temeyes · 5 months
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For the past few days I've been thinking where should I put this Soap wrapped in that bundle thing.. so I pinned him near könig so he could watch me struggle on my projects and studies👍
LOLLL looks perfect bestie, swaddled Soap looks pretty cute on your wall!!!
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lalisa love me lalisa love me heyyyyyy~~~~~
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jotatetsuken · 1 year
We don’t really talk much but you’re such a sweet and wonderful person, and I love hearing about Anika and your other OCs/Self-inserts!!
I hope you had a good Easter, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!! 💗
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can’t reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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lssugaluv · 3 months
Things he says to you while doing the deed. 🤭
• Haikyuu x fem reader.
• Haikyuu + Headcanons.
• MDNI 18+
• Synopsis: He loves to praise you all the time, you deserve it. But he also knows how much you love dirty talks, especially when doing the deed. Each character has a different small story.
• Ushijima -Dominance.
• Kuroo - Smartass, Teasing.
• Iwazumi - The man is just so in love.
• Suna - Loves your taste, attached and in love.
• Osamu - Exes who are still in love.
• Daichi - Jealousy, dominance, petty.
• Contains: Timeskip HQ characters (all 21 or older), s3x talk, some cursing, dominance, small sex stories, oral s3x, some degradation, body praise, mentions of slight choking, pet names, temptation, teasing, pettiness, jealousy, some fluff (it’s not an Lssugaluv post without fluff.)
• Characters: Ushijima, Iwazumi, Daichi, Suna, Kuroo, Osamu.
• I choose these guys because I can just see their dominance in bed.
• Please let me know if you’ll want to see other characters.
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• “Look at me.”
• You will never ever get used to his girth. As many times as you’ve done it with Ushijima, the stretch is always something you can never get used too. Especially when he’s gone for a while due to his games and tournaments.
• Ushijima has you nice and wet making sure you’re prepped for his girth to rip you apart. As soon as you feel the tip in you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Open your eyes. I need you to look at me.”
As soon as you open your eyes, his are burning straight at you. He then continues to insert himself in you as you can’t help but gasp with widened eyes. He grits his teeth causing his jawline to pop out even more, groaning a bit, not breaking eyesight. He bottoms out and your arch your back , filling in the gap you two had. He loves to see you become a hot mess just for him.
• “I Can Tell That You Want Me.”
• Oh, your favorite smartass. Kuroo and yourself were best friends with benefits back in high school. And you decided to lose your v-card with him a week after you guys graduated high school. You later on in time became a thing. You two work at the same place now and live together.
• Kuroo can be such a tease. Especially when it comes to pushing your buttons or getting inside your pants. No one at work actually knows that you and Kuroo are technically high school sweethearts. Not that you wanted your relationship to be a secret, but more because sex at work is always 10x better when kept in the DL. Plus, everyone at the office thinks you two are enemies, since you two tend to bicker a lot. Also, you guys agreed that if people find out, that’s fine.
Today you left 25 min after he did because you slept in, plus he had a big meeting right at 8 a.m that he couldn’t miss. You went to work in a sage green long sleeve that has fur on the collar and end of the sleeves. You paired it with a black mini skirt and see through leggings under. You didn’t have time to do your hair so your did a messy bun and paired it with accessories.
You had the whole office practically drooling for you. That was until your man spotted you. His hungry gaze couldn’t get off from you. You catch him staring from afar and text him.
You: “Do you need me to send you a selfie so it can last longer?”
Kuroo: “Damn, hot but always an asshole.”
You giggle at the message and look up to him and blow him a kiss.
You pass by him and purposely drop your pen in front of him. You bend down and he sees your gorgeous ass cheeks. He makes sure know one is around to pull you in and have you sit on his lap. Your back is facing his torso, rough hand on your neck, lips next to your ear. The other hand tightly around your waist, making sure you’re securely on him.
“I can tell that you want me baby.” He whispers into your ear, following a gentle bite.
“Can you really?” You slightly moan, pushing your ass into his now growing boner.
“Meet me at our spot in 5 min.” ❤️
• “I just can’t control myself when I’m around you.”
• You met Iwazumi through Oikawa last year and right away caught his attention. He is an ass to Oikawa but man does he love you. You guys finally decided to work something out and started to see each other. You wanted to start slow with him but life had other plans.
• Iwa is a man of consent. No matter how many times you’ve guys done it together already, he will never not ask for your consent first.
He came over after a week of not being able to see him due to your university’s schedule. As soon as you opened the door you noticed he had a boner already that was IN NEED of your attention. He pinned you to the wall at the entrance of your door. He had his hands all over your ass, mouth stuck on your jaw and neck.
“Baby, please, I need you.” You pant out after a steamy make out session.
“I’m sorry baby, we haven’t seen each other, and I know you want to catch up. But I just can’t control myself when I’m around you. Once you say yes, there’s no way I’ll stop.”
You nod your head yes as in giving him consent. You literally almost fold in half when he told you that. He picks you up in princess style and takes you to your bed, the rest was history.
• “I love the way you taste. Never get tired of it.”
• When you first met Suna, he looked like a guy who just had no cares or worries in the world. Like you couldn’t break him, so you had no idea what he would think of or what type of hobbies he was in. Now you two have been dating for a year, and for some reason, every time he comes back from a tournament, he has to be buried in between your legs.
You were watching your favorite show when you hear a click on your apartment door. It was Suna who opened the door. He rushes to take off his shoes and leaves his bag and rest of his belongings at the entrance.
He doesn’t even say say hi to you when he right away pulls your pants & undies down and leaves you in your tee shirt with nothing on the bottom. You turn flush red from your face trying to push him away.
Without saying anything, he looks at you and pushes you down to the couch, his mouth connecting with yours. His tongue wrestles with yours and out of no where you feel a finger on your clit. He kisses your neck and then stops. He sits back up and taps on your thigh for you to do the same.
He puts that finger in his mouth, getting a taste of your delicious slick. His eyes almost stayed in the back of his head with that intense eye roll.
“I love the way you taste angel. I’ll never get tired of it.”
You turn even more red from embarrassment, and cover your face. He spreads your legs wide opened using his calloused hands. He wastes no time as he starts to lick your clit up and down, up and down. The warm sensation of his tongue making you almost cum right then and there. You use both your soft hands to palm his brown locks, and boy does he love that. He moans while eating you out, because he did miss your taste.
• “Don’t tempt me.”
• You have known Daichi for years. You two met in middle school and you know he can be a huge hot head. You know he can also be very territorial. Yet he is a huge sweetheart and very respectful. Now, after many years of dating him and being by his side, you are at a police academy ceremony, celebrating his new position as captain.
You are wearing a beautiful navy blue satin down. You look like a precious diamond, and of course Daichi is on protective mode. You see he was busy speaking to a small but important crowd during the cocktail hour. So you decide to go pour yourself some champagne.
As you were about to pour yourself some champagne, a big man stole the bottle from your hand. “If you’ll allow me too Miss.” He had such a husky tone. You turn to see a tall, handsome police officer who had a piercing on his right ear, a small yet curled mullet and gorgeous blue eyes. You stay in shock wondering how a handsome guy like him came across you.
You stood there frozen in place as he pours champagne into your cup. He then places the bottle back into its spot on the table and whispers something in your ear. That is when reality hit you when you felt a burning gaze heading right your way. You are completely flushed for your face, as you turn to see your boyfriend about to shoot the place down.
One thing about Daichi is, when he gets upset, it’s very hard to help him calm down. Another thing is, his aura is felt dozens of miles away when something/someone he loves is being taunted with. The tall male felt the same presence you felt and decided to casually walk away. He looks at Daichi as he walks towards him and places a hand on his broad shoulder. “Sorry man, didn’t know she was your’s.”
You quickly rush to the bathroom trying to disappear. When you hear the door knob twist and it was Daichi. You were looking at him through the mirror when he goes behind you. He places both strong arms around your small waist, chin on your shoulder. He takes some times to breathe in your beautiful scent. He whispers, “Darling, you know you look beautiful tonight?”
