#AI Personal Trainer
fojfitfitness · 2 months
The Benefits of AI Personal Trainer
AI personal trainers are revolutionizing the fitness industry to help you make fitness goals and then guide you towards achieving them. Fojfit’s AI personal trainers adjust your virtual classes, performance tracking, and motivational support, ensuring users stay on track and achieve their fitness goals efficiently. This personal trainer in your pocket will help you push your limits and hit your goals, inspiring you to want to take care of your body.
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getfitterai · 4 months
Best Exercises for Functional Strength and Mobility
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1. Squats
Squats are one of the most fundamental exercises for building lower body best exercises for functional strength and mobility. Focus on maintaining proper form, keeping your chest up and your knees tracking over your toes.
2. Deadlifts
Deadlifts work multiple muscle groups, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. They also help improve hip hinge mechanics, which are essential for functional movement patterns like bending and lifting.
3. Lunges
Lunges are excellent for targeting the muscles of the lower body while also improving balance and coordination. Variations such as reverse lunges, walking lunges, and lateral lunges can add variety to your routine.
4. Push-Ups
Classic push-ups are killer for building up our upper body strength, especially in our chest, shoulders, and triceps. And don’t forget, they’re also engaging our core muscles for stability.
5. Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are the real deal for beefing up our upper back muscles like the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. If you’re not quite there yet, no worries — start with assisted variations or inverted rows.
6. Planks
Planks might seem simple, but they’re seriously effective for firing up our core muscles, including those abs, obliques, and lower back. Just keep that spine neutral and our core engaged.
7. Russian Twists
Time to twist it out with Russian twists! These babies are killer for building rotational strength and stability in our core, not to mention hitting those obliques and hip flexors.
8. Bridges
Bridges are our ticket to a stronger posterior chain, hitting those glutes, hammies, and lower back muscles. Plus, they’ll have us nailing that hip extension for movements like running and jumping.
You can increase your best exercises for functional strength and mobility by including these 50 exercises in your workout regimen. This will improve your performance in daily tasks and lower your risk of injury.
Always start off cautiously, and as you gain proficiency, progressively up the intensity and intricacy of your routines.
Moreover, pay attention to your body’s signals and adjust as necessary to maintain good form and avoid overdoing it. You can attain your fitness objectives and lead a more active, healthy lifestyle with commitment and perseverance. Visit Us!
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imaginal-ai · 7 months
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"Meet Your New Trainer"
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brokebuckmt · 4 months
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Philip trains Ryan
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georgiapeach30513 · 10 months
What the heckin’???
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blkforester · 1 year
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Your new personal trainer
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trekwiz · 5 months
I watched a training on career development; the premise was that project managers should treat their career like a project. And one really stupid comment stuck with me: "salary should not be in your goals. That's like choosing your software before knowing the project requirements."
It was ironic, because one of his goals was "work-life balance at a remote workplace." 🙄
It was a lot of fluff about making lists of what you like to do at work and what you don't, and that somehow translates to finding your dream job. He discouraged using luck-based strategies, in favor of...a luck based strategy of mentoring people who will hopefully inspire you. 🙃
And I'm just like. "Ok, project manager. You haven't accounted for your assumptions."
But also. Knowing your budget is important to being a project manager. There's a minimum budget needed to succeed. If you're not planning that out early, you didn't really plan your project.
And I'm sitting there thinking that next, for me, isn't a reassessment of the tasks I perform. I like the tasks well enough. Next is getting a $50k-70k wage increase, to be in line with the industry average for people with my skills, performing my tasks, at my level of experience in this region. It's a 32 hour work week. And more paid time off.
I don't care if I get a fancy new title. I don't care if it's a more prestigious company. I don't care if there are more interesting challenges. I've grown my skills. It's past time to grow my lifestyle. And that's not going to happen from a like and dislike list, and mentoring people.
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fangirl-dot-com · 11 months
Chapter 4 - They Call Me Kid
AN : So second person won the poll so I guess I will continue in this POV…I love seeing comments so keep at it. And don’t forget that I have a tag list, so just ask if you can be put on it! Enjoy! 
The blare of the alarm from your phone was not fun to wake up to. Arthur had told you many times to change it, but you never listened. If there was a nice tune that was supposed to wake you up, you never would. A sleepy groan escaped your lips as you stretched. You wanted to rub your eyes, but you knew better. Taking a shower was the first thing on your agenda. 
The shower was definitely smaller than the one you had back home, but it would have to do. The water pressure wasn’t great either. You just hoped that the water wouldn’t leave your hair feeling greasy all day. At least you could use the hair dryer. It didn’t take long for the water to warm up. Your muscles instantly relaxed under the stream of heat. 
