deityofhearts · 1 year
a centipede appeared in the kitchen earlier and kane replied “human centipede” because the damn song and guess who’s been singing the fucking song all day
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reignof-fyre · 6 months
I'm gonna say it: it's aemond's own fault he lost his eye in both the show and the book. Both times, he snuck out to claim vhagar. In the show, he wasn't stopped. In the book, three year old Joffrey Velaryon was with his dragon because he was an early riser and told Aemond to stay away from Vhagar, so Aemond - who was much older - pushed little three year old Joffrey over and, in his fear of being caught because he knew he was doing something his parents would like, claimed Vhagar and flew her for the first time.
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Baby Joffrey, all of three years old, then of course runs to get his big brothers, likely crying and terrified. Because he's, y'know, A BABY.
In the show, Aemond claims Vhagar and with arrogance and smugness returns to the castle, high on the fact that he'd just claimed Vhagar, uncaring of how rude/insulting it may have been to claim Vhagar on the night of her previous riders funeral, like A NORMAL PERSON.
When, in the show, Rhaena and Baela confront Aemond with Luke and Jace, they're clearly upset. Their mother has just died, its her funeral, and their last tether to her - Vhagar - has been claimed by Aemond. They say he stole her, and while dragons can't be stolen, he did use underhanded tactics to obtain her and bond with her. And his haughtiness afterwards, towards the daughters of the woman whose dragon he just claimed, is what makes the altercation his fault.
Baela, upset: Vhagar is my mother's dragon!
Aemond, uncaring: Your mother is dead, and Vhagar has a new rider now.
Rhaena: she was mine to claim!
Aemond: then you should have claimed her. Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.
Rhaena then hits Aemond, provoked into this by his cruel words and actions. Was it right? No. But it's literally the night of her mums funeral, Vhagar has been claimed by someone who clearly doesn't care about her mother, and he just insulted her. Aemond pushes Rhaena to the ground, so Baela slaps him in defense of her sister, and he punches her in the face.
Aemond: come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!
Now aemond is threatening to murder his cousins, which is par for the course for hid character. He always had kinslaying in him.
The fight devolves even more, and Jace and Luke get involved, defending their cousins. Luke, a little kid, is whacked and shoved to the ground, so Jace jumps in. Then Baela decides to help, and she and Luke - both of them younger and smaller - start wailing on Aemond (u go kids).
Aemond kicks Luke off of him, throws Baela off, and stands only to grab Luke - only five - by the throat and hold a rock over his head and threaten him.
Aemond: you will die screaming in flames just as your father did, bastard.
Luke, terrified and upset: my father is still alive!
Aemond, amused: he doesn't know, does he? Lord Strong.
This is when Jace pulls his knife, literally the size of my thumb, and attacks. Jace us quickly unarmed by Aemond, who is still holding the rock, and Luke sees the blade. Aemond holds the rock over them, smirks at Rhaena and Baela, then gets sand thrown in his face and Luke slashes at him wildly, not even aiming for his eye, just aiming to stop Aemond from hurting Jace and himself and his cousins, because at this point Luke has heard death threats, and seen Aemond take on him and the other three easily and win, so of bloody course this terrified little boy used a weapon to defend himself when it became necessary.
After, Alicent makes the situation about her because she's a poor uwu baby (gag me with a chainsaw, I loathe her) and attacks Rhaenyra as though Rhaenyra and her kids were in the wrong? Gurl.
Aemond will then go on to use him losing his eye as an excuse to use his war dragon to chase fourteen year old Luke on tiny baby Arrax and have the FUCKING AUDACITY to look shocked when it went wrong? Aemond is still at fault for Luke's death even if "he didn't mean it" or "he lost control" (he's not a true dragon lmfao)
In the book, Joffrey - who is three - returns with Jace and Luke, who grabbed wooden swords - they won't help against Vhagar bbys - in defense of their brother.
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Despite it being three on one, Aemond was winning the fight until Luke slashed him, and good thing he did otherwise Aemond wouldn't have stopped in my opinion. He'd have kept going, beating the boys to bloody pulps. It was stable-boys who had to end the fight, where were the guards? Cole was probably simping over alicunt tbh.
Also, Alicent was the first to demand Luke's eye in recompense for Aemond losing his soz not soz ya uwu Queen is a cunt heh
Aemond will then, years later, attack Luke because of this and kill him and start the Dance of Dragons in full because not only did he cause the events that took his eye, but also the worst war in history, all because he's a little bitch baby sociopath with genocidal tendencies lmfao
Also, Aemond got off lightly, merely losing his eye - do u know what the punishment is for people who attack a princes' daughters and the heir to the throne sons? Calling them bastards, which is treason!!!! Death. Bitch shit should be exuberant that he merely lost an eye. Unfortunately viserys is a bitch and didn't send Aemond to the Wall like Jaehaerys would have for fucking real lol
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kissforyouu · 6 months
Can you write a drabble of Oc being mad at him because some old fling sent him a pic through his DM’s and she saw, even though he never responds to the girl she still got mad
your eyes go completely wide, your expression just— shocked. wait, no, no! jumpscared is the right word. you grit your teeth while staring down at your boyfriend's phone displaying the nude photo of some other woman. and you couldn't help but think that if this was proof of jungkook cheating on you, you would've gone crazy on spot. but fortunately, it's not.
still though, due to your own suspicions you scroll up the chat only to be met with messages exchanged about 5 months before you two's relationship started. thank fuck, he is not cheating. you just almost had a heart attack.
still, you were mad though. the audacity for this bitch to send nudes to a man who's clearly in a relationship. it's not like jungkook doesn't post you, he posts you on all his socials, there's no way she wouldn't know. shame on her, she's just embarrassing herself.
but that's not even what made you mad, though. it's the fact that jungkook had already viewed it. he's already seen the picture and had left it on seen. despite being glad that he didn't reply or anything, you still couldn't help but feel jealous over the woman. you had everything she didn't - jungkook. he has just left her on seen, hasn't even bothered to block her!
you huff, blocking her yourself. fucking hell. great, now your entire mood's ruined.
"my phone's with you?" here he comes.
you don't say anything bad, clearly upset with him.
"i was looking for it. what'd you do with it?"
why? is he scared i'll find all his hoes?
you sit in silence. there was a big fat frown evident on your face, the face you often make when you're angry.
"y/n?" jungkook stands in front of you, raising his eyebrows wondering what the hell he did wrong again. he doesn't say anything but reaches forward to grab his phone from the grasp of your hand.
the moment he does that, you get up, storming out of his living room and into his bedroom. uh oh, you're stomping on the floor. —eek, here it comes ; jungkook pokes the inside of his cheek once he heard the door shut with a very loud thud. at this point, he was used to your attitude. but he just couldn't figure out why exactly you were mad at him.
—oh, nevermind. the man sighs, running his fingers down his face while he took a short glance at the explicit image sent to him by one of his old flings about a week ago. he didn't know you'd go through his instagram. coming to think of it, your attitude is justifiable. its his fault too, noh? he didn't block or anything. i mean, not his fault he doesn't even remember the girl's name.
but he noticed that you had already blocked her. he takes another deep sigh, eyes staring at his door, now closed. he had to console you somehow.
"baby?" your boyfriend knocks on the door thrice, and when you don't answer him, he decides he's gonna break in. it's his room anyway.
he walks in to be met with the sight of his pretty little (angry) girlfriend sitting on his bed, staring into the nothing of the nothingness. you looked cute, he thought. but now's not the time to pull jokes. (i think)
"my love." jungkook walks closer to you and bends down to meet your eyelevel on the bed. but you look away, avoiding his eye contact. he giggles, accepting the challenge and moving his face in front of wherever you're looking at. three or four of these and you're sick of him already, breaking into a whine as you slapped his shoulder.
"who the fuck is gianna and why's she not blocked?!" how come you remember the girl's name and not him when he was the one who talked to the girl for like, uh, uhhh, like, a few months or weeks, jungkook thinks.
"baby, she sent me that shit recently. i haven't talked to her ever since we both started dating, you know that very well. whatever you think happened, did not happen." he looks at you, waiting for a response.
he did say the truth though. you should—
"you're overreacting." nevermind. "overreacting" is crazy.
"i am NOT overreacting." you break your silence, "what would you feel if you saw the nudes of one of my exes on my phone, huh, jungkook?! bet you'd fucking LOVE that."
jungkook remains silent for a few seconds while you gave him the "told you so" look.
"don't fucking talk to me—"
jungkook flicks your forehead, forcefully pulling your upper body towards him so that your face would be pressed against his stomach. you let out muffled screams, completely annoyed.
