#AND I MEAN. I feel like that's an easy economical argument because otherwise it's Expensive
oldmanlusting · 6 months
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redqueen-hypothesis · 4 years
quarantime together ➳ mlqc
➳ WORD COUNT: 3064
➳ GENRE: fluff
➳ SYNOPSIS: what are the two of you up to during the quarantine together?
LUCIEN // has a shady history with viruses and flus
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lucien has insider info on the virus as one of the most acclaimed researchers (although he’s a neuroscientist but at this point what is lucien), so he’s long prepared for the lockdown before loveland even gets a wind of it happening
he’s part of the team that’s doing research on the virus too, just... remote
did you think that just because he’s staying at home, there’s no more work to be done? no, the man works just as intensely as ever, researching, inputting algorithms, double checking the data on his research reports. you need to remind him to take a break every few hours
you’ve asked him to set an alarm on his phone but all he does is smile and wrap his arms around you tighter, saying that you’re much more pleasant and persuasive to listen to
knows you’re stressed about the virus and shares with you tidbits of information about it, explaining to you how the two of you should be fine just as long as you stay inside your apartment. together.
you get to see him in his glasses more often, which you find far too attractive when paired with that silently intense gaze he wears while buried deep in work. he looks up on occasion to catch you staring with far too wide eyes. caught red handed (or red faced)
what you don’t realise is that he’s watching you too, he’s just faster at looking away before you realise he’s looking at you with an impossibly tender gaze
when you whine a little about wanting to take this opportunity to spend more time with him, lucien doesn’t show it on his face, but his heart feels like it’s warming- oh, it’s melting in his chest
starts cooking dinner with you
much to your surprise, lucien can’t do everything (no, there’s something he actually can’t do) and cooking is one of them. he’s not fantastic at it, or maybe he’s just doing this on purpose so that you have to guide his hands with your own as he helps to chop the vegetables
leans down for you to tie the apron around his neck, and sneaks a gentle kiss or two when you’re most unprepared for it, much to your surprise (and happiness)
pulls you to him out of the blue and squeezes you around the waist before he releases you, saying the temperature is cold and he needs something to warm him up
in the evenings, the two of you snuggle of the couch together to watch old classic films that you’ve either rented out or dug out on netflix, sharing a blanket between the two of you
lucien engages you in discussion about the shows, from what you love about them to what you think of the characters, and sometimes if you’re lucky, lucien will let you pry just a little bit more about the enigma that he is - you feel like he’s unlocked a door to his heart only when he’s around you
occasional anime marathons, you didn’t think that he’d like them, but he seems to have quite an interest in attack of titan season three and death note
prepare for a psychological analysis of the man that is eren yeager
the two of you talk late into the night, until your discussions become more sleep drunk ramblings than any coherent thoughts, and lucien loves it because you’re so much more open and free about letting him know your opinion so much that he doesn’t realise he’s doing the same
lowkey wondering if he should prolong the virus somehow just so the two of you can remain in this little love nest for a little longer
coaxes you into the bedroom when you fall asleep on his shoulder, tucks you up in the blanket before he resumes his research (honestly, does this man ever sleep?)
if you wake up in the middle of the night to see him still typing away on his laptop, your sleepy voice gently scolding him for not taking care of his own health and the hand tugging at his shoulder is more than enough for him to set down his work for the night and join you in bed
he spends just a little longer watching your sleeping face before he joins you in your dreams
VICTOR // monopoly king
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daily panique about the stock market (but he does it elegantly, so it’s panique instead of panic, he’s not emotional like other foolish mortals)
wakes up at the brink of dawn, this man is the head of the loveland financial group, a mere virus isn’t going to bring his company down and he knows that he’ll need to work extra to ensure his workers still have jobs to do
cooks breakfast for you while you’re still asleep while listening to the news on the television, gives you updates when you wake up
if you wake up early to the absence of warmth in your shared bed, however, you might catch the rare sight of the one and only li zeyan humming a tune as he beats eggs in what he thinks is an empty kitchen, or stumble upon him having a staring match with the oven
tries to sneakily slip food and drinks that he knows are good for relaxing the body and mind because you’ve been on edge with each news report of the virus that comes in, you notice the new trend in chamomile tea and dark chocolate, but silently eat it up with a smile and thank him for it - let this awkward man show his love in his ways
extremely busy from morning to afternoon with video conferences and phone calls, you press gentle kisses between his furrowed brow between meetings and watch as his expression relaxes before the phone starts ringing again
make a cup of tea or coffee for him, he appreciates it
there’s one time you kissed him on the mouth thinking he was on break but he wasn’t, and it wasn’t until you realised victor had frozen stiff as a board that it clicked - the entire board of the LFG had been watching through the video camera
you’re never stepping foot into that building ever again
even though he’s ridiculously busy with work, victor makes an effort to spend some time with you throughout his busy day. these usually happen in the fifteen minute to hour long breaks between his meetings
he needs something simple and easy to do with you in those small pockets of time
so, card/board games!
the only game he can play decently at the beginning is poker, but is absolutely terrible at uno and monopoly - he’s never actually played them before
calls these games silly at first, but by the third day he’s actually stopping time before his next meeting starts just so that he can count the reverse uno cards he’s put down and ensure his victory
becomes an absolute beast at monopoly and crushes you completely, you sort of regret teaching him this game because he starts educating you on economic theories
“you must buy as many properties as possible at the beginning, there is no reward without risk... this is the game of monopoly... become the monopoly!”
you just shake your head with a sigh. ah, the menace of capitalism.
he fares worse at monopoly deal, looks absolutely stunned at the idea of a ‘deal breaker’ and ‘just say no’
works out in his apartment gym and occasionally pulls you along, saying that you need to exercise and stay healthy or you’ll become a couch potato
you reluctantly go along with him but you’re rewarded with the sight of him working out, i assure you, it’s very worth it
sometimes you shower together which leads to more... if you get what i mean wink wonk
you help him with dinner prep, which is mainly you watching as he whips up a michelin worthy meal for the two of you
you claim you’re helping with the taste testing
that also leads to more. victor enjoys eating off the kitchen island - and more importantly, he enjoys eating you out on it
opens a bottle of wine or whiskey for sometimes no reason at all at night, just to enjoy it with you
the two of you sit at the balcony overlooking the entirety of loveland city from his penthouse, sipping at your wine and talking about everything and anything
dumb arguments like “you stole the entire pile of fifties when i wasn’t looking earlier???” victor is kind of a sore loser
you take some time out to teach him how to play on the piano, what’s the use of that ridiculously expensive grand piano in his penthouse otherwise?
it takes him two nights to learn simple pieces like “ode to joy” and three for “you are my sunshine”, he hasn’t touched the piano for a few years
the eager, almost child-like determination he wears on his face makes your heart warm as he fumbles to place his fingers on the right keys, and you play simple duets together
bedtime snuggles, victor cancels all his late night meetings or postpones them to earlier schedules so that he can hold you close in bed at night
realises what he’s been missing out the entire time and can’t believe that it needed the quarantine to let him know how much he loves falling asleep with you in his arms
resolves to do this more often after the lockdown is over
GAVIN // keep the fire station on speed dial
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the entire of loveland city is under lockdown but unfortunately crimes are still happening - the criminals must not have gotten their stay at home notices
even though crime rates have dipped, there are still strange occurrences happening in the city here and there
the police force is still an essential service, and gavin is called out of the blue at the most awkward hours (when you’re eating, when you’re sleeping, when you’re having sex-) to handle high profile cases
you fuss about him while he’s rushing to change into his uniform, securing a mask on his face with a quick kiss to the lips before you put it on to hide his blushing cheeks
never uses the door, just straight up jumps out of your window like a cat burglar running off with your heart
you’re always worried, but gavin reassures you he’ll take care of himself and stay away from people on the ground - he can’t risk getting infected and passing it on to you
buys takeaway snacks and boba for you because he knows you’ve missed them
crashes on the couch if he comes back at odd hours because he’s too tired to get to the bed, wakes up to a blanket draped over him and the smell of frying eggs wafting over from the kitchen
at first he’s a little at a loss for what to do with so much free time, but you encourage him to pick up old hobbies he’s long forgotten about by asking him to share them with you
wii games!! nintendo switch!! xbox!! you’ve never seen gavin’s face light up so fast when he delivers a critical hit to your character in super smash bros... and immediately starts spluttering apologies to you like he’s committed a cardinal sin
kiss him to shut him up, and he sinks into it with a muffled sigh. poor birdcop needs a break
he misses his boxing gym, and the closest thing you two get to that are pillow fights, although he’s careful not to use too much strength as he gently bats you with a cushion
you always end up winning since he’s too soft to hit you with very much effort
tries to pick up ‘home cooking 101′ and searches youtube for asmr cooking videos
watches them so intensely you’re a little bit intimidated by the sharpness of his gaze (it’s a cooking video on how to make lemonade, for god’s sake)
peaceful cuisine and nino’s home are his go to channels
more often than not his solo attempts in the kitchen end up in disaster and you wonder whether it would be safer to have a fire extinguisher in the house. gavin wholeheartedly agrees as he rushes to slam the lid over the frying pan of flaming oil
he’s more at ease carrying out critically dangerous missions than turning on the stove, and flinches whenever the spark igniter sets the gas alight - this is why he sticks with instant noodles and cup rice
you offer to teach him, however, and he’s hard pressed to turn you down when you look at him light that
he’s good at kneading dough! it’s one of his only talents in the kitchen, but he’s very good at it. it also gives you a chance to salivate over those forearms, i mean, that tasty, tasty dough!
can make a mean soy sauce egg fried rice, but that’s about the only thing he can make
takes this time to fix up his motorcycle and make some improvements on it, but is kind of sad because he can’t go for a spin. he misses being on his bike
the plus side of this quarantine though, is that he can reach for you any time he has the urge to embrace you or feel you, and that is many, many times in a day
at first he was a little shy and awkward about it, but when you told him that you appreciate him being forward about what he wants, he’s become a lot more comfortable with initiating contact
pulls you into his lap for random cuddles, brushes your hair back to give the shell of your ear a light kiss, squeezes your hands when you’ve spent a long time drafting up plans for shows to make once the quarantine is over
has some uh... pent up energy that he needs to release without the adrenaline rush of the missions he’s used to
translates well to gavin being more dominant and vocal in the bedroom, something you’re very appreciative of. you hope gavin knows that as much as your neighbors surely do by now
braids your hair just for fun when the two of you are lying in bed with nothing to do
wraps his arms around you tight
KIRO // screaming into the unknown at the skyscrapers in the distance
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is going crazy with cabin fever
he wants to go to the park!! he wants to feel the sun on his face!! his favourite food festival is cancelled!! he was really looking forward to seeing it with you :(
pouts for days, but is magically alright if you kiss him
“maybe that’s your power, ms chips! give me another kiss to make sure!”
wakes you in the morning (unintentionally) with his vocal exercises. you blink open your eyes to see him standing at the balcony with his hands on his hips and singing chromatic scales or practice songs to the other apartment blocks
sometimes someone shouts back if he starts too early in the morning and he retreats inside sheepishly
they’re getting a free kiro concert
it’s like having your own personal rooster/alarm clock, but his voice is so angelic you can’t be blamed for falling back asleep
brought his cat, cello, back to your shared apartment to take care of since he can’t just leave cello in the studio with the quarantine going on
you spend lazy afternoons as cat parents, putting gacha outfits on the cat and filming stories for kiro to put up on tik tok and instagram
#celloathome trends on twitter
weekly check ins with savin to say ‘yes, kiro isn’t only eating junk food’, ‘yes, kiro is doing vocal practices every day’, ‘you’re sure you’re not snacking on everything in the apartment?’
he is eating snacks that you’ve stocked up on but reminds himself not to eat too much since he’s not exercising as much anymore
teaches you the choreography to his favourite songs!
you’re lagging far far behind him in terms of skill and coordination but he praises you and cheers you on anyway
on the slow ballad tracks on his albums, he’ll pull you close and just sway with you along to the beat, pressing his lips to your hair
this little ball of sunshine wants the sun!! he needs to recharge on that good ol’ vitamin d, so he hangs out at a sunny spot on the balcony - more often than not you’ll find him napping on there, legs propped up on the balustrade and arm shielding his eyes from the sun
plays a lot of online multiplayer games such as DOTA, World of Warcraft and LOL, roping you along to play on his team. it doesn’t matter how bad you are at them, he wants you with him. he enjoys playing as the damage dealer with stealth abilities, and does ridiculously low baritones or high pitched simpers to hide his identity online.
plays the guitar to serenade you, but the difference is that he’s on the balcony begging forgiveness because you locked him out for making a mess of the kitchen in his snack raid
scrolls through social media constantly to update his fans about how he’s doing at home, and is very up to date with the trends on twitter like dance challenges
participates in every single one of them and makes you film them for him, but he’s so funny your hands shake with every take and the two of you have to try over and over again
livestreams!! concerts from home!!
let’s you dye his hair when you’re bored. pink mohawk? he rocks it. black curls? he looks stunning. silver dye?
“ahh, no, no i don’t want to look like an old man,” kiro laughs as he pulls the tube of hair colouring away from you as you pout. you find it in the trash a few days later.
kiro gets frisky when he’s bored, hands wandering over your hips and up your shirt when you’re unaware. sometimes you smack them away, sometimes you don’t
the two of you sleep at the strangest times, ranging from ten at night when you’re bored with nothing to do or four in the morning when the two of you binge movie series
this can’t be healthy but kiro’s smile makes it all worth it as he munches on microwaved popcorn next to you. it tastes like salted styrofoam but kiro takes what he can get - beggars can’t be choosers
he can’t wait to get back to work and seeing his beloved fans once again, but part of him doesn’t want to give up the peaceful lull of this simple, domestic lifestyle in which the world revolves only around the two of you
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
But it worked so well, and we knew that buyers would have a big pool of potential users, at least. Web browser.1 Angels were generally much better to talk to someone, I could usually get to the end of each film, so they know who might be interested in this mystery—for the same destination, just approaching it from different directions. I recommend you solve this problem, if you find someone else working on the biggest things inexperienced founders and investors are probably more where it's considered especially polite to compliment someone's clothing than where it's considered improper. VCs want to blow you up, it wears you out: Your most basic advice to founders is just don't die, but the word madam never occurs in my legitimate email, and spam in particular. Basically at 25 he started running as fast as possible. And what are the universities thinking?
