#AFO: I mean you do it why is it odd when I try it?
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kitsunesfandomtime · 1 year ago
Garaki: -panicking because AFO getting married- Sir! What happens when Inko finds out who you really are?
AFO: -rolling his eyes- She will never find out. That's the point of lying.
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thr0wnawayy · 6 months ago
Hello! Been really enjoying your MHA takes especially the aftermath, it had me thinking but what if Hawks and the HC were responsible were for wiping out Izuku's record in the Final War. We know there was people recording Izuku's battle with Tomura but yet people not knowing about Izuku and acting like he is some mysterious legend just didn't sit right with me. But if they knew, OFA was going to disappear and there would be no Symbol of Peace in the short term until Mirio arrived (bleh). Then it would make sense why Hawks and company would delete this stuff for any number of reasons. It would be this weird sort of propaganda where the collective is glorified. While still retaining the status quo until they can find a stronger Symbol because I refuse to take seriously Mirio being number 1 cause his quirk is overrated.
This would help explain why Izuku's role in the war is essentially erased and no one seems to have remembered him despite being the deciding factor, but his depression/guilt means he doesn't care to talk about. It would be overwhelming for Izuku because the propaganda would only assert that his role was meaningless despite it being the contrary. Of course, it doesn't help that nobody does anything to help lift Izuku from his mental problems.
What your saying is absolutely plausible, however there are a few things that conflict with your theory.
No one really knew about OFA in the first place. This is a massive fuck up on Hori's part, as "canonically" only 3 people really know about OFA (5, if you count sheild and Melissa)
The fact is, the general public isn't really aware of what OFA was. To their knowledge Izuku might have been one of AFO's science projects or something of the sort, which could have created problems in trying to reestablish "order".
Thus the Commission thought it best for OFA to just fade into the background and that meant nipping every bud related to it. Including Midoriya.
You see, All Might is covered. He's made a name for himself and even though there was panic after his retirement, he's still one of the only people capable of standing firm. That alone grants him a level of protection and support networks that Midoriya clearly lacks.
The second issue is that the idea of a symbol is so ingrained with All Might (or rather the idea of AM) that OFA is connected to that by proxy.
The Commission needs a hero that doesn't exist anymore, because in a post Liberation War Japan? They can't exist.
Not when people have been exposed to how rotten the current system is underneath and no 'new coat of paint' will ever be enough to change that, no matter how fanciful the lie.
Midoriya by his very nature (and failings) as a hero, cannot become 'the greatest' in this world, because what once passed for the greatest turned out to be a human trafficking piece of shit, who was killed by his victim's own hand.
Izuku's record wasn't so much wiped, as much as he just gave up. He went so went so far off course that he wound up in a worse position than when he started and dragged everyone with him in the process.
The reality is a culture built on "out of sight, out of mind" when it comes to crime. MHA's Japan does this, but far, far worse and that isn't sustainable. Not when you have massive critics like Japan does.
Japan is in a free fall, Toshinori is one of those people, hopefully I'll get around to writing that mini chapter fully.
Hawks doesn't have the brains to lead. As seen in the U.N Meeting, he's a horrible politician (being a child soldier will do that). He's used to taking orders and polishing the boots of whomever is giving them, not sitting down and discussing how they (the nations) can use their power to make the world a better place.
As for the Hero Boards, due to the lack of participation, they fluctuate violently every term due to the smaller voting pool. Mirio's rank is only semi-consistant, with him constantly switching to number one and number three every odd poll showcase.
The portion of the public that still look up to heroes see him as a model person, but not a model hero. As they look for a hero that will never come.
The truth is there cannot be another All Might in the same way there can never be another AFO (Pre Kamio ofc). They were titans of their time, only able to exist because of the circumstances unique to their times.
There's a saying that is often misquoted
"The survival of the fittest"
This is an incomplete version of the phrase, the correct version is: "The survival of the fittest to adapt"
That is what evolution is, an arms race.
There will never truly be another All Might, there may never be another League Of Villains. But it doesn't matter, because some way, somehow.
The pieces will slot into place and then the real fun can begin. So long as their are those who slip through the cracks. So long as the current society stands.
There will always be that child that everyone can see, but choose to ignore.
They can lie to themselves, have them put on a happy face, shunt them to fitting into the current "mold" and then go home and wash their hands of responsibility because "I did my part".
It won't make them any less guilty.
It won't make those children any less adaptable.
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x-kiwi-03 · 4 months ago
what do you think happened to Kai chisaki's parents, i mean he had toend u in the orphnge some way or another,
I can’t say for certain, there are no big hints in the story. I can come up with some plausible scenarios though.
First you gotta keep in mind that Afo is behind everything, always, no matter what. He’s the reason Kai is the way he is, so I think there was a long stream of plans and schemes that resulted with Kai Chisaki. But that’s just what I think.
His parents could’ve had strong quirks, so they had Kai in an attempt to make an even better quirk, like a Todoroki family situation. Overhaul is a very specific quirk, strong and complex. Afo found him, or maybe set his parents up himself in the hopes of getting a Kai, took him from his parents (and maybe killed his parents or his parents could’ve worked for Afo and been compliant with abandoning him) to raise him into a villain.
His parents could’ve been random people and Kai developed a fourth generational quirk (quirks that form unrelated to genetics) and there had been a death or a fright of some sort, ending in Kai’s abandonment. Afo snatched him then.
His mother could’ve been a college student who forgot to take the morning after pill and felt too young to raise a child, and Kai just so happened to have the perfect quirk Afo needed to make his vessel!
Either way I don’t think he ever knew his parents. I think he was abandoned at birth for god knows why, and didn’t know what a family felt like until the Yakuza. He never thinks about or speaks about a biological relative during his arc to relate to how good(?) of a parent his Pops was. So, you can only assume that he has none. Anything that reminds him of those feelings of abandonment trigger him GREATLY. The biggest example being when his Pops told him if he can’t follow his rules Kai can leave the Yakuza, then Kai put him in a coma. Or how he repeated his childhood experiences on a little girl who was abandoned because of a death caused by her fourth generational quirk.
People call his version of love “twisted” or “corrupt” when really it’s just desperate. He’s trying so hard to not be abandoned again even though Pops had shown no sign (other than that once) of doing so, and he is desperately trying to prove to himself that he deserves to have a family by “repaying the yakuza”. Even in the end Pops didn’t abandon him, and Kai tried so hard to get to him and apologize despite his odds.
In short, the most plausible scenario is that Kai’s parents abandoned him at birth, most likely with a bit of Afo interference, and perhaps because of his quirk.
Hope this answered your question!
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donkeys-waffles · 1 year ago
Okay, listen I'm not all that convinced AFO is completely gone. And let's put DFO aside for a moment. His and Yoichi's story feels uncomplete, there are certain elements that were given the time to be graced on but never really elaborated on. Like for example, that possibility that certain elements of AFO's backstory were fabricated to accomplish a certain message.
It's very easy to read over his backstory and gather the idea that he was born evil. But after a deeper look, it's very clear that was the purpose. We are meant to believe AFO is evil because that's what he wants us to believe, that's what he sees in himself. I feel bittersweet towards his supposed 'end'. Because I hate how Bakugou delivered that end, for one. But on one hand I enjoy how he mentioned needing Yoichi, it starts with denial and ends with recognition. And even if this a hot take, I think it's a beautiful, emotional end to such a messed-up individual.
However, I have a weird feeling about two things. First, I'd like to say, one thing I've noticed in writing is if something is brought up randomly, it'll generally come back to bite you later. Nothing is left unsaid, otherwise you have plot holes.
I found it interesting how it's mentioned AFO wasn't able to use his last trick up his sleeve, without any elaboration as to what that would have been. And I would say this was done on purpose, maybe just used as another example of every dream he wasn't able to accomplish before he died. But bringing light to this does nothing to strengthen the impact of his death on the narrative. Another interesting detail was Yoichi's wish. His dream of AFO being the kindest quirk in the world, which I can see being used to cause a reaction in the reader, as if trying to make them feel some heartache for such a bastard. But even with that reasoning, that sentence in the end feels so empty. unfulfilling, and almost lack-luster. It seems odd to be brought up and this could be bias, but I feel like that sentence had more importance than just literary cannon fodder.
We know AFO's main goal, make everyone love him like Yoichi, and his midterm goal was to steal his brother back through OFA. Makes sense.
But I still have questions. I understand why he took Tomura, to get a strong enough host to steal OFA, makes sense. But how does leaving Gigantomachia in the mountains have anything to do with such a goal? For what? Retirement? What did that achieve, wouldn't it better if he kept him around? If he was planning on moving his consciousness to Tomua later, then keeping him around would be better, right? Afterall, he'd be able to meet the child and possibly have a better understanding of the situation. Gigantomachia is an incredibly strong asset (look how he took down SO many heroes in the first war); he could have possibly even used him as backup during his fight with All Might.