"come on, i'm sorry, babyyy. we're fine, okay? i will immediately block and even report if this happens again. y/n—"
"eeek! i said don't talk! now—let me. go!" he had you on a headlock so it was harder for you to get out of his grip. you kept wiggling around like a worm, but in the end, you just give up, accepting defeat.
"i'm sorrryyy, my princess. you want my instagram pass? i'll give you. you know i love you only. i'm sorry i made you feel that way." he cups your cheeks, planting a sweet double kiss on your forehead.
but you just glare at him.
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rinrinx2 · 7 months
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My Brothers Wife
Ran x (Y/N) x Rindou
Summary: A change of tides is on its way
Warnings: Mentions of S@, mentions of @bortion, language, mature content, kinda smut, angsty.
My brothers wife Masterlist
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You looked the young lady up and down, her skin pale, her eye bags dark as if she hadn’t slept in months. And worst of all was the physique as you caught small glimpses of it as her heavy brown coat would move around making it able for you to see the bloating of her abdomen and the swelling of her ankles.
“So, you’re the woman my husbands been fucking?” You asked rhetorically, without much care to how you spoke to her.
“Yes” she said with her head hung low.
“And why are you by my house door, begging to see me?” You questioned on.
“Well, this isn’t your house door this is Haitani Ran’s”
“Congratulation detective you’ve cracked the case. But I’m sure you know exactly how my house looks by now. Tell me how many times has Rindou brought you over there”
You watched as her faced turned in distaste as you spoke, you didn’t care if your words held venom to them.
You felt hurt and betrayed and when things finally started to feel hopefully you see the brunt of your husbands actions standing at your door step.
“I didn’t come here to argue with you” she spoke on looking you in the eyes.
“Then why are you here?”
The brunette took a deep breath, as if calming herself before she spoke on.
“I came here to ask for help” she said as she let go of all the oxygen in her lungs.
“Help with what?” You said now with a raised eyebrow.
“Help with the baby. This is Rindou’s” she said as she moved her coat open to display a semi round belly as a smile began crept onto her face.
The little restraint your held had snapped and Ran could sense it to all the way from his study, as he heard your chair scrape against the wooden floors.
“You asking me to help with your baby?!” You said now standing to your full height, as she remained seated at the opposite end of the table.
“Yes, you know we could work out something. Like help pay for medical bills and you know baby supplies. This whole secretary gig doesn’t pay the best”
“I mean that makes sense” you said with that fake laugh that lulled others into a false sense of security.
The young lady began to laugh with actually believing that you agreed with her.
“You’ve got some fucken nerve. You seek me out to ask for help because you got knocked up by my husband, so instead of trying to muster up an apology you go ahead and have the audacity to ask me to pay the bills of your kid”
You looked at the brunette starring daggers into her just as she did the same to you, now having a starring contest as anger shoot from each of your gazes.
“Get the fuck out of my house” you commanded.
“Like I said earlier this isn’t your house” she said now standing up herself, as she kept eye contact with you.
“Get the fuck out” you heard Ran say from behind you causing you to let go of your eyes on her.
“Make me. I’m not leaving here till use tell me where Rindou is” she said now changing the reason as to why she was invading your comfort of your home.
Without another breath wasted on her, you heard the clicking of Ran’s gun as he unholstered it from its casing. The loaded barrel pointing straight in her direction.
“You’d shoot a pregnant woman” she said in disbelief.
“I’ve done worst” Ran replied nonchalantly as he played with the trigger.
“Tell me where Rindou is” she continued on as she stamped her feet into the wooden floor, the wood letting out an aching noise.
“It’s not my fault my brother fucked you and discarded you. You should’ve taken his advice when it came to you getting pregnant.”
“Oh, and also scuff my floor again and you’ll end up laying dead on it” Ran added.
You watched as she turned around in defeat as she stormed to the door, her hand at the door knob as she turned it. So close to leaving until she tried to twist it and was unable to, and then suddenly the door flung open showing none other than Rindou.
“(Y/N) please talk to me about this” he said as he looked only at you not even noting the woman he’d been fucking or his brother aiming a gun at him.
“Perfect timing Rin, you can take your woman and both fuck off out of my house” Ran said with a smile as he moved to stand beside you.
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You don’t remember how long Rindou stood in the door way begging to get a word out of you or how long that young lady nagged on Rindou’s arm for him to spare her a glance, you could only recall Ran letting a bullet whizz pass the two of them missing them by a millimetre. A good enough warning to get the two of them to finally leave.
“You think you’re going to have a peaceful day then that shit happens” Ran said as he laid draped over your lower half just below your bump as you played with the tuffles of his hair.
You remained silent not commenting on Ran remark, rather keeping attention on anything other than the situation you were in.
And you let that silent build up until finally it snapped within and all your worries frame bubbling out like ocean foam on the shore.
“Ran, I feel like this is all my fault” you said as you stop playing with his hair.
Ran lifted his head from your lap as you tried to look you in your eyes as your head hung low.
“It’s not (Y/N)” he said softly as he tried to reach out for you, but you pulled away from his touch.
“I just feel like none of this would’ve happened if i just didn’t start sleeping with you, I’m like a slut I just can’t help myself when it comes to you” you said holding back tears.
“It’s just the effect I have on women” Ran said with a snicker trying to lighten the mood but it was when he heard your sniffles and saw the reflection of your tears in the light did he realise the severity of the situation.
“Come in don’t cry, it’s not your fault really. I played a part in this two and when we started seeing each other Rindou was already 3 months in deep with that secretary”
Ran said trying to comfort you but did little of the way of helping as you continued to sulk, now with your hands covering your eyes as you sobbed harder.
Your cries echoed throughout the room for what felt like forever and your mind plagued you with thoughts of guilt.
“You know I started seeing because I always loved you” Ran said quietly, more to himself than anyone as he now kept his gaze lowered.
“And I know you might think that I’m just saying that because of what’s happening but I mean it. I remember when Rindou and I went to that club and we saw you. I was going to go up to you but I saw the excitement in Rindou’s eyes and let him go after you. I thought nothing much would come of it and then I’d get to speak to you afterwards but I was wrong. You looked at him the way I wished someone would look at me and you laughed at all his horrible jokes and when things got serious between the two of you I would hope something horrible would happen so you’d call the wedding off, but nothing ever did. And on your wedding day when I saw you I nearly cried tears of joy because for a minute it almost felt like you were walking down the aisle to spend the rest of your life with me. So, when I heard about how Rindou was having an affair and how it was affecting your marriage and he was neglecting you it was like my luck had finally changed and I did my best to show that I cared even if I did it the wrong way….
…and I’m sorry it ended up like this, I should’ve just told you what he was doing instead of getting tangled up in this. So, if you’re going to blame someone blame me. I love you to much to have you feel the guilt of this all”
You eyes still wet from your freshly fallen tears as you heard Ran quietly speak as he remained unaware that you listened so attentively.
Ran finally looked up, seeing you sit puffy lips and red rimmed eyes that held so much admiration and love towards him.
For a moment neither of you said a word just the two of you slowly approaching each other until you felt your lips softly collide.
Taking in each other’s breath, feeling as his tongue swirled around yours.
His hands travelling along your sides, gently squeezing them as they moved venturing across your body.
His hands dipping in between your thighs as two fingers pressed against your clothed cunt as his other hand played with your ever hardening nipples.
His fingers finally moving your panties to the side as he began to play at the outside of your pussy, teasing your clit but never fully sinking in until you began to whine out in need.
“Ran please” you begged out.
But all Ran did was let out a chuckle as he bit you lip playfully as he pulled his fingers away.
“You’re gonna have to wait if you want more”
You looked over at Ran as you gave him a stare that could kill, while he licked at his fingers shooting you a smirk.
“You know we can just elope” Ran said licking the last of your remnants off of his fingers.
“Real funny Ran” you commented back at what you presumed was a snarky remark.
“I’m being serious. Rindou is on your case and I doubt that but job of a secretary is going to be any better. So, why not, just you, me and Ran junior over there”
“How about Hong Kong.Mikey has a sister headquarters up there, I could ask to supervise there I mean I heard they kinda doing shit so instead of Mikey being situated there for awhile I can” Ran said with all his attention on you now.
“What ya say, gorgeous?”
“If you make me cum then it’s a yes” you said teasingly.
“So, then it’s a yes” Ran said as he now moved back onto your body.
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Rindou walked into headquarters with full skin and new worry lines that a man of his age should not have dawned. He knew what he did was reckless and careless but he was trying his best to make amends.
And his thoughts of trying to fix things felt like porcelain falling onto the floor when he heard the voice of the woman who he dreaded.
“Rindou” she called out from the front desk trying to get his attention before he could make it to the elevator.
“Rin!” She called out louder this time.
The name calling finally irritating Rindou enough to get his attention, as he now stormed towards her.
