#i tend to spend more time questioning the competence of trainers than getting anything from these courses
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trekwiz · 11 months ago
I watched a training on career development; the premise was that project managers should treat their career like a project. And one really stupid comment stuck with me: "salary should not be in your goals. That's like choosing your software before knowing the project requirements."
It was ironic, because one of his goals was "work-life balance at a remote workplace." 🙄
It was a lot of fluff about making lists of what you like to do at work and what you don't, and that somehow translates to finding your dream job. He discouraged using luck-based strategies, in favor of...a luck based strategy of mentoring people who will hopefully inspire you. 🙃
And I'm just like. "Ok, project manager. You haven't accounted for your assumptions."
But also. Knowing your budget is important to being a project manager. There's a minimum budget needed to succeed. If you're not planning that out early, you didn't really plan your project.
And I'm sitting there thinking that next, for me, isn't a reassessment of the tasks I perform. I like the tasks well enough. Next is getting a $50k-70k wage increase, to be in line with the industry average for people with my skills, performing my tasks, at my level of experience in this region. It's a 32 hour work week. And more paid time off.
I don't care if I get a fancy new title. I don't care if it's a more prestigious company. I don't care if there are more interesting challenges. I've grown my skills. It's past time to grow my lifestyle. And that's not going to happen from a like and dislike list, and mentoring people.
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flamebearrel · 5 years ago
Ness (smash) Steven (su) and Sonic (also smash) for your ask game!
Ness BrOTPs
Snake - Ness has built up a huge admiration for Snake over time - what he’s been through, how he powered through it all, his weapons and abilities and sense of humor and the like. He essentially feels like Snake is a second father figure, and is honestly pretty shy about it. But Snake is happy to spend time with him and makes sure he voices his approval more frequently than usual, cause Ness’s face lights up every time and he finds it so sweet
F!Wii Fit Trainer - As someone interested in athletics but not speedy enough to play competitively, Ness quickly latched onto WFT’s more relaxed fitness and yoga sessions as a way to get moving instead. Over time she effectively became his Cool Aunt that he’d come to with new discoveries and questions! One particular thing they often do together, as a very-confused-with-tech lady and a kid who still lives in the 90s, is try to figure out new tech and ignore anyone who tells them they’re doing it wrong yes I know cameras aren’t new they’re just messing around in the linked example
Toon Link and Lucas - The first pair of people his age that he really clicked with, since Young Link was a lot more solitary and the Ice Climbers just didn’t become part of the super-tight group they formed. These three can find pretty much anything to do together, and they often like to discuss their families. When it comes to competition, their teamwork excels - they’re somehow always in sync, especially with Ness always leading the team (until Villager joined the friend group in 4 and started competing for that role)
Luigi and Dedede - While they don’t usually go out of their way to hang out, the three of them just feel really connected with each other post-Subspace. Expect lots of knowing smiles, inside jokes and eye contact from across the room, to the extent that people know they’ve got secrets but no one ever gets a real hint as to what they are. They will also most certainly team up if they have the chance, but honestly that’s when they do most of their catching up rather than trying that hard to win anything
Steven BrOTPs
What makes this easier is that he forms some kind of relationship with pretty much every character in the show, so let’s talk about a few we don’t get to see him with much!
Jeff - It took a while before they could meet up, since at first Steven only heard about him from Connie and then her cram school started, but when all three finally did (around Change Your Mind time) it was a pleasant surprise to see how many interests they shared. Jeff immediately started looking up to Steven and took to learning about Gem stuff, even volunteering to help with the construction of Little Homeworld! Eventually they start hanging out themselves playing video games and such, and Steven even gives him a warp whistle shortly before the movie so they can meet up more
Nephrite - Steven wanted to spend as much time as he could with Nephrite once she was healed - it was his chance to finally really listen to his friend after so long and he could just feel the excitement radiating from her to be back. For a while she came with him to Homeworld out of wanting to see how it had changed. Hearing others’ stories and tales and being able to tell her own really struck a chord with her, so she started studying therapy - Nephrite was actually the one who helped Steven get into it! In addition, Steven is happy to introduce her to Earth tech, and on his road trip she somehow always manages to sneak up and stop him for a hangout
Blue Zircon - Upon making changes around Homeworld, one of the first things Steven wanted to do was show some appreciation for the more trustworthy faces around there. Immediately he voiced his approval for Blue Zircon, calling to mind her amazing deduction skills from the trial. BZ also feels the trial let her see Steven as someone on her level rather than far above her - there are plenty of occasions where she calls Steven to ask for leadership tips or discuss plans, rather than any other leading Gem
Peedee - Though he doesn’t realize it, once Steven starts managing Little Homeschool he subconsciously makes comments on his work woes as he goes about Beach City. Peedee’s the first to pick up on it, and honestly, he gets it - soon the conversations at the fry shop/tater truck are getting longer and longer before Steven has to go. He recognizes the deflecting and watering down of his problems Schtu-ball tends to do too, and asks cautious questions so both of them have a better outlet when they talk. The realization that they haven’t hung out enough hits hard leading up to Steven’s road trip, so that’s what they do - Steven helps him relax a little more and Peedee helps with the plans
Sonic BrOTPs
I wanna point out that I know enough about Sonic to get all the important characters’ personalities and general dynamics, I just don’t really know the lore :,D so hopefully these are okay ahaha they took a while to think about
Mega Man - Buddies since the comics, and that holds true even to now. When Rock first arrived at Smash, it was the hedgehog that showed him around and helped him settle in - and the actually kinda overwhelmed Rock clung to his arm for quite a while. They like to host friendly competition all the time or poke fun at each other’s slip-ups. Honestly, though, it’s refreshing for Sonic to have a robotic friend rather than an enemy for once; in turn, Rock appreciates having a stable friendship with a former enemy instead of some vague tension-filled team up
Orange and Blue Inklings - During the first Ultimate pool party, Sonic wasn’t the only one who hanging around away from the pool - he was able to click with Amber and Neil almost immediately. The Blue Blur’s found himself completely enamored by the culture of Inkopolis, and these two are happy to share with him their “fresh” fashion tips and lifestyles. And if they so wish, they can become one of the most chaotic trios in the whole Palace
Mario - As much as he tries to play off the aloofness sometimes, Sonic always inevitably draws to Mario in a crowd. His “old man” just makes him feel a lot safer since he always backs him up, whether it’s a tough battle or just messing around (not only will Mario find it hilarious every time Sonic pulls something, half the time he can and will join in). Mario keeps the hedgehog at the top of his list for whenever he’s up for some sports, and while usually Sonic’s too caught up in stuff to join in, he makes sure to mentally cheer for the plumber every time
Shulk - His kind, nerdy vibes remind Sonic of Tails, so he’s more than willing to just walk up and start chatting with the guy. Initially Shulk didn’t think too fondly of him since their priorities and tactics seemed to clash a lot, but when Sonic started telling stories of his friends (specifically Silver and the aforementioned Tails), it definitely grabbed his interest. The two start talking about their own experiences with the future, and their regrets, and it definitely becomes one of Sonic’s more introspective relationships
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hello! can i have a got7 mark!boxer au. when he's a ver professional in boxing, and he got many trophies. but, he makes you worry when he has to go to the boxing championship. make it angst and dluffy and put the rest of got7 thank you^^
Hi, Hello, Anon :) I hope that this scenario that I wrote is what you wanted. It is my first time writing for Got7 so I hope I captured them well enough. As always, thank you for the request~ Enjoy~
Word Count:2,764
Admin KZ
It was almost too bright. The trophies sat neatly placed and polished inside a large case, reflecting the light inside. You could see more than just trophies inside the case, there sat perseverance, success, and dreams achieved. Despite all the happiness one should feel when looking at the trophies, you couldn’t help but see the pain that accompanies each and every one of these trophies, no doubt. The road to success wasn’t as easy, at least for a boxer. You knew that well, not as a boxer, but someone on the outside of the ring.
—Some time ago—
The bells rang out loudly, stirred from their still state. You stepped inside the familiar area looking around to see if you could find anyone you knew. Surprisingly the desk was empty, and the floor was clear of people. It was a bit unusual to see the gym seemingly empty, but you could tell it wasn’t completely empty because you could hear a voice along with rhythmic hits on an object.
You pulled out your phone, with the intention of messaging your friend, and the reason you were here. It wasn’t abnormal to find you here, since you frequently helped out the owner of the gym, the said friend, in order to use the gym as you pleased.
“_______, business or pleasure.” A voice asked you to the right. You turned with a smile, “I was tempted to say pleasure, but if your here Jinyoung, I am not too sure anymore.”
He pointed a finger at you, “Don’t make me kick you out.” He said to you in a serious tone, but the slight curl at the end of his lips told you he was joking.
You look around asking, “Are you the only one working today?”
“No,” Jinyoung responded, as he raises his arm and points his thumb in the direction he came from, “Jaebum is in the ring, with a boxer.”
“Someone I know?” You question curiously.
“Naw.” He says for a second, before continuing, “Well, he comes here occasionally. Mostly trained at the gym Jackson trains at. He came here to find a new trainer. Jaebum likes him.”
You looked down the hallway towards the boxing room, “Can I watch?”
Jinyoung shrugged, “I can’t think of a reason why not.” He grins before adding, “Just don’t be a distraction.”
He walked with you down to the boxing room. The ring stood in the center, and was the most lit up area in the room. So your eyes were immediately drawn to it. Only two people stood in the center of the ring, one you recognized as Jaebum. The second was a man you didn’t recognize. He wore shorts and a light hoodie, but from where you stood you couldn’t get a good look at his face which was covered by his boxing gloves. To be honest his build was not what you thought when thinking boxer. He seemed to be average height and a lean body, not bulked up like you initially imagined. Though what he lacked in muscle he made up for in agility. He moved swiftly and was light on his feet, dodging the hits Jaebum aimed at his body. It was a bit mesmerizing to watch, but that spell ended quickly as he dodged one of Jaebum’s hits and you finally got a look at his face. Quickly taking notice of the other people in the room, he froze his movements as his eyes locked on to yours. He raised his brow slightly in question, wonder swimming in his brown eyes as he looked at you. His eyes, however, were forced to move away from you as Jaebum’s gloved hand came in contact with the side of his face, his head naturally following the momentum of the hit.
The instant you realized what happened you let out a small gasp. You turn to Jinyoung a little worried, “Is he okay?”
He put his hand on your shoulder, “Probably hurt a little, but he wouldn’t be a boxer if he couldn’t handle it.”
With his hand on your shoulder, he guided you to the side of the ring where the two stood. You tuned in to their, mainly one-sided, conversation and listened to Jaebum emphasize the importance of staying focused. After a few more moments, he was done with his lecture and drew the attention to you and Jinyoung. Jaebum leaned on the rope with one arm, and gestured to you, “This is ______. Since you plan on continuing your training here you should get used to seeing her since she will be working one way or another. You already know Jinyoung.”
Mark crouched down, getting a little closer to level with you, but he was still taller.
“I’m Mark,” he said simply. There was a small smile on his lips to go along with his greeting. He held out his right boxing glove directly in front of you. For a second you were confused, until you realized what he was trying to do. You found a smile forming on its own as you held up your own hand in a fist shape and brought your knuckles to his boxing glove, completing the uncommon, and slightly informal, gesture.
It was interesting to look back on once you already knew the path that your life would take. Despite meeting someone who would become the closest being to important, you hadn’t had a single clue at that time. It was also interesting how even if you had known at the time of meeting, you probably wouldn’t change a single thing.
A picture displayed in the case caught your eye, and you smiled. Just looking at the photo brought back the memory of that day, the day your heart surprised even you as it seemingly lept from your chest and into the arms of another.
—-That Day—-
So far, your day had been rather uneventful. You had done some cleaning on the equipment that needed it and you currently sat on a bench just watching those present in the room. Your current entertainment came from two regular boys, Yugyeom and Bambam, who come to “get fit” and would then spend half their time here competing.
You smiled as another worker, Youngjae, came up to you with a few papers in hand.
“Hey, ______. Can you do me a favor and read my assignment over. Just want to be sure it sounds okay.” He asked with a grin.
“ Sure,” you replied with a nod, “I don’t mind.” You really didn’t mind. Youngjae was a nice guy and you liked being able to help him with his school work, even if it was just to read something over. As you focused on reading you tried to tune out the normal gym sounds.
You were approaching the end of the assignment when the slam of the gym doors closing pulled your attention up. Your eyes immediately went to the guy who had his arms spread wide, and you smiled in recognition. He approached you and Youngjae.
“Here to train, Jackson?” You inquired.
“Yes,” he grinned as he flexed his arm, “I figured you missed me, so I decided to get my work out and see my favorite people.”
“Don’t forget to sign in.” Youngjae added quickly, being the diligent worker he is.
“Do I ever.” Jackson replies as he walks to the check-in counter. With Jackson’s grand entrance, you didn’t take notice of the second person until he was leaving the check-in counter.
“Have you met the new boxer?” Youngjae questioned.
“Yeah, Jaebum introduced us. I have seen him a few times in here.”
You watched him as he walked over to the treadmill and began to stretch.
“You!” A Bambam suddenly exclaimed. When you turned to look at him he had a finger pointed at Jackson. “Today we will have a rematch! You. Me. In the ring. 20 minutes.”
You laughed, you don’t know why Bambam always chose to spar with a professional, but it has become a common occurrence when they both happen to be here.
“This should be good.” Youngjae says as he gets up and heads in Bambam and Yugyeom’s direction. Maybe three unprofessional fighters strategizing together stood a chance against one professional, but if past results were anything to go by, it was an unlikely chance.
A few minutes alone were all you were granted as you were surprised to see Mark make his way to you. He shot you a smile before sitting down on the bench next to you.
Awkward didn’t get a chance as you found yourself asking, “How did your fight go?” You had already heard from Jaebum and Jinyoung, but you had a feeling that hearing from the man himself would paint a completely different picture of how things went.
“I won, so that’s something.” He answered quickly with a shrug of his shoulders, though that wasn’t exactly the answer you were looking for.
“So, it was easy?” You question, in order to prompt him to explain in greater detail. You know it was never easy.
“Not exactly.” He responds and for a moment you thought you weren’t going to get anymore out of him. “Sometimes it’s easy. I know the mechanics of it all. Taking hits and dealing hits.” A quick pause, “That’s where things get hard. But I am good at it and that is what matters.”
You watch him as he explains and tighten his laces. He is serious as he speaks and as he leans back to upright position you take notice of a bit of discoloration on his right jaw. Before your mind can catch up with your body’s actions, you reach out and lightly poke the healing bruise.
He looks at you as you make contact with his skin, you can see the slight confusion in his eyes. Before things had the chance to get weird you quickly speak, “Sorry.”
He smiles as his own hand reaches up to touch the bruise, “Don’t be. You were probably just wondering.” He pokes at the bruise to prove his point, “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Do you get hurt often as a boxer?” You question.
