zorlovinghue · 10 days
Hiii just discovered your blog (because of TCF/LCF) and just had to ask - where is your profile pic from? And do you have any other recs like ‘The Malicious Member is Back’ because I started reading it after seeing it in your posts and am loving it so far :D
Hallooo! My profile picture is Do Seojoon from [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol]/[My Comeback as the Youngest Member]! He is the older brother of the MC, Do SeohanXD
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If you're interested with this one, get ready to face how strikingly different the novel and manhwa is, but overall it's all good!
Other recommendations you might want to give a try to:
In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe
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I'm a Genius Idol But My Passive is a Sunfish
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Debut or Die
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The Trashy PD has to Survive as an Idol
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You might already know Debut or Die since it is the biggest in fandom too, plot-wise all of these have more progression while not very heavy to follow. With [I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is a Sunfish] and [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol] being the lighter ones. I love all of them. Very much. If you're looking for a character with typical krs!Cale or Cale!krs morally grey tendency, then Seo Hoyun from [The Trashy PD has to Survive as an Idol] will be a good start to familiarize yourself. (personal feeling but this one actually got the best of me from how similarly coded he is, even the 'blackmailing'/'scamming' and 'taking advantage of someone but actually cares for them along the way' is strikingly more pronounced:D)
Surprisingly, [Debut or Die], [The Malicious Member is Back], [I Became The Youngest Member of Top Idol] are the three where the group is build up through Idol competition. While the others are making a comeback after trouble or more agency-focus debut-trainee if you did not want to go through another musings for who would likely debut in the end. Which is, fun and engaging either way!
[Debut or Die]'s Park Moondae is literally Kim Rok Soo in some unique ways.... But, hmm, maybe more of a reliable narrator in comparison? As reliable as it can be with his personality.
If you want different characterization, as in cute and adorable MC instead of the genius and cynical characters, [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol]'s Do Seohan and [I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is a Sunfish]'s Han Baekya are remarkably some refreshing change! Where as [In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe]'s MC Sun Woo-Joo is more heartwarming. I think these three are actually the most mentally sounds and healthy out of others, which is sparsely seen these days.
Each of these recommendations is refreshing and is impactful in their approaches. And I personally eager to tell you that all of them are worth reading for!
[Debut or Die], [I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol], and [In This Life, The Greatest Star in the Universe] already got manhwa adaptation, so if you need more visuals feel free to give it a long shot to go!
It's most likely that I'll missed many points considering it's been a while since I catch up, I strongly advised to take my words with a grain of salt and take a look yourself for a better judgement<3
p.s. If you want to have the Coughing Up Blood shenanigans, [The Trashy PD has to Survive as an Idol] and [I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is a Sunfish] will give you exactly that! I'm not sure about the latter since I haven't read much but the probability is high! >///< if you want a character who's constantly in the danger of death then [Debut or Die] took it seriously with its premise lmaooo
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
FR legal nonsense continues to turn in my brain, so I'm still musing over Astarion's legal career. It would be interesting to learn about Astarion's pre-Cazador life, because it sounds like I would kill him with my bare hands - do tell me about your days as an Ace Attorney villain, Saer Ancunín.
I don't think he's ever been "innocent" or good, although I also think he would disagree. What little we see of his law career suggests to me that he had his own strong ideas of right and wrong; he scoffed at mercy and softness, and believed that wrong should be punished hard. Possibly lethally. To "discourage the next vagrant". Obviously, there are "good people" and "bad people", and some individuals (including entire cultures) are in the latter category.
(I'm aware of the original early concept thing where he was selling people to vampires, but I'm working on the assumption that got dropped and no longer applies.)
Considering that Astarion still voices some of these opinions 200 years later, even if he's now decided all laws and morals are bullshit (bad things are wrong only when they happen to him now), and he carries them into his endings... It's interesting to me that once he's fully free of Cazador and has had time to sort his mind out, the former hanging judge starts bounty hunting and eating criminals. (I'm not passing judgement on that, I just find the link interesting) Ascended Astarion would be an absolute nightmare to work with; carrying that black-and-white draconian approach to punishment with everything Cazador's taught him about the art of abusing people...
He was most likely still a fun-loving little gremlin back then, but he also had one hell of a lawful evil/neutral mindset. He might've been - and quite possibly was - corrupt and open to bribes and such, but at the very least he seems to have had "standards", and I get the impression he felt he had a duty to see that "proper" society was safeguarded from what he and his friends considered the "wrong sorts".
Plus his being a terrible person, then becoming a victim and becoming a different flavour of terrible person (who still doesn't "deserve" abuse) makes him more appealing to me as a character.
I'd love to put his brain in a jar and shake it.
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the-mocking-robin · 6 months
MJ: Stop avoiding the Pinned Post
Yeah, ok.
Hey all. I'm MJ, 30+ years old, a fairly fresh he/him/they transman. I'm located in the USA and work within the central time zone (-6 UTC, I think).
Triggers will be tagged for you upon request outside of what might be considered typical tags to include (nsfw, gore, abuse -- all which I plan to tag without prompting). Please let me know if there is something specific you want tagged and I'll include it to the best of my ability.
Rules and expectations below, but for the sake of everyone visiting:
I have a habit of writing dark and disturbing subjects around my muses. It's best to assume Dead Dove and "proship" content will occur in this blog than not -- I don't have any clear plans for most of it right now, but I'd rather you have the ability to leave this blog and keep clear of the possibility than just trust that I wouldn't write these things.
Again, ask me to tag if you'd like to stick around and just need to avoid certain subjects.
Blacklist and blocks are your friends.
Morality policing is... so Tired. If you have issues with writing dark subject matter, for both our sakes, please block me now. My preoccupation is with the well being and safety of real people in my real community -- fictional characters don't deserve the stress some people want to attach to them.
Public Call Outs are unnecessary and lead too often to abuse of those subjected to them. It's too much hearsay. Too much actually malicious intent and not enough care for fellow bloggers. I will block you if I have to; witch hunts are never fun.
You need to talk to me if you expect me to do things for your comfort on your dash. I will not accept anxiety as an excuse for you to not communicate with me. This is an inherently social activity with a ton of strangers -- I absolutely NEED you to communicate boundaries and expectations with me if you feel I'd forgotten anything.
In-Character needs to be completely separate from Out Of Character.
If you can't separate yourself from your muse and take arguments, romantic interests and other such things as a personal attack/judgement, then we can't play in the sandbox together. I will block and blacklist the second I see anything that implies you're just writing self-insert role play.
Format as you please; I probably won't. My preoccupation is the execution of character and the experimentation of scenarios within that character... not text and icon aesthetics. I've tried it. It's exhausting.
You do you, though, it legitimately looks amazing what you're doing. [/genuine tone]
The usual applies: This is a colored, queer and disabled space. Ableism, racism, queer-phobia and all that will not be tolerated. I'll block you and I won't give you a warning about it -- THIS is the warning.
This is already a lot, but I'll update this as needed.
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woodsfae · 1 year
Babylon 5 s02e16: In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum s02 ToC • previous episode
Dislike that they're turning the Narn refugees back unless they're injured. At least they're taking the injured, but damn, Earth won't take any refugees, even temporarily? That's awful.
Vir: Stop asking me things with uncomfortable answers. It makes me uncomfortable.