“I told you not to call me that” he said through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry it’s just I haven’t seen you since that day at your brothers house”
“And you weren’t suppose to see me since 5 months ago when I paid you off enough for you to live a new life” Rindou said in an irritated tone.
“I’m pregnant Rindou, you can’t just neglect that fact” she said with the same venom back towards him.
“Well Suki, you weren’t suppose to be now because we had an agreement”
“Oh that would make your life so much easier just to get rid of that wouldn’t it” Suki said with a scowl.
“Yes it would. God, you fuck me when I’m shit blown out of my mind which sounds like a fucking criminal offence because it is and now you knocked up and won’t stop harassing me”
“Well would you look at that, the gangster caring about the law how ironic” Suki said with a grin
“And let’s not forget to mention the fact that you are the one who neglected your wife enough for her to go find comfort by your brother, so you really are the one at fault.”
“Fuck you” Rindou said as he turned on his heels.
“You wish you could” Suki said with a laugh.
She watched as Rindou walked towards the elevator not even sparring her a departing glance. She hated how he hated her, she hated the fact that she was regret and mistake in his eyes.
When Suki got this job as a secretary a year ago she didn’t know that’s when she would see the man of her dreams, with his lilac mullet and charming gaze.
And when the time came when he was tripping his was over to her desk, barely able to hold himself up she knew that she had to take the opportunity. She had to somehow get into his pants, and when she did she took full advantage of it never once letting up from his dick as she let him cum in her over and over.
She loved Rindou and when she found out he had a wife she knew she’d love him more than you ever could. She knew everything about him, how he liked his coffee to how he liked to get his dick wet. And when she heard from a passing by Ran who was talking to Kakucho how he’d been neglecting you for his duties at Bonten she knew it be a waiting game till she was the new Mrs. Haitani.
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Rindou let out a sigh as he sat at his desk. His hands combing through his hair as he thought of the mess he was in. He couldn’t stand the time he was away from you, the house felt so soulless without you in it, no warmth from your love to keep it vibrant and he knew the way the situation looked just made you hate him more.
He couldn’t change the way you saw the situation with him being the villain because you saw him as some guy who was fucking the secretary and that’s why you neglected him, he wish he could show you that it wasn’t like that. All Rindou wished was that he’d be able to tell you was that he didn’t fuck his secretary on purpose she would come onto him when he was high off of whatever drug in some stupor unable to comprehend anything when she’d come after him. He would never fuck another woman, but how could he tell you that because you’d be upset at the fact that he was doing activities you told him to stop as well as still telling him that it takes two to tango.
Every way he looked at the situation he always came out with him being the villain and he hated himself for it.
Rindou let out a sigh as he threw his head on the desk. So distraught he hadn’t heard Kakucho enter his office.
“What’s gotten you like that” the younger male asked.
“My life is in the shit” Rindou replied not even lifting his head up.
“Yeah guess that’s been the buzz of the office, but don’t let it defeat you. Takeomi was in a similar predicament but him and his wife are stronger than ever now”
“Takeomi got taken advantage of by one of our secretaries, who got herself knocked up on your semen. While simultaneously neglecting his wife because he was so stressed with work that his own brother noticed and started giving his wife attention that cause the two to fall in love and have an affair that now had his wife pregnant” Rindou said as he had raised his head from the desk.
“I mean something along those lines but probably not the same details” Kakucho said with a nervous smile as he scratched the back of his head.
“Thanks for the support Kakucho” Rindou said as he dropped his head back onto his desk.
“Don’t mention it” Kakucho replied with a gleeful smile unable to read the severity of Rindou’s situation.
“Well anyway, Mikey called you into his office”
Rindou heard as Kakucho left his office as he began to pick himself up from his desk.
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Rindou walked through the corridors till he reached Mikey’s office with its large glass windows that allowed you to look into his office.
Large enough to give him the full sight of his brother talking to Mikey.
Rindou walked into his office not caring that Mikey and Ran were still talking.
“You called” Rindou said sluggishly, as he looked at him and Ran who were still talking.
“So it’s settled you’ll be going to Hong Kong then” Mikey said finishing up talking to Ran.
Rindou sat down in a chair watching Ran left without sparing his older brother a glance.
“So Ran’s finally leaving” Rindou said with a snicker.
“Matter of fact he is” Mikey replied which caused Rindou’s attention to be fully on Mikey now.
Rindou’s heart began to beat faster at the idea of his brother finally leaving Tokyo, it was as if his prays were being answered and he’d finally be able to get you back with his brother’s absence.
“That’s why I called you in here today. I need you to take over Ran’s responsibilities in Roppongi as well as few other areas since he’ll be moving to Hong Kong”
A smile began to spread on Rindou’s face at the news of his brother leaving. For the first time in a long time things were finally looking up for him.
“Will do” Rindou said trying to hold his composure.
“Yeah and please don’t fuck the areas in giving you any further than they are, ever since Ran’s been busy with (Y/N) his been disregarding some of his work”
“Don’t worry I won’t” Rindou said with a smirk full of hope.
“Yeah let’s hope Ran doesn’t do the same with since she’s going with to Hong Kong”
And the minute Rindou heard Mikeys words his smile fell.
“What do you mean she’s going with” Rindou questioned, already knowing the answer.
“(Y/N) is going with Ran to Hong Kong”
All rights reserved
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macsimagines · 1 year
hiiii!! I saw your "yanderes who will resort to murder" so can I request separate HCs for Yandere Kisaki Tetta and Ran Haitani where they cheated on their darlings bcs "she couldn't keep them entertained" and ofc the yanderes won't allow their darling to leave them so their darling becomes more and more lifeless day by day... thank you so much!
TW: Yandere, Abuse, MINORS DNI
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He doesn't cheat. Don't get me wrong, he's tried. But he can't stand the feeling of someone's lips on him if it's not you. Nothing will ever matter if it doesn't revolve around you.
What he does though is make it look like he cheated. He needs to test you. Sure you were here before he became a rich mogul, but are you really going to stay no matter what? Will you really keep your promise?
Kisaki is shocked when the answer is no. "You think you can leave me?" "Don't give me that crap! YOU cheated! YOU'RE the cause of all of this!"
The second you try to walk out that door, bags in hand, Kisaki is grabbing you by your hair and dragging you back. He has never once been physically violent with you, that's why you're so shocked and can't even react right at the action.
"You're not fucking leaving, Y/N. That ring on your hand means you HAVE to stay."
It's your turn to shock him when you throw your ring on the ground. You've never taken it off since the day he slipped it onto your finger...
But there is no out. Not anymore. The doors are bolted, you're chained and collared, and no matter how hard you try there is no escape.
The light fades from your eyes, day after day, and he's so broken seeing you slowly start to loose your light. You're everything to him, and like an insecure fool he's ruined you.
"Y/N please," he'll beg, "It was all a lie. I just...I needed to know you'd stay with me no matter what."
Your eyes start to water and Kisaki feels sick because that's your first emotion in weeks. "That makes everything so much worse..."
Kisaki will try and fail to build you up again. He's been trying to prove how much he loves you, how devoted he truly is. "Of course I'd never be unfaithful. The thought of anyone else makes me nauseous."
"I wish you would cheat... I wish you loved anyone else and not me." "...That's never going to happen, darling."
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He treats you like you're replaceable and you've let him for years. Eventually though, you've finally decided you've had enough.
"Haven't I been good to you!? I take all your bullshit and love you through it, why can't you just be loyal!?" His words make you sick "Not my fault you don't excite me anymore."
Well if that's how it is then you're not going to waste one more second of your time. The bastard has the audacity to actually leave you there crying.
"I actually have something important to do than listen to you cry, Y/N." and just walked out.
If that's the way he wanted to play it then you were going to leave. You had more important things to do as well, like rebuild your whole life without Ran Haitani.
When he returns home you're gone. You packed a bag and dipped out even emptied out your bank account. "She's bein' real dramatic."
Doesn't take it seriously until his brother says something. "Bro... I really think she's done this time. My guys just found out she bought a ticket outta Tokyo."
Thats when he really starts to get pissed. Goes out and finds you. "Look, I'm soooo sorry," he tells you rolling his eyes, "Now will you quit bein' hysterical? Do you get how bad you're makin' me look?"
The cold empty indifference in your eyes shakes him. Like you don't even care that he came all this way to get you. You're not even saying anything to him.
It goes on like that, him making demands ordering you to come with him, you not even acknowledging him. "You have your whores. You don't need or want me." is the only thing you say before you're making a move to get on the train.
Fuck making a scene. No one leaves Ran Haitani.
Its been months now. And you still won't talk to him. He's tried everything from isolation to starvation and physical violence. You might scream here and there, but verbal communication? Nope.
