bonesy-doodles · 22 days
hi hello I am indeed curious about Prism and would love to read you yap about them pretty pretty please, I love them already you did the iridescence so well
I love getting to yap about them!!! For you, I have decided to yap about my design choices specifically. I’m including their art so everyone can reference what I’m talking about.
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So, basically, my approach to Prism started out with thinking about their Elemental Composition, which elements are most present in their design, so I could figure out the features I wanted to include, cause all my ghoul types are unique.
So their order of elements is, Quintessence, Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. So, they have the most Quint features, and only one or two Water features.
For Quintessence, they get their coloration, their swirling horns, partially their ear shape, and hair color and texture. Most Quint ghouls are shades of magenta, purple, and indigo, which Prism is, just much lighter in complexion compared to Aether, Phantom, and Aurora. Their horns are spiraling, as you can see on the larger set, there is three overlapping layers. Their ears are harder to tell, simply because of their hair blocking it, but they do have a very similar shape to Phantom’s ears, with another element in combination. Finally, their hair. Quint ghouls commonly have very light hair that is straight or with a slight wave to it (which you can also see in Aether and Phantom.
For their Air features, it can be found in their horns, ears, and of course the presence of wings. Air ghouls will often have two sets of horns, and Prism has a smaller, unicorn like horn (which I love so much!) Their ears also have some bat ear elements to them, as they are a mixture of Quint and Air ear features. And then their wings!! Their wingsssss!!! I have to thank my buddy Coffin for the idea of making their wings insect like, like prism fractals in way. It turned out so fun. The bat like part is the Air element’s presence, but mixed with another element is what gave them the insect-like fractals.
Now onto Fire. Fire for them manifests in a few small ways. Their horns are more geometric due to Fire and another element, their ears are much longer than usual because of it too. But the main thing can be seen in the gem like scales on their cheeks and shoulders (which are also influenced by another element) as well as their eyes! Fire ghouls often don’t have defined pupils or irises, so their eyes usually appear as one continuous color!
Now onto Earth. The whole gem like appearance comes from Earth mixing with other elements. The horns are crystalline, the scales are small gems, and the wings are insect-like fractals.
And then, finally, Water. There’s barely any indication of water in their designs. Except for the fact that they can glow. Water ghouls are often bioluminescent, and Prism takes that to another level.
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calxia · 1 year
I hope your illness isn't hitting you too hard!
I've been reading your angst over and over and damn it's the good stuff
What I've been thinking about is for Aether to learn of the shit that's been going down with Phantom and the pack (if Aether's still around, and not.. yk)..
In my own headcannons, I see Quintessence ghouls as a social species, so I feel as though this would be a harder hit to Aether and cause for the whole 'excuse me what the fuck' to go down amongst the pack
Again, I hope you're feeling better soon, being sick really sucks
Thank you for your concern! It's just my luck that I'd be sick for my birthday but thankfully I'm starting to feel better now (right when my paid leave from work is about to finish ofc)
In my head, the reason they needed to replace Aether is because of something like a disease outbreak at another branch of the church that required some skilled quintessence ghouls to be sent over. So, Aether and Omega are absent because they have been sent to help at another church. This is also partly why Phantom spends his first few weeks so alone, because traditionally newly summoned ghouls are cared for by their respective element groups. Especially for at least their first-week surface side, they'd spend all their time in a nest with others of their element as they acclimate to the change.
Before Aether departed, he made sure to ask the pack to care for the new ghoul that was due to be summoned while he and Omega were unable to. The whole time he is busy trying to fend off the disease outbreak with Omega, he is so sure that the new Quint ghoul will be properly cared for by their pack. All the clips of the new bug flourishing on stage also helped cement their idea that Phantom was being properly integrated and finding his place in the pack.
So, imagine his surprise when they are finally able to return to the ministry and their packs and the new ghoul is nowhere to be seen as all the other band ghouls greet him fondly. Nobody can answer him when he asks why his fellow quintessence ghoul hadn't joined them to greet him, which just makes his concern grow even more. Before he can search for him, he's whisked away to finish up some paperwork and it slips from his mind.
When he later joins the others for dinner, there's still no sign of Phantom. Aether's concern is at peak levels by this point so he straight away sets out to find him. He finds Phantom in his designated room.
The room is empty and lacks any smells of other pack members. Phantom has no nest or even any bedding on his bed and is instead curled up on the wooden floors under the bed frame.
Aether is furious. He put so much trust in his pack to welcome this young ghoul and instead, they'd just abandoned him and pushed him out of the group. He storms back to where the rest of the ghouls are seated to eat and flies off in a blind rage at them. By the end of his anger-fuelled rage, most of the ghouls are crying and those who are not are shellshocked still. He's got no time to worry about them though, because he's got a kit that's been on earth for months but is barely acclimated to tend to.
For a good few weeks afterwards, Aether remains glued to Phantom's side and all the pack gets when they try to talk to him is anger-filled looks that send them scurrying away.
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divine-misfortune · 9 months
I just saw u rebloged a picture of an era 1 (?) water ghoul and called them River in the tags. As I’m still trying to learn the names of the ghouls from earlier eras I wanted to ask if this (River) is a wider spread name for this ghoul or if it is only the name u personally use and wich water ghoul exactly this on the picture is? Thank u in advance! Always a pleasure coming around to ur blog! Have a nice day!