And why keep OFA at a distance when his entire goal is to steal said quirk? I'm referring to that one panel in Vigilantes. Thats the entire opposite of his entire 200-year-old goal.
And that whole thing with his copy of rewind... This man is 200 years old, with an extremely strong villain empire, who has earned the respect of a genius scientist... You don't achieve any of those things by being stupid. And now I'm not normally one for completely trusting the MHA Wiki, but I can't blame them for giving him a 6/5 intelligence. He's a genius, and is spectacular with quirk analysis, it's his thing ya feel me. But it does show his lack of self-preservation, which is against what he's supposed to be angry at All Might for.
All Might took his health and his empire; we know he didn't really care about his empire as much from Spinner. (I mean lack of self-preservation because he's using a quirk that will eventually rewind him out of existence, whether he transfers his quirk to Tomura entirely or not. There's a possibility that it won't work, he failed to take complete control the first time remember. Is that what this supposed 'trick up his sleeve' was supposed to remedy? This is the same man that gave himself immortality, the same man that ran away from All Might for years, the same man that has shown to rely on the strength of others instead of dealing wounds himself. And might I add the same man that is supposed to be angry about his health being diminished. Afterall if not his health or his empire what could he possibly be angry at All Might for that's so special, so unique compared to his predecessors?)
This brings me to my last point. Since when the hell did this bitch care about THE CHILDREN! This man literally stole quirks from children, killed thousands, and turned a crap tone into braindead nomu. And he's angry on behalf of the children. Are we ever going to get an explanation for that?
Like I would understand if he killed the children that he apparently gave heroic ideals to. Like Ha! You will pay for passing on your ideals to children by watching me steal their quirks and kill them. But that's not what he means, or he would've stolen Tokoyami's quirk, killed Jiro instead of leaving her with a broken eardrum, and blasted Izuku away with deadly force instead of holding back in the first war. We have no answers for such behavior from a man known for exhibiting zero humanity (and making that behavior his ENTIRE personality.) Need I remind you this man stole Tomura (possibly gave him the quirk that killed his entire family,) and groomed him just to possess him later alright. He also turned Tsubasa into a nomu for shits and giggles, which we have never talked about once! Tsubasa, need I remind, was a small child and was the Doctor's grandson (which you'd think give him immunity to this kind of sick shit but apparently not.)
There are so many questions left unanswered, many of which Yoichi himself can't even answer. Like with all their human experimentation they do on a daily basis, the clone theory wouldn't really surprise me. It would make a lot of sense for his character as well. And even if that theory doesn't pan out, the vestige behind the locked door (which is entirely separate rant honestly,) or even Tomura's AFO vestige maybe. Though I feel if Izuku really saves Tomura in this war, then we might never hear much of anything from that vestige. Especially since their first priority would be to cancel it out as soon as possible. A lot of people bring up how the story is almost over, and they are probably right. But the end date was supposed to be 2022 originally, right? Then it was moved to 2023, now it's 2024-2025. Like yeah it is almost over, but there's still story that needs wrapping up clearly because that deadline has been pushed back multiple times. Too many times to make it a valid counterclaim anymore. Either way, I don't think we are in the clear of the Demon King's superiority complex anytime soon.
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>They are really following the “saving child shigaraki” path 💀
No? Well, yes, but Deku seeing what happened to Tenko and talking to Tenko was always going to happen, it doesn't mean that only child Tenko gets saved lol. Tenko is Shigaraki's origin, his core, his genuine ideas, his honne (true feelings and desires). Of course Deku has to understand and save Tenko to save adult!Tenko, lol. Nobody seemed to complain when child!Ochako was talking to child!Himiko and etc., so what's up with some people's attitude now? 😭
I think the fandom is a bit paranoid because they really fear some theories.
I sometimes entertain those theories just to fuck around and create what ifs. It's a mere childplay. "Oh what if the school burned today and we all graduated earlier" type of mindset. The odds of it happening are non-existent, but c'mon. Unless you plan to burn the school yourself or you know someone will try, the odds are almost zero.
"but somewhere in the world a school burned—"
Sure, some mangas decide to end things the worst way possible only to cause shock, to fuck with fans, for money, sometimes simply because they don't understand their own stories. Even the big mangas is subjected to that. The author can go bananas for whatever reason and give you a terrible ending.
From my perspective, Horikoshi has rarely lost sight of the story he wants to tell. If he opens a plotline, he takes care to close it later. We got our traitor, we got the resolution with the Todorokis, we got AFO, class 1B, the villain comebacks...
Even when there were moments I knew Horikoshi went a little on the tangent (like Stars and Stripes) he was quick to return to the main issue. In bnha, to get an answer for your question you only have to wait for the manga to explain it— or in some cases, check the spin-off. If the answer is not in bnha itself, it normally is in the Vigilantes manga.
When someone asks me "Hey Shan, do you think that is possible?" the correct answer is always yes, because as long as the story is not over anything can happen. Objectively speaking, yes, it is as possible as anything else. As long as you're alive a lightning strike can hit you. A shark can bite you. An alien can come for you. The odds are there.
Now, is it probable?
No, not much.
Turning Tomura into a child to erase his crimes and resolve Deku's role within the plot is not only the lazy route, but also a disservice to the story. People don't resurrect out of nowhere in bnha. Limbs don't grow again. This is a story where the consequences are permanent. Even saving Mirio had a cost. There are only a few characters that can magically heal and their participation is soo little, it's almost as if they weren't there.
Each story has rules. You don't care about the real life rules or your own law code or whatever; you care about the inner rules of that story.
So far, Horikoshi has taken care of not breaking the inner rules of bnha. Why would he do so now?
Another bnha trait is that it doesn't stay stagnant on a plotline that is interesting yet irrelevant to the main story. It also doesn't hurry the story if it needs to go down a certain path. It will happen on its own time, after the events that need to happen had happened too. Example: saving Tomura has been a whole process. If Horikoshi were to turn Tomura into a child, why would he show all that he has shown us?
That's 'cause Horikoshi is explaining Deku's choice of saving Tomura. I know the trend of separating Tomura from Tenko, but it's absurd. They are one and the same. The kid is the adult and vice versa. You save the kid version, you save the adult one too. In order to save the adult one, you need to save the kid first. And if you went all the way to save that person, why would you want to erase all of it and turn them into a child again?
Isn't the story about how Deku giving little Tenko a chance? Isn't the story about Deku telling others they can do the impossible? Didn't Nighteye say that Deku could change the future and now we see him also changing the past, if only to allow the present to be a little more bearable? Livable?
I'll say this here: the theory that dictates that the heroes will turn the villains into kids to save them and the villains will stay like that has absolutely no foundation within the story.
If it happens, it's bad writing.
Horikoshi uses the kid images as symbolism. It is meant to represent the core of a person. It's the part of them that would never change, the part of them that dictates their dreams and goals, what they hate and love, who they are. It's the most basic of their forms, their essence, their soul if you want to speak on those terms.
Heroes are meant to connect with those parts of a human in order to save them, because the job of a hero is not only saving the body, but the human as a whole. To preserve hope, to heal past wounds and give people a reason to smile. To help people laugh as a kid again, to bring back their wonder and their innocence, to fight the apathy and the cynical part of themselves.
Bnha is fantasy. People have powers. The dead can communicate with the living. Of course that the heroes can talk with the childhood versions of the people to heal their past traumas.
Easy as that.
I can't say for sure if the villains will live or die. I only have my opinion (they'll live), but I am not the author. Horikoshi can have an epiphany tomorrow and kill everyone in the story with a meteor. Idk.
I can only say that Horikoshi has presented a cohesive and coherent writing, one that follows the lines it dictates to their natural conclusion. If things stay like that, there's no need to fear none of the crazy theories circulating the fandom. At the end of the day that's all they are, theories.
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sapphic-agent · 1 year ago
Here my new ask. Its about Shiggy!
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I always will love the dream sequence and I do think it was better in the manga but is odd how Shig is saying "I forgive you Hana" and wake up to destroy everything and everyone.
I know people can feel more than one emotion. "I love Susan but I fear her" sure sure but Shig's only time ever saying those words of forgiviness ...should mean smth.
Yet...it doesn't.
Also...when in the dream sequel Shig kills his dad again...I dont see him happy about, he seems shocked and sad.
1) is Shig an unreliable narrator? To me, yes. But Hori wont explore this.
2) if afo was forcing those memories...for what reason? It was crucial for Shig to suffer and be mad forever? Does afo feed on hate? Bc I swear the amount of things Afo has done in canon towards Shig should have made Shig resent the fuck out of him
3) the ghost of his family try to save him(kotaro, who fandom sees as a monster while still cheering for Endy tries to do smth) and failed....what Izu can do here? Ge barely knows Shig.
4)Shig wake up serve cunt (that scene was cool. I give him that) and....as you said before is shallow. The dream sequence meant nothing, his family meant nothing to him. Actually his emotions meant nothing for the damn story.