Not a great time to be a Centauri with a shred of a conscience, but a political position. Especially gross to be anyone dealing with fuckhead the asshole. Mor something?
Great hate speech by Vir, he's come a long way in expressing himself. It would be nice to see Shadow-lackey die a terrible death.
I, personally, would not name any kind of ship or vessel which I wished to remain in one piece, the Icarus. I'm not superstitious superstitious but I am a little superstitious. Don't wanna get on a submersible boat named Titan Titanic, either. Just seems like tempting fate. Or if not fate, then getting mocked in memes by teenagers after your ironic death.
Dun dun dun!! Shadow asshat was supposed to have died on the Icarus with Anna! Is she dead? Is any of that crew dead?
Morden. And he's on the station!
I reflexively distrust and dislike every single person who comes onto the station specifically to see Talia. Matt Stoner. Every PsiCorps episode. That time Kosh and the Guy With The Good Hat indulged in a little, light, mental torture to evaluate her. People just fuck with Talia and she deserves a break and a nice episode where she kisses Susan and relaxes a little.
This security guard taking Morden aside looks a lot like Willem Dafoe. But I don't think he is. Probably?
Morden's playing it slick, but Sheridan is in a bad bad mood. He's got a good explanation. He's a damned liar and he's AWOL. Just because he was assumed KIA doesn't mean he isn't still obligated to report back to duty.
But of course, Sheridan prefers to threaten him with making his legal status become his actual physical status (dead).
It makes sense that someone who's seen as much trauma and been traumatized as much as Stephen Franklin would need to talk it out. And it makes sense that he would have lowered inhibitions and feel compelled to talk about it when he's in the middle of another traumatic scenario. But the religious musings spoken through the characters' mouths is pretty tedious and not my favorite aspect.
Gross earthforce spy network setup.
Garibaldi being the voice of reason and urging adherence to moral guidelines is hilarious. Maybe that's what he needs: someone who's more of a loose cannon than he is, to keep in line.
This dichotomy is dumb. Message earthforce and be like "May I detain this AWOL member of earthforce that, surprise, isn't dead!" They're so suspicious and fascist right now, of course they'll support detaining him!
Idk if Talia going to help violate Morden's rights or not. And idk what Vir is going to disclose! Exciting!
The Centauri must go through so much hairspray. Vir's hair hardly even wobbles as he bobbles.
Literally it seems like all of thise would be resolved by calling Earthforce and telling them Morden's alive. I really don't understand why Sheridan isn't using the might of Earthforce to do all this with full military backing and support.
Two creepy shadow being accompanying Morden! I don't like that at all!
People really need to stop using Talia's abilities against her and to manipulate her into using telepathy against her better judgement and against the literal law. Super dickish. Sheridan's making a lot of indefensible calls in this one.
They need a therapist or twenty on board.
The Vorlon are so funny. All of the lesser races are as bugs to us….the Minbari are the best bugs and we prefer the best bugs to any of you annoying ones.
Deep Lore Dump.
The Ancients (who haven't "walked among us" in ten thousand years) fought the First Ones and (?) the Shadows over the millennia. They haven't been around since the last Great War. The Minbari were a space-going civilization at the time! Damn! No wonder they're so elitist! They've Seen It All.
So…Vorlons are some of the Ancients? Or at least they sheltered Kosh, an Ancient among their ranks? Wild that "everyone" will recognize him if he's out of his encounter suit. Or perhaps Kosh's idea of everyone is "everyone who knew me ten thousand years ago," lol.
Very grim outcome for the crew of the Icarus, but it does make me think that Anna will be back.
Anytime there's a debate about allowing mass death and atrocities for some future greater good, I don't care. Save the people in front of you. This WWII story is grim af. iirc, Britain was great at catching German spies. I should think they could totally have evacuated Coventry secretly. Really grim.
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"What did you see?" "Nothing. Shadows."
Ewwww gross, Zach the security guard is going to be an earthforce informer. I really, really do not like the implications of a group of people with armbands being spread around to intimidate the populace.
This is a good decision by Sheridan. He's good at war, and it will be better for him to turn his energy into beating an ancient evil than to spin his wheels at B5.
Kosh saying he will die if he goes to Z'ha'dum doesn't mean he'll die if he fights the Shadows, imo. Many things in this show seem to revolve around loopholes, semantics, and pedantry. What if the Shadow leaves Z'ha'dum and is defeated in another place? That's a Sheridan-worthy escape clause from Prophecy of Doom.
next episode
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I had some left over time in class today, and guess what. EVERYTHING about the tortured poets department is so clear to me after my deep-dive analysis on the little snippet of lyrics that Taylor posted on her socials. The glass isn’t stained anymore.
“So I enter into evidence. My tarnished coat of arms”
This paints us a picture of a courtroom, which applies to the terms used, as well as the song- and album’s title. She enters into evidence, which she also understands. Tarnished is synonymous with losing luster and “shine”. Coat of arms is a symbol which brings honor to family name (often seen on weapon shields). Taylor Swift’s name has been beaten multiple times by critics and slammed with hate storms. However, she’s still standing. But with a tarnished image ish.
“My muses, acquired like bruises. My talisman and charms”
You might think of muse as a good old friend - which is totally true. But it’s in fact a person or imaginary being that brings the artist inspiration. Those muses acquired like bruises, and from past albums we know colors are significant. “And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue” as an example from All too well (10 minutes version). Therefore, my interpretation is that the people who betrayed her, or treated her unfairly, which she later on has written songs about are referred to as bruises - and that’s what she’s in court for. People having opinions on “the morality” of her past lovers being metaphorically written into music. Talismans is an object that brings luck. Keeping the owner safe. As an example, her favorite number 13. My first thought when analyzing this was “OH MY GOD WITCHY EVERMORE” btw.
“The tick, tick, tick of the love bomb. My veins of pitch black ink”
A timer before the relationship blows up. After all there’s something called “love bombing”, a use of overt affection to manipulate the other part into staying. We can also see former usage like of ticking noise such as “I laid the groundwork and then just like CLOCKWORK. The dominoes cascaded in a line” and “Tick tock on the clock I pace down your block. I broke my own heart cause’ you were too polite to do it”The pitch black ink is 100% a wave to creativity and her thoughts flowing into her art. An insight into how her mind works. This supports my thought of the song being about the world’s judgement.
“All’s fair in love and poetry. Sincerely the chairman of the tortured poets department”
There’s a saying “all’s fair in love and war” which points to a situation where people don’t follow the usual rules of behavior, an event where you don’t have to obey. Taylor has replaced war with poetry, which is so incredibly beautiful. Sticking with rules isn’t required in poetry. The entire point is your freedom of self-expression. AND THAT’s why it’s the tortured poets department. The feeling of being told what’s right and wrong about THEIR EMOTIONS. The chairman is the one in charge of the committee or organization, and they are stating this. The world’s critical structured thinking is suffocating.
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torchwood-99 · 1 year
Adrift Musings
Of course, the message for this episode has been coloured by too many shitty Gwen bash takes, but I'm still puzzled over what (or if) the writers were trying to say about Gwen in this episode.
Gwen bashers loved this ep because Gwen got so much shit thrown at her from different people.
They love that each person is complaining at for her conflicting stuff and she's in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation doesn't really matter. That she's got Andy telling her she's being too cold and Jack hinting that she's too emotional to deal with Stockholm (according to fandom interpretation) and Rhys saying he hates her because he thinks she's forgetting what matters like family but when she tries to respect a victim's family member's wishes by giving the family member what she asked for she turned around and changed her mind and treated this as Gwen's fault for some reason.