That empty look in your eyes is starting to really scare him. Ran really had no idea how much he needed you until you were really gone. Physically you're there, but its like he's holding a husk.
Once again, his brother has to speak up, the younger Haitani always did have a soft spot for you. "Bro, c'mon already. You broke her. She's got nothing left."
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oddballwriter · 9 months
My god I just finished reading all of your moon boys as dads blurbs and holy shit
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I was hoping you would write a blurb/one-shot where Marc just can't help but compare fem! reader (they have 2 sons) and his mother, but the reader doesn't act the way his mom would and that is slowly but surely healing him. Maybe also where their younger boy gets hurt while playing with his brother and she calms their oldest by saying "It wasn't your fault, you didn't do it on purpose". Poor Marc would definitely start crying as soon as they're alone. Anyway, toodles!
Healing Wounds
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Summary: Fatherhood was something that really healed Marc in a way that he couldn't imagine, and with that, situations are a lot less stress-inducing and let him enjoy finer moments with his family.
Warnings: Talk about Marc's trauma. Thoughts of self-doubt and being unable to let go of the past. Y/N and Marc (and the rest) being good parents. A whole lot of fluff at the end.  
Author’s Snip: We love letting our man heal his mental and emotional wounds.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 859
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It was kind of funny. Of course, you and him end up having two sons. It just had to happen like that didn't it. It wasn't like he didn't want them. God, no. Marc would never trade his boys for anything and he knows that neither would you.
But it was always there in the back of his mind. The faintest overlay in his vision and memory to back when he was a kid and all of its awful moments. All the screaming, crying, pain, and moments and milestones that were stained no matter how much he tried to scrub the bad out.
With your first, Aaron, there was the dread of being a parent and doing it wrong. He didn't want to get any of it wrong but there was the dilemma of where exactly he was meant to be. Too much of a pushover then his son would be spoiled and never get the hang of life. Too strict and demanding then he'd just be her. And Marc would rather die than even be her in the slightest. It was a hard thing for him to balance in his own mind. Marc was gone for a while but you all knew that it was for him to reflect and gather himself. Marc very much still had some wounds that he needed to lick before he took that journey.
And he did great. All three of them did great in their own ways but Marc clearly felt more comfortable and secure with himself being a dad and also working with you. You knew deep down that you were a part of that security, that the image was mostly on you. And you made sure that Marc never saw her in you even once. It's not like you were planning too, of course. You couldn't even imagine doing such things, or how any mother could have the audacity.
But when Matthew, or Matty as you all call him, came along there was a new dilemma that brought on more thoughts that wouldn't leave him alone. But Marc knew that Aaron and you managed to heal those wounds, so he knew that this would heal up so much more. He just needed to believe in himself and you, and the process.
Marc had the usual talk that a parent would with a soon-to-be older sibling, the whole "Just because we're having another one and are giving them more attention doesn't mean we don't love you. They just need more attention because they're small". Aaron understood, matter of fact he seemed really excited to be an older brother. Marc took that and made it something to use for healing. You and him taught Aaron how to help take care of Matthew and how to hold him, letting him be a part of his baby brother's life.
Years went by and they both grew, you bought a house, Marc started feeling better, and everything felt perfect. Sure, there were some moments but they never really impacted anything. There was no fear, no nights spent laying awake worrying about something happening, no moments where the ghosts of a past long since passed showed up in his mind.
That was until one day when everything was seemingly normal. You were doing something, Marc wasn't really paying attention and also couldn't remember what he was doing either. The boys were playing in the backyard. But at some point, you both hear a scream and then a cry coming from the backyard.
Rushing out, you find Matthew sitting on the grass crying and holding his foot while Aaron is kneeling next to him and looks upset and panicked. You go and pick up Matthew while Aaron is repeating "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." and possibly about to cry himself. That's when it all gets Marc, and hard.
He feels overwhelmed by everything, but just before it gets too much he sees you try and settle your boys down. "What happened?" you asked Aaron calmly while holding Matthew who was sniffling into your shoulder. "We were playing soccer and he was going to get the ball in my goal so I tried to stop him, but I didn't know where his foot was so when I kicked he fell." Aaron explains as he starts to cry. You kneel down to his eye level, "Hey, it's okay, sweetie." you shush, "Was it an accident?" you ask. Aaron nods as he whips his tears. "Okay, then it wasn't your fault. You didn't mean to trip him." you say as you help him whip away his tears. "Are you okay, Matty?" you ask the smaller boy to which he nods.
"Alright. Then why don't we just hug it out and maybe sit down for a little or do something inside, yeah?" you suggest. The two boys immediately go in for the group hug, but you glance up at Marc, seeing him watch the whole thing, and gesture for him to join in. Marc, trying to hold back the water in his eyes, joins in. It lasts a few seconds but Marc can feel the situation healing up something again.
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alexandia03 · 5 months
Tell me about...
Bitter are the wars between brothers
Okay, I was actually waiting for someone to ask about this one and now I am thinking how to talk about it without giving too many spoilers (I am the kind that tells you the entire planned plot when asked because I am that excited).
Basically, Bitter are the wars between brothers is the only semi-complete snippet I wrote so far (like it has 10 pages so far) and it focuses on the main conflict of the second part of Memento Vivere (when I finally get to the IF events), namely Xaden's fallout with his inner circle after a series of mistakes and neglect. RY never talked about how Xaden's friends might feel after he becomes obsessed with Violet and it angered me a little to see that Bodhi had to return to Basgiath with a broken arm (and suffered for months from it) when Brennan was basically there and could have mended him had he and Xaden not decided that saving his energy in case Violet needed something else was more important.
And because the people on the discord server already have access to it, why not give you a little sneak-peak?
“The bones healed wrong after the battle of Resson…” Brennan begins and I bite my tongue not to scoff. Yes, that much we already knew... Anyone with eyes could tell as much. Well, most of us, at least, judging by the bewildered look on Xaden's face, as if he just found out his favorite puppy died. “… so in that regard, the fall was rather fortunate if you want to see it that way, because it reopened the wound and once he regains enough energy for it, I should be able to properly put the bones back in place. Tomorrow, most likely. The mending today took a big toll on him.” And on Brennan himself, I complete in my mind with a scowl. Garrick frowns, his grip on my hand tightening almost to the point it hurts, but I know it is unconscious – and it actually gives me something else to focus on aside from the boiling rage in my chest. “Fortunate? You mean to tell me he lived with a broken arm… for six months?!” He all but shouts, his voice taking a dangerous tone as his hazel eyes moved between Brennan and Xaden, finally understanding why it was so easy for Bodhi to fall off Cuir, why he was favoring his left side. “How could you let it happen?” “Of course, we never meant to put Bodhi in such a position, but after Resson, we had to chance his fracture healing on its own as there were more pressing…” Brennan starts explaining and there is a slight grimace on his face, a prang of guilt. But I came to understand there is a difference between guilt and remorse. “Wait!” Garrick cuts in, his eyes widening even more, but his attention is now solely on Xaden who is uncharacteristically quiet. “You knew his arm was in such a bad condition?” Xaden doesn’t even look at Garrick as he opens his mouth to answer, keeping his eyes on Brennan instead. “You never told me the wound was that serious… You said it would heal in time and there would be no issues. Had I known…”
Or maybe two sneak-peaks because I am feeling generous <3
Anger. And it is pointed towards me like an arrow aimed to pierce my heart. “Fucking traitor. I guess I should have seen this coming.” Traitor? Traitor?! He can’t possibly be talking to me, right? He is probably talking to Brennan after he stopped him… – Fuck it! Who am I freaking trying to fool? He is talking to me and I can’t even lie to myself and say that I didn’t see this coming. “What did you just call me?” I growl, my hand itching to wrap around the hilt of my dagger, but I resist the urge. No, I won’t resort to violence, it’s not the moment and it certainly isn’t worth it. At least not yet. The bastard has the audacity to scoff and roll his eyes at me. “Drop the act. You have been sneaking between me and Bodhi for years trying to push him away from me. It ends today, Imogen. Gods, I can’t believe I have been so blind until now… it’s my fault I allowed this situation to get so far.” “Oh, you are at fault here for a lot, but like always it is easier to blabber about shit than to take responsibility for your fuck ups. You want to pin it on me now that you saw you can’t do it to Brennan? Be my guest, but I can’t take credit for how much you fucked things up with Bodhi, that is all you, asshole.” I bite back, that bit of patience and restraint I was holding on to up to this point finally snapping. Gods, this is truly not the moment for this, for any of this. This is not the time for this stupid argument, not now and certainly not in here, while Bodhi is in pain in the next room. It is not like Xaden will actually listen to logic either, so it is pointless anyway. So I do the only rational thing I can do right now – I turn with the intention of going to Bodhi’s room. “Oh, the fuck you are! I am not letting you anywhere near him to poison his mind with all this vitriol you have against me! Leave him alone, Imogen, I mean it!” Xaden all but yells, shadows extending to form some sort of wall to the door.
