#99th street
indygo-99 · 3 months
Chaos ⚠︎
Jet Set Radio Future (2002)
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monarch-moon · 11 months
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I contemplated just keeping this to myself but I also want people to see it sOOOOOO..... Yeah here's JSRF Soda doing Not-JSRF Soda things like firing an energy arrow. The weapon actually came from an ages-old JSRF fanfic I had where everyone had weapons that manifested from their souls and used said weapons to fight off monsters based on "the untempered emotions of humanity". The fanfic is...something more for myself if anything but I thought other people might like it.
(Description mostly copy and pasted from IG, but Tumblr is also more chill about silly ideas than huge places like IG so I'm less worried here hehe)
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
I saw b99 and idk if your requests are open but i would love a slowburn jake x reader
Where jake is kinda oblivious to reader feelings but also him and reader have a flirt war where who blushes most loses kinda :D
Hope you have a star-tastic day 💫
Wait, what? | Jake Peralta
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Jake Peralta | AO3
synopsis: Two competitive idiots in love. That's it.
warnings: None.
note: thank you for your request, i wish you a star-tastic day 🧸🪩
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• It was all Boyle's fault. If it wasn't for him, everything would had happen way faster. When you and Peralta meet for the first time, you already working as detective and Jake being a rookie to 99th precint, Boyle shouted something about marriage. It took you years to forget that.
• Jake was a detective with great instincts, it would have been so easy to work with him. Or it would be, if he didn't act like a child. Always bragging, teasing everyone around him, joking about anything that moves. Jake was fun, but was also damn annoying.
• But with time you realized he was more than that. Jake was competent. And never left nobody behind. You could count on him. Not only when you're dealing with dangerous things, but when you need someone to make you laugh on a hard day. Jake will be there, as annoying as he can be, trying his best.
• Falling in love with Jake was unheeded. So slow you didn't even notice. It start with simple things. It started with the way he makes you laugh.
• Jake can make you laugh until you're affraid to piss on your clothes. You being so loud that make other people laugh because of your reaction. But he can also make you chuckle. On these days you're mad at him, or you're in an important meeting, or it is such a bad joke that's embarrasing that you find it funny. And Jake is the best at making you giggle. When you're sad, going through a hard time, and felt like the way of the world is on your shoulders.
• You didn't noticed that you were falling in love, but Jake wasn't so oblivious. He didn't fall in love with you. He walked in love with you. He chose to love you. Jake is immature, and annoying, and childsh and dumb... but he knew what that feeling burning his chest was. Jake just never imagined you could feel the same.
• So time did what it always did: it passes.
• Everything changed when they found out that you were invited to join the Vulture team and didn't know what to do. At first the squad felt betrayed, but then the fear of losing someone important to the team became the most important feeling. Nobody wanted to lose you. Not even Gina.
• For a week, everyone went out of their way to spoil you. You'd fight with them and say it was an important choice and that treats wouldn't help you choose, but that didn't stop them. Boyle cooked your favorite dishes, Terry praised and listened to you, Holt even smiled at you. And Jake, well, Jake became the most competitive person in the world. He was trying to make you realize that no other place would make you as happy as 99th.
• Rosa took you to Shaw's Bar thinking a heart to heart conversation would help, but Jake had other plans. He knew that bar held fond memories, and a little drink would make the nostalgia take root in your heart. He just didn't expect the two of you to end up drunk talking about everything you lived together.
• If without booze you were already competitive, imagine totally drunk. You walked around New York, as loud as possible, betting on everything. About who opened the door first, about what each person on the street would do next, about the result of the football game going on at the time, about which Taylor Swift album would be re-recorded first. And at some point, they decided to see who went the longest without blinking. Jake would blow in your face whenever his eyes stung, but you forced him to keep going until there was a fair winner.
• The drunkness had already destroyed any sense of self-preservation in Jake. All he saw was your constant smile, your cheeks burning, your eyes sparkling. Jake just saw you, without even listening to his conscience. He wasn't afraid, didn't thought he wasn't enough, that you may already had someone else on your heart. Jake didn't think, he just acted. Jake kissed you.
• And you kissed him back.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Decisions, decisions (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Chapter 2 in the Legacy series
You wish you could say you had been able to put your departure from Ajax to the back of your mind as you prepared for and played the World Cup with The Netherlands. The team had made base in Paris for the last two games of the tournament. It was a city you had always found peace in whenever you visited.
So far The Netherlands had reached the semi finals after beating Japan in the round of 16 games thanks to two penalties from you and then you beat Italy in the quarter finals with goals coming from you and Viv. Most of the world hadn’t seen you play with you playing in the Dutch league but this tournament it seemed that everyone had eyes on you.
The semi final was something that you found incredible difficult. Madgalena Erikkson did a very good job at marking you, in fact you had less touches in that game that you had in any other game throughout the tournament. It didn’t matter though because Jackie managed to score in the 99th minute, a goal which you somehow assisted. It was a goal that would send you to the World Cup final. As you embraced the woman that had been stuck to your side the entire game, she whispered something in your ear that you didn’t expect.
You’ll make my job hard next season if you go to arsenal.
It wasn’t public knowledge that you planned on leaving Ajax. The fans had doubts every summer transfer window because they knew you deserved to play at a higher level but you never gave then any reason to think you were planning on leaving them. 
A few days later the team had a day off and whilst you did spend the day with them, you were ready for some time to relax so you and Viv went back to the hotel with the promise that you will meet back up with the team later for some food.
A couple of hours later you no longer want to be alone so you to go to Viv’s room 
“Are you ready for the final?” Viv asked as the two of you took refuge in her room.
The national team were your family but they could be a bit much sometimes and Viv shared your need for peace when things got too hectic. She could also tell something had been bothering you but she wasn’t one to push when you weren’t ready to talk about it. 
When Viv gets only a hum in response she notices that you have your attention on the phone in your hands. It was obvious that whatever you were reading made you feel uneasy because your eyebrows furrowed, something that happens when you’re thinking deeply.
“Y/N” Viv’s words fall on deaf ears. It is only when she throws Flip at you do you look up at her before going into the bathroom.
Something was definitely wrong. Your eyes were glassed over. 
There on your phone was the headline that sent your thoughts running a hundred miles an hour and led you chest to feel like it was being weighed down by an anvil.
Viv knew the struggles you had been facing and whilst Barcelona was a dream she knew you had been struggling with thought of being in a city that held such strong memories of your father. 
There was a sense of betrayal in your gut. You wasn’t sure if it was someone within your management team, Barcelona or Arsenal but now the world was talking when you wanted this topic to remain silent.
When you re entered the bedroom it felt smaller than before. Viv didn’t know what to say and within seconds her decision to comfort you is taken away from her because Danielle and Lieke come barging in. Both of them, oblivious to what they were walking into, make it clear that you are to rejoin the team. Viv tries to tell them that you aren’t feeling it but you cut her off.
“Actually I have somewhere else to be but it’s on the way so I’ll walk with you” 
The three Dutch women give you a shared look. You didn’t have any media or appearances because today was the mandatory day off so where could you possibly be going.
The four of you walk along the streets of Paris for twenty minutes before you bid your farewells. Viv and Danielle didn’t know the significance of the hotel you were stopping at but Lieke did. 
“This is where some of the Spain girls are staying. Are you going to see anyone in particular?” Lieke knew this is where some of her friends are staying. Their World Cup journey may have been over but they were still football fans and they wanted to support their club team mate in what could be one the biggest games of her career. Lieke of course thought there could be other reasons but whenever she brought it up she got shut down very quickly.
“A friend” you reply was short and gave very little away.
It wasn’t a lie. You were going to see a friend, you just wasn’t stating which Spanish player you were going to see. Whilst Danielle had your attention, Viv told Lieke about the article that had changed your mood drastically. Your best friend has a feeling who you were going to see given that you had kept very close eyes on a certain Catalonian during the tournament and said woman had been pestering her for your phone number but she didn’t want to get involved. Lieke knew she would have to let this play out organically even if it would be painful to watch.
It’s save to say Lieke had to do a double take when she saw a group of familiar faces walk past her. 
She wasn’t who Lieke expected to see on the streets of Paris. If Alexia was here who had you gone to see at their hotel. It is pure coincidence that her club team mates were on their way to a restaurant close to hers so they walk together. 
“I saw the article. How is she?” 
Alexia had put herself in a difficult position. She wanted to be your team mate but given her own loss she wanted to make sure you were ok. She couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have strangers constantly remind you of the person you have lost.
“That depends on why you’re asking. Do you want to know because part of you cares or because you want to know her decision?” 
The brunette regretted the way she interrogated you that night is Barcelona. Even though you offered her a fresh start, she hated to think that you saw her as Joan Laporta’s spy. Even if you didn’t sign for Barcelona she hoped that you could be friends.
“Lieke, I told you I’m sorry for what I did in barcelona and to answer your question, I’m asking because well, because I care about her. she—“
“Ale are you talking about Y/N again” Mapi comes out of nowhere “You know if you like her then you should ask her out. Don’t pry Lieke for information”
“That’s not what I’m doing” Flush floods Alexia’s cheeks.
“Y/N’s ok, I think” Lieke ignores Mapi’s teasing and answers Alexia’s question “She‘s actually at your hotel. I thought you might have been going to see you but you’re here” 
Alexia wonders why your best friend thought you would be with her? 
“Why would she have come to see me?”
“Alexia you are Barcelona and between you and me, I think she is leaning towards joining us. You also know the pain she feels on a daily basis” 
Alexia rarely spoke about her father but the loss was known within the team. 
“I would be there for her” she barely knew you but this much she was certain on.
“I know you would”
Meanwhile you sat in the lobby of a hotel you had no right to be in. You needed to speak to someone that knew you but that you didn’t have any responsibilities with, at least not yet. You had kept in contact throughout the competition, both been the outside perspective that the other one needed.
Now you had to remember which room she was in and pray that you don’t rub into any of her team mates. You wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries.
401, 402, 404 and then 405, her room. You knock quietly hoping not to interrupt anything or risk waking her up if for some reason she is asleep. After knocking for the third time with no answer you take it as a sign that you showing up uninvited wasn’t a good idea. When you are half way down the hallway you hear the door opening.
“Y/N is that you?” The Spanish accent is thick but easily understandable.
“I was just leaving, sorry to bother you”
“Don’t be silly, come in”
“Thank you Tana”
It felt strange to be in her hotel room and you didn’t know where you should sit so you choose to stand against the TV unit.
Both of you wait for the other to speak which leads to silence. It’s not exactly comfortable but it’s not awkward either. A few seconds pass and both of you start laughing to fill the empty space.
“It got out” 
“I saw. Are you going to say anything” Aitana asks and she gets a shake of a head in response.
“I just want to play football. It’s all i‘ve ever wanted and now I’m a story”
The small Catalonian hands you a bottle of water out of the mini fridge.
“Can I ask you a question as friend and not as a player?” You ask her.
“You mean a player who plays for Barca?” The look she receives gives her the answer “Right now I’m your friend”
“Before I start I want you to know that I haven’t made up my mind yet but if I were to sign for Barcelona would they be able to get over my last name?”
Your team mates up until now had always let you be your own person. Ajax and the National team meant a lot to your father but you were never compared to him within the team. One of the reasons why is because they met him. The got to know Johan the supportive father but in Barcelona they only knew or knew of Johan Cruyff the legend, the man who invented Barcelona football.
“Your last name means something to the club and the team. If you sign for Barcelona you will become a part of our family. Some of the girls may freak out at the beginning. They will ask you questions about him but they mean nothing by it”
“You didn’t. I’ve known you for a few years now and you never asked about him even though I know you are a huge fan. You wear his number for god’s sake”
“I am huge fan of your fathers but when Barcelona first asked me to work with the foundation and work with you, that is what really excited me. I am a Y/N Cruyff fan first and a Johan Cruyff fan second”
“That’s not true” you laugh at her effort to make you feel better.
“It’s an even tie. I guess what I’m trying to say is I got to you know you as a person. At the minute the girls don’t know you like I do but once they do I promise they won’t see you for your last name”
“Ok? So does that mean you’re coming to Barca?” The young midfielder couldn’t help herself. She wanted you to come to the team for more reasons than one.
“Nice try. I have a few weeks to make my decision”
Not wanting to overstay your welcome given that you weren’t invited in the first place, you thank Aitana for listening before bidding her farewell.
