unswayedmermaid · 6 months
Picking back up on tht cover i was doing for debuting my AudioTechnica could NOT get any good consistent takes except for a few cherrypicked moments but! I've learned some new things abt making recordings sound good and also tht i gotta be taking my omeprazole on the regular Gonna do several more takes of this sometime soon! and hopefully get a full song out
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ennard-is-near · 3 months
Some Michael Afton headcanons and crack theories and whatnot
🚨 warning, If you know me irl (You know who you are, I see you) be aware that I’m not serious hahahahaha I would never be cringe hahaha 🚨
Okay, here we go:
Kid/Teenage hcs:
He’s super quiet after The Bite of ‘83. Like won’t talk to anyone or answer most questions outside of occasional one word answers. [I’ve talked about this before]
He was 13 during the Bite of ‘83.
Wasn’t really popular or a bully or anything before the Bite of ‘83. He was just like, a regular kid whose dad was well-known. It’s like if the mayor’s son was in your class or something. Yeah he’s kind of an asshole, but so is every middle school boy.
Ppl tend to avoid him after The Bite just because if you had the choice between talking to the guy who killed his brother or not doing that, you’d probably pick the latter. People felt bad for him or whatever but it’s not like they wanted to befriend him.
Cannot drive because he just never learned (William was NOT about to teach him). He walks most places.
I know this is semi-canon but he likes drawing stuff. He’s not very creative though, so he mostly draws what he sees around him. He ends of up drawing a lot of animatronics and TV show characters.
Mowed lawns and washed cars around the neighborhood for money when he was like 11-12. William was the type of dad who didn’t give pocket change and made his kids work for their own money. Michael wasn’t great at his neighborhood jobs though so people only hired him if they had money to give away and were willing to go through and fix the spots he missed.
The rest of these are Post-Scoop:
The FNaF 3 hallucinations are like a semi-regular issue for him. He occasionally just sees shit. Doesn’t have to be phantom animatronics, though. Can be more chill (by comparison lol) and like people he knew just standing there, weird shadows (especially in reflections) and sounds and voices. [I‘ve talked about this before too, sorry]
Really scared of the dark. Lights on in every room + flashlight on him at all times scared.
The power went out in his house a couple times when it snowed and (even though it didn’t get pitch black because of light from the windows) he did not like it.
He’s also the master of batteries, they’re scattered all over the house.
His power bill is so much. Like you’d drop dead if you saw it. TV and lights and air conditioning on 24/7 drive it up. His water bill is virtually nothing, though, so that’s good.
Doesn’t have issues with money because he has access to William’s bank account somehow.
Still lives in the house he grew up in. I just feel like he does.
Sort of has an issue with animals. They do not like him and will bark at and attack him whenever given the opportunity. He’s literally a dead body and animals tend to not like those. Birds will literally swoop down and attack him sometimes. He has fought two raccoons.
Absolutely a creature of the night. Only leaves the house past midnight and is back before sunrise. This is for a couple reasons, mostly just because there’s less happening at night. He carries a flashlight around when he goes out though bc he’s so scared.
Has like one guy who he’s on good terms with. It’s some random graveyard shift worker at the local corner store. He goes to the same store like every Tuesday or whatever and it’s always the same guy working there. They don’t even say that much to each other but they’re still buddies. When Michael works at the FNaF 1 location the employee is actually kinda sad because he doesn’t come in that week and he’s really confused as to where that guy could have gone or if he finally died or something. And then Michael comes in the next week and the routine continues and the employee will never know what happened that one week the weird guy didn’t come in.
Okay that’s it. <3
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
Hii!! I'm back because I have an idea :)
How would Rusty Nail react to his S/O being super angry at the world? I feel like he'd be really good at helping with it since he has his quirky moments <3
Thank you for reading and thank you for all your amazing fics
-PhantomCat 💜
“Quirky moments” I like that we’ll keep it. Thank you for requesting! You come up with amazing ideas as always! Also sorry this is short and also took long.
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You tell Rusty how angry people make you and how you wanna watch humanity burn one drunken night. He doesn’t know if you’re being serious or not so for about a week he keeps quiet about it.
Then you come home angry from work one night and you rant all over again, you hate your boss, you hate the company, everyone in your job is selfish and ignorant and they try and walk all over you. It’s the same shit in line at the grocery store, same shit when you watch people walk home while you wait in traffic.
Rusty comforts you and you decide sex will cool you off
It does…
For about three days
Rusty then watches you come home with a gallon of gasoline and is confused. You don’t mow the lawn or use gasoline in general unless it’s to fill your car up and you sure as hell never bring it home.
Rusty follows you outside and almost laughs, your hauling your boss’s dead body out of your car which is almost 100 yards away from the house at the point.
He comes over and helps you.
You light a match after you bury the body in wood and look up at Rusty. He smiles gently and kisses you.
“Only billions of more people to go.” You joke. Rusty let’s put a snort.
“If I could realistically kill a billion people to make the world better and make you less angry at these fuckers, I would in a heart beat.” Rusty admits. The smell a burning flesh goes into both of your noses and you bury your face in his flannel.
“I would too… I love you so much.”
“I love you too Birdie.”
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leebrontide · 2 years
One thing about our new garden is that the soil is shit.
I am begging people not to rake up all their leaves in the fall and all their grass clippings in the summer. Every time you dispose of this organic "waste" you're taking the nutrients those plants pulled up out of the soil and throwing it away. Plus, you're destroying habitat for loads of important insects and fucking with the whole ecosystem.
The people who owned the house before us clearly raked and removed loads of leaves and clippings for the 30 years they lived in the house. The soil is practically sand. Just no nutrients left in it and very little ability to retain water.
People used to ask us why our soil in our old place was lovely rich nearly-black soil. The answer was that we didn't take our leaves up till mid April, after most insects didn't need them for hatching and hiding anymore, and they've broken down a fair amount of their nutrients into the soil. Then we'd mow up as much as possible and leave the chopped up leaves all over the lawn, to further break down and return the nutrients to the ground.
I've been looking for a rotatable compost bin for the new place, even though we're all small enough that rotating them can be sort of a pain in the ass.
But I'll confess that an ad-algorithm got me. I go on YouTube for 3 minutes, because my usual music streaming service was down and I do enjoy the "17th century villain" playlists on there, and I got an ad for an electric countertop composter.
This is not some kind of supported product placement on my part. The Lomi, which is the thing I saw an ad for, is a good $500 bought new, and I just flat out wasn't gonna do that.
But, I was curious enough to read some reviews, and then check craisglist. Lo and Behold, I found one for cheap, for sale from someone who bought and liked one, but also has an honest to god farm, and decided to go back to larger scale outdoor composting.
So, now we have a Lomi countertop composter.
You take the food waste from the day (our kiddo, Starling, eats a staggering amount of fruit, and a lot of eggs, so there's always shells, cores and peels and stuff laying around) and you put it in the bucket, and lock the lid, and push one button.
In two hours you have totally dry, totally broken down compost that smells almost like dry hay, ready to drop on the yard to put back in nutrients.
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I'm a bit in love with it.
And, on top of that, it can break down dairy and meat. You shouldn't ever put cooked meat in your outdoor compost, because birds will try to forage it, and get cooked fat grease on their feathers, which they can't clean off and can lead to illness. They're not evolved to handle cooked meat. But this way the meat is all broken down and safe to put outside. Which means throwing less away, which is great.
I will say, we didn't put in the charcoal the first time, and it had the used up charcoal from the previous owner in there and THAT was a mistake. Made the whole house smell like sweet vinegar. Which could be worse, considering this is food rotting down, but it was terrible when it's too cold to even open a window.
You can get Lomi brand charcoal filters, but it's just little charcoal pellets, so I'll probably just buy some from the aquarium store when we run out. But this batch should last us several months.
The thing also came with Lomi "tablets". So far, we've used them. But I'm going to experiment with not using them at some point, since the webpage for the Lomi says you don't NEED them. They do genuinely add helpful bacteria and fungi to the soil, which is great, but I can buy soil improvers that can do that, much more economically, from my local urban farm supply in the spring. No branded little pellets required. Plus, with the lawn being under snow, and the processed compost having to go on top of the snow, I'm not sure how much of that bacteria would be surviving right now, anyways.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Luigi's Secret
Chapter 12: Rainy Sunday Mornings
Luigi wakes up early, to see that it was pouring outside. Seeing Mario's reaction to it, Luigi heads out into the pouring rain to play around and run. And when the toads end up joining them in their playfulness, Luigi ends up revealing a softer, more caring side to Peach.
Luigi woke up that Sunday morning to a sound that felt quite comforting to him. He yawned and looked outside, not entirely surprised to see the weather. It was raining outside. And not just spitting or raining off and on…it was pouring. Almost like a shower head. Luigi got out of bed and walked up to the window before feeling the raindrops fall against the window. He smiled a bit and looked over at Mario’s bed. 
Mario was still asleep. Luigi could assume that he hadn’t noticed the rain yet. And as much as he wanted to see how long it would take for him to notice, he also knew Mario should know about the rain as soon as possible. Mario loved the rain. He always had since they were little. And it was amusing to see Mario get excited about rain. But by telling Mario, he also knew exactly what was going to happen. 
You see…Mario is a simple man. He sees rain? He runs around in it. He doesn’t seem to care if the weather and water is cold, or warm. He will sprint around in the rain no matter the weather conditions. The carefree attitude Mario had, was often admiring. He aspired to be like Mario. Or rather…a less drenched version of Mario. Luigi liked the rain too, but only when he’s sheltered from it. He’s not entirely a fan of running around in the rain like Mario does. But if it’s warm and raining, then he’ll enjoy it a bit more. But if it’s cold and rainy? Nuh uh.
Luigi walked up to the bed, and knelt down in front of the left side of the bed, looking at Mario. He smiled and watched his brother sleep for a moment, before poking his brother’s shoulder gently. “Mario?” He whispered. 