You've come to the right place, I am obsessed with the older ghouls and have a lot of plans in the works for them in the near future. I know there is some variation on names with the older ghouls, there was never a clear decision made overall by the Fandom but here, allow me to list.
So these are the ghouls of each element in order.
Phantom, sometimes referred to as Aeon
Earth, also sometimes referred to as Big Earth
Pebble, also referred to as little earth
Water (we've had so many water ghouls jfc)
Zephyr, also called chair ghoul
And then you've got your oddball ghouls like Special and Cowbell. They're their own group.
Ghoul names like Omega, Alpha, and Water have been sconfirmed - Terzo has said them before. Then there was that one Instagram post the official page made referring to Aether by name.
Some things to note about the list, Delta was a water ghoul before he switched to quint for a very brief period of time. Between Delta and Mist there was a period of time where the group didn't have a bassist. Also Dave Grohl, founder of the foo-fighters, and drummer for Nirvana, was in the band for a minute? I cannot for the life of me tell you when, but he was there at some point!
Up until the tail end of era 3 the ghouls are a little harder to tell apart in my opinion. There are some obvious things to pick up on (and if you'd like I can try to make a visual guide at some point?)
Feel free to ask questions about any of this btw-
I love the old ghouls and want to talk about them so bad it hurts
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eros-ghoulette · 7 months
As it always did and always will
The ritual was doing great, until it wasn't. (Chronic pain Zephyr)
Characters: Zephyr, Ifrit, Terzo, Aether Word count: 656
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It was warm, some may say hot, and Zephyr felt the sweat on their forehead while playing. They would try to get some cooler air, but that would only lead to mistakes, as their attention needs to be on the keyboard, not their element. Zeph looked over to Ifrit for a quick second, the fireghoul jumping around on stage, and they were happy to wear a mask, as the smile that formed on Zephs lips wouldn’t really spread Satans message.
It was a great ritual, the crowd was hyped, eating every of Papas inappropriate jokes up, and it was intoxicating. Everyone knew that after tonight’s show it would take some time to calm down; mostly for Dewdrop until he would collapse in his bunk. 
At least that was it until they felt something. Something that made their fingers stop for a moment. A sharp breath followed, and they tried to cover it up. No one seemed to have noticed. Zephyr had moved their lower body, trying to sit more comfortable, but it only resulted in something oh so familiar. And they prayed to the lord down below that it was just the short sting. 
But it wasn’t, of course it wasn’t. Another movement, another sting, and they feared the moment they needed to stand up. It never happened on stage before, why now? Why couldn’t it just go away? As long as they played, it was easy to cover up, the pain only begun. But the longer they sat there, the pain got more. Zeph knew it had been a mistake to go into the city before the ritual. Why had they agreed? 
Ifrit smelled a wave of anxiety and pain coming from the airghoul as he walked past them, and he looked at them. He immediately knew what was wrong.
The last song ended and Zephyr took a deep breath, trying to calm down. They lowered their hands on their knees and closed their eyes shortly, before standing up. How they managed to do that without falling back, they had no clue. Walking without showing they were in pain was hard, but they somehow managed to do that. Ifrit put an arm around them, his eyes burning intensely in worry. He heard the gasp while bowing, saw the slight limp even though his pack mate tried to hide it.
They had left the stage just two seconds ago, when Ifrit took his mask off, leaving his arm around the other and guiding them to Papas changing room. He had a bigger sofa in there. 
“What’s wrong?”, Terzo asked, walking beside them suddenly.
“I don’t know. Zephs back and legs”, Ifrit answered, feeling Zephyrs weight more and more on his shoulders, as the other tried to get the weight off themself. 
Terzo opened the door, worried about his ghoul. He watched the two of them, then turned toward the door again.
“I’ll get Aether.”
“Lay down, Zeph”, Ifrit said, trying to help somehow. The airghoul did as told and whimpered as they first sat down.
“Let me get that off.” The guitarist crouched down and took Zephyrs mask off, revealing the sweaty face and a painfully distorted expression. His heart broke, seeing the other like this. It was not the first time seeing them in pain, but it seemed to be harder than usual.
“You did great tonight, Zeph”, he muttered, trying to soothe them. His hand caressed their cheek. “Perfect as always.” He kissed their temple softly.
Behind them there were steps and Aether followed by Terzo entered the room. 
“Zeph.” The quint was next to Ifrit in no second and looked at his packmate with a pitiful expression. “Can you turn a bit, so I can reach your back?”
Ifrit walked over to Terzo, leaving Aether enough space. He knew it would be alright, he knew it wasn’t the first time. But still, his heart ached, as it always did and always will. ______________________________
I'm so sorry for writing about them again, and again, and again... But my brain is rotting and i love Zeph. Also, it's not my fault my brain is focused on them (i hope the person whose fault it is feels called out). Anyway, thinking about Zeph is my new hobby!!!!!
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cumulo-ghoulll · 5 months
How would you rate each of the ghouls from the Prequelle era?
Thank you anon! Luckily for me, Prequelle is my favourite era so this should be fun!
Talent wise, I love them all! Personality wise, it's even harder to pick faves but I'm still gonna do it!
Aether: 1000/10 he's my bbg, my lil man, my goofy goober, my silly lil quint, my wife . . . the list goes on. I love him so much I want to keep him in my pocket.