“We are going to Ibiza after the final. If you want to you could join us and get to know your my team mates you know just in case you join us. Feel free to invite some of your friends too”
“I just might take you up on that offer Aitana. Thank you again. I’ll see you in a few days, maybe”
“Good luck for the final”
If only her well wishes worked. The Netherlands end up losing 2-0 in the final against the United States. It was a heart breaking loss but you chose to focus on what you could learn from the game and be proud of the fact that you made the World Cup final in the first place. It would hurt for a while but you could think of worse places to wallow than in Ibiza with your closest friends and those that could soon be your new team mates.
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the1920sinpictures · 4 months
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1925 Central Park West and West 99th Street was an African-American neighborhood on 98th and 99th Streets and between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue beginning in the 1920's. FB.
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Ono no Komachi
Ono no Komachi was a poetess of great renown during the Heian Period (794-1185 CE) of ancient Japan. The Kokinshu anthology, compiled in 905 CE, contains many of her poems, and her work and life inspired later writers of Noh drama. She is considered one of the rokkasen or Six Immortals of Poetry in Japan.
Biographical Details
Very little is known of Komachi's life except that she was perhaps born between 820 and 830 CE and was active in the mid-9th century CE. She was famous for her beauty and passion, she likely served at the court of Emperor Ninmyo (r. 833-850 CE), and her poems were a success in her own lifetime. Beyond this sparse information we know only some of the lovers Komachi addressed her poems to. Still, this has not prevented a myriad of legends being created about the poetess based loosely on some details within her poems. Indeed, by the 11th century CE, there were so many stories based on the figure of Komachi that some scholars have identified the object of the legends as actually four different women.
One of the most famous stories concerning Komachi is her rather harsh treatment of her admirer Fukakusa no Shosho. Komachi warned the would-be Romeo that he would have to visit her every night for 100 nights before she would submit to his charms. The poetess' beauty must indeed have been great for Fukakusa set about his task with determination and turned up each evening at Komachi's house in all weathers. Tragically, though, the strain proved too much and - so near, yet so far - Fukakusa died on the 99th night.
Other legends concern the writer's later life and hard times when, perhaps in comeuppance for her notoriously bad treatment of admirers, she lived to be 100 but roamed the streets ugly and dressed only in rags, the object of mockery from all who passed her. The life of the poetess and the legends which sprang up about her became a popular subject with writers of Noh drama from the 14th century CE onwards.
Continue reading...
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manhattanstepbystep · 2 months
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Streets of El Barrio: Lexington Ave between East 99th Street and East 100th Street in Spanish Harlem, upper Manhattan
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randomsillyfangirl · 1 year
I've got my eye on you - Jake Peralta x Reader
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I'm expanding 😍
But if you follow me for Pablo Gavi x Reader, dw I'll still be writing mostly him!! I'm just bored and absolutely LOVE Jake so I wanted to write this lol.
In this, you're also a detective. But new to the 99 team with your partner- your bestie. Also bc I love Jake and Amy, you and Amy won't be enemies. Let's just say that in this world they never dated.
You and your partner walked into the 99th precinct building with a criminal, sending them to confinement. You and your partner high-fived each other. Jake Peralta noticed from his desk and turned to look at the duo. Charles swivel around to him on his chair, " impressive, right? Second day and already solved a case." and Jake nodded leaving his desk.
" Peralta. Nice to meet you...? " Jake introduced himself to you. " l/n. Nice to meet you Peralta." you responded smiling. Jake coughed, " you can just call me Jake." he spoke. " call me y/n then." you continued through conversation.
You two were interrupted by Captain Raymond Holt. " Squad. Id like it if you'd make y/n l/n and (besties f&l name) feel welcomed and assist them in any cases. " and you smiled, seemed like this precinct looked out for each other, unlike your old precinct.
Jake smiled and checked his watch, " Cap-iy-tan, since its around lunch time, I will be taking y/n out to lunch- to make her feel welcomed and what-not " and you smiled, since your partner had already started talking to Gina- is that a good friendship? Probably. Hopefully.
(Not gina slander I swear I love her 🙏)
Outside of some random street food place, you and Jake were talking. " my favorite Taylor Swift song? Definitely (your fav Taylor Swift song)! It's a lyrical masterpiece! " you told him. Jake smiled widely, " no way! Mine too!!" the two of you laughed.
" you solved a case in two days.. That's impressive. Mind helping me back in the precinct? " he asked you and you nodded,"of course! And I didn't solve it in two days. Me and my partner did. I can't take full credit. " you said, then taking a sip of your drink.
In the breakroom you, jake and amy were trying to solve a crime. " so, if the fires were all started at 12:34pm that would mean..." Jake was starting, " that means it must be that the person is free after around 12:00pm. Since they're all so close by. " Amy finished Jake's thought. You were trying to think, then you developed a crazy theory. " you said there's a gas station right around the corner, right? " you asked, both detectives nodded. " maybe, the fire-starter works there. Brings gasoline with them to their new target? And since they're all targeting big brand businesses- it could be from a small business owner? " you asked and Amy grabbed her laptop. " that makes sense. All we'll need is a list of the gas stations staff! Then we can narrow it down!" Amy looked at you, which made you feel happy- you really helped.
And it turned down your theory was right. A small business owner started the fires. You smiled with Jake and Amy while bringing the perp in. Jake looked at your smile and smiled more. Charles noticed and teased, " do I sense loveeee? " . " what? Of course not.. I barely know her., Charles " Jake denyed.
However over time as he started to work more with you, he couldn't help but look over at you, smile when you smile. And you felt the same for Jake, doing the same thing. You both had a crush on each other...
" You keep on staring dude, what's wrong with you? " Rosa told Jake, noticing he kept on staring at you. Jake huffed, " I've got my eye on her.." . " yikes. Isn't her best friend friends with Gina? If you two started anything, they will not stop gossiping about you. " Rosa continued to speak ." yeah! I know that Rosa!! " Jake dramatically replied. " id gossip about you too " Rosa said walking away laughing.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 10]
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These sweets are so appetizing...
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Due to the way this stall looks, I am assuming that these are types of candy that ouginaks and ecaflips love, and not literal animal food. Tragic.
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Things Joris wants forgiveness for: leaving a bestie with cops (after she asked him to leave), disobeying his father after he folded on their plans for 99th time, telling his father that he's CRINGE and FAIL using his real cringe fail moments, and running away while having a mental breakdown.
Danmn he's so evil and bad for this fr fr......
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Anyway, I think Joris's love language is gift giving and acts of service, and Kerubim's is words of affirmation and gift giving.
(This is wild ass headcanon territory because Atcham is a rarer character, but: Atcham's are acts of service and quality time. Source? It came to me in a vision.)
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The street signs in this movie are killing me.
The Dofus Pets 2 ad says Dofus Pets 2.
Cute ad! It looks familiar though...
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There ain't no way that these two pieces of art don't use some of the same reused assets...., I refuse to believe in that reality.
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Joris is dissociating and Khan is trying to get his dick wet. Their friendship is so special.
By the way, the fact that they cut the "Khan makes/lets Joris do underage drinking, with many horny Khan-loving women present" scene still haunts me. Why? Why must have they forsaken me this way...
I still believe Khan bought Joris alcohol on regular until the guy was finally 18. I want to live in a world where Khan helped suicidally depressed 14yo Joris have a "coffee with cognac in the morning, chicken with cognac in the evening" lifestyle, and it's like one of the reasons Joris is still alive or something.
My other thought on the topic is that Atcham (imagine him being physically 4yo in this scenario), taught Joris how to smoke cigars. And then he had the shit beaten out of him by Kerubim (also 4 years old).
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This is like his 60th divorce.
And he's never even been married.
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The reaction to the door opening is IMMEDIATE.
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THE PLATONIC DIVORCE #61 HAS BEEN CALLED OFF. But genuinely, it's so cute seeing how happy he is...
Joris thinking these things about him is his worst nightmare. AND the little guy is in danger. So, chances are, for a few hours he spent time thinking about how bad of a father he is, and how it's his fault that Joris is god-knows-where and in danger and also HATES him and will NEVER forgive him.
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AND the disciplinary action he takes is just so chill and cute... (cough-cough, my own thoughts on whether Joris was based for this aren't relevant, because 1. he ran off god knows where and children shouldn't do that, and 2. even though his grievances are valid, he did bring them up as hurtfully as possibly, with some really fucked and irrelevant things too, just to make Keke feel pain at that moment. Which is not something one should get in the habit of.)
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Your agonized twitching and worried faces have both bewitched me heart and soul.
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He's literally still infant/toddler sized... So small, compared to Lilotte...
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Sometimes, we say horrible things, when we're angry. They love each other so much... They're both willing to look past all the imperfections.... (throws up on the carpet like a cat)
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No commentary, I just like seeing him afraid.
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She and Kerubim have beef, as has been mentioned in many past posts.
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Bakara does her fighting with the same icy, emotionless expression, that she had during her conversation with Kerubim at the bar. This is her "I am going to kill everyone in this building" resting face for when Julith is mentioned.
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Kerubim is SHOCKED by how fast she leaped into combat. Also, I want to think, disappointed. This is too dangerous of an enemy to spring into action like that, simply out of rage, while having literally no combat experience...
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Because like, Kerubim and Julith are veterans of a war/multuiple wars.
While Bakara is a 20~yo, freshly graduated, alcoholic nepo-baby.
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Let it be known I don't like Julith. She is a fun character to watch, but... I feel like the fandom treats her as someone who's done no wrong, despite all the evidence we are given to believe that she is a horrible person.
She was framed, and she did love Jahash, but that doesn't take away from anything else. She beat the shit out of Bakara here, even though she could have restrained her much more gently, — she dug into Bakara's insecurities and called her a poor little fool too.
I really doubt Jahash would have liked that. (Same for her plans of killing a thousand people though, so, I really doubt she gives a shit about his wishes at this point.)
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She does THIS SHIT. Jesus christ! Maybe, just maybe, she would know of your feelings, because she loves him just as much? Maybe that's why she wants to kill you as much as you want to kill everyone in Bonta? Have you thought about that, you hot topic customer-looking edgelord?
Besides her hypocrisy, she was known for her ruthlessness, even before the war. There's a reason they still call her a butcher. Which is why I kinda dislike how often this stuff is swept under the rug by fans making cute content.
...I do support women's rights, but I also support women's wrongs, and Julith has a lot of those. She's tragic, but also evil.
Unlike someone like Nox, she makes no effort to empathize or connect with people who oppose her, and knows no mercy. At the very least, Nox had a twisted sense of morals, and could whip out an epic "you're just like me fr...." during a battle.
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indygo-99 · 2 months
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palanceray · 4 months
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99th Street Night
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Some process pictures
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kogo-dogo · 7 months
Fun fact about JSRF: I have played hundreds upon hundreds of hours of it by virtue of not being able to afford many games as a kid, so I'd just play the same three over and over. I'm not as good as I used to be, but I'm still capable of beating it in an afternoon.
Other fun fact: I accidentally discovered when I was 20-ish that I beat the speedrun record for 100% completion, non-TSA, because my ex was really into speedrunning at the time. This was about fifteen years ago so the record has since been destroyed, but I remember my ex looking incredulously at a save file I had on my Xbox and loudly bemoaning that I didn't record it because she would have had bragging rights. I don't really remember much of the game breaking stuff aside from a place in 99th Street where you can skate through a wall and end up outside of the map, and vaguely that there's a way to get outside of the map in Highway Zero, but I haven't been able to replicate the results from what I remember. There's a weak corner in the street market on a building. I remember that. You can also hop the fence at the future site of Rokkaku Expo Stadium to look at the final boss tower but like... it's fickle.
OTHER other fact: The Doomsday Clock does nothing, my guys. Every time you enter Kibogaoka Hill, it resets and does the little dance. I've seen it a bunch of times. It likely won't do it more than once per map entrance because the game isn't programmed amazingly in a lot of places.
OTHER OTHER other fact: You can break the AI super easy to beat tag battles and shit. If you knock a Noise Tank off of a rail at Sky Dinosaurian, they'll respawn in certain places and you can time yourself to be behind them. Poison Jam will stop in the sewers and just start going in circles. You can quite literally make The Immortals kill themselves. You can win death ball by boosting so many times in the beginning that the AI will make your competition go in reverse.
OTHER OTHER OTHER other fact: There's all kinds of fun little details people miss, like the simulated NPC blow job in an alley, the fact there's wanted posters with concept art on it, the statue giving a speech to a roaring crowd in the demilitarized zone. The cat room. THE CAT ROOM.
