#AL WTF?!!?!?!?!?!
aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Mad Love Chapter 22
Mad Love Chapter 21
Alfons: Taking a walk this late at night?
Elbert: Al...
I carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake Kate, and ran into Alfons, who seemed to have just returned.
Elbert: ...I wanted to escape from the lingering dream.
Alfons: Oh my... Your bad habit still remains.
As always, the twisted scent of alcohol and perfume he wore slipped into my body, shaken by the nightmare, and smelled sweetly like comfort.
Elbert: ...You've been out playing again?
Alfons: Ah ha! Do I look like I've been working hard?
Alfons: Well, never mind about me for now. More importantly––
Alfons: True to your "greedy" nature, you decided to reach for happiness? You look quite gloomy.
Elbert: I––
He traces his lips with his fingertips, wanting to erase the feeling of her cold lips from the nightmare where they kissed.
Elbert: Someday, I might kill her.
Alfons: ––Oh my, what a dangerous thing to say.
Elbert: Just being by her side made me happy.
Elbert: When she smiled, it was easier to breathe. I wanted to keep watching her forever.
Elbert: That should have been my wish, but I craved everything about her.
Elbert: Her outside, her inside... even her heart.
Alfons: ...Whether it's due to the curse of "greed" or an overly heavy love, it's a delicate matter.
Whether this was due to a curse or not didn't matter.
The fact was that I desired her enough to have such a dream, and that would surely torment her.
Elbert: ...Would being loved by me make her unhappy?
As when he asked if it was beautiful, he found himself asking Alfons.
Alfons: Well, I don't know.
Alfons: I don't know what answer you're hoping for, nor how she would respond.
Alfons: ...Why don't you just spill your desires?
Elbert: ...I can't. ...What if she gets scared and runs away?
Elbert: I would truly... really—
Just as he once did for atonement, this time for happiness, he would imprison her in these greedy hands.
Elbert: I don't want to make her sad.
Alfons: ...This is troublesome.
Alfons: I don't think Kate is as weak as you think she is.
As he left, Alfons' parting words did not erase the anxiety nesting within his heart about his desires.
The day Elbert left, I went to the entrance to see him off.
Kate: Have a good trip.
Elbert: .....
Elbert: Kate, come here.
Kate: ? Yes... What is it?
As I approached, beckoned by his hand, he gently pulled me closer and placed a light kiss on my lips.
Kate: L-Lord Elbert, in a place like this...
Elbert: Because it's a place like this... on purpose.
Kate: On purpose...?
I followed his gaze and saw William and Victor crossing the castle courtyard, perhaps returning from somewhere.
William glanced at us, and Victor waved.
Kate: O-On purpose... to those two?
Elbert: ...I'll endure you not being blindfolded, so at least allow me this.
He whispered sweetly in my ear, and my heart pounded.
It's so embarrassing that my ears are burning, but I can't help but be happy to be loved so much by the person I love.
Kate: Y-Yes...
Elbert: ...Yes?
Kate: I allow it...
Elbert: ...Then, one more time.
Kate: The carriage is waiting...!
Elbert reluctantly removed his hand from my shoulder.
Elbert: ...Well then, I'll be back.
In the depths of his blue eyes, until the very end, there was a glimpse of the possessiveness I had seen last night.
The next day, during lunchtime, after seeing Elbert off.
Victor: Thank you for the report. It was very well written.
Victor: It clearly described how everyone in Crown upholds justice.
Victor smiled generously after reading the report I submitted.
Victor: And... it was lovely content that also conveyed the warmth of your gaze towards Elbert.
Kate: I'm glad... Thank you.
Victor: There are still a few days until our promised day...
Victor: But the fact that you brought this to me now means that your heart is already decided, isn't it?
Victor stared straight at me, as if peering into my heart with his jewel-like eyes.
(I feel like Victor can see everything that's happening in this castle.)
I even felt like this vast Crown Castle was in his hands.
Kate: ...Yes, Victor.
Kate: I want to stay by Lord Elbert's side even after the promised month.
Victor: Why is that?
