#boris into a brute
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salpho · 8 months ago
(Reblog 1/2 this is the first time I've reached 30 tags PFFH)
Something I noticed is a lot of people who hated BATIM love BATDR and a lot of people fond of BATIM dislike BATDR. To me, this seems like a mechanics vs story issue. The actual game mechanics and aesthetic of BATDR disguise the lackluster characters and plot holes. However, BATIM still suffers those same issues.
This is a vague question, but what are your thoughts on BATIM vs BATDR story wise? Is either of them truly better? Or are they just flawed in different ways?
Sorry, this is long, but so are BATIM and BATDR :')
I think you hit the nail on the head in the sense that yes- BATDR has better gameplay and mechanics than BATIM, but BATIM by far has a much more compelling story that was able to capture and keep attention over the course of five chapter releases. And yes, BATIM is not without its flaws, for example it's mainly a walking simulator in terms of actual gameplay- the only thing saving it being the unique ability to suck the player in through the rich, stylistic environments.
In terms of story, here's my take for both of them-
BATIM is more solid overall, there are more connected plot points and there's a thread there to be followed from start to finish. It does suffer from some WTF plothole moments, the biggest one being Alice's 180 degree turn with suddenly using Boris as a killing machine rather than...what I can only assume was a plan to use his ink/body as some kind of reparative agent for the hole in her face (like thicc ink premium idk), or...some kind of spell...? It's honestly not very clear HOW she was going to use him, but bottom line she decided to entirely change her plan off-screen, which could have been remedied with something like a cutscene's worth of explanation, and more of a buildup to Brute Boris. The "reveal" in the haunted house didn't hold that much weight (at least to me,) just because we didn't even get a cookie crumb of a hint that Alice was going to mutilate him and use him as a drone instead of just axe him.
There are other nonsense details like Allison's ominous "I'm no Angel" line, which didn't make sense when Tom was the one to want to leave Henry. It was never explained WHY the Ink Demon walks around with a limp when he can shapeshift into a bigger and faster Beast version of himself (and apparently he was ALSO the hand in the ink river??? I guess???) And can we talk about how the cult Joey started was just never brought up again? Wally talks about how workers were encouraged (or mandated, idk) to put offerings in the break room to "appease the gods." What gods? Was Joey worshiping Bendy like a god? NONE OF THIS IS EXPLAINED EVER and honestly I think Micheal D. and Meatstick just Forgot that Joey was a cult leader in favor of Sammy's cult storyline.
But despite all of the plot holes, we still get a tale of a deteriorating studio, humans being used as literal skeletons for lifelike versions of cartoon characters, themes of life, death, cults, art, and more. Honestly, going deep into the plot of Bendy would take its own post to really do it justice.
I guess the main plot is this: Ex-co-founder of Joey Drew Studios, Henry, is trying to get the fuck home to his wife, learning along the way that through the power of a mysterious ink machine, his ex-business partner decided to coerce and persuade people to Literally Die so he could have the necessary materials to create living versions of his cartoons, thus making "his" characters (and more importantly, Bendy,) a reality. Once Henry does escape, he learns that Joey has sent him through this same hell before, still filled with hatred and spite, just in time for Joey to assumedly "reset" him and send him on a different version of the same journey, as we can guess from the storyboards on display in Joey's apartment. THAT on its own is an intriguing and layered tale, and that's not even including the other details, voices, and faces we run into in BATIM, AND the new info we learn in BATDR.
Now, BATDR...is something I've come to view as a mixed bag.
Story-wise, it weirdly wants to have its cake and eat it to. Henry's story is elaborated on, and part of Audrey's origins are also brought to light. This is helpful information concerning the plot of BATIM...but then we get assblasted with a ton of new characters and lore for a completely new Cycle under the reign of a completely new Random Old Man. I know he's Nathan's son, and he was mentioned in both Illusion and Fade to Black...but those were de-canonized, so it almost doesn't help context-wise...???? So...????