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popfizzles · 2 years
I know nothing about Jet Set Radio but please tell me about your oc
Their name is Torque and they cause trouble around 99th Street (which is a neon-lit nightlife street vendor sort of area). All the yellows and pinks on their clothes are blacklight, their street art focuses mostly on cute bubbly pink things, and one time @trapdoornumberthree threw an orange at their head
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They caught it though!!!
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nosyrobin · 2 days
💕𝐀 𝐁𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐮𝐭💕
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟑!𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐗 𝐆𝐍!𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
TW: slight harassment
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It was a slow day. No crimes being committed, no monsters, no Slade. Nothing. Just you relaxing.
Relaxing on the couch, watching your favorite cartoon while popping fruit in your mouth. You were enjoying your day, heck, you were enjoying your whole afternoon. As you go to throw a fruit into your mouth, a certain Tamaranean came up behind you.
"Hello cutest bat!" Starfire yelled out loud, prompting you to choke on your fruit as you look up and tap on her am rapidly. Starfire yelps scared and punched your back, making you fly out of the couch and land on your stomach. But at least she had taken the fruit that was stuck in your throat out.
You gasped for air as you look at starfire who is now embarrassed at how she scared you to choking. "Sorry friend Bat." She says with a smile.
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"It's fine Star..." you said with a weary smile while siting up. Starfire floats over to you and sits by you. "So what you need?" You fully smiled, grabbing your bowl of fruit. You were still hungry despite the scare the girl had given you.
Starfire's smile disappeared as a flustered look overcomes her. "I...I would like to do the hanging out with you." Your eyes widen. Surprised she didn't ask anyone else.
"Me?" You questioned pointing to yourself with a raised brow.
"You." She retorted with shy smile, pointing to you.
You both sat there at the ground staring at each other with you being criss crossed and her having her legs underneath her. Her hands on her thighs. She was staring with the same flustered expression, you chuckled with a small smile.
"Sure, let me get dressed then."
You were in your silk pajamas, so of course you had to change if you were going out with your friend.
Starfire smiles at you and flies up excitedly with a bright smile. "Glorious! I will wait for you the cutest bat."
You sat up chuckling at the nickname she had started to pick up when you left your ski-mask behind as a way to hide your identity. She use to pout when you pulled a trick with having another mask under your mask when she first wanted to see your face.
You walked out your room and over to where Starfire was standing in the living room. You had picked out a street wear attire. You had your classic and definitely not 99th white tee shirt with your usual denim jeans that hung a little baggy with your white sneakers.
Honestly your short sleeves showed off how toned your arms were from training and working out. It like a sleeper build but you could tell that this Bat definitely had some muscle for a teen.
You still kept your domino mask on, feeling as if it helped made you feel cooler. Even if you did have it on with your silk pjs. Starfire use to pout when you deny access to see your face. You have to follow the big bat's rule strictly anyways.
"Yo! I'm ready Star." You had a toothy grin as starfire smiled excitedly.
Next thing you two knew, she was soaring through the air with a giant white bat on her trail to the city. As the two landed on the sidewalk, you dropped down transforming slowly back to human in your civilian outfit.
Dusting yourself off you looked at starfire in her usual. You frowned, now that you thought about it. Starfire doesn't really have any clothes other than her usual outfit. Guess it time to use your real self.
As starfire was looking around, civilians walked pass her. But soon as she turned to look at you, you looked normal. And not like the normal she usually sees. You didn't have your domino mask on. Your eyes were [e/c] colored and slight appearances you had before were gone and completely human.
You cut her off quick with you putting your hand in a motion of "wait".
You then blinked, trying to focus your vision before it stopped with your tunnel vision. You could finally see as you let out a sigh.
"My earring that someone made, so I can blend in with civilians more easy."
Starfire was now more confused as there were no crimes and monsters around. "But there are no harmful things or villains?" She walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder with a worry look.
"Are you hiding from something?"
You chuckled and placed a hand over hers, "no Star, I'm good. I just want to feel like a person instead of a hero today. Or even a bat." You said as you dragged her around.  You hummed as starfire looked at your hands locked with her own. She felt the urge to intertwine, but before she could even dare to do so. You let go of her hand and showed her to a candy store, honestly thanks to Beast Boy to showing you this place.
"Soooo...if we're gonna hang out I at least want to show you to a candy place I've been thinking about showing you to." You scratched the back of your neck. Starfire cups her hands together smiling at you. "Let's go shall we?" She wraps her arm around yours. You both walked in and were amazed at the colorful colors.
There was even a train holding candy in the back of it while small kids were running around with some of the parents following their own kin. Starfire's eyes were wide with a twinkle at how beautiful and delicious it looked. You turned around seeing some cotton candy flavored fun dip. Starfire ooh'd at what you held, you held it to her and immediately she ripped it open and dumped it in her mouth.
You sweat dropped at how eager she was to eat it. After she gulped down the favorable dust of fun dip. She hummed with a bright smile.
"I am in love with this shop! We should get more for our friends." She exclaimed, grabbing your arm as she checks out more candies in the shop.
It ended with you having to almost spend $1,000 of candy before you stopped her and left with a drained expression while she was excited for the rest of the day.
"Cmon Y/N, we have the more shopping to do!" She exclaimed as she walked ahead of you sighed.
"Is this how boyfriends feel when their girlfriends spend a lot of money?" You thought as you held the medium size bag of candy that the team would adore later. You followed the giddy girl who seemed enlightened by being by you.
As you two walked around, you seen a mall and smiled. "Let's go there next." You pointed to the mall, the Tamaranean girl nodded at your words as you opened the door for her to enter first. What starfire didn't expect was so many people, she unconsciously wrapped her arm around your muscular one with a weary look.
"I wish to not to lose your side....." she said softly for you to hear her. You looked at her, "you won't lose me." You said confidently as you guided her through the crowds of people. It was Friday, of course there's a lot of people and teens around.
Some teens and adults look at Starfire a little weird, making her lean her body more into you. Making her feel self conscious as she looks down. You seemed to notice as you walked over to a some mall couches. Putting down the bag of candy on the couch, you grabbed her two hands in your own.
"You okay Starfire?" You asked with a small smile. She looked up to your face, "I am not sure...they look at me as if have a Zornian muck beetle for a head.." she says with a sadden tone. Facing to the ground around. Your smile turned into a frown as you only shake your head. "Well, they're idiots for staring at you like that."
She looked up confused before you started to talk again. "Cause all I see is an amazing girl that's gonna have the best day with me." You said with a smirk, grabbing her hand as you walked forward. You had grabbed the bag of candy as well. She felt a smile curve onto her face as her spirit seemed to brighten.
You took to her clothing store, you wanted to spoil her. Thanks to Bruce's allowances, you helped the Tamaranean girl pick out some things that caught her eyes and what caught yours. You waited outside of the dressing room, passing time with playing candy crush on your phone.
A girl that looked like she work here walked by you, not noticing you before she took a double check at you and stopped walking.
You were too busy crushing this level, you smiled at passing it before the sound of someone clearing their throat grabbed your attention. You looked with a raised brow, in your view you see a girl who looked about your age with a black crop top and cowboy pants with sandals. She's a Mexican girl with a light blue eyeshadow and winged eyeliner. Her curly dark brown hair really looked good with her tanned skin.
"Why hello there handsome, how are you doing?" She said as she held her arms behind her back and leaned forward at you. You felt awkward as you never had an attractive girl give you attention.
"Uuuhh..yeah I'm doing good..." she smirked at you being awkward, mistaking it as being nervous around her. She walked up closer to you, she almost towered over you. Placing her hand on your arm, her eyes widen.  Squeezing it before she pinched your cheek.
"Well aren't you a sharp one. Working out haven't you?" You tried to speak before she shushed you with a finger to your lips. "Don't say a word cutie."
The curtain of the dressing room a certain girl was in was pushed open. You immediately pushed the girl away from you. Almost sending her across the whole store. Starfire exited out of the dressing room, her timid steps alerted you fully as you felt as time stopped.
Your jaw went slack. Starfire had crossed arms, her beautiful red hair complemented the beautiful dark purple crop top sweater that the sleeves hanged perfectly on the side of her upper bicep. She  wore with denim shorts. She still wore her gauntlets, her metal arm band was invisible due to the crop top sleeve. She had white converses with it, either way at least the top and shorts was cute and fitted her well.
Starfire stood there staring at you anxiously, waiting for your comment as you felt a goofy smile appearing on your face.
"Woah. You look beautiful Starfire..." The anxiety melted off the girl's shoulder as she giggled happily. She felt her heart swell with warmth hearing you complement her.
"Thank you friend bat!" She smiled as she hugged you tightly. Your face mushed against her chest. You felt oxygen leaving your body. You gasped for breath as you squirmed but patted her back welcoming her. As she let you go, you felt your back almost popped out and air finally come back to you. The worker you had pushed far away came back.
"Oh. Is this your girlfriend or something?" She said with slight mischievous expression. Starfire looked at the confused at who she was. You jolted from the girl, sweating bullets as you felt Starfire grip your arm and pull you to her side.
"Who are you?" Starfire says, raising her brow at the girl. "And I am the girlfriend you are talking about." Your mouth dropped open, you were certain she doesn't really know what a "girlfriend" is meant here. The air felt tense before you stepped up and spoke.
"Hey! So Uhm, Star let's go to another store. Heheheheh....." you chuckled nervously, pushing the alien girl away from the other. The dark colored hair kept her smug look as Starfire turned around and made a "I'm watching you" gesture towards her with an annoyed look.
After the whole encounter, Starfire quickly changed back to her original outfit. You carried her bag, going to the front to pay for the top and shorts. Starfire still kept her arm around yours, while you paid for the top and bottom. Feeling as if you both should leave the mall, you did.
You took a deep breath of air meanwhile Starfire still had a stank face. She felt a certain way at how that girl looked at her bat, she couldn't point to it as she huffed. You turned around to face her confused. She just stood there with puffed up cheeks and back faced to you.
"Star...you okay?"
"I am certainly not the okay...that girl seemed like a grimplork..." She then sharply turns to you. "Do you have a certain relation with her?" Her eye brow was raised in a way you felt you had to answer correctly, and honestly. "What?! No." you sweatdropped at the accusation.
"Star..let's just go around for more shops? Maybe it would take your mind off whatever that was." You said trying to light up her mood, she seemed to give you a pointed look. It soon melted seeing your eyes as she nodded and grabbed your hand. You lead the way to another clothing store. One that seemed her style.
It was small little montage with each other, trying on clothes as you put in another street wear fit. Meanwhile starfire wore a beautiful sundress that fit her perfectly. You clapped seeing her twirl in it. You two went to an arcade, playing air hockey. Starfire was confused on how to play before you got behind her and showed her how to play. She got the hang of it quickly and immediately liked it.
She sadly broke the puck, you had to pay for it with a drained expression. Now you felt how Bruce felt when he spent money on you for the first time. Either way you liked spoiling the Tamaranean girl who bowed apologetically at the arcade owner. You both left laughing at the situation though. You grabbed her hand again and walked the streets of Jump City.
Starfire seemed to understand more, it seemed like the cars and the sound of people faded out as her attention was stuck on you.
The way you pointed to more stores, the way you looked, the way you were so kind to her, made her feel...like she was really apart of your life. Her eyes softened with admiration on her face. You two hung out almost the rest of afternoon. It soon was getting a little late as the sun was starting to set.
You checked your phone you had hidden in your pocket, it read 6:30 PM.  "Alright Star, it's time to go back home." You took off the earring in your ears. A small blinding light took over you and you looked like your usual self. Pink glowing eyes and [color haired with or without white streaks]. You slick put on your domino despite Starfire already seeing your face.
Starfire smiled at you, "Yes..let's go home Y/N." She says floating off the ground now.
You shuffled the bags on your arms meanwhile Starfire put her hands under yours and flew off. You both had an amazing day with each other.
Starfire landed down perfectly with you first and then her. You massaged your under arms since she did have tight on you. You still had the shopping bags you bought for her and the candy. After massaging your arms, you looked up to her. The afternoon sky and sun looking beautiful on her golden skin. You smiled admiringly as she shyly smiles, "I enjoyed today with you." She says softly.
You chuckled at her being shy, you didn't really understand why since you two have hung out before. "I did too, I'm glad you loved shopping." Starfire feels her shyness goes away as you walked up to her, slight craning  your neck to look at her. "I just wanted you to feel how teenage girls felt on earth." You shifted a little with the bag. "Yknow, shopping and having usual fun like humans do."
