the1entirecircus · 4 months
Task Force X Suicide Squad Pokemon Teams
Here is my picks for the pokemon the members of the Suicide Squad would choose.
Amanda Waller
Malamar- An obvious pick because of her manipulative and malicious nature.
Mandibuzz- A pokemon associated with similar death and malice that Amanda is known for.
Rick Flag
Watchog- Rick often overwatches the missions of Task Force X
Harley Quinn
Mightyena- Harley owns a Hyena called Bud
Mightyena- Lou is the other Hyena that Harley owns
Gliscor- Since she's a part of the Batfamily now, her gliscor reflects that part of her. Her Gliscor would also have the hidden ability poison heal which reflects her history with Joker.
Roserade- A nod to her relationship with Ivy that also involves part of Harley's color scheme
Tinkaton- Harley's best known weapon is her giant mallet.
Mega Lopunny- This Lopunny has been through everything with Harley, including the Acid bath that bleach Harley's skin. This turned Harley's Lopunny into a meta pokemon that can mega evolve.
Captain Boomerang
Marowak- Boomerangs
Manetric- Electric Boomerang
Perrserker- Bladed Boomerang
Excaldrill- Razor Boomerang
Galarian Rapidash- the toy unicorn he has in the movie
Killer Croc
Mabosstiff- Killer Croc is a crime lord in Gotham City
Feraligatr- Killer Croc is based on the alligator of the sewer myth.
Krookodile- Crocodile (well, Gharial, but similar enough to a crocodile) thats also a crook.
Druddigon- Croc's skin condition gives him a rough exterior
King Shark
Quagsire- Many often see King Shark as dopey thanks to The Suicide Squad movie.
Cetitan- Another creature that once dwelled in the sea but can walk on land.
Mega Sharpedo- Great White Shark (Well, not really, but its shaped similarly)
Tapu Fini- He is a hawaiian demigod.
Braviary- Its Eagly
Seismitoad- Activate Sonic Boom
Chandelure- A nod to how he can see the ghosts of people he's killed.
Scolipied- Scabbies for all (its a stretch i know)
Haxorus- Doesn't he use an ax in the movie?
Incineroar- Peacemaker is sort of a heel in terms of wrestling. He also doesn't care but secretly does like Incineroar.
Peacemaker's team consists of pokemon that come from Unova and Alola given that Peacemaker is a Captain America parody.
Intelleon- Deadshot is known for his espionage skills so handing him an Intelleon was an obvious choice.
Luxray- A perfect pokemon for Lawton's job, its x-ray eyes can see through anything
Sandaconda- Another type of gun-related pokemon.
Ceruledge- This is Katana. She's got my back. I would advice not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims.
Mega Lucario- A nod to her spiritual ties
Mismagius- She's a witch!
Spiritomb- An ancient artifact containing an evil spirit or just evil spirits.
Cofagrigus- Another archeological pokemon
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Orthworm- Daniel gained his abilities in a train accident.
Elektross- Daniel's Elektross is a meta pokemon. Its able to manipulate metal due to the accident which gave it a connection to the Speed Force.
El Diablo (Chato Santana)
Skeledirge- Spanish in origin
Salandit- A male salandit which ties into his criminal history and partly to how he killed his wife and children. Again, partly.
Intelleon- He's a bounty hunter, so Intelleon was a good choice for him.
Talonflame- A nod to his connections with Robin/Nightwing
Hydrapple- A nod to the film title of Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons as well as his ability to regenerate as his Hydrapple has that ability
Olympian Aegislash- Deathstroke has been known to hold the Godkiller Sword, a weapon that is able to kill gods.
Gardevoir- This is taking a darker turn as this is in reference to Deathstroke's manipulative nature as he manipulated this Gardevoir to be loyal to him.
Kingambit- Deathstroke is not only an assassin like many samurai but he is also a leader.
I wanted to give Slade a very good team, and while I'm not an expert on pokemon teams, I think this is the best I could offer. Like Batman, Slade has other pokemon at his disposal that are also in nod to his other skills.
Kryptonian Minior- A reference to him shooting Superman with a kryptonite bullet.
Klinklang- Bloodsport's armor in the movie The Suicide Squad is made up of nano-technology. To reflect this, his Klinklang is a meta pokemon made by Lex Luthor.
Shiftry- This is a stretch, but this is a reference to his time in Vietnam in the comics, as that was a part of his original origin.
A lot of these guys don't have full pokemon teams because A) I don't know enough about them and B) some don't seem like they would have full teams.
Up next:
Batman Rogues Gallery
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batfam-imagines · 5 years
I freaking love Star Wars, and have been re-watching all of them while I’ve had the flu! Then this idea popped in my head! Let me know what you think!
- A
“What the hell are you two doing?”
You glance up at Jason and grin, “Timmy and I are going to building fully functioning lightsabers”
“Oh yeah? And how are you doing that?”
“Well, we’ve read up on some of the lore and about how they make them. So far, we’ve got the handle, and we’re working on a replacement for the Kyber Crystals that were used”
“We’re thinking that some kind of plasma or helium gas is going to be needed to make the actual ‘saber’ part of the lightsaber” Tim gestures over to the various tanks of gas next to the work table.