He places a small kiss on your jawline. “What did he say?” He then places another kiss , this time on your shoulder. You turn red all over again, “n-n-nothing.”
He sees this guy made you into a stuttering mess, which irks him even more. “Darling, I’ll give you one more chance, what did he say?” His warm breath next to your ear makes you so wet, you feel your about to drip on the floor.
Your silence was irritating him. “Darling, don’t tempt me.” His tone of voice drives you insane as he lets go of you and turns you around, lifting you up on the counter. He lifts up your gown as he unzips. He knows you want it, but since you don’t give him the answer he wants, you also don’t get what you want.
He rubs his angry dripping tip onto your clit causing you to be a moaning mess. You become impatient, wanting him to fill you up. You move your hips to line yourself up but he pulls away. “Oh no baby. I asked you a question twice. You didn’t answer and I told you not to temp me.” He caresses your cheek and gives you a passionate kiss. “Sorry baby.” He says as he puts his penis away and leaves you there a throbbing mess. “I’ll wait for you outside.” As he pecks your lips one last time.
• “Nobody understands your body like I do.”
• You and Osamu dated for a few years until a year after you both graduated from university, you two decided to part ways and stay friends. Due to his now growing business and your traveling job, you never saw each other which created unwanted distancing. You thought you both fell out of love, which you both never did. Osamu never wanted to part, but he has always respected your decisions and didn’t want to force you to stay.
You were invited to a party by your coworkers. You didn’t want to go but of course they forced you out. They wanted you to go out there and meet new people. You were in a cute black romper with your luscious locks nice and wavy.
At the party, you had about two drinks and were talking to your coworkers. A hot guy comes up to you and invites you to a drink. You are talking and all and that’s when you lose your mind seeing your ex boyfriend across from the balcony. “O-Osamu?” You think to yourself, completely shutting out the guy’s conversation. You excuse yourself to the bathroom and decide to leave the party and just go home. Seeing him after a year really threw off your whole vibe. And you couldn’t help how freaking sexy he looks now.
As soon as you enter your front home’s entrance, you hear a knock on the door. You open it thinking it was your coworkers to take you back to the party. Without knowing it was Osamu. Your eyes completely widened and you stay glued on one spot.
“What are you doing here?”
He walks into your home and hugs you.
“I’m glad I saw you. I really miss you.”
You couldn’t help but grow teary eyes. “Osamu.. I can’t-“
He cuts off your sentence by kissing you. He starts off with two small pecks and sees you don’t stop him. You wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around your waist. He then kisses you, inviting his tongue in your mouth. He gains a sexy moan from you, knowing you’re already as horny as he is.
He pulls away gently to look at you. “Did my baby miss me too?”
You continue to kiss him to answer his question but then you go back to your senses. “Wait. We are broken up. We can’t do this.” You let go of him. He grabs you again, this time gently spreading your legs apart, brings his hand down to your underwear, moving it to the side. He slides one finger in, rubbing your clit in small circles.
You moan, hiding your face on his neck, taking in his scent you missed so much. You feel his finger slip out and you look up at him a bit frustrated since he stopped. You look at his finger that he’s holding up to your face.
“Ya see that angel? You’re completely wet. And it’s just for me.” His finger was completely soaked in your juices.
You become embarrassed and try to deny how crazy he has you. You try to deny that you miss him and his touch as well. You try to deny that you still love him.
He picks you up and takes you to the couch. He starts kissing you all over again, gently removing your clothes. He kisses your shoulders, your neck, your collarbones, your breasts, your stomach, your thighs. He kisses every part of your body. You feel like you’re about to cum, that’s how much you miss him. He undresses himself, showing off his gorgeous body. Now the two of you are completely naked.
He has you in the missionary position. He inserts himself in you, causing you to arch your back, moaning loudly. Your small hole is so tight, you cause him to groan onto your neck as he hugs you tightly.
Osamu starts to slowly pump in and out, in and out. Allowing to adjust to his size, it’s been too long.
“Ya think I don’t know ya baby? As soon as I saw you at that party, I knew you missed me.” His face a blushing mess. “Ya think ya can resist me? Ya think I can resist ya? As soon as ya kissed me, I knew ya wanted me.”
He thrusts himself hard in this sentence. Hitting your g-spot so delicious that you came after the last word.
“Nobody. Understands. Your. Body. Like. I. Do.”
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struwberrii · 3 days
haikyuu!! at an american high school ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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here are my silly headcanons on how i think the karasuno first years would act if they were american high school students teehee
probably runs to lunch
one of those dorky try hards in gym
wears matching neon nike shorts and tops
literally cries if he ever gets in trouble in class
water bottle flips randomly (he never lands it)
his mom drops him off at school every morning
jumps to touch the top of every doorframe
everyone judges him and thinks hes weird but hes gen the sweetest guy if you ever talk to him
he has a phone he just cant bring it to school guys
offers to do stuff first when the teacher asks (like brings attendance to the office or asks other teachers for dry erase markers)
middle school humor (hes kinda funny sometimes tho lol)
lets you copy his homework because he knows its all wrong (or gives you wrong answers on purpose)
wears hoodies everyday even during summer
scared to put lip balm on in public because someone once asked if he was gay because of how he applied it
friends with hinata but is kind of embarrassed of him
girls actually like him but dont talk to him because hes so quiet
probably talks to girls from different schools
plays roblox with the others when they have breaks during practice (he hasnt updated his avatar since 2016)
still reads strictly picture books
also a try hard in gym
still does streaks on snapchat
refuses to acknowledge hinata and kageyama outside of volleyball club (he thinks theyre embarrassing)
constantly gets in trouble for having airbuds in or being on his phone
tries putting girls onto his niche music taste then its just cigarettes after sex
if you arent one of his friends or a pretty person hes probably gonna be rlly mean to you im sorry
has hot topic pins on his bag (yamaguchi forces him to shop there with him and tsuki always ends up walking out with a new pin)
dresses very basic but still nice
bros a bully
tries to correct teachers and make the teacher look dumb
if he can tell he actually hurt your feelings he'll say it was just a joke and gaslight you
him and yamaguchi just talk shit all lunch and study period
walks to like mcdonalds for lunch sometimes
bully on the DL
the only reason people know hes mean is because tsuki is his best friend
always has fruit for lunch
probably in band and plays literally the biggest instrument in the world
he always smells weirdly minty
has the silliest stickers on everything, his notebooks, laptop, headphones
bought sonny angels for him and tsuki
everyone thinks hes gay
him and yachi are art class buddies
brings his switch to school sometimes
rides his bike to school
lowkey stuck in his 2020 indie phase
has the cutest stationary
takes all her notes on her ipad and has that paper texture screen protector
ali express warrior
shes the sweetest girl in school
probably a closeted lebanese
already has her drivers permit (probably gonna be the first person in her grade with a license)
packs her own lunches everyday in bento boxes
has a private instagram account with like 20 followers and declines everyone she doesnt know personally
always has lotion, gum, perfume, medicine, chargers, everything. she is not taking any chaces
shes like if the 2019 soft girl pinterest aethetic became a person
reminds teachers about the homework
secretly watches youtube during class
she does NOT play about her art projects
her and yamaguchi trade stickers
probably still uses that 2019 kanken vsco bookbag
sorry guys half of this list is just me being an extreme hater and projecting
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jesswritesthat · 6 days
Osamu Miya: Numbers
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~1.5k, fluff, slight angst
• When your work bestie gets a crush on Osamu, you start to realise that it might be too late for you.
Warnings: None
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In honesty setting up a work convention wasn’t where you’d expect to meet a potential partner, but it seemed your favourite confident colleague didn’t share that view.
"Hm? What are you looking at?" You ceased your distraction task, scanning to match your colleagues’ line of sight.
"Mister tall dark and handsome over there."
