#9. Sample library
soundswe · 3 months
Impact Soundworks – Ventus Series Ocarinas for Authentic
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Embark on a musical journey like no other with Impact Soundworks – Ventus Series Ocarinas, a virtual instrument library that transports you to enchanting realms with the haunting melodies of ancient ocarinas. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this collection captures the soulful tones and expressive nuances of these traditional wind instruments, allowing you to infuse your compositions with the mystique and allure of distant lands.
With Impact Soundworks – Ventus Series Ocarinas, you gain access to a diverse array of ocarina sounds, each meticulously sampled and expertly crafted to deliver unparalleled realism and depth. From the delicate timbre of ceramic ocarinas to the earthy resonance of wooden flutes, every instrument in this collection offers a unique sonic palette to inspire your musical creations.
But Ventus Series Ocarinas is more than just a virtual instrument – it's a gateway to musical exploration and discovery. With its intuitive interface and versatile feature set, you can effortlessly shape your sound to suit your creative vision, whether you're composing cinematic soundtracks, scoring video games, or producing ambient electronica.
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heeracha · 2 years
## buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
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synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. and as always, i'll put it in every chap if there's something you need to look out for.
note: yes, blod-talicized for slowburn because this is already planned out three years ago (but for another idol) anyway !! i'm excited to share this, my ass had been wanting to post this,,,,,, i already have the ending i just really need to do from part eleven up to,,,, that. so here you go. T_T okay, if i suddenly ghost again FLOOD ME MESSAGES/ASKS/IDC WHAT TO FINISH IT. TAGLIST CLOSE.
tags: r.asks: botm, botm updates, botm thoughts
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sample texts. / playlist.
profiles. / profiles two. / profiles three.
ep 1. — the pilot.
ep 2. — the bf problem.
ep 3. — the help from jake.
ep 4. — the promo.
ep 5. — the benefit of jeongin.
ep 6. — the availing of the promo.
ep 7. — the two introverts.
ep 8. — the era of reporter sunoo.
ep 8.2. — the dog cafe.
ep 9. — the look. what look?
ep 10. — the panicking of heeseung.
ep. 11 — the time heeseung decides to trust y/n.
ep 12. — the real heey/n friendship era.
ep 13. — the star stamp.
ep 14. — the late night in the flower shop.
ep 15. — the biggest cliché.
ep 16. — the text-snapping of y/n.
ep 17. — the weekend of heeseung without y/n.
ep 18. — the two am ride.
ep 19. — the stupidity.
ep 20. — the time y/n blocked heeseung.
ep 21. — the whipped y/n.
ep 22. — the painful sight (according to riki).
ep 23. — the library.
ep 24. — the dog café pt 2.
ep 25. — the frustration of jungwon and sunoo.
ep 26. — the flowers and bambi sticker.
ep 27. — the pretty dense boy texting y/n.
ep 28. — the message from jay.
ep 29. — the look heey/n give.
ep 30. — the pet name.
ep 31. — the switch up.
ep 32. — the no more denial.
ep 33. — the time seungmin called y/n 'sweetie'.
ep 34. — the way y/n sensed it again.
ep 35. — the talk.
ep 36. — the halfway there.
ep 37. — the another lame line.
ep 38. — the time heeseung accidentally kissed y/n.
ep 39. — the drive-in.
ep 40. — the flour and eggs.
ep 41. — the favorite view.
ep 42. — the one time they used their main accs.
ep 43. — the origami flower bouquet.
ep 44. — the stressed gf.
ep 45. — the plane plan.
ep 46. — the time y/n isn't teasing with heeseung.
ep 47. — the time when everything is "fine".
ep 48. — the time heeseung forgot.
ep 49. — the fight.
ep 50. — the graduation.
ep 51. — the flower arrangement on the cashier.
ep 52. — the favorite flower of heeseung.
ep 53. — the fact that heeseung is still jealous.
ep 54. — the supposed three year anniversary of heey/n.
ep 55. — the bubble chat turned blue.
ep 56. — the dumb flowers.
ep 57. — the time y/n finally replied.
ep 58. — the rehearsal dinner.
ep 59. — the flowers weren't dumb after all.
ep 60. — the lifetime promo.
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bonus. — the matching icons.
bonus 2. — the pettiness of flower and seungie.
bonus 3. — the one where heeseung thought y/n's leaving.
bonus 4. — the one with heeseung's doe eyes.
alternative ending. — the one when y/n almost stayed.
marriage discount; p. sunghoon [ fem!reader ]. — after endless of weddings that sunghoon attends to, he's been spending non-stop. so, upon hearing about a discount for married people even if it's just in the dry cleaners, sunghoon tells the employee that the girl, who happens to be you, walked in in the shop is his wife. even if he doesn't know you.