Jason just let out a snort, “You two are such nerds”
“Don’t even pretend like you wouldn’t use these!” Tim snaps, “I mean, they’re lightsabers, if we can get everything right, we can even pick our own colors”
“I’d have a red one obviously” You just raise an eyebrow at your boyfriend, “I would totally be a Sith Lord! Do you know how many people I’ve killed?!”
“I do, and I also know that you refuse to hurt children, and you only kill people who deserve it,” You turn to Tim, “Did you know that he also makes sure the homeless kids are safe and have food, AND that the hookers in Crime Alley are protected too?”
“Oh yeah, that’s total Sith Lord behavior, Jay” The third Robin glances at you and smirks, “We all know that if anyone would go Darkside it’d be Y/N”
“Don’t even try to deny it! Who went absolutely crazy last time Jason and Damien were taken by Joker? Who threatened to skin Killer Croc when he tried to eat me last month? Who single handedly killed all of Talia’s guards last time she tried to get at any of us? And who’s ACTUALLY the one who runs all of Jason’s drug rings?”
“Alright you little shit, I get it, I’d be a Sith” Jason lets out a loud barking laugh at that, “You shut up, too. Apparently, I’m more of a bad guy than the great Red Hood”
Tim smirks, “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m sure if you ever decided to take over the galaxy, we’d all have your back. You’d make a pretty damn good Empress. Right, Jason?”
“You’re damn right I’d support you, babe. We’ll start small, take over the world, then the solar system, then the galaxy!!”
“How bout we focus on the lightsabers, but if I ever feel like becoming Supreme Empress, you two will be the first to know”
“Good! When you work out all the kinks on those ‘sabers, make me a purple one!” Jason calls over his shoulder, heading back up to the Manor.
“Only if you bring us back some cookies!”
Let me know what you think! Send any ideas or requests you have to my Ask Box!
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thealmightyemprex · 4 years
10 Guilty Pleasures
Guily Pleasure is a term I have difficulty with  ,cause if I like something I dont feel guilt .So what I define as a guilty pleasure is a movie that you  know isnt the best but you love anyway   
This is my ultimate guilty pleasure.This film is weird, hard to follow ,and really hammy .....But it has a killer cast ,looks gorgeous , it feels epic and the parts that are weird are so weird you cant help but be transfixed by them 
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Lion King II Simbas Pride
I love the Outlanders,the romance is sweet and Zira is among one of my favorite villains ever .Is it as good as the first one?No but I think it is a pretty good sequel 
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This films plot is a mess and I will argue Herc is kind of unlikeable  (Especially with the ending  )....But the Hades is great ,Meg is an underrated character and if “I wont say Im in love” is playing I WILL sing along ,it is my favorite Disney song 
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Lord of the Rings 1978
So a lot of people dismiss this movie.....But I kind of dig it .Yes the animation is uneven ,yes putting 2 books into one 2 hour and 13 minute movie was probabbly not the smartest idea,and yes Sam sucks .....But there are moments in this film I like better then the Jackson film ,John Hurt is amazing as Aragorn and I just love the films vibe
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Godzilla vs Megalon
This is a movie where it does everything wrong to the point it becomes right .While I dont like that this film forever marked kaiju movies as silly,I actually like the film itself.Plus Megalon and Gigan are best villain duo 
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Diamonds are Forever 
So I had a few Bond films I considered,but I gnuinely feel Moonraker and Octopussy are good .....Diamonds on the other hand  is harder to defend :Most of the budget went straight to Connery thus the film looks cheap ,the film ignores a PERFECT cliffhanger set up by the previous film ,and while the previous film is one of the most serious,this is one of the silliest......But I dont think silly is necessarily bad .In my oppinion a Bond film suceeds as long as I am entertained ,and the film is entertaining to me .Tiffiny Case is one of my favorite Bond Girls,I adore Charles Greys Blofeld ,Mr Wint and Mr Kidd are fun henchmen ,I dunno I see the flaws but I still enjoy it 
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Batman Returns
So this is a love it or hate it film.....I love it but I understand why people hate it .It is less of a Batman movie as it is just Burton movie,so it’s a bit of a mess .But visually it’s beautiful,Michelle Pfiffer gives one of the greatest performances in a comic book movie   ,while it isnt comic accurate at all (I feel the film shouldve swaped Penguin with Killer Croc )Danny Devito goes all in his performance as Penguin ,Christopher Walken is always a good thing and I just love the themes the film explores 
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This film is a visual masterpiece and Darkness is one of the great movie villains(And one of my first movie crushes admittedly ).....story is a little too simple and Tom Cruise is REALLY miscast 
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Master of Disguise
....So me and my family qoute this film constantly .Like I get the hate but damn it I love this movie  ,from the turtle man to the farting Brent Spiner supervillain 
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This film is a mess but you can tell a lot of care went into it  and Robin Williams,Paul Smith,and Shelly Duval are perfectly cast 
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 @cinefantastiquemitho​ @inevermetapenguinididntlike​
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yoshimickster · 4 years
I wanna make a DC comics AU, where Penguin is a both A.) A good guy and B.) Based on the Robin Lord Taylor version from Gotham who C.) Has the Riddler as the Catwoman to his Batman.
