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sun-stricken · 10 months ago
Is everything all right? It’s been a while since you posted. Hope you’re well
thank you for checking in🙏 but im alive and fairly well!
Got sick with either covid or the flu?? early march and started a new job around easter.
so ive been busy with both school and work and ive been in a creative slump, didnt even realize how long it had been till this came in, currently trying to finish a couple asks before i start anything else!
sorry for the impromptu break, hopefully ill be able to pump a few things out, thank you for being patient!!
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pyrriax · 1 year ago
6, 12, 30 for the writing asks ^_^
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
Shaking its head in what seems like disbelief before meeting his eyes again, almost like it wants to say something before it makes a noise like a growl, "oh, you're one of those seraphs, aren't you. A star-eater. No wonder you act like you've lost your mind."
(ignore that that's a couple sentences, the Thought is important)
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Oh yes! I outline my fics thoroughly. Though, I do allowed myself to deviate as much from the outline as I feel like when things go off the rails. Some snippets of planning from a couple fics & concepts:
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My outlines are very... One for one. With some exceptions. I tend to basically write a very brief version of the fic and try to get the feelings and words right before I actually write it. This is... Also why it can and will take me a month to write a oneshot. I try to get things Right.
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
So! I edit them a bit? I edit while I work, but often I don't really touch anything I've already written unless it's something longer that might be taking a few months to get through. I think the fic I've edited the most is the prologue of Artificial Stars, which was originally a quickly written 2k oneshot into about 5k of actually decent fic.
Usually I don't edit to make something shorter/more concise, since I tend to only come up with more ways to bridge concepts when I go back to it. Also to be fair... There's usually no difference between first draft and final product. I cannot be asked to edit my fics after I write them, I just release them to the birds and pray for the best. (Unless I actually decide to show it to my beta reader in full instead of just sharing snippets as I... usually do.)
Conclusion: Rarely, those thangs are being given to the world as-is unless something is horrifically wrong with them
#ask a ghost#asker: solxr-planet#ask game#i get a little silly sometimes but also uhhhHH!! welcome to several things i havent posted about before#grey notes is an oc thing that will never be finished but i still have the line-by-line dialogue between two characters that is.#kind of how i plan dialogue? at least how i outline it.#i'm super picky with it and i plan stuff so much that you can usually tell pretty quickly when something isn't planned#ALSO!#scene titles!#nobody sees them ever but theyre there for me and me alone#usually theyre song lyrics or something i think is important to the concept but also other times theyre just kind of silly#“all the candy you can eat” is a song title from one of my favorite albums.#honestly i think this is the first time i've shared anything of my writing that is even remotely roshambo-centric#i am still learning how i want to write & characterize him so its a bit funky#haunted bookshelf#purely for the random stuff that's in there#also! i started breaking things up into scenes rather than just chapters and it helped a hell of a lot with my process#since it's easier to divide when there's a lot potentially happening in a chapter of something#or even just in a oneshot#my process is. definitely made for the way i write. i don't think i would ever recommend anybody do what i do with my fics#also yes i could actually just edit my plans and call that a fic because really that is the effort i put into them.#theoretically you could call my outline my first draft because really that is the way that it is
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altruistic-meme · 9 months ago
20 for the handwriting game :>
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[ handwriting asks ]
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salpho · 8 months ago
(Reblog 1/2 this is the first time I've reached 30 tags PFFH)
Something I noticed is a lot of people who hated BATIM love BATDR and a lot of people fond of BATIM dislike BATDR. To me, this seems like a mechanics vs story issue. The actual game mechanics and aesthetic of BATDR disguise the lackluster characters and plot holes. However, BATIM still suffers those same issues.
This is a vague question, but what are your thoughts on BATIM vs BATDR story wise? Is either of them truly better? Or are they just flawed in different ways?
Sorry, this is long, but so are BATIM and BATDR :')
I think you hit the nail on the head in the sense that yes- BATDR has better gameplay and mechanics than BATIM, but BATIM by far has a much more compelling story that was able to capture and keep attention over the course of five chapter releases. And yes, BATIM is not without its flaws, for example it's mainly a walking simulator in terms of actual gameplay- the only thing saving it being the unique ability to suck the player in through the rich, stylistic environments.
In terms of story, here's my take for both of them-
BATIM is more solid overall, there are more connected plot points and there's a thread there to be followed from start to finish. It does suffer from some WTF plothole moments, the biggest one being Alice's 180 degree turn with suddenly using Boris as a killing machine rather than...what I can only assume was a plan to use his ink/body as some kind of reparative agent for the hole in her face (like thicc ink premium idk), or...some kind of spell...? It's honestly not very clear HOW she was going to use him, but bottom line she decided to entirely change her plan off-screen, which could have been remedied with something like a cutscene's worth of explanation, and more of a buildup to Brute Boris. The "reveal" in the haunted house didn't hold that much weight (at least to me,) just because we didn't even get a cookie crumb of a hint that Alice was going to mutilate him and use him as a drone instead of just axe him.
There are other nonsense details like Allison's ominous "I'm no Angel" line, which didn't make sense when Tom was the one to want to leave Henry. It was never explained WHY the Ink Demon walks around with a limp when he can shapeshift into a bigger and faster Beast version of himself (and apparently he was ALSO the hand in the ink river??? I guess???) And can we talk about how the cult Joey started was just never brought up again? Wally talks about how workers were encouraged (or mandated, idk) to put offerings in the break room to "appease the gods." What gods? Was Joey worshiping Bendy like a god? NONE OF THIS IS EXPLAINED EVER and honestly I think Micheal D. and Meatstick just Forgot that Joey was a cult leader in favor of Sammy's cult storyline.
But despite all of the plot holes, we still get a tale of a deteriorating studio, humans being used as literal skeletons for lifelike versions of cartoon characters, themes of life, death, cults, art, and more. Honestly, going deep into the plot of Bendy would take its own post to really do it justice.
I guess the main plot is this: Ex-co-founder of Joey Drew Studios, Henry, is trying to get the fuck home to his wife, learning along the way that through the power of a mysterious ink machine, his ex-business partner decided to coerce and persuade people to Literally Die so he could have the necessary materials to create living versions of his cartoons, thus making "his" characters (and more importantly, Bendy,) a reality. Once Henry does escape, he learns that Joey has sent him through this same hell before, still filled with hatred and spite, just in time for Joey to assumedly "reset" him and send him on a different version of the same journey, as we can guess from the storyboards on display in Joey's apartment. THAT on its own is an intriguing and layered tale, and that's not even including the other details, voices, and faces we run into in BATIM, AND the new info we learn in BATDR.
Now, BATDR...is something I've come to view as a mixed bag.
Story-wise, it weirdly wants to have its cake and eat it to. Henry's story is elaborated on, and part of Audrey's origins are also brought to light. This is helpful information concerning the plot of BATIM...but then we get assblasted with a ton of new characters and lore for a completely new Cycle under the reign of a completely new Random Old Man. I know he's Nathan's son, and he was mentioned in both Illusion and Fade to Black...but those were de-canonized, so it almost doesn't help context-wise...???? So...????
In a lot of ways, BATDR almost acts like it wants to be an AU branching from BATIM rather than a direct sequel, which it was marketed/confirmed as.
I think my biggest problem with BATDR is that some of the main characters are bafflingly like. Mishandled.
I'm gonna have the mildest take on earth and say I didn't like the new Ink Demon. Old design was better and more uncanny by far, the new design looks like Generic Satan or something straight out of Baldur's Gate. He was given a deep, guttural growling voice because....tumblr sexyman I guess. Even if they needed him to talk, it could've been something more breathy and raspy, true to the heavy breathing of the original Ink Demon. Also, his alternate form was made very childlike, and I'm just weirded out by the fact that you have this oddly "sexified" version of the Ink Demon on the flipside of Bendy the Child. I don't think any ill intent was meant by this, but it's more confusing than anything thematically. I'm also not sure why Bendy's abuse was brought up and then never touched on....? Like wasn't this guy locked up and called a monster his whole life? Are we going to...say something especially considering the moral of this story......?
Memory Joey is completely fine, but I just can't shake the feeling that the narrative is trying to paint IRL Joey as "UWU fixed now" when that's not the case. The most sympathy I can extend to IRL Joey is that he was a gay man who desired to have a family at a time when that was not only frowned upon but dangerous, not just socially speaking but in terms of his physical safety. But beyond that, this was a dude who locked people in a building to keep them working, coerced and possibly forced the deaths of many people to get what he wanted (the ink machine was a scientific advancement that could've had AMAZING implications for society but he Did Not Give a Shit about that), and was abusive towards Henry. If we trust the Bendy books, he also gaslit and killed his teenage staff. This motherfucker isn't a patron saint of anything, and even if Memory Joey can learn from IRL Joey's mistakes, IRL Joey was still a shitbag who just happened to raise a daughter.
