#A Future That's Worth It
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qrowpilled · 2 years ago
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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justalittlesolarpunk · 2 years ago
It’s solar and wind and tidal and geothermal and hydropower.
It’s plant-based diets and regenerative livestock farming and insect protein and lab-grown meat.
It’s electric cars and reliable public transit and decreasing how far and how often we travel.
It’s growing your own vegetables and community gardens and vertical farms and supporting local producers.
It’s rewilding the countryside and greening cities.
It’s getting people active and improving disabled access.
It’s making your own clothes and buying or swapping sustainable stuff with your neighbours.
It’s the right to repair and reducing consumption in the first place.
It’s greater land rights for the commons and indigenous peoples and creating protected areas.
It’s radical, drastic change and community consensus.
It’s labour rights and less work.
It’s science and arts.
It’s theoretical academic thought and concrete practical action.
It’s signing petitions and campaigning and protesting and civil disobedience.
It’s sailboats and zeppelins.
It’s the speculative and the possible.
It’s raising living standards and curbing consumerism.
It’s global and local.
It’s me and you.
Climate solutions look different for everyone, and we all have something to offer.
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kedreeva · 2 months ago
Can I have your attention for a minute
It's nothing bad!
I wanted to share a little website with you, one i have used in the past. It's called Future Me.
All it is is a little web based word processor, that you fill in a letter to your future self, fill in your email address, pick a date, and hit send. The site will store the letter, and send it to your designated email on your designated date. It's completely free, though they accept donations if you like the service.
I've used this site for YEARS, it's not at all new, but it has at times been a little bastion of hope and good things for me. Every year on my birthday, I send a letter to myself, and I receive the one I sent the year before. I write about what I've been through that year, what I've accomplished, and what my hopes are for the year to come.
I have cried every single time I've gotten that letter. I know it's from me, but by the time it comes around, I've usually forgotten I sent it. But... every year on my birthday, I receive a letter from Past Me, who cared enough to sit down and have hopes about my future. And it makes me want to pay it forward to Future Me, and dare to hope that she, too, will remember that someone cared a lot about her future, and choose to keep going even further.
Anyway, I am giving you the link now, because there are definitely going to be rough times ahead of us, but I feel like maybe writing ahead to Future You, to the You that has made it past the rough times, might make them ever so slightly easier to endure. Knowing that Future You is waiting at the end of the line to welcome you, holding onto the letters you sent.
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girl-that-writes · 5 months ago
Life will get better. You won't be plagued with nightmares in your sleep anymore one day. You won't dread waking up anymore one day. You won't be weighed down by the weight of your regrets one day. You'll be able to enjoy your hobbies without fear one day. You'll have found people who get you, the real you, one day. You'll have let love for yourself back in, one day. It's not so far away, that day. It's waiting for you to meet it. Take the step towards it too. Let no one stop you till you reach it because you deserve what's yours to take.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months ago
there's something so incredibly sweet about how many times davrin notes in his journal that talking to rook helped him with something. he keeps bringing them out to touch grass and gaze at nugs out in the woods with him which I think must be very good for them, and their company clearly helps him work through and get more clarity on things he's been stuck on emotionally. it's just kind of lovely and a great little nuance in that relationship.
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fishbloc · 6 months ago
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Scar seems keen to share with you a few recipes from home. Recipes included: Elven Kiss, Elven Cookie, Elven Surprise, Buttercup Cookie, Moo Pop, Jellie Cookie, Jellie Popsicle, Grain, Mumbo Gumbo
a mini dlc to my original swaggon mod! download it here! :D
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dukeofthomas · 6 months ago
I find the fact that the confrontation at the end of UTRH is often summarized as Jason asking Bruce to kill the Joker for him fascinating.
Because that's not what happened.
Jason holds a gun up to Joker's head, gives Bruce another, and tells him that if Bruce doesn't do something (shoot Jason), he will kill Joker.
Jason doesn't give the gun to Bruce so that he would shoot Joker. He isn't expecting Bruce to pull the trigger on the clown. He's asking Bruce to do nothing. To be inactive. Because that will still be a choice, and despite having done nothing, everybody clearly agrees that Bruce would still, at least in part, be responsible for Joker's death.
...And to me, this moment is a kind of- microcosm, of the rest of Jason's point. Because after being captured and carted off to Arkham, the villain will escape again, and will kill more people. The only way to truly prevent that from happening would be to kill them; Bruce refuses to do so, and I respect his right to choose such a thing for himself, but it is still a choice, and if we agree that Bruce's inaction during the confrontation would leave him at least partly responsible for the Joker's death, then we must also agree that his inaction in permanently preventing the Rogues from killing more people means he is also, partly, responsible for all of those deaths.
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i-like-forcefem · 2 months ago
Puppy and kitty girls have taken over too much of the ecosystem we need more bunny girls now
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starheirxero · 6 months ago
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The boys are back in town (to kill you!!)
Still versions under the cut!
Here's V1 Bloodmoon, 👇
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And here's V2 Bloodmoon! 👇
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dayurno · 1 year ago
(voice of a man slowly losing his mind) does it ever strike you that the plot of aftg is moved by little acts of kindness kevin offered to people who never had any semblance of it before. loving riko when no one would, befriending jean in the nest and keeping him alive through debilitating amounts of trauma, telling andrew he was worth it in a dingy high school locker room, teaching neil every night even if he knew he was about to die
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notbecauseofvictories · 10 months ago
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completely and entirely forgot that Vetinari and Carrot get together to gleefully "reward" Samuel Vimes and also ruin his blood pressure forever.
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scimagic · 3 months ago
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Fooled around in gmod today with friends :]
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First Wiwi found the smg3 hat and then we crucified him <3 HFDJSKA
Just messing around in the game gave me a little more appreciation to the smg4 crew, I know they've been doing it for years now but man does it feel like extensive work, kudos to them fr.......
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nenoname · 2 months ago
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bluuscreen · 2 months ago
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finally played the murder of sonic the hedgehog and i like the art so much i wanted to try and emulate the vibe.. bg is loosely referenced from a photo on unsplash, outfits are from pinterest [except sonics shoes, those are from my brain] [pretty sure his jacket/skirt were based on rainbow dash but whatever they suit him too]
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deerspherestudios · 18 days ago
Hi! I just wanted to know if in the following days to come if mychael would follow more intense Yandere traits or instead mellow more out?
Hello! I feel like I ramble a bit here for such a simple question, but for those interested, spoilers under cut!
I've teased in asks before he will get intense as the story progresses, though for the sake of managing expectations, don't expect him to go all out just because it's Day 4.
Initially, I've considered multiple routes and endings for the next update, and by endings I mean True Bad Endings, but I might push them back so the pacing of the story doesn't feel jarring. Plus it lightens my load of writing multiple branches, something I always wanna avoid so I don't complicate things for myself.
I just feel that between the five sundowns after they separated at the end of Day 3 it'd be enough time for him to sort through his thoughts and come to a conclusion on how he feels. Nothing drastic, but there's definitely something that changed in him if that makes sense.
So while he's not fully unhinged (the door still functions so to speak), he's definitely growing loose,,,, I started out with the intent of writing a slow burn and I'd be remiss if I mess that up!
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nihildenial · 5 months ago
me looking at my savings after buying ghost tickets
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