Also Killer Croc is ESSENTIALLY his Robin, I just feel that’d WORK.
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heybabybird · 5 years
Shit I think My Roommate’s a Crime Lord #4(end)
(part 1)(part 2)(part 3)(part 4)(ao3)
Week ?(Saturday + Sunday(again))
When Tim woke up Jason was gone. He checked the board, noting the red post-it note on his roommate’s side today. Though written haisty, it told him Jason was feeling better and had to tend to some ‘family emergrncy’ Tim knew was an excuse for bat business. Jason avoided his family if he could
His phone had been going off all morning with discussion of the latest Arkham break out- the first one since he’d moved back to Gotham-, Tim can only assumed it was an all hands on deck situation. A quick check on a news site and social media confirms his suspicion. Batman and Robin were spotted earlier that day and there were even blurry pictures speculate to be Nightwing, Batgirl or Black Bat. Even Red Hood and Star City’s Arsenal were trending on twitter! 
The more logical part of his brain concludes that he should stay home until the whole shitshow is over but Tim’s inner fanboy was screaming. He had spent a majority of his childhood trailing Batman and Robin all over the rooftops of Gotham, camera clutched tightly in his tiny hands. His fingers itches to capture Gotham’s vigilante in action; it had been too long.
For the most part of the day Tim was having the time of his life, having captured a great picture of Batgirl tag teaming with Nightwing to take down Killer Croc. It soon became apparent local gangs were taking advantage of the fiasco to transport a large shipment of illegal firearms. Tim shadowed the two large men until they came to a warehouse, listening in to their conversation. The ferry was scheduled to leave at dawn tomorrow, disguised as an international courier serice. He qickly snapped a few photos with his phone and forward it to the GCPD as an anonymous tip.
Heavy footprints appraoch where he was hiding. Without a secon’d thought, Tim ducked inside a shipping container, crouched between two crates to be hidden from view. His breathing shallow, too afraid to make any small amount of noise that’d draw attention. The men outside were shuffling about, loading more crates into the container. His blood ran cold when the door slammed shut. Shit.
Tim knew how to keep a secret. Of course he do, he kept Batman’s secret for a whole decade afterall. He’s also really good at playing oblivious to the elephant in the room but god, sometimes Jason comes up with the worst excuses ever. He rejoiced over the fact he still have bars and thought over the possible outcome if he were to text his roommate for help, unquestionably it means letting the cat out of the bag. Maybe Batman would let him off easy and erase his memories with those memory erasing stick thingy, or have him sign an NDA.
Tim only hope the GCPD took his tip and bust the scene, then he’d bang the door for help... Or not.
After contemplating for what felt like an hour, Tim decides he really really doesn’t want to risk getting shipped off and die in the middle of the alantic ocean from malnourishment. He opened a message app, suddenly realized that Jason might not be checking his usual phone at all, but sent a quick SOS just in case.
Now all he have to do is... wait.
“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, I’ll get you outta there.”
“Mr. Hood, uh, I’m really sorry about this. Actually, you can probably just leave me here I’m sure the GCPD will get me out sooner or later-”
“Tim, shut the fuck up- Stand back.”
“Okay. Shutting up now.”
“This is two Sundays in a row I had to bust your ass out of trouble, Babybird,” Red Hood mused, sucessfully opening the crate Tim was trapped in, “you should probably stay in on weekends.”
“I- wait, what?” Tim squints at the sudden glare of sunlight. 
“Alright! Out of the birdcage, let’s get you home.”
Tim recalled the first time he met Jason Todd, officially; he’d been running on two hours of sleep and double that amount of coffee when the taller man knocked on their door and introduced himself as the new roomie. Tim was starstruck because that’s Robin. His Robin! While he had a fair amount of photos of Dick’s Robin in action, Tim have many, so much many more candid photos of Jason’s Robin tripping or nearly swinging into things.They were safely stashed away in a secret compartment in his childhood bedroom, to this day still collecting dust until someone uncovers them again.
When Jason died little Tim was devastated, it was also around the time his parents decided to ship him off to boarding school. By the time he returned there seems to be an influx of Bat-clan vigilante, too many to keep track of.
And somehow Jason was alive again to the public.
Tim wasn’t sure if he was even awake and not, you know- dreaming, and blurted out: “I’m your biggest fan,” the moment words were working again. Jason looked at him oodly, eyebrow crooked in a questioning manner.
“Thanks? What’d I do?”
“Shit. Sorry. Jason Todd, right? I follow your twitter,” Tim offered a small grin, rubbing the back of  his neck sheepishly, “that charity foundation you were working on, I mean- I find that really inspiring. I’m Tim.”
“Oh. Hey, thanks. Nice to meetcha, Tim.”
That was... a nearly year ago.
Now he felt that same brand of embarrassment standing in a shipping container at the crack of dawn, surrounded by crates and crates of ammunition while his vigilante roommate had just taken down an entire gang to save his ass.
The Red Hood strongly insist on accompanying Tim home, something he was extremly thankful for and they quickly hightailed out of there before the police arrived. It’s been quiet when they rode back on Hood’s bike, an unspoken agreement that neither wants to talk about this.
