guitarbomb · 9 months
Neural DSP Morgan Amps Suite - Vintage Charm and Modern Fidelity
Neural DSP introduces the Morgan Amps Suite, a guitar amplifier plugin that promises a perfect mix of vintage warmth and modern clarity. This latest offering from Neural DSP, a leader in digital guitar processing, brings the revered tones of Morgan Amplification’s boutique tube amps into the digital realm. Morgan Amps Suite The Morgan Amps Suite features three iconic Joe Morgan tube amp designs,…
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lifeattomsdiner · 1 year
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I cannot wait to see the absolutely absurd builds that this new core bonus enables
(from Dustgrave)
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scalpho · 1 year
when i started ravening war my heart was entirely with candia and now im like... forget stopping the mushroom nukes and sit down and do two hours of unpacking your emotions and problems for the final episode. fuck every other creature on this bulb-damned earth i wanna hear about how you feeeeel
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 8 months
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so, the axman, right? its got a ac20. right to the cockpit. like, that has GOT to hurt the warrior's ears right? A hunchback's would too now that i tjink about ot, u kno hunchie pilots are stripping whatever noise protection there is for more ammo or laser space
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As a brand new simp of House Steinter, I'm duty-bound to ask about my favorite scout mech - The Atlas
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What say you, BattleMan?
“A 'Mech as powerful as possible, as impenetrable as possible, and as ugly and foreboding as conceivable, so that fear itself will be our ally. ” - Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky
It was made by Kerensky himself, and was designed to be the most effective and terrifying weapon ever placed onto a battlefield since the original Mackie.
Its original configuration is nearly perfect, though the AS7-D-H Atlas II is even better. The Founder himself used it, a comprehensively Clantech-upgraded version named Unity.
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Devlin Stone, founder of the Republic of the Sphere, used his own custom variant he called Phantom.
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And there is word of a somewhat unique AS7-D-HT variant that swaps the LB-X-10 for an AC20, which would be terrifying to face - though it has only been said to be in possession of the Aurigan Coalition's House Arano.
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wolf-among-mechs · 5 months
Why on earth does battletech think vehicle cranes were invented in like 2100 ish?
Anyway I have a bunch of tros for military style trucks (hemtt? Is that the abbreviation I always say hemmett so whatever) along with megamek sprites for a flatbed, an unloaded, carrying a container, infantry truck, medical truck, crane cargo truck, power generator and tanker. I have also made an armoured engineering vehicle based on the leopard 2 (or maybe I used the old vedette sprite or a manticore to make it look like a tank I don't remember) but it has a dozer blade and crane and can take an ac20 in the face and live to tell the tale. Generally these are for salvaging stuff in hot areas, expected to get shot at. If you're not getting shot I'm also making some wheel loaders and a bulldozer. Invaluable field equipment. The may based on caterpillars but its synonymous with these kinds of vehicles.
So you might be asking. "Hey you, aren't barely armoured vehicles with no weapons kindof.. you know pointless in megamek?" Well yes. Kindof. But if you want to what to get your periphery vibes on and bolt machine guns and an srm to a bulldozer I can do that while I'm at it. But more importantly, they are good for special narrative campaign mission objective. A thing I regularly do for my own groups and are currently working on to offer to tumblr here based for some big stomp tabletopping (though megamek mostly probably) fun times. It's gonna be a while though. Like a month or two minimum. Life is busy.
But anyway I do also have a few cobbles together sprites of civilian trucks and their tros. Again, good for objectives.
Would anyone be interested in a lil pack of these to drop into megamek? It will probably require the new development version because you can save sprites to stuff there (or supposed to be) so you don't have to fiddle with extra stuff under the bonnet of the entire thing.
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radnewworld · 4 months
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Post action report, 35th company, Charlie Lance Timestamp 53:56 to 58:00
"-settled in to wait for the field tech team to arrive and salvage what they could. Must have been... Ten, maybe fifteen minutes before the Flashman appeared."
"Describe the unit, son."
"Sir, I..."
"Take your time, son. This is important."
"Viro noticed it first. Flashman 8K, all black with no insignia. It... It shoved a Trebuchet off of itself and stood up. No reactor activity, no heat and... It had a hole blasted straight through the chest, sir. Had to be a heavy PPC or AC20 round. I saw the sunset shining right through."
"Battle fatigue can play tricks on the best of us, son. It could have been-"
"Sir! I know what I saw! That mech was dead! Wasn't even enough space for an XL engine, let alone a standard! It was cored!"
"Calm down, lieutenant."
"S-sorry, sir."
"What happened next?"
