Chris had just come over to Regina's house for drinks, originally- yes, it was a thing they did now. Ever since what happened on neverland... they became closer. Much closer.
She doesn't even remember how it happened, probably the alcohol's fault, but at this point they were in Regina's bedroom, in her bed made with silk sheets, their clothes were messy, a shirt open here and Regina's bra on the floor there, and Chris was leaning on top of Regina.
She leaned closer, as if to kiss Regina again, but went for her ear instead.
"It's now or never,"
She whispered, slightly hesitating whether they should continue this, knowing that they absolutely under no circumstances shouldn't, but like she said... it's now or never.
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😊(In fact, she finds it amusing that Chris would think that she was even a little intimidated.)
Well, they're of the same mind then! <3
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Regina knew it had been a bad idea to go snooping around where they weren't welcome. Problem was, that they had gone snooping in Gold's storage unit, and she should have known that he would have spells cast on it to keep any and all traces magic from being used once the door was closed behind whoever dared to enter. So that's what had landed her and Chris locked inside.
Thankfully, the light switch was on this side of the door so they weren't shrouded in darkness the entire time until someone came to let them out. The trouble was that they'd had a hard time getting in touch with Emma and the Charmings as they had gone beneath the library in search of something they could use to help their cause. So they'd have to wait till they were all above ground where the cell phone signal would work and give them their many voicemails.
This all had to happen on the hottest day in Maine. There was no air circulating inside the storage unit, so Regina resorted to doing what she would have done back in the Enchanted Forest, she lifted her hair and fanned her neck. When that didn't work, she undid the top three buttons of her shirt and tried to do anything to get some semblance of air to circulate, but it was fruitless as the air was hot and only getting hotter.
She laid her head back against the shelf she was propped against and let out a soft moan as she shifted which caused her cleavage to press up through the opening of her blouse. She then let her fingers lay gently along the pulse point of her neck as she prayed for relief of any kind. "This is torture," she all but moaned.
Chris accompanied Regina, since she wanted to learn some more about magical objects and what have you. They've been getting along pretty well lately. A little too well, even.
Chris had started to question some of Regina's sarcastic comments. She even questioned her own, sometimes- to anyone hearing them it would sound like aggressive flirting, and or death threats, but to them it wasn't actually flirting.... was it? No. No time to think about that.
God, it's so hot in here. Thinking would have melted Chris's brain away, she was sure of it, as she was rifling through boxes of magical objects, taking out an item at a time and examining it closely, before returning it to its box.
Chris originally turned around to tell Regina that she could try busting down the door even though she was pretty sure she'd either get cursed for all eternity or blown back by some magic force field, and then noticed the state of her as she was popping open one button at a time.
Her ears were getting hot, and so was the rest of her... it's just the heat. Just the heat. Right? Sure, Regina was quite attractive, and Chris definitely enjoyed testing the boundaries between them, but she's never had the intention to...
She blinked hard, almost waking herself up and turned right back around to not stare. No better than a man- boobs are Chris's weak point.
She continued to look through the boxes, without thought this time because she wasn't in any state to think- before she heard Regina moaning- and felt her spine rattling up and down like a rattlesnakes' tail.
She looked over her shoulder for merely a second- and after catching a glimpse of Regina in that moment, turned her head right back around. She tells herself it's because she's respectful- she knows that's only about 5% of the reason.
"what, you want me to blow on you?"
She asked sarcastically, her nerves a symphony both because of the heat and Regina.
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send an emoji (and/or a provided description of them) to let them know! this can be for how they perceive them now, how they perceived them when they first met them, how they perceive them during certain situations, anything at all!