Which leads me to Audrey. Some of Audrey's tale is explained- she was raised by Joey, forgot Joey was her father, and came to work at Archgate as an animator. Got to know Wilson, who works as a janitor at Archgate, and then he drags her into ink hell because....idk, she's his version of "A Perfect Boris" I guess. Fair enough. However, it's NEVER EXPLAINED how Audrey doesn't remember her father, or WHERE she went to live after his passing, or WHO she lived with. Remember, Joey was as old as a cave painting, so he clearly passed when she was very young. While you could argue she doesn't remember his name because she was little, SURELY she remembers his face or voice, or the fact that she HAD A FATHER??? Like, was there some huge trauma there? (Other than the fact that Joey was her dad?) It makes little sense to me that she would forget so easily. If I had to make a guess (and granted I'm no Mark Twain), I'd wager that Allison probably found Joey dead. Remember that Nathan hadn't talked to Joey in years, and Allison was the one who went out of her way in the first place to visit. At this point, Allison's gonna find a little girl running around by herself, and assumedly her and Thomas would've taken her in. If that's not the case, someone else found Joey dead, at which point Audrey would've possibly lived with Nathan and Tessa, considering how much Nathan cared about Joey. Either party has ties to Archgate. But all of that is just speculation, not confirmed, and even if any of that were true, Audrey makes no mention of it. And I'm sorry, Audrey's backstory makes me want to cry, because it's just NOT THERE and she has the personality of a depressed bucket.
Alice was alright...but she was kind of stupid? Which is like....the antithesis of everything cool about her? Instead of using traps and luring the main character from a distance, she knocks out Audrey (via unspecified drink), plays Diet Jigsaw with Audrey, and then gets pushed off a balcony. She was also a lot more...idk, suave and sultry in speech mannerisms in BATDR, which isn't bad, but her unhinged and clever nature seemed a bit watered down.
I don't really have notes on the rest of the main cast. Sammy was brought back to die immediately, which honestly was fine considering his death track record. We get some mentions of BATIM characters. Wilson and Betty were fine, and even some of the lore explaining how the timelines work made sense.
I've already said it a hundred times, but the old cast was shoved to the side for a bunch of new characters we had no time to connect with. A new butcher gang member was added when we still have Miss Twisted as a potential female-role filler (keep in mind the Projectionist is based on Camera Man and Brute Boris was based on The Brute.) The whole "Amok" thing was a REALLY roundabout way to get the Lost Ones to stop attacking Audrey.
Wilson's motivations are mostly consistent and I'd argue somewhat compelling, but I don't understand why he didn't do more to protect Audrey if he was going to need her for the endgame for Shipahoy Dudley? Like what's all this about letting her run around and get killed? Was he just aware that she'd revive?
The main message of BATDR was fine, but it didn't work super well for Audrey's character. She'd already forgotten Joey was her father, and was living in blissful ignorance of that fact until Memory Joey decided to infodump on her right away. Sure, the "just because you were born of darkness doesn't mean you have to be darkness" thing applies to her AFTER she learns Joey was her father, but...Audrey was never threatening to Become Evil, so it almost didn't need to be said and was kind of a flat message...? I would argue Memory Joey would benefit more from that message- as he's a literal copy of a Very Bad Dude. My guy was projecting this whole time.
I do think BATDR was worse story-wise, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend it didn't have certain disadvantages from the start. The Kindlybeast debacle happened, BADTR was trying to continue a story from an existing property, and there was a severe lack of Adrienne Kress. Okay, maybe the last one was a bit much, but still. That doesn't mean I hate BATDR overall, I can appreciate a lot of things about it, but strictly in the story department, it needs soooooo much work and makes me want to jump off a Minecraft cliff.
#ohhh this post is GOOD#the asker is absolutely right also I noticed this too but didnt clock it really#anywho. i wanna ramble at your ramble#i myself knew a lot of the issues with batim already but. i never actually noticed that Alice changed plans !!#its absolutely right though. i guess it's likely she scooped boris out like the other corpses. put that ink to the side. then frankensteined#boris into a brute#and for beast ? i always hated the addition of beast bendy. i genuinely see no purpose in that form existing#he just felt so generic. kinda like how you described batdr's design as being a basic oohh scary satan design#could you imagine what a boss battle with henry and the batim ink demon by himself wouldve looked like ?#so much missed potential. he couldve been a looming threat that hunted you down or always on your tail#he couldve been hiding in the shadows and pounce at any chance he got. yknow ?#also yeah yeah books decanonised but i absolutely loved that adrienne made the ink demon animalistic#that couldve been amazing in the games. imagine the ink demon being human enough to be sympathetic but animal enough to be a threat !!#he shouldve been allowed to be on all fours at least once. maybe climb a wall or two#and for joey's cult mentality. i really do hope they explore that in b3ndy because its been Absolutely neglected by even the books#also another little thing. joey seeing bendy like a son would've made his motives for bendy becoming real SO much stronger storywise in game#anyways onto batdr#ohhh if only nathan was EVER hinted at in game. like even in batds it wouldve worked#i didnt have the books yet when i first played batdr and it was BAFFLING to see this random ass guy like who are you#whered you come from !!#and for wilson too#i think wilson is good as like. a comparison to audrey ?#a bad person who came from a good father (wilson and nathan) and a good person who came from a bad father (audrey and joey)#but. but EVEN THEN IT DOESNT MAKE TOO MUCH SENSE#what does it add !!! wilson only really is there to be mr dictator#anyways GOD. BATIM INK DEMON WAS PERFECTLY UNCANNY#actually looked like a failed attempt !!! actually looked like bendy.#“he wasnt scary enough” my ASS YOU COULDVE MADE HIM SCARIER#Make him go on all fours sometimes while keeping his humanoid form !!! make him not speak and Show his feelings and story !!!!#make him kill in so many interesting ways as his body prevents biting (never opens mouth in canon) and he doesnt have many sharp edges !!
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rainbow-wolf120 · 6 days ago
*rubs hands together* okay asker… if you insist 😈
Twisted RnD! Teased their relationship in my previous post and now I’m gonna go more into their relationship / dynamics!!
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Kinda a yap fest under cut:
Going for the doodle above, Razzle is the one that takes control as a Twisted (the ribbon vines, etc), but that also takes up a bunch of energy on his end. So, he sleeps. A lot (He probably did as a Toon as well). He's asleep 95% of the time before being woken up.
This leads Dazzle to "keep watch." She's still conscious, unknowingly to Razzle, and tries her absolute best to keep her and Razzle in check. Asleep or awake.
She doesn't like guard duty, but what do you do? Say no to a clearly unstable individual who's apart of you?
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Dazzle does take advantage of the situation. It gives her the ability to "warn" other Toon's about Razzle.
You see, Razzle is sensitive to vibrations in the circle while he's asleep. Even if Dazzle doesn't wake Razzle when a Toon walks in their area, he certainly can feel them if they run.
After a few casualties, Dazzle picks up on it and manages to communicate (somehow) this information to the Toons on the floor, so they don't die.
But it's not all gloom, self-isolation, and masking (hah).
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Dazzle's mindset is the same as Glisten when it comes to consciousness, though on different levels.
Glisten yearns for company; Dazzle yearns for freedom.
Something they can both find in each other.
Glisten find company from finding someone to talk to. He's tried talking to the other Twisteds before, but it's nice to have someone who actively acknowledging that they're listening.
The two can't speak coherently of course, but Dazzle can nod, and that's all Glisten needs.
Dazzle's only sense of freedom is going against Razzle. It's found in both her warning Toons and talking with Glisten. Though it's more of the latter.
Why does she find talking with the mirror rebellion? Cause Razzle is hella overprotective.
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It's not just their space, but her as well. Razzle thinks that he knows best for both him and Dazzle, which is why he shuts her down so often.
It's not out of malice, just an overamplified sibling bond. I think turning Twisted enhances and exaggerates a certain trait, and this one being Razzle's care for Dazzle. (Think of DDLC iykyk)
Dazzle clearly dislikes when Razzle brutally kills a Toon in front of her, but he doesn't listen. Dazzle's just scared and wasn't thinking straight. He's here for her. He's the only one that understands her.
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Going back to the vine vibration murder aspect of Razzle, he's not doing this for himself, but for Dazzle (or so he claims).
He wants what's best for her and what makes her more comfortable. He wants her to be happy, and if that means killing anyone who disturbs their (his) sleep, then so be it.
Razzle is unaware that Dazzle is conscious, all he knows is that she's terrified, and will do anything to comfort her in their dark times.
He knows her better than she knows herself after all.
That was my yap fest, so crazy sauce. I have normal thoughts about these two and am sick of people thinking Dazzle's the batshit insane one like come on guys
I finally finished this months old doodle page today. I apologize for the wait lmao.
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I hope people eat this up as much as they did with Dazzle, but my long posts don't get that much attention </3
Thank you for the ask, and have an awesome sauce day !!
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cripplecharacters · 1 day ago
Hello! Hi. Hope you guys are doing well. I wanted to ask about referring (pretty blatantly) to autistic characters before autism was a formal diagnosis. One of my characters is nonverbal and autistic and communicates primarily using a notepad (in the Victorian era). Her family (positively coded characters) doesn’t really care or like think negatively of her for being autistic, but they still recognize that she’s not neurotypical, however other characters who appear (not the villains necessarily but negatively coded characters) do care that she’s “abnormal”. Are there any words that really shouldn’t be used to describe her (I have been using ‘odd’ by both groups of characters) or that only one group should use (for example having the ‘mean’ characters use ‘abnormal’ but the ‘nice’ ones use ‘odd’) so I can clearly specify that she is autistic and that it’s not a big deal, while also making sure that the characters who think negatively are portrayed in a negative light (even though they’re not the main villains). While still, not offending anyone or accidentally referring to the character in a pejorative light.