It was a time like this where Starfire felt her heart racing again. The bat's compassion was surly winning this Tamaranean's heart. The way you took care of her the whole day. Even if it was her idea, it was something she liked a lot. She didn't know what to feel as her cheeks flushed, her hair flowing in the warm humid air. "Anyways, you can get your ba—" Before you could try to say anything and give her the shopping bags that were hanging on your arms.
She kissed your cheek. Cupping your face as she pressed her lips against the side of your face. It felt like your hearts synched as time went back to place. Her lips left the bat's cheek as she held a smile.
You froze there with wide eyes, feeling like a statue. She took this chance as she quickly taken the shopping bags from you and flew inside the tower. Not without getting the bag of candy too.
Just leaving you there as you broke out of the trance and touch your cheek. You felt your face heat up. A goofy smile appeared on your cheek, you then teleported away with a small blinding light and a heart left behind.
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dindadjarin · 1 year
Declaration - Chapter 4
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pairing: knight!captain Rex x princess!reader
summary: After setting off to the relief mission and the attack to your campsite, you finally arrive to Greymoon where you gather all the supplies you need to finally help the village of Liana. There’s one permanent thought in your mind though, your captain, how is he doing? Is he safe? Only time will tell, for now you need to help those in need.
AN: I KNOW THIS HAS TAKEN SOOOO LONG TO UPDATE! I want to thank the few people who like and still read this story, thank you thank you thank you it means so much that you read it. I hope you enjoy this chapter as the princess gets more depth to her character, and like us can’t stop thinking about Rex. (I had so much fun world building as I wrote this so let me know if you liked the chapter!) 💕
Previous Chapter
The last trek towards Greymoon is completed in silence, injured soldiers clutching their shoulders and minor wounds, while others stay on high alert. The 99th legion leads the way at the front and flanks your back in case there’s another ambush. Though it is an unlikely event, according to Sergeant Hunter; him and Hardcase scouted the area ahead minutes ago and made sure there were no threats waiting for you. After forty tense minutes in the woods, Greymoon finally comes to view, and everyone lets out a collective breath of relief. You made it, not as a peacefully as you hoped, but you made it nonetheless, and the people of Liana are one step closer to receiving aid.
Greymoon is a picturesque village surrounded by flowers and quaint houses left and right –something one wouldn’t think of when hearing the villages’ name. You can see a big building in the middle of the village; it has a dome-like ceiling in the middle and two towers on each side resembling a chapel. In the distance, alongside the main cobblestone road leading up to the chapel you catch a glimpse of a school, a street market, and an eatery, each with a different paint colour covering their building and front door. There are pines and bushes with orange and red leaves around the main gates, dandelions and green grass growing between the stones of pillars that support the gates. The sun is starting to rise in the distance, making the flowers bloom, as if welcoming all of you to town after your long journey. It makes the village look even more comforting for all of you.
“It's so colourful,” You mention with a smile, the various plants by the gates reminding you of your garden back home.
“It is only called Greymoon because of the way the moon looks in the winter. The fog and cold makes it look grey, not white.” The knight walking next to your horse speaks up suddenly after catching your words. It’s Tech from the 99th legion. “It’s a common question among visitors.”
“Well, that is good to know. Thank you, Sir Tech.” You chuckle; when the knight offers you a nod, you decide to ask him another question. “How long have the four of you been here in Greymoon?”
“1830 days, your Highness.” He tells you, removing his helmet and staring ahead in concentration. “Therefore around 5 years since we volunteered to be protectors.”
“Oh, then it’s like the 412th legion and the 5–” You begin until Tech turns and nods his head in agreement.
“The 501st, yes.” Tech says, meeting your eyes for the first time. He wears glasses and behind them are a pair of brown eyes that gaze away from you after a second in favour of looking ahead. “Led by captain Rex, your protector.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you sputter out a response, words tumbling over each other.  You hear Nathalia giggling next to you. “M-my protec- protector?”
“Why yes.” The knight asserts, “The 501st is the princess’ legion, is it not? For your protection. Thus, the captain is your protector.”
You let out a deep breath discreetly and nod your head calmly. “Certainly. I trust him with my life.”
You’re about to speak up again when another voice does so first. “Your highness, welcome to Greymoon! We are so happy you’re here.”
Right at the gates there’s a short, white-haired man; he’s dressed in beige pants, white collared shirt, and a brown pinstripe vest. He smiles widely as he sees you and the 501st arrive, opening his arms as he says Welcome! to the soldiers surrounding your horse. Sir Hardcase gets off his horse and offers his hand to you so you can dismount yours; he does the same with Nathalia who, along with Lieutenant Echo, joins you by your side as you approach the Major.
“Mister Major.” You say with a smile, and hold out your hand in greeting. The Major shakes it enthusiastically and inclines his head as he says hello. “Thank you for sending the 99th legion to our aid.”
“Please call me Mr. Hugh.” He smiles back, the wrinkles by his eyes becoming more prominent as his mouth pushes his cheeks upwards. “No need to thank me, your Highness, it’s us that should apologize for not scouting the river prior to your arrival.”
You shake your head. “That’s alright, Mr. Hugh. Allow me to introduce Lieutenant Echo, and Miss Nathalia.”
The three of them exchange greetings, and you introduce the rest of the 501st accompanying you before the voices of several children interrupt you. Princess! Princess! Young boys and girls exclaim as they run towards the gates, many of them still in their sleep garments. You kneel closer to the ground, holding out your hand to greet each one of them.
“Good morning.” You smile, chuckling as they scramble to curtesy and incline their head in greeting.
Their words jumble together as they talk over each other, their eyes shining with excitement, and their toothy grins melting your heart. You’re so pretty! Your horse is amazing! What’s his name! Your dress is so beautiful! You have a sword! I didn’t know princesses could have swords. You smile bashfully at their words, heart doubling its size inside your chest as you do. You’re certain you look closer to a mess than beautiful after the fight with the pirates, but their kind words feel much like a warm hug. You try to answer their questions as best as you can before their parents call them back to their side and you rise to your feet.
“Now,” Major Hugh speaks up as soon as the children leave, clapping his hands in front of him. “The knights you sent ahead mentioned you need supplies, your Highness. Am I correct in assuming they are for the people of Liana?”
“You’re correct.” You tell him with a nod. “We have a list of things we’d like to purchase from you. We leave for Liana tomorrow morning.”
“Very well,” Hugh agrees. “Though, I must reject your gold, Princess. Think of our supplies as a donation to our neighbours in need. I’ve already spread the word around Greymoon and everyone is already gathering donations of their own for Liana.”
The smile that comes to your face hurts your cheeks; Khalmians are so generous. “That is very kind of you Mr. Hugh. Thank you.”
“It is very kind, thank you Mr. Major.” Sir Echo nods his head in thanks, then motions towards you with his hand. “If it’s alright with you, might we have an hour to get settled down and tend to our wounded? Her Highness included.”
“Of course!” The Major hurries to say, looking distraught as gazes towards the bloodied bandage on your hand. “I’ll show you to the Inn where you’ll be staying; we can meet again at the dining hall for breakfast and continue our conversation then.”
“Perfect.” You smile at him; just then, your hand starts to ache again as a reminder that you need to rest no matter how short the time.
“We’ll be ready when you need us, your Highness.” Sergeant Hunter speaks up from where he’s settled by one of your carriages. “Wrecker here can help the 501st load the carriages.” He gives his fellow knight a pat on the back.
“That’d be much appreciated. Thank you, Sergeant.” You nod your head before Sir Echo does so as well, offering his own thanks.
Nathalia grabs your uninjured hand and all but drags you behind her as she follows the Major to the Inn and your assigned room. Sir Hardcase and Sir Kix trail behind both of you with your luggage and medical supplies respectively. The Inn is a tall building with 5 floors; its wooden structure is made from oak that’s been stained dark enough to look almost black. Though its interior is as dark as the outside and illuminated only by certain oil lamps hanging from the ceiling, it manages to be welcoming. There are enough windows to provide clarity, and both the hallways and staircases are covered by a long turquoise rug that provides a much-needed pop of colour. Your assigned room ends up being on the 5th floor, a large suite with two beds –one for you and one for Nathalia– an adjacent bathing chamber and a large window with white curtains that match the embroidered bedding. The Major points to the room from the end of the hallway and bids all of you farewell until breakfast in an hour. You thank him before Nathalia urges you into the room to sit down on the bed.
The next ten minutes are a blur. Nathalia helps you out of your chainmail and boots as soon as you sit down, while Sir Kix brings a small bowl with water from the bathing chamber to clean and tend to your newest cut. Pushing your sleeve upwards until it settles on your elbow, you offer your hand to Sir Kix. He is quick to apologize, as he always does, before he takes off the bandage you’d been wearing. He cleans your wound with a wet gauze and a stinging clear liquid that makes you hiss in pain.
“The good thing, is that you don’t need stitches.”  He tells you once the pain fades and he begins to cover the wound with a healing ointment and a new bandage. “That would have been more painful.”
You hear Sir Hardcase chuckle as he waits by the closed door. “The good thing is she still has her hand, Kix.”
Nathalia grimaces and shakes her head. “Not a nice picture, Hardcase.”
The knight laughs and moves away from the door as Sir Kix packs up his supplies in a hurry, anxious to help his fellow soldiers who also sustained injuries.
“Thank you, Sir Kix. Thank you too, Sir Hardcase.” You smile gratefully at them. “I’ll see you in an hour in the dining hall.”
“No need to thank us, your Highness. Always happy to help.” Sir Kix shakes his head before inclining it in farewell.
“See you later, Princess. You too, Miss Nathalia.” Sir Hardcase follows the medic after he waves his hand goodbye at the two of you.  
“Here, your Highness.” Nathalia says, shoving a bowl full of seasonal fruit in your hands as soon as the door is closed and locked. “Eat something while I sort out this mess.”
She points to your hair with a shake of her head, and it makes a laugh escape you. “I’m sure it’s fine.”
“Oh no, it’s a disaster.” Your friend tells you in all seriousness.
You shrug and pick a delicious looking apricot from the bowl before setting the rest aside. The fruit is juicy and sweet, and you feel better by the third bite. Its sweetness comforting you enough to not feel at the brink of exhaustion anymore. Nathalia works on your hair silently, undoing braids and pushing all your hair up in a ponytail. She then proceeds to braid different strands of hair and wrap them around intricately into a bun. When she’s done, she moves towards the closet and takes out a new dress —a beautiful one in a light blue color with silver, gold and pale pink rhinestones embroidered along the neckline, sleeves, and hem— that is surprisingly free of wrinkles.  She must have unpacked it while Sir Kix cleaned your cut.
You open your mouth to ask her how that’s even possible after it being in your luggage for a day, but she smiles proudly and cuts you off. “It’s a secret, your Highness.”
You laugh and shake your head, standing up and walking towards the bathing chamber where Nathalia helps you out of your dress and into a new one. The bathing chamber is vastly different from the main room as its floors and walls are covered in white marble; the white stone has gold and brown veins running along it, matching the porcelain bathtub in the middle of the room. Nathalia ties the back of your dress, cinching it at the waist and securing the ribbon with a final knot at the top, between your shoulder blades. With no chainmail to hide your dress this time, you run your hands over the bodice and feel the small rhinestones that decorate it. It seems silly in your mind, but the dress brings you much needed comfort after the turbulent journey you’ve had so far; it reminds you of who you are, the person you’ve grown to become. Not a princess, no, but a capable woman who's taking the reins of the Kingdom for this one time –hopefully it’s not the last. Turning around and stepping towards the mirror, you look at your reflection and smile when you catch Nathalia’s eyes.
“Thank you, Nat.” You smile softly at her. “You were right, I was a disaster.”
“If I’d known you would hurt yourself again, I would have packed a long-sleeved dress to hide that bandage.” She chuckles, pointing at your hand. “But you’re welcome, your Highness.”
“You should change too, Nat.” You tell her as you step away from the bathing chamber and towards the bedroom. “That way, you can rest for a while. I sense we have a long day ahead of us.”
Nathalia nods and closes the door dividing the room and the bathing chamber for privacy; you make your way towards the bed. You can’t help the sigh that leaves you when you lie down, your head hitting the soft pillow and body settling on the comfortable mattress. Not a moment later you fall asleep, then proceed to wake up what feels like two seconds later to someone knocking on the door.
“What?!” Nathalia sits up with a gasp, having fallen asleep on the other bed beside yours.
You laugh as you sit up to go open the door, “Just a moment please!”
Nathalia, however, rushes to the door before you can, stopping short when she opens it. “Sir Echo, h-hello.” She greets him, flustered?
Why would Nathalia be flustered? You wonder, before shrugging it off as Sir Echo speaks up and you walk towards the door.
