#chara underverse
oscurascout · 8 days
Bad Sanses Adventures
You Know What They Say, Don't Bring Skeletons To The Spa Part 2 (Part 1)
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Dust had gotten the body scrub treatment, and he was not particularly happy about it. He had been made to remove his clothes, which meant no hoodie, he lay down on the table. When he felt the employee start to apply some oil, he panicked and teleported to the other side of the room.
Employee - *nervous* “S-sir, please lay d-down again”
Dust - *glares* “What’s that oil? Are you planning to burn me? Or poison me?”
Employee - “N-no, sir. This oil is specifically m-made to e-exfoliate the skin, which in y-your case would be b-bones”
Dust glared one last time before reluctantly lying down again.
Papyrus - “Brother, relax. If you feel any discomfort, just tell them and leave”
Dust nodded and felt the employee apply more oil. To be honest, once he let them continue, he started to feel calm and relaxed, sensing all the pent-up tension leaving his bones. However, he shot up immediately when he felt the employee apply some type of cream.
Horror had gotten the facial treatment. Compared to his friends, he was the most relaxed skeleton. However, none of the employees shared that sentiment; thanks to his tall figure, blood-red eye, and broken skull, they all thought he was waiting to ambush them. In reality, Horror was a little excited and very nervous.
He lay down as the employees began applying a face mask along with other treatments. Once the face mask was complete, they applied a natural mask made of various fruits and vegetables, which made Horror feel hungry. Then, they placed some slices of cucumber on his “eyes”. Unable to resist, as soon as the employee turned around, he quickly ate the slices along with part of the face mask.
When the employee turned back, they looked surprised and scared, which made Horror feel guilty.
Horror - *sad* “Sorry... it smelled so good”
The employee had to reapply the slices and face mask three more times before finally finishing and continuing the treatments.
Once they were done, the four of them were guided to the sauna. One by one, they entered and sat down, completely relaxed.
Killer - *looking at his “nails.”* “Sooo, what do you all think?”
Cross & Dust *at the same time* “It's stressful”
Horror - “The face mask tastes good”
They continued discussing their experiences and how they felt. Everyone was surprised at how expressive Cross was being, but they didn’t mind; it just showed that he was getting used to their shenanigans. After some time of relaxation, they finally headed home, leaving the employees in tears of relief.
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red0-3 · 8 months
This song but it's X Chara and Cross (Chara is the male voice and Cross is the female voice) idk but it's been stuck on my mind for a few weeks now
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thestrongestjewel · 3 months
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running forward!
god finally after like 4 days of working on this on and off ITS FINISHED! there are around 40-41 total background characters total Im pretty sure, IDK I JUST WANTED TO DRAW CROSS SOMETHING GOT OVER ME BRAH
I hope y'all like it,,
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zu-is-here · 6 months
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Not the full cast (Struggle for Cake team xd) but they're celebrating tonight ;D Happy Underversary! <3
[3/23] xtaleunderverse by jakei95
Now other credits let's go—
Fresh, Error & Geno by loverofpiggies
Epic by yugogeer012
Cross & XTale team by jakei95
Ink by comyet
Killer by rahafwabas / rahaf-wabas / rahofy-sketch
Dream & Nightmare by jokublog
Core!Frisk by dokudoki
Undertale by Toby Fox
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mashumaro-neko · 2 months
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Still my favorite art with XChara ha-ha
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wolfbeestudio · 7 months
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All of the different commissions I did for the KS~ I worked super hard to get them all done and I'm thrilled with how they turned out~
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hhotdogman · 2 months
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kenzk4d3n · 2 months
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Underverse was very funny to me.
based on this post by @ando666detonao
thank you @jakei95 for everything you’ve done, you won’t be forgotten for the hard work you put into this series, and your content as a whole.
and for making my brother sob his eyes out when we watched 0.3 together. again
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sami32e · 1 month
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DeviantArt mirror here
Here is a project almost one year in the making: A sprite chart of Undertale AUs and Multiverses. The credits are massive, so I'll keep it brief.
The order of characters in the rows is: Ink, Error, Core, Dream, Nightmare, Fresh, Blueberror, Fatal, Dr. Sans and an extra Outcode.