“It’s rare if I don’t have a bruise here or an ache there after a fight. Though every injury is only temporary, I tend to heal fast.”
As he explains, you wince as you imagine what Mark willingly experiences, “Wow. It must be hard.” You take a moment to think it over before asking, “It’s hard on you, but it must also be hard on your significant other, too.”
At the mention of a girlfriend, he turns to you, amusement in his eyes, “It probably would be, but that position is currently open…” He nudges you gently, “Just in case you were curious.”
You could feel the shock of his suggestion, and your face must have clearly mimicked how you felt because Mark let out a chuckle.
“I don’t think you want me to fill that position. I am not very strong.” That is what you believed to be true. You knew that seeing anyone you cared for hurting would hurt you in return. “Besides,” you add quickly, “I am sure there are more suitable people to fill that spot for you.”
You could feel his gaze on you as he listened to your words. He seemed to think for a moment before standing up, “Maybe” he simply said, as he reached his hand out in front of you. Like always, you bring your knuckles to his, “or maybe not.”
You could feel your body react as your face grew warm. You met his eyes and he answered with a smile, before turning around and heading off to train.
A couple of hours passed rather chaotically with the presence of the younger guys, but it was quelled with the reappearance of Jaebum and Jinyoung. They called everyone together as Jaebum set a camera up on a tripod. You stay seated as you watched Jackson and BamBam fight for the center. Youngjae and Yugyeom kneeled, front and center. Jinyoung was on the right standing next to Bambam as Mark mirrored him on the opposite side next to Jackson. Jaebum called out to you and waved at you, beckoning you to join. You stood and braced yourself to go stand beside Mark. With everyone finally together, Jaebum pressed the button and quickly joined in next to Jinyoung.
Everyone posed as smiles adorned everyone’s face.
You feel a weight on your shoulder and your body is pulled into a completely new center.
You look up a little and see Mark smiling brightly at you. You naturally return it, like your smile was meant to respond to his.
The familiar slam of the locker room door pulled you away from your memory and drew  your eyes on to the figure who walked in your direction. He walked with a towel on his head, and his hands worked to dry his damp hair. You would have smiled at the sight of him, if not for the several ice packs that were attached to him in an attempt to ease the pain he was feeling. This is what bothered you the most, knowing he was in pain. You could almost hate boxing, but you couldn’t, not really. What type of significant other would you be if you hated something he loved to do.
He took notice of another presence, and looked up making eye contact with you. He smiled as soon as he laid eyes on you, but that still confused you after all this time. How could he seem as if he couldn’t feel any pain the instant he lays eyes on you. He didn’t ever really say directly that he was in pain, but there were times where it was obvious. For instance, when he would let out a groan to stand or sit, or when he would flinch as you hugged him a little too tight.
No matter how long he has been a boxer, seeing him hurt was something you would never get used to. Like most loved ones of a boxer, you worried whether or not one day he could step in the ring and never step out. Your concern was reawakened by Mark’s upcoming match against a formidable opponent, who gave Mark trouble in their last fight. Just the thought of him getting hurt was enough to make your breath short and tears form in your eyes on the brink of spilling over.
Upon seeing your weak smile and your teary eyes, Mark closed the distance between you and wrapped his arms around you. He knew it was hard for you to see him in any state of pain, and he completely understood your dislike for this aspect of his life. You wouldn’t ask him to change now, after all this was all he knew, as he once told you before.
He leaned back a little to look you in the eyes, “I’m okay.” He tried to reassure you, but the ice packs were making his argument lose its strength. You eyed his ice pack before meeting his eyes, one eyebrow raised in question.
“Yeah. My current look isn’t very convincing.” He said, “But I know the perfect remedy. It never fails.”
“What’s that?” You question, curious why he never told you about this treatment.
He grins as he answers, “A kiss for each spot I feel pain, and a hug, just for good measure.”
“I thought you were being serious!” You nearly shout, feeling your cheeks flare up with a familiar heat.
“I am.” He says seriously, “If you are anywhere near me, I feel better. The pain is tolerable, if I even have any.” He grabs your hands as he continues, “I promise to be careful. I know my limits, so if a fight seems too big for me, I will decline.”
You smile, you know he was too careful when he is in the ring. You look down at your feet, he hasn’t broken a promise and you trust him, “I know.”
He taps your chin, “Hey, chin up. I don’t want you down and out.”
You grin seeing the affection the eyes before you hold, “Don’t count me out yet.”
“I would never, just wanted to make sure you know that.” He said as he held up his fist and just like the first time you fit your knuckles in between his. Your own way of showing support for one another, like every time before and every time after.
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theaccountsonpoint-blog · 6 years ago
7 Common Mistakes Made by Fitness Businesses
Once people decide they want professional fitness help, they’re spoiled for choice. Take my local shops for example - there are four gyms/fitness studios within 100m of each other! The flipside of this is that people also tend to lose motivation or forget about their fitness goals quite quickly.
What does this mean for you? Well, unless you're one of the mega fitness brands, you've got to work your butt off to attract and convert new clients. Then you've got to pay close attention to other aspects of your business or you may not be able to retain those clients, or profit.
I’m not a personal trainer and have never run a gym,  I just want to share the results of surveys/interviews I’ve done with close to 100 fitness professionals (both clients and non-clients).
Here’s the shortlist.
Things to avoid when you’re running a gym or personal training studio
These common mistakes are here to help you. As you read, just remember:
- Everyone makes some or all of these mistakes at some point.
- It's valuable to pinpoint problems so you can set a path for continuous improvement.
- These mistakes are VERY inter-related. If you fix one thing it will improve other areas too.
1. Working too hard/long hours
Many of us start a business for a better lifestyle but, sadly, it is much more common for business owners to be working an unhealthy number of hours each week.
If you've started a fitness business and you're feeling overworked and underpaid you need to know that you're not alone - you're in the majority. This ultra-competitive industry requires that you put yourself out there on social media and everywhere else possible so that you have a good shot at success. This means failure is very public. Maybe that's a good thing? Some of us work better under pressure.
If you don't have anyone helping you with your clients, your day is probably something like this....
- Get up at 4:20am for the early sessions 
- Work your butt off during the day to get things done  
- Take breaks whenever you have a few moments 
- Try to look energetic for the evening sessions 
- Get home late
- Post and comment on social media 
- Then, just when you try to sit down and relax you get client messages or new enquiries via Messenger. You can't ignore those!
Sound familiar? This 'mistake' is actually a symptom of other root causes mentioned below. I think everyone starts out working like this out of necessity. It's manageable in the beginning due to the excitement of it all - but it's not sustainable.
2. Not having a well defined target market
How do you compete with 24-hour gyms or massive franchises that have a seemingly endless marketing budget? The answer may be to narrow your focus on a target market, or to specialise/niche.
If you haven't yet niched it might be because you're worried that specialising in something may deter other 'would be' clients. Well it might deter a few. On the other hand, if someone is looking for a new fitness solution, what is it that would currently attract them to your business rather than a super well known and trusted brand?
Being unique and promoting your point of difference has three advantages:
   1) It tends to attract the sort of people you want
   2) You’re more likely to provide an amazing service that will keep them with you 
   3) They’re more likely to spread the word
Is there something about your business that people would actively search for and when they find you they would think: This is it!
3. Poor financial management
Fitness businesses aren't alone on this one. Poor financial management is the leading cause of small business failure.
The thing about the fitness industry, is that most trainers or instructors are working to build up their client base and can't really spare time or money to manage the finances properly. A lot of people spend more time and money on marketing to increase revenue - but don't stick your head in the sand. It's important to know your numbers even if they’re pretty small at the moment. Knowing your numbers may provide extra motivation for improvement.
If you already have the finances sorted when big changes happen, such as registering for GST or suddenly making a bigger profit, then you won’t be caught off guard. The tax office doesn't accept ignorance as an excuse and having a tax debt makes running a business much harder.
4. Not creating systems
                                     "Let systems run the business..."                                                  Michael Gerber
But who has time to develop systems when they're starting a business? Well, when you consider that 94% of problems with a business are systems driven and only 6% due to people (Deming), it makes sense to work on the 94%.
Here’s the good news: you already have systems for your business, even if you haven't documented them. You just need to get them out of your head.
Years ago, I used to type up static manuals for business processes but that's all changed. Now we create an online directory of every process and fill each module with video and screenshots or easy-to-update text.
This seemingly boring task seems way more interesting when you consider the big benefits:
- Improved quality
- Improved client satisfaction
- Improved client retention
- Increased referrals
- A more professional perception
- Increased perceived value and higher fees
- Optimised marketing
- Optimised sales
- Optimised training
- Optimised management
- Improved team satisfaction
- A higher business valuation
- The prospect of franchising 
I'll stop there but, honestly, the implementation and continuous improvement of systems is what separates the leaders from the pack.
5. Going it alone
                                 "... and let people run the systems"                                             Michael Gerber, again
Most fitness businesses are started by one or two people who are running all the sessions themselves and trying to balance all other business tasks in their down time. This is OK in the very beginning but then it's common to get stuck in 'no man's land'.
You'll become too busy to do anything properly and your business will suffer, not to mention your mental health.
There are some tasks that could actually be done better by someone else for a cost that makes sense. Consider things like cleaning, bookkeeping, social media management…
Then, imagine finding an amazing trainer/instructor who could handle 12 sessions a week. Your time could then be spent on business improvements that are much more valuable than running sessions. If you're worried about what your clients would think, don't worry, you can focus on retention activities that may make them even happier than they were before.
The business is so much more valuable to a buyer once the separation of owner and operations is complete. In fact, it's nearly impossible to sell if you haven't done this to some extent.
And one more thing about going it alone... wouldn't you like to have a holiday?
6. Thinking you can't afford or not ready for the software you need
Software can seem expensive but there are so many benefits.
I have noticed how those who make the leap and fork out for good software suddenly find themselves signing up more clients. They become busier with more clients and couldn't imagine coping without the software.
On the other hand, those who hold off seem to be constantly struggling.
Why is that? Maybe it's because the software gives a more professional appearance, which attracts customers.
Here are a few reasons it can make life easier for you and your clients.
Good software efficiently manages payments. This gives you a consistent and predictable cash flow. The majority of fitness clients actually find this better than having to have the right cash or purchase 10 packs through a weird system. Direct debit is set and forget - for them and you.
It also efficiently manages bookings or scheduling. Clear communication around schedules is vital for your business. Why wouldn’t you optimise that?
This sort of software can help you grow. Maybe it's the retention work you can do with the software that gives the competitive edge. Or perhaps it’s the marketing capabilities they include if you integrate them with marketing apps.
However it happens for you, after some growth (if not from the start) you'll need good accounting software - not only to help you stay out of financial trouble but also to know your numbers, set targets and monitor your performance.
                                “That which is measured, improves”
                                               Peter Drucker
7. Thinking you're too busy to spend time on service and satisfaction
To be honest, there were tonnes of "being too busy to..." type mistakes in the survey responses, but there was a lot of overlap so I've narrowed it down to the three key areas.
I've also changed the title of the mistake from "being too busy to" to "thinking you're too busy too". My reason for this is that these things are so important in the fitness industry that if you don't attend to them regularly they will come back to bite you.
They're not just “nice to haves” - they're critical.
If you spend hours on social media each day, that's great, but it may be more effective to to spare a bit of time on:
Improving your services (REFERRALS, CLIENT ATTRACTION AND RETENTION) You're probably already continuously educating yourself on health, fitness and nutrition. That learning is an amazing building block for new services and the continuous improvement of existing services. Service improvement is a leading determinant for referrals, client attraction and retention.         
Checking customer satisfaction (REFERRALS, RETENTION)                                    Trying to sense the vibe of customer satisfaction probably isn't good enough. You're probably too busy to have one-on-one chats with everybody, so consider using your software to periodically send out a three question survey. This could highlight problem areas fast, shows changes over time, and let you know the winning elements that shouldn't be changed.  
Checking team satisfaction (TEAM RETENTION, CLIENT SATISFACTION, REFERRALS) How’s the team doing? This should also be systematically checked. Even if you've got bulletproof hiring and training systems, when a team member leaves it's a major disruption, and a black hole for money and your time.
Keeping your team highly engaged and proud of the business should reduce team turnover and mitigates the risk of them leaving on bad terms. You need to look after your crew so well that they don't start looking for work elsewhere or, worse still, decide to build up their own client base in direct competition with you.
Some of the fitness people who helped with this article had ways of lessening the impact of these 7 mistakes through additional revenue streams like online coaching, online training courses and product sales. I'd love to hear about your fitness business if it's immune to any of these 7 mistakes. I’d also love to know I've missed anything so get in touch in the comments section to add your experiences.