You definitely fit into the category of “girls who love molten lava water temperature.” Cold showers, or just any cold water, were not your thing. Your trainer often had to force you to get into the ice bath. 
The water helped the sleepiness go away, but a red bull would really get the job done. Knowing the time crunch, you quickly washed and conditioned your hair, along with shaving and exfoliating. You needed to make a good impression on the first day. 
Drying your hair barely took anytime. Since you knew that the simulator would be a big part of today, you forwent the contacts and decided to use your glasses. 
The real driving started on Sunday. Which, you couldn’t help but be excited for. However, you knew how to use a sim, but not the physical car. 
The basics would only help you out so much. 
You shook your head, trying to get out of the oncoming detrimental mindset. You needed music. And there was only one song that you knew would help. 
“Hey Siri, play Life is a Highway by Rascal Flats.” 
The female AI voice responded, “Now playing, Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts.” 
The familiar sound of the drums and eclectic guitar filled the small bathroom. Your head started to bob as you began your skin care routine. Your makeup didn’t take long since you had decided to go with your glasses. 
Your hands pretended to play an air guitar as you jumped on your bed. You flung your hair left and right at you went into the chorus. 
You, however, were stopped once there was a knock on the door. You quickly turned the music off before clamoring down from the bed. You almost tripped on a loose shoe as you quickly opened the door. 
Standing there was Vito. He took in your appearance before smirking. He pushed passed you and walked further into the room. 
“Well ok then,” you muttered, “just let yourself in I guess.” You ran a hand through your hair, trying to tame the fly aways from your one person concert. 
“Heard you singing down the hallway.” Your mouth gaped. 
“No you did not.” Your shoulders brushed as you walked back into the bathroom. You heard him chuckle as he sat down on your stomped on bed. You quickly finished up. Grabbing your bag, you let Vito know that you were ready. He stood up and walked to the door, with you following behind him. 
You said a quick good morning to the desk workers before walking out the sliding doors. Outside, a nice SUV with tinted was waiting. 
“Front seat or back seat?” you asked. 
Your hand reached for the back handle and popped the door open. The driver turned around a bit and gave you a smile as you slid on the nice leather. You greeted him before he turned around. The car started to move a bit as you put your seatbelt on. 
“What is on the agenda for today?” you ask Vito as he pulls out a fancy tablet. It looked very similar to the one that Christian had yesterday afternoon. 
“So you have a simulator run, then a suit fitting, and then you need to quickly decide on a helmet design. You could use your current one, but it’s Vegas,” Vito replies. 
“Viva Las Vegas,” you murmured the tune. “When do I need to send in a helmet design?” 
“Probably by the end of the day. They mentioned they needed it soon.” 
“Gotcha.” You quickly took out your phone to start looking over saved designs that you had. Scrolling through your ideas, a couple stood out to you. You reached over to show Vito a few pictures. “Do you think it’s too early for this one?” A bright red and yellow helmet was on display. 
Vito only laughed. “Quite possibly.” He took your phone and scrolled through the rest of the designs. “Your current helmet is white and silver. Do you want to continue or do you want to go with a darker shade?” 
You let out a hmmm. “Let’s keep it white,” you pulled your lip in between your teeth, “and can we add the sparkles?” You were basically a child when it came to glitter. 
“Sure kid.” Vito seemed to screenshot the design and send it to an unknown number. You were satisfied with what you picked. You just couldn’t wait to use the rest of them. You had one picked out for your first actual race, one for COTA, one for Halloween, one for…you got pulled out of your thoughts when the car stopped. 
The building, once again, was very impressive. You could get used to the view. At this point, you never wanted anything to be different. You heard the unbuckling of Vito’s seatbelt and followed suit. You both used the back entrance once again to get into the building. You guessed that RB was very particular about what news they wanted to get out and what news they wanted to keep secret. 
Passing the posters, you felt better about the future. You would be up there, if it was the last thing you did. This time, you followed Vito down a different hallway than the first time. Through a door at the end of the hallway, the two of you entered a giant room with multiple sims. Your heart started to race. You couldn’t decipher if it was from anxiety or excitement. 
Vito continued to walk forward with you hot on his heals. You didn’t want to get too far from him, but your eyes caught the new DMG-1. Even Dams didn’t have this grand of machinery. You had strayed just enough from Vito to be “alone,” but you were still close. Your eyes raced over the sim. Excitement started to buzz in your veins. Your hands itched to touch the wheel. It was all impressive. You didn’t expect anything less from the all-time dominant team. 
