#A15 Action
catshinji · 5 months
Monday, April 15th — a day of global economic blockade
People all over the world have been calling for an end to Israel's genocide in Gaza. We are emailing politicians, attending rallies and sit-ins, signing petitions and making our voices heard — but we need to do more.
The biggest impact we can have is through major economic disruption.
Coordinated by A15 Action, April 15th is a broad, decentralised collection of actions, based on the local capacity of everyone involved.
The proposal states that in each city, we will identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact, as did the port shutdowns in recent months in Oakland, California and Melbourne, Australia, as just a few examples.
There is a sense in the streets in this recent and unprecedented movement for Palestine that escalation has become necessary: there is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain to the economy.
As Yemen is bombed to secure global trade, and billions of dollars are sent to the Zionist war machine, we must recognize that the global economy is complicit in genocide and together we will coordinate to disrupt and blockade economic logistical hubs and the flow of capital."
A list of major cities that have pledged to join the A15 Action can be found here:
There are contact emails for each of these cities, so if you live in any of those locations, reach out directly to them to find out more.
Consider getting in touch with your local community action groups to see if you can get involved - there may a major picket line or blockade planned.
Don't underestimate your own impact as well. If your city is not on the list and you don't have a local org to connect with, see if you and your friends can organise something yourselves. The important point is for us all to take whatever actions we can at the same time to amplify our effectiveness, not to prescribe one way of taking action.
Get organised, stay safe, and engage with your communities. May we see a free Palestine in our lifetimes.
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nando161mando · 5 months
82 Cities, 19 Countries, 6 Continenents, 483 Arrests: A Recap of the A15 actions
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musicfren · 5 months
Naarm/Melbourn, Australia
Sydney, Australia:
Adelaide, Australia
Athens, Greece
Catalonia, Spain
Tarragona, Spain
Amsterdam, Netherlands
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mariusz026 · 5 months
En el corazón de la bestia capitalista (gringolandia) ha despertado un movimiento estudiantil como hace décadas no se veía. Miles de estudiantes han tomado los campus para protestar por el genocidio en Palestina y exigir que sus instituciones educativas rompan toda relación académica y de financiamiento con los zionistas.
Cientos de estudiantes han sido arrestados pero ello solo ha avivado las llamas y por cada intento de represión de un campamento surgen otros en otras partes del territorio. Incluso en París y Australia están intentando hacer sus propios campamentos
Mientras tanto, desde arriba; #GenocideJoe y todo el espectro político electorero gringo (y mundial) cierran filas para seguir suministrando un sin fin de armas, dinero y excusas a Israhell para que puedan continuar con el exterminio de la gente en Palestina.
La resistencia al genocidio es global y se hace desde abajo, en algunos territorios la lucha es más intensa que en otros pero es continua y no ha pasado un solo día desde hace meses en que no se haya dado una acción masiva o pequeña contra la barbarie que están cometiendo los zionistas.
Yo solo espero que la gente en Palestina sepa que somos millones de personas las que no dejamos de escribir, de hablar, y de gritar; de protestar, de hacer boycott, de tomar calles, plazas y edificios; de cerrar fábricas, puertos, convenciones y aeropuertos; de ocupar embajadas y universidades; de organizar flotillas repletas de ayuda y masivos bloqueos económicos al rededor del mundo, de secuestrar barcos, de tomar las armas y de encender su vida en llamas porque hemos entendido que "nadie es libre hasta que todos lo seamos" y nos mueve en lo más profundo todas las atrocidades a las que los están siendo sometidos.