Simon Birdsall
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airoasis · 6 years ago
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/10-ways-to-have-a-better-conversation-celeste-headlee/
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
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All right, I wish to see a show of fingers: what number of of you will have unfriended any individual on facebook considering they mentioned anything offensive about politics or religion, childcare, food? (Laughter) And what number of of you already know as a minimum one individual that you just restrict on account that you simply do not wish to talk to them? (Laughter) you already know, it used to be that with the intention to have a well mannered dialog, we simply needed to comply with the recommendation of Henry Higgins in "My fair girl": stick with the climate and your wellness. However these days, with climate change and anti-vaxxing, these topics — (Laughter) aren’t risk-free both. So this world that we are living in, this world wherein every dialog has the skills to devolve into an argument, the place our legislators can not communicate to at least one one more and where even the most trivial of issues have anybody combating both passionately for it and towards it, it can be not natural. Pew research did a be trained of 10,000 American adults, and so they determined that at this second, we are more polarized, we are extra divided, than we ever were in history. We’re much less likely to compromise, which means that we’re now not listening to each other. And we make selections about the place to are living, who to marry and even who our pals are going to be, based on what we already think.Again, that means we’re not listening to each other. A dialog requires a balance between speaking and listening, and somewhere alongside the best way, we misplaced that steadiness. Now, part of that is as a result of science. The smartphones that you just all either have to your fingers or close enough that you just might grasp them fairly swiftly. Consistent with Pew study, a couple of 1/3 of yank teens ship greater than a hundred texts a day. And lots of of them, just about most of them, are more likely to textual content their friends than they’re to talk to them nose to nose. There’s this best piece in the Atlantic. It used to be written by using a high school trainer named Paul Barnwell. And he gave his kids a conversation project. He wanted to coach them the best way to communicate on a certain subject with out utilizing notes. And he mentioned this: "I came to realise…" (Laughter) "I got here to appreciate that conversational competence possibly the single most overlooked talent we fail to educate. Youngsters spend hours on a daily basis enticing with strategies and each other by means of displays, but hardly ever do they have an opportunity to hone their interpersonal communications competencies.It would sound like a humorous query, but we must ask ourselves: Is there any 21st-century skill more main than being capable to maintain coherent, positive conversation?" Now, I make my residing speaking to men and women: Nobel Prize winners, truck drivers, billionaires, kindergarten teachers, heads of state, plumbers. I talk to humans that i like. I talk to men and women that i don’t like. I speak to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal degree. However I nonetheless have a great conversation with them. So i’d wish to spend the following 10 minutes or so educating you the best way to speak and how one can hear. Many of you have got already heard plenty of advice on this, things like seem the person within the eye, believe of interesting subject matters to discuss upfront, seem, nod and smile to show that you’re paying concentration, repeat back what you simply heard or summarize it. So i need you to omit all of that. It’s crap. (Laughter) there is not any cause to gain knowledge of the way to exhibit you’re paying concentration in case you are in fact paying concentration. (Laughter) (Applause) Now, I in reality use the particular identical talents as a respectable interviewer that I do in usual life.So, i’m going to educate you how one can interview persons, and that is sincerely going to aid you study the way to be better conversationalists. Learn to have a dialog without wasting your time, without getting bored, and, please God, with out offending any person. We have all had relatively first-class conversations. We have now had them before. We all know what it can be like. The kind of conversation the place you walk away feeling engaged and influenced, or where you feel like you’ve gotten made a real connection or you’ve been perfectly understood. There is not any intent why most of your interactions can not be like that. So i have 10 normal ideas. I’m going to stroll you by means of all of them, but honestly, when you simply pick certainly one of them and master it, you can already enjoy higher conversations. Quantity one: do not multitask. And i do not imply just set down your cell telephone or your pill or your vehicle keys or something is to your hand.I imply, be present. Be in that second. Don’t feel about your argument you had together with your boss. Don’t suppose about what you are going to have for dinner. If you wish to get out of the conversation, get out of the dialog, but do not be 1/2 in it and half of out of it. Number two: don’t pontificate. If you wish to state your opinion without any possibility for response or argument or pushback or progress, write a web publication. (Laughter) Now, there may be a rather just right motive why i do not enable pundits on my show: considering the fact that they may be quite boring. If they are conservative, they are going to hate Obama and meals stamps and abortion. If they’re liberal, they’ll hate huge banks and oil organisations and Dick Cheney. Utterly predictable. And you do not want to be like that.You need to enter each conversation assuming that you have some thing to gain knowledge of. The famed therapist M. Scott p.C. Stated that true listening requires a surroundings aside of oneself. And sometimes that means setting apart your personal opinion. He stated that sensing this acceptance, the speaker will emerge as less and no more prone and increasingly likely to open up the interior recesses of his or her mind to the listener. Again, assume that you have whatever to be taught. Invoice Nye: "every person you will ever meet is aware of whatever that you don’t." I put it this manner: everybody is an informed in anything. Quantity three: Use open-ended questions. In this case, take a cue from journalists. Begin your questions with who, what, when, where, why or how. For those who put in a complex question, you’re going to get a simple reply out. If I ask you, "were you terrified?" you are going to respond to the most powerful word in that sentence, which is "terrified," and the answer is "yes, I was once" or "No, I wasn’t." "were you irritated?" "yes, I was very angry." let them describe it. They’re the ones that know.Try asking them things like, "What was once that like?" "How did that believe?" considering then they could ought to stop for a second and think about it, and you’re going to get a way more exciting response. Number 4: waft. That means ideas will come into your mind and also you must allow them to go out of your intellect. We have heard interviews frequently where a guest is speakme for a few minutes and then the host comes back in and asks a question which seems adore it comes out of nowhere, or it can be already been answered. That implies the host most often stopped listening two minutes ago seeing that he concept of this really clever question, and he was simply certain and decided to assert that.And we do the distinctive equal factor. We’re sitting there having a dialog with any individual, after which we do not forget that point that we met Hugh Jackman in a coffee store. (Laughter) And we discontinue listening. Studies and suggestions are going to come back to you. You must let them come and allow them to go. Number five: If you do not know, say that you don’t know. Now, persons on the radio, peculiarly on NPR, are far more mindful that they’re occurring the file, and so they’re extra cautious about what they declare to be an trained in and what they declare to know for certain.Do that. Err on the aspect of caution. Speak should not be affordable. Quantity six: do not equate your expertise with theirs. If they’re speaking about having misplaced a family member, do not talking in regards to the time you lost a household member. If they may be speaking concerning the predicament they’re having at work, don’t tell them about how much you hate your job. It is not the same. It is not ever the identical. All experiences are individual. And, more importantly, it is not about you. You don’t have got to take that second to show how mighty you might be or how much you have got suffered. Anyone asked Stephen Hawking once what his IQ was, and he mentioned, "I haven’t any concept. Men and women who brag about their IQs are losers." (Laughter) Conversations usually are not a promotional possibility. Quantity seven: try to not repeat yourself. It can be condescending, and it is fairly boring, and we tend to do it a lot. Principally in work conversations or in conversations with our kids, we’ve a factor to make, so we simply keep rephrasing it again and again.Don’t do this. Quantity eight: keep out of the weeds. Frankly, humans do not care concerning the years, the names, the dates, all those important points that you’re struggling to provide you with on your intellect. They do not care. What they care about is you. They care about what you are like, what you will have in customary. So fail to remember the details. Leave them out. Quantity 9: this is not the final one, however it’s the primary one. Pay attention. I can’t inform you how many fairly most important humans have stated that listening is perhaps probably the most, the quantity one essential talent that you just might strengthen. Buddha mentioned, and i am paraphrasing, "in case your mouth is open, you are now not studying." And Calvin Coolidge stated, "No man ever listened his means out of a job." (Laughter) Why will we now not pay attention to one another? Quantity one, we might as an alternative talk. After I’m speaking, i am in control. I do not have to hear some thing i am now not interested by.I am the middle of attention. I will bolster my own identity. However there is another reason: We get distracted. The usual man or woman talks at about 225 phrase per minute, but we are able to listen at as much as 500 phrases per minute. So our minds are filling in these different 275 words. And look, i do know, it takes effort and vigor to clearly pay attention to anybody, but when you can’t do this, you’re no longer in a dialog. You’re just two individuals shouting out barely associated sentences within the same location. (Laughter) You have got to hear to at least one another. Stephen Covey stated it very fantastically. He mentioned, "Most of us don’t pay attention with the intent to fully grasp. We listen with the intent to answer." yet another rule, number 10, and it’s this one: Be temporary. (Laughter) (Applause) All of this boils right down to the equal normal inspiration, and it’s this one: Be interested in different men and women.You know, I grew up with an extraordinarily famous grandfather, and there was once style of a ritual in my house. Humans would come over to speak to my grandparents, and after they would depart, my mom would come over to us, and he or she’d say, "do you know who that was once? She used to be the runner-up to overlook america. He was the mayor of Sacramento. She gained a Pulitzer Prize. He is a Russian ballet dancer." and i form of grew up assuming everybody has some hidden, robust factor about them.And honestly, I feel it can be what makes me a better host. I keep my mouth shut as more often than not as I most likely can, I maintain my intellect open, and i’m always all set to be amazed, and i am under no circumstances upset. You do the identical thing. Exit, speak to individuals, hearken to folks, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed. Thanks. (Applause) .
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batterymonster2021 · 6 years ago
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/10-ways-to-have-a-better-conversation-celeste-headlee/
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
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All right, I wish to see a show of fingers: what number of of you will have unfriended any individual on facebook considering they mentioned anything offensive about politics or religion, childcare, food? (Laughter) And what number of of you already know as a minimum one individual that you just restrict on account that you simply do not wish to talk to them? (Laughter) you already know, it used to be that with the intention to have a well mannered dialog, we simply needed to comply with the recommendation of Henry Higgins in "My fair girl": stick with the climate and your wellness. However these days, with climate change and anti-vaxxing, these topics — (Laughter) aren’t risk-free both. So this world that we are living in, this world wherein every dialog has the skills to devolve into an argument, the place our legislators can not communicate to at least one one more and where even the most trivial of issues have anybody combating both passionately for it and towards it, it can be not natural. Pew research did a be trained of 10,000 American adults, and so they determined that at this second, we are more polarized, we are extra divided, than we ever were in history. We’re much less likely to compromise, which means that we’re now not listening to each other. And we make selections about the place to are living, who to marry and even who our pals are going to be, based on what we already think.Again, that means we’re not listening to each other. A dialog requires a balance between speaking and listening, and somewhere alongside the best way, we misplaced that steadiness. Now, part of that is as a result of science. The smartphones that you just all either have to your fingers or close enough that you just might grasp them fairly swiftly. Consistent with Pew study, a couple of 1/3 of yank teens ship greater than a hundred texts a day. And lots of of them, just about most of them, are more likely to textual content their friends than they’re to talk to them nose to nose. There’s this best piece in the Atlantic. It used to be written by using a high school trainer named Paul Barnwell. And he gave his kids a conversation project. He wanted to coach them the best way to communicate on a certain subject with out utilizing notes. And he mentioned this: "I came to realise…" (Laughter) "I got here to appreciate that conversational competence possibly the single most overlooked talent we fail to educate. Youngsters spend hours on a daily basis enticing with strategies and each other by means of displays, but hardly ever do they have an opportunity to hone their interpersonal communications competencies.It would sound like a humorous query, but we must ask ourselves: Is there any 21st-century skill more main than being capable to maintain coherent, positive conversation?" Now, I make my residing speaking to men and women: Nobel Prize winners, truck drivers, billionaires, kindergarten teachers, heads of state, plumbers. I talk to humans that i like. I talk to men and women that i don’t like. I speak to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal degree. However I nonetheless have a great conversation with them. So i’d wish to spend the following 10 minutes or so educating you the best way to speak and how one can hear. Many of you have got already heard plenty of advice on this, things like seem the person within the eye, believe of interesting subject matters to discuss upfront, seem, nod and smile to show that you’re paying concentration, repeat back what you simply heard or summarize it. So i need you to omit all of that. It’s crap. (Laughter) there is not any cause to gain knowledge of the way to exhibit you’re paying concentration in case you are in fact paying concentration. (Laughter) (Applause) Now, I in reality use the particular identical talents as a respectable interviewer that I do in usual life.So, i’m going to educate you how one can interview persons, and that is sincerely going to aid you study the way to be better conversationalists. Learn to have a dialog without wasting your time, without getting bored, and, please God, with out offending any person. We have all had relatively first-class conversations. We have now had them before. We all know what it can be like. The kind of conversation the place you walk away feeling engaged and influenced, or where you feel like you’ve gotten made a real connection or you’ve been perfectly understood. There is not any intent why most of your interactions can not be like that. So i have 10 normal ideas. I’m going to stroll you by means of all of them, but honestly, when you simply pick certainly one of them and master it, you can already enjoy higher conversations. Quantity one: do not multitask. And i do not imply just set down your cell telephone or your pill or your vehicle keys or something is to your hand.I imply, be present. Be in that second. Don’t feel about your argument you had together with your boss. Don’t suppose about what you are going to have for dinner. If you wish to get out of the conversation, get out of the dialog, but do not be 1/2 in it and half of out of it. Number two: don’t pontificate. If you wish to state your opinion without any possibility for response or argument or pushback or progress, write a web publication. (Laughter) Now, there may be a rather just right motive why i do not enable pundits on my show: considering the fact that they may be quite boring. If they are conservative, they are going to hate Obama and meals stamps and abortion. If they’re liberal, they’ll hate huge banks and oil organisations and Dick Cheney. Utterly predictable. And you do not want to be like that.You need to enter each conversation assuming that you have some thing to gain knowledge of. The famed therapist M. Scott p.C. Stated that true listening requires a surroundings aside of oneself. And sometimes that means setting apart your personal opinion. He stated that sensing this acceptance, the speaker will emerge as less and no more prone and increasingly likely to open up the interior recesses of his or her mind to the listener. Again, assume that you have whatever to be taught. Invoice Nye: "every person you will ever meet is aware of whatever that you don’t." I put it this manner: everybody is an informed in anything. Quantity three: Use open-ended questions. In this case, take a cue from journalists. Begin your questions with who, what, when, where, why or how. For those who put in a complex question, you’re going to get a simple reply out. If I ask you, "were you terrified?" you are going to respond to the most powerful word in that sentence, which is "terrified," and the answer is "yes, I was once" or "No, I wasn’t." "were you irritated?" "yes, I was very angry." let them describe it. They’re the ones that know.Try asking them things like, "What was once that like?" "How did that believe?" considering then they could ought to stop for a second and think about it, and you’re going to get a way more exciting response. Number 4: waft. That means ideas will come into your mind and also you must allow them to go out of your intellect. We have heard interviews frequently where a guest is speakme for a few minutes and then the host comes back in and asks a question which seems adore it comes out of nowhere, or it can be already been answered. That implies the host most often stopped listening two minutes ago seeing that he concept of this really clever question, and he was simply certain and decided to assert that.And we do the distinctive equal factor. We’re sitting there having a dialog with any individual, after which we do not forget that point that we met Hugh Jackman in a coffee store. (Laughter) And we discontinue listening. Studies and suggestions are going to come back to you. You must let them come and allow them to go. Number five: If you do not know, say that you don’t know. Now, persons on the radio, peculiarly on NPR, are far more mindful that they’re occurring the file, and so they’re extra cautious about what they declare to be an trained in and what they declare to know for certain.Do that. Err on the aspect of caution. Speak should not be affordable. Quantity six: do not equate your expertise with theirs. If they’re speaking about having misplaced a family member, do not talking in regards to the time you lost a household member. If they may be speaking concerning the predicament they’re having at work, don’t tell them about how much you hate your job. It is not the same. It is not ever the identical. All experiences are individual. And, more importantly, it is not about you. You don’t have got to take that second to show how mighty you might be or how much you have got suffered. Anyone asked Stephen Hawking once what his IQ was, and he mentioned, "I haven’t any concept. Men and women who brag about their IQs are losers." (Laughter) Conversations usually are not a promotional possibility. Quantity seven: try to not repeat yourself. It can be condescending, and it is fairly boring, and we tend to do it a lot. Principally in work conversations or in conversations with our kids, we’ve a factor to make, so we simply keep rephrasing it again and again.Don’t do this. Quantity eight: keep out of the weeds. Frankly, humans do not care concerning the years, the names, the dates, all those important points that you’re struggling to provide you with on your intellect. They do not care. What they care about is you. They care about what you are like, what you will have in customary. So fail to remember the details. Leave them out. Quantity 9: this is not the final one, however it’s the primary one. Pay attention. I can’t inform you how many fairly most important humans have stated that listening is perhaps probably the most, the quantity one essential talent that you just might strengthen. Buddha mentioned, and i am paraphrasing, "in case your mouth is open, you are now not studying." And Calvin Coolidge stated, "No man ever listened his means out of a job." (Laughter) Why will we now not pay attention to one another? Quantity one, we might as an alternative talk. After I’m speaking, i am in control. I do not have to hear some thing i am now not interested by.I am the middle of attention. I will bolster my own identity. However there is another reason: We get distracted. The usual man or woman talks at about 225 phrase per minute, but we are able to listen at as much as 500 phrases per minute. So our minds are filling in these different 275 words. And look, i do know, it takes effort and vigor to clearly pay attention to anybody, but when you can’t do this, you’re no longer in a dialog. You’re just two individuals shouting out barely associated sentences within the same location. (Laughter) You have got to hear to at least one another. Stephen Covey stated it very fantastically. He mentioned, "Most of us don’t pay attention with the intent to fully grasp. We listen with the intent to answer." yet another rule, number 10, and it’s this one: Be temporary. (Laughter) (Applause) All of this boils right down to the equal normal inspiration, and it’s this one: Be interested in different men and women.You know, I grew up with an extraordinarily famous grandfather, and there was once style of a ritual in my house. Humans would come over to speak to my grandparents, and after they would depart, my mom would come over to us, and he or she’d say, "do you know who that was once? She used to be the runner-up to overlook america. He was the mayor of Sacramento. She gained a Pulitzer Prize. He is a Russian ballet dancer." and i form of grew up assuming everybody has some hidden, robust factor about them.And honestly, I feel it can be what makes me a better host. I keep my mouth shut as more often than not as I most likely can, I maintain my intellect open, and i’m always all set to be amazed, and i am under no circumstances upset. You do the identical thing. Exit, speak to individuals, hearken to folks, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed. Thanks. (Applause) .