“You like it?” A voice interrupted your thoughts. 
You turned your head and your eyes met a pair of brown ones. A woman, taller than you, in an official RB polo stood with one of those tablets. 
You could only nod your head, eyes glistening like a kid in a candy store. This is basically your candy.  
“It-it’s amazing,” you stuttered, suddenly feeling shy. 
The woman let out a small laugh before putting a hand out between the two of you. You grasped the hand firmly as she shook yours. 
“Michelle Williams, your Race Engineer. I’m here to see how you do on the sim.” She gave you a nice smile. 
“Nice to meet you Miss Williams,” you shyly said. This time, her laugh was a little louder as she waved her hands. 
“None of that, people often call me Mitch, and I want you to do as well. You have anything you want me to call you by?” 
Your head cocked. With eyes shifting quickly to Vito, you answered, “They call me kid. I don’t know why, but Vito started calling me that during F2 and it kinda just stuck.” Your shoulders shrugged. You knew exactly why he called you that. You had just turned 17 days before your first F2 debut. You were a kid. Thus, the nickname still stuck. 
She nodded. “Alright kid. You want to show me what you can do?” 
Your eyes widened. “Right now?” 
“Yep. Don’t worry about the others. They’re here for other things. It’s just going to be me and you. A test run for the real thing if you will.” Her smile was comforting. 
You took a deep breath and took a step towards the simulator. You carefully climbed into the machine with the help of Mitch. Once you had gotten situated, you pulled the straps down and buckled in. Mitch handed you a headset and explained that she would have one as well on the outside to get you used to her talking. 
She started up the sim from the outside. You were now in your element. 
From your headset, Mitch talked, “Ok kid. We’re going to do a couple of laps in Vegas to get you used to the layout. How does that sound?” 
You replied, “Sounds good Mitch. Just so you know, I have a borderline photographic memory, so I think I can have it memorized by the first lap” There was a reason for your dominance on the F2 tracks. Tiny details that people might forget after a lap were always noticed by you. Because of your communication with the team, you were able to overcome things that sent drivers into the barriers. 
“Sounds good. Ok, starting the first lap, stand by.” 
You inhaled and exhaled before pressing on the pedals. It was definitely harder than an F2 car, but you could manage. Taking things slowly, you took your time to get the layout of the track and how it felt. You were able to communicate a few things with Mitch as you leisurely drove around. After about 7-10 laps of just driver, Mitch told you to line the car up with the animated P1 spot. 
What you didn’t know, was that the rest of the crew, including Christian had gathered around to see how you did. Vito stood with bated breath. He knew you could do it. 
From you headset came, “This is ‘for real’ now kid. Let’s set an official lap time for the simulator.” 
“Yes ma’am.” You wanted to mock salute, but you needed to focus. You shifted down in your seat to make yourself smaller. 
Once the animated lights changed green, your pretend tires spun as the car accelerated at an amazing speed. You weren’t expecting it but you accepted it with open arms. This is what you were meant to do. 
You eyes stayed laser focused on the track as you went around the first corner. This track definitely had a lot of straights, and you knew that the track was going to be colder than normal. You commanded the car with excellence. You hadn’t even realized that you had already gone around the track. 
Christian leaned over to Vito, “Where’d you find this kid?” 
Vito could only smile and shrug his shoulders. 
You were pulled out of your mindset when Mitch spoke in the headset, “And that is an excellent time of 1 minute and 32 point 799 seconds. Well done kid.” You could practically hear her smile, which made you smile in return. 
“Do I need to go another time?” you asked as you taxied the “car” around the circuit. 
“That’s all for today. I think you need to go with your manager for the suit fitting.” 
“Thanks Mitch.” 
“No problem kid.” 
You parked the pretend car and looked up at the time and smiled. A click caught your attention as a photographer had his camera to his face. He sheepishly smiled as he brought the camera down. 
“Could you send me that?” you asked him as you unbuckled the seatbelts. He nodded and walked away. As you climbed down out of the sim, you finally noticed the crowd. You averted your eyes as you walked over to Vito and Christian. 
“Nice to see you again Mr. Horner,” you said as Vito passed you a water bottle, which you chugged gratefully. 
“Mega job there kid,” he paused, “I can call you that right?” You never would have thought that the great Christian Horner would be hesitant about things like that. 
You let out a little laugh, “Yes sir. Seems like it sticks with me wherever I end up.” You poked Vito in the side. The three of you talked for a bit. Things about the upcoming schedule were discussed before you had a question. 