Rain: 10/10 that is wife material right there! Not only is bass my favourite instrument, but silly, shy men are my favourite flavour! I can imagine him living a very domestic lifestyle and I want in! I just wanna sit and read books in the library with him and talk about fish!!!!!!
Swiss: 8/10 could easily match my feral energy but he seems like he eats discarded belongings, like if someone lost a shoe, Swiss would be hiding in a corner, chewing it up . . .
Mountain: 9/10 possibly biased bc im also an earth ghoul but who cares! WE NEED MORE LOVE FOR MOUNTAIN!!! No one talks about him enough!! I love him with all my heart he's so silly! Also he's so real for not wearing shoes while he plays. I wanna lay in a meadow with him and talk about insects and our favourite cymbals raaaaggghhh!!! He loses 1 point for using 2B sticks (I have a personal vendetta against them I'm more of a 5A boy myself)
Dew: 7/10 tbh took me a while to warm up to him but i like him now! Hes not my favourite but i dont have any negative opinions of him! I liked him more in the Impera era even tho he didn't really change that much.
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oscurascout · 8 days
Bad Sanses Adventures
This Is What Happens When You Give 5 Skeletons A Quint
Note - Supposedly, a bike with 5 seats is called quint, well at least that's what google says. Also I know Horror's speech is different from others but because in like my "version," he is just like that, I know canonly he can speek well but I just like to this "version."
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Horror wanted everyone to bond. He wanted Cross to let himself loose and have fun. He hoped Nightmare would spend more time with them than with books, so he came up with a great idea.
It was another day of not doing much; everyone was engaged in their own activities. Dust and Killer were watching something on TV, Cross was locked in his room, and Nightmare was in the library.
Horror approached Killer and Dust first, confident they would agree to whatever he suggested.
Horror - *entered the living room, smiling* “Guys, .. would you like to, .. do a bonding activity, .. with me?”
Dust & Killer - *immediately* “Sure!”
Horror then went to Cross's room, followed by Killer and Dust. He knocked and entered without much worry; he was the only one Cross hadn’t tried to surprise attack, no one knew why.
Horror - “Cross, would you, .. like to do a bonding, .. activity with us?“
Cross - “What kind of activity?”
Horror - “It’s a group, activity, um... oh! It’s a surprise but it’s, .. nothing bad.”
Chara - “If it’s Horror suggesting it, then it must be a relaxing activity.”
Cross - “Sure”
Horror walked out of the room and headed to the library, with Killer, Dust, and Cross following behind him like little ducklings.
Upon entering the library, Horror saw Nightmare grabbing another book in the very back. Nightmare noticed them and teleported closer.
Nightmare - “What did you all do this time?”
Killer - *pouts* “How rude! We don’t cause trouble every day!”
Nightmare - “Alright, well, what’s the matter, Horror?”
Horror - “I would like to invite, .. you to do a bonding, activity”
Nightmare - “I don’t expect anything bad, but what is it?“
Horror - “It’s a surprise”
Nightmare - “Alright then”
They all went to the living room, where Horror asked Killer to open a portal to a pacifist AU. Once they arrived, Horror instructed them to wait in the park while he went to get the item.
Several minutes passed, and Dust began to worry.
Dust - “What if he got lost? What if something fell on him? What if a human did som—” *interrupted*
Nightmare - “Dust, relax. Horror is strong; he can protect himself”
Dust took a deep breath and calmed down, just in time for Horror to appear with a bicycle—not just any bicycle, but one with five connected seats.
Cross - *horrified* “Oh no”
Killer - *excited* “Oh yes!”
Horror - *smiled* “This is, the bonding, .. activity *puppy eyes* If you guys, .. want”
Cross couldn’t say no, so he simply sighed. They all listened as Horror briefly explained what they would need to do.
Killer - “I pick the last seat!”
Killer quickly ran to the back and hop on. Nightmare took the leading seat at the front, followed by Dust, Cross, and then Horror.
Nightmare - “Alright, we all have to move at the same time”
Everyone nodded and climbed on, trying to keep their balance. Unfortunately, they couldn’t and nearly fell. They tried again, and this time managed to balance themselves, but they couldn’t move an inch.
Killer - “The ones in the front need to start, then the ones in the back follow them”
Dust - “It’s harder than it looks!”
Nightmare and Dust began to pedal, but since the other three weren’t pedaling, the quintet didn’t move mostly at all.
Nightmare - *frustrated* “I swear, if none of you move, I’ll make sure you suffer all week doing all types of chores!”
Everyone started pedaling, albeit erratically, making the bicycle weave like a snake.
Cross - *sarcastic* “What a great bonding time,”
Horror - *cheerfull* “I know, .. right? This is .. amazing”
Cross chose not to correct him, not wanting to make Horror sad. Fortunately, after three attempts—one of which ended with them all falling into a lake, another where they went downhill at high speed, and the third where they nearly got run over by a truck—they finally figured it out.
Nightmare - “Everyone listen to me! We need to pedal at the same time, so follow my instructions first right, then left, and right, and left,”
They all began to pedal in unison, Killer singing “Heigh Ho,” and finally, the bicycle began to move smoothly.
As they pedaled, they enjoyed the scenery of the park. Soon, they all became hungry and decided to stop for a meal. Thankfully, Horror had prepared the necessary supplies.
