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magnusedom · 6 months ago
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grimalkinscribbles · 1 year ago
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I’m not obsessed with the androgynous bird monster
Or am I ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bonus lineart:
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zehl0w · 2 months ago
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They say whatever you do on New Year's Day is what you'll be doing all year and by god I'm drawing genzen
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mxwhore · 2 months ago
locking in
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becrystalamazed · 8 months ago
🎵We come together, state of the art, we’ll never surrender, the kids in the dark 🎶
Video ID under Read More
ID: A fanvid of the 2022 Disney gameshow The Quest, set to the song The Kids in the Dark by All Time Low. It consists of clips of the show's eight teenage contestants - known as Paladins - completing challenges, as well as clips of the characters and monsters they face.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': The clip used for the initial Paladin introductions. A pan-shot to David facing the royals, Serean aiming and drawing back a bowstring, Toshani surprised in Dravus' study, Holden in the Paladin's courtyard, Caden peering around a corner, Ava turning to face the Serpent, Myra in the Paladin's courtyard and Shaan firing a crossbow.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark' - David, then Myra emerges from a portal onto a bridge separately. Serean looks curiously at her surroundings. Toshani also appears through the portal. Shaan looks around him in confusion
'Here we are at the end of a road, a road that's quietly caving in (caving in)': The Paladins, all together, stare in wonder as they walk towards a castle.
'Come to far to pretend that we don't, we don't miss': The Paladins enter the throne room, where King Silas, the Heirs and Dravus are sat. They kneel.
'where we started': The sorceress Tavora throws a ball of magic, which consumes King Magnus.
'Looking back, I see a setting sun, and watch my shadow fade into the floor': King Silas leads the Heirs, the Paladins, Dravus and Mila out of the castle as night falls, carrying lanterns to light their way.
'I am left, standing on the edge': Mila crashes into a palace wall but keeps running as a guard chases her.
'wondering how we got this far, how we got this far': Mila receives the Oracle's Orb from the Fates. She turns to face the Paladins with an expression of awe and disbelief.
'They left us alone, the kids in the dark': Serean runs through a dark courtyard. Myra jumps off a ladder and starts running. Ava turns around.
'To burn out forever or light up a spark': The Paladins run around a corner. David, Ava and Serean run through the marketplace, holding glowing Whispits.
'We come together, state of the art': David, Holden and Myra place their hands on golden handprints on a treasure chest. It unlocks and the Paladins gather around as they open it.
'We'll never surrender': Ava, in a cage, works on untying a knot as the Serpent looms threateningly over her shoulder.
'The kids in the dark, so let the world sing': Myra pulls on a rope to retrieve a glowing vial from the Lake of Lights.
'What a shame': Ava reaches toward one of the magic books in Dravus' study.
'(hey!)': The Paladins jump as the mage Dravus finds them snooping in his study.
'What a shame (hey!)': Prince Emmett ushers the Paladins away from a cauldron that erupts with foaming potion.
'Beautiful scars on critical veins': Mila removes her armour to reveal a bruised battle wound on her lower arm. The Paladins peer at it, concerned.
'Come together, state of the art, we'll never surrender, the kids in the dark': The Paladins jump and duck over the many sweeping arms of the Troll Maiden's heart machine.
'the kids in the dark. (The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark)': The Paladins practise sword drills against each other, moving back and forward. The clanging of their blades occasionally matches the music.
'Here we are at the top of the hill': Mila stares down the Dragior, a humanoid monster with antlers, covered in runes.
'A hill that's quietly crumbling (crumbling)' A sweeping shot of the Paladins holding cages containing rocks above their heads. Holden's arms give way, causing a jug to drop and shatter.
'Been a while since you dressed for the kill, the kill that sent me': David uses a hook to remove the Gem of Courage from the eye of the Witch. David removes the Gem of Strength from the hand of the Dragior. Ava removes the Gem of Wisdom from the forehead of the Serpent. Serean removes the Gem of Resilience from the chest of the Troll Maiden.