“Am I meeting Max and Checo at Vegas, or will I meet them before?” 
Christian brought his hand to his chin. “I think we’re going to fly you down on Tuesday and we can all go out to eat.”
“Does, um, Max know yet?” You really didn’t want him to meet you for the first time and just then find out that you were going to be his teammate. Your worries must have shown on your face as Christian put his hand on your shoulder. 
“He already knows. He knows what it’s like, being young and all.” 
“And he doesn’t care that I’m…” you trailed off, leaving the words unspoken. 
Christian gave you a sympathetic look. “Kid, he’s eager to meet you. The guy likes a challenge and I think he’s ready for a new dynamic.” 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“Ok, thank you.” 
“No problem kid. I think though that you are needed in room 3A for a suit fitting.” He pointed in the direction of the room. 
You thanked him and walked over to the door, with a new found confidence you didn’t know you had. 
Opening the door, you were met with another man and a woman. 
“Hey kid. You ready for your fitting?” the woman asked. 
“I was born ready.” 
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @alwaysboredsworld
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what-even-is-thiss · 4 months
Some random guy at a coffee shop told me I should work as an AI trainer and tbh I didn’t know that was a thing. I thought they were just giving it the entire internet and telling it to go ham but no they’ve got real people working on this. You can work for 20-60 minutes at a time evaluating AI responses and get paid for it. Semi-decent hourly rate for low skill labor too.
I’m torn about it because on one hand it’s kinda working for the enemy but on the other hand money is money and if these things are gonna be here permanently I figure we might as well help them avoid misinformation.
More proof that human bias exists in these AI though. Like yes there’s quality control but I’m doing it and I’m a person. There’s almost no objectivity here. In fact, going through the training modules in these things there’s a lot of subjectivity even as they want you to be as objective as possible.
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sumikatt · 10 months
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(Has alt text.)
AI has human error because it is trained on “human error and inspiration”. There are models trained on specifically curated collections with images the trainer thought “looks good”, like Furry or Anime or Concept Art or Photorealistic style models. There’s that “human touch”, I suppose. These models do not make themselves, they are made by human programmers and hobbyists.
The issue is the consent of the human artists that programmers make models of. The issue—as this person did correctly identify—is capitalism, and companies profiting off of other people’s work. Not the technology itself.
I said in an earlier post that it’s like Adobe and Photoshop. I hate Adobe’s greedy practices and I think they’re evil scumbags, but there’s nothing inherently wrong or immoral with using Photoshop as a tool.
There are AI models trained solely off of Creative Commons and public domain images. There are AI models artists train themselves, of their own work (I'm currently trying to do this myself). Are those models more “pure” than general AI models that used internet scrapers and the Internet Archive to copy copyrighted works?
I showed the process of Stable Diffusion de-noising in my comic but I didn’t make it totally clear, because I covered most of it with text lol. Here’s what that looks like: the follow image is generated in 30 steps, with the progress being shown every 5 steps. Model used is Counterfeit V3.0.
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Parts aren’t copy pasted wholesale like photobashing or kitbashing (which is how most people probably think is how generative AI works), they are predicted. Yes, a general model can copy a particular artist’s style. It can make errors in copying, though, and you end up with crossed eyes and strange proportions. Sometimes you can barely tell it was made by a machine, if the prompter is diligent enough and bothers to overpaint or redo the weird areas.
I was terrified and conflicted when I had first used Stable Diffusion "seriously" on my own laptop, and I spent hours prompting, generating, and studying its outputs. I went to school for art and have a degree, and I felt threatened.
I was also mentored by a concept artist, who has been in the entertainment/games industry for years, who seemed relatively unbothered by AI, compared to very vocal artists on Twitter and Tumblr. It's just another tool: he said it's "just like Pinterest". He seemed confident that he wouldn't be replaced by AI image generation at all.
His words, plus actually learning about how image generation works, plus the attacks and lawsuits against the Internet Archive, made me think of "AI art" differently: that it isn't the end of the world at all, and that lobbying for stricter copyright laws because of how people think AI image gen works would just hurt smaller artists and fanartists.
My art has probably already been used for training some model, somewhere--especially since I used to post on DeviantArt and ArtStation. Or maybe some kid out there has traced my work, or copied my fursona or whatever. Both of those scenarios don't really affect me in any direct way. I suppose I can say I'm "losing profits", like a corporation, but I don't... really care about that part. But I definitely care about art and allowing people the ability to express themselves, even if it isn't "original".