Mario didn’t shift or move. He didn’t even flinch at the poke. Luigi sensed this was gonna happen. So, he placed his whole palm on Mario’s shoulder and rocked him a bit. “Maaariooo?” Luigi called softly. 
Mario’s eyelids twitched a slight bit. But other than that, he didn’t really react. 
Luigi smiled and moved his mouth close to Mario’s ear. “It’s raining outside.” He whispered. 
Mario grunted and slowly opened his eyes. “Hm?” Mario asked as he looked at his brother for clarification. The poor man was too sleepy to fully comprehend what Luigi said. 
“I said…It’s raining outside.” Luigi told him. 
Mario sat up. “It is?” Mario asked, before looking at the window. 
“Could you not hear it?” Luigi asked. 
Mario smiled brightly as he saw the pouring rain hitting the window from outside. “What’s the weather?” Mario asked. 
Luigi looked at the thermometer. “Warm.” Luigi said. “64 degrees.” Luigi added.
Mario pulled the comforter off himself. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going outside.” Mario declared. 
Luigi chuckled. “I figured.” Luigi admitted. 
“Does that mean you’ll join me then?” Mario asked. 
Luigi shrugged his shoulders and grabbed a pair of old pants. “Sure! Why not.” Luigi replied. 
Mario grabbed and put on a pair of old shoes that he usually used back home for mowing the lawn. He grabbed an older red t-shirt, and opened the door. “Meet you out there?” Mario asked. 
“Wait up! Imma coming!” Luigi said, slipping on his green t-shirt and a pair of black, old running shoes. Luigi grabbed the key to the house, locked the house and closed the door. He put the key around his neck before running after Mario. 
Mario turned around and started running backwards. “Come on, slow poke!” Mario teased. 
“Slow poke?!” Luigi yelled back. “I’ll show you slow poke.” Luigi picked up the pace and tried his best to keep up despite his bad knees. 
Mario ran through the fields, bringing his arms out beside him as he closed his eyes with a big smile on his face. “WAHOOOOO!” Mario cheered. 
“MARIO-” Luigi visibly winced as he watched Mario slip on some wet grass. 
“WaAaAh-” Mario yelped as he fell face first into a grassy puddle. Mario spat out the water, and made a disgusted face. “Ugh! Mud water!” Mario reacted, getting up. 
Luigi sprinted past Mario with a smirk. “Look who’s the slow poke now?” Luigi teased. 
Mario laughed and chased him. “Not for long!” Mario teased. 
Luigi sprinted through the fields and past the many mushroom trees. He sprinted up to the brick road that led to the Toad village. “Catch me if you can!” Luigi joked as he moved to a yellow elevator. Mario jumped up and hopped onto the elevator right before it went up. Luigi pouted playfully as he waited for the elevator to reach the top. When it did, Luigi hopped off first and sprinted through the town square. 
Mario sprinted on another route, to see if he could catch his brother off guard. He took the long brick road through the village, jumping up the stairs and wall jumping all the way up the wall. 
Luigi, thinking he threw him off, continued to sprint away. “SO LONG, MARIO!” Luigi yelled, laughing as he ran towards the steps of the castle. “I’M THE-” Luigi yelped as he was tackled to the ground by something. “Owie! Wha- Mario?!” Luigi reacted, looking at his brother. “But- how did-” Luigi asked. 
“Ask questions later.” Mario declared before taking in a big breath and unloading a full raspberry onto Luigi’s covered belly. 
“What? Was this not part of the plan?” Mario asked with a smirk as he squeezed Luigi’s hips. 
Luigi wheezed and cackled, showing off a bright, toothy smile as he laughed through his teeth. “STAHAHAHAP! NOHOHO HIHIHIHIPS!” Luigi begged. 
Mario giggled. “What’s wrong? Are Luigi’s hips too ticka-ticka-ticklish?” Mario teased. 
“YEHEHEHEHESSSS!” Luigi laughed, hissing at the end. 
“Hehehe! And what are you going to do about it?” Mario asked, carefully tweaking his hips with his thumbs and fingers. 
Luigi kicked his feet wildly as he attempted to handle the tickles. As much as he was absolutely loving the tickles, this was a bit more than he could physically handle. He wasn’t used to such strong tickles coming from anyone, let alone his brother. So the word ‘unprepared’, was a big understatement. 
Mario giggled. “I think that’s one of the first times you’ve told me to stop in the past week! Is it really that bad?” Mario asked. 
“HAHAHAHA- YEHEHEHES! *snort* HAHAHAHAHAHAA!” Luigi replied helplessly. 
“The trouble is, I can’t tell if you actually want me to stop, or if it’s just fruitless- WAAH!” Mario yelped as he felt his arms and sides get grabbed by two pairs of tiny hands. Mario was pulled backwards as he struggled and protested. “What’s going on here?! Let me go!” Mario yelled. 
Luigi sat himself up and widened his eyes when he saw who had grabbed his brother in the middle of the rain storm: 
The blue security guard toads. 
“Looky here!” One of the toads reacted, squeezing Mario’s side as he laid the man down. 
Mario squeaked and covered his mouth. “C-Careful-” 
“A tickle fight? In the rain?!” The other toad asked.
“Why weren’t we invited?!” The first toad asked next with a smirk. 
Luigi couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face. “I guess…the toads are on my side?” Luigi asked, smirking. 
The second security guard toad walked up to Luigi with a smile. “Oh, we’re not choosing sides.” The toad dragged Luigi over beside Mario, and jumped onto Luigi. 
The first toad sat onto Mario and adjusted himself. “It’s us against the Mario Brothers.” He decided, skittering his fingers on Mario’s belly and belly button. 
Mario squealed and threw his head back, cackling himself absolutely mad. “WAHAHAIT NOHOHOHAHAHA! NOHOHO BEHEHELLY BUHUHUHUTTOHON!” Mario shouted. 
“Consider this karma for not inviting us to the tickle fight.” The second toad added as he started skittering his fingers on Luigi’s sides and ribs. 
“GAHAHAhahaha! But whyhyhyhyhy?!” Luigi asked. “Whyhyhy dihihid wehe hahahave to invihihite yohohohou?!” Luigi asked. 
“Because tickling you is more fun than watching!” The second toad reacted. 
“COHOME HEHEHERE!” Mario picked up the toad that was tickling him, and started tickling his fingers right in the first toad’s armpits. “Noho fair tickle fight is without tickle-backs.” Mario told him. 
“aaAAH! NAHA!” Toad squeezed his mitten fingers into fists. “STAHAHAP! EEEHEHEHEEK!” Toad laughed. 
Luigi noticed what Mario had done, and attempted to do the same thing. He reached his arms out and grabbed the second toad’s sides. “Ihi gohohotcha!” Luigi placed his toad’s back against his chest and tickled the daylights out of his sides. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy koo~” Luigi teased. 
“WAHAHAHAhahaha! Luihihigi NOHOHO!” The second toad laughed.
“If you were so eager to tickle us, then why didn’t you make yourselves known earlier?” Mario asked. 
“No need to be nervous. We tickle each other all the time! Especially more recently.” Mario added. 
“So if you want to join, please speak up and let us know.” Luigi said.  
“OHOHOKAHAY.” The first toad replied. 
“OHOKAHAHAHAY, OHOHOHOKAHAY!” The second toad pleaded. “UHUNCLE! UHUHUHUNCLE!” The second toad yelled out. 
Luigi widened his eyes. “Already?!” Luigi asked. “It’s been like- 5 seconds!” 
“Not everyone likes being tickled for long periods of time, Luigi.” Mario joked. 
“I know, but…” Luigi stopped tickling. “I barely even got a couple seconds in before he gave up!” Luigi reacted. 
“Well, sucks to suck.” Mario replied. 
Luigi took the time to attempt to wipe off some of the tickles. But this only seemed to make the second Toad giggle more. “Whahat ahahare yohou dohohoihihing?” The second Toad asked. 
“Uhh…” Luigi chuckled. “Trying to get rid of any phantom tickles that may be bothering you.” Luigi replied. 
“Whahat ahare phahahantom tihihickles?” The second toad asked. 
Luigi hummed and stopped. “They’re the feelings on your ticklish spots that continue to tickle you after the fingers stop.” Luigi admitted. He looked over at Mario. “People in the community refer to them as ‘phantom tickles’...and wiping them away is the courteous thing to do for someone.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario giggled. “Clearly it’s not working.” Mario admitted. 
“Says the one driving Toad absolutely pazzo.” Luigi added. 
“Yeah? So?” Mario teased. 
“MAHAHARIO PLEHEHEASE!” the first Toad pleaded. 
“Do you need me to stop?” Mario asked. 
“YEHEHES PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” The toad replied. 
“Alright. Sorry, Toad.” Mario said, stopping his fingers. 
The first Toad’s laughter lessened dramatically once the tickles ended. But to Mario’s shock, the Toad turned himself around and snuggled himself into Mario’s wet shirt. “Yohou’re so warm.” Toad teased. 
Mario looked down at the toad, confused. “I am?” Mario asked, looking at his soaking wet shirt.
Luigi removed his glove and checked Mario’s forehead, much to Mario’s disapproval. “He’s right. You are quite warm.” Luigi told him. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “Okay. Thanks, Mama.” Mario joked. 
Luigi rolled his eyes and chuckled. “My poor baby Mari.” Luigi teased in a baby voice. 
Mario rolled his eyes and pushed Luigi’s face away from him, earning a laugh from Luigi. 
Then, Mario looked down at the toad laying against his own chest. “Do you need to dry off?” Mario asked, patting his mushroom head. 
Toad nodded his head. “Yes please.” Toad replied softly. 
Luigi picked up the second Toad in his arms, and swished his own hair out of the way. “Gosh, I should probably dry off too. My hair is drenched.” Luigi told him. 