"Who? Where?" Admittedly there was a hint of excitement bubbling inside you at the prospect but soon dispersed when Mai pointed him out.
"The guy fixing the stand, god what he could do with those hands. Who is that? He looks strong, I bet he's strong." Ramblings of an instant crush you noted, but since you knew said suspect personally you were obligated to shed some light (since you were also the one who called him here to help out in the first place).
"Oh? That's Miya Osamu, and yeah I guess he's strong. Lifting the bags of rice for his onigiri business helps I suppose."
With that, you went back to what you were doing - at least until Mai had giddily grabbed your arm filled with dire questions.
"Miya Osamu huh, is he single?"
"Um, yeah, he is."
"A business owner and he cooks too. What kind of lover does he like?"
"Ones who eat? I dunno, I'm not sure what Osamus' taste in people is." You were uninterested now, something churning deep within you, but apparently she hadn’t noticed.
"Maybe it'll be me, he's so hot though, I wouldn't know where to start."
"He has a brother!" Why did you say that?! It was the most left field tangent imaginable, a diversion almost.
This feeling, a hint of embarrassment and a plummet in your stomach. Too late to stop now.
"Yeah, a twin brother who's more outgoing. He should be around here somewhere for you to meet." Where is Atsumu the one time you freaking need his annoying ass?
"But Osamu is—"
"—is not a famous athlete. No no, Miya Atsumu on the other hand - ooof, gorgeous specimen and... incredibly passionate too." You’d charismatically tried, as if becoming a wingman for him.
"Wow sounds like you've got a thing for him~"
That wasn't your intention, not that you're certain of the direction you were headed in the first place but convincing Mai you fancied Atsumu wasn't it.
"Hey lil' Jackal~ Ya talkin' bout me?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear, an arm slung over your shoulder in usual greeting.
"Sort of - also get off me Atsumu!"
"Ya never normally mind, is it 'cause yer all dressed up and incredibly stunnin'?"
"No I— you what? No—" Flicking between a smirking Mai and complimentary Atsumu you desperately attempted to get them to talk.
"I mean it, yer look really nice. M' sure 'Samu will agree. Have ya seen him yet?”
"Wait I want you to meet—" Too late, she’d began backing toward her desire, waving to you both with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"I'll leave you two together, I'll catch you in a minute~"
"Mai— dammit."
"Did I miss somethin'? Seems like she's set us up and got an eye on my brother." The blonde overlooked how she’d floated over to Osamu, hand tenderly placed on his bicep to get his attention.
"It's that obvious? Do you think 'Samu will like her too?" You muttered with a hint of discomfort, eyeing the pair alongside the Setter.
"Ah, don't think so. I think his heart lies elsewhere..."
"You're right. Nothing stands in the way of Osamu and food." You confidently affirmed, Atsumu flicking to you baffled.
"Not what I was gettin' at considerin' yer the one he—"
"Especially delicious rice dishes.” You cut the blonde of with your addition, the man boredly rolling his eyes.
“Why do I even bother?”
“Don’t worry, I know your favourite food too Atsumu. It’s fatty tuna.”
“Wanna get some? This is making me sick.” Atsumu jutted his chin toward the scene of Mai flirting with his twin, and you found yourself wanting to rid the image from your mind (and heart) too.
“I second that.”
It was the following evening after work that you’d entered Onigiri Miya near closing time, Osamu brightening upon your arrival.
"Your usual?"
"Yeah, to go please."
Osamu paused momentarily due to this unforeseen change in routine, had he missed something? An event you'd mentioned that he'd forgotten about?
"Hey so I feel a little weird talking to you about this, but it's you and—"
"—and you've probably said worse."
"Yeah..." An embarrassed laugh and then you cleared your throat. "Anyway, Mai caught me yesterday, she's one of my colleagues from work."
"I know who she is." Clear and confident, of course he knew and you felt your tone lighten in pitch and speed. Were you nervous?
"Oh good, good. I guess that's because I saw you guys talking alone, and it looked pretty private so you probably found out then."
"Uh huh, where ya goin' with this?" Osamu raised a sceptical brow, slowing on preparing your order.
"She mentioned beforehand that you didn't y'know, make her want to throw up or whatever, so I figured that you two might've made date plans and that just feels kinda weird to me." That was putting it harshly, she’d spoken non-stop about how attractive he was all freaking day.
"Weird how?" Considering he was quite perceptive, you’d hoped he’d get what you were implying without so many questions but knowing him, this was for his own benefit.
"I mean if you did date, since I work with her, I'd hear things - and I don't know... I'd like my personal and work life not to crossover and ruin my perceptions of people."
He stared at you, awaiting whatever request you were trying to ask alongside these awkward descriptions.
"So if there's any way you could not date her, that would be really great."
"Y'got some nerve, 'm a grown man - ya can't tell me who to date."
"I'm not telling you who to date, I'm suggesting who not to date."
"Well ya can't tell me that either!" Was his adamant response, the atmosphere now bordering on defensive compared the one beforehand.
"I know I have no right but—"
"No you don't, and if you don't like what you might hear then don't listen." Osamu shot back as a proposal to your problem, leaving you to truly speak your subdued feelings in the matter - one’s he hadn’t thought you’d felt.
"I just thought that if something was going to affect our friendship, then you might care about it, because if the situation was reversed then I would care Osamu."
With that he diverted his attention solely toward your order with a hum, you on the other hand felt ridiculous. Maybe you were being petty, and just because the thought of constantly hearing how Osamu loves from Mai everyday would be heartbreaking, you could endure it if he was happy. You’d force yourself to, it might even help you get over this stupid romantic liking you’d recently discovered. In that case, you’ll have to brighten this damp mood.
"Okay you’re right. Go ahead then, date her, marry her, and make her Mrs Salmon Sushi Roll, live happily ever after for all I care. I hope you'll be delighted." You crossed your arms and turned away with a small huff escaping you once finishing your embellished claim whilst Miya blinked at you with mild bemusement.
It remained quiet for moment as he digested your words, soon enough breaking the lightened silence himself.
"By the way, I was telling Mai 'bout Volleyball serves. Dead romantic." It was spoken sarcastically, but also in a way to match your prior energy. "Said strong spike serves are harder to properly receive than floaters. Hot stuff I know, and then she asked for my number."
"That's so typical of you!" Came your slightly raised voice, spinning back to him with an accusing tone.
"Everyone knows that jump floaters are far more effective at throwing off opponents because of their unpredictability. Everybody knows that 'Samu, everyone except you apparently, now goodbye." Knowing Mai had made her move was clarification enough - hence your volleyball tangent and strive toward the exit with your flourishing farewell.
"Yer food."
You fell still at the door after his victorious reminder, a few seconds passing as you thought about crawling back for the food or just abandoning it for the sake of pride.
Screw pride, you’re hungry.
But also you might’ve wanted to know one more thing, voice quietly asking for it once you’d reproached the counter and accepted the takeout bag he tauntingly held out for you to collect.
"Did you give her your number?"
"Yeah." Osamu smiled, one of relief and sincerity. "Seemed disappointed with the Onigiri Miya menu though."
You didn’t know if you’d managed to hide the brief feeling of melancholy well but you mirrored his smile all the same.
“Yeah, I would’ve been disappointed too.”
"Why? I make ya 'not want to throw up' too?" Came his mocking retort of your previous statement, leaving you to wittily respond as per usual.
"Shut up! I might gag, but otherwise no because you’re quite pretty. Besides I’ve had your number for years so I don’t need it."
“Knew ya liked me for more than my cooking, speaking of, there’s new menu items so take a look will ya?” Rolling his eyes with a scoff, he slid a menu over the counter which you gladly took and offered your goodbyes for the night.
After finishing your meal at home, your fingers lingered on the menu with mild curiosity, eyes skimming over it whilst hovering over the bin.
There were a few new appetiser additions, leading you to flip to the alternate side and almost drop it out of shock.
You traced the additional pen indentations with both your fingertips and eyes like precious scripture - a sentimental smile blooming at his charming stupidity.