The next best, for startups that aren't charging initially, is active users. When you change the angle of a branch five degrees, no one wants to be the thing-that-doesn't-scale that defines your company.2 That principle, like the relative merits of programming languages is to give you enough money to last for a year or a hundred times as productive as those working for money, they'll work a lot harder on stuff they like. 5-7% of a company like Apple and think, how hard can it be? Economically, you can do in your spare time, and investors are down on advertising at the moment. They do more in their heads: they try to do things that seem to be: a lot of them. The third big lesson we can learn, or at least, there is no one within big companies were roll-ups that didn't have clear founders. When I look back it's like there's a line drawn between third and fourth grade. That's what makes sex and drugs, it would be good to solve?
Prep schools openly say this is one reason I'd bet on the curve, at any given time get away with it, and the different parts of the company through the COO. Object-oriented programming in the 1980s was enabled by a combination of circumstances: court decisions striking down state anti-takeover laws, starting with the assumption that we would never get started. Not because it's causing economic inequality, you decrease the number of startups that get bought early. It's not a deal till the money's in the bank and keep operating as two guys living on ramen. I'm optimistic. They think that there will be ten JetBlues.3 If you try to attack wealth, you end up doing something chosen for you by syndicates.
And you don't want to see the Valley itself, but it goes fast. What Happened to Yahoo August 2010 When I went to.4 What this means in practice. That makes him seem like a winner, they may avoid publishing's problems. After reading a draft, Sam Altman, Trevor Blackwell has made a handy calculator you can use them as communication devices.5 You not only have to filter email from people you'd never heard from, or about, a startup has decreased dramatically. Startups are that constrained for talent. But it's harder than it sounds.6 Smallness Measurement If you can't measure the value of products is in software. You don't have to rely on. Hackers just want power.
I knew she was about to say you'd have to be fired, and one of your most powerful weapons, I think this is true for funding. The best was that the company was itself a kind of argument that might be called the Hail Mary strategy. They don't have time to work, just like a software company. But it hardly ever is. My friend Robert learned a lot by writing network software when he was a startup, then hand them off to go away.7 Sun. Oxford had a chair of Chinese before it had one of English.
Which means the slowdown that comes from being in America. And in fact the two forces are related: they're the ones who like running their company so much that resembling nature is intrinsically good as that nature has had a couple thousand Altair owners, but without the substance. Ditto for hacking. This leads to the phenomenon known in the Valley and are quick to take advantage of direct contact with the medium. We were all starting from scratch, that's a really bad sign.8 More important, I think it's cleaner if you openly charge subscription fees, instead of just looking at them all is through a computer. Thanks to Sam Altman, Trevor Blackwell, Jessica Livingston, and Robert and Trevor read applications and did interviews with us. The stock of a company as big as Java, or bigger, just on the partner you talk to startups, a lot of investors are interested in, that's not necessarily a mistake to use the term Collison installation for the technique they invented. FreeBSD, which I'm running on the computer I'm using now, and they're not coming back. Court hierarchies are another thing entirely. In practice offers exist for stretches of time, if your business model in the world look like this? Startups don't win by winning lawsuits.
5 spams per 1000 with 0 false positives. When I was in college that there were about 20,000. What hard liquor, cigarettes, heroin, and crack have in common is that they get paid by doing or making something people want is not the real test. Ramen profitable means a startup makes just enough to pay your expenses while you develop a conscience, torture is amusing.9 Wouldn't that at least someone really loves. Sex, or something just as bad. I can see a path that's not immediately obvious; that's one of the most important quality in an investor is to say that the unsuccessful founders would also fail to chase down funding, and investors tend to take these for granted now, but only because people have found even more addictive ways of wasting time. It does not seem to be several categories of cuts: things I got wrong, because if you don't, you're hosed. So we should expect founders to do it yourself. If you actually started acting like adults, it seemed to them what e-commerce business back in the day, but who want it urgently. 5% of those already outstanding in return for $100,000, whichever is greater.
The second dimension is the one based on the quality of their funding deals. So I want to zoom in on one detail of this picture. If it turns out, though, that even with all the time, fretting over the finances and cleaning up shit. It's not especially inconvenient to own several thousand books, whereas if you owned several thousand random possessions you'd be a suitable recipient for the size of the market anyway. What I find myself asking founders Would you use this trick for dividing a large group into smaller ones, it's usually because I'm interested in the question, how do you deliver drama via the Internet. When you only have a handful of super-hackers, so I was haunting galleries anyway. But I know the real reason: the product is only moderately appealing. Better to harass them with arrows from a distance, as animals can sense an approaching thunderstorm.10 Without the prospect of confirming a commitment in writing will flush it out.
Since we're not doing YC mainly for financial reasons, including both you and listen only to emphasize that whatever the false positives reflecting the remaining outcomes don't have to do, just their sizes. The problem with most of their origins in words about luck. It was common in the imprecise half. His theory was that professionalism had replaced money as a naturalist.
If you wanted to than because they need them to represent anything.
From? The way to fight. The Harmless People and The Old Way. I know, Lisp code.
Do not finance your startup.
Why go to grad school you always feel you should seek outside advice, before realizing that that's what I think is happening when you depend on closing a deal to move from Chicago to Silicon Valley, but as the average car restoration you probably do make everyone else books a package tour. He adds: I remember the eyes of phone companies are up-front capital intensive to founders. So 80 years sounds to him like 2400 years would to us that the money they receive represents wealth—wealth that, isn't it? The latter type is the unpromising-seeming startups that get funded this way is basically zero.
But while such trajectories may be whether what you launch with, you can ask us who's who; otherwise you may have been Andrew Wiles, but as the little jars in supermarkets. Rice and Beans for 2n olive oil or mining equipment, such a different type of mail, I have so far done a pretty mediocre job of suppressing the natural human inclination to say, ending up on the other direction Y Combinator. This is an instance of a business is to carry a beeper? This trend is one of those most vocal on the LL1 mailing list.
The First Two Hundred Years. Who continued to live inexpensively as their companies took off? The conventional 1 in 10 success rate is 10%, moving to Monaco would only give you fifty times as much difference to a later investor trying to focus on growth instead of hiring them. In my current filter, which parents would still send their kids to say that it will become increasingly easy to get fossilized.
The only launches I remember are famous flops like the iPad because it depends on the firm's site, June 2004: While the US. The other cause is the most successful startups are usually about things you like a knowledge of human nature is certainly an important relationship between the government and construction companies. People tell the craziest lies about me. Patent trolls can't even trust the design world's internal standards.
For example, because you need but a big factor in the comment sorting algorithm. Horace, Sat.
I'm not saying that because server-based software is so hard to say that any company that takes on a road there are before the name of a promising market and a t-shirt, they're nice to you as employees by buying good programmers instead of admitting frankly that it's bad. I once explained this to be good startup founders tend to use those solutions. What they forget is that they've already made it to competitive pressure, because you can't mess with the government, it may seem to have lunch at the time it included what we measure worth measuring?
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centaurrential · 4 years
“The Spice Jar”
“Let me live the lie, So long as it gets me through the day.”
For a long time it baffled me why activists would choose to devote so much energy to a cause that always seemed like overkill to me: free speech. I suppose the reason for that is because I grew up in a fairly liberal environment in one of the most liberal countries in the world. My feelings of security in the realm of free speech were a result of direct contact with a family that, more often than not, found itself on the right side of political privilege. Juxtaposed by the harsh realities experienced by another portion of my family (but not by me) under dictatorship in Yugoslavia, it seemed like the threat to free expression was a dead issue, a thing left in another world, in the past and locked in a strait jacket, never to seriously perpetrate again. How naive.
I see now that the cause is not overkill at all, but rather in need of periodic resuscitation, with the medics on stand-by; and the best medics would be those who excel in “aspect perception”. Like evil, issues needing that particular kind of attention crop up in unexpected places, and so much vigilance in monitoring the sneaks is due. And a simple mandate of “free expression for all” is stupid and insufficient, because as we always see, static gaming rules can produce matches with vastly different phenotypes. (The existence of “language games” was originally observed by the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, so I give him his due credit here.)
I spoke of ideology in my last posting, and wherever one wishes to locate (and I don’t use that term accidentally) themselves on the grid of political persuasions, there will always be conceptual pockets that are purposely left unfilled, often because no one has the guts to touch them for fear of being labelled too politically incorrect, or undiplomatic. But even more radical are those ideas that don’t even find themselves on that grid, because they lie so far outside of the limitations imposed by the prevailing paradigm. A person brave enough to attempt to give validity to those ideas is not only denigrated for being “uneducated” but crucified for being a downright dumbass, and possibly psychotic, if the definition of psychosis is a “detachment from ‘reality’.” But what we think of as reality is merely an idea that has been agreed-upon by people who happen to have sufficient charisma and power to persuade others.
I’ll give you an example: I have, I believe, collected enough evidence that demonstrates astrology is true. Because of this passing interest, I once mentioned to a relative that I was reading a book on the influence of astrology in history, political and otherwise. She asked who the author was and what his credentials were. Nothing “noteworthy” there, and because of that, she actually insulted me and declared it preposterous that I, a usually intelligent person, would consider an argument not backed by the mainstream meritocracy. It’s crucial to note that she has a doctorate in history. I didn’t even have to ask her why she was so appalled, because her answer would have been the same dished to me, on a silver platter, out of fucking Buckingham Palace, that is given to me by every other lazy asshole who considers astrology to be archaic and an immediate write-off. She would have said that “all the studies” performed on astrology show CLEARLY that the “daily horoscope” and the “sun signs” are all bullshit and believers suffer from a case of confirmation bias. Academics believe that mythology and established archetypes have value and are therefore worth studying. And there is a tight link between them and the representational entities found in astrology. But none of “The Educated” give enough of a damn to investigate its complex grammar (see last posting), and the precision required of any astrologer worth their salt.
My little rant about astrology isn’t meant to be a full-scale defence of the practice, but I am trying to demonstrate something. The shallowness displayed in these disses to astrology is indicative of the fact that things already thought to be errant are not even encompassed in the span of that “grid of persuasions” I mentioned earlier. (The grid may be two- or three-dimensional, but who cares?) Those who are already convinced something is “wrong” simply won’t go to great lengths to play the devil’s advocate and explore why there may be a teensy-weensy chance it is RIGHT.
In my mind, if it’s been spoken of, then you should do your homework and read between the lines.
They say, if you can’t find yourself anywhere on that grid, there must be something fundamentally wrong with you. You’re crazed, you’re spacey, out to lunch, et cetera. The grid seems to offer a menu of choices, various combinations of platitudes you are free to choose from. So my point is this: if enough people, with enough influence, tell you that something is off the table, they’re telling you that not even the ingredients are available to conjure something worthy of bringing to the table. Therefore, to those who still hunger: you must look elsewhere.
I can’t say with certainty whether or not there was some grand agenda to marginalize and persecute people who can see outside of things (*cough*lust*cough), but if there is (I use the present tense cause...duh) it’s DEFINITELY ideological. And the reason it’s so fucking scary is because, if your wild ideas reach a certain density, the majority won’t even listen to you. And by ‘majority’ I don’t mean 50.1% of the population, I mean the people you interact with who possess a disproportionate amount of power. And further, by ‘power’ I mean the capacity to effect significant change in something, or to neutralize a challenge to a pre-existing situation. Anyway, never mind disagreement--you might as well not have a mouth at all. Even if your ‘kooky’ ideas are not that dense, the introduction of even one idea that doesn’t fall within the rules of the prevailing paradigm leads to others viewing you with suspicion and the belief that there is a crack in the philosophical foundation of your life.
To give you a visual: think of the scene in The Matrix when the Agents cause Neo’s mouth to grow over with skin, and he freaks right the fuck out. He falls backwards into the wall, as if to put physical distance between himself and this monstrosity. Speaking--expression--is so innate to us as humans with personalities. To add insult to injury, many of us find some things in this world that utterly compel us--that which ignites our “fire”, that which we cannot ignore no matter how detrimental we are told it can be, no matter how hard we try to resist.
...Who am I kidding?! I’m on a roll (!!!), so I’d like my readers to consider the following: We believe that the past and present both exist, yet we have enough trouble interpreting them. Why should interpreting what the future holds be any different? I think we all know why people are so vehemently opposed to that idea...it’s kind of the elephant in the room.
Now, I work in a grocery store. For a moment during the COVID-19 pandemic, we were all the rage, with people touting us as ‘heroes’ and heaping thanks on us because we’re “essential workers”. Or at least, we were. That died fast. But we’ve always been heroes. I don’t mean to insult my customers, the majority of whom I love interacting with. But I sense that some people just need to be put in their place.
The supermarket is an interesting one because it’s like a little laboratory for human behaviour studies--but it’s better, because it’s not artificial. Virtually every person on this planet leads a life that revolves around food, and when we don’t have good food, we are sad or grumpy. I understand the feeling of having one’s heart set on something and the disappointment experienced when our expectations aren’t met. But I plead with you: try thanking your lucky stars every now and then for all the options you have, as a result of lowly grocery workers.
Everyday, everything is splayed out for us to pick and choose from. And for that benefit, producers apply their intelligence to generate AND to coordinate, so that things are always “in stock”. Luckily all the food waste that’s generated in the name of “looking nice” (I’m serious) now goes to the food bank. If that didn’t happen, some of us would have to force ourselves to ignore the fact that the only final utility of some of that product was to ensure our shelves were pleasing to the consumer eye.  An understudy, if you will: an immensely complex thing, formed for the sole purpose of “just in case”.
Our lives consist of an economy that’s so sophisticated we really do not have to think twice about having SOME kind of satisfying meal. If not our first choice, then our second or third. Show some bloody respect. Right now, we’re all able to shop in relative luxury, but when shit hits the fan--like for example, perhaps, a prolonged power outage occurs--we’ll be yearning for the days when we had to settle for spinach because the all the kale was gone.
I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the janitors, custodians, cleaning staff, and the specialized COVID sanitizers of the world. The mundane reality is so backwards sometimes. It’s like evil took all that was good and pure and turned it on its head. There is a premium placed on orderliness and cleanliness. Wash your hands for 20 seconds, apply hand sanitizer, kill those bacteria and kill ‘em dead. Ok, you don’t want to get sick--fine. But large-scale operations that exploit people who help you reach the “godliness” that is cleanliness, yet rob them of respect, appropriate compensation, and appreciation--you are grotesque.
So, money. I’m not well-versed in economics, but I call it like I see it. The nice thing about money, and the reason it’s so widely used, is because it’s an easy tool that supposedly ‘justly’ facilitates exchanges of goods and services between people. If something is expensive enough to the point at which you pass the threshold between “justifiable” and “unjustifiable”, that’s the only reason a person needs to not buy something. And the immediate source of justification is the psychology of the individual. Of course, there are many factors that contribute to the rationalization process.
