#AHHHHH as one of the comments under that post says
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sevencardigans · 11 months ago
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painom · 23 days ago
Hello! Can I just say that I really appreciate you doing this? I've always been a big fan of your analyses and your ability to get to the root of the characters. Thank you for continuing to let us read your wonderful thoughts and stories.
On your old blog, you discussed your headcannons for Lyney, one being his tendency to forget things like where he put his wallet because him and his mind are very busy. Unfortunately, I didn't save the post (my biggest regret ahhhhh!) and I would love to read your analysis once more. If it's okay with you, could you go over your headcannons for Lyney again? The old, the new, whatever's on your mind and whatever you're willing to share. Thank you so much!
Thank you for the kind ask, anon! Here you go!
New Lyney Headcanons
Self-focused - Though he never seems like it, those that know Lyney well know that he’s often running low on sleep. And really, he has no one to blame but himself. During the day he’s often distracted with magic shows, helping people, little tasks around the hotel, running missions for Father, and much more. And at night? He can often be found alone in his room planning new tricks, arranging missions for his siblings, studying to become the next “king” of the House, and things of the sort. If Lynette and Freminet didn’t keep an eye on him, no doubt he would stay up the whole night if given the chance! Those two welcome all the help they can get. 
Relationship-focused - When it comes to his relationship with you, Lyney never lies. You know he would never do that to you. And sometimes, the knowledge almost lulls you into a false sense of security. Yet you know better. You’re smarter than that. Where Lyney doesn’t lie, he omits. Half-truths so easily fall from his mouth as drops of rain from the sky. Your comments of concern are often brushed off and your questions redirected. As much as you try, you know the truth. He doesn’t want you to know. He doesn’t want you to shoulder his burdens with him. 
old lyney headcanons below!
Would Lyney be honest with you?
With his outgoing and fun personality, it oftentimes is easy to get caught within his flow. Lyney is the charming sort, after all, that one may very well forget that he is subject to the same struggles as the rest. Get to know him well enough, though, and you will quickly realize that this is not a fact he wishes others to know. More than a desire, he needs to be seen as someone in control, as someone without weakness. That’s his role as the big brother. And if that means lying, avoiding, and omitting the truth to accomplish it, then an accomplished performer like himself will do what he must. 
Does Lyney prefer to pursue or be pursued?
With a penchant for flair and dramatics, it’s clear to see Lyney prefers to pursue the people he’s interested in. Really, it’s one of the things he goes all out. With a trick up his sleeve, he won’t hesitate to dazzle you with flowers pulled from nowhere and fireworks from his tophat. He wants you to be enchanted. He wants you to be impressed! You are, aren’t you? You like it, don’t you? So focused on charming you that he often loses sight of much else. Fun fact, should you attempt to turn the tables, however, you can expect his mask of self-confidence to fall to reveal a rather flustered expression beneath. 
Self-focused - If there’s one thing that’s true about Lyney, it is that he is a very busy person. As a person with multiple masks and roles, his thoughts are often preoccupied with House missions, performances, new tricks, and things of the like. So, much to the dismay of others, it’s easy for things to become buried under the multitude of other tasks he needs to take care of. How often the simple things become forgotten—where he last left his wallet, tea time with his siblings, the sale on storybooks at the bookstore. During those times, he really can’t help but appreciate his siblings and their ability to keep him on track. Really, he doesn’t know what he’d do without them!
Relationship-focused - It doesn’t hit you at first, but it doesn’t take you very long to notice how hard Lyney tries for your relationship. Normally this would be a good thing, but it is different with Lyney. Every day he tries to charm you. Every day he attempts to enchant you. You tell him he doesn’t need to try so hard, but that only seems to light a fire beneath him to do even more. You see it in his eyes. He needs to know you are still in awe of him, that you like him as much as he does you. And then it sinks in, doesn’t it? He doesn’t trust you. He doesn’t trust your feelings for him. He’ll never show his true face to you.
old tags for this post: #okay let’s talk lyney for a bit i think the biggest thing to know about lyney is that at his core he is an insecure person insecure and anxious #imo he’s extremely attached to his title of ‘big brother’ that he needs to fulfill the duties if such he needs to protect his siblings and be a person others can rely on #this belief is so strong that he refuses to rely on arlecchino for help and snaps at freminet for trying to get him to open up #he really cares about the way he’s perceived #remember when the traveler found out he’s part of the fatui and he spends his time bending over backwards to try to get them to trust him ‘like me! like me! please. i’m trustworthy i’ll never lie to you please!!’ #honestly imo that’s just one if his faults like lyney is unstable #idk what possessed arlecchino to make him her successor like he’d crack under pressure #lynette is a way better option #but anyway bc of these things he would not trust his partner in a relationship #he wouldn’t rely on them he’d never feel secure which would prompt him to keep trying too hard to ensure he’s still the person he thinks you fell in love with #the most important thing to remember with lyney is that he is a performer and the face he shows to the world is essentially a mask
What’s Lyney’s breaking point in a relationship?
It’s hard to imagine, really. With how much Lyney may seem in love, the idea there’s a point a relationship would be too much for him is hard to believe. But when you really think about it, his breaking point is simple. As strong as his feelings may be for you, his devotion to his family and its cause outweighs everything else. Should your relationship with him ever reach a time where it encroaches upon that which is the most precious to him, then there’s nothing more he can do than let you go.
old tags for this post: #i think the key thing to take in here is that lyney cannot function without his family he is extremely reliant upon them to the extent that he will become unstable without them #just look at the archon quest when wriothesley captured his siblings any and all logic completely went out the window #lyney is an anxious insecure mess and the only thing that holds him together is playing the role he has to as big brother #if your relationship with him ever reaches the point that you transcend into being counted as his family.... he will have no breaking point #the breaking point will be his mind or body. whichever breaks first
#genshin impact#lyney#lyney x reader#ekolu.headcanons#genshin x reader#okay sorry i didn't want to ramble in the body of the post but thank you for the kind message anon!!!!#i hope you don't mind me posting all of the old lyney headcanon asks down below#i was about to apologize for my headcanons being more on the psychology side but i'm glad you don't mind haha#idk how to make things more romantic#lyney is a really special case#enneagram wise when you look at lyney he seems like the kind of person that would be ruled by fear but it's actually shame#like i said in one of my old tags lyney is very attached to his self-proclaimed role of 'big brother'#in his attempt to convince OTHERS (not himself) that he's a good older brother he becomes anxious and controlling#my brain tells me that he's a 2w3 but my heart is telling me 3w2 LOL#with the way he disintegrates it is definitely more 2 focused#funny thing about lyney though#one point i wanted to make out with the self-focused headcanon is that while lyney does seem like he's always on the move personally like..#i think he does take time for himself#granted the time he takes for himself isn't necessarily to reflect and work through his emotions and anxieties#but he does take time for himself#he seems like the kind of guy that needs a certain amount of alone time at the end of the day#and sorry my lyney headcanons are never very romantic.... lyney is a very........ he's very young and immature#i don't think a relationship is the best thing for him where he is in his life right now. i think he needs to grow more#calm down a bit you know?
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nipuni · 1 year ago
I have another DW report! It took a while because we've been hosting friends and family visiting from abroad for a few months now and had a lot of work on top of that so we haven't had much quiet time alone to sit and watch but we made it to the end of S10!!
I'll share our thoughts under the cut because it's a lot!
We adored 12! His run was amazing, one of the best! A lot of episodes became all time favourites for us and Peter Capaldi is now our second favourite Doctor after David. His acting is impeccable and he is a delight to watch. He is so funny and inspiring and everything The Doctor should be, absolutely loved him!!
We enjoyed Clara, her characterization had some inconsistencies with her having several different arcs that felt disjointed at times but she is so memorable and made herself into such an integral part of The Doctor's life. Watching her change and their relationship become more codependent and unhinged as time went on was super interesting. Nardole grew on us. And BILL? Bill!! Oh my god dear Bill managed to outsuffer even Martha and that is saying a lot, I'm still traumatized I was not expecting the finale to go that way for her what the fuck and what a finale that was, devastating, we loved it!! but GOD sweet Bill her fate was brutal, I would have loved to see her go on more adventures and grow 😭
Now, the highlight of these seasons for me was Missy!! I'm obsessed, she's my favourite version of The Master so far and my favourite character after The Doctor, I LOVE HER 🙏 She needs more seasons! (I'm aware of the audios I'll get my ears on those as soon as I can) She's hilarious and clever, mean but soft and so so gorgeous AHHHHH She somehow manages to be terrifying and endearing at the same time and you can feel and share The Doctor's hope for her. Her death broke my heart, what do you mean The Doctor will never find out she stood with him in the end!! The romance, the tragedy!! I didn't dare hope they would take their story there and they went above and beyond. Every second she was on screen I was holding my breath and kicking my feet for real. To the people that said I would love their relationship when I started watching DW you were so right and know me too well 😳
Some of our favourite episodes from 12's run were Listen, Mummy on the Orient express, Heaven Sent and The doctor falls. Though there are a lot of good ones really, all the ones with Missy in them, Deep Breath, Flatline, Oxygen, the heist one, Thin Ice, The pilot, the one with the ghosts underwater, the ones with the pyramid monks, the parts with River, the one with the boxes and Zygons, the last special, all really enjoyable!!
We are also five episodes into S11 and I have to admit that despite our best efforts so far we are not enjoying Chibnall's writing at all 😫 but it's still early so we stay hopeful, maybe it's just a rough start and it will pick up after all the exposition. We will keep going so that we are all caught up by the time the new season starts airing!!
I hope you are all doing well! I am once again apologizing for not replying to asks in ages!! I've been mostly away from social media for months outside of posting every now and then so they keep piling up and it's become intimidating 😫 but I'll get to them soon!!
I also wanted to thank you for all the kind comments and tags on my art and photos, they really keep me going so I'm very grateful!! 😭💖
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bananaactivity · 6 months ago
ahhhhh your latest morgie art was so cool--you mentioned the gray streak in his human form and i gotta ask--is it natural or a conscious choice? cause iirc one tragic aspect of hook/morgie is that one day, morgie will lose hook. hook will age and die, and with his neverland trauma will never accept mortality. but morgie is a le fay and of magic--is he choosing to age?
Also yea pretty much. Morgie has no qualms as it relates to the whole immortality thing. He completely excepts that everyone he knows that isn’t immortal will die before him, everyone except Hook of course. He’s really upset about that one…
He does alter his appearance to age. When he was a youngling he first managed to hold a human form and modded its look after his mom and its size after his cousin. He has to manually modify his human form to age, but after a couple years it becomes second nature for him to notice small changes in the human form as it grows and make tweaks. Before switching back from his primordial form he noticed the grays and age that Hook now had and tweaked himself to match his aging friends.
Small short super tragic fic incoming 😓:
“I know you’re doing that on purpose Darling, you don’t have to pretend anymore.” Hook smirked. Morgie sighed. He knew what James meant, but undoing all his work made him feel…uneasy. “ I know. I don’t do it for you James… It makes me feel better…about… our predicament.” Morgie had given up trying to immortalize his love long ago… Neverland had hurt him. Bad. He didn’t want to be the bad guy, but time was so limited he didn’t want to wait another millennia to see those sly blue eyes once more in some new timeline. He wanted to be selfish…but he wouldn’t be the bad guy, not to James. “ Come on darling, last time I saw you as well, you, I almost ripped my jacket off right there.” Hook bit his lip and stroked his mustache, irritatingly more grey by the day. Morgie looked at it and then he grew upset, “ James! It’s almost over. My time with you is so meaningful and yet so meaningless it drives me insane! I have millennia to spend with out you, I cant-“ Hook grabbed Morgies shoulders and forced him to look into his eyes. “ Morgs, Love, I’m only 45, I’ve got a good sixty left in me I think!” He laughed. LAUGHED. “ Sixty?? Hook, MILLENNIA VS SIXTY. That is SO little time it’s comical!?” Morgie began to hyperventilate, he couldn’t imagine a world devoid of James, every other friend of his had longer lifespan, but sixty years left? It must have been the cruel joke of whatever being had cursed his creation. Of course he’d fall for the one who would leave him so soon. “ Morgie La Fey you are such a strange creature.” Hook chuckled. “ What would your space dad thing think of you crying over a mortal man? I’m just a man Morgs. Not even a good one. But life’s only worth it to me because it doesn’t last. I’d love to spend an eternity with you but think about how boring it could get!! Let’s just… live in the moment.” James was so endearing… and sometime he was very right. “ I understand. But~ You meantioned something about my other… appearance…” Hook smirked again. “ What can I say… I love when a man can keep up with me, or a primordial beast thing I’m not too choosy~” Giving Hook something he wanted was always a treat. Losing him would be hard… but he’d see him again one day.
Anyways I had the random urge to write something quick, it’s not my usual fare but I wanted to do it bro.
(make sure if you see this post @throwawaybog you either comment under here or message me what you’d like to see a sketch of remember it’s gotta be descendants related, but it doesn’t have to be my designs though, and if you have references make sure to send those as well)
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journalsouppe · 2 years ago
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My Breath of the Wild Spread!! Only one week until Tears of the Kingdom!! I had such a fun time playing it last year but I would change my rating on the game after playing more of the Zelda games and watching the Tears of the Kingdom trailers. It's a gorgeous game but it definitely lacks elements that Tears of the Kingdom promises to provide. It's still a great game nonetheless!
I'm currently playing through the DLCs and will post that spread later on! The official BOTW stickers can be found here on amazon and the dragon stickers were a limited run by KellCarr!
Writing typed below!
