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blazemourn · 1 month ago
I hate when people find out I'm a girl who likes Star Wars they immediately go like "Oh oh so your favorite character is Rey." Like no bro. It's Adas!
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diylocalnews · 4 months ago
Windshield Replacement - What About It? Windshields have not always been "shatter proof". In 1890's auto glass was ordinary glass, and in the event of impact the glass would shatter into sharp fragments causing sever injuries and death.
In 1905, Eduardo Benedictus introduced laminated glass which consists of two layers of glass with a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) sandwiched in between.
Windshield replacement has become more difficult as there are ADAS cameras, lasers and sensors that have be calibrated. OEM auto glass is still preferred by all major insurance companies.
For more information about Motor Vehicles, please visit: Auto Glass Education, Automotive Documents, Auto Glass, Auto Repair and Car Detailing Health Benefits, Auto Glass Arizona, Arizona Auto Glass, Arizona Auto Repair Shop, News Trends Forecasts, History of Kia Vehicles, Importance of Auto Repair Shop and Maintaining Your Vehicle, How to Be an Effective Auto Glass Salesman, Evolution of Auto Glass Technology, Difference Between Regular Glass and Auto Glass, How to Avoid Auto Repair Shop Fraud, History of Car Dealerships, Car Insurance and Windshield Damage, Safelite Auto Glass, Auto Glass Rates for Insurance, Car Detailing, History of Rail Car, Windshield Wipers AZ, Information on Windshield Replacement and Auto Glass, Service Tech Auto Glass Windshield Replacement, Windshield Replacement Mesa AZ, Phoenix Auto Glass Tint, Perfect Touch Auto Glass, Right Windshield Auto Glass
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m1autorepair · 11 months ago
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💪 Start the week off strong with with a 14 day free trial of Mitchell 1 ProDemand! No obligation. No credit card. No risk. It's 100% FREE! 🔗 https://www.m1repair.com/mitchell1prodemand
Get everything you need with our industry-leading auto repair information. From our powerful 1Search Plus search engine, exclusive real-world knowledge from SureTrack, advanced interactive wiring diagrams, labor times, OEM parts pricing, scheduled maintenance up to 300,000 miles, and ADAS repair information, we've got you covered!
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hailsatanacab · 2 years ago
Are draculas inherently sexy? Can there be a non-sexy dracula?
True Blood tried to answer this question by having the vampires stay exactly the same as they were when they were bitten and Never Ever Change, like that was the whole moral dilemma of being a vampire or whatever idk
but anyway, i want to say it showed a person who wanted to be a vampire trying to get in shape so they could look their physical best forever, and the vampire that was going to turn them showed them this vampire guy who was painted as this slob: fat, greasy, spotty and generally UnSexy in the True Blood World (TBW).
it was shown like a cautionary tale; this guy can only get blood by ordering pizza to his house and eating the delivery boy, you don't want to be like him, do you??? you want to get your blood the sexy, neck-bitey, non-sad pizza guy way, don't you??
the point is, in the TBW, becoming a vampire didn't suddenly make you Cool and Suave and Sexy and Desireable, you had to be all that Beforehand, otherwise you'd just sit around in your house all day and only eat delivery drivers WITHOUT having crazy hot sex with them first
anyway, that's fucked up. that's the fucked up and completely wrong answer to the question.
the True and Correct answer is that Of Course all draculas are inherently sexy. To be a dracula is to be sexy, there's no two ways about it.
End of.
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bikaa-m · 2 years ago
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Klare Sicht nach vorn 🩵🥛🩵 · Ooops, it’s been a minute. New Audi/Pilkington windshield and ADAS recalibration by Heckman Glass Masters. #windschutzscheibe #kaputt #windshieldreplacement #ADAS #ADAScalibration #supportsmallbusiness #autoglass #cali_scenens #sepangblue #sepangblau #audi #s7 #sportback #audicanada #audis7 #quattro #s7sportback #blackoptics #blwzro7 #akrapovic #akrapovicexhaust #instaaudi #audigramm #audiquattro #audipixs #BelowZero7 (at DAS GLASHAUS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqjYiKXv99x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usmobilecalibrations · 1 year ago
Upgrading Your Vehicle's BCM: Worth the Investment?
The Body Control Module (BCM) in a vehicle is a critical component that controls various electrical and electronic systems. Over the years, automotive technology has advanced significantly, and newer vehicles come equipped with more sophisticated BCMs. This article delves into the question of whether upgrading your vehicle's BCM is a worthwhile investment, exploring the potential benefits and considerations involved. U.S. Mobile Calibrations, a trusted authority in vehicle electronic systems, aims to provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.
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Understanding the Role of the BCM
a. What Does a BCM Do?
The BCM manages and controls various electrical systems in a vehicle, such as lighting, power windows, central locking, and more. It acts as a centralized control hub.
b. Importance of an Efficient BCM:
A well-functioning BCM is crucial for seamless operation of electronic systems, contributing to the overall comfort, safety, and efficiency of the vehicle.