Mario picked up Toad as he got up, and fluffed Luigi’s hair. He widened his eyes and brought his hand back, seeing his own drenched hand. “Geez! It really IS drenched!” Mario reacted, wiping his wet hand against his shirt…only for his hand to wind up even MORE drenched. 
Luigi giggled and playfully patted Mario’s belly a few times, before running up the stairs to the doors of the castle. Mario widened his eyes and held his breath to not cause a reaction, before taking off running after Luigi with the toad still in his arms. 
The two boys walked into the castle doors, and let the big doors close behind them. Luigi held the toad against his own chest like he would cradle a sleepy toddler, and took off his shoes. “Gosh…It’s so big in here.” Luigi reacted. 
Mario looked up and saw the Princess walking towards them from the other side of the hallway. “Hello Princess.” Mario greeted, waving to her. 
“What’s going on?” Peach asked, before walking close enough to the boys to realize they were drenched. “Oh my gosh, you must be freezing.” Peach reacted. 
“Yeheah…I think we’re gonna need a few towels.” Mario admitted with a chuckle. 
“Two for us, two for the snuggle bugs.” Luigi joked.
Peach smiled and giggled. “Toaden? I need 4 towels from the closet.” Peach told another toad.  While Toaden went to fetch the towels, Peach walked up to the toad in Mario’s hands, and petted the toad’s head. “Are you comfy?” Peach asked. 
Toad opened his eyes, revealing stars in his eyes as he nodded his head at Peach. “He’s warm and cozy.” The toad admitted. 
Mario softly laughed at his words. “Who knew talking mushrooms could be such cuddly creatures?” Mario asked. 
Peach giggled. “I did.” She replied.
“Here you go.” Toaden said, giving her the towels. 
Peach smiled and took the towels kindly. “Thank you.” She wrapped one of the towels around Mario’s shoulders. “They’ve always been cuddly like that. Especially the pinheads.” Peach admitted. “Or as humans like to call them, babies.” Peach added. 
Mario looked over at Luigi, and covered up his laughter so he didn’t wake up the toad in his hand. Luigi was humming a little song, and gently rubbing the toad’s back. He had gone into full-on ‘mama-mode’ with the toad, and it was both adorable, and hilarious. As she adjusted the towel around Mario, Peach looked at Luigi and could quickly feel her heart squeezing with joy. “Awwww, that’s really cute. You’re a Mama, Luigi.” Peach reacted genuinely. 
“Mama Luigi-” Mario wheezed before covering his mouth to muffle his laughter. “Oho my god- That’s the perfect name for you.” Mario reacted. 
Luigi blushed for a moment, before putting on a proud face. “If I became someone’s mama? I’d wear it with pride.” Luigi admitted. 
Peach giggled and laughed. “Ahaawww! Mama Lu-lu!” Peach cooed. 
Luigi widened his eyes and felt his blush deepen. “U-Uh-” Luigi mumbled. “W-Well…” 
“Lu-Lu…” Mario muttered under his breath with a laugh. “That’s a nickname I haven’t properly heard in years.” Mario teased. “We should get that put onto a t-shirt.” Mario teased. 
“I will as soon as you get a matching shirt that says ‘Baby Mari’ on it.” Luigi teased. 
Princess Peach wheezed and covered her mouth with newfound laughter. “Bahahaby Mahari!?” Peach asked. 
“Yup! That’s what our Mama used to call him.” Luigi admitted. 
“Luigi!” Mario reacted, blushing a bit. “Not another word.” Mario warned. 
Luigi rolled his eyes and looked at Peach with a smile. “Our Mama would call me ‘baby Lu-Lu’, and she’d call him ‘baby Mari’.” Luigi told her, pointing to Mario. 
Peach let out a long fit of high-pitched laughter. “Ohoho my goodness!” Peach reacted. “You wouldn’t kill me if I started calling you two that, would you?” Peach asked. 
Mario narrowed his eyes at her before pointing to her. “You’d better not.” Mario warned. 
Peach giggled into her hand. “Mari-Mari-Mari~” Peach teased with a playful grin on her face. Mario growled as his face heated up with blushy humiliation. He was growing so embarrassed, the man couldn’t even speak without stuttering! “Sh-Shut up.” Mario muttered, giving the toad to Peach as he stewed in his own humiliation. 
Peach giggled and took the toad, before wrapping the towel around Toad and laying him down. “Sleep there, Toady.” She told him. 
When Peach turned around to get the other toad, Peach froze in place and gasped, before covering up her mouth with her hand. Luigi was desperately using his green hat to cover up the heavy blush that had deepened from a pastel red color, all the way to a dark cherry red. He wasn’t just embarrassed or humiliated. He was MORTIFIED. 
Peach suddenly doubled over, and absolutely lost it. She was cackling her head off while Mario had gone from embarrassment from the nickname, to teasing the heck out of his poor brother. “There is only one person I know who can blush a color like that…and that’s Luigi right here.” Mario added with a laugh. 
Luigi looked down at the toad, and widened his eyes. While the man had been busy sitting in his own embarrassment, Luigi had forgotten to check up on the toad…who was now sleeping soundly against his chest. And…it began to fill him with intense, mixed emotions. And despite his intense need to cry, Luigi swallowed it down and focused on staying calm alongside the toad. 
“No hard feelings, Luigi?” Peach asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
But Luigi didn’t look at Peach. He only focused on the toad that was laying against his chest. “No harm done.” Luigi muttered back. 
Peach tilted her head and looked at Mario. “Is he okay?” she asked. 
Mario looked at Luigi and walked up. “Luigi?” Mario asked, patting his shoulder. “What’s-” 
Luigi let out a soft, gentle ‘shhh’ sound. 
Mario looked down at the toad, and smiled a bit. “Don’t you think you’re getting a little…” Mario softly asked. 
Luigi looked at Mario. “M…Maybe.” Luigi admitted. He gently picked up the toad and handed him over to Peach, who had a towel ready for him. Peach wrapped him in the towel, and placed him beside the other toad. “They deserve a rest.” Peach said. 
Mario smiled as he wrapped the towel around himself better. “So…What do you normally do on rainy days?” Mario asked Peach. 
Peach looked at Mario and shrugged her shoulders. “Sometimes I like to listen to the raindrops hitting the roof and the windows of the castle.” Peach admitted. “Other times…I like to spend time in the throne room, reading.” Peach admitted. 
Mario smiled as he listened. “Running around in the rain is one of my favorite things to do. The reason we were so drenched here was because me and Luigi were running around in the rain.” Mario admitted. 
Peach giggled. “Why am I surprised?” Peach asked. 
Mario chuckled and looked outside. The rain was still falling heavily. “I know I’m gonna sound silly, but…” Mario took off the towel and walked to the castle doors. “I think I’m gonna go out running again.” Mario admitted. 
Peach tilted her head. “Really?” Peach asked. 
Luigi chuckled. “Yup.” Luigi got up and folded up his damp towel. “Would you like to join us, Princess?” Luigi asked. 
Peach looked out at the rain, and sighed. She wasn’t entirely sure. She used to love the rain as a kid, and still did. But…
“I… don’t really have any clothes that I can get wet in.” Peach admitted. 
Luigi tilted his head. “What about a swimsuit?” Luigi asked. 
Peach widened her eyes. “A…Swimsuit? But…I thought swimsuits were for swimming.” Peach admitted. 
Luigi shook his head. “Swimsuits are for anything involving water. Mama used to get us to dress in our swimsuit when we were kids.” Luigi admitted. 
Peach looked down, still unsure. 
“LUIGI, COME ON!” Mario yelled. 
“COMING!” Luigi yelled after his brother. He looked at Peach and softened his expression. “It’s your choice.” Luigi told her, putting the damp towel down. “Think about it.” he said before running after Mario. 
Peach would end up taking Luigi’s advice, and putting on her pink swimsuit. Luigi would end up turning around, and cheering Peach on when she came running out in her suit. And when Mario saw Peach in the swimsuit for the first time, Luigi put it upon himself to tackle Mario into the wet grass to help his brother out of the little trance of love. And though this would earn Luigi plenty of wet tickles, he didn’t mind. Not one bit. 
Peach did not anticipate running around in the rain with the boys. She thought she had outgrown such childish activities. But with Mario and Luigi’s help, Peach was reminded that a person is never too old to run around in the rain and experience the beauty of the world.
Plus…seeing Mario’s wet bangs laying against his forehead was rather amusing in and of itself.
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Did You Use Any Checklists or Guides to Ensure You Didn’t Miss Any Critical Cleaning Tasks?
When moving out of a rental property in Melbourne, it's essential to ensure the property is cleaned thoroughly to get your bond back.
End of lease cleaning, also known as vacate cleaning or bond cleaning, involves making sure the property is spotless and in the same condition it was when you first moved in, except for fair wear and tear. Using a checklist or guide can help you stay organized and ensure you don't miss any critical cleaning tasks. Here's how a checklist can make your end of lease cleaning in Melbourne more manageable and effective.
Why Use a Cleaning Checklist?
A cleaning checklist is an invaluable tool for anyone preparing for end of lease cleaning. It helps you:
Stay Organized: A checklist ensures that you cover all areas of the property systematically.
Save Time: By following a structured plan, you can complete tasks more efficiently.
Ensure Thorough Cleaning: It reduces the risk of missing crucial areas that could lead to disputes with the landlord or property manager.
Reduce Stress: Having a clear plan makes the cleaning process less overwhelming.
What to Include in Your End of Lease Cleaning Checklist
Here’s a detailed checklist to guide you through the end of lease cleaning process:
General Cleaning Tasks
Dust and Wipe Surfaces: Clean all surfaces, including shelves, countertops, and skirting boards.
Vacuum and Mop Floors: Ensure all floors are free of dust and debris. Vacuum carpets and mop hard floors.
Clean Light Fixtures and Switches: Dust and wipe down light fixtures, switches, and sockets.
