#A bittersweet one haha. Classes start this week
cosmoknightchaos · 1 month
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a horrifying morning
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steamishot · 1 month
T-29 days
i'm now updating my calendar for every event i have this month. so far, it's:
8/8: pizza with S&I
8/10: beacon hike with matt
8/11: NJ hike/hangout with T&S
8/16: dinner at LG's home for the first time (will start giving away my plants)
8/18: visit A and her baby with S at her apartment/pool day
8/21: carbone lunch with matt
8/22: rubirosa and comedy cellar with matt
8/26: switzerland
9/6: last dinner with T
9/7: last brunch with S&I
i have resistance to some events, and the feeling is definitely bittersweet. i find myself not truly enjoying the hangouts because it is laced with some sadness. my depresso would rather not see anyone until it comes time to move. but, it is nice that my last month will be filled with special moments.
i chatted with K about this, who has had a few losses/breakups in the past few years. she mentioned sobbing for an hour because she had just found a great dance partner but in the coming months, he will likely be deployed/away for months at times while he focuses on his military career. it's like that quote "'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
ceramics: i've made entirely all bowls and one mug this semester. my mug didn't turn out that great. aesthetically, it was okay, but i tried drinking hot peppermint tea from it and it tasted funny. so i'm most likely not going to use it for drinking purposes. for my last few pieces, i'm torn between keeping them for myself or giving them away as gifts. the last thing i put in the fire was a blue bowl and a pink bowl - let's see how those turn out. class ends in two weeks already.
exercise/health: i'm really ramping up on the exercise recently. walked/hiked about 20 miles this past weekend, did a 7 mile bike ride, yoga sessions, etc. ran ~2 miles a few times! for a minute when i was super full, i stepped on the scale and reached my goal weight of 120lbs. but now i'm back down to 116-117. glad that i haven't had any hemorrhoids/blood in my stool since may.
last work week: it's matt's last work week at NYU! he was off for 10 days so i'm glad he's going back to work haha. it's his last night shift week here, and i'll have the whole apartment and bed to myself to chill this week. excited to drink tea and read.
odd bucket list items: yesterday, we had mcdonald's for the first time in NYC. i usually only get mcd's when i'm in LA. before we leave, i also want to give the panhandler who is always outside of our building "a dollar or two".
moving logistics: the moving company has been set. actual apartment is still up in the air. we're not ruling out the luxury buildings anymore. i've been checking daily for the same community that we're in now. it's more convenient to lock in for future move-in dates, and i trust that the building/maintenance will be good. slowly, the late september move-in date listings are coming out. i notice that rentals are claimed pretty quickly, so the market is quite competitive. i've been also browsing zillow rentals and have email updates for new listings, but those are not as frequent.
duolingo: i completed the chinese sessions, and have been learning japanese for the last few weeks. i was practicing music for a bit; may go back to it later. my friend K's competitive nature has been rubbing off on me. i've been trying harder at the game instead of doing the bare minimum. she's all about getting the XP and winning in the game (maintaining a top 3 status). i'm now at 237 day streak!
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gimbapchefs · 3 years
imma be sappy for a second... i think i’m both sad and happy to see runbts take a break. i remember that first episode of them all introducing themselves and we had both bts gayo and run at the same time. i honestly didn’t know when episodes were posted, i would just check vlive and go oH there’s another one!! and that turned into my weekly show since 2015. i remember in 2017 i used to sneakily watch runbts in physics class and try to pretend i was taking notes seriously while internally i was busting up. i remember when it switched from vlive to weverse and i was greatly confused on what this new platform was lol. and the past year or so, i had a lot of fun staying up until 4/5am to watch run live and gif it.
one thing i always loved about run was that they produce it, like they were mc’s for their own show and often bended the producer’s rules in bts style lol and it really showed who they were as people. they all tried out different roles and were able to step out of their comfort zones and i could see over the years how each of them got more and more comfortable being their chaotic selves. as they like to say, we got a lot of legendary moments from those 155 episodes and i’m sad we won’t get that content anymore, at least for a while. i’ll definitely be rewatching episodes both when i’m in a good mood and when i’m in a bad mood. runbts is that show that can really make anyone’s day a little brighter and i’m so so thankful for it. there were days i really just wanted to bury myself into a hole but i’d watch runbts and i couldn’t help but smile and laugh.
at the same time, they’ve run (haha...ha...) this show since 2015 even when they had ridiculously busy schedules. they worked really hard to film the content and i really gotta give props to the production crew for coming up with ideas for that many episodes. i hope all of them, the staff and bts, are able to rest with this break and come back almost like a fresh start. and we still have in the soop starting this week and award season is coming soon as well, so it doesn’t mean we won’t see bts or anything like that. it’s just bittersweet to see them say goodbye for now.
달려라 방탄은 계속됩니다 (run bts will continue) :)
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swagless-talks-alot · 3 years
Middle school. 
Rusty benches, rotting lockers, and prepubescent children. 
8th period is when I learned that he would be moving away. He would get to move out of this hell hole and move to a brand new country. 
"Are you ever going to come back?" I had asked as I unpacked my History notebook from my bag. But before he could answer, his loud ass friends entered the room.  Mark was the type of guy who wasn't immensely popular himself, but people knew him and he knew people. Most were either jealous of him, or loved him, no in between. 
I would say I was more on the jealous side. Not only was he on the dance team, my friends wouldn't shut about how "nice he is" or "how adorable he is" or "how good he is at math". 
"Have you read his poems? Apparently he has a poem book."
It's not just my friends either, it's my parents too. Unfortunately for me, Mark's parents and my parents are part of the same friend circle. Which means constant comparison. Ever since elementary school. 
But it's not like they were wrong. And it didn't help that I liked him either. It may have been my 13 year old hormones, or the fact that his smile seemed to light up the world around him, but despite how sickly jealous I was, I was so entranced. I remember crying after hearing a rumour that he liked someone one day. A weird occurrence as I never cried over anything. The rumour turned out to be false because I asked him about it the next day and he said "No, who is that?". 
We were what I would call acquaintances. One of my friends dated one of his friends in 6th grade for a week before breaking up in the most dramatic way possible. 
"You know, I heard they kissed once," I remember telling Mark. 
He replied with a grimace and said, "Eww that's gross, why would you kiss someone?" 
I remember laughing and telling him that it wasn't a big deal. 
After that, we talked once in a while. If we were in the same class, we would ask each other about homework or make basic small talk if none of his friends were around. 
And so, as History class ended, the 13-year-old boy came up to me. "Sorry for ignoring your question earlier, uhh I don't know if I'm coming back or not actually. I think I'm going to be living in Korea for a while," he smiled. "Don't tell anyone about it okay?" He said playfully. "Shhh". 
He giggled, put on his backpack, and ran up to catch up with his friends. 
And that was the last time I ever saw him. 
Honestly, I was glad. I thought that the source of my insecurities was gone and that my crush on him would disappear. I was a progressive child, so I got over him quickly, but unfortunately I still had my insecurities. I thought I would never cross paths with him again and as bittersweet as it sounds, I preferred it over the constant conflict in my heart whenever I saw him. I got over my insecurities slowly, throughout high school. My life without Mark Lee, was great, wonderful even. So then why, at the thought of seeing him again, run at the chance to intern at his company? My desperate ass didn't even search him up on google because I didn't want to know what he looked like now. My view of him is still of a 5'4 teenager boy, with a high pitched voice and braces. So when I was met with a guy who looked too handsome to be real, you could expect that I was taken aback. 
Mark, who I wasn't sure was Mark, was wearing a plain black shirt and some khakis. He also had light blue hair that looked really soft but also looked slightly fried, perhaps from the dye. 
"This is Mark Lee right, I heard you were the one who was supposed to show me to the intern manager or something."
"Uhh yeah! I'm Mark, nice to meet you. What's your name?" He said enthusiastically. 
He didn't remember me. Or he just wasn't sure. I didn't want to seem insane by saying I went to his old school so I kept quiet. 
"I'm Hannah Wang, I'm from Vancouver", I shifted my weight onto my other leg nervously. 
"Wait, Hannah Wang? Did you ever go to Westwood Middle?" Mark asked, his eyes lighting up. 
He remembered. Holy shit, Mark Lee remembered me. "Yeah, I was waiting for you to say something." I said as we walked into the recording room. "You uh, glew up a lot, I could barely recognize you." 
"Ah really? You glew up a lot too- not that you weren't pretty back then- I mean not like that-" Mark panicked.
"So you didn't think I was pretty?" I chuckled. 
We began walking inside the building, and the recording rooms became visible.
"No I mean you were, and still are- ahh" Mark's face was now 3x redder than it was before. 
“You’re bold, calling me pretty and all” I laughed as I scanned the posters on the wall. “Who are they?” I pointed to a poster of 10 men who looked around my age. I noticed that Mark was on it. He was wearing a race car? jacket and had black hair with blonde highlights. 
Mark, who was noticeably all flustered, took a moment to respond. “Ahh that’s the group I’m in… one of them at least.” 
I looked at him. “You’re in another group?” 
He nervously laughed, “Yeah it’s no big deal. I’m in this one, NCT 127, SuperM and NCT Dream.” 
“Well wow…” After all of these years, he was still out here doing the most. “I expected nothing less haha” I joked. “It must be hard.” 
“Yeah.. well I like being busy so it’s honestly very fun.” He said with a smile. “Wait, you’re interning at SM but you don’t know the groups?”
“Dude, I’ve been so busy I haven’t kept up with anything. My friend told me to apply for an internship here and I accepted it as a joke because I didn’t think I’d get in. I didn’t know you became a k-pop idol until like a month ago.” 
“Oooh” Mark nodded understandingly. He started walking to some of the other rooms. “Uhh I think I’m supposed to show you to Mr. Kim? He told me to tell you that he was sorry he couldn’t meet with you in person. There’s a slight chance he might be infected..” Mark frowned. “I’ll escort you to a room where you can meet with him. You came kind of early so I need to get the other two interns as well.” He turned to look at me.  “Does that sound good?” 
I honestly didn’t hear half of what he said because I was staring at his face. “Yeah yeah sounds good!” I centered myself again. 
We went to an auditorium which was quite huge but empty. I assumed press conferences were held here. There was also a huge projector screen at the front of it which had Zoom open. 
“You can just sit at any of the tables,” Mark said. “Oh yeah Mr.Kim asked me if you were vaccinated yet?” 
I nodded. “Yep all good and immune to the virus.” I smiled. 
And then he left and I was all alone in an empty black room. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I exhaled. (Yes and the floor is made up of floor.) I also didn’t realize how fast my heart was beating. Honestly, he hadn’t changed at all. Looking at him unlocked so much nostalgia of my younger days and I blushed to myself at the thought of the journal entries I wrote about him as a child. I wanted to talk to him about so much and I wondered why I didn’t reach out to him sooner. It had been an insanely long time since I last thought about my old “rival”, and I only started pondering it when I realized I would be interning at his company. Him becoming an idol wasn’t actually too surprising, my journal entries told me that he was into dancing a lot and I do recall him performing a Shinee song at one of our “family meetups”. I don’t have a lot of memories from middle school but that’s one that I can recall pretty vividly. He was doing it with 2 of his other friends and the performance was really funny because one of the kids fell and hit his nose on the edge of the sofa. I wonder if he remembered all of this. 
I was taken out of my thoughts when two other people, accompanied by Mark, walked into the room. They were a guy and a girl who both looked a little older than me and they didn’t look like they knew each other. They both took seats at separate tables. Mark on the other hand walked up to me. 
“I think the meeting will start in a bit.” He smiled. “I have to go but good luck with everything! It’s insane how we met again after like… 7 years? Dude, I miss Vancouver so much I really hope we can talk later and catch up on everything y'know?” 
I laughed a little, glad that he felt the same way as me. “Yeah definitely! So many things changed after you left, I swear to god it’s like a completely different place.”
“Yeah I visited once on tour-” his phone started ringing. “Shoot, they’re gonna kill me. I have to go, Hannah. Uhhh I’ll see you around?” 
I smiled. “Yeah I’ll see you around.”
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join-the-joywrite · 4 years
You are the music in me (part 1)
(mostly) juke soulmate AUs no. 1
Special thanks & shoutout to @endless-navigator and @i-spit-on-fire for helping me with my first juke soulmates au post, you guys are amazing!!
Suggested by the lovely Endless: AU where soulmates are musically connected, so whenever the one is playing music, the other hears it in their head (Everyone Is Alive AU, Trevor and Bobby are not the same person I know it doesn't make sense shh)
First of all, I love this au and my co-writers
Second of all, let's just pause for a moment to imagine Alex suffering out hours of Justin Bieber's pop music because that was Willie's playlist at one point. Alex retaliated by starting a rock band and that's the real story behind Sunset Curve, shhh
They all go to the same school & the entire grade is very aware of Julie & Carrie's rivalry for top spot in music, dance and drama. So far, Julie has music, Carrie has dance and somehow, Flynn accidentally got into drama due to an admin error in eighth grade and she's been rocking it ever since. But Julie and Carrie are best friends, don't doubt that. It may seem a little suspicious, but they do love each other.
Luke thinks Julie is a hotshot and finds Carrie super arrogant. He tolerates Flynn. He expects his best friends to do the same but Reggie adopted Flynn as his little sister and partner in crime, and Alex regularly sleeps over at Carrie's for spa night and boy gossip. Luke is very betrayed when he discovers this.
Once, Alex was over for a Dirty Candy recital and spent the next day singing the song they were performing and when Dirty Candy performed it, Luke and Reggie were Very Confused -- but half an hour later, Alex was singing Justin Bieber under his breath again.
Anyway back to the juke I initially started this for
Perfect Harmony
Luke doesn't really like Julie but he's the first to admit she's actually really talented. Julie has no idea who Luke is.
When Sunset Curve started up and found their sound, Julie decided that she couldn't wait to meet her soulmate because she was going to strangle them on sight. How was she supposed to get her homework done when all she had every afternoon was rock music???
They once independently went to the same concert and after realizing that the music wasn't bad, they were just hearing double, both got excited that their soulmate liked the music they did.
Julie wrote music with Rose a lot and often, she'd be the one singing. Luke often thought about penning down the unfamiliar lyrics to search it up later but he always forgot, getting lost in the beautiful music his soulmate listened to.