Potential Benefits of Upgrading Your Vehicle's BCM
a. Enhanced Functionality:
Newer BCMs often come with additional features and improved capabilities, providing enhanced functionality compared to older models.
b. Improved Efficiency:
Advanced BCMs may optimize the vehicle's electrical systems, potentially improving fuel efficiency and overall performance.
c. Integration with Modern Technology:
Upgrading the BCM allows integration with the latest technologies, enhancing connectivity, security, and entertainment features.
d. Customization and Personalization:
Some upgraded BCMs offer customization options, enabling you to tailor settings to your preferences for a more personalized driving experience.
Considerations Before Upgrading Your Vehicle's BCM
a. Compatibility:
Ensure that the upgraded BCM is compatible with your vehicle's make, model, and year to avoid any compatibility issues.
b. Professional Installation:
Upgrading the BCM requires precise installation. It's advisable to have a professional automotive technician handle the installation to ensure it's done accurately.
c. Cost-Benefit Analysis:
Evaluate the cost of upgrading the BCM against the potential benefits it offers. Consider factors like improved functionality, efficiency, and convenience.
The decision to upgrade your vehicle's BCM is contingent upon various factors, including the model and age of your vehicle, your specific needs, and the potential advantages an upgraded BCM can provide. Consult with professionals and consider the potential benefits and costs before making the final decision.
U.S. Mobile Calibrations is dedicated to guiding you through this decision-making process, ensuring that your vehicle's electronic systems meet your expectations and contribute to an enhanced driving experience.
(FAQs) About Upgrading Your Vehicle's BCM
1. What is a Body Control Module (BCM)?
A Body Control Module (BCM) is an essential electronic component in a vehicle that controls various electrical systems, such as lighting, power windows, and central locking.
2. Why should I consider upgrading my vehicle's BCM?
Upgrading your vehicle's BCM can provide enhanced functionality, improved efficiency, integration with modern technology, and customization options, contributing to an upgraded driving experience.
3. How do I know if my vehicle's BCM needs an upgrade?
Consider an upgrade if you're looking for added features, better efficiency, or integration with modern devices. Consulting with a professional can help determine if an upgrade is suitable for your vehicle.
4. Is upgrading the BCM a complex process?
While upgrading a BCM requires precision, it is not overly complex. However, it's crucial to have a professional automotive technician handle the installation to ensure it's done accurately.
5. Can an upgraded BCM improve fuel efficiency?
Yes, an upgraded BCM may optimize the electrical systems in your vehicle, potentially leading to improved fuel efficiency and overall performance.
6. What are some features I can expect from an upgraded BCM?
An upgraded BCM may offer enhanced functionality, better connectivity, improved security features, customization options, and integration with advanced entertainment systems.
7. Are there BCM upgrades compatible with all vehicle types?
BCM upgrades are often specific to vehicle makes, models, and years. It's essential to ensure that the upgraded BCM is compatible with your specific vehicle to avoid any compatibility issues.
8. Can I install an upgraded BCM myself?
While it's possible to install an upgraded BCM yourself, it's recommended to have a professional automotive technician handle the installation to guarantee accurate and safe installation.
9. What is the typical cost of upgrading a vehicle's BCM?
The cost of upgrading a BCM can vary based on the make and model of your vehicle and the specific features of the upgraded BCM. It's advisable to consult with professionals for an accurate cost estimate.
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adity-ren · 2 years ago
La ciudad de las sombras
Lotus penso que lo conocia de hace mucho, pues todo lo que el era le hacia sentir en confianza, a pesar de ser tan temible como se hablaba entre reinos.
No sabia si el demonio al que todos temen, incluso ella en su tiempo, fuera realmente la barbarie que se cree. De todos modos gracias a el, la ciudad de las sombra y la de los vivos estan en tregua.
Sentados en la oscuridad de la noche, sobre una raída carreta que los llevaba quien sabe donde. Penso sobre esto y no pudo evitar sentir vergüenza por el escándalo que le provoco al señor de las sombras hace unos dias
- mmm oye Roy - dijo lotus jugando con los trapos de su ropa sin siquiera mirarlo
- mmm..?
-yo ... Realmente siento haberte amenazado de muerte, no sabia que el demonio que .... El demonio que conocía era otro
Roy que estaba recostado en la carreta mirando la hermosura del cielo nocturno, se levanto de golpe para mirarla con curiosidad- ¿me vas a decir como conociste a ese demonio? te lo he preguntado muchas veces
Lotus rodo los ojos y solto un suspiro- porque te interesa tanto eso. Te acabo de pedir disculpas
- con todo respeto, hermosa señorita, sus disculpas no me interesan. Ya te explique como son las reglas ¿no?- dijo mientras acariciaba un mechon del pelo de lotus - Y... Me interesa saber quien es este tal demonio que se atrevió a "intentar" imitarme. Obviamente debió haber sido un intento bastante burdo
- ah, osea que no me vas a perdonar
- creo que eso dije
- y entonces ¿que se supone que vas a hacer?- la luz de la luna era traicionera, pues mostraba a detalle lo bellas que eran las facciones de ese demonio, y a lotus se le empezaba a revolver el estomago - supongo que me comeras y usaras mis huesos como adorno para tu templo
-planeo comerte- dijo saboreandose mientras se le acercaba sutilmente y le tocaba la oreja - te voy a devorar lenta y completamente, cada parte de tu cuerpo voy a saborear - bajo su mano lentamente al cuello de lotus y le acaricio la garganta, mientras la miraba con una sed aterradora
Lotus trago saliva y roy quito sus manos- p-porque me lo dices de esa manera, no me mires asi
-¿de que forma ?