Yer pretty too, call me later (Y/n),
[ Masterlist ]
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kuroonyang · 12 days
彡🍶⋆。˚ what fragrance i think the haikyuu boys use.
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note: i've been getting into the fragrance world recently, so this is the result of that. keep in mind this is all just my nose's opinion ;3
characters included: daichi, kuroo, oikawa, ushijima, bokuto, kita.
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daichi smells clean and comforting like freshFRESH laundry. even after a long day of practice or a match, he definitely still has a hint of that laundry scent in the background. everyone loves it, it's very addictive, and would have u stuffing ur face into his neck just to get a whiff ₍ᐢ.ˬ.⑅ᐢ₎
'blanche — byredo' would be daichi's go-to and signature scent. i can also see him going for 'lazy sunday morning — maison margiela' since it does have that clean vibe, but people would definitely associate him with blanche a lot more.
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kuroo smells almost complete opposite from daichi, but he smells divine ԅ(º﹃ºԅ). he's more on the woody, powdery side, but not so intense that it overwhelms you. just strong enough that it lingers behind as he's walking by.
'tam dao — diptyque' would be kuroo's signature scent. the fragrance has no florals, but still has the perfect balance of subtle sweet and spicy that suits his personality and appearance perfectly. tam dao isn't something i would class as a date night scent though, so he would change it up on those special occasions.
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oikawa definitely prefers his florals over fruity, and a powdery scent would match his pretty and tidy exterior very well, but nothing too strong and sickening. so i also think a nice musky fragrance would be perfect to balance out the florals as well.
'fleur de peau — diptyque' would be oikawa's signature scent. the scent overall really works well with tooru's flirty and smug character. This particular fragrance is one that gets complimented heavily by literally anyone close enough to get a whiff, although it isn't one that typically turns heads, but tooru's face card alone will manage that just fine.
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toshi would have a very masculine signature scent. something that just smells like man. he would smell very woody, maybe musky too. i can't imagine him rocking a very sweet or floral scent, which makes me think even more that it would be leaning towards woody and slightly spicy.
'oud wood — tom ford' seems like the perfect signature scent for toshi. the oud present in it isn't overwhelming (more woody), and even though there is some vanilla, it's not very in the foreground. he smells like a smart, sophisticated man. that's rich. with good taste. and one hell of a face card.
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i can see bokuto leaning more towards just using a good reliable scented deodorant since he's always on the court, but he would still have an actual cologne that he'd use as his signature scent and for special occasions. along with ushijima, i think bokuto would have one of the more masculine scents on this list.
'tobacco vanille — tom ford' would be bokuto's signature scent. the tobacco and woody scents in the fragrance would suit his hunky, big boy build very well. it still has a sweet vanilla kick to it, which just fits him pretty perfectly in my eyes. if bokuto doesn't have some combination of woody (or musky) and sweet smell as his signature scent, he's wearing the wrong thing ☝️
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SHINSUKE KITAAA 😫😫 this man likes to clean as part of his strict ritual, i KNOW he smells out of this world. even if the others smell a lil musty from practice, you will not catch kita slacking in that department. he wouldn't be overwhelmingly sprayed down with perfume, but regardless he smells heavenly.
'wood sage and sea salt — jo malone' would be kita's signature scent. If anyone on this list has just one signature scent that they live by, it's gotta be kita. i picked wood sage and sea salt because it's a clean scent and not too strong (I have a good feeling kita would gravitate more towards fragrances that aren't sickeningly strong). it's a nice marine, slightly musky and salty, scent. in three words: refreshing and clean. also, just something i think is worth mentioning, but kita's one of the few who would use a fragrance-free, clinically proven (!!) antiperspirant, so he really only smells of his signature scent.
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end note: pls do go sniff any of these scents if you haven't already. they smell gorgeous ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
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pearlprincess02 · 5 months
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aries sun, gemini moon, sagittarius rising, aries mercury, taurus venus, gemini mars
aries sun: you’re the embodiment of ambition, that glorious spark of motivation. you’re the image of when dawn breaks, that fiery red hue. you’re who i look at during times of desperation, the light of perseverance in a room full of hopelessness. the feeling of full marks after sleepless nights of frustration, my most prized possession, a taste of satisfaction.
gemini moon: a room full of things and hobbies. the best storytellers. light and witty humor. filled journals and sketchbooks. making the atmosphere brighter by just entering the room. having a thousand ideas and being passionate about every single one. soft touches and whispered secrets. i’d spend the rest of my life standing here talking.
sagittarius rising: sagittarius rising curvy body shape. sagittarius rising probably have a nice butt and thick thighs. they tend to have a pear shaped body. also i have seem these people have nice teeth too. and their smile is gorgeous. they may also have crooked teeth and watery big eyes. i have noticed these people can gain weight easily but that's just what i have seen. could be wrong too. these people can have eye issues too. they tend to have a v shaped jaw. oh but sagittarius rising have a nice ass is not joke.
aries mercury: direct, candid and uncomplicated way of thinking and communicating. very opinionated and doesn't mind or can even enjoy argumentative and aggressive ways of talking and expressing thoughts. thoughts progress quickly and they do best in fast paced conversations and thinking on their feet. they don't stay too focused on the same thing for long. they are tactless but rarely dull (enthusiastic).
taurus venus: irresistible charm or look, low-key seductive, enduring and magnetic, slow burn, dream weddings or dates, romantic touch, comforting and content, careful with hearts.
gemini mars: lightning-fast energy but airy to be around, wins you over with humor, takes pride in his intellect, upbeat and always around a crowd or working one, bewitches with ease and passion.
ᵒᵇˢᵉʳᵛᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ
about me:
[ basic info ] → ꕥ black 🇹🇹 ꕥ usa 🇺🇸 ꕥ 19 almost 20 ꕥ infp ꕥ bi ꕥ gryfferin ꕥ
[ major interests & hobbies ] → ꕥ music (i can play the piano) ꕥ astrology ꕥ psychology ꕥ greek mythology ꕥ baking ꕥ swimming ꕥ
[ music stans ] → ꕥ lana del ray ꕥ olivia rodrigo ꕥ billie eilish ꕥ taylor swift ꕥ justin beiber ꕥ harry styles ꕥ halsey ꕥ drake ꕥ lil peep ꕥ the neighbourhood ꕥ chase atlantic ꕥ the weeknd ꕥ joji ꕥ rihanna ꕥ frank ocean ꕥ 5sos ꕥ blackbear ꕥ bts ꕥ
[ movies & shows ] → ꕥ my hero academia ꕥ tokyo revengers ꕥ blue lock ꕥ fairytail ꕥ stranger things ꕥ outer banks ꕥ harry potter series ꕥ twilight series ꕥ hunger games series ꕥ american horror story ꕥ the vampire diaries ꕥ shameless ꕥ pretty little liars ꕥ haikyuu ꕥ euphoria ꕥ it ꕥ you ꕥ the little mermaid ꕥ aladdin ꕥ the princess and the frog ꕥ moana ꕥ buffy the vampire slayer ꕥ percy jackson ꕥ death note ꕥ hunter x hunter ꕥ horimiya ꕥ glee ꕥ
[ dni!!! ] → if.... homophobic, transphobic, racists etc.. ,
main masterlist
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purpleqilinwrites · 7 months
when summer comes.
a/n: "i am a passenger princess ushijima enjoyer," i say (hewwo, i'm kaija, adult, never learned how to drive).
fandom: haikyuu!!
character: ushijima wakatoshi
genre: fluff
info: established relationship (ushijima is your boyfriend); post-time skip
warnings: -
synopsis: ushijima promises to take you to paris in the summer.
word count: 0.8k
fluff-vember prompt: holiday
fluff-vember 2023 masterlist is here.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
The car would seem too quiet once you dropped Tendou off at a train station a few stops down from his hotel.