Hi asker,
I'm including some extra context, not just for you the writer, about the Victorian era but also to anyone else reading this ask to learn a little more and maybe be able to apply information to their own characters as well.
The Victorian era is used to refer to the period roughly from 1820 to 1910 in the UK, and often the use of this word for the time is extended to the US as well. Sometimes people use it for other places in Europe, even though Queen Victoria herself only ruled the UK and from 1837 until 1901.
Your character might have been described as 'dumb' or 'mute,' at the time, since she does not speak; for both clarity and reason's sake I would avoid using 'dumb' and only use 'mute' instead. 'Dumb' is, these days, only used as an insult.
Other words people might use for her in the time to denote her as being 'strange' but not necessarily negative might have been (aside from 'strange' and 'odd' that you've already stated): peculiar, eccentric, or unusual. They might use 'queer' as well, as in behaving outside of the norm and not as in gay; that meaning was more by the 1920s.
'Weird' as in "off-puttingly strange" is a more modern word, but it started in the 1820s, so people could conceivably call her weird, especially if they mean to speak ill of her. 'Bizarre' might work, but earlier or in its usage it also had a connotation of unpredictability, too. These two would probably not be used by her family or those who think highly of her, but might be used by people who are fairly neutral on her.
A note on 'moron' and 'imbecile,' which were diagnoses in the early 19th century of intellectual disability but also applied to other people they didn't know how to categorize and could include autistic people: they are definitely used as insults now and were definitely used as insults then when they were diagnoses, but they wouldn't be used on your character because they were not used in that way until the 1910s and 1920s. 'Idiot' is an older word, but it usually was used to refer to people who had more severe intellectual disability; I don't think this would be used for your character much, nor would I recommend it. I don't think it would work to convey what you want the readers to get out of it. Not to mention, it's still very much an insult today.
Now, there's two people from a bit earlier in history who might have been diagnosed as autistic today: Henry Cavendish and Hugh Blair of Borgue. (Obviously we can't know for sure, they've been dead for 200+ years.)
Hugh Blair (wikipedia link) lived from 1708 to 1765. He was described as 'eccentric' and 'daft,' and his behaviors as 'unusual.' He was nicknamed "the daft lad of Borgue." He engaged in a lot of repetitive behaviors, seemed unaware of social norms, and had very strong interests. It's noted that despite being seen as strange, he was generally well-liked.
Henry Cavendish (wikipedia link) lived from 1731 to 1810, so a bit closer to the Victorian era. He was a scientist, a very wealthy man, and notably very shy. He was close basically only to his family, was very solitary, had trouble speaking to others and was noted as wearing old-fashioned clothes. Since he was so solitary, he had trouble publishing his findings, even though he put a lot of work into them. It seems people referred to him as 'solitary' and 'eccentric.'
Some people suggest Emily Dickinson (wikipedia link), who lived from 1830 to 1886, might have been autistic. I am less familiar with her than the above two, but am including her because she is directly in your time period so the way people in her lifetime described her can be relevant. She was very socially isolated, although she was also very affected by deaths around her during her life, and later often ill, which can also be reasons for isolation. She mostly communicated with others via letters in her adulthood. She was seen as an 'eccentric' by others.
I will note that all three of those people were wealthy, so their eccentricities were more tolerated by those around them. A poor person might not have been afforded that second thought.
Now that I've said... all that, I will add my final note:
I think more important than the words themselves is how other characters use the words to describe her.
"Elizabeth is such an odd woman, I should like to write to her and see what she thinks about this" is very different from "Elizabeth is such an odd woman, I can't stand to be around her when she's doing that!" So is "My cousin is a bit peculiar, she does not speak but she can understand you just fine; if you can be patient she will write out her answers" versus "My cousin is incredibly peculiar, she doesn't even speak for goodness's sake! Can you believe it? It's ridiculous."
The way your characters speak about her will not be entirely dependent on the specific words the use, but also in the way they describe her and refer to her. Especially in a time where many things are referred to with euphemisms or vague words (which 'odd' and 'strange' and 'peculiar' definitely are or can be), which the Victorian era absolutely was, both groups of characters can use the same words but their intent can come across due to what else they say about her.
Sorry this is super long, but I hope it helps!
mod sparrow
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ranticore · 8 months ago
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finally forced myself to draw the Odd Sirenians i did a poll about aaages ago since askers had them on my mind today lol
of these only the shortstrider is considered to be an actual hybrid, the rest are just natural variations of body shape/type within the same species. except the sea zeta, now so distinct as to no longer be able to hybridise with regular zeta.
i wrote about shortstriders before but their morphology & what traits from either parent will express themselves is completely random. you could have one who almost entirely resembles one parent, or one that looks like a perfect blend of the two, or one with uneven traits like having disproportionally long legs or big wings. most cannot fly, lacking the muscle for it, and also can't hop well either.
inland swamp phocids are the smallest phocids, only a couple of metres long. they live in the shallow water swamps and marshes of the interior western continent. their very impressive plant manes protect their skin from becoming too dry, as they rarely have access to water deep enough to fully immerse themselves. as with other phocids the plants need to be woven in and carefully maintained, but it's far more accessible to these guys because they barely have to do anything to get a nice growth going
river selkies are a similar sort of direction, an inland subtype but for the very dry eastern continent. they live around the few rivers that cross the dry bowl and they are teensy tiny. polar selkies are the largest of their kind.
the longwing is only odd on a technicality; the form is very alike other longwings (tail-less, quadrupedal, four wings etc) but unlike the vast majority these guys can plunge-dive. there is a large population of them in the western coast of the western continent where the sparse land rises into tall cliffs and spires. they do not have to be ultra-light to fly long distances and so can make use of heavy waterproofing oils (applied by hand).
the aquatic zeta is still a marsupial (the fur is short enough to show off the pouch) and still needs to be on land otherwise baby will drown. they do have longer gestation periods than their terrestrial cousins, to minimise the time spent with a baby in the pouch, but when the kid is born they have to haul out and stay out until that baby can swim. they usually pick caves or sheltered lagoons with underwater entrances, in some of the remotest parts of the world. their population is likely only in the few thousands by now.
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grinnames · 1 month ago
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200+ followers.
We are over 200 followers strong already folks.
What do I even say?! Well I gotta say something, because it's been over a month since I hit this milestone, and I finally got all other ideas finished.
SO! Let's start with saying that I am incredibly and forever grateful and lucky that this has happened to me and that I get to do this online and that so many people enjoy my work. I've always been an outsider looking in, always the spectator, and never the performer. For so long, I have dreamed of finally being the person on the other side of the screen, making countless people smile and maybe even brighten up their day just a little bit. It feels like I've only just started making content on Tumblr SINCE LAST AUGUST, and I'm already having to write grandiose thank-you letters!
On a more serious note, I had been going through a rough time for the past few months, just a little after I started Tumblr. I had just transferred to a new school, and have had to leave all my friends behind for a second time. The transition period was hard, and I had never felt so lonely in a long while, but coming back online to see you interacting with my blog always brightened up my day. I've come to learn and accept that sometimes, online communities can be just as good as in-person communities, though it did take some getting used to!
Speaking of grandiose thank-you letters, let's get on to acknowledging some VIPs!
First, thank you everyone that has decided to hit the follow button, and for giving me a chance! It really feels validating, and motivated to continue working on and posting my story!
Also, I would like to thank God for gifting me with artistic talent and the drive to hone it at the tender age of five. He's given me so many opportunities to practice my craft, and He continues to give me more chances to use my gift for the happiness of others, and for myself. Without Him, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
@novajuniper! You know who you are to me. So I'm just here to remind everyone what you did. YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND IRL AND YOU ENCOURAGED ME TO START TUMBLR IN THE FIRST PLACE! You were also one of my first and only fans of my art for a very very long time. Everyone, let's give it up for the OG!!
@oppsiedoo! YOU. You were one of my first fans that gave me FANART! The first Godbox AU fanart came from you, and the first Grinnames fanart came from you! And then you kept giving me more! I'm honestly sometimes a little concerned with the amount of fanart you do for me and my work. Surely you have other creators you look up to?! But thanks for giving me that much support since the beginning when I was small! I felt so validated and seen!
@bow-and-aro-child and @smgx-pez! I always remember you because you were some of the first people to notice Godbox AU! Though we don't interact much, I very much appreciate that you stuck around! You two often appear as my top-fans on my Activities page!
Also @smgx-pez you were also one of my first reblogs. It was the one where you compared Rewrite Sonic to Godbox SMG4, and my stomach kinda dropped in a nervous but excited way! That thread where you found out I actually was inspired by Rewrite is something I will never forget because that's how I discovered that Tumblr was chill like that! Thanks for representing Tumblr!
@hexsie! You were also one of my first reblogs! I was so young and inexperienced on this platform and some stranger (you) sends me some OOC drawing of your OC hugging my boys... I have to admit I was very flattered but so stunned that I didn't know how to respond. Well, now here's the response! I now think that this interaction was hilarious! Thank you for being my introduction into the SMG4 community! Looking forward to that Hexsie lore!
(It's always been the Hug Saga, hasn't it...? From the very beginning...)
@smg6-the-memer! My first asker! You probably submitted the most asks to my ask box as well! That's how I remember you! I had actually not intended to start asks at the time, but the askbox was open by default, so I just went along with it because I HAD ALWAYS WANTED AN ASKBLOG. So thank you for being the push!