Eventually, Julie grew accustomed to the constant rock and decided to Google the lyrics in her head. After coming up blank everywhere, she concluded that her soulmate was making original music. So she had a talented soulmate. Didn't mean they weren't annoying.
Perfect Harmony
Julie still can't wait to meet her soulmate. Maybe she won't kill them on sight but she sure as hell will beat them with a cushion for the one calculus test she flunked after spending all the study time with loud music in her head.
Luke and Julie write music together
I love Luke but he's dumb and he doesn't even notice that he's writing music with his soulmate. Julie does, but only because her soulmate has a very distinct voice and any music that comes from her soulmate shares that voice and even though it's so very different to her own, there is an undeniable complimentary aspect.
Julie has like 8 duets locked away from her family that she co-wrote with her unaware soulmate.
Perfect Harmony
Sunset Curve has ballads now and then. Bobby, Reggie and Alex know why but they're not gonna tell Luke. They're just gonna share knowing glances and pretend like nothing is different. They have a bet going with how long it'll take Luke to realise.
Luke is falling in love with his soulmate because music is life and his soulmate has GREAT music taste. Unlike Julie, he hasn't yet figured out that the music in his head is original music.
Endless, Sun & I thought about killing Rose but we threw that out the window pretty quickly. Instead, we decided upon a year-long coma. In which Julie loses music.
Luke is absolutely distraught. He thinks his soulmate died. Reggie, Alex & Bobby don't think so for sure but the longer the silence goes on, the more convinced they get. It affects Luke's music too. Sunset Curve doesn't shut down like Julie did, but they do get softer.
Luke spends more time writing, singing to himself. If by some miracle, his soulmate isn't dead, then he's singing to them. Hopefully.
One day, Sunset Curve performs for Julie. Well, they don't specifically perform for her. They'd have to know her for that. Sunset Curve throws a small gig and "this song goes out to all of you who feel hopeless, like you'll never be able to wake all the passions you used to have up again."
Flynn decides Julie needs to start living again and drags her to the small mini concert because it's small and why not.
Julie goes through the entire evening in a daze, but after Flynn leaves her house later that night, Julie feels a little fuzzy, like something's wrapping her in a big warm hug. And the next day, Julie absolutely obliterates Wake Up.
A week or so after, Rose is concious again.
Now that the serious moments are done, let's get to some funnies.
Luke, distracted and bored: you with the sad eyes
Julie, trying to do her homework: W H Y
Luke, oblivious: don't be discouraged
Julie, squishing her scrap paper: >:(
Flynn finds this amusing and asks what's up. Julie growls, "he's singing Trolls."
"So sing back. Duh."
And then she does. Luke's singing gets less lazy and more energetic. Julie actually really likes Trolls music and she has to admit singing Poppy's lines are fun. Flynn is super tempted to record Julie and call it blackmail stock. Alex, Reggie and Bobby actually act on the temptation.
They do this often. Julie will be doing something mundane and then all of a sudden, there's a duet playing in her head and it's her idiot soulmate covering the song akd hoping she joins in. Thankfully, Julie is mostly alone but she wonders if her soulmate is acting a fool in front of other people just for the sake of hearing her voice. Endearing.
Julie needs some practice on her dance recitals okay, so randomly, she has the track playing on her headphones and bops her head along. Sometimes she's cleaning the kitchen and dancing with the broom pretending it's her dance partner. No I don't do that haha
It has been WEEKS of this.
Luke has developed brain cells. He now knows his soulmate is helping him write music. So he starts penning down a new song. Both of them know it's a duet. They've even had some joke practices together with no music and things like that. Julie doesn't know the music that goes with it because Luke is careful not to play it. Ever.
And so one night, Julie's down in the studio -- it's dusty and needs a little cleaning -- and pops her earbuds in and she's doin her lil dancy-dance as she listens to her the music for her dance class recital.
Reggie and Bobby: so should we leave you two alone for a minute or--
Bobby: you know we're gonna silently make fun of you the whole time
Luke: I am aware but you guys love me and you'll do this for me now shut up I have to time this perfectly
Julie is hearing double. At first she thinks maybe she never plugged her headphones in or maybe Flynn or Carrie are nearby listening to it too or -- no wait hang on a minute that doesn't sound like the track she's supposed to dance to.
Taking out her earbuds confirms that the music is in her head.
Off topic, speaking of music in her head, Luke definitely thinks I Got The Music is a Bop™
Its soft, its sweet, it's just guitar. There is no way in hell her soulmate is listening to guitar instead of playing it. She knows that much.
So now Julie has forgotten about cleaning the studio up and is pretty much standing in the same spot, just holdin on to the broom that did just two short sweeps
"Step into my world"
"Bittersweet love story bout a girl"
"Shook me the core"
Julie's brain: singggg,,,,, Julie: I'm afraid, ,,, Julie's brain, in Flynn's voice: S I N G
"Voice like an angel, never heard before"
Julie, before she can back down, "here in front of me"
Luke's eyes get so wide and so happy. Bobby takes a pause to snap a photo. When they finally find Luke's soulmate, they're gonna have so many dorky pics to show
Y'all it is the most beautiful separated duet of all time. I mean, not for the guys, the pauses are really weird but hey, at least Luke seems to be enjoying himself.
Post duet: "Mija are you singing to yourself"
Julie: (screams and throws broom) no?
You know what maybe this needs to be split for a part two...
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bittersweet netflix shadow and bone finale (s1 e8) rewatch; accoutrement: white wine with ice cubes in it (no YOU'RE a mom drink shh)
my wine's like fruity I love her
light and darkness title card we love to see it
Inej looking at Alina before she goes below deck to hide <3
okay that 'what can you really do on your own' was like not fun that shit hurted
okay but Jesper's 'not enough'? <3
oh no my baby Zoya's first inkling that Darkles does not really care
omg Helnik just appeared and I remembered how much heartbreak I have to face in this episode
gods I love Danielle as Nina so so much
'this can't be it' said she with her pleading smile with downturned eyebrows MA'AM I-
don't break my dumb little heart
I might hate Calahan's little accent but they're making me tear up
oh gods I literally cannot keep a hold on myself when Dani's accent bleeds through with full force, it's like she comes more alive or smth
'I will keep you warm' SIR WHAT-
I am surprised they showed a leaning in for a kiss so soon but I'm not mad about it
her little eyebrow twitch at 'what are waffles'
when that rando said 'i hunt slavers now' a dread settled into me because I knew what was about to go down
Matthias looking somberly at the stuffed wolf's head </3
I am so incredibly entranced by this exchange between Fedyor and Nina and what it represents, it's very interesting that they pushed up their storyline to match with the timeline
damn it's kind of jarring to be back in the Fold
'REMEMBER WHO'S DRIVING'??!!!! *you better stop* meme, *i am, disgusted* meme, *oh wow, oh wow* meme
Mal you fucking idiot you could never take the crows by surprise
the music rising as Kaz starts explaining his thought process, fucking perfection
haha Mal bitchass Inej caught you
'Because if he isn't with Kirigan's crew, he's with ours' WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED
'And why would we destroy the Fold? It's the greatest weapon we've got' valid point at the moment but you know I don't necessarily agree with your methods
the use of the light tunnel in the show instead of Alina just being a super flashlight in the books is quite an interesting addition as well
is this an inappropriate time to point out how pretty Ben Barnes is
okay I kind of love the depiction of the shadow powers okay sue me
'they are traitors who tried to kill you' why are you suddenly making valid points despite having kind of committed low scale genocide
Kaz's face going from 'can you believe this idiot' at Mal to 'fuck me I'm gonna do the same thing aren't I' at Inej
'For who would oppose us now?' *himbo romantic rival appears out of nowhere and shoots at him* god I love this show
him standing calmly in his ridiculous all black attire after nodding at his soldier to stop the himbo in his tracks, i fucking can't
could she summon light without the Darkling making her after he put the collar on her until the uhm moment in the books? idts but in the show she can hmm
'only because I'm not in the game' you tell him Jesper
not me snickering at 'you'll be seen not as a saviour, but as a heretic' LMFAO
'Shame. I'll have to give that speech again now.' THIS SHOW IS A FUCKING COMEDY AND YOU CAN'T PROVE ME WRONG
Darkles casually whipping the Cut out like a shuriken or a throwing knife at Jesper because he shot at him lmao I can't
that moment where you actually think that affected him despite having read the books and watched the show
and then he has to go and fucking say 'it will take more than this' and I can't be help but be a little bit impressed at this old fool's resilience
throwback to when he said 'the king is a child' sir you make some valid points sometimes and it does make it difficult to hate you
I would just like to inform everyone that it is currently 6:09 am IST and I am sipping my second mug of wine while watching netflix sab for the second time instead of doing my three papers that are due tomorrow
I'm sorry but Inej jumping to check on Zoya after she gets knocked over by the volcra? first class display of solidarity and sisterhood as well as Inej's inherent kindness
Kaz jumping in front of a FUCKING VOLCRA AND STABBING IT WITH HIS CANE to save Inej, you best believe love is true, kids
god the volcra are so ugly and gross, they did such a good job with them
they kind of remind me of these creatures (I think they might have been called Hollows or smth) from the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie
despite my dislike for the callous nature with which the stag plotline was handled, I kind of dig the stag vision scene
'It's just me and you now, Alina. And we're all we need, anyway.' I actually feel bad for this old fool simping for this wonderful gorgeous powerful woman despite lying to her and manipulating her and exploiting her power
okay 'I never needed you' *stabs the bone fragment out of his hand* beautiful power move I fucking love you so so much
alright ben looking like ✨ that✨ not only in physical pain but also emotional pain at what the Darkling clearly considers another betrayal from this girl he wants to give the world and maybe? loves? maybe? or at least has feelings for makes my fucking heart hurt while simultaneously soar at Alina taking back control and reclaiming her power as her own and stepping into her own
'how do you claim such power' okay could have had better dialogue there writers
the fucking score lifting as she says 'you cannot claim what was not given to you' good people my heart is full
one day I'll talk about my defense of the chosen one trope because god damn I kind of love it
hmm I wonder was that brief hesitation that we saw on Alina's face due to her thinking about the 'you chose to betray our people' comment or the 'i was trying to save us' comment because that will define some of her actions in the later seasons (hopefully god if we get some, I honestly don't know what with this stupid brownface debacle)
I'm not saying talking about brownface and pointing out that it is wrong (for further context, I am actually brown) and harmful is stupid btw I'm talking about the incidents involving brownface in question
I don't wanna talk about this anymore but I might feel like I need to and end up posting about it idk
goodness Ivan actually believing in this cause makes me so sad because he too has been victimized by the system that ostracizes Grisha and he has every right to feel the way that he does
Ben actually fighting in that ridiculously heavy cloak and kefta when he's about to turn 40 this year makes me super impressed because I as a 19 year old sometimes wake up with muscle pulls after weeks of inactivity it's weird idk
also I understand that this Mal Darkling fight is completely fanservice and serves nearly no purpose to the plot in general but like I? love it?
'I don't have to kill you Darkling. Your past will do it for me' YES HIMBO GO OFF YOU TELL THAT OLD MAN GODS THAT WAS SEXY AS FUCK
maybe it's because I know Darkles will survive and will come out of it more powerful but I can't get myself to feel bad for him at the moment
Inej and Mal tearing up at Alina's condition made me almost feel something despite it being super obvious she was gonna be fine and save their asses at the last moment
a solitary Kaz in spotted on the western side of the newly expanded fold in his signature all black emo boy look
okay but the crows with zoya and malina is such an adorable team? I literally love them so much?
okay I know they had one interaction but Mal and Jesper would be besties in another universe
Kaz glaring at Jesper when he answers ''course not' to Alina's 'will you still be trying to kidnap me?' tell me one fucking adaptation that got the dynamics between characters this perfectly
okay why do I love that Alina kept the jewellery as maybe a small nod to she has the wits to, um, you know, I don't wanna say steal, but, um, yeah, steal it because she knew she would need money to survive on the run
oh Jessie I love you so much I wish you hadn't said those things on you ig story about the brownface
it's like every single celeb I grow attached to god's like nope that one is going to do or say something problematic (hey btw im not reassigning blame to god for stuff people have done out of their own free will, 'twas a joke)
AAAAAAAH them saying 'the deal is the deal' in the show even though they didn't have to but like they did and I love them for it
Inej literally not being able to not stare at Kaz's face and smile after this <3
'I didn't expect it to burn at all. But it can be destroyed in the end. Just like him' babe you're not wrong but like um just you wait
god Mal being on supportive boyfie mode is well, absolutely adorable, obviously, but I wish we got to see more of him as a person outside of his attachment to Alina
kaz my little demjin I wish you hadn't have had to suffer so much to meet the crows and find your calling
fastforwarding Zoya's arc is also an interesting choice to me
I wish the hug hadn't been done though, it didn't feel earned
maybe Alina awkwardly and half-heartedly (remember, at this point the alliance is fresh and they still don't entirely trust each other) reached for a hug and Zoya avoided her? and then the rest of Zoya's lines followed? that would have made more sense to me at least
I love Sujaya as well, she brought life into Zoya with whatever little screentime and scraps of writing she got
inej asking kaz 'what's your angle?' beep bop bleep morp I sense another incoming embarrassing love confession
'but we do need you' *stares at her face intensely* 'I need you' ah look at the clock, look's like it's time to screech and flap your arms like you're a volcra because you're incapable of containing your emotions
helnik my loves you don't deserve this I'm so sorry for both of you
Matthias fucking smiling ruefully while he says 'this was... just a cruel joke all along' THIS IS NOT FUCKING OKAY
omg hellgate
Nina genuinely being curious as to the status of the sun saint because she obviously still cares
Also, 'But she is a Saint' okay Kaz trying to earn brownie points you have succeeded
gods I know I'll probably see them again but my heart is full of sorrow as my eyes drink in the sight of my crows for the last time for a while
I know people were annoyed at the meadow flashbacks but guess what? as a darklina, I loved them
'now that the Darkling is dead' could have phrased that a little differently my dudes that line needed to hold more weight
am I glad that they showed Darkles in this state with his nichevo'ya as a tasty little cliffhanger despite not being entirely true to the source material? maybe but only because Ben Barnes saying 'follow' and the nichevo'ya doing exactly so sent a chill down my spine
well, that's it for now, I'll have to move on I guess, get back to my real life which I'm obviously not ready to do
thank you to whoever actually read these things
I probably should have just made reactions or commentary videos instead but I'm lazy
my tumblr will probably go into inactivity once more as I emerge from my stint in the grishaverse
it was quite short (less than 2 months), considering the length of my other obsessions but it was definitely more intense than the other ones
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
Nightmare (2)
Warnings: male masturbation, mentions of smut etc.