Horror - *smiles* “So, .. what do you, .. guys think of the, .. activity?”
Everyone stayed quiet for a moment; they hadn’t enjoyed the quint bicycle activity.
Dust - “It’s, uh, oh, um, unique.”
Killer - “Yeah, it’s, uh, pretty.”
Cross - *looks away, avoiding "eye" contact* “To be honest, Horror, I didn’t like it. I would have preferred to do something else.”
Horror remained silent for a minute before bursting into laughter.
Horror - “Yeah, I didn’t like, .. it either *looking at Dust and Killer with a smile* and I know you, .. two didn’t either.”
They all smiled and continued talking, while Nightmare could only think about his family, which he was determined to protect.
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gravehags · 8 months
umm ghouls and dacryphilia. quint strap stuff with cirrus and aether and her going a bit too hard but also aether licking the tears off your face and grinding against you telling you that your tears are only gonna make cirrus go harder :( u just cry so pretty
WHEWWWWWW BOY aether especially being into it, fisting himself as you whimper and look at him pleadingly as cirrus pounds into you, your makeup a mess. you try to wipe your eyes in the duvet and cirrus grabs you by the hair to yank your head back up. there’s no way she’s letting him miss any second of you like this.
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mis4dv3nture · 11 months
Kinktober, Day 20
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Day 20: Watersports
Pairing: Rain x Phantom
Word count: 933
Rating: explicit
Tags: use of aphrodisiacs, rough sex, dirty talking, piss kink.
A/N: Please, read the fucking tags. I don't wanna be responsible of any kind of trauma.
<<You're such a messy Bug, aren't you?>> Rain had told him with a smile as he placed a small pot filled with water on the stove.
<<I promise I'll be more careful this time, but please, can I borrow some picks? I won't lose them, Rain, I swear>>
The water ghoul answered with a chuckle.
<<I'll give you some later, but now get a break, Bug, you've been working too hard today>> he told him in a soft voice, pulling a chair and inviting Phantom to sit <<come here, relax with me, I'm making some tea>>
He needed to practice. And he was always losing those damn picks all around the ministry. But how could he say no? Rain looked like he really cared about him, he couldn't refuse to stay with him.
After all, it was just a small break, right?
Rain carefully placed two teabags inside of the boiling water.
Just 10 minutes, right? Just a cup of tea and back to work.
But, obviously, it didn't go as he expected.
<<Huh, isn't it starting to get a bit hot here?>> the quint ghoul asked as his cheeks flushed with red after finishing the cup.
<<I don't know, Bug>> Rain answered faking innocence. He was definitely hiding something.
He looked ridiculously pretty. Phantom didn't know why, but he felt the sudden urge to pin him against a wall and-
<<I don't like this thing>> the water ghoul interrupted his thoughts <<do you want it? I don't want to throw it away>>
That tea wasn't actually that good, but Phantom didn't mind it. He accepted the second cup, Rain had barely taken a few sips.
It was starting to get hotter, the water ghoul was getting more and more fuckable. Phantom soon realised that he was getting hard. And Rain immediately seemed to notice.
<<Yeah, this aphrodisiac tea really tastes like shit>> he suddenly said with a grin.
<<This fucking what?!>> the quint ghoul shouted.
<<Oh, maybe I forgot this little detail>>
Phantom quickly got up and grabbed him by the throat, the water ghoul smirked.
<<You like playing these little games on me, don't you?>> he spoke with a menacing voice that did nothing else then make Rain hornier <<Now get your ass in my room and do something about it, you fucking slut.>>
<<Fuck, Bug, you already came twice, how are you still going?>> Rain whined as the quint ghoul kept bouncing on his dick.
He was a mess. Completely sweaty, his chest covered in the little ghoul's cum, his lips all red and swollen from the kisses, red marks on his thighs left by Phantom's claws.
And it still wasn't enough.
<<Next time you'll think twice before pulling those stupid tricks of yours on me>> he spat out as he slowly slipped away from his lenght <<I'm tired of riding you like a toy, come on, fuck me with my back against the mattress>>
Rain could help but obeying.
He carefully positioned him at the centre of the bed, then lifted his legs to hold them on his hips. Phantom let out a loud moan, feeling his deep slow thrusts.
<<Faster…>> he whimpered grabbing the sheets <<…harder…>> he really was out of his mind, all he wanted was to chase another orgasm <<…please Rainy>>
The water ghoul started getting more rough, Phantom kept moving louder and louder, starting to feel a hot sensation building up in his lower abdomen. He also felt some pressure there, but didn't care about it, he only needed to cum.
<<Fuck, fuck, keep going I'm so close>> he whined again.
<<You really are insatiable, aren't you, messy boy?>> the water ghoul answered with a grin. At this point he was literally folding him in half.
The pressure on his lower abdomen kept getting worse, but his orgasm was so damn close.
When Rain hit his sweet spot with one last firm thrust and his orgasm kicked in, he finally realised what that pressure in his lower belly was.
But it was too late.
And the worst thing was that he enjoyed it.
He closed his eyes, hiding his face behind his hands. When he got brave enough to finally open them again, the water ghoul was looking at him with a surprised expression, his cheeks flushed red. His belly, such as the sheets under them two, were completely wet.