😊 [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES] — not intimidating at all
🙂 [SLIGHTLY SMILING FACE] — the tiniest bit intimidating
😗 [KISSING FACE] — a little intimidating
😳 [FACE WITH WIDE OPEN EYES] — can be intimidating sometimes but not always
🫢 [FACE WITH OPEN EYES AND HAND OVER MOUTH] — more intimidating than not
😕 [CONFUSED FACE] — mostly intimidating
🫣 [FACE WITH PEEKING EYES] — very intimidating
521 notes · View notes
Fluster my muse, do it, just fluster them.
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Put "whisper" in my ask box and my muse will whisper one of these in your muse's ear:
1. “I love you.” 2. “I hate you.” 3. “I know you love me.” 4. “Don’t act like you love me when it’s so clear that you don’t.” 5. “Don’t make me threaten you.” 6. “Marry me.” 7. “You smell lovely.” 8. “I can be cruel if I have to.” 9. “I can’t wait to watch you burn.” 10. “You’re perfect.” 11. “You were a mistake.” 12. “I never loved you.” 13. “I loved you too much.” 14. “Look a parrot.” 15. “Kiss me.” 16. “Let’s get out of here.” 17. “It’s over.” 18. “Oh, its just beginning.” 19. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” 20. “It’s now or never.”
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“We’ll survive, you and I.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Chris - //amaryllis : what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ? how do they express that pride ? //basil : does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ? //belladonna : how does your muse respond to silence ? do they take comfort in soundlessness , or seek to fill the void with noise ? //edelweiss : what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ? are they known to be courageous from then on ? //gladiolus : describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget . //hibiscus : how does your muse view the gentler , daintier things in life ? as things worth preserving & caring for , or things only bound to wither & disappear ? //hydrangea : how much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others ? are they prone to being misunderstood ? //marigold : is your muse prone to jealousy ? how might they handle envious feelings ? //rhododendron : is your muse receptive to warnings & advice given by others ?
Chris takes pride in Emma and how far they've come together. She shows that pride by sticking with Emma and being loyal to her and her goals, by laughing with her and especially by physical touch.
Well that depends. She mostly has a love hate relationship with herself.
Chris doesn't take comfort in silence, but she is comfortable in it, if that makes sense. When she's alone or driving she likes loud music to drown out her thoughts, but around people, she prefers silence to analyze.
Chris was a decorated hero in the army, especially for what she did to get her mythic scar- from her first deployment, her nickname became "the knight".
Chris will never forget the first time she put on her uniform after enlisting. She looked at herself in the mirror and knew that she was going to leave a hell of a mark as a marine.
Both. She tries to be gentle, to protect and preserve, but also, she knows and understands that those things wither away quickly- so why bother? That's her usual inner debate. That's why she's never had any plants.
Chris values communication the most. If you don't tell her, she'll know, but she wants to know for certain. She will communicate as much as possible- it's her way to avoid her feelings getting extreme. But when she does reach an extreme she likes to lock herself away from the world for a bit- that's when she can be misunderstood.
Not jealousy as much as being possessive or protective.
It depends on the situation. If she's been warned about something she knows she can handle/do, then no, you can shove that warning back where it came from. If it's something new, or that she hasn't experienced- she will keep it in mind.
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“I don’t know if I like you or love you, want you or need you. All I know is I love the feelings I get when I’m with you.”
— Unknown
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Chris was disappointed in David's ultimate decision, yet commended the sacrifice. He was a good man, just a bit brick headed sometimes. After he made his final decision she stepped down and simply repeated what she's learned in her head to not forget it.
Chris has been trained for years on how to see and not be seen, how to be present without being noticed. It was fairly easy for her to make her way into Regina's office. At first, she simply watched. This was more than just chemistry. Alchemy, maybe?
She slowly, and silently moved to stand about 5 feet behind Regina, looking over her shoulder from her taller position. And then, she was noticed. She couldn't help the way the corner of her lip stretched into a smirk. She thought it would take Regina longer to notice. But a couple of minutes is still impressive. The curtly tone only stretched Chris's smirk wider.
