okcoolthanks · 4 months
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enhahooninurwindow · 6 months
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Pairing: enhypenOT7 x reader 🍓MASTERLIST
Genre: fluff
Wc: 250+ per member
a/n: I’ve written a few sentences in third person grammar bc I was saying all this in my head and maybe I typed it in like that sorryyy. Also I wrote this based on some of my insecurities so I hope it helps other insecure people too <3
Tuesday, 19 March. 2024
Heeseung - acne
 "Hey beautiful, what's on your mind? You seem a bit off." Heeseung asked you noticing ur face getting dull. "I can't help feeling insecure about my acne. It's been bothering me a lot lately." you reply, not aware of Heeseung heart getting heavy hearing this. "Baby, please, your acne doesn't change how amazing you are to me. You're more than your skin, you're everything I love and cherish." he gently brushes ur hair back and continues, "Your kindness, intelligence, and laughter light up my world. Don't let a few blemishes dim your shine." Smiling softly, you say "Thank you for always being so understanding and supportive. I'm grateful to have you by my side." “You don't have to thank me, love. It's my privilege to be here for you, no matter what. Together, we'll overcome any insecurities and grow stronger. You mean everything to me, and I want you to see yourself through my eyes. You're not defined by any imperfections; you're defined by your resilience, your compassion, and the love you bring into my life every day. I cherish every moment with you, and I wouldn't change a single thing about you." He wraps his arms around u, pulling u into a warm embrace, and whispers, "I promise to always remind you of your worth and beauty, even on the toughest days. You're the love of my life." Feeling comforted you reply "I love you so much hee. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and seeing the best in me, even when I struggle to see it myself." "Forever and always, my love. We'll navigate through any challenges together, and I'll never stop reminding you of just how extraordinary you are." he replied.
Jay - stretch marks
 "Y/nah are u alr?? You seem unwell." jay asked you taking a seat on the edge of the bed while u faced ur mirror. "I've been feeling really insecure about my stretch marks. I can't help but think they make me less attractive."  "Oh baby, your stretch marks don't change a thing about how beautiful you are to me. They're a part of you, a testament to your strength and journey. I admire and love every part of you, including your so-called imperfections." He gently takes ur hands and continues, "Your kindness, your laughter, and the way you light up a room are what truly make you stunning. Don't let anyone or anything make you doubt that." Tearing up you say “Thank you for saying that. I needed to hear it from you." "I mean every word, my love. I'll always be here to remind you of your worth and to shower you with the love and admiration you deserve. You're perfect in my eyes, stretch marks and all." He softly kisses ur forehead and whispers, "You're not just beautiful; you're extraordinary. These marks are like a map of our journey together, each one a reminder of the moments we've shared and the love that has grown between us. I cherish every part of you, including these marks that tell your unique story." As u hold each other, he plants gentle kisses on ur cheeks and continues, "Let me show you how much I adore you, not despite your marks but because of them. They're a part of what makes you the incredible person I fell in love with. You're my everything, and I'll always treasure and celebrate every inch of you."
Jake - nose shape
As you both cuddled on the couch, Jake noticed a hint of sadness in ur eyes. "Is everything okay, love?" he asked gently. You hesitate before admitting, "I've always felt insecure about my nose. I wish it were smaller and cuter like others." The jake's heart sank, hearing ur words. He pulled u closer, wrapping his arms around u. "Your nose is perfect," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on the tip of ur nose. "It's unique, just like you. I love everything about it because it's a part of you." Feeling ur tense muscles relax under his touch, he continued, "You're the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. Your smile, your eyes, and yes, even your nose, they all add to your beauty. I wouldn't change a thing about you." His loving embrace and words of affirmation melted ur insecurities away. U nestled into his chest, feeling safe and loved. In that moment, u realized that his acceptance and affection were what truly mattered, and his love was the most beautiful thing in the world. He looked into ur eyes with utmost sincerity and said, "You are my everything. Your beauty radiates from within, and every little detail about you is what makes me fall in love with you more each day. Your nose is not just cute; it's uniquely yours, and that's what I adore about it. I promise to always remind you of how special you are and to cherish every part of you, no matter what insecurities may arise." He sealed his words with a tender kiss on ur forehead, reaffirming his unwavering love and devotion to u.
Sunghoon  - bloated stomach
At first, when u told him about u being insecure of ur bloated stomach, sunghoon felt a mix of confusion and concern. He wasn't sure how to react at first, as he hadn't anticipated this vulnerability from u. However, as he saw the distress in u eyes, he realized that what u needed most was his understanding and support. Taking ur hands gently in his, he looked into ur eyes with a reassuring smile. "You're beautiful just the way you are," he began, his voice filled with sincerity. "Your body is incredible, and it's natural for it to go through changes. Your bloated stomach doesn't change how I feel about you. I love every part of you, including your imperfections." He pulled u into a comforting embrace. "You're so much more than your appearance," he continued, pressing a kiss to ur forehead. "Your clinginess, unseriousness, and your loving nature are what truly makes u special." Feeling the warmth of his embrace and hearing his words of affirmation, u felt a wave of relief wash over. U leaned into him, grateful for his unwavering support and love. In that moment, u realized that his acceptance and understanding were the most precious gifts u could ever receive. As the evening came, he made sure to shower u with small acts of love and kindness, like preparing ur favorite snacks and playing ur favorite music. He encouraged u to relax and enjoy the moment, letting go of any worries or self-doubt. With each loving gesture and heartfelt word, he reinforced his commitment to uplifting ur spirits and making u feel cherished.
Sunoo - smile
Sunoo's eyes widened with surprise and concern as he listened to u express ur insecurity about ur smile. "Wait, what? Your smile is one of the most beautiful things about you!" he exclaimed, his voice reflecting genuine dismay. You looked down, feeling a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability. "I know, but sometimes I feel like it's not as perfect as yours or others," u admitted softly. His expression softened as he reached out to gently lift ur chin, making u look into his eyes. "Hey, listen to me," he said earnestly. "Your smile is unique and genuine, and that's what makes it so special. It's not about perfection; it's about the happiness and warmth it brings to everyone around you, especially to me." He pulled u into a comforting hug, planting a kiss on ur forehead. "I hate seeing you doubt yourself like this. You're amazing in every way, and I wouldn't change a thing about you, especially not your beautiful smile." You felt tears of gratitude welling up in ur eyes as u hugged him back tightly. "Thank you for understanding and for always being there for me," u whispered. He smiled warmly, brushing away ur tears. "Always, my love. I'll remind you every day of how incredible you are and how much I adore your smile, no matter what." After a deep conversation, he suggested a cozy evening of self-care to lift ur spirits. You both snuggled up on the couch with fluffy blankets and soothing music playing in the background. He lovingly applied a gentle face mask on ur face, making u giggle at his playful antics.
Jungwon - body shape
As Jungwon noticed subtle signs of distress, he approached u with gentle concern. "Is everything okay, love?" he inquired, his voice soft and caring. You paused before finally sharing ur feelings. "I've been feeling insecure about my body shape lately," u confessed, ur tone tinged with vulnerability. He listened attentively, offering a reassuring smile and a comforting hand on ur shoulder. "You are absolutely perfect just the way you are," he reassured u, his words sincere and heartfelt. "Your beauty goes far beyond any external appearance. Your kindness, intelligence, and resilience make you truly extraordinary." He then suggested you spend some quiet time together, away from any distractions. You both went for a peaceful walk in nature, enjoying the serenity and beauty around you. Along the way, he continued to uplift u with words of encouragement and admiration. With each step, u felt a sense of comfort. You realized that ur Jungwon's love wasn't based on superficial standards but on a deep appreciation for who u were as a person. In his quiet and steady presence, u found the strength to embrace ur body with newfound confidence, knowing that u were cherished and valued just as u were. As u walked hand in hand, he pointed out the beauty of nature around u. He gently reminded u that just like the diverse flowers and trees you saw, each with its unique shape and form, ur body was a reflection of ur own unique beauty. "You are like a masterpiece created by nature," he said with a soft smile. "Every curve and line tells a story of strength, resilience, and beauty."
Niki - not feeling worthy of his love
Niki noticed a hint of sadness in ur eyes one evening as you both strolled through the park. Sensing ur unease, Niki wrapped his arm around ur shoulders and asked, "What's on your mind, my love?" You waver, fiddling with ur fingers before finally blurting out, "Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough for you." Niki's playful grin softened into a gentle smile as he pulled u closer. "Oh, sweetheart, you are more than enough for me. You're the melody to my laughter, the color in my world, and the love that fills my heart." You looked up at him, ur eyes searching for reassurance. "But what if I can't always make you happy or meet your expectations?" Niki chuckled softly, brushing a hair from ur face. "My love, happiness isn't about meeting expectations; it's about being together, sharing moments, and embracing each other's quirks. You make me happy just by being you." Tears of relief glistened in ur eyes as u leaned into Niki's comforting embrace. "I love you," u whispered. "I love you more," Niki replied, planting a tender kiss on ur forehead. Niki continued to shower u with affection and playful gestures, reminding u daily of ur worth and importance in his life. Your bond grew stronger as u navigated challenges together, embracing each other's strengths and vulnerabilities. You no longer doubted ur place in Niki's heart, finding solace in your love. In that moment, you knew that Niki's playful nature came with a deep understanding and unconditional love, making u feel cherished and truly enough.
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daycourtofficial · 11 months
Gift Exchange
Summary: you and Azriel exchange solstice gifts in private, amazed at the thoughtfulness of each other’s gifts.
Author’s note: this is PURE FLUFF okay you could make stuffed animals out of this
At the end of the night, after everyone else went to bed, you went back up to your room to grab your gift for Azriel. You met him in the hallway between your rooms and invited him into yours.
You had asked if you could exchange gifts privately - citing the fact that Cassian would be very upset at the gift you got for Azriel and that the last thing you need this Solstice is another one of Cassian’s gift-related tantrums.
You hand Azriel the thick envelope, allowing him to pull out the contents. He analyzes the papers, then looks at you quizzically, “it’s blank parchment.”
You place your hand on the paper saying, “I am a nosy busybody” and when you pull your hand away, Azriel watches as ink begins staining the paper, creating a map of the house of wind. The map has all of the floors, even the floors in the library. All of the rooms are labelled, and looking he sees names on the map that are moving.
“You once told me that you hated going on missions because you didn’t know what was happening back at home, so I created an enchanted map for you to see. It shows all of us in real time - see here we are in my room.”
He looks at where you’re pointing and sees both of your names, except yours has a little heart next to it.
He’s shocked for words - this is the most thought out gift he had ever received. The amount of time it must have taken for you to create this is making his head spin. Not to mention when he told you he hated being gone, he was mainly thinking of you and being afraid something was happening to you.
“Um I also made two other maps - one for the townhouse and one for Feyre and Rhys’s new home. I know you usually leave some shadows behind to watch over us when you’re gone, so I figured this way you could have extra peace of mind that we’re okay.”
He can hear the nerves in your voice and he’s not going to correct you that he only leaves shadows behind to watch over you. He leaves one or two to watch over the houses, but he leaves about 5 or 6 who watch over you the entire time he’s gone. He had no idea you even realized he did that.
He looks into your eyes, watching you ramble before telling you, “this is the best gift I’ve ever received”. You beam with pride at this news - thrilled that he likes your gift so much.
“Honestly,” he continues, “this makes my gift look like rubbish.”
You shake your head. “No way, I’m sure I’ll love whatever you got for me.”
He had two boxes for you to open - the first one was a rare, first edition of a book that you adore. “This book must be over a thousand years old!” You exclaim, amazed the book is in such good condition. “I believe it only had one owner during it’s lifetime. Open it to the title page,” he tells you, grinning at your excitement.
“And it’s signed!” You exclaim, pure joy radiating off of you. “Thank you thank you thank you!” You exclaim, embracing him so tightly Azriel thinks you might kill him. There are worse ways to go, he thinks.
“You have one more to open,” he coughs, a nervous energy taking over him. You take the smaller box from him, removing the lid. Inside is a beautiful cobalt blue gem necklace and matching earrings. You’re stunned by how beautiful they are, even letting out a soft ‘wow’. You pull the necklace out of the box, and you realize the necklace is the same color has his siphons.
“How did you find something that matched your siphons so perfectly?” You ask, not taking your eyes off the necklace. “I didn’t,” he replies, and you realize then that he had parts of his siphon turned into the jewelry you’re wearing. You look into his eyes, about to ask him for more, but he speaks before you can.
“I uh, figured since you carry my heart everywhere with you, you might as well display it.” Your brain must be short-circuiting, because surely you misheard him. “I love you, and I uh hope that you might feel the same and want to carry me with you everywhere you go.”
You’re not sure what to say, you keep looking between his lips and his eyes and the necklace, when you figure out what to do. You turn around, handing him the necklace, sweeping your hair to the side. A gentle request: put your mark on me.
Azriel takes the necklace in his hands, guiding the chain around your neck, clasping it into place. Once secured, you turn around, and lunge for him, wrapping your hands around his neck and jaw, holding him in place, you press everything into the kiss. Every desire, every laugh between you two, every moment. He kisses you back just as fiercely, sliding his hands down to your thighs, prompting you to jump into his arms, wrapping your thighs around his waist.
You break away from the kiss to catch a breath. “Happy solstice,” you tell him, as he kisses down your neck. “I think you have one last present to unwrap!” You can feel him laugh into your neck as you bring his head back up to kiss him some more.
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primrosebow · 7 months
An open letter to bigfatbimbo.🪽
Reasons why you should write for Adam.
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1 -> He is a misogynist (not for long)
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Look at his face. He is so weird. I swear. He has been favoritized for far too long, leaving him with the most mind-numbing god complex. Don't you want to stab him to death like niffty? Don't you want to put him where he deserves to be (either underground or under me)? I do. You should too! Because his way of thinking meets it's end where my heels begin.
2 -> He is stupid
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He has the emotional maturity of a boiled lobster. He fits into heaven like an orca in the amazon river. He is so unbelievably incompetent it is actually kind of mind boggling. Don't you want to crush him like he's a little bug (either with your fists or your thighs)? Didn't he literally say one of the "biggest issues evet" was math or something? He probably couldn't tell you where Africa is in the world map even if you paid him. Even the fruit of knowledge couldn't give him enough braincells to function as a proper member of society.