Granted, he didn’t realized his legs were jello until later on. In front of student lodging Tim lunged for a hug, to which Hood’s body froze, hands clutched tightly onto the leather material of his jacket; the sharp scent of motor oil and gunpowder were oddly comforting.
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dandydevildog · 6 years
And when you're done with those, give me your thoughts on Oswald Cobblepot (specifically Gotham's)
If you’ve ever gotten me talking about Batman’s rogues gallery you’ll know I have very strong feelings on the subject. I’m just so fascinated by the vast majority of these characters.
For any version of Oswald there’s one thing I don’t like: monstery Penguin. So I just flat out DO NOT like the Batman Returns version played by Danny DeVito. It’s weird and Tim Burton-y, sure, but there’s nothing Oswald about it. Also it’s a character who lives in the sewer, has a gross appearance, and is tied with the circus. What Tim Burton, too good for Killer Croc?
Anyway! What I do like in any version of Oswald Cobblepot are two variations on his background: either coming from old money that’s fallen on hard times, or came from nothing and wants to work his way up. He’s clearly someone who has deep insecurity issues and despite having a usually comical appearance, wants to project the image or a refined gentleman. That’s the fun dichotomy about him.
I like that the Gotham version essentially has both those backgrounds at the same time. Raised by his poor single mother and trying to work his way up in the mob, and finding out his father is from old money. And the Gotham version is probably one of my favourite versions of the character in years. He just feels complete, like a fully fleshed out and realized person.
Robin Lord Taylor absolutely crushes it with his performance. He’s amazing, and I can watch him yell about stuff forever haha. But he’s also good in the softer more emotional moments (how many times has Oswald talked in a scene while his eyes well up with tears? And it kills me every time). I have really fallen in love with the aesthetic of the character played by him. Mobster emo goth?? That shouldn’t work, but it totally does.
Shameful admission: his appearance is actually why I put off watching Gotham for so long. I was just hung up on “Why isn’t he fat? Why is his hair like that?” Luckily I have an awesome mutual who is also a Gotham fan who finally got me into it and I ended up binging all 3 seasons before season 4 aired. Oswald became my favourite character basically right away, how could he not?
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dalekofchaos · 7 years
What I’d change about the DCEU
My DCEU change list! However, I will not just be changing how the current movies change, Since this is my own version of the DCEU I will be putting the big individual movies before so it actually feels like world building instead of mashing everything together until they fit.
My other DC changes
Burtonverse Changes
Nolanverse Changes
DCTV Changes
Man Of Steel
Keep Krypton as it is, however, ensure that  Lara-El actually shows emotion knowing that Jor-El has died and her only son has been sent away to a far away world as her own planet is about to die along with her
Keep the flashbacks similar, his mom helps him with controlling his abilities, but that’s how it starts, then we see Clark with the cape on, then saving the kids, then restraining himself and then the tornado(more on that later) but after the first flashback scene rather than him as a drifter he awakes as a reporter at the Daily Planet and the oil rig scene is a story he works on and he’s a green horn as a part of the story and he saves the crew. We have Clark Kent. Superman is the mask Clark Kent puts on.  Clark Kent is Superman, not Superman is Clark Kent. We see Superman saving people and smiling to reassure the people he’s saving that he is there for them and instills hope in the people of Smallville and Metrtopolis.
Jonathan Kent isn’t a complete asshole.   I understand that Jonathan wanted Clark to keep his powers a secret because he didn’t want him exposed and taken away, but Jonathan Kent is supposed to inspire Clark and to instill in him good morals and beliefs that make Clark the hero we all know him to be. He doesn’t tell him that maybe he should have let the kids died, he actually is supportive and assures that Clark is doing the right thing. More inspirational stuff like  “You are my son. But somewhere out there you have another father too, who gave you another name. And he sent you here for a reason, Clark. And even if it takes you the rest of your life you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is. “ And “You just have to decide what kind of a man you want to grow up to be, Clark; because whoever that man is, good character or bad, he’s… He’s gonna change the world.” And Jonathan does not die for stupid reasons, Clark saves Jonathan. If Clark saved Jonathan it would prove to him that the world is ready
The Phantom Zone look like it is in Injustice because it ACTUALLY looks like a hellish prison of eternal torment, instead of dildo ships being frozen
Jimmy Olson is in the movie and is a main character with Lois and Perry and he isn’t pointlessly killed off in the beginning of the sequel
The Jor-El AI in the fortress of Solitude would explain to Clark what Kryptonite is and warn him of the dangers of it
Zod’s plan to revive the Kryptonians remains the same, but not terraforming, it made absolute no sense whatsoever.  Earth's current environiment grants them super powers. I know Zod mentions the pain of acclimation, but that seems trivial in the face of invulnerability, super strength and laser eyes. Plus considering Zod’s crew were bred for war, it seems dumb to just keep them powerless. But I would add instead of destruction porn via generic doomsday device, classic Zod’s bid for domination would take effect he wouldn’t view humans as equals so he would want to take over earth and take it for his people. 