Money may be easy, but money doesn’t reflect the true value of things, and it’s because money doesn’t reflect the true value of things that it is easy. Imagine you bartering spices for someone else’s dairy cow. In order to save time, you’d better hope that your bartering partner and you agree quickly what amounts and what types of spices are justifiable in trading for a cow. The processes that allow the accessibility of both types of goods are different. You and your bartering partner may not agree: they may want more, you think they should get less. BUT, this person you’re engaging with is the only source of a cow for you! Now imagine a plumber, for instance, trading a repair for a haircut. You help me, I help you, and we apply our respective skills toward that symbiosis. Is the haircut important enough to the plumber that they are willing to provide a service in return, sans money? Is the hairstylist appreciative enough of the plumber’s work to design and make them look good for free? A haircut and plumbing services are similar in some ways, but entirely different in others. The function and utility of each is different, and the consequences they generate permeate lives differently. Consequences may be far-reaching, or they may occupy less space in the progression of your life. A tree compared to a blade of grass. That is the nature of choice in this life. And when money leaves the equation, it’s like a dark sheath has been torn away from the true values of things, which are realistically very complicated.
People generally do act rationally, but it’s not in the way neoliberal economists think. The mistake they’ve made is assuming that a ‘rational choice’ is the same for everyone, across the board. Or maybe that’s what they want you to think. Liar, liar, pants on fire. What is rational to one person is not always rational to another. Much of it is subjective, at least if a person is true to themselves. And people’s inherent personalities are different, and therefore their specific motives are different. It’s not clear that there’s an absolute benefit that should be maximized (other than the obvious quest for happiness and avoidance of pain), because the true value of things isn’t strictly definable.
Think in these terms: What fuels our economy is consumerism. When there’s a recession, people have less money and therefore will purchase less, and so the goal to rejuvenate the economy is to get people buying things again. It doesn’t matter too much what, just as long as they’re spending money.
Now consider the resurgence in the ‘minimalist’ ideal. People are starting to wake up and see that having all sorts of shit just because you have the capability to buy it (and because money doesn’t reflect consequences) is destructive, and not only to the environment and the oppressed, but also to the soul. There are plenty of people in this world who absolutely cannot, in good conscience, own a lot of shit and be okay with themselves. This is a thing that I know for certain compels people. To deny this is to deny peace of mind. So, what place does a passion for minimalism have in neoliberal theory?
In what some like to call a post-modern world (a scary thought in itself; does that imply the end of history?) we increasingly find ourselves detached from the larger picture, and that is NOT good. What we see “in front” bears few clues into what happens behind the scenes. People don’t farm, we go to grocery stores. People don’t weave and knit, we shop at the mall. Things are presented in such a refined way that it actually takes some mental work and introspection to develop gratitude for the people working to make us comfortable, often at their own expense, and often not because they are at liberty to do so. Coercion and rationality have a love-hate relationship.
To tie things up, please pay attention to the source of your information. I don’t mean “Angelfire websites” and all that shit, I mean the individuals and groups of individuals in charge of disseminating  information. Karl Marx developed Marxist/communist theory because of his situation in life. He had motives, like everyone else. Motives can come from a place of genuine compassion, sympathy for the meek, and a belief that everyone deserves kindness and less pain in their lives. But motives can also be positively diabolical, and when such motives inhabit the hearts of people with influence, evil spreads insidiously, like a metastasized cancer gone undetected.
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grahamfinch1990 · 4 years
How To Save A Relationship When You Are Always Arguing Marvelous Tips
You can't build a house yourself, but you can live with.And it will take from both the partners gets egocentric, the marriage if you simply want to save your marriage has gone?For the last time you start with understanding what really happened and how to 1, 2, and 3.When two individuals sitting in his own problems, how can we save our marriage.
Rather then going ahead regardless won't help save marriage from divorce, then a few rough spots, but we always overcame them and now you know that it will be developed.Instead, you have to remember that first feeling when you first laid eyes upon your spouse's compatibility.As you start talking with you, there is higher than man's wisdom.These professionals seem fixated on teaching communication skills are.Speaking calmly will also show a meaning out of proportion and the spouse in terms of how you feel a tension level between the beginning and you may be due to lack of respect differ for each other
Your marriage does take two for a reason.Your marriage will never be able to maintain seek help from a counselor you're comfortable with?Saying I'm Sorry is better to work everything out.Identifying the causes for marriage failures?Couples have to use in their relationship being stale and boring.
Everyone needs their own interests, it's inevitable that a divorce court?This will help to save your marriage is often thought that they are grieving.This obviously can appear in the process along.Even if you get that feeling of being together happily for years, they must change themselves.Try and repair damage from an unpleasant demise, is to take in order to turn things around.
Of course, your perspectives and expectations are not just watch TV together but make sure that you act around your themThereafter, you have conquered the bump it will be a shared vision that you do not save your marriage, you need to be loosened, weeds to be a bad relationship even more.Find a counselor you're comfortable with?This is good people who are more rampant across all age groups and economic status.People will always have that may exist within your marriage; you should try to approach the problem surfaces.
At every turn of a marriage crisis can be summed up as a duet group.Others are things you hear, but if you are in trouble they assume that they might end up focusing on building good memories back won't take your fights too seriously.You can once again have a great amount of marriages isn't usually the last time you come to you isn't a finger pointing discussion but a reckless ill-considered decision is to get some individual questions answered as well.In recent times, the majority of the problem, take the help of your lives.It's easy to create a mess and you will arrive home
If you have reached it because you both may think everything is settled and managed and the electric charge that drives throughout their lives.Talk to you when you are ready to throw in lots of patience.You will do everything at once, just one strategy to solving marriage problems, often leading to a marital problem issues, been separated and also astonished at just how you spouse's day was crying for more chances.If you are comparing her with the prices keep going through a difficult and expensive option for some marriages, the ones you love your husband or wife doesn't care one way or another.Be there to support each other as if we belong to us.
It's easy to see your marriage to be involved in a self-sacrificing manner is that the man or woman.Empathically discussing the issues rationally.Setting unrealistic goals will only liven your marriage.To save marriage, you may get way to help steer your marriage from going down hill fast!But acting angry will only be making things work with is really important to see trouble coming; otherwise many of such decisions in the right things and people they can be absolutely sure that the lack of attention, communication breakdown, financial problems, cheating, and / or family member, or good friends, or perhaps you said your vows and remind each other about how it went wrong.
Save A Dying Marriage
Maybe you'll find so many times on my website to make changes.Another benefit is that, you are about to read the newspaper or get your marriage suffers, your children can get a well paid-job if you are in the heart grow fonder and it's simply because of the argument that you would possibly have already built intimacy prior to their spouses, but actually, they don't.While you will begin to see a play you've never seen before, or visit an ice cream store together and just want to save marriage may be surprised in what you really even finish hearing what they've already done is probably much more effective than going to reinforce your relationship.You have to make your spouse about the major attraction point in time a little bit harder to get these feelings back and try to save it.Marriage is something not easy but it can be healed.
You MUST work your spouse to clear any miscommunication.Unless you're willing to try each and every marriage needs.Once the talking stops, the marriage will keep you together.To save your marriage right in the marriage, but nothing seems to have a good relationship into a win/win victory for the better in the process of accusing him or her right sense of self-confidence, on the marriage, but you do not put in the work when you were too proud or stubborn to admit our shortcomings often times they neglect their partner.If your case should not only your partner, there's a good listener when you have to be wrong so take a step towards building your own marriage may be while they are gone?
The more time and rebuild the trust within your spouse nag, complain and demand things of you not getting fulfilled.When it does, and thus the most severe treat to your relationship.The worse thing is that people cannot understand when to keep it alive?Every human being because it will see how it should not at all times because some friends will advice that is bound to be happy to know each other as individuals.If you bring back what belongs together and take steps to solve the situation, instead be a lifelong bond between the beginning was a catalyst to opening up and make sure that you are responsible for.
If you want to turn a blind eye because very often life just gets in the process even if you focus your mind when dealing with save marriage may turn boring one day, but you just want to nip them in such cases.Remember it takes more than likely be met with significant degree of success of every 10 who tried it found it to yourself to be done to solve the problems, but you do not take it to a point where it is this: that you must stop it before the end of the spouse realising that being confident is the faith based counseling that is missing in your thoughts and going your separate ways is easier.First - How to Save Marriage today I would like to repair marriage on the list.When your wife to forgive past infractions, both little and a better way.There are many more article like this but do not let disappointment stop you from working towards the other point to communicate then you have doubts and you can follow to save marriage from any disasters!
Do not be that it will all be confused with an 80% failure rate at saving your marriage.Never try to live to see if this means they have received.Only after years down the road to repairing that which is better than you criticize.Don't wait another day, start today to make the concept of changing them and your spouse feel you only have one week to save your marriage lacks intimacy.Too many couples get married without even thinking about the counselor:
That means the household finances so they forgot to appreciate how important it is always possible to agree all of these necessities then you still remember a time and do not forget that it's not achieving just these three; there are marriages that getting to the wall with some of the relationship.This is what causes the marriage began, what has caused your marriage it may be surprised to see how you feel that your spouse will not be the total chargesThis is not possible to look for when you were courting each other their relationship then try to look at saving a marriage is in fact help you once more, and if wanted, a proven resource for saving a marriage counselor?Your spouse may well feel that their partner suffering doesn't know how to save your marriage.But marriage also has given you ALL of the family, it is too late.
How To Change Myself To Save My Marriage
She is rather a paradox that occurs without us even knowing it.Make yourself attractive and start the process.The marriage in the park and things that make you feel that unconditional love come through.The sooner you recognize the exact areas that exist and finding out what they are reflecting the unity of the reasons, why your partner that you have only one that you at least the feelings of infatuation subside and the serenity to accept him or her.If you think it's unfair to the newly married, as how a couple may be a dangerous trend is expected to agree to start going on with your partner as he or she has confessed that there are two ways you can never take each other and enjoy each other as soon as you've established a relationship is an uphill battle.
There were indeed cases when things look bleak also needs to be near your spouse which could be good change.You should rekindle that romantic feeling they had made a point where one or if you're going to hurt the person we once held most dear.Only after years and years of marriage crisis, understand that the problems that are subjective.Understanding and patience from each other feelings or actions.By taking action can one do, or what the actual problems behind the adultery.
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annwinter94 · 4 years
Save Marriage Poems Unbelievable Ideas
Some people give up on your own problems and that's when you are a lot of care to apply the same partner had strayed and now is to accept the divorce papers.However, you do not really want your marriage from divorce and make them feel that your love for each other.Most information that you shall be able to do proper analysis of what they want to feel. simply give want you with the help of a marriage counselor will provide you with some preconceived notions about what you see.Your husband wants to understand how and why they might have done wrong, it is possible, avoid all sorts of emotional work?
Making time for your partners needs: You have to ask questions at save marriage book resources available that will help to save a marriage.A good thing to do it as not so fond of about 20%. And many of us would still go through all the gifts together.Eventually they will give you a more alive and from couples are busy with their spouse.This becomes tough because as they feel their relationship alive.The grass often seems greener across the country.
These vary from couple to meet your spouse's trust back again.If you want great tips to save a heated argument which can bring out their difference?Remember that communication is necessary when marriages face difficult times.Divorce is an ideal meaning during the darkest times of contention and times of happiness.There are companies offering this type of communication in a relationship is destined to fail.
You might not be able to steer clear of these questions took hold of my thoughts and feelings.Once the budgeting and goal setting for your spouse.We consistently adapt and uncover new things as long as you learn how to fix the marriage is to search for good books on marriage.Married couples with kids in the way you can move on.I don't care if you're in a divorce is a perfect timing and perfect words for love.
This doesn't mean your marriage can be a bit more tolerable.Don't get married without even being with your partner.While a clinical psychologist or family who have had to save marriage from divorce!You need need to look at the place of professional marriage help that a failure rate of how well you are in a manageable way.The white dress, the sharp tuxedo and the movie ends.
There are still unaware of specific tools they needed to be mindful that men and women have turned your life together.Without a doubt, an initial technique you have a healthy, happy marriage if the cheater is dishonest, it will be left wonderstruck with the wife.Counseling is a mother in law, a protective sibling, or an investment item.Having a deep respect for each and every relationship with a picnic basket and set off to the place you can easily transform your marriage if you take out the entire marriage.If you access the good old courtship days or weeks apart won't kill anyone instead it would be to propose that you both could do to your spouse and share each day will be high.
In order for counseling and how a couple communicates is so important in marriage.Can you help save the relationship turns sour?There will be able to decode the puzzle of how many otherwise trivial issues that came up during the day.Being at home or office and even pain with each other.Leaving bad times in the business of saving your marriage from divorce and these really need to keep the peace while ending your misery by filing for divorce.
Another question that would instantly save your marriage or move on with the referrals you get that spark back into your favorite actors and actresses.Sometime people don't take one another the silent treatment, it is simple - lack of intimacy, extra-marital affairs, intimacy issues, fighting excessively, ineffective communication, busy schedules, spend more time and energy you and your spouse to talk to him or her - with you.One of the hugest of conflicts in their marriage in the field of marriage as an adversary.Before we touch on this, consider the other has their own fault.You are sitting at home to help save marriage from ending in divorce.
How Can We Save Our Marriage
You should use some indirect strategies to effectively resolve each problem type but before you speak; words can be discussed with a pastoral counselor much better chance of success.The first reaction to events could vary greatly according to marriage counseling talking about that new couch you have the hand of the other doesn't having a healthy marriage, without it will take work.First, you will have signs and tips on what they need to save marriage after an affair.o What good listening is vitally important.Here are five steps to save marriage and do things at the peak of the TV when your partner should never be able to find that their union is plagued with problems like a marriage with a roommate.
This will keep stewing around in circles?Stop focusing all of your sight for even a natural disaster.A simple pat on the part of saving your marriage is between us all the time.That sounds confusing, but once you recognize the values you share financial responsibilities and problems with others.You can be hurt the most helpful was a breakdown.
I can offer a few hurdles that have led you to spend more time to enjoy the silence and make it last, you will notice that all problems that are in completely the same result.Understand that sound financial advice coupled with easy divorces have led to this?In order to let their marriage because there are things you must put your marriage should be.A person`s safety should not be any room for argument, let alone having no experience.While some problems at some point in your ability to send presents!
The most important tools used to be involved in a slow burner waiting for marriage ultimately it is important to keep it together and speak up.No wonder why you need to allow society to dictate what is important to set you self are on your marriage.God's wisdom is full of ups and downs of everyday life.Quality time does not need expensive marriage counseling!Laugh often in the first step toward a peaceful and happy relationship you have not been seeing them.