'tumbling': David is knocked over by one of the arms of the Troll Maiden's machine. Serean hits a glass jug with a morning star, sending it flying at Holden and Shaan, where it shatters at their feet. They flinch.
'Looking up': A pan-shot up to Prince Emmett and Mila looking out from the battlements of a tower.
'I see a falling star': Mila and Prince Emmett look up at the night sky, glowing with the magic of the Celestial Dome. They make eye contact, smiling.
'And watch its fire burn into the floor': Princess Adaline and Prince Emmett burst into Dravus' study, only to watch him escape through a magic mirror that clatters to the floor.
'And I am left, standing on the edge, wondering why we fall so hard': The Paladins use mirrored shields to direct a glowing green light through the battlements at night.
'Why we fall so hard': A glowing Whispit moves squid-like through the air towards Tavora.
'They left us alone, the kids in the dark': The Paladins run into a wooden labyrinth, the camera following Ava as she dodges through the twists and turns.
'to burn out forever': Serean, then David and Holden, run through the woods.
'or light up a spark': Serean uses a fire crystal to ignite the Torch.
'We come together, state of the art': Myra, Toshani and Holden give food to a beggar outside the palace gates.
'We'll never surrender': Princess Adaline consoles Myra and Toshani.
'The kids in the dark, so let the world sing': David cranks a handle to wind up a crossbow.
'What a shame (hey!)': Ava swings a morning star, smoothly knocking a jug from it's pedestal.
'What a shame (hey!)': David fires the crossbow. The quarrel hits the bullseye.
'Beautiful scars on critical veins': The armour of an injured messenger is removed to reveal the words NAGOTH NOCTUME scrawled in black paint on his inner arm.
'Come together, state of the art, we'll never surrender': Mila and Prince Cederic regroup, back to back in the middle of a battle, before attacking again.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': Ava holds the Sceptre as it glows. David removes the Sword from a stone. Serean lifts up the Torch.
'Woahhhhh': Toshani, David and Holden use a rope to move a boat across the water.
'Woahhhhh (the kids in the dark, the kids in the dark)': Toshani places a stone on top of a tower. David tries to count the stones as his tower topples.
'Woahhhhh': Holden climbs up the side of a tower, silhouetted against the sky.
'Woahhhhh': Holden uses a fire crystal to extinguish a wall of flame and takes a step forward.
'They left us alone, the kids in the dark, to burn out forever': Tavora steps into a courtyard, the Paladins surrounding her. They have their hands hidden behind their backs and the camera cuts to their faces as they stare her down.
'Or light up a spark, we come together state of the art, we'll never surrender, the kids in the dark, so let the world sing': Holden uses the magic of the Divine Crown to fight Tavora as the other Paladins encourage him. He forces her back and she is engulfed in flames.
'What a shame (hey!)': Holden, Ava and David use shields to push back some soldiers of the Dark Legion.
'What a shame (hey!)': Serean shoots an arrow into a potion bottle, shattering it.
'Beautiful scars on critical veins': Holden uses an axe to cut down Tavora's banner. It flutters to the floor.
'Come together, state of the art': The Paladins and Mila gather in a huddle. They put their hands in the middle and cheer.
'We'll never surrender, the kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': Prince Emmett, Prince Cederic and Princess Adaline hug each other.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': Prince Emmett, Prince Cederic and Princess Adaline place the Divine Crowns on their heads, before turning to face the Paladins. They kneel.
'We'll never surrender, the kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': The Paladins return home through the portal together. It closes behind them.
End ID
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ganggoestohell · 1 year ago
guys guys guys you don't get it. it's about. it's about. didn't they move like rivers like glory like light over the seven days of your body and wasn't that GOOD? isn't this what god felt when he pressed together the first beloved: everything??? and THEN WHY when you have come to me and i have returned you to that from which you came - bright mud, mineral salt!!!!!!!
