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daydream-comet · 1 year ago
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I randomly stumbled upon this while surfing through playstore and went in blindly and......so. many. emotions. ran. through. me.
I.....I love underworld office/charlie in underworld. I need a hug. Eugene needs a hug. Charlie needs a hug. Everyone needs a hug. How the fuck is this a free mobile game. Why is this game so underrated.
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felixcosm · 2 years ago
hi, back yet again to request a clip. ep 71, about 21:33, where mike announces his engagement!! pls and ty...
here it is!
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paraintheworld · 5 months ago
Ride with me?
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ezralambu · 2 years ago
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chocsra · 1 year ago
✧ more personal chuuya hcs !!
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✧ appearence hcs:
has a small small face
long, naturally curled, luscious eyelashes
soft and silky ass hair
very smooth, soft looking ivory skin
repping mestiso community, described as beautiful and unique
he actually glows in like any good lighting, golden hour does him best
his beauty is like majestic but gets called pretty a lot
bones did him soo wrong, he has toned sleeper build guys trust
naturally low-lided, sleepy eyes
he has really pretty brown eyes
has russet hair, NOT a ginger, he's more of a reddish brunette
slim, large hands that are really attractive
he has a few pretty freckles
old money aesthetic
90s hot.
my personal hc is that his appearence comes from some sort of european descent, be it french or spanish blood that made his features so unique
looks so unreal that he looks otherworldly or like a doll; alien beauty
his skin reminds you of porcelain; this man's skin is mad flawless
ties his hair up at home into either a manbun or ponytail
has an 8+ step skincare routine..
has a super raspy voice in the morning/night
always takes his gloves off in the cuntiest manner - either biting the fingertips off one by one or that one manga panel where he bites the wrist part
whines when he stretches and it always catches u off guard
✧ crack/general hcs:
dances like hyunjin from skz (knows how to and practices his moonwalk)
bro is a WHEEZER when he genuinely laughs, he also feels the need to say ur not funny to keep ur ego in check when he is in fact laughing his ass off
when yall are laughing ur ass off (drunk or not) just know yall will be collasping on the floor feeling the six pack coming in
rip chuuya - you would've loved making electric guitar thirst traps on tiktok
he LOVES rollarcoasters or anything with a kick to it tbh (fast car or motorcycle rides) bc he loves gravity dzuh, but yknow what he CANT take??
them seats in the movie theatre where they move according to the movie, he gets way too invested in movies and the seats moving like crazy fries his brain (IM SORRY IF U DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALKING AB, THEYRE CALLED DBOX)
he ofc has a weakness for dogs but if he ever tries to feed a stray cat and it runs away or hisses he gets a little sassy and hisses back
sleeps like a dying victorian child. you walked onto him sleeping once and contemplated on calling a priest
one of those people who have copies of the same clothing item, or they're like barely any different. you see his hat rack and he gets offended bc "all his hats are completely different"
he scoffs a lot
starts chasing you if you ever MENTION the times when he was 15 (has made cringy youtube diss tracks with dazai, lost the login, now that videos up forever..)
if you're short like him and tell a story complaining about how ppl call u short, he gets personally offended FOR you
likes reading books but they vary from sophisticated novels to books like "HOW TO STAND ON BUSINESS?!?!"
his spice tolerance is wild, even if he can't actually take it he still will to prove a point
since his voice is pretty guttural whenever he has a voice crack while speaking you both pause and look at each other in silence before you laugh and he just goes "shut up.. shut up.. 😒"
he likes to mock ppl (lovingly) w higher voices like higuchi (especially when shes talking ab aku) bc it's older brother vibes and their reactions are always priceless
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✧ chocsra™
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posts-from-pluto · 3 months ago
humans are weird -rollercoasters
*if you're seeing this and do not have a rank of at least 2 stop the recording now or there will be consequences* *This is audio excerpt 00-2 from the ongoing intergalactic relations project*
Quinn(A): Hey, Edith?
Edith(H): What?
Quinn: I was looking at that thing you called the internet right?
Edith: Okay???
Quinn: Well I saw these videos of what looks like people getting in line to be tortured and I know that doesn't make any sense so I thought I'd ask you about it before jumping to any conclusions. I even saw one of the humans asking their parental figure to go again afterwards and I cannot understand it.
Edith: uhhh, let me see what video you're talking about.
*rollercoaster video*
Edith: Okay soooo that's just a attraction at a theme park. People go on rides like that because It's supposed to be fun.
Quinn: ...but the humans on it are screaming and don't look like they're happy????
Edith: Oh yeah they look scared because they are, that's a key part of enjoying the ride.
Edith: Well, not all of us. I'm personally not a fan of them, I've heard too many stories of them breaking down mid-ride and causing accidents to get on them.
*end of excerpt*
*post recording*
Upon furthur investigation, rollarcoasters induce the release of a hormone called addrenaline in the human riders. Despite this hormone having once been crucial to the species early survival it is no longer as commonly produced in their natural lives as it once was. One scientist has theorized that rollarcoasters and other "thrill-seeking" behaviour might be the species way of fulfilling some sort of instinct but more research is needed to confirm or deny this theory.
*end of post recording*
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reddamselette · 10 months ago
the seven plus nico, reyna and will going to the carnival eating fried food and sweets that makes their stomachs ache, riding on rollarcoasters and rides that drop from large heights that threaten to make them throw up what they ate but they're laughing and joking around, gathering pictures from photo booths and buying them from the rides so it doesn't matter.
they split off into pairs for the ferris wheel and coincidentally, once valgrace reach the top, the ferris wheel stops, the conductor saying its a malfunction and it'll continue shortly. so they talk and talk sitting there, watching birds fly and the sun setting in the background. and they kiss naturally.
once they're back on ground, holding hands and impossibly close to one another, the others give knowing looks and in the corner of jason's eye, he spots nico and piper high-fiving and handing the conductor money.
