#AHHHH they need each other
skyblueartt · 3 months
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@glitch-1983 wait here's another late night quick doodle of the guy, but he's sad this time wahhh lmao :(
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gazkamurocho · 4 days
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Thinking about the Kazumaji High School AU again
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midnightdemonhunter · 1 month
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northlight14 · 7 months
One thing I fucking love about komahina that I don’t see talked about a lot is that both Nagito and Hajime are basically both completely different and yet the same person. Like yes, on the surface Nagito is this depressed, batshit crazy person and Hajime is just some guy. But when you get down into their characters, both of them are two individuals who are both depressed and really fucking lonely and feel inferior to everyone around them. Both of them admire ultimates so much and feel so inadequate by comparison to them, Nagito to the point he’s willing to die for them and Hajime to the point of giving up his entire being just to be one of them. And they’re both two people who, despite deeply hating themselves, just have to have faith that things will get better. I honestly think the reason Nagito is so hostile to Hajime after finding out he’s a reserve course student is because Hajime just reminds him of the parts of himself he hates.
I just think there’s something so genuinely moving and beautiful about these two characters who deeply hate themselves learning to love each other and in the process learning to hate themselves a little less. They both feel so lonely and yet, against all odds, they find that the last person they ever expected to get it, understands completely how they feel.
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fisheito · 4 months
i love how eiden pauses at every outfit reveal with a . hotboy synopsis like clan member: *steps out of the changing room* eiden: and now, if i can have ur attention--- FEAST your eyes on this MARVELOUS hunk of grade AAAAAA+++++ prime meat..,, his accessories perfectly accentuate his finest features...! His fit ! is flawless!! BREATHTAKING. REVOLUTIONARY!!!!!!!!! and yet!? one can't help but get excited... for what lies UNDERNEATH that BREATHTAKING attire ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
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jancysmixtape · 1 year
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toastsnaffler · 1 month
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the way this scene w caiman reassuring nikaido in v21 parallels that one w nikaido reassuring caiman back in v10 and its basically the first time theyre properly reunited in the wholeass 10 volumes since then.... brb sniffling + sobbing
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creed-of-cats · 2 years
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There's something about that first meeting with Bruce, Terry and Powers that really gets me. Its so, so early in our titular heroes' partnership. They're still testing each other, weary about how the hell they're going to do this without someone ending up dead. But in this moment, Terry goes at Powers and the only thing holding him back is a single moment of looking at Bruce, and he backs off. This kid, who grew angry at a single comment from a high school friend or his dad being disappointed in him just a short time before, keeps his cool in front of the guy who murdered his dad. Just because just Bruce walking away says not now, not yet.
Terry obviously wants revenge on Powers, but I feel like it's not discussed much that Bruce does too. Batman is not the only legacy the Wayne's left in Gotham. Their company funded a lot of the welfare and social programs in a corrupt system, and it's an incredible amount of power in the hands of someone who doesn't care or is actively malicious. But that was the Bruce Wayne side of the mission. And the problem with that is that Bruce never really just let himself be Bruce Wayne. He had to have both or nothing, put every single part of himself into the mission.
Terry reclaims Batman, and with someone else under the cowl, Bruce finally reclaims Bruce Wayne. Powers and his hold over Gotham couldn't have been broken without Terry and Bruce working together, both in ways that would've been practically impossible without the other. When Blight dies, there's not even a question if they'll stop. Their redemption is already too far along.
I think part of the reason why Bruce kind of has this begrudging respect, this love/hate relationship with Terry's penchant for forgiveness is how it extends to him. I'd like to think that at first, Terry may have had resentment for what Bruce did with his company. If Bruce hadn't given up, Powers wouldn't have had the power to do what he did, and get away without legal consequence. But I'm not sure he would've held on to that resentment for long, or have it more then a thought in anger. Terry understands what causes someone to fall. As Terry said in the first episode, Something happened to you, and it wasn't just that you got old.
Bruce trains Terry, sees the potential in him to become Batman. But Terry also sees that Bruce could be better and pushes him to do so. He offers Bruce forgiveness and a second chance from his past failings. To make it up to the city he poured so much into and then abandoned. The really interesting thing is that Bruce doesnt offer that back, Terry's drive to be a better person is solely from himself. Bruce hates himself enough to stay in his misery, but Terry is the city's answer. So what? Life is not over. It's never too late. The push to take a risk and care again, about Batman, about himself, and about Gotham.
It starts here. When Bruce finally stands up to Powers, the figure of guilt and anger both if them share, and says no, I'm not going to let you do this anymore.