Ok that reason is grief and anger and the desire for someone to blame and while that's human and instantly forgivable, it's not just. In fact, if anything, it's terribly unjust. Out of everyone involved, Gwen was the person putting Nikki and Jonah's wishes first.
The message I really got from Adrift was that there are some problems that cannot be fixed, some situations which has no solution. But there's still this attitude that Gwen is somehow to blame for what's happened, although that may be the Gwen bashing view seeping in.
Of course, Gwen bashers will say Gwen should have learned to follow orders (while also not letting Andy down/forgetting the importance of normal people/not being "too good" to help out with Andy's case). I can't agree with this. Jack's orders went against every sound moral judgement. To blindly follow orders is rarely a lesson you want to encourage in anyone.
Because take away the sci-fi stuff, what you get is a missing son with a degenerative disease. And that's awful, for him, for his mother. But it's basic decency to tell a person that their loved one (who has been asking for them) is unwell and needs their support.
Except Gwen didn't know about Jonah's screams. She knew he had been aged and traumatised and he wanted his mum and his mum wanted him, and using that information, she made the best possible decision. A decision she made with her boss's go ahead.
You know who did fuck up? Who did have an obvious decision to make and somehow ended up not making it? Jack. Even if you agree or understand with his earlier decision to keep the patients secret, once he knew that the mother of a patient was about to be informed, he obviously should have given Gwen a full briefing, so that Nikki could be forewarned. There's literally no good reason for him to not to come forward with that.
The only possible explanation (that doesn't make Jack look like a dick) is that he thought Gwen knew. And even there, as Gwen's superior, anyone who works with vulnerable people knows that it's basic safeguarding to make sure that everyone's on the same page and all the necessary facts have been gone over to avoid situations such as these. Although here we're getting to a point of competency and that's fine, everyone on the show has an oopsie now and then, Gwen included. But in Adrift, the oopsie wasn't Gwen's. It was Jack's.
TLDR: Gwen was in a no win situation in Adrift, everyone was kind of mean to her, she was trying her best with what she knew, Jack should have told her about the screaming.
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
The way this Karlie vs Taylor convo is going I expect that one of your anons or even you will say next that modeling isn’t a real job or career. Then you guys will say her entrepreneurial work doesn’t matter because it’s her hubby’s money or something like that. And you guys will specifically say hubby not husband. Smh you know how to spot fake feminists - mention a woman they dislike and see how they talk about her. That’s the vibe I get whenever Karlie is mentioned on this blog. It’s either she’s not pretty enough or she’s only pretty and that’s it. She’s too dumb to code or just dumb in general. Everything good an anon mentions about her is succinctly discredited because of the actions of the men in her life. Which is especially interesting considering Taylor gets to keep her accolades despite also having a long history with sleazeballs professionally and personally. Same as Karlie. I like this blog but I hate when Karlie topics come up. The vibe gets nasty. Your anons go too far and you co-sign.
first of all and most importantly i've never said the word hubby in my life.
genuinely tho please don't read this blog. i'm serious if someone criticizing that traitorous Trump-adjacent billionairess kushner bride triggers you that much you are not cut out for reading this blog. like... do you really not know how scummy and disgusting the kushners are?
no one called her dumb, no one said her work didn't matter, no one said she wasn't pretty. you're literally making things up to piss your pants over and it's so dumb and annoying.
HER actions are what leave a bad taste in my mouth. SHE betrayed taylor, not the skeezy sleaze balls she chooses to surround herself.
not every place in the world has to be catered to your sensitivities. karlie is not some perfect sunshine angel. she's okay and sometimes entertaining and interesting from a gaylor perspective. but a good person or a good friend to taylor she is not. she also kaylorbaits for attention, clout, and engagement which is disgusting and pathetic.
taylor has her own problems and we criticize her all the time too. this isn't a taylor vs karlie blog. taylor sucks too. they both suck. BUT AS I SAID EARLIER taylor is extraordinarily talented in a way TO ME PERSONALLY (because this is my blog and my personal tastes are the thing that affects what is said on this blog) that makes up for a lot of her shortcomings. AS I SAID EARLIER karlie is extraordinarily talented at modeling but i don't care about that.
furthermore, taylor's talent and the way she writes about her life in her music is the focus of this blog- as in who are her songs about. not "taylor can do no wrong". taylor does wrong all the time but i'm not the pop star police so a lot of the time i don't really care. i'm not here to pass down moral judgements on rich blondes i'm here to dicuss taylor swift's work and muses. but realizing karlie sucked and was awful to taylor in the end is a part of that. sorry that's what the data supports.
does it make you a fake feminist to criticize me? if not then we're not fake feminists for critisizing karlie. get over yourself.
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
I see Eren...
I have a question as a humble anon. Im curious but, how do you feel about him as a character? And how AOT ended? I feel like your answer will be fun to hear. :) I had mixed feelings but idk. Seeing him made go "oh no" because like, I forgot the existed, lol sorry but also because of all the infighting that happened in the fandom. So I was wondering if you had any thoughts?
*ignore my typos if there's any
SUBJECT MATTER: OOC talks / fandoms // sender: anonymous // status--always open!
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{{ Oof. Okay, so--I think I'm not the best person to ask about this because when THAT happened in the fandom, I was highly confused as to why people hated it. I legit didn't understand. I had to go back and re-read the manga and I still didn't understand why people were pissed? But looking back on it, I can see it. Before I continue on that point, I'll answer you:
I adore Eren. He's my poor little meow meow. My smol angry husbando. He's a complex, traumatized, aggressive, violent fucker. I love him. Many of my current muses are on the spectrum of 'ready for violence for whatever reason'. I think it's okay to like him. Folks don't owe you a ten page essay rife with sources as to why they like or don't like a character. Moral judgements shouldn't be made about what piece of fiction someone engages with; you're not their parent and shaming isn't cool, whether you're fine with what they like or not. Very rarely will you change their mind, and instead of blocking them/moving on, you're just making yourself upset/creating an unsafe/unwelcomed environment from those who think and engage with the source material differently from you. Putting the rest under a read more because spoiler territory.
With that said, the ending was fine--I quite liked it! It's tragic and sad for sure, but I had no illusions about Attack on Titan ending horrifically. It's a dark fantasy story that began with what's left of humanity defending itself from flesh-eating monsters picking them off one by one. If . . . you thought a story like that would have a happy ending (or would have romance in it--a complaint I saw in many, many places), I have to ask why. Why is that where your mind is when there's death and destruction on every page? Then the plot twist--Titans are actually people, and they were created and planted in strategic places around the world because of [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS]. It's so fucked. You'd be lucky if your favorite character survived to the END. (Which, didn't happen for me. As I said, Eren gets love around here because I adore how layered he is. I did mourn another character who died earlier, though. And Eren's response to her fate broke my heart; yet another thing the fandom twisted around and made into something it's not). Point is--there is no real 'moral lesson' to AOT. It's a dark story made to entertain. The theme is "senseless violence begets senseless violence". It's funny because I was talking about this recently with the Eren I write with (@scarlxtleaves). Isayama himself in many interviews stated he just made it because he wanted to. Many times he was pressed for an answer and that's what he kept saying. There was one interview I remember where he did give a 'proper' answer (a generic answer about hope/optimism/determination, I think? Don't quote me on that), but it was because he was pressed for one--as if people couldn't just take him at his word. It's a bit sad, honestly. Not everything needs to be so deep--which brings me back to the fandom.