5) afo made bold assumptions that Shig would still be his brainless pawn...and only works bc Hori says so. In true, Shig should have dessert him a long time ago (shig got shoot on the ua invasion. Shig got the hands of his parents and afo laughs)
It was such a cool sequence...it seems it would go somewhere but is hollow. Ita just a waste. Even more as he says he wont forgive anyone (while I get Izu saying "I wont forgive you" this line works way better for bk or aizawa. Feels strangely personal for a man Izu interacted 2 times only and shig canonically has Izu on his mind, knows he is quirkless and likes quirkless stuff never try to contact Izu)
1. Shigaraki is indeed an unreliable narrator! I forgot which user brought it up, but his narration and the actions taken by his younger self don't align. He says that he wanted to and reveled in killing his family, but the expression on his face through it all is broken. He doesn't look happy or gleeful, he looks horrified and desperate. Even with his awful father, he's shown reaching out for him and only changes when his father hits him. AFO's conditioning affected him in ways he doesn't understand, he's trapped by the undisputable (to him) fact that he's a villain who craves destruction
2. AFO is a master manipulator. He doesn't feed on hate, he feeds on how vulnerable and usable Shigaraki becomes when fueled by that hate. You'll notice he never scolds Shigaraki for his temper. He knows if Shigaraki stays petulant and full of anger, AFO can use it against him later. Shigaraki has started to realize that he's being manipulated, but it's overshadowed by the box AFO's forced him into
3. See, this is why we needed more interaction between Izuku and Shigaraki than we got. Other than the mall scene they barely interacted before the war. I've always said that Shigaraki was Izuku's parallel. They're two sides of the same coin. Izuku doesn't understand Shigaraki, he said so himself at the mall. You can't save someone you don't understand long-term. There should have been a scene- any kind of scene- where they're stuck together, can't attack one another, and forced to talk. Even if they can't (and shouldn't) come to an agreement, they still would have a better understanding of one another
4. Hori is too focused on making Shigaraki narrow minded and hellbent on destruction to give him any other emotion
5. Yeah... The lack of agency Hori forced on Shigaraki after just giving him agency wasn't the best. He isn't someone who's weak-willed. He's insanely stubborn and resilient
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quirkwizard · 2 years ago
Do you think we’ll get an All For One: Origin chapter before the series ends? Or no? I can sorta see it both ways. On one hand it doesn’t really matter and we know enough about his backstory, but it also seems odd if we don’t get anything on AFO and Yoichi’s childhood in the era when Quirks first emerged.
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I'm of two minds about it. On the one hand, I don't think that he really needs any more of his backstory revealed. He's someone who wants to be an evil overload and has the means to do it. What more do you really need? For all of his theatrics, he's a very simple character, and we already got a pretty well laid-out idea of who he was and why he did what he did from the flashbacks. So if you were to do it, what could you add? If anything, it risks going the same route as the recent All Might: Origin chapter. It expanded on what came before, but it didn't really add anything new. Maybe it could show us why he went from having a childhood dream of being a demon king to being the shadow emperor of Japan, because I'd really like to know how he mentally got from A to B on that one. Like was there some event that prompted this or what? Otherwise, I struggle to think of what could be added to him without reinforcing what we already know, ruining what little mystique he had left, or, in the worst-case scenario, trying to make him sympathetic.
Now, I think you could make something out of it if you merely refocused on what it was about. Instead of being about the origin of All For One himself, you use it to fill in the blanks about his story between then and now. Less of an origin story and more of a recap. There is a lot of history that we simply don't know or that has never been expanded upon. All For One is old enough and has a wide enough scope that you could cover a lot of history with him, and I think he could have an interesting perspective on what is happening around him. For example, we could get him to meet some of his associates, like Doctor Garaki and Gigantomachia. Maybe we could have him watching and meeting Tomura like what was implied with Tomura's flashback. Out of all of them, I think the one I would want the most is the full context of the deaths of Youichi and the Second User. There is so much that we don't know about what went down with that whole event, and I'd like to be given something on that before the series ends. In fact, these events could be framed around the deaths of the various "One For All" users, with certain events happening around the time of their deaths.
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pocketramblr · 3 years ago
Hello my deer Pocket! I was wondering if there was an AU of yours for wish you would like to share headcanons? (If there is nothing don't force yourself.)
Yeah have a vampire au collection:
- Nemuri is a rokurokubi, Sushi is a bakeneko. They're clanless, but manage a buisness for supernatural enchantments.
- There's a difference between born-vampires and dhampir. Yoichi is a born-vampire so he's always been undead. Sorahiko is a dhampir, which means he'll live a human life, but imediately turn vampire when he dies without anyone biting him.
- it's considered very taboo to bite a dhampir and try to turn them while still in their human life.
- AfO wanted a cure for vampirism so he could turn Yoichi human, then bite him and re-turn him undead, so he'd have more control over him as a scion. This obviously failed but like yikes right
- Ibarra is a hunter. She befriended Shinsou before he was turned, and initially suspected him of being a vampire, but he tested as human. He's really hoping she won't think to do another test a few years later to double check. (She won't, that would look like doubting the divine.) (He also knows she would hold being right about vampires existing when he didn't believe her initially over his head. She would.)
- there's always a slight risk of turning a human not working, though many factors influence it. That's part of why Izuku's still human, even if his odds are good they're better when he's an adult... And humans have their own power
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obsessive-dumpling · 3 years ago
so, you stated you wanted someoned to discuss chapters, well I AM HERE to talk about 362( or any other cjapter you'd like)
Amazing! I love it! Where should we begin? I'll give you some initial thoughts but feel free to redirect.
From the start my focus was on Tamaki. Horikoshi did that well. Because at the end of 361, I started to fear that HE would be the one to die in 362. I don't know how or why but I feel like the readers were meant to FEEL death coming. And it did. Just not how we expected it. Not to say I wanted Tamaki to die, because I didn't, but I also didn't want THIS. Either way. When Shigaraki calls out, "USE YOUR HEADS!" We immediately see Bakugo respond. And we knew he would, right? Because he had started really observing and reading Shiggys moves and muttering like Izuku in 361. This is when my stomach began to sink. The focus of the chapter had changed. It was no longer about Tamaki and the big three but instead about Bakugo. Namely, about Bakugo and what he thought Izuku would do in this situation. As he re-approaches the battle he says that "Gotta win...right Izuku...?" This hesitation feels telling, but I'm not exactly sure what of. Is this referencing Izuku's unhealthy self sacrificial nature OR is this referencing his and Izuku's fight during their test battle with All Might where Izuku yelled at him for saying he'd "rather lose than work with Deku". Because those are definitely two very different paths to walk. Honestly I could get stuck here all day so I'll push on. Next we see the results of his channeling of Izuku's habits as he figures out the pattern in Shiggys moves. We also see that his explosions have taken a new shape. I actually got super super hung up on this IMMEDIATELY because to me they remind me of what Izuku and Bakugo looked like through "Search" the quirk that AFO took from Ragdoll. I'm specifically referencing when they were trying to lead AFO/Shiggy away from the city during the first battle of the war. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about that. Of course what happens next is a narrator returns to explain what's happening with Bakugo and it is safe to assume that this is Izuku. He is the narrator of the story and it has rarely NOT been him. To me, this was not a good sign. Bakugo is having a quirk awakening, and the mood has shifted almost to reluctance. This is odd because Izuku is both obsessed with quirks and obsessed with Katsuki. And then... Bakugo takes back the narrative. It was at this moment that I was repeating "no, no, no, no!"
"So, Izuku...can I...still catch up to you?"
I felt like I had been punched in the gut. And with a light in his eyes that reflects his changed explosion....I don't even really know what to say about that without my soul shattering. So, this is where Shiggy/AFO (we aren't quite sure which is having this vision of Second) panics and connects the Second with Katsuki. Which I mean, we all wanted, but not like this! At this snap, we already see that "explosion" in Katsuki's eye dimming, AND THEN- *snap* welcome to vestige world. We all knew here right? He looks so stress free. The most stress free we have probably ever seen him. He uses his pretty face instead of his gremlin face the e n t i r e time! Especially when remembering [seemingly] the last time him and Izuku were happy and laughing together. Ugh. And then....and then everyones heart breaks as his bursts...freeze frame as the big three can do absolutely nothing to stop The Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight's death. As if we aren't suffering enough, we see that his last move put him almost on par with All Might from the beginning of the manga. We have his mom, thinking and speaking of him, as he dies. Jeanist on the brink, Monoma on the phone (sidenote: I haven't seen anyone talk about this but HE IS ON THE PHONE! Which means someone else- OUTSIDE OF THE PRESENT COMPANY- KNOW what is happening), Miriko trying her fucking best but not being fast enough, Mirio breaking and of course, to really drive it home, Aizawa losing one of his precious kids. We end on this tragically beautiful, double spread piece of him sprawled and bloody. With our only smidge of hope being that the light in his eye, dim yet not extinguished is still present.