The reason I came to this castle and faced forward without succumbing to sadness or fear was because of the kindness he showed me on the night of that first mission when Daisy's inn was attacked, trying to keep me away from sadness.
And then, I realized that he protected me but didn't try to protect himself...
I learned about his past, the tremendous kindness of carrying everything as his own sin, and his bottomless sadness.
(More than anyone else, to that person who is sensitive to the pain and sadness of others...)
Kate: Because I want Lord Elbert to smile.
Kate: When he's happy, I want to laugh with him... and when he's sad, I want to be there for him.
Victor: ...Thank you for your wonderful answer, Kate.
Victor: When the promised month arrives, you can do as you please.
Kate: ...Thank you very much.
Harrison: You've changed a lot, haven't you?
Kate: Wah!? Harrison...? When did you...?
I turned around to the direction of the voice and saw Harrison, who had somehow arrived at the dining hall, and Alfons, who was resting his cheek on his hand and looking at us cheerfully, at the other end of the long table.
Kate: Could it be that you heard our conversation...?
Alfons: We heard it clearly, both Harrison and I. We were well-behaved and quiet.
(Oh, how embarrassing...)
(I thought it was okay to open up to Victor, but they heard everything...!)
Victor: Well, actually, I noticed halfway through.
Victor: But I wanted to hear your feelings until the end, so I kept quiet.
Victor: I'm sorry. Will your kind heart forgive this sinful me?
Kate: ...I can't blame you when you say it like that.
Victor: Ahaha, I'm sorry for being a bad adult.
(But still...)
Kate: What do you mean by "changed"?
Harrison: It's exactly what it means.
Harrison: You, who have been walking in a warm sunbeam, are going to continue living in the bloody darkness?
Harrison: I can't say it any other way than "changed."
Kate: That's... certainly true.
Harrison: ...While you still can, you should go see your workplace and your home.
Kate: Huh?
Harrison: Once you decide to live in the darkness, it's not easy to return.
Harrison: While you can still return, it's better to face your own heart properly.
(Face my own heart...)
I thought about Harrison's suggestion for a moment, and a certain place came to mind.
Kate: ...Actually, there was a place I wanted to visit.
Victor: Is that so?
Kate: Yes. ...But I can't go alone, so I need someone to accompany me.
Harrison: I'll pass, since El might resent me.
Alfons: That's heartless of you, considering you're the one who suggested it.
(Indeed, if Elbert finds out, I feel like he'll be very upset.)
Kate: I don't think Alfons would be resented.
Kate: Could you accompany me tomorrow?
Alfons: ...I'm sorry, I have something to do tomorrow.
Victor: Oh! I just received a message from His Majesty,
Victor: He says that Alfons should accompany Kate on her outing!
Harrison: I've just witnessed a terrible abuse of power.
Victor: Huh? "I saw a cool queen's aide"? Harry, you really love me!
Alfons: ...I suppose there's no helping it. It's extremely troublesome, but I'll accompany you.
Alfons: I expect a decent reward, Kate.
Kate: ...Is information about a delicious bakery okay...?
Alfons: .....
Alfons: You two really are a perfect match, you and Elbert.
The next day, I was in the city of London with Alfons.
Alfons: So, you want to see your home and workplace, and that's all?
Kate: No, actually...
I went to the post office to say hello and was able to talk to my colleagues for the first time in a while.
I was also able to see my house for the first time in about a month.
(I can't go back to the way it was, but I was happy then too.)
I remember the peaceful, modest, yet joyful life I had in all the nostalgic places I just saw.
And then...
Kate: ...Actually, there's one more place I want to visit.
The place we're heading to now is a place I must not forget.
Alfons: Your destination, could it be this place?
After buying flowers at a flower shop, we visited the inn where Daisy used to work.
Kate: I've always been worried about it in the back of my mind and wanted to offer flowers someday.
Alfons: Is that so...
Alfons: ...There were only nameless corpses, weren't there? You're quite a conscientious person too.
Kate: Me "too"...?
The way he phrased it bothered me a little, but Alfons went to the back door without a care.