Note: Nvm what I said before, this is definitely gonna have more than 3 parts lmao.
Part 1 | Part 3
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When you woke up, you felt yourself wrapped in a warm embrace. Confused, you turned slightly to see Minho’s sleeping visage. You almost squealed before shutting yourself up with one hand, as Minho’s entire body was pressed up against yours...and that meant you could feel something hard poke against your ass. You tried to move, but Minho’s hands were firmly wrapped around your waist in a death grip. Your shifting only made him pull you closer in his sleep, his morning wood poking deeper into your panties.
“M-Minho...? It’s time to wake up now.” You said, as you used your free hand to poke him. You were answered with a grumpy, half-asleep mumble, and then suddenly you were turned around, your face pressed into his bare chest. A blush spread across your cheeks- his skin was soft and you could smell his signature scent.
“Minhoooo.” You whined, trying to wriggle out of his grip, but the man was way stronger than you, and kept you in place. You sighed, giving up and resting your head against him.
You couldn’t deny how secure and comfortable you felt, lying in his arms like this. However the bittersweet knowledge that once he woke up, he’d probably shoot away from you filled your mind, which was a sobering thought.
So he did come back last night after all. Was it after they had sex or did he not have sex at all? You expelled the thoughts, choosing to close your eyes again, cherishing the moment. You felt so safe and warm.
There was probably an alternate universe in which you would wake you Minho up with a kiss...a world in which you were together. However in this reality, Minho was an asshole with priorities that mattered over you. The anger from yesterday night seeped back into you.
So you summoned all your strength to pry his hands away, prompting a whine from him. You slid off the bed before he could pull you back into his arms. You sat on the floor for a while, before slowly getting to your knees and peering over the bed. Minho had turned around, his back now facing you and his snores louder than ever. You let out a phew, and made your way to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Meanwhile, Minho’s eyes shot open just as he heard you close the door behind you. He sighed and sat up on the bed. He hadn’t wanted you to know he was awake, and was consciously holding you close to him. He scrunched his eyes shut as he turned to the side and pressed his face to the pillow, groaning. What was he doing?
He sat up and pushed the sheets off of him, sighing when he noticed his morning wood. He could also smell the scent of your body wash lingering- the smell of clean lemon flowers permeating the air.
Getting up, he headed for the shower so he could clean up and take care of his pesky little situation.
Naked, he leaned against the shower wall, taking his cock in his hand and stroking it slowly. He sifted through his mental library for something worth jerking off to.
The blonde he met at the laundromat last Sunday? Nah. He recalled how annoying her voice was when he had asked her for her number. Perhaps the brunette in his psych class? Ugh, no. Maybe he should think of some porn scene that had turned him on...? No luck.
Minho’s mind automatically drifted to last night, when he saw you spread out like that on his bed, wearing his shirt and with your ass on full display.
No. He slapped himself with his free hand. There was no way he was gonna get off to the thought of you. It was bad enough that he’d had some mature thoughts about you the night before...masturbating to you would have devastating consequences for his conscience.
But he couldn’t help it. As much as he tried to conjure some other sexy image, you stayed stubbornly.
Minho almost screamed with how much his cock was begging him to give up already. Finally he gave in, his head slamming against the shower wall as he pumped his dick hard, imagining up a situation where you woke up as he was pressed against you...letting him slide your panties to the side and slip his cock in to your tight, wet heat.
When he finally came, harder than he’d ever cum before...he thought about what he had just done. He felt filthy. What would you think of him, if you knew? He was too embarrassed to even think of looking at your face now. He uncomfortably recalled how he’d referred to you as his little sister during middle school. That phase was over, but it still disturbed him to think about how he’d just gotten off to someone who he cared about that much.
Minho stepped out of the shower. He dried himself off, found some clothes and his bag, and made his way to the living room. You were standing in the open kitchen, stirring something in a pan. He noticed how you’d pulled on some shorts, but was still wearing his shirt.
You heard his footsteps and whipped around. He made brief eye contact before quickly walking to the door.
“Wait, Minho...don’t you want some breakfast?”
He rolled his eyes, and didn’t reply.
With that, he slammed the door behind him, leaving you confused and hurt.
You felt tears prickling the corners of your eyes. Was he mad at you because you slept in his bed yesterday?
You didn’t know. All you knew was that you were too exhausted for this. You had classes to attend, too. So you turned your attention back to the stove, driving Minho away from your mind and giving him a backseat in your brain.
As Minho made his way through campus that evening to get back home, his mind was filled about how he shouldn’t have acted that way in the morning. It wasn’t your fault that he’d been such a pervert, after all. He practiced his apology as he walked...but then he caught a flash of red hair in the distance.
Fuck. It was the redhead from yesterday.
She stopped in front of him, crossing her arms.
“What the fuck was that all about, Minho? You were the one who came onto me, and then you ditch at the last second? It was so fucking humiliating. People saw you rushing to leave the party right after you entered the room with me.”
She looked really angry. Minho wasn’t used to the girls he screwed over being this mad; most of them were already well aware of his reputation.
“Look, Rita, I’m sorry okay? Something came up. I’ll make it up to you.”
“You asshole, it’s Rina. And don’t think I’ll let this by so easily.” She smirked, and Minho raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, just that my father is the Chief of Police. And if I were to tell him that you were running around molesting girls...I’m pretty sure he’d believe me. Especially because there are tons of girls you’ve wronged that would love to back me up.”
Minho’s mind was swimming. This couldn’t be happening, not today. He couldn’t think of anything to say, his breath catching in his throat. Rina’s smirk grew wider, watching as he started sweating.
Then, an idea popped into his head.
“I’m dating someone!” He blurted.
Rina’s smirk dropped off her face. “W-What?”
“I mean...we got together recently, though I’ve been crushing on her for a while. And...since I’m such a playboy, I kinda forgot I’m supposed to not fuck other girls anymore, haha...I’m really really sorry.”
Rina faltered. “I...you have a girlfriend?”
“You, the Lee Minho...has a girlfriend.”
He nodded tightly. “I’m sorry for all the inconvenience I caused, but I couldn’t cheat on her...I hope you understand.”
Rina looked skeptical. “Fine. Hey, I’m throwing a party next Saturday. How about you come with your ‘girlfriend’, hmm? I’d love to meet her.”
Minho wiped away some sweat as he nodded. “Yeah, totally...she’d love to come.”
Rina smiled. “Great!”
When you heard the door open, you made it a point to avoid looking at him, your eyes trained on the TV.
You heard the whisper behind you, but elected to ignore it.
Minho plopped down next to you, holding out a paper bag. “I got you macarons.”
You whipped your head around at that, your eyes lighting up. He put the bag in your hand, watching as you opened it excitedly, taking a bite out of one macaron. Your face contorted with ecstasy as you moaned. Minho chuckled.
“I don’t think I wanna witness you having sex with a macaron, so I’m gonna ask you now...am I forgiven?”
“For what?”
“For being late to our Movie Night yesterday...and also my rude behavior in the morning.”
You nodded. “Yeah, I forgive you. But only because of these.” You pointed to the bag and he laughed, then remembered why he went to the store to get you the sweets in the first place.
“Um...there’s a favour I’d like to ask of you...”
You turned around to face him, cheeks stuffed with the dessert. He held in his laughter- you looked like a chipmunk.
“Ugh, this is serious, okay? Stop being so goofy, you doofus.”
You swallowed what was in your mouth. “Sorry. Continue?”
He inhaled deeply. “I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for a week.”
You sat there, stunned.
“W...what? Why?”
“Well...there’s this girl I didn’t fuck last night. And...she’s pretty pissed at me. So I may or may not have told her that I have a girlfriend...”
You shook your head. “And you’re asking me to do this because...?”
“Because you’re my only female friend?”
You let out a huge sigh, setting the bag on the table. “So these weren’t just an apology, they’re a bribe?”
“No! it’s just something I bought to convince you into doing what I wanted, since I knew you would say no immediately...oh wait, I guess it was a bribe after all.”
“Minho...I have a life, you know? And I’ve got better things to do than pretend to date you.” Although you couldn’t imagine what would be better than an excuse to hold Minho’s hands, even briefly...you drifted off, imagining Minho being your boyfriend, a giddy smile appearing on your face.
You snapped out of it, eyes shooting open. “Wha...?”
Then again, this was a bad idea. Having to pretend to be in love with Minho when you actually were wouldn’t end well, and you told yourself that mentally.
“Absolutely not. I’m not gonna set aside my commitments to prance around as your girlfriend just because you made a mistake, and didn’t fuck one girl.”
Minho exhaled.
“Y/n...the girl’s father is the Chief of Police. She told me she’d report me to him as a sexual offender. And even if I somehow convince her not to do that, there are a thousand other girls who would want to do stuff like that as well, girl who would kill to get some revenge on me. I...need to clear my reputation. Scrub the slate blank. Please help me.”
Your eyes wide, you digested this information. Fuck, you really had no choice.
He looked away. “It’s fine, y/n, you don’t have to agree. You’re right. I got myself into this mess...I kinda deserve it.”
He got up to leave, but your arm shot up to hold him in place. “Wait!”
Your eyes took in his hopeful face and you melted. Ugh. You hated the effect he had on you.
“Fine, I’ll do it.”
A wide grin spread across his face as he surged forward, wrapping you in a tight hug. He pressed his nose into your neck and you almost sighed. Was this a bad idea? Would you regret it?
As Minho pulled away, his wide smile still present on his face, your heart softened.
Nah. This was the right thing to do. After all, what good is a best friend if he’s in jail?
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fydream · 4 years
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✰ how to be a heartbreaker
↳ so what happens when park jisung, the school’s infamous fuckboy runs into the new girl at school? out of boredom he decides it’ll be fun to have someone new to play with, but little does he know, she’s learning how to be a heartbreaker.
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a/n: hi! an authors note before this chapter begins! 1. yes i know the formatting is different but that’s only because this chapter is 5.9k words long!! (yes you heard me!! 5.9k!! that’s the most ive written for anything published on this blog!!) so there will be a cut bc i know it’s annoying to scroll past long posts haha. 2. i know i didn’t mention it in this chapter but i just wanted to say that if you did want to listen to music while reading this, during y/n and jisung’s scene you should definitely listen to euphoria by bts and that jeno and donghyuck’s song is i.l.y. by the rose. i hope u guys enjoy!
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An hour or so later you're running out your front door to meet Jisung, who already regrets saying he'll wait.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-" You apologize. "I didn't mean to take that long you must've been bored out of your mind!"
"It's okay." Jisung reassures. "We won't be there that long, we might be a little late to hoco if that's okay with you."
"That's fine!! Just let me text Donghyuck that I'm with you then."
The ride to where Jisung is taking you is quiet, nothing but his various hums to the music he plays as as he drives. It's nice, it reminds you of the first time he gave you a ride home. Quiet, but comfortable.
Instead of looking at your phone you look out the window, then take a second to look at Jisung before looking back out the window again.
You so weren't slick about it either because he notices how you quick you look away and how eager you are to sneak another glance.
"What?" He asks. "Why'd you look at me like that?"
"It's nothing.." You mumble, trying best to hide the smile that's slowly creeping up on your face.
"C'mon." He insists. "Tell me!!" He tries to make it sound like he doesn't care about the topic that much, but his vocal chords work against him as it comes out as a whine.
"Nothing.. It's just.. You look like that, and I look like this.."
"What, you mean beautiful like always?"
Jisung makes note of how quickly your cheeks turn pink at the comment he made.
"You can't just say that!" You argue.
"Yes I can, you're my date tonight after all. What kind of person would I be to not compliment their date?"
You open your mouth, about to speak before he cuts you off from your thought. "And don't worry y/n. I'll take that look as a compliment itself." He snickers.
"Hey!" You shout, earning another laugh from him.
"Hey Jisung?" You ask once the giggles die down.
"Don't tell anyone I've said this but um.." You start, trailing off at the last part. "Donghyuck has uh, told me things.. about you." You notice how he looks at you, how the expression on his face quickly changes from happy and carefree, to concerned and worried. "I know you probably know what I'm talking about.. I uh- I can kinda.. tell.."
"Yeah." He whispers, trying to block out what you just told him.
"But y'know. I think he's got you all wrong."
"You do?" He asks, a bit too eagerly.
"I do." You say. "From the past how many weeks? Of knowing you, we've gotten close. And I don't think you're anything like that, at least, not anymore.. I've seen the difference between how you act in class and when you're with Jeno and Jaemin, than how you are when we're together and I'd like to hope it isn't just an act. I'm not stupid, y'know."
"I never said you were, I never thought you were either."
"I know. You're not too hard to read, y'know."
For once, Jisung is left speechless. This is the first time anyone has really brought this up on him and he has no idea how to respond. Questions begin to flood his thoughts as he begins to wonder what do you know. Do you know the real reason why he asked you out? How long have you known? What if you never want to talk to him again?
"I-" He tries to speak, but nothing comes out.
"It's okay. I don't know everything about you." You scoff, watching as the boy next to you lets out an exhale. "I don't know that much, but I know enough."
"Enough?" He asks.
"Enough to know that if you are going to break my heart, you should do it right now. Because this is the part where I'm about to tell you how much I like you, and I don't want you getting that satisfaction."
Once you're done talking, you give him a smile. It's a small, innocent, bittersweet smile. It's one of the smiles you would give out to other girls who were ever mean to you, it's subtle, but it gets the point across.
"So what'll be? Park Jisung." You ask, awaiting a response.
Jisung has many things to think about right now, the most important one being driving. He still has yet to process everything you just told him, let alone figure out what to say.
"I.. don't know what to tell you, y/n." He sighs. "I don't want to hurt you.. Can you give me a few minutes?"
"You can have all the time in the world, sweetheart."
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When Jisung finally decides to talk to you once you've reached your destination. If you're going to be honest, it was the most awkward car ride you've been in.
"Okay." He starts, closing his car door. "I know that was way more than a few minutes but I just wanted to tell you this here."
