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war doesn't determine who is right, only who is left.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
farginen · 2 months ago
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farginen · 5 months ago
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need what hugh grant and his wife have
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farginen · 7 months ago
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“sir, do not tempt me. i was trying to be respectful of my commanding officer.”  and just like that the urge claims its win as she leans up to invade his personal space until her teeth catch one of his round cheeks. there are no bounds to the body parts she will sink her teeth into, all of roy's body are good prey, but she does admittedly love his cheeks the most. they make his face so soft and cute, she cannot contain herself. she doesn't bite hard enough to hurt him, however, and quickly her bite is soothed with a soft kiss to his cheek.  “i can pull through if you'd like to keep your passenger princess streak.” 
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" i'm shocked you're talking about it and not just biting me, " roy teases. he doesn't get his wife's fascination with his cheeks but he doesn't mind her habit of being mouthy. it reminds him of the first few months after hayate had been surrendered to her care-- not that he had ever been anything but perfectly well behaved. " do you think you should drive in your fatigued state or should i take us home tonight ? "
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farginen · 7 months ago
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she’d destroy you in an arm wrestling match
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farginen · 7 months ago
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“you would be forced to actually do your paperwork. the horror.”  leaning into his touch for as long as it lingers on her skin.  “this conversation was a mistake. now i'm so hungry i could eat you alive.” 
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" what would i do without you slogging through the inconveniences for me ? " an arm wrapped around her waist, a kiss pressed to her temple. " the least i can do is compensate you with a meal. "
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farginen · 7 months ago
i may separate my dnd au verses into forgotten realms + devotion paladin riza and exandria + gunslinger riza
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farginen · 7 months ago
@platiinums / continued.
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the vast green pastures of resembool are much alike the countryside of east city where the lieutenant had grown up and still resides, even when the military headquarters reside in the heart of the city riza is still much more of a country person than a city one. it is not entirely surprising, of course, as the town of resembool is in close proximity to east city. and yet, it is a strangely familiar and welcoming feeling. for once, riza doesn't fight it. in winry's company she's at home.
“a fox is infinitely more believable than a wolf.”  she agrees with a soft smile tugging at the corner of her lips, a side of her that seems to come out with ease around the mechanic. “not that i don't believe you could take out a wolf by yourself with just a wrench,”  she concedes in a half joke, never underestimate the might of a woman and her tools. “but indeed they are not very common around here. foxes on the other hand... i used to see them all the time in my backyard growing up.” 
it feels like a lifetime ago. her childhood is a hazy memory at this point and much of it is better left to be forgotten. seeing how much of an adult winry is now in comparison to the young child she was when they first met does not help with the feeling of time slipping through her fingers. in all truth she was just a kid back then, too.
“have you thought about going back to rush valley or opening a shop in east city? i assume working from here is less stressful. i have considered taking up repairing firearms for farmers when... well, if i have to retire.” 
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farginen · 7 months ago
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Yulia Peresild as Lyudmila Pavlichenko in Battle for Sevastopol (2015)
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farginen · 7 months ago
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muse stressors checklist.
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bold the stressors that your muse has experienced Italicize the stressors that apply with a caveat or muse has experienced without stress.
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athletic injury | breaking their arm / leg | childhood abuse | child leaving home | conflict in the workplace | death of a child / parent / partner / other close family member / friend | death threats | dismissal from / loss of job | divorce / breakup | drug / alcohol addiction | earthquake | estrangement from child / parent / partner / other close family member | excessive paperwork | failure to complete school | falling on an icy sidewalk | fire | flood | foreclosure of mortgage or loan | harassment | homelessness | hurricane | imprisonment | job change | long-term unemployment | major / minor violation of the law | marriage | marital reconciliation | military combat | mortgage / other loan | moving house | physically attacked | poor health of a child / parent / partner / other close family member / close friend | pregnancy | retirement | road traffic accident | robbery | severe personal injury / illness | sexual assault | sexual difficulties | significant change in eating habits | significant change in financial state | significant change in living conditions | significant change in sleeping habits | terrorist attack | threatened with physical violence | trouble with in-laws | unplanned pregnancy / abortion | unsafe working conditions | vandalism | workplace stress
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farginen · 7 months ago
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“sir. i've finished my work for the day, and yours. which means you're making dinner tonight.”
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farginen · 8 months ago
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farginen · 10 months ago
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someone said royai babies! here's mine ✨
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farginen · 11 months ago
there is an inevitable sense of hilarity to the optics of the situation. her sitting behind observing the chimera trying to pick between garment options, the curious and subtly scared look of the only assistant on the floor waiting behind the counter across the store as it is closed making them the only shoppers around. it is a test run of sorts after all. 
“what would be more comfortable for you to wear?”  she redirects the question gently yet firm. although matters of fashion and creativity are way beyond her scope of expertise, riza does know by first hand experience the hurdles of performing normalcy in front of civilians. a costume that fits comfortably is easier to wear than one that does not. perhaps in time it will stop feeling like a costume at all. “there are not rigid rules when it comes to layers of clothing, i don't think. it's more so a matter of comfort. you should try them on.”
One is faded buttercup yellow with a loose turtleneck, long sleeves dangling limply. The other is forest green and sleeveless. He holds up each in turn, squinting hard.
"Sir?" Finally he turns around, projecting his whisper a little-- making sure to get her attention without being too loud. "Sir, would it be more efficient, do you think, to stick to long sleeves only?" He pauses for a moment, then clarifies; "So that we don't have to get something else to go underneath it."
starter for @farginen!
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farginen · 11 months ago
i think i cling to fluff plots because it's kind of the only thing keeping any shred of hope for the future alive for me. i'm so tired and drained 24/7. i feel so defeated about the state of the world and how little i can do about it. i don't know how to go about writing my muse's life long trauma surrounding genocide and colonization from a detached perspective when *i* am sobbing my eyes out every single business day about that myself
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farginen · 11 months ago
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only way to shut his mouth
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farginen · 11 months ago
there is so much intimacy in creating something together
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farginen · 11 months ago
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The Londoner | Somerset, United Kingdom. 
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