The same thing happens, they use Clark’s ship to trigger the Phantom Zone(only Dr Hamilton doesn’t die) 
Clark would not kill Zod. Clark would instead incapacitate Zod and place him in a special prison. Together Clark and Dr Hamilton build a special prison to hold Zod. Made with the Red Sun technology from Zod's ship and the Kryptonite from the world engine.
Superman is hopeful and optimistic. Superman is the most human superhero of them all. He’s kind, he’s decent, he does good whenever he can and generally wants to help people and make their lives better. He’s the champion of the human race that adopted a strange visitor from another planet. He CAN’T be hopeless. He CAN’T be the brooder. He’s supposed to be the hero to hope to be. The one who is the ideal of other heroes. The one who never gives up on us, no matter how far we fall.  Superman is an idealistic character. He’s the kind, loving person from the comics and the animated universe.  He’s kind, he’s decent, he does good whenever he can and generally wants to help people and make their lives better. He’s the champion of the human race that adopted a strange visitor from another planet. Superman saves people. It’s not a decision he comes to through trauma and failure. It’s just who he is. He’s a good person
The Batman. The Batman is not out yet, but it should be the second movie of the DCEU, instead of Frank Miller worshiping garbage...I mean Batman V Superman
The biggest mistake of the DCEU is it is terrible at world building. It just forces everything to stick until it’s watchable. We did not earn Batman V Superman or Justice League. Phase 1 should be Man Of Steel, The Batman, World’s Finest, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, Green Lantern Corps and Martian Manhunter. 
The Batman would be about Batman and Joker. It’s a Batman who has been for 20 years. Explains all the villains, his relationship with Gordon, show that Dick became Nightwing, Barbara is Oracle and Jason is Robin. Jason dies in this movie Joker kills Jason and Batman beats him with an inch of his life. This is the start of Bruce’s extreme justice to the criminals. 
Batman V Superman:Dawn Of Justice or as I would re-title it World’s FInest
The Death of The Wayne’s is a mugging gone wrong and there’s a struggle for the pearls. It is presented as what it’s meant to be. A mugging gone wrong. Show Joe Chill grabbing Martha’s pearls, Thomas struggling to defend Martha and Joe kills Thomas and then Martha. Thomas’ dying words being the same from Batman Begins. “Bruce, don’t be afraid”  It was a nice moment, and it ties into Bruce's conflict with Clark (given how most of his anger towards Clark is born of fear).
The Bat symbol looks like it does in the Arkhamverse. Stop the overworship of Frank Miller and let the Bat symbol look like a Bat and not look like Dark Knight Returns
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Lex Luthor is played by Terry O’Quinn, or Bryan Cranston. 
No Doomsday, instead of Doomsday it’s AMAZO, save Doomsday for a future Superman movie and give us AMAZO for the reason to bring the league together.
Lex Luthor uses the Kryptonian attacks as a campaign against Superman
Lex is not a whiny and annoying little know it all brat who keeps bringing up his father, he is a genius and he knows it, he doesn’t need to constantly flaunt it, and he isn’t a mix of Joker and Riddler, this is Lex Luthor! All Eisenberg’s Lex was...just annoying. Lex Luthor is cunning, he’s a genius, a criminal mastermind and will ignore all ethical boundries until his goals are met. When Luthor is in the room, he owns it. Every word that comes out of his mouth is meticulously planned and he is a master manipulator. The reason why he is such a brilliant Superman villain is because even though he has no physical powers, he can always beat the Man Of Steel on intellect alone. Hears why DCAU Luthor will always surpass the DCEu Luthor “do you know how much power I'd have to give upto be President? That's right, conspiracy buff. I spent 75 million dollars on a fake Presidential campaign, all just to tick Superman off."  But instead of this dark, brooding, cunning and intimidating Luthor, we just got an annoyance. He is basically pulling everyone’s strings and when the players realize it, they’re too late, just like DCAU Lex.
Jimmy and Mercy aren’t pointlessly killed off
Batman doesn’t kill, he is more extreme like branding criminals, but he doesn’t kill or use guns
Superman does not constantly doubt himself and brood throughout the entire movie, he is heroic and he actually smiles to reassure the people he saves will be alright(how do you expect someone you’re trying to save will trust you if you frown and brood while saving them?)
Perry White isn’t an incompetent moron for the entire movie. He lets Clark pursue the Batman, he doesn’t constantly tell him to do a sports piece, he has Lombardi(he was in Man of Steel) for that
This is not BVS, it’s The World’s Finest. They fight at first but Bruce realizes he has been used by Lex and they unite to expose and stop him but are too late as AMAZO attacks
Before the fight with AMAZO,  Bruce confides in Clark about Jason.  Bruce realizes that a lot of his hatred for Superman is because he blames himself for Jason's death, and since he blames Superman for the deaths of those killed in the Metropolis fight, he was projecting. He realizes this and stops.  It would have been HEARTBREAKING to see. By the end of the fight, Bruce is screaming "YOU FAILED!", and it's pretty obvious he's screaming at himself.