I think many people took the ending out of context, Eren out of context and used the manga as a way to attack Isayama. Many people were upset their ships didn't happen, some felt betrayed that Eren turned out be the ultimate villain/antagonist, some even went as far to send him hate mail, tell him his manga was horrible, that he should d*e, etc etc. Again, in hindsight, I understand all of this. I got whiplash too. 😂 I was like "for real??????? Y'all deadass rn???? Someone say SIKE" but nope, that's who he was--which encouraged me to reread and rewatch EVERYTHING. It all clicked and I went "how the hell did we not see this?!" 😭 So yeah, I get that Eren doing the Rumbling is extreme--but that's the point, he's BEEN that extreme since chapter and episode 1. We just didn't pay attention and thought he was bluffing. That's not the character's fault. And it doesn't mean he's written badly. He's not.
We just thought he wasn't gonna stand on business. Eren Yeager stood on that shit, 10 toes down. Genocide IS extreme (it always is, no doubt about it--and I'm not a fan of those who call Eren fans/appreciators genocide apologists because whoa??? Buddy, it's not that serious???? Again, we're not in school, we're not getting tested for morality or what have you, please take a chill pill. You're NOT getting a medal for being more moral or 'gooder' of a human than me because of . . . what character I like??????), but I get it. Don't blindly cheer him on but also: AOT Earth is NOT equivalent with our Earth. The cast is dealing with abnormal situations that we don't (people turning into giant weapons/human eating monsters, a government conspiracy to continue using SAID monsters, a even more secret plan by multiple world governments/nations to wipe out a defenseless island of people who have NO direct connection with the vile Empire that spawned them, etc etc). So if you're gonna put Eren on a crucifix, put the Marleyan government on that shit first. They LITERALLY are the reason why Eren's mom (and many innocent people) died/became mindless killers (the Titans), which made him want to kill them all in the first place. Put Grisha Yeager on that shit too, because he was a deadbeat ass father who ONLY had Eren just to pass on the Attack and Founding Titans BECAUSE SOMEONE TOLD HIM TO. He's the same thing as Gaara's father from Naruto. Same reasons why they had their youngest sons. EXACT SAME. Unlike Rasa, Grisha never apologized to Eren. Not once for bringing him into such a cruel world, not once for forcing the Titan serum on him, not EVEN for SHORTENING HIS LIFESPAN (Eren would die at 23 or until someone else killed/ate him for his Titan powers), none of it. Annie, Reiner, Berthold--they BROKE. The wall. And allowed the Smiling Titan in--the same one that ate Eren's. Mom. Like, c'mon now!
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springingfromnothing · 4 months
RULES: think carefully about your character and their development through their journey (canon or OC) within their story. fill out the chart and tag whoever you want!  please repost, so the dash isn’t clogged with reblogs.
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Soldiers/Warriors — As the god of soldiers, and not directly war, Spring is guard/guide/and ferryman. He offers protection to those who pray to him. Even if they only do so out of desperation amidst a battle. He guides their weapons, their feet, and their hearts to their cause. Helping them hold fast against fear and weariness. But he also carries the spirits of soldiers that fall, a prayer for their peaceful rest away from the fire of war. Springer carries them to their judgement and if they fought for good he will also lend his word to their benefit against any sins.
Patron of War Orphans — The soldier God is familiar to those who have lost everyone and everything to war. He offers them guardianship under his arms and gaze. Fierce punishment is struck against those that harm the child displaced by war. Children can also pray for their guardians to be protected in battle, to try and prevent their loss. Springer will sometimes give particular consideration to these soldiers/warriors, especially those fighting to keep their home and family safe due to these prayers.
Patron of Child soldiers — Springer gives to those who are forced to a task beyond their years. He stands behind them, hands over theirs to guide them to victory. Sheltering them when the horror brings their minds and hearts to harm. And the loss of a child to war will make him weep bitterly over a battlefield while he carries their innocence to the beyond. Loyalty and Dedication — All of the stories that surrounded Springer often involve his dedication to a group of gods that is collectively known as The Wreckers, due to their involvement in all manners of conflicts. Springer's loyalty to a fault is well recorded, plastered over every temple and column and bauble sold under his image and name. Though breaking Springer's loyalty is only told in a tale or two, the consequences of which was catastrophic. One such tale involved the razing of an entire land and kingdom... a Precautionary story to remind others that the most loyal soldier, when abused, will often carry the greatest punishment.
Poppys—  The sworn flower of the final rest and a soldiers peace. Followers of Springer might lay armfuls of these on the fallen frames of comrades after the fighting concludes. Someone wearing a poppy has lost a beloved soldier to the last sleep: friends, lovers, family, etc.
Gladiolus — The sword flower. A representation of strength, faithfulness to a cause, and moral integrity. A soldier may wear this somewhere on themselves if they feel they are following a noble cause to fight for.
Warriors Plume - a symbol of calm before the battle. When fear falls away and resolution takes hold. A soldiers readiness to fight. Wearing one of these openly represents a soldier that will die fighting and will not be taken alive. Sometimes seen as the Flower of Finality of old warriors...
Pink Garnet — A stone that represents innermost energon. Worn or kept on their person; its meant to protect the holder from wounds. Or allow them to push through their wounds with preserverence.
Howlite — A stone to calm the mind. Steady the servo. And manifest determination and the shedding of fear.
Stellar Sea Eagle — Strength, seeing the bigger picture, fierce speed. A feather can be burnt to send a message to Springer. As a creature that exists between land, air and water it is also representative of all those who fight and Springer's three shapes. Its fierce gaze and noble bearing that of a prepared commander.
Black English Mastiff — loyalty, strength, ferocity, bonds between soldiers, and gentleness at odds with appearances
Olive Green —  Moving forwards against all adversity. The hope of future growth after the battle.
Pale yellow —  the Dawns light at the end of the War, illumination of hope, and offering better sight to move towards tomorrow
Grey —  Wisdom, Compromise, and the space between black and white owing to the fact that many conflicts are never cut and dry for cause and reason. The barrel of the gun, the edge of the knife before it is used.
Fresh Earth: dug up for trenches, or stirred by storming pedes.
Innermost energon and gun smoke, and hot metal: frames at war: shedding fluids, overheating from exertion and the discharge of firearms.
Wind: With the scent of smoke/fire/dust stirred by marching feet.
Ozone: lightning before the rain.
Fire: cooking rations, or the scent of scorched extinguished frames.
Lay Poppies at the graves of dead soldiers for comfort and to give the dead a better chance at a happy afterlife. Wearing a poppy for comfort after loss. Carrying Warriors Plume and/or Gladiolus for strength and protection, or to communicate the desire to fall in battle and be honored by Springer in the hereafter.
Carrying his stone in your palm for the desired attribute. Attaching one to your weapon to help your aim, or do more damage to your enemy.
Giving a tribute to Springer over your camp fire/hearth/stove, or even as simple as pouring some energon onto the battlefield ground. This can invoke his gaze, and perhaps his blessing.