#FreePalestine #PalestinaLibre #GazaSolidarityEncamp #a15forpalestine #FreedomFlotilla
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1ovestay · 5 months
have had a very disappointing and stressful morning but at least i am sitting by the ocean with the sun shining on my face
#appreciating the ocean while i can before i move to canada in a week#i’m like . very upset and feeling dramatic and i think im within right to cuz it meant a lot to me#was meant to be going to the a15 action in my city and i had it all planned out#but i don’t have a car cuz my friends car broke down so i let them have mine early#and i planned to wake up at 5:30 and drop my mum off at work so i could have her car for the day#but then yesterday at the rally my friend was like oh i’ll come with u!#so after we drove back from melbourne i left my sign in their car (my car…)#and then this morning 5 mins before they were meant to pick me up they were like oh i’ve been called into work#which like understandable that they need the work but telling me 5 mins before u were supposed to pick me up…. 25 mins before the event…#anyway the next bus was so much later but i got on anyway after stressing a bunch#and i was like well even if im an hour late i still wanna show up#but it ended literally right as i got there im so upsetttt#i think the main reasons i’m upset is cuz this would be my last action in australia#cuz i’m moving in a week and i can’t go to this sundays rally in melb#and i was gonna give away my sign cuz i don’t want to throw it out but i can’t take it with me when i move#and i planned to participate in this for weeks n had it all sorted out i should have just gone with my own plans :(#anyway it is what it is i’m disappointed but i’m sitting in the sun by the ocean listening to day6 so it’s all fine really#p
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opencommunion · 6 months
this call was released anonymously (understandably) but my local Palestinian organizers who I literally trust with my life have endorsed it, and it seems to be gaining momentum in multiple cities, so I encourage you all to get involved:
"A proposal to coordinate a multi-city economic blockade on April 15th in solidarity with Palestine recently received overwhelming commitments to participate around the US and internationally.
The proposal states that in each city, we will identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact, as did the port shutdowns in recent months in Oakland, California and Melbourne, Australia, as just a few examples.
There is a sense in the streets in this recent and unprecedented movement for Palestine that escalation has become necessary: there is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain to the economy.
As Yemen is bombed to secure global trade, and billions of dollars are sent to the Zionist war machine, we must recognize that the global economy is complicit in genocide and together we will coordinate to disrupt and blockade economic logistical hubs and the flow of capital."
ETA: since I posted, organizers in St. Louis, Seoul, Brussels, and the Netherlands have signed onto the agreement, so if you saw this before and your city wasn't listed look again. anyone with the capacity to do some outreach, and a few connections to start with, could take the initiative to bring their city or region on board. read the solidarity agreement and check out the resources, and if you know trustworthy people in your area who might be interested in this sort of thing, talk to them about it.
remember that this isn't a series of protests (although some cities are organizing protests in conjunction), it's a commitment to take mass direct action and to maintain a united front in the face of any state repression. many organizers are (and have already been) using an affinity group model to actually coordinate those direct actions. autonomous groups can take action on April 15th whether or not others in their city/region have committed to this agreement. just do your homework (look up know-your-rights info specific to where you live + general direct action safety tips) and take good care of each other Blockades: a short guide to getting in the way Basic blockading Practical Protest Techniques: using your body Blockading: a guide ACT UP civil disobedience guide
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shunin-gumis · 6 days
Designs of Happiness - Track A15
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: ep.3 No Sugar
Characters: Ryui, Toi
Summary: Stranded at the airport, Ryui gets into a discussion about "fatalism" with a certain person.
Thank you aca @463ce6, myun @/myuntachis and Niri for helping me with proofing!
Also please do note there's mentions of the holocaust in this chapter.
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Location: Tokyo Metropolis International Airport - Lobby
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Ryui: (Hm… Do I get hot milk tea or chai?)
Ryui: (Well, milk tea’s always been my first choice, but if they’re using some garbage like skimmed milk instead of whole milk, then chai’s the only answer.)
Ryui: (Sometimes I get to find some cool stores that not only use whole milk, but even warm the milk-pitcher so the tea comes out perfect. Now that’s the good shit.)
Ryui: Anyone else here that ordered milk tea? If there’s a milk pitcher lying around then at least I’d know they serve whole milk here… 
Ryui: …… 
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Ryui: Damn, I’m surrounded by coffee drinkers… 
??: …What do you think about a café au lait​?
Ryui: …Ha?
??: Café au lait​, with ice. 
Ryui: Fuck off. Don’t talk to me. 
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Employee: Have you decided on your order~?
Ryui: …… 
??: Espresso. 
Ryui: …Hot milk tea.
Employee: Would you like milk or lemon in your–
Ryui: Milk.
Employee: Hot or iced?
Ryui: Hot.
Ryui: (I said I wanted hot milk tea from the fucking start…)
Employee: Understood~ Please wait for a few minutes~
??: A human who is rude to a worker is never well liked by his peers.
Ryui: Then don’t piss me off in the first place.
??: Kukuku… 
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Announcer: This is an announcement for passengers of flight ZE302 to Aomori, ZAL Airlines.
Ryui: …!
Announcer: We apologize for the continued delays and cancellation of flights due to the persistent bad weather in the area.
Announcer: Attention. This is an announcement for passengers of flight ZE302 to Aomori, ZAL Airlines….
Ryui: …Dammit.