3 -> he deserves humiliation
He deserves to have his entire worldview rocked and destroyed, something we can surely provide. His shallow thinking should be promptly obliterated. He has only ever gotten away from beautiful tall strong women because he always had the option of just asking for a different woman. They didn't have the mental fortitude to put him in his place. We are the bearers of the curse (liking repulsive men), and, since there is no "mental fortitude" to begin with, there is nothing for him to break down. We (as a collective) should end him.
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4 -> I know what he is
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His entire persona is a gigantic act to make up for the fact he cannot appropriatelly cope with losing in general, much less losing the, like, 2 wives he ever had (to THE SAME GUY!! MIND YOU!!!) and if he had more people they were one night stands. Not because he left them, but because people know he is worthless scum and he is good for nothing other than his "original dick" ( eugh. I usually refrain from cursing >:// ). It is the reason for his pride and also the only thing that makes him even remotely worth the hastle of talking to. He is the equivalent of a carnival prize to the people in heaven, scoring him is more of a show of your own endurance rather than how coveted he is. He has been objectified through his own hubris. He should be made aware of that. He should fear the knowledge we posses. It should be used against him.
5 -> he sounds.. like.. . He sounds good.
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I watched the series while skipping most of the songs but I genuinelly could not do it when he was singing. No wonder he's in a band or something, I didn't actually pay attention to what he was saying I was paying more attention to the sound of his voice so I don't remember clearly what's up with that. Like he sounds REALLY good. If only he knew how to just use his voice without saying the most repulsive atrocities to be ever uttered by anyone ever. Oh yeah! We can make him incoherent enough for that to happen.
6 -> Lute deserves better
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Lute deserves, like, a woman. Not him. She's too gorgeous for him, and, the difference between us and her is that while SHE is dealing with HIM, in our case, HE has to deal with US. Really, we're just saving a beautiful, amazing, stunning, showstopping woman a lot of trouble, and getting an ENTIRE PATHETIC MAN AS A TRADE! WIN WIN! Literally no downsides, I swear.
7 -> he is girl dinner
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Don't you just love looking into your fridge and seeing the worthless scraps that built up overtime but somehow taste better now than they usually would have, which is particularly shocking considering it has 0 nutritional value? That would be what girl dinner is, and also an appropriate analogy for what Adam is like! Just roughly ok looking enough for you to not downright call it a biohazard. You will go to bed satisfied after fighting tooth and nail for your dinner (getting him to behave properly) and, it'll be easier the next times maybe! Operant conditioning is a heavy hitter with this repulsive individual, so it might actually get easier! Who knows!
8 -> Pretty please? (´。・д人)゙
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I really. Uh . I really want him if you couldn't tell? Maybe the cannibalism and the fear I want to instill into him got in the way of you seeing my point, but, like, that's just how I love. The highest honor I could bestow on him is wanting to eat him, so, maybe that'll assist in your judgement? I also just really like your writing and would love to hear your thoughts on his idiotic self. AND! AND! Other people also want you to write about him if I well remember the 1 ask you received about him!
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I await your response when you are available @bigfatbimbo
If you need more convincing; I can, like, draw him? I'm going to draw him no matter what but like I can cook something up for you in particular who knows.
You did say you were already considering writing for him, so, maybe this can be a final push in that direction for you!
- sincerely, Bow
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Shhhh! Built in 1929 during Prohibition, this Spanish style home in Los Angeles, California has a secret floor. 4bds, 5ba, $4.188M.
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Lovely foyer with a stained glass window and niche.
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The living room is very large and there's a terrace overlooking the city of LA.
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The current owners have a couch in front of the sliding doors, but this is the terrace.
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Beautiful arched doorways and another niche.
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The dining room is nice. I like that fixture.
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The kitchen tile is amazing. Beautiful glass doors on the upper cabinets and a great exhaust hood.
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There's a gorgeous family room next to the kitchen with a wood ceiling and access to the the patio.
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Since the home was built in the 20s, it has stunning original Art Deco tiles in all the baths.
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Gorgeous primary bedroom. It has a wonderful fireplace and terrace, plus a wall of windows to let in the natural light.
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The baths are flawlessly original.
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This may look like a pantry, but it's the entrance to the secret floor. You push on the shelves and they open to a space under the stairs.
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The current owners just use it as storage. There’s also a little trip switch inside that was used to alert people on the bedroom floor and set off lights if someone was near the alcohol that was stashed in here. It has lots of potential.
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And, behind that bookshelf is a big walk-in safe.
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There's not a lot of property, it's built on a hillside and has a little over a third of an acre, but the grounds are nicely landscaped.
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ezekiel-krishna · 6 months
🏃‍♂️ Your Next Adventure
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Have you had any memorable adventures in 2023?
Pick the image that resonates with you the most. If you feel drawn to more than one image, embrace the diversity and embrace them all!
Pile 1
I see you embarking on a weekend getaway to the countryside. Packed with essentials like a map, snacks, and a camera to capture the beauty around, you set off on to your journey. While travelling along the winding country roads, You couldn't help but be amazed by the vast expanse of green fields and towering trees that stretched out before you. The air was so crisp and clean, a refreshing change from the pollution of the city. You happily sang along to your favorite songs on the phone.
Upon reaching the destination, a charming bed and breakfast nestled in the heart of the countryside, Greeted by the innkeeper's warm and welcoming nature. Settling into your cozy room with delighting floral curtains and the breathtaking view of rolling hills in the distance.
As you set out to hike along a nearby trail, ready to explore the unknown. The fragrance of wildflowers, and the cheerful birdsong accompanied you every step of the way. Pausing for a moment, you couldn't help but admire the crystal-clear and inviting waters of a babbling brook. Continuing your journey, you stumbled upon a hidden meadow, adorned with a riot of vibrant and colorful blooms.
As the sun gracefully descended, casting a stunning palette of pink and gold across the sky, You discovered a secluded spot to settle and contemplate. Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of nature, you experienced a profound sense of peace and contentment. It was in that very moment that you realized the true value of slowing down, of immersing yourself in the simple pleasures that life has to offer.
As you walked back to the inn, your heart brimming with joy and your spirit revitalized. You realized that your time in the countryside had truly changed you for the better. As you fell asleep, listening to the soothing rustle of leaves outside the window, feeling thankful for the chance to temporarily escape into the peaceful arms of nature.
Pile 2
I catch sight of you taking a solo trip to a foreign land. You meticulously planned your journey, learned about local customs, and loaded your bags with necessities. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, you boarded the plane and set off to explore a new territory. As you arrived in the new country, you were immediately captivated by the vibrant colors, bustling streets, and the melodic chatter of an unfamiliar language.
With a sense of awe, you explored the lively city, indulging in exotic cuisine, immersing yourself in the local customs, and forming new friendships along the way. As you ventured into the countryside, You marveled at the awe-inspiring landscapes, from majestic mountains to tranquil lakes. You visited ancient places, and witnessed traditional ceremonies/cultures that left you in awe. Throughout your journey, You faced challenges and moments of uncertainty, but you confronted them with bravery and an open mind.
You learned to communicate through gestures and smiles, navigate unfamiliar streets, and embracing the unknown with curiosity. By the end of the trip, You not only discovered a new country but also found a newfound sense of independence, resilience, and appreciation for the world's diversity. As you boarded the plane back home, you carried cherished memories of a transformative adventure that had enriched your life beyond imagination.
Pile 3
You made a bold decision to explore a vibrant city for the very first time. Upon arrival, you was enveloped by the hustle and bustle of the urban landscape, with its sea of people, diverse cultures, and towering skyscrapers. You meandered through the bustling streets, admiring the array of faces, languages, and cultures that enveloped you. You strolled through lively markets, where the aroma of exotic spices wafted through the air and vendors beckoned to passersby. Visiting museums, art galleries, and historical landmarks, each providing a glimpse into the city's rich past and bright present.
Despite the constant commotion of the city, You managed to find moments of serenity in peaceful parks and tucked-away alleyways. Standing on a rooftop terrace, you marveled at the sunrise, the cityscape unfolding like a magnificent work of art. In that precise moment, filled with a profound sense of awe and curiosity, realizing the limitless possibilities that lay within the city's grasp. 
With a ticket in hand, you stepped onto the train that would transport you back to your quaint hometown, reflecting back the memories of an extraordinary urban escapade. The city with its buzzing energy, organized chaos, and breathtaking beauty, leaving an everlasting impression. Being well aware of the time you spent exploring its streets and uncovering its mysteries that would forever hold a special place in your heart. As the train chugged away, gazing back at the city's skyline, with a smile adorning face, and a deep sense of gratitude resonating within for the unforgettable adventure you had just lived.
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jennyandvastraflint · 4 months
More reasons as to why Vastra is the best dw character - go
Yippieee! I get to be annoying about how amazing she is!
She is essentially Sherlock Holmes, her cases are plagiarised BY Doyle in universe, and she famously HATES comparisons to Sherlock Holmes XD
She has a fantastic moral compass and it's called Jenny Flint.
She is a mirror to the Doctor only in way hotter.
She has canonically tried to eat a rooster early in the morning despite knowing she shouldn't eat raw chicken.
She is simultaneously a brilliant fighter and lethal as fuck, and also scared of furniture attacking her.
She introduced herself with "I'm a lizard woman from the dawn of time and this is my wife" in Victorian London probably just because she thinks it'd be funny, get yourself someone who does it like her.
She is physically incapable of not flirting with her wife every five seconds.
She can wield two blades at once and has (probably!? I think this is pretty much supported by canon) taught her wife how to fight.
She has defeated Cybermen in 13th century Japan once.
She has broken into multiple banks, stunned the people there, and just walked out the front door.
When needing to talk to Clara, she not only sent a letter with a drug candle through time, she also considered that Clara would find the candle icky and therefore laced the paper with a drug as well. (That woman probably has a drug cartel somewhere)
She once had a 48 page Christmas plan for her wife and has consulted local children for research purposes into Christmas.
Can hypnotise people and extract information out of them that way.
Is filthy rich (because she has robbed multiple banks) and has little care for money (or doesn't understand it much, which is also fair).
Has committed acts of vandalism by smearing on maps in a library and then claimed that it isn't vandalism "to an inquiring mind".
Got high on drugs when she thought her wife was dead, built a nuke, and nearly set the world aflame because what's the point anyway - immediately stopped all that the second her wife looked her in the eye.
She's part of the sweetest, most chaotic little found family in all of Doctor Who and honestly that's beautiful.
Feel free to ask for elaboration on any of these, and those were just the ones I could come up with off the top of my head XD But as you can see, she is the best, and so is her wife actually
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fallingsolonely · 2 years
Heaven & Hell
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Warning: This one-shot contains dark and sexual content.
[This is an edited version of a one-shot I wrote a few years ago, I hope you enjoy!]
Theme: Demon!Harry
Word count: 12.8k
Earth. What a magnificent paradise. Created perfectly in my father's image.
I've been reading about it for years. I've been begging for almost a millennia to visit.
Aristol, my brother and also, in his words, my 'superior' has long refused. But I'm finally getting my chance.
I finally got my first assignment on Earth.
Aristol is furious about it, I know he's been going behind my back to Mariella and telling her that 'I'm just a child and can't handle a place like Earth, let alone go on this assignment'
He was adamant that it should be him.
1. I am not a child. I'm not much younger than Aristol as much as he likes to claim.
2. I have proven myself, I've done all my studies and I have trained for this my entire life.
As stunning as Earth is, I am well aware of the way it has been corrupted.
But where there is a storm, a rainbow is not far behind.
I've been on Earth for almost two weeks now. Europe. I've only seen maps, to be here is surreal.
To see how my father's creation has grown into what it is, it's amazing.
Humans are fascinating to me.
I'm not meant to interact much, but I can't help it.
Especially my assignment. A beautiful little boy by the name of Isaac.
A prophecy that came to the angels attention exactly 12 years ago, the day he was born.
I like to look at Mariella as a mother figure. She believes in me, pushes me to be strong.
Shes our link, almost like what humans would call a telephone.
She speaks directly with our father and 12 years ago, we received a message about a little boy with astounding power.
For the first 11 years of his life, he would be protected from the most awful parts of the world and the creatures who surround it. But, when he reaches 12, his presence would officially take hold and all creatures would become aware of him.
Which is incredibly dangerous.
That's where I come in. Angels have been preparing for this little boys 12th birthday for a long time and we have put as much protection on him as we can.
I've been assigned to watch over him.
I was strictly told not to interact with him. Just watch.
On my first day of observing him, he knew it.
He touched my hand and the first thing he asked me was if I wanted to get icecream with him.
It's almost like he knew. Treating me like he's known me his whole life.
I've never tried food of any kind before, but it's amazing.
Icecream, it's sweet and cold and comes in so many different flavors I feel dizzy when I have to choose.
For the last two weeks I've been meeting Isaac at the Icecream truck in the park near his house.
Power radiated off of this little boy and he seemed to have no clue about it. But I can see it in the way he talks, he's smart. He's intuitive and extremely wise for only being alive for a mere 12 years.
After trying icecream, I went and tried all the food I could. It's so amazing to me the things humans have created. I think my favourite is coffee.
It makes my body tingle in the strangest way.
So now, every day before I meet up with Isaac, I stop in this quiet little coffee shop.
I love watching them go about their day, humans.
I'm so grateful to the lady named Eileen who makes me a different kind of coffee every time I come in.
She's so sweet.
I don't understand Aristol's hatred towards them. The way he talks about them, like every single human is corrupt.
But it's not true. Not in the slightest.
Life, is beautiful.
"You're practically one of them" I jump slightly, looking up from the paper I am reading.
"I told Mariella you were to young and stupid for this assignment" He shakes his head, looking me up and down.
"You better start acting like an angel before someone snuffs you out"
Hes bitter about being pushed to the side.
"I think I blend in better like this" I smile at my brother and sip my coffee.
"I've been doing well, watching over Isaac. He's safe" He looks at me with disgust as I drink the coffee.
"We'll see"
With that, he's gone.
How Aristol doesn't see the beauty of our fathers world, is crazy to me. It's beyond incredible.
I walk along the path towards the park and to my surprise, I see Isaac.
I only see the back of his head, but he's sitting next to someone.
Hastily, I make my way over to them.
"(Y/N)!" Isaac smiles widely when I come up to them. Next to him is an unfamiliar man in a black suit.
"I made another friend" He's so happy about it. Smiling ear to ear with an icecream in his hand.