"My lancemates were reporting sudden contacts all around and I gave the order to engage. I hit the damn thing a half dozen times with autocannon fire, but it didn't even slow it down! AC10 slugs punched right through it like it was made of butter, but it didn't die! I put one round right into the cockpit! It didn't matter! Nothing we did mattered! It smiled at me and wouldn't die and everything was dark and the radio was screaming and it was so dark! It wouldn't die!"
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blackboxfaxes · 1 year
Battle Report: House Kurita vs Word of Blake, Rematch
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For the second campaign turn in a row, Kote Lance came under attack by the Blakists' lead Assault element - a Highlander, an Awesome, and a Crab, all heavily customized. Kote Lance was busy repairing after their last engagement with the Blakists - Raine's Marauder was already active, but Kimiko's Blitzkrieg, Casey's Black Knight, and Heather's Blackjack had to make rolls to emergency start. None of them booted up turn 1, as Raine moved her Marauder up, the other side of the field covered by the Raiden squad usually assigned to Heather.
The Tonbo at the bottom of the image is just set dressing, and the clear acrylic circles are all woods.
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>[Reactor online. Weapons online. Sensors online. All systems nominal.] Heather's Blitzkrieg was, true to form, the first mech to activate, rolling a 10+ on turn 2, and she immediately set out to punish the Blakists' Crab for pushing forward, loosing a pair of Ultra AC20 shells on it, neither of which connected, but they certainly let the Blakists know she was there. Raine exploited a heavy woods, keeping her covered as she traded PPC blasts with the Blakists' custom Awesome. It also mounted a Gauss rifle, which she had only one answer for...
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>Glad you ladies joined the party. Now, let's deal with our uninvited guests. That answer was the Gauss rifle mounted on Heather's Blackjack, as she leapt to the top of her repair facility, relying on the Jumping Jack ability to keep her accurate, she joined Raine in pouring fire down on the Awesome. Casey, as always, ran her Black Knight out of her mech bay on MASC, screaming the Coordinator's name, daikatana held high.
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>Hey, Kimiko, how's your uppercut? With the enemy Crab having moved to the very cliff's edge, and wanting to avoid taking fire from the Awesome and Highlander, Heather saw an opportunity, and ran directly under the Crab, blocked from the other two mechs by the cliff's edge, and fired a pair of shells straight up into the Crab's forward-protruding fuselage. One shell connected, shredding the armor on the Crab's left torso and staggering it, while Heather, Casey, and Raine focused the Awesome.
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>I'm gonna getcha Combined fire from those three mechs knocked the Awesome flat as it reached the cliff. The Crab retreated, and Kimiko, seeing herself threatened, pumped the breaks and streaked halfway across the field, aiming to flank around the Blakist formation. The Raiden squad, almost forgotten, saw a golden opportunity, and jumped for the Awesome.
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>Alright, let's do this The Battle Armor weren't the only ones to see an opportunity. As the Awesome lurched to its feet, Casey's mech kicked its MASC in, for once not failing the roll, and reached point blank with the Awesome. The only problem with this idea was that it left her in full view of every enemy mech, and all of them focused fire on her exclusively. This put enough firepower into her to knock her flat, costing her her chance to use her hatchet, and getting the Awesome to stomp on her arm for good measure.
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>Think we can handle this on our own? Kimiko's Blitzkrieg steamed and buttered the Crab with a second AC20 shot in the left torso, disabling its XL engine and leaving her open to move on the enemy Highlander. Meanwhile, Casey got up, and once again took all the fire from the Blakists, and then fell over AGAIN despite her piloting skill of 3. This time, however, the Blakist Awesome also fell. Now it was the Battle Armor's time to shine, and they jumped on their victim, going for the swarm.
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>[deranged screaming that suddenly cuts off] Casey, having failed to connect with a melee attack and lost ninety percent of her armor, decided discretion was the better part of valor. The Blakist Highlander, under attack by a Blitzkrieg, contemptuously swatted it away with a gauss rifle and a PPC shot to the same torso section, taking it from untouched to disabled in two shots. The Awesome, however, tried to stand up. Perhaps struggling because of the battle armor clinging to it, it rolled a 3 when it needed a 4, fell on its arm, critted its arm, detonated the gauss rifle mounted there and electrocuted the pilot, who blacked out. The Raiden squad were of course delighted, and moved in for the kill. At this point, the Blakists conceded. While I was down to essentially one untouched and two half combat-effective mechs, he was down to one, and called it early rather than lose his Awesome. Each of us salvaged our own mechs and rescued our own pilots, leading to no lasting material changes to either side.
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kasperl-ruprecht · 1 year
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Only if...
Seriously why isn't there a hovertank with twin Clan Ultra AC20's?