You had insisted on driving him the whole way, but he simply wiggled his eyebrows and threw finger guns at you and Ushijima after accepting the ride and getting in your rental car. Something about "not wanting to third wheel", which you had also insisted he wouldn't be. You enjoyed having him around, and it was apparent your boyfriend did too.
Tendou flew in from Paris without his partner, since they couldn't take the time off from work for it. Consequently, he also attended the Shiratorizawa Academy reunion party alone. It gave you the opportunity to get to know your boyfriend's best friend better, which you appreciated, but you would've felt less awkward with Ushijima if Tendou's partner had been beside him.
Tendou exited the car in such a rush that you were suddenly concerned that you'd been driving too slowly. He flashed his phone screen to you, as if he could read your thoughts, and you saw that his partner was calling. You stepped out of the car to see him off, since Ushijima was already waiting on the sidewalk.
Standing beside your boyfriend, you watched Tendou cross the street and practically fly into the train station.
Maybe he wanted to get a head start on showing them a bit about the city he grew up in. At the party, you had heard him telling Ushijima that he was going to film himself eating around Sendai for them while he was here, which you thought was so sweet. The next time Ushijima flew somewhere without you – which would be soon, when game season began – you'd make sure to ask him to take some videos to go along with the pictures of his day that he sent you.
You've been standing outside in the cold for a while, feeling a chill come over you as a signal of the time. As if sensing your discomfort, Ushijima removed his coat to drape it over your shoulders. You pulled it tighter around you after you gave him your thanks.
"Should we get going?" he asked, even if he made no move to leave his spot beside you, resting on a guard rail outside the train station where the two of you had seen Tendou off.
"I thought it would've been nice to see Tendou-kun's partner in person," you said, instead, closing the uppermost button on Ushijima's coat under your chin so that it would stay put around your shoulders, even with the wind. "We could've had a café double date."
He hummed as a means of agreement, leaning closer to you to share his warmth. "Satori would have liked that," he said. "He has excellent taste in pastries. You would enjoy coffee tasting with his partner, too."
The wind tumbled past the train station before you could respond, reminding you to get back in the car and away from the clutch of winter. Without brushing your hair out of your eyes, you immediately turned to nuzzle your face into Ushijima's chest to warm your nose and cheeks.
"Okay, we can go now." Your voice was muffled by his shirt, which was far too thin for the weather. Once again, you marvelled at Ushijima's superhuman heat-generating and cold-resisting ability, much more in awe than you were jealous. It would've definitely freed up a lot of room in your luggage if you didn't get cold as easily as you did.
Pulling away from him and instantly mourning the loss of his warmth, you stretched out your hand for him to hold for the short walk back to the car. Ushijima took your hand and pulled your arm around his waist so that you could continue to use him to stay warm. "I don't want you to get cold," he said, smoothing your wind-tousled hair down and tucking the longer strands behind your ears.
"You spoil me." You gave him an appreciative squeeze as you started down the length of the train station, smiling. He put his own arm around you and returned the gesture, easily matching your steps.
"We can visit Satori and his partner in Paris in the summer," Ushijima said, as he held the door open for you. You paused in your attempt to get in the car, before you righted your posture and stood up straight beside the driver's seat. He repeated himself, giving you time to absorb what he was saying. The smile on your face only grew when his offer set in.
You put your hand on his arm, relishing the way he was solid under your palm. That you weren't dreaming. "That sounds amazing, Toshi," you said. "It won't clash with anything on your schedule?"
Ushijima shook his head, giving you a small smile of his own. "I have time in the late summer."
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eerie-night · 6 months
i always like stumbling across fic rec lists so i thought about compiling a list of some of my favorites and linking the tumblrs of the authors (but if i cant find them ill link twitter or ao3) bc theyre all fucking awesome
and all i loved, i loved alone- @featherxs
“An ability?”
— on the past, present, and future of one Edgar Allan Poe.
SOOOO GOOD!! its what originally got me so into bsd and its such a good reread too
(don’t) stop the rain- miniekooki
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke finds himself taking care of the Twain family after an unfortunate turn of events.
And he also finds himself considering Mark Twain as more than just an annoying prick.
(ALTERNATIVE TITLE: the domestication of akutagawa ryuunosuke)
i loveeeeeeeeee this and how it goes about describing the family its sooooooooo good
as bright as a blackhole; and twice as dense- cereal_whore
“Kageyama’s being bullied,” Yamaguchi grits, expression steeled.
Tsukishima lowers his book quietly, and stares, eyes wide.
“As if he has enough social competence to realise he’s being bullied.”
“Tsukki, please.”
Meant to be 5 times Tsukishima accidentally and very reluctantly saved Kageyama from his own social ineptness, and one time Kageyama does the same for him, but we ran into problems bc OP can't count.
(or: everyone is srsly stressed over kageyamas existence, but kageyama, despite having the common sense of a Five Minute Crafts video, is like those buff himbos within the tsundere category. so he somehow ends up wholly unscathed throughout this shit, while everyone else doesnt)
tldr: kageyama lacks forethought, and everyone but him suffers the consequences of it.
i eat this shit up omg omg its great its funny and it makes my day better read it
but not for spring to well up- tookumade
Miya Brothers
Sellers & Buyers of Antiques & Curiosities
Suna Rintarou squints at the small sign attached to the front door of the brick shopfront.
He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting. Something flashier? More brass? The Miya brothers could do with a pot plant out the front. The shopfront has one single large window that’s covered by a plain white curtain, so maybe they could open that up and have some of their antiques and such on display so people get an idea of what they buy and sell. Maybe a paint job for the door, which is the most boring brown Suna has ever seen. There is nothing he can say about it—it’s not nice nor ugly, it’s just boring.
Or, maybe Suna could stop giving any more of a damn about this shopfront and just get his appointment over and done with.
After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.
this sounds repetitive but…..SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD i love the emotion and how it deals with sunas ex and like everything about this fic is gold
“To Chase”- @diggingupgrave
Megumi has never thanked the man who raised him.
god…no words except read it you will not regret it
A Fair Day’s Work- featherhearted
“I may have some coffee in the place for you,” said Prime Minister Aegir. “Let me show you how much better I have become at brewing it to your taste.”
“If you insist,” said Minister Vestra but he sounded pleased. To Delarivier, who had literally made it her profession to attune herself to his tone (usually ranging from sort-of-murder-y to extremely-murder-y), Minister Vestra sounded very pleased indeed.
Ferdinand and Hubert's long-suffering aides figure out a way to work fewer hours.
im a whore for outsider povs and this one takes the cake and does laps around my brain when i try and sleep
a glass essay- fairbanks
Right out of university Jon's run out of time to run from the Web. The only way he knows to escape one domain is to give yourself to another, and he's always been good at being alone.
He really wasn't imagining the Lukas family would take him in at all, let alone arrange him to marry some smarmy ass named Peter Lukas.
yet again something to reread till you memorize every word and still cant get enough
now for authors that i recommend HIGHLY and a fic or two from them:
i recommend everything shes written but my top favorites currently are:
Cor Cordium
Fox dies. He wakes up. And then things start getting weird.
its so so good and kats soooo good at characterization and descriptions and could prob make paint drying interesting
out of night (out of nothing)
It's the duty of the Temple Guard to keep the Sacred Spire, the Force nexus at the heart of the Temple. Feemor's always done his duty gladly, kept it safe, kept the light burning. Order 66 changes everything. Changes him. Changes the Spire, too.
Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait are just caught in the currents and trying to make the most of their second chances, but an unstable Jedi and new powers don't make anything easier.
the concept is so cool and the execution is even better she could probably sell me air and id go crazy for it
trade your heart for bones to know
A week after an attack that nearly killed him and his son, Jaster Mereel finds Mostross dead on a battlefield. His killer is a Jedi, grievously wounded, who Jaster takes into his care. By Mandalorian tradition, Jon Antilles owes him a life-debt, and Jaster is cunning enough not to let such a thing slip away.
