#A-01 Podcast
laughable-umbrella · 9 months
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always and forever thinking about this screenshot from the magnus protocol trailer
J? JON??????
M? MARTIN???!??????????
OK? ARE MY BOYS OKAY????????????1!1!1!??????!1!!
(just kidding i know they’re not okay)
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part5of4podcast · 5 months
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Have an unpopular opinion about a BL? Don't worry, we probably do too. Saying all the things you do or don’t wanna hear Part 5 (of 4) is here to engage with BL media from Japan, Thailand, China, Korea and more. We're talking film-making techniques, narrative analysis, fandom woes, while asking questions like, hey why don't the bottoms move their arms? We may not be experts, but we are loud, chaotic, and full of opinions.
Last episode was heavy on the salt so today we’re going for a comfort soup recipe. We’re talking about our Top 5 BL series; TV shows, films, novels, and comics!
Listen to this podcast on: Spotify | Soundcloud | Youtube
Check out each named series at our Series Page for official viewing/reading links.
Want to learn more about any specifics we discussed this episode? Check out our Further Reading Page!
Topics we link to specific to this episode is the explanation of xianxia, wuxia, and cultivation.
Recommend your favorite fanworks from any of these series as well! Support fan creators!
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arthurtaylorlester · 2 years
the new malevolent episode is pure unfiltered ART. i have never enjoyed a podcast episode so much, i was on the edge of my seat the whole time and horror doesnt ven scare me. the exploration of trauma, revisiting old characters through arthur's subconscious, the use of metaphors, THE SOUNDMIXING AND VOICE ACTING???
safe to say, i have a new favourite episode
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mi4019cainmayadunne · 6 months
ROUGH PODCAST SCRIPT - Academic Industry
Drafting our script, we followed our lecturer Ms. Tharangi Jayasekara’s lesson on the suggested structure for a podcast script, which contains the following elements in that order:
Introduction: A brief explanation of the podcast’s premise, as well as an overview of the episode through headings and topic statements.
Body:  The main content of the podcast as well as possible intermissions and sponsorships. This part ideally has a set structure that prevents the conversation from being derailed. 
Conclusion: A brief summary of the episode, as well as thanking any guests and sponsors and bidding the audience goodbye.
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Episode 01 Notes
After - Part 1
August 14th, 2019
"A podcast about fanfiction. The inaugural episode of the Fine Pairings podcast! Join Grace and Claire as they dive into the wildly popular fanfiction that's been all across the news. A Harry Styles fanfic written by Anna Todd. Drinks will be mixed and understandings of anatomy will be lost. What they know for sure is that from now on there will only be... After."
🐢 { Hello everyone and welcome to The Inaugural Post! I am currently working on the episode's transcript so stay tuned (warning: I type slowly). These extended "show note" style posts are where I'll share additional information on the fic and my less-than-alcoholic paring recommendations. I'm open to ideas of what to add, so please send me an ask! }
After by Anna Todd Published to Wattpad in April 2013.
Rating: PG-13 Fandom: One Direction // Harry Styles Pairing: Harry Styles x OC Notes: While this fic originally used the names of 1D members for much of the main cast, it's been edited to reflect the published edition. This seems to be a recent change since the release of the film, if you have a copy of the original please DM me! Also, this fic contains alcohol/drug use and addiction as well as sexual themes. Proceed as is comfortable for you.
The history of the fic, from Wattpad to the screen, can be read here
The Author: Anna Todd (imaginator1D on Wattpad) started as a fanfic writer with the After series being her flagship work. She is now the author of multiple published romance novel series and has started her own publishing group Frayed Pages. Her information can be found here.
"Tessa Young is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, excellent grades, and a sweet boyfriend. She always has things planned out ahead of time, until she meets a rude boy named Hardin, with too many tattoos and piercings who shatters her plans."
🍸 Our boozy pairing is Miller High Life. This drink is the champagne of cheap college beers much like After is the champagne of bad fanfics. This paring is best served at room temperature in a slightly dusty solo cup left over from a party that was "just okay".