Clean Windows and Mirrors: Clean all windows inside and out, and ensure mirrors are streak-free.
Remove Cobwebs: Check ceilings and corners for cobwebs and remove them.
Kitchen Cleaning Tasks
Clean Appliances: Clean the oven, stovetop, microwave, and dishwasher thoroughly. Don’t forget the range hood and filters.
Defrost and Clean Fridge/Freezer: Empty, defrost, and clean the fridge and freezer.
Wipe Cabinets and Drawers: Clean inside and outside of all cabinets and drawers.
Scrub Sinks and Taps: Make sure sinks and taps are free of stains and lime scale.
Clean Countertops: Wipe down all countertops, ensuring they are free of stains and grime.
Clean Backsplash: Scrub and clean the backsplash area.
Bathroom Cleaning Tasks
Scrub Tiles and Grout: Clean bathroom tiles and grout to remove mold and mildew.
Clean Toilet, Sink, and Bathtub: Thoroughly clean and disinfect the toilet, sink, and bathtub.
Polish Fixtures: Polish taps, showerheads, and other fixtures to a shine.
Clean Mirrors and Glass: Ensure all mirrors and glass surfaces are spotless.
Wipe Down Cabinets: Clean inside and outside of bathroom cabinets and drawers.
Clean Exhaust Fan: Dust and clean the exhaust fan.
Bedroom and Living Area Cleaning Tasks
Clean Windows and Tracks: Wipe down windows, window sills, and tracks.
Dust Blinds and Curtains: Dust blinds and wash or dry-clean curtains.
Vacuum Carpets: Ensure all carpets are thoroughly vacuumed. Consider steam cleaning if necessary.
Clean Wardrobes and Closets: Wipe down the inside and outside of wardrobes and closets.
Remove Wall Marks: Clean any marks or scuffs from walls.
Laundry and Utility Area Cleaning Tasks
Clean Washing Machine: Wipe down the exterior and clean the drum of the washing machine.
Clean Dryer: Remove lint and clean the dryer.
Wipe Down Surfaces: Clean all surfaces, including shelves and cabinets.
Clean Sinks: Scrub and disinfect laundry sinks.
Outdoor Area Cleaning Tasks
Sweep and Mop: Sweep and mop patios, balconies, and decking areas.
Clean Garage: Clear out the garage and sweep the floor.
Tidy Garden: Trim plants, mow the lawn, and remove any weeds.
Clean Windows: Ensure exterior windows are clean.
Additional Tips for Effective End of Lease Cleaning
Start Early: Begin the cleaning process well in advance of your moving date to avoid last-minute stress.
Gather Supplies: Make sure you have all necessary cleaning supplies before you start. This includes cleaning solutions, sponges, microfiber cloths, a vacuum cleaner, and mops.
Follow the Condition Report: Use the initial condition report from the start of your lease as a reference to ensure you meet the required standards.
Hire Professionals if Needed: If you find the cleaning process overwhelming, consider hiring a professional end of lease cleaning service.
Using a checklist or guide is essential for effective end of lease cleaning in Melbourne. It helps you stay organized, saves time, ensures thorough cleaning, and reduces stress. By following a comprehensive checklist, you can be confident that you haven’t missed any critical tasks and can secure your bond refund.
For those looking for reliable and thorough vacate cleaning services in Melbourne, consider Bright End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne. Their experienced team offers comprehensive cleaning solutions, ensuring your property meets all standards and helping you secure your bond refund without hassle.
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derrickjones · 7 months
Artificial Turf Installation
Not only is lawn care costly, but it can be a major pain. However, imagine being able to enjoy a year-round lush, green, and natural-looking yard without ever having to water it. What if, in reality, you could accomplish that and never had to give it another mow? Yes, you can, and it's a lot simpler than you might imagine if you work with one of Texas' best artificial turf installation businesses. We provide our clients in Texas with gorgeous, long-lasting, premium artificial turf installations that will make their neighbors green with envy!
Pesticides and fertilizer are not necessary for the benefits of artificial grass. It saves you from worrying about puddles getting muddy. It's economical, saving you money on the supplies and labor that go into maintaining a lawn. It will assist you in using less water. There are several advantages for homeowners using artificial lawns. Artificial grass not only saves time on lawn upkeep, but it also does away with the need to water your lawn. You can now return to enjoying your garden with your friends and family on the weekends rather than spending them mowing, fertilizing, and watering it.
For many years, our turf has been one of the top brands in Texas for the installation of artificial grass products. With decades of combined experience, we are aware of what our clients want and go above and beyond to consistently provide a high-quality lawn installation. Our first goal is your satisfaction; we don't consider a project complete unless you're delighted with your new artificial turf lawn or landscaping. To ensure durability, we not only utilize the best artificial grass available, but we also employ the newest installation methods. You have up to 20 years to enjoy your evergreen, low-maintenance fake lawn in luxury!
Our artificial turf installation teams are courteous and extremely professional. As experts in artificial turf, we take great satisfaction in designing stunning artificial grass installations. Our years of experience designing and installing turf for clients throughout Texas is one of the biggest benefits of selecting Ideal Turf to install your artificial grass. Use our artificial grass cost calculator to get an idea of how much installing an artificial turf or putting it green will cost.
When you contrast artificial turf with real grass, its advantages start to become clear. Homeowners are finding that artificial turf enables them to maintain a lovely lawn without worrying about breaking water limits or their neighborhood Homeowners Association's landscaping rules in drought-prone locations like Texas. The ground is rolled and smoothed out to remove any troughs and grooves where water may collect before the turf is put in. To help drain away extra water and keep it from collecting in low regions, small irrigation channels are also added.
Our area of expertise is installing artificial turf with professionalism. To choose the best artificial grass for their project, we work closely with our clients. Our knowledgeable crew prepares the site with care, guaranteeing that the turf is laid smoothly and firmly. Our strategy ensures an eco-friendly, low-maintenance landscaping solution that raises the property’s value. Customers in Houston may anticipate a smooth and quick installation process that turns their outside areas into lovely, useful places.
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ozma914 · 7 months
Mother Nature Is a Tease
 She pops out for a day, shows a little leg, smiles demurely, and disappears again, leaving her anxious suitors to suffer through more cold and wet. It’s hardly any wonder that the symbol of weather should run hot and cold, but sheesh – enough is enough. The stupid groundhog predicted an early spring, but he didn't say it would come all at once. What is a groundhog, anyway? It’s a big rat. Set a trap, somebody. Even more than usual, our weather pattern looks like a heartbeat on an EKG. It reminds me the old days, when I walked to school barefoot, in a raging blizzard every morning and a blistering heat wave in the afternoon. (Uphill both ways, blah blah blah.) I really should get around to admitting I only lived two blocks from school. As a result of the bouncing weather, some people say they'd rather it just stay cold all the time. Their brains are still frozen. Saying cold all the time instead of warm some of the time is like saying that, since you can’t eat 24 hours a day, you’d rather just starve. To carry the heavy comparison further, I’d rather weigh 300 pounds but be alive than be the first member of my family to voluntarily starve to death.
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Most of my best winter photos are taken from inside. I care less about glare than I do about frostbite.
Summer now goes by much more quickly than it used to, and winter – strange as our recent winters have been – lasts much longer. When I was a kid, the average summer lasted eighteen months. Seriously. I would go out to play after breakfast, and wouldn’t come in again for three days, just in time for lunch. The summer when I turned nine lasted for over six years. It’s a science-fictiony mystery, but there you go. We went down to Kentucky for a two week vacation that lasted so long we had to cut down trees to get the car back on the road. And it never got hot. Kids could wake up in the hospital with two IV’s in their arms to rehydrate them, and have no idea they were ever overheated. Then they’d go home and run back outside again. Sure, most of us didn’t notice the cold, either, but we sure noticed when we started getting feeling back into our limbs. It was like getting a power pinch from our least favorite aunt – all over.
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Isn't this fun? SO much fun. Later I'm having hot chocolate and a good cry.
Even the bad things about summer are proof that summer is good:
Bugs? Hate ‘em. But why do they come out during the spring? Because during winter they’re dead. Everything’s dead. It’s a dead season. Mother Nature is dead – the first lightning storm of the spring is like a giant defibrillator, starting her heart back up. No lawn mowing during winter. Why? Grass is dead. No poison ivy during winter. Why? Dead. Snakes? Dead. No spiders during the winter. (Spiders are not bugs. Bugs are just bugs – spiders are evil.) Even spiders know dead when they see it, although many think it looks like the bottom of my shoe. Hot and humid is unpleasant, I get that, but nobody's car ever slid into a snowbank because the sun was shining too much. No poor match girl ever froze to death under a shade tree during an Independence Day celebration.
Tornadoes? Terrible things, mile-wide vacuum cleaners. But blizzards have covered half the friggin’ country. Besides, no matter how strong it was, no meteorologist ever mentioned “tornado” in the same sentence as “wind chill”. Winter even smells dead – spring smells of fresh cut grass, and lilacs, and that earthy scent that comes with a warm summer rain. And yes, it also smells of hot asphalt, and dairy farms, and sweat, but that’s a small price to pay for driving down a country road with the window open and breathing deeply as you pass a cornfield.
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Pretty, isn't it? And DEAD.
Almost everything’s green, with patches of other bright colors like spotting a forgotten twenty dollar bill. Green is life. Winter has no color: It’s black and white and dead all over. I could also go for the cliché and mention the sounds – birds, frogs, insects, all more relaxing than the sound of sleet on siding, or furnaces kicking on. Finally, lest we forget, the feel of walking around in shorts and shirtsleeves, without the accompanying frostbite. Warmth makes everything a little better. Sure, you can’t store your frozen goods on the back porch, but that’s a small price to pay for opening the window and breathing real air. So come on out, Mother Nature, don’t be a tease. And don’t bother bringing your winter coat.