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posallys · 8 months ago
I am devastated that this silly percabeth smut fic has gotten more attention in the past 2 day than not only all of my posally stuff but also my other percabeth stuff.....I see you all. Now go read my other fics
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bluenotemagpie · 1 year ago
i have finally reached the chapter of this fic that i've been dying to rewrite since i started this draft, hell yes
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trillgutterbug · 2 years ago
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finnlongman · 1 year ago
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Dear Tumblr, I have been desperately wanting to share this news with you since May last year and now I finally can: Gollancz is publishing not one, not two, but THREE of my queer medieval retellings over the next few years! You'll have seen me posting little bits about these books in the past, but I'm so excited to get to share them with you properly.
First up in 2025: The Wolf and His King, a queer retelling of Bisclavret that uses werewolfism as a metaphor to explore chronic pain and illness. It's also very much about gay yearning, fealty, and the mortifying ordeal of being known. Partially in second person and partially in verse, you can see my previous posts about it under the tag the wolf and his king or, for the really early ones, werewolves and gay yearning.
In 2026, I'm bringing you The Animals We Became [working title], which is a queertrans retelling of the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi, looking at gender, compulsory heterosexuality, and trauma, via nonconsensual shapeshifting. Lotta trans vibes, lotta trauma; I wrote a first draft of this last year because I got carried away writing the sample chapters for my proposal and I'm excited to get deeper into it in edits. Aka t4t shapeshifting and trauma; generally tagged as also owls are transmasculine now.
And finally, in 2027, which is the one I've honestly been most excited to tell you guys about, it's To Run With The Hound [working title]. If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that I wrote a book with this title way back in 2018… well, the one I've sold isn't exactly that book, it's a proposal for how I intend to completely rewrite that book from the ground up, but yes, this is it: my Cú Chulainn novel, my queer medieval Irish book, my (hopefully) magnum opus. Haven't written it yet, but the plan is to use a nonlinear narrative to explore why Táin Bó Cúailnge is a tragedy, featuring a great many feelings about Fer Diad, Láeg, and Cú Chulainn himself.
There's a bit more detail and some FAQs on my website right now, but the most important thing is QUEER MEDIEVAL BOOKS WRITTEN BY SOMEBODY WITH MULTIPLE DEGREES IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. If that sounds like your jam, stick around.
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rubyone · 11 months ago
all roads lead to the same destination
my destiel magnum opus if im honest. i have nothing else to say about them they were dead from the moment they said hello and i wouldn’t have it any other way<3 everybody stream it’s too late baby by foxy shazam aka the destiel song of all time. i love you parallels show<3
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thegayguard · 22 days ago
The Old Guard (comics + movie) Comprehensive Timeline
Edit: 16 Feb- reformatted to make it easier to read
I spent way too much time spent researching the comics one night resulting in this, my TOG magnum opus, including every confirmed event up until the beginning of the movie. If there's anything I missed let me know (I did misplace my copy of Force Multiplied but I don't think they did many flashbacks iirc). This is mostly for my own purposes, but absolutely feel free to use it for your own fics/art/meta/etc
Also thank you @yumekuimono for the putting together the photographs on Copley's hyperfixation board, which inspired me to make this.
It's long, so it's all under the cut. Enjoy!
4500s BCE:
Andromache is born in the Western Steppe, later known as Scythia, now known as the Ural region, mostly. Fifteen or so years later her mother(figure) gifts her an axe, naming Andy as her successor instead of her sisters. Five or so years later Andy's mother plans to have her killed out of jealously. Andy doesn't die, though her mother is killed in the conflict. Andy kills her attackers in revenge, then goes back to lead her people as a pseudo-god for an unspecified number of years.
500s BCE:
Quỳnh (Noriko) is born in modern day Vietnam (Noriko in Japan).
330ish BCE:
Lykon is killed for the first time following Alexander The Great to Judea. Andy meets him not long after (comic only canon, the movie doesn't specify when Andy and Lyon meet except to say it's after she meets Quynh).
Note- There's no firmer information on Yitzhak aka Isaac Blue at this time, apart from him being Jewish, a contemporary of Lykon, having been with Andy in the year 1950, and now living in Alaska. There's a wonderful analysis of his likely timeline by @nevermindirah who places him around the time of the Second Temple, somewhere between 500 BCE and 70 CE.