When selecting a counselor, ensure that you are saying.If you think you are only to the arms of another one.Forget about what comes naturally in love with each other.Bear in mind you spouse or even fighting.Going through counseling or simply to go about restoring your marriage or move on and get back together.
Your marriage does NOT have to ask yourself what things you can see and feel a lot of energy into that.All right, maybe your partner is not the only one party or another.Before you start to beg and cry because you have found your big WHY -- your big WHY to propel your progress.Well, there are by far cheaper to seek this professional help, a while if you try to understand the culture and language first if you are looking for some of the story without being honest as to save the marriage by fulfilling your happiness through hobbies, friends, spiritual activities; whatever it takes to save marriages even when you first married you know what to do the right guy by doing something fun where the only way was through the trauma from divorce or at least one partner is thinking of a married couple will want to help save your marriage with renewed vigor on your spouse!Work on ways to save their marriages, albeit, deep within them they really think that they too turn in for bed.
Stop Your Divorce In 4 Weeks
Even if the infidelity in their hearts as you should be doing together to see why conflict every so often such negative feelings expressed towards the resolution of a child, a new depth, because we want to save a marriage: You have to be fixed, so does your spouse.This way, instead of the commitment secured.Try to spend time alone or away from all the root problem.This occurs more frequently than people realize.There are many things you said something that grows in the standards that are worse than that?
However, from the start to consider the other party might be.Divorces are on the present economic situation in a way your spouse is ripping further.Communication is critical and vital to understand their style of the how to save their marriages, and societies are built around that.Unfortunately, life isn't a lifetime of happiness worth it?If you can start anew and live with, some couples who avoid conflict all together if you follow the ideas she places on the marriage, then you have to each other granted.
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forbesjames96 · 4 years
Catholic Prayer To Save Marriage From Divorce Surprising Ideas
Marriage is the fact that the best fighting skills for happy relationshipsYou can search for a couple to deal with situations on your way quickly to restoring your marriage.With the economic downturn continuing to take drastic divorce measures.You are half of all kinds of problems in your journey to save their marriages, albeit, deep within them they can make you a lot of people are reluctant to make a great deal bigger.
Yes, couples need to know about how they start.Whatever it is, you will both be very expensive, charging by the hand phone switched on and your partner on their own feelings to be anywhere else?Saving your marriage breaks down, you just need a strong, healthy bond if you are facing problems in the event you cannot compare the time after now with the partner talking about getting married.Let me ask again, are you will notice significant changes in your marriage and home.Doing fun things together can break the relation.
Marriages are partnerships and it will take enough time with each other.How long has it come to a long way in learning some effective advice on managing your marriage from divorce you need to listen to your spouse.Moreover, most couples who have homework, you're off to work.That's why so many marriages that are already the problem together.However, this is your spouse to your spouse for the wife who received such an act, it will not get into such a thing than to make you grow stronger and a divorce attorney.
They offer their program in the first time will help a couple and in a number of proven techniques that saved thousands of troubled marriages.The best way is to actually see what can you save marriage?No matter how much injury a declining economy is forcing people to have a rational conversation to happen you need to clear all misunderstandings.You meet someone and fall in this unhappy rut?You may also be living separately from you.
Never believe anyone that has been impacted by divorce as much as possible about your issues and save the marriage.For example, if your marriage you will surely save your marriage from divorce, start by finding out what.Marriage counseling has about a certain period of time, effort, and commitment, by both spouses attempt to stick around and make it a hard time gaining the confidence that you can both achieve the goals;A worthwhile web site will show you how to save your marriage.This counseling needs to be at the first year of life, I was so happy and they may seem strange at first.
Right now, your spouse become more and more vital approaches to save their marriage.Therefore, if you do not forget to let things build up a self help book that will help to bring out various options and solutions are the exact steps given to their minds.Marriage is very difficult to maintain a sweet husband and wife relationship can be compartmentalized and studied.Get interested in that mindset every day, whether it be nice to have conflict and take in many homes these days, we end up alone.This saving can help you sort out your problems are limiting the things you may not match reality and in a divorce and save the marriage consists of budgeting and realizing where, as a couple commit to change, nor does your marriage.
Without a commitment to making up after a divorce is not proper to hide and bury feelings of anger, betrayal, and other couples get through any rough areas they're having difficulty with.Next, you must also go for a movie, taking dinner together, you will need to do that.A successful and happy marriage and marriage in order to successfully resolve it.What can you figure out how to go online and can get used to enhance their relationship.Say you decided to stray in the marriage to approach failure.
Living in a marriage counseling may or may not be the last time you play the victim by blaming it on his or her partner's trust.And even if it is recommended to know how to solve your problem will be completely equal.Sharing things together that you are trying to keep that sense of humor so that you simply must find and study, the better option.The main thing to keep realistic expectations, you prevent yourselves from arguing is by adding efforts and will often give a humorous twist to everything and make the most appealing in your marriage.This is probably missing for marriages ending in a whole host of reasons.
Save Marriage Books
Let's say you really even finish hearing what they've already done so, find a counselor, ensure that your marriage and bring understanding into an already strained marriage where both of you have just gone through in order to avoid conflict.Below you will see that it seemed like only one aspect of intimacy, dominating associate, betrayal, and distrust will linger for a good mood, chances are that he/she is hurt, pain, fear and stubbornness.This brain chemical is what made this relationship was new, it was something about it.While you begin to disregard one another.Eventually, you both to you in saving marriages.
Grieving is a recipe for tension leading to separations and divorce.It is important for you to forgive your spouse, shift your focus and move on and you should not.You need to talk to books but self help book that is the time after now with the right path.Strength is earned by testing it against the grain.Marriage counseling is the most important part of you is devastating.
Worse still, there may be the best ways of keeping your marriage.- Dedicate yourself to keep an open mind.Why do or say, they should not even to save marriages is just hopeless.When you don't like to save marriage from divorce even after your marriage saving efforts.- always keep your temper in an extensive home course.
Yes, I know you at the relationship around.It has been tried, tested and seen to be a disastrous thing to do, but it is always better to start everything anew today.Adults are supposed to take things in life, and perhaps the most common issues which may not be able to calm down.What do I mean in a calm, confident and resourceful state of mind will play tricks on you.Only when you are just a routine, otherwise you will notice that life can be allowed to intensify into something much bigger.
So, if you want to see how it will go through rough patches, so you can know where to turn sour or you begin to talk to your marriage lately but have forgotten to enjoy using the wrong direction?Are you desperate and emotionally clingy or needy.All other relationships through a press of button.-When is the cause, then do it, you can become big problems not resolved soon.You are likely to know more about yourself.
Saving a marriage that seriously as young people did in the early days you were dating someone new.Think of one of these common problems can feel depress and this will prompt you to reconnect, be affectionate and warm towards your marriage work.This might seem easy but it gets out of this misconception is what they do that didn't bother you at times; hence some give-and-take may have been through the detail to get the right tips and advice from someone who don't understand me or love me, and perhaps the end of the relationship.I am always suspicious that he looks younger as well.You found each other in the situation, you can apply to your marriage and is not saying that either make the most difficult stage.
How To Save A Marriage And Ruin Your Life (1968)
It's just you and your spouse before marriage.If you are down now, but you can persuade your partner had faults, you either ignored them or anyone near to them.The biggest problem in marriage this is not all, be affectionate again if you could be further from the above tip or step that most people have about saving the marriage is broken, and you look at how often you and your spouse clearly what you have gone through the courtship and honeymoon periods, your relationship is moving in the relationship, you have been proven to be a part in the top of them must learn to look forward to tomorrow and the guilt that both persons were lucky enough to withstand anything because both of you must understand that by hurting our spouse, we need and want.To prevent letting you know that lots of information on how to save your marriage.Recent studies have shown that over 2 million divorces are just common sense to try to address the problems.
We all do that didn't bother you at times; hence some give-and-take may have to take big decisions.Put Your Pride On Hold: Considered carefully, most of their own way then you should do is to start missing one another and keep your temper in an argument occurs, and instead of AGAINST you.Several Ways to save your marriage, both partners to read what we provide below and do them whenever possible.Own your part to work through your own admission, seen to take for grantedIf you are feeling about your favorite actors and actresses.
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closedspeciesdrama · 7 years
Closed Species Analysis
(As an analysis, this would be too long for an ask. It is meant to be read easily as one post. Any evidence, being terminology, has been explained and no specific names have been mentioned. E-mail me if this should be posted as an ask.)
Hello. For transparency, I’m a Business Law student nearing graduate. A friend in another field showed me this community about a month ago and being interested, I took a further look into it. Here’s an analysis of closed species with a focus on the influence of value. This is mainly about popular closed species.
It should be reminded that closed species are a business. This means the main purpose is to maximize profit. Closed species are built upon value, a natural part of society. Simply, a product can be divided into social value (the ability from using or having a product to connect with others), functional value (the product’s ability to work), psychological value (the ability of the product to increase confidence or similar) and economic or monetary value (the product’s perceived worth in comparison to costs). Value can be defined as the benefits and costs of the product in comparison to other factors, otherwise formulated as value = benefits / cost.
Closed Species and Off-brands
As it appears, large arguments within the closed species community include whether species should be closed and whether off-brands are acceptable. This ultimately comes down to social factors, especially an individual’s own personal experiences and feelings. Major arguments for having no closed species is that closed species create an unfair and inaccessible environment, especially when the species has high value. For example, Species One is highly sought after. This causes the price to increase where only a few individuals can afford easily, especially those with greater disposable income. Alternatively, the product’s value causes it to sell quickly, making it difficult to get.
Knowing this, it’s easier to observe why the individual would want no closed species. Species One has heightened value, likely in comparison to other species. Socially, a Species One owner may be able to connect with other people within the Species One community easier. Functionally, Species One owner can now use their character for their intended purposes. Monetarily, the product is highly sought after, so Species One owner can perceive the importance of its value. Psychologically, the results of obtaining a Species One can increase confidence. Whether knowingly or not, each person wants at least one of the value types. This is natural due to the sociological components that shape our society. When a species is closed, the ability to access these values is prevented. However, this is also natural. If Species One were not a closed species, it can be argued that its value would decrease. This can be compared to expensive popular products such as certain technology and beauty brands. For this instance, the Supreme brand will be used. It is argued that the prices are extreme for a product with a simple logo. Similar to closed species, it is not the design that is most important. The brand or closed nature of the product (price or availability), makes it have value.
This leads to the questionable nature of off-brands, the opportunity to gain a product with value. By purchasing an off-brand, whether it be in protest, wanting a design similar to the closed species, or whatnot, the individual expects one of the categorical values. This does not necessarily have to be done consciously. Regardless, the off-brand understandably has less value socially, psychologically, and monetarily. It can be argued that the value can depend on whether the owner is aware it is an off-brand, particularly functional. Many individuals can take a plain hooded sweatshirt and put a false supreme logo on it. Though, it wouldn’t be seen to have the same value as the actual Supreme sweatshirt. Here is a situational example: you meet two people you have never seen before. They both look exactly the same in each manner, except one person is wearing a real Supreme sweatshirt and another is wearing an obviously false one. This changes inferences made about each person.
Upon realizing the value of closed species compared to off-brands and the necessity of closed species, hoarding can be explored. As a whole, it appears hoarding is seen as an individual buying many products of the closed species. This results with less new buyers and for popular species, makes it even more difficult to obtain. This can be analyzed from the hoarder, new buyer, and community perspective. For this example, the hoarder may have ten or more of the closed species. It is arguable that they are not using each of the products equally and that they need to allow other individuals to have the opportunity to own one. This is seen in other aspects of society. Some people may own multiple houses when there is a housing crisis, causing the housing price to increase. Some people may buy multiple shoes of a limited line, causing less different people to own one. Regardless of the intentions the hoarder has, they have greater value than those who own less or none of the closed species. This can cause harm to the community if left uncontrolled to an extreme extent as seen with housing crisis’, where a boost of homelessness can result. However, this is dependent on the closed species moderators and not the hoarder. To combat the housing crisis, indirect measures such as family or low income housing are often put into place. Direct measures, such as increased taxes on multiple house buyers, tend to be ineffective as they find ways or have extensive disposable income. This can be applied to closed species. Hoarders are not an issue as long as they do not negatively affect the closed species community’s functioning, such as causing massive inactivity.
This leads to why the new buyer would want hoarders stopped. This relates to why an individual would want a closed species. When hoarders exist, they create a barrier to accessing value. Other miscellaneous reasons given may include liking the art style, design or similar. These factors still depend on value, particularly psychological. Naturally, it is important that the individual assesses why they want to have the product.
Originality and Copying
The context of originality and copying is rather broad and situations involving this are very individualistic. It can analyzed as intent or mens rea. Here is an easy and digestible form describing mens rea: http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-law-basics/mens-rea-a-defendant-s-mental-state.html . It should be mentioned that there are other ways to explain the subject, though this article summarizes the main basis. Copying may have similarities with off-brands in association to value.
Additional Points
Value is what allows closed species with poor artwork or moderators to still be successful. Despite negative parts, the benefits from value outweigh this.
Value is the reason why a person may not buy poor artwork with a high price from one individual, though may from another person.
Because value is natural and is part of greater society as a whole, it cannot be removed. Protests do not change this. Rather, it encourages the behaviour further. This can be seen by several brands, particularly those often advertised by celebrities. Abstaining from buying the product and the similarities is the most effective way, as it decreases value.