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
Blog: https://markrhunter.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.markrhunter.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozma914/
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Tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/ozma914
Remember: If wrapped in plastic, books make good umbrellas. Get hard cover.
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alwaysshallow · 7 months
single mom x price; PART 3
where john, for the first time, enters your house. and, pushes the boundaries.
part 1 || part 2 || part 4
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It’s impossible to avoid him.
Not like you try to do it, not after the amazing fiasco with your car, not after having to face him about parking somewhere different. It would be not only stupid, but also weird considering that he seems like a… really good man. You don’t have anything against him.
On the road, you decide that since you’re a big girl, you shouldn’t be that opposed to the idea of meeting from time to time with him. It’s just a neighbor-neighbor relationship, nothing more, nothing less. Not like you automatically offer yourself to him by just being nice. 
And, friendship with him can be beneficial, as he’s known as a local handyman. 
Like he’d actually read your thoughts, he’s right there when you come back from your son’s school. This time, not half-naked—you think about it with a weird dose of disappointment, like you’d prefer him more without clothes—but in sweatpants and a matching hoodie, coffee in hand. Two, to be more precise, fairly cute with heart imprints on them.
“Coffee for the trouble,” he says, handing you a warm cup. Smile on his lips, the brightest it can be, so you don’t even think before taking a sip. “I hope I’m not a complete jackass in your eyes?”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Jackass?”
He shrugs, a small smile on his lips. Almost shy; you don’t know him, so you assume he is somehow. What you do not know; he’s more like a dog that pretends to be shy after he did something bad. Making you draw attention towards him.  “Acted like that, maybe.”
The sincere concern in his voice is cute. “No, it’s… you had no idea after all, right? You didn’t know it was my car that you’re blocking, could be anyone’s.” 
He just hums at that, acknowledging your response. You stay with him outside for a few more minutes, then leave with a vague explanation of what you need to do inside. And, you promise to see him tomorrow, if you’re lucky.
A mistake. It just encourages him more and more.
He starts bringing you coffee after this morning. Makes a ritual out of it, bringing you always the same coffee that made the best impression on you with the taste and freshness. He asks, too—if you need something different, if you need something a bit more fancy. Brags about his coffee machine and finally making the use of it, if you want.
You don’t see how his eyes glimmer when you say, “the simplest is the best”.
Price’s a good company. Cracking jokes, chatting, telling you just a little about himself, making you more curious with every meeting. 
Always so close to you. You think you know every little wrinkle by now, how his eyes crinkle in the corners when he laughs, when he smiles. Small mannerisms that make you soften, wonder what a guy like him was doing in the military.
Naive thought. Everyone has a mask.
The two of you always drink coffee outside. He’s respectful enough to not enter your house or ask about it, probably thinking that he’s gonna pry. You’re always somewhere around the mailbox, your car or you invite him on a bench near your house, closer every day to the inside. 
He’s always outside, but seems like he wants to go inside. You catch his glances over your shoulder as he towers over you, leaning over your fence or when he looks back at the house. Longing stare, like he wants something from here, a part of your life that he could have, a part of the life that he might understand better when he’s gonna enter the house. But, he doesn’t ask.
Yet. You feel like he’s gonna do it in the near future, as he gets tired of just being in front of your house where nothing happens for outsiders.
You learn over days that he’s there and he’s not going anywhere. When you are back from your son’s school, he’s already there. Saying something about mowing your lawn and as you actually need it, you bite back the “I can handle that alone” argument. Maybe he’s just nice. Maybe it’s a chance for once to not do everything yourself, at least you think. 
He’s like a scent that sticks to you and no matter how you want to wash it off, to smell different, to smell like you again, you simply can’t. He makes everyone know that he’s around you and no one else is allowed to be whatsoever. Marks the territory: a dog that finally had his bone and doesn’t want to give it away, even if no one seems like they want to snatch it. 
People aren’t blind; they see how he lingers, a stain of coffee on your perfectly white tablecloth. Something that you can take care of, but it will be there, if you have a mug a bit cracked. If it will be coming back, just like he does. You don’t see anything wrong with that. Neither does he; you’re a couple of friends—
He has no desire to stay away these days. Denise from the store asks you about that; softly, afraid to scare you, like you are some kind of untamed animal or someone like that. Fragile.
She brings it up over a dinner invitation, asking if she has to bring one more plate than usual; it’s innocent question and you don’t catch the double meaning in her words when you say, “Only me and my boy.”
She nods. A few seconds of silence pass between you two and you know for a fact there’s something in this silence. Something that you don’t quite enjoy because it’s gonna hit your personal life, so carefully hidden beneath all of the layers. “No John?” she peeks at you.
You stop in your tracks to look at her. Confused what your neighbor has to do with a friend's dinner that he didn’t belong to earlier on. Maybe you missed a chapter? He doesn’t even talk with Denise. “Why John would…”
“...you are spending a lot of time together. Figured it’s only right to ask, y’know. But no worries!” She says it, almost in a hurry, like you would scold her for even thinking about it. Before you have a chance to ask further, she says goodbye and you’re left with your own thoughts. 
Is it that visible to the others? Are you gonna be invited to the things together now, like you’re some kind of pack? Do you act like there’s something more to it? Maybe it is, maybe you just don’t see it yet. Maybe you don’t want to see it because you’re scared of what you’re gonna see.
A mess that he comes with. A mess that he wants to hide too. He can’t let himself scare you, not yet—
Who actually knows. You don’t even know it.
Your kid also likes Price. Seeing him before school, after school when he’s outside. Eager to go and talk to him, but limiting himself to only wave towards him, at which John gives him the biggest smile ever and waves too. Small talk there and there, little steps towards inevitable—an ask from your kid if he’s ever gonna come and play with him.
He says one day something about other boys and them getting to play with their dads, so he could play as well with Price, your friend. You pretend that it doesn’t hurt you deep, so you just smile awkwardly, saying something about asking John about it someday. Sooner than later because you just can’t erase the sound of your son, sounding disappointed when he said what he said.
The routine continues and extends to some point. Price tiptoes around you, slowly breaking the barriers you set for yourself. Helps you plant flowers “because it’s only right”, takes care of your garden with you when it gets too tiring or when your son yells for you and John says that, “you can’t let the little one down, can you?”. Reminds you of a garden competition that you forgot about, when you ask why he is still here.
He’s around a lot more, but still outside. 
A small significance about this detail doesn’t occur to you yet.
The perfect picture has to crack at some point; and unfortunately it does in the worst time that it could—on a completely random day. The moment you start your car to pick up your son from his school, the car makes weird noises. Nothing ignites the way it should, no matter how many times you turn your key, no matter if you even try to push harder. You even look up a random youtube video tutorial, but it doesn’t make a difference. It won’t start anyway.
And, just like that, you attract the audience—John Price himself—who shouts something to you. You try to ignore him, as you don’t have time for him right now, but he’s persistent, watching you as you hit the gas pedal; and it’s completely useless considering your car doesn't even start.
“Tryin’ to hit me with the car this time?” he taunts, giving you that perfect smile he always has when he tries to make you smile too. This time it doesn’t work, maybe makes you even more miserable in the whole situation. 
You manage to give him a weak smile though. Forced one, while you try to get your car to start, even more encouraged right now to get it started; you don’t want help, you don’t want him to notice how much you struggle right now. And it would happen again, like he’s a magnet for bad things happening to you, so he could swoop in and play the hero.
Which, of course, sounds absurd.
Much to your dismay, he opens the door quickly, a considerate smile on his lips. “C’mon, sweetheart. What’s happening there?”
“My car isn’t starting. As you see,” you add, a little bit aggressive; maybe too aggressive, as you see how his eyebrows furrow. You can’t do anything about your tone, even if you somehow want to, as you feel too helpless and pent up. Like you’re losing control. “Listen, John. I swear to God, I don’t have time—”
“No need for attitude, love.”
The sudden comment makes you gulp. Maybe you might have added too much attitude, maybe reacted too aggressive and he’s way too sweet to deserve it, but it’s not the worst thing to worry about right this second. "I— God, I’m sorry, but my kid ends the class in ten minutes, I just can’t—" you sigh, massaging your temples. It’s like nothing you’re going to say will be right and not considered straight up rude.
He takes a second before answering. "We'll take care of everything," he tells you. That word—we—makes you giddy. The way he says it, so firmly, not leaving even a pole of a discussion for you. “Gonna drive you here, then look at your car.”
You bite your lip, conflicted. “You probably have better things to do. I can just borrow your car, it’s only a ten minute drive.”
“You thought I’d let you drive like this? Nervous? ‘m not the man.”
The sentence itself makes you embarrassed. Weird, bad on the stomach that you actually thought like this. “I’m not—”
“—Get in the car.”
You don’t even try to argue anymore, so you just nod. Without any further question, you follow him to his pick up truck, sitting on the passenger's seat, while your knight in the shiny armor picks the country song to play along the way. 
You don’t miss how happy your kid looks when you pick him up with John. It’s not a very different reaction from the times you pick him up alone, but right now? Right now you see the sparkle in his eyes. The actual excitement, how he’s not usually tired as he is, telling you what he learned today with a half-lidded eyes, when you automatically feel bad for engaging in a discussion with him. No.
He’s practically getting out of his seat to be closer to Price, you have to remind him that he needs to be still so he’s gonna be safe. He tells him all about his school, what teachers teach him, what his favorite activity is, getting even more excited when John acknowledges what he said. Your son is practically in heaven when he asks him questions, he answers them all with a big smile on his lips, showing his front teeth. He’s not used to a man figure being around, not used to someone else than you, his grandma or your best friend.
John stops for ice cream, first in the season. You’re opposed to that idea, trying to explain to him that’s probably way too cold for that, but all it takes is his one hand on your cheek. Big, covering practically the half of your face, like he’s telling you, without opening his mouth, that he knows what he’s doing. He asks, his voice low, if you can make an exception for him. Because it’s the first time you’re here with him and your boy. Because he wants to make him feel special. Weirdly overwhelmed, but also feather-like, you agree. 