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heeracha, 2022.
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pespillo · 26 days
Hey you mind giving me a quick rundown of the Emperor's Acolyte AU please? :)
Around 9 years ago, Belos sailed off to the other side of the world to meet with the Titan Trappers, along with Collector and the past Golden Guard. During the time meeting them, Belos came to known that the Trappers had successfully kidnapped the very last Titan known alive, a direct descendant of the Boiling Isles titan, the leader had come to tell them that even if tempted to sacrifice it right after it had been born and found, he knew that they needed to put all their collective effort in raising it up until its first True Cry (their powers awakening) to be able to communicate with the Grand Huntsman and thus bring forth a new era of glory of their cult.
With interest, Belos had kept Collector away from this conversation, but let them known that he had come across the tablet and it was in his possession , ready to be awakened when needed. Thus they thought of striking up a deal ; Belos had more than enough resources to raise the titan for sacrifice, and he would give them the tablet in the given time, and when the time comes after the Day of Unity they would reunify for a grand sacrifice, and the world left behind will be for the Trappers to conquer. With this deal made that baby titan was sent away with Belos back to the Isles, and the GG was tasked with giving the Trappers the tablet (on the notion that it "belonged" to them as a relic), but after he wandered off by curiosity , he saw the shrine of the Huntsman and the carnage of the murals, and decided this was not people to be trusted, believing in the Will of the Titan meant that that child deserved to live, thus the GG purposefully misplaced the tablet back in the Isles (ending up in the depths of the Bonesborough library) and gave the Trappers a decoy (Belos did expect Collector to remain silent for the next decade, and the Trappers expected the tablet to be not activated in any way) .
And so Belos raises Childe (the only kind of name he´s given King), alongside with Hunter right after knowing the GG´s betrayal n swiftly killing him off, Childe has been raised to believe that he was saved from a group of witches by Belos that wanted to kill him, and that actually, all of the witches and demons of the Demon Realm would want to kill him if they knew he was a Titan, that they are parasites to the Isles and he was brought into this land to take him to a new paradise. But that he has to help him to bring the Day of Unity so he can wipe out all these supposed maggots away from his father and lay his soul and divine mission to rest.
Belos routinely experiments on Childe throughout the years, he´s taken off half his horns to drill bone samples, he takes his blood to see if he can use it on a portal, even getting to the point of drinking his blood because it makes him think it gets his curse under control, all while treating him like a pet, and making the child resentful and volatile towards others, like an attack dog, making him think he´s the only person in this world that understands him. Childe has come to known about Hunter being a grimwalker and is under the impression they are dolls that are just made to obey, Belos has told him they dont really feel Real Emotions, just copying what Real People do.
Kikimora has become aware of King being a Titan simply because Belos needed someone to take care of him when he´s busy with Hunter, and she´s been made to make this an oath to obey the Titan´s will (this will backfire for Belos later).
As years pass by Childe knows the DoU is fast approaching, but so is his curiosity about the world around him outside the castle, his illusions of grandeur and arrogance makes him seek out more, things get even dicier when Luz comes into the picture along Eda, thus thats how everything unravels and Childe will come to realize about Belos betrayal and his own past and more.
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ohplagg · 7 months
Keeping Track of Time in I Love Yoo
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I am back again with another timeline because I guess this is my life now. This timeline, though, is specifically about the events for December 21st 20XX and forward since I've noticed that Quimchee is adding clocks ever since Nol got stabbed, and everything feels like a race against the clock for some reason.
I'm not going to add any screenshots since this is just, as the title says, keeping track of time. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just in case someone is not paying attention to what they are about to read, this contains spoilers up to I Love Yoo's Episode 244.
If more clocks appear in future episodes I might update this.
As always, I love hearing what you guys think so feel free to reach out!
Italic means that it's not known when exactly in the timeline that specific event took place. I still placed the event where it makes most sense.
(Ep. XYZ) means the episode where the time is mentioned/seen.
Saturday December 21st
9:42pm Nol falls from the second floor to a glass table. (Ep. 210)
Before 11pm Nol is rushed to the hospital (Ep. 215)
Kousuke went to Hirahara's hostpital to look for Nol after being spaced out for around 30 minutes. (Ep.213)
Kousuke get's knocked out by a wall.
