aethericmusings · 9 months
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Happy Starlight, everyone!
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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I headcanon Carbuncle appearances differ based on their reason for summoning :D
so you get small fluffy Companion Carbuncles, sturdy Guide Carbuncles, and long and athletic Racing Carbuncles !
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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Tatanzo Kukunzo Dominant of Phoenix, Eikon of Fire
Phoenix is super-important to Tatanzo's development as a character, so I just had to jump on this the moment I saw some of the other XIV-Dominant posts.
(and yes, I cheated on the hair color, why can't that be a real color option SE?)
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aethericmusings · 1 year
In the strum of every string, Susuki could hear her mentor, or her mother, or the bards of old. Her mentor had taught her well, and she appreciated his endless advice. Her mother meant the world to her, though they had scarcely met. Even the soul crystal hanging around her neck was a treasured gift, the songs of all those who had come before. But they weren't her songs. They were borrowed, or shared, but always someone else's. Sighing, Susuki looked out across the Steppe. Her songs, her adventures, were out there somewhere. She just needed the strength to go and find them. Until then, she could at least find contentment in these borrowed songs.
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aethericmusings · 1 year
Lalafell! Susuki and Tatanzo on their own respective adventures! ^^
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I took the first screenshot while working on Susuki's carrd, and love the way it turned out!
(Major thanks to @mimble-sparklepudding for pointing this post out!)
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Reblog and show me your Lalafell characters! Lalafell players unite!
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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Oh! I almost forgot this is coming up too! I will do anything that involves dressing up my blorbos. Who’s with me?
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aethericmusings · 1 year
You are trapped in an elevator with the person on your lockscreen. Who is it?
Reblog with who you get stuck with~
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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so this blog is pretty new, but hello to my fellow final fantasy xiv gpose addicts. i've found recently that i struggle in finding photo studios in xiv to gpose in, and so i decided to make a blog for a directory of photo studios among the different regional data centers, and data centers themselves. this blog will also host different resources such as gposing and decorating guides in order to hopefully help people learn to make their own photo studios ! if you'd like to submit your photo studio to the directory, the pinned post has further information on how to be added to it. if you can, please consider spreading this post around via reblogging. i'm uncertain if there are any other directories out there, but since i've been struggling to find any up to date ones, i figured i would make my own.
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aethericmusings · 1 year
there is an IMAGE in my HEAD and i cannot DRAW IT. hatred and rage.
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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aethericmusings · 1 year
ReShade Preset Recommendations
I'll start a content boost with some preset recommendations for the crowd adjusting to the post-gshade world.
Purple Cocoon Reborn, Maya
I've been using Purple Cocoon a lot these days since they updated it for compatibility with ReShade. Free, versatile, and very comprehensive; the link below provides excellent instructions for those wondering how to properly set up your ReShade installation. Make sure you download parts 1 and 2. Download
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Wi-Fi Presets
WiFi_photospire is the creator of a preset collection with custom textures for sophisticated compositions; an excellent choice with gorgeous results if you like to play with light sources.
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Expresso Glow
espressolala's Expresso Glow is an old favorite that's also available for Reshade. Excellent performance and awesome, crisp results with great color balance.
You can use the Espresso Glow program to install just the presets and textures by selecting "Install with Compatibility Mode": It'll preserve your current ReShade version and all installed presets.
Install Instructions and download
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Yomigami Okami
One that I recently rediscovered is Yomigammy's Yomigami Okami, ported to vanilla ReShade 5.6 by meynan_ffxiv. A very flexible, lightweight collection of 14 presets, and the aspect I like the most is how it handles wood tones in general, lovely enhancing warmth without oversaturating.
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Do you have any other ReShade preset collections that you like? Let me know!
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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this confused carbuncle
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aethericmusings · 1 year
I've actually given this a fair bit of thought before! Sadly, Lalafell canonically aren't generally as strong, in pure physical strength, as the other races:
Encyclopedia Eorzea I: Many [Dunesfolk] are blessed with an aptitude for magic, with Dunesfolk accounting for numerous accomplished thaumaturges as well as high-ranking members of the Order of Nald'thal clergy. Dunesfolk miners also rival the Roegadyn in their numbers and accomplishments, making up for their lack of brute strength with resourcefulness and the ability to delve into the narrowest tunnels.”
That said, we of course do have the 1.x cutscene with Lalafell throwing Hyurs around, so even if they're not overall as strong as Roegadyn, they're still rather strong, or have the capacity to be!