The three beat AMAZO and Superman lives and they work together to unite the Justice League
Cast Gemma Areton as Wonder Woman and don’t cast that fucking zionist racist ableist rape apologist garbage Gal Gadot
Suicide Squad
More Captain Boomerang, less Rick Flag 
Harley Quinn looks like a jester and uses her mallet. Harley’s look was okay...but just didn’t feel like Harley. If anything either have it be the classic look we got in the flashbacks, her Assault On Arkham look, Arkham City concept art or the Brian Azzarello look  and make her feel like Harley, and not like how they turned Harley into Lollipop Chainsaw.
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More friendship between the whole squad(not just Harley and Deadshot, Deadshot and Flag) Deadshot and Boomerang is pretty much Brotp, Harley and Croc have a friendship and Katana is a loner
Enchantress is saved for the sequel.
The Joker is the villain.  Replace Leto as The Joker with Joe Giligun or Willam Dafoe and for the love of god scrap David Ayer’s god awful Drug lord of Instagram inspiration. This is the Joker, not Scarface. The Joker is not a gangster or a pimp, The Joker is a force of nature, the anarchy of Gotham, symbolizing that life is the joke and death is the punchline. But basically Joker is the villain and Joker decides to take a holiday from Gotham. He steals a chemical weapon and plans to unleash it. Task Force X is assembled. Harley and Croc have a reason to be on Task Force X because of their history with The Joker. The flashbacks would basically be the same but the scene where Batman is chasing Joker and Harley, Joker leaves Harley to die to save himself, but like in the comic Mad Love while Harley is in prison she gets a flower with a rose saying “get well soon. Love J” Also make it clear that Joker and Harley is an abusive relationship, its not that black and white we all know that but having it in would be better than the fanfic we actually got and better than making Joker’s motivation being to see Harley. It’s a complex relationship and I just felt like we got Joker and Harley watered down. Pretty much have it end with Joker being defeated because of Harley and show that she’s free of him but still show she’s a villain but at the end we see a rose like in Mad Love with a note from J and we see Harley uncertain but a smile at her last scene.
Wonder Woman
Gemma Areton plays Diana and Lynda Carter plays Hippolyta 
Scrap all mention of Zeus and the possibility that Diana got her shitty New 52 origin of Diana being another Zeus dick joke. Diana was sculpted by Hippolyta, Athena and Hera. It would make a whole lot more sense to have it be Athena considering that Ares and Athena are rivals in Greek Mythology. 
Do more with Doctor Poison. Let’s say that Steve has a reason to steal her research outside of duty. Let’s say Dr Poison made a prototype that killed the majority of Steve’s team and he escapes with her research. That would have given us an emotional stake for Steve and a reason for Dr Poison to exist beyond her weapon as she would be the villain for Steve Trevor and Ares would be Diana’s Villain.
Only thing I would change about Ares is that  I'd still have Ares reveal, but I would not have Ares controlling the Germans and Allies. I'd go by this particular Lucifer quote for Ares "Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The Devil made me do it.' I have never made any one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them." humans waged war of their own will, Ares just gained power because of the war
Justice League
No awful Whedon reshoots
No Whedon bullshit.  No Barry falling into Diana's clevage, no awful CGI to cover Henry’s mustache,  and no "Did Steve Trevor tell you that? and no Lois Lane is “thirsty” grow the fuck up you piece of shit.
Martian Manhunter instead of Cyborg. I love Cyborg, but I feel like it is wasted potential to not have Cyborg appear in a Teen Titans movie. I really think it’s a mistake to make Cyborg one of the Justice League founders in the movies. It should be The  Martian Manhunter because J'onn NEEDS to be one of the founders and Cyborg works best with The Teen Titans. I feel it was a mistake for Cyborg to become a founder instead of J’onn. But if you have to have Cyborg in the movie how about actually make a costume or use practical effects so it’s not all bad CGI.
Make the goddamn costume for Steppenwolf or use practical effects. Don’t be fucking lazy and just use CGI. Designing a costume is not that fucking hard.
Make Aquaman a hero for the ocean, fishing villages,  Eskimo tribes and show Arthur fighting oil companies and less of a surfer dude who spouts one liners
No Mother Boxes. Just let Steppenwolf and Parademons  invade Earth on their own, and have his reason to prepare the Earth for Darkseid’s arrival.
Let Henry Cavill to keep his mustache for  Clark’s return. There is no point in  using horrible CGI to cover it up. Let his return be like the comics. in BVS the soil was rising, so his resurrection did not ned the mother box. After returning, he returns with facial hair and long hair.  And he resurrects with no rage to attack the heroes or anyone else. But the does return to  Lois and Martha. and his return to the heroes is like this
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After Steppenwolf is defeated, Lois tells Clark he should shave and we see a scene like this 
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and the movie ends the same way
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Batman Vol. 1 #567 - The Mark Of Cain - Part 1
We begin our journey in the middle of Batman’s „No Man’s Land“ storyline and I mean “in the middle of”. We’re in part 3 of a 5-part trade, so let me sum up the basics:
Gotham was hit by a terrible earthquake that did horrible damage to huge parts of the city.
The rest of the US basically said “fuck that cesspool” and quarantined Gotham as a lost cause.
Crime lords like Penguin, Two-Face and Killer Croc now rule the city. Things generally suck for average Joe and Jane.