It's meant to be an entirely political arrangement. It doesn't stay that way for long.
not to sound like broken record but god this is fucking fabulous
i totally recommend checking out ALL her works but these were the first ones i thought of out of the ones that are currently updating
she has written sooo many good fics im just going to recommend my favorite series and you can go from there
Shisui is way too strong to have his eye taken by Danzo
He's the only one smart enough to master the simplest of techniques to legendary proportions
He was sweet and kind and, despite everything he'd seen and all the things he'd done, he wasn't afraid to hope. To dream for something better.
A series for Shisui
the characters, the plots, the descriptions all add up to something amazing
do yourself a favor and check her out, you will not regret it. unfortunately, i will restrain myself to only recommending one fic but DO check the rest out
With no root in the land —(To keep my branches green)
He is not a human and he is not a beast and he is not a creature, but he is. He is a being, then. A being that changes and learns and lives. He thinks his name is Ani.
this is the fic that i first read by llamallamaduck and its a really good introduction to how fucking amazing she is at doing crossovers and writing in general
i hope you enjoy these as much as i have :)
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smolbean12 · 1 year
Hi, I love your heartbroken Haikyuu character stuff But do you think you can write me a scenario where the characters receive a really sweet confession or confess to someone? You can pick any characters you want. Also thanks for existing. I absolutely love your blog!
ohmigoshhh you're so sweet <3
Haikyuu!! Characters When They Get Confessed To
♡ Miya Atsumu ♡
Atsumu couldn't believe his eyes. Or ears. Or you. You confessed to him? YOU confessed to HIM?! He quickly grabs you by the shoulder and shakes you. "Ya are not jokin' right? Ya like like me or like like me? Like like or like??? Argh tell me!!"
By the time he's done shaking you and asking you those questions your head starts spinning. "Atsumu leave me! And-and I like like you alright?"
Atsumu obeys and stops but his hands are still on your shoulder. There was a moment of silence. And then:
"Wait- which like do ya mean? Like like or like like?"
Atsumu steps back a bit, his hands raised up defensively. "Jeez calm down. Don't ya yell at me."
"Tsumu you're stupid," you chuckled out. However Atsumu doesn't pay any mind to that. Instead he smirks, smug and teasing. "Ya love me, huh? Aww I never thought you'd be so cheesy."
"I know, Tsumu. I have really bad taste in men," you reply with faux sadness.
Atsumu blanches. "Oh come on! Ya can't really say that. I'm a delight, no wonder ya fell in love." His grip on your shoulder tightens. "Besides I like ya too. Ya wanna go out with me?"
"You like like me or like like?"
The face he made was precious. You break out in laughter.
"Yes, Atsumu. A hundred times yes."
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♡ Kuroo Tetsurou ♡
Practice had been the same as usual what with Yaku screaming at Lev and Kenma lazing around. Kuroo could not wait to go home, have a nice hot meal and sleep. He was too tired as he had pulled two all nighters to study for his exams.
He walked out of the school gym only to find you standing near the gates. He called out your name and jogged towards you. "Hey! What are you doing here? It's pretty late."
You waved back at him with a small smile. "Kuroo, I wanted to borrow your notes. I,uh, zoned out in class and didn't take any."
"Oh, sure why not!"
He started fishing for his notebook in his bag when he noticed that you were extremely fidgety. You were tapping your foot on the ground, playing with your fingers and glancing around the school grounds. He handed the book to you and before he could ask if you were alright you were already walking away with an urgent thank you and goodbye.
Kuroo went home confused and couldn't get it off his mind for the rest of the night. The next day you returned his notebook to him the first thing in the morning and this time, too, you were fidgety and seemed to be in a hurry. Again, you walked away from him before he could talk to you.
Kuroo simply thought you were sick, but something in the back of his head told him that that wasn't the reason. A week passed before you talked to him after volleyball practice.
'Hey, how ar-" He began to say but was interrupted by you.
"Kuroo did you not open your notebook after I returned it to you?"
Classes for that subject were canceled as their teacher had taken leave due to some family emergency, and since his exams were over too he never bothered to study. "No, not really," he said. "But why are you asking me this? And also why have you been acting so different?"
You ignored his questions entirely. Your mouth fell open in shock and realization. When you spoke again you seemed exasperated.
"Why didn't you? You should've opened! Oh, c'mon Kuroo," you rambled on and on.
And at that instant it felt like something had clicked in his brain. Oh. Now he understood.
He quickly pulled out the notebook from his bag and in his haste a piece of paper fell out of it. He picked it up and his suspicions were confirmed.
It was a love letter. Addressed to him. From you.
He looked at you, his face beet red just like you. "This is for me?" He spluttered out.
"Of course! God, I have been waiting for a whole week for you to reply to it but you never even saw it!"
Kuroo couldn't help but bark out a laugh. He was stupid, So, so stupid. He also felt really giddy. "So you like me?"
"Unfortuately, yes."
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Work by: @smolbean12
thank you for reading :)
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peachonified · 6 months
I have some anime recommendations.
I have STRUGGLED this year to find things to watch. I don't particularly like romance - it saps the storyline - and I like action/comedy. It's why I've always had a taste for sports anime.
So... this is just a starting point for the lost souls who are just after something, and don't know where to start. This is in no particular order, although prob related to how recently I watched it...
1. The Apothecary Diary
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Set in a land in the far east, Maomao is sold to the back palace. From there she solves mysteries.
This is honestly such a great show! Intrigue, engaging characters, and you could absolutely read Maomao as aroace. This was a stand out.
I also love the opening song. Very Shakira-esque.
2. Another stand out was Death Mount, Death Play
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I'm not a fan of super violence, so I almost didn't make it past ep 1... but I ADORED this show. The main character is amazing, the shark in the credits is so cute, the story is many faceted, and I seriously adored it! highly reccomend.
3. I wasn't expecting to enjoy God of High School.
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Now, it absolutely does feel like it needs a second season, but it ended in a way that felt okay too... it is based on aKorean wrbcomic, but has japanes va's. It's an over powered fighting anime, with mystery powers and a very likable main character. It's got super baddies to hate, and it does edge into too violent for my taste, but still sat down and watched my way through it xD
4. Ah... my beloved sports anime. I'm gonna add Haikyuu! And Kuroko no Basket here. I mean... both are fandoms I write for xD
Haikyuu!! Is great as there are no real bad guys, and lots of growth all round.
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Kuroko is basically magical high school boys who play high school basketball, but same thing: lots of character growth, lots of friendship.
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One thing I love is how the boys cry? I mean that in a they are disappointed when they lose and aren't told to suck it up. I always appreciate that!
5. It's been hard to avoid isekai animes, and some of them are less than engaging, it is true. But some? Some are delightful!
5a So, I got reincarnated as a slime is one of my faves.
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It's just... nice? Satisfying? It doesn't reaaaaally push any boundaries (although I love almost everything about the final arc). There's so many loveable characters, and it's alot of fun. It helps I've always loved slimes, so this overpowered one isno exception.
5b why Raeliana ended up at the dukes mansion is, yes a romance.
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But its also fun. Our protagonist is reincarnated into a gane, as a character that they know will die. And they don't want to die! And so... this isthat story.
5c. This lead me down the reincarnated in a game pathway, and I came across My next life as a villainess: all roads lead to doom
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You know those really dumb lovable characters? Well, I love Catarina. She is charming with a harem comorised if almost everyone she grew up with, and there's just something so delightful! I laughed outloud as much as i groaned at this one!
Older ones I reccomend:
Natsume's Book of friends
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Slice of life about a boy who can see spirits. Definitely leans towards melancholy, but really leans into found family
2. Black Clover
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Look. Get past Asta screaming in the first 20 eps and you've got some enjoyable action. The characterisation is
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mymxnfgh · 1 year
hi yinggg! really love how accurate and in-character your headcanons are ❣️❣️
your drawing hcs for goo and lua got me curious on what (kind of) anime would lookism characters be a fan of/won't stop talking about. i would like to know your thoughts about it. 🤗🤗
hope you have a nice day! 🫶🫶
Hello Hi ~~ Aaa tysm for your kind words!! I’m glad you like my HCs!! And your question is really interesting! 💕🌸
Since I already shared my HCs about Goo and Lua I’ll exclude them this time ~
Also I didn’t watch most of these Animes/ didn’t finish watching so I’m sorry if there’s anything wrong with it~
What Animes would Lookism characters watch
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I feel like Daniel wouldn’t be too big of an Anime fan
probably watched some of the more popular ones (?)