The spot that he had taken you to was a little hill area, on the other side of town. From the top of it you could see the sun set as it's golden rays covered the place you called home. You weren't going to lie, it was beautiful indeed but you didn't care for it at the moment. What you wanted to know was what he was going to say.
"I was.. gonna tell you this here no matter what happened so uh.. Here goes nothing?" There's hesitation, and you can already tell that whatever he was going to tell you was something big. "I'm not here to break your heart, y/n. I know, that's what you thought and probably what everyone else thought too but.. you're different. I know this."
Your brain wants you to call bullshit on that statement but your heart prevents you from doing so. The logical part of you believes that it's probably all a lie, an act just to get you to fall for him. You know this. You know the stories, you've seen the receipts of what he's done to people before you, and you can only assume the things he'll do just to make you fall for him. But if you knew this, then why does it still work?
"Am I really different?" You ask, looking up at him with shaky eyes.
He chuckles.
"Well, yeah. For starters, you're the first girl to ever call me out on my bullshit like that so.." He jokes. "I know.. you're scared. But you shouldn't be." He whispers. "You really are different. I promise."
"Listen, Jisung." You start. "I really want to believe you. It's just hard, because you haven't really given me a reason on why I should."
"That's okay. I understand." He says softly. "I didn't expect you to."
For a second, your heart breaks. It would've continued if he didn't continue talking right then and there.
"But what if I told you all the reasons why you should?" He asks, giving you a shy smile.
"What are they?"
"Well first of all. You're smart. You're smarter than I'll ever be. You've figured me out in what? The span of three months? You don't give yourself enough credit than you deserve. Second of all, you're really passionate about a lot of things. Like that time we argued in the library over the best Stranger Things season? Even though you were wrong, you kept arguing against me."
"Hey!" You exclaim, while Jisung gives you a smile in response.
"Third of all, you're really cute. Don't think I don't notice how your nose scrunches whenever I make a comment you don't like, or how easily you get excited over the simplest things. Remember when we walked to the cafe across the street from school? You got excited because the place had good boba, out of all things. Do you know how ridiculous you sounded?"
"Well- yeah! That's because it was a cafe! And not a boba shop!" You defend.
"I'm kidding." He chuckles. "Also, did you know that whenever you get embarrassed over something not only your cheeks turn pink, but your nose does too."
"You can stop now.. y'know.." You mumble.
"These are just a few things that I like about you, y/n. Do I need to tell you all of them for you to believe me?" He asks, looking at you innocently, as if he didn't just give you the biggest ego boost of all time.
"I believe you." You giggle as he pulls you in for a tight hug.
"Thanks, love." He whispers, placing a light kiss on the top of your head. "Now it's your turn. What were you going to tell me in the car?"
The next hour or so is spent with you two talking about each other, both of you giving out compliments as if there were no tomorrow. If it weren't for the sun being completely gone then you two probably wouldn't have noticed how long you've been alone together.
"Oh my god." Jisung exclaims. "What time is it?"
"Uhm.. Seven fifteen?" You respond, quite confused on why he was suddenly freaking out.
"We have to go, now. They're going to close the doors in like ten minutes."
"Oh. Okay!" You smile, eagerly skipping back to Jisung's car with his hand intertwined with yours. "We better get going then, huh?"
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"Y/n said that she might be late because she's with Jisung already." Donghyuck tells Renjun and Chenle once pull up in front of his house.
Renjun had driven both of them together due to them only being a block away from each other. Donghyuck on the other hand was going to drive you, but when you texted him that you were already with Jisung he decided to ask Renjun for a ride. "Sorry for the inconvenience.. by the way." He mumbles, buckling his seat belt.
"It's alright. Where do you think they went?" Renjun asks.
"Hell if I know. This is the most I've seen Jisung do for anyone." Donghyuck retorts, clearly bitter about being ditched by his best friend.
"Should we be worried?" Chenle asks.
"I don't think so." Donghyuck responds. "Y/n is her own person and she can handle herself, plus what the fuck is Jisung even gonna do? They probably went to take pictures or something."
Chenle shrugs. "I guess so. How are you doing then?"
"What do you mean?"
Chenle shrugs again. "You know what I mean. During the time you two fought you barely said anything to each other, it was just her hanging out with Jisung. Then, even after you made up she ditched us to hang out with him and even now they're probably on a date before the dance or something. How are you dealing with it?"
Once Chenle is done talking, Renjun shoots him a glare before hitting him lightly on the back of his head.
"Ouchie.. That hurt!" Chenle whines. "Aren't you supposed to be driving Junnie.~~" He teases.
"Yeah but I'm also trying to make sure no one fucking cries tonight." He hisses. "Why would you even ask that?"
"I dunno. Was curious I guess?"
"Haven't you heard the phrase curiosity killed the cat?"
"It's been alright." Donghyuck says to prevent Renjun from harming Chenle any more. "I haven't really thought about it I guess? I mean.. I was the one who assigned her to Jisung after all so.."
"Do you think she y'know? Likes him?" He asks.
"Whaaaat?? I'm just asking."
"Zhong Chenle you will drop this topic before I stop this car and make you walk to homecoming alone."
"You wouldn't do that. You love me too much."
"Don't try me." Renjun threatens, turning on his blinker.
"Okay okay.. god.."
"Are you two done arguing now?" Donghyuck asks, rolling his eyes. "And no, Chenle. I don't think she does. If she did she would've told me by now."
"Alright Hyuck.. Whatever you say."
Sooner than later the three arrive at school where Renjun drops off Chenle and Donghyuck to hop in the line already forming before leaving to park his car.
"Ask any more questions Lele, and you're walking home." Renjun threatens before Chenle slams the car door on him.
"I mean it this time!" Renjun yells as he watches the two boys walk away from him.
"So." Chenle starts as Renjun drives off. "What's your answer?"
Donghyuck gives him a confused look. "Answer?"
"To y'know.. the question."
"I already told you."
"No silly, I meant your real answer."
Donghyuck is silent for a second before he decides to answer.
"How did you know?" He asks, and Chenle giggles.
"You just told me." He laughs. "I didn't think you'd walk into that one, Hyuck."
"Oh shut up." Donghyuck teases. "It's not like it would matter or anything."
"I supposed you're right." Chenle hums. "But if it did.. Then what?"
"Then I'd tell her to get out of there." Donghyuck whispers to himself.
"Oh- uh, nothing. I dunno." Donghyuck responds. He knows he has no chance in fooling Chenle but even after that response you'd know not to bother him about the topic anymore.
Once Renjun is done parking he meets up with the two boys and they discuss about how their night will go. While the line slowly moves Renjun argues with Chenle that they should take photos first. Chenle argues back saying that he wants snacks and that all the good ones will be gone if they wait too long. While this goes on Donghyuck has been sending you frequent texts.
[hyuck: hey! we're in line now! see you in a bit?]
[hyuck: are you on your way soon?]
[hyuck: pls hurry.. renle fighting.. dk what to do..]
Needless to say, you haven't responded to any one of them, leaving Donghyuck wonder what you were even doing.
After successfully waiting in line and making it through their schools quick security check, Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck had finally made it inside the gymnasium where the dance was being held.
Once inside they move to an quieter place, where they could talk without having to yell over the already loud music that's being played.
"What about you Hyuck?" Renjun asks. "What do you want to do first?"
"Hmm? What? Sorry." Donghyuck responds, checking his phone once more before pocketing it. "What's happening?"
Renjun frowns. "You weren't listening, huh?"
"No, sorry." He apologizes. "Y/n hasn't texted me back yet and I don't want to do anything until she gets here y'know?"
"Don't worry Hyuck, it's possible they're still outside or something. They just opened the doors y'know."
"Yeah I know.. I'm just.. yeah."
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Ten minutes later, you still haven't responded and the music is loud, but it's not loud enough to drown out Donghyuck's heartbeat as he frantically awaits your arrival. As each second passes by he begins to regret letting you go with Jisung, because you're never late, but the second that he lets Jisung control how your night starts you're ten minutes late and they're be closing the doors to the dance soon.
Renjun begins to notice that you aren't here either and decides walk over to Donghyuck to ask if he knew where you were.
"Hyuck, is Y/n here yet?" He asks, tapping his shoulder lightly.
Donghyuck gives no verbal response, instead he shakes his head while he fiddles with his phone checking back if you happened to text him. "I don't know where she is Junnie.."
"Hey, it's okay." He reassures. "It's not like she's in danger or anything, I know you don't trust Jisung that much but I doubt he'd do anything to hurt her. She'll be here soon, okay? I promise."
"Junnie~~" Chenle whines, popping up from behind them. "I'm boredddd. Can't we just do something already?"
"Lele, not now." Renjun shoos. "We're talking here."
"It's okay." Donghyuck says. "You guys can go do something, it's fine. I don't want to keep you from having fun tonight."
"Are you sure?" Renjun asks, he knows not to believe Donghyuck but he's getting quite annoyed at the fact that Chenle keeps pulling at his arm.
"Yeah. It's fine, if anything happens I'll text one of you."
"You heard him!! Let's go!!" Chenle exclaims before grabbing Renjun by the arm to drag him to god knows where.
"Chenle!" Renjun yelps. "I-I'll text you Hyuck! We won't be gone for long. I swear!" He yells back at him.
And then the two were gone. Leaving Donghyuck alone, by himself.
One of the worst feelings in the world is feeling alone, in a place full of people.
He doesn't know why he let them go off without him, maybe it's because he wanted to be alone, or maybe it's because he didn't know any better. But standing alone on the sides of a school dance, with no one to talk to really shows how lonely you are. He knows none of you meant to do it to him on purpose, it's just him overthinking things after all. But if he was okay with them leaving, then why did it hurt?
Deciding it was awkward enough to just stand there and people watch, Donghyuck decides to go back on his phone. He checks your text messages only to see no response. "Great." He thinks to himself. "You said you would be here, but you're not. I guess you did spend a lot of time with them after all."
Donghyuck feels himself about to cry when someone taps his shoulder. He closes his eyes trying to fight back the few tears that threaten to spill before having to talk to whoever was with him. He didn't want to answer any questions on why he was crying, only knowing that if someone asked him if he was okay he wouldn't be able to control them.
When Donghyuck looks up from his phone, the last person he expected to see is standing in front of him.
"Hi." Jeno greets. It's short, and airy. But it's just enough to get his heart racing. Is it from fear? Worry? Or is it from the fact that his ex, just so happened to catch him at the wrong place and wrong time.
"Hi." Donghyuck responds. It doesn't mean much because he didn't put any emotion into it, instead he decides to focus his attention elsewhere. He looks past Jeno towards the entrance of the gymnasium in hopes of seeing you walk in, spoiler alert, you didn't. "Chenle and Renjun picked the worst time to leave.." He thinks to himself. "I can't blame them though, after all I did tell them it was okay."
"You um- You look beautiful." Jeno compliments, giving Donghyuck a half-hearted smile. "So I've been told.." Donghyuck murmurs before attempting to push past the boy standing in front of him. "Listen. I don't have any time for this right now. Y/n said she would be here and she's not so-"
"Hyuck- Donghyuck, wait." Jeno starts, grabbing Donghyuck's wrist to prevent him from going any further.
"What the fuck? Let go of me!" He yells. It's loud enough to get the attention of a few people around him, but the music the DJ is playing is way to loud for them to have heard what he said.
"Hyuckie, I- Will you please let me explain?" Jeno practically begs, this is the first time that he and Donghyuck have interacted in person since the break up and he can already tell that he's blowing it.
"Don't- Don't call me that." Donghyuck states, hesitant to answer. "You've already explained yourself enough."
"Hyuckie.. Please. We haven't talked in months, you haven't let me say anything."
Of course, Jeno had to find Donghyuck in one of these moments, where one of their songs was being played by the DJ. It was one of the songs that Jeno had showed him, meaning it left such a big impact on his heart. He doesn't know what to do, does he accept Jeno's offer and let him explain? Or does he continue the rest of his high school career pretending that Jeno doesn't exist, leaving many questions unanswered.
Panic starts to fill Donghyuck as he looks around to see if anyone had noticed him and Jeno together. It would cause a bunch of talk, considering that fact that they were both pretty popular and that teenagers loved to start rumors.
He notices Jaemin as he spots Jeno from across the room, by the way Jaemin is walking towards them he can tell that he was looking for Jeno himself, clearly unhappy and very confused where he found him. He glances back at the entrance for a split second before looking towards the direction that his two friends had gone off in, only to see them walking back towards him, just as confused as Jaemin is. He can see the concern rise in Renjun once he sees who Donghyuck is with, as he grabs Chenle's arm to drag him across the makeshift dance floor that their school has created, where Chenle had decided to stop to talk to a few friends.
He looks back towards the entrance and to his luck he sees you and Jisung walk in. Thankful, he lets out a sigh of relief because he sees that you're here and that you're safe. He notices the smile that you have on your face and though he was a bit far away he can tell it's a genuine smile, like one of the one's you would show him when it was just you two hanging out. "I guess I worried for nothing." He thinks to himself, as he watches you two skip in, hands intertwined.
And amongst all this commotion happening at once, his ex, out of all people had to come up to him and ask him a question he knew he wouldn't be able to answer. So what does he do? He panics, of course.
"Oh my fucking god.." Donghyuck mumbles to no one in particular. Jeno seems to hear it but he doesn't process it because he's too busy being dragged by Donghyuck who was attempting to blend in with the big group of people who happened to pass by.
When Renjun, Chenle, and Jaemin end up where Donghyuck and Jeno were previously standing they're left more confused on where the two went. Though it's loud, Donghyuck manages to pick out Renjun's voice yell "What the fuck?" over a crowd of teenagers.
Donghyuck smiles to himself, knowing that he successfully got away. He didn't think it'd work, he'd only seen it in movies before and you know what people say, it's just movie magic after all.
"Where are we going?" Jeno asks innocently.
"Outside." Donghyuck responds, leading their way towards the "exit" sign on the other side of the gymnasium.
"Why?" Jeno asks once more, and Donghyuck turns around just to shoot him a glare.
"So no one. fucking. sees us." He grits through his teeth.
Needless to say, Jeno doesn't ask any more questions after that.
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"Where is everyone?" You ask Jisung through the fit of giggles you let out.
"I dunno. Jeno isn't answering his phone so I'll call Jaemin, yeah?" He responds, just as giddy as you are.