"Bullshit, your majesty,"
She replied lowly, a chuckle forcing itself out of her nose, using Regina's title in the same curtly manner as Regina had used her name. Chris just wanted to see. As much as she would deny it, this entire thing interested her. She didn't know a curse had to be brewed and not... well, hocus pocused into existence.
What she did know is that making sure Emma and snow are back unharmed and David waked up from the curse are all not at the top of Regina's list of priorities. Henry is. And that's understandable, really.
"You're doing this for your son,"
She started, moving around the table to be in front of Regina and to also be able to see everything she's doing- it still interested Chris.
"Which is still a good enough reason to me."
She added, putting her hands behind her back with a raised eyebrow and that infuriating smirk of hers. She didn't understand Regina's need to paint herself as concerned for Emma and Mary Margaret's safe return, unless she actually was concerned, but what she did understand is that Regina loves her son. She does what she needs to do for him, and whether it's a good thing or a bad thing to do, she's the one making the choice to do it. And Chris knew she was right.
Ah. Of course the 'true monster' they'd have to face should they fail, would be Regina's mother. Regina did look like she had deep rooted mommy issues, Chris had assumed, but this was only further proof.
She listened as David piped up. Usually she didn't really listen to anything that came out of his mouth and they just respected one another's presence, but this time, by some miracle, he was right. If the story is true, and from what she remembers from childhood, the evil queen put snow white under a sleeping curse with an apple and a kiss of true love woke her.
As Regina scrutinized David's theory, Chris raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, her shoulders tightening slightly as she tried to think.
"Well, from what I remember hearing, you gave snow an apple that was supposed to put her to sleep forever, but broken by a kiss. That sounds like a sleeping curse to me, meaning she can get to that netherworld or whatever you call it."
Chris stated, agreeing with David reluctantly. And then he suggested he'd go to that dream realm, netherworld, fiery inferno place himself to relay the messages. Which at the time, was one of the more stupid things that had come out of his mouth since they'd met. It was impulsive and not practical. The town needs a sheriff, some sovereign hero they could listen to. And David filled that role for now.
She tried to think. She could go under, but as far as she knows the only way to break the curse is a true love's kiss, and there would be no one to wake her. She'd be willing to make that sacrifice, but Emma would definitely punch her for it if she ever got the chance.
She stepped forward and lightly shoved David's shoulder, trying to snap him into focus.
"Have you lost your mind? What will the people do, huh? And who's gonna wear that dumb sheriff's badge for however long you're gone?"
She slightly raised her voice, pointing her pointer finger and pinky at David, poking his shoulder as she spoke to get him to focus on her words. She used to do this to snap her soldiers out of shell shock, to get them in their right minds again. Besides, this was insane and Chris was definitely annoyed with David not thinking this through.
Emma was the only family, the only friend Chris had. The only person she's ever trusted. And she'd give everything to have her back, and she knew David would too. And maybe this could work, but logistically speaking, this was absolutely batshit crazy to her.
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Ah. Of course the 'true monster' they'd have to face should they fail, would be Regina's mother. Regina did look like she had deep rooted mommy issues, Chris had assumed, but this was only further proof.
She listened as David piped up. Usually she didn't really listen to anything that came out of his mouth and they just respected one another's presence, but this time, by some miracle, he was right. If the story is true, and from what she remembers from childhood, the evil queen put snow white under a sleeping curse with an apple and a kiss of true love woke her.
As Regina scrutinized David's theory, Chris raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, her shoulders tightening slightly as she tried to think.
"Well, from what I remember hearing, you gave snow an apple that was supposed to put her to sleep forever, but broken by a kiss. That sounds like a sleeping curse to me, meaning she can get to that netherworld or whatever you call it."
Chris stated, agreeing with David reluctantly. And then he suggested he'd go to that dream realm, netherworld, fiery inferno place himself to relay the messages. Which at the time, was one of the more stupid things that had come out of his mouth since they'd met. It was impulsive and not practical. The town needs a sheriff, some sovereign hero they could listen to. And David filled that role for now.