@supern0vashii! The infamous Starter of the Hug Saga! Also currently the Ender of the Hug Saga! (for now) We've come full circle! Honestly, Hug Saga was fun, and it's all thanks to you reaching out to me! You also started the Godboxified OC trend with SMG6... you really be out there trailblazing! I've always enjoyed redesigning my OCs to fit AUs... so to have people doing the same for MY AU?! IT FEELS SO AMAZING! Thank you!
@bear-boi-5! My first mutual that isn't @novajuniper! (she doesn't count because I met her IRL before tumblr) When you followed me back you have no idea how shocked and excited I was. I'm not really interested in the fandoms you draw for now, I mostly followed you for your amazing SMG4 au art (Monster Containment AU is my favorite! It's what got me to follow you!) but I'm sticking around because of the sentiment and I also like your vibes!
@michaelscorneroftheinternet! Holy hell. You are one of the creators that I really look up to! Your art-style is just so yummy! So I kind of, may have, freaked out when you joined the Godboxified OC trend AND followed me back! ON TOP OF THAT, YOU SAID I'M ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE CREATORS TOO?! I nearly died from all the happiness rushing up to my head! Not to mention, I really love your energy whenever you reblog stuff! It's rather infectious! Keep up the good work!
@libbytwq! I also look up to you! We may not have interacted much, but I am honored that you follow me back! I really enjoy watching SMGL:e's silly little adventures and interactions with other OCs! So much so that I was inspired by you to later publish some lore about my own OC Grinnames herself! I'm looking forward to some more delicious lore-drops in the future!
@purpdrawsthings! You are probably one of the the NICEST most BUBBLY people I have met on this platform! I just like watching you be nice to people and the fanart you make of other creators' AUs! Not to mention your own AUs are mighty interesting... I want to be as nice as you when I interact with other blogs! Also MY SONA BECAME AN ANIMATION IN YOUR CHRISTMAS VIDEO, SHE'S GOING PLACES THANKS TO YOU!
@bstroobery! specifically @bluestrawberrybunny, Apprenticeship AU is actually one of the first SMG4 fanfics I decided to sit down, lock in, and read through. And over time, your OCs SMG5 and SMG6 really grew on me! I also liked that you were open to AU interactions in your askbox, and crossovers have always been my sort of thing, so I decided that your askbox would be the first I would interact with! Thank you for being so chill with me!
@clowntrickery08! My latest mutual! Dude I really like your artstyle, and its super easy to tell that its you! The way you draw characters is really charming! So I can say for certain that I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN YOU DREW MY BOYS IN YOUR STYLE. Also I really like your sona's design! Also, your concept for SMGPuzzles and SMGWren is SO COOL that I am gonna play around with it sometimes!
@itz-miss-kamilyvision! My god, your OC has a whole-ahh saga in Godbox AU. You having your OC have so many interactions with my boys was so much fun to watch! Thank you doing all that, I always love making characters interact and you gave me just that over and over again! I also like seeing your OCs lore, and the other interactions you have with other creators!
@alan-william! The one who turned ME into a gacha character AND animated me! But what I appreciated the most is how you made my sona interact with yours and also Micheal's. That is the closest thing to real human interaction to me on this platform, and something that I've enjoyed the most here is finding community, and I really feel connected with you!
@birdy-four! We haven't interacted that much, but to this day, that giant reblog of Godbox AU Chapter 0 with you word-vomiting everywhere about my fanfic is my favorite reblog of all time! I sometimes go back and read it again because while most people see my art, they don't really get to see my writing, and I've never gotten feedback like this before!
@smg33exe! And last but not least, the one that put my boy Godbox!SMG4 in a gacha video! BECAUSE OF YOU I MADE IT ONTO YOUTUBE! Thank you for throwing my creation out there on the web, and for creating a video that I sometimes come back to just to marvel at what I've become!
As for the rest of you... I have planned something that everyone can partake in! Stay tuned, I just need to finish preparing it...
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blindbeta · 10 months ago
A Collection of Posts to Read Before Asking About the Blind Prophet / Blind Seer Trope
Hi all,
I thought I would start creating collections of my posts on this topic. Please read these before asking about the blind prophet trope, as I believe these will answer most questions. To ensure you are reading the most up-to-date version, go to my pinned post and find this under the blind prophet trope discussion in bold. It should direct you to the most updated list if you found this through a reblog. See if these posts answer your questions before asking me.
Trope Discussion: The Blind Prophet / Blind Seer Trope
Below is a list of questions I have answered that seek advice on avoiding the problems often associated with this trope. In some, I highlight what writers are doing well. In others, I offer suggestions for possible changes.
A post that contains discussions of two different characters with future vision, only one of whom is blind, which helps in avoiding the association of future vision with blindness. It also discusses avoiding making up for blindness and having more than one blind character.
Here is a post about avoiding erasing blindness with prophecies and using other senses instead.
Here is one where the asker has written about the spectrum of blindness as well as a blind character who isn’t the only one who can see the future.
Here is a post where the writer displays a blind community and avoiding erasing blindness using a special visions of the future. The character seems to be totally blind and I offer suggestions of using other senses instead of sight or giving the character residual vision to use instead. Includes details and links about the spectrum of blindness.
This post is a great follow-up reinforcing another option for the above linked post and for this trope in general, which is writing a character whose future vision is the same as it is in the present. The character can use multiple senses, including residual sight, to understand the future just as they would in the present.
Another ask about giving the character future visions with the same sight they use in daily life. For example, tunnel vision or central vision loss should occur in both future visions and daily life. The writer also addresses having other blind characters, a twist on the prophet trope, and switching from writing the character as temporarily blind to being blind since birth. I also suggest having a blind character not a prophet. Having another prophet who isn’t blind might also work.
While the information in these posts may not address every possible scenario, I hope they are helpful.
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cloudyskydreams · 2 months ago
Hello sorry to bother again I saw you doing yandere asks I wanted to ask how would the boys react if someone tried to still their s/o away from them hope you had a Christmas and have a happy new year
Hello dear let me just say you're never a bother! Love seeing returning askers even better when we're mutuals I get so excited every time I see a notif from one lol!!
There's so many ways to take this so I'm taking it as someone flirting with Darling on this one! The other ways I was considering was someone trying to "save" darling from yandere or another yandere possibly one of the other boys trying to kidnap mc from og yandere. I'll probably do the other ones at some point cause they sound interesting.
Also this bad boy deleted itself THREE times, had me ripping my hair out on the verge of tears. I kind of got carried away on underfells part and only decided to do 5/8 characters I write for which are Sans, Papyrus, Red, Edge, and Axe (the post was too long so I'm posting Axe separately) If you wanted to see one of the other three just let me know and I'll do my best to write them too!
ALSO ALSO IMPORTANT TRIGGER WARNINGS PEOPLE DONT READ IF THESE TOPICS WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE TW: Somewhat Graphic depictions of death and dying, Intense blunt force damage to head, Blood
Alright I'm done yapping y'alls eyes cross back to your regularly scheduled program! Hope you guys enjoy!!
Oh hoh this is interesting. He might not do anything at first just because he wants to see how this plays through. If you're uncomfortable he'll step in and "politely" tell the dude to fuck off. It doesn't really matter however it goes the person's fucked just for interacting with you with frankly disgusting intentions isn't it obvious your HIS? Really he's just trying to see if you know you're his and wants to see how you'll deal with the situation, to see if he's trained you well enough. Once you guys are walking away he excuses himself real quick and goes to "chat" with the person. Their barely breathing body is lying in a random alley way as sans teleports back to where he left you. He reassures you and tells you he just had to check on something at the lab real quick and shows you a fake text he sent himself requesting his help.
He's fine at first! Politely informs the person that you two are indeed happily together and then gushes about your relationship for a bit. The entire time though something starts to creep in his emotions as the persons eyes barely leave your form. Something Papyrus does not have much experience with…. jealousy. His words fade out as he takes in the person's gaze and he quickly excuses you guys and leads you away getting uncomfortable and upset with the thought of the person even looking at you anymore. He trys to get back on track and puts on a cheerful face for his darling but he can't get that disgusting person out of his head. How dare they look at you in such a ludicrously wanting way, trying to seduce you with their eyes. Vile. He loops back around tsaying he simply wanted to check out a store back the other way and keeps an eye out for the person. Low and behold there they are and he gently leads you into a store before walking off with the excuse of looking for something in the store. Leaves and approaches the person and chews them out telling them they need to do better and such. He won't hurt them no but he lightly threatens them in a friendly way only Papyrus can pull off. He leaves satisfied when the person's scared and promises to do better in life. He joins back up with you in the store and picks out a pretty outfit for you to try on as an excuse saying he was trying to find the perfect outfit for you.