Rating: 9.7 Played: Spr 2022 Port: Switch + DLC
Encountering the dragons is so beautiful
I beat all 120 shrines!
The architecture is so well thought out I hope to study it more
I hope to tame the Lord of the Mountain -> I did!
The paraglider is so fun :)
The music is so incredibly beautiful
Exploring the new land was a unique experience that I am excited for in TOTK/BOTW 2
I wish there were more varied enemies
FUCK the colosseum
Ganon was so hard, once again I wanted to cry (my friend told me it was so easy that she beat phase 1 without clothes and that messed me up so bad lol)
One of my favorite memories is encountering Kass for the first time outside of Zora's Domain
I can't believe the fairy clothes are TINGLE AHHHHH
I really love the new zora designs
I like how the gorons are genderless
I don't love Zelda's design because her hair is so solid. I love it when she cuts it [in TOTK]
<3 you Sidon
I hope he's in BOTW 2...
An unbelievably beautiful game and story. I think it is a game that illustrates the weight of duty and the harm that can put one under. Both Link and Zelda faced different symptom of depression after Fate and the world dictated who they should be. I am so glad in the end Link and Zelda try to become their own people in these roles and rely on each other as friends. The exploration aspect was truly magical. The music, the art, the architecture, the memories, all of it cultivated in to such a special game and I am so excited for its sequel.
I also want to say I played this game when I was going through the some of the worst experiences I've ever had and the summary reflects that. To this day I still view this as a very tragic but hopeful game. I have very strong interpretations of this game that contrasts a lot with how others view the game as a result of what I went through, but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. I'm very grateful I decided to play Zelda when I did because it really helped me understand what I was going through and led me to start journaling. Although I still have opinions on how this game could've been better, I do appreciate what it's done for me. (And don't worry I'm doing a lot better now ^_^)
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wanderingcas · 2 years ago
Hii!!! Just jumping in here to say that I finally finally caught up with The Common Hours and I was just about to send you this little ask saying how much i like this and so on when i saw that this is the first post on your blog
to the people who comment on every chapter of my wip full months after it started posting: you're the real heroes
and i was like. okay maybe i didn't comment under every chapter but feeling a little like a hero now haha *salutes* also reassured because i saw when it was last updated and i decided to check up on you on tumblr if you're still here because - not gonna lie - i am kind of invested in the story now and was a little worried if you're still writing it or maybe you took a break or something (understandable 100%, real life is real life also time just flies).
what i am trying - and failing - to say is that i really love your story and obviously can't wait for the new chapter but i will wait forever: take your time!!! this fic has this vibe that the last thing it needs is to be rushed. nah. it needs time to breathe, like a good wine! but also. like a good wine, I NEED IT NOW, all of it, i need to know everything, i have so many questions! about castiel's memories, what did he do why did anna say he removed his grace of his own (because this is kind of a game changer in this fic??) and if he did then why, WHY are parts of his grace in seemingly random places that uh oh are NOT random AT ALL but they are connected to his memories with dean???? hello???? i CRAVE answers!!!! why and how was he captured and how and why did dean rescue him??? why did he decide to keep cas in the dark about everything??? why the whole witness protection program????
*breathes deeply and takes a sip of water*
and with that, (because this ask is already way too long lmao) i just wanted to wish you a good day, a lot of strenght and TIME to write and most of all i hope you're doing okay!!! :) thank you for sharing another great fic with the fandom!
okay let me take a moment to just say: AHHHHH!?!?!?!?
this ask has me CLUTCHING MY COMPUTER SCREEN and SCREAMING literally my dreams are coming true for this fic - someone busting into my inbox and leaving a long detailed comment on what they thought and all their burning questions and... UGH. thank you. you absolutely made my night.
SECONDLY yes don't worry i am definitely not taking abandoning the story! (already did that once before 6 years ago lol), it's just definitely taking longer than most things i've written in the past. idk if it's because i've changed as a writer or because i have a 1 year old now or because i'm older and wiser but this fic certainly is taking its time. which is crazy because i have so many scenes in my head. but anyway this is all to say that all is good! all is chugging along! in fact i have a draft written that i'm hopefully going to post soon.
your questions are literally making me cackle with glee like a little goblin, i kid you not. one of the best things i can get from readers are observations/questions/theories that i want you to pick up on - and you're picking up on ALL OF THEM so i'm really happy that the story is going in a direction that you're following. if that makes sense. it's all to say that answers are definitely forthcoming! you're asking the right stuff!! ahh man just thank you so much for taking the time to send this ask. you made this silly little writer very happy:')
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mego42 · 4 years ago
Hi!! Was just wondering if you have any Brio fic updates you’ll be posting soon? Obsessed with your writing!
ahhhhh thank you!!! you are too kind!!!
I guess it depends on your definition of soon? I have a lot of stuff I’m working on and am pretty far along into, it’s just been going a bit slowly for life reasons (we’ve been temporarily short-staffed at my job which has unfortunately coincided with bringing on some big new clients so I’m working crazy hours and then also took on a p big freelance project at the same time bc I make questionable choices but also bc it’s a v awesome project and I’m hoping to be able to brag about it soon)
THAT SAID I’ve got a lot of stuff p far along including:
ch 2 of swear! fully drafted, def in need of another major editing pass though. there’s a tension/tone through-line that’s not quiiiiiiite right and I’ve been trying to sort it out by writing Rio POV outtakes bc why not
ch 3 of swear! I’m trying really hard not to post for this fic until I have a chapter banked both for accountability reasons and also bc I’ve got a lot of threads woven into the fic that I’m trying to keep track of and it’s helpful to be able to bounce back a chapter and tweak things to properly set up stuff in the next chapter. I’m about a quarter/third or so into it but I’ve lowkey dropped it for now to focus ooooooooon...
the last chapter of song!! at last! it’s happening! highkey inspired to jump back in by a truly lovely comment @whiskeyjack left me and @xenalovesoq and her group chat’s unflagging enthusiasm, I am about 15K into the draft and *laugh nervously* a third of the way through my outline so that’s gonna be a monster
I’ve also got a bunch of other projects in various stages of outlining and drafting that are v much on my mind but def not a current priority like the others (Beth POV for listening, buffyverse if I can detangle the plot, the pacific rim AU I add a sentence or two to whenever I’m stuck on something else, the sex pollen I wrote half of and then paused to write swear).
so yeah, lots of stuff happening but nothing close enough that I’m comfortable predicting a timeline I’d inevitably fail at anyway. I’m not sure what’s going to get posted first tbh, I’d say probably song because that’s what I’m focused on rn but editing is going to be a bit of a thing given how long it’s shaping up to be (jfc oh god what am I doing) so idk!!
I wish I had a better answer but here! have a (rough, unedited) snippet from song for your troubles!
"What are you doing here," she hisses.
Her eyes dart from Rio's face to over his shoulder, sweeping the midway to see if anyone's watching them, and then back. The corner of his mouth tugs up like he knows what she's doing and it's funny. She locks onto the motion, the shrieking sounds of the carnival around them falling away. Midday sunshine giving way to deep, dark midnight blue in her mind’s eye.
Between her kids and then Rio having Marcus for a few days, Beth hadn't seen him since that night at the bar a full week ago. After she'd explained her plan to his satisfaction, she'd realized it was getting late, and she had to get home. He’d walked her out to the van and the unexpected gallantry of the gesture caught her off guard, and something bloomed, warm and sparkling in her chest. Then, alone in the parking lot, he'd pinned her up against the side of it, burying his face in her neck and pressing his hips into hers. Her moan when she felt him hard against her mingled with his answering one when she rolled her own hips right back, echoed together through the still, silent night. 
Beth thought about yanking open the door of the van and tugging him inside. She knew he wouldn't object from the nearly frantic urgency of his hands gripping her waist, shoving up under her shirt, hot and rough against her skin. He'd cupped her breasts, his thumbs swiping across her nipples and pressing down. She'd gasped and arched against him, her nails digging into his shoulders through his shirt when he'd bit down on her neck in response. 
A part of her wanted that—him—quick and furtive in the back of the van, too desperate for each other to wait. But another part thought of the reality of Emma's Barbie's digging into her back, the graham cracker crumbs she’s pretty sure the seats spontaneously generate at this point embedding themselves in her skin, the smell of apple juice and kid sweat that never entirely dissipates hanging around them and that isn't—she doesn't—
This thing between them feels different now. New and precious and somehow heavier and more fragile than it ever has before. It's a beginning, and Beth wants more for it—them—than a rushed hookup in a parking lot before they go their separate ways. 
So she’d gently pushed him away and he'd let go of her immediately, even if he'd taken a beat to inhale deep against her skin before stepping all the way back. 
When he'd met her eyes, Beth had known she didn't need to explain, and when he reached out a hand, pinky extended, her own had fluttered closed as he'd gently nudged her hair back, tucking it behind her ear.
"Next time."
Impact against her thighs snaps her back to the present, and Beth realizes she's swayed forward into the table between them. She can feel her blush flare, heating her cheeks and chest, but can't bring herself to be too embarrassed when she sees the way Rio's eyes have gone dark and hooded. 
His lips part, and Beth can see the tip of his tongue pressed lightly against his teeth. She imagines leaning in, closing the distance, and sinking her teeth into his full, lush—
“Jesus Christ!” 
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the1918 · 4 years ago
2020 Fic Year In Review Tag Meme
Thank you for tagging me @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier!
Total number of completed stories:
13 (on Ao3 and my docs combined), including one open ended.
Total number of words:
192,000 in completed fics (includes subtraction for collabs), too many more in WIP 😂
Fandoms written in:
Marvel Cinematic Universe (including Evanstan RPF)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
At least 10 times as much as expected. My plan at the beginning of the year was to finish Bespoke. I had the Farmer tumblr series but no plans to make a full fic out of it. And then COVID happened, and I haven’t stopped writing since. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Ahhhhh I can’t choose!
Gun to my head? I would pick Rhapsody in Pink because I love it with all my heart (just like Bespoke and now Song of the Rolling Earth) but RiP changed me as a writer.
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I delved into Daddy kink and kink in general
I started stories I wasn’t sure I would have the stamina to finish
I started the @stucky-lookalikes-archive with @cantabile-l
I took part in collaborations with other authors, and I also did my first big bang
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
No profic aspirations, but my fanfic goal is to finish the long haul that is Song of the Rolling Earth.
Most popular story of the year?
In terms of both comments and kudos it’s Rhapsody in Pink, but special mention to Bespoke because it has almost as many comments as RiP but way fewer of those comments are my responses (bc I suck at responding to Ao3 comments, even though I read them all).
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Honestly, any and all of my fics got way more appreciation than I ever expected them to. If I had to pick one I guess I would say Red? It’s funny though, because besides the fact that I thought people would be more into feral Steve, a big part of the reason I wrote it was because I thought people would be pissed at me for the Chapter 9 angst in Bespoke and I wanted to offer consolation porn, but the Chapter 9 angst ended up being more popular  😂
Most fun story to write?
put you on something new. Frat Steve’s inner monologue is on another level of fun for me.
Most unintentionally telling story:
All The Sugar In The World. I figured out some things about myself writing that world, lol.
Biggest disappointment.
None. I feel good about everything.
Biggest surprise.
The response to the original tumblr series for Farmer Daddy Steve. I felt like it was just a silly series of posts and then it got a WILD response. So glad to finally be writing that world “for real.”
No pressure tagging: @trekchik @darter-blue @kalee60
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dreamsarelikedragonflies · 4 years ago
Which of your fics...
(eeeeeee!) I was tagged by @nikibogwater for this one, and I’m super grateful for that, because boy oh boy do I have things to say. Without further ado...
...did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got: 
Well, I have to say I thought Uneven Days would be getting a lot of attention, seeing as, yknow, Douxie dying at the end of Wizards would have been one hell of a turn. But, the more I think about that one, the more I realize it’s really pretty dark and downright painful to read even for me, so I can understand why it wasn’t bigger. At the same time, I still regard it as one of my better heavy-angst pieces because of how I was able to make it concise but impactful.
...is your funniest: 
Hmm! I think that I tend to keep a balance of humor, fluff, and angst in my writing (and personally, I think that’s what makes it so appealing to me to keep writing) but Witch Hazel was by far one of the more fluffy and just all around funnier ones. I mean, really, a stinky moppet!Douxie who is overjoyed to be running simple errands for his master, sassy Zoe who doesn’t know what to think of this tall, cute, albeit dorky guy, immediately followed up by a time skip to the future where Zoe is soft about sweet Douxie and the roles are sort of reversed. It’s just so stinking cute (pun fully intended.)
...is your darkest/angstiest: 
Well, previously mentioned Uneven Days probably has to take the cake on that one, simply because of how dark it is. Originally, Fundamental Experiences was going to be a lot heavier. I had actually considered having him accidentally kill his father, and had touched on going more in-depth on the abuse suffered. But...I have an idea to incorporate a quite uncomfortable moment where he sees his father for the last time into that series somewhere...
...is your absolute favorite: 
Why on Earth would you make me choose?!?!? Not to mention, my perception of good or not is heavily influenced by reactions and comments, lol. If I had to pin down ONE, I would maybe say that at the moment, chapter 8, “Did You Know” of Saudade is my favorite. In fact, that whole work is my baby. I really enjoyed making them hurt over the course of 25k words, and then of course, writing out my own pining and yearning into these characters I’ve grown to love so much, well, that was cathartic. I think it’s what finally pushed me over the edge of getting over a semi-recent breakup and a heartache for a crush that was never going to go anywhere(the crush in question once sang me all eight and a half minutes of American Pie by Don McLean at work and my obsession with McLean songs took off from there). I self-project an unhealthy amount, but it leaves my writing astonishingly real.