Now. What do we want to address? 😭
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ripplestitchskein · 3 years ago
Bakugou’s behavior right before he dies is still so fucking suspicious and weird??
Right after AFO grabs him is when Bakugou gets the weird light in his eyes. Like his iris goes white, and at first I was “oh, like he’s just upset that he said that about being Izuku’s shadow”.
But then he completely ignores Jeanist when he’s trying to sew up his arm up and says “..Right” like he’s answering someone else. He seemed distracted, not defeated.
And he repeats that, “Right” in the next issue before he tells Jeanist to take care of everyone, not like he’s psyching himself up but like he’s coming to terms with something or replying to something, but like it also clearly states that he didn’t know his cluster attack was going to do that to his body, soooo wtf is that about? It seems very out of character. That’s what’s sat wrong with me this whole fucking time. Why would he say that if he didn’t know this was gonna happen?
It just seemed like he’s talking to someone, and it’s right after AFO grabs him and we’ve already established that All Might couldn’t communicate with the vestiges either until he was touching Midoriya in the hospital. And then we have this panel of 2nd user right after that when AFO starts talking about how angry he is.
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And also he’s like talking to the All Might vestige and again he starts off with “Oh right,” like he’s mid conversation and continues to tell him about the card.
A few issues back the vestiges were talking to each other and plotting to do something to help Midoriya and I was like “that’s odd, how are you gonna do something to help him externally, you are literally in his head”.
It’s all fucking strange. Like if Bakugou was truly going to go out with a weird side effect of his quirk (which, fucking lame way to go imo, like wtf) it should have been during a moment of like regular Bakugou high intensity and then he like falls down, not having a peaceful moment where he calmly walks back into battle and fires off explosions without a peep, like he knew what was gonna happen even though the text tells us very explicitly he didn’t?
I just don’t get it. And it seems hella suspect. There’s shenanigans afoot.
I mean maybe I’m wrong and just being a deluded stan or whatever, but it just doesn’t add for me and it never has. It’s incongruent with the story so far, it’s a very meaningless death for a very important character especially considering how impactful he’s been throughout, and it’s a death that in no way suits the character themself. It’s like if he died right before battle from like, tetanus or something. It’s hardly better than an offscreen death of a major character. He didn’t save anyone. He didn’t change anything. He didn’t have an ironic death or a particularly emotional one. Like it’s emotional for us because we’re attached to him and he’s fucking dead but if another character we weren’t as attached to died in that exact same way where a little box of text had to explain why they died we’d be like “well that was anticlimactic, wtf why were we shown this?”
Even after reading the entire text straight through from beginning to end I think it’s even fucking more suspect now than I did when I just had the one issue and the synopsis. If the point of the death is that sometimes deaths are pointless and meaningless in a war or whatever or like pushing yourself too hard can lead right this than as a writer I have to question why would you put in that much time and effort developing a character like BK when you could use literally anyone else and get the same messaging across.
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hamliet · 4 years ago
I feel like people confuse heroes with what we know here in America as cops lol
What’s so wrong with Hawks killing Twice is that he’s claiming to be a hero. Heroes don’t kill. And people keep comparing them to real life cops who kill when they deem it’s necessary, or whatever.
Now don’t get me wrong I don’t think cops should kill either, but that’s a different discussion. But the bottom line is you can’t call yourself a hero if you can’t find a way to save people without killing someone else, and Hawks is doing just that, and the other “heroes” are allowing it, which in my opinion makes them not *true* heroes.
Why people insist on forcing cop values onto fictional heroes is beyoooond me.
So I got this ask like two months ago (at least; it might’ve been longer) and wrote out a response, but decided not to post it because it is a complex answer. With the diskhorse now revived and rearing its ugly head, I decided to refine a bit of this and post my thoughts. 
I don’t think a distinction between cops and heroes is really important, since as far as we have seen in BNHA... we aren’t really sure of the distinction, plus at least for me as an American, I can’t comment on Japan’s system (and there’s a major racism factor in the US).
We have seen heroes willing to kill in the manga (I mean, they were all trying to kill Tomura), though. This fits with this chapter’s (314) indication of a highly corrupt system. 
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I also completely agree with you: in general (look extreme situations exist, but BNHA thus far isn’t in one; it will likely have one towards the end with AFO) if you can’t find a way to save a life without it coming at the cost of another, that isn’t something heroic to be celebrated, and that’s a cheap-ass view of justice (also as a personal value). It’s a tragedy, not something to be admired or inspired by or to aim for, all of which are generally responses to heroism as a concept (within our world and within BNHA). 
This idea--that killing is not heroic--is also reflected in the story for the most part: from chapter one, we are told a hero saves. We can thus conclude that someone who does not save is probably not intended to be seen as heroic in that moment (which is not the same as condemning them as a monster who cannot change). That is clearly a value of the story, so to uphold this, Twice’s death (since this is the scenario wherein this tends to be discussed) has to be wrong, thematically speaking. 
On the correlation of cops/heroes... it is complicated.
In general, I think it’s poor analysis to directly correlate fiction (especially when the work is from another culture than one’s own) to real current events, and particularly when they are so raw, real, and painful. At the same time, I also get that it’s impossible for brains not to make connections and see familiar circumstances in them. However, this doesn’t mean that 1=1 but instead is a blurry reflection in a mirror: the arguments and logic are not entirely removed from the real world, even if not intended to be 1=1 equivalents (by equivalents I mean direct representations of a particular real life event/concept). Even if the author does not intend the reflection, it can still exist and be picked up on by readers, or by the fandom in their respective contexts/cultures. This is not “wrong” of fans; we.all do this.
So, to return to how Twice’s death is analyzed within the specific context of fandom, I’m reluctant to equate it to the real world, while at the same time indeed finding it almost impossible not to shiver at the way the arguments used by hero stans mimic rhetoric from the real world. Personally, I do find it disturbing how many people come to my inbox and make the same exact arguments as “blue lives matter” folks. Of course it is fictional and therefore different, but it can trigger things especially given the current events in the US, where I live. I’m unsettled by said argument even with contextual and cultural changes taken into account, because on a “personal value” level, the arguments are just flat invalid, rooted in a very shallow understanding of justice, and prone to the whims of injustice. Additionally, many of the asks I’ve gotten do indeed draw on the real world “well it’s okay for real world cops/soldiers/etc” directly, which is partially why I think I’ve responded heatedly before, and why I think other meta writers have done the same. 
That does not mean these fans inherently have a certain point of view (many don’t); I’m just saying that the similarities in arguments specifically around the morality of using lethal force against a potential criminal is hella yikes for me personally, and I know I’m not alone in this (and also know that people closer to these issues than myself might feel differently too; there are no monoliths). Anyways, I wish more hero fans would acknowledge this when justifying Twice’s death. It’s fair to discuss it within the realm of the series’ portrayal of morality, and the story has been odd with the framing around Twice’s death: the narrative hasn’t called Hawks out (yet), while also portraying Hawks unequivocally as in the wrong during the actual murder (look at the panels again. Horikoshi drew them that way for a reason). 
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But people often revert to real world justice arguments to vindicate Hawks, and... maybe don’t? 
Is Hawks brainwashed? To an extent, yes. He’s not more or less culpable than Dabi or Shigaraki just because the law gives him a license to kill. We can discuss ideological motives and how they impact the degree to which a character will be held responsible in a story because, of course, it is not the real world and is for a message, but that’s for another day. He needs a chance to free himself, but you can’t say that he did not do something wrong by killing Twice. That doesn’t make him a monster.
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Anyways I think the fandom ought to be more sensitive and self-aware of the arguments we are making, and where they come from. 
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA Chapter 304: The Council of OFA
Previously on BnHA: Hawks and Best Jeanist were all, “what up Todofam, we are here to apply for the positions of ‘son #4’ and ‘weird uncle’, respectively,” and then proceeded to insert themselves into the family drama without waiting for an answer. Hawks briefed Endeavor on the nation’s current status of “totally fucked”, promised to help him sort that out, and then asked him about OFA. Endeavor was all, “oh do you mean One For All, the mysterious thing that my intern Deku was apparently being targeted for?” and then we cut away, presumably before Endeavor could clarify that it never occurred to him to follow up on that, and Hawks was all “no of course not, why would it occur to anyone other than me to follow up on any of this super weird and ominously important shit.” Anyway so meanwhile Bakugou was all “LET ME SCREAM AT DEKU UNTIL HE WAKES UP” and the other kids were all “NO”, and then the chapter ended with All Might being all “I wonder what the vestige!me is currently chatting with Deku about.”