"Isaac, you should be more careful" I say it softly to him, but I can feel myself becoming more protective.
"Don't worry, pretty thing, I'm not going to hurt him"
I watch as Isaac goes to touch the man's hand, but before he can, the mystery man stands to his feet.
Already, the energy feels strange.
He stands tall, looking over me.
"Just keeping him company" The man smiles at me, scanning me with bright green eyes. In his hand, he has an icecream. As he looks over me, I watch as he licks the vanilla flavored cone.
"Enjoying this sweet little dessert" His smile turns into a smirk.
"He found me like you, (YN)" Isaac says, still smiling. Excited to be making friends.
"(Y/N), what a beautifully angelic name" He turns away from me and looks down at Isaac.
"I'll be seeing you soon, young man" He bends down to Isaac's height and smiles.
Then, he stands back up and looks at me while licking his cone. He stares me down for a moment before turning and walking away.
I can't help but feel weary as I watch him leave.
I turn to Isaac and then kneel in front of him.
I place my hand on his cheek and smile.
"I need you to be careful, Isaac" I say seriously.
"I don't want anything bad happening to you, you're special" He hugs me tightly.
"I'm sorry if I worried you, (Y/N). I'll be careful" I hug him tighter and then pull back.
"Whenever you meet someone who wants to be friends with you, I want you to touch their hand" I take his hand and hold it tightly. I know he can feel my energy through touch.
It's an ability he's unaware of even possessing.
"Okay" He agrees, holding one of my hands with both of his.
I'm still worried.
The appearance of the strange man is still haunting me. Something about him isn't right. Luckily, Isaac's house is a safe haven. Enchanted by sigils meant for protection. Not even Angels can enter through it.
But to be sure, I don't stray far from his home.
The sun has set and the city is quiet.
Sleep, a source of energy humans need. I don't quite understand it, but Isaac loves to tell me about it. About the dreams he has.
Visions of someone protecting him.
Visions of shadows that he calls nightmares.
I don't like hearing about those ones, I'd do anything to make them go away.
Emotions are something all creatures feel, including angels. It's something we have to learn to control, I'm still in the learning bit.
Aristol tried to use it as an excuse for why I was unfit for this position.
At the moment, fear is swirling through me. I've never encountered the creatures that were rumored to roam the Earth.
But as I make my way around Isaac's neighbourhood, I can feel the piercing sting of someone's eyes. Like I'm being followed.
Isaac's house is on the other street, I should find a place closer to settle for the night.
Usually, I'll explore in the hours of darkness. But tonight, I'm scared.
I peak down an alley. A shortcut.
My instinct is to teleport but I don't want unwanted attention and I can already feel eyes on me.
I step into the alley. It's not super long, thankfully and in the darkness of it I feel a little safer teleporting.
I go to close my eyes, to bring myself to Isaac's street but before I get the chance, a hand clamps down over my mouth.
"Make a sound, I clip those pretty wings"
The voice whispers in my ear.
"You try anything, that precious boy is good as dead" He warned.
My first thought is to tear him away with whatever power I can, but then he mentions Isaac.
An innocent little boy.
I stop struggling against his hold on me and suddenly everything is black.
He pulled something over my head, blinding me from seeing who he is and where he takes me.
Instantly I know he's not a creature of Earth when we teleport. Not long after, I'm pushed into a chair and cuffs are tied around my wrists against the arms of the chair.
"If you're a good girl for me, perhaps I'll takes these off. Just a little precaution for my sake" He whispers, pulling away the fabric that he had put over my head.
I open my eyes and I'm met with green.
The same green eyes I had met with Isaac in the park.
Instinct takes over me and I try to get myself loose.
But my power is gone. I look down at the straps on my wrist. Each one scribed with a dark power binding sigil.
I'm trapped.
When he chuckles, I look up at him.
"No use trying with those on, love" He smiles at me.
"W-What are you doing?" I can't help it. I'm terrified.
"A little birdie told me an angel was coming to town" I look over him, he's dressed in all black, all the way down to his shoes.
"Expected more of a fight from you, angel. Never seen one give up on a fight so easily" He kneels down in front of me, our eyes level.
In a flash, I watch as each little vein in his eyes grow dark until they are black.
A demon.
Children of my fallen brother, Lucifer.
I've never met one. I never wanted to meet one. They were soulless and wicked.
"Is this your first time meeting a demon, sweetheart?" He stands up to his feet, smoothing out the suit jacket he's wearing.
The smile on his face is sickening.
"What do you want?" I want to be confident, stand my ground but my voice is quiet.
I'm so afraid.
I don't know what to do. I'm stuck.
"I'd love nothing more than to suck the sweet little soul out of your body" His smile is unwavering, his thumb running over his bottom lip as he stares at me.
"I can only imagine how it tastes-" He leans over me, biting his lip.
"So tempting, I can practically smell it" I try to push myself away from him, his hand coming up to my cheek.
His fingers are warm, burning my skin but I shiver at the feeling.
He leans down closer to me, closing his eyes and taking a breath.
"Sweet like icecream" When his eyes open again, I watch the black recede. They are green again.
"Look at you, so afraid of me. It's intoxicating" His fingers trace my jaw and then he steps away.
"So fragile" He chuckles some more.
"I'm sorry, darling. It's just amusing to me that out of all the assholes they could have sent, they sent down....you" He laughs even more.
"Sounds like a set up to me, darling. Do you really think you can protect something that everyone is looking for?" He's smiling, mocking me.
It makes me angry. I'm not weak.
I struggle against the restraints, but nothing. Not even a sliver of power.
"We know he's hidden in the area you were lurking" He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a blade. He looks it over and then back at me.
"We want the same thing, angel" His smirk makes my stomach turn.
"To see that little boy take on the world. Or more favorably, take out the world" He takes a step towards me again, twirling the blade in his hand.
"You just have to tell me his exact location" I close my eyes tightly when he begins to point the blade towards me.
"I'd hate to ruin this beautiful face" I take a deep breath when I feel the tip of the blade on my cheek.
Delicately, he moves it over my skin.
He pulls it back and I open my eyes. It's still pointed at me.
I look up at him.
"Please..." I can't do this. I can't tell him where Isaac is. I'd die to protect him.
"Please" He mocks me, rolling his eyes.
"So many things I want to do with this" He smirks and looks at the blade.
"Perhaps in another meeting, angel girl" He brings the knife down and cuts the straps binding my wrists.
"I know you aren't going to try anything, so obedient" He hums and brings his free hand up to my face. Before he can touch me, I think about breaking his hand and it does.
My power is back.
His face twists in pain for just a second before he snaps it back into place.
He glares at me, his eyes black again. He grabs me roughly, pulling me out of the chair and then grabbing my throat.
In an instant, I'm shoved against the wall.
"Try that again, I dare you" He squeezes so hard I struggle to breathe.
I want to kill him. But I can't. It will just put Isaac into more danger.
"Killing you would bring me so much joy, but no answers" He loosens his grip but his hand is still locked around my throat.
"So how about this, if you don't tell me where he is, I kill everyone on the entire block instead?" I glance around the dimly lit room. It's small. The only thing in it is the chair I was strapped to.
"Why do you want him?" You know the answer already. He's powerful.
Power is the only thing these creatures care about.
"To many questions, darling and not enough answers" I can see him getting frustrated.
"What's your name?" I reach out my hand to touch him and when I do, he drops his hand from my throat and backs away from me. He's visibly angry. The knife in his other hand is clenched in his fist.
"Tell me where he is or when I find him, I'll cut his heart out" He snapped, raising the blade at me again.
"Please, don't hurt him. I'll do anything. Just please, don't kill him" I'm desperate, I beg with the soulless man and look into his darkened eyes.
"Kill me instead, don't hurt him" His demeanor changes just slightly.
"Every angel I've met, I've never met one like you" His knife is still pointed at me, but his voice is calmer.
"So, emotional" He steps towards me again.
"My guess, you don't even know what the child is" He comes so close to me, I hold my breath.
He brings the blade up again, pushing my hair away from my face. He smiles a bit and then takes the knife away, putting it back into his jacket.
"But maybe we could think of something" He leans in even closer to me, bringing his lips to my ear.
"You'll do anything?" He pulls back to look at me, his eyes now back to green. He bites his lip.
I nod quickly, completely unaware of what's going on in his mind.
I will die to protect Isaac and if death is my fate, I will accept it.
"What is this little angel willing to give up?" He wonders, his hand coming up to my face. His finger running along my bottom lip.
I want to bite it right off, but I know it won't end well so I refrain.
"Anything, just promise me you won't hurt him"
I go to reach out to him but he grabs both my wrists and pins them against the wall.
"Sorry, angel. Demons don't make promises" He leans close to my face.
"You're just going to have to trust me, can you do that, baby?"
I know I can't. I can't trust something like him.
Hes vile and nothing good will come out of trusting him.
But what choice do I have here?
I look at him and then nod a little bit, his smirk becoming more wicked.
"What a good girl" He placed his hand on my cheek and stroked it gently.
It burns my skin like his fingers are laced with poison. But the rings on his fingers send shivers up my spine.
"Tell me, honey, just how innocent are you?" His voice is quiet and menacing.
I didn't know what he meant.
"Never got this pretty white dress dirty before?" I look at him, confused. It seemed to edge him on even more. Like he enjoyed it.
I shake my head at his question, why would I get myself all dirty?
Heaven is clean, pristine.
I miss it. Heaven is safe and pure.
"Angels, all work and no play" He leans in so close, his cheek is almost touching mine. His lips are by my ear.
"What do you do for fun, darling?" His breath is warm and I can almost feel the stubble from his face.
"I-I don't know"
Hes so close to me I feel like I'm suffocating. His scent is overwhelming.
"Would you like to know what I do?" He takes a breath, his lips touching my skin for just a split second before he steps back from me.
The blade he had put away, he takes out again.
I can't begin to imagine what a demon would do for fun.
I don't want to know.
"It depends on how I'm feeling that day, honestly"
This is it. He's going to kill me.
"Carving is fun" He brings the dull part of the blade to my cheek and out lines my jaw.
"I would have so much fun carving you-" He licks his lip.
"But that's not the fun I'm in the mood for tonight" He continues to trail the blade down my neck. I watch him.
"Call me crazy, angel. But I like you. So different from your waste of space siblings" He knicks my flesh with the blade, making me wince.
It only takes a moment before the wound heals it self.
"It just brings me so much pleasure seeing the fear in your eyes" He glances up at me.
Finally, he pulls the knife away. He puts it back into his jacket.
"Would you like to have some fun with me, baby? I'd say it's the better option"
I look away from him, still not knowing what he wants from me. What could he possibly want to do with me?
"W-What do you want to do?" I stutter on my words, avoiding his stare.
"Been with many things in my lifetime, never an angel" He smiles. But I'm still so confused.
I can't figure it out. I don't know if I want to.
"So clueless" He laughs and grabs my chin, making me look at him.
"So innocent, it makes me sick" He looks right into my eyes, holding onto my face tightly.
"Kind of hot" He glances down, looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
"Please, just tell me what you want" I plead with him. I'm done with his twisted games, I feel like I'm going crazy.
I have no idea what is happening.
"I want you, pretty angel. I want to taste these sweet looking lips" His thumb outlines my mouth.
"I bet they taste just as good as your soul would" He licks his lip again.
I go through the library of books in my mind, suddenly putting together what he desires.
"Copulation?" I look at him, not any less confused.
But fear rises in my stomach.
Copulation is apart of the human experience on Earth, meant for procreation. Angels can't procreate.
Even in my human form, procreating is impossible.
I've read about it, I've studied everything about the human species. I know pleasure is something humans crave and Copulation is supposed to be a joyful experience.
I know it is, it brings new life. It's amazing.
But angels are forbidden from participating in such an act. It wasn't meant for us, it's not something we crave.
I've never even thought about something like that.
For angels, it's immoral.
"So technical" He chuckles quietly.
"Have you ever felt pleasure, my darling angel?" He asks, his fingers replace the blade. They trace my skin and take the same route down along my jaw.
I can't even think about it.
There's whispers of angels who have strayed, they were never seen again.
I quickly shake my head.
"I can't. It's not meant for us" I whisper, looking at him.
"You're missing out, pretty thing" He looks at me for a moment and then backs away from me.
"Pleasure is not a sin. Why would your stupid father create something only to pick and choose who gets to enjoy themselves?" He runs his hand through his hair and smiles at me.
"W-Why do you want to do that with me?"
I look him over, he's tall. Intimidating.
"So perfect, I want ruin you" He bites his lip and stares me down.
I'd die to protect Isaac. I'd do anything.
"You won't hurt Isaac?" I ask, meeting his stare that I had tried avoiding.
He smirks.
Fear completely sinks in. If I were to be caught doing something like this, especially with a demon, I'd loose my wings.
"I just want to make you feel good, there's nothing sinful about that" His green eyes are sparkling as he looks at me.
"Why? Why haven't you just killed me?"
It's so unclear, it would be much easier for him to just get rid of me.
"Most angels I come across, usually do have that fate. Hate those arrogant fuckers" He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
"But you, my darling, are different. Sweet little thing, innocent" He came towards me, sliding his hands up my arms.
"They all act so pure, but you should know darling, that some of your siblings are just as bad as us" He blinked, his eyes appearing black again. He brings a hand to my throat.
I take a deep breath, looking at him.
"Hm, but not you, princess" He pulls me closer, his grip getting tighter.
"You truly don't want to hurt anyone. It must be awful-" He laughs.
"Hurting people is so much fun" He squeezes hard and then let's go of me.
"So, untouched. Just the thought of putting my cock in you drives me crazy"
His words make me flinch.
Being on Earth, I've heard some of the language they use. Some words, are extremely inappropriate.
"But, I am not the type to force pleasure onto someone. I don't need to, creatures of all kinds love to throw themselves at me. I'm like, God to them" I get angry, disgusted with way he threw around my father's name.
I try to hide it, knowing he's trying to get a reaction out of me.
"What do you say, my angel? Do you want to experience pleasure you've never dreamed of?" He asks, his smile wide.
"What's your name?" I ask, my voice soft.
I vowed to die for Isaac. I will protect him no matter the cost.
"Why does it matter?" He crosses his arms.
Hes right. I don't want to hurt anyone, or anything. Not even the darkest ones. I just want to help and protect.
Most demons, were once human. If I could find that part of him, maybe this will be easier.