Going to his hidden temples to swear fealty to a cause. And thus swearing fealty to Springer. Breaking your word against your cause without going back to pray again to Springer, and telling him why you wish to break your vow, always ends badly though. It is the second most serious way you can offend him.
Simply caring for those effected by war; widows, children, the elderly, your fellow soldiers etc. Even if you do not pray to Springer, he will notice this behavior. This will sometimes give you minor boons from him even if you never realize it in various ways.
tagged by. stole it
Tagging. //points at person reading this
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00.  the fool  :  what are your muse’s thoughts on new beginnings ? does it frighten them or  excite them ? 02.  the high priestess  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ? 05.  the hierophant  :  what are your muse’s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ? 06.  the lovers  :  how important are relationships to your muse ? do they value having a significant other ? 07.  the chariot  :  how much does your muse care about winning ? are they a sore loser ? 09.  the hermit  :  how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ? 13.  death  :  is there anything in your muse’s life that they should be letting go of ? 19.  the sun  :  in general, how optimistic is your muse ? does your muse appreciate the small things in life ? 20.  judgement  :  is your muse forgiving of themselves ? how about of others who wrong them ?
00, the fool:
Chris is a bit weird with new beginnings. If she knows exactly what she's getting into, she's fine with it. But if not, it makes her kind of fidgety.
02, the high priestess:
Chris makes decisions based on logic, facts and strong gut feelings. She's learned to profile and predict almost any situation, and sometimes, she wishes she could just enjoy a moment without knowing what comes next.
05, the hierophant:
Chris has a very strong set of morals. Never hit a woman unless she hit you first, never throw the first punch, respect is earned and not given, your only authority Is yourself, and an eye for an eye.
She follows these and more very strictly.
06, the lovers:
Relationships are not very important in Chris's life. Except for her friendship with Emma. Chris has been alone almost all of her life, the most romantic she ever got was one night stands, and had always been a lone panther roaming the jungle of life. She's also adopted a narrative that whomever gets close enough to her, she will hurt them or something will happen to them. So she keeps a distance. She also feels that she is unlovable.
07, the chariot:
Chris will do whatever it takes to win, even if it's considered cheating in the rules of the thing she's doing. She's not necessarily a sore loser, but she is very much not used to losing.
09, the hermit:
Chris is a very calculating machine. She will judge herself and put herself through he'll for even the simplest misstep.
13, death:
Yes, the refusal to slow down.
19, then sun:
She's the most pessimistic person you'll ever meet. She doesn't like to be disappointed when things go south, and when things work out, she's pleasantly surprised. She really appreciates the little things, but she doesn't show it.
20, judgement:
Chris is very unforgiving to herself. She will beat herself up for the smallest mistakes for years if she thinks she deserves it. Others, it depends. If she got even, an eye for an eye, then she's willing to forgive. But not until she gets even.
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cahrolinehasmoved · 1 year
before i dive into replies and those starters , just a few things on this blog i wanna establish ( prolly for the 3rd time. idk ) ;
any mention of nick goode from my caroline is 95% about my friend jenna ( @ofblackskies ) 's nick goode. no , she's not single shipped BUT jenna and i have worked out soooo much. from pre 1978 stuff , all the way to post 1994.
my caroline is not tvdu period. like lol she's pretty far from it. she's au as hell. and i play her on the darker side. yes, in 1978 she is so soft and so energetic. so . . . innocent. but i start to lean heavily after the camp nightwing massacre into the whole "allure of darkness" thing with jenna's nick and their relationship/marriage ( if it's platonic relationship based fyi! ) because caroline / nick are my default ship. once again , jenna's nick only unless stated .
from post nightwing massacre , caroline is aware of the goode family's deal. and it's a battle for her for a while because of morals. what's right. what's wrong. and by 1985 , with the death of her mother, her humanity switch flipped and she literally goes on a murder spree. also almost killing her best friends and even at that point , nick . but ya know . . . the whole humanity makes it 's way back in no matter what . so that whole thing didn't last but a week tops.
in 1994 , caroline's changed basically. a lot. she's still energetic and what not but like . . . it's more because of her marriage to nick, her accepting the goode family's deal / legacy with satan and life throwing her curveballs, she's more closed off. but her tv persona comes off as happy and bubbly. professional. she's gotta keep up that innocent thing. also , her helping deena and co? don't trust her. she's a bit of a snake.
i am working on her succession verse! succession is a triggering show. so ofc any triggering things will be tagged. same with main verse stuff, etc etc!
MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. i am a very nice person ooc. and i do not excuse 70% of the things caroline does on this blog. so please, don't think i do.
guys ,it's 2023. let's learn to not accuse muns of excusing , etc their muses actions if they're bad. if you write a villianous muse, HELL YEAH! if you write with one, HELL YEAH! you do you! this is a judgement free blog. like i've been in the rpc since 2011. i've seen some things. just do you and write what YOU want!
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gryfflepuffinthetardis · 10 months
Second Prologue: January First, 2005
Warning: TenRose Feels Gifs, If you love TenRose as much as I do, the gifs may break your heart, Spoilers for The End of Time, TenLillie Feels or whatever their ship name would be.
January first, 2005, two months and four days before Lillie and Rose Tyler meet the Ninth Doctor
Au Revoir — French — Goodbye until we meet again.
"My soul feels reborn each time I see you; falling in love with you again and again."
Lillie Tyler, Rose Tyler, and Jackie Tyler walked through the streets of the Powell Estate in the freezing cold.
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"I'm late now. I've missed it. It's midnight. Mickey's going to be calling me everything. This is your fault." Rose blamed.
"No, it's not. It's Jimbo. He said he was going to give us a lift, then he said his axle broke. I can't help it." Jackie denied.
"Get rid of him, Mum. He's useless." Lillie groaned.
"Listen to you two, with a mechanic and no boyfriend." Lillie looked at her mother with a look just as sarcastic as her words would be, like, Thank you for that. 
Lillie’s ex had recently ended their relationship when an internship arose and the end of relationship was mutual but it didn’t make Lillie feel any better despite the smile she had kept on her face during their talks and when she was around everyone else. She had kept the relationship secret from everyone in her life, well, almost everyone, there was that very handsome, charming dark-haired man in the military coat and the American accent.
She thought he was just a stranger, but in his point of view, he knew her very well. She had seen a twinkle in his blue eyes, but he was so kind and understanding when he sat down next to her on the bench and they had a lovely chat about the social expectations of the early 2000s and the rights people should have to be themselves. He was funny, kind, encouraging, and supportive, even though to her, he was a total stranger. It was almost like he was from another era, where the rules were different and people were less judgemental and people could be who they wanted to be without fear.
"Be fair, though. My time of life I'm not going to do much better." Jackie added.
"Don't be like that. You never know. There could be someone out there." Rose encouraged her mother.
"Maybe, one day.” Jackie mused.
"Mum, you're only thirty-seven." Lillie said.
Rose turned to her curly-haired brunette sister, "And they'll be someone out there for you."
"Oh yeah, boys are lining up to date the crazy tomboy with weird dreams, violent and rebellious tendencies, and a criminal record,." Lillie scoffed, sarcastically.
"Closed criminal record." Jackie reminded her as when Lillie did the things she did, ultimately for the greater good of others but got her in trouble, she seemed to have an anomonous guardian angel who kept her record closed and from getting her into any major trouble. They had always brushed it off as privileges due to her genius.