Kate: Huh...?
As I stepped inside from the back door, which had once been filled with a pool of blood, the inn was so clean now that it was hard to believe a bloody incident had occurred there.
(The owner barged into the party to get the "painting of the sea," and then...)
(He should have been arrested and absent... who could have done this?)
I gasped when I saw something very familiar on the counter.
It was that frame with the pressed blue poppies.
Kate: Lord Elbert...?
(I saw him doing some paperwork these past few days....)
I couldn't believe it, so I looked back at Alfons.
Kate: Did Lord Elbert buy this place?
Alfons: Did you come here without knowing anything?
Alfons: You two have similar ways of thinking.
Alfons sat down on a table as if exasperated and looked around the room.
Alfons: He said he's going to rent this place out as a flower shop.
Alfons: Daisy, was it? Because he couldn't deliver flowers to her.
Alfons: And I think he also said something about whether you would smile if this place was filled with flowers.
Kate: ...!
Alfons: From now on, he'll probably buy everything that makes you happy.
His kindness warmed my heart.
The blue poppies blooming in the frame seemed to shine even more vividly.
After leaving the bouquet at the inn, we headed back to the castle.
Kate: Thank you again for accompanying me today.
Kate: I had already made up my mind, but...
Kate: I feel like it's become even more certain.
(Sad events like what happened to Daisy are still happening in the darkness of this country.)
(Knowing that, I can't truly return to my everyday life.)
If I close my eyes for a moment, the vivid blue poppies I saw earlier bloom behind my eyelids.
Kate: I want to face it with Lord Elbert. The events that happened at that inn...
Kate: And more than anything, I want to share the pain with that person who hates sadness.
Alfons: ...El's desires for you won't all be sublimated as purely as that inn.
His pointed remark made me frown involuntarily.
Kate: What does that mean...?
Alfons: The reason El left... was to take care of Jeffrey, who was targeting you.
Kate: Huh...?
Alfons: It seems William found out from the client list he obtained that Jeffrey was the one who ordered your kidnapping.
Alfons: It was his first offense, and only an attempt, so the police won't be able to pursue him.
Alfons: But... you already understand that Elbert won't let him get away with it, right?
(Elbert... Jeffrey...)
(So... that's why he told me not to follow him.)
Kate: ...Why are you telling me this?
Alfons: Because the spot you're standing on right now is a rather heavy crossroads to choose a path without knowing.
Alfons shrugged and laughed, then narrowed his eyes as if testing me.
Alfons: Elbert will surely continue to take the lives of many people.
Alfons: To protect you, to not let you be taken away, to not make you sad.
Alfons: To keep you smiling.
Alfons: To eliminate everything that threatens the happiness of the two of you, and to obtain everything that leads to the happiness of the two of you.
Alfons: There is no bottom to his "greed."
He said this without hesitation, the one who is probably closest to Elbert.
(I think what Alfons says is the undeniable truth...)
He has been greedily desiring "beautiful things" to atone for his sins.
That desire is now probably directed towards "everything" to be happy with me.
Alfons: Can you remain unbroken by El's side as he continues to commit the sin of greed?
Kate: I won't know until that time comes... that's my honest feeling.
Kate: If he intends to do something that would hurt even himself, I might try to stop him.
(I know it's selfish of me to think this way.)
(I know that by wishing for happiness and protecting it, Elbert... that kind person will also get hurt.)
I had probably been thinking about this all along, even before Alfons mentioned it.
Kate: But...
Kate: I'm... happy that Lord Elbert seeks happiness.
Every time Elbert showed his strong attachment to me, I realized how distant and fleeting love and happiness were for him.
So, to be able to respond to that obsession, I feel happy and blessed.
Kate: So...
Alfons: ...So?
Kate: So...even if Lord Elbert were to commit some grave sin in the future...
Kate: I want to accept Lord Elbert, along with that sin...
Kate: I want to love Lord Elbert.
Alfons: ...What a fool you are.
Gray eyes slowly approach.
At the moment when a complex and twisted sweet scent wafted strongly - my lips were stolen by Alfons.