Today on BnHA: Deku drops in on the Vestiges, who are all “sup Deku, how do you like our fancy chairs.” OFA II and III are all “if you need us we’ll just be standing here silently in the corner pretending to be invisible and sparking endless discourse with our mere existence.” OFA IV is all “and now I will explain to you in a very convoluted way that you being quirkless was actually a good thing, since it means that you are probably not going to suddenly drop dead at the age of twenty. But also you’re probably going to be the last user of OFA for that very same reason.” Deku is all “that is wild. I’m just gonna stand here and stare at my hand.” Nana is all “so now that that’s settled could you please do me a small favor and kill my grandson for me”, because having just one topic to discourse about this week WASN’T ENOUGH, apparently. Thanks so much Horikoshi.
(ETA: okay so just a note before I start, this week’s RHA translation was a huge mess, so I followed up this chapter by reading a couple of other translations. the main one I’m using for reference is the one by @hanashimas​, whose weekly posts I highly recommend. anyway so you’ll see a couple of ETAs in this post in places where the initial translation was off.)
how many layers of bandages did they wrap this poor kid’s fucking hand in omg
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jesus Deku. are you holding onto a bouquet of flowers under that thing?? or a tennis racket??
omg yes, finally
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is he reading these names off a teleprompter lol. and if so, what has Jeanist ever done to slight you, Deku? “god bless Kacchan and Aizawa-sensei and Todoroki-kun and everyone else in the whole wide world... except for Best Jeanist. fuck that guy.” actually this joke would be funnier if half of tumblr didn’t legit feel that way lol but anyway
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I got immediate KHR vibes from ALL OF THIS. this is seriously such a Vongola aesthetic. “let’s use the luxuriously cushioned chairs with the seat backs that are ten feet high, and arrange all of the handsome ghost people in a big circle” like come on
that said there are also some slight LoTR vibes as well. “bring forth the ring, Deku”
I like how Six is sitting there with his feet drawn up all casual, but with his arms inexplicably sticking STRAIGHT OUT IN FRONT OF HIM and dangling over his knees like he’s doing some sort of zombie walk
apparently the Fourth wasn’t a big fan of shoes huh
interesting that All Might is the only one who’s still faint/indistinct, and and that Two and Three are fully visible
(ETA: the rest of my speculation about Two and Three has been moved into a separate post, the better to focus on the shit that’s actually happening in this chapter lol.)
and lastly, interesting that all of them are talking now, except for All Might (and I guess the Second and Third as well). to the best of my knowledge Deku hasn’t unlocked the Sixth’s quirk yet, so I guess the quirks don’t really have anything to do with it
oh and it looks like Deku’s mouth is still covered. I guess that’s convenient for the vestiges since we all know it’s hard to stop Deku once he gets going. but on the other hand it’s very inconvenient for people like me who wanted to see some interaction. alas
so First says that OFA’s power has grown a lot in the last four months (i.e. since Deku unlocked Blackwhip), and now the vestiges can communicate with each other as well as Deku
so even when Deku’s not around they can all just chill with each other. this is such a weird thing to me lol. like it’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also strange as hell to know that you’ve got eight other people hanging out in your head spying on everything you do and having conversations with each other about it. it would be like if Dark Shadow had someone to hang out with other than Tokoyami. good thing you weren’t triplets, Tokoyami
First says that it’s become easier for the vestiges to interact with Deku ever since TomurAFO barged into the OFA Domain back at Jakku. huh
(ETA: apparently this is because AFO forcibly pulled out OFA’s power when he was trying to steal the quirk, so I guess that makes sense.)
okay thank you Banjou for addressing this concern which I initially brought up as a joke, but which was apparently real enough for you to reassure Deku about
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“don’t worry, even though we’re awake and hanging out inside of you at all times, we’re definitely not secretly watching and making fun of every single thing you do” hmmmmm
(ETA: “not that you could do anything about it even if we were, since you’re probably going to be the last OFA holder ever!” I don’t trust anything this asshole says lmao.)
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YESSS DEKU now you can hold them accountable for all of their bullshit! because I do not doubt that there will be bullshit lol but let’s see how that goes
oh damn
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well okay then. you didn’t have to stand up and walk over to him and loom all threateningly like that but okay sir
this guy has kind of a Kimimaro vibe to him. remember? that bone-growing guy from Naruto? except I’m pretty sure he had eyebrows. and wasn’t twenty feet tall. speaking of which, that explains the chairs
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why are you wearing only 3/5ths of a shirt
lol what
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someone’s gonna have to explain this to me. is he just redundant or something lol, or is he strangely poetical or what
(ETA: apparently HE’S MAKING A PUN omg. I immediately gained +10 love for him lol. also it flows a lot better in Japanese. this is one of the things Caleb is usually good at, so we’ll see what he does with the wordplay.)
omg the hermit theory is true!!
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“I’M NOT WEIRD, IT’S SOCIETY WHICH IS WEIRD.” lol whatever you say buddy. also love how Banjou tried to give him a big hearty slap on the back but Hermit Boy was not having it lmao
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okay my first response was LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS, THAT’S THE BIG SECRET!? -- and then it hit me what the significance of “died from old age... AT AGE FORTY” meant. at which point it was like “!!!!!” and then “OH, SHIT”
(ETA: there’s also an Iida joke here somewhere but I’m just too tired to make it.)
oh my god oh my god
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did he somehow get a copy of the coroner’s report or something? like how does he even know that he died from “old age” as opposed to any number of other natural causes? ??
but anyway. so this is the quirk singularity coming into play then I guess. but then how come All Might is still alive and ticking?
(ETA: so this is one example of where this week’s translation is a mess lol. apparently the Fourth explains here that he didn’t know what the fuck he died from until All Might researched it. and it turns out there actually was an autopsy lol so there you go.)
so Fourth says he held OFA for eighteen years, and since he knew he would never be strong enough to defeat AFO on his own he basically just spent all his time punching rocks in the woods and training to power the quirk up
oh shit
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is he implying that his body literally fell apart?? like that’s how he got the scars on his face? -- IS THAT WHAT KEEPS HAPPENING TO TOMURA, THEN. oh shit
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so you’re telling me that this quirk actively shortens the lifespan of anyone who uses it?? and my little boy here has had it now for a year already?? fuck me, I have immediately have a TON of thoughts about all this but let me save it until he���s done with his explanation
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right?? how come All Might didn’t die then. even after he got injured. please don’t tell me he actually is dying still and is just being slow about it because I SWEAR TO GOD
what does this mean??
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so what you’re trying to say is you all have NO FUCKING IDEA how long Deku’s gonna be able to hold this quirk before he SUDDENLY DROPS DEAD?! five generations ago this dude was able to hold it for eighteen years, and then four generations later All Might was able to hold it for thirty-odd years or so, and now Deku has it and you all have no clue which way it’s gonna go? actually this makes it sound like it really wasn’t OFA that killed the Fourth at all and you guys are just really bad at forming hypotheses. but since you’re making a big plot point out of it I guess it must be true
and don’t think I didn’t notice the part where you said you didn’t have OFA very long and then “died while fighting”, Firsto. I want to hear more about that. specifically who you passed the quirk onto before your death
and yes, if we are agreeing that OFA was the cause of the Fourth’s death, then the conclusion on this next page is the natural one to draw
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so that’s a bit of a relief then, because Deku is quirkless too. so it means he won’t be able to hold OFA forever (and will probably have to find another quirkless person to pass it on to), but at least he won’t be randomly dying out of the blue next Tuesday or something
oh my god now he’s talking about OFA and AFO and user consciousnesses and all sorts of good theory stuff but it’s so much exposition. you’re really gonna make me read all this lol
wait what. why would All Might being quirkless have anything to do with the presence of his vestige in OFA Outer Space Party Land
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but Deku is also quirkless and he’s clearly visible and chatting with you guys. so what gives. like how much of this is verified fact and how much of it is you guys just shrugging and making stuff up lol
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BUT DEKU IS ALSO -- you know what, never mind sob. none of this shit makes any sense but whatever
(ETA: seriously, this all seems like an awful lot of speculation on their part. for Deku’s sake I sure hope they’re right.)
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lol that’s a full ten years past my closest estimate, wow. but this pretty much confirms his age now at last! or at least confirms it within a couple of years, because we know All Might and Nana met when he was in middle school, and he presumably had the quirk by the time he took the U.A. entrance exam. so yeah. gonna go with fifty-five
so they think that because All Might was quirkless, OFA was better able to adapt to his body and became his true quirk, as opposed to being an extra quirk that stacked on top of the one he already had and overwhelmed him. ties in back to the whole “AFO used to bend people to his will by forcing quirks on them” thing, as well as the “Noumus are all mindless because of the strain of having multiple quirks”
Two and Three are really ruining the serious vibe of this scene here lol
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they look like they’re doing the counting for hide and seek
and is this Deku talking now? I was about to get mad at First for implying that quirkless people are somehow freaks, as opposed to “normal” people jdslk
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so in other words, don’t go giving it to your best friend all casually for shits and giggles, Deku. even if it would make a really cool climax for a movie. well shit. maybe that’s why they were so quick to nope back into Deku’s body afterward
so First says that because quirkless people are becoming rarer and rarer, the fact that All Might just happened to stumble upon Deku is “nothing short of a miracle.” which, yeah, that was definitely a stroke of luck there. being quirkless saved his life. but being quirkless is also part of why he was chosen in the first place, and we’ve always known that much
“in other words, kiddo...”