630s CE:
Andy meets Quynh in Alexandria while fighting with Amir ibn al-As. They become inseparable and travel with Lykon and Yitzhak for a time as roaming soldiers (anything about Yitzhak, so far, is comics only canon)
Yusuf ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn al-Kaysani called al-Tayyib is born in Maghreb, North Africa, to a family of merchants
Nicolò di Genova is born in Genoa, Italy
Joe and Nicky meet and kill each other and, according to word of god (aka Greg Rucka), get on to the more pleasurable type of physical relationship very quickly after.
Andy and Quynh are spotted around the crusades, likely to find Nicky + Joe
Noriko (comics only canon) is killed many times fighting rogue samurai around feudal Japan
1550-1600 (Renaissance):
Lykon dies for the last time, Joe saves a young artist from a fire in Genoa, forcing them to avoid Italy for 100 years
1500s (late):
Quynh and Andy attempt to free people from the witch trials and are caught themselves, leading to Quynh's underwater imprisonment
1700s (late):
The Guard are in London for a time. Joe saves a coffee shop owner from the stocks, Andy gets a new axe (that is still very much the same axe, to her).
Sébastien LeLivre is born in Marseilles, France.
Andy, Nicky, and Joe are at the Paris Commune. Nicky and Joe aren't speaking at the time.
Andy meets a former West Indies slave turned British soldier turned highway robber named Achilles. Andy follows him to Australia, starts a life in a small town.
Booker dies in Russia while following Napoleon. He's hanged for desertion. The Guard meets up with him a few years later. (Note, it's very likely Booker was conscripted in the place of a richer man in exchange for a fee, or as blackmail material, given that married men were exempt from the Grande Armée and even the Imperial Army's levée en masse. My theory is he was caught by a banker or shop owner for his forgeries, and was therefore forced to take the man's place in the army).
Booker hangs out with his youngest son Jean-Pierre, likely towards the end of his son's life, at a Parisian restaurant. Andy leaves Achilles for an extended amount of time to go to Jamaica, likely for the Baptist War. She comes back to find him dead, killed by their neighbors. She then razes the entire town in retaliation.
São Paulo. Joe jumps through a window as a distraction for reasons as yet unknown.
Joe and Nicky spotted on the ground of the Crimean War
Nicky goes undercover of sorts in the American Civil War as a Confederate soldier in Pennsylvania. Joe is helping the slaves Nicky frees along with the Quakers in York. The Guard appear at the Battle of Gettysburg
1870, September:
Booker and Andy meet in San Francisco after Booker unknowingly saves Merrick's great grandfather in a frontier town because of an inexplicable feeling he should stay to help
Nicky and Joe save a young person in Zanzibar, presumably the victim of a hate crime
The Guard prevent a coup in Haiti
The Guard fight in The Great War. Joe saves a little girl who becomes the youngest Nobel Laureate in Medicine. Andy fights in the Gallipoli campaign and in France
Andy saves a refugee family in Montenegro, one of whom goes on to develop early diabetes detection.
Andy takes part in a battle in Passchedaele, Belgium, and adopts an orphaned boy, Zeus
1932, November:
Joe and Nicky go to a bar in Berlin, run into the person they saved in Zanzibar, and punch a Nazi.
Andy is involved in the French Resistance in WWII
1945, August:
The Guard prevent a third atomic bomb
Andy and Yitzhak eat a meal made for them by Zeus somewhere not in the US
Joe, Nicky, and Booker are spotted helping the Cuban Revolution
Nicky and Andy appear at MLK speeches separately. Joe and Nicky rescue a man from a cave (poss. Onyx Cave, AZ in Oct. or Gory Hole, IN in Nov. -US cave incidents are very well recorded)
1969, July:
The Guard take down a pedophilic serial killer in Minnesota (possibly based on Stanley Rice). Nicky and Booker stay to track down everyone who knowingly let the killer go free. Joe and Andy head on to San Francisco to watch the moon landing at a bar.