Mostly watches ShounenAnime
One piece (he didn’t watch all of it only a few episodes)
Demon Slayer
He watches Cartoons more than Anime but sometimes he also watches Anime
Pokemon Go
Detective Conan
The type who watches Sport Animes
Baki the Grappler
and a lot of boxing Animes (I don’t know any though )
Mira and Zoe
Romance Anime, Shoujo, Ghibli Movies all the way~~~!!
They’ve watched Howls moving castle so many times
Kamisama kiss
Your lie in April
Ao Haru Ride
Oh and don’t forget Kimi ni Todoke
At this point I’m just kinda inserting my own favorite Animes 🌸
Maybe Horror/Psychological/Thriller Animes
The type who prefers to read manga
Junji Ito Collection
Perfect Blue
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Like Goo, a weeb
All kinds of Animes and he’s kind of just forgets about them after watching them once
BUT I like to think that Gun likes to watch „Yakzua to Househusband“ (I don’t know why it’s just funny to me)
Has similar taste to Daniel
watches only the popular stuff
Sword Art Online (even though everyone else in Big Deal dislike SAO Jake enjoys it a lot)
Alright ~ these are all of my HCs for now if there’s anything you’d like to add let me know! Once again tysm for the ask! ily and have a great day! 💖💕
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kosi-annec · 12 days
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 8
Fuck 8-4 that's too big of a gap, they need to score the next points or else they're not gonna catch up..
Suga idk if it's smart to tell the enemy team your next plan, but it seems to piss tendo off lol
AAA NO ITS USHI AGAIN- OH nvm thx you for messing that up hskshk
No. 10 on field, let's go hinata! Get us them points back. Oh hey this background character (idk wat his name is) is doing pretty good.
AH OOF that's gotta hurt sheesh.. BUT KEEP GOING HINATA DON'T STOP- oh wow even TENDO was fooled by that. I gotta appreciate the fact that hinata was actually thinking before he spiked cuz he's not working w kage
wait hinata let himself get hit in the face ON PURPOSE?? I mean, if it keeps the ball up ig
"he shows no sign of the talent or intelligence of those other players" ouch, but true lmao
Ok you two (ushi & hinata) stop trying to assert dominance HSKSHS
Ngl kage just jumping up and down in the corner looked so silly
HINATA GET AN ICE PACK IF YOU CAN TASTE BLOOD, wat is with the karasuno boys getting hurt these past few matches, 2 have been sent to the nurse and now lil tangerine is technically bleeding just not externally
Nice Suga forcing him into a receive. Oh shit they're gonna do it again, oH THEY GOT THE POINT! Tendo was so caught up in trying to read em he didn't act
KAGEYAMA BACK ON FIELD LEZGO!! Pft- "better watch the back of your head, squirt" god i love the eng dub
All of this build up for kage's serve is either gonna end really cool or really bad. OK it went well- holy cRAP KAGE?? He was all the way from the back tf??? HOLY SHIT and we're back let's go!!!
hhh come on crows, they can't let shiratorizawa get any further ahead of them
Ok eita up on field. Wait he's also a setter? Ngl I don't remember. Yknow that's fair from eita ig, cuz everyone has eyes on ushi and ig tendo if only for his amazing blocking style, so it's nice to get that attention on you, if for a lil bit
FUCK- NOOO 12-9 they're getting too close to 15 for comfort..
YES BEST OLDER SISTER! These kinds of situations is exactly why there's cheer squads n shit. When the team is starting to feel down it's the audience's job to lift their spirits up, to let them know that someone believes in them
?? Is that a fucking anthem shiratorizawa's audience singing???
Goshiki I thought you'd realize by now that no.10 ain't your average 1st year player, that tangerine is a monster
Aw kage basically telling kazuhito (finally learnt bg char's name) not to worry too much on how he plays
TADASHI GIVE US A GOOD SERVE! Yesss he's so confident in his abilities now, he's grown so much
CRAP nooo the crow's pinch server is out now- wait what?? OH goshiki touched the net. NVM THEN KEEP GOING TADASHI!!
Tbf kazuhito's the one that got hit and he's not used to the power behind ushi's spikes. aaAAA OK THAT'S OK BG GUY, you got a point that's all that matters right now
HSKHSJS OMG KAGE'S GROWN SO MUCH, he's literally adjusting himself to suit the spiker
YESSS the stress is getting to them, shiratorizawa's making mistakes, and by shiratorizawa i mean goshiki
Damn, that.. actually really sweet of ushi, cuz that man only says shit if he believes it, and goshiki needed that
GIVE US ANOTHER TADASHI- Ah fuck, and there goes the streak
FUCK, aaagh i thought he was gonna do a strong hit, ok so goshiki's not as reckless as i thought
Ooh, old man flashback? Oof yeah that's the worse, where ppl deny you becuz you lack on something you don't have control over
I do find it interesting that the choice of music for this final point is not like hype or something loud, but more emotional and hopeful sounding. Idk im not a musician
FUCK NO! AHH they can't do another deuce again they HAVE to get the next 2 points..
Oh shit, coach?? Well, he's a man of few words, but those words are enough to light their fire again
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seijorhi · 6 months
oh rhi.. i’ve missed you 🥺 i’m so sorry for lurking for a bit (after the job application phase i’m now working on the law school app phase 🤮) but you know. you know i had to come out. oh my god. i will always always ALWAYS love your oikawa fics (get together to talk about your thoughts on a settle part iii one day?), but kuroo, especially the sexy dilf version, is my fave. fuck. all i can really say is you just know how to put things down on paper. no one has a mastery of words like you do i’m telling you ugh i need to just kiss your brain pls
not to be breeding kink 🤣 but ohhh my god what was kuroo thinking cumming inside not once but TWICE. was it a goal for knock her up with his baby or what were his thought processes on that?
also, at this point, is it safe to assume kuroo chose the reader over his own son? fucking the reader in shin’s room and all was bold putting it lightly.. almost as if he didn’t care enough if shin found out (also, the parallel of them both claiming her as “mine” was so chill inducing, i love how you think and write—you know that?) you always give the perfect amount to make our imaginations run so wild and i cant help but wonder how tetsu’s “relationship” w his son will look like moving forward 😭 (or if kuroo will get to fuck us again-)
overall just ugh. so so so good and talented miss rhi. i hope you’re doing well and happy belated new year!! i love you!! 🥹❤️
p.s. would love to see more of your baking content!
bby you never have to apologise for lurking <33
and yea, i was rocked to my very core the day i found out your true haikyuu love was not oikawa (you remember, the guy you commissioned two fics for) but kuroo lmao. also yes :)) settle pt3 :))
anyway anyway onto the questions. what kuroo was thinking was that this here's a nice pussy i think i'm gonna cum in it vghfdjksdjbhfdjsk
but no the breeding kink did occur to me.
as for shin finding out, that was almost an inevitability no matter how the chips fell. either he stumbled across them in the kitchen christmas morning, the reader told him in the days that followed, shin put two and two together himself and figured it out, or she broke up with him and... well... problem solved, really.
after that first taste – call it a confirmation of sorts – there's no going back. it didn't have to be this way, but it is, and it was time his boy knew that.
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Hey, you can call me Brook! I was wondering if I could get a match up for a couple fandoms?
I’d like Haikyuu, My Hero, Demon Slayer, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, and Obey me!