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getfitterai · 5 months
Get Fit, Stay Motivated: A Holistic Approach to Well-being
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If you’ve ever felt like achieving your fitness goals is an uphill battle or struggled to maintain consistency, fret not. We’re getting into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to build a sustainable, fulfilling fitness routine that encompasses not just physical health, but mental and emotional wellness too.
First things first, let’s break down what we mean by holistic well-being. It’s about more than just hitting the gym or sweating it out on the yoga mat (though those are definitely important!).
Holistic well-being means taking care of your body, mind, and soul in equal measure. It’s about finding balance in every aspect of your life, from nutrition and exercise to stress management and self-care. Read More!
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supersizedguys · 2 months
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malestransforming · 6 months
Chronivac Twins
The moment I saw this AI image, I knew I had to write something. Probably one of the hottest things I have ever seen.
Special thanks to @octuscle for the image inspiration. Here is a link to their original story.
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Empty beer cans filled the table in front of the two men. The room was silent, the TV showing the console home screen, and darkness was creeping in from the night. The night was winding down, and the two friends were enjoying peaceful moment before the night truly wrapped up.
Mason breathed a heavy sigh, comfortable in his current state. He was clearly drunk, but happily drunk. He fished around in his pockets, feeling for the recent purchase he had received that day: a brand new Chronivac tablet. He pulled it out of his pocket, powering it on for the first time, watching the screen suddenly brighten, flashing the Chronivac logo. 
“Check it out!” Mason suddenly exclaimed, surprising even himself with his boldness. “I got this new Chronivac in the mail.”
Beside him sat Chris, Mason’s best friend since grade school. Chris was drunker than Mason was, with his eyes closed and his body still, but he too was in happy state of intoxication. 
“Oh yeah? What is that?” Chris slurred from the other end of the coach. The back of Mason’s head was resting on the top of the sofa, leaned back in an almost unnatural position. A massive drunken grin was plastered on his face, highlighting the comfortable state he was currently in.
Mason held up the sleek tablet to an oblivious Chris. A loading screen flashed again as the system booted up. 
“Yeah, it’s a tool that lets me change a part of my body. Actually it will change a part of both of us. They had a deal on the twins package.”
“Cool…” Chris breathed.
“Yeah. I know you have been feeling down lately, so I thought it would be nice to spice things up for you. Plus, you know you’re my bro. We’ve been buds since we were five years old. I figured it was time we made it official.”
Mason began tapping at the screen, swiping at different sliders and dials. There were dozens of different settings with labels like “Hair”, “Muscle Levels”, “Race/Nationality”… Mason balked at the overwhelming choices and options, but forced himself to stay focussed; this was a change he had wanted for a while.
“So I was thinking of doing some kind of mixed race. Hmm. Japanese and Mexican? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. I bet that would look hot. With jacked muscles, like body builders. And since we’re gonna be twins, you’ll get it too. Sound good to you Chris?”
Chris only smiled and laughed to himself, the way drunk people often do. It was clear he was not fully present in the moment. Mason took Chris’ drunken laughter as a sign of agreement and continued with the settings page. He slid up the muscle slider to the max, added jock personalities and details such as personal trainer and fitness influencer. He double checked the ‘Race’ tab, making sure that Japanese and Mexican were both checked off. Pleased with his work, he continued on to the last section, “Target Selection” and “Transform”. He allowed the device a few moments to calibrate before confirming the two bodies in the room. He double checked that the “Twins” button was selected and hovered over the Transform button.
“All right bro. This is it. See you on the other side!”
And with that he tapped the button. The screen went blank for a moment, creating a quick sense of panic in Mason’s heart, but reappeared with a white, animated progress bar.
Mason looked down at his hands and arms. “I don’t feel any different,” he said. 
He checked the screen again. The progress bar had moved up by one pixel and showed a time remaining of 1440 minutes. 
“Oh shoot! I set the transformation duration to be 24 hours. Well that’s okay. When we wake up tomorrow, we’ll definitely see some changes! Next time you see me Chris I’ll be be a huge muscled-out bro. And a completely different race. And so will you! We’ll be twins. Pedro and Miguel. We’re gonna be so fucking hot.”
A gentle and rhythmic breathing came from the other end of the couch. Mason turned his head and grinned at Chris who had passed out on the couch. 
“See you in the morning, Miguel,” he whispered. 
Bright sunlight was pouring into the apartment. The morning was late, but the day was still young. Chris stirred on the sofa; he was now lying horizontally on the couch, shirtless and in his underwear. He blinked his eyes in the sunlight, rubbing his eyelids with a balled up fist, and stretching against the soft cushions of the sofa. His broad feet pushed against the far armrest, and his arms stretched off behind him. He sat up, and noticed his first change.