Batman + entourage (Robin, Nightwing, Oracle, Azrael, Superman, a few others) try to keep order.
With that out of the way, let’s dive into:
Batman Vol. 1 #567 – The Mark Of Cain – Part 1
We get our first shot of Cass, bringing Oracle a really tasty-looking apple. Keep in mind that they are currently in a war zone, so that apple must have been a fucking nightmare to get. Cass’ smile is the cutest thing ever.
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We now get to see what Oracle was teaching her: reading. Poor Cass. Even the simple word “stop” is extremely difficult for her, but Barb is such a patient, encouraging teacher, it’s heart-warming. Unfortunately, the magic is broken in the last panel, where we see Cass looking on sadly as Barb greets and comforts her dad, who has probably been through hell. Safe to say, Cass is probably not from a happy family.
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On her way out, Cass spots a man in a trench coat, which has her hide behind the nearest wall almost instantly. We see why she’s so scared as he ditches the trench coat to reveal a stealth combat suit and a sniper rifle, which he promptly aims at Gordon. Cass decides the best course of action here is to photo bomb the shot and put herself in front of Gordon. Or maybe she phases through him. I don’t know. Her speed lines enter in front of Gordon and emerge from behind him. *shrug* Either way: awesome.
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This makes the mysterious sniper drop his gun in shock. He also shrugs off bullets piercing straight through his shoulder, but does not hesitate to snap a pursuing officer’s neck. Rude. We also find out that Batman was burying some of Harvey Dent’s victims and he now has Harv tied to a bed, flipping his coin to see if he might make an exception to his one rule or not (like you’re gonna do it, Bruce…)
We cut to the police station, where Cass tries in vain to tell Gordon through a drawing who tried to shoot him. Things are going nowhere until Barb points out that Cass drew the Mark of Cain. While everyone loses their shit about this guy, Gordon wants to know why Cain, who apparently has a habit of shooting girls, did not shoot Cass. I present this picture without comment, because Cass is epic:
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Gordon tries to lock her and Barbara away in the station, because he doesn’t want either of them to get hurt, except Cass promptly snatches the keys and locks all of them in the room instead. Girl’s got crazy reflexes.
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Good thing, too, because Cain is waiting for her on the other side of the door. He tries to shoo her away, but when she refuses to move, Cain starts shooting the crap out of the door without shooting her. Cass finally has enough of his shit, disarms him, and punches him hard enough to get her fist bloody and trigger a cutscene—I mean flashback, in which we see her punch/kill another dude at the tender age of way-too-fucking-young, while her father looks on like “that’s my girl!”
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This causes Cass to finally yell “STOP!” at her father, who seems genuinely touched and impressed by her ability to say anything. I would have sympathy with him if this was a natural disorder of hers, but sadly, I read wikis, so fuck you, Cain.
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This is followed by Gordon breaking down the door. Cass sees her father reach for his gun and she knows if she doesn’t do something quick, someone’s gonna die, so she tackles her father through the window to safety, in an ironic echo of how she punched him and then ran away from him in the past. We end this issue with Cass being awesome.
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So, what have we learned from this issue? From what I have seen, these are Cass’ determining traits so far:
Every single page has her emoting like crazy using all of her body. So I’m going to count every picture I posted: Living Emoji: 10
Cassandra can barely speak/read. I will be counting scenes where it’s really relevant/addressed: Aphasia: 3
She is Fast As Lightning: 3
Cassandra seems to be fond of rushing ahead to save lives without waiting for anyone’s approval or confirmation, let alone backup: Fiercely Assertive Protector: 3
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jooheonies · 8 years
Monsta X As Fairy Tale Characters:
·      the pure hero
·      knows he’s a cutie
·      like the boi from the little mermaid?
·      Prince eric?
·      What a cutie
·      Rugged and manly but would do ANYTHING for you
·      “Whatever makes you happy, baby”
·      would try to do princely things but would instead get embarrassed and fumble
·      u know in kdramas when the rich guy takes the poor girl out shopping and then she gets all fancy and he’s like “hot damn”?
·      that’s hyunwoo
·      except he’ll do that abt everything
·      “look at my beautiful baby. You’re gorgeous”
·      “hyunwoo, I’m wearing pajamas”
·      “and?”
·      the rouge hero
·      like robin hood ya know
·      he wants everyone to have a good life
·      seduces people w his friggin sweet smile
·      also is FLYNN RYDER
·      WHAT A HUNK
·      “smoulder”
·      a soft softie
·      G R E A S Y
·      winks at you every chance he gets
·      a little weird at first but then opens up and W O W
·      so sweet and caring and if you ever hurt him istg ill fight you
·      Minhyuk 10/10 loves everyone and will make everyone happy
·      Big heart w lots of love
·      This also isn’t a fairy tale but he’s def abu from Aladdin
·      That monkey
·      Demands attention and u think he’s annoying
·      but just wants the best for you
·      fight me minhyuk is so sweet
·      imagine his lil monkey body hoppin around seeking attention
·      he’d prob have like some disappearing power in a story bc he likes popping up next to people to scare the shit out of ‘em
·      lmao imagine if he didn’t have the disappearing power and instead ran off into the night Naruto style with sound effects
·      bc that’s SO Minhyuk
·      that fake hero bitch
·      u know the one that didn’t do shit but takes all the credit
·      “omg yeah marry me, I saved your life even though I CLEARLY DIDN’T”
·      he acts like lord farquad
·      yeah go fetch the princess for me and I’ll let you keep your swamp
·      demands that everyone respect his shrimp ass
·      imagine him in lord farquad’s outfit!!