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fireflylitsky · 19 days
This is just me on my "Sakrua should have Kubikiribocho" bullshit 😂
Sakura wasn’t sure what a normal girl got for her eighteenth birthday, but she was positive it wasn’t this. Her sensei rubbed at the back of his neck when he presented it to her, smiling through his uncertainty. “I wasn’t sure what to get you,” he admitted, gesturing to the unwieldy blade.
No kidding.
But she smiled all the same and thanked him as she accepted Kubikiribocho. The Executioner's blade. Zabuza’s sword. 
“Thought it might bring back some memories,” Kakashi said. He wasn’t wrong. She couldn’t fault him there.
It seemed so big when she was small. She thought for sure now that she’d grown, its grandeur would have diminished, but no. Somehow it only seemed bigger now in her clutch. 
Kakashi-sensei justified the gift further, stating she was the only one he could think of that would do it justice. So that was just great. Now she had to.
The first time Sakura heard it, it scared her.
At the draw of blood—a kill—a voice scratched at the back of her skull. Deep and coarse. It put a dryness in her throat. Made her thirst, though not in any unpleasant way. Made her think that maybe more might be good, yes.
Needless to say, she decided to keep this to herself.
“More.” That was all it said for the longest time. She grew so used to it that it honestly became easy to ignore. Her blade carved through flesh, and with it came that hunger. That urging insistence. Sometimes it even sounded like praise.
It wasn’t until a particularly brutal battle, during which Sakura struggled to gain the upper hand, that the sword developed a vocabulary—a rude one. “Behind,” it warned with a growl, tacking on a muttered, “idiotic girl…”
Sakura narrowly dodged the attack because of that warning, leaving her free to balk at the absolute audacity of her sword. “Excuse me?!” 
It was on that day Sakura came to find out that some souls do not pass on to the afterlife. Some will cling to whatever they can and refuse death. Attach themselves to a vessel and live on inside it.
Kubrikiribocho just happened to be such a vessel, and Zabuza Momochi was anything but dead.
SO basically this becomes the story of Sakura and the soul of Zabuza bonding VERY SLOWLY over the course of many years. At first he's miffed when this stupid pink-haired girl becomes his wielder because ugh, she's not going to help his cause at all. (He believes that if he is able to absorb enough blood--enough life--through the blade, he can use it as a conduit to come back. After all, this blade's ability is to regenerate that which has already been destroyed)
But over time she piques his interest. He sees her potential. That feral streak in her. Maybe she can be useful to him. So he starts becoming more talkative (even if he is rude) and starts to guide her and work with her in battle.
They have lots of little quiet moments other people wouldn't understand (very underdeveloped snippet incoming):
Her body hurts. Her heart hurts. She feels it all welling up inside her and knows she’ll cry herself to sleep tonight in this ramshackle hut—alone, but not. Kubikiribocho lies in bed beside her. She sidles up against it and lays a hand on the oddly warm blade.
Zabuza’s silent, but she knows he can feel what she’s feeling. They’re too intertwined now. “I’m so sorry…” she eventually says. “This is unbecoming of me. Of a kunoichi. I just… didn’t want to be alone. Not after…” she chokes off, unable to put it in words yet.
“…Not like I’m going anywhere.” His voice sounds in her head, dismissive in a strangely comforting way.
“True… sorry about that, too.”
Silence spans between them and if a sentient sword could sigh, well, it sounds like that.
“Hey, Zabuza…?” she murmurs after a while, barely audible as she trails her fingers along the smooth steel of the blade, absently tracing lines down the edge.
“I’m going to fix you,” she says, determined. “I’m going to bring you back no matter what. I’ll find a way. I promise.”
“Tch… yeah, yeah, I know.”
“I mean it.”
“I know you do.”
“I won’t be useless. Not to you, too.”
There’s another stretch of silence before she hears him speak again. “Did someone tell you that? You’re useless?”
“Not… in those words exactly,” she says. “But I know that it’s true. Especially after today.”
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sheepkebby · 2 years
Completing Swamp Fever on expert difficulty
Why are we still here... just to suffer?
Today Ellis is wearing a cowboy hat.
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I am once again joined by my lovely girlfriend Tabitha. Whether she's as insane as I am or just loves me enough to put up with this pain is yet to be determined. Perhaps it is both.
We started Swamp Fever with high hopes, but those hopes were soon shot dead because we died twice on the first map. It wasn't extremely painful though, and we eventually made it to the saferoom in just a few minutes.
The second map was just as rough, we died about three times. Poor Ellis had to drown in the swamp, can't imagine that tastes very good.
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Eventually Tabitha decided she'd go with the very bold grenade launcher + chainsaw combo. The audacity. Incredibly risky. Very powerful. I can only dream of wielding such power.
(And yes she hit me with the grenade launcher at least 3 times, might be my fault though because there's a good chance my dumbass walked directly in front of her anyways)
The crashed plane wasn't too much of a struggle, surprisingly. Even after a witch killed Nick. There was a respawn closet nearby so we were good. Eventually we made it to the third map.
And holy shit, I actually don't have any screenshots from this map because we did it first try ❗❗❗
I shit you not, we encountered a tank right before the panic event, we beat its ass, we handled the panic event extremely well with barely a scratch, (mostly thanks to Tabitha's chainsaw), and we all made it to the saferoom just fine.
... Except for Coach who died to a charger right outside the saferoom door, which was objectively hilarious.
Then came the finale. Oh boy.
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This took us 10+ tries.
We had a strategy at the very least, and for the most part it served us well. We figured it was best to hold out on the second floor of the plantation house with our backs against the wall. One of us guarded the stairs, the other watched for zombies dropping in from the roof. The bots? Just kinda did whatever. We were basically babysitting them.
Ideally when the hoard looks like it's starting to thin out, we'd rush out of the house to grab ammo. We didn't want to be trapped in that house whenever the tanks spawned, since we'd be sardines in a can at that point.
That was our strategy, and we stuck to it.
Though at some point, Coach decided he didn't want to follow the plan?? He just stood outside... Menacingly...
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Safe to say he died almost immediately. I appreciate your balls of steel though Coach.
On another attempt, I noticed these four teddy bears all lined up against the wall? I asked why they were there and Tabitha was like "Because this is the kids room!"
One day if I ever have a child, I too shall buy them four identical teddy bears and line them all up against a wall like they're about to be shot by a firing squad. And I will also force my child to sleep in a room with a giant hole in the floor. L4D2 is teaching me how to be a good parent.
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On another attempt, Coach ended up getting incapped before dropping down into the plantation house. (Which I didn't get a screenshot of, sadly). We solemnly accepted that we couldn't reach him and he was just gonna die up there, so we started the finale without him.
At some point though, we all got incapacitated, and as we all bled out on the floor, we heard something in the distance.
Coach, respawned, and calling for help.
So we rushed back to the plantation house and found out that there is indeed a respawn closet. It's inside the house, just inside that room where you can usually find biles/pipes/mollies.
You learn something new every day.
Anyways, on another attempt I got crushed to death by a tank. Tabitha defib'd me, which was super nice of her! I mean, we all died anyways, but I still appreciated it.
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On another attempt, we got very close. Virgil blew open the gate. Tabitha was incapped by two tanks. She told me to run. She told me to leave her behind.
But I, being the heroic dumbass I am, decided no. I'm NOT going to leave her behind. I'm going to save her and we're going to make it TOGETH-
And we both died. Moral of the story is always be a coward and leave your partner behind.
On attempt number, I dunno, 12? 13? Tabitha decided to go absolutely buckwild and throw a different grenade every thirty seconds. Biles. Pipes. Mollies. She was tossing them around like a maniac. I mean, the game gives you quite a bit to start with, but we were always cautiously saving them for emergencies. Until now, that is.
The biles and pipes kept most of the zombies out of the way. We still got pretty beat up, but we had a few medkits to spare. The mollies dealt with the tanks while we ran around like lunatics trying to avoid them.
Then FINALLY, after some really risky healing, some adrenaline, and the most desperate sprint I've ever had in my entire life;
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I'm surprised I didn't wake up my whole house with how loudly I celebrated. I was legit out of breath and yelling and laughing hysterically and clapping. Keep in mind, it's 3:30AM at the time of writing this.
And finally, ladies and gentlemen, after three hours...
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Jesus that was a journey. At least it didn't take us two days like Dark Carnival did! Woo!!
Shoutout to Tabitha, she's the real expert here. Love you sweetheart <3
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Next up: Hard Rain.