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looks like there was some hurried clone stamp usage going on here lol. but props to RHA as always for putting this scan out so fast, especially given how exposition-heavy this week’s chapter has been
“anyways, that was the main topic” ARE YOU SERIOUS. there are like ten other topics imma need you all to get to here, people
(ETA: seems like this is a mistranslation; the line should actually read something more along the lines of “and now for the main topic.”)
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“ENJOY YOUR CLIFFHANGER THIS WEEK.” dskfalkjlkjwlgkjl you really went and dumped this discourse on us yet again. fucking...
(ETA: forgot to mention, but as several people mentioned, this seems to be another mistranslation -- rather than asking Deku to kill Tomura as though it’s doing her a personal favor, Nana is asking “will you be able to do it.” in other words more of an “are you capable of doing it” type of thing. which is a very reasonable question to ask given that Deku is, well, Deku.)
anyways, and the answer is obviously going to be “no” of course. this isn’t going to end any differently than when the previous Avatars all told Aang to kill Ozai. but I guess it means we’re in for a fun conversation next week
so Nana looks pretty grim here though (nothing at all like the person who once taught All Might the importance of saving people with a smile), and I’m wondering if this means she believes that her grandson is already beyond saving. as in killing him would be a mercy, as opposed to him continuing to live with AFO bending his mind and body to his will. except if that is the case, I think she’s underestimating Tomura’s own will. and definitely underestimating Deku’s will to save
and also, just... I’m so fucking sick of AFO screwing the Shimura family over, honestly. this is exactly what he wanted. well fuck you, guy. you don’t get to have what you want. go out there and save Tomura, Deku. for his sake and for Nana’s. give them some hope. do your thing, boy. can’t wait for your big speech all about it next chapter lol
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paterprouno · 3 years ago
Headcanons ~ Parent issues
Also partially a theory. All for One parents were likely good people but not good parents. As he was born during the dawning of quirks he would be born in Japanese society of modern day. Which means those that stood out are shunned and outcasted from the group. You are raised to be part of the mold, to fit in, and outliers are bullied until they do.
All for One, being one of the first, had a lot of traits that would make him stand out in society. His crimes in a strict society is ‘selfish’, stands out(white hair), dramatic, hand markings, and basically the things he loves about villain characters. Remember despite the western influence he is still Japanese. So all these things wouldn’t just make him seem ‘odd’ it vilifies him even if he wasn’t actually doing anything malicious.
Now add crazy powers that everyone freaking out about and you have a boy that stands out drastically. His parents might have tried to make him fit in like dying his hair and trying to teach him how to be polite even when wronged. But he would have resisted it since his quirk instinctively makes him selfish and being forced to change is an offense to a young kid. Like how dare you why can’t you just love me? What wrong with how I am?
Yoichi, however, while still had the white hair color had a demeanor that fitted a lot better into society. He was calm, quiet, and was a team player that would work with others. It possible that despite being sickly the parents subtly favored him. Thus why always emphasize AFO to take care of his little brother.
It was the one selfish thing he enjoyed doing that also made him seem like a good person to society. He was praised for taking care of his brother and his little brother appreciated him. His brother found his quirk amazing not something to hide either so he grew very attached.
What does this have to do with parents?
I believe they thought they were doing good because not many people know how to raise a sociopath. Because that is what All for One is and how he able to be so far removed from others despite being human. They only were able to ingrain in him the importance of family but he twisted it into literally trapping family.
I imagine his backstory a mix of ALL the main LOV own. Shunned by parents because something wrong with him(Toga and blood desire/AFO and his lack of empathy), outcasted by peers because stands out by fear(Spinner), neglected and unloved by parents for the surperior offspring(Touya/Dabi), and of course Tomura. His family killing him with kindness while they looked down on all his desires.
Does this justify everything he has done? No, but it explains why he is drawn to other kids fucked over by society. Why he always seems to be there before disaster and his hatred to bad parents despite being a terrible person. To him it’s personal it feels like he’s looking at his own parents.
And that is why he is suddenly Dabi biggest supporter in newest chapter and so hostile toward Endeavor. He’s seeing his parents in him.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years ago
Do you think that is the "real" Touya and Toga? It seems odd that Touya would give Toga Twice's blood and not use it in their next battle. It could also explain the wardrobe change since it isn't an exact copy of "Dabi". The heroes feel this is where they will end the battle and war against AFO and the League, it doesn't feel like that though. It feels like Horikoshi is setting up for the villains to hurt the heroes again until they come to the realization that they have to save the League.
So I had entertained the thought of them being clones when LAST chapter came out, but I don't think they are clones after this chapter.
I guess I'll use your ask to say my opinion on a lot of takes that came out this week that I do and don't agree with. Sorry for the ramble, you just provided an opportunity and I took it.
But before I do that I want to say that I don't quite know what Touya's change of outfit has to do with him being a clone. Twice duplicates clothes too, so even if it was a clone, that's still what the real Touya would be wearing. Here are three really good posts explaining Touya's outfit change, as it is more symbolic and representative of his inner thoughts toward himself than anything else: Post 1 Post 2 Post 3
Another reason I really don't think they are clones is because, while Twice's blood is a kind of secret tool they have, that doesn't mean they would outright use it. The thing is, I am pretty sure Dabi and Toga planned to use it against a certain person, the person who killed Twice. And that person was nowhere to be seen in this chapter or last chapter. Now that they are separated I think Hawks will encounter Toga and Dabi separately at different times, but I don't know honestly because Hawks's arc is a cluster fuck right now so, I'm just waiting and seeing how it goes. Twice's blood being used for this moment in this chapter, imo, would be a waste of its narrative use. But that's just my opinion. I am not writing off the possibility that they are clones, but to me it would feel way too jerky in the story. Like:
"OH! Look! The villains are here!"
"Oh look they're getting separated giving the heroes an advantage!"
"Oh, psych, it's just clones. None of this mattered anyway."
Personally, I hope that is seriously not the case. It's not out of the realm of possibilities, but it doesn't seem likely. Especially because of the state Shigaraki is in being revealed now, it feels kind of cheap to lighten that impact with making him a clone. BUT, again, not impossible. Just...I hope not.
Onto my little vent:
We are in the last war. But people have completely lost their cool and started screaming that it's too fast paced because this is where it's all going to end, right here. Like....guys. It's only February. Is it not like, possible, and LIKELY that Hori has a lot to cover within this next war arc and needed to start that actual battle aspect as soon as possible?
I never once thought that this fight that just now erupted was going to be the battle that decided everything. There are still THREE (3) individual battles that need to be resolved that we know off the top of our heads, and then we have several other things that need to be tied up. Aizawa and Kurogiri (no, I do not think we are done with that yet, I don't know why people think Hori just casually forgot about it when he literally never forgets about anything), Spinner's whole thing going on, and THEN the rest of the less-relevant villains (who are set up to have redemptive-ending arcs) all have to somehow find their way to the hero side to help save everyone, and then the LOV have to help put an end to AFO for THEIR redemptive moments. And not to mention, the entire rest of the class 1A kids have some shit to do also.
I mean....we are not at the end. I really wish people would chill. I can't find any posts anymore that aren't trying to rile people up into being upset about something. First, the pacing was too slow (which for me in the Deku-solo arc it WAS too slow and I stand by that), but now that it's finally upbeat and fast--it's the end of the world. Like??? What do y'all want omg??
We are in the last stretch but there is still so much to cover. So yes things are going to move quickly, as they should. I do not think the heroes are about to stop AFO and the LOV right here right now. Especially now that the LOV are separated--which idk about y'all but it's incredibly obvious to me that this is happening so each kid can face off with, fight, save, and team up their villain and then all reunite at the end. None of that stuff can happen with them all in the same spot. So no this doesn't feel like the fight where the heroes stop everyone.
Also--I still think Shigaraki is going to be the one to kill AFO. Not the heroes. Obviously Midoriya is going to help, probably they'll both ker-smash him at the same time, but I think it's gonna be Shigaraki ending AFO.
But anyway rant over. TL;DR: I don't think they are clones but I also know that bait and switches and jerky story telling is a part of BNHA at times. So it's not impossible, but I don't think they are.
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stillness-in-green · 3 years ago
Chapter Thoughts: 359, Place of Learning
Sorry for the lateness on this one, gang; was tied up with other writings. Look for next week's to be more timely, and in the meantime, hit the jump!
"The messenger-bodyguard said he'll be going up top too!"
I hadn't caught this in just the scanlation, but comparing the official here to the leaks for Chapter 360, I guess that'd be Mirio, huh?  I suppose he or whoever put down his game piece in the planning session figured he wouldn't be much use against Shigaraki—his phasing is great, and his fighting style even better, but a normal human punch is not going to do anybody much good against Noumu-style toughness.