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storylocke · 8 years ago
Connections 3
[Devin didn't get to speak to Kukui very much in their last meeting, he was certainly proud to spend the bus trip telling him what had happened in the short amount of time since then. About reading up on the Legendary Pokémon, meeting Acerola, just what went down with those Team Skull grunts before the professor showed up, and he’d only just pulled up his Pokedex to show off all his latest catches when they came to a stop.]
Kukui: [amused by Devin’s surprise they were already there.] They don’t call it the express for nothing! Come on, there's something I want to show you before your trial. [While the other passengers start to make their way up the road, Devin curiously followed Kukui to the railing that seemed to overlook the harsh mountainside.] Sounds like you’ve been leading the busy life lately. You really like a good challenge, huh? Not just the island challenge, but taking on the PokeDex and seeking out some great battles too!
Devin: It’s been tons of fun!~ [seems to ease up a moment in his enthusiasm as he leans on the railing to look out over the hills] I was talking to Lillie earlier though… About home?
Kukui: Getting homesick, little buddy?
Devin: Nah, it would have been super boring back there anyway. [shifts a little as he adjusts his backpack.] My mother said she thought I’d do well out here, so I guess she was right. I just kind of wish my family could see all this though.
Kukui: [Ah… that home. Places a hand on the boy’s shoulder as he understands.] Don’t worry, cousin, I’m sure they’ll be eyeing you with envy soon enough. With all your passion, you’ll be able to stand on top of the world~!
Devin: You really think so?
Kukui: I know so. [Amused as he realized what he said would be both figuratively and literally to a degree.] You’ve already made it this far. Mt. Hokulani is the second tallest mountain in all of Alola. And the tallest… [he turns to point out the massive peak in the distance, a set of large cranes appearing like trees rising out of the clouds] is Mt. Lanakilla. That steep majestic peak is a sacred place, yeah? The closest one can ever get to the legendary Pokemon of Alola, said to be the moon incarnate.
Devin: Like in Acerola’s book? [Man oh man, the thought of being able to find a Pokemon like that. Would it be like the Tapu? Would it be like the Ultra Beast? It was a little scary to think of, but at the same time, the moon was always a gentle light. Maybe the Pokemon would be nice.]
Kukui: [Getting all pumped up as he points out the construction on the mountain] Yeah! And right there? That right there! That’s where I’ll establish our very own Pokemon League! [He turns back to Devin in excitement as he just KNOWS this kid can understand his enthusiasm for it. Both as a trainer, and being from Kanto, the thought of a League just had to get a great reaction from him.] We’ll get everybody who’s finished their Island Challenge, yeah? And up there on the peak of Mt. Lanakilla, we’ll battle the Kahunas to prove who’s the island challenge champion! Whoo!
Devin: [Oh man, the professor sure has gotten to know him well, and he practically absorbs the energy Kukui is putting off as his face lights up. As the professor keeps going though, his smile starts to fade with a sudden puzzlement about it all.]
Kukui: I’ve always valued our old traditions, here in Alola, but it’s time we make a Champion the world will recognize. And when we have our own Champion, they can show the world what’s so great about Alolan Pokemon and their trainers, yeah~! [He slows down as he sees there’s something on the kid’s mind about all this. Still trying to sound upbeat about it.] Didn’t you just say that’s what you want?
Devin: [Shuffles in place a bit as he’s not sure how weird this is going to sound.] Didn’t you already build the League?
Kukui: [His smile vanishes as he looks at the kid in confusion.] Where’d you hear that?
Devin: [Grins as it’s not very often he sees Kukui so puzzled by anything.] It just hit me, I guess. Maybe it was about someone else, but I could have sworn They said you specifically.
Kukui: Hmph… [Pauses to think about this for a moment as he leans on the railing again to look up at the mountain. Glances over with a bit of curiosity as he sees Devin decide to mimic him for no real reason. Cute, kid, but he's a little worried right now. Goes back to the view.] Nah, couldn't be. Nothing like this has ever happened in our lifetimes. Unless… Who knows? Another time, another place… [glances over at Devin with a sharp gaze that the boy can only see his glasses over his shoulder.] Another Host?
Devin: [chips in rather happily] Yeah! Like with Lionel or Nigel… Ninel? Whatever.
Kukui: [That seems to confirm it. Pushes himself up from the railing as he crosses his arms and looks down at the boy.] And how do you know him?
Devin: I don't know. But if he’s a Champion, I guess he’s like famous or something?
Kukui: [Nod, nod] Fair enough. If you somehow heard about him being Champion, though, what makes you think he was a Host?
Devin: [That was a little more tricky as he hadn’t actually heard anyone in Alola bring up Nigel, just the Voices. Then again, it didn’t seem like any big secret, and remembering how Kukui had been in Kanto for a while, he felt sure that the man would know exactly what he was talking about.] Well, I’m the new Host, so I get compared to him a lot. [clenches his fists together as his face lights up] I kind of like it though, because then I have someone to actually compete with! [As soon as he said it, he flinched to realize he was forgetting someone] I mean, Hau’s really nice and all, but we’re not exactly racing here…
Kukui: [Eyes go wide as the boy starts babbling, but it’s a stark contrast to how he lit up at hearing about the Ultra Beasts.] You…? [Sure the kid was kind of all over the place, but there was always some explanation for it without having to jump to conclusions. His tone shifts to a mixture of concern and suspicion as he tries to give the kid a smile.] Hau likes to go at his own pace, nothing wrong with that. But he’s also not a Host, so-
Devin: [As his fists are already clenched, he exaggeratedly starts pounding them as he can’t control his sense of urgency.] But that’s what I wanted to talk you two about earlier! I wanted to go with Hau after you left, but he ditched me.
Kukui: [Now THAT was more than concerning. Hau had given him an excuse when the question came up, but that… wasn’t something Hau would normally do. There was probably a reason for it though, the bigger concern right now was with Devin.] Did Hau tell you he was a Host?
Devin: No, I found out from Faba. You know that guy who took me and Hau to the Aether Paradise? On the way there, he told me that Hau used to be a Host before he had some kind of freak accident. Hala took him in and had the town agree that if anyone came to ask, Hau has always been there. Something about how him surviving made it clear that he was a Host, and if news got around that Alola’s Host was... in-cap-siscated? That people like Team Skull would go nuts to think no one was around to stop them.
Kukui: Not… exactly. [As this is a very serious issue, leans down to Devin’s level] You didn’t tell him you were the new Host, did you?
Devin: Nah, I tried to tell him to back off. My brother, Dion, always said we shouldn’t trust Faba as far he could throw him. Whatever that means. I’m not sure I could even pick him up, but I wouldn’t want to touch him anyway. I think the only reason he knows my name is because Aether keeps track of all of the trial-goers. That’s how he found out about Hau.
Kukui: [Places a hand on the kid’s shoulder.] I don’t know why he told you all this, but I’m glad you’re telling me.
Devin: Faba’s always been the type who likes to hear himself talk. It’s not true though, is it? About the tracking or with Hau? Everyone seems to be keeping close watch of him, but it’s because Hala asked us to, right?
Kukui: I want you to hold that thought until later. Right now, I’m thinking I’ll leave you with my friend Mo and head back to get Hau. In the meantime, I want you to talk to Mo about this tracking business, yeah? He’s a real technical wiz, so he should be able to clear up any questions in no time.
Devin: I can do that! [As Kukui rises to lead the way, he trots up next to him.] Kukui... Is Hau going to be okay?
Kukui: You worry about yourself right now. And, uh, [glances around] let’s keep this Host business between us, okay?
Devin: Sure thing! [there's that bright smile of his again] You're the only one I've told anyway.
Kukui: [claps a hand on his shoulder, finding relief to hear that.] Good to know, cousin~ Good to know.
How do write Kukui?
Welp, we're dead. One of the big problems with ADHD is that sometimes your brain tends to work faster than you can function. And right now, that function seems to be Devin really needs a filter. At least Kukui's on our side right? Riiiiight?
Part one, part two
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How Often and How Long Should you Train Your Dog?, | how to teach a puppy
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How to Puppy-Proof Your House ‘Urban heat islands’ in full swing as heat wave continues Message It’s hard to imagine how she is ever going to have more time outside of her crate with this uncertainty about how long she can hold her urine….do you know what is normal for a 10 pound female pup at 11 months? intermediate training: This is an excellent book which helped me train my pup much quicker than I otherwise would have. Buford was waiting to pee and poop until she came inside, which was frustrating, to say the least! After reading just part of the book, I caught several crucial mistakes I was making. I corrected them, and the results were astounding. Though not perfect, Buford started on the right path the day I began to impliment the book’s teachings. After naps Here are three important things to focus on during a puppy’s first week in her new home: Share this page on Email Brewer-Patriot Sets Up Shop In Lakewood Staking a “pee” rag (a rag I used to soak up an indoor accident) in the backyard, when she was a puppy, taught my dog where to go. I took her to that spot every time we went out and “refreshed” when she inappropriately eliminated in the house. I still say her word (even after 12 years) every time I let her out. She has only had one accident since she was trained and that was after a major move to new city. Stop Your Dog from Biting Other People KLB Learn How to Reward Good Dog Behaviors and Discourage Unwanted Behaviors Ideal Balance™ In the 1980s veterinarian and animal behaviourist Ian Dunbar discovered that despite evidence on the peak learning periods in animals, few dog trainers worked with puppies before they were six months old.[25] Dunbar founded Sirius Dog Training, the first off-leash training program specifically for puppies, which emphasizes the importance of teaching bite inhibition, sociality, and other basic household manners, to dogs under six months of age.[31] Dunbar has written numerous books, and is known for his international seminar presentations and award-winning videos on puppy and dog behavior and training.[32] Adults 5/14/18 Cups BI INTELLIGENCE Birds wikiHow’s mission is to help people learn, and we really hope this article helped you. Now you are helping others, just by visiting wikiHow. The Quick and Dirty Tips Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. Virginia – Areas Served Scent Work Authored by Dr. Jason Nicholas (Dr. J) Please enter a valid mobile number. Thank you for signing up for text alerts! Find a Puppy Chicken Coops To answer question 1) I’m afraid you can’t! Unless you are there to supervise, you cannot prevent a puppy shredding paper or pads, it’s just something they LOVE to do. Do you use a pad holder? This tends to help because they find it harder to get hold of the pad. If still successful, secure the pad into the holder so they cannot take it out. You can also spray bitter tasting chew deterrent around the edges of the pad so she finds it distasteful. Decided on the commands you will use if any? Call today and let us customize a program just for you! Cornerstone Society Police: Man shoots at neighbor over home construction Games and Play I really wanted to buy a puppy so I can have a new buddy at home but we all know that it’s also a big responsibility. You have to take care of it like your own child. But I don’t have to worry anymore because the book just taught me a lot of things. This step-by-step guide is really helpful is getting us prepared for a new member of the family. I’m glad I got to avail this book. Visit Us Your puppy’s tail How to bring out your dog’s inner genius Choose a training class based on age, skill level & the developmental needs of your dog. Love We also offer Private & In-Home Consultations to work on specific issues that your dog may be having. We have two locations to offer you more classes at your convenience. Click for directions to both our Hartland and Pewaukee locations. The Missing Link And be sure not to punish your puppy for an accident or do anything to create a negative association with her bodily functions. Stay calm and assertive and quietly remove the puppy to the place where you want him to go. Heading to a secluded, hidden spot or trying to leave the room. 77 min read Racine Capital Campaign Blue-green algae can be toxic to dogs. Call your vet immediately if you suspect poisoning. Don’t let your dog… Pick up your puppy’s water dish about two and a half hours before bedtime to reduce the likelihood that they’ll need to relieve themselves during the night. Most puppies can sleep for approximately seven hours without needing a bathroom break. If your puppy does wake you up in the night, don’t make a big deal of it; otherwise they will think it is time to play and won’t want to go back to sleep. Turn on as few lights as possible, don’t talk to or play with your puppy, take them out and then return them to bed. Potty training causes many puppy owners a world of pain. It doesn’t have to be so difficult, I’ve had lots of success with this step-by-step outdoor puppy house training method. How to Toilet Train Your Puppy in 3 Days Dog Breed Information (50) Memorials 7 Easy Steps on How You Can Teach Puppy to Wait or Stay
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Almost all dogs speak the language of food, so treats are also a good reward during the housetraining process. When your dog eliminates in the right spot outside, praise her with words and give her a treat within one to three seconds of the behavior. Remember that consistency is crucial, so make sure you have treats with you to reward her within three seconds every time she goes in the right spot. FAQ | First, let’s start with clearing up some potential confusion and putting your mind at ease. You may have seen conflicting articles or received differing opinions on whether dogs are “den animals” (animals that live the majority of their lives underground or in a cave). The truth is that while dogs aren’t technically “den animals,” as they certainly don’t spend the majority of their lives in a den, they do have a “denning instinct.” Pregnant dogs seek out the safety of a den to birth and rear their pups. So some of your puppy’s earliest memories tie back to the comfort and safety of being with mom (and litter mates) in a safe, secure, den-like space. Additionally, when dogs are ill, injured, or otherwise needing a place to relax and feel safe, they will seek out a den or “den-like” protected space. While you may worry that your dog will see their crate as a “jail cell,” the truth is actually quite the opposite. When crate training and conditioning is handled correctly, a crate provides a calming and protective space where your dog can relax and feel secure — and truly be safe.  July 28, 2017 at 4:53 am interaction Cornucopia Institute Your puppy will watch you to read your body signals more than he will listen to you, and he’ll quickly learn what you’re feeling even without you speaking. Puli Copyright © 2017 Alliance of Therapy Dogs, All Rights Reserved Wellness Grooming First Aid Health Nutrition and Food Veterinary Care Dog Care Professionals Common Illnesses Save an extra $5.00 at checkout Address: N29 W23950 Schuett Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072 NVPILB #1906F When the puppy has done his business, praise him lavishly.  A good rule of thumb to follow is to give your puppy a chance to relieve himself at a minimum of these times: Click a star to add your vote Natural Balance Shop by Brand 0:41 14 5 Pack Leadership Techniques Be consistent. Being consistent is one of the keys to potty training. When taking your puppy outside it is best to always use the same door. You should always take the dog to the same spot and use the same command to help it to associate the area with the appropriate action. FACEBOOK KONG But my puppy is so friendly! Toggle navigation The Kennel Club Back To Training I approach marking like all housetraining problems, taking dogs back to Housetraining 101, with the emphasis on keen attention, since it is important to interrupt the urge to mark before actual house-soiling occurs. For dogs who are chronic markers, a belly band that prevents house-soiling may be a helpful management tool. If you’re like me and have trouble keeping up with your pup at all times try using a tether. You can buy a tether from the pet store or simply do what I did and use a long lead or leash. If tethering your pup to you at all times is what it takes to make sure they’re not sneaking off then go for it. If you’re not keen on keeping your dog tethered you can use baby gates or closed doors to restrict your dogs access to the whole house. August 28, 2017 9:08 am 3.0 out of 5 starsThree Stars PupLight What is the best way to train and discipline your dog? Pulling and tugging on the leash on walks Sign up for the Most Popular email Dig into the “software your dog comes bundled with” and discover how common psychological practices can help us train dogs to overcome their instinctual behaviors. Professor Donaldson defines terms you’ll be using throughout the training such as prompting, capturing, and shaping. Master the first basic obedience commands: sit and down. x Subscriptions National Edition private puppy training What Meningitis Does to Your Body Based on the principles of social learning, model-rival training uses a model, or a rival for attention, to demonstrate the desired behaviour.[65] The method was used by Irene Pepperberg to train Alex the African Grey Parrot to label a large number of objects. McKinley and Young undertook a pilot study on the applicability of a modified version of the model-rival method to the training of domestic dogs, noting that the dog’s origins as a member of large and complex social groups promote observational learning. The model-rival training involved an interaction between the trainer, the dog, and a person acting as a model-rival, that is, a model for desired behaviour and a rival for the trainer’s attention. In view of the dog, a dialogue concerning a particular toy commenced between the trainer and the model-rival. The trainer praised or scolded the model-rival depending on whether the model-rival had named the toy correctly. It was found that the performance times for completion of the task were similar for dogs trained with either operant conditioning or the model rival method. In addition, the total training time required for task completion was comparable for both methods.[66] Nosework Games and NW2 & NW3 Coaching Clinics with Michael McManus Training the Best Dog Ever: A 5-Week Program Using the Power of Positive Reinforcement by Larry Kay Paperback $10.98 Featured Events potty train dog | how to potty train a dog fast potty train dog | potty train dog potty train dog | best way to potty train Legal | Sitemap
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razorblade-eyes · 6 years ago
GGS Spotlight: Marika Hart
Name: Marika Hart Age: 42 Location: Perth, Australia
What does it mean to you to be part of the GGS Community? I love the GGS community! Part of my role with GGS is spending time hanging out in the Facebook groups with people from all around the globe. I get to “meet” so many amazing people who share my passion for supporting women. The community is unlike any others I’ve been involved with online — there is a genuine vibe of positivity and support. People WANT to help one another and I think there is a real sense that together we can change the world!!