☕️ Our coffee pairing is an iced pumpkin spice latte. The quintessential "white girl in the 2010's" drink, which is what you'd have to be to read this fic. It is best served left in your fridge overnight. Warm enough for the ice to melt but not enough to give you food poisoning.
🍟 This fic's snack pairing is yellow mustard Doritos, a chip almost as toxic as our protagonists' romance.
{I promise my pairing recommendations won't always be this goofy, but my goal is to match the tone of Grace and Claire's pairings.}
Sold to One Direction - Last updated 2014 November 9 - by Coleen Hoover
Fine Pairings Pod Links
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eyecollective · 21 days
Why Again by Horroreyecollective
Fandoms:Malevolent (Podcast)
Teen And Up Audiences
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Complete Work
05 Sep 2024
Major Character Death King in Yellow & Noel | Charlie Dowd Original Noel & Noel | Charile Dowd The King in Yellow (Malevolent) Noel | Charlie Dowd Original Noel Finley Torture Psychological Torture Angstober 2024 Hurt No Comfort Angst Prompt Fic Emotional Manipulation Manipulation
Noel/Charlie is being torture by The King in Yellow and just wants it to stop
Prompt 1:Again
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gangnamstylehqs · 1 month
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O ano era 2018 e Jeong Kyunggu estava sentado em um velho sofá caindo aos pedaços no porão dos pais, pensando no que fazer após ter trancado sua matrícula na universidade, sido despejado do apartamento do ex-melhor amigo e desfeito o terceiro contrato de patrocínio de seu canal de Minecraft no YouTube apenas naquele ano. De acordo com todas as regras sociais da Coreia do Sul, Kyunggu era um pária. Um fracassado. Ele não sabia o que fazer além de jogar, fumar maconha o dia inteiro, falar com os amigos no Discord e fingir para os pais idosos que a fumaça vinha de algum cano com defeito. Precisava, urgentemente, se reinventar.  Foi no meio de uma brisa que veio a resposta para seu dilema — que, incrivelmente, não envolvia harakiri: o podcast Mwo-deun Mureobwa, em uma tradução direta, pergunte qualquer coisa. Ele se juntou com um amigo com um canal na Twitch e, embora os canais de ambos já não fossem tão famosos, conseguiram iniciar o projeto com um microfone e um estúdio simples alugado. Aquela era a última chance de dar certo do jeito que a sociedade esperava.
Feliz ou infelizmente, eles conseguiram. O programa começou a lucrar e pagar a si mesmo apenas em 2020 por meio de patrocínios com grandes marcas, mas Kyunggu e seu parceiro de negócios, Dohyun, possuem atualmente um público de 3 milhões de inscritos no YouTube. A dupla já entrevistou diversas personalidades da mídia sul-coreana, dentre elas políticos, atores, idols e especialistas das mais diversas áreas. Como uma iniciativa exigida pelos patrocinadores, iniciam-se os três meses de Gangnam, onde pessoas “aleatórias” (é incrível como o aleatório de Gangnam envolve apenas filhos de grandes magnatas chaebols que patrocinam o programa e aqueles que convivem em seu círculo, não?) serão entrevistadas nas noites do programa ao longo das semanas. E você, como um ilustre cidadão do bairro, será um desses entrevistados.
𓏲ּ   🥂  NOTAS OOC !
A task propõe um desenvolvimento do personagem por meio de um podcast virtual muito comum entre a população mais jovem da Coreia do Sul. 
Existem modelos separados para cada tipo de personagem, pedimos que tenham atenção nisso! 
A task pode ser postada sendo hospedada em alguma plataforma online, como docs, rentry, pastebin, write.as, dentre outros. Fiquem à vontade para escolher!
Sobre os NPCs entrevistadores: podem considerar que o Kyunggu é uma pessoa não muito agradável, famoso por fazer perguntas consideradas idiotas e ilógicas que ninguém consegue entender muito bem, além de dar declarações polêmicas vez ou outra. Já o Dohyun opera como uma parte mais séria, que realmente foca em estudar ao menos um pouco sobre a pessoa que trouxeram para saber mais sobre seus feitos e geralmente serve como um diplomata na mesa de conversa.