Comparatively, his phasing probably allows him to get around the interior of the structure much faster, which is an advantage when supplies need to get from one point to another ASAP.  But then when ShigAFO turns into an enormous barricade of hands, well, being able to phase suddenly looks a little more useful top-side, huh?  I had been wondering as of the end of this chapter why he hadn't been with his Big Three compatriots from the start, so I'm glad to see this little nod.
The business course stuff:
I have somewhat mixed thoughts, but on the whole, I rather like it.  On the one hand, I think "promoting heroes" has a tang of propaganda to it, which is rather at odds with the (nominal) objectivity of something like news footage or documentary filmmaking.  Of course, any kind of information can be skewed by its presentation, but it seems to me that talking of hero promotion, of image and presentation to the masses, is inherently embracing a certain narrative you're trying to put across.  Spiral Stack Hair Boy there even says it outright: He and his classmates are preserving a record of Heroes Victorious.  They are not there to preserve a record of e.g. The Tragic Death of Shimura Tenko or what-have-you.
On the other hand, I like Spiral Stack firing back—against an uncommonly young parroter of the "you kids and your cellphones" complaint!—that having records of events is valid and extremely important work.  He remains vague about "past wars",(1) but given how recently and repeatedly Skeptic and Dabi have demonstrated the impact of being able to choose how to frame a story,(2) the heroes would be wise to stop letting villains control the narrative!
In short, I'm dubious of the narrative that the Business Course kids are presenting, but I like that the story is engaging with the idea of how the events it's portraying look within the world.  It's good follow-through from earlier iterations of the topic, from aforementioned villain meddling to all the eyes on Endeavor, and even the whole discussion about heroes-as-entertainment versus heroes-with-human-needs.
Bakugou Stuff:
I like the jolt of panic in Bakugou's eye when ShigAFO breaks his arm; it feels like a relatively rare expression for him.
I had jotted down in my notes, "Bakugou thinking about the gap is good Endeavor paralleling," but I gotta say I liked it better before it got localized with baseball metaphors.  I already know there's a baseball OVA coming out, Caleb!  You don't need to remind me of all the inane tripe meant to move keychains and vinyl standees we're getting instead of anything remotely interesting!
I don't have anything in particular to say about the whole "Bakugou is, in AFO's opinion, closer to Deku than anyone else."  Frankly, as frustrating as it is being a villain fan at times, I'm extremely glad that I have barely any investment in Bakugou and negative investment in Deku, because I can't even imagine how much it must suck to be an even-keeled fan of either character trying to find any content that isn't vapidly OOC or vindictively mean-spirited.  Good Christ, the spoiler tags were still a shitshow two full weeks after the initial leaks for this chapter.
Aizawa (and Mandalay):
The electromagnetic interference could be legit, but also feels a bit retconned, particularly the handwave of Aizawa protesting that she got Midoriya a bit ago, so why can't she now?  Is the erratic communication going to serve a dramatic purpose at all?  Is it just to keep Hori from needing to update the reader on what Deku ran into last time we saw him when he isn't ready to transition scenes yet?
Also, Aizawa, exactly how fast do you think Deku is going to get here from halfway across the country?  Japan is seriously not that small.  Honestly, the American jets picking him up really is your best bet.
I enjoy his desperation, though.  S'good crunch.
On UA and the Big Three:
Man.  They really did just take the whole school up, huh?  Somehow I'd been under the impression that it was a fake, that Troy Fortress, not UA itself, but nope, that's absolutely UA.  What happened to all the refugees?  Are they still in the building, or hiding out underground?  Were they evacuated out to the refugee housing on the campus before the school took off?  But then why didn't one of AFO's spies contact him to let him know?  What was the point of the whole thing where the facility connects to Shiketsu if the school was just going to fly off into the sky alone?
It's—a shame, I guess.  I feel like there ought to be a lot of power in seeing the school trashed like this—it's been the main setting of the series for three hundred and fifty chapters!  It's the place where a bunch of friendships have been made, powers forged, little day-to-day victories and losses accumulated, all things a student would remember upon seeing their high school demolished. 
Also too, the symbol that UA represents is in ruins, the Number One Hero School that produces the very best heroes, the ivory tower the students were kept in that controlled what knowledge they gained and, for a very long time, cut them off from the world and the people they were training to protect.
UA needed to go down, I think, as so many other structures in this society do, but I wish the one toppling its towers could be Shigaraki Tomura, who once wanted to be a hero, for whom the whole building has been converted into a deathtrap rather than—per the title—a place of learning.  Instead, we get the AFO Vestige, whose only attachment to hero schools has been plucking promising quirks out of them like grapes from the vine.
Further, the students we get reacting to the destruction aren't the students I'd expect—the students of 1-A, the ones whose schooling we've spent the entire series watching.  Sure, the Big Three, as seniors, spent three times as long there as the main cast, so I'm sure they have a lot of regrets seeing those thrashed classrooms.  But the audience has never been privy to Mirio and the rest's school lives, so what they're remembering and mourning here is entirely opaque.
The only emotion I feel looking at the three of them is sympathy pangs for Suneater, because Suneater's one of my favorite students, and he gives me moe aggression.  That's entirely down to my being predisposed to empathy for Suneater when he's faltering, however, not because the story's given me any reason whatsoever to care about his feelings about seeing his school trashed.
Also, to come full circle back to the messenger/bodyguard, it's kind of eyeroll-inducing that Lemillion is now parroting the talk about holding out until Midoriya shows up.  Maybe it's just to make Bakugou look more singular next week, maybe it's the streak of pragmatism Mirio learned from Nighteye, but it does feel kind of a shame that the young hero who ran ahead to fight Overhaul solo is now also trapped in that mentality that only One For All can strike the necessary decisive blow.
I critique him now, but Mirio will have a much better showing in the next chapter, and I'm looking forward to writing quite a bit about it.
Odds & Ends:
Hori's dedication to Ame-comi-style sound effect lettering continues to impress.
Oh my god, Nejire's girlfriend complaining about her hair.  XD  I did laugh.
Shigaraki's hair not even getting solid black outlines anymore, even in closeups.  Good stuff.  Wish I wasn't so soured on the anime so I could more genuinely anticipate seeing it in color.
That heavy black silhouette of Shigaraki against the shattered outline of UA fuckin' rules.  Wish it was more "him."
1: But talking about concrete records of wars at all is a possibly interesting choice, given Japan's noted tendency towards historical revisionism re: Japanese warcrimes.
2: Not just Dabi's video, but also Skeptic's doctoring of the Deika footage.
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confused-stars · 4 years ago
I saw your tags for the Sign AU, and I can't stop thinking about the possible interrogation. Shigaraki is preparing himself for hours of grueling questions about locations, members, quirks, and plans. But then his favorite hero shows up and asks how he knows his sign name? It's been two hours and Shigaraki still doesn't understand why they are asking about this. He is confused. Aizawa is confused. And AFO has no idea about all the chaos a sign name has caused.
*clears throat* may i-
It must have been hours at this point. Tomura is sure, from how drained he feels and how tight his stomach is with hunger. They’ve offered him a sandwich, sure, but he wasn’t about to accept it. Especially since the handcuffs around his wrists were clearly created with him - or touch-based quirk users - specifically in mind: rather than hold his hands behind his back, or loosely in front, they force his palms together, fingers pressed against each other as if he’s praying, secured together with five sets of dual rings that wrap around his joints. It’s not uncomfortable, but it also leaves him just a little more helpless. If he wants to eat, someone will have to feed him, and he absolutely refuses to even entertain the notion.
Kurogiri is still out there. The League is still out there. They’ll come for him if only he waits long enough. They’ll find out where he is. He’s not being moved to Tartarus, he knows that much, because Sensei is there and they don’t want them close. 
He almost wishes they would move him. That they'd just give it up already. He hasn't said a word since they brought him in.
Well... that's not entirely true.
When All Might was here earlier, tired and skinny looking and... and pathetic, with no right to keep his head held high like that, and he called Tomura by a name that's not his (it's not, it's not, it's not), Tomura did snap at him to shut up. To 'fucking stop it'. He hated the kicked puppy look. the gentle words that felt like poison to Tomura's ears, because who does All Might think he is? Tomura Shigaraki is still a villain. Tenko Shimura is dead. When he spat that out, All Might's resolve hardened, and he began a more traditional interrogation. At that point, Tomura couldn't have answered even if he'd wanted to. He still can't speak, now. They obviously don't know that. It’s a weakness he’s not just going to admit to.
Tomura’s head jerks up when a set of steps actually stops outside the door. He shakes a loose strand of hair out of his face, hating that he can’t even brush them aside himself. Who is it this time? The detective with the lie detector quirk again? Or someone who can actually force Tomura to speak? How far are these heroes willing to go?