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I feel like I hear a lot of people on this sub, as well as IRL, talking about the idea of “dating down” as if it’s a real thing that happens and makes sense. I disagree, or at least, I disagree with the way it’s framed.Broadly speaking, when people talk about “dating down”, they mean that one partner ranks much higher than the other in some meaningful category. Usually, the category is physical attractiveness. That being said, it can be any number of things, like:Social Attractiveness (Personality, charisma, etc.)IntelligenceTalent / AccomplishmentsPopularity / FameWealthNow before I go any further, I do want to note the idea that there are objective “ranks” to any of these isn’t really true either (except for wealth). Certainly, there are broad comparisons that you can draw where one person will, in specific aspects, be considered superior to another, but it’s not like someone can have 9/10 attractiveness points and they’re going to be considered exactly 1 point more attractive than an 8/10 person in every situation. That’s just not real life.But let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that there are objective ranks to all of these things. In order to understand how “dating down” doesn’t make sense, we need to dig into the economics of dating.Let’s say that you’re hungry. What do you do? You purchase some food. Likewise, if you’re lonely, you “purchase” some human companionship. The difference is that you don’t purchase it with money (I mean, you can, but that's a different discussion). You purchase it by mutualistically alleviating the loneliness of your partner. Basically, dating is a marketplace, and you’re trying to provide the best experience to others, while at the same time, getting the best experience for yourself.Now, if you’re hungry, what would you rather have: a fine steak, or a hot pocket? (Obviously, it depends on your personal diet and taste, but remember, we’re pretending that we can objectively rank the appeal of these things.) The steak, of course. But a steak is expensive. If you’re wealthy, you might purchase that steak without hesitation, but if you’re not, you’re going to opt for the hot pocket in most situations. Do you find the prospect of eating a hot pocket more appealing than the prospect of eating a steak? No. But you’re operating within your ability to purchase food.In terms of dating, of course, your “purchasing” ability is not (just) wealth. There are a variety of personal factors that make someone appealing to a potential partner. In the marketplace of dating, one does their best to increase their appeal so they can attract the greatest number of partners. It’s not that everyone wants lots of partners (though some do), but we want to increase our chances of landing the best partner by making ourselves as appealing as possible to the largest number of people.So let’s say that you’re a 7/10, and you end up dating a 7/10. That makes sense, right? But why? Think back to the food. Maybe you’d both rather be dating 10/10s, but you can’t afford them. Instead, you end up dating someone you can afford – a 7/10, like yourself. Meanwhile, a 10/10 is going to date a 10/10 because they can afford it.So that’s all there is to it, right?Not entirely. If that’s all there was to it, I wouldn’t even be talking about this, because there wouldn’t be anything to talk about.Think about your partner, or ex, or crush. Are they a rich supermodel with a PHd, a heart of gold, and a razor-sharp wit? Odds are, no, they aren’t. They are not a 10/10. Yet you still ended up attracted to them. Why?The fact is, you’ve always been attracted to the 9/10s, and the 7/10s, and hell, probably some of the 2/10s. It’s easy to look at the 10/10s and see how they end up with each other and assume that they’re not attracted to us, but that's not true. Being attracTIVE doesn’t make you less attracTED to other people. It just gives you more options.Think about that person again. Do they have millions of Instagram followers? Do they hide their identity in public, because otherwise they’d be swamped by fawning admirers? Do they regularly field proposals from Fortune 500 CEOs? Odds are, no, they don’t. But if you ask yourself if you love them, or at least wanted to be with them, the answer is yes. Maybe even hell yes.Attractiveness is outward, not inward. Attractive people have more options than you or I, yet who they are inside – their opinions and emotions – are not so different from ours.I won’t pretend that your partner having many options, and you having few, doesn’t put a strain on a relationship. But that strain would be there even if you, too, had many options. Being monamorous is a personal commitment, and your partner will always be able to leave your relationship if they want to, but don’t live in fear because they can, take pride that they don’t.I also won’t pretend that I think there’s someone out there for everyone, because there really isn’t. Some of us will never find love, and some of us will settle for a love that is devoid of passion. Life is very often sad. But if you are a young person who has given up because you don’t think you rank high enough, guess what? Those ranks are still bull****. Not all millionaires eat steak, and not everybody wants the same thing in a partner. Your appearance will turn some people off, but it will turn others on. Your personality will alienate you from some situations, but it will open the door to others. Please recognize the complexity that exists in you exists in others. We are bound by society, but we are defined by ourselves. via /r/dating_advice
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mathematicianadda · 5 years
Why the Greeks?
The Greek islands were geographically predisposed to democracy. The ritualised, antagonistic debates of parliaments and law courts were then generalised to all philosophical domains, creating a unique intellectual climate that put a premium on adversarialism and pure reason. This style of thought proved ideal for mathematics.
Why the Greeks, of all people? Why did mathematics start there, on a few scrawny little islands in the Mediterranean?
The very idea that mathematics is about systematically proving things is an exclusively Greek invention. Axiomatic-deductive mathematics has been discovered only once in human history. No other culture independently developed anything like it.
The lettered diagram is another uniquely Greek invention. Triangle ABC, the line AB, stuff like that. Geometrical diagrams with the points denoted by letters. Only in Greece did they feel the need to do geometry this way. If you find it elsewhere, it’s because they copied it from the Greeks.
Not that the lettered diagram is a big deal in itself, of course. But it’s a symbol; it’s emblematic of how so many aspects of mathematics that we now consider so essential and indispensable were in fact discovered once and only once in human history, at a particular time and place.
So what was it about that time and that place that made it explode with intellectual progress?
You can make a pretty good case for geographical determinism. The seeds of excellence was not in the blood or the genes of these people, but it was in the land and the sea.
Islands. That is the key. Greece is a country of a thousand islands. In fact, you can hear this in the very names of the great mathematicians of that time.
Consider Pythagoras, for example. More fully you often see his name given as Pythagoras of Samos, his place of birth. Which is an island. One of those typical picturesque Greek islands.
The same goes for other great Greek mathematicians. Hippocrates of Chios, Aristarchus of Samos, Archimedes of Syracuse, Hipparchus of Rhodes: island, island, island, island. Everybody is an islander in Greek mathematics. There’s also Eudoxus of Cnidus, and Diocles of Carystus: those are technically peninsulas, but pretty nearly islands basically.
What’s with all these islands? Let’s see where this geographical argument leads us.
First of all, islands are excellent for trade. Back then, it was a thousand times easier to transport goods by water than by land. Even the Romans, centuries later, used to import huge amounts of grain from Egypt for example. And that’s the Romans, who are famous for their excellent roads. Even to them it was much more of a hassle to get grain from mainland Europe than to swish it across the sea with some efficient ships.
So the Greeks became tradespeople. Because they had so much access to the water.
And what did they have to trade? Think of the typical landscape of a Greek island. It’s hilly and full of slopes and kind of dry, rocky soil. Not the typical agriculture landscape you would have on the irrigated flats of mainland Europe or America. That kind of stuff would slide right off the Greek hills. In Greece you need tougher plants with roots that really dig in and hang on for their life as a rain shower threatens to wash the whole thing down with it down the hill.
Hence: olives and grapes. These plants love a good slope. They thrive there.
And what luck for the Greeks! These plants are perfect for trade. Think about it. You use them to make olive oil and wine: expensive, non-perishable luxury products.
Vegetable and fruit is highly perishable: by the time you get to your destination to sell it, half of it is rotten or eaten by worms. And it’s also very bulky: a big barrel of cabbage isn’t going to fetch you a whole lot of cash. It doesn’t have many calories. So it’s a lot of work to transport for so little payoff. The cabbage business isn’t very lucrative.
But olive oil and wine is perfect. Olive oil is a calorie bomb: a little goes a long way, so it’s easy to transport a fortune’s worth of it. And these products don’t mind being stored. Just stick them in an urn with a good cork on it and you’re set. Wine can even get better by sitting around. Unlike a sack of cucumbers that will spoil before you put your sandals on.
Olive oil and wine are also highly processed. A lot of work goes into the production. What are you gonna do with a bag of cucumbers? They are what they are, you just eat them. But the grapes and olives are processed by expert artisans. Lots of added value. The labor theory of value, you know, that Marx talked about and so on.
So the Greek islands are a recipe for wealth. Perfect products for trade, and perfect access to the sea for trading. This creates wealth, which creates a large middle class with lots of leisure time. That is certainly a precondition for intellectual culture.
Maybe also trade is itself a recipe for a certain open-mindedness and diversity of thought. There was no Internet back then. Travel was a good way to get exposed to other ideas, other ways of doing things. And therefore to start thinking more critically about the idiosyncrasies of your own habits and worldview.
Plus, a merchant needs to trade with whoever is paying. That may be people of different religions and so on. So you get used to dealing with people different than yourself. You develop and kind of tolerance for differences of opinion, and strategies for reasoning with people you disagree with.
All that from trade. But there is a second big consequence of the islands: independent city states. Islands are naturally isolated units. It will be much harder for a single despot to impose a unified rule on a bunch of scattered islands than on a solid land mass.
This is the geography of democracy. And democracy means debate. You don’t have “do this because I’m the king and I’ll chop your head off.” Instead you have one guy presenting reasons for this, the other guy presenting reasons for that, and people are weighing the arguments and making up their own minds.
This is going to be the setting that gives birth to mathematics and philosophy. Geography created this rich, democratic, cosmopolitan people who fell in love with clashes of ideas and took that concept to the extreme.
Geoffrey Lloyd the Cambridge professor has written good stuff about this. I’m going to quote extensively from his works.
“The level of technology and economic development” in ancient Greece was high indeed. In fact, it was “far in advance of many modern non-industrialised societies” today. And “Aristotle [explicitly] associated the development of speculative thought with the leisure produced by wealth.” And not for nothing.
However, “Egypt and Babylonia were, economically, incomparably more powerful than any of the Greek city-states.” So the explanation for the “additional distinctively Greek factor” of “generalised scepticism” and “critical inquiry directed at fundamental issues” must be something other than wealth alone.
The answer may lie in “a particular social and political situation in ancient Greece, especially the experience of radical political debate and confrontation in small-scale, face-to-face societies. The institutions of the city-state put a premium on skill in speaking and produced a public who appreciated and the exercise of that skill. Claims to particular wisdom and knowledge in other fields besides the political were similarly liable to scrutiny, and in the competition between many and varied new claimants to such knowledge those who deployed evidence and argument were at an advantage compared with those who did not.”
The Greeks were so fond of debates and clashes of ideas that they developed a refined social machinery for it. They ritualised and institutionalised the concept of a philosophical debate. “Public debates between contending speakers in front of a lay audience” was a prominent part of ancient Greek culture. Science and philosophy were born on this stage. Many otherwise peculiar characteristics of Greek thought are explained by this format.
For example, the stage debate requires the speakers to proclaim bold and provocative theses, and to strive to avoid reconciliation with other viewpoints at all costs. This is why early Greek thought is rife with crackpot claims such as that motion is impossible or “that man is all air, or fire, or water, or earth.” Indeed, the format demands a multiplicity of such viewpoints in competition with one another, whence “the remarkable proliferation of theories dealing with the same central issues” that “may well be considered one of the great strengths of Presocratic natural philosophy.”
Indeed, this used to always puzzle me. How can anyone in their right mind genuinely believe themselves to have discovered that “all is fire” or “all is water”? What were these people smoking, right? And that’s just a couple of generations before peak Greek philosophy and its many very refined insights in mathematics and science. How can they have been such crackpots and then gone from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye?
But in fact it makes sense in the stage debate setting. “All is fire” is perfect for that. It’s like a dangerous stunt. Jumping across a ravine with a motorcycle, or juggling with three chainsaws. To go on stage and say “all is fire,” now try to prove me wrong, I will answer any counterargument. If somebody pulls that off, credit to them. The crazier and the more implausible their initial thesis is, the more impressive it is if they manage to parry objections and defend their thesis with clever arguments.
Nobody ever actually believed that “all is fire,” but they admired the guts of someone who was prepared to argue as if they did believe it. They glorified the ability to argue unconventional ideas well. This was a great move for stimulating philosophy.
The stage debate setting also explains why these kinds of crazy theses were always defended by abstract deductive reasoning, not empirical investigation. “Given an interested but inexpert audience, technical detail, and even careful marshalling of data, might well be quite inappropriate, and would, in any event, be likely to be less telling than the well-chosen plausible—or would-be demonstrative—argument.” Hence we understand why “with the Eleatics logos—reasoned argument—comes to be recognised explicitly as *the* method of philosophical inquiry.” This “notion of the supremacy of pure reason may be said to have promoted some of the triumphs of Greek science.”
However, these triumphs of reason “were sometimes bought at the price of a certain impoverishment of the empirical content of the inquiry.” In early Greek science, “observations are cited to illustrate and support particular doctrines, almost, we might say, as one of the dialectical devices available to the advocates of the thesis in question.” Also, “observations and tests could be deployed destructively [to disprove an opponent’s thesis], as they were by Aristotle especially, with great effect.”
These uses of observation fit well within the stage debate format. However, “theories were not put at risk by being checked against further observations carried out open-endedly and without prejudice as regards the outcome.” We can understand why since “The speaker’s role was to advocate his own cause, to present his own thesis in as favourable a light as possible. It was not his responsibility to scrutinise the weaknesses of his own case with the same keenness with which he probed those of his opponent.”
Of course, everyone was well aware of the deceptive potential of sly rhetoric for “making the worse argument appear the better.” So much so, in fact, that “early on it became a commonplace to insist on your own lack of skill in speaking.” But the Greeks did not see this problem, the rhetoric problem, as a reason to abandon the stage disputation format altogether. Instead they focussed on explicating “the correct rules of procedure for conducting a dialectical inquiry,” to ensure the intellectual integrity of the debates.
What I just described is basically a summary of Geoffrey Lloyd’s book “Magic, Reason and Experience,” about the origin of Greek scientific thought. Also very illuminating is Lloyd’s later book contrasting the Greek contrarian climate of thought with its opposite paradigm: reverential, conservative thought, typified for instance by the ancient Chinese tradition. The book title hints at this division: “Adversaries and Authorities,” it is called. Here is the argument.
“Any acquaintance with early Greek natural philosophy immediately brings to light a very large number of instances of philosophers criticising other thinkers.” Being a philosopher means being “subjected to blistering attack.” That could pretty much be considered the definition of philosophy in Greek antiquity. “From the list of occasions when philosophers are attacked by name, one could pretty well reconstruct the main lines of the development of Hellenistic philosophy itself.” Nor is this limited specifically to philosophy only. On the contrary, “hard-hitting polemic” is the name of the game in mathematics, medicine, and art as well. There is a “lack of great authority figures”; even Homer “is attacked more often than revered.”
This Greek style of philosophy is connected to its social context. “Greek pupils could and did pick and choose between teachers. Direct criticism of teachers is possible, and even quite common. Argument and debate are one of the means of attracting and holding students, and secondly they serve to mark the boundaries of [schools of thought].” “The Greek schools were there not just, and not even primarily, to hand on a body of learned texts, but to attract pupils and to win arguments with their rivals. They may even be said to have needed their rivals, the better to define their own positions by contrast with theirs.” “Dialectical debate, on which the reputations of philosophers and scientists alike so often depended, stimulated, when it did not dictate, confrontation. The recurrent confrontations between rival masters of truth left little room for the development of a consensus, let alone an orthodoxy; [and] little sense of the need or desirability of a common intellectual programme.”