When I met Molly Galbraith two years ago, I couldn’t have believed that my career would be set on such a different trajectory and that I would come in contact with so many incredibly hard-working, intelligent and kind people. I truly believe that we can achieve so many great things when are work together and support one another and I’m excited for the future.
How long have you been strength training, and how did you get started? I started strength training ad hoc around five years ago. I had been teaching Pilates for more than ten years in my role as a physiotherapist, but when working in a sports medicine clinic (with a fabulous gym!), I learnt more about using strength training in rehabilitation for clients and decided to have a play around for myself.
What does your typical workout look like? Honestly, I hate doing the same exercises all the time and I love variety. In a typical week, I do four hours of Taekwondo and then two other sessions of gym-based exercise. Those extra sessions might include body weight exercises, boxing, free weights or cardio work.
Favorite lift: Deadlift (of course!) It just feels good to be able to pick up something heavy!
 Most memorable PR: I don’t tend to do powerlifting, but rather hit the higher reps on moderate lifts. For me, my most memorable achievements in Taekwondo have been achieving my 3rd Dan black belt at the age of 40 and then winning a gold medal at the ITF World Cup in Sydney this year in an event called special technique. I basically had to jump over a barrier and kick a board with a flying side kick. I didn’t expect to do well in that event and was thrilled to win!
Top 5 songs on your training playlist: My music collection is pretty eclectic, so it varies a lot depending on my mood. I like a lot of old school tracks, so here are a few of my faves.
Don’t Stop Me Now, Queen
Virtual Insanity, Jamiroquai
Basketcase, Green Day
Jumpin’, Jumpin’, Destiny’s Child
Let’s Get It Started, Black Eyed Peas
Top 3 things you must have at the gym or in your gym bag: Water bottle, towel, phone.
Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why? Definitely training with others. I’m not that self motivated to exercise alone — I thrive on the company of others! Because I teach exercise in my job as a physiotherapist, when I go to Taekwondo or the gym I actually really like having someone else tell me what to do and correct my technique!
Most memorable compliment you’ve received lately: I don’t take compliments too well if I’m honest. I tend to brush them aside as I get embarrassed! Most recently I had a client tell me that I was amazing and totally changed her life — they are my favourite compliments!
Most recent compliment you gave someone else: Giving compliments — now that I find easier to do, as I am surrounded by so many amazing people every day. I recently complimented my friend Mish Wright who set up the Women’s Health and Fitness Summit on all her hard work and dedication to women’s health and wellness in Australia.
Favorite meal: Anything that someone else has cooked, haha! I like lots of different foods, but I love Thai food probably the most.
Favorite way to treat yourself: A night or weekend away with my girlfriends would probably be my favourite. This typically involves some kind of exercise (hiking, indoor rock climbing, walking) followed by food and a night in a hotel.
Favorite book: Currently I am absorbing anything by Brandon Sanderson.
What inspires and motivates you? I am inspired by people, especially those who manage to achieve great things in the face of adversity. I’m motivated by my children and my clients — I strive to be a great role model for my daughter and I’m motivated to give my clients the best care that I can!
What do you do? I am a physiotherapist. I run two businesses — one is Dynamic Strength Physiotherapy, which is based in Perth, Western Australia. I teach pre- and postnatal exercise classes, as well as develop exercise programs predominantly for women. My clients may be pregnant, new mothers, have pelvic floor dysfunction, suffer from osteoporosis or joint pain… or simply want to feel fit and strong as they age but don’t know where to start. I even see a few men occasionally!
My other business is Herasphere and it is fully online. This business is dedicated to providing free information to people who are pregnant or just had a baby and consists of video interviews and blog posts. I have also created a comprehensive paid pregnancy program called “Pregnancy Club” which has education and exercise videos designed to follow women through their pregnancy. I’m thrilled to say that this program has been completed by women around the globe, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Mongolia and New Zealand.
What else do you do? I have two primary school-aged children who keep me very busy, so honestly I don’t have a lot of spare time! I’m also studying a Masters Degree in Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapy at Curtin University.
Things that I enjoy doing whenever I can find time include: Taekwondo, walking, camping, going to the beach, reading, going to the movies, hanging out with friends, eating, drinking…
Describe a typical day in your life: Wake up, eat breakfast and make a plan for the day with my daughter (who is being homeschooled). Get my son off to school and then get on with either working with clients in the gym, taking exercise classes, studying, cleaning or teaching! My work does include quite a lot of time online — so I might have to check emails, respond to Facebook posts, liaise with clients or make videos.
In the afternoon, I walk to school to pick up my son and then we head home for afternoon snacks before the after-school activities begin. Evenings may find me at home with the kids, out at Taekwondo or teaching pregnancy classes.
So in a nutshell, my role as parent, physiotherapist and student take up most of my day!
Your next training goal: I want to grade for my 4th Dan within the next two years. I’d also like to compete in the ITF World Cup in Slovenia in 2020.
For what are you most grateful? My family are amazing and I am so grateful to have them.
My husband is incredibly supportive of everything I do. He has never tried to talk me out of any of my crazy ideas (except a PhD!) and has helped me with a lot of the technology side of my business. I couldn’t do what I do without his support.
My parents also give us so much assistance and I’m really grateful to have moved back to Perth to be closer to them. They help so much in looking after our children every single week and in educating our daughter.
Of what life accomplishment do you feel most proud? Getting Herasphere Pregnancy Club off the ground. That project was hard work but I’m so proud of the result and of the effect it is having on women around the globe. To be able to help women have access to evidence-based information about pregnancy, childbirth and recovery — no matter where they are in the world — is something that I am thrilled to have been able to do.
Which three words best describe you? I actually did a survey of my friends once and asked this very question! The common responses were fun, intelligent, dedicated. (And yes, I’m embarrassing to type this bit!)
Tell us about a time when you overcame fear or self-doubt: Recently I put my hand up to do a presentation at a large conference and I was really nervous. I had those typical thoughts that many of us have — “Who the hell do you think you are to present at this event?” I have done a lot of presentations to small groups, but never to a large room full of my peers! It took me ages to convince myself that I could do it and I am thrilled that I did.
How has lifting weights changed your life? I had a back injury about four years ago and it took me months to feel like I could move comfortably without pain. Getting into strength training has given me so much more confidence in my body, especially for Taekwondo. I feel like I can take a “hit” better and recovery more quickly from heavy training sessions. I have less fear of trying new things — I don’t worry so much about getting hurt.
What’s the coolest “side effect” you’ve experienced from strength training? Every now and again, I’ll be doing something and just think “I’m so glad I did all those [enter exercise] at the gym!”
For example, we went indoor rock climbing recently and I was grateful for the arm and leg strength! Or another day we went kayaking and I was glad to have done some abdominal exercises!
What do you want to say to other women who might be nervous or hesitant about strength training? Find a good trainer and an environment that works for you. Every gym is different — they each have their own music and vibe. Every trainer has a different skill set, as well as their own unique personality. Find something that works for you and if you don’t connect with the first gym or trainer that you tried, go somewhere else!
You can find out more about Marika on her website, and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
The post GGS Spotlight: Marika Hart appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.
from Girls Gone Strong http://bit.ly/2QZb0w4 from Fitness and Nutrition Hacks http://bit.ly/2DouVRH
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stag28 · 7 years ago
"There have always been tall athletes among the pros, and average heights had increased incrementally for years. But over the last two decades, players — women and men alike — have become significantly bigger, a point that was underscored last month at Wimbledon. When Hingis won in 1997, the tallest woman to reach the quarterfinals was 5-foot-9. This year, there were only two women in the quarterfinals under that height. On the men’s side, the numbers were even more arresting. Five of the eight quarterfinalists this year were 6-foot-4 or above, and not one was under six feet. It was Big Dude Tennis, you might say, and it continued in the lead-up to the U.S. Open. [..] when you walk through the players’ lounge of a tournament these days, you can easily think that you have stepped into a misplaced N.B.A. locker room. [..] Kei Nishikori is the only player in the men’s Top 10 who is under six feet, and no man under six feet tall has won a major since 2004. In a 2015 interview, the Spaniard David Ferrer, who is 5-foot-9 and was ranked as high as No. 3 in the world, suggested there was no hope for players his size. “I would guess that you will have to be at least between 5-foot-11 or 6-foot-3 to play tennis,” he said. “I think players like me, around my height, are going to be extinct.” In many professional sports, the athletes are a lot bigger now than they were a generation or two ago. Since the late 1940s, the average height of N.B.A. players has gone from 6-foot-2 to about 6-foot-7. But basketball was always a big person’s sport. Tennis was not. Tennis used to be like soccer: a sport in which height was considered largely inconsequential. Many of the game’s greatest champions were on the compact side. Rod Laver was 5-foot-8, Jimmy Connors 5-foot-10. John McEnroe and Bjorn Borg were under six feet. Martina Navratilova was 5-foot-8 and Chris Evert 5-foot-6. Billie Jean King was only 5-foot-4 1/2. Now, however, height seems to matter a great deal. The ramifications of this are being felt not just at the professional level but at the junior level too. Young players — and their parents and coaches — have always had to wonder whether they had the athletic ability and emotional resilience to make it in tennis. Now there is a more fundamental question: Will they grow big enough to be competitive? [..] Players this size used to be outliers, and they didn’t enjoy much success. They usually had thunderous serves, with their long limbs generating enormous force and their height letting them pound the ball down toward the court at severe angles. But booming serves were often all they had. They tended to be lumbering giants who couldn’t keep rallies going and struggled with balls hit below their waists. Being of modest height, or even a little on the short side, was considered preferable to being supersize. Things are different now. The sport’s so-called Big 4 — Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray — are all between 6-foot-1 and 6-foot-3. For a while now, this height has been considered the sweet spot for male players, even as taller competitors enter the scene. In 2009, Juan Martín del Potro, a 6-foot-6 Argentine, overpowered Federer to win the U.S. Open, becoming the tallest man ever to win a grand slam title. Three years ago, Marin Cilic of Croatia, who is also 6-foot-6, won the Open. The 6-foot-5 Canadian Milos Raonic was a Wimbledon finalist last year and a quarterfinalist this year. And then there’s Sascha Zverev, 6-foot-6, who seems likeliest to recalibrate the “sweet spot” entirely. [..] Like other big men, he has a huge serve, but there is much more to his game than blistering serves and groundstrokes. He’s also exceptionally nimble and supple — he has what his fitness trainer, Jez Green, calls “elasticity.” It is a word that has been used to describe the N.B.A. star Kevin Durant, whose speed and ball handling have redefined what’s possible for an N.B.A. big man. Zverev, whose lanky frame is not unlike the seven-foot Durant’s, could have a similarly revolutionary impact on tennis. [..] “Anything up to 6-foot-7, 6-foot-8 is a great height for tennis these days. You look at Cilic, at del Potro, at me — we all move really well, which is a big change from how it was 20 or 30 years ago.” He credited his agility to having played soccer and field hockey as a kid. “They are low-gravity sports,” he explained. “They taught me how to be low all the time, how to change direction quickly.” He thought smaller players could still hold their own in today’s game, and figured anything over 6-foot-11 was probably too tall to reach the top of the rankings. Even this caveat underscored just how much things have changed: Not so long ago, the mere idea of a seven-footer competing successfully would have seemed ridiculous. [..] “I don’t know if it was deliberate or not, but having him play soccer and field hockey was a masterstroke,” he said. “For someone that tall to get used to playing low — it helped his movement hugely.” [..] On the women’s side, players aren’t necessarily getting taller; 6-foot-3 still seems to be the ceiling. But they are becoming even more powerful. You hear the word “convergence” in tennis circles these days. It refers to the way the women’s game is coming to resemble the men’s game — specifically, the narrowing of the gender gap on serves and groundstrokes. [..] En route to winning the French Open this year, Jelena Ostapenko, a 20-year-old Latvian, averaged 76 miles per hour on her forehand, three miles per hour faster than Murray, then the No. 1 male player. [..] Lindsay Davenport, who now coaches Keys, doesn’t believe that height is the sole or even primary explanation for why the women are hitting so much harder these days. When we spoke recently, she said much of it had to do with lighter, more flexible rackets. “Everyone can crack the ball now, even the shorter players,” she says. She also points to a change in attitude, on the women’s tour, about the role of the serve. “For so long, the serve was just seen as a means of starting the rally,” she told me. “When I was playing, we’d practice groundstrokes and volleys for 45 minutes, then do just a few minutes of serves and returns.” Now, there’s much more emphasis on developing and refining the serve. [..] more important is the increased athleticism, across the board. Even in her era, players didn’t pour their time into the gym, and big ones weren’t spending hours a day trying to develop the footwork and balance of players six inches shorter than them. “They are such great athletes now,” she says. “You could take them and put them into another sport, and they’d succeed. I was a great tennis player, but I wasn’t a great athlete. If you’d stuck me in another sport, I probably would have drowned or something.” [..] size is now widely seen as a critical benchmark in evaluating a kid’s prospects: “In the coaching community, it is talked about all the time.” Parents talk about it, too, often with a kind of crude Darwinism — “Yeah, she’s good, but she’s such a tiny little thing.” [..] The discussion about height inevitably revolves around the serve, but string technology has now given taller players an edge in rallies, too. Polyester strings can generate enormous topspin, producing forehands and backhands that come down deep in the court and jump up after landing. “The strike zone was a lot lower 20 years ago,” DeHeart said — and higher balls can be a nightmare for undersize players, forcing them to move back from the baseline or play lots of shots above their shoulders, which can be exhausting. For a tall player like Gracia, those topspin shots will end up just above the hips, an ideal contact point. [..] While she was lavish in her praise of the Williams sisters and also spoke admiringly of a couple of other current stars, Hingis said a lot of women these days — even some who have cracked the Top 20 — were very limited in their abilities. “They are one-dimensional,” she said. “It’s boom, boom, boom, and when they don’t hit a winner after three or four shots, they panic. Once you get them on the run, they are in trouble. The big players are not as agile. Shorter players just have to learn to defend the first and second shot. Once the ball passes over the net three times, we have the advantage.” Still, she had to acknowledge the value in being a little closer in height to today’s giants. “I wish I was five centimeters taller,” she said. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”“
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endorsereviews · 7 years ago
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The truth is, in today’s day and age, where most advertising is completely phony… people are craving authenticity.