Sintam-se confortáveis para brincar com os modelos! Podem adicionar informações, perguntas sobre rumores, sobre escândalos, sobre a área do personagem, desenvolver assuntos também… Fiquem à vontade para explorar como seria uma entrevista com o personagem e o que seria mais interessante de ser falado.
No modelo proposto existe apenas uma estrutura básica do programa para guiá-los, ele não necessariamente precisa ter aquele formato escrito! Pode-se fazer como bem entender: como um bate-bola rápido, apenas denotando quem está falando o quê, ou algo mais descritivo. Podem brincar com as perguntas também, fiquem à vontade.
O modelo do podcast pode ser considerado como qualquer Flow ou Podpá, uma conversa sobre a vida do personagem, suas áreas de conhecimento, etc. Isso pode não existir na Coreia do Sul, ou não ser tão disseminado, mas nós decidimos adaptar para a nossa comunidade porque achamos divertido e dinâmico. 
Não é necessário narrar toda a entrevista, porque ela inteira teria aproximadamente 2 ou 3 horas de duração, então é interessante focar apenas em um ou mais trechos, de acordo com o que desejam que seja comentado.
Essa task é obrigatória. Temos o período de três meses para a postagem dela, ou seja, de hoje 26/08 até 26/11! Bastante tempo.
Por favor, marquem nossa conta @GNMBLOG ao postarem a task para que possamos colocá-la em nosso mural por lá!
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Oh I have never been more startled by after podcast ads
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wickedbush · 4 months
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alpha-mag-media · 9 months
Amy & TJ’s ‘sympathy grab’ podcast may alienate fans, not addressing their affair earlier was a big mistake, says expert | AIW67Z9 | 2024-01-05 04:08:01 | January 05, 2024 at 05:08AM
Amy & TJ’s ‘sympathy grab’ podcast may alienate fans, not addressing their affair earlier was a big mistake, says expert | AIW67Z9 | 2024-01-05 04:08:01 Read More … Check full articles at Source: ALPHA MAG
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part5of4podcast · 4 months
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And we’re back to being spicy! Unlike today’s show which is very vanilla. Today we’re asking the question, is Until We Meet Again worth the hype? Or is it overhyped? What makes it a bad, good, or mediocre show? How close will we get to being kicked out of fandom today? Find out and listen for yourself!
Listen to this podcast on: Spotify | Youtube
Have an unpopular opinion about a BL? Don't worry, we probably do too. Saying all the things you do or don’t wanna hear Part 5 (of 4) is here to engage with BL media from Japan, Thailand, China, Korea and more. We're talking film-making techniques, narrative analysis, fandom woes, while asking questions like, hey why don't the bottoms move their arms? We may not be experts, but we are loud, chaotic, and full of opinions.
Check out each named series at our Series Page for official viewing/reading links.
Want to learn more about any specifics we discussed this episode? Check out our Further Reading Page!
Fanworks We Loved
In and Korn | Their Story [1x01-1x17]
Dean and Pharm | Their Story [1x01-1x17]
Korn ✘ Intouch | till forever falls apart by evilhagbl
In ✘ Korn ► As The World Caves In▸ Until We Meet Again by DraxLor BL
Ever Seaward Echoes More by @kari-kurofai
ㅡ unknown by @fydramas
UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN | episode thirteen by @thyla
Fluke Looking Pretty by @zhaozi
If you have something’s going on, you need to tell me, got it? By @yohankang
im gonna take a long walk off a really short cliff by @dramawatchinggoblin
winteam + incorrect posts by @consentkingwin
WinTeam living their best life by @ealeczander
i just stole a kiss… by @markpakin
Chaotic Hosts: Dé & Sinna
Beloved Editor: Bones
Creative Kingpin: Libby
Buy us a coffee!