In a lot of ways, BATDR almost acts like it wants to be an AU branching from BATIM rather than a direct sequel, which it was marketed/confirmed as.
I think my biggest problem with BATDR is that some of the main characters are bafflingly like. Mishandled.
I'm gonna have the mildest take on earth and say I didn't like the new Ink Demon. Old design was better and more uncanny by far, the new design looks like Generic Satan or something straight out of Baldur's Gate. He was given a deep, guttural growling voice because....tumblr sexyman I guess. Even if they needed him to talk, it could've been something more breathy and raspy, true to the heavy breathing of the original Ink Demon. Also, his alternate form was made very childlike, and I'm just weirded out by the fact that you have this oddly "sexified" version of the Ink Demon on the flipside of Bendy the Child. I don't think any ill intent was meant by this, but it's more confusing than anything thematically. I'm also not sure why Bendy's abuse was brought up and then never touched on....? Like wasn't this guy locked up and called a monster his whole life? Are we going to...say something especially considering the moral of this story......?
Memory Joey is completely fine, but I just can't shake the feeling that the narrative is trying to paint IRL Joey as "UWU fixed now" when that's not the case. The most sympathy I can extend to IRL Joey is that he was a gay man who desired to have a family at a time when that was not only frowned upon but dangerous, not just socially speaking but in terms of his physical safety. But beyond that, this was a dude who locked people in a building to keep them working, coerced and possibly forced the deaths of many people to get what he wanted (the ink machine was a scientific advancement that could've had AMAZING implications for society but he Did Not Give a Shit about that), and was abusive towards Henry. If we trust the Bendy books, he also gaslit and killed his teenage staff. This motherfucker isn't a patron saint of anything, and even if Memory Joey can learn from IRL Joey's mistakes, IRL Joey was still a shitbag who just happened to raise a daughter.
Which leads me to Audrey. Some of Audrey's tale is explained- she was raised by Joey, forgot Joey was her father, and came to work at Archgate as an animator. Got to know Wilson, who works as a janitor at Archgate, and then he drags her into ink hell because....idk, she's his version of "A Perfect Boris" I guess. Fair enough. However, it's NEVER EXPLAINED how Audrey doesn't remember her father, or WHERE she went to live after his passing, or WHO she lived with. Remember, Joey was as old as a cave painting, so he clearly passed when she was very young. While you could argue she doesn't remember his name because she was little, SURELY she remembers his face or voice, or the fact that she HAD A FATHER??? Like, was there some huge trauma there? (Other than the fact that Joey was her dad?) It makes little sense to me that she would forget so easily. If I had to make a guess (and granted I'm no Mark Twain), I'd wager that Allison probably found Joey dead. Remember that Nathan hadn't talked to Joey in years, and Allison was the one who went out of her way in the first place to visit. At this point, Allison's gonna find a little girl running around by herself, and assumedly her and Thomas would've taken her in. If that's not the case, someone else found Joey dead, at which point Audrey would've possibly lived with Nathan and Tessa, considering how much Nathan cared about Joey. Either party has ties to Archgate. But all of that is just speculation, not confirmed, and even if any of that were true, Audrey makes no mention of it. And I'm sorry, Audrey's backstory makes me want to cry, because it's just NOT THERE and she has the personality of a depressed bucket.
Alice was alright...but she was kind of stupid? Which is like....the antithesis of everything cool about her? Instead of using traps and luring the main character from a distance, she knocks out Audrey (via unspecified drink), plays Diet Jigsaw with Audrey, and then gets pushed off a balcony. She was also a lot more...idk, suave and sultry in speech mannerisms in BATDR, which isn't bad, but her unhinged and clever nature seemed a bit watered down.
I don't really have notes on the rest of the main cast. Sammy was brought back to die immediately, which honestly was fine considering his death track record. We get some mentions of BATIM characters. Wilson and Betty were fine, and even some of the lore explaining how the timelines work made sense.