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parrythisucasual · 1 year ago
What About Me? Ch. 6
The train cars began clicking forwards, the hydraulics pulling the hunk of metal up the first, the biggest, hill. You felt the familiar surge of anxiety, quickly gripping onto the lapbar. Just at the top of the hill, you glanced at Jax’s face. The typical grin stared back at you.
Then, the cart dropped. Metal roaring and wind rushing past your ears assaulted your senses, the anxiety quickly snapping into exhileration. You squeal in excitement, throwing your hands up. Briefly, you wondered why Jax wasn’t doing the same. On the next hill down, you had a rather sudden urge. Without thinking, you grabbed one of Jax’s hands, the one closest to you, nd lifted it into the air with your own.
You noticed his glance at you out of the corner of your eye, his face unreadable, but not bad. His fingers twitched, clasping your hand tighter than before. You cheered and screamed as the coaster whipped you around, and halfway through the ride Jax joined in the whooping and hollering. 
All too soon, the ride was over. You were giggling, wiggling in your seat as the train pulled back into the launch pad. You glanced at Ja, who was still looking at you, “That was awesome! We should go again!”
“Sure thing, puddin’, re you gonna hold my hand the whole time?” He raised a brow, his grin cocky. You realized you’d never let his hand go, “Oh, geez, sorry!” You let your grip go slack, but his fingers remained intertwined with yours. Confused, you wiggle them a bit, but he still doesn’t let go.
“You don’t gotta let go, you know, it’s chill. We’re about to go again anyways,” he nodded to something behind you. You turn your head, noticing one of the wooden mannequin like beings standing where the rollarcoaster operator did at theme parks. You’d seen others manning the game or food stands, but you hadn’t thought to look for one here. How did you not notice it before?
The wooden doll, which looked exactly like a posing doll for drawing, stared(?) at you, then gave a small wave before the coaster began its ascension up the hill once again. You finally tightened your grip on Jax’s hand again, facing him once more, “I would have expected you’d get upset I grabbed you!” 
“Nah, I just wasn’t expecting it-” The coaster dropped, and you screamed in delight. This time, Jax was the one who raised your clasped hands. You copied, lifting your free hand. He didn’t raise his, however, and remained gripping the lapbar. You wondered why, but didn’t question it just yet. You were too busy screaming! The ride was going!
The second time was just as fun as the first, maybe even better! Having Jax hoot and holler with you the whole time created an amazing experience, and you were glad you’d invited him over this morning.
Jax shouted something to you, but it was incomprehensible over the roaring of the coaster. “WHAT?” You shout back, and he repeats himself, but again, you can’t hear. You’re surprised he heard you, but maybe he just assumed what you said from your single time opening your mouth.
The train of coaster cars pulled back in to the stattion for a second time, then you smile sheepishly, “Sorry… still didn’t hear you…” Jax stands, helping you to your feet using the hand he still had held tight. “I said do you wanna go grab a snack or hit up the teacups?” He laughed, shaking his head slightly.
“Oh, yeah! Teacups should go first though. I don’t have the strongest stomach in the world,” you agree. Jax snorts at you, tugging you along as he descends the stairs that were labeled, “ENTER.” You would have told him he probably shouldn’t, but there wasn’t exactly a line. Besides, he seemed to enjoy being an agent of mild inconvenience. 
He dragged you towards the next ride, “Just don’t puke on me, I’ll make you regret it,” he warned. The threat didn’t bother you. He wasn’t as mean as he liked to pretend to be, you could tell. You didn’t think the others thought that way, though. Maybe Ragatha, but you doubted it.
You pointed to a specific teacup, “That one!” you grinned, “it’s my favorite color.” Jax rolled his eyes, “Leave it to you to pick a cup the baby way.” You stuck your tongue out, “You barely know me, you can’t say that!” you joke.
Still, the two of you slip into the cup. You glance at Jax, “You can let go of my hand now,” you muse, finding it funny he’d still held on. He quickly dropped it, “Right, right. Was seeing how long it took you to say somethin’.” Sure he was. Still, you don’t say anything about it.
This time, you look for the doll managing the ride. Your quickly find it, then give a thumbs up. It remains still for a moment, then slowly lifts a thumbs up. You might have confused it, but the ride starts, so you dismiss it.
Or maybe you can’t, because the next thing Jax says, “Why’d you do that? It’s just and NPC, it’s not alive. It would’ve started the ride anyway.” You shrug, gripping onto the steering wheel and making the cup spin lazily, “I don’t know. I guess I jist thought it deserved to be acknowledged?”
Jax didn’t respond, instead grabbing the wheel like you, meeting the same speed as you. Just making it easier to spin, you guessed. You sat in silence for a few seconds, then remembered how Jax hadn’t let go of the lap bar. You wondered if he was afraid of heights.
A grin slowly spread across your face. It wasn’t height related, but maybe you could mess with him. You gripped the wheel tighter than before and tugged as hard as you could. The teacup jolted, spinning faster and faster as you spun the wheel. Jax hadn’t gotten the memo, not that you told him, and slid backwards, his back smacking against the side of the cup.