1975, April:
Andy helps in Operation Babylift in Vietnam
late 1970's:
Andy lands in Cleveland, not knowing where she is after a job. Coincidentally, she cleans herself up in a restaurant owned by Zeus, who she hadn't seen in decades.
Booker gets captured by a cult of murder- and sex-obsessed nuns in NYC. Three months later Andy rescues a reluctant Booker from the nuns' compound in Guyana
Andy helps people escape East Germany
Booker serves as a combat medic in Sarajevo. Nicky attends university under the name N Smith (likely a graduate school given the wording of the ID. My guess, either for medicine or computer science, both of which were rapidly evolving at the time)
Nile Freeman born, South Side of Chicago, IL
The Guard rescue children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are also linked to the US 10th Mountain Division in Afghanistan.
Nile's dad killed in action on the ground as a Marine
The Guard take a CIA assignment in Surabaya, Indonesia, with Copley and Booker as the point persons
Andy goes by the alias Alexandra Black in the Czech Republic
Joe goes by the alias Joseph Jones in Germany. The Guard is seen in Syria near an USAF F-22 bombing site.
Andy takes a break to travel. Joe and Nicky travel to Eastern Turkey. Booker is contacted by Copley on behalf of Merrick Industries.
Nile dies for the first time in Afghanistan at the hands of an enemy insurgent. Official record has her killed in action. The events of the movie (aka comics Opening Fire 1-5). Booker returns to Paris in his exile, where he is contacted by Quynh.
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synthetickitsune · 2 months ago
Jeonghan (SVT) | Photograph angst | 0.6k | gn!reader A/N: loosely inspired by my beloved, my everything, my precious, my treasured, my adored, my cherished invitation-verse by @jeonghunny (aka bibi's magnum opus imho) <3 and 'i had a dream about you' by richard silken
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You’re smiling.
The sun is setting behind you, the sky is a mixture of pastel pinks and peach oranges, the ocean waves sparkle and mirror the soft colors above them, yet it all fades in comparison to your smile. Your eyes are almost closed. He caught you off guard - he’s there too, his lips pressed against your cheek. It was warm, he remembers, so warm and soft. Jeonghan’s hand raises to his face, fingers brush against his lips carefully, gently, as if they were butterfly wings and the kiss lingered as their dust.
The sand is golden and he can feel it warming the soles of his bare feet. The honey color also fades against the photo in his hand. As if it should crumble, he holds it like a precious treasure. He feels his throat closing painfully. It’s getting hard to breathe.
“What are you standing there for, come on! The water’s warm!” your siren’s call almost makes him move. But he can’t. He keeps staring at the picture. He’s smiling there too. His cheeks hurt. You’re both so young and nothing happened yet. His hand rests on your waist there, pulling you closer. Nobody’s around to see it except the clouds and the birds and the last rays of the sun. Jeonghan doesn’t care - the world needs to know you’re his. 
His jaw clenches. His throat hurts, his own body is choking him. His eyes burn. It’s the sun. Just the sun and the thousand little sparks dancing on the waves. You’re so beautiful. Breathtaking, perfect, his. He never wants this moment to end. He just wants to stay here, with the ocean and your laughter in his ears, gentle breeze on his skin, clothes fluttering in the wind, the sun staining everything it touches with the golden filter of nostalgia.
His free hand curls into a fist. Your hand fits perfectly into his, the feeling of your fingers slipping between his makes shiver run down his spine and it doesn’t matter how many times you do it. He hates how empty it feels without you to hold onto. 
And despite the sun, the summer, the heated sand, he’s empty and cold, and his hands tremble and he’s scared he’ll drop the photo and the wind will carry it away. Yet he wishes for it to happen. He can’t stand it. He can’t stand looking at you, you and him, his hand on your waist and his lips on your cheek. Your smile, your eyes - his smile, his foolish, carefree attitude. If the wind picked up the photo, would everything be different? Would the ending change? You’d say that the wind will one day blow it at his door should that happen, and he’d hate it. He does hate it.