??: Will you curse upon the airline company next? Despite knowing that they are not responsible for the poor weather. 
Ryui: I didn’t say shit.
Ryui: (Still, why the fuck is it that only the flights to Aomori keep getting cancelled—)
Ryui: …I’m shit out of luck.
??: This has no bearing on your luck. It was already fated, long before your birth, that you were to be stranded here at this point in time.
??: I must also add that Toi being selected as the human sacrifice for the Shiramitsu family in your stead was– 
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Ryui: Shut the fuck up already. Divination? Fate? Couldn’t care less about what divine bullshit comes outta your fatalist ass. 
Ryui: I don’t believe in that crap. Not in your words, and definitely not in fate. I’m leaving HAMA today, one way or another. 
??: Ku-Hahaha…! Indeed, I just remembered. I have something of import that I must share with you. 
Ryui: Ha?
??: It is quite the heartening tale, one that should fill you with courage. I wonder when it was… or which country it originated from.
??: Once upon a time, there were humans who were put to death simply for being of a different race. They would be stuffed one after the other into trains, only to be led to concentration camps, where no one could leave with their lives.
??: What absurd tyranny! Despair seeped through the cracks wherever you looked…! 
??: And yet, there was one who did not lose himself amongst the despair, a certain psychologist. He held on to hope, and managed to escape with his life in the end. Do you know what it was that he believed in?
Ryui: *sigh* I really don’t give a shit.
??: He had faith. That he was responsible for his own fate. That he would create his future with his own actions. That he was the “protagonist” of his own life, you see.
Ryui: …… 
??: When one is unable to maintain control even over their very life, it would seem that focusing on the fact that they have control over their own choices gives them a sense of freedom. I suppose that is one way for humans to achieve what they perceive as happiness. 
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??: In other words— To have hot milk tea is a choice you have made towards achieving your own happiness.
Ryui: …What the hell are you trying to say?
??: I simply hope that you get your tea as you ordered. Hot, with milk.
Ryui: What?
Employee: Here’s your order~
Ryui: …… 
Employee: An espresso, and an iced café au lait​.
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Ryui: Oi, did you even listen to a fucking word I said? I ordered a damn hot milk tea!
Employee: Huh? Really…?
Ryui: For fuck’s sake, fine! Just leave it.
Employee: And uh… what do you mean by that?
Ryui: I said I’ll take the damned iced café au lait​!
Employee: Oh… but… 
Ryui: Don’t make me repeat myself. I said it’s fine, so it’s fucking fine.
Ryui: Hand it over. And get on with your job.
Employee: Got it~ Sorry for the trouble~
Ryui: …… 
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??: My, you look like you’re in high spirits.
Ryui: You asshole, you started spouting all that shit about happiness and hope just to fuck with me, knowing that I was gonna get a café au lait​?
??: What will you say next? Are you going to say “my fault for trusting that dumbass” so you can pretend you still have any power?
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Ryui: Talking shit about the worker will get people to hate you, asshole.
??: Kuku… In any case, you must understand by now.
??: No matter how you may try to avoid your fate— In the end, you will be subjected to a force that you cannot control, and brought back to where you belong.
??: For that is “destiny.”
Ryui: …… 
??: Even if you manage to reach Aomori and find the roots of your bloodline, it will not change the path that you must follow. That is what the heavens have decided with this “cancellation.”
Ryui: …You’re just trying to push your narrative after everything’s said and done. Outsiders should just shut the fuck up already.
Ryui: If I can’t use this path, then I just have to find another. 
??: You humans are unable to see your own destiny, and so you choose to see a sweet dream. Akin to an infant, watching you struggle fills me with such pity that I can’t help but find it adorable.
Ryui: Stop being fucking gross. 
??: And how was the café au lait​?
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Ryui: Ain’t enough sugar.
The psychologist mentioned in the chapter is Viktor Emil Frankl, an Austrian psychologist and holocaust survivor. He founded logotherapy, a school of psychotherapy that describes a search for life’s meaning as the central human motivational force. 
In particular, freedom of will is highlighted in this chapter which is defined as a space to shape one’s life within the limits of specific possibilities.
It’s also important to note that Frankl considered a connection to the spiritual dimension an important factor to finding meaning in one’s life.
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palestinegenocide · 5 months
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Police brutality and mass arrests of Palestine protesters in Chicago may be precursor to the DNC
On April 15, Chicago police aggressively prevented marchers during the worldwide A15 day of action. Organizers say the repression was a message from the city ahead of the upcoming Democratic National Convention in August.