“What are you doing-?” He gripped the seat below him to try to hang on, but was tossed onto his side with a loud thud, “SLOW DOWN!!” You laughed maniacally, refusing to slow even a tiny bit, “Nah! Payback time, Bunbun! This is for Gangle!” You whoop.
You kept it spinning until the end of the ride. Giggling, you watched Jax shakily stand up, hurrying off of the ride onto safe, not spinning ground. You follow after him, still grinning. You felt a tiny bit bad, but not enough to regret it, “Hey, sorry- teheheh- Are you okay?” you reach for him, grasping his hand for the second time today.
Jax glances at you, his grin a bit forced, “I’m fine, I’m-” he paused when your fingers interlocked with his once more. He glanced  at you, brows raised. You opened your mouth to apologize, but you heard voices up the path. Your head snapped up, and there stood Ragatha, with Gangle close behind, waving to you.
Her eyes locked on your hands, her smile widening. Jax quickly dropped your hand, standing back up to full height. He didn’t look at you, his attention now entirely fixated on Ragatha. Although, you could have sworn he looked anxious. You hoped you didn’t upset him…
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kevinweezhlewig · 9 months ago
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i hope they aren't in a choir that rides a rollarcoaster and they all die
w/o filter under cut
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automatonwithautonomy · 11 months ago
nona the ninth is soooooo funny because you'll be reading about death and horror and gay people and then john will make a dig at hamilton or australians.
and then of course i stop riding the intense rollarcoaster of emotions that book is to point and laugh because i'm a Patriot.
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autumngravity · 1 year ago
If RT gets to 20k in donations for Palestine Children's Relief Fund he will COMMISSION A PRINCE DAISY SUIT
30k Goal Met: RT(who is terrified of rollarcoasters) will do a livestream from Legoland and ride a coaster there.
Final On Stream Total: $31,303.00 (You can still donate and the Twitch Chat donation will be added tomorrow)
DONATE🇵🇸 - Stream(playing Mario Kart) If you cannot donate directly RT is taking all the bits/donos from the stream and combining it all together for a Twitch Chat donation.
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emeraldcity1900 · 9 months ago
why do I feel like if the kids from ride the cyclone rode the rollarcoaster from Phineas and ferb they actually would have stood a chance at survival?
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microwavetoaster-selfships · 22 hours ago
Answering questions from THIS ask game!! Doing these all for Leland cause he could really use some more attention as my best bud and I ought to do more elaborating about him and thinking about him anyway!! It would be really fun and nice to expand on him more!
HI!! FUTURE KANE HERE. So, funny story, I actually did this back in *checks wrist watch* October. I thought I never posted it because I never finished it, so imagine my surprise when I come back here to be like oh! Yeah! I have that ask game I was doing for Leland, I've been thinking about him a bit for whatever reason, I can finish that!!! And then I go through it and I've already answered everything. I reread it all, I think it all still feels fitting in my mind. I said I would post this last night and then I fell asleep. But I also still feel like doing the Grem and Acer thing so. That might also happen. Later. Eventually. Not to mini-post within an already big post or anything. If you read I hope you enjoy!
[ 💢 ] — did you two get along right away , or did you have to work through some difficulties at first ¿
We pretty much got along right away, I had quite and easy time really opening up to him and being honest with him, and it didn't take much time for him at all to start getting comfortable around me!
[ ⏰ ] — how long have you known each other ¿
Oh man.. well, for as however long I have known Finn as well! Which, I'd have to check... I believe it's been two years? Probably a little more than that, really. I had just spent some time a little while ago trying to find out when I first started posting about some of my F/Os on my old blog and when I made their playlists for them, it's not an exact date but it was quite the enjoyable surprise!
[ 🍊 ] — what would they say your favorite snack is and vice versa ¿ do you surprise each other with comfort foods often ¿
He would probably list the obligatory my favorite snack sort of stuff is Oreos and Cola, but he would also be so very quick to call me out for liking the McVitie's HobNobs, and he is so right to do that because I don't have those things as often as I'd like I swear!
Leland seems to really like scones. Like, really like them. But I can't entirely blame him for it, either. He will really take nearly anything, he always enjoys having at least something to munch at. He really like finger-foods though, or things like the DairyLea products
[ 🧸 ] — what's the best way to cheer them up ¿
Typically going out on some sort of fun adventure or rambunctious event can cheer him up right! Just something on a whim, normally the more eventful the better. Dragging him to an amusement park and letting him ride a bunch of rollarcoasters would probably hit the spot for him without it being dangerous at all, even if I couldn't accompany him on really any of them because I am weary of them so I'd probably just stick to one or two smaller ones.. I think he would love amusement parks and nearly everything about them, truly. I'd go to one even if it was just tailing him around.
[ 🌻 ] — who is more introverted and who is the extrovert ¿
He is definitely more extroverted. Honestly I think I'm a bit of an extrovert in the sense that I love talking to people and hearing them talk, even if I can get drained easily depending on the situation. I always just go with calling myself an ambivert, it's kinda like one of those "what is your main love language?" It's like.. it's too much of a mix for me to pick a primary one! But Leland is definitely social and outgoing and out there, he is not too shy or shameful.
[ 💫 ] — do you have a crush on someone that they know about ¿ do they approve of the person ¿ would they rather offer genuine advice on how to pursue them or just tease you about it ¿
Cough. Finn. Cough. Leland absolutely teases the daylight of out of me for it AND Finn as well. He's essentially the reason the three of us even hang out in the first place! He's enjoying playing the role of wingman on both ends I think, it cracks him up.