She tried to think. She could go under, but as far as she knows the only way to break the curse is a true love's kiss, and there would be no one to wake her. She'd be willing to make that sacrifice, but Emma would definitely punch her for it if she ever got the chance.
She stepped forward and lightly shoved David's shoulder, trying to snap him into focus.
"Have you lost your mind? What will the people do, huh? And who's gonna wear that dumb sheriff's badge for however long you're gone?"
She slightly raised her voice, pointing her pointer finger and pinky at David, poking his shoulder as she spoke to get him to focus on her words. She used to do this to snap her soldiers out of shell shock, to get them in their right minds again. Besides, this was insane and Chris was definitely annoyed with David not thinking this through.
Emma was the only family, the only friend Chris had. The only person she's ever trusted. And she'd give everything to have her back, and she knew David would too. And maybe this could work, but logistically speaking, this was absolutely batshit crazy to her.
As Henry seemed panicked, saying something was wrong, chris immediately leaned forward to look over Regina's shoulder at him, to make sure he's alive and alright other than shaken up, but when she saw the burns her eyebrows drew together. She watched in interest as gold used healing magic. She'd have to add that to her notebook later. Along with everything else she's gonna learn today. She reached over Regina's shoulder down to Henry, pushing his pillow slightly so his head would be higher up and make it easier for him to breathe and calm down. She did like the little guy. He was a good kid.
Chris tried to take in and process all of the information she was learning and categorize it. A sleeping curse can make it so your soul travels around in the netherworld, you can actually get injured from it and see other people who have been through a sleeping curse. Right.
Chris needed to be useful. Helpful. She'd be helping an enemy, sure, but that's irrelevant because the help would effect Henry. And she's going to do it for him. Chris always wanted to be needed. When she wasn't, she'd just retreat to her room and hang around there in her lonesome. Which was not a problem.
"Fu- absolutely not. He's not going back in there."
Chris chimed into the protest, about to swear but remembering that Henry was laying right below her.
She listened, quite annoyed with Mr. Gold's tone and general being, staying quiet. And then he mentioned Cora. Who was that? She saw David's neck twitch back when the name was dropped. She moved forward to be in both Regina and David's direct line of sight, wanting to be of more help.
"Cora. Who is she?"
Chris asked, looking between the three of them, accepting that they'd all probably have to band together to get Emma and Mary margaret back. Great. Well, as the Bible says, the end sanctifies the means. She needed to be filled in though, and quickly, if they were going to find a solution.
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6. Are handjobs boring, or underrated? 8. Do you like having your nipples touched? 11. Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)? 12. Do you have any kinks? 17. Do you like being naked? 18. Do you sleep partially/fully naked? 20. Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts? 31. What kind of underwear do you normally wear? 32. Do you ever go commando? 38. Do you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way? 41. Do you like your butt? 43. Do you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair? 54. Have you ever had sex in a public place? 58. Are you particularly “vocal” when masturbating/having sex? 64. Your most embarrassing sexual experience? 67. Do you think you’re “good” at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement? 69. What’s something you like about your body? 70. What’s something you dislike about your body? 71. What body parts do you find the sexiest? 75. Do you often imagine people naked?
6. Chris always likes using her fingers on a woman, that way she can get the lay of the land down there and understand where her partner is more sensitive or less sensitive.
8. Absolutely not.
11. Very much so. Even if it's not so mild.
12. Chris likes to edge her partner, to make her partner beg for it, and to hear her partner. Other than that, she doesn't have anything specific.