"Please?" I whisper, reaching up to place my hand on his cheek. His jaw clenches and he shoves my hand away from him.
"It's only fair, you know mine" I say quietly, looking up at him.
His eyes are far from innocent.
"Harry" He looks at me, his hardened state softening slightly.
"Harry..." I repeat his name under my breath. Looking down at my feet.
I wonder if that it's the name he had before he became lost.
"Isaac will be safe?" I look back up at him, his eyes now green again. I prefer the green so much more. It makes him look human.
"Perhaps" He nods just a bit.
But, he won't confirm it. He won't promise me.
Trust is the only thing I can do.
How do I trust a demon?
"You won't hurt me?" I look at my hands, they are shaking a little.
I've never even thought of doing something like this.
"So many things I want to do to you pretty girl, hurting you is not one of them. At least, for the moment. I've got other plans for you" He grabs my face and makes me look at him.
"Can't lie to you, angel. Killing you and bringing your pure little soul to hell is a dream I will be having later" He strokes my cheek.
"Maybe another day" His smirk is sinful. My breathing picks up, thinking about it. Going to hell.
"If you'd rather leave, there's the door" He backs away from me again. Giving me space.
I glance at the door. I think about teleporting away but I think of Isaac.
My mind races when I feel a pit in my stomach. Not of fear, but curiosity.
What is it about pleasure that everyone seems to desire?
"Reading people is a talent of mine, darling. I can see those pretty eyes swimming. Is this little angel feeling a sense of curiosity?"
I want to say no to him. But I can't because he's right.
My stomach turns.
I shake my head, trying to push away the feeling.
"I'm doing this to protect Isaac" I whisper, more to myself than him.
I hate it, I hate the feeling inside of me. I don't want to be curious about anything.
Never once, in my millenia have I thought about unnatural desires.
"Isn't lying a sin?" He's mocking me, I can see it.
Nothing has happened and already I feel disgraced as an angel. Thoughts I shouldn't be having are creeping into my mind and I don't know what to do.
"I-I'm not lying" I try to stand my ground, but my brain is crumbling. In his eyes, I can see the joy. I see how much he loves watching me have a moral crisis.
"Can you feel it, angel? The heat starting to burn between those cute little thighs?" He wonders, his hand sliding into my hair and pulling my face close to his.
At the mention of it, I instinctively tighten my legs together. I don't know what it is, this feeling. I don't want to feel it but I can't help it.
With each inch that he moves closer, it burns even more.
"Come on, I have a place a little more comfortable" He brushes my lips with his own, and my stomach flutters.
"Although, bending you over that chair and fucking your brains out would be very fun"
My whole body burns at his incredibly dirty words.
He smiles and grabs my hand.
In a flash, we appear in a bigger room. Against the wall is a cleanly made bed.
"Where are we?" I ask, looking around the room. The window is boarded up, preventing me from looking outside.
"Don't worry about it, darling" He says, a devilish smirk on his face.
He reaches next to my head, flicking the light on.
I try not think about the fact we could be in someone's house, what may have happened to them.
"You're so tiny" He chuckles and pushes me against the wall.
"So fucking pretty" His fingers run along my face, stopping at my lips for a brief moment before he continues down my neck.
I'm nervous, my knees feeling weak.
I'm about to throw away every rule an angel has.
But my stomach tingles when I think about his lips brushing mine.
Desire fills my consciousness and I'm scared.
I want him to do it again.
"Nervous?" He asked, pushing some of my hair behind my ear and then cupping my cheek.
He leans in, lightly pressing his lips to mine again.
The sensation of it makes me want to pull him closer.
I pull back from him, looking into his eyes.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
"I-I don't know what to do" I whisper, shyly glancing at his lips and then back at him. He smiles.
"How about-" He's so close to me, I'm getting dizzy.
"You kiss me, pretty girl?"
Our lips were almost touching. I've never been this close to someone in my entire life time.
Hesitantly, I copy him and place a hand on his cheek. Hoping he doesn't push me away again.
I look at his lips and then his eyes. I lean up towards him and close the small gap between our lips.
It lights my body up in a way I can't describe. I still haven't got a clue to what I'm doing but I try to follow his lead. I move my lips with his and I wonder if what I'm feeling is pleasure.
It doesn't feel bad. It doesn't hurt. It just makes me weak.
His hand moves slowly down my body until he reaches my thigh. He lifts it up against his hip, pulling me off the ground.
"Lift your other leg for me, baby" He mumbles and I listen to him, lifting up my other leg.
Roughly, he pushes his mouth against mine. One of his hands is holding my leg and the other slides to the back of my neck.
I find myself wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The taste of him sweeter than anything I've ever tried.
He pushes his tongue into my mouth, his grip on me getting tighter with every moment.
I can't do anything about it, but an unfamiliar sound vibrates through me.
His tongue is even sweeter than his lips and I hate it. I hate how good it feels.
I can't understand why I'm feeling like this, how can something so dark make me feel so alive?
My body betrays my mind, it's craving. Desired to be touched, to soothe the ache between my legs.
My toes curl when he slides his hand under the fabric of my dress, pushing it up higher than it already is.
"I bet that cunt tastes like heaven" He pulled his lips back from me, and all I want to do is bring him back. He kisses down my neck, his prickly stubble tickling my skin.
I can't help but giggle at the feeling of it.
He pulls back to look at me.
"What are you giggling about?" He has an amused expression on his face.
My face heats up and I look away from him.
I still don't know what I'm doing.
"It tickles" I whisper and he smiles a little bit.
"Does it feel good?" He leaned back in towards my neck, kissing along my skin.
I don't want to admit it to him. I don't want him to think he's winning, but he is.
It feels amazing.
"Y-Yes" I breathe deeply, leaning my head back against the wall.
His lips continue to kiss on my skin, his other hand drawing circles on my thigh.
"Such soft skin, angel. So clean and perfect" He breathes slowly, it travels down my spine and makes me shiver.
I gasp, his teeth sinking hard into my skin. It stings but something about it makes me ache even more.
"Oh...." I grab his shoulders. My body weakening even more when he begins to suck. I bite my lip, stopping myself from letting out another noise.
It's embarrassing, the things my body is doing in response to this. I don't know how to stop it.
I don't know if I want it to stop.
"It's quite annoying that I can't leave any marks on this stunning body"
I smile a bit at that, a mini victory. It's funny that's he annoyed by how fast my body regenerates.
"You think it's funny?" I open my eyes when his teeth sink into my bottom lip.
He growls, definitely annoyed.
He leans back from me slightly and with his hand that was in my hair, he brings it to his jacket.
I think for a second that he's grabbing the blade again, but instead he pulls out a bottle.
Instantly I smell it, grimacing slightly.
Holy oil.
But there's nothing holy about it. It's a weapon used against angels. It's one of the only things that can burn our skin.
It's not permanent, but it takes much longer to heal from it.
"I wonder what would happen if I put some of this on my lips?" My eyes widen at his suggestion and he smirks.
"I like to leave my mark, darling. Have to make you remember me somehow" I watch as he opens the flask and brings it to his mouth, coating his lips and tongue. He shoves the flask back into his jacket and leans towards me.
I try to lean back from him but the wall stops me.
Just barely his lips brush over my jaw, the oil stinging my skin. I run my hands into his hair and grip it tightly, trying to pull him back.
"Harry!" I cry out when his teeth clamp down on my neck again.
This time, it burns.
The oil coating his mouth burns my flesh and I yank on his hair, trying to pull him back.
It's so unfamiliar, holy oil burns. It hurts, it's not pleasant.
But I feel pleasure and I can't comprehend how he makes it feel like this.
"Hm, that's better" He whispers in my ear, his lips coming back to mine.
Most of the oil had dissipated from his mouth, but there was a trace left.
I can feel the little needles of it against my lips.
But when he kisses me, I kiss him back eagerly. Ignoring the slight burn of it. He still tastes so good.
I'm horrified by the pleasure in my body.
I shouldn't have enjoyed it, but the feeling of his lips mixed with the burning did something to me that I can't explain.
"Would love to leave some marks all over this body, baby" He leans back into my neck, his tongue licking over the burn he created.
I fight against the sound that bubbles in my throat, still in disbelief that my body is twisting in pleasure.
My legs tighten against him, I desperately wanted to close them.
There was an ache, pulsing between my legs that I can't control. His hand that rested on my thigh made it even worse. He pushes my dress up higher and his hand comes down to my other thigh. His eyes still locked on me.
"You can't hide your desire from me, (Y/N). Those pretty little moans tell me exactly what you're feeling" He brushes my lips, his hands moving towards my inner thighs.
My breathing picks up and I look down at his hands.
My dress is pushed as far as it can go, and I know he can see my under garments.
It makes my face warm up, because he can feel the heat that's coming from them.
"Maybe I'll leave some marks on these thighs" He squeezes his hands, his lips kissing down my throat and towards my collarbone.
This time, I'm unable to keep the sound from coming out.
It's the thought of what it might feel like, his lips between my thighs coated in oil. It stings, but he makes it feel so good.
I don't know why I enjoy it. I can't even begin to think about how I'm enjoying any of this.
"You like that sound of that, baby?" He pulls back and smirks.
I shake my head, I don't want to admit it.
"Remember, angel, lying is a sin" He chuckled and moved his hands higher on the inner parts of my legs.
"You don't see me lying to you" He grabs my face with one of his hands.
"I'm going to bring you over to that bed and fuck that sweet little innocence out of you" He forces me to look at him while he says it. I bring my hands to my face, hiding from him.
I couldn't help but think about it, trying to imagine what it would possibly feel like.
"Now tell me, sweetheart, do you want me to touch you?" He rubs my thigh gently and smiles at me.
"Soothe the ache I know you're feeling" He chuckles a little bit, but I'm still covering my face. It's so warm, I feel embarrassed.
"Trying so hard to hide it from me.." He grabs my wrists and pulls them away from my face.
"Am I right, angel?"
I can't explain the emotions he's making me feel. I feel weak at how easily he sucked me into temptation but I wanted more of him.
Angels are strong, but how can I even call myself that?
I didn't put up a fight. I gave into him so quickly.
I am weak.
I pull my hands from his and bring them to his face. His skin is warm, despite his nature.
I haven't gotten the chance to really look him over. I bring my thumb to his lips, copying what he had done to me. I trace his lips, my eyes trained on them.
I can feel his stare, watching me intently.
I don't say anything to him, my voice is caught in my throat. Instead, I gently pull him to my lips. For just a moment, it's almost soft.
But quickly, he pushes his tongue into my mouth but I don't mind. It tastes sweet, like a candy.
"My little angel, you might want to ask your father to look away because I'm about to do some very bad things to you" He whispers against my lips.
He pulls us both away from the wall and grabs my hips, planting my feet back on the ground.
"So, modest" He hums and looks me up and down. I look down at what I'm wearing. A simple white dress that reached my knees. I think it's pretty. I've always loved white.
He tightens his grip on my waist and backs up until his legs reach the end of the bed. He sits on the edge of it, making us eye level to eachother.
"How about we take this off?" He slides his hands from waist up to the back of my dress.
I bite my lip, nodding at him a little.
Angels, when on earth, have a human form. It helps us blend in. It also helps us understand humans more. We don't have to worry about trivial things like sleeping, or going to the bathroom but our bodies function pretty similarly. Of course, Angels human form is much stronger than a regular human.
Harry's eyes don't leave me for a second. Hardly blinking as he pulls the zipper of my dress all the way down.
I take a deep breath. Becoming more nervous.
I've never been undressed in my life.
He slips his hand under the fabric and runs his hand up my back.
Hes so warm.
He pulls on the fabric until it falls to my ankles and suddenly I'm bare. The only thing covering me is my white under garment.
I quickly cover my chest, scared.
Hes not rough about it, but he grabs my arms and pulls them away, putting them at my sides.
"Don't be shy with me, angel. I think your body is delicious" He spreads his legs and pulls me between them. He brings his hands to the back of thighs and rubs them gently.
"So perfectly made" He bites his lip, his hands sliding higher.
I gasp when he slaps me and he laughs, his hands squeezing my behind.
"Something tells me you'd love to be bent over and whipped. I know I'd love to" He squeezes harder and I wish I could find an explanation for why it makes my body tingle so much. Not just his touch, but his words are making the heat between my legs burn.
He leans forward, his lips connecting to my skin just above my breasts. I run my hands up into his hair, lightly pulling at it.
"Been with many in my lifetime, none compare to you, angel" He squeezes the back of my thighs.
"Softest skin I've ever had the pleasure of touching" He continues with his lips on my skin, lightly biting down.
"I can only fucking imagine what it's going to feel like burying my cock in you" My legs stiffen at his words, trying to stop myself from feeling whatever it is that's raging through my stomach.
"You like it when I talk dirty to you, baby?" He pulls back and smirks at me.
"I-" I stumble on my words, trying to convince him that I don't. But my body doesn't agree. Every word, every touch makes me ache for more.
His smirk gets more wicked at my lack of words.
With a quick movement, he lifts one of my legs up onto the bed next to him, I grab his shoulders to keep myself from falling.
This position makes me feel much more vulnerable to him.
"Do you even notice how soaked you are, angel?" He laughs to himself, running his hand up my ankle until he reaches my knee.
He slows down a bit, tip toeing his fingers along my inner thigh.
He brings just the tip of his finger between my legs, pressing against where I had been dying for him touch.
"Can't wait to taste this perfect little cunt"
Just the small amount of pressure makes me buckle and I feel like I'm going to fall over. I go to pull my foot off the bed but he grabs my ankle and stops me.
"Nuh uh, honey. You're keeping your leg up for me" He warned.
"Or, I can tie you down onto the bed and have some fun with this" He pats the pocket of his jacket, referring to the oil.
My grip tightens on him.
He's hardly touched me and my body feels overwhelmed.
There's so many unfamiliar feelings swirling through me.
"Harry" I whine his name, looking at him and his sinful smirk.
"I don't play games, sweetheart. You listen to me, or you suffer the consequences" He slides his hand back up my leg, his fingers returning between my thighs.
"So sensitive, angel" He does it again, gently running his finger along me.
Instead of just once, he goes back and forth.
My leg wobbles and I try very hard to keep myself from ripping away from him.
It feels so good, I don't know how to handle it.
"Just wait until it's my tongue playing with this cute little clit" He pushes down harder and it takes all my strength to keep from falling over.