[ 👽 ] — how are they at co-op games ¿ are you both equally good or does one have to carry the other ¿
Leland doesn't play a lot of games, so outside from games that can be played causally or competatively depending on your preference, like Minecraft, Stardew, Mario, etc., most sandbox sorts of games, he probably uuhh.. isn't the most experienced, to put it lightly. I feel like he's prone to soft rage-quitting ones that have harder learning curbs or aren't things that you can't pick up and get right to playing essentially. If we did play any games together, REGAURDLESS of how good either of us are, he will still be absolutely as irriating as possible about it and completely humor himself about it too. He'd be the kind of person to completely screw over wheoever is playing Wii Mario Bros. With him because the screen is fixed to following only one player which ruins so, so, much if someone decides to be frustrating about it and not go through it together. He's the one in Humans Fall Flat that grabs everyone to drag them off of ledges or mess them up. In all fairness, he's very good at being humorous about it and actually funny with it instead of doing it to intentionally aggrivate me.
[ 🍾 ] — what's your favorite way to celebrate some big occasion ¿ are you guys the type to plan ahead or do you just do whatever you feel like ¿
Not many big occasions that we end up doing! But Leland loves decorating for Holidays, he practically considers the entirety of Autumn one big holiday and drape leaf decorations all over. He is very excitable about it though and I can't be surprised if he leaves lit scented seasonal candles in my own house/apartment or other minor decorations. Though he's cautious when it comes to celebrating because he doesn't want to accidentally get overwhelming because he absolutely will get over the top with it, so he normally tries to lean towards being go with the flow about it. Think PinkiePie celebration behavior almost, but more sassy and cheeky, and less loud or bouncy.
[ 🫂 ] — have you ever met their parents/caretaker(s) ¿ how did it go ¿ do you think you've made/would make a good impression ¿
I have not, andddd I'm not sure if I ever will🤔 Truthfully neither of us really ever talk about our family life stuff or history of it, so it's never really crossed my mind. I figured if he wasn't mentioning it perhaps there was a reason for it. I have no clue what sorts of folk he had.
[ 🌐 ] — do you text each other often , or is there no need because you live in close proximity ¿ do they send you random posts that remind them of you or spam your messages just to be a menace ¿
Me and Leland could(and nearly do) meet almost every day, and yet he still absolutely texts me frequently. Which, I do not mind one bit at all! I very much get random posts or like videos or memes that he sends me, most of it is just stuff he finds funny or think I would find funny. Some of it is like a funny picture of like a chicken with a party hat or something and a text message of "this you?/this is you".
[ 🧢 ] — what's the height difference between you two ¿
Leland is like 5'10-6ft-ish, so he looks a little funny next to me and Finn, both like 5'3.
[ 🧿 ] — have you ever made kandis / friendship bracelets for each other ¿ do y'all wear any matching accessories in general ¿
We have not made friendship bracelets together yet! I feel like if we ever did make any matching kandi items it would be something a bit more funny or an accessory, like a little kandi coin purse or those lizard kandis that can be put on keychains or bracelets or wherever you'd like. We should do that in the near future, though. Getting matching items as best friends is something I should perhaps explore a bit more.. so far all my bracelets or matching items that I have are of my romantic F/Os, and so my brain has like a perma(nt. Permant.)-association between my romantic F/Os and those things now! We have done matching nails before though of simple designs like just alternating black and white while pretending to run our mouths about different things or like we'd have any gossip(we wouldn't ever engage in any actual gossip, of course, cause that stuff isn't good and is just rumors).
[ 🌂 ] — do you share your stuff often (clothes , tools , food , etc.) ¿ do they grumble about it but begrudgingly agree or is it second nature to them at this point ¿
We occasionally split snacks together if they come in individual packs or things, I am very very particular when it comes to food(due to ReasonsTM that are lengthy to explain) and so I normally don't share food unless it is with a romantic F/O, and I'm nearly the same with clothing as well except for like the rare needing to borrow a jacket or such cause it's freezing and one is forgotten.
Biggest thing we've ever had to share is the TV remote and time with Finn /j
[ 🪀 ] — how are y'all at parallel play ¿ what's a hobby of yours that both of you like to dabble into ¿
A lotttt of our time spent together is just parallel play really! I don't know if this counts as a hobby or not, but Leland also shares my possibly more-than-average enjoyment of going on walks or like to malls and just window shopping. Hardest part of it is keeping it to just window shopping and not buying anything!
[ 🧼 ] — who's more tidy and collected ¿
Hmmm... good question, haha!! We're both a bit on the messier and cluttered end. I want to say he is a bit better about it than me, though; mostly just because a lot of his clutter doesn't end up on the floor and so if seems a bit more tame.
[ 🎀 ] — do you help each other out with picking outfits ¿ is your fashion sense similar or does it clash with theirs ¿
Our fashion sense is fairly quite different, we normally are wearing our suits so you wouldn't really probably notice anyway, but his fashion sense is a lot more extravagant and stylish with what he wears, not that he gets to show it off very often. I don't like wearing much asides from slacks and hoodies/jackets outside of people that I'm really close with or comfortable around because I am very worried over how I will be perceived, gender-wise. Cause of this reason I also reallyyy don't like people getting clothes for me or such unless it is like a pair of socks/hats/accessories/etc or I like.. really really super trust the person and it is like a I can't do it myself for whatever reason situation.