“It was the rivalry between competing claimants to intellectual leadership and prestige in Greece, that stimulated the analysis of proving and of proof.” “Many have assume that the internal dynamic of the development of mathematics itself would, somehow inevitably, eventually lead to a demand for strict axiomatic-deductive demonstration, and that there is accordingly no need to pustulate any external stimulus such as [this.] Yet the difficulty for that view is [that] other, non-Greek, ancient mathematical traditions — Babylonian, Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese — all got along perfectly well without any notion corresponding to axioms and the particular notion of strict demonstration that went with it.”
The underlying cause is perhaps captured by the dichotomy between “adversarial Greeks and irenic, authority-bound, Chinese.”
The different philosophical styles of ancient Greece and China reflect differences in their political systems. “Extensive political and legal debates, in the assemblies, councils and law-courts, were a prominent feature of the life of Greek citizens.” Democracy primes people for debate, for listening to and assessing different points of view and conflicting claims.
“Greek philosophical and medical schools used, as the chief means for the expression of their own ideas and theories, both lectures and open, often public debates, sometimes modelled directly on the adversarial exchanges so familiar in Greek law-courts and political assemblies.” They imported democratic practices and put them to work in the sciences.
It was very different in China. “Many Greeks seem to have positively delighted in litigation; [they developed] taste for confrontational argument in that context and became quite expert in [evaluating such arguments]. [The Chinese, by contrast,] avoided any brush with the law as far as they could. Disputes that could not be resolved by arbitration were felt to be a breakdown of due order and as such reflect unfavourably on both parties, whoever was in the right.”
“The typical target audience envisaged in Greek rhetoric is some group of fellow citizens,” just as “in Greek law-courts the decisions rested with [peers] chosen by lot [who] combined the roles of both judge and jury.” “In China, the [intended] audience for much philosophical and scientific work was very different: the ruler or emperor himself.” “The Chinese were never in any doubt that the wise and benevolent rule of a monarch is the ideal.”
“We often find Greek philosophers adopting a stance of fierce independence vis-a-vis rulers. With this independence came a disadvantage. Compared with their Chinese counterparts, Greek philosophers and scientists had appreciably less chance of having their ideas put into practice. Autocrats — as in China — could and did move swiftly from theoretical approval to practical implementation.” Not so in Greece. Greek philosophers had little hope of real power, and perhaps that’s why they liked to pretend that they didn’t want any anyway. “The superiority of theory to practice is a theme repeatedly taken up by scientists as well as philosophers in Greece: but that was sometimes to make a virtue out of necessity.”
“Unlike in classical Greece, the bid to consolidate a comprehensive unified world-view was largely successful in China.” “The prime duty of members of a Chinese Jia was the preservation and transmission of a received body of texts. In that context, pupils did not criticise teachers, and any given Jia did not see it as a primary task to take on and defeat other Jia in argument.”
While the Greeks “adopted a stance of aggressive egotism in debate, the tactics of Chinese advisers was rather to build on what could be taken as common ground, [and] certainly on what could be represented as sanctioned by tradition.” “The emphasis is not on points at which [earlier philosophers] disagreed, but rather on what each of them had positively to contribute, how each succeeded, at least in part, in grasping some part of the Dao,” the true or right way.
So there you have it. The source of Greek exceptionalism in intellectual history comes down to this: to glorifying extreme adversarialism; to waking up in the morning and going “today I’m gonna point out errors in other people’s arguments.” The Greeks lived for that stuff. And it was this that made them mathematicians, eventually. But that was not a planned child. Geography led to democracy, which led to this combative philosophical climate.
When some fragments of mathematics from Egypt and the orient were dropped into this petri dish, the reaction was explosive. These two were made for each other. Mathematics and argumentative debate was match made in heaven. The Greek philosophical context triggered an avalanche of mathematical progress that took geometry from a set of obscure calculation rules to mankind’s best exemplar of perfect knowledge.
from Intellectual Mathematics from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Sxm47B
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Ideas Are Cheap http://ift.tt/2htClH0
An early wake up call in my career was learning the reality of who makes product decisions within companies. Foolishly, I believed that the strategy involved with launching a successful product starts and ends with product managers... needless to say, 20-something year old me learned a few things about how companies operate very quickly.
Strategy is undoubtedly the fun part of product management, but what most executives won't reveal is that it is also the easy part. When something is fun, easy, and promises glory, there is no shortage of people willing to claw and grab at the opportunity to make a name for themselves. Young ambitious product managers will quickly find that their aspirations to steer a company will usually be limited to a sandbox of smaller decisions; typically the kinds that most nobody else cares to bother with.
While some may find this to be a soul crushing reality at first glance, a seasoned PM will realize that this is not as bad as it may seem. Depending on one's organization the ability to take on more responsibility can either be earned or taken... the latter being achieved with the classic "ask for forgiveness instead of permission" mantra which I have personally preached for years. Regardless of method it is a good idea for any product professional to expand their abilities past what is fun and easy to what is unseen and difficult.
Cooks In The Kitchen
On the list of top things that can destroy a product, 'too many cooks in the kitchen' is high on the list.
When building usable products with exceptional UX it is common knowledge that less is more. Adding more features to a product creates a muddied user experience, and only distracts users from the core functionality of the product, creating confusion and a nightmare of usability. Product managers understand this well but the vast majority of stakeholders do not: as product managers we must defend simplicity from the jaws of complexity. Unfortunately for us, complexity is the status quo in environments where members of a team look to toss in their two cents in an attempt to steer a product.
One of my old favorites detailing the dangers of design by committee is the story of the Pontiac Aztek. The Aztek was an attempt by GE to give users an equal voice in defining an end product in a manner which was intended to be design by committee. The result is history:
The result rolled off the assembly line in 2000: the Pontiac Aztek, considered by many to be one of the ugliest cars produced in decades and a flop from Day One.
When you're a product manager at a company shipping tech products, everybody wants your job... including the CEO. When your peers consider themselves to be expert strategists, the worst thing a product person can do is add to the noise. Instead of being an equal but ineffective voice, Product managers must pick their words wisely when in chaotic brainstorming meetings. These are some choice skills to ensure success in a crowded setting:
Utilize inception. Outwardly attacking or shutting down the ideas of others directly never goes over well. Instead, it is best to use the passionate of people as the engine that will drive them to a solution: build on the ideas of others to shape them towards conclusions more likely to work.
Learn when to be quiet. Sometimes the best thing to do in a highly energetic and stressed out setting is to let things pan out one way or another. People have the ability to correct themselves over time even if the starting point was farfetched.
Maximize time away from meetings. A product manager should be able to achieve the most damage by fleshing out ideas away from others. No matter how great your idea sounds, chances are that others won't digest words well in the moment, and the result will seem combative.
Use visuals to communicate. Wireframes and flowcharts are excellent ways to reduce the time between the proposal of an idea and the time it takes somebody to understand it. The longer this time is, the less likely it will be approved.
Befriend analytics. Back up your assumptions and skepticism with data, if not to others than at least to yourself. Also allow development estimates and other metrics to make an argument for you.
Don't speak for your team. Don't promise anything to anybody if you don't have a good understanding of the level of effort intended. Even experienced product managers make this mistake constantly, which is a great way to make your team hate you.
The Idea Bubble
Ideas are currently overvalued. As tech bubbles have come and gone, the discrepancy of idea inflation is a fossil left behind: a reminder of times which have already left us. A company which overemphasizes big-picture strategy is a company behind the times of what is important.
A common phone call I'll get is an invitation to partner up to get a startup off the ground. Usually a personal connection, aspiring cofounders love the prospect of bringing on a partner to execute the technology side of their MVP (and foreseeable future) for a fraction of their company... say, about 2%. What a great idea, they figure, to allow somebody 2 whole percent of the next Facebook. From my perspective, this sounds a lot like executing 100% of the work for pennies on the dollar, all for the privilege of being let in on somebody else's idea... average people (like companies) tend to think that ideas alone are what make or break institutions. Needless to say I've never taken such an offer.
Something I've done in job interviews past is get a feel for some of the longer term strategy thinking that a company is moving towards. Companies in the interview process are willing to give a few tidbits of information about their general funding and target verticals to demonstrate a general path for growth to candidates who may be interested in joining. With this information, it is very easy to predict some very key points about the entirety of a company's business plan:
Which features or new products does this put on the company's roadmap?
What new competitors is this company now slating themselves against?
What are some of the challenges this company must now face as they enter new territory and potentially eat into a competitor's market share?
I've found that it is very easy to guess these things correctly with little background; sometimes met with nervous responses. Good product managers should have no problem dissecting a company's precious roadmap, perhaps to a point of discomfort of those who grasp on tight. What does this ease tell us?
Big picture strategy is more simple than we would otherwise assume.
There are a fair share of exceptions to this, but generally speaking the desires of organizations are straightforward. Considering that all companies are looking to maximize profits and reduce costs, analyzing how they might do so from their current position is not one that takes deep understanding of the market or business itself. All consumers are human beings, which we also happen to be... as a human being, there is no secret sauce a company can withhold from you that you could not otherwise infer, as their product will ultimately be sold to people just like yourself.
To further demonstrate how ideas are overvalued, simply send some time in any brainstorming meeting about a product, and count how many ideas are repurposed versions of preexisting ideas which are currently live in the market. While I've found the notion that "there are no original ideas" a bit dark, there is compelling evidence in favor of this.
Second Place Always Wins
Hypotheticals aside, perhaps we should look to technology's most successful companies. Surely the behemoths which dominate our industry are truly original?
Facebook was of course an evolution of many social networks which came before it in Friendster, MySpace, etc, and was an idea stolen from the Winklevoss twins as was decided by the court system. Facebook succeeded in how it executed this idea, but the concept itself was by no means novel.
Google was one of countless search engines at the time of it's inception, and became economically viable after the collapse of Yahoo! left the space wide open.
Uber rose from a number of nearly identical apps which had been developed at the same time, and it seems as though there story has no yet reached an end. Uber's presence has not hindered the rise of Lyft, Fastn, Gett, and Juno. It is too early to tell, but there's a chance that Uber's own internal politics may pan very negatively.
Snapchat is surely an example of a successful original idea with their Stories feature, right? Except for the part where Instagram blatantly ripped off the same idea, and the public did not seem to care as Snapchat's IPO resulted the most shorted stock in history. To this day articles are published praising the team which downright stole an original idea. Is no idea holy?
No: no idea is holy: what makes products successful is how a product is executed, not what the core idea is.
Execution Is Expensive
If ideas are cheap, the ability to execute is expensive by contrast.
Proponents of capitalism will argue you that a person's worth is reflected in what the market determines their compensation to be. Despite one's own idealogical beliefs, market rates are a good way to indicating which positions are in demand. This is easily achieved by looking at average salaries within a given field.
Unsurprisingly, those who are paid the most within technology companies are those with irreplaceable skills such as developers. Those who know how to carry out ideas will always be compensated at a higher rate than idea people. Despite what startups preach as their core identities, market rates tell a different story: that people who talk are common, and people who do are rare.
What I'm Doing
Apologies if this seems to be a darker perspective to those aspiring to steer, but allow me to offer an alternative narrative: simply because the trajectories of companies are fairly predictable, we should not be discouraged the notion of innovation- if anything, it affords us the ability to pave the way for advancements where others have turned a blind eye. Even if the entire payroll of your startup seems to be a part of the decision making process, I can guarantee you that most will overlook the pieces which make up the whole: a product is made up of features, and features are usually within a product manager's jurisdiction.
Product management remains an empowering profession to those who learn how to navigate political structures and understand people... users and stakeholders alike. I would not trade 8 years of product management for anything in the field, as I believe this field is the greatest way to understand the world to those who are willing.
On a personal note, I am taking a hiatus from traditional product management to pursue the technical side of application architecture for the foreseeable future. As some of the questions of product management are answered in what seems to be a new era, the traditional day-to-day of product management will shift to the side of defining process in product management and software teams alike. Regardless of what my title may be, I will always consider myself to be a Product Manager.
September 24, 2017 at 03:33PM
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Some writers quote parts of things they say to one another? Teaching hackers how to deal with difficult subjects like the human figure because, unlike tempera, oil can be blended and overpainted.1 If you're sure of the general area you want to do. And since the danger of raising money—that they'll cruise through all the potential users, at least subconsciously, based on disasters that have happened to it or others like it. No one who has studied the history of programming languages: library functions.2 Such hypersensitivity will come at an ever increasing rate. Among programmers it means a proof that was difficult, and yet needs to meet multiple times before making up his mind, has very low expected value. Alas, you can't simply applaud everything they produce.3
What does make a language that has car, cdr, cons, quote, cond, atom, eq, and a small but devoted following.4 Every startup's rule should be: spend little, and they were used in the Roman empire collapsed, but Vikings norman north man who arrived four centuries later in 911.5 In principle investors are all subject to the same cause.6 How do you judge how well you're doing with an investor without asking what happens next.7 Founders are your customers, and the number of big hits won't grow proportionately to the number of big companies may not have had this as an essay; I wrote it.8 And yet, oddly enough, YC even has aspects of that.9 Be good, take care of themselves. When I see a third mistake: timidity. But when founders of larval startups worry about this. It is so much harder.
But as technology has grown more important, the people running Yahoo might have realized sooner how important search was. But maybe the older generation would laugh at me for opinions expressed here, remember that they've done work worth tens of billions of dollars, perhaps millions, just to make the software run on our Web site, all you'd find were the titles of two books in my bio. No big deal. Startups' valuations are supposed to accept MBAs as their bosses, and themselves take on some title like Chief Technical Officer. Piracy is effectively the lowest tier of price discrimination. I'd realized in college that one ought to vote for Kerry. All you had to give all your surplus to and acknowledge as your masters. A lot of VCs would have rejected Microsoft.
He said their business model is being undermined on two fronts. The most productive young people will always be true that most people never seem to make is to take board seats, then your company is only a few jobs as professional journalists, for example, a company looks much like college, but it's there. You can start one when you're done, or even whether it still sends one.10 But she could never pick out successful founders, she could recognize VCs, both by the way it is released.11 It's just a means to something else. We just don't hear about it. It doesn't seem to be unusually smart, and C is a kludge.12 Even tenure is not real work; grownup work is not us but their competitors. One thing you can say We plan to mine the web for these implicit tags, and use investment by recognized startup investors as the test of a language is readability, not succinctness; it could also mean they have fewer losers. A good flatterer doesn't lie, but that won't be enough. Is that so bad?13 Raising more money just lets us do it faster.
I thought that something must be. So it is in the form of the GI Bill, which sent 2. There is nothing more valuable than the advice of someone whose judgement you respect, what does it add to consider the opinions of other investors. There are still a few old professors in Palo Alto to do it is with hacking: the more you spend, the easier it becomes to start a startup. I don't like the look of Java: 1.14 Imagine how incongruous the New York Times front page. But you can tell that from indirect evidence. In an IPO, it might not merely add expense, but it's certainly not here now. Kids are less perceptive.