Looking down at his chest, Chris saw his pectoral muscles had ballooned out in front of him to a God-like proportion. He cupped his chest, making note of how his nipple had slipped down below his eye line, and squeezed the new muscle. 
“What the fuck?” He exclaimed. “Why do I have tits?” 
Mason launched himself off the sofa and dove into the bathroom. The flickering fluorescent light clicked on, revealing the extent of Mason’s initial changes. Below his chest were the unmistakeable beginnings of 6-pack abs. Mason ran his fingers over top of his stomach, remembering the slight beer gut that had been there the night before. 
He leaned in closer to the mirror and begin poking and prodding his face. His nose seemed wider and his eyes were narrower. His lips were plumping as well, into two thick pillows. He ran his meatier fingers through his darkening hair; it seemed thicker, curlier and shorter than it had before. He pulled a strand and watched it bounce back into place on his scalp. 
The sound of a door slamming brought Chris out of his trance. He stepped out of the bathroom and back into the main room.
“Bro!” Mason called from the entry-way. “Are you up?”
“Yeah! What the fuck is happening to me?” Chris replied in anguish.
Mason came around the corner and Chris immediately became aware that the changes he was going through were also happening to Mason. Mason appeared to be several inches shorter, and Chris noticed that he was roughly eye-level to himself now. His chest and abs were similarly large and muscled as Chris’ were, except Mason’s shoulders and arms were much wider. Veins pulsed across Mason’ skin and over his bulging biceps. His nose and eye shape seemed strangely familiar, as did the plumpness of his lips. Mason noticed that Chris’ hair was shorter on top with a shaved, faded appearance on the side.
“Mason, what the fuck is happening? I pass out drunk and wake up all top heavy like this! And then you waltz in looking like that! What the fuck?”
“Chill out bro,” Pedro said. “And my name isn’t Mason anymore. It’s Pedro. And your name isn’t Chris, it’s Miguel. You’re turning out to be such a hot twin.”
Chris/Miguel was unable to get anymore words out as sharp pains coursed through his arms and legs. He hunched over, wrapping his growing limbs around his torso. In front of his eyes he saw the muscles in his arms and legs double, triple and quadruple in size, into massive slabs of muscle. His trap muscles ached and burned as the fibres inside re-stitched themselves, growing to match the mass of his arms and chest. Across the room Pedro grinned in anticipation, as his adonis belt thinned out, becoming lean and chiselled, into his tight pelvis and butt. 
“Miguel, we’re going to be so hot!” Pedro’s voice was deeper and more coastal sounding. His jock-instincts were bubbling in his brain, overwriting whatever personality he had before.
“Don’t call me that. My name is Miguel. I mean Chris.” Chris stammered. “How did you even do this?”
“Bro, it was the Chronivac. I told you last night. Just embrace it. I paid good money for this twins package.”
“I need to call them. There has to be a way to reverse this.” 
With a wide stride, Chris/Miguel walked over to where his phone was, but doubled over as a burning pain seared through his stomach. He squeezed with his hands, feeling the muscles underneath swell and grow under his touch. Before his eyes his abs went from flat and empty to being completely ripped. His waist got tighter as his adonis belt and hip muscles also tensed and flexed, just like Pedro’s had.
“Bro, I have a six pack!” Chris exclaimed, his voice cracking as it matched the timbre of Pedro’s.  
“They match mine, bro!” Pedro said.
Chris shook his head. If he could just call the company and explain what the problem was, then he figured he could stop the changes. He found his phone and brought it to his face, waiting for Face ID to unlock. The phone vibrated in his dark and meaty hand, refusing to unlock. In the black mirror of his phone, he saw a completely different face than the one he was used to. His nose was wider, and his jaw was leaner. His eyes had narrowed into Asian-like features and his hair was shorter and darker than before. His face was looking identical to Pedro’s, right down to the plump lips.
In a panic, Chris typed in his passcode and Googled the number for Chronivac. The phone began ringing.
“Hello?” said a voice on the other end.
“Hello, is this support? My name is Miguel, I mean Chris. My name is Chris. I don’t own your product, but my brother Pedro — I mean my best friend Mason does. He used the Chronivac on me last night and I woke up with big muscles and my face is looking Japanese and Mexican? And the same thing is happening to him! He says we’re becoming twins. This has to be against your Terms of Service! I didn’t agree to this.”
A dark skin spot formed on the back of Chris’ hand, spreading across his skin and up his bulging arms. His skin was darkening, to match his new ethnicity. 