[ 🛼 ] — do you do any sports ¿ if so , have they been to your performances or big rehearsals to show support ¿
I've never done sports and I never got to attend jazz or orchestra like I wanted to in school because I rode the buss and they were before/after school events(or I was far too anxious to do the mandatory concerts or performances at sports at the time), so I've never had any performances for people to attend, really! Which, I kinda wish I did cause I think it'd be nice to have the open support like that! Maybe once I learn one of the dozen instruments I want to do I can do some one-off show at some quiet coffee shop or Cafe, but even then I don't think I'm really much or the performer type anyway..
[ 💭 ] — alright enough wholesomeness , embarrass them NOW . tell a silly fact about them , or maybe even a funny story .
He doesn't like to use my door when visiting. Gave me quite a scare the first few times around! But then I got used to it pretty quickly. He likes to be incredibly punctual over things, and so he at least shows up at the same time and knocks my bedroom window. But it doesn't really help that it's normally really early in the morning around the crack of dawn when he does it.
[ 💣 ] — is there something either of you does usually to annoy the other on purpose ¿
I mean, the main obvious one here is he teases the heck out of me for like-liking(understatement) Finn. But he absolutely bugs me on purpose with things, a lot of it coming out in a teasing manner, like me forever subconsciously having it in my head that the passenger seat is on the right and driver seat is on the left, or if I'm having a slow start to my morning he will do things to agitate me to get out of bed, like rummaging around in my stuff or telling me that he's going to mix the flour and sugar containers together in my cupboard. Though, I will say he's mastered the fine line of teasing/bugging me to where it is still lighthearted and humorous and playful and I get a bit of a kick out of it too, as opposed to being a hurtful or intentionally ignorant pain. He also makes jokes to me that whenever some british slang slips through me or the accent rubs off on some of my words after being surrounded by it for so long, he'll joke that I'm being converted or I have to get a nationality change now.
I absolutely return fire with him. Though he is lucky because he is slightly spared from being teased about British things because I'd have to be subjecting Finn to it as well. I often bring goodies like treats or snacks over when we meet cause I know he really likes those things, and I'll threaten to ruin his tea by adding things he doesn't like in it or joke that I'll deprive him of me bringing anything next time and we'll just have to sit boredly with nothing to do. There is also a right amount of playful slander when it comes to getting playfully competitive over things whether it be playing games or trying to outdo eachother with "I dare you to do [x]" when we are bored waiting for something. I'm not much of a playing dare games sort of person and Leland very much is, so it can be a bit funny that a challenging dare for me could be something like walking around with untied shoes while a challenging dare for him is something like being dared to climb to the top of a lamppost WITHOUT using any of his gadgets. It's all in good fun though so of course we respect eachothers limits or boundaries when tapping out or a different dare is needed. Of course, with all due teasing.
[ 🐈‍⬛ ] — what about pets ¿ who's the owner , what kind , have you met the critter(s) , do they like you ¿
Funnily enough I do have a cat irl, but I never consider or think about too much of my F/Os meeting my cat! I'm not sure why, it just never crosses my mind very much. I feel as though Leland would be too caught up in constantly running and going around different places that it interferes with him being able to have a pet. Second closest thing I would get to that would be perhaps some plushies like ones of a horse or something getting introduced to him, and he will absolutely play along and be like "Them? Oh, I already know them. Yeah, they spilled all the dirt on you while you were gone." And we both get a laugh out of it!
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radiodust-heart · 10 months ago
Lo lo world, amusment park date
Charlie is so excited to vacation with the hotel. Wanting to get in every ride. Making a huge float chart of all the attractions to try and see them all.
Charlie is so distracted by her own wonder and showing Vaggie everything she doesnt really notice Huskers discomfort at the idea of the rides or Alastors faked disinterest. But Angel does.
He grabs them both and pushes them onto a rollarcoaster. Both men grab on to him out of reflex. Husker screams when they drop and Alastor clenches his teeth hard to stop himself. As they drop he notices Niffty is there laughing. Angel holding on to her arm in a death grip as she was to small to get on but wanted to ride anyway.
The trio is sweot up by Angel again to get on a zero gravity ride that Charlie adores. The princess vomits into a trash can but it still laughing, stepping back for Husker to throw up in the same teash can. Niffty cheers for more and Alastor sighs. Its going to be a long day.
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localgirlbecomesobsessed · 5 months ago
Haru’s birthday
How each of the OC4 celebrate the king Haru’s birthday.
Xena and Haru are just friends I think.
Cathrine and Haru have something strange going on and it’s hard to tell what’s going on.
Karma and Haru could be a thing; they really could be.
Olivia and Haru obvs are a thing the cuties ~oli’s is a bit suggestive.
Xena 🫥
She couldn’t believe she’s done this.
She stood leaning against a tree as the anomalous purred at her, rearing its engine happily as Towa hugged its wheels.
Xena was impressed with her own mind sometimes, watching as the vagastrom students set up for the event. They were in the more emptier fields of the nature reserve, two monster truck anomalies enjoying the space as the vagastrom students excitedly chattered and prepared, despite the fact it was currently 4AM.
They had to be quiet, Haru just went to sleep and they had only three hours to get everything organised. Half of the students who volunteered were doing the chores, being directed by Ren and partly Xena as Towa helped build the arena.
She wanted to ensure Haru was treated like a Roman king for the day, the guy was way too overworked and needed a decent day of rest, so she turned all of his alarms off, she’s not sure that’ll stop him from actually waking up but it’s worth a try.
She had Sho cooking him up a breakfast extravaganza and lunch…and dinner.
Leo didn’t really want any part of it but did want to livestream the monster truck event so he’s there for that and Alan…
Lovely lovely Alan.