...is your least favorite: 
Yeesh. Well, I wrote Not Just Happenstance for a “The Dragon Prince” AU thing in a contest-type of thing that was going for a while, and it just felt so rushed and cringey. And this work is what led me to realize I really don’t like writing heavily canon-divergent AUs where just about everything is changed. AUs in general are not my cup of tea, but recently I’ve found a few I really vibe with, but I’m only going to write ones with minor changes. I’m down with reading a few here and there, however.
...was the easiest to write:
Hmm. I think mostly because of it’s simplicity and short-and-sweet style, A Friendship of A Thousand Lifetimes. It was one of my earlier pieces posted, back when I thought I’d get away with uploading under 1k pieces to that series. It came pretty naturally to me, and it was actually a little inspired by HTTYD in the trap aspect.
...was the hardest to write: 
There’s a couple of answers to this question. Emotionally speaking, Uneven Days killed me. I had to take crying breaks to write it. And when I finished it, I wasn’t even relieved, I just felt...numb. But logistically speaking, I’ve done wayyyyy too much research on dancing in the 12th century for one of my WIP Zouxie week fics, lol, for it to only be a super minor aspect. I did a lot of research on that one for acceptable words to use, what clothing would have looked like, and so on, and then I only used a tiny bit of that info in the work. I really struggled to pair it own, too, and it’s almost deserving of it’s own mini-series. If you want the sequel to it, you’ll have to comment requesting it when it goes up Nov. 2nd!
...has your favorite line/exchange/paragraph (share it):
I have a couple answers to this one. In regards to fluff:
“Well,” he starts, running a thumb down her cheek and to her jaw. “Twice in nine hundred years is nothing. I was thinking I’d like to make up for some lost time.”
“I wouldn’t mind that at all,” Zoe answers. She meets his lips with a grin.
I mean, that one is just so freaking flirty and adorable, it makes me feel all AHHHHH on the inside. If not for knowing it’s better unwritten (and that I just,,, I mean,, I would write a scene with them making out but I just don’t know if I should yknow. if you think I should, well, by all means leave a comment here and consider it done) I would have delved into that more lol. I am soft for that sort of super sappy flirting. Saudade, Chapter 8.
In terms of humor? I LOVED writing that email interaction/skype call into my Saudade chapters. I just thought it was so freaking funny and fun to write, not to mention there’s so many lines that are gold in there, I can’t just pick one.
But in regards to the angst and pain??
Archibald feels numb and senseless to even the warmth of the sun on his fur. It doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing does. Everything has been taken away from him. Archie feels like a celestial body that had orbited a star all it’s life, only to have it suddenly wrenched away from him. He’s now purposeless. Directionless. The gravity is gone and there is nothing to keep him securely in place. 
This one is from Uneven Days again, and whoooo boy does it hurt. I think I managed to capture Archie’s own perception of himself in regards to Douxie. Without Doux, Archie doesn’t know who he is anymore. And that in itself is a powerful thing.
...have you re-read the most:
I’m not sure. Just for perspective, I reread my fics nearly every time someone comments so I can get a feeling for it again, lol. Though, I have only reread Uneven Days twice. Once to edit, and once after posting and that is all. But I think I’ve reread chap 8 of Saudade over two dozen times. I worked so hard to get that one just right. It wasn’t difficult, it was just that I seriously wanted it to be perfect.
...would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time: 
Start with Saudade! It will always be the best place to start, and actually, if you read along with my series updates, they weave together quite well. If you really wanted, you could read A Wizard’s Beginnings first simply because of the chronological order, but it’s not necessary.
...are you most proud of: 
Saudade will always be my magnum opus of fics that I’ve written for ToA. It has everything in it and more. But really? A Sinking Memory is by far the best piece I’ve written for ToA. If you haven’t already, please go read this. There is so much I could go into detail about the ways I tied that whole work together. And in fact, I plan to make a post talking about that because so help me Powers that Be, I am not letting it go under-appreciated. (because holy shit the symbolism and raw fucking emotion in there is WILD)
Tagging(with no pressure, but I’d love to hear from you!): @alovesongshewrote, @constantconfusion14, @feather-dancer and @sammyheroes. Thanks so much for the tag again, much love!!!
9 notes · View notes
let-it-raines · 5 years ago
Catch Me If You Can (35/40)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
a/n: I’ve exercised, showered and blow-dried my hair, cleaned the house, and have both girls asleep. So that means, you know, that the rest of the afternoon will probably be some kind of disaster. At least I’m getting this chapter up for you guys now! 
An absolutely GIGANTIC thank you to @imagnifika​ for making this cover. I mean, seriously. Look at Emma! And look at number 29! And all of it really ahhhhh ❤️ And thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke​ for helping me bring this story to life! Also, there’s a line in here specifically for @captainsjedi​ and any other botb fans 😘
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 |
Emma types a big, fat “L” into the stat sheet on her phone for the beginning of the Championship series, and she is undeniably bitter about it.
Like, seriously so bitter that she couldn’t have typed it in last night when it happened and saved it for this morning.
Damn the Red Sox.
How many times a season does she say that? It’s probably far too many times, but it’s something that needs to be said over and over again until it’s tattooed on her forehead so that everyone knows that she hates the Red Sox.
The games are simply different than against anyone else. Tension runs through everyone’s veins, and mistakes that aren’t usually made are made with frequency. The volume of the crowd is this constant rumble with a persistent murmur of excitement, and depending on if they’re in New York or in Boston, that crowd noise completely and totally changes how the players feel out there.
It changes how she feels simply watching from whatever seat the network has given her that day.
So the fact that they lost by one run yesterday afternoon on home turf has left a bitter taste in Emma’s mouth.
She’s not even a player, and she’s never been this nervous. There’s obviously time to make up for the loss. It’s best of seven games here, and a loss doesn’t mean anything. Except that, well, it can mean everything. It’s hard to come from behind if they get too far behind, and dammit, Emma wants the Yankees to play in the World Series again.
She wants to cover it and come up with those obnoxious think pieces about a team’s legacy and a player’s legacy. She wants to hype the team up and talk about the match-up with who they’re playing and everything that Killian hates about commentators and reporters.
Seriously. He hates it a lot. And yet he watches all of the shows like some kind of glutton for punishment.
He kind of is.
He’s also playing his first game in forty days today, and Emma’s nerves are nearly frayed as she has to keep her leg from bouncing up and down and her fingers from fidgeting against every single surface that she can find.
Killian is playing again.
Killian is playing again.
Killian is playing again.  
It never sounds quite real no matter how many times she thinks it, so obviously Emma is going to think it over and over again until the words don’t have any meaning.
Except they have every meaning.
“Why are you working right now?” Killian mumbles into her stomach before shifting up her body so that his cheek rests on her breast. He totally shifted that way on purpose. Such a man.
“Because I was awake, you were asleep, and I felt like you would wake up if I shifted away.”
“Probably.” His lips wrap around the peak of her nipple through the thin material of her camisole, and Emma sighs contently as she puts her phone down on her bedside table and reaches forward to gentle run her hands through Killian’s hair so that she can feel the soft strands slipping through her fingers. “You’re a very good pillow.”
“And you were extremely tired. What time did you fall asleep last night?”
His tongue runs in a circle, and she nearly melts right then and there. Then Killian is looking up at her through those long, thick lashes of his, and she nearly melts for an entirely different reason. Along the same guidelines, though. “Late. Or early depending on how you want to look at things. I wouldn’t check your closet if I were you. It may be organized.”
“Killian – ”
He grunts and moves back to paying attention to her breasts, his nose nudging away her shirt until warm breath is making direct contact with skin and even warmer lips are wrapping around her and making her hips arch in the air looking for friction they absolutely will not be getting this morning. They don’t have the time or the privacy.
But Killian’s lips feel really, really good, little sparks of fire flickering across her skin as heat pools between her thighs, and maybe, just maybe they can…
“Emma,” Ruby yells through the bedroom door as her knuckles collide with it, “I am leaving in ten minutes. Do you want to come with?”
“No,” Emma shouts back, but Ruby doesn’t know the definition of privacy and opens the door anyways before Emma can pulls her shirt back up or Killian can even move away. The bastard doesn’t even try. He just bites down on her in the way that he knows she likes and smiles into her skin all the while Ruby stands there with an arched brow. “Oh my God, Rubes. Privacy.”
“What? It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. There’s usually not a man attached to it, though. Hi, Killian. Nice to see you here. I’m glad you guys remembered that Emma has an apartment.”
Killian chuckles, and Emma swears it makes her entire body vibrate, before he’s grabbing the covers and pulling it up over her so that he can move away from her boob and look at Ruby in all of his ruffled glory.
“Hello, love,” he smiles, reaching up to stretch his arms behind his head as he winks. She swears he is the cockiest man alive. “We do stay here on occasion. It’s just at my place nobody walks in when I’m trying to tell my girlfriend good morning.”
“I think your mouth was in the wrong place to be telling her good morning.”
“Depends on the good morning I was thinking on giving her.”
Emma reaches down to grab a pillow before smacking Killian in the back of the head with it and then throwing it at Ruby who simply catches it and cradles it to her chest. “I hate that I brought the two of you together. There’s too many dirty jokes in your heads for you guys to share the same air.”
“These are thin walls, Emma dear,” Ruby teases as her knuckles rap on the walls. “I know for a fact that you’ve got some dirty jokes too.”
“Oh my God,” she groans again as she sinks further into the mattress and pulls her comforter up over her head. Her cheeks have to be as red as tomatoes right now, and Emma is going to hide under here until they calm down. She is not easily embarrassed, but the thought of Ruby hearing her the way that she’s heard Ruby and Graham before is too much.
Maybe moving out is beginning to sound like a good idea.
“I think we’ve embarrassed her, Lucas.”
“I think we have, Jones. To think, seeing your foreplay in action wasn’t enough to send her under the covers but making a joke about her bedroom humor was.”
Emma throws the covers down and peeks up at Ruby, completely ignoring Killian. “Go to work. I will see you when I get there and maybe I won’t ignore you as you talk into my ear.”
“Love you too,” Ruby teases before blowing Emma a kiss and walking away, her heels clicking down the hallway.
“What?” Killian asks, turning over to his side and reaching over to her to toy with her ring as it rests on her stomach.
“For one,” she starts, “I’m now super sexually frustrated, but we don’t have time to do anything about it. And, also, I seriously regret letting you guys become friends. You’re far too chummy with each other.”
“That’s how I feel about you and Elsa and Anna. I’m attacked every time the three of you get together.”
“Oh, speaking of Elsa, I need to text her back and tell her that I can come up to the suite today at the beginning of the game. I’m only going on to interview you when you’re finished and to do post-game stuff.”
Killian grumbles something she can’t here before he’s wrapping his fingers around her waist and pulling her closer to him so that he can pepper his lips across her jaw and ghost them over her mouth.
“It’s nothing.”
“Well, you see, my darling, love of my life, sweet Emma,” he overdramatically sighs as he kisses her, “I’m just a little worried that you won’t be able to handle interviewing me now that we’re dating. I’ve found that women are incapable of keeping a professional workspace, and I’m afraid that things might get a little murky for us.”
“I have never hated you more than I hate you right now.”
“It’s funny because I swear you just told me you’d never loved me more than you had right then.”
“Right. And now I hate you as much as I’ve ever hated you, and I used to actually hate you.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, the tone in his voice quickly switching from playful to melancholy, “you did.”
“You okay?”
He shifts against her until his cheek is resting on her breast again, and Emma runs her hands through his hair to soothe both him and her. “I’m fine, love. Simply a little nervous. I haven’t played a game in a good bit, and this is an important one. I can’t believe Al is trusting me with it.”
“It’s to get you back in the rotation. They may only keep you in for an inning depending on how you do.”
“I hope I bloody well do better than one inning.”
“You’re going to kick ass today, okay? Like you always do.”
“I do not always kick ass,” he grumbles, twisting his head to look back up at her. “In fact, I often don’t kick ass. I don’t know how I’m going to handle today.”
Emma brushes his hair back, and not for the first time she notices how boyish he can look in the mornings when the day’s stress hasn’t gotten to him. The stress is starting to creep in, however, and she wishes that she could take it all away from him.
“One pitch at a time, twenty-nine. They’re not going to be perfect, and you’re going to struggle. But it’s one pitch at a time. You’ve been doing this for a long time. You know how to be a baseball player.”
“What if we lose?”
“You’re not going to.”
“But what if we do? I’ve already let so many people down. I can’t…I don’t want to do it again.”
Her heart breaks the tiniest bit, and Emma simply keeps brushing his hair back as his eyes flutter closed. “You’re not letting anyone down. You try so hard for this team, and they know that. If you lose, it’s not your fault. You know that. You guys are a team, and you’re not standing up on that mound alone.”
“I literally am.”
“Figuratively, you are not.”
A slow smile curves from one side of his lips to the next even if his eyes stay closed. Killian’s hand searches for hers and in his hair, and he squeezes her wrist. “Thank you, Swan. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she sighs. “We’ve got to get out of bed. It might take me a little while to find something to wear since you apparently organized my closet last night.”
“It was messy.”
“But I knew where everything was.”
Killian grins before sitting up. “I know where everything is now. I’ll help. Team work makes the dream work.”
Emma hits his head with a pillow. “I take back saying that’s the most I’d ever hated you because this is the most I’ve ever hated you.”
“That’s because you haven’t seen your closet yet.”