(Edit) We've also completed:
Dead Center | Dark Carnival | Hard Rain | The Parish
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aitapokemon · 1 year
Alex experience
AITA for (attempting) killing somebody using my Doublade?
OK this is sounds bad but hear me out, for context I am a male (13) originally from Hoenn came to Kalos to go to do my first journey with my starter a Riolu (later evolve into Lucario) given to me by my father and grandfather.
On my journey I caught a Honedge that didnt want to evolve into Aegislash as my eight capture in the region, I don't have any problem with this, mind you, as I doesn't like Aegislash too much anyways and liking Doublade more. And although I don't have problem with it apparently some people, who like to poke their nose onto someone else problem doesn't like both our decision because apparently that I have been holding back my Doublade potential. So this male Karen heard our plan to go to a jewelry shop so I can buy my Doublade something to hold his everstone so it won't slip in the battle, I dont know what triggers it but this Karen start to screamed at me about how I 'abuse' my Pokemon's so they afraid to evolve and about how I should handed over all of my Pokemon before he called on officer Jenny to report my 'abuse'.
We all probably had an experience dealing with this kind of Karen on our journey at least once right? So I already prepared to dealt with it by ignoring him. Apparently its a mistake as the Karen figured it out that if I ignoring him then he'll stalk me until I bend to his will, mind you I am camping on the wildness to avoid being interrupted when I'm training my other 'Mons. And because of that the inevitable happen, my Braixen who's been sparring with my Lucario accidentally fired a Will-O-Wisp in the direction of Karen's tent and it catches on fire, thankfully all of his stuff is still outside since he just finished setting up his tent, deliberately close to our training ground, and thats how the nuclear start, and by Arceus he's lucky that I did not immediately kill him in the forrest, he throw tantrum about how I order my Pokemon to kill him before he reported my 'abuse' to Jenny when I apologize to him about the tent and promising him that I will replace it once we got in to the near town. He won't have it though even tho its his own fault that he set his tent near my Pokemon training ground, mind you we already camped here for almost a week now.
But anyways long story short when we arrived at the closest town after the nightmarish walk accompany by the Distortion world most devilish creature that made even Darkrai jealous I immediately go to a pokecenter to book a room and for some of my Pokemon to get a health check after a week on the road, I headed to my room to stash my things before going to sightseeing with some of my teammates, now apparently some of them chose to lazing in the room rather than sightseeing so I left them with my stuff to guard while I take a walk with my starter and Doublade. I don't do much on my walk just finding a jewelry store to bought some kind of ring that the everstone can be placed on the center of it for my Doublade and a new tent to replace what I owe to Karen. I actually became a bit suspicious when I don't see a hair of him to pester me about the so-called abuse but I don't think much about it picked up my Pokemon's from nurse Joy, but I should have been wary because lo and behold the Karen leisurely sprawled on the bed with his things scattered on it and my belongings tossed on the floor carelessly with my remaining two Pokemon's growling at him, then he had the audacity to say that I should sleep on the floor while he take the bed "is the least you can do for destroying my tent" he say. I had non of it and gather his belongings and throw them to the hallway along with his new tent while he screeched at me while chasing after his things. He caused so much ruckus that made other people who stayed on the same floor poked their heads out to see what's the commotion is about, someone even called officer Jenny on him when he try to go after the Pokemon egg I hold.
And that made me snap, I am tired hungry and in need to cuddle with my Pokemons and this Karen had the balls to go after my baby, so I hand over the egg to my Braixen before grabbing one of the handle of my Doublade sword and stabbed at the direction of Karen's head, I purposely miss but making sure that he got a thin slice on the side of his head where my Doublade sword embed on the wall, he immediately goes white "you listen to me you little shit, I am in no way have a requirements to comply in your entitled ass, but I have been very patient this last few days in hopes that you will leave me and mine alone, but now you just cross the line by attacking my baby, so I will give this options for you to follow, either you get the hell out of this floor calmly, or you get out of this building with a missing organ, it is yours to pick." And I mean every words I say, after I said that he began to scrambled gathering his things (including the new tent I bought) and running like Girantina themself after him.
Officer Jenny caught him before he leave the building tho, apparently one of the other trainer starts filming after they finished the call giving the officer the evidence she need to arrest the Karen.
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taihua · 2 years
I’m tired of the wretched bird website so that means my WIPs are going to be stuck here for now. So, because I kept threatening to write it and finally started it, proof that I am working on the Planes Trains and Automobiles Fengqing AU... 
// CW for Feng Xin’s potty mouth, i.e. saying “fuck” in every paragraph
Feng Xin is running late. 
It’s not entirely his fault this time; Jun Wu had called right as he was about to head out of the office, and had proceeded to go into excruciating detail about the contract going through. Feng Xin had been forced to listen, because he couldn’t just hang up on Jun Wu (no matter how much he would like to—especially if it could follow some choice words about going to fuck himself on something sharp and rusty), and then he’d forgotten his overnight bag underneath his cubicle on his way out and had to dash back inside to retrieve it. 
And that would have been okay, but Shi Qingxuan had caught him in the elevator and given the most enthusiastic holiday well-wishes he’s ever received outside of his immediate family, so escaping back to the street was much more difficult than it should have been. 
Normally, he wouldn’t mind. But he has special plans for this holiday season, and it requires making it back to Xianle early this year so he has enough time to meet everyone he needs to meet. 
Outside, it has started to snow; the flurries aren’t thick enough to be disruptive, but Feng Xin blinks snowflakes out of his eyes as he scans the street for a taxi. It’s busy today, with many people leaving work early to head home for New Year’s; the business sector of the city will be abandoned in a few days’ time, the red lanterns hanging over empty streets. 
But today, it’s still crowded enough that Feng Xin has to push his way through a crowd on the sidewalk in order to get close enough to the street that he can stick out his arm and hail the next cab. Even so, it takes a few tries before one of them finally peels to the side and pulls up in front—
As Feng Xin shoulders the overnight bag and prepares to grab the back door handle, someone pushes past him, ramming into his side before descending on the taxi cab door. He catches a glimpse of silky dark hair and a black coat, and a face that would be pretty with its flushed cheeks if it wasn’t so obviously mean-spirited in its expression. 
“The fuck—?!” Feng Xin splutters as he regains his balance. Pretty or not, who shoves strangers on the street when they’re trying to get in a cab? And why is he standing so close to the taxi, anyway? 
“Watch where you’re fucking standing,” the stranger has the audacity to call out as grabs the door handle and climbs right the fuck inside to utter directions to the cab driver. 
No fucking way. That—that was his cab. 
“You fucker,” Feng Xin yells after him, the heat of his indignation bravely battling against the cold of the winter air. “I hope you get fucked! You fucking douchebag!” 
The door closes, and the taxi weaves back into the stream of traffic. Feng Xin spares an extra curse for the driver for permitting that blatant display of cunt-like behavior, then runs a gloved hand through his hair in frustration.
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dreadofthegrave · 1 year
augh. whinging about life events
this is something that would be in a circle in twitter dot corn but i don't have circles here so i will simply put it under a readmore and assume that anyone who doesnt care will simply scroll by as i gen hope they will <3
anyways. last week was vacation and coming back from vacation i got thrown in the metaphorical frying pan. person who was supposed to be watching the house fucked off w/o telling us thursday afternoon (we came back sat night) leaving our cats and her cats (inc. a 5 month old kitten in a separate room) alone. which the other cats would have been fine alone for a few days but the litterboxes were full which makes me suspect she did not clean up before she left. kitten was left with no water and no food (she gave him food but he scarfed it down immediately. because he's A Kitten) and she had the audacity to try to lie to us!! about when she left when we straight up had proof from the security system logs that she was gone for longer than she said she was <3333
did i mention this girl is supposed to be living with us for a few more weeks lol lmao
we spent an hour and a half cleaning the house from the misc toilet and vomit stains around after having already driven a collective 7 hours home from our vacation spot.
we grilled her pretty hard after she came back sunday nite at like 9:30 pm and she kinda gave a half hearted apology and i emphasized that. i agreed to the kitten staying over (which she had thrown on me like. night before we leave) (she adopted the kitten the weekend we left for vacation) with the agreement that she would be taking 100% care of him which she was Not.
and then she fucked off again for all of monday. i think she stayed monday night but she was gone the next morning. she also sprang on me monday nite that "oh do you mind if i stay at my friends house the days i have work because it's closer to my workplace" (by a magnitude of like. hours) and i said yeah because it was LATE and i was WORKING the next day so i didnt have the energy to have a long conversation. i shouldn't have said yes.
she was gone all tues and wed. she didn't have work today so she should have come back to my house but she didn't because she was with her mom. didn't tell us that btw.