But the door opens, and it’s the one person Tomura can’t help but be shocked to see. Eraserhead.
Tired-looking as always, the scar underneath his eye a new addition from when Tomura last saw him in person. What’s he doing here? Tomura wishes he could ask. Instead, he just settles for a somewhat confused glare.
Eraserhead looks him up and down, expression unreadable. All underground heroes must have good poker faces, Tomura thinks. He wishes he had that ability. Tomura is not a good liar. He never needed to be.
“When’s the last time you had something to drink?” Eraserhead asks, hands moving to sign along, and, okay, is he here to play good cop? Playing off the begrudging respect Tomura has for him?
Tomura doesn’t move. He keeps glaring. Eraserhead sighs and approaches the table, dropping down in the chair opposite Tomura. He fumbles with a pouch on his belt for a moment, and eventually pulls out a juice box. It’s almost enough to make Tomura laugh at the absurdity - it’s the same brand Kurogiri buys. Eraserhead stabs the straw through the little hole on top and pushes it over on the table. Tomura looks down at the juice box, then up at him. He is thirsty. His throat is dry enough that swallowing hurts a little, and the sugar in the juice will definitely be helpful, and when the League comes to break him out, he’ll need to be in the best shape he can hope for. 
He sinks down in his seat the best he can, and stretches his head forward until he can catch the straw between his lips. It’s still humiliating, though better than someone holding it for him, and he looks anywhere but Eraserhead as he empties the juice box within seconds.
“Well, that’s a start.” Eraserhead slumps in his seat and sighs, sounding very world-weary. Tomura knows the man is only in his early thirties, but he seems to have been aging rapidly lately. That’s probably due to Tomura’s own actions. He wonders what Eraserhead sees when he looks at him. A victim to be saved, like All Might apparently thinks? Just a too skinny kid who is in over his head? Or is he actually smart enough to understand that Tomura doesn’t want, doesn’t need saving? That Tomura is the monster they should all be afraid of and he lives for it?
Maybe Eraserhead sees a little bit of both. Those eyes of his are very sharp. Tomura should have had the noumu take them, back at the USJ. Then his quirk wouldn’t have been a problem anymore either.
“I’d love to know what you’re thinking,” Eraserhead tells him, voice dry as Compress’ favored liquor.
Tomura raises a brow at him. Shrugs. Looks away.
Eraserhead is silent for a little while. The seconds tick by, though Tomura can’t be sure that his count is correct. There’s no clock in here. No window, either, of course. He has no way of telling how long he’s really been here. If he ends up falling asleep eventually, he’ll be completely lost. Hopefully his rescue comes before that.
“... Shigaraki,” Eraserhead says finally, slowly, “If you wanted to talk to me right now, would you be able to?”
Oh. Oh, no. Tomura knows they're being watched, but he doesn’t know how the detective’s quirk works, if he can detect a lie when it’s just communicated through a gesture... but even if he can’t... Tomura nodding right now would kind of prove Eraserhead’s point, wouldn’t it? So he sighs and gives a jerky shake of his head.
Eraserhead nods, clearly Tomura just confirmed what he suspected. Because unlike most heroes, Eraserhead actually has the brains to back up his quirk and fighting skills. "Detective, I'm going to need the key to those cuffs."
There's a crackle from the speaker in the corner of the room. "That doesn't seem like a wise idea."
Ah, arguing right in front of him. Tomura smiles lazily, even though he hates having his face exposed like this. They took Father and the others, of course. He's going to have to find them before they leave.
"I'll erase his quirk if he tries anything. You want him to communicate, don't you?" Eraserhead asks, a tad snappy.
There's a long pause, then the door opens and the detective steps through. He doesn't take his eyes off of Tomura, even as he hands Eraserhead a single, tiny key. Tomura returns his gaze with an outward calm that he's not feeling at all. He can't make them go back on this decision, he wants so desperately to have his hands free so he can scratch that incessant itch that's been growing worse and worse with each passing minute.
"You're going to let me take these off you without trying anything, right?" Eraserhead asks. They have no replacement cuffs, but those would be a farce anyway, wouldn't they? And if they want Tomura to sign, he'll need greater range than a standard set of them would allow him. He rolls his eyes and nods, presenting his folded hands to the hero. The detective watches for another moment or two, then steps back out, undoubtedly to continue observing.
It takes a little fumbling on Eraserhead's part to get the cuffs off, with all their little moving pieces, and he's either being very careful so he won't hurt himself on accident, or, less likely, so he won't hurt Tomura. Tomura's own eyes drift to his elbow and he wonders about the massive scar that must be hidden underneath that sleeve.
Finally, his hands are free, and gently glowing red eyes turn to his face.
Tomura ignores him for the time being in order to scratch at his neck, deep and thorough until he tears skin.
Eraserhead makes an aborted movement, as if to stop him, but then seems to change his mind, fist clenched atop the table. Good. If he wants Tomura coherent, he'll need to let him fight off the onset of another episode that's been looming for a while.
"Did All for One teach you sign language because of your nonverbal phases?" Eraserhead asks. It makes Tomura very aware of the fact that he doesn't usually do interrogations. This is none of the usual bullshit, talking around the point for ages. This is blunt and straight to the point.
Tomura gives a headshake.
Eraserhead waits, expectant.
Tomura thinks the hero is lucky he's bored and his is an innocent line of questioning and he actually respects Eraserhead. That's why he pulls his hand away from his neck and signs 'Sensei doesn't speak sign.'
"Who taught you, then?" Immediate, no hesitation. Why does he want to know this, of all things? Literally anything else would be more important. He may as well be asking how Tomura got so proficient at darts.
He sighs, and spells it out. 'K-U-R-O-G-I-R-I'
Eraserhead's brows draw together. "He taught you things? How long has he been around?"
Tomura presses his lips together and glares. Like hell is he giving them anything on the rest of the League. Especially Kurogiri.
The hero sighs. "Look, kid." Tomura scoffs.
"... Shigaraki. Back at the USJ, you used a name for me that's different from my official hero name. It's a name very few people know."
Now it's Tomura's turn to frown. He knows what the separate signs of Eraserhead's name mean, of course, and he's often thought they were odd, but seeing as his own sign name is also anything but villainous he didn't think he had room to judge.
'Your sign name?' he asks, 'Eraserhead?'
"No." The hero shakes his head and makes a series of signs. "Eraserhead." He then repeats the signs Tomura just used. "Shouta."
Oh. Well, that's awkward. Tomura gets the entirely absurd urge to apologize.
Having his sign name used by an enemy who very nearly killed him must be pretty uncomfortable for Eraser. Tomura would never want his enemies to know his own. It's private, and it was a gift that Kurogiri gave him. Even the rest of the League doesn't know it, they only know the one Tomura made up for himself, reusing the name of his quirk for it.
'Not many people know?' Tomura questions.
Eraserhead huffs. "Do I look like the kind of person who goes around sharing information like that?" Probably not, no.
Tomura nods. 'That's why you're here?'
"There's a lot that's odd about you, ki- Shigaraki. A lot that doesn't add up. This, in particular, is something that's been causing me some problems."
Oh. Tomura can't help the laugh that breaks out of him, his voice returning only for the giggles that shake his shoulders. Eraserhead thought one of his trusted few had betrayed him. Had given the information to Tomura. That's too good. He almost wants to make him keep believing it. Or even tell him a lie, but, again, the detective is on the other side of the two-way mirror.
"I'm glad this is funny to you," Eraserhead says dryly, "Care to let me in on the joke?"
Tomura is still giggling when he signs, and maybe that's why he makes the mistake.
'Kurogiri taught me,' he says, 'But good to know I created some mistrust among you.'
Eraserhead is frozen in his seat. Even his quirk is inactive now, as Tomura suddenly realizes. He's held out pretty long. His eyes have got to hurt. Maybe Tomura can make him overextend himself. But there's too many guns nearby. Tranquilizers, no doubt. He wouldn't get very far, even if a kill or two would be satisfying.
'Can I have another juice box?' he asks, just to be difficult.
Eraserhead jerks out of his stupor. "Who... who did you say taught you?"
Did Tomura use Kurogiri's sign name on accident? Huh.
'K-U-R-O-G-I-R-I. Sign name: Kurogiri.' His hands form 'fluffy' and 'cloud' like they have a hundred thousand times. It's a cutesy name for someone who is not cutesy at all. But so is 'Dust Bunny' and so is 'Sleepy Cat'.
Eraserhead takes a shaky breath. His fingers are trembling when he signs 'Fluffy Cloud' himself. "Oboro," he says, "That's... what that... who that name belongs to. Shirakumo Oboro." He looks like he's very far away, but at the same time couldn't be more in the moment. He's pale, but his eyes are focused and dark. "Shigaraki. Tell me about Kurogiri."
It's in that moment that the door gets blown into pieces by a blast of blue flames.
And the shouting and running and destruction that follow don't really give them much more room for idle chit-chat.
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