You and Red were out shopping holding hands as you walked through the mall when a person breaks off from their friend group to come over and compliment you trying to start conversation. Red immediately tenses and glares at the person hoping to send a message across as his grip on your hand tightens. You politely tell the person you're already taken and they glance at Red in question before scoffing. Red snarls at them and lets out a low growl, he knows he doesn't deserve you that he's nowhere near your league but how dare this other person so blatantly announce it and try to plant seeds of doubt in your mind. The person backs up at Reds growl and rolls their eyes before walking off. Red watches them leave his eyelights drilling holes into the back of the person's head as they walk away he discreetly takes a picture of them. You gently shush him and lead him away as he continues to grumble and huff. Later on in the night he sends the picture to his brother and asks him to gather info on him to which Edge begrudgingly does. Red gets the dudes address and sneakily slips out of bed pressing a kiss to your forehead and making a pitstop at his toolbox to grab a hammer before he teleports as close as he can walking the rest of the way. Luckily (or unluckily in the person's situation) they have one of those stupid giant windows that look directly into the living room. He teleports inside and silently glares around the room before heading upstairs opening each door silently to look for their bedroom. Once he finds it he stalks inside and stands over the bed just glaring at the person for a few minutes. How DARE they even look at you, someone like this isn't worthy of even your presence. He raises the hammer and doesn't hesitates as he brings it down right on their temple claw side facing down with as much force as he can manage. There's a resounding crack and a loud scream of pain as the person wakes up disoriented, afraid, and in pain. Red growls and clambers on top of the person straddling their chest and pinning their arms down with his legs as he raises the hammer and brings it down with force again….and again….. and again…. and again… and well you get the picture. By the time Red is done there's blood and brain matter spread everywhere. On the walls, soaking his clothing (he was smart enough to change into clothes he didn't mind burning), soaked into the bedsheets and dripping on the floor…. And in the center of all that chaos Red ,still ontop of the body, chuckles his eye sockets twitching and blank as he takes in the bloody scene he just caused. His chuckles turn to manic laughter as he clambers off the body and paces around the room slightly. Luckily skeletons don't leave fingerprints or hair so really all he has to worry about is the murder weapon and clothes. He laughs himself serious and sighs as he takes in the scene again what a pain in the ass even dead this fucker is causing him problems. He doesn't bother to clean up only taking a few valuables after scrounging around to try and throw the police off (like that's gonna help with how brutal the death was ) teleporting into the woods he frequents to punch trees when he gets upset and burns his clothes and the items he can burying the ones that can't be burned. Then he teleports home and takes a nice long hot shower after he's done he puts on a pair of sweatpants and a tank before sliding into bed with you. He holds you close and pets your hair gently as he takes in your scent. He feels at peace the memories of what just happened slipping away as he falls asleep holding you.
Edge and you were at a nice restaurant when the waiter made more than polite conversation with you while he was away from the table. Like the good little trained pet you are you immediately reported it to Edge upon him returning and he raises a brow bone as he listens to what the waiter said. What an ignorant fool flirting with you after seeing you and him together on a clear date. He chuckles softly and it sends a shiver down your spine as you watch the waiter return with the check Edge asked for. He's polite and courteous and pays before taking you home. Later on in the night he does a bit of research into the waiter who's name he remembered from his name tag. It takes forever but with the name and mental image of the person still fresh in his mind he's able to track down the person's social media accounts and from there their address and more personal information. He's not going to harm the person no, that would be a waste of his precious time and has to have so much preparation put into it. Edge is hardly threatened by the person in fact he finds the whole situation rather funny. Hilarious even that the person would dare flirt with you when it was obvious you're already the property of the Great and Terrible Edge. Edge is going to dig deep really deep and figure out all the embarrassing dirty or disgusting secrets this person has and expose them all to their friends and family anonymously as well as sending hateful, spiteful, and ignorant texts to important people in the person's life by weaponizing secrets and private information. Then he's going steal money from the person's jobs bank accounts and deposit it into the person's bank account to set them up for grand theft. Over the next few days Edge seems perfectly fine albeit on his phone and laptop more often. Unbeknownst to you he's just keeping an eye on the chaos that the person's life has descended into. Friends and family turning their backs, Losing his job, Being arrested on charges of grand theft and possible felony charges for it. Edge thinks the entire thing is hilarious and of course since you've been such a good pet recently and reported it to him immediately he rewards you with pampering and affection.
Another reason these took so long is because I've been obsessively reading Making A Monster on ao3 and AHHHHHH hard recommend. Normally I'm not the best with named readers but this one is 😙👌MWAHH Love the plot and characterization of the boys(and lets be fr I'm a sucker for any well written reverse harem undertale fic). If you guys have any recommendations for Undertale fics I'd love to hear them! I'm always looking for more to read lol
Also! Here's Axes version!!
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broadwaybalogna · 1 month ago
What irks me is why do so many zutara shippers also love dramione or reylo. Azutara is right there if the canon redemption arc is not that relevant to you guys. I personally do not get it, but it is probably because I do not care as much for enemies to lovers as I do for friends to lovers. Or maybe because I do not care for ‘I can fix him’ love stories all that much. I do think that Katara played a role in Zuko’s redemption arc, but to me it’s so important that he changed on his own and for his own reasons. I feel like you get what I mean 😊
I’m gonna be honest I’m so tired I should not be answering this until I completely understand what you’re saying but-
Okay so I havnt watched Star Wars in years. And I never watched Harry Potter, BUT, one thing I believed that happened often was that we got to see enough interactions with these characters for people to say “oh, there’s tension here.” Or “yeah I could ship that”. Correct me if I’m wrong, I could be! But I’m pretty sure all those characters had a lot of time to get to know, understand, and grow together in some respect.
Now, I’ve never been opposed to the “two characters that barely interact should get shipped!” Train. I’ve done it before, it’s fun. You get to create character dynamics based on what you only know of the characters outside of their interactions. It makes for great character studies if anything.
My main problem is that Azula never demonstrates any emotion other than hate for the Gaang. For her brother? Idk, it’s a stretch, but I believe in familial love, it could’ve been there ever so slightly. But she quite literally never sees them as anything other than the enemy.
I can totally understand the parallel aspect to their relationship, though. The parallels are define tot there, and I can see how that can influence a persons shipping preference. I first started shipping Zutara because of all the parallels i saw between them! So yeah, I get it.
I also totally understand not shipping Zutara, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and sometimes enemies to lovers isn’t for you. I’m not asking you to like Zutara or dislike Azutara. Katara “playing a role in Zuko’s redemption arc” also isn’t a large reason as to why people ship the two together. I mean, their talk in the catacombs was definitely filled with romantic tension if you ask me, but that’s aside the point. Almost all of Zuko’s redemption, he fulfilled on his own with Iroh’s help.
Katara’s perspective simply helped him see the war from the completely opposing point of view without outright hate. And I think that’s beautiful.
Anyways, I went really off topic. Uh, TL;DR: I really don’t know anything about Reylo or Dramione. Azutara is still meh and I these mountains are getting really hard to climb in order to find that fuck I need to give. /lh (I’m sure asker didn’t mean any harm I just think it’s funny)
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403tarot · 11 months ago
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* yesterday i was chatting with my friends and they made some nsfw asks about hongjoong & san so i decided to share it here <3
** all answers were given based on tarot cards, take it lightly etc etc etc. just for your information, both askers are women.
what nicknames does he like to use? does he like using pet names in sex or just calls by your name and stuff?
san doesn't usually use pet names, he kinda prefers using affectionate names like, "love," "baby," "honey"...
does he enjoy that whole thing of having sex while looking in the mirror? *cuz he has a big mirror on his bedroom
he would like the idea of having sex with someone while they can clearly see what he's doing to them. i asked if it has happened before, and it might have happened but not intentionally. he would also like to see through the mirror to get another angle or just like something about self-affirmation here... like "look at what i'm doing to you now"
what's he like during aftercare?
he doesn't do aftercare like "oh now i'm going to do aftercare because it's important after sex"; it's something that happens naturally. when it's with someone he likes, san lays down with his partner, cuddle, and talk about random things, just chatting.
knowing he wouldn't be rough with me... would he slap me in the face without me having to formally ask? *i'm not thinking about a hard slap though, just gentle taps on the cheek like in blowjob or smth
not on the face. without you asking him to, san would like to slap you in other body parts, he would do that anyway because he enjoys it. on the face... he wouldn't even think about it, but if you asked for it, he would – very carefully but he would.
what about overstimulation? giving and receiving
san would enjoy overstimulating you, feeling in control with it... he might get a taste of being sadistic and mistreating you by making you orgasm so much, the thought of it would turn him on. but about receiving... maybe he would try it experimentally once but then i see he wouldn't like it/wouldn't be able to handle it then san would ask to stop or try to dodge it.
can we delve into the theme "san would like it if you two acted like puppies together" as a treat? [op is a pet play enthusiastic and is referring to the sexual reading i took for her & san]
san would prefer to act as the owner most of the time but he would also like both of you to act as pets. it's something like "can i also try it?" by the way, using a collar would be something that turns him on... having his collar pulled. so yeah, it would be a topic that really heats up for him, and if you two acted like you were puppies together san would really enjoy having sex like that. freaky sex.
i remember when you did my sexual reading with him, it came out things like he would enjoy if i stayed on top of him [in sex] but is there any other position he likes/prefer?
he would like positions where his dick goes in deep and where he can play with your pussy while fucking you, but his favorite would be you riding him. positions where he can see his dick going in and out as well, from behind also to see your ass, positions that give him access to your neck... he would be the guy who likes to hold your neck not to do breath play but just to put his hand on it (?)
knowing he can be a fan of explicit pics, what kind of photo turns him on the most?
he prefers to be surprised with a photo and not have to ask for it, just like getting a regular pic and then a more provocative one. he likes cute (kawaii?) aesthetic but also sexy & elaborated photos, might like the person dressed up for him then with lingerie or nice clothes/costumes. san might likes pics that show everything (explicit body parts!), pics posing especially sitting on thighs. he likes someone who knows how to take these photos, who puts on a little show, and then looks beautiful for him to keep. he might also likes to send this kind of photos.