You never let your kid eat ice cream before it gets warmer. 
He doesn’t let you pay; he’s faster with his credit card, flashing you a smile, when you squirm about being so kind to you two. Price waves his hand at that, like the idea of being too kind isn’t an option.
You decide to eat outside, near the fountain in the park; better than doing it in the car, more bonding as Price said. Your son continues the blabber about his school with John, who gets quiet after the little man tells him that he told his friends about him, how he built a treehouse just for him the other day. Like it wasn’t enough, he mentions them being jealous of a “such a cool dad”. You know that the word is accidental, innocent as the kid doesn’t really have a dad, a father figure like John and when he’s here, it seems… inevitable to call him like that. 
You’re a bit afraid that the information might overwhelm him, even if you personally don’t see it as a deep comment, especially from the child. John is funny, likes to spend his time around you two, but it might feel like a commitment or some sort.
But then you notice a weird look in his eyes. Primal, beaming with pride, almost like it’s the moment that he can officially claim him as his. It’s ridiculous to be proud of something like that, so you take that thought away, listening to John say something about “making another treehouse together” and spending time with his friends, taking them to ice cream, if he would want to.
Almost like a son with his father, really. It’s maybe ridiculous, but…
But. But. But. 
Sometimes you think that they are similar. It’s not about the looks—maybe a bit, considering that your son has just as blue eyes as Price, and a smile that could steal a million stars—but about mannerisms. Without even thinking, he picks up certain behavior, a hand on a hip when he’s not really pleased with something or scratching his jaw and slightly tapping his chin if he’s thinking. 
Simple, didn’t catch your eye at first, but it hit you when you have a certain comparison.
John is back the same day. Standing right in front of you at your porch with his famous toolbox that you have seen around many times; before you even get to ask him why is he here, he explains, “can’t leave you like this. Would be wrong,” and you automatically feel your knees weaken. 
Seems like you can’t get rid of him this easily right now.
First steps into your house are slow. You don’t really pay attention to this, but John takes a good look around, observing like a hawk what you have. The pictures of you and your son are practically everywhere, there’s a little mess in the living room, showing that you indeed have a kid—he notes everything in his mind. 
And he notes how much of attention to detail you have, yet, still hasn't said anything about him being so curious. 
Like an omen, the cupboard you repaired a while ago, falls down to the floor. Thank God there was nothing inside.
“Seems like it will need my hand too,” he says, looking at you. There’s concern in his eyes, but also a weird gleam, like the prospect of spending more time here is actually exciting for him. “Gonna be here for a while, eh? Coulda told me sooner, love, ‘bout this shit.”
“Yeah. It… needs to be fixed, but I thought I’d… take care of it,” you murmur, bashful. The feeling that you know a little too well around John Price; that monstrous man who probably would’ve killed you barehanded. At the same time, he’s the nicest man. Seems like the nicest man at least; that’s what your local research told you. Behind it all, he is…perfect.
Maybe that’s why you don’t want to believe that he wants to be around you without any hidden meanings behind it.
He stops in your garage. “S’not trouble at all, sweetheart.” He leans down a little, his eyes locked on yours. You don’t even notice how his hand is dangerously close to your face, fingers playing with a loose strand from your bun, made a little hastily before he even came here. “Let me do everything. Take care of you. And you do your thing, I’ll be here.”
You frown. Maybe it’s not the worst idea to leave him be, but for some reason, it doesn’t feel right—leaving him in your garage. “You’re completely sure you don’t need help? I mean, I can take care of—”
“—I’ve got you, mama. Do your thing,” he whispers out. Sweet and affectionate. Giving you the sense of comfort, reassurance that he’s perfectly capable of whatever he’s gonna do with your car right now. “You wanted to make something for a little man, then do it.”
“Okay,” you say, your tone low too. His smile reaches his eyes now, as he kisses your temple, then, like it’s nothing, moves under the machine. You look at him dumbstruck, like someone hit you a moment before with a baseball bat. 
Normally, you’d say something about it. How inappropriate it is, how you’re not even close, not to mention that you’re not his to be treated like that, but it’s John that you think about. A man that’s kind enough to repair your car, so you just back out to your house, throat tight, fingers clutching at the end of your hoodie. 
Even if it seems inappropriate, you can’t say that it’s not nice—because it is. The thought of someone taking care of you, giving it all in bigger and smaller gestures. Making everything seem so easy with him, easier than doing it alone.
And you’re used to doing things alone, so maybe that’s why it’s kind of hard to get used to his presence.
Thoughts flow by, when you make chocolate muffins. Your kid’s favorite—and what you learn after, John’s favorite too. He eats them as eagerly as your six year old, who is dirty with chocolate all over his face. You make a mental note to make them less moist later, so you’re not gonna be occupied with cleaning in the future.
Price licks the surfeit of chocolate off his fingers when he’s done. Slowly, taking his time to do it right. You think you might go insane when he holds your gaze the entire process, the corner of his lips twitching. Something in your head tells you that he gets off on it, to the thought of how shy you are if it’s coming down to him, to his actions, but you try to not to think about it. Desperately.
Significant word, try.
It feels like a crime, when you sit to your laptop right after your kid is asleep. Curiosity kills the cat, but you forget about this when you type in “John Price” in your browser, a glass of wine on your coffee table, next to the lamp that your grandma gave you. She would encourage your behavior, you can’t help but think.
Something in you whispers that it’s a right idea, he’s not telling enough about himself to let you be around him so much. Not to let him act like you’re so close that neighbors already are talking about being a “thing”. Besides, it’s not only you here. Your kid likes him too, a tad too much for your liking to ignore the case and not check basic info.
For a few minutes, there’s nothing—or, too much, as there’s multiple John Price’s on the internet. Narrowing your searches, you add simple “military” to it, hoping for a miracle, something that will tell you anything about him. No matter if it’s gonna be bad or good, but the ache in your heart tells you that you’d want it to be good.
There is some information about him, but they’re mostly… a state of fact. Articles about successful missions, hostages alive. A bunch of articles praising him by the mayor of the town that the whole action happened at, interviews how he brings good everywhere he is. Multiple operations, even more praises for whatever he’s doing. Golden boy, made to shine.
Aside from the military, man doesn’t exist. No relatives, no social media that could tell you a scrap of his personality. If he likes cats or dogs better, if he’s divorced, if he has a family that he abandoned, or maybe close friends that he lost along the way. Walking mystery he is, or maybe a perfection. He can be everything he wants to be, and you won’t tell the difference between his past and the person he is now. You have no reference point.
Incredulous, you fidget with the hem of your t-shirt, thinking. No one is perfect, everyone has their demons, small or big, but everyone has them, the past that they’d like to forget in order to live without heaviness in their hearts. You have things you’d like to forget, a thing that haunts you every time you think about it; one of them is your son’s biological father, but you decide not to think about it further. There’s better things to think of that son of a bitch.
He saw things, you don’t need to be an alpha and omega to know that. Bad things; things that you probably won’t ever see, if you’re lucky, but this shit sits in his head, of course. Only him and God knows how many people he lost, how many he buried along the way, how many he killed. 
It makes the difference who he was before.
You can’t have someone that you don’t know very well around the kid, you repeat to yourself, as you close the laptop. You can’t have someone who could be a potential danger. You want peace and quiet in your own home, men already disappointed you enough, including the biological father of your kid, you don’t need to have another one on your list.
Yet, you want him around somehow. He keeps the bad things away, he makes things better, he takes the worries away, just like he did with the car.
You just need to… find more information on John Price. Take some distance, maybe, and think about all of it twice.
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kyleaichele · 8 months
How to Create a Low-Maintenance Landscape Design by Kyle Aichele
Kyle Aichele
How to Create a Low-Maintenance Landscape Design by Kyle Aichele
Outdoor beauty can be overwhelming to care for, yet we all love spending time outdoors. By planning and allocating sufficient resources, creating your ideal yard should only require minimal time commitment and resources.
Mulch can reduce water usage by preventing evaporation and encouraging moisture retention, helping you save on irrigation bills. Renew your mulch throughout the year for best results; organic options like decomposed sawdust or compost offer added nutrition while still allowing your plants to breathe; avoid wood chips or bark mulch that tends to form crusts that restrict moisture penetration.
Kyle Aichele points out that limiting grass areas by replacing them with flower gardens, fruit trees, or other plants can reduce mowing and provide more opportunities for relaxation or entertainment outside. You could even install walkways made of natural stone pavers, fire pits, or bocce ball courts to simplify further lawn maintenance tasks and provide an outdoor space for family fun!
Native plants make an excellent low-maintenance landscaping choice because they thrive naturally in your climate, requiring minimal upkeep. Plus, they support local wildlife.
A thick layer of mulch can effectively eliminate weeds while increasing the lifespan of new plantings. When used properly, high-grade mulches will retain their color, so you won't have to replenish as often.
Proper plant spacing will save time on weeding while ensuring each plant receives adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients. Planting sparsely also decreases competition for water supply during drought conditions - helping your plants survive more easily.
Adding water features such as fountains or birdbaths can reduce weekend lawnmowing while creating an elegant focal point in your landscape. They may also attract birds that help pollinate plants while serving as natural pest control solutions.
Kyle Aichele suggests that although a backyard full of exotic plants and waterfalls may not impress environmentalists, smart watering practices can significantly lower your water bills. Rainwater harvesting systems and cisterns allow you to collect rainwater that would otherwise go to waste on turf areas instead of being used to water plants. Other cost-cutting practices may involve slow and deep watering for optimal root development without surface runoff.
Rock Gardens
Rock gardens make an elegant addition to any landscape design and help create a low-maintenance space. Unlike traditional grass lawns, rock gardens utilize stones and water-efficient plants such as succulents and cacti that require less irrigation than regular gardens. If you want to save even more water while creating even less upkeep on your rock garden, consider xeriscaping, which is creating landscape designs that require only limited amounts of extra irrigation due to climate or geography.