Mad Love Chapter 23
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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ikan-luar-air · 1 year
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I stand by my decision.
Also, I want to talk about the fact I used such a cute photo of Damian and at the side it’s just ‘Purposeful Murder’.
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qwakque · 3 months
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evansboyfriend · 3 months
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the old guard + john mulaney quotes [extended edition]
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albino-parakeet · 4 months
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”A Dance With Toro”
Fighting a “meat-eating bull” is pretty metal.
Once again showing that I'm a person who draws the dinosaurs better than the characters lol.
Timelapse undercut:
Song used Distant Past by Everything Everything. (Oops the video is longer than the song so sorry for the silence for the last minute or so lol.)
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crystallizsch · 8 months
this was kalim's idea
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batboopp · 28 days
brutalia oh brutalia
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any story/panel with them is both horribly depressing and so so romantic and adorable
just talias weird little bat cryptid gifting her cool shiny things he found and her absolutely loving and fawning over it. both of them are little weirdos i love them so much
not even getting into the fact she literally only calls him “beloved” to someone who thinks he’s completely unlovable. i wonder if bruces heart skipped a beat hearing how much talia liked simply being near him, someone who really loved every part of him. even if she couldn’t understand it, even if it’s what drove them apart, she really did love him, all of him. you can’t say that about most batman/bruce ships.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 104
 Danny finds himself reincarnating, giving it a try so to say. A new start of sorts, though he knows that Tucker will also be somewhere in the world and Sam will be keeping an eye whenever she’s not working on her uh, internship with Overgrowth. 
 He somehow, despite being in a world of heroes and villains, ends up reincarnating into some sort of assassin cult. Apparently he is keeping the Fenton luck despite a new life. Along with his white hair from his ghost form. Which is understandable with how there’s an ecto-pool in the room over. 
 He’s pretty sure his father is a fruitloop too, maybe. Well, technically he was a fruitloop for a human, but again. Ecto-pool that he was apparently taking dips in. At least this time he has some baby sisters- even if the toddler one keeps trying to stab him. 
 Honestly, feels like home. 
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zukotheartist · 1 year
The day before yesterday I was looking at statistics about reading habits in different countries (average book count per year, age, most read genre, etc) and then yesterday i came across a poll here asking how many books youve read so far this year and now im wondering:
The highest I saw (not just in that poll's tags but on other socials as well) was 365! With the person in question being a lil under 300 rn.
The lowest (and no shame here! I myself have picked up reading again after a long time and it's quite the challenge) was 1! But I also saw lots of people aim for 5.
The average seems to be anywhere around 30 to 60!
And the second most common bracket (interesting that it's also the one made up of mostly late teens and early 20yos) is 10-30!
Idk if anyone will read this but if u do, id love to know more about your thought process in the tags!
(Just pls be kind to each other and no fucked up elitism lol)
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kitschysandglass · 5 months
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formulaheart · 11 months
nobody talks enough about the fact that marius and courfeyrac are canonically roomates
nobody ALSO talks enough about the fact that marius freaked out because his neighbors were criminals and said yeah i'm not gonna live here anymore
and walked on down to courfs house at 9pm
and knocked on his door and said "i have come to sleep with you"
and that courf was like hey yeah buddy come on in
and just DRAGGED his SECOND MATTRESS off his bed onto the floor
and said there you go homie sweet dreams
and that was that
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Do you. Do you see it. The vision. Do yOU SEE IT-
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
No but... could we all take a moment to talk about Alhaitham's signature dish?
Because as you can see, this mfer (/aff) hates soup-like dishes, right?
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And take a guess what his signature dish is? FUCKING SOUP.
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This dude, literally said "I hate soup" and took it upon himself to turn soup into "not soup" and make it his signature dish.
Istg, I simply cannot with this guy /lh 😭💀
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qwakque · 10 months
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yuuverseyuuverse · 9 months
Favorite AO3 tag of the day.
#Damian doesnt even have a rizz and yet??? Results.
From 1-800 Emergency Magic Management by
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linaxart · 1 year
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carpet weaver
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