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what would hongjoong think of the idea of ME giving him a lap dance while i'm just wearing lingerie and he can't touch me until i tell him to?
hongjoong would be playful about it... "i can see it but i can't touch it, so close but also so far..." he would think in a bittersweet way. he would try to keep his hands to himself for the sake of the dynamic but there's a hint of impatience, he's not the most rational when horny
so would he disobey and touch me?
would he let me suck him under the table while he's working in the studio? [oh she's a real one]
actually he would really like that. a lot. the world card, just do it and he'll think about it like it's part of his creative process.
is he the kind of guy who would mark me in places that could be seen? like a hickey on the neck and stuff? even if it was unintentionally?
visible places, no. as for non-visible places, he might like to leave some marks but it would be more like slap marks, marks from gripping... all of it hidden though. and biting, of course ...
hongjoong may have a tendency for playing a "cruel"/cold role or lightly sadism and masochism along with psychological games. what exactly would he enjoy in psychological games?
there was a vibe going towards roleplaying of dubious consent like forcing something until the other person accepts.
i want to know if hongjoong is also an overstimulation enjoyer
he wouldn't enjoy doing overstimulation on you but he would enjoy receiving it. he would like to be induced to overstimulation. hongjoong would try to endure it properly... so eager for control, even if it's just to challenge himself.
what positions would he enjoy doing with me?
he would really like positions where you make eye contact, where he can see your face. he would like having sex with you standing out of the bed and seeing you riding him while he holds your boobs.
this isn't sexual but if i were dating hongjoong and a guy flirted with me in front of him, how would he react? (don't need to delve, just see the reaction like if he would say something or pretend nothing is happening, if he would make a face...)
he wouldn't handle it well. he doesn't really like to feel jealousy and for him it's not funny so he would feel kinda bad but would try to show that he's with you. he would come, grab you by the waist, "love, who's this you're talking to?" in a bittersweet voice then pull you away from there. he would get very touchy-feely to keep you close because he doesn't handle jealousy well but wouldn't verbalize it... although his actions betray him.
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you can also get answers like these with hongjoong, san or any other idol of your choice buying a combo of questions ❤️‍🔥 dm me to know prices and additional infos about it !
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a-d-nox · 1 year ago
I mean, let's say the man's Venus sextiles my Saturn, but my venus squares his Saturn.... But there's his Mars conjunct my Lilith (trine sun) and his Eros conjunct my Mars..... Man, I'd really like a synastry reading in exchange for my dream interpretation (i interpret dream/nightmares)
aspects in synastry and composite charts (venus edition)
after a shorter fun post from the same asker about a year ago, i have decided to trial the start a series after popular demand (sorry i'm running behind schedule)! i am starting in the middle of the chart per the request and after chatting with the asker offline. by middle of the series, i mean that i will not be talking about aspects to planets/luminaries before venus in this post - all planets after venus will be included. when an ask is made for planets/luminaries before venus i will go back to aspects where venus is involved (if that makes sense lol).
all of this is in my opinion. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. my answer: intuition and experience with other people's charts that i have available to me. warning i can be harsh: please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. plus let's not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. this is just a starting place for when examining a single planet in an entire galaxy. take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
paid reading options: astrology menu & cartomancy menu
enjoy my work? help me continue creating by tipping on ko-fi or paypal. your support keeps the magic alive!
TW: sexual assault, abuse, and infertility.
ADDITIONAL WARNING: this post does contain mature content.
let's begin!
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synastry: positive aspects: you can see the admiration for one another. anyone who sees the two of you together can see you both absolutely adore each other. venus-venus couples may get married to one another at some point because venus represents alliances, companionship, lovers, marriage, suitors, and proposals - at the very least, you two may date for a very long time or go to a big milestone event together like prom. you two are likely very affectionate with one another; you do small things for one another that are utterly heartwarming and adorable - could be holding/opening the door, one person giving their coat to the other, etc. you both often check with one another if what you/they are doing "is okay." in a feminine-masculine relationship the masculine is likely a feminist and lets the feminine be dominant / in charge of the relationship. the masculine in such a relationship may also be a gentlemen and unwilling to do or act in any way that makes the feminine partner feel uncomfortable. you two are constantly flirting with one another. you both are probably very hopeful of this union especially since you likely have a lot of fun together. negative aspects: it is extremely difficult for others to tell if you two really don't like one another. some people may think it is sexual tension or a lovers' quarrel, but you two are likely not each other's biggest fans. you could reject each other's advances - this is the equivalent of receiving the retort "you're not even that hot" after you tell someone you won't go out with them. these people aren't long-term lovers; this is the couple everyone thought would be cute together, but they truly hate one another...
synastry: positive aspects: mars person likely performs a lot of acts of service to show that they care for venus person; mars person seemingly worships venus person. the mars person will likely be the first to make a move or ask the venus person out - it could also indicate that the mars person proposes to the venus person (mars is action and venus is commitment and alliances). mars person is likely to find the venus person to be an aphrodisiac; everything about the venus person turns on the mars person - smell, taste, looks, etc. negative aspects: mars person is likely to do a lot for the venus person but often feels unnoticed or a lack of gratitude for doing so. mars person is prone to starting arguments, while a venus person frequently is the type to immaturely interact with them in response (silent treatment, eye-rolls, etc.). mars person is likely to assert their thoughts and opinions in the connection, while the venus person longs for a true partner who sees and treats them as their equal. (***TW***) the mars person may be belligerent/abusive in the connection and likely has so much ambition regarding the relationship that they frequently ignore or cross the boundaries the venus person sets - the mars person is often impatient and thus can rush the physical aspects of the connection (raped, molestation, etc. ***END OF TW MATERIAL***). mars person is likely to underestimate and be unappreciative of the venus person's power - often a mars person will see a venus person as harmless, meek, and/or "cute". pain is a commonality with this synastry aspect / interaction - the mars person frequently causes the venus person wounds/pain that will take a while for them to heal from. venus person can be too lazy for the mars person's liking. venus person may also have a lot of false expectations/hopes regarding the mars person's character. 
composite: positive aspects: this is super erotic in a composite chart - mars brings the idea of passion and venus brings the idea of amorousness. this couple often is constantly doing things for one another to show that they love, care, and think about the other person when they are not around one another. they often are the couple who appears to enjoy a lot of public displays of affection from one another - they appear as those they are intoxicated by / addicted to one another. negative aspects: it could feel as though this connection is about competing with one another rather than aiding one another to be their best selves. often this connection is quick to fizzle out. both individuals in the partnership might lack gratitude for each other and what they do for one another. it may feel like this couple is constantly arguing with one another and that there is a lot of immaturity in the connection because of how the two argue (they are both unwilling to compromise in most cases). there tends to be an obvious power margin between the two in the connection. both parties can often cross each other's boundaries and cause discomfort for one another in the connection. the two may underestimate each other in the connection and be pleasantly surprised or utterly unsurprised, which causes a strain (they may cite the other as incapable - their lack of ability is why the connection didn't work out). each person may feel the connection has a strain and that they are wounded from/by the relationship. 
synastry: positive aspects: venus person generally looks up to jupiter person and admires their achievements. venus person is also enamored by the jupiter person's ability to keep their word. venus person often will celebrate the jupiter person's wins. these two are a match made in heaven - venus person often feels jaded and/or hurt in their connections, while jupiter person knows the perfect thing to say to make the venus person feel better and more secure in the connection. for the venus person, the jupiter person is the most understanding and accepting individual they know when it comes to the validation and reassurance they need. the jupiter person tends to be the knight in shining armor to the venus person's princess in a tower. the gentlemanly jupiter person is often the king of consent; which is extremely appreciated by venus person. the jupiter person's desire for the venus person is often very obvious. jupiter person often proposes to the venus person. the jupiter person often likes to spend a lot of time with and money on the venus person. negative aspects: venus person could envy what the jupiter has and has achieved in life. jupiter person may feel as though they can't 100% rely on the venus person to consistently do what they said they would. the venus person can feel like the jupiter person is gaslighting them or feeding them only what they want to hear (venus person may question the jupiter person's genuineness to them; it might be too good to be true). venus person might feel as though the jupiter person is a misogynist. the jupiter person may feel that they love the venus person more than the venus person loves them. venus person may feel that the jupiter person is extremely clingy. jupiter person may eventually get tired of apologizing and become standoffish: "i don't know what you want from me". venus person can default to immature commentary during fights saying things that are meant to hurt the jupiter person's self-esteem. jupiter person might feel as though they do more in the connection than the venus person does. jupiter person may be a bit careless/unappreciative when it comes to the acts of service or romantic gestures that the venus person makes. jupiter person can be a bit stoic when they are in an argument with the venus person. jupiter person often seeks to improve their connection, while venus person might be too lax to change/improve their connection. the jupiter person can be a bit too possessive for the venus person. 