And this craving is only growing stronger, as the world becomes more and more artificial.
If you want your marketing to be effective, then you must create genuine experiences for your buyers. And the first step in dong this, is making sure your buyers “sense” they’re working with a real person — not some phony who just wants their money.
After all…
Only Real People… Can Provide… Real Experiences!
This was brought to my attention by a group of people who read my book, “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers.”
They wanted more guidance on how to use the marketing and copywriting strategies in the book… and on how to sell, in general… without appearing “phony.”
For me, being real — even in print — isn’t a problem. But getting to this point, wasn’t easy.
I’m certainly not a “natural” when it comes to selling. I grew up in a very stressful home atmosphere, to say the least, and had a very low self-esteem for years. In fact, I proably didn’t even feel comfortable in my own skin, until I was in my late 30’s.
Today though, one of the most common things I hear from people — and I’ve heard it… gosh, probably close to 100 times over the last 11 years — is how amazed they are I’m just as “real” in my online daily e-mails, in my offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, and in all my other products… as I am in person.
In other words, who you are “seeing” in print… is the same exact guy you see when you meet me in person.
Like I said, though… it wasn’t always this way. As you know, putting anything in words, is difficult. And that goes double when it comes to putting your personality into words, plus trying to show your readers you’re a real person. Not to mention, on top of this… then trying to sell them something!
But over the years, I’ve developed a set of guidelines that have allowed me to do each one of these things, very successfully. Which is why people are always making those comments about how when they read my e-mails and my newsletter and my products — and even my sales letters… they feel like I am literally “speaking” directly to them.
I’m going to share a few ways you too, can do all this, in your sales copy, but first… let’s take a look at why people typically struggle when it comes to being “real” in print. There are 3 reasons, actually:
Reason #1: Some people are highly technically skilled, and quite competent from a performance standpoint, in what they do. But when it comes to selling… they simply “cringe.” For any number of reasons, they feel so out of sorts when it comes to selling, they’ll do absolutely anything to avoid it, at all costs.
And if you’re one of these people, then you already know…
Unfortunately… this is costing you a LOT of money.
People in this category sometimes feel “phony” when it comes to selling. And because selling is so out of character for them, to some extent, they actually are being phony when they try and sell something.
When these people sit down and write a sales letter, their discomfort practically screams at you, straight off the page.
For them, selling is like trying to fit a round peg (their personality)… into a square hole (selling). It is just very unnatural.
These people will never be able to sell effectively in print, unless they do one thing: they need to get their hands on some specific marketing and writing guidelines (and strategies) that allow them to follow a “sequence…” or a formula.
This way, you can go step-by-step through a checklist and do what works… instead of having to do things that make you uncomfortable. By following a set of guidelines, this allows you to basically “remove yourself” from the selling process.
As opposed to listening to your own “gut” feelings, which simply aren’t compatible with having to sell.
It’s kind of like when you first learned how to drive. In the beginning, it seemed very unnatural, so you just sat there and listened to your dad… or your Driver’s Education teacher — and you simply “did what they told you to do. ” Even though it felt “weird.”
But eventually, of course, driving became normal and in less time than you thought, you wound up knowing how to master all the different things that are going on, while you’re sitting behind the wheel.
Selling in print and feeling comfortable with it, is no different.
Right now, you’re “driving” without ever having been taught “how” to drive. You just need to learn the rules of the road, and once you see how easy it is to use them… you’ll be as comfortable selling, as you are driving.
Reason #2: There are other people who feel comfortable selling, but they get all messed up when it comes to “closing.” These people know exactly how important selling is. And… they may even be good at the actual relationship building, and at getting prospects started down the “Yes” path.
But when it comes to closing the deal, things start falling apart, pretty quickly. They typically stammer their way through a close, and if they’re very lucky… things might work out. Sadly though, and I’m sure you’ll agree with this…
“Luck”… is NOT… a very good business strategy!
Because of this problem, people who find themselves in this predicament rarely make the kind of money they deserve. They are usually able to earn a decent living though, if they have a large source of referrals, or… if they’re in the kind of business where it’s fairly easy to attract qualified leads or if their lead costs are unusually low.
They’ll typically make money as long as they’re able to meet with their prospects in person, or talk to them over the phone.
But because they have no “leverage” — meaning, because they’re unable to translate these same skills into selling in print — they are usually forced to trade time for money.
And if you are one of these people, then you already know…
Your inability to “close” in print… is not only incredibly frustrating… it’s also costing you THOUSANDS Of Dollars!
Usually, what messes these people up is the money aspect of closing. For any number of reasons, they feel very “awkward” when it comes to asking for money, and this creates an “emotional log jam” for them, when it comes time to close.
So instead of being able to take that genuine enthusiasm and knack for relationship building they have, and turn it into gold… their printed sales material can never work on it’s own, and this is what forces them to forever have to trade time for money.
There are loads of realtors, insurance agents, financial planners, trainers, consultants, and other service providers who find themselves in this uncomfortable situation.
On top of that, the same psychological money issues that hamstring their closing skills… typically make people in this situation almost always undercharge.
They are the ones who usually work the hardest and charge the least. Ultimately, they are treating themselves very unfairly.
The Good News Is…
Once these people learn a few simple and very practical do’s and don’ts about selling in print… this typically eliminates any awkwardness they have about closing.
Eliminating this one problem makes a dramatic difference in the quality of your life… in the amount of time you’ll get to spend with your family instead of working… and, in the amount of money you’re making! For instance, if you struggle with this:
One big mistake you’re probably making, especially when you’re selling in print, is talking about too many different things at one time. For example, it’s O.K. to tell people about all the wonderful benefits you’re giving them. But you can’t get so excited and anxious about things, you wind up running on aimlessly to the point where, your words get all overlapped and blended together like paint colors mixed in a can.
Instead, just let your buyers know one thing at a time, one sentence at a time. Nice… and slowly.
And it’s even O.K. that you’re asking people to spend a lot of money with you. Simply explain the value of what you’re giving them, one sentence at a time. Break down your packages or your service offerings into little bite-sized components, and just tell your story – no need to feel anxious, at all.
Instead, what typically happens is… people who feel awkward about asking for money tend to just “lump” everything together.
What’s really going on, is they are “projecting” their own discomfort with money, onto their buyers. They assume, because they’re uncomfortable with money… their buyer must also be uncomfortable with money.
So instead of walking their buyers through the entire sales story, nice and easy… they rush through their presentation because they’re uncomfortable making it in the first place.
But in reality, this is totally unnecessary.
You see, in order for your buyer to make any kind of halfway decent buying decision… they HAVE to know ALL the details about what you’re offering. Especially when you’re selling in print, and they don’t have the ability to go back and forth asking you questions.
They don’t consider this offensive — they consider it a natural and quite necessary part of the buying process!
After all, how can they make a buying decision… unless they actually know what they’re buying?
Make sense?
Of course it does.
Now besides slowing down and telling your story, another thing you can do if you’re in this position, that’ll make things much easier for you, is this: When you’re putting your promotion together, and you’re creating your offer or your “close,”…
Instead of thinking about what you’re getting… and how much money you’re asking for… think about what you’re giving, instead.
Focusing on value ALWAYS gives you much better results, especially when you’re sitting down and translating your thoughts into actual words on paper that are going to do all your selling for you.
Plus, when you’re focusing on the value you’re giving, instead of the money you’re getting.. this comes through in your printed sales messages. Which makes your buyers even more comfortable with you. And, you’ll be that much more of a real person, as a result.
And the nice thing is, this is about as simple a fix as you can get, isn’t it?
You bet it is.
O.K., so now let’s move on to…
Reason #3: The third kind of sales person that struggles with creating chemistry and being “real” when it comes to selling in print, is much different than the first two. See, this person’s TOTALLY comfortable with selling… and with closing… and with asking for the money. In fact, this guy (this is typically a guy issue) is basically a selling machine. But he has one HUGE problem:
He’s so focused on the sale, and he’s so thrilled and gets so juiced up from closing deals…
He Forgets… About Everything Else!
See, this guy’s problem is, he has no patience. He’s all about “the bottom line” — he’s a “results” guy. Unfortunately, building real relationships in sales requires a lot more than this. You see, sales is like seduction.
To make maximum money, you have to share your story… and you have to romance your prospect on many different levels. They have to see you as a real person before they’ll buy — NOT a “selling machine.”
They have to perceive you as someone who’s just as interested in making their hopes and dreams come true… or in eliminating their pain and solving their problems… as they are.
Unfortunately, when this guy sits down and writes a sales letter, he comes out looking W-A-A-Y too “slick” for his own good. Even if he does care about his clients and customers — and most people do care, they just don’t know how to show their buyers they care — the only message that comes out is “BUY MY STUFF, NOW!”
And so what happens is, this super-closer routinely loses THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in sales, because he’s “stuck” when it comes to selling in print. And losing money is especially frustrating and unfair for this guy, because he’s a GREAT sales person!
But I don’t need to tell you… there’s a difference between being a great sales person, and being looked at as a caring, valued advisor by your customers.
After all, do you think you’ll be making more money if your customers perceive you as a “selling machine”… or when you’re perceived as a caring and trusted advisor?
You got it – when your customers or clients perceive you as a REAL person, who’s a genuine, caring, trusted advisor… you’ll start making much more money, and you’ll make it much more consistently.
And in fact, for the most part, when people see you ONLY as a sales person instead of as an advisor… they will constantly be negotiating prices with you… and treat you like…
Well… they’ll treat you like a sales person.
Because people LOVE working with valued advisors… but NO ONE likes dealing… with a sales person!
People respect and listen to advisors, which is precisely why no one ever questions their doctor about why they’re sending you all over town, to meet with umpteen specialists and get all those diagnostic tests. And that’s because…
Doctors are perceived as advisors, not sales people.
On the other hand, if a sales person sends you to three of his buddies and you have to pay each one of them some money… you’re going to be on “high alert” right away!
Of course you are.
So if you are one of these “super-closers,” one of the first things you have to do is:
Start positioning yourself as an authority figure, first and foremost. Almost like a consumer advocate. If you’re already a good sales person and you start doing this… boy-oh-boy will you start making boatloads of cash!
And here’s another thing you can do if you’re in this situation – and this is actually really easy to do in print:
Slow down and let your buyer “talk to you,” instead of you talking to them so much. As I said, this is actually a lot easier to do than you think:
For starters, understand that “talking” to your prospects in print, is different from talking to them “in person.”
In person, obviously you get to go back and forth with one another, to answer questions.
But in print, you can’t go back and forth.
So you have to create the illusion that you’re going back and forth.
And there are a number of different ways you can do this, but let’s talk about a couple of easy things you can do, starting right now:
The most important thing you can do, that’ll make you more money than anything else… is to immediately start showing much more empathy towards your buyers. They need to know you understand exactly what they’re going through. Because ultimately… no matter what you’re selling, you’re selling a solution to a problem your prospects have.
And the smartest thing you can do to make your buyers see you as a “real” person who’s empathetic and understanding… is by letting them know you understand the basic human frustrations they are going through, only too well. And, you also need to let them know why you understand them.
And be specific, because this is the key to your success.
Here, let me give you an example of what I mean. Pay very close attention to what this person is saying:
“Listen, our industry, and our professional associations, teach us absolutely nothing about how to be successful. In fact, our business is very cannibalistic. We take our young and toss them out on their own, only to be eaten alive out there in the jungle.
And in spite of that, what do all our trade journals talk about?