Phantom felt like crying, he tried to escape by slipped away from Rain, still covering his face.
<<Bug! Come here, please, you don't have to be embarrassed, I…>> the water ghoul tried to stop him from running away.
<<Don't be embarrassed? I literally pissed myself while you were fucking me!>> he answered holding back tears, too embarrassed to look at him.
Rain quickly got up to hug him, the little ghoul definitely needed some comfort.
<<My Bug… my messy little Bug…>> he whispered to him as he kissed him on the head.
Phantom wiped away a tear from his face as he buried his face in Rain's chest.
<<You won't believe me but that was so fucking hot…>> he told him tenderly caressing his cheek.
The quint ghoul finally looked at him in the eyes, the water ghoul looked pretty aroused.
<<Please, please, Bug, do it again, I'm begging you…>> he whined as he got on his knees in front of him, palming at his lower belly <<but please, now do it on my face…>>
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The Turn of the Screw
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THE TURN OF THE SCREW, music by Benjamin Britten, libretto by Myfanwy Piper, directed by Amanda Smith: Britten’s chamber opera spells out what Henry James’ novella and most other adaptations leave to the imagination. Even though the housekeeper, Mrs. Grose (Krisztina Szatio) cannot see them, the ghosts of Peter Quint (Azitha Tennekoon) and Miss Jessup (Rachel Krehm) here are very real, and your appreciation of the piece will rise and fall on how well you can accept that. I was intrigued by the way Myfanwy Price positions them as representatives of a pagan culture fighting back against centuries of oppression. Its opposition, Christianity and rationalism, is doomed to failure. The church is off-stage, represented largely by a hymn the children sing at the start of Act II. Smith’s production adds a priest, but since he has nothing to sing, he’s not exactly a powerful force against the haunting. Rationalism, as represented by the governess (the wonderful Elizabeth Potese), has its flaws as well. Her crush on the children’s unseen gardener and, by extension, young Miles (Ryan McDonald), colors her choices and contributes to the plot’s outcome.
Smith has staged the work in a challenging space. The Theatre Passe Muraille’s mainstage is rather small, though there’s a catwalk surrounding the performing area that allows her to work with levels. A lot of her staging is quite effective. There are large lattice-work panels upstage that provide places for ghostly appearances and at one point a space for Potese to spy on the spirits. The only misstep is having Tennekoon make his first appearance in the center balcony, where most of us in the orchestra couldn’t see him. Since it overhung my seat, he also dropped leaves on me, a distraction that makes me wonder what you could drop on the audience in other operas, to good or ill effect (you can make your suggestions in the comments). Smith has also cast adults as the children, which is understandable, and they both play children convincingly on an emotional/relationship level. But having an adult male in the final scene makes the inevitable ending harder to sell.
Fortunately, the singing is glorious. This is largely an opera for treble voices with the addition of a tenor as Quint. When the women and Miles sing together, the harmonies are ravishing, while Quint and Jessup have sinuous, seductive lines as they try to live on through the children. Potese, in particular, is a wonderful singing actress. The governess is one of the most psychologically complex figures in modern opera, and Potese captures her every nuance. The opera is her tragedy, and her performance made me want to see Potese tackle other intense roles in pieces like THE CONSUL or MEDEA.
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why hello new theme
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thedarklinkfell · 2 years
The Turning: Strong Animals (symbolism)
I’ve been in a mood so have another analysis, this time of the fact that Miles and Flora are consistently referred to as animals - specifically thoroughbred horses -and the fact that Peter Quint’s job is taming (or breaking) horses. 
“It’s a strong animal. If you don’t exert power over it, you’ll never gain control. That’s what Quint taught me.” 
As always, it’s The Turning so tw for discussions of canon types of abuse etc
The really, really interesting part is that Quint is of course a man who was employed to tame and break in horses. Given the way that he taught Miles, it’s clear that Quint literally breaks his horses, whipping them incredibly hard and driving them harder than necessary. 
Using this, and Mrs Grose’s insistence on comparing the children to horses, symbolises the way that Quint broke the people around him - he broke Miss Jessel, Miles and Flora, all of whom are referred to as animals at certain points of the narrative. He even broke Mrs Grose - moving into the house she love dso dearly and deliberately taking the master bedroom. Even in itself, this line seems specific - the master bedroom is typically reserved for the person with the most power in the house. He does this, alongside removing boundaries the others put in place (ie ability to lock doors)
Kate is a really cool part of that comparison, because she specifically encouraged Flora to let her “wild animal” out and be brave. This specifically encourages Flora to be something other than what she has been taught to be. Not thoroughbred, not controlled, but wild and untamed. Free of Quint’s control.
There’s also the scene where Miles looks scared and is being chased by Kate on the horse, and then suddenly he turns into Quint and Kate is being chased by him instead. 
One other thing I’m struggling to analyse is the Samson and Delilah horses. Those names feel really specific (after the Biblical story where Samson was incredibly strong but Delilah cut his hair and took that away from him). I think there must be something there but idk what.