Helped her co-ordinate the whole thing and in a rare outward showing of excitement took care of the trucks and helped them ease into the new terrain, he took both for a spin and Xena had a feeling it was more of a wanting to take the trucks for a ride than Haru’s birthday, but she’s happy if they’re both going to be happy.
Haru awoke around 7AM and immediately came running over to them in a frantic fashion thinking something nefarious was occurring, he was about to go flying into them before Towa grabbed onto him, holding him down as Xena patiently explained to a struggling Haru what the plan was.
“Ahahahah XeXe but we can’t just close the park down for my birthday?”
He was disappointed at the fact, he desperately wanted to see how it would all go down, the trucks themselves were quite adorable and more like excited huge puppies than monsters.
“Who says we’re shutting down the park?”
She grinned coyly at the perplexed red head as she ushered Alan over, she whispered something to him as a small smile came over his face. Towa hummed happily as Xena presented a leaflet and a cheque to Haru, the gobsmacked man looked between the papers and the grinning Xena erratically.
A one night only leaflet with a picture of the trucks, a night of promised eccentric activities and fun with a huge sold out stamp in bold red on the flier.
The cheque nearly gave Haru a heart-attack;
3,831,825,118.00 (£20million)
“Of course we’ll have to half the profits between Jabberwock and-“
Before Xena could finish Haru broke free from Towa’s cage and brought her into a bear hug, nearly crushing her as he spun her around.
“You-you are the best-best person-inspector-everything in the world XEXE~!”
Xena gave him one of her rare genuine smiles as she hugged him back.
“Don’t worry bout work either! You have vagastrom doing the chores today-“
He activated his stigma spinning them around faster in a state of excitement, xena laughing maniacally as it felt like being on a rollarcoaster. She was going to mention how excited the volunteers were to hang out with animals all day but the thought was lost in the whirlwind of Haru.
He slowed down not letting go of the dizzy Xena as Sho approached them, ready to lead the birthday boy to his extravaganza.
“Your breakfast awaits my liege.”
Sho dramatically bowed as Haru stared at them in disbelief.
“You made me breakfast?!?”
Xena nodded huffing out a laugh as she and Towa lead Haru to the start of the festivities…
Cathrine 🧪
“What am I looking at right now?”
Both Romeo and Rui cautiously approached a mumbling Cathrine, her hair a birds nest as she fiddled with the back of her latest contraption.
She’s been sat outside bar for a while, they were waiting for her to come in, needing an extra set of hands to help prepare the place for Haru’s mini birthday party; they could hear her swear and mutter as bangs and crashes followed.
“A Robot.”
She answered bluntly as she turned a cog, grease stained fingers delicately switched the flip as the smooth penguin shaped robot came to life.
They looked at her puzzled still as she sighed, hands maniacally gesturing to the robot as if that helped, she produced a bow from her lab coat pocket and gently placed it on the head of the bot.
“Ta da~”
Romeo took a picture flabbergasted as Rui crouched down as the small bot made its way over to him.
“Who’s it for?”
The penguin bowed as it held a flipper out to greet them, it was rather cute and explains why she’s been AWOL for two days.
“It’s for Haru’s birthday? PEN13 is going to be Jabberwock’s new helper! It’s reinforced to be ab-“
Romeo cut her out as a smile flickered onto his face.
“That’s not its name.”
Cathrine smiled smugly at him as she nodded.
“It’s a bit silly but Haru will be able to change it, but that’s their name for now as making a penguin shaped robot was the biggest pain in my neck ever, but I love PEN13 and I would die for them if anything happens.”
It was a slight warning to Romeo as she grinned proudly next to her awfully named robot, Rui grinned taking a picture of Cathrine and her new friend as Romeo cackled at her.
“Catty, why a penguin if it’s so hard?~”
Rui asked curiously as Pen explored the area.
“Well, I like penguins.”
She shrugged as if that’s enough of a reason, Rui sighed fondly as he opened the door for Pen, who waddled around with grace and agility as it looked around.
They heard steps approaching them as they all looked at eachother panicked as they rushed back into the bar.
Cathrine ordered Pen to help decorate the place as the little guy swiftly got things arranged perfectly, he realigned the banner, the balloons somehow got blown up and spread across the bar, the wine testing area was set up and the gifts Romeo and Rui got him were nestled nicely next to Pen.
The three blew the foiled whistles at a surprised Haru as he took in the sight before him.
Rui and Cathrine exclaimed as Romeo went to pop the first bottle.
Pen immediately wheeled themselves over a flipper extended to an extremely estactic Haru.
“Greetings~master Haru, I am P.E.N.1.3, I am your gifted assistant from Cathrine *redacted*.”
Haru graciously took the flipper both shaking hands for a very long time as he pet the smooth head of the robot.
“Alright! Lovely to meet you mate-wait what was your name?”
He asked slightly shocked as realisation took him.
Cathrine interrupted coming over as she petted both of their heads.
“You can change it.”
She smiled tiredly at Haru, as he snorted at the mad scientist.
“Okay!! How bout Penny?”
Pen thought for a second, a flipper coming to their face before they nodded in approval.
“That is subbbblime~ Penny will now fetch the welcome drinks.”
Penny waddled away grabbing a tray and the drinks from Rui as he laughed at the adorable creature leaving Cathrine and Haru to stand in awkward silence.
Haru was never one to be submitted into awkward silence but something about Cathrine always put him at unease when the two were alone, it was the same for Cathrine with Haru, they enjoyed each others company but couldn’t quite grasp eachother.