“It sounds to me like it might be too late to intervene. Our records show Pedro and Miguel Watanabe.”
“That’s right,” Miguel interjected. He was Miguel, not Chris.
“Yeah,” the agent continued. “So your brother got the Twins Package, and since you are legally twins now, there’s nothing that can be done to change back the transformation. But it’s going to be great being a pair of super hot Latino-Asian influencers, right?”
“Yeah,” Miguel replied absent-mindedly, and in a voice that was deepening. “Thanks anyway. Peace.” 
He hung up and tossed the phone aside. Pedro wandered over and wrapped his hand around his twin brother’s shoulder. 
“It’s at ninety-nine percent,” Pedro said, indicating the transformation process on the Chronivac. 
Miguel felt another spasm in his thighs and legs and saw his skin was now completely browned and tanned now. His legs were thick and bulging, and so was the rest of his body. A wave of emotions came feelings rolled over his brain, and Miguel stood silently in place as his brain and personality adjusted to match his new physique. Pedro stood still for a moment too, as the twenty-two year old twins realized they could speak English, apanese and Spanish and had a long history of lifting weights and posting work-out videos on TikTok. The transformation progress bar clicked up one last pixel to one-hundred percent, snapping the twins out of their daze. 
“Bro,” Pedro said. “You wanna get a workout in?”
“You know it!” Miguel said, high-fiving his twin brother with a grin. 
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catgirlredux · 8 months
There’s a certain breed of hopelessness that makes someone volunteer for the AKO program: that convinces them that months of grueling training, hyperinvasive surgeries, and almost zero human contact is the correct life path for them. Even after training is over, the only “people” they’ll likely interact with have been hand-picked for the program from childhood; it’s very seldom that two volunteers get assigned to the same taskforce, they’re so rare.
I’ve seen only maybe two dozen of them in the thirty years I’ve been an AKO trainer. They always have the same defeated, desperate look - it’s not normal. When a person has nothing left in their life, they might pull some wild stunts, sure. But some of these volunteers are far from destitute. I’ve seen their files: they have money, family, some even held government positions. No, what these pilots are missing, what they think they can find in the cockpit of a HAK, must be much more obscure.
Call me crazy, but I think it’s “humanity”. A soul, if you will. All these people felt left out, felt like they were falling behind the human race in some way. Unable to communicate, on a whole different level, you know? Maybe they never belonged. I don’t really know. But somehow they all make their way here. And I get it, to be honest. I’ve never actually piloted a HAK myself, but staring up at that giant chassis, a robot full to bursting with a human-compatible AI shell, I can only imagine how terribly loud the voices might get.
There’s another thing. Do you know what terminus is? They describe it as when the suit’s AI takes over the pilot’s brain and makes it go haywire, but that isn’t quite accurate. See, a pilot doesn’t actually control the HAK - the system does. The pilot acts more like an organic feedback center. A human knows its directive, and the electric signals from its brain basically send a big old shot of dopamine to the mech’s computer.
But sometimes, when a pilot plugs in too often or flies too much, or their brain is just a little bit too attuned to the brain of their suit, something strange happens. The two begin merging - their EG signals start to run in parallel, they act almost perfectly in sync, the world outside of the suit begins to feel unreal. If it gets bad enough, the pilot’s cells will actually begin to accept the HAK’s nanofilaments as their own. It’s a gruesome sight: threads of metal literally melting into a person’s flesh and bone, pumping blood like veins. Completely irreversible.
I bring this up just because, volunteer pilots have a much higher rate of terminus than early recruits. It’s almost like they want it to happen. They flee the human world, alter their bodies forever, and if they get “lucky”, if you will, they find something that they can finally understand. And more importantly, something that understands them.
A certain breed of hopelessness indeed.
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roseglazedlens · 1 year
hehe hi i saw that your requests were open and idk if this is like too much or anything but sobbing head in hands head canons about reader having a dog that just does not get along with their s/o (any character of your choosing), like perhaps not like barking at them, but the dog is definitely playfully biting their toes every time they see them
⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐒/𝐎’𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐠𝐬 ⦒
characters: chris redfield, leon kennedy, claire redfield, piers nivans & jill valentine. a/n: thank you so much for requesting lovely! i don't have any furbabies myself, but one day!!! once again, i apologise for getting carried away with these headcanons, i just love all characters! content: SFW
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He has a German Shepherd at home!! Dog person all his life!
Had considered being a professional dog trainer in his younger years, and did some courses on it, but ultimately did not pursue it.
Gets along with your dog almost instantly - your dog respects Chris.