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huggybug · 2 years
Ok ok so for the quints I just know that the girls would absolutely love Quinn bc he spoils them a little too much since he barley sees them but when he does you just know that the girls would be so attached to him and they have him wrapped around their little fingers and the boys would absolutely love uncle Jack bc he likes to get into into trouble with them and they like to prank dad luke and you know that Jack buys them water guns so they can attack luke and grandpa jim but you know that both uncles love the Quints the same and even though they might be handful they would absolutely drop anything just to be with them 🥺 I really made myself cry while writing this lol
And when it’s time to teach them to skate I can just imagine Jack with one quint, Ellen with another, Jim with one, quinn with one and you and like with one and it would be so cute 🥺
yes because quinn is SUCH a girl dad that the girls just automatically go to him and he loves it. when he’s home for the summer, he takes them out shopping and for milkshakes like every week!!
jack is just reliving his childhood with the boys. and this time he’s the one calling the shots (not quinn, like when he was a kid) so it’s even better. he’s the ringleader of pranks and when luke gets rlly mad when he finds his dress shoes filled to the brim with silly string, it only makes jack laugh harder.
also i just think jim and ellen will be the best grandparents to the quints it’ll be so so cute😭😭
THE SKATING OMFG this will have to be a blurb. also luke will be so happy, “we almost have a full team, just need a goalie!”
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hornybydaylight · 3 years
hot tears [sfw; Quinten]
a/n: who needs therapy when you can project on to a cute boy (me, twice a week)
Tw: This fic includes implied/mentioned csa. It's all about working through trauma.
this is a No Forgiveness for Freddy house. all my homies hate 2010!Freddy
Quinten Smith/ gn reader
You settled on Quinten’s thighs, knees pressed into his hips as you grinned at him, leaning in to bop your nose against his. You watched as the corners of his eyes wrinkled as he smiled, rubbing his nose on yours gently. You lifted your hand to cup his jaw gently, pressing your lips to his, soft despite the light chapping.
You’d both been through so much, and stealing these moments together was a welcome break, a truly peaceful moment. You’d been drawn to him the moment you met his sad, sleepy eyes over the campfire and he’d given you a hesitant yet genuine smile, crooked and beautiful. The two of you had grown closer and closer since that first moment.
You only really realized how much he meant to you when one day, when the two of leaning against a log in front of the fire with the other survivors, Quinten had slumped against your shoulder, his breathing evening and slowing with sleep, that you had pressed a kiss into his tousled curls without thinking. You had jerked away in shock the moment you processed what you were doing, trying to get your pounding heart to slow and trying to act natural. It was then that Meg and Feng began giggling quietly together, and you knew you’d been busted, that you caught movement out of the corner of your eye and watched in disbelief as Quinten raised a hand and flipped them off.
“Come back?” He’d murmured quietly, turning his face up and into your neck, breath warm on your throat. You complied, pressing your hot cheek into his curls as he nodded back off.
It had become a habit after that, cuddling up together by the fire while he took little naps. Occasionally, you also slipped into sleep, lulled by his warmth and the safety you felt when listening to the others’ voices as they exchanged stories. Eventually, it led to the two of you slipping off to be a bit more intimate in private, and other than a few winks or raised eyebrows, no one had questioned you on it.
It was casual, easy, to slide your tongue into Quinten’s parted lips, fighting the urge to smirk when he tilted his head up a bit more, opening up for you. God, he felt so good, all slick and warm and pliant, and it sent off a little spark in you, a primal feeling of want blossoming in your belly. You kissed him just a little deeper in response to it, pressing even closer, wanting to feel the pressure of him against you. His back arched away from the bark of the tree he was leaning against, a quiet moan rumbling out of his throat; you gave a flick of your tongue, an appreciative hum in response. And then his hips bucked up against yours, thighs flexing, and then he was-
he was jerking away from you, gasping out “Sorry! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- to do… that- to you, I didn’t want you to feel- I’m so sorry- I shouldn’t-” in a rushed breath, his hands shaking as he raised them to press his palms over his eyes.
“Woah! Hey, Quint- baby, it’s okay. Everything’s okay!” While you couldn’t keep the air of surprise and confusion out of your voice, you tried to sound calm, reassuring, as you reached forward to grasp his wrists gently.
“Fuuuuck. I’m so sorry.” Quinten’s voice was muffled, and his shoulders hunched forward as if he were trying to disappear. He didn’t sound panicked anymore, but he did sound embarrassed, throat tight with unshed tears. Your mind raced, unsure of how to respond or what to do.
“Babe… it really is okay. Do… you want to talk about it?” You gave a light squeeze to his wrists, before continuing, “You don’t have to but… I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere. Or- uh, do you want me to move?”
“No… or, uh, I mean you can, I uh- I’m sorry.” Quinten’s hands pressed harder into his eyes, and you could see his knuckles going white. “I… should probably explain but I- I don’t want you to have to hear about- I mean it’s not- I want to be good for you, I don’t want to be like- I don’t want to make this- us- weird, I mean.”
Your brow furrowed as you listed to him, his voice pitching up back into a ramble as he seemed to get nervous again, and so you did the only thing you could think of to comfort him. You scooted further up his lap, lacing one had through his curls and pressing his head into your shoulder, holding him close. His leaned back into your hands and he pulled away just enough to slide his own hands away from his eyes to clutch onto the back of your shirt. When he nuzzled into your shoulder, you could feel warm dampness start to soak into the material. The feeling of his tears made your own heart start to race, your own throat starting to feel tight with your own tears. You pressed kisses into his hair, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“You won’t make it weird. You always make me feel amazing, and I want to do the same for you. If you don’t feel comfortable, or ready, to share that’s okay, I won’t hold it against you, I promise. But I do want to make sure that I’m not doing anything that will make you uncomfortable.” Quinten’s eyes finally met yours, his brow heavy and furrowed, and you can see the confusion breaking through the panic. His hands finally settled onto your hips, and though his fingers were twitching into the material of your shirt, he seemed to be settling.