"Bet I could make you come without even taking these off"
I don't like the noises my body is making but I can't help it, I don't know how else to respond to how he's making me feel.
"Noisy little thing" He chuckles and pulls his hand away, pushing my foot off the bed and letting me plant it on the ground.
"Hm, can't get over these pretty legs" He traces his finger tips up and down the back of my thighs.
He brings his hands to my hips and hooks his fingers into my underwear.
He glances to my eyes and then begins to pull them down until they fall to my ankles.
I'm completely exposed to him now. I get nervous and close my legs tightly, trying to hide myself from him.
He stands up off the bed, suddenly much more intimidating.
"So, shy" He brings his hand to my cheek and strokes it for a moment.
"Be a good girl for me-" He taps my nose.
"Lay on the bed" He steps to the side and crosses his arms, watching me.
I listen to him and get onto the bed, laying my head on the pillows. He's still fully clothed, it feels unfair.
He stares at me for a moment before following my path and climbing onto the bed.
"Spread your legs, baby"
At the moment, they are closed tightly.
I look up at the ceiling, away from his intense eyes.
Slowly, I open them. I take a deep breath and shiver when I feel his hands on my legs.
"Such a delightful sight, angel"
I get the courage to look down at him, he's on his knees between my calfs. His hands delicately tracing my skin.
"I bet this sweet looking pussy is begging to played with" His touch is so, gentle. It's making me want more.
I can't even begin to imagine what his tongue would feel like between my legs.
I feel dirty just thinking about it.
I watch him lay down, lifting my thighs onto his shoulders.
I feel so vulnerable. I'm so nervous but I want him to touch me. My body is begging for it.
His eyes are locked on mine, his lips and teeth connecting to my thigh and making my toes curl. I don't know what to do with myself.
I shyly bring my hands down to his hair, the feeling of it soothing my nerves. I like the way his hair feels in my hands.
Without thinking, I pull on it, attempting to pull him closer between my legs.
Desperation is what I'm feeling.
He notices it right away. His eyes instantly looking up at me again.
"Is it starting to hurt, baby? Aching so bad, dripping down your thighs" I shuffle my legs, ignoring him.
I don't want him to be right. But he is, I need it.
"If you want something from me, angel-" He sinks his teeth into my flesh for a moment and then smiles.
"You've got to ask for it" He says, his face turning serious. I kick my legs in frustration, I don't want to ask him. I barely understand what's happening to me. I can't believe a demon is making me feel like this.
But in my subconscious, I'm questioning it.
Why aren't we allowed to enjoy ourselves?
Why isn't this something all creatures are allowed to experience?
He laughs at me kicking my legs, roughly gripping my thighs and stopping me from moving.
"Use your words" He kisses my thigh again, his lips going higher.
It feels like I'm on fire and the only thing that's going to cool me down is his tongue.
I don't know what to say to make him give me what I want.
"Please" I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. He smiles a bit.
"Please, what?" I get more frustrated, yanking on his hair but all it did was make him smile more. I know he's enjoying it, seeing how frustrated he can get me.
I don't want to say it out loud. I don't want to admit how badly my body is begging to be felt.
"I-I don't know what to say" I whine, trying to shuffle my legs again but he's got a tight hold on me.
"Beg me to touch you, angel, and maybe I will" He sucks lightly on my thigh.
"Or I could leave some pretty marks on your thighs" He bites down harder.
More unfamiliar sounds leave my throat, his teeth in my flesh stinging just slightly but I like it. I hate it. I hate all of the thoughts running through my head. All of them about him. His dirty words on what he wants to do with me. I don't understand it, but I want to.
"Harry, please-" I take a deep, shaky breath.
"I need you to touch me" I plead with him, hating myself for giving him the satisfaction of exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Such a good girl" He whispers, kissing even higher up my inner thigh. I watch him closely, noticing his hand letting go of my thigh and coming inbetween my legs as well.
"Is this what you want? Hm?" My whole body shudders when his fingers run along me. It's already an overwhelming sensation.
"You're so wet, baby. Smell like heaven" He breathes against my flesh and I try to move my hips closer to him. He chuckles and moves his other hand that had been holding thigh, up to my stomach and locking his arm around me tightly. Preventing me from moving.
Very much unvoluntarily, I squeal when I feel his tongue and he laughs, the sound vibrating against me.
It feels so good.
His tongue moves slowly and I try hard to kick my legs because I don't know what else to do. But his grip tightens.
"Harry" I go to pulling his hair instead, but it doesn't phase him. Every little movement of his tongue makes me moan. I can't control it. I hate it.
It truly is pleasure I've never dreamed about before.
He focuses in on the most sensitive part, my vision going blurry. I cry out, yanking on his hair with all my strength and he doesn't flinch. He continues to suck on my flesh until I'm a mess. I can't even think straight.
It's almost a relief when he pulls away for moment, but something in me wants to push him back.
"Tastes like honey, angel. Can't get enough"
This time it feels like his mouth completely engulfs me and I cry out even louder.
The pleasure, is incredible.
I've never felt this before in the millennia I've been alive.
My stomach is tightening to a point that I can't handle. It's the most intense thing I've ever felt.
I try to breath but every flick of his tongue takes my breath away.
"H-Harry" I try to pull him away, an unfamiliar knot in my stomach and all I want is relief. I can hardly breathe.
"P-Please"  I whimper, feeling like I'm going to burst. He's got such a tight hold on me, I can't move. All I can do it pull on his hair and make noise.
Which he seems to love.
His mouth and tongue make me feel like I'm floating, I can't describe it.
I don't understand it, how is he doing this?
Why does it feel so good?
"W-What is happen-" My body trembles and my thighs are shaking.
I'm struggling so much but he just holds me in place and continues to torture me with his tongue.
I close my eyes tightly, my back arching off the bed as my entire body tenses, lightly shaking as he doesn't stop his rhythmic movements.
It's so intense. The unexplainable feeling rips through me and his tongue doesn't stop. Not until my body relaxes a bit, and I'm panting. I try to catch my breath but my mind is so scattered, I can't get myself to breathe regularly.
"So fucking sweet, my little angel. Could eat this delicious cunt for days" I open my eyes, watching as he takes my thighs off his shoulders and gets onto his knees.
"Soaked the sheets, darling" He chuckles and places either hand on the top of my thighs.
I'm still trying to catch my breath, at a loss for words from the experience I just had. He rubs my thighs gently and looks down at me.
"That's what happens when you feel good, baby" He's still rubbing my thighs, helping me to calm down and relax my breathing. I attempt to close my legs a little bit, embarrassed at the mess I created on the bed.
He pins them down, pushing them further apart.
"Don't close your legs, I'm not finished" He warned, a hard grip on my thighs.
He holds down one and then brings his other hand between my legs.
I flinch when his fingers trace along my inner thigh, my body is still incredibly sensitive.
"Made you come so much, baby. Taste so good" He brushes over my nerves for just a second, making my body jolt. He smiles and brings his hand to his mouth, licking his fingers.
"I bet you're so fucking tight" His hand comes between my legs again but before he can touch me I reach down with both my hands and grab his.
He laughs at me and grabs both my wrists, he leans over me and then pins them to the bed.
"What?" He leans his face closer to me.
"Is your pussy too sensitive for me to play with?" He smirks and lifts my hands above my head, pinning them both down with just one of his.
"You think it's intense now, honey?" He uses his knee to spread my legs further apart then they already are.
"Can't wait until you feel me filling you up" He holds my hands tightly and slowly traces his fingers down my body.
His hand sneaks between my legs again and I whimper.
I groan when he pinches me lightly, a jolt of pleasure shooting into my stomach. I'm so sensitive, I hate it.
"You've got such a sensitive little clit, baby. Makes me wanna suck it until you squirt" His fingers lowers slightly and he makes little circles. I struggle in his hold, moaning more.
"Harry-" I gasp when his finger sinks into me.
"So soft" He hums. I look up at him, struggling again in his grasp. It feels really good, his finger slowly sinking into me. It's a different sensation and it amazes me. How can he make me feel like this in so many different ways?
He pulls his finger back, almost all the way before roughly pushing his finger back into me.
I groan, the pleasure coming from even deeper than when he was using his tongue.
"Does it feel good, baby?" He leans down and bites my lip.
I choke on my words when I feel him pushing a second finger into me, my toes curl in response to the pressure. My breath taken away.
"I wonder how I'm going to fit my cock in this tight little cunt, angel" I don't know what to say. His dirty words, I hated them. I hate inappropriate language of any kind but for some reason, I don't want him to stop. I like the sound of his voice.
"As much as I'd love to make you come on my fingers-" He pushes his fingers in and out of me a few more times before pulling them away.
"Wait-" I quickly bite my lip, not meaning to say anything out loud. But I liked the feeling, I didn't want him to pull away.
He smirks and brings his fingers to his lips, sucking on them.
"Don't worry, angel. Not even close to being done with you" He gets off of me and then off the bed.
I sit up and watch as he unbuttons the single button holding his suit jacket. I get up as well and crawl to the edge where he is. I get on my knees and watch him pull it off and set it on the ground. I reach out and grab his hands before he can start unbuttoning the long sleeve shirt he had on.
I pull him right up against the bed, with me on my knees we are about the same height.
Part of me just wanted to admire him. His features were perfect.
His eyes were my favorite. But only the green. I didn't like it when they'd go black.
I bring my hands to the buttons and slowly begin to undo them. His eyes are watching me closely.
I can't help but smile when I get a peak of his skin. I can already see streaks of ink.
I've seen quite a few people on Earth with beautiful designs on their skin.
I undo the last button and pull the rest of the shirt from his pants.
I pull the shirt off of him and let it fall to the floor.
Without asking, or really thinking, my hand comes to the design on his stomach. I trace it and smile even more. It resembled a butterfly and I wonder what it means to him.
Is it ties to the soul he may have had at some point?
I wish I could ask him, I could look, by holding his hand but he'd know it. He'd never let me.
I admire him for a few more moments, his body is breathtaking.
"I like these" I say softly, poking his stomach.
"Thank you, angel" It's the only genuine thing I've heard him say since we met.
The tone of his voice makes my stomach flutter.
I look down at my hands, trying to ignore his eyes when my hands reach his pants.
I bite my lip and take a deep breath.
I'm so nervous at my lack of experience. I can't imagine the amount of times he's done this.
I undo the button and bite my lip harder, unzipping them and pulling them until they also fell to the floor. He steps out of them, still allowing me to take my time. Which I'm grateful for.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
My fingers trace along the edge of the final peice of clothing on him. I also trace my fingers over the designs he has on his hips.
I think any form of art is beautiful. Some angels might disagree, but I do truly love art. And the ink humans put onto their skin, is an art form for them. I think that's amazing.
"Curious little thing" I glance up at him, my face heating up. I can't help it, I've never been this close to anyone.
"Sorry" I whisper, looking down at my hands again. I take a deep breath, copying what he had done to me earlier. I hook my fingers into his underwear and begin to pull them down. I pull them down as far as I can reach in my position. He steps out of them and I quickly look up at his face. He smirks, noticing I avoid looking between his legs.
He brings his hand up my back and slides his hand into my hair.
"Give me your hand" He said, not giving me much time to respond. Instead, he reached out with his free hand and grabbed mine.
My face goes even more red when he wraps my hand around him. It's hard. I can't bring myself to look, I'm so nervous.
"Look what you do to me, angel" He grips my hair and makes me look down. His hand is still on mine, guiding it along his length. I can feel it get even harder as I touch him.
He keeps his hand on mine for just a few more seconds, before pulling it away.
"Just like that, pretty girl" I bite my lip and continue to move my hand in the motion he showed me.
"Do you know why it's hard like that, angel?" I shake my head, unable to move my eyes now. I feel like I'm in a trance.
"All because of you" He pulls my head back so I'll look at him.
"You like stroking my cock, baby?" He smirks.
"Hm, I bet this little angel would be a perfect little cum slut. So obedient" I squeeze my hand around the tip, just a little bit of liquid oozing from it.
"How about, you do me a favour, sweetheart-" He backed up a little, roughly pulling me with him and off the bed. I fall onto the ground in front of him on my knees.
"Hm, the thought of fucking your throat just makes me even harder, angel" I look up at him, the look in his eye is wicked.
"But I want to fuck you, more than I want to do anything else. So, be a good girl for me and use this sweet looking mouth to coat my cock" He smiles down at me.
"I-I don't know what to do" I say shyly, bringing my hand to wrap around him again.
So many emotions are running through me.
"Spit on it" He instructs, pulling my face closer. I grip my hand tighter around him and push myself up higher on my knees. I glance up at him, his eyes not blinking for even a moment.
I look back down, trying to block out the fear. I don't want to mess it up. I want him to feel like I did. But I don't even know if I have the capability to do it.
I collect saliva into my mouth and then listen to his instruction, spitting on him.
"Now-" Before he tells me what to do, I use my hand to spread as much of it as I can down his length.
I've seen a world of art, with naked figures from the past. I never recognized it in a sexual way, but Harry's size is much larger than a lot of the art I've seen.
It makes my stomach flutter, wondering how this is possibly going to fit inside of me.
"You're such a good girl, angel" His tone is soft and it makes my body heat up. I like his praises. He moves his hand from my hair and brings it to my cheek, brushing it gently with his finger tips.
"Open your mouth for me" He says, his fingers touching my lips.
I listen to him and open my mouth. He places his hand on top of mine and guides himself towards my lips.
I lean forward, taking in whatever I can. It's not much, almost right away I choke.
He chuckles a little bit and I meet his gaze.
"Taking a lot in me not to shove my cock as far down your throat as I can get it" The look in his eye darkens slightly.
He pushes me, but not too much, but I choke and pull myself off of him. Saliva already dripping from my mouth.
"Hm, that's enough for now. Just wanted to get a little taste" He reaches down and grabs me, lifting me to my feet.
He pushes me onto the bed, my legs hanging over the edge.
"So many fucking things I want to do to this pretty body, angel" He places his hands on my thighs and shoves them apart before sliding them underneath my thighs and lifting them from the bed.
I wiggle around, realizing I have no control over this position. My bottom half is completely lifted from the bed.
He pulls me closer to the edge and I watch as he holds me up with one hand and the other wraps around his phallus.
My stomach tightens when his tip brushes against me.
"Tell me, angel. I want to hear you say how bad you want me to bury my cock inside of you" He looks down at me, his face is serious.