(Putting the rest under a cut since I probably took this far more seriously than intended. 😅)
Also noted above, though, is their aptitude for magic. This quote is specific to Dunesfolk, but if we look at it, Lalafell overall make quite the mages!
Encyclopedia Eorzea I: Originally an agrarian people hailing from the southern islands, the Lalafell gradually migrated to Eorzea over the years in pursuit of trade. In the Fifth Astral Era, they played a key role in the foundation of the city of Nym on Vylbrand, as well as the mystic city of Mhach in the lowlands of Yafaem. When both civilizations fell to the Sixth Umbral Calamity, the Lalafell were forced to seek new homes. The Nymian Lalafells employed their seafaring talents and returned to the south sea isles, while the survivors of Mhach wandered the lands before eventually settling in the wastes of Thanalan.”
Who were the primary black magic practitioners? Lalafell. Who were the scholars? Lalafell. Who took geometric magic and developed it into arcanima? Lalafell. Who developed thaumaturgy as we know it today? Lalafell. Note that all these, unlike white magic and conjury, use internal aether, which happens to be a known trait of Lalafell in general. (We can even see this in the base racial stats, where Lalafell have higher starting INT and MND than most other races.)
So, all that said, Lalafell have a higher aetheric concentration than the other races. And aether is everything in XIV! So these tiny little potats are totally a force to be reckoned with. Aether reinforces their bodies, allowing them to perform feats of strength and skill that, while it may not match the raw strength of a Roegadyn, easily surpass what their smaller forms should be able to.
(This is also my theory on why pretty much everything eats Lalafell - their higher aetheric concentration makes them a far more tempting meal than other creatures their size.)
(This is also my theory on why the WoL can do...pretty much anything: between the Echo, the Blessing of Light, and an absolutely absurd amount of aether, they're capable of anything they want.)
So yes, if Lalafell were the size of the other races, and kept their comparatively-large concentration of aether, they would probably be pure forces of nature, rendered virtually unstoppable save interference from a Warrior of Light.
If you've made it this far have a snippet of Tatanzo's mother telling him a bedtime story about this exact concept when he was a kid:
“Nophica was lonely, and so She used her powers to plant a great tree that grew and grew and grew. And when it got as big as it could, She used its power with Hers to bring life into this world. Like the Hyur, and the Elezen.” She reached over and lightly tapped Tatanzo's nose. “And like us Lalafell. That’s why we call her the Matron. And She made sure that each and every one of us were special.” “The Roegadyn She gave size and strength, so they could make their way in the fierce wilds. The Miqo’te She granted speed and agility, so they could surprise and catch their prey. And do you know what She gave us Lalafell?” “Being short,” Tatanzo replied, pouting. Ririn chuckled despite herself. “Yes, She did. Because She gave us a different gift. She gave us our minds and our magic, that we’d be quick thinkers and that some of us would even be powerful mages. If we were tall as well, that would just be too much, and we should be thankful for the gifts She gave us.”
Stupid FFXIV question time: so in game our character is capable of incredibly feats of strength, from carrying absurdly heavy things with ease to punching out a 7ft tall man with a body mass of pure muscle.
Now obviously all characters are capable of the same abilities, from a max height Roe male to a min height fem Lala.
Which then begs the question... if we consider body mass and possible amount of muscle, does this make Lalafell the most fearsome race in the entire game? Able to generate far more force than their body mass, able to carry things that weigh as much as 3x their weight, able to jump from a standstill 2-3x their height with no added momentum?
Did the gods make Lalafell so small, because if they were any taller, they'd be literally unstoppable? How can so much power fit in such a small vessel?
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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Today on I felt artistic and was messing around so I made fake book covers...
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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I really like the way this one turned out - I was using this landing as an RP spot, then we finished the scene and I wasn't sure what else to do and had this idea of Tatanzo and Susuki sitting on the nearby bench talking the night away. So I took a bunch of screenshots, and then ended up writing a whole scene around their interaction and what they were talking about, and it's actually ended up being a pretty essential part of both of their backstories.
I ship Susuki and Tatanzo harder than is strictly necessary, and as the writer/RPer (mun? I think is the term, I'm new) behind the both of them, their futures go in different directions, but I am not above having an alternate timeline in my head where they run off to Kugane and live happily ever after.
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Since we have 24-hour Maint today, and I'm bored, show me your favorite screenshot/gpose of your WoL or OC!
Why is it your favorite? Tell me all about it!
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory?
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members?
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other?
🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
🍫: Where does your OC go to think?
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
🍷: What's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food?
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
🍔: Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love?
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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