“No, you’re not making me uncomfortable… I’m- I’m making you uncomfortable.” You could tell Quinten was trying to clarify the situation, though it was clear you were both confused.
“I’m not uncomfortable.Why do you think I’m uncomfortable?” You titled your head slightly, worried if you were too still, or stared too long, he’d spiral again. He tucked his face back into your neck, fingers flexing to press lightly into your skin.
“I’m uh… I was hard.” His face flamed with embarrassment, and even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel it warm against your neck. You hummed, fingers trailing through his hair gently. You let your hips settle more heavily on his thighs again, anchoring the two of you together, not wanting to push but wanting-needing to connect.
“That doesn’t make me uncomfortable, Quinten. It makes me feel good, that you feel good. I like it.” You guided his head away from your neck, making eye contact, studying his face for any tells of what he was thinking. “I like touching you, and I like it when you touch me. Do you like touching me? Do you like when I touch you?”
“Yes! Yes, of course I do, I just thought… I was worried it felt to you how it did to me, and I didn’t want to make you feel how he-“ Quinten’s eyes were wide, his rambling going frantic again, and then it was like someone had hit his power button. His mouth snapped shut, and his eyes squeezed closed as tight as they could, and his fingers froze against your skin. His flush was gone, and instead his face was rapidly turning a sickly white. It took you a moment to realize he wasn’t breathing, as though he was afraid even his own lungs would betray him.
You cupped his face in your hands, rubbing your thumbs over his cheekbones. You pulled him toward you slowly, pressing his forehead to your collarbone, and began a slow, steady pace of exaggerated breathing. You moved your hands to squeeze his shoulders in time, murmuring “In… Out” with each squeeze and release.
Eventually, his breathing evened, and you could feel the hot soak of his tears on your collar. His hands reached around your back again, pulling you closer. He opened his mouth again, and you interrupted before he could.
“Do not apologize. It’s okay. You do not, could not, and will never make me feel like that, Quint. I love you. You love me. We’ll take this one step at a time, and see how far we get.” You spoke steadily, even with the rage and sorrow and horror boiling in your throat, with tears blurring your vision. Now, you let your voice into a murmur though, just enough for him to hear, “Thank you for telling me. You’re so strong, Quinten, and so brave, but I know how hard it is to confide in people.”
Quinten gave a low chuckle, but there was none of the bitterness you were afraid you’d hear, instead, he just sounded tired. “I don’t feel strong… but thank you. And I- I feel the same. I love you too, and I know you love me.”
Your eyes met again, and though both of you were teary, you both managed a smile. You leaned in, just barely, and he lifted his chin to meet your lips, hand raising to hold the back of your neck.
“I’d like to try again, uh, eventually, I mean, not now but. Soon?” Your smile bloomed just a bit further, and you pressed it to his lips again.
“Soon,” you promised, “but for now, just hold me?”
And he did, until you both managed to fall into a surprisingly restful sleep, curled around each other.
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jennibeultimate · 3 years
Personal recap Skate America 2021 - Men FS
So who would have guessed this result? 😱
It can only get better when the season continues, this was just as error filled as the SP....
Vincent won, Shoma 2nd and Nathan only 3rd! 😱
How many ppl wrote him off? How many ppl don't even think he would make the Japanese Olympic team? Yet here he is stronger than ever. 5 quads attempted/4 landed! 2 beautiful 3As! 🔥 🔥 🔥 He had good practices too and no falls in competition! He trusts his abilities, he wants to perform well. He doesn't give up. Sure not everything worked here, but it's a good start for the season. I hate Bolero with burning passion, but this version doesn't sound much like Bolero and the choreography is lit 🔥, so it's a really good program and a nice contrast to the SP.
Shoma looked focused and I am sure he can perform even better. Still I think he performed much much better than Nathan, he always had better skating skills than Nathan, yet Nathan still won the PCS category. That's just plain wrong. 😠 But what is new?
Congratulations to Vincent Zhou, who was the only competitor to land all his jumps, even if the quality and rotations are sometimes questionable. Still I think this win is well deserved. He is in extremely good shape and as I have seen him at Nebelhorn live just couple of days ago, I can really say he vastly improved in terms of speed and presentation. His free program is probably the best he ever had and it's good to do it again.
I don't even know where to start with Nathan Chen? He had empty programs before, but this feels even emptier. Piano music is not suiting him. The concept of the program is not well tought through. I like the choreo sequence. I think the program in this style would have been much cooler. Anyway I didn't expect Nathan to fall apart this much, yet I also didn't believe he would go clean. He never had a Skate America where he had to fight for the win. Usually he takes it easy and wins. He couldn't do this here and it showed he is human and also it showed that mentally the pressure to deliver got harder and harder. Nathan himself said that it was inevitable that his winning streak would end at one point. He looked really pissed at the medal ceremony (he has every right to not be happy about it btw) It will be a difficult season. Though 3rd place he will advance to the GPF as Skate Canada should be a walk in the park in this field.