When Emma wraps up her pre-game filming, talking back and forth with Isaac and James who miraculously only make two mentions to her dating Killian when talking about his return to the game today and only one mention of Arthur getting a pretty hefty fine for his treatment of an “anonymous” reporter in the locker room, she quickly walks back into the tunnel behind the dugout and down the hallways until she’s getting in the elevator that takes her up to the suites. Emma doesn’t have that long to be up there, only an inning or two depending on how the game goes, and she’s supposed to keep her earpiece in so she can be contacted no matter where she is. So she’s hurrying to meet Elsa and Liam in the suite like she said she would.
Her life was a lot less hectic when fewer people liked her.
She wouldn’t change it for a thing.
Except maybe she’d give herself some more time to accomplish more things. And possibly also speed up time a little bit so that she can stop worrying about Killian and Killian can stop worrying altogether.
Those two things are contradictory, but it works.
Kind of. She guesses. She really has no idea, and all she can really focus on his how much she absolutely feels like she’s going to vomit with all of the nerves that are ferociously swirling through her stomach.
Killian is going to make her sick.
Why is love so painful? Literally and figuratively.
Emma flashes her ID when she gets up to the suites, and after she’s let in, she walks through the door. Everyone is standing out on the little balcony, so she takes the chance to grab a glass of lemon water and take a deep breath.
She really needs a deep breath. Or five.
Why has she never been this nervous before? Why is this different now?
Because everything is different now.
Elsa turns around and sees her, reaching up her hand to wave, and it calms down Emma’s nerves as she walks out the sliding glass door and takes back in the sound of the stadium as people still filter in and all of the players begin to take their spots out on the field.
“Hey,” Elsa greets her, wrapping her arm around Emma’s waist in a half hug. “How are you?”
“Nervous as hell.”
“You’re telling me,” she sighs, not letting go of Emma’s waist. “I swear I wore down the wood floor in our kitchen pacing.”
“If Killian hadn’t been with me this morning, I would have done the same thing too.” Emma leans over to look at Liam, Kris, and Anna. “Hey guys.”
They all wave back at her with bright smiles on their faces that quickly fade back into frowns. Nerves are very obviously a present factor for everyone this afternoon.
“Where are the girls?” Emma asks.
“They are with my parents today. I’m sure Addy has the TV turned on and is watching the game. That girl is serious about her baseball.”
“Well, she does have a pretty cool uncle who plays.”
“This is true. How is he doing? I tried texting him earlier, but I didn’t get a text back.”
“He’s anxious. Like, hardcore Killian level anxious. In the locker room, I’m sure he was fine, you know? He always puts up the façade for the guys, but this morning he was really nervous. I don’t know if me talking to him did any good or if he just faked it for me.”
“Men have a harder time faking it than women, but it is possible,” Liam adds in with a cheeky smile before going back to paying attention to what Kris is saying and what’s going on down at the field as music booms out of the speakers.
Elsa playfully rolls her eyes at her husband before releasing Emma’s waist and sitting down in her chair. Emma follows suit while static moves through her earpiece.
“Ignore him,” she insists, still smiling at his bad joke. “I’m sure your talk helped. If anyone can calm him down, it’s one of the people sitting out here.”
“I hope so. I’m just…he wants this so badly, you know? And I want him to have it.”
“I know,” Elsa whispers as Killian takes his place on the mound and the murmur of the crowd quiets down. “I know.”
And then Killian is winding up and releasing a ball from his hand and Emma intakes a sharp breath.
It’s a ball. Not the best pitch in the world but not the worst. At least it wasn’t a homerun hit off of Killian’s first pitch back. That would have been demoralizing.
One pitch at a time. That’s what she told him earlier, and she’s going to stand by that.
Emma hopes that Killian can too.
Another wind-up, another pitch, and then there’s the thwack of a woodenmetal bat against the ball as it flies into the outfield and curves far enough left that it ends up being a foul.
One pitch at a time.
The next pitch flies right inside of the batter’s strike zone, and he smacks a line drive down past third, and he manages to get on first base.
Emma’s hand clutches for the ring around her neck, and she bunches up the chain, holding tightly onto it while she watches the video of Killian on the jumbotron and tries to see if there’s any inclination as to how he’s feeling.
There’s not. Killian looks like he always does out there, and not being able to tell what’s going on in his mind is driving her crazy.
Suddenly, there’s a slight pressure on her left hand, and Emma looks down to see Elsa’s hand covering hers while Elsa’s gaze stays out on the field.
“You’re going to give yourself a heart attack worrying like that.”
“You’re one to talk.”
Elsa looks over at her and smiles. “I have been with Liam for as long as Killian has had a professional career, and it does get easier, most of the time at least. There have been times when he has done things to make me nearly throw up, but I never have. No matter what happens, he’s going to be okay. That’s what we told him when he came back from injury last time, and he knows it even if he has trouble remembering it.”
“He may know it, but I certainly don’t.”
Elsa squeezes her hand again. “You’re in love with him. It makes sense. As much as we all love him, it’s not the same for you.”
Emma huffs. “So, can I have my heart attack in peace?”
“Not a chance in hell,” Liam scoffs before leaning over so she can see his face. “We have our heart attacks together up here. It’s a team effort.”
“That doesn’t even make any sense,” Anna teases.
“It makes perfect sense.”
“Why would we all have a heart attack instead of just one of us?”
“That sounds like a great way for all of us to end up dead, and then I promise you that Killian will not care what happens on the field.”
“Exactly. It’s going to keep his mind off of things.”
“It’s his job to stay focused on things.”
“You’ll get used to their bickering too,” Elsa laughs, and Emma swears that she is the very definition of an ice queen with how calm that she is. “It’s all part of the process. Kris will pipe in about three sentences too late since he focuses on the game better than anyone.”
“Wait,” Kris starts, “why are we having heart attacks?”
Elsa raises her brow as if to say “I told you so”, and all Emma can do is laugh as Killian throws his first strike of the day to the appreciation of the crowd.
Good. He’s getting there.
It’s a slow start, undoubtedly, and while Killian isn’t at his best, everyone else on the team is. Where he falls short, they pick up the slack, and Emma knows that while Killian will feel guilty about it, he’ll also be appreciative of the fact that he’s not out there ruining everything for everyone.
If there’s anyone who knows who to place guilt on himself when there’s no reason to, it’s Killian Jones.
By the time the bottom of the third rolls around, the Yankees are up three runs to one, and while it’s not the most convincing lead, it’s still a lead. And there’s a lot of game to go.
Not for Killian, though. Al pulls him when the third inning is over, and Emma and Jeff wait for him in the tunnels behind the locker room so that she can give him an interview without disrupting any part of the game.
His brows are furrowed when he first walks into the tunnel, but then he sees her and forces a smile onto his face. It’s fake and far too forced, and all she wants is to hug him and tell him that it’s okay. She can’t do that, though. Not right now. They’ve talked about this, and they’re going to be professional when on camera. It’s how it has to work.
“Hey, Swan,” Killian sighs as he steps into space.
“Hey, you did good, Killian.”
He shrugs his shoulders and then nods at the camera. Jeff motions to them that they’re about to roll, and Emma forces her own smile before beginning the introduction to her interview by talking about Killian’s stats for the game and reminding everybody that he’s coming back after forty days away.
As if they don’t know.
“How does it feel to be back?” she finally asks Killian as he lifts his hat from his head and pushes his sweaty hair back before placing it back down and scratching behind his ear.
Why is he nervous? 
“Fantastic,” he answers with a cocky grin that shows all of his perfectly white teeth. “There’s nothing that can replicate being out there. Absolutely nothing. I’m so thankful to be back and to feel that crowd support. We’re in a critical part of our season if we want to make it all the way to that final game, and I’m glad to be a part of it once more. You can only be a benchwarmer for so long before you go a little stir crazy.”
The smile he flashes there is a bit more genuine, and that relaxes her the slightest bit. “Are you nervous about the future when it comes to your arm?”
His hand reaches up to rub at his right shoulder, and Emma wonders if he even knows that he does it. But then he’s tilting his head and smiling at her like he does with every interview he’s ever been in before something changeschanges, and his lips become a little less curved and his eyes the little bit softer.
“The future’s nothing to be afraid of, love. Not when you’re happy with your life regardless of if things don’t always work out the way that you hope. My arm may mess up again. It may not. I can’t know. But I have to be okay with whatever happens and know that my life is pretty damn great no matter what happens on that field. Even if I damn well want to win.”
Emma’s breath hitches, and her brain has suddenly forgotten words.
Like, all words except for the actual word “word.”
“Wrap it up, Emma,” Ruby speaks into the earpiece. “You’re staring at him like he just told you that he loves you for the first time. Wrap it up.”
So she does, mumbling something that she’s sure makes no sense, but then Jeff is turning off the camera and lowering it from his shoulder so that Emma can take a deep breath and try to compose herself. She doesn’t really get a chance to before Killian is wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her into him while he buries his face into her neck, the sweat from his body and his uniform clinging to her clothes. It takes her by surprise at first, honestly and truly, but then she’s wrapping her arms around him too and simply breathing him in, sweat and all.
There are probably twenty people in this tunnel right now who can see the two of them, but Emma doesn’t care. The world knows, and everyone can think what they want about she and Killian’s relationship. None of their opinions matter when the two of them know the truth behind the smokescreen of lies the world is putting in front of them.
She may not be ready for them to hug or kiss on National television, but she can do this.
People have tried to tell her who she is her entire life, and she’s punching back and saying no. She is who she wants to be.
“You did it,” she whispers to him. “You’re back.”
“I would not have gotten off of my couch and back out onto that field without you, Swan.”
“You would have.”
“No,” he murmurs, his scruff scratching at her neck. “I wouldn’t have. You don’t know how much you’ve changed things for me. When I was out there and felt like I was about to pass out on the mound, I thought of you and how I knew that you were cheering me on. It’s a hell of a lot better than thinking about thousands of people I don’t know cheering me on when the only person who really matters is you.”
“What about your family?” Emma teases, the words rolling off of her tongue immediately. There are still times when she’s not good with affection, when she can’t take a compliment like that without freaking out, and sometimes words escape her before she can stop them.
Killian pulls back from the hug then, just a little bit, and rests his forehead against hers, his hat long since toppled to the ground, while his hands run up and down her biceps. “They obviously matter, love. Don’t go telling them what I said because they will give me shit about it, but you know that it’s different between you and me.”
“I would hope so. I don’t want to be treated in the same way as Liam.”
Killian laughs and softly pecks her lips. “Am I freaking you out making big declarations like this?”
“Not at all.”
“You’re a liar.”
“Only a little bit.”
He smiles, and her heart settles back in its regular spot while there’s the sound of cheers outside. “You’ve got a game to cover, and I best let you back to it. Pull them through.”
“Sounds like a plan, Stan.”
“Nothing,” Emma laughs as she pulls back from him. “It’s just a little phrase I heard. I thought I’d try it out, but I don’t think it quite works for us.”
“Maybe it’ll catch on.”
“Or we’ll have to come up with a better phrase.”
“What about ‘you’re looking fine, twenty-nine?’”
“A little egotistical for my taste, darling, but I think it’s got potential.”
Emma pushes at his shoulder and shakes her head. “Go get that shoulder massaged and take a shower. You smell horrible.”
“All for you, my love.”
An absolute dork.
They win that night, and Killian’s spirits are at what has to be an all-time high.
The fact that they lose two nights later when they’re in Boston only tampers those spirits the slightest bit.
They’re behind two games to one, but there’s still time to come back from it and survive this series.
And if Emma knows anything, Killian Jones is a hell of a survivor.
Tag list: @authorarsinoe​ @stunningswan​ @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury​ @superchocovian​ @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog​ @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings​ @carpedzem​ @tornadoamy​
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katcadecascade · 5 years ago
Luck Will Fly
Fair Game fic I already posted on ao3 and decided to post here
it’s basically a baby bird acquisition oneshot
“Um, Clover?” The young huntress began and immediately Clover has a tight breath stuck in him.
Ruby Rose is known for impeccable leadership and clever strategies that rely heavily upon teamwork. As per of her skills, she has an air of confidence and hope.
Right now in the academy’s grand hallways where Clover was simply making his way to the kitchen, Ruby approaches him with a frown.
Despite the short amount of time knowing her, that frown means something bad is happening to a love one.
He instinctively has the urge to go find Qrow.
“Is something wrong?” He asks and his old teachers would reprimand him for speaking with such a tone. Captains are meant to be collected and stable. Yet the thought of anything bad happening to the dark haired man sends spikes into the Ace Leader’s chest.
The young adult, still a teenager to Clover’s mind, sends him a freaked surprise that’s shifts into confusion, “No, I don’t believe so. I’m wondering if you’ve seen Uncle Qrow lately.”
He wants to say that every time he sees Qrow, he’s beautiful and stunning and takes his breath away. But this is Qrow’s niece, those thoughts are highly inappropriate to share out loud.
That and as much as Clover dislikes admitting, he hasn’t seen Qrow lately.
“Not really,” Clover said, “He’s the first one to leave the meetings and so far has denied my invitations.” Ruby raises a brow at that last word. A flushed heat crawled up his neck as he quickly clarifies, “Invitations to tea or game nights, that is.”
“Uh huh, yeah he hasn’t been hanging out with any of us lately,” Ruby tapped her chin, “but it’s always the same excuse.”
“I gotta take care of something,” Clover quotes, recalling the hurried tone the huntsman used. “I assumed it was for your or your teams’ sake.”
She shrugged, “I thought it was about you.”
Clover blinked, not at all understanding how she connected those dots.