New ant traps… custom software… equipment… chemicals… and new sticky goop. And you know what? This stuff is useless when it comes to making you any money and consistently driving a steady stream of customers to you!
Heck, how’s a new ant trap going to drive even one new customer to you?”
See, this isn’t very complicated writing at all. It’s just very specific, and empathetic. It addresses the basic frustrations members of this marketplace (people who own pest control businesses) are dealing with, on a regular basis.
THIS is how you show empathy, NOT by saying things like:
“It’s not your fault.” “I’m just like you.” And… “We have a lot in common.” Don’t get me wrong — it’s OK to say these things as long as you back them up with specifics like we just discussed.
But saying things like, “it’s not your fault” — which is what most supposed “experts” tell you to do — without explaining, in detail, the specific emotional frustrations you’re actually referring to… is absolutely uselesss.
See for yourself. Go back and read those four paragraphs we just went over… and then ask yourself, how this compares to saying “It’s not your fault.”
Which one shows your buyers you’re more empathetic?
The truth is…
“It’s not your fault” isn’t even in the same ballpark!
It’s like asking someone if they want a snack… versus asking them if they want a giant slab of fresh, thick, moist and creamy melts-in-your-mouth genuine New York Cheesecake!
Listen, when people truly believe you know what it’s like to sit on their side of the desk… they’ll be open to you because you’re a real person and NOT just another “sales guy.”
They’ll want to buy all the solutions to their problems, from you.
Want to know another thing you can do if you want to seriously increase your sales, and if you want your buyers to perceive you as a real person?
You do?
O.K., here goes… Once your customers know you understand what they’re going through and what makes them “tick”… the next thing you need to do is let them know you care about them beyond just selling them something. And you do that by:
Being sympathetic to them. See, where empathy shows your buyers you can feel their pain and frustration… being sympathetic shows you’re concerned about them as people, in general.
And here’s where understanding a little human psychology comes in handy. See, people tend to apply one trait or one aspect of someone’s personality… to all aspects of their personality.
So if you’re a realtor, for example, and your buyer feels you understand how frustrating it is to be looking for a new home… and then they “sense” you also genuinely care about them moving into the right home… they will basically do whatever you suggest, for the remainder of your selling process.
See, once they know you understand their situation… and you care about them beyond their credit card or your commission check, this enhances your position as a trusted advisor who’s coming from a position of respected authority.
At this point, your customer will never look at you as merely a sales person, ever again. And…
They will buy from you and refer business to you… over and over again!
Once your prospects see you in this light… the amount of business they’re willing to do with you is infinite! You see, top sales people know selling isn’t about themselves, it’s about helping their customers.
The problem is, it doesn’t matter how sincere you are. What matters is, how sincere your customers believe you are.
Read this last sentence over again and say it out loud. It’s THAT important. Do this now, I’ll wait.
Did you say it out loud?
You did?
O.K., great.
So now you need to know the easiest way of showing your buyers you really do care about them, and that is, by…
Addressing as many of their objections as possible.
You see, letting your customers know you’re aware of their potential objections to buying, and then dealing with each one of them on an individual basis, really and truly puts them even more at ease.
And just so you know, there are only four reasons why people don’t buy. Which means your prospect’s objections are all going to revolve around one of these four reasons, so keep them in mind when you’re writing your sales and marketing materials:
4 Reasons Why Your Prospects Won’t Buy:
They don’t believe your claims. They don’t trust you as a person. How you attracted them in the first place isn’t congruent with what you’re ultimately trying to sell them. Or… They don’t believe in themselves and their ability to do what you’re telling them you can help them do. And see, when you address your prospect’s objections… when you help them deal with all the obstacles in their life that typically prevent them from doing whatever it is you’re offering… you’re basically taking them by the hand and walking them through your entire buying process, step-by-step.
You’ve then removed all their perceived barriers to success.
And how much more confidence do you think they’re going to have in you, and in your ability to deliver, after you do this?
They’ll believe in you maybe even more than they believe in themselves at this point. But that’s O.K., because guess what?
This means… they’ll buy from you!
And that’s what selling, and being in business is all about, isn’t it?
Of course.
Oh, and by the way, there are two a very unique, very specific tests I’ve developed that you can perform on any piece of copy or marketing you write, that lets you instantly know whether or not you’re doing a good job “speaking” with your prospects, or whether you’re just “rambling on” aimlessly.
I’ve never seen them discussed before, and I’ve been writing sales copy… and studying writing copy and direct-marketing religiously, since March of 2000. And I’ll tell you how you can get the scoop on both of these tests in just one minute.
But right now, let’s take a little “breather” here, and recap everything we just discussed, because we’ve actually covered quite a lot, in a short period of time. We learned that:
Different people have different challenges or even “hang ups,” when it comes to selling. And… These challenges typically make selling — especially selling in print – extremely frustrating, and in some cases… almost futile. We also discovered, if you want to dramatically increase your sales, you need to do certain things in your marketing and in your sales copy, so your buyers will start looking at you like a real person who cares about them — NOT like a greedy sales person who wants to take the money and run. Here’s a list of these things:
When you’re selling in print, you only want to ask your buyers to do ONE thing at a time. Focus on the VALUE of what you’re giving, instead of the money you’re asking for… ALWAYS gives you much better results. Especially when you’re sitting down and translating these thoughts into actual words on paper that are going to do your selling for you. Your customers don’t like dealing with sales people. They strongly prefer dealing with consumer advocates and knowledgeable, trusted advisors over sales people, any day. To become a trusted advisor instead of merely another sales person, you must position yourself as a knowledgeable authority figure. “Talking” back and forth with your buyers – especially in print – is always the most effective way of communicating with your buyers. And by “most effective,” I mean, “makes you the most amount of money.” Simply telling your customer “It’s not your fault,” will NOT make you more money. The most important thing you can do, that’ll make you more money than anything else… is to immediately start showing more empathy towards your buyers. Being sympathetic to your customer’s objections, turns into more sales for you, because it shows them you care about them as people – which is all anyone really wants to know before they buy from you. And lastly… There are four reasons why prospects don’t buy from you. There are actually 32 of these very simple “Guidelines” you need to follow when you’re selling. (Not including the two copywriting “tests” I mentioned earlier.)
Each one of these guidelines gives you two or three subtleties that make your marketing messages work incredibly effectively. And once you know these guidelines… you’ll have absolutely NO problem gaining your buyers trust and being perceived as a real person.
Four Experiences You MUST Give Your Prospects To Covert Them Into Long-Term Buyers
Now before I wrap up, I just want to cover one more thing. The truth is, before anyone will buy something from you — there are four deep seeded, secret emotional “triggers” your prospects have to experience.
If your prospects don’t experience, quite literally — all four of these things… you will not make a sale. These four things are:
They have to believe you. Prospects simply won’t buy, unless they believe the promises and claims you’ve made, are real. They have to trust you. Meaning, they have to trust you as a person before they will ever buy anything from you. Make sure you understand this because it is incredibly important… and powerful. What I’m saying here is that even if they believe your claims are true… if you haven’t done enough to gain their trust, as one human being to another… you WILL NOT MAKE a sale. Before anyone will ever give you even one thin dime…
You must FIRST be perceived as “a real person.”
They must like you. Customers will NOT give you money unless they like you. This has more to do with who you are… how you say things, and how “at ease” you are when you’re saying them… and how much you’re interested in delivering value, versus selling them something.
There are specific steps you must take, to GUARANTEE your customers will like you. Unfortunately, I can also guarantee there are specific things you’re unknowingly doing right now, which guarantee your prospects will NEVER like you, and therefore never BUY from you, either.
They must be interested in you. For the most part, this has to do with your sales copy and how compelling it is. However, there are also another four things people do in their sales copy… and if you do any one of these four things, it guarantees you, with 100% certainty, your buyers will NOT be interested in you, and therefore, they will not buy, either. (I’ll tell you how you can get your hands on these four things in just a second.)
Now here’s what’s most important out of all of this:
NO ONE will believe you, trust you, like you, or be interested in you… unless they believe you are “for real” in the first place. And at this point, if you are thinking…
“Craig, I Want To Get My Hands On MORE Of This Information, Because This Stuff Is CLEARLY Going To Increase My Conversions… Multiply My Sales… And Make Me A LOT More Money Overall!”
… Then you’re in luck. Because I recently put on a special, one-time only audio Copywriting Workshop called “Keepin’ It Real.” The material I covered on this call, is designed to make you so real… the next time you’re selling in print, your prospects will practically be able to “feel” your presence, right there beside them.
This workshop takes you through the “5 Copywriting & Marketing Strategies That Make You A REAL Person… And Make You A Small Fortune!”… and it is PACKED with nearly 3 hours of fresh, new content. Here’s just a very small sampling of what’s on this call, which reveals — probably for the first time ever– the inside scoop behind the 5 Cornerstone Concepts to being real:
“Craig is a master of persuasion… while maintining ethics and integrity…”
“As usual, Craig has you wide-eyed with wonder throughout the entire set of calls. He reveals copywriting techniques I’ve never heard anyone discuss before – and frankly, I don’t think anyone has discussed these things because I’d imagine there aren’t many people who are even aware of them.
Once you understand how to stir emotions in your buyers – and you WILL know how to do this after listening to these calls – you can do things virtually NONE of your competitors can do. Because as you know, ALL buying decisions are based on emotion. And once you know how to move people at a guttural level, they will “hear” what you’re saying, way above the din of everyone else.
After listening and then re-listening to these calls, it’s easy to understand how Craig forges such tight relationships with his buyers, and how he gets them to give him money, over and over again, for years on end.
I’m looking forward to putting these strategies to use in my own business. And Craig has laid everything out (including examples) in an easy-to-understand and systematic manner that lets you do this very easily.
The workbook alone is worth five times the price of the entire workshop, let alone the content of the calls themselves. Craig is a master of persuasion, and the fact that you can do all these things while maintaining your ethics and integrity, means everybody wins.
If you write copy and you want to create long-term and HIGHLY profitable relationships with your list and your buyers, then you MUST order this workshop and start listening to it right away.” Mike Miget – St. Louis, Missouri
“Everything I’d hoped it would be, and more.”
“Craig’s training Wednesday night on “Keepin’ It Real” was everything I’d hoped it would be, and more.
He really delivered, and I feel sorry for anyone who missed it. I appreciated Craig’s direct, down-to-earth approach.
Concepts were clearly, succinctly yet thoroughly presented. I think people are getting sick of, and numb to, the over-the-top “hypey” approach of many of today’s internet marketers.
Craig’s approach is a breath of fresh air and fits really well for businesses that desire to grow their customer base from a position of integrity. Thanks again to Craig for being so generous with his time. The 4.5 hours FLEW by!” Catherine White – Palatine, IL
Yes Craig, I don’t want my customers and clients to mistrust me. Let me download Keepin’ It Real, immediately! (Click here to order online or by phone)
Concept # 1: Psychology
We’ll dissect buyers psychology, and perhaps surprisingly… elements of your own psychology that impact your ability to be real and sell in print. Here’s just some of what you’ll discover:
7 Issues Sellers — yes, YOU — must overcome if you want to be able to sell effectively and let go of any preconceived notions or “awkward” feelings you have about selling. The “600-pound Deadlift Story!” This allows you to break through virtually any communication barriers standing in your way. 6 Stubborn traits of buyers you MUST overcome, and how to quickly and easily do this! 2 “supposed” buyer objections most people mistakenly waste tons of time writing sales copy to try and overcome – even though these are actually COMPLETE non-issues. Without this information you will continue wasting HUNDREDS of hours of your time on these 2 items, getting absolutely nothing in return. The 3 Most common and costly mistakes you make when it comes to contacting your buyers, and how to fix them. The ONLY 2 factors that determine the quality of any relationship, and how to improve them. Knowing this is like getting the set of keys to your buyers’ “emotional buying vault.” 5 things you MUST be consistent with, when speaking to your customers and prospects. Deviate from any one of them and it immediately starts costing you — big time! An old-fashioned way of doing things, that instantly attracts new customers to you. (And… 6 new ways of using this technique, so you’re not missing out!) A HUGE common mistake people make when it comes to confidence, that costs you money every single time you make it! This subtle difference between serving your customers… and getting completely abused by your customers, often sneaks up on you. And before you know it… it completely consumes your life! Find out what this difference is, and how to avoid it — so you can stop kow-towing to your customers and instead start re-claiming your dignity and the respect you deserve. How to GUARANTEE your customers and clients chase you down, by letting your sales process do all the work for you! (Instead of doing all the chasing and doing FAR too much work, like most people!) Concept # 2: How To “Prove” You Are Real
When it comes to selling, perception is reality. Like I said earlier, it really doesn’t matter whether you’re the most righteous, real person on God’s Green Earth. The ONLY thing that matters is whether or not your buyers perceive you as being the real deal, or… do they perceive you as just another person in a very long line of people who wants to take their money and then disappear?
There are over 24 strategies in this section that let you create a very solid, very strong perception which shows you’re not like this. Instead, it “proves” you are an honest, genuine person. Things like:
3 Strategies that show you how to keep your buyers sticking with you over the long-haul. Frankly, these strategies have made me a small fortune. They are the reason why most people stick around and continue paying me, FAR longer than virtually anyone else they deal with. 20 different things to say to your buyers, that create long-term chemistry, and 5 things you must NEVER say unless you’ve fulfilled a certain obligation already. The one story you can tell that always attracts new customers and clients, and never gets old for your existing ones. A simple copywriting technique virtually NO ONE uses, even though it gives you almost limitless control over your prospects. Most people mistakenly believe when they sit down and write a sales letter, their job is to create “want.” That if you tap into all the “want” that’s out there in the marketplace, it’ll turn into dollars in your pockets. Right?
Well, let me be the first person to tell you…
Nothing… could be further… from the truth!
Once you understand what your real job is, you can save thousands of what will otherwise continue to be wasted hours, and instead start profiting from the ONLY thing you should be doing when you’re trying to sell.
And there’s more — you’ll also discover:
8 simple ways to create a very direct, very personal “connection” with your readers Five forms of media that prove you’re real. 9 topics to talk about that position you as an authority figure and a leader. When people look up to you as a leader, you’re automatically presumed to be sincere. A critical item, that attracts buyers to you like bees are attracted to honey! I’ll also give you 9 extra “customer attraction magnets” to get you started, immediately! There are 3 very common, yet incredibly devastating things you must NEVER say to your buyers, readers, prospects, or ANYONE for that matter… if you ever want to be perceived as a real person. In fact, if you say ANY one of these three things, you will alienate your buyers on a deep subconscious level, immediately. You’ll find out what they are on this call! If you are a consultant or if you provide any kind of service… there is one simple thing you can do… that eliminates virtually 100% of all the typical client aggravation you ordinarily have to put up with. Yet, 99% of all service providers in this situation are completely unaware of this amazingly easy process. However, you’ll be a master at it, after this call. Yes Craig, I don’t want my customers and clients to mistrust me. Let me download Keepin’ It Real, immediately! (Click here to order online or by phone)
Concept # 3: Being Real And Your Sales Process
In this part of the workshop, you’ll get an overview of the entire selling process in 2 simple diagrams, where you’ll uncover:
Exactly when “rapport” starts and what goes into generating rapport. (There are specific behaviors that determine the amount of, and the kind of rapport you’re going to have with your customers.) The two towers of trust: Credibility and Believability, and the difference between them You’ll also uncover the “Rapport-Building Format” for success! And lastly, you’ll discover the 3 things you must do, to make sure your buyers listen to your “call to action.” (Your “call to action” is the action you are trying to get your customer or client to take.) Concept # 4: 32 Do’s And Don’ts Of Being Real
In this part of the workshop, you’ll get the inside scoop on the specific set of guidelines you must follow, that give you lasting trust and rapport between you and your customers.