“Happy birthday Haru.”
She quietly said under the loud chatter of Romeo, Rui and Penny.
Haru smiled gently at her pulling the surprised woman into a tight hug as she hesitatingly wrapped her arms around him.
“Thanks Catty.”
Penny interrupted the two with drinks as they quickly jumped apart, the two gratefully took the drinks, blushing clear as day as Rui and Romeo snickered at them.
They clinked their drinks and downed it in one.
Karma 🎨
He had the gift wrapped up and under his arm as he balanced a cake in the other, grinning to himself as he marched his way through Jabberwock, searching for the birthday boy.
Haru’s voice called out to him as Karma luckily hopped out of the way in time, the fox anomaly was trying to dive at Karma aiming for the cake as Karma held it high in the air.
“Back away foxilicious-this is not a fight you want.”
The fox gazed at him sizing him up before turning away, their head held high in the air as it ran away.
“Hey handsome, look what I’ve got for the birthday boy~”
Karma spun around smiling at Haru who just stared at him in disbelief, why the fuck did the fox listen to him?!
“You didn’t have to get me anything!”
Haru huffed out as he ran over to Karma, grinning cheekily as he handed the cake over. Karma fumbled into his tote bag and grabbed two spoons as he started dragging Haru to the shady spot under their favourite tree.
He forced him to sit down, the two quietly chatting about their day as karma leaned his head on Haru’s shoulder. He pulled the gift from beside him handing it over to Haru, plopping it onto his lap, he kept his head on his shoulder staring hard into the distance as a herd of the bull-like anomalies grazed on grass in the distance.
He heard a light gasp as Haru unravelled the packaging, lightly tracing the painting on the back of the denim jacket, it was of the nature reserve, one of their favourite spots where flower beds surround a tree, wild flowers dancing in a soft breeze, he included peekaboo under the overhanging tree with the fox and a herd of bulls in the distance.
“It’s stunning Karmie.”
He breathed out pressing a kiss to Karma’s head as he slipped on the denim jacket, karma leaning back on the tree as he watched Haru try it on.
“Ya look good in it Ha-ru.”
The red haired man grinned blushing at Karma as he looked at the flower details all along the arms, a little peekaboo peeking out of the front pocket.
“Happy birthday! Pretty boy~”
Karma winked at him as he fed the blushing man a piece of cake, licking the leftover icing off the spoon as he watched Haru flush even more.
Olivia 🐼
Olivia was helping out at jabberwock for the day, she wanted to ensure Haru could finish up as early as possible as the R&R paperwork and her gift weighed heavily in the tiny backpack she carried with her. They were nearly done, she just had to feed the koi-like anomalies and he just had to feed the bus.
They were to meet back at the dorms once done and Haru thought they’d just chill out and eat some cake but Olivia had found a food festival for the two of them to go too and afterwards she had booked a private onsen and a hotel room for the night(which she is 100% stressing about but ignoring.) The hoops she had to jump through to get Hyde to get it approved will haunt her but she got there and she just hopes Haru will like it.
The koi’s devoured the food as she hastily made her way back, Ren has hopefully dropped her bag off at the dorm, she had it all prepared and she hid it behind a plant pot for Ren to swipe on his way home from work.
Haru was already there humming to himself as he quickly did the laundry, whilst simultaneously feeding Peekaboo, she leaned against the doorway watching him for a while with a content smile on her face.
“Oliiiii~come join us! Why ya just standing there?”
Haru spun around as Olivia raced over to them, peekaboo cooing at her as she took the sling off of Haru.
“I was just enjoying the view…”
She smiled shyly up at Haru, a blush thick on her cheeks as she went onto her tip toes to give Haru a kiss on his cheek.
Haru swooped down as she pulled away, kissing her on the lips as Olivia let out a quiet noise of surprise but melted into his kiss as he cupped her face gently.
Peekaboo squealed at them as they giggled pulling apart.
“Erm…I’ve arranged something for us cause it’s your birthday and I want to erm wait it’s in my-“
She scrambled to reach behind her, Haru gently taking her hands away as he reached into her bag.
“It’s the paperwork.”
He pulled it out and gasped as he saw the overnight R&R paperwork.
“How’d you even-.”
She awkwardly coughed interrupting any questioning.
“Don’t worry about it ahahah, I erm-there’s a food festival and then this private onsen and I got-I got Ren to agree to babysit peekaboo-if you’d like if you don’t want too then we don’t have too...”
She was nervous.
Way too nervous.
It was so stupid to be this nervous, Haru cupped her face again, peppering kisses all over it as he tried to kiss the nervousness away.
“Pretty Oli, of course I’d go anywhere with you-why ya so nervous.”
He littered her face with more kisses as he brought her into a soft hug, not wanting to crush peekaboo as Haru nuzzled into her the crock of her neck.
“When do we go baby?”
His hands met her hips as he gently rubbed circles into them.
“Hmmm~whenever ya want, the food festival is till midnight, the onsen is connected to the hotel…”
She pressed another kiss to Haru’s lips. He called for Ren as he grabbed peekaboo off of her, running to his room as she giggled at his eagerness.
Ren came out with Haru and took the sling off of her, handing her the bag as she went to get changed, Haru following suit.
Olivia was wearing a short red dress with a cropped neon yellow bomber jacket and trainers as she forgot to bring a change of shoes, the necklace Haru got her hung around her neck. Haru was wearing a dark green button up with the outlines of suns and moons printed on them, he had a yellow belt on and dark purple trousers with black boots.