“Thank you for taking us here,” your voice in his ear, barely above whisper. Your hands around his waist. Your chin on his shoulder. “I love you.”
Jeonghan jerks so violently that he feels the cold floor under his feet again. The photo in his hand is faded. The room is bright, the walls are white and bare. The boxes are packed and he only needs to carry them to his car. Everything gives off a cold and abandoned feeling that gnaws on his bones. 
It’s no longer summer, you’re not as young as you used to be, and everything happened. He’s only crying because it hurts to breathe. He only protects the photo from his tears because wet paper is harder to burn. He still holds it tenderly. As if it had the power to change things or turn back time.
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nikiferous · 2 years ago
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remembered about my magnum opus aka tma hades au so decided to throw it out there. hades is a rogue-like game with beautiful graphics, amazing story and fantastic characters. and i like tma. it’s bunch of sketches with explainations, one page couldn’t be attached, rip breekon&hope as shopkeepers
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dnfity · 2 months ago
hiiiii 🤍 my name is indy!!
dteamolo and srs dnfer
also im a writer: indigoh on ao3 (and sometimes indytwo)
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header: @/dveam 🫶
under the cut are my favorite fics ive written aka my greatest hits yay!
nosedive into flood lines
17.3k wc | rated e | drunk sex, getting together
description: a shared bottle of rum leads to a drunk hookup, something that just friends don't do. AKA my dnfchains fic my magnum opus a little
fueled by the pyre of your enemies
12.5k wc | rated e | depression, hurt/comfort, sleep deprivation
description: Dream has always been there when George gets sad.
22.2k wc | rated t | sharing a bed, sickfic, non-sexual intimacy
description: on the eve of Dream's 24th birthday, patches goes missing. and it's all George's fault
no grave can hold my body down
10k wc | rated e | soulmate au, time loop
description: all Dream and George have ever known is intimacy without touch. (this is basically a fic where when you touch your soulmate for the first time it takes you to your happiest memory together)
good boy
3.4k wc | rated e | riding, praise kink, dom/sub undertones
description: George rides Dream
like a prayer for which no words exist
22.7k wc | chapters 2/? | rated e | sexuality, internalized homophobia
description: Dream thought that the most difficult thing he'd ever done in his life was when he'd figured out his sexuality through a series of discord calls with his best friend.
destroy myself (just for you)
14.3k wc | rated t | unrequited love from q's side only dnf are in love with each other idk how to really explain this one tbh it just kinda. happened.
description: Quackity finds himself falling in love with George. But George never notices, he's too busy falling in love with Dream instead.
olfactory ethics
1.7k wc | rated t | slight scent kink but not really, non-sexual intimacy, introspection
description: George has always experienced the world through smell
like a movie (you saw in your youth)
1.9k wc | rated m | stripping, VR
description: Dream gets stressed while working on his project. George puts on a little show. AKA George strips for Dream using his fusion tech
when walls fall
1.9k wc | rated t | fem dnf, makeup, developing relationship, almost kiss, pining
description: Georgie doesn't really wear makeup. Georgie doesn't really like makeup. But that doesn't stop her from wanting to try on some of Dreamie's lip tint – the closest thing to Dreamie's kiss Georgie will ever feel.
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ghostiebooo · 3 months ago
why morax is totally the shade of life a google doc by yours truly
after all these years........ i finished my doc....... i believe with like 99% certainty that morax aka rex lapis aka zhongli is the SHADE OF LIFE and ive made a google doc about it !!! i put a lot of heart and soul into this so i hope it reaches people and they like it because genshin lore is something that i really enjoy so :3 have fun reading please at first i posted this to reddit because i thought people there would like it but they were mean to me about things i quite literally go over in the doc so i think that was my mistake for thinking they had media literacy i mean whaaat there are a few leaks if youre worried but not a lot, only what i thought was relevant. :3 message me if you have anything you think i should add to the doc!!!!
(in the tone of find my pages) read my magnum opus
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