"Oh, I was talking about Renjun, Chenle, and Hyuck."
"You can hang with us for a bit!" Jisung insists.
"I know but I haven't seen them all day." You pout. "I'll hang out with you after!! Besides, they're my best friends after all. How would you feel if I took you away from Jeno and Jaemin?"
"My dear you're allowed to do that any day of the week. I like you better than them anyways." He teases.
"Oh shut up. You know what I meant." You snort. "Can we just go find them please?"
"Yeah, hold on- Hi Jaemin!" Jisung says through his phone. "What? Sorry.. I can't really hear you. Is that Renjun? Why is he yelling at you?"
Your ears perk up hearing the name of your friend leave Jisung's mouth. "Renjun?" You ask, looking at him curious. "Are they okay?"
Jisung nods at you while trying to hear what Jaemin has to say, it's hard considering the fact that there's not only loud music coming from his phone speakers but the voice of an angry boy as well, and to add onto that, the same music being played just a couple feet away from you.
Pouting, you look at him. Jisung can tell you're worried about your friends by the way that your pupils shake as he pulls you into another tight hug, hoping to ease a bit of the worry.
From then you can kind of make out the conversation on the phone, it's something about Jeno and Donghyuck being together then suddenly disappearing out of thin air, like a magic trick.
"Where are you?" Jisung asks.
"We're in one of the back corners." Jaemin yells through his phone. "The uhh.. One on the right, your left."
"Okay. We're on our way." Jisung says before hanging up.
"I guess our night of fun had to end somewhere." He tells you before you two head further into the gymnasium to meet up with your friends.
Once you meet up with the three boys you're greeted with a hug from Chenle while you watch as Renjun and Jaemin argue.
"So they were right here?" You ask tapping Renjun's shoulder.
"Yeah. And then all of a sudden they disappeared." He says, quite frantically.
"Y'know worrying isn't going to do anything." Jaemin taunts.
"Yeah! And you making snarky comments doesn't help either!" Renjun shoots back.
"Can you two stop bickering a second?" Chenle snaps, surprising all of you. "We have no idea where the fuck they went and for the past five minutes all you two have done is argue? Why haven't we checked anywhere yet?"
"Because, Lele. They could be anywhere. We're in a room full of teenagers." Renjun states.
"For once, I agree with this one." Jaemin adds on, earning a glare from Renjun and a facepalm from Jisung.
"Okay? And? Have you ever thought about the fact that they could y'know, be outside?" Chenle asks.
"Why would they be outside?" You ask.
"Because it's loud in here, and it looked like they wanted to talk."
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"So.." Jeno says, swinging his legs back and forth. He was currently seated on top of one of the picnic tables your school had, while Donghyuck was standing across from him, leaning against the corner of a wall.
"You said you would explain, so explain." Donghyuck states.
Jeno takes a deep breath as he stops swinging his legs, he looks at the ground before looking up towards Donghyuck who was already looking at him, clearly annoyed at the fact that Jeno was stalling.
"It was a dare." He starts, before Donghyuck cuts him off.
"Yes I know. We all know." He spits.
"But theres more." Jeno says once again. "As you know, Jisung dared me to ask you out and me, being the asshole I was back then, I agreed and decided to do so.." He pauses for a second. Trying to think of what to say next.
"Listen are you gonna keep stopping or are you going to tell the story?" Donghyuck comments, it's only been two minutes and he's already fed up with Jeno's bullshit.
"I am. I'm just trying to think about the right words to say."
"Why? So that I can fall back in love with you?"
"No, Hyuckie-"
"I said, don't call me that."
"Because Jeno!" Donghyuck yells, voice cracking as he tries to control the same tears from earlier from falling. "I am still in love with you! Each time I hear you say that stupid nickname my heart does leaps and I can't fucking stop it!"
His voice is loud enough for you to figure out where he is, and while the other students outside look around trying to find out what's going on, both you and Renjun take off running towards the sound of Donghyuck's voice.
Arriving in time to hear Donghyuck finish the last words of his sentence he can't tell if he's hurt or if he's relieved to see you. A sense of relief washes over him once he spots you, Renjun, and Chenle running in his direction. But then he sees Jisung and Jaemin, not that far behind you three, and he feels hurt, betrayed to say the most.
"So this is why you asked me, huh?" He scoffs, looking at Jeno with glossy eyes. "So you and your friends can get a little more enjoyment of my misery."
"Hyuckie- I-" Jeno starts.
"Save it. I don't ever want to hear from you again, Jeno. I can't believe I even believed you would tell me the truth."
Nothing more is said as Donghyuck walks away from all of you, and Jaemin and Jisung run towards Jeno. It's quiet, despite there being the sounds of the muffled music that's only being played from a hallway away, it feels like a horror movie with the unsettling silence between all of you.
Renjun is the first one to talk. His voice not only startles you, but grabs the attention of Jeno, Jisung, and Jaemin who happened to be a few feet in front of you.
"What the fuck happened?" He asks, looking at Jeno in the eye.
"I wanted to tell him that I'm sorry.. and that I missed things the way they were.." Jeno says, voice barely above a whisper.
Both you and Chenle can tell that Renjun is about to start yelling and if someone doesn't stop him now then fists will be thrown. Renjun is about to start talking again when Chenle interupts him.
"Junnie." He says softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's not worth it. Let's just go find Hyuck, okay?" He eases.
Renjun takes a second to sigh and relaxes before deciding to head off with Chenle, he know's it'll only make things worse but he really wants to tell the three boys off and possibly throw a punch or two. "It's okay.." Chenle coos at him.
"Y/n, are you coming?" He asks, looking back at you.
"Uhh.. Yeah. Just give me a second. I'll meet up with you in a bit, okay? Just text me where you are." You say quickly before glancing over at Jeno and his crew.
Chenle looks at you, confused on why you were looking at Jeno. It only takes him a second to realize what you were doing before he walks off with a hesitant nod. "Um.. Okay.. Just uh, don't be long. I know Hyuck wanted to see you."
"Thanks Lele. You're the best." You say, before talking off towards Jeno.
"Lee Jeno." You state, standing where Donghyuck previously was. You earn a few glances from Jisung and Jaemin, ask if they were asking each other why you were here and how long you've been there. It's not because they were doing anything bad or wrong, it's because of the fact that they were caught being nice and genuine to one of their friends, something that barely anyone has seen before.
"Y/n." Jeno sniffs, trying his best to wipe away the tears that had managed to leak out. "What are- What are you doing here?"
"Save it." You say, walking towards him. You push Jaemin away as you take a seat on top of the table next to him. It earns you a glare from Jaemin, but you shrug it off and ignore him once he start's complaining that you stole his spot.
"Just- Just tell me everything." You sigh, awaiting a response from the boy next to you.
Jaemin shoots you another look before Jisung walks away with him, knowing this should be a private conversation. They don't go far though, just out of earshot.
"This is my fault." He starts. "If I just continued letting him hate me, then I wouldn't have hurt him like that.."
"It's not your fault, you just wanted to explain things. Do you want to tell me what you were going to tell him? Or is that too personal?" You ask.
Jeno is hesitant to answer. His first initial thought is no, but as the seconds go by his answer changes to yes.
"Start from the top. What happened?" You ask.
You're gentle, and being patient with him. It's something that he's thankful for. It's also something that reminds him of Donghyuck, because whenever the two of them had disagreements Donghyuck would always wait for Jeno to explain, this was the first time he hadn't.
"Okay well.." Jeno sniffs. "If you didn't already know.. Donghyuck and I used to date. Our relationship started off from a dare but as our months together passed by I began to enjoy his company a little bit more. I don't know what it was, and if you asked me I wouldn't be able to tell you but there was just something about him that I ended up liking. Maybe it's the way that his hair flopped on his face each time he ran up to me, or maybe it's because of how tightly he hugged me and how gentle his kisses were, but it was something." He pauses for a second, reliving through a few memories. "I ended up catching feelings.. and as soon as I figured out that I did, he found out how we got together."
"Oh." You sigh, not looking at him.
"I was going to tell him that I meant everything I told him.. All the 'I love you's' and the 'You look beautiful's' but he just wouldn't let me talk.. And then you guys came and that just- that only made things worse.. and now- god.. now he's gone. He said he never wants to see me again."
"I'm sorry, Jeno. It's my fault." You say softly, taking all the blame. "I'm the one who brought everyone here, if it weren't for me then you probably would be talking to him right now."
"It's okay." He reassures. "It's not your fault.. You just wanted to help your friend. I'm sure it would've gone poorly even if you weren't here."
"I doubt that's true."
"Are you kidding me y/n? He hates me! And he the worst part of it is that he has every right to do so.."
"I didn't know people who hated each other confess to each other about still liking one another." You joke, hoping to earn a laugh from Jeno. "Besides, it's not like you won't see each other again. You still have time to make things better, plus you have me on your side."
"My side?" Jeno asks.
"Well yeah. You still like him don't you?"
Jeno sighs, he's lucky you aren't paying that much attention to him because if you did you would've noticed the way he looked at Jisung and how it hurt him more to let you keep going on like this. Nonetheless he lets it happen and he wonders if he really does deserve your help.
"You're too good, y/n."
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oldsoldierr · 4 years
The Carnation ~ Part 2
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summary: the media always told you that the famous art critic bucky barnes is an arrogant, rude playboy and you agree, but something still draws you to him. is there a deeper reason to why he acts the way he does or is he the class A jackass you first met?
art critic!bucky x artist!reader
word count: about 2.1k
series masterlist ~ part 1
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After your startling realization that you just might have a crush on a certain Bucky Barnes, you tried your best to just ignore it. You told yourself that your feelings would go away after not seeing him for the rest of your life. You just assumed that after he left that day it would be the end of it. 
But then he did the worst thing you could’ve possibly imagined. He came back to the studio. Everyday in fact. You had never known someone so frustrating. 
Every day he’d come in, insult something, and sit on whichever side of you wasn’t occupied by Steve. Bucky would just sit there annoying you for however long he was there, occasionally walking over to Sharon’s area or making conversation with Steve. How did this busy man always find time to be the worst?
One time after a particularly rough day, you complained, “Why won’t you just sit by Steve?” He just smiled at you innocently.
“Well, how’m I supposed to bother you when you’re a whole seat away from me?” You stared at him blankly for a good 5 minutes. You lost 12 brain cells that day.
You decided you’d need a new plan once you realized he actually wasn’t going anywhere. After considering hiring some pest patrol or just hitting him with a brush you decided on just trying to avoid him.
It’s too bad that it was near impossible because, not only did he insist on moving seats to wherever you moved, but after a couple of weeks of Bucky coming to the art studio, Steve had to leave town for some business meetings.
“It’s gonna be fine!” Steve insisted. 
Your car reached the airport.
“You guys know each other well enough to be by yourselves for two weeks.”
“I do not! We’re barely acquaintances! All he does in the studio is bother me or flirt,” you retorted. “I legitimately don’t think he’s picked one pencil up since he first started coming.”
“That’s not true! He picked up a pencil once to throw it at you,” he pointed out. You barked out a laugh.
“Really helping your case here,” you said sarcastically.
“Hey,” Steve looked at you and squeezed your shoulder reassuringly. “It’s gonna be okay.” You took a deep breath.
“I really hope so.” You gave the blonde a nervous smile. 
“Anyways, I don’t matter right now. Go be amazing at your meeting and when you get the client you have to give me half the money!” You changed the subject.
“Fuck no!” Steve laughed. You continued to chat as you parked the car and began helping Steve get out his luggage. With each second the realization that you weren’t going to see Steve for 14 days hit you harder. Once his suitcases were all out you gave him a bittersweet look.
“I’m really gonna miss you.” You engulfed him in a hug. He hugged back.
“It’s only for two weeks and I’ll call you,” he soothed. You pulled away and rocked back and forth on your heels.
“You promise?” The blonde chuckled.
“Mhm, I’ll even pinky promise,” he said with a teasing smile. You gave him a faux pout.
“You’re mean. I change my mind. I’m not gonna miss you.” You jokingly walked away but you knew you were only trying to delay him leaving. Steve caught on.
“Well, I gotta go now y/n/n,” he said. You sighed.
“I know…” You acknowledged sadly but didn’t show your true emotions for long.
“Good luck! Go kick ass!” You continued with forced excitement.
He put his hands on each side of your shoulders. 
“It’s really gonna be okay,” he assured. He turned around and started walking to the airport.
You nodded as Steve left. But your smile dropped as soon as you were out of his view. Steve had been your only friend since you moved to Brooklyn and had never been without him this long. You massaged the bridge of your nose.
How the fuck am I gonna survive this?
If you’re being honest, your drive back was rather depressing. You didn’t even bother turning on the radio. You just drove with a tight expression on your face trying to make your anxieties go away, but they just wouldn’t stop. Your brain was pounding. 
You had sulk-driven in silence around a third of the way back without even noticing. That’s when you felt your phone vibrate and the familiar chiming ringtone of a call. 
You glanced down quickly at the screen to see an unknown number. You thought about just ignoring it since you got spam often and you know, you were driving. It probably would’ve been the wiser thing to do but you were bored and miserable so you thought, what the hell. You heard the beep as you pressed the accept call button.
“Hello?” You half expected to get an automated message telling you that you had won an amazon gift card and that you needed to tell them your credit card number immediately. Instead, it was a rich, deep voice you had heard far too many times before.
“Hey y/n,” Your eyes widened so much you were afraid they might fall out.
“Bucky?” you choked out. You could practically see his smug little face.
“Yes ma’am,” he replied obediently. There was an unending amount of thoughts swirling through your head faster than you could calculate. The first question that entered your mind was, “How did you get this number?” Something rustled from the other end before bucky responded.
“I hacked into your phone and took it,” He said sarcastically. You raised your eyebrows.
“Haha, very funny. But seriously, did Steve give it to you?” Bucky hesitated and answered.
“Yeah.--” He selected his words with caution. “--...he thought you might need some company.” From the deliberate phrasing he chose, you deduced that Steve had told him about you being a lonely fuck. You internally groaned.
“S’ one way to put it,” you mumbled.  “Thank you for your consideration but I don’t feel like being pitied right now.” Bucky fake laughed.
“Like I’d ever pity you,” he said like it was a hilarious joke. 
“It’s more babysitting.” You suddenly remembered you were talking to Bucky Barnes and bit your lip in exasperation. 