To create an eye-catching yet low-maintenance rock garden, gather rocks of different sizes and textures for added visual interest. Arrange them to form pathways, seating areas, and focal points - or add slopes and levels that guide the eye through your garden - creating a layout to accommodate them all.
Kyle Aichele highlights that once your rock garden design is finalized, cover it with landscape fabric or weed barriers to prevent weed growth. Install plants by adding mulch or potting soil at each base for extra moisture and nutrients. If you have many plants to tend, grouping them may help minimize maintenance efforts as this ensures all receive equal amounts of sunlight and water; it also makes keeping track of what needs watering or cutting easier.
For an organic feel, choose native plants from your area. Sulfur flowers (Eriogonum umbellatum) and purple Salvia pachyphylla can make for stunning rock gardens when combined with green foliage as shown here; alternatively, you could incorporate Asian-style vignettes like those shown below, featuring large boulders supporting Japanese and Siberian irises alongside evergreens and evergreens.
Add an aquatic element to your rock garden for added interest and entertainment value, like a koi pond or fountain, for maximum impact and dimension in your garden. Uplights or downlights can highlight tall trees or plants, while accent lights draw focus to specific elements in your design.
Integrating shrubs into your landscape design can help minimize maintenance. From dense foliage and fragrant blooms to colorful foliage and evergreen fronds - shrubs provide lush landscape design elements while decreasing maintenance needs. When selecting low-maintenance shrubs such as boxwood, juniper, or yew, they offer minimal care requirements - perfect for those wanting to limit gardening time! Many also require minimal pruning, which makes them the ideal solution.
Soft-cares mahonia shrubs feature an exquisite, fernlike appearance, while other varieties like hydrangeas, bottlebrush buckeye, and beautyberry can produce vibrant fall flowers or finely-textured foliage. Furthermore, drought-tolerant varieties like lilacs don't need as much water during the summer. They can tolerate drought and frost-free winter conditions without needing extra irrigation.  
Planting trees that don't drop their leaves excessively can save a great deal of effort in landscape maintenance, according to Kyle Aichele (Santa Rosa Beach, FL). Removing those that drop a lot each season is only going to increase costs over time; to save yourself this hassle and effort, consider planting perennial wildflowers, annual gaillardia lavender, or Russian sage, which reseed themselves annually - these flowers provide your landscape with vibrant spring through fall displays without much work required on your part!
When creating a low-maintenance landscape, group plants with similar water and sunlight requirements together to minimize upkeep needs for all your greenery. Selecting native species will further help decrease maintenance needs as these species have already adapted to your microclimate and can fend for themselves more effectively than non-native ones.
Your garden beds require proper mulching to remain in top condition. A thick layer of shredded bark mulch will keep weeds at bay and protect your soil from sun damage while repelling insects that might otherwise damage your landscaping. Some types, like cedar bark mulches, can even be insect repellants!
As part of a new garden's construction, your efforts should go into its initial phases to reduce ongoing upkeep costs. Loosening soil, adding compost, and planting new species will establish healthy root systems that require less attention; additionally, clearing debris regularly is another great way to save on maintenance time.
Some homeowners relish the challenge of lawn mowing; others view it as a tedious obligation. If you want to reduce weekend lawn mowing without completely doing away with grass, try incorporating hardscape elements such as patio pavers or garden paths into your landscape design to reduce grass maintenance while adding visual interest to your yard. Hardscapes provide visual variety while simultaneously helping lessen the grass maintenance burden.
One way to reduce garden bed maintenance is through mulching. Mulching helps prevent weeds from sprouting and can even protect plants from extreme temperatures. Various kinds of mulch are available, from shredded to cedar bark; many materials even repel insects for a bonus!
Adding water features to your yard can help minimize maintenance requirements for landscape design and create beautiful scenery in your yard. From waterfalls and streams to fountains, creating water features is an attractive and enjoyable addition that draws birds and wildlife in. Clean these features regularly to prevent algae and other unwanted organisms from residence!
Hardscapes can add beauty and functionality to your backyard space with minimal effort, as per Kyle Aichele (Santa Rosa Beach, FL). Patios constructed of pavers or brick are popular options, providing a durable sitting surface. However, regularly sweep or wash stone hardscapes to prevent organic material from staining their surface.
Hardscape features such as pathways, retaining walls, and fences can create beautiful and natural effects and be constructed from various materials. Permeable pavers make an excellent option for garden paths as they allow rainwater to pass through easily. At the same time, it provides a sturdy surface to walk on.
Plant selection is the final piece in maintaining low-maintenance landscapes. A general guideline for selecting low-maintenance plants would be grouping those with similar lighting and water needs together to more effectively water each while simultaneously decreasing how often you must do so - such as grouping Knock Out roses or ornamental grasses.
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Rental Watch Sarasota
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Henry Siegle, our area supervisor, is one of a form. Henry is exceptionally knowledgeable and truly cares about his shoppers. Gardens takes the concern away from proudly owning a house permitting us to completely take pleasure in our Florida oasis. When your property is sitting empty, you are absentee home management jupiter worried about every thing from whether the lawn is being mowed to whether the native youngsters are using it as a hang around at the similar time you’re dealing with bills like taxes, insurance, and month-to-month funds.
This is how we grant you peace of thoughts in knowing that your home is in good arms. Anadith had a history of coronary heart issues and sickle cell anemia, her mother has stated. An inner investigation discovered that Border Patrol medical personnel had been informed concerning the girl's medical history but declined to evaluation the file before home property management jupiter she had a seizure and died May 17, her family's ninth day in custody. NEW YORK (AP) — Balloons with rainbows and Minnie Mouse surrounded the casket of an 8-year-old woman who died in Border Patrol custody as dozens of people gathered Friday to remember Anadith Danay Reyes Alvarez in New York City. The jury deliberated for about 5 hours over two days before reaching a verdict. Bowers, sporting a darkish sweater and blue shirt, had little response.
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noisybearsheep · 2 years
Chapter 3 Reflection
The concepts in this chapter were very interesting. When the author gave the definition of comparative advantage it seemed like it was a definition I already knew. Growing up mowing someone's lawn or taking care of pets while your neighbor is out of town - was something everyone tried to do to have a little spending money. Not knowing that this was the building blocks of this concept. Now older I now see how in-depth this concept can get. Absolute advantage is someone exceling in whatever task they excel in and using that to produce more for themselves. This absolute advantage can also be used in the trade of items produced to achieve an item they are not so exceled at; or to get their hands on an item that is produced cheaper than they can. This also leads us into the other definition of opportunity cost - giving up your less produced item, sending your time at something you excel in - and then trading that with someone who is your opposite. This is Comparative advantage: when you can produce something at a much lower cost than someone else.
All of these terms seem relatively self explanatory. Again, I feel like these are taught to us at a very young age - through chores or just watching the ways of the world. At the end of this chapter, the book brought up the question 'Should the US trade with other countries?'.
I think trade with several other countries makes for a good economy. In trading things we need for other things we don't we can save a little money which helps the bottom line to any business.
Looking in my closet I found SEVERAL items that were made outside of the US. Most of my clothing said Pakistan or China. Outsourcing a product to another country can have pros as well as cons. Some pros involved would be saving money on general costs (buildings, labor, manufacturing costs - even other countries taxes), faster turnaround of the product being produced, also depending on where you get your items manufactured, you can be open to more markets in which to sell your items. Also you can take into account the laws in other countries: US laws can sometimes be limiting, manufacturing overseas can help you with this problem in a BIG way. Some of the cons to this is lower quality items. Manufacturing things domestically can make sure the item produced is the highest quality - which you can not make sure is happening overseas. The risk involved with some of these endeavors can be a little scary as well. Not knowing what all the costs will be or just not being able to communicate fully with someone in another country manufacturing these things for you could end up hurting your bottom line.
By manufacturing somewhere like Wyoming could end up hurting your bottom line (costs) - but it could save you a lot of time and hassle dealing with phone calls and overseas hours. Not to mention the quality of the items being produced. Being able to travel to the facility to double check how its made could help your business in the long run.
A recent purchase for me was a couple of avocados. Being that HAAS avocados are known to have come from Mexico - it is an assumption that they have a pretty good monopoly on Avocados in the United States. Looking this information up I was pleasantly surprised to see that Avocados are now produced in a lot of countries throughout the world. United States surprisingly was ranked 14 in a list of world producers from atlasbig.com. This makes me think next time I go to the grocery store I am going to see if they offer anything other than Mexican avocados.