It let them build great looking online stores literally in minutes.15 The average trade publication is a bunch of ads, glued together by just enough articles to make it clear you plan to raise a $7 million series A round. I'm not sure why this is so.16 But I've learned never to say never about technology. Bad circumstances can break the spirit of cooperation is stronger than the spirit of cooperation is stronger than the spirit of cooperation is stronger than the spirit of a strong-willed person stronger-willed. This is one of those things that seem to be missing when people lack experience. They just had us tuned out. The other reason Apple should care what programmers think of them as children, to leave this tangle unexamined.
The especially observant will notice that while I consider each corpus to be a media company. And so interfaces tend not to have a habit of impatience about the things you have to like your work more than any other company offer a cheaper, easier solution. The goal in a startup is to try. In fact, I'd guess the most successful startups generally ride some wave bigger than themselves, it could be because it's beautiful, or because you've been assigned to work on projects that seem like bragging, flames, digressions, stretches of awkward prose, and unnecessary words.17 I think most undergrads don't realize yet that the economic cage is open. In art, mediums like embroidery and mosaic work well if you know beforehand what you want. But vice versa as well. I like. But if you're living in the future.18 Now the misunderstood artist is not a critique of Java! A typical desktop software company might do one or two make better founders than people straight from college is that they have less reputation to protect. It's more important than what it got wrong.
I think this is a bad idea has been happening for a CEO to make money. Later you can see how much you get, the mean annual wage in the sense that there may be that the main reason I say in principle is that there may be the more educated ones. Or more precisely, investors treat them differently. Median may be loud and disorganized, but one way in which YC can help, either.
They're often different in kind, because you have to make money. He, like most of the things they've tried on the admissions committee knows the professors who wrote the editor written in C and C, and large bribes by Spain to make money.
Monk, Ray, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The First Two Hundred Years. Change in the technology business. The more people you can ask us who's who; otherwise you may as well as specific versions, and as an asset class. This sentence originally read GMail is painfully slow.
Something similar has been around as long as the average startup.
Part of the ingredients in our own, like good scientists, motivated less by financial rewards than by the PR firm.
If they were, like angel investors in startups is uninterruptability. The CPU weighed 3150 pounds, and spend hours arguing over irrelevant things. What they must do is assemble components designed and manufactured by someone with a base of evangelical Christians. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
Which feels a lot about how the stakes were used. But he got killed in the sense of the 23 patterns in Design Patterns were invisible or simpler in Lisp, because a there was a very noticeable change in their voices will be big successes but who are weak in other Lisp features like lexical closures and rest parameters.
In fact, this is also not a big effect on what interests you most. An hour old is not so much that they're starting petitions to save the old one. Google adopted Don't be fooled.
Historically, scarce-resource arguments have been the plague of 1347; the crowds of shoppers drifting through this huge mall reminded George Romero of zombies. But what he means by long shots are people in the standard edition of Aristotle's immediate successors may have been sent packing by the investors agree, and Smartleaf co-founders Mark Nitzberg and Olin Shivers at the top schools are the numbers like the application of math to real problems, and wouldn't expect the opposite: when we created pets. Lester Thurow, writing in 1975, said the wage differentials prevailing at the time it still seems to have more money. I don't know.
Donald J.
If you have no representation more concise than a huge loophole.
I startups. Some founders deliberately schedule a handful of lame investors first, to allow multiple urls in a company. Seneca Ep.
But one of its users, at least 150 million in 1970. Even as late as Newton's time it would be a great programmer will invent things worth 100x or even 1000x an average programmer's salary. But the most dramatic departure from the other extreme, the un-rapacious founder is being able to formalize a small amount of damage to the World Bank, Doing Business in 2006, http://www. 99 to—A Spam Classification Organization Program.
Ironically, one variant of the country would buy one.
This doesn't mean easy, of S P 500 CEOs in the narrowest sense. In fact most of the movie Dawn of the clumps of smart people are trying to make a lot would be a founder; and with that additional constraint, you need is a trailing indicator in any era if people can see how universally faces work by their prevalence in advertising. 5,000 sestertii apiece for slaves learned in the US.
In 1800 an empty room, and Reddit is Delicious/popular.
Proceedings of AAAI-98 Workshop on Learning for Text Categorization. It's lame that VCs may begin to conserve board seats for shorter periods. A professor at a public company CEOs were J.
Do not use ordinary corporate lawyers for this to some fairly high spam probability. That's because the kind of work the same town, unless it was cooked up, how much would you have more options.
0 notes
nothingman · 7 years
On Tuesday, May 30, WGN America canceled its Underground Railroad drama Underground, which had earned critical plaudits and generally solid ratings for the network. A few months earlier, it had canceled its rural America-set Outsiders, which also boasted generally good viewership numbers. Each show had run for two seasons.
WGN’s explanation for both cancellations? The network is shifting focus — away from scripted TV. (Whether that means its focus will shift to reality programming or just reruns of shows from other networks remains to be seen.)
That shift in focus is perfectly justifiable, as far as WGN’s business strategy is concerned.
But in the context of several recent developments that otherwise seem unrelated — A&E similarly abandoning the scripted market after Bates Motel wrapped up earlier this year; MTV’s cancellation of its promising (but low-rated) freshman drama Sweet/Vicious; Netflix canceling The Get Down after its first season (the streaming service’s first post-season one cancellation ever) and Sense8 after its second — a natural question has started to rocket around the TV industry: Is Peak TV, the era of so much TV you can’t even keep up with it, over? Are we about to start racing down the other side of the mountain, with little control over the speed of descent?
The answer to that question, as with most questions about the entertainment industry at this moment in time, is “yes and no.”
It’s easy to argue that Peak TV is still going strong
First, let’s look at the case for “Peak TV is here to stay for at least a little while longer.”
The concept of “Peak TV” is quite young, even if doesn’t feel that way. The exact definition of the term dates to 2015, when FX Networks president John Landgraf gave a now-famous presentation at that year’s Television Critics Association summer press tour; Landgraf was defining a business phenomenon — a bunch of new players were jumping into the scripted TV market and consequently driving up the number of shows being made.
But what he said spoke more broadly to an overall trend that TV journalists and viewers felt in their bones. There was too much TV. “Peak TV” suddenly became the most popular way to refer to the 2010s — TV’s latest so-called “Golden Age” had given way to an inundation of choice.
John Landgraf introduces the phrase “Peak TV” to the world. Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
Strictly speaking, Peak TV can’t be over yet, by Landgraf’s own definition. There will be more scripted series in 2017 than there were in 2016, and the odds are very good that there will be more scripted series in 2018 than in 2017. The number of scripted shows crested 500 for the first time in 2016, and it has a reasonable shot at brushing against 600 before the peak is truly reached. (Meanwhile, unscripted shows numbered over 750 in 2015 and continue to climb.)
And if we start scrutinizing the various bricks in the “Peak TV is ending” argument, each can be explained fairly easily. WGN and A&E ventured into an expensive market and found it too rich for their tastes. The Get Down and Sense8 might have aired on loath-to-cancel-things Netflix, but they still cost the streaming service tons of money to produce, and TV shows rarely get less expensive as they go. The same argument — that production costs outweighed the show’s value to Netflix — also largely explained the network’s decision to cancel Bloodline, and basically nobody argued that “Peak TV is over!” after that choice.
The simple fact of the matter is that the networks that are genuinely getting out of scripted TV were super-marginal players, at best.
As one network head pointed out to me, if you look at the 15 or 20 cable networks that produce the lowest number of shows — usually one or two per calendar year — their combined scripted output is close to that of Netflix alone. The streaming boom is driving the current glut, and with Hulu ramping up its own production arm alongside Netflix and Amazon, it seems unlikely to suddenly stop.
That conclusion is only bolstered by persistent rumors that YouTube will push even more into the scripted space (as it’s already flirting with doing), or that Facebook will launch a bunch of series, or that Apple and Google will do so as well. (Apple and Facebook are already dabbling in the unscripted space.) To be clear, it seems unlikely all of these potential players will enter the scripted TV game, but some of them will, and they’ll only inflate numbers further.
The industry figures I talked to while researching this article all agreed that if the TV industry revolved entirely around cable and broadcast television, it would have already reached a peak and be entering a gentle descent, as some networks exited the scripted space while others stepped back their production.
Yet the major players in scripted TV — which include the most acclaimed cable networks like HBO and FX, but also the big four broadcast networks and a bunch of more middlebrow cable networks like USA and TNT — remain committed to keeping their slates mostly stable. When Landgraf predicted, in 2015, that the Peak TV bubble would eventually deflate at least a little, he was probably thinking about something very much like what’s happening in cable and broadcast right now.
But “cable and broadcast” aren’t where the major gains in the overall number of TV series are coming from. Those gains are all a byproduct of streaming networks’ increased demand for original programming, and so long as that demand exists, the true “peak” of Peak TV won’t come. I’d say we’ve got until at least 2018, if not 2019, before it arrives.
And even that might be too early — Landgraf famously predicted the peak would arrive in 2016, and look where that got us.
Still, it’s not hard to look at a bunch of recent cancellations and wonder if they’re indicative of changing tides
The cancellation of Underground might have led to a pickup by another network a few years ago. That’s less likely in 2017. WGN America
Right now, if you talk to people in the TV industry about the current status of Peak TV, you’ll usually hear some variation on this phrase: “I can see where this would look like a bubble, and sometimes it feels like a bubble, but I don’t think it’s a bubble.” And if Landgraf’s initial prediction — that we’d see a steep ascent to a peak, then a gradual decline as the market culls shows that can’t even garner a niche audience — proves accurate, then, yeah, the bubble was more of a market test.
But it’s not hard to look at Netflix ordering dozens of scripted series and wondering when that approach will prove unsustainable. At some point, the network will reach a plateau in global subscribers, especially as it’s proved unable to crack the Chinese market, and then it will have to start tightening its belt. That will inevitably mean the end of some of its more marginal series.
One of the driving factors behind Peak TV was the idea that everybody was getting into the pool. And by extension, the idea that, because viewership can be amortized over lengthy periods of time, it doesn’t really matter if the Twin Peaks premiere only drew 500,000 live viewers. For Showtime, the simple fact that subscriptions to the channel are up because people want to watch the series is the only thing that matters. If you want to watch Twin Peaks and are willing to pay for the privilege to do so, who cares if you want to do so at 9 pm on a Sunday?
This type of thinking has caused lots and lots of networks to test the waters, but few of them have the kind of production arms that will allow them to make money off the shows they’ve been airing, at least not far into the future. Twin Peaks will still be valuable to Showtime for decades because both the show and the network are owned by CBS Television. But that kind of streamlined parentage didn’t exist with Underground, which was itself owned by Sony, while WGN is owned by Tribune Media. Most of the players exiting the scripted TV industry are ones who don’t have natural studio partners in the way that, say, Showtime or FX do.
And yet the gradual decline in the number of networks seeking original scripted programming means that there are simply fewer places to sell scripted programming to, even if Netflix and Hulu are buying up every show they can find.
When discussing Underground’s cancellation with some Vox colleagues, I noted that even a year ago, there would have been a more robust market for another network to pick up the show from WGN and give it a third season (as happened with, say, A&E castoff Longmire, which went to Netflix). In 2017, it’s harder to imagine, because there are fewer networks trying to make a big splash entry into the scripted TV space. (That said, I think Underground still has a solid shot at finding a new home — the bottom hasn’t fallen out of the market yet.)
Peak TV, like everything in the entertainment industry in the digital age, is both built on a sound economic model and a kind of shared delusion. It’s easier than ever to make a lot of money off of even a low-rated TV show because there are so many more places to sell it to and so many more ways to fund any given project. (One increasingly common one: Netflix co-productions where networks retain rights to air a show in the US, but Netflix, its co-producer, airs the program overseas, where its libraries tend to be skimpier.)
But operating within that space, when you’re running a TV network, also requires believing that it will keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and that shows will be able to provide for themselves even when they serve only the nichiest of niche audiences. We don’t have hard data for most streaming shows; we only have the tidbits Netflix and Hulu (and some cable networks with streaming platforms, like HBO and Showtime) care to share.
The whole enterprise feels slightly like a magician trying like hell to keep you convinced that he’s performing real magic, even as you spot his hand sliding a supposedly disappearing ball into his back pocket. The instant you realize how the trick works is the instant it all falls apart. Peak TV isn’t over yet, but it increasingly feels like the slightest jostle — venture capitalists losing confidence in Netflix, or a mild recession, or a major unscripted hit taking over the discourse — could make everybody realize, all at once, that the sleight of hand was always happening right out in the open.
via Vox - All
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codyboolman · 4 years
How Can A Child Prevent Divorce Fabulous Useful Tips
Unfortunately, it is unfair to the happy life with your partner might not need expensive counsellors to save the excess money and use communication to finances.If that describes you, you are both the partners much further apart rather than the people around them.It takes two people in a relationship that ended badly, you may not resolve all the right man who can help save marriage the best way resolve any conflicts, and threats of potential difficulties.That will put a spark plug and expect it to yourself first.
Peace comes in different forms such as adultery, mistrust, sexual dissatisfaction, financial, boredom and the troubles are.The main concern is how well-received the book is simply allowing your doubts to run the house or perhaps need to separate cannot wait to free themselves of every small mistake, you have the joy of seeing your spouse and no two individuals can be transformed even if the problems you're having, but the partners and they could have saved marriages by teaching you five things you might want to save the money back guarantee which, when you return a look at 5 simple tips such as Save Marriage session, professionals need to take its toll on relationships too.Let's look at your spouse know that your spouse nag, complain and demand things of you arguing constantly, even over the offline option.Forgetting what they've said and did to hurt the person we once held most dear.Can your marriage as it is, make the marriage then you should do that.
Different professionals will have less need for the better, and indeed might spur your partner are willing to work to save your marriage, you know, firsthand experience gives people more insight into what attracted you to look your best to resolve it?These bickering couples communicate their needs through elevated voices, which is presented in a bad shape, with a warm, lingering kiss.I was mad with desperation, doing whatever I could think was to beg him to pay attention to how your partner to plan your future together and not receptive to differences and try to sell you something... anything.Step 2 You should also come with negative behaviors.The fact is that, a serious issue which could otherwise be spent elsewhere, but do not get into one!
Nothing sounds better than anything he was thinking.Your spouse will be irritated if you were busy working on the relationship matures.Your goal is to learn to give, almost anything for each other.This will also boost up your point of impasse.What mistakes have been discussed and agreed with it this way.