“Miss Nathalia, your Highness.” The lieutenant nods at each of you then motions towards the hall. “I was making sure the two of you were ready to meet with the Major again.”
“Oh no, what time is it?” You ask worried, hurrying to slip on your boots again; you have no time to look for your other shoes. Besides, your dress is long enough to cover them well so no one will be able to see them.
“We have ten minutes until the agreed time.” Sir Echo says and when Nathalia sighs with relief he chuckles. “No rush, the dining hall is right here at the Inn.”
You shake your head and look at Nathalia, “You’re ready to go? I can’t believe we fell asleep.”
“Lead the way your highness.” She smiles, following you after she closes and locks the bedroom door.
Three pair of footsteps can be heard faintly on the dark carpet before Nathalia breaks the silence with a question. “Sir Echo, might I ask you something?”
“Of course.” He glances her way as the three of you begin to descend the staircase towards the first floor.
“What do you make of the 99th legion?” Nathalia asks, curiosity in her hushed tone. You don’t miss the glance she sends your way.
“I have heard of them but never met them.” Sir Echo says after mulling over your friend’s words. “I talked to them shortly after arriving and they seem like cunning warriors. Honorable too.  Everyone in town feels safe with them here.”
“Just like we feel safe with the 501st, Echo.” You add with a smile as Sir Echo motions for both of you to lead the way to the dining hall.
“I’m very glad, your Highness.” The lieutenant offers you a nod, the three of you turning a corner on the first floor.
“Do you still have the list of supplies we’re going to need?” You ask him over your shoulder.
“I do,” Sir Echo opens a small pouch on his belt and takes out a folded piece of paper that he hands to you. “I’m sure the Major will make sure we find every item on the list.”
You’re about to speak up again when the three of you make it to the main entrance of the dining hall; it’s a big space with walls and floors made from black stained oak like the rest of the Inn. There’s a big round table in the middle, and two long tables with various foods on display to the sides of the room. Boiled eggs, three kinds of bread, an assortment of pastries and many fruits are presented in silver platters to choose from. There are also cheeses and cold cuts of meat next to some grilled vegetables, ale, tea and coffee. You walk through the door with your two friends in tow and feel your face burn when everyone rises from their seats despite your protest.
“Please, it’s fine. No need to stand.”  You assure the knights and the Major with a smile, holding both of your hands in front of you.
The Major shakes his head and laughs. “Nonsense! We were expecting you. Please grab some breakfast and join us, there’s plenty for everyone.”
You nod your head in thanks and approach him to shake his hand. “Mr. Hugh thank you for your hospitality and generosity. You’ve offered a very comfortable room, and I’m sure the 501st is more than happy with the food you’ve provided.”
“There are no thanks needed, your Highness.” He dismisses your words with another wave of his hand. “Now please, help yourselves before we begin. I imagine you and your crew need a good meal after the tumultuous trip you’ve had.”
The pace of the day picks up after breakfast, when you’re shown around town while gathering the supplies Liana is in need for. Right outside of the Inn, the road splits into two smaller walkways. They round the chapel and meet towards the back of it, snaking around the village until it reaches the villagers’ cottages and farms. Major Hugh leads the way followed by Nathalia and yourself. Behind you, Sir Echo talks to Sergeant Hunter as him and the rest of his legion accompany you on your journey across the village.
You can’t help your smile as you walk around Greymoon’s streets; their village is a colourful wonder of pastel storefronts and hand-painted murals. Everywhere you go, you get yet further proof of the village’s hospitality and easygoing nature. There are lovely stores, some displaying clothes, others displaying antiques and you can’t help yourself from stopping by each one. Not to get anything for yourself though, you merely peruse their beautiful goods and compliment the owners on their job. Maybe one day, in the future, you’ll come back to the dressmaker’s shop and indulge her into making the dress she tried to convince you to get. You come across a lovely small street market that’s been set up by a bookshop with a yellow front door. There are several stands selling various goods –jewelry, paintings, accessories, and pastries are on display for anyone who passes by to see. You greet the vendors, who are more than happy to show you the goods of their own making.
“Made all of these myself!” A dark-haired woman named Laura tells you proudly; she owns a knitwear stand. “Please, your Highness, take whichever scarf you’d like. Winter’s coming and any of these would look lovely on you.”
Her eyes shine with excitement, and you can see how proud she is of her handiwork. Thus, not wanting to insult her by refusing her kind offer, you nod your head and smile at her. “Alright, Laura. If you insist, I’ll take whichever one you like best.”
She laughs in delight and nods her head enthusiastically. “Of course, Princess. This one would look lovely on you.”
Laura hands you a deep burgundy scarf, it has with pink and gold details resembling a bed of roses. Flowers, perfect. You smile and clutch the scarf to your chest. “I love it and shall wear it all through winter.”
“I’m honoured, your Highness.” She offers you her hand which you shake. “Thank you for stopping by.”
“Thank you, Laura.” You say as you let go of her hand, knowing you need to keep going towards your next stop. “Have a lovely day.”
The next stop turns into another, and another, until sunset comes, and you’ve crossed out all the items on the list. Both carriages you brought from the palace are loaded with the help of the 501st and Sir Wrecker from the 99th legion and put in one of Greymoon’s stables. Sir Echo then stations five of his men to keep guard of the supplies despite the Major and Sergeant Hunter’s reassurances to him that it’s not necessary. Echo became lieutenant under Rex’s tutelage though, so just like your captain, he’s not one to leave anything to chance. The thought brings a wave of emotion straight towards your chest that you push away until later –there is not time to deal with it right now. Crosshair from the 99th legion stays behind as well, his bow and arrows ready should he need them. You hope it won’t come to that though, the first part of your journey was arduous enough, the last thing you need is an ambush or more trouble.
You’re just finishing talking to the knights who are staying at the stables, letting them know you’ll send dinner their way in a moment when someone clears their throat behind you.
“Your Highness.” Sergeant Hunter inclines his head briefly in greeting. “If you’d like more protection in your journey to Liana, my squad would be more than happy to join the 501st.”
“That is very kind of you.” You smile, moved by his offering. However, you know that taking him and his squad away from Greymoon would be a mistake. So you tell him them the same thing you told Rex before the mission. “But they need you here, Sergeant. With the way things are, it is important that the people of Greymoon are well protected.”
The Sergeant nods, looking back at his team that continues to talk animatedly with the knights from the palace. “I guess you’re right.” He says after a pause, his eyes going back to yours. “We’ll be here if you need us though, your Highness. You can count on us.”
“I’m sure I can, Sergeant.” You nod.
You feel someone tap your shoulder and turn to find Nathalia waiting to speak to you. “The Major is expecting us in the meeting hall, your Highness, they’ve served dinner already.”
“Here, I’ll show you to the meeting hall.” The Sergeant speaks up before leading the way, his back towards both of you. “It’s not far.”
The walk towards the meeting hall is relatively short, only a couple of blocks from the stables and next to the chapel in the middle of the village. It is a two-story building made from concrete, with floor-to-ceiling wooden doors that are already open when you arrive. Inside, there are three long wooden tables in the middle of the room with various dishes displayed in silverware; the people of Greymoon talk animatedly across each table, waiting for the moment they can start feasting on the food. Towards the back of the room there’s a big chimney where a large fire has been lit to warm up the room in the cold night. Major Hugh sits in the middle table and stands when he spots you, Nathalia, his own legion, and the 501st arrive. Everyone follows his lead and stands too, smiling and greeting you again as you pass by.
“We’ve prepared a delicious feast for you and your knights, your Highness.” Mr. Hugh tells you, gesturing towards the food that’s been placed on each table. “Help yourselves, please.”
“Thank you, Mr. Hugh.” You smile, full of gratefulness. “Might we have some of it sent to the knights who stayed behind in the stables?”
“Why of course.” He reassures you quickly, motioning towards two men to approach the table. They greet you when they step closer, smiling amiably. “Joseph, Michael, would you mind taking some food to the men guarding the stables? Some ale as well.”
“Certainly Mr. Hugh.” One of the men, Joseph, nods before he leaves with his friend towards the table next to yours; they gather plates, utensils and food with the help of another gentleman before they make their way out of the hall.
“Now, your Highness.” The Major says, settling down on his seat. “It’s been a long day, you should sit and enjoy dinner.”
Nathalia smiles at the Major. “I must say I agree with you Mr. Hugh.”
You hold back an eye-roll –a fond one– towards Nathalia and nod. You know her care, and that of Sir Echo, during this trip has doubled in its intensity most likely as a result of Rex’s emphasis on it. You wonder when he spoke to them both; you’ll have to ask him when you’re able. Who knows when that’ll be. With a shake of your head, you wipe off the frown that wants to settle on your face and sit down, looking at Greymoon’s local food with a newly opened appetite.
There are three kinds of roasted meats in front of you, and various side dishes and finger foods. Some of them you recognize from the palace, being Khalmian staples for every meal, but others are intricate savory pastries. There are small pockets of fried dough, that after cutting them in half you discovered have either cheese or a mixture of spices and vegetables inside. There’s a green leaves salad with edible flowers, walnuts and a dark but sweet dressing. Next there’s a big bowl of rice that’s been mixed with sweet corn and cheese, giving it a soft and almost creamy texture. Lastly, there’s a long silver tray full of miniature desserts of which Nathalia takes about three of each. There are bite-sized chocolate cakes, fruit tarts, pistachio and chocolate madeleines, and apricot ice cream that everyone grabs a helping of despite the chilly weather of the night.
The copious amount of food disappears after an hour with lively conversation and laughter in between bites. Your heart soars at the sight of all the knights enjoying themselves despite their bandages and cuts they brandish on their faces and hands. It’s a merry sight, one you haven’t seen often as it is only the third time you’ve shared a meal with so many of the 501st. The Queen will certainly object, but nevertheless you’ll invite them to dine with you when you’re back at the palace. Rex will be ecstatic when he hears your idea. As the food disappears and conversations are had, the loud chatter of the meeting hall slowly turns into a low hum. The satisfying meal makes way for drowsiness to kick in, and you find yourself pressing your lips together to hold back a yawn.
Thus, knowing your fellow companions must be all the more tired than yourself, you thank the Major and bid him goodnight. After all, everyone has a big day ahead of them in the morning.
“It was a lovely day, and an even lovelier evening, Mr. Hugh.” You smile warmly at him as everyone rises from the tables and begin to walk out of the meeting hall.
“I’m glad it was to your liking, your Highness.” The Major presses a hand to his chest. “It truly means the world to us that you’ve visited us.”
“Then I hope you’re okay with me returning in the future.” You tell him with a hand on his shoulder. “Have a good night.”
“Your Highness.” The Major inclines his head once more before leaving the hall as well.
Sir Echo and Nathalia are back by your side a moment later. “We will reach Liana by early afternoon, tomorrow.” The Lieutenant says.
You nod, pleased that things are going just as planned. “Right on schedule then. You should get some rest Sir Echo; you’ve worked very hard today.”
“You need some sleep too, your Highness.” Nathalia says as she links her arm with yours. She smiles at Sir Echo so briefly you almost miss it, though the red tint to her cheeks remains as evidence that the smile did in fact happen. “Goodnight, Lieutenant. We’ll see you in the morning.”
“Until morning then.” Sir Echo tells you, though you don’t get to say anything in return as Nathalia whisks you off towards the Inn with hurried steps.
“You’ve made all the village fall in love with you.” Nathalia says happily, helping you loosen your braids and ponytail after you’re done taking a short bath. Refreshed and comfortable in your sleeping gown, you can feel the exhaustion of the day makes an appearance with a heaviness to your body.
You chuckle softly and shake your head. “That’s not true, Nat. Everyone was just happy to help Liana, and I was getting to know them.”
“And that is my point, your Highness.” Nathalia insists, brushing your hair with a wide-tooth comb and twisting it into a simple braid for you to sleep in. “Not many people get to know the villages in their kingdom, but you did. You cared because you are kind and gentle with everyone and it is that what won their hearts.”
You look away and shrug your shoulder, it seems like such a simple thing to you, and it causes a subdued sort of pain to surface on your chest. The bare minimum shouldn’t be surprising or ground-breaking to this village, but sadly it is and the only thing you can do is begin to break this habit the moment you’re back at the palace. For now, your priority is Liana and finishing the mission. “Of course, I care about them. I hope I can get to visit and know all the villages around us when the war with the pirates is over.”
“And we can’t forget to mention your beauty, your Highness, yet another reason for them to fall in love.” Nathalia smiles as she ties up the braid with a ribbon at the bottom. “I saw Sergeant Hunter’s eyes never leaving you.”