-tu saves, asi
- ¿te da miedo ?- se rio coqueto mientras se volvia a recostar con las manos bajo su nuca- pense que no le temias a nada, despues de todo me amenazaste y te lanzaste hacia mi sabiendo mi reputacion
- es distinto, no me miraste de la forma que lo hiciste recién
- osea que si me tienes miedo. Descuida, te va a gustar
- roy de que estas.. - en ese momento la carreta freno y se tambaleo. lotus tuvo que bajarse de un salto para no caer - ¿que pasa rin?- pregunto al nińo que iba guiando la carreta
- es que ranita no quiere seguir caminando- rin se bajo para ver como estaba su burra- ¿quieres una manzanita ranita? ¿estas cansada? - saco una manzana de su bolso y se la dio, pero el burro no acepto
- no es ese el problema rin, creo que le asustan las luces que se ven entre los arboles
-que luces lotus- rin se apretaba las manos de los nervios- no veo nada
- fijate bien, agudiza tu vista... ¿Lo ves ?
- s-si, ahora si. Crees que son peligrosas- las luces que veía eran rojas y titilaban en la oscuridad. Eran como pequeñas bolitas de fuego que danzaban por el busque. De ellas se escuchaba un suave sonido como el de los silbidos del viento
-mmm... Pues no lo se- apretó sus labios y toco su espada a su costado
-hoy es 2 de mayo- dijo roy aun acostado en la carreta- hoy los espiritus van en buscan de un lugar para dormir, si los molestan se vuelven errantes. Solo miren, pero no hablen
- ¿pero y si escuchan mi respiracion? Siento que suena muy fuerte - rin estaba hiperventilando, tenia sus pequeñas manitas temblando y sus ojitos algo llorosos
- pues si te escuchan te seguiran, y no te dejaran hasta que se coman completamente tu alma- lotus dio vuelta sus ojos soltando un suspiro, penso que aveces el señor de las sombras no actuaba como tal - ¿que ? Es verdad - le dijo Roy
-no te preocupes rin yo estoy contigo- sonrío mientras se sentaba a su lado y lo abrasaba
- ¿cuando vamos a llegar al lugar perdido lotus ? Estoy muy cansado
- ya vamos a llegar, no te preocupes. ahora guarda silencio y miremos como pasan las almas- al rato, roy tambien se fue a sentar con ellos para mirar las almas pasar.
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vhub · 2 years ago
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At vHub we listen to your feedback, and we strive to help our users to always be more nimble. We are proud to announce that the vHub platform integrates telematics.
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prokopetz · 10 months ago
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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futurride · 50 minutes ago
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electronicsbuzz · 13 hours ago
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diylocalnews · 4 months ago
Auto glass ensures driver and passengers of the vehicle are safe. There is laminated, tempered, OEM and OEE auto glass. Automobiles have a front windshield, back glass or rear windshield, side glass, slider glass, vent glass, sunroof glass and side mirror glass. A professional auto glass shop can do windshield repair and chip repair for windshield glass. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems ADAS cameras, sensors and lasers to monitor road conditions and enhance safety (ADAS Calibration)
For more information about Motor Vehicles, please visit: Auto Glass Education, Automotive Documents, Auto Glass, Auto Repair and Car Detailing Health Benefits, Auto Glass Arizona, Arizona Auto Glass, Arizona Auto Repair Shop, News Trends Forecasts, History of Kia Vehicles, Importance of Auto Repair Shop and Maintaining Your Vehicle, How to Be an Effective Auto Glass Salesman, Evolution of Auto Glass Technology, Difference Between Regular Glass and Auto Glass, How to Avoid Auto Repair Shop Fraud, History of Car Dealerships, Car Insurance and Windshield Damage, Safelite Auto Glass, Auto Glass Rates for Insurance, Car Detailing, History of Rail Car, Windshield Wipers AZ, Information on Windshield Replacement and Auto Glass, Service Tech Auto Glass Windshield Replacement, Windshield Replacement Mesa AZ, Phoenix Auto Glass Tint, Perfect Touch Auto Glass, Right Windshield Auto Glass
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autoevtimes · 14 hours ago
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adascalibrateandcode · 1 day ago
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How Automotive Cameras Are Shaping the Future of Autonomous Vehicles
The global automotive camera market size is projected to grow from USD 8.33 Billion in 2024 to USD 16.04 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 11.5%. Government regulations regarding vehicle occupants and pedestrian safety is driving the growth of the automotive camera market on a global scale. The GSR2 regulations in Europe, effective June 2024, mandate driver monitoring systems (DMS) in all new…
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