Undertale & Deltarune by Toby Fox
Underfell by @underfell (Vic the Underfella)
Underswap by Hatsune Miku
Swapfell by Kkhoppang
Hardtale by CedDrawsNear
Fellswap Gold by @blackggggum
Underfellswap by @swapfell
Swapswap ( @swapswapofficial ) by @oranskullblade, Resurgence Swapswap by Dunkly
Dusttale by Osteophile and @ask-dusttale
Remains (Dusterror) by @flapvoir-real
Horrortale by @horrortalecomic (Sour Apple Studios)
Killertale/Something New by @rahafwabas
Paper Jam by @7goodangel
Gradient Sans & @askcomboclub by @roseworks
Quantumtale by @perfectshadow06
Superior Papyrus by Kurbo0
Index Sans & Dr. Clockworx by @tgps-crib
Mr. Paradox by @jaumj
Goth Afterdeath by @nekophy
Paper Crane by @little-noko
Goopytale by @sunnysheadraws and Arts Kislali
Xtale & Underverse ( @xtaleunderverse ) by @jakei95
A L I V E by @tatatale
Challenger Papyrus & R.E.M.N.A.N.T. by Waterfallapollo
Cutter Chara and Needle Asriel by @zaylephant
Agent Buttercup by me
Inktale by @comyet
Errortale, Aftertale and Underfresh by @loverofpiggies
Core Frisk ( @corefrisk ) by @dokudoki
Dreamtale by @jokublog
Fatal Error ( @fatal-error-blog) by @xedramon
Doctor Sans by @flapvoir-real
Honeycomb Ralsei by @laptoparmageddon
Fellink (Dye) and Fellgravity by Alter9code
Fellafter by @medioric-hyper and Ermburh
Fellerror (Flaw & Flawine), Felldream (Oneiro & Ephialtes) and Fellfatal by Mettalicc and Daviduzzzzzz
Fellcore Frisk by @inkbrucel
Fellfresh/Unfresh (Rocker) by me
Fell Dr.Sans by @tresh4kww
Swapink (Indi) by @wishingstarinajar
Swapafter & Swapfatal by ZeroCofee06/ZeroSans06
Swaperror (Fallacy & Fallrot) and Swapcore Chara by Mettalic and Daviduzzzzzz
Fallacy redesign by me
Swapdream take and Doctor Paps by @tresh4kww
Swapfresh (Zippy) by @rainbowsans
Hex Error Sans by @stankychee
Supremeverse by @flapvoir-real
The Variants by @glitchy-squidd
Airbrush (and by extension Brushwork) by @adorablemew
NO!Sansverse by @tging24
Swapfellverse by @enigmapapyrus
Hardafter by @medi0creking and @medioric-hyper
Hardink (Pastel), Harderror (Critical), Harddream (Euphoria & Misery/Nightterror), Hardfresh and Hardfatal by @medi0creking
Pastel redesign and Hardcore Frisk by me
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wikkart · 2 months
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No sé si verás esta publicación, de cualquier modo quería dedicarte un pequeño dibujo para ti.
Yo te conocí desde que estabas en progreso de animar el capítulo 0.2 de Underverse, y desde entonces jamás he dejado de seguir tu trabajo.
Así como otros fans te lo han hecho saber en los últimos días, en todos estos años que has permanecido en este fandom has sido una de mis mayores inspiraciones en mi vida, es por ti que yo creé mis primeros OC's por allá de 2016 e incluso mi cabeza empezó a soñar con una sola cosa, ser un animador profesional. Créeme que al ser latinoamericanx no me había planteado la idea de vivir y trabajar de algo así, o al menos hasta mi pubertad pensaba que un sueño de ese calibre sólo era posible para personas de otros países o que tuviesen una mejor estabilidad económica, pero luego llegaste tú, una colombiana animadora super talentosa que me demostró todo lo contrario en un pequeño blog de Tumblr y canal de Youtube. Y ahora, 8 años después, he estado cumpliendo esa meta al estar estudiando una carrera de animación en mi estado.
Desde 2020 entré a la universidad y con ello he tenido un viaje complicado, la animación es un trabajo muy difícil que de a ratos me ha desmotivado lo suficiente como para querer abandonar ese sueño. Pero luego llegabas tu anualmente entregando un nuevo capítulo de tu hermosa serie en la que todxs nos podíamos deleitar de tus magníficas habilidades, y hasta ahora eso a sido suficiente para que pueda levantarme una vez más y seguir adelante en cumplir mi meta de vida.
Con todo esto descrito, sólo quería darte las gracias por todos estos años de esfuerzo creando algo que sé que lo has hecho con todo el amor del mundo. Para ti sólo seré un random más del internet, pero para mí tu existencia misma a sido un pilar de mi vida.
En serio lamento tanto que por malentendidos de otras personas tú y tu esposo han recibido un montón de maltratos y odio injustificado, al punto de quitarles la grata felicidad de crear y compartir su arte al mundo. No merecen ni una fracción de todo ese desprecio tan corrosivo que ha invadido sus mentes y corazones.
En este instante lo único que deseo es que ustedes 2 sean tan felices como me han hecho a mí y a millones de personas más con sus creaciones, y si eso implica dejar de animar Underverse por un buen rato o incluso por siempre entonces lo aceptaremos. La salud mental de uno mismx siempre va primero antes que cualquier otra cosa.
Y sin importar la decisión que tomes te seguiré usando de ejemplo para seguir adelante con mi arte y mis estudios, cada que necesite un boost de energía para motivarme revisitaré tu canal.
Así lo he hecho siempre, y este dibujito que hice para una portada de una libreta de secundaria en 2017 lo puede comprobar 💜
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Te queremos mucho Jael, en verdad gracias por todo. Cuídate mucho, te mando un fuerte abrazo 🌼
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cahar-cocoin · 5 months
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new art!!!
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oscurascout · 3 days
Bad Sanses Adventures
A Bit Of Yoga To Relax And Break Your Spine
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They were currently walking up a hill in another peaceful AU. Today, Nightmare had chosen the activity, and everyone was excited until they reached the top and saw what it was.