Despite Nathalia mentioning the Sergeant, your mind goes to Rex. It makes a smile appear on your face as you look down at your lap. Flashes of all the instances you’ve caught him looking at you from afar come to mind; he’d been so flustered at the beginning. But now his demeanour is entirely different. Now he looks at you openly when it’s just the two of you, not a bit of bashfulness in sight. “The Sergeant wasn’t looking at me.” You shake your head, sending a look at Nathalia in the mirror. “If he did, then it was only because he doesn’t know my heart’s already spoken for.”
“I’m sure Sir Echo will tell him something along those lines without giving you and captain Rex away.” Nathalia chuckles and steps away from your chair, moving to blow out some of the candles lit around the room. There’s a full moon outside, and its white glow is enough to keep the room illuminated.
You smile as you stand; Nathalia just handed you the perfect opportunity to tease her right back. “Speaking of Lieutenant Echo…”
Nathalia pauses her steps towards the candelabra by the window and glances at you over her shoulder. You wiggle your eyebrows at her and smile teasingly as she turns a deep shade of red. “I saw that smile earlier tonight, and you’re so flustered around him. I don’t know how I’ve never noticed how smitten you’re with him!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about your Highness.” Nathalia looks away with a shrug, then looks back at you out of the corner of her eye. She knows you’re not fooled by her dismissal.
You merely raise an eyebrow, a knowing smile on your face. She teased you so much when you were falling for Rex. Thus, now as her best friend, it is only fair that you do the same.
“Alright, I like Sir Echo.” She confesses, fighting back a smile. “A lot. More than a lot.”
 “So, a lot-a lot.” You smile widely at her, sitting on your bed as delight shoves whatever sleepiness you were feeling away for a moment. Your heart feels like it’s bursting as you observe Nat looking so bashful, so happy. “Have you talked to him? Casual conversation? Anything?”
She frowns. “No, I get too nervous.”
You smile, maybe you’ll talk to Sir Echo….
“You should! Sir Echo is very approachable, so you have nothing to be worried about.” You reassure her, hoping she’ll take the leap. Perhaps this is the beginning of her own fairy-tale, the thought alone makes your smile widen.
Nathalia is quick to shake her head, and you frown. “He’s one to follow rules your Highness. I doubt talking to me about his day is part of protocol.”
“Nathalia.” You raise your eyebrow at her again. “There’s no one stricter about protocol than Rex and he kissed me like he couldn’t bear not to, 2 days ago!”
When your friend remains looking unsure, you continue. “Sir Echo isn’t even that strict to begin with. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to talk to you.”
“You really think so?” She whispers, hopefulness slowly beginning to shine in her eyes.
“Of course! You’re a ray of sunshine and a delight to be around Nat.”
Nathalia flushes again then looks away shyly. “I guess you’re right. I will try to tomorrow, while we head to Liana.”
“He’ll appreciate your conversation.” You nod your head before you move towards the center of the bed to lie down. “But right now, we need some rest.”
Nathalia nods and remains deep in thought even as she gets on the other bed beside yours. “Thank you, your Highness.”
“That’s what friends are for, Nat” You tell her, getting comfortable on the bed before blowing out the candles on your bedside table. “Sleep well.”
The next day you wake up bright and early to get ready. A deep burgundy dress that you picked out the night before is your attire for the day. It has pale blue and gold details embroidered on the fabric, though most of them get lost under the chainmail blouse that you wear over your dress. Your boots and a pair of black pants hidden underneath your dress complete your look, and soon you’re helping Nathalia and Sir Dogma carry the luggage downstairs and towards the main road where the rest of the 501st awaits. The four carriages stocked full of supplies the night before have been attached to two horses each, with one soldier taking the reins and another flanking the back. As you approach you notice Sir Echo taking inventory of the supplies and counting his men before he lets everyone know you’re ready to leave. Fifteen minutes later, after you’ve said goodbye to the Major, the villagers, and the 99th legion, you put on your helmet and get on your horse.
Greymoon’s gates close as you leave; the colourful village stays behind while your carriages head south, ready to deliver some much-needed aid.
Most of the day is spent on horseback, with only a short break for a meal, for everyone is set on arriving to Liana before sundown to avoid another ambush, if any. This time though, there is no worry or nervous anticipation, not like upon your arrival to Greymoon a day ago. As you did the day before, two riders are sent ahead of you once more to let the Major of Liana know you’re on your way; they were also instructed to scout the area. An unnecessary precaution, but one Sir Echo insisted on despite the terrain you’ll be traversing through. They don’t give you much to worry about this time around, as most of the eastern road towards Liana –the one you’ve selected for the journey– crosses through hills and plains and nothing more. There are no forests or rivers, for attackers to hide in. If an attack were to occur, you’d see it coming in the distance, giving you enough time to react.
Thus, you decide to the enjoy the beautiful journey and take in the breathtaking landscape to your left and right. Midnight trots steadily next to Sir Kix’s horse as you ask him about his medical studies, to give Nathalia the necessary push to converse with the Lieutenant. They talk amiably behind you as Sir Kix recalls anecdotes from his early days as a medic –I wasn’t good under pressure at the beginning, your Highness, he says, it has taken years of practice. You nod and ask him yet another question, and the conversation keeps going for a couple of hours. Then, when the sun slowly begins to advance west, a comforting calmness settles over the group. You’re bordering two mountains that stand next to Green Lake, a majestic body of water –with water so deep-a-blue that it looks a dark green colour. The silence is almost reverent as everyone stares in awe at the nature that surrounds you; the tall mountains, the expansive lake, and the hills full of lavender up ahead. You cross the latter, surrounded by the lilac flowers, until at long last you see the Khalmian sea in the distance and the village you’re on your way to aid, both bathed in orange light.
Liana stands beautifully at the bottom of a hill next to the sea, it’s topography vastly different from the village you just visited. Where Greymoon had its chapel and meeting hall in the middle of their village, Liana –despite being small– has its chapel at the very top of the hill. Its streets and many other buildings expand downhill towards the sea, its streets connected by staircases. In the distance you can see the slender pine trees surrounding the village, as well as bushes and more lavender around its perimeter. Most of the buildings are made of gold-yellow stone and clay, with terracotta roofs and white shutters on their windows. It looks rustic but elegant at the same time, and you’re sure the three colours must stand out beautifully next to the sea when it’s not time for the sun to set. Now, however, in the orange light of the fading afternoon the Khalmian sea looks like it’s turned a shade close to red while Liana looks like it’s burning with the sun –warm, beautiful, and welcoming.
The village greets you with a small celebration as you arrive. There are villagers lining the streets, waving and cheering as you pass, and you take off your helmet to smile at all of them in return. You continue down the main road until you reach the village’s courtyard, where the Major is waiting for you. She’s a woman in her mid-forties with gorgeous brown skin and chestnut coloured hair that’s been pulled up in an intricate updo. The wrinkles around the woman’s eyes deepen as she smiles, and the details of the green dress she wears shines in the orange light of the setting sun. There are tears in her eyes that she dries gently as you get off your horse and approach her.
“Madame Major.” You smile, offering her your hand.
“Thank you, your Highness, for your kind heart.” She pulls you into a hug shortly after shaking your it, her words whispered by your shoulder. The emotion in her voice as she continues to speak makes your throat tighten and your eyes sting with unshed tears. “Thank you for helping us; we are overjoyed and overwhelmed with gratefulness.”
You shake your head and dab at your eyes as you step back and look at her. These lovely people have been through so much; their possessions stolen, many of them injured from attempting to defend what’s theirs. All resulting from the selfishness and cruelty of the pirates who want things the easy way. Those who think these people’s sacrifice and hard work is worth nothing and inconsiderately steal from them. “Don’t thank me, this is the least I could do for all of you. I’m sorry we took this long.”
“The important thing is you’re here your Highness.” She grabs both of your hands in hers and smiles widely, it lights up her face. “Come, the town has been looking forward to your arrival all day.”
The smile you give back is just as big as you nod. “We’ve been excited to arrive and meet all of you.”
“Everyone is impatient to meet you.” She lets one of your hands go as she begins to walk towards the people who line the streets. “And with these supplies we can make a lovely dinner to welcome you.”  
You look back a Nathalia who smiles at you and takes the hand you offer as the Major leads you further into the village. The sun sets as you walk around the streets, happily greeting the people of Liana even as your heart feels like it’ll burst from the overwhelming emotion you feel when you see the gratefulness in their eyes. Music begins playing from the meeting hall then, as blue hour strikes and lavender blue haze falls over the joyous town.
At one point a cheerful old lady leads you to the back of the meeting hall, where a large communal kitchen’s been set up and shows you and Nathalia the many goods they’re beginning to prepare for the night. The soldiers from the 501st helping around to place the vegetables and grains you’ve brought from Greymoon inside the pantry. You smile and wave at them as they pass and they smile back, elated with the energy around the town. The soldiers leave after a moment, content with the promise of a delicious meal prepared by the local cooks in the next hour. The same old lady who grabbed your hand earlier gestures for you to join them at a big wooden table.
There are various types of doughs and fillings, as well as breads and vegetables, all ready to be part of the local dishes they wish to show you how to make. So, after washing your hands, you learn how to make local finger food with Nathalia by your side. Most of the dishes are straight forward: rolled dough closed around a feeling and set aside to fry later. The women around the table are more skilled than you though, and you can’t help but laugh at the time it takes you to make a simple snack while they’ve already made close to ten. Still, you relax and listen carefully to their instructions and funny stories from when they started to cook. A sense of warmth and calmness settles over you, and a glance to your right shows you Nathalia is feeling the same way. The two of you smile and continue to work.
Once dinner arrives, the bustling crowd, music and chatter threaten to drown every conversation you begin to have but your smile never falters, you merely raise your voice and lean closer to the person you’re speaking to –the Major in this case. The finger food you helped prepare is passed around as everyone serves some of the dinner into plates and settles on any table to eat. The 501st talk and laugh animatedly with the town and Nathalia engages in easy conversation with Sir Echo next to you.
“The Princess and I made these!” Nathalia’s eyes light up as she spots a platter with the fried dough you struggled with earlier. “Lieutenant you’ve got to try them.”
“Everyone is so cheerful.” You tell the Major as you look around. “And your village is so beautiful, Madame. I’m speechless.”
The Major smiles and takes a sip from her goblet of wine. “They’re people with a strong spirit. Despite everything that happened, they managed to stay uplifted.”
You hum and look around, seeing the sparkle in the eyes of every villager. “That’s beautiful.”
“It’s not an easy thing to do.” The Major continues. “It is so easy to let ourselves be beaten down after something terrible that happens, but sometimes looking at what’s gone right is all it takes to change one’s mood.”
“Well, I certainly need to learn from them.” You chuckle and sip from your own goblet before a little girl approaches your table.
“H–Hi Princess.” She smiles shyly at you, and you instantly smile back.
“Hey baby girl, what’s your name?”
“Anna.” Her cheeks flush as she looks down at her hands. “Would you like to play with us?”
Your heart squeezes, and a quick glance behind her back shows you there are about a dozen children waiting for your answer. “Why, of course I’d love to!”
Anna’s face lights up, her shyness forgotten at your welcoming tone. She quickly grabs your hand. “Let’s go! You can invite your friends if you’d like.”
You laugh softly and rise from the table, calling out to Nathalia and the 501st as you do. “If anyone would like to join us for a game outside, feel free to come!”
Nathalia stands up and follows you, an excited skip to her step, before Hardcase, Echo, Dogma, Mixer, Kix, and Fox follow her lead. Outside, the kids have set up two goal posts and proceed to divide everyone into two teams. The goal? Kick the ball and score a point, the team who scores 5 goals wins. Little Anna ends up in your team and her contagious laugh trails everyone in your team as she follows you while you try to evade your rivals to reach the other goal post. Laughter, screaming and wrestling ensues –though you don’t participate in the latter, instead letting Hardcase and Fox engage in friendly roughhousing every time the other wins– until Sir Echo’s team wins and the kids are called to bed.
Madame Major, amused by the game she just witnessed and reading the exhaustion on both yours and Nathalia’s faces, leads you to the cottage you’ll be staying at. It is a lovely white house with climbing pink hydrangeas on the front. The house itself is two stories tall; it has two bedrooms upstairs and a living room and kitchen on the ground floor. Sir Echo stations three soldiers to protect you and they make themselves comfortable in the living room, lounging on the couch and taking off some of their heavy armour. Your luggage is carried to your room as well as Nathalia’s on the other side of the hallway. There’s an adjacent bathing chamber in each bedroom, with its private door and closet to place your clothes in, as well as a mirror and a small furnace for hot water supply. You thank the knights who carried your luggage upstairs before taking in the room.