Because throughout all this time, Clover wants those dots connected, he desperately wants Qrow to give him some sort of sign that he likes him back. They flirt at each other left and right and Clover hopes for something else. He wants his advice for Qrow to get through that brain of his.
Qrow’s always deflecting compliments, shrugging off his self-worth but he’s been doing less so each time Clover manages to get that soft vulnerable look on his face, like he’s no longer hiding in a shadow of doubt and misery.
But right now, from the sounds of it, Qrow is distancing himself from everyone.
Clover didn’t question further, never reading anything to worry from the distracted look in Qrow’s face.
“Whatever this ‘something’ is,” Clover said, “it’s keeping his entire attention. Any idea what it could be, Miss Rose?”
The girl strokes her chin as if she had a long beard, her foot tapping along, “Hmm, if he’s taking care of this something for so long and in secret then maybe there’s a pattern to follow. What else has he been doing?”
The Ace Leader recalled the past week.
Unfortunately (is it though?) he spent quite a lot of it staring at Qrow’s ass.
Look, Clover can be a weak man, give him some slack.
Aside from that, he has seen Qrow always heading towards the gardens but when he passes by the floor-to-ceiling windows, the luxurious garden is empty.
“I think I know where he is,” he said, already walking with the huntress by his side.
“Oh I caught him slicing apples the other day,” Ruby brought up as it is the most important clue, “He always does that when I was younger even though he prefers to just eat to the core.”
It’s a short walk to the academy’s garden, tended daily by both students and staff to create a crisp and clean grass lawn. Flower bushes and beds are symmetrically lines down for sidewalks and a path leading towards a gazebo and groves. Along the way there are stone benches under the shade of tall trees, evenly trimmed and full of leaves.
Sure enough, the garden is cleared but the two leaders easily spot a bench with a napkin with apple slices.
“Huh, maybe we missed him,” Ruby wondered reaching down for a slice.
But then suddenly something small and dark swoops down from the tree, landing right next to the snack.
A black crow cawed at them.
Clover tilted his head, glancing at the bird then up to the tree. High in the branches, it’s a bit hard to spot a nest of twigs.
“Is Qrow known to leave out food for birds?” He asked and then he noticed Ruby has the crow on her arm. “Wow, it must really like you.”
Ruby beamed, gently petting the bird’s head, “I know.”
There was a genuine look of joy on the girl, reminding Clover that once upon a time he was like that, back when he was bright and determined to make the world a better place. He still has that determination, still is joyful, but even he has to admit that with experience and age comes a sense of doubt he can’t fight off.
Which is why Clover is happy to have the Beacon huntsmen here, they all bring in a new found hope and support. He won’t lie, he was never one hundred percent prepared when he and his team entered General Ironwood’s inner circle. The new and magical revelation still shocks him, so teaming up with Qrow and his kids were a lucky sign in Clover’s eyes.
Speaking of eyes, there is a glint of mischief sparkles in the girl’s silver eyes, a teasing smile on her lips, “I bet that this crow really likes you too.”
“I don’t have much experience with birds,” he warns as Ruby raises her arm up to get the bird closer to him. A cousin of his had a pet cockatoo, that bird was territorial and picky. It even got a good few pecks at Clover’s fingers.
“Aw,” she whined, still presented the bird up, “but this one is pretty and nice. Right, Clover?”
The crow cawed loudly at Ruby and Clover nearly backed away when the bird’s black feathers ruffled up.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of its feathers puffing up, making it seem bigger and its red eyes tiny. Once the feathers relaxed, Clover gently and slowly reached over to pet the bird.
“Yeah, he’s a very pretty bird.”
Ruby’s grin went big, not that Clover could understand why, he’s too busy petting the bird. Mostly he’s too amazed at how calm and friendly the bird trusts him to pet the wings.
“Would you say that you love the bird?” Ruby innocently batted her eyelashes. He pulled his hand back as the crow suddenly flapped its wings and pecked at Ruby’s arm. “OW! UNCLE QROW!”
“Uh,” Clover dumbly said, “Qrow?”
As Ruby waved her arm up and down, the bird flies up and Clover watches how that tiny black mass grows and what is dropping back down is a handsome man with red eyes and red cheeks.
Qrow is giving his niece a frown that is trying so hard to not be a smile, “Okay I think you have said enough, brat.”
Rubbing her arm, Ruby sticks her tongue out defiantly. In return, Qrow ruffles up her hair.
Meanwhile, Clover is staring with his jaw dropped.
That bird… was it? Wait no wait- magic real, yep, recalling that- but Qrow and crow and pretty birds?
If he had more rational thought (because half his mind is always focused on Qrow) maybe, just maybe, Clover would remember that he has been informed of the existence of magic and wizards and gods and such.
But of course leave it to Qrow Branwen to always leave Clover Ebi senseless and awed.
“So I’m guessing from the look on your face that Jimmy didn’t tell you everything about me.”
“Ahhhhh,” is falling out of his mouth.
Neither man notices the way Ruby is giggling, her eyes darting between them.
Or well, Qrow is at least ignoring her. Every time he glances over to his niece his cheeks flare up in a redness that just wows Clover.
He wants to kiss those cheeks, watch how the pale skin easily shades into red under the faintest of touches. Those red eyes must look gorgeous when vivid emotions take over, freeing the man from any burdens of the world. Clover wishes desperately to have that honor of sending that sense of security and freedom to the dark haired man.
Tiny chirps interrupt the three hunters.
Qrow sighs and with swift, practice motion, feathers dawned on him. His small form picks up an apple slice and he flies to the nest.
Another chirp arises, sounding more pleased, and Qrow returns to the ground, his boots making a thud noise on the landing.
Ruby is on her uncle’s arm with a wide, excited smile, “Is that a bird up there? That’s whose the apples are for? Can we meet it?”
“It’s a ‘her’ and no,” he shakes his head, “She’s too young to fly down yet.”
Staring up, Clover could barely see movement in the nest. Crumbles of apple chunks scatter over the edge and he could see a tiny beak peer over. Miniscule black eyes meet Clover’s and he is startled by the amount of intelligence and curiosity that little creature has.
“She’s all alone?” Somehow Clover regained his voice and this is his first sentence. It’s also not the first time he said that question, tinged with sadden when he reaches the end of a rescue mission.
“Yeah,” Qrow’s own voice echoes something lonely and empathetic, “She’s been crying out each morning but no one came back for her. I finally found her and,” slowly, almost unnoticed, Qrow had Ruby under his arm, “I couldn’t leave her.”
Their red capes swayed with the gentle breeze, creating a picture of wings wrapped around them.
Ruby smiles up to her uncle, “Does she have a name?”
He shrugged, “I don’t exactly speak bird but I think she’s too young to remember if she was even named.”
A forlorn gaze takes over those red eyes, a familiar sadness tugging onto old handles sunken into the huntsman’s heart.
“Well I think she’s lucky to have you,” Clover comments, sending the other man a wink. It’s become too much of a habit to stop now, not that Clover wants to stop winking at Qrow. Still, it gets Qrow flustered before he could avoid the compliment.
“That’s it!” Ruby gasp, her whole body jittering, “Her name will be Lucky!”
Clover grins so wide it hurts.
Qrow groans.
“I- Oh Brothers no, Ruby, kiddo, no.”
“I think it’s a fitting name.”
“Of course you do, Lucky Charm.”
“Nope,” he shakes his head, “that can’t be my nickname anymore. Otherwise I’ll be very confused.”
Qrow scoffed, “What am I going to feed you apple slices?”
“I wouldn’t mind,” Clover finished with a wink.
Qrow groans, covering his face with his hands.
“Can I feed Lucky?” Ruby asks earnestly, already holding up an apple slice.
Her uncle uncovers his face, taking the slice, “Sorry, kiddo, she hasn’t met people yet. Young birds obverses a lot before they want to get closer. I kind of have to teach her the ropes.”
Ruby lightly punches his shoulder, “Then it’s a good thing she has the best teacher in the world.”
Qrow absolutely preens under the praise, so much like any other time Clover compliments him. He still scratches the back of his neck, tugging a few strands out of place. Clover has the urge to brush them back into an even shape, feel the heat in Qrow’s neck.
“You got everything you need for Lucky?” Clover checks, “We don’t need to gather up worms, do we?”
The caped duo naturally gags at the thought.
“Please don’t tell me you have worm bait, you fisherman,” Qrow pleas.
“Alright I won’t tell you.”
“Gross,” Ruby insightfully adds.
“I got this covered.” The shapeshifter assures, “Her flight and tail feathers just need to grow in and then she’ll be all set.”
Without another word, Qrow jumps up and a crow is flapping about. He flies higher up to the nest and he and Lucky chirp at each other.
Clover still can’t believe the transformation happened right before his eyes. It was so smooth and flawless to be considered a trick of the eye. Nope it was real magic, not something like a relic where it is basically in stasis, but magic as a muscle or a performance. It was definitely eye opening, not that Qrow doesn’t already do that.
For precautionary measures he takes a seat on the bench. “So, right, magic, that’s still a thing?”
The young huntress has the decency to silently laugh at him, “Yep, it is totally a thing.”
“And Qrow’s able to do this because?” Clover trailed off, not sure if it’s a sensitive topic or not.
A clouded look goes over Ruby’s face, “It apparently happened before I was born. Only knew about it a few months ago.” She sits beside the Ace Op, letting her toes tap together in an offbeat rhythm. “But now that I think back, a lot of things make sense. I would find feathers on his cape and oh yeah, he gets really distracted by shiny stuff.”
An undignified squawk is heard above.
“Really now?” Clover teases, “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
This time the squawk sounds flustered.
Spending the rest of their down time in the garden becomes Clover’s favorite thing for the next few weeks.
It’s a quiet thing, birdwatching in a way as Qrow is the one in charge of the actual care taking for little Lucky. Since Ruby and Clover knew so little on birds, Qrow often shared bits of stuff he learned about throughout his experience of being a crow.
The way Qrow described his new perspective of the world, a place so big and new. He’s able to see places untouched by man, high tree tops or steep skyscraper tops. Suffice to say, the huntsman does not fear heights.
A new energy washed over Qrow as he rambles about stuff he has kept secret. Ruby is just as eager to listen to her uncle’s stories. Clover feels honored for being trusted with it.
The man is just so relaxed in his element, surrounded by nature with a bright eyed youngling oohing and awing at right moments in his stories. Tales of a crow plucking shiny accessories out of propitious folks (it was later returned by the way) and getting into places birds normally don’t have access too.
Clover doesn’t know Beacon or Signal teachers by name but apparently Qrow was a handful for them.
Sometimes Ruby doesn’t join them in the garden, leaving Clover to wait for the crow to finish his bird duties.
Today it seems like Lucky wants to spread her wings. Her chirps forming into a song that Qrow has taught her.
“She’s getting restless,” Qrow rubs his neck, slumping down on the ground so that his back rests against the bench. “I… I think it really is almost time for…”
“For her to leave the nest?” Clover lightly teases, he understands the sudden solemnness that is clouding on the other man but he’ll try his best to clear it. “Lucky will be able to fly with you.”
Qrow clenches his hands over his knees, “That’s not always a good thing. She’ll get hurt just like-“
“Hey,” he moves down to sit on Qrow’s level, getting dirt on his white uniform is the last thing on his mind as Clover takes Qrow’s hand, “She’s in your care. She’ll always want to return back to you.”
They’re no longer talking about a bird, not when their last mission had a close call with Ruby apparently pulling a Yang. (The nieces just have a knack of almost getting eaten alive by big Grimm)
Qrow won’t meet his eyes, “Lucky will eventually find a real flock to be with. I’m just temporary.”
“No you’re not,” he states, reaching over to hold Qrow’s face. His red eyes still hold some lingering doubt. “You raised her and while I don’t know much about birds but I know they’re smart. She’ll remember you for your kindness, patience, and most importantly your heart.”
It almost hurts Clover to see Qrow act like he’s never been told he’s all of those things before. He may not ever know the lengths of Qrow’s pain but he wants to be there for him, to remind him that he really is a good person.
Qrow still stares with vulnerability that is so pure and sacred. Clover will cherish this sight.
“I…” Qrow begins but it’s like something is stuck in his throat, “Clover I…” Hearing his name uttered so softly sent a shiver down Clover’s spine. “Yeah, I guess, yeah Lucky will remember all of that.”
Both have forgotten how their hands interlock, a firm grasp as they hear chirping continue.
Oh yeah, chirping, it’s getting louder.
Instantly both men snap their eyes up to see Lucky flapping her wings, her feet gripping the edge of the nest.
Clover’s breath is stuck, his entire being trained to help and protect but Qrow squeezes his hand.
Completely immune to Clover’s tension and anxiety, Qrow actually sighs with relief. Sadly he smiles, “She really is one restless bird.”
Lucky finally beats her wings in a steady rhythm and jumps off the nest. Next thing Clover knows, that little crow is soaring above their heads.
A new feeling hits Clover like a sucker punch.
Clover wonders if Qrow feels this way every time one of his kids are sent on a mission, this flurry of panic and worry and concern wrapped around a tiny voice that says ‘they’re all grown up and can take care of their selves’.
It feels like a heart attack to be honest.
“Are you okay Clover?”
A gentle hand slides over his cheek, damp.
Oh, Clover belatedly realizes, he’s crying.
“I’m fine,” he tries to say steadily. It comes out wobbly.
Qrow gives him a knowing smile, already whipping the tears away, “Shouldn’t that be my line?”
“Right, right of course,” Clover agrees, already a little embarrassed because why is he crying, it’s Qrow he should be comforting.