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hiphopheadspodcast · 1 year
The Listening Sesh: RJ Payne My Life Iz A Movie 2
http://www.thecryptonline.com The HipHopHeads Podcast The Listening Sesh: RJ Payne My Life Iz A Movie 2 Hello! Welcome to the newest endeavor from TheCryptOnline.com and The HipHopHeads Podcast. I wanted to give you more content on the site and in your feed. I always liked doing reviews and review shows. Ive dabbled in it multiple times over the years but now I think I’m ready to make it take…
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mi4019cainmayadunne · 6 months
PODCAST RESEARCH - The Academic Industry
Our primary research delved into the differences between high school and university, as well as how individual students responded to the transition from primary to secondary education. We gathered our information through a series of interviews with university students from a variety of secondary education institutions, each asked a collection of open-ended, unstructured questions under predetermined subtopics. The topics talked about in the podcast are also influenced by our own personal experiences.
These interviews can be found on the blogs of the team members conducting each interview (CAIN | PINIPA | MINUTHI | THESANDU), as well as reblogged to the podcast blog.
Additionally, after a thought-provoking conversation with our lecturers, we also decided to investigate how different even individual Sri Lankan universities are from each other, especially between different sectors. For this additional information, we each did our individual research within the following areas:
Cain: Government Universities
Pinipa: Semi-government Universities
Minuthi: Private Universities
Thesandu: International Universities
The main objective of this was to get a better understanding of what the educational and cultural experience is like for people in different areas of Sri Lanka’s academic universities, in order to understand the Sri Lankan academic industry as a whole.
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fridaypacific · 1 year
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[AoQuadrado²] Re:En² - Eden: it's an Endless World Vol. 01-04 #aoquadrado
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/159599909 via @PodcastAddict
Neste programa,  Judeu Ateu, Estranho, Luki e Izzo (Dentro da Chaminé) começam mais uma série de análises de volumes, desta vez falando : Eden: it’s an Endless World
Apoie o AoQuadrado² no APOIA.se
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tremorstep · 1 year
@crimsonasterism liked x for a fragmemoria starter!
Unfamiliarity with one’s own self was a disorienting experience. With every frustration Toph felt in trying to navigate the city, arms carefully waving in front of and around herself to ward off any intrusion into the faint area of vibrations she could perceive…somehow, she felt something wrong about those frustrations. Like they were abnormal, they shouldn't exist. She'd gone around with no problem before, she was sure of it...right? Maybe it had just been the high of finally being away from her parents, her first taste of freedom had felt more empowering than it had actually given her power.
Maybe something familiar would clear her head. Something she was positive she'd had a good time with in this city, something that could get her back into a more relaxed state. Such was how she ended up at the Theatre of Calliope again. She'd definitely gone to these shows before and had a great time! Surely she could just shuffle her way there once more and have a good time and everything would feel sorted out again.
Then, twenty minutes into the show...
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"Urgh, what gives?!" she hissed, perhaps a bit too loudly for being in the audience, as her feet stamped upon the ground. "This still isn't right. Why isn't this as good as before?"
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Neil Gaiman is accused of sexual assault, sexual coercion and rape
A third woman came forward a couple of days ago.
None of the problems people had with the other podcast (and to be honest, I think those arguments mostly just represent the denial and bargaining phases of grief) apply to this one. This woman says she only came forward because the Tortoise podcast made her aware she wasn't alone. Until then she'd believed him when he told her it was just her. Good Omens fans, I'm sorry if you're hearing this from me (although unfortunately it does matter that you hear it from someone). If you had heard but tried to look the other way -- listen, I know this is shocking and heartbreaking. It is of course up to you how you participate in fandom from here. But please stop tagging your fandom posts "Neil Gaiman". You are ensuring that anyone searching for information is going be swamped with Good Omens fanart and S3 countdown posts and pictures of socks(?) and photos of actors who have nothing to do with this. They might then conclude that there's nothing to these allegations. And that matters: at present, aside from Rolling Stone and the two podcasts, this story hasn't received much press attention. The latest survivor says that she tried reaching out to reporters and was told her story "wasn't enough." So at least for now, social media sites do matter as a record on this. When you drown out this story with your fandom feelings, you are helping, whether or not you realise it, to cover it up. And considering that he seems to have targeted fans who trusted him... I don't even want to finish that thought. So please, stop. Do what you want in the other, more relevant tags. But you're likely to have a better experience if you start trying to separate it from him, anyway.
UPDATE, 01/08/2024: Two more women have come forward, bringing the current total to five. The very grim details are here.
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