I've already said it a hundred times, but the old cast was shoved to the side for a bunch of new characters we had no time to connect with. A new butcher gang member was added when we still have Miss Twisted as a potential female-role filler (keep in mind the Projectionist is based on Camera Man and Brute Boris was based on The Brute.) The whole "Amok" thing was a REALLY roundabout way to get the Lost Ones to stop attacking Audrey.
Wilson's motivations are mostly consistent and I'd argue somewhat compelling, but I don't understand why he didn't do more to protect Audrey if he was going to need her for the endgame for Shipahoy Dudley? Like what's all this about letting her run around and get killed? Was he just aware that she'd revive?
The main message of BATDR was fine, but it didn't work super well for Audrey's character. She'd already forgotten Joey was her father, and was living in blissful ignorance of that fact until Memory Joey decided to infodump on her right away. Sure, the "just because you were born of darkness doesn't mean you have to be darkness" thing applies to her AFTER she learns Joey was her father, but...Audrey was never threatening to Become Evil, so it almost didn't need to be said and was kind of a flat message...? I would argue Memory Joey would benefit more from that message- as he's a literal copy of a Very Bad Dude. My guy was projecting this whole time.
I do think BATDR was worse story-wise, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend it didn't have certain disadvantages from the start. The Kindlybeast debacle happened, BADTR was trying to continue a story from an existing property, and there was a severe lack of Adrienne Kress. Okay, maybe the last one was a bit much, but still. That doesn't mean I hate BATDR overall, I can appreciate a lot of things about it, but strictly in the story department, it needs soooooo much work and makes me want to jump off a Minecraft cliff.
#ohhh this post is GOOD#the asker is absolutely right also I noticed this too but didnt clock it really#anywho. i wanna ramble at your ramble#i myself knew a lot of the issues with batim already but. i never actually noticed that Alice changed plans !!#its absolutely right though. i guess it's likely she scooped boris out like the other corpses. put that ink to the side. then frankensteined#boris into a brute#and for beast ? i always hated the addition of beast bendy. i genuinely see no purpose in that form existing#he just felt so generic. kinda like how you described batdr's design as being a basic oohh scary satan design#could you imagine what a boss battle with henry and the batim ink demon by himself wouldve looked like ?#so much missed potential. he couldve been a looming threat that hunted you down or always on your tail#he couldve been hiding in the shadows and pounce at any chance he got. yknow ?#also yeah yeah books decanonised but i absolutely loved that adrienne made the ink demon animalistic#that couldve been amazing in the games. imagine the ink demon being human enough to be sympathetic but animal enough to be a threat !!#he shouldve been allowed to be on all fours at least once. maybe climb a wall or two#and for joey's cult mentality. i really do hope they explore that in b3ndy because its been Absolutely neglected by even the books#also another little thing. joey seeing bendy like a son would've made his motives for bendy becoming real SO much stronger storywise in game#anyways onto batdr#ohhh if only nathan was EVER hinted at in game. like even in batds it wouldve worked#i didnt have the books yet when i first played batdr and it was BAFFLING to see this random ass guy like who are you#whered you come from !!#and for wilson too#i think wilson is good as like. a comparison to audrey ?#a bad person who came from a good father (wilson and nathan) and a good person who came from a bad father (audrey and joey)#but. but EVEN THEN IT DOESNT MAKE TOO MUCH SENSE#what does it add !!! wilson only really is there to be mr dictator#anyways GOD. BATIM INK DEMON WAS PERFECTLY UNCANNY#actually looked like a failed attempt !!! actually looked like bendy.#“he wasnt scary enough” my ASS YOU COULDVE MADE HIM SCARIER#Make him go on all fours sometimes while keeping his humanoid form !!! make him not speak and Show his feelings and story !!!!#make him kill in so many interesting ways as his body prevents biting (never opens mouth in canon) and he doesnt have many sharp edges !!
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doberart · 1 year ago
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Inky monsters.
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childrenofthemachine · 7 months ago
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A drop of water in the ocean is never seen again.
Day six: Drop.
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just-bendy · 1 year ago
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*Brute has arrived at Cheesecake Park.*
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WEEPY: B-Brute!!