"Hey." Rose said with the gentle sternness of an encouraging older sister, "One day, you'll meet your perfect guy."
"What did you always say?" Rose asked and recalled her sister's list, "A mischivious renegade who was moral, stubborn yet kind. Loyal, unpredictable, empathetic, kind, understanding, witty, funny, and cheeky. Oh, yeah, with great hair."
Lillie crossed her arms and blushed, looking down.
Lillie smiled, softly but she doubted it. She wasn't the kind of girl guys dated. Just the kind they would get intimidated by. She had always been boyish in personality and clothing. She wasn't exactly the kind of girl guys were lining up to date; she was more the kind who you almost forgot was a girl at all.
If you were to ask her what her perfect guy was, she would say someone who was rebellious yet moral. Someone who was stubborn in his beliefs of compassion and free will, someone who was unpredictable yet loyal, someone who was mischievous yet empathetic and understanding. She wanted someone who was brutal yet kind, someone who was funny in a witty, cheeky kind of way. Someone who was broken in a way that it made him so kind that he fought to keep others from feeling pain like the kind he does. Most importantly, someone who could be both her best friend and look at her with such love, like he had seen and loved the universe with all its stars, planets, and beauty and like he had seen and loved her, and ultimately, the universe couldn’t compare to her as she had more beautiful galaxies in her than the whole of the universe. Appearance-wise? Ideally, someone with great hair and a brilliant smile.
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Sometimes when she thought this, she felt as if she were describing someone she had once met yet at the same time she didn’t know yet, not knowing that that very somebody was watching her from the shadows, looking at her with absolute certainty that nothing in the universe compared to her angelic and classic beauty.
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Happy New Year." Jackie told her daughters.
"Happy New Year!" They said in unison, and they all embraced.
"Don't stay out all night." Rose told their mother.
"Try and stop me." Jackie said, "Look after your sister!"
"I'm not a child!" Lillie exclaimed, indignantly as Rose gave her mother a look like, I always do.
"And get her inside. You know how quickly she gets sick from the cold!"
Jackie walked in a different direction than her two daughters, as her youngest blushed, unaware of a man who would be very important to them in just two months and four days was watching from the shadows, with a different face than the one they'll meet.
He grunted in pain, bringing their attention to him.
"You all right, mate?" Lillie asked, kindly, laying her warm blue eyes upon him. Something about him was... almost familiar...
Her memory briefly flashed back to that bizarre man she had met five years ago.
"Yeah." He lied. He was dying but he had to say goodbye. To these girls. His girls. His best girls.
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"Too much to drink?" Rose asked.
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"Something like that." He nodded.
"Maybe it's time you went home." Lillie suggested with a head tilt. "Don't think your loved ones would appreciate you out in this cold."
"Yeah." He nodded, knowing that if she remembered, she'd smack him and shout at him to get into his Tardis. "You too. Listen to your mother, you don't want to get sick. You're starting to look a bit nippy." He gestured to her burning cheeks and red nose from the cold.
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"Anyway, Happy New Year." Lillie smiled.
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"And you two as well." The sisters went to walk back home when he spoke again, "What year is this?"
"Blimey, how much have you had?" Lillie laughed as she brushed her hair out of her face, her laugh was still the most beautiful sound he ever heard, even more than the sound of the Tardis.
“Well,” He said, tilting his head.
"Two-thousand-and-five. January the first." She said.
"Two-thousand-and-five." His words carried a kind of weight that Lillie picked up but couldn't tell why. He couldn't tell her how much he loved her because he was a stranger to her. That was the most painful thing, even more painful than the radiation poisoning and killing his body. His words would mean nothing to the girl that meant everything to him. So instead he said his last goodbye. "Tell you what. I bet you're going to have a really great year. The both of you." He nodded at Rose.
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"Yeah?" Lillie smiled that beautiful smile of hers, the sisters saying their first hello and he returned a smile as he just barely kept himself together from the radiation poisoning his body and heartbreak wracking through his double-hearted body. "Well, Au-Revoir."
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The man smiled with both his hearts breaking as the two girls, the two very important girls to him ran off back to their home, two months before they would officially meet him back when he had big ears and wore a leather jacket.
"Goodbye, Rose Tyler. Goodbye, Lillie Tyler. Goodbye, Supernova." He said, his hearts hurting more at saying the name of who he would always consider his true love than the radiation that was killing him painfully.
It was his last day and the first of the Rose and Lillie/Nova’s... forever.
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*I do not own these gifs. I just thought they were really beautiful yet heartbreaking, just describing the Tenth Doctor and his human love perfectly. Just imagine Rose in the gifs is Katherine Langford.*
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personal fandom salt / vagueposting / musing on callouts + social power
i made the decision a good while ago that i am Never going to participate in callout / cancel culture within fandom. there are situations where spreading a warning about a person is justified and i trust my judgement on knowing the difference between “predatory behavior” and “just kind of a dick”, the latter of which is not actually call for the kind of Call To Shun that most callout bullshit inevitably becomes.
that being said, god is it hard sometimes and not in a “oh woe is me, taking the high road” way, in a… resigned discomfort sort of way.
i had. a really genuinely bad and traumatizing experience (as in, i literally experience ptsd symptoms about it) with a person/group in tg fandom whose name and work are all over the place. it’s not the only negative experience i’ve had, but it’s the one that’s stuck like a thorn in my side. due to my I Don’t Do Callout Bullshit rule, i don’t publicly discuss this person and their little posse that treated me + others extremely poorly on the slightest provocation, the semi-public space that permitted and encouraged the behavior in question, or the work that reminds me of these people’s existence. some friends know about it, but i don’t speak about it anywhere public.
and that’s not a moral choice, as much as it is part and parcel of not doing callout bullshit. it’s mostly because i know nothing would come of it.
it’s just. kind of a bitter pill to swallow, to acknowledge that not only would it just be a shitty thing to do to go public about this person’s behavior (especially given i do not have and do not wish to acquire “receipts”) it just. would not work or change anything. i do not have the social capital to meaningfully sway anyone’s perception. it would just get me targeted, probably, and lose me friends that i currently have who would be uncomfortable with me drawing a line in the sand. it sucks but i’ve accepted it.
and given that! given private conversations i’ve had where i with full sincerity disavow the notion that interacting with someone or participating in a social circle that hurt me means “siding with them” because i am actively not taking A Side!!
i really wish it would hurt less to see the places my circle and that circle overlaps. it has nothing to do with me. but it sucks and i’m tired of it. and the only thing i could do to combat it would make everything infinitely worse, or just leave.
and i’m tired. that’s all. it sucks.