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littencloud9 · 1 year
good morning i just watched bsd s5ep3 aka THE sskk episode and i am unwell! i hate life!
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
POV: lying in bed tearing up about Scott going to the store specifically to by a bucket and several bags of rice to fill it to the brim to take to Tessa’s door, ring the bell then leave in time before she answers it so she can see it and read the note he left because he knew this would mean everything to her and then T saying several times in the proceeding years that it is the best present she could possibly receive.
It’s not things like kisses or pda that make you know they love each other more than anything- it’s shit like this; like calling her a terrifying athlete to her face when he knows not feeling like the standard of athlete he was or loving the sport as much as he did was her biggest insecurity. It’s her saying she loves how passionate he is and she thrives off that when he feared he was too much to put up with or how he’s the best ice dancer ever and moves in such an honest, pure way that makes her want to move with him when he was so self conscious about dancing and being compared to her. Fuck literally everything else because they actually saw and do see each other for everything they are and love unconditionally because they kept showing up for each other and seeing all of each other for so freakin long. The simplest act of caring for another human being was essentially the essence of their career and I think that’s why we are so drawn to them and some go crazy over it bc sometimes the simplest things are so inconceivable to understand..
Fuck sometimes I’m fine then I’m like man a love this pure actually is possible 😰
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hearteyesavasilva · 2 years
seeing older queer couples in documentaries/articles is one thing but actually seeing them in the flesh? Hearing about how happy their partners make them? Seeing how in love they are even in little things like the one who speaks Spanish translating jokes to the other so that they can understand why everyone else is laughing? My heart is so full 🥺 I wish I had the courage to tell these older women I thought they made a cute couple but I chickened out at the last minute ahhhh
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
That Scott and Stiles scene just gave me alllll sorts of emotions.
Okay first, side note, I really wish Deaton's sister...whatever her name is...please hold...*searches internet* Ms. Morell! That's what it is. There are too many people to keep track of in this show. XD
Ugh how I wish she hadn't shown up in that moment. Like, I'm glad she's pointing us in the right direction with Lydia and everything, and I'm glad that, despite them being on opposite sides, she clearly cares about her brother, but we were soooo close to having Sheriff Stilinski find out, and UGH I really want him to find out. I feel like things'll be soooo much easier for the boys if Stiles' dad knows too, 'cause then they have two very supportive parents in powerful positions in the know about everything and completely on their side. It would make their lives soooo much easier.
But anyways. That's not the point.
Because Scott is right. Telling him would likely make people easier to save. Telling him would theoretically save him some stress.
But Stiles is also right. Telling him would make him involved. Telling him would put him in even more danger than he's already been in.
But the way they were both so quick to agree with the other person to help each other I just...
First Stiles is arguing because he doesn't want his dad to get hurt, and he even acknowledges that Deaton is like a father to Scott and he GETS that, but that's the same reason that Scott totally gets why Stiles doesn't want to put his dad in any more danger. So the second Stiles says that he can't lose both parents, Scott backs down, because he would never want his best friend to have to go through that.
But the second Scott backs down, Stiles realizes that he's letting his emotions get in the way of a pretty smart and logical decision that would probably benefit them in the long run, and the way he backs down and agrees despite all of his emotions telling him not to because he KNOWS it's a good call is just...AHHH THE POOR BABY.
I love them and their relationship so much, and I feel so bad for them both, but I love how willing they are to listen to and be there for each other no matter what and I just...I LOVE THEM OKAY?! <3 <3 <3 <3
And on that note, SOMEBODY TELL ME WHEN NOAH STILINSKI FINALLY FINDS OUT GODD*MMIT! Because he HAS to at SOME point, right? Scott even said it.
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(According to the website I got this from this is in Season 6 and dangat that's a really long time to wait for what looks like a beautiful scene. Also if I keep using all of the Stiles and Scott gifs, I'm gonna run out of Stiles and Scott gifs. Oops. XD)
Update: Right after this I got the scene with Lydia and Cora and I don't have enough to say to make a whole separate post about it but STILES TO THE RESCUE! Anyways when is Stydia canon? XD
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ahli-stuff · 2 years
I love the critical role cast
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xazse · 10 days
Ahhhh I loved your reader hybrid works, literal chefs kiss 😩🤌 can you pls pls pls do a bunny! Reader x Suguru and Satoru
You can’t!
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Synopsis: Poor Bunnygirl and puppyboySatoru are experiencing the worst heats ever, good thing their owner Suguru is there to take care of them.