BRUTE: ..!!
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WEEPY: Bruuutteee!!
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WEEPY: Brute! Oh, Brute! *sniffle* I've missed you so much!
BRUTE: Mmhh...
WEEPY: I-I'm so sorry I got myself caught... it was so scary! And it hurt so much... but we're together again!
BRUTE: I... missed you too, Weepy.
WEEPY: Ya got so good at talking now, Brute! Oh, but look at you... your ear, and those scars... I've really been gone fer so long, haven't I? I'm sorry, let's just stay together from now on, okay?
BRUTE: I'll... do better this time.
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HENRY: Awww, how nice! All's well that ends well.
[ Weepy and Brute have been reunited! ]
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finally a girl 🖤💚🧟‍♀️
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rosetyler42 · 7 months ago
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More from the WIR RP-Verse: a fight between Drac and Wilson before he gets rescued by a pregnant Ericka, Mavis, and friends! Bonus Moana shout-out in Ericka's "No one tries to kill my husband but ME!" (Get it? Giant shiny Crab?)
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @deathfangirl9 @ebevkisk @wingingfromthezing @roydoodler-blog @thedopedemon @thedobermutt @thedemonsurfer @inkiedraws @inkhyaena @inkspottie @inkwelldevil @heartsong1994 @howling-nightmare
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b1ackx · 1 year ago
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babitim-in-fandoms · 2 years ago
We can see Brute Mugman (brute boris)?
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HAH I was very excited for this Ask! Well, here he is!
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hantenguclonesimp-minuszoha · 10 months ago
𝓑𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓶 Masterlist
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Every divider by Saradika.
And here is one of my favourite videogame fandom of all time. My absolute childhood also, that being Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival. All of this is because of the lovely Ink Demon we know as Bendy!
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Henry Stein Joey Drew Audrey Drew
Wilson Arch
𝕋𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕤/𝕀𝕟𝕜 𝔼𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤
Bendy Boris the Wolf Alice Angel
Sammy Lawrence The Projectionist Allison Angel
Thomas Connor Betty Miss Twisted
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I take all Bendy incarnations and HC that they are all the same entity. You are not required to follow this HC but do specify which Bendy you want. (Toon Bendy, Ink Demon, Sinny, Beast Bendy) + The same counts for Boris. (Borkis, Brute Boris)
Masterlists ......... Cuphead Masterlist
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chaselocalyanderefan · 1 year ago
Drawing Internet Horror Characters for a Year
Day 171:
Brute Boris
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pa-pa-patato · 6 months ago
Hc that Fanny has a white tail along with a few white spots on her body that she used to really like but brute made her dye it all black except her face
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crooked-empire · 2 years ago
"After all, I own thousands of them" - Joseph Drew
I hate how he is portrayed mostly as a good guy in BATDR, he was a murderer.
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selene19official · 2 years ago
Twisted Boris!
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brainyrot · 2 years ago
can you imagine like Cuphead going to collect contracts right? And like bendy was sent by the devil as a little obstacle because Cuphead was being too good.
Okay so, they meet and all, have a nice chat, and when Cuphead asks "where's the fight" unless the obstacle was them talking for a day or two, bendy says "oh yeah!!! I completely forgot!" And then pulls out brute Boris, that in comparison to bendy, bendy is like the size of brute's FOOT, and just happily says "you have to fight my buddy!! Boris!! Say hi Boris!" And it's undescribable noises.
Then Cuphead sees the horror while bendy just calmly watches the show from brute's shoulder, praising brute's in the middle of the fight.
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just-bendy · 1 year ago
How are Weepy and Brute doing?
(also I just want to say I adore your art so much-)
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*Weepy and Brute are enjoying their time being reunited.*
(( and thank you! 😊💜 ))
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caelumroxas · 2 years ago
BENDY AND THE BETA ACCESS | Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals - Part 29 [EARLY ACCESS]
New gameplay video of Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, featuring the fan-made Bendy mod!
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