It is a rustic chamber with contrasting delicate decorations. There are pale blue curtains framing the floor-to-ceiling window, and floral embroidered blankets and throw pillows on the bed. The bed itself is tall with four posters and a soft mattress, and to its left stands a small balcony overlooking the Khalmian sea illuminated by moonlight. It’s cozy, private, and the prospect of resting after the events of the evening makes you rush to open your luggage and look for your clothes.
You move towards the bathroom after picking out your clothes for the night; the chamber’s colour is the same as the one in the bedroom with golden yellow walls and light blue decorations. A moment later, once you make sure the furnace is working, you fill up the porcelain tub and undress not before taking off the bandage covering your injury. The cold evening air makes your naked body shiver for a few seconds before you step on the tub and sink into the water. A sigh escapes you as your muscles begin to relax and your achy feet thank you for the warm water. Heaven, you think.
Closing your eyes, you lean your head back and begin washing your hair —hissing at the pain in your hand— as you think about the events of the day. There’s deep regret in your heart at not visiting Liana before the attack happened and missing out on all its beautiful and welcoming people. It isn’t something you’re going to miss out on anymore, you decide; you’re more than sure other villages in the kingdom that haven’t been visited by your father in a while either. Though you always look after their best interests you’ve never been to many of them, now you’re determined to travel around Khalmia and listen to the people to provide whatever aid they may need that’s been lost in paperwork or mail. After the war is over, you’ll ask Rex to accompany you so both of you can visit and know more about Khalmia together. You’re certain he’ll be more than happy to and that he will love Liana most of all. Bringing your thoughts back to the village you’re, you feel a smile appear on your face again at the memory of the warm welcome you received. Not to mention the beautiful view of the sea and the delicious food you’d tried. Wouldn’t this village profit from more visitors; you know they had an Inn before the attack and given what you saw today you can only assume the boardwalk was beautiful as well. You haven’t seen the destruction the pirates left behind, but once you do you will ask the Major why Liana hasn’t been a holiday site for the Kingdom.
Wrapping a towel around your hair and drying your body once the soapy water has gone from hot to lukewarm, you get dressed in your night gown, followed by a purple dressing gown you tie around your waist. You brush your teeth in front of the mirror before going back to the bedroom where Nathalia’s already waiting for you in her own nightgown and robe. She looks refreshed and happy.
“You were wonderful with the children, your Highness.” Nat smiles at your reflection once you sit down at the vanity in front of the bed. Your friend helps you dry your hair with your towel before combing through it.
You look down in embarrassment, grabbing some of your nightly pomade and applying it to your face that burns at her words. “They were very amiable don’t you think? There are barely any children in the family, or in the Estates we visit sometimes. It was nice to have that kind of genuine happiness around don’t you think?”
“Yes, it was. Even though we lost to the opposing team –the knights won’t let us forget it.” Nathalia agrees, grabbing her mixture of coconut and argan oil to apply to your hair while you wrap a new bandage around the cut in your hand. “I also think you and Rex will be the best parents when you have children of your own. You are perfect for each other, a good team.”
“We need to get our relationship approved first, Nat.” You smile at her enthusiasm and look away as you go over Natalia’s words.
 It’s not something you’ve discussed with Rex, as your relationship doesn’t have any approval yet to make such kinds of plans. But you wonder if your father will share Nathalia’s sentiments towards the two of you. Will he see you as a good team as well, or will he object? You see truth to Nathalia’s words yourself; you and Rex provide each other a perfect kind of balance. He, a man of duty and protocol and strength, and you, an equally strong but more emotional counterpart. He teaches you what you need to face the tough world you live in while you teach him to slow down and enjoy the little things and fleeting moments that will mean so much in the future.
Nathalia’s yawn brings you back to the present and you chuckle at the sleepy look on her face. “It’s been a long day, Nat. Why don’t you go rest? I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Are you sure you don’t need anything else, your Highness?” She asks after wrapping your hair in a cotton cloth for it to dry overnight.
With a shake of your head, you reassure her that you’re okay and she smiles before bidding you goodnight. After standing from your seat, you walk over to the small balcony in your room and look across towards the Khalmian sea, allowing the breeze to soothe a wave of anxiety that floods your chest. You wonder how your father is right now, how Rex is too. Have the pirates attacked yet? Did the other kingdoms arrive in time with their aid?
They are okay, you decide. Rex is okay. There’s no reason to believe otherwise, you don’t need to send such negativity his way. No, he’ll be fine, he’s a great warrior, the most cunning one you know. Brave and strong, fearless, and smart. You’ve seen him train for years, first from afar when he wasn’t looking and later front and center in the courtyard when it was useless to hide your affection for him; he’d read it all in your letters. He’s trained his men just as fiercely, even when there was no danger to prepare for.
We need to be ready to defend you and the palace, my lady, no time to lose, He’d said when you asked him why they trained every day; you’d passed him a glass of water and tried very hard not to look at the open collar of his shirt that day. Every knight in the 501st is trained to do their best and think of the best strategy for success, so you have nothing to worry about. Your father, Rex, and your friends fighting in the Turquoise Sea will be more than alright.
A strong breeze makes you shiver, and a wave of homesickness seems to make its way to you from the sea. On the one hand, it’s good that you’ve been too tired and too busy lately to be alone with your thoughts. But on the other hand, you’ve only delayed the inevitable. It isn’t the first time you’ve been away from home, and you’ve never been alone –Nat is always by your side– but for the first time, there is too much uncertainty upon your return. The palace will be mostly empty, the King will be away, your captain too. Most of the anxiety you felt days ago had more to do with being apart from each other than the danger you could potentially face in the journey. You’ve never been apart for so long and now your heart is begging for you to acknowledge your feelings. You miss Rex. You miss him so much that you’d rather stay busy than let yourself think about his absence and be overwhelmed by sadness.
 He’s been your constant for years; the one person that even from across the room, can bring you comfort like no other. His eyes know you, understand you, they bring you home. A home that’s him. Which makes thinking about going back to the palace –without Rex– sad and not comforting at all. No, the homesickness you’re feeling is tied more to the one you love than to a specific place, not even the garden would soothe it. There’s really nothing you want more –and it’s foolish to even think about it– than to have Rex wrap his arms around you and hold you while your tired body falls asleep.
Soon. Not the falling asleep next to him, but knowing his presence is near you. The war will be over one way or another, and you trust your captain to come back to you unharmed. You’ll have your strolls around the garden, he’ll join you for tea and any affairs you might have to attend to. You’ll engage in deep conversation, you’ll laugh, you’ll be happy. He’d told you he would come back, and Rex is a man of his word. Thus, with that peace of mind, you close and lock the balcony’s door before moving to lie on the bed; the soft mattress and duvet welcome you as you sigh in relief. Sleep takes you hostage almost immediately, bringing you to a blurry dream of a white gown, a garden and a familiar face smiling at you.
The next day, after everyone has breakfast, the major shows you to the site where all the destruction happened. Most of the damage took place along the boardwalk, which was set on fire that night, and the adjacent houses and buildings. Just like Commander Cody had reported during the King’s meeting, two houses, the barn, and the bank suffered terrible damage. Your mind supplies the memory of the kids you played with the night before, and an overwhelming sense of relief goes through you at once. At least no one was gravely hurt or killed. At least the kids weren’t around.
It tears your heart in half, looking the scorch marks left by the fire, the ashes lying on the floor where the barn used to stand, the empty space where the boardwalk should be. All the pirates’ targets where buildings made from wood, unlike the rest of the village that’s made from cobblestone. How can there be people so vile? So cruel as to plan something that would make this village’s efforts disappear in an instant? You wonder as you brush away your tears, eyebrows meeting in the middle as anger threatens to take over you. Why are there people so evil in this world that harm innocents out of mere spite? Your thoughts are bitter, you can’t deny it, but looking at the destruction first-hand lights up a flame of protectiveness in your heart.
A protectiveness that quickly upsets you, until you spot the people of Liana who are still cleaning up the ashes and debris of the boardwalk. Further up the road there are three locksmiths setting up a workshop in front of the bank to make a new door for the vault. It soothes your incensed emotions until slowly the crease between your eyebrows disappears. The anger you felt fades, and though your heartache stays, you feel more hopeful than a few moments ago. People can be cruel but there are also good, kind-hearted, and generous people. People who like to help. Those who balance out the world. With a deep breath, you bring yourself back to the present moment, and voice the question you asked to yourself the night before.
“If I may ask,” you begin with a glance to the Major who walks alongside you and Nathalia. She smiles and urges you to continue. “Why isn’t Liana a main village visitors go to in Khalmia?  Your village is absolutely beautiful, the Khalmian sea is right in front of you. Your people and your gastronomy are wonderful. Yet it’s not a village most people visit.”
The Major sighs and points to the western side of the village. “That’s the road you took to the village yesterday. It is the longest, and it’s not often used. There is another one on the eastern side, and visitors used to like it because you don’t have to camp on the way, and it has direct access to the main road between the kingdoms. However… it hasn’t been safe for a while. There are bandits who like to scout the area and rob anyone who would like to visit; they think the visitors will have wealthy possessions because they’re on holiday.”
At your frown she shrugs her shoulders. “The road has been neglected for a long time because of this, and everyone is afraid to go and fix it.”
You sigh, shake your head; out of the corner of your eye you see Nathalia do the same next to you. It is no wonder Greymoon is frequented more often, they have the 99th legion who protect the roads and the people from instances like this one. The memory of the five knights is all you need to come up with a plan of action.
“When I go back and the captains and commanders are back from the war, I will ask them to create a legion of knights for Liana, just like the one they have in Greymoon.” You tell the Major, pausing your walk to reassure her. “It can include palace knights as well as any men who would like to be a knight for your village. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?”
The Majors eyes light up as she nods. “That sound like a wonderful idea, your Highness. I’m certain that with more protection, things would be much different here for us. Especially the children.”
“You will have the safety you need; I promise.” You offer your hand for her to shake. “And those bandits will be taken care of.”
It’ll be your first order of business when you get back home, King’s approval or not, the bandits will be the first to be stopped. Afterwards, once Captain Rex is back, you’ll tell him about your idea for a Legion to protect Liana. You’re sure he’ll be more than happy to help you.  
The three of you continue walking in silence, greeting the people and the knights who are helping to clean up the debris before you turn to the Major again. “What would you like to see in your village to make it more comfortable for visitors?”  
“I think the Inn is what needs the most adjustments.” She tells you, pointing up at the street above to show you the three-story stone building. It’s been painted white with turquoise and yellow details, but the paint is chipping, the windows aren’t in good condition and a part of the roof looks like it’s seen better days.
“It’s expensive to maintain,” The Major explains, “But with more visitors it wouldn’t be. As you can see, it needs repairs and some refurbishments to the bedrooms and bathing chambers.”
You nod and turn, looking back at the boardwalk. “I imagine the boardwalk too, as it needs to be completely redone.”
“Maybe we’ll build it in cobblestone this time, like the rest of the village.” The Major smiles.
“It’ll definitely be fireproof then.” Nathalia pitches in, making both of you laugh.
“I think stone is a good idea,” You nod.
“If you think it’ll attract visitors when the road is patrolled.” The Major replies. “With the gold you’ve brought for the bank, I’m sure we can get it done.”
“It will most definitely attract visitors; I’ll make sure of it!” You tell her with enthusiasm, with the gossiping going around many of the events you attend it is only a matter of time before this village increases its popularity. That and… “I’m also planning on coming back.”
When the Major sees the honestly in your smile, her eyes light up. “Really, your Highness?”
“Of course.” You nod. “Nathalia, you’d love to come back here, right?”
“Absolutely, your Highness.” Nathalia sighs looking around. “I don’t even want to leave.”
You chuckle as you continue along Main Street and see the jolly mood everyone is in. Happiness makes its way to your heart at the thought that with the supplies you’ve brought for them, the Major will be able to undo the harm the pirates did to them. You don’t tell her though, that you’ll send a team to renovate the Inn, the boardwalk, and the barn as soon as possible. But you will. They were caught in a crossfire between the Kingdom and the pirates; they didn’t deserve this. So you’ll fix whatever needs to, and make this right. You also know you must visit the other villages in the Kingdom. It is imperative that you know what issues and safety concerns aren’t being seen –what your father might have neglected. Though your mother criticizes your emotions and how they sometimes drive your decisions, you don’t feel any shame about it. You need love and empathy when looking at certain things, especially if you want to be of any help.