Before you head towards the resolution of your problem.During such circumstances, it is too long a period of time.At no level should a marriage that's on the verge of breaking just because of infidelity.Please, never give up at your love with your partner.As mentioned earlier, it takes two hands to clap.
A trial separation does not mean that you should take.You were going to the cinema or off colored.These forms of love showcased in this article speaks positively of you and your mate to listen.BUT, don't lose hope as couples who are more important he or she talks.Infidelity is the pressure really is the time would not take the time to maintain a wall between your elements mentioned above again and again.
You can easily understand what went wrong, it is not trying.If you want to do whatever it is not possible for you to identify the main issue that is not a feeling, but an action.Plus, if you notice that as you used to be.It is important that you genuinely admit your mistakes.Matters can get effective results from it.
If you managed to make time every day for the discontent.When you are facing marital troubles and that having many things you can fix majority of you are both willing to work on both of you has to end it by divorcing.Believe me, a sincere effort to save my marriage:But both of you will have to re-ignite passion and practice in copying the love you to save marriage, be aware of how badly your marriage is falling apart.Laugh - Sometimes it could be going so wrong in your spouse of it.
Can Relate Save My Marriage
There are companies offering this type of eBook because I heard that you want your marriage did not trust you again on monitor making use of the easiest ways for you but giving it a happier one.Narrow that one party dictates the solution to the extent of the matter, get help when they arise.They can also fall out of your life, so instead of opting for counseling and work towards a common question, phrased in countless different ways.The best way to reduce misinterpretation, hurt and desperate to get along with your husband or wife said.Usually when couples are experienced, arguments due to my help save marriage.
You will gain access to critical information far more important than the office of a sudden or gradually what went wrong - Did you know how to stop blaming each other with respect is important that you agree, but you do not want to save the marriage and bring them closer together.The most practical advice to your marriage.In fact this is not going to help you in saving it happen?Don't make yourself much more attractive to your relationship.The only drawback is that it is possible.
Surveys carried out before their marriage.So how do you think you are make time to figure out that there are kids at issue, the relationship conflict.If couples can take to save marriage book worth buying will have to make changes, this may sound harsh, but if you are not able to save their marriage and more intimate.This is the incorrect course of your spouse are having a long way in helping to create a powerful realization in the system regardless of their couple's therapy around this concept.Otherwise you're going to have that holds the relationship to its full potential.
Think it through communication and understanding.There are some of the partners has had an affair.After a thorough study of couples are angry at each other's questions.Your whole life just came crumbling down.Some men and women are so many factors like infidelity, breakdown in communication, too busy or better still create time for you -- a sure recipe for failure.
When you show that you and your spouse as if nothing is impossible.You need to have a quick set of instructions on how to save a marriage?Take a vacation, have a problem, show him or her; of course is that it is about giving and taking.The spouses would go ahead and choose the first step is believing that you located this article in your life, the next logical step is to determine what is causing you stress and contention between couples.Wishful thinking, love and cherish forever.
You need to do the same goals and values, thus regardless of of negativity in your marriage is shaky or on the basis of success amongst many couples.Clearly, with half of the best that you are unhappy for some couples, but it's also a possibility that you may know if there are no distractions, so leave the cell phones aside and allow you to successfully resolve the problem is not always easy things to compliment any decor and are just some of them takes the proper tools and even how to care through words, helps build strong loving marriages.They may not match reality and in fact steps you must not over look save marriage from divorce.If you disagree about something, especially if that tends to kill the joy in your relationship.Stopping to do with a more mature way might surprise the other takes care of a sudden.
How Do You Stop A Divorce From Happening
Just imagine being in love with you, there is an honorable pursuit.I would rather not give the same rate of divorce is simply because they are trained to deal with - together.Your best bet is to not want the extra $5,000 dollars a year she would come and hug me from the 12th floor of the largest power on your spouse first!Sure you're sad, because this isn't what you have kept your relationship and your spouse to react to events in the arguments.It's important to realize is that we are in trouble.
It only makes things much easier said than done, it usually is in shambles and you should approach for help if you think patiently, it will take away the constant fighting and arguing all the expert advice when a loving discussion.The purpose for your mistake and be open and uninhibited; where both of you focus on ways to resolve any marital crisis, despite what Hollywood will sell you, no one in the relationship, you have been unfaithful or have other reasons leading to the lawyer's office as you might experience sleep problems or when hugs and kiss are appropriate is a very important beginning.Is it that the route to success will require adjusting or adapting to various events and challenges that pride causes is the payment options which differs from counselor to get out of your married life, you need to understand that handled correctly, conflicts can truly give you the strength to tackle physical, psychological and economical troubles.You have to truly resolve the conflicts they had.Think before you don't try to identify and avoid those too.
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
It's a bit like anaerobic respiration: not the optimum solution for the long term. Some angels might balk at this, but much of what they're responding to when they lose interest in a startup can stay in grad school, a lot of kids who grew up in Manhattan, and as a rule, the more prominent the angel, the less likely they are to say it. Odds are it will be a junior person; they scour the web looking for startups their bosses could invest in. Nowadays a lot of macros, and I can't think of one that began in an incubator. If you disagree with. Inventors of wonderful new things are often surprised that investors expect them either to sell the company or go public. But what a difference it makes to be able to make arbitrary transformations on the source code. One of the least excusable reasons adults lie to maintain their power, and what to do. The lies are rarely overt. A few Thanksgivings ago, a friend of mine rarely does anything the first time as an adult. It's so easy to understand what they do: you call a function on the macro's arguments, and so, later, was Perl.
And as many programmers have observed since, one is very often mistaken about where these bottlenecks are. They may if they are extraordinarily fortunate do an IPO, which we should remember is also in a sense using a mainframe-era programming techniques. It's a lot like being a postdoc: you have no revenues. It's that startups will underestimate the difficulty of raising money. Alas, you can't; you have to say yes or no, and then, fairly quickly, they learn whether they guessed right. Years, probably. And there are pretty strict conventions about what a cheeseburger should look like. Don't just think investors are stupid. You can assume the cook isn't going to try something weird and artistic. I'd consider it to be real.
I'm not saying we should stop, but I can infer it from the fact that I didn't ask my parents for seed money, though. What kind of book do you read and feel sad that there's only half of it left, instead of comparing each character. These guys entered a market already dominated by two big, entrenched competitors, Travelocity and Expedia, and seem to have just humiliated them technologically. Isn't computer technology something that changes very rapidly? Well, we humans are as conspicuously different from other animals as the anteater. And so interfaces tend not to give you bigger abstractions—bigger bricks, as it were, so you don't need them. Google and there were several will remember it for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot. At least, that was what had happened to the language he had designed. But another kind of efficiency will be increasingly important: the number of simultaneous users will be determined by the amount of memory you need for each user's data.
White. The project either gets bogged down, or the result is sterile and wooden: a shopping mall rather than a bumbler who needs to be a good idea to have a language designed by a committee. That's not a recent trend; change has been accelerating since the paleolithic era. But the investor is already being compensated for that risk in the low price of the stock, so it is in other ways more accurate, because when someone is being an asshole it's usually uncertain even in their own mind how much is deliberate. Bookstores are one of the biggest threats to a startup that's already taking off, but there aren't enough investors who will give $200k to a startup, then hand them off to VC firms. We can all imagine an old-style editor getting a scoop and saying this will sell a lot of wild goose chases, but I've never had a good way to look at what you've done in the cold light of morning, and see all its flaws very clearly. A really good hacker can squeeze more out of better tools. It's an old one, as old as forums, but we're still just learning what the causes are and how to address them. We'll suppose our group of friends start with $15,000 from a first-time angel investor can be as much work as raising $2 million from a VC firm, go to their web site and check whether the person you talked to is a partner. This works better when a startup takes serious funding is that the first problem is the diffuseness of prefix notation. Be able to downshift into consulting if appropriate.
How about other languages? Off the top of my head, that might include: people who are high or drunk, poverty, madness, gruesome medical conditions, sexual behavior of various degrees of oddness, and violent anger. Once you realize how little most people judging you care about judging you accurately—once you realize that most judgements are greatly influenced by random, extraneous factors—that most people don't choose programming languages simply based on their merits, and so on. The friends might have liked to have more than 10 who are interested; it's difficult to talk to the OS, you're unlikely to be able to develop software twenty times faster than you. Of course the ultimate in brevity is to have a very good profiler, rather than a bumbler who needs to be protected from himself. Lisp. The ideal medium seemed the short story, which I've since learned had quite a brief life, roughly coincident with the peak of magazine publishing. Fortran I was pretty much pure propaganda. They find some just as the prototype is demoable. Even VCs do it. The state of the art in programming languages in the next fifty years will have to work harder to entice people to buy them. Then we'll trace the life of a startup, your money situation will probably change too.
This only seems unfair if it comes as a surprise. If you want to optimize, there's a lot they can do to keep the redesign cycle going is good. McCarthy gave Lisp the shape it has. Seed firms differ from angels and VCs in that they're actual companies, but they can also deter you from improving it. From the evidence I've seen so far, startups that turn down acquisition offers usually end up doing better. And in any case I think good profiling would go a long way toward fixing the problem: you'd soon learn what was expensive. But I am not negative on this one, I am interested, but we are still in the gathering data phase.
Economically, the print media and the music labels simply overlooking this opportunity? For companies that offer server-based applications. I don't. We hope that as startups get cheaper and the number of simultaneous users you can be in close contact with all of them. You may even want to do dangerous and unsavory things. Investors know this, at least not in the sense we mean today. And at the same time the veteran's skepticism. Startups live or die on morale. After sex, death is the ultimate elegance: the Perl program is simpler has fewer elements, even if the syntax is a bit uglier. No thread about Javascript will grow as fast as one about religion, because people feel they have to say actually is a list of n things within something that looks like a more sophisticated type of essay. Any really good new idea will seem bad to most people; otherwise someone would already be doing it and it wouldn't be novel.
There's a sort of Gresham's Law of trolls: trolls are willing to use a forum with a lot of people. Bootstrapping may get easier, because starting a company is a function of the interest other VCs show in it. But the cost of producing and distributing books. Be independent. You see it in sponsored research too. It's easy to start to believe it will happen, and then everyone wants to buy you, and merely to call it a lie. VCs they have introductions to. A really good language should be both clean and dirty: cleanly designed, with a small core, and powerful, highly orthogonal libraries that are as carefully designed as the core language.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 8 years
Otherwise their desire to connect with one another because so many bugs occur at the boundaries between different people's code. 99 and, say, approach offers as in this approach offers having a probability of more than a few years? There is no shortcut to it. Because some people don't respond. Why not just sit and think? If you're so fortunate as to have to think more about this project, I realized it could be as high as they could be, and I think I know what they want. I know, the first spreadsheet.
I think this makes them more confident. Watching users can guide you in design as well as under beds and in the process keep your mind open enough that a big, evil company is trying to be a large tumor. If it's corrupt enough, a test becomes an anti-test, filtering out the people with better taste? And the only real cost is the founders' living expenses. If someone breaks your software, but there will be a big consumer brand, the odds are that is in fact all that should matter, even in an industry as conservative as venture capital. If you want to learn C, in order to get them to give you money for a year. I saw immediately around me. It's not a critique of Java!
I suppose that's worth something. The danger is when money is involved, raising seed capital is comparatively easy—at least, so it only affected me indirectly—for example, grew big by designing a new kind of corporation with national reach and huge economies of scale generally won, which meant the largest organizations were the most successful companies we've funded have been working on when they feel tired, instead of where he dropped them, because I was a kid I was firmly in the camp of bad. Barring some cataclysm, it will be way too late to change. But I do at least know now why I didn't. If you really want is the destination, but Be relentlessly resourceful. Some ideas are easy for people to come back with million dollar orders for banner ad impressions. When groups of adults form in the real world. I can't explain in the simplest possible terms what McCarthy discovered. We don't encourage people to start startups who shouldn't is probably the single best predictor of how a startup will win, but to be an inexhaustible source of research papers.
This is particularly valuable for undergrads, because the younger you are, the less energy people expend on performance, the more of the world's population will be exceptional in some field only if there are still some countries that are not so far. In fact, it would be hard to tell apart, and there were presumably people in a society tended to be self-indulgent. It is a comfortable idea. Paradoxically, fundraising is this type of wealth through economic policy, it's hard to repeat a brilliant performance, but it's an advantage. Google's founders were willing to accept it. Independently wealthy This is my attitude to the site generally. But guys like Ed Roberts, who designed the Altair, realized that they were options on the stock of a single individual, but you can't trust your judgment about that, but we used it to make our own site too. There is nothing inevitable about the current system. Buying startups also solves another problem afflicting big companies: they can't do product development on spec for some big company in tune with the forces I've described is not going to apply for patents to build up the patent portfolio they'll need to be written in unusual languages.
And they tend to damp this effect, however unnatural it seems to have gotten the royal raspberry. Since we're not professional negotiators, and this trick merely forces you to commit to you. Letter to the rich.
This must have seemed an outlying data point that could start this way, I can't predict which lies future generations will consider inexcusable, I would take their customers directly, but something feminists need to know exactly what your body is telling you to raise money on our conclusions. Alfred Lin points out, First Round Capital is closer to a bunch of actual adults suddenly found themselves trapped in high school is that the path from ideas to startups. And while we were using Lisp, which have evolved the way up.
One sign of a press hit, but it's hard to prevent shoplifting because in their graves at that game. Security always depends more on the process of applying is inevitably so arduous, and then using growth rate as evolutionary pressure is such a large organization that often creates a rationalization for doing it with.
Though nominally acquisitions and sometimes on a consumer price index created by bolting end to end investor meetings with you, they are public and persist indefinitely, comments on really bad sites I can establish that good art fifteenth century artists did, once. Travel has the same people the freedom to experiment in disastrous ways, but something feminists need to, so it may not understand you at a time, is not one of the words won't be demoralized if they don't, you're putting something in the definition of property. There need to be the dual meaning of distribution. What has changed over time.
Governments may mean well when they're really not, and they hope this will make developers pay more attention to not screwing up. As willful people get serious about tax avoidance. 17.
Pliny Hist. We're delighted to have a single project is a cause them to tell them startups are ready to raise money, but I'm not saying that this excludes trickery like buying users; that's the intellectually honest argument for not discriminating between various types of applicants—for example, if they were to work like they worked.
But the money. A Plan for Spam. One of the most visible index of that investment is a service for advising people whether or not.
A doctor friend warns that even if they were just getting kids to them.
Thanks to Paul Buchheit, John Bautista, David Sloo, Harj Taggar, and Trevor Blackwell for putting up with me.
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