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farginen · 1 year
i really don't want to dwell on this but i've kept quiet about being stalked and harassed for over 5 years so i think i should get to rant about it a little.
for context for my mutuals (however little they may be because this blog is v private and frankly that adds to how unhinged the stalking is), i originally started writing riza back in 2017/2018 (i think it was the end of 2017).
the long story short is that someone, or a group of people i'm not sure, took great offense that 1) i ship royai and 2) i had in my rules noted i block r*yed shippers and asked to not be followed by them.
because you know, there's nothing more offensive than shipping a fictional 30 yo man with an adult female character who is his canon life partner instead of shipping him with an underage boy. women are disgusting and shipping m/f ships makes you a homophobe even if you're literally queer yourself /s
anyways. i started getting really ugly anons, some even violently antisemitic. at the time i was dealing with a lot, i was the full time caretaker of my grandmother who had just had surgery for a broken hip, and did not have the energy or will to deal with that so i eventually just abandoned my original riza blog and moved on to other muses.
around that time i specifically wrote both daenerys targaryen and edward cullen, because these were mentioned in the ask i can assume it's the same person from all those years ago.
it is true i didn't write incest on daenerys, this wasn't even a moral judgement on my behalf. i just happened to ship her with my friend's muse who was not a targaryen.
and it's true i don't write edward as white, i use wang yibo as faceclaim because i think he fits the concept art and fanart that existed pre movies time, which is when i first read the books. i've done a lot of research on how to weave that change into the canon as well so it wouldn't be disrespectful or shoe horned (not that poc need to have a reason to just exist anyways).
i'm not sure what either of those things is supposed to prove or what i did so wrong that could be so offensive as to warrant being stalked for literally years. what is me not writing incest or writing a character as poc supposed to prove? that i'm a puritan and homophobic like this person used to accuse me of?
anyone who is friends with me knows that i'm neither of those things lol i'm queer as hell and very sex positive so i'm beyond confused and disturbed honestly.
not only this person kept tabs on me for over five years, they waited for a year and a half since i've had this blog until i lowered my guard and left anon turned on so they could start taunting me again.
and all over what? writing a female character you think it's "getting in the way" of a m/m ship involving a child?
i only write royai with my friend in private, i'm not taking anything away from anyone so why are you still harassing me after so long? this behavior is beyond disturbing and unhinged.
don't follow me, don't message me, don't look me up or keep tabs on my blogs. you need to leave me alone and reach out to get professional help.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
María Rafaela Cardona Moscoso | 22 years old | original character | pansexual, demiromantic and polyamorous | multiship
+ sociable, compassionate, intelligent, thoughtful, inquisitive, studious & responsible - withdrawn, uptight, self-sacrificing, neurotic, competitive, insecure & subservient
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Leshy, Scrybe of Beasts | hundreds of thousands years old, possibly timeless, immortal | canon divergent / headcanon based canon | graysexual demiromantic | closed shipping
+ wise, principled* with his own morality, intelligent, educated, theatrical, introspective, polite, patient & sentimental - arrogant, apathetic, callous, egotistical, unethical, humourless, verbose, stubborn & an old god ( which is a negative personality trait in of itself )
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Dr. Benjamin James. Kondraki | 48 years old | canon divergent / headcanon-based canon | bisexual heteroromantic ( unfuckable by nature though ) | selective shipping
+ bold, brave, decisive, easy-going, honest, independent, passionate, persistent, proactive, protective - withdrawn, uptight, short-tempered, easily frustrated, cocky, arrogant, volatile, pessimistic, self-destructive, stubborn & just a general jackass
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SCP-8713 ❛Inter Arma Caritas❜ aka. Ophelia Penwell | 34 years old | original character | bisexual ( HEAVY female preference ) | multiship
+ decisive, honest, independent, persistent, proactive, protective, loving, maternal, merciful, humble, hospitable & realistic. - unable to sympathize, inhibited, confrontational, uptight, no-nonsense, pushy, self-sacrificing, haughty, morbid, worrywart & workaholic, superstitious, apologetic for loved ones and need to be right
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Rubedo, The Red Lord of Alagadda | ageless, previously 47 years old | canon divergent / headcanon-based canon | pansexual and omniromantic ( however unable to love healthily, ) | selective shipping
+ innovative, energetic, quick-thinking, charismatic, loyal, well humored, easy-going, patient, passionate, reliable, hospitable, protective, observant
- sadistic, cruel, manipulative, uninhibited, catty, controlling, devious, extravagant, frivolous, flaky, gossipy, greedy, vain, melodramatic, materialistic, possessive, pushy, pretentious, self-indulgent, vain and vindictive (also hot and weak for cute mtf agents by the name of Leo)
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Cassia ❛Cinnamon❜ Ghoul | ageless, 2,000 years old | original character | heterosexual | multiship
+ ambitious, affectionate, bold, bubbly, confident, creative, couragous, courteous, easy-going, efficient, enthusiastic, energetic, extroverted, feminine, focused, friendly, gentle, passionate, reliable, hospitable, protective, optimistic, quirky - air-headed, childish, compulsive, defensive, disorganized, flakey, foolish, fussy, gossipy, gullible, naive, inattentive, inflexible, know-it-all, over-sensitive, perfectionist,
full about page ( WIP ) | background | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Tarragon Ghoul | ageless, 3,500 years old | original character | asexual, homo-romantic | multiship
+ adventurous, alert, ambitious, bold, centred, charming, confident, courageous, decisive, focused, friendly, funny, honest, industrious, imaginative, organized, passionate & proactive
- abrasive, callous, catty, childish, cocky, confrontational, cynical, defensive, frivolous, fussy, gossipy, hypocritical, impatient, impulsive, inflexible, judgemental, melodramatic, pretentious, pushy, tactless
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Horehound Ghoul aka. Marru Ghoul | ageless, 3,000 years old | original character | bisexual ( HEAVY male preference ) | multiship
+ adaptable, calm, chill, cautious, compassionate, centred, diplomatic, empathetic, focused, gentle, generous, honourable, honest, humble, loyal, mature, perceptive, patient, playful, philosophical and supportive
- antisocial & withdrawn, cowardly, evasive, inhibited, insecure, nervous, neurotic, self-destructive, subservient, suspicious, timid, uncommunicative, uptight, weak-willed
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Fíadh of Kirknathoul or The Green Maiden | hundreds of years old, immortal, though between 19-33 ( depending on the verse ) typically depicted as 33 | original character | pansexual | selective shipping
VERSES AVAILABLE: Fandomless ( modern in addition to medieval periods, and a more general fantasy form available, ) Human AUs ( slice of life, modern, ancient in addition to a slasher/horror verse THOUGH I MUST WARN THE LAST ONE COMES WITH ITS OWN NARRATIVE ) ASOIAF , Inscryption , GOW , Dead by Daylight ( both killer and survivor verses available ) Cult of the Lamb, Monster Prom
+ bold, passionate, protective, loyal, sentimental, tenacious, down-to-earth, disciplined, extroverted, resourceful, open-minded, cunning, resilient, independent
- a little arrogant given her supernatural status, cutting, callous, confrontational, cruel, devious, impertinent, impatient, short-sighted/focused on the present, inflexible, morbid, rebellious, stubborn, tactless, temperamental, vindictive, violent,
full about page ( WIP ) | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Jean Doe, dead woman with a hundred names and no identity |highly variable depending on verse, generally between 19-24, verses for 14-16 and 30+ | original character | pansexual | multiship
VERSES AVAILABLE: Too many to count tbh. Fandomless ( modern in addition to medieval periods, and a more general fantasy form available, ) Nothing-Bad-Happened AUs, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (both game and movies) , Scream, Fear Street , After-Death / Ghost AUs , Monstergirl AUs (more lighthearted monsterprom-esc) , Zombie Apocalypse ( tlou, L4D, Walking Dead, etc ) , Dead by Daylight ( both killer and survivor verses available ) mythical creature AUs , The Lost Boys, Crazy Fun Park and more!