If you follow these guidelines, your prospects and buyers will love, adore, and respect you, and most important… they will trust you and buy from you, over and over again! Here’s a brief rundown on just some of the strategies you’ll discover:
The one marketing mistake that immediately destroys your customer relationship! Sadly, I see people making this common mistake, every day. A common copywriting strategy that actually misleads and disappoints your buyers. 3 things you need to do, to create a “wow” experience for your buyers How to make sure you’re not “intimidating” your buyers by making them think you’re trying to sell them something, instead of trying to help them. Another common copywriting mistake (which is incredibly easy to avoid) that is costing you a LOT of money, even right now as we’re speaking. And the thing is, this mistake is most typically made by more experienced marketers and entrepreneurs, not newbies! The one big problem with most testimonials! (Hint: it has nothing at all to do with presentation, length, or content.) A critical type of testimonial you must present, that creates almost “instant” trust, and makes you a very real person. An empowering secret about “thoughts” and how to leverage them. A critical emotional buy-button you can push, that gets people more open to dealing with you than perhaps anything else! 2 keys to making your presentation “easy on the eyes” The secret to winning, when it comes to persuasion. Most people don’t do this, and instead wind up coming off like a bull in a china shop. And in fact, this is not only the secret to winning in sales, but it’s the key to winning any kind of negotiation you’re ever involved with! A big personal problem most marketers foolishly “dump” in their customer’s laps, that makes selling, almost impossible! How to know when you’re being “too friendly” in a sales letter. Remember, being friendly is good, but being “too friendly” crosses a very real boundary that exists between all sales people and their customers. 5 Very common phrases marketers use that psychologically turn your buyers “off,” as soon as you say them. (And what to say, instead, that positions you as a trusted authority!) Concept # 5: Secret Writing Techniques And… Magic Words That Make You Real!
In this section I’m pulling the curtain back to reveal all the copywriting tricks I’ve learned during the last 11 years. You’ll discover how to write copy that gets your buyers involved… that gets them to trust you implicitly… and makes them just “sense” you are a salt-of-the earth, genuine caring soul.
Here’s a small sampling of what we’re going to cover on this part of the call:
Why telling someone you want them to come in for a free consultation… a free estimate… or a free inspection… is the kiss of death! Find out what to say instead, that’ll have more clients barreling through your doors, than you’ve ever imagined! Most people are foolishly concerned about making sure their buyers know “how smart they are.” The truth is, this is perhaps the most detrimental thing you can do when it comes to building rapport with your buyers. You’ll find out why, and what to do, instead. In what may be the most important part of the entire workshop, you’ll learn “How To Help Your Buyers Believe In Themselves.” If you can get your buyers to believe in themselves, you’ll have overcome one of the most important obstacles you’ll ever encounter. Language experts estimate up to 90% of what you’re saying, is communicated based on your non-verbal cues. In print, you lose this ability to communicate non-verbally. Or do you? You’ll discover 8 different ways to create varying “tones” in your voice, and how to use these strategies to get maximum leverage out of them. You’ll also uncover 7 simple strategies to create massive believability with your buyers. One of these strategies netted me a fast $15,000 early on in my career — and I’ll share it with you on this call! Why making hype-filled exaggerated claims is actually costing you a pretty penny! The very best kinds of promises to make! If you want to be perceived as a real person, there is one habit you must “check” at the door, before you start speaking to your buyers, and I won’t mince words about it, either. How to use humor in your sales letters and communication. There is a very effective way of doing this, but be careful here, because people are dead serious when it comes to spending money! Most people forget this, and as a result… they screw this up, royally! How to choose the right “voice” to write your sales letters or ads in. (If you’re always writing from yourself, you are definitely missing out.) A major “slip” most people make when writing copy, that completely de-personalizes anything you’re saying. Besides “being boring,” this is the one other “Cardinal Sin” you don’t ever want to commit! A simple strategy that makes you a LOT more believable, and increases sales, almost immediately. Oh, and this will take you less than 7 minutes to implement! A Very Special “benchmark” test I’ve NEVER seen revealed before! This test (which I mentioned earlier) shows you DIRECT EVIDENCE of how much you’re engaging your readers. Look, real people have real conversations, and this test shows you precisely how many real conversations are taking place in your sales letters, display ads, web pages and direct mail.
No one’s EVER discussed this before, and I was very concerned about even revealing this “test,” which will take you less than 7 seconds to perform! (And I’m not exaggerating one bit here.)
You’ll also discover 22 phrases and words to say, that will boost your rapport-building results, dramatically!
This ONE Section Alone Is Worth TEN TIMES The Price Of Admission To This Workshop!
Craig Garber – Keepin’ It Real Copywriting Workshop posted first on premiumwarezstore.blogspot.com
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batterymonster2021 · 6 years ago
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/10-ways-to-have-a-better-conversation-celeste-headlee/
10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee
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All right, I wish to see a show of fingers: what number of of you will have unfriended any individual on facebook considering they mentioned anything offensive about politics or religion, childcare, food? (Laughter) And what number of of you already know as a minimum one individual that you just restrict on account that you simply do not wish to talk to them? (Laughter) you already know, it used to be that with the intention to have a well mannered dialog, we simply needed to comply with the recommendation of Henry Higgins in "My fair girl": stick with the climate and your wellness. However these days, with climate change and anti-vaxxing, these topics — (Laughter) aren’t risk-free both. So this world that we are living in, this world wherein every dialog has the skills to devolve into an argument, the place our legislators can not communicate to at least one one more and where even the most trivial of issues have anybody combating both passionately for it and towards it, it can be not natural. Pew research did a be trained of 10,000 American adults, and so they determined that at this second, we are more polarized, we are extra divided, than we ever were in history. We’re much less likely to compromise, which means that we’re now not listening to each other. And we make selections about the place to are living, who to marry and even who our pals are going to be, based on what we already think.Again, that means we’re not listening to each other. A dialog requires a balance between speaking and listening, and somewhere alongside the best way, we misplaced that steadiness. Now, part of that is as a result of science. The smartphones that you just all either have to your fingers or close enough that you just might grasp them fairly swiftly. Consistent with Pew study, a couple of 1/3 of yank teens ship greater than a hundred texts a day. And lots of of them, just about most of them, are more likely to textual content their friends than they’re to talk to them nose to nose. There’s this best piece in the Atlantic. It used to be written by using a high school trainer named Paul Barnwell. And he gave his kids a conversation project. He wanted to coach them the best way to communicate on a certain subject with out utilizing notes. And he mentioned this: "I came to realise…" (Laughter) "I got here to appreciate that conversational competence possibly the single most overlooked talent we fail to educate. Youngsters spend hours on a daily basis enticing with strategies and each other by means of displays, but hardly ever do they have an opportunity to hone their interpersonal communications competencies.It would sound like a humorous query, but we must ask ourselves: Is there any 21st-century skill more main than being capable to maintain coherent, positive conversation?" Now, I make my residing speaking to men and women: Nobel Prize winners, truck drivers, billionaires, kindergarten teachers, heads of state, plumbers. I talk to humans that i like. I talk to men and women that i don’t like. I speak to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal degree. However I nonetheless have a great conversation with them. So i’d wish to spend the following 10 minutes or so educating you the best way to speak and how one can hear. Many of you have got already heard plenty of advice on this, things like seem the person within the eye, believe of interesting subject matters to discuss upfront, seem, nod and smile to show that you’re paying concentration, repeat back what you simply heard or summarize it. So i need you to omit all of that. It’s crap. (Laughter) there is not any cause to gain knowledge of the way to exhibit you’re paying concentration in case you are in fact paying concentration. (Laughter) (Applause) Now, I in reality use the particular identical talents as a respectable interviewer that I do in usual life.So, i’m going to educate you how one can interview persons, and that is sincerely going to aid you study the way to be better conversationalists. Learn to have a dialog without wasting your time, without getting bored, and, please God, with out offending any person. We have all had relatively first-class conversations. We have now had them before. We all know what it can be like. The kind of conversation the place you walk away feeling engaged and influenced, or where you feel like you’ve gotten made a real connection or you’ve been perfectly understood. There is not any intent why most of your interactions can not be like that. So i have 10 normal ideas. I’m going to stroll you by means of all of them, but honestly, when you simply pick certainly one of them and master it, you can already enjoy higher conversations. Quantity one: do not multitask. And i do not imply just set down your cell telephone or your pill or your vehicle keys or something is to your hand.I imply, be present. Be in that second. Don’t feel about your argument you had together with your boss. Don’t suppose about what you are going to have for dinner. If you wish to get out of the conversation, get out of the dialog, but do not be 1/2 in it and half of out of it. Number two: don’t pontificate. If you wish to state your opinion without any possibility for response or argument or pushback or progress, write a web publication. (Laughter) Now, there may be a rather just right motive why i do not enable pundits on my show: considering the fact that they may be quite boring. If they are conservative, they are going to hate Obama and meals stamps and abortion. If they’re liberal, they’ll hate huge banks and oil organisations and Dick Cheney. Utterly predictable. And you do not want to be like that.You need to enter each conversation assuming that you have some thing to gain knowledge of. The famed therapist M. Scott p.C. Stated that true listening requires a surroundings aside of oneself. And sometimes that means setting apart your personal opinion. He stated that sensing this acceptance, the speaker will emerge as less and no more prone and increasingly likely to open up the interior recesses of his or her mind to the listener. Again, assume that you have whatever to be taught. Invoice Nye: "every person you will ever meet is aware of whatever that you don’t." I put it this manner: everybody is an informed in anything. Quantity three: Use open-ended questions. In this case, take a cue from journalists. Begin your questions with who, what, when, where, why or how. For those who put in a complex question, you’re going to get a simple reply out. If I ask you, "were you terrified?" you are going to respond to the most powerful word in that sentence, which is "terrified," and the answer is "yes, I was once" or "No, I wasn’t." "were you irritated?" "yes, I was very angry." let them describe it. They’re the ones that know.Try asking them things like, "What was once that like?" "How did that believe?" considering then they could ought to stop for a second and think about it, and you’re going to get a way more exciting response. Number 4: waft. That means ideas will come into your mind and also you must allow them to go out of your intellect. We have heard interviews frequently where a guest is speakme for a few minutes and then the host comes back in and asks a question which seems adore it comes out of nowhere, or it can be already been answered. That implies the host most often stopped listening two minutes ago seeing that he concept of this really clever question, and he was simply certain and decided to assert that.And we do the distinctive equal factor. We’re sitting there having a dialog with any individual, after which we do not forget that point that we met Hugh Jackman in a coffee store. (Laughter) And we discontinue listening. Studies and suggestions are going to come back to you. You must let them come and allow them to go. Number five: If you do not know, say that you don’t know. Now, persons on the radio, peculiarly on NPR, are far more mindful that they’re occurring the file, and so they’re extra cautious about what they declare to be an trained in and what they declare to know for certain.Do that. Err on the aspect of caution. Speak should not be affordable. Quantity six: do not equate your expertise with theirs. If they’re speaking about having misplaced a family member, do not talking in regards to the time you lost a household member. If they may be speaking concerning the predicament they’re having at work, don’t tell them about how much you hate your job. It is not the same. It is not ever the identical. All experiences are individual. And, more importantly, it is not about you. You don’t have got to take that second to show how mighty you might be or how much you have got suffered. Anyone asked Stephen Hawking once what his IQ was, and he mentioned, "I haven’t any concept. Men and women who brag about their IQs are losers." (Laughter) Conversations usually are not a promotional possibility. Quantity seven: try to not repeat yourself. It can be condescending, and it is fairly boring, and we tend to do it a lot. Principally in work conversations or in conversations with our kids, we’ve a factor to make, so we simply keep rephrasing it again and again.Don’t do this. Quantity eight: keep out of the weeds. Frankly, humans do not care concerning the years, the names, the dates, all those important points that you’re struggling to provide you with on your intellect. They do not care. What they care about is you. They care about what you are like, what you will have in customary. So fail to remember the details. Leave them out. Quantity 9: this is not the final one, however it’s the primary one. Pay attention. I can’t inform you how many fairly most important humans have stated that listening is perhaps probably the most, the quantity one essential talent that you just might strengthen. Buddha mentioned, and i am paraphrasing, "in case your mouth is open, you are now not studying." And Calvin Coolidge stated, "No man ever listened his means out of a job." (Laughter) Why will we now not pay attention to one another? Quantity one, we might as an alternative talk. After I’m speaking, i am in control. I do not have to hear some thing i am now not interested by.I am the middle of attention. I will bolster my own identity. However there is another reason: We get distracted. The usual man or woman talks at about 225 phrase per minute, but we are able to listen at as much as 500 phrases per minute. So our minds are filling in these different 275 words. And look, i do know, it takes effort and vigor to clearly pay attention to anybody, but when you can’t do this, you’re no longer in a dialog. You’re just two individuals shouting out barely associated sentences within the same location. (Laughter) You have got to hear to at least one another. Stephen Covey stated it very fantastically. He mentioned, "Most of us don’t pay attention with the intent to fully grasp. We listen with the intent to answer." yet another rule, number 10, and it’s this one: Be temporary. (Laughter) (Applause) All of this boils right down to the equal normal inspiration, and it’s this one: Be interested in different men and women.You know, I grew up with an extraordinarily famous grandfather, and there was once style of a ritual in my house. Humans would come over to speak to my grandparents, and after they would depart, my mom would come over to us, and he or she’d say, "do you know who that was once? She used to be the runner-up to overlook america. He was the mayor of Sacramento. She gained a Pulitzer Prize. He is a Russian ballet dancer." and i form of grew up assuming everybody has some hidden, robust factor about them.And honestly, I feel it can be what makes me a better host. I keep my mouth shut as more often than not as I most likely can, I maintain my intellect open, and i’m always all set to be amazed, and i am under no circumstances upset. You do the identical thing. Exit, speak to individuals, hearken to folks, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed. Thanks. (Applause) .
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