"I want it, Harry" I whisper, trying to move my hips closer. His serious expression turns into a smirk.
"Ask me to fuck you, baby" He says, watching as I struggle to try and pull him closer.
"But-" He cuts me off and digs his nails harshly into my skin.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked, I look at him and nod shyly.
"Then say it" He snaps.
I've never used crude language, ever and my brain still can't understand why my body responds in pleasure to Harry's filthy words.
But I wanted him, something deep inside of me is craving to know what it's going to feel like.
"H-Harry, I-I want you to-" My face burns as I get flustered, trying to get the words out.
"I-I want you to fuck me" I'm almost in disbelief that I say it out loud. But Harry's devilish smirk grows wider.
"Such a good little angel" He hums quietly and then pushes against me.
I watch as he fixes his gaze directly into my eyes and slowly guides himself into me.
I can't describe it, how it feels. It's extremely intense.
But the way he pushes through my flesh is already making my vision go blurry.
I try to tighten my legs around him, so I can pull him closer. He stops me, roughly gripping both of my thighs.
Hes made sure he's in control.
"So soft, angel. Is this what heaven feels like?" I groan when he pulls almost out of me and then roughly drives into me while pulling me towards him at the same time.
I close my eyes, my hands holding the blanket underneath me tightly.
"Fuck" He breathes, quickly finding a pace that's making my eyes roll back. The pressure is unbelievably pleasureful. I don't know what to do with myself, I can't do anything. He has all of the power.
Every thrust of his hips gets harder and harder.
"Harry" I cry out his name, struggling in his hold. It feels so good.
Every moral I've held dear to me, is gone.
I'm finally able to catch my breath when he drops me back onto the bed, pulling out of me.
Every breath I take is shaky, my hands in fists as I try to calm myself.
"Sounds like someone enjoys getting fucked" I open my eyes and he's already starring at me.
"Hm, princess? Do like getting fucked?" I attempt to take a deep breath. I bite my lip and nod.
"Get up on the bed more" He instructs. I take another breath and then listen to him, pushing myself back onto the bed.
He followed me, grabbing me and without any effort, flips me onto my stomach.
"Now stick that pretty ass up for me, angel" Before I can respond, he grabs my hips and lifts me onto my knees. He pushes them apart, and his hands slide up my thighs until his fingers reached sensitive flesh.
My knees go weak when he rubs back and forth, I bury my face into the pillows on the bed. I grab ahold of one and hold onto it tightly.
"Harry!" I cry out his name when he pushes into me again without any warning.
"Yeah, angel? Does it feel good?" I whimper in response to him.
"Hm? I want an answer" He holds my hips tightly, thrusting into me at an overwhelming pace. I can barely breathe, let alone speak. He seemed to be getting even further inside me with this position.
I cry out when he slaps my butt, obviously getting impatient with my lack of words.
"I-It feels really good" I try to say it loud enough so he can hear me but I can't speak. My senses are completely over taken by pleasure.
"That's all I want to hear, angel. Those sweet little cries of pleasure" He slaps me again, but a bit lighter this time. It stings, but every part of it just adds to the knot forming in my stomach.
I'm a mess, if Harry wasn't holding my hips, I wouldn't be able to keep myself up.
I never understood humans who were driven by sex. Like it's a need. I never could have imagined that it would feel like this.
I feel Harry's fingers coming into my hair. He wraps it around his hand and then harshly yanks me up. I groan, feeling incredibly weak.
"Never would have thought an angel would be such a slut for cock" He wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled my head back against his shoulder.
His thrusting decreases dramatically, but he's so deep inside of me and every little movement he makes sends pleasure through to my toes.
If he gets any deeper I feel like I might burst like a balloon.
He gently bites down against my shoulder, sucking on my skin while his hand that had been wrapped around my stomach, starts to lower.
I whine, knowing exactly what he's about to do and with both hands I grab his arm. I'm so sensitive, if he touches me, I definitely will burst from everything I'm feeling.
"Harry" I beg, trying to pull his hand away but he doesn't budge.
"You can handle it, angel" He whispers in my ear, his fingers once again touching me. But with him buried in me, the pleasure is immense.
"Harry, I-I can't" I whimper more, my nails clawing at his arm to try and pull him away.
I already feel so weak, I don't know how much more my body can take.
He ignored my weak little crys and moved his fingers in quick circles.
The knot in my stomach is so much tighter than when he used his tongue on me.
He rocked me against him and with that bit of movement, I can feel my body tensing.
"Nuh, uh, baby. You aren't coming yet" He pushed me off of him, pulling his hand away and out of me. I fall onto the bed and before I can do anything, he grabs me and turns me over.
He pushes my legs apart and gets on top of me.
He places a hand next to my head to hold himself up. Shyly, I reach my hands out to his face. I touch his cheeks for a moment before sliding my hands to his shoulders. He's so broad. I get distracted by the birds on his chest, tracing them each individually. I can't help but smile, they are very nice.
I glance up at him and bite my lip.
"Sorry, I just like these a lot" I whisper. He lifts my leg up against his hip and then leans down close to me. It's something I realize that I really like doing. I like kissing him.
I lift my other leg up against him, my hands coming back to hair and pulling him closer to me, connecting our lips.
He pulled back after a moment and with his free hand, brought it down my chest.
I jump a little when a shock of pleasure runs through me, his fingers lightly pulling on my nipple. He lowers his hand down and I watch as he wraps his hand around himself. He strokes along his length and then rubs the tip against me.
"Can't wait to fill with my cum, angel" He drives into me hard, my back arching from the bed at the feeling. My nails digging into the back of his neck.
Out of the positions he's had me in, I liked this one the best. He's warm.
He isn't gentle, but I enjoyed our closeness.
"Such a pretty little angel, now my own little slut" He whispered, leaning close to me again and brushing my lips. He doesn't kiss me, instead he moves his lips down my jaw.
I pull on his hair, moaning. I look between our bodies, watching as he pulls out just to plunge back into me.
I gently pull his hair again, guiding his lips back up to mine. I wanted to taste them again. I hold onto his cheeks, both of our moans being muffled by our kiss.
It's much messier, our tongues swirling together and making the pleasure even stronger. I hold him against my lips, refusing to let him pull them away from me.
He let's me do it for just a little longer before roughly grabbing my arms and pinning them to the bed.
He bites my lip before moving to my neck again.
He begins to quicken his pace again, sending me down a spiral of pleasure I could never imagine. Every second of it is...bliss.
I don't have to think, I just take in every feeling of it and it's incredible.
"You feel that, angel? Those little walls of your clenching against my cock?" He groans against my neck, teeth sinking into my neck.
He sucks on my skin again, before moving his lips up to my ear.
"Softest cunt I've ever fucked" He whispers before pushing himself up onto his knees and grabbing my hips.
My mind goes numb when he drives into me harder than he has all night. I'm crying in pleasure, my hands grabbing at his hands again.
It's so extreme, pleasure consuming every fibre of my being.
"Harry" I moan, the familiar feeling of my body tensing up.
"Is this sweet little angel about to come all over my cock?" His thrusts become more sloppy, but my mind is somewhere else.
I've never felt like this before.
It's pure bliss and I can't comprehend it.
It rips through me like tidal waves and I cry out his name repetitively as it washes over me.
"Fuck, fuck, angel" He swears under his breath, pushing himself as deep into me as he could possibly get and holding my hips tight. He doesn't pull out this time, he stops his thrusts suddenly.
I feel the release, my body still tightening around him.
"Sweet little pussy is taking every last drop from me, angel" He takes a breath, looking down at me before finally pulling out.
My mind is still reeling. Trying to comprehend everything that just happened.
I watch as Harry buttons up his shirt slowly.
What's going to happen now?
I pull on my dress, reaching behind me and pulling up the zipper.
It doesn't feel real and suddenly, I feel so unclean.
Why did I do this? How could I do this?
How could I betray everything I know?
It scares me even more because I enjoyed it.
I glance at Harry, watching as he pulled on his jacket.
He hasn't said anything. Just looking at me every once in a while as he got dressed.
I didn't know what to make of him and I hate myself for even thinking about the chance of this happening with him again.
"What's going to happen now?" I ask softly.
"What now?" Suddenly, he's mocking me.
I watch in fear as the green in his eyes quickly disappears into black.
"Oh, darling" He shakes his head, laughing at me.
"You really are, so naive" I back away from him, fear filling my stomach. What's happening?
"You thought you could trust me? A demon?" He steps towards me, an evil smile on his face.
"Did you truly think you were anything but a toy for me to play with?" He follows my footsteps, but I'm stopped by the wall.
"God, it was so easy manipulating you" He scoffed, standing right in front of me.
I try to will myself away but nothing happens and he chuckles even more.
His eyes seem even darker than before.
I'm so confused, I tear up, looking at him. But his expression is unphased.
He pulls the blade from his jacket and points it at me.
"I'm just doing my job, sweetheart" He reaches down and roughly grabs my left hand and turns it face up.
"No, please don't" I cry, tears falling down my cheeks.
I'm trying to will up any power I can, but it's blocked and I don't know how.
"So stupid, I never needed you to get the boy" He snaps.
He brings the blade to my palm and traces it. I fight him, as hard as I can. I know what he's doing.
Only angels know of this curse.
I've only heard whispers of it, whispers of some of the punishments angels face when they stray.
It's knowledge a demon shouldn't have.
I do everything I can, but his strength is no match.
I cry out in pain as he carves into my hand and then, everything goes dark.
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ouroborosorder · 7 months
what do you think the most stellar examples of arknights' vfx are?
Okay so there are a lot of examples, so I'm going to try to keep my description of each one short. Unsurprisingly, most of my favorite effects are on more recent, paid skins for fan-favorite/meta 6* operators, since those are the ones they put their whole ass into.
Executor the Ex Foedere. The way that it weaves blasts of light and the shapes of Sankta wings into his shotgun blasts is absurdly creative. Perfect for a saint of Laterano.
Passenger's Skin. Specifically his S3. Stellar lightning is a weird pitch, but it's so fucking beautiful that it works. This is the effect that convinced me that I might enjoy being a VFX artist after all, not fucking kidding.
Jessica Alter. Look. Her skills are underwhelming as fuck, they're all the same shot effects every time. But. Do you genuinely understand how amazing these gunshots look? Do you know how hard it is to make a stylized gunshot that doesn't just look like magic? These are breathtakingly good. The glass shattering on hit genuinely made my jaw drop when I first saw it.
Eyjafjalla the Hvit Aska. It's hard to make a healer that genuinely looks unique, but Eyjalter's dreamlike colors and flat effects manage to bring the visual style of So Long Adele into every map and make it look reasonable with the artstyle.
Kirin R Yato. Monster Hunter's effects are extremely distinct, and seeing them recreate MH's style in Arknights' is really lovely. My one sorrow is that I wish there was more lightning, since like. Kirin.
Lin. Glass is a legitamately hard thing to pull off because it so often just looks like crystal, but leaning more into glass dust and shards makes it work perfectly. Her skin is also quite pretty, but it loses the glass look that made me love Lin to begin with.
Reed the Flame Shadow. Holy fucking shit holy fucking shit holy fucking shit holy fucking shit fire made of flowers?? The way the fire looks secondary to the whole thing while being undeniably present is stunning. Her skin is nowhere near as good tho.
Penance. Penance has such a stunning aesthetic that it immediately endeared me to her. Her vibe of gilded thorny chains carries to her effects and it works.
Texas the Omertosa. Fucking. Duh. It's hard to make a normal sword swipe look unqiue but Texas nails it. Her skin's effects are even more stunning, even if the animations are awful.
Minimalist. It's hard to make effects that are minimalist and still look good.
Specter the Unchained + Skin. I need to specificially call out her skin. Her skin may be one of my favorite pieces of effects at all time. The colors, the aegirian poetry as part of the visuals, the stellar water, it's all practically perfect.
Kazemaru. A sleeper hit!! She's got a lot going on with the "paper-controlling ninja whose clone has a completely unique aesthetic" thing so it seems like she might be too busy, but it manages to pull it off. Shoutouts to her clone's spawn, which actually does the slash mesh slightly wrong intentionally because the ring look actually helps a lot.
Goldenglow. It's rare that I see a lightning character and say "I have never seen anything like that before in my life" and Goldenglow's pink and blue stylized lightning genuinely shocked me.
Ling (Does it Wash The Strings). If you want my choice for best VFX in the game, this would at least be in running for first. It's flashy as hell, but manages to not be overbearing. The S3 dragon attacking with mountains rising from the earth alone is stunning, but the normal attack impact is my favorite part of the entire thing. It's so simple and elegant and stylish.
Amiya Guard. Amiya's Guard form is the combination of Amiya's Arts, Sarkaz Arts, Ch'en's swordfighting, the normal AK Arts and sword design languages, and a tiny bit of weird space tech to represent the Precursors. And it manages to come together to something that feels really cohesive while still drawing attention to how incongruous these elements are. The effects actively tell the story of Amiya - a girl with big shoes to fill, carrying the legacy of so many.
Ceobe, and her Unfettered Freedom skin. At this point in Arknights' lifespan, they had a much more defined visual language for how Casters look compared to melee units. Ceobe, being a Caster who throws fucking enchanted melee weapons instead of casting spells? So she combines their languages, with the buildup and trails of Arts casters and impacts of melee units, it's subtle and I love it. Unfettered Freedom deserves a special shoutout because I love geometric magic so fucking much.
Conviction's Skin. Why is this so good they're a joke operator.
Dorothy's Skin. I may have mixed opinions on this skin, but the effects are objectively stunning. I am personally heartbroken that she doesn't have the sand anymore, but that's a personal thing. I also don't like that her S3's range is obfuscated by the explosion but again that's nitpicking.
There's probably WAY more that I've missed and even more I cut for time, but those are my favorites after browsing the list of operators and skins for like, two hours straight. If there are a few I missed... Look, this list is this long already.
Also note that I didn't really list enemies or anything other than playable operators. Their enemy effects are usually... servicable, with a few standout exceptions with Talulah and Frostnova.
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klausysworld · 2 years
Could you write something kinda like a yandere klaus in 1492 where reader is Katherine’s bestie but she’s in love with klaus and she knows allll about him and the curse and everything. And he needs to charm kat but he loves reader so they kiss and fuck secretly, in the back rooms and you know all those weird places and they act like enemies next to everyone else. Eventually she’ll find out and whatever you want from thereee
I also got to you from wattpad and I just wanted to say I absolutely love your writing you’re amazing!