Notes: Hi I decided to bring in our Puppy!BoySatoru if you don’t like it just let me know and I’ll revise this entire thing for you!!
Pairings: Puppy!HybridSatoru x Bunny!GirlReader x Suguru
Warnings: Hybrid!Reader + smut + humping + Hybrid!Satoru + drooling + licking + penetration + lots of cum very nasty + Suguru is a good owner + collars
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Suguru is exhausted when he read online that getting a hybrid would take a lot of work they weren’t lying especially Bunnygirls and Puppy!Boys.
He thought he would be ready and prepared, it should be a walk in the park! Of course bumps and falls would occur but with someone as patient as Suguru everything will turn out fine.
A year in everything was so fucking perfect, You and Satoru listened so well he really lucked out with the two of you. Most people would complain on online forums that handling was the hardest thing.
The issues started arising when you and Satoru started getting needy, you were kinda independent before but now you both are always on or under Suguru, you both felt the need to always have your hands on him, roaming his body and even touching each other. More issues started to come when it felt like you and him were so feverish and always sore.
A quick google search brought Suguru to the page of hybrid heats. It happens often and can be unpredictable, it’s slapped in his face and he isn’t sure what to do
“Please-Suguru hurts so bad..”
He surely wasn’t expecting to walk into the scene he’s seeing right now, Satoru laid on his back with you atop him, tears are brimming in both your lashes it looks like you two have been crying and whining for the longest time.
You’re in nothing but panties and a thin tank top with him sporting just his underwear. Satoru’s cock is fully hard pressed agains’t your cunt so snugly and he’s already made a mess: his cum seeping through.
It looks like this is what you two have been doing for all this time, just grinding against each other. He feels terrible, he hadn’t taken the time to fully explain what would be happening to your bodies.
He makes his way over to his dumb pets and you both follow so obediently, leaving each others arms to fully envelope in his. Satoru starts licking and sucking on his neck, he isn’t shy to rub his cock so blatantly, smearing his thick load even more.
He needs to teach his hybrids how to pleasure themselves whilst he isn’t here, he stops Satoru from his suckling. He gently has you lay down admiring just how cute you look, your ears are standing at full attention but your hazy eyes aren’t all there.
He pulls off your sticky panties, a clear line of your cum visible when they’re discarded.
He’s met with an even messier sight when admiring your pussy, your folds are glistening as well as his fingers when he teases your little clit.
Suguru positions Satoru in front of your spread legs, he isn’t sure what to do with himself besides following Suguru’s every direction.
Suguru dips his fingers in your cunt again, guiding them to Satoru’s mouth he has him suck them clean.
Satoru absolutely loves the taste of you, he groans so lewdly as he’s lapping up what’s left of your essence.
When he finishes that up Suguru grabs Satoru’s leaky cock with a rough grip and taps it a few times on your soddened clit, this elicits a few moans out of the both of you. It feels so good already, and yet Suguru can’t wait to show you both just how good cumming feels.
He guides Satoru’s hips pushing his sensitive pink tip past your tight entrance.
The whimpering starts, poor puppy Satoru’s brain can’t comprehend this feeling, he knows the pleasure part of his brain is needing more but his body wants to pull away at the same time, he’s scared at how wet and hot it feels. He isn’t telling Suguru to stop so he continues.
His bunny isn’t fairing any better, you’re gripping the pillows for dear life as a fat cock, something foreign pushes inside of you for the first time.
Suguru sets a slow nice pace, hands still on Satoru’s hips guiding him inside of your wet cavern and out again and again. He’s doing all the work but he doesn’t mind one bit.
Suguru pauses working Gojo into you and lets him feel you, for real this time. Your walls are twitching and clamping down on him so hard.
He slides down into the crook of your neck and cries right there, it’s such a sad sight but so arousing at the same time.
“Cmon Toru, gotta make bunny feel good too.”
Satoru listens and begins licking your sensitive neck, he knows that’s a weak spot of yours, always triggering it when he’s roughhousing with you. His hips begin speeding up, the wet sounds of your cum mixing together and being slammed against one another is loud and bounces off the walls.
You cry out loud letting Suguru know that you feel weird, your tummy feels weird and it’s hurting. He reassures you and says to just let it go.
Suguru teases and grabs Satoru’s balls, head diving into his first load of the afternoon, it’s a good bit of cum he produces, Suguru is going to spend a good hour cleaning the both of you up!
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saeriibon · 11 months
there isn't a single decision that i make in my life that is my own
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