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catdotjpeg · 5 months
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From Athens, Greece: A mass of people are currently blockading access to the industrial port of Athens, Greece, heeding the [A15 action] call. 15 determined people are obstructing all road access to the COSCO port, using their bodies and a large chain, baring banners, which read “Free Palestine - A15 Economic Blockade”.
-- A15 Economic Blockade, 15 Apr 2024
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
CHICAGO, Illinois  — Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel demonstrators blocked roadways in Illinois, California, New York and the Pacific Northwest on Monday, temporarily shutting down as part of a coordinated day of action against Israel’s war in Gaza.
In Chicago, protesters linked arms and blocked lanes of Interstate 190 leading into O’Hare International Airport around 7 a.m. in a demonstration they said was part of a global “economic blockade to free Palestine,” according to Rifqa Falaneh, one of the organizers.
Traffic in the San Francisco Bay Area was snarled for hours as demonstrators shut down all vehicle, pedestrian and bike traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge and chained themselves to 55-gallon drums filled with cement across Interstate 880 in Oakland.Kibbutz Nir
Similar protests were held across the United States and around the world, after the group A15 Action called for coordinating a “multi-city blockade… in solidarity with Palestine.”
“In each city, we will identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact,” the group said on its website.
Protesters marching into Brooklyn blocked Manhattan-bound traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. In Eugene, Oregon, protesters blocked Interstate 5, shutting down traffic on the major highway for about 45 minutes. Protesters also blocked roads Monday in Philadelphia, and anti-Israel rallies were held in Los Angeles and other locations.
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Demonstrators chant slogans at an outdoor shopping mall in downtown Los Angeles during a “Strike for Gaza” protest calling for the US to stop funding Israel and for a permanent ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, on April 15, 2024, in Los Angeles, California. (Robyn Beck / AFP)
Near Seattle, the Washington State Department of Transportation said a demonstration closed the main road to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Social media posts showed people holding a banner and waving Palestinian flags while standing on the highway, which reopened about three hours later.
Protests were also planned in Canada, Italy, South Korea, Colombia and Belgium, while the X account for A15 posted photos of demonstrations in Greece, Spain and Australia.
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nando161mando · 5 months
The protests are aimed at drawing attention to the ongoing genocide on Palestinians lands and pressuring western nations to stop enabling and take action.
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gaypornvideoswebsite · 5 months
@a15actions on socials
a lot of beautiful things happening today
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cavewretch · 5 months
it's still early in the day maybe i'll get to update this post but
a15 actions "coordinated global economic blockade born out of frustration with symbolic actions"
"each group is autonomous/independent acting in solidarity with each other"
>actions are uncoordinated and symbolic
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andronetalks · 5 months
You’ll never guess who’s behind the 'Free Palestine' bridge-blocking protests ...
Blaze Media April 17, 2024 “Free Palestine” protesters connected to the group “A15 Action” have taken a very original, never-before-seen approach to protest America’s support for Israel: blocking roads and the Golden Gate Bridge. “Has there ever been an example of this tactic working?” Stu Burguiere asks Glenn Beck. “Has any person in history ever been convinced by not being able to access the…
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sawtelghad · 5 months
أستراليا تعتقل 12 شخصاً في مظاهرة متضامنة مع الفلسطينيين.. زعمت تعطيلها السير والأعمال اليومية https://sawtelghad.net/69486
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catdotjpeg · 5 months
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JUST IN: Around 50 Protesters from NYC and CT shut down a Pratt and Whitney Factory in Connecticut, about 10 arrests were made from the police. Pratt and Whitney created engines for the IDF’s planes that have been dropping bombs over Gaza
-- Spyder Monkey, 15 Apr 2024 11:59 AM EDT
More than 50 protestors from NYC & CT shut down Pratt & Whitney Factory in Middletown, Connecticut demanding it halt its profiting from ongoing genocide in Gaza; Israel has been using planes powered by Pratt & Whitney’s engines to drop bombs on Gaza. Demonstrators are demanding Pratt & Whitney and parent corporation RTX lead a “just transition away from the war economy.” This is just one of many actions occurring worldwide today by the A15 Actions group (April 15 Economic Blockades for a Free Palestine) to blockade Israeli arms manufacturers… Footage by J. Rampagoa
-- The Indypendent, 15 Apr 2024 11:20 AM EDT
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