composite: positive aspects: there is a visible abundance of admiration for one another in this connection - they are extremely wholesome and cute together. often the couple is very strong together and can achieve a lot together in the alliance they have with one another. often this couple is very content with each other. they boost one another's confidence and celebrate their wins as a couple (usually, anniversaries are big for this couple). they are very supportive of one another. this pairing knows how to have fun together, and they are often engaged in flirty banter. this couple is often hopeful of a long-term connection - they often get married to one another. frequently, someone loses their virginity in this connection, and/or they often have children together. make up sex is real in this connection - and they both are very generous towards one another in the bedroom. erotic devotion is very clear in the connection. negative aspects: sometimes people see these two as an old married couple - they bicker and give each other a hard time. sometimes, it might seem likely they are putting each other down. it may seem as though the feminine is extremely dependent on the masculine and as though they are trapped by the masculine in the connection. feminines may feel like they are forced into a submissive role in these connections. they might seem to want a lot of space from one another and could even sleep in two different bedrooms. it might seem as though the couple has given up on their own connection with one another. 
synastry: positive aspects: venus person often appreciates the saturn person's ambition and their determined attitude - venus person appreciates that they aren't quitters. venus person knows that one day saturn person will be what they want them to be and do what they want them to do because of their determination. saturn person is often very serious when it comes to building a solid foundation and future with the venus person. the saturn person is often very loyal towards the venus person and never would do something to them that would make them feel betrayed. saturn person has a sense of duty towards venus person and tends to do whatever it takes to please them and make them feel content and cared for in the connection. saturn person picks up on the venus person's habits/idiosyncrasies via self-other overlap. a masculine saturn person is often willing to submit to a feminine venus person. venus person knows that they can rely on the saturn person. saturn person often shares their customs with the venus person. saturn person is very patient with the venus person. negative aspects: venus person may feel that saturn person is hesitant to appreciate them the way they want them to. saturn person can feel apprehensive about getting into a relationship with a venus person. this is likely a relationship in which a saturn person represses and denies their admiration for venus person; whether this emotional admiration exists depends on the moon, while sexual/physical admiration depends on mars and pluto. venus person may not receive the commitment from the saturn person that they crave. saturn person may find they are repulsed by venus person post-coital encounter or say that all they can offer venus person is sex. (***TW***) venus person is likely to have their beauty diminished by the saturn person. saturn can represent disdain, grudges, harm, and hatred, while venus can represent the erotic and consent. this combination with a negative aspect, and depending on the tightness of the orb, can indicate the possibility of sexual assault done by the saturn person; see the story of priapus (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). venus person is unlikely to feel contented with the saturn person long term. if the venus person is masculine, they may be ungentlemanly and lose their chivalrous manner when in a more lowkey relationship with the saturn person - as the saturn person seems to lack gratitude for the venus person's manner and mannerisms. the venus person's immaturity in a romantic relationship may be emphasized due to the saturn person's inability to commit to them. venus person may propose to the saturn person, and the saturn person is likely to reject them. venus person may find saturn person boring after a while, and saturn person may find that venus person cannot be serious after a while. saturn person may fear a long-term connection with the venus person - they could feel as though they can't trust the venus person. saturn person may feel neglected in the connection. venus person may trigger the saturn person's previously experienced trauma to the point of a regressive episode. saturn person could feel rejected by the venus person. 
composite: positive aspects: this is a great indicator of a monogamous relationship that is long-lasting. this couple often shares the burdens of life with one another. this couple is often so committed and proud of their coupling that they are the type to promote they are together (monograms, mrs. & mr. shirts, rings 24/7, etc). other couples are the "private but not secret" types that we frequently see on social media (pictures together without one of their faces in the image). negative aspects: this couple may be unappreciative of one another: kind gestures are often overlooked, they neglect one another, they don't seem affectionate/adoring of one another, etc. the couple likely doesn't know how to do nothing in peace with one another - they might not be capable of just relaxing with one another because it feels "awkward". this connection can be very short-lived in some cases because there is likely a lack of romantic commitment between them. (***TW***) there may be sexual aggression between the two (***END OF TW MATERIAL***) or a regret regarding coital interaction. there is likely a lack of honor/chivalry in the relationship - this relationship could present as immature and having plenty of arguments as neither partner is well suited for the other. the coupling could be built on the individuals' shared fear of being alone for the rest of their lives. 
synastry: positive aspects: uranus person may abruptly tell venus person that they like them. the uranus person is often very submissive to the venus person outside of the public's vantage point. often the uranus person is curious about the venus person and will do some sleuthing about them. venus person is typically touched by their interest and fandomship towards their brand. venus person often looks up to uranus person for their intelligence and generally is intrigued by their mind. the uranus person can be very prompt in communicating with the venus person. venus person tends to appreciate the uranus person's ability to be extremely honest in any situation. venus person often finds uranus person's unpredictability to be incredibly attractive. negative aspects: uranus person could cheat on the venus person in some cases. if they are married at that point, the uranus person frequently has to pay alimony to the venus person. venus person is often bossed around by the uranus person and most of the time that irks them. uranus person is known for having emotionally hurt ex-lovers that might get in the way of the uranus person having a successful relationship with the venus person. this is because often the venus person finds information where the uranus person has, for example, a string of texts in which their exes are asking to get back together with them or the exes are angrily messaging them. uranus person can very quickly change their mind about the venus person and withdraw completely from the connection - a lot of the time, this is one of those connections where they disappear with all their stuff taken from the house overnight or before the venus person gets home. uranus person can discover that the venus person was cheating on them, sort of like how hepheatus discovered aphrodite cheating on him. uranus person may be inconsistent when interacting with the venus person. often, the uranus person wants freedom in the relationship or for the relationship to remain inclusive/"open". the uranus person sometimes rejects the venus person's advances and can even be revulsed by the venus person in some cases.
composite: positive aspects: this coupling is quick to come together - one minute they are just friends, and in the next, they are in a committed relationship. in some cases, these two elope or have a "shotgun" wedding. these couples are open to experimentation and/or a third (fourth, fifth, sixth, etc.) person in the connection. this couple often has a healthy sex life, in which they frequently partake in coital relations. these two feel very lucky to have found one another because they share a lot of "unpopular opinions/views" regarding relationships. sometimes, this couple attempts a trial separation and comes back together stronger than before. negative aspects: sometimes there is some heavy drama in this connection where those involved are alleged "swingers", someone is cheating on someone, etc. not everything that you hear about this couple is always true - oftentimes, there is something worth uncovering about this connection. this relationship doesn't typically end cleanly - often, there are a lot of fights and dramatics. this is the couple in which one person wallpapers the room with text messages to show that they knew the other one of them cheated, someone slashes the tires of the other person's car, one person gets locked out and the other throws all their belongings out of the window, etc. sometimes an "illegitimate child" appears in this connection which causes strain. (***TW***) alternatively, it could be very difficult for this couple to become pregnant and have a successful birth (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). sometimes, these individuals are in a falsified relationship so they can get governmental benefits or security.
synastry: positive aspects: venus person finds neptune person to be alluring and often finds their chaos and creature mind to be beautiful. the neptune person is the first to confess their feelings for the venus person. venus person can be fascinated by the neptune person. with the neptune person, the venus person can feel as though the relationship is the best one that they have ever been in. venus person can feel as though the neptune person is always reading their mind with how attentive they are towards the venus person. the neptune person is often very comfortable with being vulnerable toward the venus person. neptune person is very sympathetic towards the venus person. negative aspects: neptune person could be hiding a whole other relationship from venus person or could be merely cheating on the venus person in a more lax manner. neptune person is the type to disguise themself in public when with or without the venus person - they often want no one to know what they are up to in terms of their romantic relationships. this is likely to bother showy venus who wants everyone to know that they are in love with one another. neptune person tends to be too emotionally unpredictable for the venus person. the neptune person might be insecure about the connection with the venus person because they see the venus person as better than them. neptune person could be a poor wing person for venus person by misrepresenting who they are. 
composite: positive aspects: these two tend to be addicted to one another. they often are the couple that will wear matching outfits or appear as though all that exists in the world is them as a couple. this couple tends to be sex-positive and might enjoy spicing up their sex life by making a tape together. this is one of those couples who are in a "private but not secret" relationship - they will post faceless pictures together, that they are going somewhere with "their love", etc. this relationship can feel almost dream-like or as though it is a fairytale. it can feel as though this couple reads each other's minds. a wedding between these two is always so beautiful because they write gorgeously, poetic vows to one another. negative aspects: there is a tendency for these two to become codependent on one another - they can't do things apart without one of them getting annoyed/angry/paranoid about the distance. this couple can be extremely chaotic - in a single day, they could be happy and holding hands, then in mere minutes, they could be arguing over a notification, then one could be threatening to move out, then they could be planning their next vacation together. both individuals can have a history of cheating and not being faithful to one another - so they are likely both suspicious of each other. (***TW***) one of the individuals in the connection might film the other, who may or may not know about the filming, during coital relations then leak the tape on the internet (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). often there is a scandal that arises from this relationship. 