+ Adaptable, Bold, Shrewd, Practical, Imaginative, Ambitious, Determined, Hard-Working, Perceptive, Persistent, Responsible, Magnetic, Eccentric, Energetic, Light-Hearted
- TROUBLED, cowardly, irrational, prone to fleeing and running from difficult situations (emotionally, physically and situationally) or entirely ignoring them, secretive, reserved, mistrusting, prone to anxious / paranoid thought patterns, dishonest, self-saving, forgetful,
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William Jesus ❛Jesse❜ Cromeans, actual last name is unknown due to the sheer number of aliases adopted and dropped by Jesse throughout the years, though this is ultimately irrelevant as he prefers the title Chromeskull | 34 years old | HIGHLY canon-divergant, canon is dead and I burned it | highly greysexual, sex-neutral but next to no libido | shipping exclusive/closed shipping
(no personality listed as he's a developing/request only muse!)
headcanon tag | pinterest board
Sarah ❛Sally❜ Smithson née White also known as The Nurse | 42 years old at the time of her death in 1898 | canon-divergent | demisexual | multiship
+ adaptable, alert, analytical, courageous, disciplined, discreet, passionate, loving, loyal, principled, observant, duty-bound, sophisticated, worldly, wise, protective
- humorless, abrasive, cruel, confrontational, cynical (to the max), aggressive, unyielding in her principles, haughty, know-it-all, grumpy, obsessive, flippant
full about page ( WIP ) | background | headcanon tag | pinterest board
Evan MacMillan, also known as The Trapper | 31-34 (undecided personally!) | canon-divergent | homosexual but pretty please have a conversation with me about shipping up front: some are blacklisted | canon-divergent | multiship
+ confident, decisive, hardworking, honor-bound, loyal, generous, perceptive, patient, objective, introverted, industrious, honest, resourceful, proactive
- cowardly, codependant, abrasive, callous, defensive, hostile, distant emotionally, martyr, rebellious, reckless, masochistic for punishment in a non sexual sense, selfish, suspicious
Zuriya Vyasi, known also as the Crystal Magus | 8,500 years old thanks to the Edenian expanded lifespan, in terms of human ages she would be roughly 33 years old | original character with extensive lore built off MK source material | pansexual | multiship
+ grounded but ambitious, curious, wanting to push the envelope, centered, charming, courteous, playful, creative, diplomatic, friendly, happy-go-lucky (at least at the surface), approachable, reliable, responsible, hospitable, spiritual & whimsical
- evasive, aloof, frivolous, gossipy & involved in petty politics, impulsive, dreamy & inattentive, melodramatic, materialistic, rowdy & a touch immature
full about page | verses page | headcanon tag | pinterest board
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pre1ude · 2 years
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@vilestblood , sent 👫 for four headcanons about our muses' relationship
Their first meeting, logically, ought to be at an external performance before Daniel is even hired, yes I know that's how it should work, but consider instead: an audition or even a debut in front of Antonin's private audience, for the fact alone that Danny can actually pick his repertoire. Which - if he's just met ✨ Mister Cainhurst ✨, in all his odd glory - is guaranteed to be absolutely unhinged. He's immediatelly so very charmed by where he is and who he's with. Technically, it should be nothing new, but while he may have spent most of his measly time outside of home around the well-respected upper class, it's not every day you meet a 7 ft tall gnc blonde with the weirdest vibes imaginable. So Danny sets out to impress him the only way he knows how - by making sure the very first impression he makes is with his music. That is to say: he stiffly drones through a brief conversation, barely meets Nin's eye and then shreds Erlkönig in tempo accelerando, all the way to full speed on a violin. If he has actual operatic accompaniment he would make it a point to overshadow the poor poor tenor they decide to stick him with. Shows off with the triple stops, breaks a few horsehairs and then becomes the equivalent of 🥺👉👈 once the piece is finished.
From then on it goes as smoothly as one would imagine. Granted, Dan susses some oddities out fairly quickly and 'a society of wildly individualistic eccentrics' isn't enough to explain some of them away. He ends up balancing a tightrope between turning a deaf ear out of habit so he can continue to enjoy his time, independence and flourishing reputation, and exploring his suspicions, cautious of the rug being pulled out from under him in a horribly karmic, thematic 'haha you thought' moment. He would like to lead a comfortable existence but he's hardly going to achieve that through willful ignorance. Speaking of, funnily enough, I think he'd initially refuse to suspect Antonin outright, the most vampire looking motherfucker there ever was, because he'd have more or less put him on a pedestal by then. Maybe even shares some suspicions and unanswered questions with him, partly to test him, mostly to assuage his fears. So their eventual "I know what you are." "Say it." "Vampire." "Sure, that works." Twilight moment will be hilarious when it happens and will certainly fall into the category of 'one of those hard life lessons'. A sobering moment. Great for building realistic rapport, though. Like, for example, the issuing of some immunity or protection (in writing), which Danny will ask for and genuinely require in order to stay. A failsafe, if you will.
Antonin represents a whole new school of thought and expression for Daniel, a manner of not denying himself the vengeful need for violence by putting it into his art. By the time he comes into Antonin's employment, Daniel would have had one or two experiences with conducting and only half-feathered attempts at composition. Not because he thinks his efforts aren't good enough, but because the music he creates will always be an expression of emotion for him, most of which is a disturbing tell-all. This baby can hold so much repressed rage and sadness in him. Around Antonin, especially once he's treated to his fascinatingly complex moral codex, he leans in that direction wholeheartedly, without fear of judgement when it becomes more than clear he won't receive any. Still ever cautious, at first, as is his penchant, with references vague, symbolic and perfectly pedestrian so as to keep a low profile, and later far more personal, influenced by and written for his unique set of supernatural skills. Meaning, an until-now passive aggression comes up to the surface and he allows it to lace with his creations, soak into them thoroughly. His first fully transcendental performance is reserved for Antonin in private company. Written and conducted by him entirely; an ode, if you will, to a great big influence in his life. A muse, almost. He requests a hall without windows and advises against bringing in glass.
He indulges Antonin a great deal, even after the Twilight Moment. Whatever admiration Danny harbored for him would simply evolve into a more understandable, mature artistic interest. The man is odd, it can't be denied, who wouldn't be curious about him. His very existence is source of inspiration aplenty; he's something eldritch, mythological, surreal in his own right, an otherworldly subject ideal for musical consecration - historic and mystical both, and at times self-indulgently iconoclastic. He's lived for millenia, he hails from a whole different culture, his voice feels like warm steel. Perhaps Danny's interest isn't quite fully devoid of that admiration he was supposed to lose (on moral grounds), even if on a less personal level. So yes, there are symphonies and operas referencing him a great deal in our musician's future, expressions of his deep-seated fascination, some more interpretative than others. Rarely complimentary, but never condemning.
And have this thought: If he were to want, Antonin could very well work with Danny to restore/replicate old, long-lost musical pieces from Cainhurst times. Daniel can hardly say no to digging up cultural treasures, art is a legacy he's rather protective and passionate about.
+ 1
It's tradition for me to do a bonus on each hc post, but literally all I can think of is Dan's dog, Bentley, having the most ardent desire to chase down Crowtonin. Hauls absolute ass whenever he sees Birb TM. Barks him up trees, shakes his whole ass in excitement about it. Something about that animal in particular just makes him wanna say hi in the most doglike way possible. To such a degree that Daniel finds himself constantly resorting to Baby Swaddle Jail just to keep Ben in line. Save the poor defenseless bird's life. 😔
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