Ren grimaced at the two of them when they excitedly bid him farewell, peekaboo wrapped up in his arms as they ran to get the galaxy express.
They explored the food festival, chatting and laughing throughout the evening and they dined on anything they could grab their hands on. They tried to find the strangest food they could but got way too distracted by test and taste chocolate stand that had over 100 flavours and had different beers to pair with it.
Once they tried nearly all of the flavours, the two ventured to the private onsen, Olivia waiting for Haru to get in first as she grabbed the gift. She hid it behind her back as she approached him, sitting cross legged on the side of the bath as Haru leaned his head back to look her, smiling in content and bliss as she ran a hand through his hair.
“Olllli~come join me, look there’s even a floating sake tray.”
He pointed to the floating tray in front of him, it had a bottle of strawberry flavoured sake and two ochoko cups that were already filled.
“I will Ru, but first…”
She slipped the box next to him as she waited for him to open it, he looked surprise as he went to open the box, Olivia didn’t want to put too much pressure on him by watching. She fiddled with Haru’s hair as she gazed at the plants and rocks that stood just next to the bath, it was an outdoor bath and the evening chill made it the perfect time to take a dip.
She heard Haru lightly gasp as he opened the box, taking the moonstone ring out.
She risked a glance towards him as he shook slightly holding the box tightly as he gently placed the box to the side, he grabbed onto her hand tugging her into the onsen. His face was flushed a bright red as he kept glancing towards his gift.
“Let me get my robe off first aha.”
She shook off the robe settling in next to him as he placed her onto his lap. His gaze didn’t leave the box, as she kissed his cheekbone, playing with his hair as she waited for him to say something.
“Could you…put it on me?”
He asked nervously, gulping as she went to grab the box, taking his left hand as she slid the ring on. It was a simple silver ring with a moon stone running thickly through the middle. She put it on his middle finger, hands slightly shaking as she did.
“If you erm don’t want to wear it as a ring I got a chain for it too and if you do-“
He cut her off as he swiftly pressed his hand to the back of her neck, gently pushing her forward as he feverishly kissed her. Startling Olivia before she turned to face him, hands lost in his hair as the cool metallic feeling of the ring against her skin spurned her on.
It wasn’t until the tray of sake bonked into her back that she pulled away, Haru whining at the loss of his wife girlfriend.
“We should probably try the drink aye?”
She grabbed the cups and she was about to hand Haru one when his hand found itself gently holding on to her wrist.
“Oh no, it seems you’ll have to feed me the drink Oli~my hand has become too heavy from this gorgeous ring on my hand and my other is in our suite ahahah~~”
He lead Olivia’s hand to his lips as he poured the drink into his mouth, licking his lips as he then pressed a kiss to her hand and then to his ring. Olivia held her breath as she watched him, mesmerised at the beautiful man underneath her, he clasped their hands together, pressing more kisses down her arm, leading all the way to her neck as licked a strip up to her ear.
“Ohhh…Oli Aren’t you gonna drink?”
He purred into her ear as he nibbled at the shell of it.
She mutely nodded too flustered as she downed her cup.
He pressed wet kisses to her neck, humming happily to himself as he kept their hands clasp.
“Ru…do you like it?”
She was still nervous he seemed to like it but what if he was just entertaining her, she wasn’t sure if a ring was too much but she knew it was what she had to get him���if she only has a year…she might as well.
He paused his ministrations, unclasping their hands as he cupped her cheek. How could she be so silly? Of course he loved the ring, the fact he now has something that claims him as Oli’s was driving him slightly crazy, in the best way possible.
“Oli, You’re so precious to me…”
Haru murmured out as he rubbed a thumb across her cheek.
“I love your gift baby.”
He kissed her.
“I love you.”
He kiss her again and again and again, licking at her lips to gain entry, deepening the kiss.
“I love you too…”
She pulled away wrapping her arms around his neck as she gazed lovingly at him.
“Happy birthday!”
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average-joseph · 2 years ago
The poets at a carnival.
Charlie is the food guy. It's not that he doesn't like rides, he's just to cool for them. Charlie runs around all day and buys every snack or meal he can get his hands on. He has a detailed list of his corndog rankings from each fair he's been to, his favorite food is funnel cake, and he enjoys the fries from a certain spot so much he bribed a food truck owner for the recipe.
Cameron carries a map around all day with the most important rides circled in the most logical order to ride in. It's impossible to read but he's determined to make every one of his friends have a good time.
Meeks is good at carnival games. Like really good. He knows the mechanics of how each game is rigged so he knows exactly how to win everything. He's the best at darts and he wins a giant stuffed rabbit for Pitts.
Pitts is that mom friend who holds everyone's stuff while they go on rides. He takes pictures of everyone. He has water bottles that he gives the poets for his mandated hydration breaks. I also like to think he takes selfies with mascots when the poets are all on rides.
Todd doesn't mind rollarcoasters. He likes the feeling of being up high. But his favorite rides are water rides. Todd will pretend like it's not a big deal but when he sees a ride resembling any kind of boat he goes feral. His favorite is water bumper cars and he's really scary because he's out to get you. As soon as you put Todd in one of those things he's ruthless and can't be controlled.
Knox likes the insane rides that have warnings everywhere. He lives for the feeling of free falling no matter how many drops and twists it has. As long as the ride almost makes him pass out he's happy.
Neil spends his money way to easily. He's a prime target for buying overpriced things that he'll never use. "Look at this bubble gun! Or this giant Spiderman balloon! Or this-" "Neil. Stop."
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