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rapidreptile · 1 year
thinking about how my AC20 cicada build was supposed to be a "haha look I put a big cannon on a little mech" but then became one of my most effective mechs ever. but now we've progressed to HAG40 Jenner IIC and the cicada just feels normal.
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Made another mech!
Don’t have the written stats with me here, so this is off the top off my head
It’s a clan Omni, which I call the warthog. A lot of weight saving tech (XL engine and endosteel) with 19 tonnes of armor. Also has double heatsinks and moves 3/5
It has a small 54,5 tonnes of podspace. The prime variant fills this with 2 HAG 40’s and 2 Gauss rifles. Has ammo to fire everything 4 rounds. The GR’s have 6 I think? Prime also has a grand total of zero critslots open
Point is, many space for much gun. It won’t be fast, but then it swings and hits, it hits hard. Sure, the HAG’s are a bit wobbly with the cluster table, but let the GR’s hit first and (potentially) open some armor and then schred the inside with crits.
Fill it with LRM’s and rain down hell, lose a Gauss and take a c3 and more ammo (and possibly a targeting computer) and nail long and precise. Hell, give it improved jumpjets, ac20’s and hatchets or something and throw it into melee.
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thewritingof-therose · 6 months
AC20 Day 5: The Last One Standing - The_Rose - World of Warcraft [Archive of Our Own].I am very interested in this story. May I read it?
I wasn't sure about it, but I guess there's not enough N'zoth content, so I'll allow it.
Here's to anyone who wants to read this fic in particular:
(N'zoth/Reader - Rated E - 2 chapters (One with a "female" body and one with a "male" one) The stories are absolutely the same, just the pronouns and some body descriptions are changing between the two)
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msn-04iinightingale · 5 months
Reinforcements, HAWK Battery
The union class dropship Wild Hunt touches down in the cleared space around the captured HAWK battery where designated by the SLDF ground forces. Once securely landed, the hatches open with the hiss of decompression.
Before long, as techs and groundcrew begin to swarm about, the mechs begin to disembark. First, two lights, a Jenner IIC and Raptor, then a pair of Mediums, a Mad Cat III and the lethal, menacing shape of a Kontio, the heavies are next, or in this case, Heavy, a single Warhammer trundles down the ramps to stand next to the mediums, The Assaults come next. A Mad Cat II, followed by a Shrike are next, then the...clearly recognizable to any Solaris VII fan Berserker on digitigrade legs with massive claws and a decidedly saurian shaped skull like head. It pauses, looking around, before being waved over by the Warhammer. Following it, come a Nightstar, a King Crab, one of the rare KGC-010's to boot, and the lumbering form of a Stone Rhino. The mechs line up, before the ground...shakes a bit. Then does it again...and again.
The new mech that emerges from the dropship is massive. 200 tons massive. It visually resembles an Orca, but possess more armor, and two fully functional arms, each equipped with a RAC-10, ER Large and Medium Laser, and claw like hands. The gapping maw of an Ultra AC20 peers from the center torso, and painted on the sides of the mech around the massive cannon is the head of an ancient Terran dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus, and the words "Big Girl Teeth" in jagged letters. The massive mech makes its way down and takes up position at the end of the line of mechs.
The rest of Barghest Company's offensive arm had landed on Helios.
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swedebeast · 1 year
Top 5 Battletech mechs, era specific but of your choice.
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Alright, I will have to go with Succession Wars, right up until the Clans arrive.
The Top 5 favourite 'Mechs will be the Atlas, its ugliness is a weapon in on itself (but 100 tons of armor and guns help).
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The Hunchback, all it exists to do is carry around a AC20 to your face. It will walk, it will trot, and it will get up close and personal with a can opened big enough to de-virginfy Fort Knox.
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The Battlemaster, one of the most well-rounded heavy 'mechs out there with reasonable speed, reasonable armour, and mix of close/medium range weapons and long range weapons.
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And the love of my life, the apple in my eye, the Mackie. The first mech designed, and at 100 tons, it carries a big range of big guns and makes it in my humble and goddamn right opinion of being one of the most solid designs of the era.
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And the Banshee, because it is 95 tons of virtually no guns, but with a big enough engine to carry said 95 tons to teach you the meaning of kinetic force. It exists to give you a bad time.
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 4 months
ok im probably not the first to concieve of this idea but what about a Ultra LB-X AC20. a mech sized full auto mech sized shotgun. load a couple onto a lance of urbies and watch them chew through anyone fool enough to invade their city. and run out of ammo in seconds. a hunchback jokeys dream weapon
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hphatecraft · 1 year
There is nothing so satisfying in games as landing AC20 shots
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