“Might I see your chapel?” You ask before you can think twice, love taking the reins of your decisions for a split second. Nathalia gasps behind you, shooting you a look of barely contained excitement that makes you laugh.
“Why of course,” The Major smiles. “Right this way. Although I must warn you, we must climb many stairs to get there.”
You laugh at Nathalia’s frown and link your arm with hers. “We can manage that with no problem.”
“Okay, I’ll admit this view is worth the climb.” Nathalia says, wiping some sweat from her forehead, and trying to catch her breath.
The early afternoon sun is high in the sky, bathing everything in sunlight, and making the clear water of the Khalmian sea shimmer below. From where you stand, right at the doorstep of the chapel, you have an unobstructed view at the city below, red roofed buildings with their black iron balconies and ceramic pots on windowsills. Pine trees so big the very top is right below the balcony you stand on. You run your hand over the stone; flowers and vines have been carved delicately into it, and there are empty spaces between them that allow light to sneak through. It makes the flowers’ pattern paint the cobblestones with light underneath your shoes. You smile then turn towards the chapel, it’s yellow and orange stone exterior shining with the sun and slowly becoming the home of deep green vines that snake their way from the ground up, halfway to the very top of the building. You’re sure that when spring comes, these vines will be covered in flowers; the thought cements your determination to return to Liana after winter comes and goes.
Your words are followed by another gasp coming from Nathalia behind you, and you nod in agreement. The cobblestone floor outside, transitions into white polished marble with brown and ochre veining that makes your footsteps echo as you walk. The pillars have golden detailing, intricate vines, flowers, and leaves weaving together under light blue painted stone. The golden detailing settles at the top of each column from which the coved ceiling expands upwards. The dome-like structure above has cherubs, gardens, the Khalmian sea, and the sun all depicted in a breathtaking mural; being biased towards gardens, you decide this mural is more beautiful than the one in your father’s wing back at the palace. Everyone is silent as you take in the rest of the room, the white benches, the light blue carpet extending towards the center of the room and the golden detailing of the altar and big windows on the eastern and western walls –perfect for a sunrise and a sunset. You let your mind wander, putting white carnations, blue delphiums and hydrangeas in around the place, lighting up the candelabra by the walls and in the altar, white and light blue lace decorating the sides of the benches and a long veil with embroidered white flowers dragging along the carpet. A shuddering breath leaves you and you shake those thoughts out of your head –there’s no point in thinking about it. Not when you haven’t talked to your father yet.
So you clear your throat and smile at the Major. “It’s beautiful.”
She nods when she turns to you. “We’re very proud of it. It’s been kept this way for one hundred years.”
“Yet another reason for Liana to have more visitors.” You tell her with a nod. “Don’t you think, Nat?”
“Yes, your Highness.” Your friend smiles at you, a knowing look in her eyes that you ignore for the sake of your heart. “I imagine once people visit Liana, they’re sure to want to get married here.”
You smile and shoot her an amused look before shaking your head; like you said before, those thoughts have no room in your mind right now –you shouldn’t have entertained the idea to begin with. The mission isn’t over yet, and that’s where you must settle your focus on.  “Shall we return to the boardwalk, Madame Mayor? Your people need all the help they can get.”
“Of course,” She motions with her hand for you and Nathalia to go ahead. “The journey down is much easier.”
The rest of the day is spent looking at some of the reparations being made, then you go to the store where the farmers usually bought their supplies –before they were looted by the pirates– and begin distributing the seeds to re-plant the crops ruined by the pirates and farming supplies they will need to tend to them until the next harvest. About half of the supplies have been distributed when your heart is moved to tears by a particular farmer, Peter, who brings a small basket with a couple of apples to you, tears in his eyes as he gives you his thanks.
“The only ones left in a lonely tree.” He says wiping his eyes. “They stayed there for you, I’m sure, Princess; to thank you for your kindness to us today.”
You shake your head and give the farmer a hug after taking the basket from him. “There are no thanks needed, this is the least I can do for all of you.”
 You let him go and hand him knapsack with supplies, like you’ve done to everyone else in the queue. Tears sting your eyes, but you blink them back, putting a smile on your face instead. “I hope the next harvest is even better than the one you’ve lost.”
With a smile of his own and a nod, Peter says goodbye and walks out the door holding the knapsack to his chest. Next to you Nathalia tries to dry her eyes discreetly with the back of her hand before a white handkerchief is handed to her. You don’t overlook the gentle look on Sir Echo’s face when Nathalia thanks him quietly, or the way her eyes shine as she looks up at him. The display next to you warms your heart even as you look away promptly and pretend you’ve not noticed anything. A discreet smile makes its way to your face though; you’ll have to ask Rex if he’s noticed any feelings the Lieutenant might have towards Nat. You certainly haven’t seen Nat blush in front of Sir Echo before these last couple of days.
What happened that’s made their feelings surface? Perhaps you and your captain will play cupid once he’s back, to see if your friends’ feelings are requited or not. Once he’s back, you tell yourself with a shake your head. With a deep breath and one last glance at Nathalia, you bring your focus back to the matter at hand and the distribution of the necessary supplies to the farmers still queuing in front of you. There’s still much to do until your departure in the morning, you have no time to waste.
After almost 30 days at sea, the war with the pirates finally has an end in sight and Rex is thankful. It has a been a brutal fight —the still aching wound on his side a painful reminder— but thanks to Khalmia’s strategy and carefully planned attacks, most of the casualties were on the enemies’ side. The help received by the Kingdoms of Mezeron, Amarant and Chelsia became of utmost importance and allowed Khalmia to turn the tide in their favour, bringing the pirates to their knees. Literally, as the pirates on the ships they are currently surrounding kneel and raise their hands in surrender. All of them abandoning the fight and leaving their leader –pirate captain Thorne– defenseless for the arrival of commander Cody, Wolffe and Rex himself to ambush his ship. Fives, Jesse and 10 more soldiers who accompany Rex are quick to climb aboard the enemy ship and arrest what little remaining crew Thorne has left. The crew fights through their arrest but Rex can tell their heart is not in it, they have given up.
Glancing away from them, Rex looks at the Turquoise sea that extends left and right. He also spots the King’s ship anchored close to the shore, where he awaits the pirate captain for his sentence. Rex knows it won’t be a light one, as the life of the princess was endangered by the pirate’s plan. Give him hell, your Majesty, Rex thinks to himself, no one hurts the princess. My princess. Cody and Wolffe raise their blades the moment the pirate steps out of his study, bringing Rex back to the present. Captain Thorne is a short man with a strong build and a balding spot in the middle his head. Like the other pirates, there are two braids on his beard, each of them showing off a tooth that Rex still isn’t if they’re his own. The pirate dresses in all black –except for his red vest and matching utility belt– the clothes made from a leathery material and covered in steel studs. Thorne’s face, which is sunburnt and flaking– remains calm and confident despite the situation he’s in, and for some reason it makes Rex and his two friends bristle with anger.
“On your knees.” Rex orders, his voice almost a growl as his hatred towards the man in front of him comes to the forefront of his mind. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice.”
Thorne chuckles and unsheathes his blade, charging at the three of them without a moment of thought. Rex takes his own two blades out and readies his stance as the two commanders intercept the pirate before him The sound of blades clashing together –metal colliding with metal– floods the deck. Thorne strikes high and low at Wolffe, then turns and blocks Cody’s blade just in time. A moment later he ducks to dodge Wolffe’s blade and kicks Cody’s legs from under him. In an instant, Rex steps in to block his strikes, having the advantage of being trained with two blades, something Thorne doesn’t know what to do with. Rex should have known that the pirate would choose to go the hard way; what pirates lack in morals and virtue they make up on ego. Thorne recovers quick enough to turn and block every strike sent his way –fighting even though he is a lost cause– but Rex, Wolffe and Cody have fought beside each other for so long that their fight ends very shortly after it starts. The pirate’s sword is knocked out of his hand before the wind gets knocked out of him by Cody’s fist and he’s shoved to his knees by Wolffe’s strength.
Rex cuffs Thorne’s hands in front of him, tight enough that they’re uncomfortable, before he rises and looks down at the pirate through the gap in his helmet. “You’re under arrest for pillaging, assault, treason to the Kingdom, attempted kidnapping, looting, and murder. The King will decide your sentence.”
“So, you’re captain Rex, of the 501st legion.” The pirate chuckles and tilts his head to the right, unfazed by all the charges and what they mean for him. For his life. “You’re the one who thwarted my plan of abducting the princess.”
“The princess thwarted your plans herself.” Rex tells him curtly, sheathing one of his swords and tightening the grip on the other one. He remembers your sprained wrist, the cut in your arm, your bruised hand and your body shaking out of fear; his frown deepens. You’d been so hurt and so afraid, and the man in front of Rex is the one responsible for it.
“But you trained her.” Thorne narrows his eyes at him, searching for something, before shrugging and looking away. “It’s a shame though, she would’ve been a real asset.”
Rex feels his blood boil at the word asset. To everyone else I’m the King’s fortune and land in a pretty dress, you said to him one day at the garden. It had upset him beyond words despite your request to ignore other people’s thoughts. To hear this pirate, have the same thoughts you’ve had to grow comfortable with, fans a flame of anger inside Rex’s chest before he can help it. He raises his sword and places the sharp blade under Thorne’s chin.
“You will not talk about her Highness in such a way.” Rex growls, “You’re lucky we’re bringing you to the King alive.” He turns and begins walking ahead without another word, as Cody and Wolffe manhandle the pirate into a standing position and follow.
“Ah yes, the King of Khalmia. He would have done my bidding if I managed to get my hands on his daughter.” The pirate chuckles, then clicks his tongue. His tone is calculated when he speaks again. “The Princess would have done my bidding too if you know what I mean.”
“He’s baiting you, Rex.” Cody notices the way Rex is gripping his sword and warns him. “Don’t react.”
“Shut it.” Wolffe hits Thorne on his side with the hilt of his sword, making the pirate huff out a pained breath.
Still Thorne pays Wolffe no mind as he continues, raising his voice for Rex to hear him loud and clear. “If she’s as beautiful as everyone say she is, I wouldn’t have helped myself. I would have made sure to have my fun.”
Rex shakes his head. He tries not to engage, he really does, but no one talks about you like that. No one. He turns around in an instant, one of his swords ready in his hand to threaten the pirate back into silence. But Thorne, clearly having planned for this, uses Cody’s and Wolffe’s distracted state to steal Wolffe’s sword and charge at Rex. However, he underestimates the captain of the 501st, who had his whole focus set on him from the moment he turned around; he saw him steal the sword just in time. Rex blocks the blow, having more mobility than Thorne who’s handcuffed, and with one calculated move, he disarms and pierces the pirate’s flesh. The wound lies on the left side of his torso, not lethal but painful, nonetheless.
“I trained her on doing this too.” Rex seethes, his hand on Thorne’s shoulder as he looks down at him. “She would have done more than this, I can assure you that. But she’s safe at home so this is in her name.”
“She’s not safe.” The pirate looks up at Rex and a chill goes down his back at the bloody smile sent his way. “She’s dead. She’s been dead for weeks.”
Rex forces himself not to have a reaction and remains silent, but as he takes his sword out of the pirate –who curses loudly in pain– and sheathes it once more, his hands start to shake. No, Thorne is taunting you, the princess is well protected. But he can’t be sure. He’s been so wrapped in the battle, in defeating the enemy as quick as he can to get home to you, that he hasn’t had time to check if any mail had arrived for him. If something happened –it couldn’t have– Echo would be the first to send word to him. The King would have heard the news too, but so far nothing has been said in land or at sea. Still, despite trying to reassure himself this way, Rex feels panic rise inside his chest and the sounds around him turn into white noise.
“Let’s bring him to the King.” Rex tells his fellow soldiers after clearing his throat. “His majesty will give him the punishment he deserves.”
Cody and Wolffe nod their heads and follow Rex’s lead, while his mind reels with worse case scenarios as vast as the sea stretching around him. He must check his mail, it’s the only way he’ll know for sure. If his friends notice his hurry on the way back to their ship, they don’t mention it.  Instead, they share a worried glance and pick up their pace as well.
To be continued
Taglist: @queenquazar @random-rex-shit @bispecsual @captainabsolo @literallydontlook
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manhattanstepbystep · 2 months
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Streets of El Barrio: Third Ave between East 99th Street and East 98th Street in Spanish Harlem, upper Manhattan
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