“Fuck you, Bucky,” you snapped back. You knew you had made a mistake far too late.
“Only if you want me too,” he sang back, overjoyed at the opportunity to make the joke.
You threatened, “I will hang up your ass faster than you can say pumpkin pie is the worst pie.” The brunette fucking laughed.
“Mmm, so first of all, it’s not, it’s the best thing on earth, and second, then why haven’t you hung up yet?” You didn’t really have an answer to give him that wasn’t “I love your voice and I want to kiss you”. You swiftly came up with an excuse.
“Cause I need to drive idiot.”
More noise erupted from Bucky’s side. Your eyes narrowed, confused.
“Where are you right now? It sounds like a zoo on your end.” You heard the brunette talking to someone before he returned to you.
“Hmm? Oh, I’m at an art museum.” You scrunched your brows together. What’s he doing at an art museum at 11:30pm? You wondered. You felt like you had heard something about this before, but couldn’t put your finger on it. Another couple seconds of idle insults were held between the two of you. Then, as if to answer you you hear someone distantly say, “Thank you for coming to the Party in the Garden, please take a…” You gasp. That’s what you were trying to remember! 
“You’re at the fucking biggest MoMA fundraiser of the year and you’re talking to me? You’re so much dumber than I thought you were.” This man was truly unbelievable. But you had to admit it did feel nice that he was blowing off the party for you. 
“There are some really important people there, what are you doing on your phone?” you scolded. He hummed in response.
“In my defense, it’s kind of your fault I’m on my phone.” Bucky pointed out.
“I-- wh-” you stuttered at this guy’s nerve. “How is it my fault? You called me!”
“Yeah cause you don’t have any friends. That’s why Steve made me call you, right?” Bucky sneered. From his tone, it seemed like he realized how much that hurt you. This fucking man. Your voice rose.
“Oh, I don’t have any friends? Like you can talk, the person with only fake friends.” You said defensively. “None of them actually like you, they like your status, you know,”  You snapped in return. By his silence, clearly you had struck a chord with him. This conversation went from 1 to 100 real quick. He grunted.
“At least I even have fake friends. Do YOU have any? Oh that's right, you don’t, you’re all. fucking. Alone. And I don’t doubt for a minute that you deserve it,” he bit back. Oh, he was gonna be like that. You scoffed before going off.
“Oh I deserve it? Look at yourself. You always pretend you’re the best, walk around like you're royalty. Well, I’ve seen how you really are, you aren’t worth a damn thing.” Bucky went to interrupt but you weren’t done. “You’re an insecure, cowardly bitch who insults others to make yourself feel better about yourself. Do you wanna know what people say behind your back? They say you’re annoying and arrogant. A selfish ass playboy who doesn’t deserve a fucking thing he gets, goddamn cuck,” You exploded, taking a deep breath. 
There were so many emotions rocking around your head it was getting hard to think clearly. Cars beeped at you as you began to drift. The phone was silent before Bucky spoke again. It was surprisingly quiet and vulnerable.
“That’s what you think?” You realized what you had said.
“I-- no-I didn’t--” This time he cut you off.
“It’s fine,” he replied sharply. “I understand--” He let out a breath. 
“I won’t bother you again.” 
“No, wait--!” With a loud beep, the line went dead. 
You groaned. 
You hit your hand on the dashboard. 
Stupid, stupid, you scolded yourself.
You tried to make excuses for saying those things but you couldn’t. Most of them weren’t even true. You felt like a monster.  You yelled in frustration. You couldn’t even call anyone to talk about it. Steve was on a plane and your other friends were asleep in your hometown. You wished you had never answered that call. You wished you hadn’t been such an idiot. 
The rest of the ride back felt even colder than it had beforehand. The busy city of Brooklyn passed you by. The lights and the noise you had dreamed about as a kid felt dull and melancholic. 
Fuck the American dream. 
You arrived at your apartment around an hour later. You pulled up in front of the building and walked up to your floor like there was a pile of bricks on your back. You fiddled with your keys before finding the right one and walked inside your apartment. You collapsed onto the couch and screamed into a cushion. 
I should call him back and apologize, you thought. But from the little time you spent with Bucky Barnes, you knew he didn’t forgive that easily. 
How did this all go to shit so fast? Your conversation had started so nicely. Maybe even playfully flirty if you squinted.
You didn’t get a chance to wallow in your self-pity for long as your phone rang again for the second time that night. You grabbed hopefully at the phone thinking it might be Bucky, but it wasn’t. Your wishful thinking seemed it was just that cause it was another random number.
You placed it face down back on the couch and let it ring out. For half a minute the ringtone that you began to resent sang it’s melody. You didn’t have the heart to stop it though, as it went to voicemail. You were planning on completely ignoring it but your conscience wouldn’t let you. What if it was important?
You sighed as you unlocked your phone and clicked on the play button on the voicemail. As the person on the other side kept speaking, you felt like your heart was going further into your throat. You couldn’t breathe and your hands shook.
“Ms. y/l/n, this is NYU Langone Health, you need to come to the hospital as soon as possible. James Buchanan Barnes has been in an accident.”
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writing this series is pretty fun but i miss going outside and seeing real people :’)
series masterlist
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omfgtrump · 4 years
“What a long, Strange Trip It’s Been”
The Don’s banishment to Mar-a-Lago and on Twitter has created a welcomed silence. Yes, he is going to do everything he can to stay relevant and make as much noise as possible. His battle with Mitch McConnell for the soul of the Republican Party will ramp up. Let me stop there. How can two people without souls fight over the soul of anything?
What I am trying to say here, is that this is the time for me to hit the exit ramp. This will the last piece of OMFG.
Is that a wince I hear? A collective sigh? A Thank God, as finally, the guy has found a way to separate from demon Don?
To my readers, I implore you: Please don’t do anything drastic, as I don’t want to have to carry another burden.
For many, The Don’s loss of the election and banishment has been sort of an exorcism. (if you at some point you spewed green bile, don’t worry, as it was a natural biological process that helped cleanse you of all the poison you absorbed).
As you can tell from my writings, I have had my own obsession with The Don. During these past 4 years, he has inhabited my daily life like an aching tooth. I watched way too much news. I raved and ranted. I used the phrases “Is this outrageous, or what?” and “Can you believe this shit” as often as “Hey, how are you?”.
My co-workers saw me coming and walked the other way. My wife told me if I didn’t shut up about The Don she would leave me. (Well, that’s not exactly true, but I’m sure it crossed her mind!)
Thank God for this blog. I don’t know how I would have survived without it.
As the Grateful Dead sing in ‘Truckin’: What a long, strange trip it’s been.
Two impeachments, a Russia investigation, an insurrection-yes, an insurrection cause by the “Big Lie” that the election was stolen and that Joe Biden was not a legitimate president, “shit hole” countries, “good people on both sides,” separation of children from their families, a Muslim ban, attacks on the LGBT community, violations of the Emoluments Clause, endless lies, levels of corruption unseen in the history of the presidency, embracing of White Supremacists, deregulating of environmental policy, fake news, the press as the enemy, the promulgation of conspiracy theories- the emergence of QAnon, dismantling of government agencies, using the Department of Justice for his own means, a level of sociopathy and malignant narcissism never seen in the White House and a wannabe demagogue who did everything he could to dismantle our democracy. Did I leave anything out?
His handling and politicizing of the pandemic, which has caused an unfathomable 500,000 deaths to date, was the result of a genocide of neglect that has caused inconceivable suffering. In a fair and just world, he should be prosecuted for his heinous inaction and promotion of false narratives and complicity in the unnecessary death of tens of thousands.  
Witnessing the competence and transparency of the Biden administration has created hope in me. A world in which the pandemic is under control, the economy rebounds, issues of social justice are faced head on and policy that reflects the need to genuinely address inequality and institutional racism seems possible. A humane plan and path to citizenship for Dreamers and other immigrants seems more reachable.
Climate change, the defining and existential issue of our time and the world’s future, is finally front and center.
How we confront the increasing polarization and rise of domestic terrorism is a daunting challenge. How we ensure voting rights are protected in the face of egregious attempts to thwart them is a battle over whether we remain a country that is represented “by the people and for the people.”
So much work needs to be done. We can not rest. We must resist the temptation toward complacency. We need truth, honesty and kindness to be our guiding forces.
It feels so strange to be writing these last words. During the 4 years of this blog, I wrote 244 pieces and people from over 100 countries visited it. (Even from Russia and China!) I so much appreciate the time you spent reading. I hope I was able to make you laugh (or cry) about the absurdities of what we all endured and lived through. I hope my perspective created new insights and ways of thinking about The Don and his psychology.
Some may be wondering what I look like so I will pull up the curtain and reveal myself.
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Others may be wondering what new project awaits me. Frankly, who the hell knows, but writers must write, so I’ll wait for it to reveal itself.
I want to give a special shout out to the unsung superstar of the blog, Jinnifer Douglass, who was responsible for the design and creating all the amazing photos. She is a wizard. There was nothing I asked her to concoct that she could not create. When I would receive her email stating “All set,” I would click on the site and break out into a smile or outright laughter, marveling at the photos. And for those of you who skipped the writing and just reveled in the photos I forgive you. As they say, sometimes a picture is worth a 1,000 words.
Also, thanks for your comments and acknowledgements along the way. Anyone out there that wants to write me a goodbye note (a love letter?) I welcome it. Be well and fight the power.
Thanks for joining me on this crazy journey as “What a strange trip it’s been.”
And one more thing: The Supreme Court voted 9-0 to allow his taxes to be released. So Don, maybe they’ll take some of the tax money you owe to build a wall on the golf course and turn it into a prison!
And now for one of my favorite photos:
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Note from Jinnifer: It has been an insane past 4 years. Working on this project with Jerry was equal parts horrifying and hilarious; every week it was something new (and then some). Putting together these pieces of Photoshop satire brought me an absurd kind of joy. I am sad that this blog has come to its end, but I am glad that the mechanism which portended it was our very own democratic process at work. Jerry usually wrote roughly about 1 article a week, and each article had around 4 custom pieces in it- meaning I have created over 800 works of factual farce in our time working together. Some days it feels like we just started this blog yesterday, and other times it feels like 20 years ago. Truly a bittersweet undertaking, but one I am proud to have been able to contribute to. I know Jerry’s next creative venture, whatever it may be, will be pointed and, no doubt, funny to boot. Here are some of my favorite photos, 1 for each year of his, well, whatever you want to call it!
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At the time we started this project, web developing was my main profession, but in the years that have since passed I have decided to focus more on my (decidedly more serious, haha) photography work. If you’re interested in checking it out, I’d be grateful if you’d stop by http://www.jinyc-photo.com
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from WordPress https://ift.tt/3suXy67 via IFTTT
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feliix · 3 years
Hazel nut! 💕 just randomly sliding into your DMs to check and see how you’re doing 🥰 we in the last stretch of the semester before we can finally breathe and relax! Oh! Can’t forget having a kpop night with us and Beanie! We still have to teach you about the wonderful world of Astro & I need help with The Boyz! I think I finally got SKZ down! Maybe? Idk lol I’ve been watching their Fam lyric video twice a day now haha but I know I finally see the difference between Seungmin and I.N 😂 but anywho, I’m sending you all the positivity and hugs in the world! 💙
Mik hello 🥺🥺💗 oooof this semester is really killing me but tomorrow is my last day of undergrad classes ever so it’s bittersweet 🥺 i hope that you’re able to wrap up your year without too much stress I know you’ve been working so hard!!! hopefully finals week will go by fast and then we can have our kpop night soon I miss u 🥺🥺 but ajakdhskakdcnf I didn’t start stanning when the survival show was airing but that was the first piece of skz content (not mv or performance related) that I really watched and I got jeongin and minho mixed up SO much 🥲 i feel that so hard though because for some reason whenever I stan a new group there’s always two that make me think hmmmmm which one are you🧐
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pynkhues · 5 years
hi kween! i KNOW you were struggling with writer’s block, so a big TBD on whether this question will have an answer! but do you know what your update schedule looks like for CYF and pornstar!au looks like? ooh and the other part of C&C? also, so sorry if you get a million of these messages all the time. i can only hope it’s flattering rather than annoying
It’s not annoying at all, anon! It’s actually really, really nice to know that people are keen and excited for them. :-) I got a little bit of writing done this week again, so I think the writer’s block is starting to ease, and both CYF and the pornstar!au are pretty close? I mean, the CYF chapter is done, I just want to re-write a part of a scene which is pointblank refusing to talk to me at the moment, and the pornstar!au needs a bit of editing and I still have I think two scenes left to write in it? 
The PH/C&C fic has actually been talking to me, which is pretty nice, haha. It’s going to be around 20k words I think when it’s done? (it’s at 18k at the moment). 
I’ve got a three-day weekend starting tomorrow, and all I’ve got planned for it is yoga, brunch with a friend, and a talk on the biology of sexuality and gender which is being done entirely by LGBTQI+ scientists and researchers, which should be super interesting! So yes! Hoping I might be able to get some real writing done in the gaps between and at least post one of these things (if not two!) :-) 
In the meantime, you can have another excerpt from the PH fic: 
Elizabeth opens her mouth to argue that point – probably go back to her original one, about holdin’ off, like that’s an option, when Rio asks:  
“You organised anythin’ for Danny’s birthday yet?”  
The question blindsides her, gets her eyes wide, blinking a little too much as she tries to catch up. She shakes her head at him.
“Rio - -”  
“I looked into that art class at the Y, but I dunno,” he says, shrugging. “He didn’t like the other classes we signed him up for, and I kinda got the feelin’ they ain’t intendin’ this one for a ten-year-old and his rowdy fuckin’ siblings neither, y’know?”  
The words hang for a minute, enough he can dry the last couple of dishes, only this time, he puts them away himself, finding the brief pause a relief more than anything as he opens up cabinets and tidies away the last evidence of their meal. Above them, he hears the toilet flush and then a door close.  
Kenny, he thinks, judgin’ from where the sound comes from. He’ll need to check he’s actually asleep. It’s school tomorrow after all, and last thing he needs is another call at work because Kenny’s dozin’ in algebra again.  
“The zoo’s doing a frog show at the moment,” Elizabeth says suddenly, breaking up his thoughts, and Rio jerks his head around to look at her, her jaw slightly forward, lips pursed in that way that means she ain’t happy about the pivot in topic, but still. She goes with it.  