If these are too many, feel free to just pick a few out of them! I would really like one of them to be haikyuu though.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pan/Demi
Zodiac: Aquarius
Appearance: 5’9”, chubby thighs and belly, hazel eyes, shoulder length brown hair (with blonde streaks), glasses
Personality: I’m pretty quiet. I am however very sarcastic and even witty. I keep to myself normally. I tend to stay out of people's business, and people stay out of mine (i prefer to observe). I’m a true neutral on just about everything. I like things to be calm most times, but a bit of chaos is definitely needed. I get bored quickly and need something happening around me constantly, just simple things like a show or music in the background. I don’t listen to most people, i like to do things my own way. i’m very stubborn. i’m very cold to people i don’t really know or like, once i open up though you discover my sense of humour and my general clinginess to the people i actually like (which is very few people).
Likes: Volleyball, badminton, sketching, anime, video games, the color purple, heated blankets, sweet foods and salty foods (never together), cats, the smell of vanilla, cold weather, the nighttime, napping in the day, when you go to bed for the night, music, candles, mangas, baking, the stars, space, snow days, science classes
Dislikes: Spicy foods, being told what to do, super hot weather, being woken up, homework, having to actually do things, cooking
Extras: Resting Bitch Face. looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll. my love languages are quality time and words of affection. im a picky eater. i love to complain.
If you aren't taking matchups right now, thats fine! Just ignore this!
Hi Brook! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. This is more than I usually do but I don't have a limit to how many matchups you can request so you're all good! I hope you like your matchups!
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Nishinoya loves your quietly sarcastic personality. You make a good balance of loud and quiet but people know not to do anything that gets the two of you to gang up on them. You’re both equally sassy.
He appreciates that you’re there for him. He doesn’t really talk about important things a lot but when he feels the need, he’s glad you’re there for him, even if you're not a good listner.
Please play volleyball with him! He would love getting to share his biggest passion with the person he cares about.
Also loves sharing naps with you. I see Nishinoya as someone who has short naps through the day when he gets a quiet moment. It’s how he gets his seemingly unending energy. And he always sleeps best when you’re with him.
Star gazing dates! He doesn’t know much about the stars but he’s willing to learn. He knows a few good spots around town that have a nice view of the sky.
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Oh, the quiet, sarcastic duo you and Shinsou would be. No one stands a chance against you two.
Nap buddies! Some of Shinsou’s favourite moments are when the two of you are laying together, both on the verge of sleep and he gets to look over at your relaxed face. He feels honoured that you’re so comfortable around him.
I see his love language as quality time as well so you can be sure you’ll spend a lot of time together. Sometimes that time comes in the form of talking or doing things together. Other times, it’s just enjoying the silence together.
Please take him to a cat cafe. You’ll both have the time of your lives and become regulars there. The staff know your orders off by heart at this point.
I think Shinsou would be surprisingly good at cooking so he doesn't mind taking on that role in your relationship. He knows you don’t like things too spicy and will tailor any dishes to your tastes.
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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Another quiet one. Giyu is so glad you’re in his life. He already has to deal with the other Hashira and the kids. He doesn’t need another loud person.
Enjoys spending quality time with you. He doesn’t get a lot of free time with his work but when he does get a day off, he wants to spend it with you.
Giyu does find your stubborn streak annoying at times. He’s got to know that telling you what to do doesn’t work so instead, he’ll suggest things when he thinks he needs to. Otherwise, he lets you do what you want. You’re capable of being responsible for yourself and he recognises that.
As strange as this is going to sound, he likes that you like the same smells. I see Giyu as someone who likes gentle scents like vanilla so he wouldn’t mind getting some incense sticks to place around the house.
Please bake things for him, especially if he’s going away on a mission for a while. He’d smile to see your cooking wrapped up in his bag for him to enjoy.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Another nap buddy! Layla’s sleeping habits only get worse when encouraged by your napping.
Appreciates that you stay out of people's business. She’s not a super nosey person herself so she’s glad you’re the same in that regard.
Layla enjoys watching your sketch things, she finds it relaxing watching the drawing unfold before her eyes.
If you ever draw her or give her one of your drawings, she’s going to pin it up on her wall so she can see it every day. It gives her motivation. You worked hard to make that, she can work hard as well.
With her cryo powers, you won’t have to worry about hot weather. If it’s getting too warm, she’ll just drop the temperature around you for some respite.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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March is without a doubt the most outgoing person in this list. She’s the one to draw you out of your shell and bring out the best in you.
Really good with words of affection and quality time. She just somehow always knows what to say and will always make time for you.
If there’s something in your meal you don’t like, March is more than happy to eat it instead. She’s not picky about her food so she’ll eat pretty much anything you don’t want to.
There are definitely going to be stargazing dates with March. The Astral Express is one of the best places to see the stars but she likes looking at the sky on each new planet with you as well.
Definitely not someone to tell you what to do. March usually does her own thing as well, so even if she did want to tell you to do something, she’d feel like a hypocrite doing it.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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The ultimate nap buddy. You thought Shinsou and Layla were the perfect companions for a nap? Nope, Belphie takes that title.
You’re going to bond mainly over napping and your shared love of going to bed. But you have other similarities as well.
People know not to get on either of your bad sides. You’re very observant and they know what a power couple you are when you gang up on a shared enemy.
Dates in the observatory, looking at the stars. Belphie spends a lot of time there so he knows a bit about the sky. He’ll also keep track of meteor showers so he can take you to a lookout to watch them together.
He’s not great with words of affection but he’s good with quality time. Even if you’re both asleep, Belphie feels your presence and the warmth of being with someone he cares about.
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newtthetranswriter · 5 months
Hello! I saw your matchups were open, I was wondering if I could get one for Haikyuu and My Hero Academia. Sorry if my site is just glitching and they’re not open though </3
I just recently started culinary school and I’m a Libra, I think my friends would describe me as fun. I may not be the most outgoing person but if you get me in my element then the tables like completely turn. I’m a bit shy when you first get to know me but I think I warm up to people pretty quick. I’m like 5’ 1??? I think that’s what the doctor said last time- anyways, I’m chubby and my hair is like bright red (right now, I think I’m gonna do purple next). I also have an undercut and have a wolf cut. Also I’m pan so I don’t really have a preference when it comes to dating <3
When I was little I thought I was going to be a music artist 💀 hence why I can play 5 instruments now (Piano, Guitar, Trombone, Saxophone, and Flute) I was in choir like elementary school to the end of high school. I still love to play instruments and music is one of my ways I show love. I’m also really into physical touch, like even if it’s like holding pinkies or something I’m all for it! Quality time is also a big must. My mom was a single mom so she was at work a lot and being an only child I was home by myself like all the time.
I like writing; music, poems, short stories, and I’m currently writing a book :)
I also do in fact play volleyball and did before I started before I watched Haikyuu 💀
This might be too much info but I hope you have a nice day <3 thanks in advance
A/n: Hello, thank you for being patient with me covid kicked my ass. I hope this is okay, again covid sucked and I’m just getting back into the hang of writing. Anyway, enjoy, and Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
Haikyuu: Shoyo Hinata
Hinata loves to hang out with you even if it’s just the two of you
He’s fascinated by how many instruments you play and insists on you playing for him some time
This boy loves food so if you need someone to taste test something you are working on for school he’s all for it
If you need help dying your hair, he won’t be much help cause he can’t sit still but he will definitely give his opinion on what colors look best on you
I feel Hinata is also big on physical affection so expect to be holding hands or having him super close
Also don’t be shocked if you catch him rubbing it in Kageyama’s face that he got a partner first
My Hero Academia: Kyoka Jiro
Many dates that consists of hanging out and listening to each other practice playing music
Jiro is always ready to help you with your cooking if you need it, and if she’s lost she’s call Yaoyorozu to help
She’s not the biggest fan of pda but linking your pinkies is fine, it let’s her know that you’re close and gives you that physical connection you enjoy
Jiro is also always ready to help you with your hair, be it dying it or cleaning up the style in between cuts
again sorry if it isn't the best.
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