He spent weeks watching Qrow take care of Lucky. That baby bird probably doesn’t even know Clover. All Clover really contributed was carrying fruit for them.
Still though, out of curiosity and maybe envy, he complains, “How are you not a sobbing mess?”
“Eh,” Qrow shrugs, “I got all my waterworks out when Ruby dressed up like me for All Hollow’s Eve.”
Rubbing away the rest of his tears, Clover chuckles, “I bet you have that saved on your scroll.”
“What kind of uncle would I be if I didn’t?”
If there’s one thing Qrow loves to brag about, it’s about being Ruby’s and Yang’s super cool uncle. Now after witnessing the vast amount of domesticity coming off of them as of late, Clover sees what he’s missing out on.
Clover could smile a hundred different kinds but none is like the one Qrow dawns at this moment.
It’s a tiny one yet it expresses so much love he has for his family.
A small part of him hopes to be a reason Qrow smiles just as lovingly.
“Hey, look at that,” Qrow points up and while Clover doesn’t want to take his eyes off the man, he looks up to see a familiar crow start circling down to them.
“I told you she’ll return.”
Lucky swoops around and lands on top of Qrow’s knee, chirping like a singer.
Gently, the shapeshifter brushes his fingers against the feathers, a cooing sound coming from the bird. They’re all lost in this moment, carefully watching the how the bird blinks up to them.
Then to Clover’s surprise, Lucky hops over to Clover’s knee.
“Does she know me?” He asks, hesitant and quiet.
Qrow rolls his eyes, “I told you, birds always observe before getting close. She probably knows you as the snack boy.”
The joke doesn’t shake Clover’s apprehension on having such a small and important creature on him. Her eyes are intelligent, completely relaxed with Clover. He takes a chance and carefully raises a hand to pet her.
His hand keeps hesitating, centimeters away from touching her, almost trembling.
“It’s okay,” Qrow whispers, not daring his voice to break the quietness between them, “She trusts you.”
Hearing that confidence in Qrow’s voice is what gets Clover to finally reach Lucky, her feathers so soft under his calloused fingertips.
“She likes me,” he says with such surprise and bubbling joy over this little bird.
His eyes flicker over to Qrow and again there’s a soft look on the dark haired man. He just finds more ways to steal Clover’s heart.
As much as both men want to stay in this moment, Lucky decides her goodbyes are done.
She flaps a few times and then off she flies.
“Are you going after her?”
Clover kind of expected Qrow to take off by now but instead Qrow rejoins their hands. A new glint is in his red eyes as he stares into Clover.
“No, I’m good here.”
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twinklecheeks · 6 years ago
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 5
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Warnings! pregnancy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Word Count: 1.7k
David’s house:
You walk into the house and everyone is already making bets on what are the genders. Zane,  Heath and Todd bet both boys, Matt & Corinna bet a boy and a girl, Mariah/Carly/Erin bet both girls. Y/n: “Hey Natalie, can I talk to you in the car outside?” Natalie: “Sure. How are you feeling? I feel like we haven’t talked in months.” Y/n: “I’m doing great but I have to talk to you about something important.” Natalie: “Like what?” Y/n: “All the girls know who the father of my twins are and I don’t want you to freak out…” Natalie: “Why would I freak out?” Y/n: “Because Jeff is the father...” Natalie: “Wait, Jeff cheated on me?” Y/n: “NO NO NO. We kind of had this friends with benefits for months before you dated. He ended it with me before he asked you out. He was the only person I’ve been with during those months so I know it’s his.” Natalie: “Does he know?” Y/n: “No…” Natalie: “Why doesn’t he know?” Y/n: “Because he didn’t treat right. He was a player and I was under his charm. I was basically wrapped around his finger until I had enough.” Natalie: “I mean… I’m not surprised… Jeff looks like a player.” Y/n: “I just hope I don’t ruin your relationship. I told him during our last fight that I hope he treats you better than he treated me. If he wants to be in their life, that’s fine but if he doesn’t, I’ll ask him to sign his rights away once they’re born.” Natalie: “Thanks for telling me… Are you going to tell him?” Y/n: “Yeah but I wanted to tell you first incase he blows things out of proportion.” Natalie: “Understandable. I’ll go get Jeff.” She gets out of the car and goes into the house to tell him to go talk to you in the car. You see him walk out and you panic a bit. 
Jeff: “ummmm hey?” Y/n: “Hi.” Jeff: “Nat said you needed to tell me something.” Y/n: “Okay but you can’t blame me for not telling you sooner. You have been such an asshole to me.” Jeff: “Telling me what sooner?” Y/n: “These babies are yours…” Jeff looked like he saw a ghost. He went pale like he was gonna pass out. Jeff: “Excuse me??!? How the fuck you know those babies are mine?” Y/n: “Pretty simple. You were the only guy I slept with since New Years until you dumped me for Natalie.” Jeff: “I don’t believe you. I want a paternity test once they’re born. Until then, I don’t want anything to do with you.” Y/n: “what the fuck do you honestly believe I just slept around? Wanna know something dick head?? You were the only person I wanted to sleep with because I was fucking in love with you but you treated me like shit and I let you do it for too fucking long. I was blind with something that was never going to happen. But I finally realized what I deserved.” Jeff: “Oh boo hoo I don’t want to hear you sob story and you better keep your fucking mouth shut about this.” Y/n: “Oh honey, you are way too late for that. The girls and David know and I just can’t wait to tell the rest of the guys.” Y/n runs out of the car so fast and locks Jeff in her car. Jeff: “WHAT THE FUCK YOU CRAZY BITCH.” You quickly run inside and lock David’s front door but Jeff get’s in through the back door. Y/n: “hey to the guys who don’t know who my deadbeat baby daddy is, it’s Jeff. Jeff runs in right as you finished that sentence. He basically doesn’t want anything to do with me or the kids he helped conceive until he knows for sure.” Jeff: “YOU SHIT THIS IS WHY I DIDNT WANT TO FUCKING BE WITH YOU. YOU ALWAYS FUCKING THINK YOU’RE THE RIGHT. YOU DON’T EBER FUCKING LISTEN WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SHIT. YOU ARE EXACTLY LIKE CIERRA TRYING TO ACT LIKE YOU’RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. WELL GUESS WHAT SWEETHEART, YOU’RE A NOBODY.. Y/n: “honey the difference between me and Cierra is that she cheated on you and dumped your ass cause she realized how much of a low life you are. You are such a piece of shit. I wish these babies weren’t yours cause I hope they don’t fucking turn out like drug dealers and go to prison. I don’t need you. Sign your rights away once they’re born because I’m fucking done with you saying lies about me.” Y/n turns around to Natalie. Y/n: “Natalie. Good fucking luck.” Jeff was livid. He hated when someone brought up his past mistakes so when you mentioned that you hope the twins don’t turn out like him, it stung. Jeff: “I’ll gladly sign my rights away cause It’d be hell dealing with you and those things for the next 18 years.” Y/n: “don’t fucking call my children that.”
The whole vlog squad were stunned with how Jeff was treating you. Natalie: “Jeff…. WE’RE DONE.” Jeff: “babe plea-“ Natalie: “Save the apologies. It’s too late. You think I’d pick you over her. Girl code bitch.” Todd: “dude, just leave.” Everybody is just so disappointed in Jeff. They thought he was a nice guy but he never showed that side of him. Natalie: “y/n I’m so sorry. If I knew I would’ve never gone out with him.” Y/n: “it’s fine. He seems like Prince Charming at first and then becomes a snake.” Heath: “baby, just know all of us are here for you. It takes a village to raise a baby.” Zane: “she’s gonna need 2 villages.”
1 day later (the night before the gender reveal)
(Y/n is spending the night at Kylie’s house since the reveal party is gonna be at her place)
Y/n: “I told Jeff he’s the father.” Stass: “NO FUCKING WAY.” Kylie: “HOW DID HE REACT.” Y/n: “It was bad… I explained everything and he completely flipped out. So I said if he doesn’t want anythng to do with me or these babies, sign his rights away so I can have full custody.” Stass: “Did you tell Natalie?” Y/n: “Actually, I did. Natalie and I have known each other for longer than we’ve both known Jeff. I knew she wouldn’t get mad at me. And I made sure to tell her that I wasn’t trying to get in between her and Jeff. That ship sailed months ago but she saw all the horrible stuff he was saying and dumped him.” Kylie: “Damn I would’ve loved to be there for that. I Would’ve ripped him a new one.” Stass: “We should get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow! What do you think it’s gonna be? I hear there’s a bet going around.” Y/n: “It’s a tie between twin boys vs twin girls.” Kylie: “Let’s just wait and see what the colors are tomorrow.”
Gender reveal party
Y/n is officially 4 months pregnant and it’s reveal day!
Kylie: “Wake up sleepy head. I know you’re tired with carrying 2 babies but we gotta get you glammed up. Y/n: “Ughhhhh why can’t I just be lazy and stay in bed.” Stass: “Cause you’re finding out what you’re having.” Y/n: “You can just tell me right now :)” Kylie: “ABSOLUTELY not. Kylie’s team then comes in and spends 2 hours doing your hair, make-up and picking out your outfit. You had to choose between a pink and blue maternity dress. You picked the pink dress and have your nails painted matte baby blue (Pictured below how you look)
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Once you’re ready, you head downstairs and a bunch of your friends are there. You were glad to see your family, including your dad. He still wasn’t talking to you but he was there. Everybody was having a good time eating, playing the classic shower games like guessing what chocolate is in the “poopy” diaper and other stuff like that. Kylie: “Okay guys! Gather around so we can find out the genders of the twins. Final voting. How many people think they’re boys?” About half think boys, and the other half is equal between boy & girl twin and just girl twins. Kylie: “So y/n is going to be revealing baby A and you guys are going to be revealing baby B.” Kylie gives you the powder cannon. Kylie: “Are you ready?” Y/n: “AHHHH I NO IM NOT BUT I AM.” Everybody: “3! 2! 1!”
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Y/n: “IT’S A GIRL!!!! AHHHHH.” Everybody is screaming. Stass: “To the people who bet, y’all better be praying that you’re right.” Kylie and Stass hand powder cannon to everybody at the party and the countdown begins again. 3.. 2… 1!!!
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IT’S ANOTHER GIRL!!!!!! At this point, you’re just sobbing. You’re having 2 girls. The only thing you care about in the moment are your baby girls. Zane: “Man we lost the bet. I thought it was gonna be boys.” Mariah, Carly & Erin: “Ayyyye we won!!! Now give us our money.”
A couple of hours later
David: “So I guess you’re not naming one David Jr.” Y/n: “You thought I would?” David: “HEY! You promised for 250k...” Y/n: “I was never going to accept that. A joke is a joke.” David: “How you feeling knowing you’re having 2 girls?” Y/n: “I think it’s pretty ironic. Jeff treats women like shit and look what happened. I’m having girls. But I don’t mind. Baby girl clothes are way cuter than boy clothes.” David: “I just wanted to let you know that I’m in it for the long run.” Y/n: “Huh?” David: “Y/n, I have had a crush on you since before I met Liza. I was crushed when she dumped me and you were always there. You were the only one who was always there for me through thick and thin. I know this is bad timing telling you this but it’s because I was too much of a scared little bitch to tell you. I will be there every single step of the way. I’ll go to your appointments with you if you want me to and be there helping you through labor if you want me to.” Y/n: “I’d love it if you were there for me all the way.”
Yoooo I AM SO SORRY I SAID I WAS GONNA POST EARLY. I had the chapter mostly done but it felt very boring so I basically rewrote most of the chapter. I might take longer than usual for the next chapter cause I have no Idea what to write next... Also, sorry if this chapter sucked.
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad @siemprestan @zavidzobrik @galxydefender @iminlovewithenchilidadas @ilsolee
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eurydicees · 4 years ago
queueing this rather than posting so i forget about it and no one knows what/who this is about because i cannot confront my own feelings. i have a queue of about 60 posts so this is a good defense mechanism i swear. this is a completely non cohesive, not grammatically correct ramble, but anyways. putting under the cut bc this got out of hand
i am smiling so so so hard rn. i’m genuinely just. so fucking happy. (which is wild. that’s new.) and it’s bc of some of the comments i’ve gotten on my fics and random other original posts.
idk if you know who you are (but if you think it’s you it probably is) but AHHHHH i’m so grateful for every single thing that you have ever been said to me about my writing and i don’t tell anyone that enough. 
i spend so much time hating my work and thinking it’s not good enough but all of you have given me so much love and encouragement and confidence and i’m so thankful. 
i reread some of the comments every now and then when i’m feeling particularly down or feeling bad about my writing (or anything, really) and it always makes me smile. like. you guys always make me smile. 
my friend asked me the other day what the best compliment i’ve ever been given was (my roommates and i were doing a Bonding Activity thing), and i said it was one of the comments on a fic i wrote years and years ago. the ones in the past few weeks have topped that one. your words matter SO much to me. 
it’s not like i have a particularly large amount of followers-- i don’t actually check the number bc it stresses me out, but i do read the tags people leave, and i always read and respond to ao3 comments-- but the people who do interact with my posts, both on here and on ao3, are just. so so amazing.
there’s like. three specific people i’m thinking of rn and i need you to know that you make me smile every day and i get so excited when you “talk to me” in the tags. i am writing this inspired by those people, but it really does apply to every single person who has ever said anything even remotely nice. 