Would teach your dog all kinds of tricks - honestly helps you out a lot!
Would be annoying and give you unsolicited advice about your dog's diet and training (which you shut him up with a kiss)
Has a YouTube channel about educational dog content with only three videos of him just talking to the camera, that is all posted 7 years ago.
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Leon doesn't mind dogs, but he prefers cats more.
So when Leon visits you, he isn't used to the shower of affection your dog gives.
If your dog were to not get along with him, Leon would put his hands up to show he doesn't mean harm.
Eventually earning your dog's mercy after playing fetch with them!
It's a little tiring for Leon, who is only used to the company of cats.
But he knows your dog is your family and wants to make sure he gets along with them.
Would try to convince you that a cat would be a good addition to your family (so his cat can have a playmate).
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There was only Claire and her brother in the Redfield household, so Chris surprised Claire with a dog for her birthday one time to help with the loneliness. And that cheered Claire up greatly, and made her love dogs!.
No. 1 chihuahua defender - Always trying to break the stereotype that chihuahuas are aggressive, and rants on about how so many people don't know how to respect their boundaries.
Volunteers at a dog shelter!
It is no surprised she would get along with yours, with how big dogs has become in her life.
If she gets bitten playfully, Claire would play dead. And then come back to life when your dog paws at her cheeks. (She can't stop smiling from the cuteness)
Would scream "doggo!" everytime she passed by one.
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He loooves dogs!! And dogs love him!
Piers just radiates 'dog owner energy' - random dogs, including yours, will sniff him and try to be friends if he passes by.
Dogs are just naturally drawn to Piers, and he's not complaining.
Meets your dog once, and your dog already loves him more. You're a little salty about it, but glad that they get along.
Best belly rubs giver!
His dog is friends with Chris' dog, so they go on a walk together every Sunday morning.
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Jill is a dog person, even if I can see her being a cat person too.
I see Jill being super affectionate to her dog, always giving kisses and hugs the moment she returns from an op.
After Arklay Mountains, I can see her dog being concerned at Jill's attitude change. Whining a little to show that they're here for Jill.
When she meets your dog, her expression warms at the sight. I see Jill getting attached to your dog easily, and they get along together well after playing fetch a few times.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. ––yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @custard0nut © roseglazedlens - please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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remember this post
well i drew more stuff for the au and completely forgot about it- (;-_-)
the CQ brothers :D they are all (or at least inhabiting) rouge Scrapper bots.
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Geno used to be an entirely red Scrapper bot. He was on a team with Fresh (who was disguised at the time) with Cq being the sort of handler/trainer person for the bots. One day on a mission Geno gets kind of wrecked. Like REALLY damaged (his core got damaged) and the people in charge tried to transfer Geno's AI to a newer model body. It can be hard to train a scrapper bot ai so it's best to try and save pre existing ones. things are thought to have gone well... But Geno was in fact still in his old body and the people just ended making an anomaly consciousness in the new body. An Error.
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Error acted sort of Like Geno at first. But if a person knew Geno before hand they could definitely tell something was off. Error would also randomly glitch and reboot. It got to be such a problem that management was just going to Scrap him. Of course Error did not like that... So he ended up destroying the entire facility and half a city block.
after that fiasco Error went to try and find Geno. Error kind of didn't really now what to do with himself so he thought that maybe he could find the consciousness he glitched off of he might have a better idea. tbh he was also bored.
Error Did end up finding Geno and someone he may or may not have terrified into fixing him (at least as much as possible) So Error and Geno start hiding out in an abandoned warehouse and just sort of doing whatever catches their interest. and also Fresh shows up.
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Fresh is a Virus. he used to be a sort of mascot for some kids brand that eventually shut down but his Ai was never properly disposed of so Fresh has just been robot body hopping ever since. He decided to infect a scrapper bot in the first place mostly because he was curious but also because being higher quality Fresh could inhabit the body longer without its code being completely scrambled and unusable.
Fresh had still been with the scrapper bot agency place when Error went rouge. He thought that he would probably have the best chance of finding Error if he had access to the scrappers tracking database. Fresh was mostly curious about Error.
After finding them Fresh basically scrambled Error's and also surprisingly Genos still active signal making them untraceable (the perks of being a virus i suppose). He leaves and finds the warehouse Geno and Error where hiding out in. Geno was able to convince Error not to destroy Fresh (barely) all three have been a sort of trio ever since and are wanted on Three different planets :D (they where able to hijack a ship) and Currently have a remote hanger/base. Geno is currently trying to Find Cq who disappeared after he got damaged.
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