Shun Sato fought so well. 👏 Phantom music may be overused, but I think the drama suits Shun. Ofc he needs some more work on presentation, still his PCS seemed low to me. But sure he is a new face in seniors and he doesn't have the backup like Eteri girls to get good PCS the first time he is senior. Also even in Japan he is coached by unknown coaches and he said himself that PCS won't help him, he has to deliver content. With his injury I think he did everything he could. 4th place is a good result. 😊
Michal Brezina - same as in the SP. Always stupid mistakes on things he can while sleeping. Difficult jumps were through and he makes mistakes on easy triples *sigh* I like the program and he always had good speed and interpretation. (You probably don't remember but this guy was once a contender for Worlds medals - he was 4th two times at Worlds, this wasn't for no reason)
Jimmy Ma - an Atack on Titan program! 😍 He couldn't keep his place, it was clear from the start, still he fought. He isn't the most stable skater, but landed that 4T3T beautifully. A 5th place finish isn't what was in my predictions for him, so good for him. 😊
Did you read that Daniel Grassl wants to train quints??? Maybe you should start landing your quads first with some stability before even considering this? His jump technique is the wildest I have ever seen. His legs. Also his programs are always weird. Benoit works well for Kaori, but for Grassl it's always things you don't understand.
Speedy recovery for Kevin Aymoz please! Wishing him all the best!
Congratulations to the medalists! 🎉
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oh also vytt (for the same boss fight prompt) because i read once on your blog that he’s a big antagonist in your verse !! i’d be so curious about the boss fight 👀
Vytt is fun since he is, technically, double classes. His tattoo on his back magically connects to his mesmer partner in crime and he can pull his magic at any time, the tattoo moving on his back as it does. So think sword and dagger ranger on steroids. He uses a similar sword to canaches that chains and whips out when he allows it. With poisoned blades Vytt jumps through portals, uses clones, his entire fight choreography like a lithe bladed dance. Smoke fills the area the more he uses the mesmer magic as it isnt butterflies but black sooty smoke. Its very different compaired to quints hard hitting style but both are equally tryibg to go for your heart and throat. Your best bet is to somehow manage to disarm him long enough or stun/lock him into place
If your unlucky and he has a animal with him you will have to fight a massive wild boar or hyenas, or even his raptor, affectionately named potato curry, and pickle. I inagine the lower his health the slower but harder hittig his attacks get, poison becoming more and more a issue for you the more you were cut or the more you breathed the smoke in.
Quint (well technically cruciata posessing him did the final blow) barely managed to kill him and it was because of his shrouds magic.
OH id like to add he would probably attempt to run away before hes killed because hes a coward and is more about keeping alive than dieing ever.
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inktheblot · 3 years
What's your dream transformers crossover
Omg, the official My Little Pony/Transformers crossover comic was already an absolute Delight for me hahaha. SO much fun. Pure "dumping out the toybox" chaos and silliness, great unexpected team-ups and bonding moments between my blorbos, and kicking ass with the Power of Friendship. Gotta love it.
With that aside, the next thing that comes to mind is I think there's a LOT of potential for a Steven Universe crossover. I've rambled about it a bit on here before; what started out as a bit of a joke "theory" I had that "oh haha we never found out what 'created' the Gems, haha what if it was Quintessons haha" got me thinking about just how many parallels one could draw there. There's a lot of similarities between Transformers and Gems as (potentially) artificially-begun, inorganic, shapeshifting, long-lived, "robotic" beings, who grow beyond a strict function-based society to assert their individuality and free will, who have left a trail of colonized and wartorn planets in their wake, with a small group who turn around and vow to protect the Earth and those who inhabit it (with a mixture of motivating factors among said group for sticking to that decision). Themes like the power of change, what one is willing to do for freedom, and human/alien cultural exchange are prominent in both properties as well. (On that last note specifically, I'd love to see sparks between Greg and a hunky van-robot... or some Overpowered Traumatized Half-Alien War Baby™️ bonding between Steven and Sari, comparing their arcs and how they were raised, having someone who really Gets their struggles, and also just getting to be goofballs together because dammit, they're KIDS!)
Both TF and SU have also both featured at some point a great danger in the Earth's core threatening to tear it apart if it comes to full form... but maybe I digress a little, LOL
In some theoretical timeline (rather than simply a When-Worlds-Collide-type crossover like the MLP comic, which would also be great), I like to think that the Gems were the Quints' "Plan B" or "Mark II" after Cybertron rose up against them, a second attempt at creating a race of war machines to do the dirty work of conquering the universe for them. Gems boasted many "design improvements" such as not needing physical fuel or recharge; ability to regenerate after bodily harm; being harder to kill and easier to revive (or restore to "factory settings"), with no risk of simply degenerating from age; ability to reproduce on their own via the resources of practically any planet they found; and even stricter categories of "This Is What You Were Made For, This Is What You Are." But with this advanced potential came advanced Just-About-Everything-Else, including the potential for conflict, change, and self-determination, and so though the Gem empire spread faster and further than the Cybertronian colonies did, it also fell apart even quicker, too. Where things go from there, and how well the Gems and 'Bots know of each other or their shared origin... well, who's to say, but more than likely it'll all come to a head on good old Planet Earth!
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