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Kats bestfriend & Yandere Klaus (1492):
Klaus was having a wonderful birthday, his brother had introduced him to his newest doppelgänger, the girl who would finally after 500 years break his curse, he would be free. He had her in his arms twirling his around and flashing her a dazzling smile, it was then that someone accidentally bumped into them, Klaus was furious.
“oh i’m so sorry- oh Kat thank god okay so we need to leave like right now” Klaus couldn’t find it in himself to yell at you.
Something about you, despite the panic on your face and the fact that you were stealing his doppelgänger from him, had him stunned. Your dress clung in all the right places and matched the shade of your eyes. His fingers twitched to touch your hair and the urge to pull you close was buzzing throughout him
It was what you said next that was an issue “Kat i’m serious we need to leave, these things aren’t people they’re demons” you were dragging the girl away through the crowd and he felt the veins beginning to show under his eyes.
He grabbed you harshly before compelling Katerina to go to her new room in which she would now be living in for a while. As soon as she was gone he had lifted you slightly and taken you to his room and demanded you share what you knew
Turns out you knew far too much, the curse and everything. He made it simple, keep your mouth shut or you die. You knew you couldn’t out run him so you decided to keep quiet until you had it mapped out.
Over your time living in his house you saw much more of him than you had hoped. He constantly checked up on you, he would tease and taunt you knowing that you couldn’t get mad at him in-front of your best friend and his brother. Especially since they were lords.
His favourite thing to do would be to come up behind you when you were doing something and lean over you, the front of his body would be pressed completely to your back, his lips would be by your ear or neck as he would whisper how beautiful you looked today.
Almost every night you and Katerina would have to sit at dinner with the brothers, it became a common occurrence for Klaus to let his hand slide up your thigh, sometimes he went as far as cupping your sex through your skirt. Though the second you went to make a sound or stand up he would move it away and give a questioning look, daring you to do something
You realised that he wasn’t going to give up his little game so you decided to get in on it.
You made sure to have your corset especially tight, pushing your breasts as far up as possible, keeping them on display for his greedy eyes. “do you like this colour on me Niklaus?” you would ask while batting your eyelashes at him. He would grind his teeth as you called him his full name, the look in your eye was one of innocent while you flaunted your body for him.
One day at dinner you had decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. When his hand moved to grab his drink your hand immediately went to the top of his thigh, when you lightly squeezed his dick through his trousers he almost spat his drink out. He sat throughout the meal with a clenched jaw while you palmed him the whole time.
As soon as Elijah and Kat had left he grabbed your wrist with a growl. A hand to your throat as he shoved you against the wall, he didn’t enjoy being played with, he decided a more direct approach to his dominance would be better for you to learn.
His tongue down your throat while you were slammed against different surfaces, his hands gripping at different parts of you, you thighs, ass, he was more than happy to finally have his hands squeeze at your heavy breasts.
That night you found yourself moaning into his mouth while he fucked you against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. Later you were bent over the dining table and pounded into from behind. He had you bouncing up and down him as he say in the chair you had teased him in hours ago. Eventually you made it to his room where he continued to see long you would last, you definitely surprised him as you came again and again and again, always eager for him to bend you into a new position. By the time you were loosing consciousness it was morning and even the hybrid himself was tired.
He was somewhat offended when you ran off back to your own room instead of staying with him to rest, he also felt bad that you were the one to clean yourself up. Did you regret it already?
The next day you refused to make eye contact, how could you have done that, he was going to kill your best friend and he would probably kill you too.
You didn’t eat any of your food at dinner, knowing what you had done in this same room the night before had you stomach turning. He hesitantly put a hand on your thigh but when you tensed and he noticed the ghostly pale look on your face he removed it without a word.
He decided to give a you a few days without him bothering you, as much of a ‘monster’ he was, he did not wish to make you feel obligated to sleep with him.
After a week you were able to look him in the eye and have conversations with him. He was delighted when you would smile and laugh at the things he said.
You both soon got back into a rhythm of your teasing though it often took a step too far. You would often find yourself with his hand over your mouth while he fucked you anywhere he could. One night he even had you against Katerina’s bedroom wall. The fear and excitement of being caught had you biting his hand while you came around him
You biting him had set something off inside of him and he sped you to his room before borderline begging to drink from you. You were very reluctant but eventually let him feed from your wrist, you didn’t yet trust him enough for him to have your neck.
It was from then that he knew you were his. You were all he now wanted, alongside his curse being broken, he craved you.
He found it both fun and frustrating that you payed him almost no mind in the day time. As soon as another person was in the room it was as though he did not exist.
So he decided to pull you aside throughout the day, guiding you to secret spots of the house so he could wrap his arms around you, a hand in your hair while he pressed him lips to yours. You hadn’t though that he would want more than just sex but the way he would kiss you now was far different from the couple months before.
There were days when he would pull you off to an empty room, it was hidden as though it should not exist, and he would have something set up for you, food and drinks put out for you both.
“Niklaus… are you courting me?” you asked confused with his change in behaviour “well yes, you would make a lovely wife and i couldn’t imagine you with anyone else” he stated simply while tracing patters along your arm.
You were both led in his bed, finally you were comfortable enough to stay after you activities. “i act like more of a whore than a wife” you muttered and he frowned deeply “not if you are only this way for me. Tell me do you do these things with anyone else?” you shook you head and he smiled kissing your lips “then you are the perfect example of a women that every man should want, a wife who is a whore for the one they love”
From that day you both realised just how far you had fallen for one another. You would often steal small kisses when other peoples heads were turned away. Any chance you got would leave you smiling happily at eachother.
Everything was going well until Katerina burst into your room to find you on top of your lover, halfway through an orgasm while you rode him and cried his name. She had ran so fast, she was on her way to tell you that they were evil, that they were to kill her but now she wasn’t sure she should trust you with that.
You had to watch as Klaus through a fit over Katerina leaving, almost blaming you but deciding against it. He ended up forcing you to turn said that now that he couldn’t break his curse you were all he had. He had to make sure that you wouldn’t run from him too, he couldn’t loose you too.
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bluebudgie · 6 months
Anyway... we did it lads.
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Still got a few sidequests to do and apparently there's also a new battle that opened up after the credits. But that's for later.
In any case I can safely say this is the game of the year.
Is it flawless? ....no.... Story's pretty shallow and very predictable, character writing isn't amazing either for the most part (think GBA FE era), and most importantly the designs of some female characters are.... oof. This game is very much the epitome of dudes in plate armour vs. girls in bikinis on the battlefield. Can't deny some of the breasting boobily wiggly animations are mesmerizing to watch though. And there are nice female designs as well. Still the gap is uhm... yeah.
Other than that though?
-Gameplay is absoluely solid, lots of costumization and choices. Map design and mechanics are very memorable imo, at least for the main story quests. Lots of smaller filler battles but I actually enjoyed those for when you don't feel like getting into a long battle.
-Difficulty's definitely on the easier side, but I also didn't have the balls to commit to the highest difficulty setting. Think I should give it a go on another playthrough.
-GENIUS whoever put the crest/emblem editor in the game. That's what gamers want. Also loved the option to dye character outfits for cohesive unit formation fashion lol.
-Obviously the presentation of the game is outstanding. So so SO beautiful. Not just the character and background artwork and animation, but the UI as well. Visually an absolutely stunning game.
-OST is great! I was unsure at the beginning since ironically I think the starting area has by far the weakest music choices (prologue battle aside obviously), but starting from Drakenhold onward the music is banger after banger. Been listening to the OST a lot the past weeks outside of playing the game.
-And despite the sort of meh writing overall, I do think the cast is very endearing. I grew attached to a good handful of characters. And I definitely did get hyped up during some of the bigger story battles. Atmosphere's great when the music and animations have the right oomph.
Ogre Battle and Fire Emblem came together to have a great lovechild here. 100% recommend if you're into SRPGs and can look past the writing and some of the outfit designs. Visually, aurally and mechanically an amazing experience.
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my darling ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (03/02/22)
word count ; 924
content ; praise kink, body worship, suggestive material (foreplay but no sex)
fandom ; black butler
pairing ; joker x female reader
read also on ; ao3
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
‘I must be the luckiest lass in Britain,’ you cooed, allowing your fingertips to trace the length of his features, ‘to have such a beautiful husband.’
‘Well, love,’ he began, never one to just accept a compliment, ‘I’d have to disagree. Ya aren’t lucky to be stuck with something like me — a circus clown with blood on ‘is hands — but I’m surely the luckiest man alive to have landed a beauty like you…’
That made you frown slightly and you sat up straight, hips straddling his own as you spoke to refute him. Your touch gentle as ever as you caressed and adored every feature you mentioned, not stopping until he was red in the face and at a loss for words.
‘Now, my dear, ya may not be able to see it from your angle. But let’s try and see it from mine, yeah?’ You tilted your head playfully and he rolled his eyes in return, nonetheless letting you do what you wanted.
‘Your hair is the most stunning shade of red,’ you breathed, carding your fingers gently through his fringe and delicately working out each knot that you caught against, ‘the same colour that defines the start of the prettiest summer mornings and that ends the most exciting summer evenings. The sun could learn a thing or two about red from you, I reckon.’
Then you moved lower, pressing a brief kiss to each of his eyelids. ‘Purple is my favourite colour ‘cos of you, y’know? Those twin beauts in there are the talk of every town we visit and I’ve had to fight of a good few ladies who were talking a bit too fondly about ‘em. Called ‘em amethysts — but I can positively say that those gemstones can’t possibly shine anywhere near as bright as your eyes can, so they can’t even hope to hold a candle to you.’
Next you traced the smattering of freckles that were dotted about his nose and cheeks, grinning widely at the way his skin warmed under your feather light touch. ‘And don’t even get me started on these pretty little things; dotted on the white of your cheeks like stars in the sky. Could map out a new set of constellations on ‘em, finding the patterns and that, since that’s what you do with natural beauty. ‘Least that’s what rich folk say.’
Noticing him about to protest, you quickly ducked down and pressed a brief yet passionate kiss against his lips. Pulling back a hair’s breadth to whisper your next piece of praise.
‘And these pretty, soft lips of yours are the best. They turn into the most handsome smiles and fit just perfect on your face — and don’t get me started on how good they feel on my body, cos then we’d be here for a week.’
After that you paused for just a moment before you reached up and interlocked your fingers with those of his prosthetic. Not missing the way his eyes teared up when he looked over and saw it, as you continued, shuffling down just so as you brought your lips to the underside of his jaw.
‘You’re a beautiful, amazing man, even if you can’t see it yet. I don’t care if it takes you one year or a hundred to realise how wonderful you are, I’ll stick with you through it all. But tonight, please just let me show you how much I love you,’
And the shaky smile and nod he gave was all the response you needed to go ahead and start worshipping him.
To work your way down his body with soft kisses and softer touches until he, even if just for a moment, saw himself through your eyes. You started with his throat, licking and kissing your way down over his Adam’s apple and pressing a particularly wet kiss to his pulse point and smiling against his pale skin when you felt it jump beneath your lips. Then you moved down to his chest, paying equal attention to both sides as you alternated between the two — using your hand to play and roll and lightly pinch at one nipple whilst taking the other one into your mouth to lick and suck and gently bite before switching over to ensure that both got the same amount of attention. Finally was his soft stomach, which you delighted in kissing along and feeling it jump and tense with every breath and caught giggle whenever you’d brush up against a particularly ticklish spot.
Though when you reached the start of his happy trail, you paused. Feeling his hard cock straining against your chest as you rested between his legs, and oh so tempted to swallow him whole, but still taking that moment to stop and look up at him: taking in his hooded and dilated eyes, admiring the mess that his hair had become, drawing your gaze to his perfectly parted lips as he whimpered and gasped and panted under your attentions. Then you reached up and took his hands, one by one, to your lips and pressed a passionate kiss against each palm — first his flesh hand and then his prosthetic — before smiling up at him and speaking.
‘I love you so much,’
And whilst he didn’t need to say it (you could tell from his smile and his watery eyes), your husband still reached out and pulled you up into a kiss as he repeated his response over and over again against your grinning lips.
‘I love you, I love you, I love you,’
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 31
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Wide awake the young beautiful marine cadet watched the morning sun raise. Finally the day started and finally she was able to work on her plan. Normally the Admiral was already waiting outside her door, but not today. No. Today it would be easier. With Captain Coby by her side, (Y/N) was sure to have more freedom. On top he was better to speak with. A really kindhearted captain. A silent knock at her door let her jump to her feets. Slowly she looked through the gap of the open door and felt relieved to see a smiling pink haired man than a cigar puffing Admiral.
"(Y/N)! Good morning. Are you ready for the day?", he asked happily, while she stepped out of her room to make the professional salut. Chuckling he gave her a stunned look of her appearance.
"Wow look at you. Dressed in our clothes… You look great!", he spoke amazed, but then blushed madly of the way it sounded.
With a short thank you, (Y/N) started to walk along the corridors with him.
"I was looking forward to see you again. After the Admiral got you under his wing I was worried, but you seem okay. That's a relief.", he started, while (Y/N) rolled her eyes annoyed.
Nothing was okay in the slightest.
"It's very early, nevertheless we start right away! Today i show you our training grounds. I hope you are motivated, because I will check your fitness level. I noticed that it's still missing in your papers.", he spoke and remembered how hard it was to run the rounds back then.
(Y/N) balled her fists motivated and was ready to deal with whatever would come. Walking in silence she glanced up to his carefree expression. Now was a good opportunity. Should she ask? Would it be suspicious? Her mind was racing of scenarios. Mostly bad ones.
"Something wrong? Tell me if something bothers you, (Y/N)", he spoke in a caring tone. Nodding quickly she thought wisely about her words.
" Say Captain Coby, what happened with my ship? I am just curious. ", she asked nervously. Thinking for a moment his look wandered straight again. (Y/N)'s heartbeat was increasing. Did she go too far?
"Oh yeah. Now I remember where they took it. You mean the giant bonbon. What an extravagant way to sail the seas. It's at the underground entrance by the other submerge ships. They were struggeling where to put it, because of its size. So it stays there.", he looked down to her uneasy expression. By his happy attitude he seemed completely clueless, which let her calm down a bit.