17. Chris is very much a nudist at home- she likes being only in her boxers.
18. Again, only boxers for the win. She doesn't like sleeping with clothes.
20. Very much so. It builds trust and intimacy. Like a cat showing you it's belly.
31. Loose boxer briefs, the pattern doesn't really matter.
32. Almost never, but when she needs to do laundry she rations her underwear for the week.
38. Chris really likes the look of another woman's genitals, she finds it attractive and fascinating.
41. She doesn't feel strongly about her butt either way. It's just there for her to sit on.
43. Chris doesn't have a preference really, but it's nice to have a smooth one once in a while.
54. The most public it ever got was in a bar bathroom.
58. Not at all, other than breathing and talking. It makes her feel uncomfortable with herself.
64. Hooking up with some girl and going to sneak out- and being caught by her high school principal which was the girl's dad.
67. Chris has been told she's very good by her many one night stands, yet she chooses to believe that every woman is different. You can be good for one and bad for another. So it's every case on its own.
69. Chris likes her shoulders and her abs. All of her top half, to be honest.
70. Her mythic scar.
71. Sometimes she's no better than a man. Chest and hips and ass. And a good smile is important too.
75. Yes and no. Usually she does it to weaken the person in her mind.
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75 NSFW Asks
75 NSFW Asks. Obliterate me. Please ask me as many as you want
What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation?
Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated.
Have you ever had your prostate stimulated?
Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals?
Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot?
Are handjobs boring, or underrated?
Do you like having your balls touched?
Do you like having your nipples touched?
Do you like having your anus touched?
Have you ever been fisted?
Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)?
Do you have any kinks?
Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella?
Do you pee in the shower?
Do you ever masturbate in the shower?
Have you had sex in the shower?
Do you like being naked?
Do you sleep partially/fully naked?
Have you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity?
Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts?
Have you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)?
Do you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom?
Do you have naked pictures/videos of yourself? If yes, have you sent them to anyone? Are they online?
How many sexual partners have you had?
How often do you masturbate?
What position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)?
Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc.
What do you masturbate to (porn, smut, imagination, etc.)?
Have you ever masturbated to the point you got sore?
Your thoughts the first time you got up close and personal with the opposite set of genitals?
What kind of underwear do you normally wear?
Do you ever go commando?
Have you ever had a wet dream/orgasmed in your sleep?
How big is your penis?
Does your penis curve at all?
Are you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it?
Are you turned on or off by foreskin, or don’t care?
Do you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way?
Do you like the way your genitals look?
Would you be able to pick out your genitals from a lineup?
Do you like your butt?
What do you do with your pubic hair (shave, trim, wax, nothing, etc.)?
Do you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair?
Do you tuck your penis a certain way (i.e. left or right) when you get dressed?
Do you have or want any genital piercings? Do you like any on other people?
What is the quickest you’ve ever brought yourself (or been brought) to orgasm?
Do you ever “edge” (repeatedly stop and start) when masturbating?
What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had? Longest sex session?
What’s the most orgasms you’ve had in one session (of anything)?
Do your orgasms tend to be full-body, or crotch-centric?
Spit or swallow?
When you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble?
Is it hot or gross to get ejaculated on?
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Have you ever had sex/masturbated while somebody was sleeping near you?
Strangest/most unique place you’ve had sex? How about masturbated?
Have you had any sexual experiences that were downright gross?
Are you particularly “vocal” when masturbating/having sex?
Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex?
Have you had or do you want to have a threesome (or foursome, or more)?
Have you ever used a homemade sex toy, or a regular object as a sex toy?
Can a dildo feel as good as a penis?
What are your favorite positions?
Your most embarrassing sexual experience?
Have you ever had any genital injuries?
Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection?
Do you think you’re “good” at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement?
If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do.
What’s something you like about your body?
What’s something you dislike about your body?
What body parts do you find the sexiest?
What was your most recent sexual thought?
Do you ever just play with your balls, penis, hole?
When was the last time you touched your genitals?
Do you often imagine people naked?
