the tender flesh of your neck in several deep, purple marks that bloomed like violent flowers across your skin...each one throbbing with a sweet ache when he pulled away. His tongue always swirled over the mark with care to soothe the sting of it, making you arch into his touch as you fell into a complete daze.
"S-Soldat," you muttered breathlessly, cheeks flushed crimson and eyelids heavy with desire. Your pupils matched his own - completely blown with hunger and desperate need. Those bermuda swirls meeting yours as he continued a torturously slow trail of hot kisses down your chest, nipping your collarbone with just enough pressure to make you gasp before following the gentle dip of your sternum.
He paused deliberately, pulling up so he could lift the thin sleep shirt over you and expose more of your bare chest to his hungry gaze, giving him better access for his heated kisses and teasing nips. Once your top was discarded somewhere on the floor, his hands gently but firmly held your sides, trailing up with reverent touches until settling against your ribcage. His larger hands completely encompassed your torso, making you feel small but protected.
The soldier was absolutely transfixed at the sight of your breasts, eyeing the soft mounds and peaked nipples as they hardened in the cool air, growing increasingly sensitive and rosy with your mounting arousal. It was like he was completely mesmerized by the sight before him, the fucking Winter Soldier, the most dangerous assassin in history, stopped dead in his tracks at the mere sight of your bare breasts.
You felt in charge now.
"What is it? Do you like them?" you purred softly to the soldier, your body swaying in a deliberately teasing motion that made them gently move. His eyes remained fixed, drinking in the sight before him as his lips parted ever so slightly. Slowly, his head tilted down again, surrendering to the moment. He let his face nestle against your chest, his lips trailing a constellation of unhurried kisses across your skin.
He began to nip and suckle the tender skin of your breasts, his mouth working to create deep, purple love bites on that delicate flesh. The bruising blossomed easily beneath his ministrations, almost like they were eager to show themselves.
His lips would find a promising spot, then he would begin lapping at the skin with gentle strokes of his tongue until he felt you squirming. The soldier took the sensitized flesh carefully between his teeth, rolling the captured skin while his talented muscle swirled and sucked.
Your chest displayed his passionate handiwork when he finally drew back to admire his creation. The plum-colored bruises created an intimate pattern across your skin, their rich hues made even more striking by the soft glow of the holiday lights that danced through the room, highlighting each carefully placed love bite until they seemed to shimmer like twilight stars against your flesh.
"Soldat...I think you covered enough surface area," you breathed, feeling overwhelmed by the intense throbbing that radiated from each mark he'd left. The sensation pulsed in waves across your skin, making it difficult to focus. Your neck was thoroughly covered in the passionate marks, and now your chest bore an equally impressive collection.
The soldier gazed down at you with intensely, his eyes taking in each little sugar plum bruise that decorated your skin like a masterpiece. Though they were scattered without any deliberate pattern, the overall effect clearly pleased him. You lay there looking thoroughly affected by his attention, hair mussed and breathing uneven, cheeks beautifully darkened with a dust of blush, just from his careful application of bites alone. The sight of you in such a state, marked so thoroughly, brought deep set satisfaction in his gut.
"Моя теперь. [Mine now]," he muttered softly, his warm breath ghosting across your skin as his lips hovered mere millimeters from your own. The almost-kiss was delicate, just the faintest brush of contact that sent electricity dancing through your nerves. He almost seemed nervous to close that final distance, his confidence faltering despite the passionate trail of marks he had already left scattered across your skin.
He drew back slightly, seemingly snapping out of a trance, and you could see the vulnerability written plainly across his features as that nervousness flickered in his eyes. Shifting his weight, he settled back onto the bed, his right hand finding your knee and tracing gentle, soothing circles there with his thumb. The tender gesture matched his hushed voice as he spoke, "Я не хочу идти дальше. [I don't want to go any further]," the words carrying both certainty and a hint of apology.
Your brow furrowed deeply as you struggled to understand what he was trying to stay, the confusion evident in the slight crease between your eyebrows and the questioning tilt of your head. You really needed to study Russian. "Do you not want to continue?" you asked slowly and carefully, focusing more on interpreting the subtle nuances in his tone rather than trying to parse the exact words he was using.
His facial expression held hesitance and uncertainty, the slight downturn of his lips and the way his eyes wouldn't quite meet yours telling you what you needed to know. Body language was his primary mode of genuine communication, and you had become very good at reading these silent signals he unconsciously broadcast.
"It's okay, we can stop," you replied with a reassuring tone, making sure to keep your voice soft to help dissipate any lingering tension he might be feeling. "Let's just lay here, okay? We can cuddle without any kind of pressure to do anything else, if you want." You offered with a warm smile, wanting him to feel that his comfort and boundaries were completely respected and that there was no expectation or obligation to continue.
This was a lot of good progress with him, you typically just cuddled or he kept to his side of the bed but he had shown you a lot of sweet affection tonight, and you loved it, it meant he was growing more confident in himself and your relationship. The evidence of his passionate yet tender attention remained visible in the form of gentle, plum-colored marks that decorated your neck and chest as you lay beside him, watching as his silent form trembled slightly beneath the heavy warmth of the thick blankets that enveloped you both.
You opened your arms, offering him a warmer space, and he quickly scooted forward, tucking himself against you. Prone to being cold, he liked being under many layers of blankets, so you made sure to provide plenty for him to not only feel warm but secure. Plus...having you to hold him always helped.
Without the worry of being a soldier, he could rest easy like this.
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Thanks for reading. -em 🌿
Dividers by @/strangergraphics | Images found on Pinterest.
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serkonans · 9 months ago
some cat owners are fucking ridiculous
#you can keep cats off counters lmao. i promise you it's possible#it does require everyone in the house to be on the same page about discouraging it but like#i lived with cats for 27 years consistently#bounced from home to home so i've had dozens#none of them ever got on the counter beyond the first few weeks and some of yall like to say they're just doing it out of sight#but you can hear them jump down lol??? they stop trying when you train them.#the fucking cats here jump on the counters bc my loser roommates don't care so the no counters thing isn't reinforced#but i can snap my fingers and point at the floor and the cats will get down#i'm so sick of people being like Well Cats Do Whatever And There's No Stopping It 🤷#YOUR cats do. hashtag NotAllCats#anyway this wouldn't bother me if it weren't for this being my roommates' excuse for not training their animals and also some of you are so#rude and defensive about this and like if you don't want to train them or don't know how that's fine but you don't need to try to convince#other people that their lived experiences w cats are fake DHSJDHDJ#when i move i may or may not get a cat and you better believe its butthole and litter paws will not be touching food prep surfaces.#oisín.txt#oisín.n#ALSO the way my roommate used this excuse to not train their cat not to scratch my rug and said they wouldn't buy a scratcher#bc there was just no stopping the cat and they'd TRIIIIED so HARD and bought sooooooo many scratchers and they never worked :(#and then i bought one myself & the cat stopped scratching my rug within a day. like be honest friends ur not even trying. it's a you problem
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