Cross - “Night, you do know that we’re going to break our spines, right?”
Nightmare - “That’s the point.”
Chara chuckled as Cross looked at Nightmare in surprise. They each positioned themselves on a yoga mat, now they weren't as excited as before.
Nightmare - “Alright, let’s start.”
Everyone was waiting for Nightmare to demonstrate how to do it, but instead, he went and sat down on a bench.
Killer - “Wait, wait! You aren’t doing it!”
Nightmare - “Nope, I’ll be directing all of you. The one who has the most incorrect poses will have to do whatever the winner says for one day. Also, you only have three chances.”
Cross & Killer - “What?!”
Nightmare - *smirks* “So do your best.”
Nightmare started the “game.” At first, everyone was doing relatively well, but then Nightmare purposely began to choose more difficult poses.
Killer - *in a back U shape, struggling* “N-Nightmare, hurry up!”
Nightmare - *smirking* “Wait, I need to remember what comes next.”
Dust - *about to fall down* “Nightmare, I swear my next prank victim is going to be you!”
Nightmare - “Tell me to hurry once more, and I’ll leave all of you like that.”
They immediately fell silent until Nightmare decided to continue.
Cross - *about to fall* “Help!”
Horror was the first to fall, taking Cross down with him.
Horror - *on the floor* “Sorry.”
Cross - *next to him* “Nah, I was going to fall either way.”
Nightmare - “Horror and Cross are down one. Let’s continue.”
As time passed, all of them fell down. Nightmare was having the time of his life; he truly felt happy. Causing for someone to noticed that happiness which prompted to them investigating.
Blue - *whispering* “Dream, are you sure you felt Nightmare having positive feelings here?”
Dream - *whispering* “Yes, how could I ever forget this sensation?”
Ink - *whispering* “It’s surprising to know that Nightmare can have fun with something other than just destroying AUs.”
They arrived in the AU where Dream sensed Nightmare was, and once there, they immediately hid behind some tall flora. They looked and saw quite a strange sight.
Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross were upside down, their legs in all sorts of awkward positions.
Nightmare - “All of you are doing it wrong; your legs are supposed to form a Z.”
Dust - *struggling, almost falling* “What!? How the hell do you do that?”
Nightmare - *smiling* “I don’t know, but if humans can do it, so can you guys.”
Killer - *struggling* “L-Let’s make sure that Nightmare never sees the internet again!”
Nightmare laughed and continued. Dream couldn’t believe his eyes; he had never seen that kind of smile on his brother’s face.
Blue - “Well, at least they’re not destroying the AU.”
Ink - “We should still keep an eye on them.”
Horror and Killer ended up losing. However, the truth is that, once Horror saw Killer fall, he decided to fall down too.
Killer - *still lying down* “Honestly, I knew this would happen, but I also thought Dust would lose too.”
Dust - *offended* “Hey!”
Nightmare - “Well, that’s it! Now, Horror will have to do whatever Dust says, and Killer will have to do whatever Cross says.”
Killer - “Thank goodness.”
Cross - *smiling menacingly* “Maybe you shouldn’t be too happy.”
Killer - *shivering, a little scared* “W-what?”
Cross laughed, making Killer relax as he elbowed him. Horror wasn’t worried; the worst thing Dust could do to him was make him his sleeping cuddle buddy, but it wasn’t that he hated it—he just knew that Dust could sleep a whole week, and that was the problem.
Blue tried not to laugh; they all had fun watching Nightmare tease his gang members.
Dream - *happy* “Well, I guess that’s it. Let’s go.”
Ink and Blue nodded, both smiling. Dream opened a portal, and they all entered. Nightmare quickly turned around but saw nothing.
Killer - “Night, what’s wrong?”
Nightmare - “I felt Dream’s aura.”
Killer - “Maybe it’s just your imagination. Well, it doesn’t matter; we’re not doing anything, so they shouldn’t have a reason to fight us.”
Nightmare - “You’re right. Let’s all go back now.”
Cross - “Let’s never allow Night to choose an activity ever again.”
Horror, Dust, & Killer: “Agreed.”
Nightmare - “Heh, my activities aren't that bad.”
After they returned home, Horror spent the whole day being Dust's cuddle buddy, while Killer spent his time watching anime and other TV shows with Cross, who had become interested after seeing Killer watch anime once. Meanwhile, Nightmare enjoyed a peaceful and quiet time at the library, free from any distractions.
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xtaleunderverse · 6 months
XTale Short - Human War Cry
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thestrongestjewel · 15 days
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mnenzyviolet · 1 month
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Everyone in panic (Except Horror. Horror is Horror)
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little-noko · 1 year
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We had a small mishap with out Xtale shipping where some of the clients didn't get their button bundle, while the issue was resolved, we decided to make this wallpaper as compensation for the clients who didn't receive their full package without an issue.
And now that this wallpaper is done, it is now available on the loading crew craft for whoever who wish to purchase it for themselves!
Art(c) @little-noko & @alainaprana Xtale/Underverse(c) @jakei95
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