31K notes · View notes
As Henry seemed panicked, saying something was wrong, chris immediately leaned forward to look over Regina's shoulder at him, to make sure he's alive and alright other than shaken up, but when she saw the burns her eyebrows drew together. She watched in interest as gold used healing magic. She'd have to add that to her notebook later. Along with everything else she's gonna learn today. She reached over Regina's shoulder down to Henry, pushing his pillow slightly so his head would be higher up and make it easier for him to breathe and calm down. She did like the little guy. He was a good kid.
Chris tried to take in and process all of the information she was learning and categorize it. A sleeping curse can make it so your soul travels around in the netherworld, you can actually get injured from it and see other people who have been through a sleeping curse. Right.
Chris needed to be useful. Helpful. She'd be helping an enemy, sure, but that's irrelevant because the help would effect Henry. And she's going to do it for him. Chris always wanted to be needed. When she wasn't, she'd just retreat to her room and hang around there in her lonesome. Which was not a problem.
"Fu- absolutely not. He's not going back in there."
Chris chimed into the protest, about to swear but remembering that Henry was laying right below her.
She listened, quite annoyed with Mr. Gold's tone and general being, staying quiet. And then he mentioned Cora. Who was that? She saw David's neck twitch back when the name was dropped. She moved forward to be in both Regina and David's direct line of sight, wanting to be of more help.
"Cora. Who is she?"
Chris asked, looking between the three of them, accepting that they'd all probably have to band together to get Emma and Mary margaret back. Great. Well, as the Bible says, the end sanctifies the means. She needed to be filled in though, and quickly, if they were going to find a solution.
Chris could be diplomatic when she wants to. She just doesn't, most of the time. And she will not be afraid to make a face or say something when Regina steps out of line. That woman was the master of an instrument named Chris's nerves. But this is a power game, and Chris is a very good player.
It's been a couple of days, almost a week, and Chris spent most of them in her room at granny's or helping David out at Mary Margaret's apartment. And once she heard about Henry seeing things in his sleep, talking to someone in the other realm, in the enchanted forest... maybe there was a way for Emma to come back.
So, she showed up at Mr. Gold's shop. She hasn't met him yet, but from what she understood from David, Mr. Gold is or was rumplestiltskin. She still needs to wrap her head around the people and who they were/still are. She pushed the door open and stepped inside, looking around at all of the miscellaneous stuff hung on the walls or displayed on the counters, making sure to not touch anything so she doesn't contract some curse or another. Or the plague. She ventured deeper into the store, going into the back, watching Mr. Gold, David and Regina all standing over Henry who was laying on a tiny cot that reminded her of the folding cots they used in the army when traveling on foot. That almost sent a shiver down her spine.
She watched as Mr. Gold waved his hand over Henry, creating a faintly purple glow, her eyebrows drawing together before she cleared her throat to announce her presence.
"Oh, Chris, good, you're here."
David said, getting up to shake Chris's hand and fill her in on what's happening, before she turned to Mr. Gold, looking him over, trying to assess a threat.
"This is baby name guy?"
She murmured to herself, not really believing that the old, skinny man sitting next to Henry's makeshift bed was the all powerful wizard David had made him out to be. Nonetheless she stepped forward, trying to get a sense for what was happening.
She stood over regina, looking over her shoulder at Henry, checking if he was alright. What gold did seemed to be some kind of... healing magic. She would have to add this to her notebook, later. She never thought she'd learn about actual magic. In moments like these she liked to ask herself exactly what in all of fuck Emma had roped her into. But this time she was unsure whether Emma even knew the answer herself.
"Your majesty, Mr. Gold,"
Chris greeted with a nod each, her hands strictly behind her back. That was where they usually rested, old habits die hard.
She didn't really care to be introduced to Mr. Gold right now, she wanted to get as much information as she could about how they could use this to bring Emma and Mary margaret back.
And God dammit, if it was needed, she'd take Henry's place on that bed in a heartbeat.