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dominicrarnoblog · 2 years
Top 10 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Professional Lawn Care Service
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Everyone wants to have a lawn that is the envy of the neighborhood. One of the most important aspects of a great-looking property is a well-maintained lawn, but making sure that it stays looking great takes a big commitment of time and effort. Having a great lawn takes more than just adhering to a regular mowing schedule. Every yard is different and needs special attention to look its best. Proper watering, aerating, and feeding are vital to keeping your lawn healthy. Most people don’t have the ability or experience to handle lawn problems when they come up. Hiring a lawn care service in Dublin may seem unnecessary, but the benefits can be worth the money and the convenience. Let’s have a look at some of the excellent benefits of hiring a professional lawn care service. Reasons to Hire Professional Lawn Care Services Conserves Time When you’re working full-time while managing domesticity and chores, the last thing you want to do is work on your lawn. The process alone is lengthy, perhaps taking over important weekends, and you will not understand how long it’ll take to reach your desired outcomes. Instead, let the lawn care service business take control of the seeding, fertilization, and other essential jobs, so you have extra time to do your preferred things. Cost-Effective When thinking about lawn work rates, it’s crucial to remember that DIY lawn care seems cost-effective, but it’s typically not the case. You keep buying proper tools and lawn care products. But if you make any errors, you should repeat the work, which will take more extra time & resources. For example, you could over and under-water your lawn or cut the yard too short, which a professional will need to repair. Less Physical Labor ” Are lawn care services worth the money?” You ask. It’s crucial to remember that caring for your lawn is labor-intensive and takes countless hours daily. This isn’t possible for older house owners, mainly if they risk falling or hurting themselves. You may have a situation that prevents you from working outside, or you might not feel like it. If so, you‘d benefit from hiring lawn care services to help you. Regional Differences and Climates Lawn care experts understand the different areas and how various climates affect plants and turf growing in your lawn. You might research to understand this, but you likewise should learn how to keep your new backyard. Only an expert understands your yard’s needs so that they can make a unique plan for your lawn. State-of-the-Art Equipment Most homeowners have lawnmowers, but you also need to buy trimmers, lawn edgers, leaf blowers, and special tools for fertilization. Calling a professional landscaping service has the best devices and knowledge to run whatever for the very best results, so you’re left with a beautiful yard. Go over any problems you have with your backyard so the company can get specific appliances and help you. Constant Care Many people say they feel sorry if their lawn isn’t up to par with the rest of their area. Because of this, you need to remain on top of an efficient lawn care routine which is challenging when you’re busy. Fortunately, lawn care companies provide weekly services, so your lawn stays pristine. Understanding and Expertise The cost for lawn care service varies between companies depending upon their proficiency and the amount of work needed in your backyard. Whatever the price, it’s worth it as specialists have the proper knowledge and equipment for the task. Safety and Liability Concerns Running a lawn mower can be dangerous as it can throw items into vehicles, homes, and even people. Other maintenance devices might slop oils or nasty chemicals into lawns and destroy them if incorrectly used. However, many lawn care services have insurance to cover any harm or accidents. They also have appropriate security training when mowing or servicing devices. Get Your Desired Look You want a lavish and healthy lawn and want to invest your free time in maintaining your lawn. However, doing this will drain your energy, and you won’t have the ability to value downtime in your yard fully. Instead, work with a Professional Lawn Care service who can fix your lawn care issues to get your desired results. The trained staff have years of experience and understand when to repair the prospective problems early on, conserving your cash. Even more, knowing how to enhance your lawn best goes far beyond the basic homeowner’s capability. Boosts Home Value Hiring garden design and lawn care experts can settle big time as it raises the value of your home. Unlike other house improvement tasks, landscaping can offer you a 100% return on financial investment (ROI) and increase your home’s worth by 15%. This is great if you intend to sell your house as a great lawn will increase your house’s curb appeal, the impression buyers have of your home.
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landscarp · 2 years
Artificial Grass - Easy Steps to Follow Before You Buy
Are you looking for an environmentally conscious way to enhance your yard? Artificial grass is a great option. After all, it's completely synthetic and requires no watering or mowing.
 It also doesn't require any fertilizer or pesticides to keep it healthy because it's made from recycled materials such as plastic bottles, old tires and industrial waste. 
So what are some considerations that should be taken into account before deciding on artificial grass and artificial grass price Adelaide for your landscape?
Your Space and Weather Conditions
  Before you start shopping for artificial grass, it's important to consider the size of your space. If you have a small yard and want to make it look larger, artificial grass could be just what you're looking for. If your yard is large enough that adding more turf would take away from its beauty and charm, then perhaps a different solution would work better.
Think about how much space is available in your yard and whether or not adding more room would help make it feel less cluttered and more peaceful. You may also want to consider if there are any rooms nearby—such as a screened-in porch or gazebo—that could benefit from new artificial grass too! If the answer is yes, now might be an excellent time to bring all those ideas together by looking into buying multiple rolls at once!
The Backing of Artificial Grass
The backing of artificial grass is an important part of the installation process. It keeps the blades from moving, and in the event that your lawn is installed on concrete or asphalt, it will help keep everything together.
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Many types of backings are available for artificial grass, including woven polypropylene tape, rubber infill and a mesh backing system. Your choice of backing material will affect the cost and ease with which you can install your lawn.
Backings made from woven polypropylene tape are inexpensive but tend to be more difficult to work with during installation than other materials because they need to be sewn into place manually by hand or machine (with specific tools). 
Rubber infill systems require less labor but cost more than other types of backing materials. Mesh systems can also be expensive due to their increased complexity; however, these are often considered easier than other types of backings since they do not require any sewing during installation
Life Expectancy of Artificial Grass
  Artificial grass will last anywhere from 10-15 years. The life expectancy depends on the type of grass you buy, how often it's walked on, and whether or not you have pets. You can also prolong the life of your artificial lawn by keeping it looking good with regular vacuuming and cleaning, as well as treating stains right away.
Maintenance is super easy when compared to maintaining natural grass because there's no mowing involved which saves time and money each month! Artificial lawns require minimal maintenance such as sweeping every few days (to remove any debris) during peak summer months where pets may walk more often than usual due to outdoor activities such as picnics or barbecues happening outside all day long...
Now that you have a better understanding of all the factors that go into choosing an artificial grass, it’s time to start shopping with affordable artificial grass price Adelaide.
Before you head out to your local store or website, however, make sure that you have your measurements and budgets in order. You may also want to consider speaking with one of our experts about what type of product will work best for your space and lifestyle needs.
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gthog12 · 2 years
Why should we get a professional to look after our lawn care?
Lawn care is important because it takes a lot of time and effort to keep your lawn looking good. If you don't take care of your lawn, it will become overgrown and unkempt. The grass may even begin to die if you don't water it regularly. When your lawn doesn't look as good as it should, you'll be less likely to enjoy spending time outside with family and friends. It's also important to have a well-manicured lawn because it gives the appearance of having more space than you actually do.
If you have an overgrown or poorly maintained yard, then mowing can become difficult or impossible. This can lead to uneven edges that make the garden look messy and unkempt. You might also notice that weeds are growing in places where they shouldn't be growing or where other plants are unable to grow properly due to poor soil conditions or lack of nutrients in the soil itself.
If you want to keep the lawn in a good condition without much effort, you should consider adding mulch around your plants for extra protection against weeds and insects like ants and termites.  They could damage the plants when they come into contact with the termite’s bodies. Mulch helps keep moisture in the soil so that plants won't dry out quickly if there's not enough moisture around them.
The best way to create a beautiful lawn is to have a good soil mix and correct watering techniques. A good soil mix will allow for proper drainage, which will allow for healthy roots and less water usage from sprinklers or other means. A poor soil mix can lead to excessive amounts of water sitting in the soil and creating standing water which can lead to fungus growth or root rot problems for plants that are planted in those areas.
A professional can look after your lawn in a better way!
It is important to find a company with the right skills and experience. When you hire a professional landscaping business, you know that your property will be treated with care and attention. The experts at your local landscape company will ensure that your lawn looks its best year after year.
You can trust that your lawn will be taken care of by professionals who have the knowledge, training and equipment necessary to get the job done right. Professional landscapers use state-of-the-art equipment that makes quick work of all types of lawns, from small plots near driveways to large, sprawling properties. They also have access to all types of chemicals and fertilizers so they can provide you with the best possible results while keeping your yard looking great year after year.
How to choose a right professional lawn care company?
The first thing you should do is to check the background of the lawn care company in Southern New Hampshire. Do not just look at the company’s website, ask around and find out if they are legit or not.
If you want to hire a lawn care service in your neighborhood, then you must know that there are many companies offering this service. You can choose any one of them, but it is better to make sure that they are reliable and trustworthy.
There are some tips that will help you find a good lawn care service provider:
Ask for references before hiring a lawn service provider. This will help you get an idea about their experience and expertise before hiring them. You can also contact previous clients and ask them about their experience with this particular company.
Check out their prices for different services offered by them on their website or through other websites such as Yelp or Angie’s List. You can visit these websites for more information about pricing options, costs and payment methods that each company offers as well as their license status (if any).
Groundhog Turf Care Address: 8 Bowers Rd., Derry, New Hampshire, 03038, US Phone: (603) 505-8587
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
heeey, could i ask you for some advice? we're going back to nature with our lawns, but we have an old dog with a bunch of health issues who we need to be able to supervise outside at all times, and we also live close to the mountains (for reference, the colorado rocky mountains) and have skunks, badgers, raccoons and possums that roam our neighborhood, and we'd rather not encourage them to set up permanently in our back yard—is there a way to have a yard where a less-hardy, more frail dog can safely play, that also is not attractive as a habitat for the bigger wildlife critters, and also not have a godforsaken grass lawn? or is it just.. shitty lawn/dirt vs full wildscape? and do you have any recommendations?
A trimmed lawn that never sees any pesticides or herbicides is already WAY better than the standard, so don't worry too much about it. Violets, mosses, and yarrow form decent ground cover that isn't just plain grass, but you probably already have a good variety if you don't spray anything. Mowing less often, not raking leaves, etc. all help.
Having some "lawn" is fine. My family has "lawn," it's incredibly lush and full of dozens of plant species, we're just steadily chipping away at it with trees, shrubs and flower beds. My suggestion would be to research the types of plants that belong in your biome, and section off part of your yard for a bed that can be a little wilder, maybe with a fence so the dog doesn't get into it.
Even a relatively "tidy" wildflower garden with native species that are host plants for important pollinators is way, way better than doing nothing.
For critters, you'd probably need brush, thickets, rotting logs and hollow trees. If you wanted to turn a section of yard into a woody grove, you could plant trees relatively densely and cut/clear unwanted undergrowth and it'll be good for wildlife, and you can have flowers and stuff, but bigger mammals aren't likely to build a house there.
I can't give too much specific advice about a habitat I'm not super familiar with, but basically, do what you can while keeping your yard safe for family and pets. Any little bit of native wildflowers, trees and plants helps. The problem isn't that lawns exist, it's that they're maintained even where there's no reason to have a lawn, and with destructive methods like pesticides and herbicides.
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