AHHHhhhhhhhhhh. i already said this but today has been a GOOD day because of y’all’s kind words. 
ok now i’m done being sappy, i’m going to eat lunch, no one is allowed to talk to me about this because it’s embarrassing to say out loud and i am small and shy, i hate this website or something, etc etc 
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15001700tt · 5 years ago
Descendants of the Moon
Matter of Life and Death
Descendants of the Moon Masterlist
Word Count: 3,381
Tag list: @chastja  @multi-fan-trash @serpentityx @syublush
Dm me if you want to be on the tag list!
Key: Italics- things that happened in the drama but do not old any importance to the story line
Key: Bold- Dialogue said in the Drama
A/N: I forgot to post the teaser for this chapter, my bad. ill post it with tomorrows teaser.
Episode 3:
Mo Yeon and Nurse Choi moved into the bunkers, organizing whatever they were able to bring on the helicopter.
“There’s not much to organize,”  Min Ji huffed softly.
“It’s ok since we’re tired anyways” Mo Yeon responded, folding her towel.
“Knock knock” a male’s voice interrupted their conversation. The girls looked and found a young man standing in front of them in military clothing.
“Have you been well?” he asked them, earning blank looks, Mo Yeon and Min Ji didn't seem to remember meeting him.
“The patient who ran away” he tried jogging their memories by jumping on one foot.
“Ay! Coupon thief!” Mo Yeon’s memory finally snapped and he remembered the young man that got beat up so badly. He was also the reason she met Shi Jin. They conversed when a girl’s voice interrupted.
“Excuse me, it’s time for me to see my friends” Mo Yeon recognized Yoo Ji’s voice as Yoo Ji shoved Ki Bum out of the way.
“Ahhhhh what are you doing here?” Mo Yeon squealed.
“I got transferred to the Taebaek unit last week, I guess they want me to cover what you guys do here.” Yoo Ji explained.
They talked for a bit more while Mo Yeon settled in, they even went to check on Nurse Ha and Doctor Song. they found them arguing over something, the two girls decided to leave them alone.
“Oh! I forgot my phone back in the bunker, you go ahead of me, I'll catch up.” Mo Yeon sighed.
Yoo Ji made her way to the dinner table and observed the scene, the Haesung team unit was still settling down but most of them were sitting around and enjoying the sun and the food, the unit prepared for them. She took notice of Chi Hoon and was about to go over and greet him. He was taking pictures with his camera, her steps halted when she saw one of the men stood in front of him. She got a little closer to hear their conversation.
“I need to inspect your camera,” Woo Geun said with his intimidating face. Yoo Ji rolled her eyes, he was using his face to scare poor Chi Hoon.
“You will delete these pictures immediately,” he told Chi Hoon.
“Why? Did you not like it? I can take another pictu-”
“We’re not allowed to have our pictures taken” Woo Geun responded. Yoo Ji snorted, ‘that’s ridiculous, why wou- oh’ she thought, she thought back to her conversation with Gwang Nam when she assumed he’s Special Forces. She turned her attention to Gwang Nam and Cheol Ho, trying to avoid camera flashes subtly. She guessed that the Captain and Deputy Leader were the head of the team.
While she wasn’t paying attention to Chi Hoon, Mo Yeon approached them snidely commenting on military regulations.
“They can’t tell us anything due to military regulations”
Woo Geun bowed his head to excuse himself from that awkward conversation. Yoo Ji couldn't hear what Mo Yeon said to Chi Hoon since her voice was a murmur at this point. Yoo Ji moved from her spot and decided to take part in the festivities. Some of the medical units recognized her and greeted her.
Gwang Nam was standing behind all of his friends and he was thankful, they would tease him until death if they caught him staring at Yoo Ji. the team and the soldiers knew her as the pretty reporter that can kick their ass. It didn't seem to matter to her what their rank was or how well trained they were, she always managed to turn the odds in her favor. She has been there for only a couple of days but they had seen her take Cheol Ho down when he was teasing her.
-they raise the flag and they go to the Medi-cube-
It was time for Haesung Unit to start their work. They were instructed to get blood tests from the soldiers to check for any irregularities. Yoo Ji stayed at the door and just observed as the doctors got settled down, the soldiers came in and hurried towards the female nurses and doctors. Yoo Ji snorted at their tactics. 
Shi Jin came in, he nodded at her and walked towards Mo Yeon’s station. Yoo Ji watched as they interacted with each other. She knew what happened back home, and it seemed like they still aren't over it.
Gwang Nam moved to her side and watched his friend interact with the girl he likes. 
“Do you think they’ll give their relationship a try again?” he pondered.
“Not after she pokes him like three times,” she responded when Shi Jin yelped. Gwang Nam looked at Mo Yeon with a scared expression. 
“She’s not gonna do that to you” Yoo Ji rolled her eyes. Yoo Ji nodded her head at the old man came through the door.
“You’ve been working hard!” he praised.
“Did you come to receive the packages?” Shi Jin asked, still holding his arm.
“I did and I just came to greet you!” he laughed, and Shi Jin grinned. 
“We should play ball and eat some meat this weekend” Shi Jin offered, his slight smile was gone when they heard a faint crash and a long horn-like car. Yoo Ji immediately moved from her position towards the exit. Trying to see if it was from the main entrance or not, she didn't get very far, Gwang Nam held her back, shaking his head no.
“This is your Captain, report the situation at the front gate” Shi Jin’s voice cut through all the soldier’s two-way radio.
“Everything is in place by the front gate, it seems to be a car accident by the mountainside” the soldier’s voice cut through the silence as some sighed in relief while one man’s eyes widened in panic.
“If it was the mountain road...did my car flip with my kids inside!?” the old man gasped in horror.
The Alpha team quickly assembled their gear and moved towards the Jeep. Yoo Ji swiftly got into the car through the open roof and waited for the guys to get in.
“What the hell are you doing?” Gwang Nam commanded. 
“I am coming with, I am a reporter, I can do that” Yoo Ji pulled out two cards, one of them her ‘badge’ and the other is just a card that says ‘I do what I want’. 
“You can’t, you’re a civilian. It could be dangerous” Shi Jin stated calmly but also allowed no room for discussion. 
“Alright but don’t blame me if one of your vehicles go missing” Yoo Ji shrugged, swinging out of the car and jogging to where they kept their cars.
“Yoo Ji, wait” Dae Young’s voice called out while keeping eye contact with Shi Jin, having a nonverbal argument.
“Fine, she comes but you stay in the car” Shi Jin’s defeated tone called her.
“Sure, we’ll see” she nodded her head but muttered under her breath. Shi Jin turned to Gwang Nam and Woo Geun instructed them to stay on base just in case.
Gwang Nam couldn't argue with his Captain about his choice, but he couldn't help the worried look he sent Yoo Ji. she gave him a small smug smile and they were on their way.
They approached the flipped car, Shi Jin got out first and signaled Dae Young and Cheol Ho to follow him. As soon as they surrounded the car, Yoo Ji got out of the jeep and crept around the van to inspect the damage. She saw Dae Young checking for a pulse on the bleeding guy, and then moving around to the back where the doors are closed with a lock, Shi Jin inspected the bottom of the car that was on the top now. He frowned, something was wrong, how did the car manage to get there from the cliff, it was a little too far from the usual fall. Cheol Ho’s voice broke Shi Jin out of his thoughts.
“Police! hands up!” 
“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! I’m UN! UN!” the young man’s voice yelped putting his hands up.
Cheol Ho swung his gun to the side and went to check the injured man’s body for weapons. She was still looking at the car and she noticed that there was a key that looked small enough to open the clasp on the van’s back door on the key chain,  she quickly took out the keys.
“I am hurt! I am hurt! Treatment! Treatment!” the man frantically explained, he turned around not noticing Yoo Ji watching him from the other side. His face changed and he looked like he just screwed up. Yoo Ji furrowed her eyebrows. And stood up and tossed them to Dae Young who looked at her with a dismayed look. She mentally snorted, he really thought she would stay in the car.
Since Yoo Ji moved from her spot she didn’t see the man open the glove compartment, he slowly took out a G-47 and sharply turned to point the gun at Shi Jin. 
Shi Jin saw it coming and intercepted it and punched him in the nose. His groan alerted Yoo Ji that he might not be who he is. She went to Shi Jin’s side and glanced at the gun.
“Isn’t he a member of the U.N.? The relief team isn’t allowed to carry guns” 
“Then why would he have a G-47?” she questioned.
“They say they’re U.N. but they have tattoos from foreign legions and their clothes don’t fit properly” Shi Jin inspected. 
“Yet they insist they are UN, who are these people?”
Dae Young finally opened the back door to the van, he found trunks that were filled with packaged clothes and guns, big guns. Yoo Ji was standing behind him, her eyebrows shot up.
“They’re trying to smuggle weapons across the border using the U.N. as a cover?” Yoo Ji furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“You tell me, you’re part of the U.N.” Shi Jin stated back. Yoo Ji shook her head, she didn't hear any chatter about smugglers at the U.N. meetings. She went up to the injured smuggler and took his identification card, and inspected it.
“It looks like the ID is fake, the serial numbers don’t start with 103- its 003” Yoo Ji informed them. In the end, Shi Jin called the local police, but Yoo Ji doubted they would stay at the station for a long time. The police in Urk was always bought with money and don’t really stand for justice. She knows first hand because she was able to get information from one of them before.
As they went back to base, Mo Yeon caught them walking.
“Did anyone get hurt?”
“No it was just a car accident, don’t worry about it” Shi Jin assured her.
Shi Jin needed to go to the main base in town to report the car accident, and Mo Yeon needed Wifi so Dae Young, the best wingman on earth, suggesting that Shi Jin takes Mo Yeon to an internet cafe. 
Dae Young caught Yoo Ji chuckling at his suggestion, Mo Yeon being one to never back down from a challenge, which that’s what it felt like to her. She took him up on the offer and got into the blue car with Shi Jin.
“What if they kill each other in that car?” Yoo Ji was amused. Gwang Nam joined them looking at the retreating car.
“One is great with sharp objects and the other has martial arts.” Dae Young weighed the possibility.
“She doesn't have her scalpel with her, I think they’ll be fine” Dae Young waved off. Gwang Nam chuckled at his comment.
“How do you know if I didn't teach her how to defend herself without weapons” Yoo Ji faked her serious tone. Truthfully she taught Mo Yeon basic self-defense but Shi Jin can totally overpower her in a few seconds, the boys didn't know that. Gwang Nam and Dae Young’s face fell and dread settled in their stomachs, but Yoo Ji’s laughter made them sigh in relief.
Shi Jin drops Mo Yeon at Ye Hwa’s convenience store and goes to do the report, his superior tells him to leave it alone because the police are getting involved in some shady shit and they don’t want to ruin Korean relations with Urk. he went back to pick her up and they went to the secluded beach while he told her the story of how he met Seo Dae Young and Yoon Myung Ju. They came back really late to Chi Hoon carrying a small child to the infirmary. Mo Yeon quickly followed him and Shi Jin on her heels. After they finished diagnosing the child, Shi Jin went to where Dae Young and Gwang Nam and Yoo Ji were playing cards.
“So how was it? Everyone back in one piece?” Dae Young teased when he saw Shi Jin at the door. He had a pensive look on his face as he leaned on the doorway.
“Did you know that the Haesung Chairman tried to get Mo Yeon to sleep with him on their first date?” he asked Yoo Ji who was trying to focus on the game.
“Of course I knew, I am not cut off from the world” she rolled her eyes and put down three hearts.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Shi Jin asked with a pout on his face.
“Why would I? Are you dating Mo Yeon?” she seriously asked him, looking him in the eye.
“No but that guy is an asshole!” he let out a frustrated groan.
“I know, I was tempted to punch him too but I was here and I couldn't do anything” she replied.
“I should’ve circumcised him before I left so he would only have his illegitimate children when he needs an heir” Yoo Ji muttered, making all three men look at her in surprise.
“What? Are you surprised I know that or that I can get violent?” she questioned.
“He has illegitimate children?” Shi Jin’s lips started to widen into a smile, then it was a full-blown laugh.
“How do you know these things?” Gwang Nam queried.
“I have sources.” she cryptically said. When all three of the men’s radios went off. Something was happening. 
“We’re going under FPCON BRAVO” Dae Young informed Yoo Ji.
“Force Protection Condition” Gwang Nam translated to Yoo Ji. They left their game and went to get ready, they were going to get briefed on the situation. All that they knew was that the Medi-Cube was under protection. 
“It turned out that President Mubarat of the Arab league needs medical attention” Shi Jin repeated the information that was given to him by his superior, Dae Young and Shi Jin were briefing their team on who the resident was, and how important his role was.
Yoo Ji was waiting with the medical team, she was observing quietly from the back, it seemed that she didn't pick up on the tension between Shi Jin and Mo Yeon because they seemed to be upset with each other. Shi Jin silently handed Mo Yeon the medical chart of the patient. 
“What is this? Everything is censored, how do they want us to read it and make a proper diagnosis?” Doctor Song protested when he saw the black lines going through the vital information.
“In the VIP Charts there are more lies than truths anyway” Mo Yeon responded 
“Why would any doctor do that?” Chi Hoon was puzzled, probably thinking about how it’s illegal to record false information.
“Just like poor people need Schweitzer, VIPs need special doctors too, their medical history can be used as their weakness” Mo Yeon continued, not noticing Shi Jin’s look, Yoo Ji did, and he looked like he regretted something. Probably something he said to her.
The patient arrived and they started performing emergency medical procedures, the president’s bodyguards tried to make Yoo Ji step out of the room. Yoo Ji already knew that they would try so she showed them her UN badge and that she can be their translator as she was able to speak Arabic fluently. They had no choice but to allow her, as there were a language barrier and so little time.