“There’s a rainforest conservation talk and like, a handling session and everything,” she adds, and Rio nods, because Danny’s been into rainforests since they studied them in his third grade science class last year, spouting off the difference between temperate and tropical, about how the light don’t hit the ground in the densest parts of them, but nothing more than about frogs – poison dart frogs and glass frogs and red-eyed tree frogs. Rio’s pretty sure he could rattle off enough to get some sort of honorary degree purely by way of listenin’ to the kid.  
“I thought I could make a cake and maybe drop it in early at the restaurant, so Danny doesn’t see. It could be a surprise.”  
Like she doesn’t make a cake for every one of them every year, Rio thinks, amused, but shit, suddenly his mind’s on the zoo. Can already hear the yawnin’ mouths of lion and the bustle of people, can feel Marcus’ weight on his shoulders, see him grin, can see somewhere, in the annals of his memory, his own father’s grin too.  
It’s been a while.  
“Sounds dope,” he says, and Elizabeth must hear something in his voice, because when he turns around, her face has relaxed, her jaw back to where it usually sits, her lips parted curiously, like she’s tryna figure something out – like maybe he’s still tryna distract her or somethin’. “What’s that look for?”  
“Nothing,” she says with a shrug. “I don’t know. I didn’t think you’d want to do it.” 
He huffs out an amused breath, wandering over to flick the kettle on to make himself a tea. Russian Caravan, he thinks, or - - hm. Maybe apple and chamomile. If he makes one of them, she might have one too. He grabs the box out, shakes it at her, and she nods.  
“Why’s that?” he says, turning his attention back to the cabinets, grabbing them out a mug each.  
“Because it’s the zoo,” she says dryly, playing a little with the buttons at the belly of her blouse. Rio snorts in reply, grabbing out a pair of tea strainers from the top drawer.    
“Take it that means you ain’t a fan.”  
“God, no,” she tells him easily, laughing. “We have five children between us. Plus Annie. My life is a zoo.”
He can’t quite bite back his grin at that, pouring in the boiling water over the tea leaves, letting the water turn bronze, as he turns back to Elizabeth.  
“And the smell,” she adds, wrinkling her nose. “Like wet dog and animal poop.”
“Damn, ma, your sister don’t smell that bad.”
She gapes at that, reaching close enough to try and hit him, defendin’ her sister’s honour and whatnot, and he grabs her wrist easily, using it to tug her into him, humming, content, when the soft curves of her chest hit the hard line of his. He runs a hand down her back, untucking her blouse from her slacks before slipping his hand back up beneath her shirt, dipping his thumb beneath her bra strap, running it along the indent it’s left in her skin just to feel her shiver.  
“God, how can you - - I mean. Why do you like it,” she stutters when he pulls a little at the clip on her bra, almost undoing it until she brings a hand behind herself to stop him.  
Rio just shrugs. He always has really, ever since his dad used to take him, Carmen and Aida when they were kids. Their dad worked too much to do anythin’ with them often, so it felt like somethin’ when he’d take them to the zoo, when he’d get him sitting on his shoulders so he could see over the crowds, mumbling dumb shit up at him in Spanish, like how many teeth a lion has and how aardvarks trap termites by curling their tongues. Loved the most doin’ it himself with Marcus, like it connected them still somehow, him and his dad, Marcus and the abuelo he’d never get to meet. The memory’s bittersweet, but sweeter these days, the years passing since his death letting him focus on the good instead of those last years where the cancer turned him inside out.
He looks down at Elizabeth then, where she’s looking up at him, almost tells her, only to stop at the look on her face, soft and a little too bright, a little too curious, and he remembers the scattered, brief, miserable notes she’s told him about her own dad, and it halts the words on his tongue. In the end he just shrugs.  
“I dunno,” he says. “Just like it.”
Elizabeth squints a little, like she don’t quite believe him, but she lets it go when he crowds her back against the kitchen island, tryna see if she’ll let him take her shirt off here.  
(She won’t, but she lets him in their bedroom at least, the door closed and her lips wet. Lets him do a lotta things then.)  
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aliteraryprincess · 5 years
My Decade in Books
I was tagged by @flamingmirrorbookish. Thank you!
The rules: respond to the prompt “my decade in books” however you want, & then tag some ppl! I chose a book or series to define each year of the decade, some w/a little description. You can do that, or make up your own response
So this was tricky because 2010 through early 2014 are murky because I wasn’t keeping track of what I was reading. But I’ve done my best! Mainly it will be between one to three books per year, but there is one where I did more.  
2010 - Ugh 2010, what a horrible year. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. This was the year that my depression, anxiety, and eating disorder really began to manifest. I read tons of books because I didn’t have friends anymore, but I can barely remember most of them. The Bell Jar was summer reading for my senior year of high school It showed me I wasn’t alone in my struggle with mental illness and gave me a character I could relate to.   
2011 - Another horrible year in which I continued to struggle with mental illness. Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson. I reread this early in the year for a Women Writers project. It once again gave me a character I could relate to and made me realize that I needed serious help for mental health problems, especially the eating disorder. Even after reading the book and having this realization, it would be another year and a half before I was in a better state. 
2012 - I was slowly starting to get better, and by the fall semester (sophomore year of college) I finally had friends! The major book I remember from this year was Peter Pan, which I wrote a 20 page paper on for a Children’s Lit class. It’s a bright though bittersweet story that I read at a point in my life where things were starting to look up even though everything wasn’t perfect. It was also the first college paper I wrote that I was really proud of.  
2013 - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, and Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë. I did a major project on the Brontës that year, if you can’t tell haha. This class and this project made me realize that I wanted to go into literature rather than creative writing. And after reading (or rereading in the case of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre) these books, I knew I wanted to focus specifically on 19th-century women writers.  
2014 - The year I actually started keeping track! North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell and We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson gave me new books to add to my list of favorites. Margaret of Anjou: Queenship and Power in Late Medieval England by Helen E. Maurer marks my project on Margaret of Anjou for my UK travel course. The course gave me the chance to do research in the British Library and feel like a real scholar. It also made me decide to apply for grad school in the UK.     
2015 - College graduation, the start of grad school, the start of this blog, and more struggles with mental health. Oh boy! I’m actually going to split this year into two: pre-grad school and during grad school. So pre-grad school: IT by Stephen King, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, and The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth. These were all read during the summer, and it was the perfect mix of nostalgia and coming-of-age for the point I was at in my life. During grad school: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, both of which were rereads. I was severely depressed and homesick, and these are two of the books I read as “comfort reads.”     
2016 - The end of grad school, moving home, getting a job, and more depression. Wuthering Heights (again) and The Lancashire Witches by William Harrison Ainsworth for my dissertation. I spent a LOT of time with those. Also All for the Game by Nora Sakavic, which joined the list of my favorites and became my ultimate comfort books.
2017 - This was the year I read the most books (that I’ve recorded): 140! That makes picking for this extremely hard. First off we have Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones, which was my most anticipated book of that year and quickly became one of my all time favorites. Then we have Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall, which gave me excellent mental illness representation. I was also able to share it with my mother so she could have some idea of how my anxiety disorder makes me feel. It actually made her really understand it for the first time. And then we have A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, which broke me and left me sobbing for a week, but in a good way (if there is a good way of sobbing for a week).   
2018 - This was another year defined by the Brontës. I reread some of the novels and read a ton of nonfiction. Probably because I kicked the year off with The Brontës by Juliet Barker, which was the best biography I’ve ever read.
2019 - What an odd year this was. It was a year of really thinking about my life and my choices. And that’s best summed up with Disgrace and The Lives of Animals both by J. M. Coetzee. I hated Disgrace. It sent me into a month long depressive episode. But these books made me think about the way our society treats animals and the way I myself treat them. They made me start to consider becoming a vegetarian. They made me look at some truly ugly things and really think. It sucked, but ultimately it was good for me.
 I’m not sure who has done this already, but I tag @the-forest-library, @lizziethereader, @thelivebookproject, @lettersfromthelighthouse, @brightbeautifulthings, @bookcub, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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on-the-shelves · 4 years
on my shelf: soundtrack to my fourth year of uni - summer
I’m finally done with my Bachelor’s thesis! I might make a separate, more detailed post about it, since the topic is relevant for what this blog is about (of course it is haha), but for now I can say my topic was an analysis of the use of elements from the “Pop-Star-System” in building up a girlgroup career. I looked at the history of Pop-Stars and analysed the album covers of the Supremes’ first two albums, as well as the Spice Girls and Girls’ Generation’s first albums/physical releases. It was a lot of work, but I really enjoyed the topic. Oh and if anyone was wondering, I’m doing a Media Studies degree, which is why I could tackle such a cool topic.
Anyway! So working on my thesis took up my entire summer semester because I luckily didn’t have any classes left to attend, so I was thankfully spared the whole online class ordeal. The music I mentioned in my last post (”Quarantunes”) has mostly stayed on repeat in the past few months. Besides an ever steady stream of BTS, there are a couple of new things to add to the list:
Tomorrow X Together: The Dream Chapter: Eternity (2020)
Now THIS is the release I’ve been waiting for from them. Their previous album had one song that had a co-writing credit for one of the members (Hueningkai on “Rollercoaster”), but this album has more! We’re finally starting to hear their writing talents more. “Maze in the Mirror” was written/demo’ed entirely by one member (Beomgyu) and in the process of preparing it for this release the other members also wrote parts. It’s a beautiful, melancholic, and dynamic song that I can highly recommend for listening to before going to sleep. The lyrics talk about how unsure they felt before debuting. I can’t wait to hear more songs where they talk about their personal experiences, because clearly they’re good at it. In general this album is much darker than their previous two releases and they suit them well. The songs are more varied, too: You have the classic TXT style opening song, but the lead single “Can’t You See Me?” is full of angst, which is new for them. “PUMA” is like dark R&B, while “Fairy of Shampoo”, a reworked cover of a popular 1990s Korean song, is more city-pop. And then you have “Eternally” which reminded me of twenty one pilots’ “Ode to Sleep” in the way it completely changes up its style several times throughout the song. It’s all coherent and flows well from top to bottom though, and I think they’re well on their way to carving their own niche in the saturated and often same-same (k-) pop landscape.
Agust D: D-2 (2020)
He finally came back. SUGA of BTS last released a mixtape under his solo moniker Agust D in 2016. That one was very dark, brazen at times, and incredibly open and honest about his struggles, ending on a note of hoping that things will get better. This follow-up release makes it clear that Agust D has become a slightly different person in the past few years. He’s still brazen at times, but he has good reason to be, looking at how incredibly successful BTS has become since 2016. As always, he makes fun of those who decide to be haters but cleverly never gets too specific - if you feel attacked, that’s on you. There is a lot of introspection on this album too. It’s generally much less defeated or dark than on the 2016 self-titled release, but it’s still not all sunshine and rainbows. His problems have morphed -  he has now achieved his dreams, but it’s not quite what he expected it to be. There are a lot of thoughts about dreams, about what it means to grow up, about what his position in the world means and feels like. That sounds like it’s very focused on himself and might be inaccessible to us non-famous people, but that’s absolutely not the case. A lot of it are quite mundane questions that everyone asks themselves in their 20s, like “what am I doing with my life?” and “what kind of person am I really?”. He makes it clear that he doesn’t have the answers, but he somehow makes you feel comforted in that uncertainty. The musical style is more like current hip-hop, where Agust D was more like harder, older hip-hop, but retains his (especially recent) typical, very melodious style, with him even singing some choruses. There are various styles and interesting production choices that make for a varied, but cohesive listening experience. 
Hayley Williams: Petals for Armor (2020)
I mentioned this album in the “Quarantunes” post as well, but the full album was released after that went up, so it deserves another mention here. This album tells a story of an emotional journey towards healing, without ever getting preachy or feeling insincere. In several interviews Hayley mentions her therapy journey and learning to deal with her trauma and how this album helped with that. Listening to all the songs in order, a journey of self-discovery, -acceptance, and -empowerment is laid out. All these things are typically found in little things and learning to change your perspective. It’s Hayley’s most feminine work yet, in the sense that she’s embracing all of her different aspects: the delicate, the powerful, the rage, the love. Everything is wrapped in sounds inspired by Alternative music, but more, as said before, the Björks, Radioheads, and synth-y 80s artists, instead of loud guitar bands. My favourite songs are “Crystal Clear”, “Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris”, “Over Yet”, “Cinnamon” and “Simmer”.
IU: Palette (2017)
When it was announced that IU and SUGA from BTS (two of the most popular artists in Korea) would release a collab song, I decided to check out her (IU’s) music more intensely, because I only knew one or two of her songs from the Dalkom Café playlist on Spotify. One of them is on this album, “Palette (ft. G-Dragon)”. This album, to me, best encapsulates IU’s sound: from heartbreaking ballads to satisfying light K-R&B, to slightly darker, groovy K-R&B (I think that’s the right genre term..), this one has them all. I’m not the biggest fan of ballads, but I enjoy IU’s voice so much that I don’t mind listening to them at all. I really love it, however, when she leaves that style behind for the slightly darker, or at least more pop sounds, like on “Palette”, but especially on “Jam Jam” and “Black Out”. She has a certain attitude on those songs that are slightly opposite of the pure, innocent image I previously had of her. It seems very sincere though, most likely because she writes on all of her songs. She has been utilising this style more often in recent years, on songs like “Bbibbi” and “Blueming” (both certified bops). “Eight”, the collab with SUGA, is an uplifting, yet bittersweet feeling pop anthem that almost feels like it could’ve been just a little bit longer. I’ll probably dive deeper into her lyrics soon and I’m excited for what I will find.
Sunmi: Warning (2018)
Last summer, Sunmi released the single “Lalalay” and I immediately loved it. I learned the choreography pretty much the week after I heard it the first time. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem to have much other music on her Spotify page though, just a couple of older singles (which I also immediately loved). This year she released “pporappippam” (which is basically the romanization of the Korean title which translates to Purple Night), a bittersweet, nostalgic, summer pop song, like only Sunmi can do. Seriously, no one else in K-Pop is releasing music like hers, and they probably don’t even dare to try. For those who don’t know, she used to be in one of the historically most popular girlgroups Wonder Girls. But besides that, she has been releasing her own style of pop since she started releasing solo music and Warning (which they must’ve only recently put on Spotify in full) is a pretty good encapsulation of that sound. It’s almost like a mix between K-Pop and K-R&B, but more like IU’s moodier songs for example. It’s not flashy and sparkly, but it’s not full-on groove either. It’s a bit of both and it works perfectly for her. 