now it is thurs night she's probably going to arrive back way too late for me to have a conversation with her because i go to bed early. because i wake up early for work. my sister called her and had a long convo and i sent her a text message saying the kitten has to be gone by the end of this weekend because my sister and i have been taking care of HER KITTEN this entire week basically. when i already gave her a warning for being negligent with the kitten.
tired of hearing the kitten yowling the whole day because my sister and i are both busy and we can't play with him. me because i have my desk job my sister because she's prepping for her job starting next week. regardless ITS THIS GIRLS KITTEN NOT OURS THAT WE DIDN'T AGREE TO TAKE CARE OF
i haven't even broached the topic of payment because i expected to charge her rent for the couple of weeks she was living with us but since she's only been here like. a grand total of 8 hours (when she wasn't watching the house the week we were gone) should i just charge her for using our house as a boarding house for her cats. lol. lmao. im getting some payment out of this even if i have to bug her for it
all that aside. getting grilled at work for things partially my fault and partially not my fault and feeling indignant about it. got told i wasn't communicating well enough when i have been responding to every single silly little email that was sent to me so idk. maybe check your inbox then? anyways i have to finish a report tomorrow i've been putting off for. a disgustingly long time so this is a situation i put myself in but im still mad and stressed about it
good thing i talk to my therapist tmmrw because im just gonna be like hi :) the shit hit the fan my dude
oh as an aside my brain has been bad enough this week that i decided to take a break from twitter since i figured spending my limited free time endlessly scrolling through a collapsing social media site wasn't helping my brain trying to self-cannibalize. tumblr is. Okay. for now. debating filling my queue and leaving for x amount of time but for now i need some outlet
what else. had an onslaught of flies in the house this week. killed about 20 or 30 tuesday and wednesday. thankfully there seemed to be a lot less today so i'm hoping it was just a freak accident and not a serious problem. clothes dryer has been broken (still turns, but no heat) for three weeks now. repairman has stopped by three times with a fourth time coming. i'm about ready to pull the plug after the next time he comes and just buy a new dryer even if that's going to be $$$$ because... it's an old dryer. maybe its time is just up
didn't mean for this post to be so long LMAO if you made it this far you get a picture of harley (my mom's cat). i just gotta make it through this week [pained smile]
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NINJA EDIT BECAUSE AS I WAS TYPING THIS UP THERE WAS A NEW KITTEN DEVELOPMENT. after i texted her she got upset enough to decide to drive to our house and pick up the kitten and leave which i mean. lol. lmao. i gave you a warning and you decided to still fuck off so that's not my fault at this point. she's still an hour away so i will probably be going to bed when she comes home. don't have it in me to have another 10pm serious conversation lol lmao lol
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perfectlysunny02 · 2 years
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A Suresh/MC Oneshot
Word Count: 755
Warning: Swearing
Read it here or on AO3
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Gabi was in the Villa, would that hurt Suresh and Emily’s couple?
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Everything had been going great, Emily was finally, finally forgiving him or at the very least on track for it. Yes, he had messed up, and the thought of that incident made bile rise up in his throat, guilt wrapping around tight on his chest, almost like a rubber band too stubborn to snap, knowing it’s been pulled too tight.
And now that incident was here, in the villa, popping this warm, almost perfect bubble he and Emily were in. They made it through Arlo, they made it through the whole village treating Em like shit, and he had done his best to help her through it and curb the bullying, the talking behind her back, snide remarks, anything. They made it through Alfie cheating on her and making it completely her fault, they made it through Nicolas completely turning the rest of Islanders against her, they made it.
And Gabi was gonna ruin everything. He didn’t know where she had the audacity to say he and her were more than a one night stand because they weren’t, but Emily believed her. And he couldn’t even blame her. He broke her trust the moment he even entertained Gabi, the moment he went to Gabi for comfort about a fight that was completely his fault. He had made the biggest mistake of his life, and here was Gabi to remind him and Emily both of that mistake.
Emily takes her hand off his and trains her eyes on the floor. And Suresh is afraid. He’s afraid of losing her again, he can’t handle this, it feels like a knife is turning slow motion in his heart.
“Em,” He whispered, licking his lips. “Emily please baby, I swear. It was just one time. I haven’t lied to you.”
“I-I don’t know what to do,” she whispers, tears cascading down her face, and the knife feeling suddenly twists so hard, Suresh almost wants to cry out. She had handled everything thrown at her, with a smile, her head held high, and now, he had been the one to break her.
He doesn’t remember moving, or even his thoughts in the process but next thing he knows, he’s on his knees in front of Emily, gasps echoing around him. He always thought he was too cool for this, to be on his knees for any females, to beg, but here he was, gripping Emily’s shoulders, on his knees, silently begging her to just listen and believe him.
And then the rain starts to fall, which is fitting for this mood, but no Islander moves, everyone shocked that Suresh is begging, on his knees, wanting to see what happens next, eager for some gossip and to see his girl suffer, like the assholes they all are.
“Please baby,” He whispered. “There’s no one else for me, please stay with me. Believe me please. The whole time in Casa Amor, I couldn’t sleep. I needed you, the way my stomach felt in a knot and the thought of you moving on. I know I should’ve but I’m selfish, I’m so selfish ‘Em. I always have been, but I swear I’ve been changing for you. I can’t lose you again, I just fucking can’t.”
At this point, Suresh wasn’t sure if it was tears or rain or a mix of both running down his face, and he had no idea what he was even saying or trying to say, he wasn’t sure anyone else did either, he just wanted her to not leave to just stay, and for a moment it felt like the whole world was frozen and holding its breath. And then, and then Emily threw herself into his arms, and with a breath of relief that was almost a sob, he caught her, hugging her tight to him.
She was his. She was his. She was his.
Suresh covered her wet face in kisses, and she lightly laughed, before burying her face into his neck. She smelled like Emily, strawberries and a hint of fresh air, and all things good in the world, and his heart swelled.
Soon they would have to deal with the villa, and Gabi, but he was confident. They would be okay, they could make anything alright again, and he would never be separated from her again.
She was his, and he was hers.
As it should’ve been this whole time, and Suresh would work his ass off making up for it as long as it took.
Because he loved her. And that was enough.
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
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I posted 8,223 times in 2022
That's 6,173 more posts than 2021!
3,233 posts created (39%)
4,990 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,495 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#linda answered - 1,990 posts
#stephen strange x reader - 204 posts
#self reblog. - 198 posts
#fic: the princess & her captain - 182 posts
#fic: the wizard & i - 161 posts
#feedback - 143 posts
#whorish behavior on main - 127 posts
#ask games ! - 121 posts
#namor x reader - 106 posts
#« trashcan » ( tbd ) - 104 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#i’m literally outlining my frank smut and then you sent me this and now i’m wheezing like a w word in church
My Top Posts in 2022:
Suit & Tie | S.S
Summary: A lovers’ quarrel turned into something quite (un)expected.
Word count: 3.8K (ahahaha! Ooops!!)
Warning: Just a minor spoiler with the wedding!! Established relationship, possessive behavior, subtle passive aggressiveness, jealous sex, exhibitionism, fingering, praise kink, unprotected p in v sex, suit kink (the suit stays on), inappropriate used of mirror dimension, brat taming, mild dom behavior, face slapping, creampied
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A/N: are we surprised I wrote this at all? Honestly, it’s just filth. A long ass explicit filth! Grab yourself some water. Maybe shower afterward.  No beta, so if missed anything, I apologize. If you enjoyed this, please comment or reblog. It means so much! If you like to get update on my future fic, please follow @wint3r-library​
See the full post
2,063 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Yes dear? | TASM!P.P x Reader
Summary: Peter is in grey sweatpants while fixing his suit and you can’t help yourself..AKA: Peter getting his soul sucked out because the audacity he has to walk around your shared apartment with nothing but those sweats on.
Word count: 2.2K
Rating: Explicit (smut ahead, besties). contain oral, exhibitionism (you’ll see why ehehe), fingering, unprotected seggs,  and praise kink. If these topics upset you, please don’t click read more. 
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A/N: This is obviously adult!Peter/post college Peter. Just me still thinking about AG in grey sweats, besties. I also hope the tags are working now. As always, reblogs and comments are great, greatly appreciated. 
See the full post
2,987 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
It’s You, It’s always Been you
Pairing: Stephen Strange x f!Reader
Summary: It’s a known fact that you are in love with Stephen Strange. It’s also a known fact that Stephen Strange is still in love with Dr. Palmer. When Stephen asked you to be his wedding date though, you’re starting to regret your decision. A confession from the doctor himself, changes everything.