"Underground entrance.. I don't have a clue where that is. This place is really huge.. Honestly I would be completely lost, if i wouldn't follow you right now..", (Y/N) tried to guide their talk to the right direction. It was really hard to have a conversation with the main goal to get information. Stunned Coby stopped in his tracks and started to search through his pockets.
" Didn't the Admiral show you around?", he asked and already knew the answer, but also got a short no from the innocent girl beside him.
"I can't believe that you didn't have a tour around this place. Normally it's the first thing you get..but what can I say..the Admiral has his own way..", he mumbled, while searching frustrated. Confused (Y/N) watched his doings and it didn't help either after he suddenly fished out a folded paper with sparkling eyes.
" Here! This is the most important paper of every new marine here.", he announced and placed it into her hands. Opening it she gasped surprised of the detailed map in her hands. Every room and corridor was neatly named and give her an perfect overview of her location. Feeling her trembling hands of the starting excitement, she had to take a deep breath to calm down.
"Great isn't it? I still had it in my coat but I don't need it anymore. Now nothing could go wrong.", he spoke happily and (Y/N) felt a tear roll down her cheek. Shocked he asked why she was crying and if he had said something wrong, but he quickly fell silent after getting a bright smile from her and a surprising big hug.
" You are right. Nothing could go wrong now… Thank you Coby…", she spoke relieved, while feeling him hugging her back. Both had a smile on their face, but about complete different thoughts.
Stepping back (Y/N) folded the paper again and put it into her trousers. Her goal was getting closer. What a beautiful day it was. Walking again they reached the training grounds where hell became reality for every new recruit, but she was more than motivated now to face this challenge. If (Y/N) wanted to stay here any longer then she had to show that she was worth it.
"Okay let's start this..Surprise me and we are finished sooner.", he joked. If he would have known that she would take his words literally.
Coby was unsure if this wouldn't be too hard for a lovely girl like her. Becoming a marine wasn't easy and if you would ask him, he saw her more as a person, which was protected by him than letting her out there to fight.
God he was wrong in every way.
He didn't know where (Y/N) was hiding this power inside that fragile beautiful body of hers and this training session was starting to make him quite nervous. It was a hot day and (Y/N) changed into short training shorts, sport bra and an oversized tank top, which she got from the dress room. What could he say. It was underlining her curves in a perfect way and standing before him, motivated, with this special glint in her eyes, he knew that she would achieve everything she longed for. The wall climbing, crawling through fields or running rounds like crazy. Her will to fight was unbelievable. Growling like a monster (Y/N) pushed herself beyond her limits, while she climbed high up in the air on a rope. Not only once Coby had to avoid her sexy moves, because of his dirty thoughts. Her whole body hurted like hell and it felt like she was going to faint. Luckily they made some breaks in between to let her rest a bit, till the next test was calling. She never trained that hard her entire life. To be honest, she never trained at all, but she still kept going for him. For the life of Katakuri, who was also fighting with all he got.
"(Y/N) it's enough."
Finally the words of salvation. Breathing heavily, she carelessly took her shirt off and wiped her face. A sudden cough got her attention and she was met with a blushing Coby, who offered her a new one and water.
"I have to say you mastered every test very well. If you go on like that I am sure you will pass the entry test in one month. It's important to train everyday to get better. if you want to make it, then that will be your daily challenge.", he explained nervously, while (Y/N) lay on the ground half naked.
" Everyday? This? ", she breathed exhausted. God she has to get away from here quick. Chuckling he sat down and gave her time to recover.
" Yeah everyday. You need strength to fight. But for now you are free to go..", he spoke happily and fall back of her sudden jump to her feets.
"You mean I have time for me now? I can sleep or eat or mostly sleep? ", she asked excited and got a heartwarming laugh of Coby as an answer.
"You always remind me of myself. Yeah I give you the rest of the day off. Today it's really hot and nothing ordinary is going on. You need time to recover till the Admiral is back. I will finish the papers. So I wish you a great afternoon. ", Coby spoke and was deeply hugged by (Y/N).
" I can't thank you enough! ", she spoke and got up. Quickly running out like she never was exhausted minutes before, he looked after her with mixed feelings. In a way he found that there was more behind her words than it sounded.
Getting a quick shower to look neatly like it was ordered for every marine and gathering her things together, (Y/N) got ready to step out of her room. It was already late in the afternoon and she knew there wasn't much time left. It was risky to go, because maybe the Admiral was already on his way back. Who knows what this man was planning.
But the moment was so damn perfect.
No one was around. Everyone was doing his own thing, because the high ranked marines were out of sight. Locking her door (Y/N) walked along the corridor, while once in awhile taking a glimpse of the map. Coby was really a lifesaver. It would have been very complicated to find the way on her own.
Step after step she finally reached the doors of the prison district. Taking a deep breath she slowly opened it to not cause any noise.
"No one in sight…"
Quickly getting inside she got deeper and deeper into the darkness. The familiar disgusting smell, which lingered in the thick air made her feel sick. Her hands started to shake of her nervousness. She wanted to see him so badly that she was about to miss the guard. Frozen in the spot she hid behind a wall and thought desperately of what to do.
There was a noise. A growling noise.
Did he notice her? Was this her end now?
But nothing happened. Irritated (Y/N) leaned forward to take a glimpse of what was going on.
To call it sleeping would be an understatement. This man was fighting with his inner self right now.
There wasn't another explanation of the sound he was making. Her look fell onto his belt where the cell keys were carelessly hanging and she realized that she totally forgot that part of meeting her husband. Sighing of her stupidity she was happy that the man was caught in such a deep sleep.
Annoyed about herself and the situation, she walked closer and with shaken hands she grabbed his belt to get the keys off. Her look wandered from his sleeping face to the belt and back. Her body was trembling of fear. One wrong move and everything was over. Her mind was racing about the question, if she should really go this far to see him, but checking his condition was also important for their escape. She had to be prepared for everything. The smell of alcohol reached her nose and by his red face she realized that he had a good time with a bottle of sake. Sighing in relief she got the keys of and walked pass the man who still was mentally on the battlefields and sure wouldn't come back so soon.
Passing the cells she was able to see Katakuri's prison. Finally. Rushing towards it of fear to losing this chance again she looked inside and couldn't see anything. Silently (Y/N) opened the cell doors and took a candle from the wall to light it up with one of the matches, which were laying at a small table by the metal bars. Her look wandered from the candle to the wall.
Her breath stopped.
"Are you sure he would life that long?"
Akainu's words rang in her mind and (Y/N) wasn't sure anymore.
In a way she was afraid to step closer. To maybe make things worse. Her hands were shaking and let the candle light move rapidly.
So much blood.
Cuts, deep wounds, bruises.
" Burn wounds…", she whispered shocked, while coming closer. His head was hanging down carelessly, exposed without his scarf. Trembling she reached out to him, but hesitated midway.
"Katakuri…", her soft voice called out to him desperately. She thought he was unconscious. He sure had to be with these wounds, but she was wrong. Katakuri heard her angelic voice in the darkness and moved slowly. Gasping she watched him lifting his head. His emotionless pained look met her shocked one.
"Am I dreaming?"
Gasping of finally hearing his raspy, but soft voice she fell to her knees and cried silently, while he couldn't believe it that she was there. In front of him. His beautiful wife.
Taking a deep breath (Y/N) had to collect herself. But it was so damn hard. She couldn't stand to see him like that. The man she loved, close to his death.
"Please (Y/N)…. You have to focus on your plan.. There is hope..", she thought desperately and shook her head quickly. She could cry the whole night at her room but not stay by his side forever. Taking her bag with shaken hands, she slowly got up again to face her husband. A shiver ran down her spine after meeting his exhausted look again.
"I know what you will say now…", she sobbed bitterly.
"(Y/N)", he whispered and breathed heavily of the pain.
"I know I risk my life. Go too far. Maybe it's useless and we will end together on the scaffold..", she bite her lip in frustration.
"(Y/N)..", he called out again, but this time in a demanding voice, which let her stop abruptly and look to his soft smile. Hugging herself she tried to control her trembling body, while he whispered his long needed wish.
"Just kiss me.."
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kobalttheelemental · 3 months
Map of Elementia
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did a little redesigned of the map
🎆 Arcania: one of the most magical land of Elementia, the land here is breathtaking with giant crystals, friendly fauna species, and strange exotic flora. the towns and Kingdom have everything like potions, spell books, wands, pets, magical silk clothing and many more! the land is home to warriors called the Shade Hunters who's job is to hunt and kill shades and protect Elementia from danger.
🌋 Volcania: a scorching hot land of active volcanoes, lava lakes, ash fall, and fiery faunas! it is also home to gigantic fire breathing dragons roaming the volcanic land! what's strange is that the plants not only need water but needs lava to grow!
🏜️ Gusano Desert: a dry desert land with searing hot temperatures it may look empty and dull but it has beautiful rock formations like deep canyons, tall mesas, and shifting sand dunes. if you want to visit the desert towns or cities make sure your well prepared and bring plenty of water. Warning! this land is home to giant sandworms that will eat you alive! so be careful and stay safe!
🌊 Thalassa Ocean: a mysterious underwater world timing with aquatic life, colorful reefs, amazing underwater cities, and hidden treasures scattered around the sea floor. it may look peaceful yet the ocean of Elementia is dangerous and home to large leviathans that swim around the deep oceans and can capsized ships and devour sailors! also watch out for pirates!
🌪️ Windshear Skylands: hidden in the clouds is the windshear skylands a majestic land of floating lands and stunning views, the only way to get up there is by airships or flying creatures. just like Arcania the land here is home to the fiercest warriors called the Wind Warriors whose job is to create life on uninhabitable planets and fight of shade attacks.
⚡️Thunderia: a land battered in everlasting thunderstorms and is to dangerous to live, yet Thunderlings(Lightning Elementals) find this place home where they build futuristic cities and technology. the land here also creates energy crystals that have enough energy to power an entire city or used in vehicles and technology.
❄️ North Polaris: a winter wonderland of fresh powdered snow, snow-covered conifers, and aurora borealis dancing in the night sky. many elementals come here to have fun and play winter games or take a relaxing vacation and drink some of the finest hot coco of Elementia. not to mention the Iceclaws(Ice Elementals) make the best frozen treats like ice cream, popsicles, slushies, and more!
❄️ South Polaris: the opposite of North Polaris, the land here is harsh and freezing cold, living in this frigid land will be very hard unless you have the right equipment and plenty of food to survive.
🍃 Viridian Wilds: a lush green land of forests, jungles, taigas, gardens, exotic faunas and more! plus it is one of the most highly diverse ecosystems of Elementia, Warning! cutting down trees will cause Tree Crawlers(Nature Elementals) to get angry and hunt you down! always ask permission before cutting down trees.
🪨 Metallic Badlands: a metallic barren land where small volcanoes spew molten hot metals, a perfect place for miners to mine up rare metals and craft them into weapons, armor, jewelry, and more!
☢️ Toxic Bayou: probably one of the most toxic land of Elementia! the land here is very dangerous with acidic waters, poisonous plants, toxic fumaroles and venomous faunas that can kill you in seconds. but before you enter this toxic land always bring protection and plenty of antidotes.
☀️ Solaris: a warm sunny land and calm weather, the lands here is a perfect place for farmers to grow their crops or have a nice picnic. there are also ancient marble buildings from millions of years ago scattered everywhere.
🌌 Nycto Caverns: deep in the Sunny Plateau Biome is a gigantic sinkhole that is an entrance to Nycto Caverns, a dark scary cave where blind creatures and giant bugs roam around some friendly and some not. not to mention different kinds of fungus grow inside the caverns. Warning! the deeper you go the more dark and dangerous the cavern gets, always bring weapons and protection!
💀 Dragon Graveyard: one of the terrifying and scary land of Elementia where ancient dragon bones are scattered everywhere, dangerous fauna species and spirits haunt the land. there are many legends of why the land looks like that, some say this used to be normal land oo lush flora and crystal clear waters until the land has been cursed, while some say this is a resting place where old dragons go in peace yet no one really knows.
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Freddie was very handsome. I know he was self conscious about his teeth, but boy, was he pretty. He had the most amazing cheekbones and his eyes, perfect almond shaped eyes. The cherry on top for me were his curls 😍 We know he got rid of them in the 80s but ugh his curls were sooo sexy. His early boyfriends must have loved running their hands through them 😏
I'm in the mood to admire Freddie's beauty right now.
He was VERY handsome, you're right.
And maybe he was self conscious about his teeth, but I think he also knew how to work his best angles and work his beauty. And hell, he didn't let any of that stop him from being an icon, did he?
To highlight the parts of his beauty that you mentioned, I'm going to post several photos, because you've mentioned some of his best attributes.
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Hot damn, his fucking cheekbones! GOD, I would have loved to map out his face with my hands, just trace those cheekbones with my fingertips for hours...
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Perfect, almond-shaped eyes:
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Lord, if he looked at me like that, I'd faint on the spot.
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such pretty, pretty eyes--windows to his gorgeou soul
And finally, his CURLS.
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Oh, my GOD. Yes, the men who got to run their hands those curls are some lucky sons of bitches.
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Thank you, thank you, for bringing up all this beautiful man's attributes.
He's stunning!
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michellecarlin · 3 months
Day three - Siena
Ok so we do get up earlier to go to Siena because we want to make sure we can take our time getting there because parts of the drive are stunning.
Siena is just stunning. The first time we ever went there, we somehow, accidentally ended up driving through the main street in the old town. Which was not well received by the people trying to walk on a street that doesn't have cars!! Whoops. Was not fun. So plan where you will park beforehand and make sure Google Maps doesn't take you through the old town lol. We find the best place to park is near the stadium.
You could spend days in Siena there is so much to see. But as we have been a few times before, we kept it simple this time. The one place I always have to go is the Duomo - for me this is the most beautiful Duomo in Tuscany, but I haven't seen all of them. It is so beautiful and when you walk inside, wow!
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We also went to the Pizzza del Campo, which is just beautiful to hang around there. We have previously climbed the tower which is amazing. Whenever I can I always get photos of the Carabinieri (Police) because their uniforms are so hot!
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We try different restaurants, and on the last trip we went to Ristorante La Locanda dei Tintori (we are addicted to Spinaci). Bar Paticceria Nannini Conca D'Oro is also a favourite!
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Here are some random photos of Siena that we love.
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AND THEN ON THE DRIVE BACK!! You have to go past the famous Chapel Vitaleta and if it is near sunset.....
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