11:55pm YuJing leaves Rand alone. (Ep. 215)
Sunday December 22nd
12:00am Kousuke wakes up to hear Hansuke arguing with Yui (Ep. 220)
12:19am Meg find's Rand's present for Kousuke in the trash (Ep. 220)
12:22am Hansuke steals the blood samples (Ep. 221)
4:28am Rand leaves to visit Kousuke. Kousuke has been knocked out by the tea. (Ep. 221)
4:21am Nol wakes up. Shin-Ae texts Dieter and Soushi who are out of the hospital (Ep. 215)
4:47am Dieter and Soushi leave WacDonalds (Ep. 225)
5:06am Dieter and Soushi arrive to the hospital (Ep. 225)
5:09am Shinae goes to get Dieter and Soushi/Birthday party starts. (Ep. 225)
5:26am Stalkyoo dance to christmas music at sunrise. Geez, not even 20 minutes? no wonder Dieter was still awake to witness it all. (Ep. 220)
Hansuke visits YuJing and stores the blood samples.
Nana arrives to the hospital and Nol's jail time is pushed for 3 days counting today (so December 24th is his last day of freedom)
Hansuke takes the blood samples to get tested
7:52am Shin-Ae texts Dieter "Is everything okay?" after he and Soushi left the hospital (Ep. 225)
8:21am Shin-Ae and Nana meet (Ep. 225)
Kousuke wakes up, goes with Yui for breakfast, Hansuke and YuJing pick him up afterwards
8:40am-ish Yui arrives to church right after mass ended (Ep. 230)
"Convince me"
Shin-Ae gets picked up from the hospital by her family
Maya and Shin-Ae talk
Kousuke get's medically checked
11:30am Dieter texts Shin-Ae about going to the hospital together during the afternoon. Shin-Ae takes a nap (Ep. 235)
1:30pm Kousuke drops off his phone at his apartment before heading to Nol's hospital (Ep. 244)
3:30pm Dieter texts a sleeping Shin-Ae (Ep. 240)
Dieter comes to pick up Shin-Ae
Dieter talks with Nol
Kousuke arrives at the hospital with Hansuke and YuJing
Kousuke has a panic attack
5:51pm Shin-Ae wakes up from her nap (Ep. 240)
5:55pm Shin-Ae texts Nol "I know I'm blocked but just in case..." (Ep. 243)
The AA 101 Group to which Shin-Ae and her dad go to is at 7:00pm
7:41pm Hansuke and YuJing are hanging out with college friends. Kousuke isn't picking up his phone. Gregory M tells Hansuke that he can get his stuff done by the end of the week (Friday is the 26th) (Ep. 241)
8:35pm Nana, Dieter and Soushi leave the hospital for the day. (Ep. 242)
8:45pm Shin-Ae is at the AA 101 Group and receives a text apology from Dieter (Ep. 242)
Alyssa tells Nol she "really needs to see him"
Monday December 23rd
10:10am Kousuke's secretary looks at his watch and notices Kousuke missed work (Ep. 243)
10:30am Yui get's a text message from Alyssa saying she's going to visit Nol (Ep. 244)
11:05am Meg mentions how she is heading to the library soon (Ep. 243)
A bit before 11:45am Alyssa arrives to Nol's hospital to talk (Ep. 243)
Between 11:45am and 12:25pm Nol and Alyssa stay quiet (Ep. 243)
12:25pm Alyssa and Nol finally start talking and Yui arrives. (Ep. 243)
Shin-Ae will arrive to the hospital around 2pm (Ep.244)
Nana mentions she'll arrive around 3pm. (Ep. 243)
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eggtoasties · 10 months
star stains
Pairing: Haruno Sakura/Kankuro, Previous Haruno Sakura/Nara Shikamaru
Rating: T for swearing and smoking
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: You can't tether a kite with gossamer threads.
a/n: It's been a long time since posting and came up with this story super randomly. I feel like in my past work, there was almost a formula, and things felt too similar across fics. Not that this is a huge departure, but I think it feels a little different?? Let me know what you thought, it feels good to be writing again!
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“We should end things,” Kankuro says.
Sakura doesn’t stop portioning dried herbs and flower petals into two sachets.
“Why now?” she asks.
He runs a hand over his unpainted face and watches as she measures her handiwork to the gram. 
“It’s just time, I think,” he states simply.
“Can I at least finish my tea?” she asks, placing the silk muslin into two mugs. 
He fills shallow dishes with hard biscuits and listens to the water boil. Taking a seat, he studies the wood grain. They had built it together over the course of a week. He called it an intro to woodworking. She said his previous table--a concrete slab that used to be a workstation--was an abomination. 
In the early days of her diplomacy work, they’d meet at a dusty conference room in the village hospital to discuss a collaboration to share catalogs and samples of plants to advance research. Kankuro wanted total access to the Nara and Aburame libraries and Sakura told him she’d rather milk every spider species native to Suna than tell that to the clan heads.  
But now, she slides into the chair in front of him and sets his mug over an indent he had been meaning to sand over. 
“I want my notes back by the end of the week,” she says idly. “And I want to take the snake venom samples back to Konoha.”
His hair rises, but he ignores the urge to rub the back of his neck.