Word count: 3.0K (I got carried away, oops)
Genre: angst, unrequited love, confession, overall feels!, and soft smut (of course)
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A/N: There’s no major MoM spoilers, just the beginning with the wedding and all that. As much as I love Stephen being a complete daddy in MoM, I need to write me some soft smut. No beta, so if I missed anything, It’s my fault. If you enjoyed this, please please comment and reblog. It just means a lot. Please follow @wint3r-library​ and turn on post notification for fic update.
See the full post
3,583 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Ride the Lightning | Thor x Reader
Summary: They say lightning never strike twice. Thor begs to differ.
Word count: 3.4K
Warnings: pure brain rotting smut with a little plot, size kink, oral sex (female receiving), face riding, couch sex, male ejaculation, creampied, shower sex. Mutual pinning if you squint. a bit shy/awkward reader (because w’re all a bit awkward talking to our crushes 🥲) 
A/N: y’all know I’ve been wanting to read some filthy ass size kink fic. Well, if you want something bad enough, you gotta write it yourself. Here it is in its pure filth. No beta, so I’m sorry!! Feedback & reblog just mean a lot and greatly appreciated if you enjoyed this.
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*** do not copy, repost, rewrite, or translate my works !!
See the full post
3,810 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
His Sacrificial Offering | Namor
Summary: You were sent to be his, and his you shall be; both body and soul
Word count: 2.0K
Warnings: brain rotting smut ahead. Little plot, just thots. oral (female receiving), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex. Breeding kink, cum dumping, slight mention of possessive behavior. Romance undertone if you squint.
18+ ONLY | Minors DNI
A/N: Tenoch Huerta be pulling me out of my writing slump, and here is the result. I hope you liked it. Little plot, but somewhat coherent (I hope). No beta either, so if I do miss anything, I apologize. If you enjoyed this little blurb, comment and reblog is greatly appreciated 💛
Part 2
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*** Do not copy, repost, or translate anywhere else.
See the full post
4,780 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chaotic-cheese-blog · 2 years
Chaos threatens god
Chaos’ eyes fluttered open, yet it was still dark.
‘What the hell? Why am I on the floor? Why is the floor not carpeted?’
‘D-didn’t I die? Was that a dream? Dammit…Urg, the floor is so hardddd.’
They blinked. They blinked again.
They sat up, groaning.
They stared down at their yellow jumper and their school bag, which was laying next to them.
‘Waiiiiit a sec, how can I see myself if it’s dark?!
‘Ooooo what if I’m lucid dreamiiiing, I’ve never done that befoooore.
Your meant to be able to do what you want right? Umm I’m in Disneyland. Disneyland, Disneyland!’
But nothing changed, they were still in the void.
‘Awww whaaat??? Maybe it’s not a dreammm. I heard you can’t look at mirrors when your dreaming. Let’s see hereeee’
They dug into there backpack, fishing out the pocket mirror and their knife for the hell of it. They clicked it open and stared at their reflection.
The shock was so powerful it snapped Chaos out of their silent delirious thoughts.
The surprise wasn’t that they had a reflection, it was what they looked like.
“what.” they repeated quietly.
Their face was a mess. A gory mess. It had chunks of flesh ripped off, bits of bone were visible. But, there was no blood. It was… weird, to say the least.
“so it wasn’t a dream. hm.” they mumbled, taking it it.
“Heya friendo, you’re finally up I see.”
Chaos whipped around, pointing the knife at the speaker. It had a TV head with a picture of a familiar dog on it. It put its hands up.
“Whoa there, no need to make any rash decisions!”
Lowering the knife, gears turned in Chaos’ mind.
“You… Oh yeah! god right?”
“(Even at the beginning of a sentence you refuse to use a capital letter for me?) That’s right matey. Welcome to the void!”
“Uhuh, and what am I doing in the void?”
“I’m not sure actually. You’re dead, that’s all I know. (Maybe because it was my fault?)” He mumbled that last part.
Chaos rolled their eyes.
“Oh wow, I didn’t reali- Wait what was that last bit? What do you mean it’s your fault?”
“You heard that?! So, funny thing is… I’m pretty sure I was that dog.”
“Huh? Wait. HUH? What?”
“Hey there. It’s not totally my fault… you were in the way”
Chaos shrieked at the audacity.
At this point they stood up, clutching the pocket knife tightly. They might be a small 7 year old, but they were a 7 year old with a weapon. They slowly approached the useless god.
“Hey now, I’m sure we can find a solution.” He spoke rapidly.
“Unless you can get me back to life, we have nothing to talk about.” They growled.
“Well I can’t do that because you’re officially dead in this timeline but uh… Oh! I can set you up for another timeline that’s relatively similar so you can, y’know, meet the characters?”
Chaos paused at this, something in their eyes glistened. He takes this as his sign to continue.
“Yeah! We can find a suitable timeline and put a spot for you!”
The young one loosened their grip a little.
“Can you… really do that?” Now he had really got them hooked.
“Sure! It takes quite a bit of effort, but it’s possible!”
Any hint of hatred had dissolved from their stance.
“Can I have a bucket?”
“A bucket for a head? I mean I can try”
“No no. A bucket. That I can put on my head.”
“(what???) Sure, whatever. Let’s get started then.”
One montage later…
“Ok, looks good. It should be stable. You ready kid?”
Chaos nodded excitedly.
“I’ll finally live up to my name!
“Oh, nothing” They smiled, staring at the fourth wall.
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no--net · 2 months
Willing to be punched in the face again for you (Part one) Byomjit Angst
(before reading this I recommend watching the movie detective byomkesh bakshi and watching its deleted scene (mainly scene 3) or else their might be some references you might miss
Hope you like it and I will try to update it soon (suggestions are welcome) and please comment somthing ....yes I'm asking for validation)
It had been a horrible day for Ajit . Why you may ask? Let's rewind I little bit
The last evening Byomkesh and Ajit were on a case ,long story short it turned bloody and Byomkesh had to be dragged home once again. All of the exhaustion might have caught up with the detective but not his friend unfortunately.  While byomkesh slept like a baby Ajit was dragged to the police station for details of the case. So after no dinner and no sleep he thought breakfast would make things better but nope! Turns out Byomkesh had the audacity to get invited to a friend's house. Alone! Eating alone just doesnt hit the same so lunch was a bye bye and now here we are to the present and guess what's happening? Yep Ajit is being dragged to another case ! for goodness sake! "Byomkesh I've went inside and checked out the crime scene and I advice you highly against it" said ajit who went to check on the blood situation inside.
"Mr Bakshi you are our last hope I need you to get on this case" said the police officer "Sir why do you worry I'll go right in and right out and the case would be s.o.l.v.e.d solved!" Mr smartypants boasts "No we will not be taking the case" said Ajit in quite the stern voice "Fine then WE won't...but I will" Announced Byomkesh while going towards the building "Alright listen here" says Ajit as he drags Byomkesh aside "For once listen to me Byomkesh,don't take the case" "Ajit you dont understand this-this is such an important case! It could be the highlight of my career!" Byomkesh says as he throws his hands out trying to prove a point .
"You'll solve the case once you actually process what's going on in there" "What do you mean-"
"Their is too much blood in there,and you completely shut down the moment you see it" Ajit's voice and anger were rising every second "I wont! You'll see it will be fine"
"Byomkesh I saw the mess you were yesterday after seeing a dead body-honestly speaking it wasnt even that much blood but there is blood on the ENTIRE WALL in there , please I cannot do it today . I don't want you to take the case-" "Yeah you didnt say that when it was your father's dead body!"
"Do not bring my father into this!" At this point it wasnt a conversation anymore it was a full blown argument
"No because when it's about YOU and YOU ONLY then you dont care!"
"It was different then!" "It wasnt you hypocrite" Byomkesh whispers in the nastiest tone Ajit has ever heard him in "maybe I was wrong ,maybe your father not wanting a son like you was your fault"
Usually when dialogues similar to this are uttered a punch usually lands on the detective's face which frankly he was expecting but.....that didnt happen. Ajit didnt shout or punch or came up with a comeback He just stood their
So disappointed
So tired
"Fine you go take the case" it was barely above a whisper
Pretending to not notice any of that at all Byomkesh Bakshi turned around to face the building with pride "Yes Ajit ! I'll show you that together we-"
"No" "No?"
"Not WE ....you . I'm going home" he says as he turns around and starts walking
"No but-" it wasnt like his friend ,his best friend didnt try to go after him "Mr Bakshi will you be taking the case then?" The conversation-or the one sided speech that the police officer gave kind of blended together as Byomkesh tried to spot ajit in the darkness "No sorry sir" said the man as he took off after finnaly catching a glimpse of the other man
A few turns and 5 minutes of running later Ajit was nowhere to be seen...shit
"He must have went home...yeah .home"
After Practically running back to his house you could imagine how Byomkesh felt when he saw the door still locked "He's not here"
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