·      also tbh he’s that fuckin candle stick from beauty and the beast
·      Lumiere or Lumer or some shit like that
·      All hoity toity with his small shrimp lookin ass
·      tbh he’s that little shit that thinks he’s all that
·      Or even fuckin Rumpelstiltskin
·      Man imagine him cackling w glee as u struggle and then sit there all prim and proper like he isn’t a total asshole
·      I don’t actually hate kihyun I love him don’t worry
·      Hes just a lil bitch and I wanna fight him
·      fairy godmother
·      “that’s not ur color, I’ll do it myself”
·      makes u a cute dress or tux to wear in front of ur love
·      ok but imagine him leaning against the doorframe with a lil wand in his hand and drawling out a lazy “twirl for me”
·      does that thing ur friend does when ur crush walks into the room
·      waggles his eyebrows and makes meaningful glances before whooshing away
·      also I can 10/10 imagine him as raja from Aladdin
·      u know the tiger that princess jasmine keeps as a fuckin pet
·      but like more specifically hyungwon is the scene at the beginning where that suitor goes storming off bc he bit his ass
·      that croc from the princess and the frog
·      always jammin
·      big dreams
·      also has feelings PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS
·      wants to be accepted but acts casual abt it
·      is also the lucky cricket from Mulan
·      that isn’t a fairy tale but this shit went way off topic a long time ago
·      a hot mess tbh
·      literally crawled into the matchmaker’s tea and is the reason Mulan didn’t get matchmade which is rlly ironic considering he’s a lucky cricket
·      but also wants to help
·      just isn’t very good at it
·      ends up scaring himself most of the time
·      gets sad easily
·      responds better to praise than criticism
·      im sorry I know this isn’t really a fairy tale but changkyun is literally that dragon from shrek
·      u think he’s there to do smth bad
·      but he just wants love
·      ok im sorry im deviating from the tru tag
·      uhm he’s also the lil monkey from Aladdin
·      abu?
·      Bounces allover the goddamn place
·      Have u seen ppap?
·      Yeah that’s abu
·      twirls his fuckin ass in your face if you don’t pay enough attention to him
·      or you know, plays the drums on your ass
·      he’s such a meme how do they deal with him
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fasnasticgf · 8 years
Its Game Fart Numero Eight. And this episode was a right mare' to edit.
While every other gaming podcast is doing the 'done thing' of 2016 gaming in review & 2017 predictions, Game Fart decided to instead do the year in review.... for 1997. TWIST!
We also have a very special guest appearance by internet legend Maddox in this episode (click bait)
# NEWS - Australians get refunds (No Mans Sky) - Dov Katz at Oculus Rift is arrested
# GOOD - Grand Theft Auto
# BAD - Blind Faith
# UGLY - 1997 Games don't play well anymore
# GETS A MENTION - iTunes Refunds - Sonic Jam - Final Fantasy 7 - Mario Kart 64 - "DON'T LOOK AT MY SCREEN!" - Fall Out - Turok (Dinosaur Hunter) - Tekken - Golden Eye - Blast Corps - Croc (again) - Star Wars Rouge One Review (and the saga of Peters piss sand) - Wheres My Blue Fish? (Rip off Pixar Movies) - TOYS (Robin Williams Movie) - Deus Ex - Batman Arkham Knight (Retro clothing) - 90's Gaming Magazines - Fuck No Mans Sky (X3) - E.T. Games / The Landfill - Angry Video Game Nerd Movie - The return of Jesus Christ - Mario 64 - Pens - Tomb Raider (and more on Tomb Raider circumcision disasters) - Gran Tourismo games - BLEEMCAST! - Urban Legends of video games - Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars - Do a Barrel Roll - Memory Cards Vs. QR Codes - Ask Jeeves (again) - Googles Rockhopper Penguin Ad (Mandella Effect?!?) - The Death of Princess Diana - College in the U.S.A. Vs. U.K.
# POST SHOW - Actual 2016 & 2017 Thoughts! - Ratchet & Clank 2016 - Silicon Valley & Last Man on Earth - Fire Watch - Quantum Break - Street Fighter V - PlayStation VR - Assassins Creed - Robot Dinosaur Game #2 - Red Dead Redemption - Resident Evil VR (& Here They Lie) - The Subway Sandwich Disaster - Bad Sonic Games & Human Knuckles - Day of The Tentacle & Full Throttle Member Berries - Butt Fuck Your Grandad (NOT SUPPORTED! / NOT RECOMMENDED! / NOT SAFE! / ADULTS ONLY! Also Mac only... http://www.megafileupload.com/8ecq/ButtFuckGrandad.app.zip) - WE ARE NOT AUSTRALIAN, we are ESSEX
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