As they talked about the patient’s treatment, it seemed that it wasn’t going too well, and the guards were expecting Yoo Ji to translate, but she found herself confused as well.
“The symptoms don’t add up, how is that even possible?” she added.
“That’s because there is something that they don’t want us to know about,” Mo Yeon said, turning to look at Shi Jin.
“I need to open him up to see what's causing the bleeding in the abdominal cavity,” Mo Yeon told him before turning to her medical team.
“Prepare the operating room quickly!” her order was cut off when the main security guard spoke up in English.
“I can’t let you do that, you can’t operate on him” he paused,“The President’s doctor will be here in an hour,” he stated.
“The patient won’t last an hour, they need to operate now” Yoo Ji intervened in Arabic knowing that if they didn't save him now it will be blamed on them and if he does die then it’s also on them, and she saw in Mo Yeon’s eyes that she was willing to take the chance. Everyone’s eyes widened when they heard her speak Arabic, they didn't know she spoke Arabic fluently.
“I can’t let you put a knife in the leader of the Arab world.” he insisted.
“What do you mean? If I don’t operate now he won’t last 20 minutes” Mo Yeon responded in English.
“Only Arab doctors perform on the President!” the bodyguard pulled out his gun and pointed it at Mo Yeon, Yoo Ji could see the breath she sucked in. Yoo Ji surveyed the room and tried to find a weapon she could use in case things got ugly. She was still standing beside the bodyguards and with the way things are going that didn't seem safe. She locked eyes with Gwang Nam. The medical team took a visible step back while the Alpha Team all reached for their guns, keeping their hands above the holster when Shi Jin motioned with his hand to wait.
Gwang Nam signaled with his eyes to start making her way to their side behind him. She slowly inched towards them as Shi Jin listened to his superior on the radio and Mo Yeon told the bodyguard that once she removes her hands, he will die.
“I am not trying to change history here.” she tried one last time to convince him. When he didn't budge, Shi Jin listened to his superior as he talked. The alpha team is doing the same. Yoo Ji watched Gwang Nam’s face to try and decipher what he’s saying, she didn't think it was anything good as all of their eyes flickered to Mo Yeon at the same time. 
“Can you save this patient?” Shi Jin asked Mo Yeon, it seemed like he made a decision already and Dae Young was on the same page as him. It really impressed Yoo Ji how they communicated silently and got the message across to all five of them without uttering a word. Gwang Nam gestured for her to hurry up.
“I can save him” Mo Yeon’s soft voice called out and Shi Jin nodded and turned off the radio, and took out his earpiece while Gwang Nam gestured Yee Ji again to come closer. 
“Then save him” he put up his gun quickly. Yoo Ji had swiftly made her way to Gwang Nam’s side and was standing behind him. He was pointing his rifle at one of the bodyguards. Yoo Ji held onto his back feeling his warm body. She slightly blushed at the contact but she knew now isn’t the time and especially when this could be their last day on earth, she shook it out of her head and focused on the bodyguards’ faces from behind team Alpha.
If this was any other circumstances he would have totally had a moment about her touching him, but this was life and death right now, he’ll have to wait.
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justsomegruviastuff · 5 years ago
The saddest moments in fairytail
This is part two , the first one I did was for the most badass moments 😏 this is my favorite category so I'll be commenting a little in each moment . Next one I'll be doing tommorow is the funniest moments 😊. Theres only 3 days till the last episode of fairytail so pack your tissues 😭🌹
1. Igneel's death
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Ahh what do I have to say for this? It's obviously first , I cried at least 3 hours when I first saw it ! I think the reason it hit me that hard is because Natsu is always so happy , cheerful, silly and goofy, to see him this sad is so upsetting ( I want my bean to be happy 😥) I also really loved igneel, he was such a good father to Natsu and we dont really get to see too many good parents in fairytail . The fact that he sacrificed himself for Natsu and everyone else to be safe kills me ! Also I'm convinced that Mashima is trying to kill us , I meannnn he always puts these flashbacks after a sad moment that make the moment 103722891 times sadder 😭 I had forgotten how to breath at this point !
2. Aquarius key breaks
Disiwebsiowe9rjsbai wellll........ I think I caused a flood with my tears here. I loveee aquarius character , the reason I cried this much here is similar to when igneel died . Aquarius is always so strong and tough and strict , to see her like that finally showing affection towards Lucy literally murdered me 😭 And of course after that Mashima hAd to put flashbacks ! Those little Lucy moments ahhhhhhh , lucy saying aquarius is her only friend audjwos7wqqj 😥 I'm buried six feet under at this point 😞
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3. Zera disappears
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These moments make me love fairytail even more if possible! Zeras and Mavis friendship is one of my favorites it's so cuteee. I wrote a 7 sheets long essay for this so its obvious I really loved it ! Zera belongs inside Mavis heart and I'm glad that she is back there but that moment really hurt 😥
4. Silver dies
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You're damn right he's become a good man , he is a great man , a wonderful being that deserves happiness! My poor baby Grayyyyyy. Ahhhhh seing him sad is the worst thing in the world cause hes been though so much already he deserves to be happy mAsHiMa! Give him his dad back or I'm going to scream bloody murder ! Why does every good parent have to die im frustrated (let's pray for Guildarts) also Juvia being related with this kills me even more. She felt like she didnt have the right to love him because she killed Keyes iM- and Gray thanked her for freeing him iM- gIvE mY bAbIEs a bReAk!
5. Juvia almost dies
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You dont know how happy I am about that almost! Their my favorite ship in the history of ships . They deserve the world they've been through so much shit already pleaseee let them be happy already . I want cute dates and kisses and cuddles not deaths and cries and more tears ! My baby Gray has lost so much people he loved he couldn't handle to loose the love of his life , I'm soooo glad she is not dead ! " I promise I'll be more serious about you " siwoaode89 yes please be more serious please make babies!
6. Makarov almost dies
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What did I say about good parents ? Yeah well ... leave them alone ! Erzas cry and flashbacks were just .. idk what to say ... Erza is my favorite female character and I love her so much , makarov was her father and she almost lost him . This moment was just so heartbreaking with Laxus and Mavis and Erzas reactions . Fairytail is truly beautiful
7. Jellal gets arrested
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Give Erza a break please . I was cursing so bad at the magic council here! I loveee jellal and he definitely did not deserve this at all . " It was the color of you're hair " is my favorite line in the whole show , I literally have it on my wall ! I hope they get to be toghether in the end cause they definitely deserve it. Someone has to convince my baby Jellal that he is a gem and he deserves Erza !
The end
Grrr I hate that picture limitation i wanted to put more moments here like future Lucy's death , Cate skelter disbanding , lisanna returning blah blah blah 😑 but anyway these are my top favorites I hope you enjoyed 😊
( tell me if you like these kind of posts , there will be 2-3 more till the last episode of fairytail and then I'll continue my usual fanfics and drawings but if you like them I'd love to post some of these when I cant post the other things 🌹)
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saviormysticmeme · 6 years ago
Hello! Can you write about MC who is a popular you tuber and is live streaming a horror game. They then get jumped scared, shrieks, and Jumin/Jaehee/Yoosung run in to see what's wrong and MC's like "oh hey babe" and the comment section goes WILD when they discover that they have a lover. How would they each respond to the shriek and the comments is basically what I'm asking. Sorry that this is long af I'm just excited to see what you'll write! :D Thank you a million times
I love this ask so much tbh. I tried writing for it before and just didn’t love it so it never got posted.
Yoosung/Jaehee/Jumin with a Lets Player MC
He heard it from downstairs and nearly fell out of his gaming chair. The second he heard it, pure adrenaline pumped through him and as he tumbled to the floor in attempts to get up so fast, he pushed off and used it all as momentum, sprinting for the stairs.
“MC!?” He shouted as he bear ran up the stairs and thrust himself into your occasionally shared bedroom. 
Hearing the door open behind you, in addition to the monster on your screen, only succeeded in scaring you more, and thus you let another “AHHHHHHHHH” rip from your mouth. This violent reaction from you in turn scared Yoosung and he “WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”.
There was a few seconds of the both of you screaming before, suddenly, almost in unison. You both stopped.
“Is everything alright Yoosung?”“Me?! I should be asking you! I heard you scream.”“Oh…yeah I’m playing.” To which you rolled your chair a little sideways to point at the many zombies swarming your computer screen. “Wait are you…streaming!?!? You never told me!!!” Yoosung looked surprised, which quickly turned to a bit of deflation at the thought you were hiding this from him.“Well I usually just do horror games…and like weird dating sims. But I never wanted to make you feel obligated to wat-” and with that you noticed the streeeeaaaam of comments popping up in the video feed
Who is that
Omg is that MCPlays boyfriend??
He’s so cute!!
Wait a second that looks like a guy I play LOLOL with….
They’re so cute
Stream together? Please? You guys seem cute.
Oooooo Lovers quarrel 
Omg he’s so cute.
You saw all the comments and started twiddling your hair between your thumbs. “Aha, Yoosung, I think we have fans.”
“Wha…” As Yoosung began reading over your shoulders, he began turning very, very, red.
“HELP!” Jaehee’s eyes went wide as she heard the shout. She put her coffee and book down and began hastily walking towards your door. Last she heard you were playing video games, so shouting wasn’t out of the ordinary, but this one made her a little anxious and she felt she had to check.“MC?” She cautiously stuck her head in. You turned to look at her from your computer.“Babe! Sorry! I tried to keep it down but this one hoard took me by surprise…” You shot her an apologetic look. 
Jaehee gave you a soft smile, assuring you that she wasn’t upset. In case you weren’t positive, she followed up with “Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?”
“Ooooooh! Coffee please?” You got excited at the prospect of her home brewed coffee. 
Jaehee nodded and slipped back out the door.Once she had the coffee ready she brought it back upstairs, but this time you were mid round, she could tell by the look on your face so she walked over to you to set the coffee down, and that’s when she noticed the endless stream of comments. “MC? Are all these people on your team?”“Huh? Haha, no! They’re just watching me play.”“People…just watch?”“Yeah. Viewers, this is my girlfriend Jaehee, Jaehee, these are the Viewers. Say hi!”The brunette leaned over your shoulder, a bit of a deer in the headlights look as she saw her face pop up on screen. She hadn’t even realized you had the face cam on. Then she really started noticing what the comments were saying.
Whoa wait youre….?
That’s so cute! You two are so cute! And she brings you coffee? Ugh. Goals.
Does she know anything about video games? You guys should play together.
Hi Jaehee! Nice to meet you!
She has a really soothing voice…is that weird to say?
Both of you look so good together ahhhhh
“O-Oh.” Jaehee raised a light hand. “Hi Viewers.”Only to chuckle as the chat exploded even more and blush when she heard your charming laugh.
“OH GOD” followed by what sounded like a muffled string of cusses assaulted Jumin’s ears from within his home office. His eyes shot up, but he was frozen for half a second as so many scenarios ran through his head. He shoved his chair back and briskly walked to your room, asking “MC? Are you alright?”The cusses sounded more angry than scared, so he wondered if you hurt yourself. However, you didn’t seem to hear him and thus didn’t respond, putting a little more pace in his step.
 He swung the door to your computer room open, and you didn’t even seem to notice thanks to those damn noise cancelling headphones you got. Hell you didn’t even seem to notice how dark it had gotten. The room was almost entirely dark aside from the computer glow illuminating your sides from the front. He sighed, at least you were ok. Though you still were muttering swears like a sailor under your breath.Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend stood behind you, about to stride up and tap you on the shoulder.Unbeknownst to your viewers, the man behind you in a black suit was not about to kill you.
Who is that guy??
Is this a joke or something…MC this is scary
MC turn around
Should someone call the police
You caught a few of the comments out of the corner of your eye, and at first you thought they were yelling about something in the game, but when your eyes trailed to your camera feed…
“AH HOLY SHIT “ You jumped up and whirled around on the man behind you, doing it so fast the headphones were pulled off your head, your chair was nearly knocked over, the whole desk rattled, and-
Jumin flicked the light on, his face also showing he was mildly jarred by the last couple seconds.
You just held your hand to your heart for a moment and leaned against the desk. “Oh my…oh my god Jumin. Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“Sneak up on you?” He approached you slowly, any irritation he had before about you not hearing him melted as he saw your scared face. He just wanted to comfort you now, and he tried by sliding his hands onto the sides of your face and steadying you. “I was just coming to check on you and you were here in the dark. And yelling.”Looking into his eyes, you felt the previous tension in your body start to relax, and you let yourself lean into your boyfriend’s hands as a smile crawled onto your face. “I’m sorry. I must have gotten carried away playing the game.”
“The game?” Jumin looked at your computer to see it had a game on screen….but it also had video feed of you two right now! “Are you recording your reaction?”
Him saying that snapped you back into the reality that there were a few tens of thousands of people watching you two right now, and you pulled away from Jumin, a little embarrassed by the accidental PDA. 
“Oh, yeah sort of. I’m live streaming. So people are watching me play right now and commenting…. They also probably saw everything that just happened haha.” You turned from Jumin and leaned closer to your camera “Sorry about that everyone! Didn’t mean to scare!”And your eyes trailed to the commentsIS THAT JUMIN FUCKING HAN
no fucking way
iz thiz a collab??/?/
Is…Is C&R promoting themselves on a Lets Play channel?
this is the hottest couple alive and im glad im bi
so this wasnt a prank?????
Omg this whole scare was so funny
He seems so serious…please make him play with you.You couldn’t help but laugh at the mixed reactions. 
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