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headcanon prompts with questions based on plants   &   what they represent in flower language .  happy roleplaying !!  ♡
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,    or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?  
acanthus :   is your muse deceptive ,   or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ?   why or why not ?   
aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?   
anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   (   what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  
angelica :   where does your muse draw inspiration in life ?   what motivates them ?
apple blossom :   how does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality ?  
bachelor’s button :   does your muse actively seek romantic companionship ,   or cherish the liberties of being single ? 
basil :   does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
bay tree :   does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ?  
begonia :   how cautious is your muse ?   are they prone to noticing red flags ,   or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone ?   why or why not ?  
belladonna :   how does your muse respond to silence ?   do they take comfort in soundlessness ,   or seek to fill the void with noise ?   
bluebell :   does your muse learn from their past ,   or are they prone to repeating the same mistakes ?  
carnation :   what is your muse’s relationship with their gender ?   how do they express or not express this relationship ?  
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?   are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ?  
chrysanthemum :   how does your muse express romantic love ?  how do they feel about love as a concept ?  
daffodil :   is your muse one to be loyal in relationships ,   or are they likely to quickly move from one bond to another ?
daisy :   did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost ?   what moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence ?  
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?  are they known to be courageous from then on ?  
fern :   does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces ,   or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control ?  
forget - me - not :   has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?   are they afraid of forgetting things like that ?  
gardenia :   is your muse one to confess romantic feelings early on ,   or to conceal them for long periods of time ?  
gladiolus :   describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget .
goldenrod :   does your muse believe in luck or fortune ?  why or why not ?   where do they believe these things come from ?  
heliotrope :   does your muse believe in soulmates ?
hibiscus :   how does your muse view the gentler ,   daintier things in life ?   as things worth preserving   &   caring for ,   or things only bound to wither   &   disappear ?  
holly :   how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ?  are they aware of it ?   do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ?  
hollyhock :   how strong is your muse’s sense of ambition ?  what’s something they strive for in life ?  
hyacinth :   is your muse athletic ?   does it come naturally to them ,   or have they had to work for their physique and/or skill ?  
hydrangea :   how much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others ?  are they prone to being misunderstood ?
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?  
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ?   do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ?   do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?  once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?  
lilac :   what was your muse’s childhood like ?   how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged ? 
lily :   how does your muse view their mother ?  
lotus :   has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ?  have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start ,   or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ?  
magnolia :   describe your muse’s relationship with nature   &   the natural world .  
marigold :   is your muse prone to jealousy ?  how might they handle envious feelings ?  
mint :   does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ?  what do these words mean to them ?
nasturtium :   describe your muse’s relationship with their birthplace ,   or homeland .  
oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?  
pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ?   do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
parsley :   describe a holiday your muse enjoys ,   and why they enjoy it .
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
rhododendron :   is your muse receptive to warnings   &   advice given by others ?
rose :   how much does your muse value other people ?   do they wish to have many friends ,   lovers ,   and/or associates ?   are they an easy person to love ?
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ?   what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?  
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?  how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? 
snapdragon :   is your muse merciful ?  why or why not ?
southernwood :   how seriously does your muse take themself ?   do they prefer a solemn   &   intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes   &   banter ?  
sunflower :   what brings your muse the most joy in life ?  
tulip :   how does your muse view people in general ?  
violet :   how does your muse respond to betrayal ?
willow :   how does your muse handle sadness   &   depression ?
zinnia :   how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ?   has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ?
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reblog if you’re part of the OUAT fandom
i wanna see how many of us are still alive
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you didn't have to step in and help me, but you did, and i appreciate that.
Chris was slightly surprised by the thankful gesture, maybe it was the whiskey, maybe the late hour of the night, but it was surprising. She didn't expect that.
"I did what was necessary."
Chris deflected, leaning back and taking the glass of whiskey onto her lips, letting the alcohol slide nice and slow into her mouth. She never liked being thanked or when her actions were praised, other than in... different circumstances. And this was no different.
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