Special mentions for new albums I haven’t listened to that much but do enjoy a lot: HAIM’s Women in Music Part III, Irene&Seulgi’s Monster, Taylor Swift’s folklore (released like a week before this post is published but it’s undeniably good and will get a longer write-up when I’ve had more time with it), Loona’s discography
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riseofmoonxchild · 5 years
b i t t e r ⬴ ʇ ǝ ǝ ʍ s // chapter one
➴pairing – jimin x reader – taehyung x reader – [ft. namjoon]
➴genre – fluff // angst
➴theme – college!au // jimin!barista // taehyung!artist
You developed a little crush on the barista at your local coffee shop, Jimin. While you start going to the cafe regularly, thinking it as harmless and innocent, you don’t realize that your interest in him will catch the attention of Taehyung, the most-liked boy in school. As the two of them stir up an almost espresso-and-milk-kind-of element to your school life and study load, you find yourself involved in a more complicated situation than you were prepared for.
»listen to the bittersweet playlist titled “coffee shop boy” here
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f a l l
The first time you met Jimin, he was antagonizing over making your coffee perfect. And by met, you meant it was the first time you had ever laid eyes on him. You could tell that this wasn’t special treatment for you—because he was so nervous, so confused, and so focused on the process of actual coffee-assembling, because he cared about the smallest details—you could tell that he wanted it to be the best that anyone could make it. It went beyond trying to seek recognition from the customers or his boss; nevertheless, it was cute. And even if his genuine efforts weren’t meant to flatter you, they made you feel warm and even flustered.
So many college students had come for a coffee break at this time, which was probably overwhelming. It was the height of midterms, and this coffee shop was a popular spot for students to hit because it was right across from the main campus location in Seoul.
“What can I do for you today?”
“Hi-” you paused, taking a moment to mull over your thoughts, “I’d just like a caramel macchiato, please.”
The whole time he was taking your order, he had never made eye contact with you. He was quietly focused on the machine in front of him.
“What size?”
“Just a medium.”
“Alright, that’ll be $4.32,” he reported, looking up. Jimin smiled slightly, as of he were ready to take on his next challenge. “It’ll have that ready for you in no time!” He vowed.
You watched him make your order with a small yet enthusiastic determination.
And finally, as he reached to hand you your coffee, as soon as he saw your hand grabbed a hold of it, his eyes flicked to your yours. He smiled shyly at you and giggled a little, almost nervously. And a heartbeat later, before you could even process your own reaction, he was helping the next customer.
w i n t e r
You were determined to finish your final paper for your English class. Paragraph by paragraph, you sipped on the coffee, savoring hints of cinnamon and caramel as you persevered. You couldn’t help but glance outside every ten minutes, watching the snow gently blanket the outside world. Part of you wanted to venture out there, but the warmth of the coffee brought you back in every time, keeping you cozy and focused. Relatively focused, that was—inevitably it brought you back to the barista boy, and by that time your whole face became warm.  
It had been two months, since you started coming in around four or five times a week, getting your fix of caffeine and something else you didn’t want to admit to yourself. But, inevitably, you discovered what days and times the barista boy worked, just by observation, and that he also had a name other than “barista boy”—Jimin.
When you finished your paper, you were relieved to have officially completed your second fall semester. You stretched, prepared yourself for a final chance of relaxation, and messaged your friend in hopes of celebrating somehow. You wanted some way to relieve all the stress that had piled up to this point.
“Hey, Joon,” you texted, “Do you want to go to Club Avenue tonight?”
You suddenly were reminded of the past semester and the drama that had consumed most it. Despite relentless, pointless efforts, it seemed everything that could have fallen apart inside your own little world did—friends, grades, reputation, your planned future. And with that you had picked up some habits, like drinking and clubbing, especially on week nights, skipping classes. This cafe had, unexpectedly, become your safe haven.
While you had commended yourself for pulling yourself together half way through this semester, and finishing the best you could, you couldn’t help but want to let everything go.
Namjoon, your best friend, your partner in crime, the one who stuck with you through all the fires, seeing you get hurt and sticking around to deal with the burns. You literally couldn’t go on any adventures without him or make any big decisions without his advice. He had been the only constant, and he was the only person you really had as a support now.
“Sure. I’m finishing my assignments but they’ll be done before tonight.”
“Mmk ♥♥.” You knew that Joon didn’t personally like your idea of fun, because he rather be doing other things, but he was always along for the ride. “Good luck!”
“Let’s have a good time tonight. We deserve it ;)”
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
From the way he pulled on Jimin’s sleeve, he could have been easily mistaken as a child. “Ahhh, wae, Jimin-ah. I need you,” he whined.
The whole time the boy begged, Jimin tried to remain as indifferent as possible. However, seconds later a smile flashed on his face, promising the other boy a chance at triumph.
“Yah, Taehyung-ah,” he started in a parent-like tone. “Do you not have any assignments left? Didn’t you have a big art project due?”
Taehyung pouted, his face dropping in disappointment.
Pleased with his ability to stay firm, Jimin folded his arms and raised his chin just the slightest bit. “We can’t play until we’ve finished our work—like the responsible haksaeng, students, we are.”
Exasperated, Taehyung asked the air more than anything, “Ah, wae..”
“Fine,” he perked up, heavily invested in this more-of-a-business-like proposal than anything, “I finish my portfolio by tonight, and you-” he pointed at Jimin’s chest, “have to grace me with your presence.” His charming, yet childishly and genuinely satisfied smile made an appearance to conclude the agreement.
Jimin smiled and looked up, amused and please all at the same time. He immediately switched back to his previous persona, face sullen. He raised his right eyebrow, as if considering the options, and gave one confirming nod. “Alright,” he extended his hand for a handshake.
Taehyung accepted the gesture, a goofy grin on his face. “Waaaaaa, Jimin-ssi. It was a pleasure working with you.”
The two laughed, and Taehyung confidently announced, “I’ll pick you up at 10,” winked, and then sauntered off. Jimin just shook his head and went back to work.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
The snow had stopped, and so Taehyung sat on a city street bench, across from the coffee shop, trying to work at a masterpiece in his mind. He had his sketchbook on his lap and was pensively observing his surroundings. While it may have seemed like he was procrastinating this whole time, he really just hadn’t been able to muster up the concentration or inspiration necessary to enter into a creative mood, let alone the mental state he needed to be in for this project. Taehyung sighed.
I want you to use something from the ordinary everyday, something people wouldn’t think twice about. But I want you to convey it from the onlookers’ point of view, as precious or extraordinary from their eyes. That was the professor had demanded. But Taehyung had never really thought about things, things that weren’t so attractive or alluring, that they didn’t demand the attention of every person who laid eyes on them. He liked things like that. People that were so spectacular, their essence flowed, oozed off of them, making them irresistible.
It wasn’t that he pursued outwardly gorgeous people, or that he had shallow intentions, per say. He just enjoyed beautiful things and beautiful people. He saw people as art, and art came to life in his every day. He was always trying to find his muse in one thing or another.
One might even argue he was one of those beautiful people, one of the most exquisite pieces of living art. He never really thought about the people in the background, so indistinguishable they were barely silhouettes on a page. In life, from middle school—elementary even—into college he had been the feature highlight, the centerpiece, almost. Wherever he went, people just gravitated towards him. It was all he had known. And he didn’t really seem to mind.
Frustrated with the assignment, he dramatically sighed to the paper, fiddling with his pencil before he looked up for what felt like the thousandth time. But then he saw her. He saw you. With your brows furrowed in concentration, sending waves of intense synergetic energy with your glare towards the computer screen. Taehyung laughed in amusement, that same goofy grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. But then, what he thought was an indestructible focus was suddenly broken, as he saw you sneak an almost nonexistent glance towards the barista boy. And his eyebrows raised in partial-curiosity, partial-surprise.
Taehyung, a contemplative look resting on his face, came to a sudden realization. And then, with this newfound sense of purpose, he began sketching.
A/N: wow i’ve been meaning to post this, cause i’ve been excited about this♥ not exactly sure where this story headed, as far as character development, but i’m looking forward to what avenues i may end up exploring (hopefully with constant fluff included). plus, it’s kinda become my baby, haha.
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→ "coffee shop boy” playlist
taglist: @monvieesdaebak
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lunaarajewel · 5 years
Answering questions because I’m bored again
1. What have you eaten today? breakfast was oats with pb and banana, lunch was a zucchini stew, and then i had oats again for dinner because why not haha ><
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? it was sweet, felt a bit bittersweet because i said bye until next time
3. What color shoes did you last wear? black
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Myself
5. What is your favorite scent? Baked goods
6. What is your favorite season? Why? Spring and or early summer, it's so nice to smell all the flowers and to hear the birds again, to feel the warmth from the sun
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? I can do a headstand on my forearms and a bad cartwheel xD
8. What color are your nails? currently blank!
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? a moooon
10. What is something you find romantic? Hugs from behind when i least expect it
11. Are you happy? Yeah I'm doing really good, which is surprising because i haven't felt like that in a long time
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? The thing that is making me happy is probably my antidepressants but they have helped me to get hope again.
13. Dogs or Cats? Cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? Ooooo difficult question because it depends!
15. What is your style? Hmm i'd describe it as a mix of cottagecore, steampunk, astrology, herbalism, witchy stuff
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Travel to japan
17. Are you in a relationship or single? I'm dating but not an official relationship nope
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Their humor, the way they are so relaxed and careless
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? Whaat no i wouldn't do that
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Some toxic behaviors/habits a bit!
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I listened to dark music a bit extra, watched nightmare before christmas and had some halloween candy
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? I started taking antidepressants!
23. Were you ever in a school play? Yes, when i was younger i was a princess i remember
24. What movie would you use to describe your life? aaa that's difficult, i haven't watched that many movies tbh!
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? Learning piano properly, but i've been busy with mental health stuff so i haven't been able to. But I've been planning on taking it more seriously lately
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” all of my thoughts without judgement
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? (for some, not all) Jealousy, constant focus on showing off to guys
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? (for some, not all) Bad at communicating, bad at understanding
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? I started taking the steps to honestly change my life for the better
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? How I treated my ex, he was actually really kind to me but I wasn't mentally stable so I couldn't communicate well to him. But I hope he's well! I only wish him the best.
31. How long was your longest relationship? a little over a year
32. Have you ever been in love? Oh yeah
33. Are you currently in love? A bit!
34. Why did your last relationship end? I ended it because I wasn't well enough, I needed some time alone to get back to myself.
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? A heart necklace i made, handmade bracelet from a market, 3 earrings from hm
36. When was the last time you cried and why? When i first took my antidepressants i burst out crying so its around 3 weeks ago i think
37. Name someone pretty. Uma thurman
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? Japanese snacks
39. Do you get jealous easily? Nope
40. Have you ever been cheated on? Not that i know of
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? Yes
42. Ever had detention? hahah yeah because i skipped class to buy piercing jewelry
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? hmmm, difficult question. I think i'm that kinda person that likes to switch between the two
44. What do people call you? Luna since it's my name
45. What was the last book you read? "stjärnhimlen" (a book about stars)
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? well i'm a nerd for moss e.e
47. What kind of music do you listen to? veryyy mixed, metal, rock, indie, alternative rock, jrock, instrumental, kpop, pop, rap
48. How tall are you? 163cm
49. Do you like kids? I don't mind them!
50. Favorite fruits? Banana, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberry, persimmon
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Sweats
52. What’s your earliest memory? In kindergarten i used to dance to Westlife music
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? Nope not that i know of
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind
55. Do you have a collection of anything? Moon stuff
56. Do you save money or spend it? I try to save!
57. What would your dream house be like? Filled with things i've made and antique stuff as well
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? Aaa i dont know, i try not to focus on those things
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? a good meal, plants, good music, animals, finishing something i made
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I would help the dog
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Yeah i'd probably tell the ones closest to me that arent my family. then i'd just make the most of my time, i'd travel to japan for a week, france/germany for a week, a week with my family and last with the ones close to me outside of family. I would probably be a bit scared but i wouldn't try to focus on that fear too much, because well if theres nothing i can do about it then worrying about it will just stop me from enjoying the last of my days
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. A heart shape ❤️
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Japan!
64. Do you like the beach? It's okay, not my favorite place
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? Yes
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! I have two middle names, Ida and Johanna
67. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, because it helps me to understand my own thoughts and situations better
68. Describe your hair. Thin, blonde
69. What is the meaning of life. To enjoy it
70. What is your ideal partner like? Calming, feels like home, a bit spontaneous romantic, supporting, good listener and communicator
71. Do you want to get married? Yeah it would be cute
72. Do you want to have kids? A bit torn on that question, can't say no or yes
73. Like or dislike your family? A bit so so
74. Are you Chunky or Slim? Somewhere in between
75. Would you consider yourself smart? Yes in some ways
76. What would you change about your life? The place I live
77. Religious or Not? Nope
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? I dont drink so no one!
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Nope
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? Nope, and my family doesn't say it either
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Probably sleeping
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Yes but my mom wouldn't be too happy haha
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? yes it's nice sometimes
84. Do you like bubble baths? Nope, i don't really like baths so much
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? Nope
86. Have you ever danced in the rain? Yes, with my old best friend
87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Yes the ones closest to me, not really my family though
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? I wanna eat haha
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) Japan for 3 weeks, France, Germany, LA, Italy, Greece, Thailand, England
90. How was your day today? It was good! I made some stew for the week
91. Play an instrument? A bit of piano, some chords on guitar but thats it
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean. It's okay, if i go i usually prefer a smaller beach with few or no people
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens but not like in movies, anything that is alive outside of our planet so anything even if it's an ant sized creature it's an alien to me. And as for ghosts i'm open to the idea of it but i haven't really invested much time in that topic!
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? Nope, but i believe they will be someday
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Not bitchy but a bit scary maybe
96. When are you vulnerable? When i'm deeply in love
97. How much free time do you have? A lot currently but i'm taking that time to relax
98. Do you like to go hiking? Never been!
99. Odd or Even Numbers? Even
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? hmmm, i can't say for sure
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