synastry: positive aspects: the venus often feels alive around the pluto person. the pluto person has a gift in awakening the venus person to their surroundings and even who they are and what they are worth. very quickly this relationship becomes exclusive because most pluto people aren't comfortable with inclusive/"open" relationships. venus person is often content in this connection because the obsessive pluto person is willing to do anything they want to keep them happy. the pluto person is likely to treat the venus person like their queen/king. venus person is very grateful for the protective pluto person. negative aspects: pluto person doesn't tend to be trustworthy - they keep a lot of things to themselves and can even keep a sidechick or secret relationship from the venus person. because of this, the venus person should be careful where STIs/STDs are involved (use protection, get tested regularly, see their gynecologist regularly, etc). (***TW***) the pluto person often has an extremely high sex drive, and sometimes, in certain cases, the pluto person can not control their sexual impulses or simply enjoys the power they feel when having sex, so they might sexually assault the venus person (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). venus person tends to be more morally upholding than the pluto person - the venus person can sometimes find what the pluto person does to be "morally atrocious". the venus person is often baffled by what they learn from the pluto person, often it has to do with their obsessive nature or how they betrayed others or even the venus person. pluto people often hurt the venus person - frequently, this is physically or emotionally. venus person comes to loath the pluto person or view them as "evil". pluto person might degrade the venus person and make them feel bad about themselves physically and emotionally. pluto person often feels guilt that they aren't more helpful or better at being in the relationship with the venus person. venus person can feel like the pluto person lies to them very often - the pluto person often is lying to the venus person though they may attempt to gaslight the venus person to cover up their lies. venus person may want to marry the pluto person, but the pluto person may not believe in the institution of marriage.
composite: positive aspects: this is a power couple, and they know it. the couple is happy to exclusively date for a long time - they could keep their relationship on the down-low for a while as well. this is the couple who makes a lot of lewd jokes with one another, and often, you can see that they are comfortable around one another - they can make these jokes without feeling weird or without ignoring one another. they are generally just a super flirty couple. they are the type of couple that keeps each other's nudes in their wallets. sexually, there is often a component of BDSM in these relationships that brings life to their connection and makes both partners extremely pleased. this coupling, in general, reminds me of the smutty novels. this couple may even go to sex parties with one another for fun. negative aspects: this couple often meets unconventionally - on a date with other people, when they are dating someone else, etc. the relationship is typically not long-lasting - sometimes it feels like the relationship is like a vase of flowers that withers away day by day (beautiful and thoughtful at first then smelly, attracting bugs, and rotting away). this couple might have a difference of philosophies that gets in the way of this relationship progressing - for example, pluto can bring nihilism into the relationship "what is the point? nothing matters anyway." the relationship can't grow if both parties do not wish to work on it. 
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jcollinswrites · 26 days ago
I'm the anon that sent the period ask.
Honestly, I didn't expect such backlash? Maybe I worded it wrong, but I was talking about what they would do for the MC. Like fuss over her and make sure she has everything she needs and comfort her in their own way. If you didn't want to answer the ask, you could have said so without making fun of it. I saw this ask in some other IFs and thought about asking, but as I said, maybe I worded it wrong. It's alright. No hard feelings. I understand.
I'm sorry, what?
You wanted to know how the ROs would comfort an MC on her period and instead you asked, and I'm quoting:
Let me ask the MEN,how would they react seeing a period blood strain on the F!MC's butt ?
I don't understand the mental gymnastics one needs to do in order to connect these two. If other authors can do that, well, good for them. I can't. To be frank though, I can very well imagine that the original asker (not you, obviously) DID mean what I thought it meant, and the first author who answered just assumed it was something more innocent, when actually, it was not. But, honestly... when you look at this question... what's the first thing that comes to mind? Because for me, it's all those stupid ignorant mf's who are grossed out by girls being on their periods. I'm glad that's not what you meant, and I also tried to answer the original question in good faith, but this ask is not worded in a positive way.
Also, I wasn't making fun of the question. I was completely serious. If anyone reacts in any way (other than being helpful) to a woman being on her period THAT MAN IS AN IGNORANT FOOL AND GIRLS, YOU SHOULD DUMP HIS ASS. But at the very least, that man needs some serious education.
Anyway, thanks for clarifying. The other question indeed sounds very different, and if you still want to know the answer, then here it is:
It depends on the MC. Because not everyone has bad periods. For some girls, it's horrible, for some, it's not that bad. The guys should know their girlfriends at this point, and they should know how to comfort them. There is no cure-it-all. They will all try to be helpful if MC needs it.
Sorry other messages in my inbox. I pulled this to the front because I was completely BAFFLED
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absolutebl · 10 months ago
Hi P’ABL, building off an earlier ask you answered, what are your top recommendations if I want to watch a BL where the main focus is the romance between two characters? Something along the lines of Semantic Error for example? Or even Old Fashioned cupcake?
Hum, you mean where there is little to no outside plots, external pressure, or secondary characters? Most KBLs are pretty closed systems but they of have external pressures. Lemme think... there are shorts of course. Okay I did a ratings sort and then just read through my favorites with this in mind... this is pretty darn subjective tho.
BLs that are just simple sweet romances
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High School Setting
I Cannot Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan 2023) - a very simple friends to lovers romance.
HIStory 2: Crossing the Line (Taiwan 2018) - classic sports romance
My School President (Thailand 2023) - the high school version of soft boys being soft, there's a side "plot" and a band but who cares?
About Youth (Taiwan 2022)
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University Setting
Semantic Error (Korea 2022) - asker chose this as their primary example.
A Breeze of Love (Korea 2023) - reunion romance
A First Love Story (Korea 2021) - 2 part short that is exactly what you want.
Oxygen the series (Thailand 2020) - the university version of soft boys being soft, this one is a hyung with the young rich boy chasing the older orphan
We Best Love (Taiwan 20210 - part one is enemies to lovers, part 2 is office reunion enemies to lovers 2nd chance.
2gether (Thailand 2020) - oh the pining ridiculousness
Star in My Mind Star and Sky (Thailand 2022)
Hidden Agenda (Thailand 2023) - that isn't hidden at all
Love By Chance (Thailand 2018) - watch for AePete and TinCan but don't bother with the other threads
Why R U? (Thai 2020) - I mean it's madness but there is no other plot but the romances
Why R U? (Korean adaptation of Thai original) (Korea 2023)
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2 Moons 2 is kinda the same thing, but I don't rate it as high as the Why R U?s. There are many who would call me crazy for this.
I thought about including the Love Class series but both of them have stalking sub plots. And I'm inferring you don't want any darkness or stress at all.
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Office Romances
Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan 2022) - asker chose this as a second example, although I would call it a bit more complex given the themes of self discovery and worth.
Our Dating Sim (Korea 2023) - basically a reunion romance (second chance) but there is a bit of work stuff.
Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan 2021) - office romance, it's Taiwan so like We Best Love it'll be a little chaotic but I think it's what you're looking for.
Love is Science? BL Cut (Taiwan 2021) - the gays are the side couple there is a noona romance lead and a mature romance side, everything soft romance all day long.
Step By Step (Thailand 2023) - pretty classic office romance, Korea's version is called The New Employee and is also good but there is a lot more about the actual job as part of the plot.
Love Mate (Korea 2023) - aggressive pursuit from the new intern but it's a Kdrama so its ultimately soft...
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea 2022) - cohabitation and office enemies to lovers
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Foodie Romances
Bon Appetit (Korea 2023) - reunion romance
The Tasty Florida (Korea 2021) - love at first sight
What Zabb Man! (Thailand 2022) - he knows him by the taste of that one dish!
You Are Ma Boy (Vietnam 2021) - had to throw in something from Vietnam
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Countryside Setting
Love Tractor (Korea 2023) - city boy meets country boy, they fall in love, opposites attract
A Tale of Thousand Stars (Thailand 2021) - okay this does have lots of extra characters and some complexity because it's GMMTV and Thailand but it is the most classic "romance" that Thailand has ever done gay. Kissing on cliffs at sunset and parting at airports and everything.
Some More (Korea 2018) - another great short that meets your criteria
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Okay I think that's it, if you want to give more restrictions I could tailor the list down more.
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teaboot · 11 months ago
I'm Singaporean, I just saw the posts about schools in Canada vs Korea and now I'm kinda curious how things vary within this half of Asia.
Looking at your questions for the Korean asker, dyeing your hair isn't allowed but how strict the teachers will be about it probably depends on school. My secondary school (age 13-16) had one teacher who made a classmate with (presumably naturally) lighter brown hair dye it black, which was hilarious. If necessary for explanation, it was a Christian school with pretty strict rules on grooming no one had the energy to follow leading up to graduation.
We have uniforms up until you finish secondary school, then it depends on where you go. You have to buy them yourself unless you're on financial assistance or getting some kind of government subsidy, in which case I'm not sure how it works exactly.
And now the actual asking part of this ask: do y'all split math up into different subjects and if so, why??
Kids had to dye their hair to match as a group? What the fuck???? What the hell does hair matter???? Then again... bra straps and shorts don't matter either, and those are restricted everywhere, so maybe school is just dumb everywhere.
And math!!! Not super sure what you mean, but until about grade 10 here in BC all math is taught in one math class that's just "math". In grade 10 you can take precalculus or... the other one? And the idea is that Precalculus is for students going into university and the other one was for students going into trades. You NEEDED precalculus to go on to higher learning, is what we were told.
"Math" was just all math. Multiplication, geometry, algebra, etc.
"Precalculus" was all the basic skills meant to prep for calculus used in STEM stuff- polynomials, trigonometry, more algebra, that junk.
I failed it hard two times but passed the government exam so they weren't allowed to fail me again.
Also I'm good at math so they can kiss my ass now 👍
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