“You’ll leave?”
Sakura rolls her eyes and Kankuro can’t help the cold sweat that’s bloomed. 
“It’s been 9 months, Kankuro,” she says evenly. “My work here is done.”
“I thought it was done 3 months ago,” he snarks. 
“I was under the impression there’d be more to do.” She takes a sip of her tea and crosses her arms. “Let’s cut the bullshit, you and I both know I’ll win this game.”
He sighs. She’s right. There’s a reason why Gaara’s the Kazekage and Temari's the diplomatic liaison. He’s never really had the patience for roundabout conversations. 
“Out with it,” she snaps impatiently. “What is it this time?”
He grimaces. “It’s the council again. They want me to marry soon and--”
“You said you and your siblings were abandoning tradition after your father’s reign,” Sakura said pointedly. “Gaara said the council’s still scared after he lost his shit during the chunin exams.”
“I always forget he kind of has a sense of humor these days,” Kankuro chuckles wryly to himself. 
Sakura hides her mouth with a biscuit. 
“I’m taking partial credit for that,” she says through bites.
“He’ll miss you, you know.” 
“I’m sure we’ll become great penpals.”
Across a three day trek to the east, Shikamaru balances a cigarette between two fingers, comparing it to the clouds above him. 
“Sakura’s coming back soon,” Ino says next to him.
He rummages his flak vest for his lighter and sighs, “It’s about time.”
“She never really loved it out there, you know,” Ino says. 
He hears her start to sharpen kunai, quick and precise like their fathers taught them. 
“I always thought she suited Suna though,” Shikamaru says. “All the reds and oranges of the desert match her hair.” The methodical ringing stops. “And all the poisonous animals for her to have fun with,” he drawls.
He interrupts her with a long exhale that she endures unblinking, even as her face three feet away from him becomes shrouded in smoke.
“What you did was fucked up and--”
Shikamaru covers his ears with his hands and groans. It had been nine months and he thought Ino would let it go. It’d been nine months and he figured she’d berated him enough for it. It had been nine months and he couldn’t help that he had felt immediately taken by Temari when she arrived in Konoha, just hours after Sakura had departed.  
“Can’t you let it go,” Shikamaru complains, “Sakura has.”
He listens to the birds rustling in the treetops surrounding them, the quiet buzz of the cicadas, and wonders when the first cool breeze will break through this late summer. 
“Just because she didn’t come straight back to Konoha and beat the shit out of you doesn’t mean she wasn’t hurt,” Ino says. 
He feels the daggers she’s shooting at the back of the head and she picks up her whetstone again. 
“And just because she didn’t come back,” she swipes at her kunai faster, “and beat the shit out of you when Temari broke the news to her instead of you,” Shikamaru burrows his head further into his arms, “doesn’t mean you didn’t obliterate her confidence,” she huffs. “And her heart,” she mutters. 
“I know, Ino” Shikamaru groans, “she sent me a very detailed letter about me being the scourge of the planet and sent a recipe for hair growth.” He drags himself up to a sitting position and grinds his half-smoked cigarette under his boot. 
“I felt like a fucking dick, but I figured she wasn’t that mad since she bothered to send a letter. And we had already ended things.”
Ino groans and throws her kunai to the side. “You’re a fucking moron, Shika.”
“Thank you, Ino.”
“No, I’m serious.” She throws her head back and groans again. “Fuck, give me a cigarette.”
He silently passes her one and holds his silver lighter out. 
“Sasuke,” Ino spits, “joining a terrorist organization really chilled her out,” she snarks. “Unsurprisingly, her appetite for violence was replaced with uhm, what was it again?” she feigns confusion, “right, depression.”
“God, I fucking needed this,” she moans and Shikamaru watches as the tip of the cigarette burns orange and gives away to ash.
Itching for a drag, Shikamaru busies himself with a stray pebble that made its way up to the rooftop.
“Look,” Kankuro starts, “Temari’s with Nara--”
Sakura ignores the dull throbbing at the base of her head.
“--and Gaara’s never going to get married, so it’s my responsibility as an heir to continue the lineage.” 
“That’s very selfless of you,” Sakura says. 
Kankuro deflates in his chair. Fights with her have always been like this. Bitter and sharp even though he knows it takes so little for her to smile. He thinks of a dark-haired ronin in his bingo book and the jounin who’s been keeping his sister away for months. 
He pushes away his mug and meets her eyes. Green in a way that would never occur in Suna. 
“I’m sorry I said I love you,” he says. “I know we said this would be casual, but I couldn’t help it.”
She holds his gaze and bridges the gap across the table, taking his hands in hers. Both warmed by the tea and calloused with years of work. 
“Don’t be sorry,” she murmurs, eyes slipping to his shoulder, “this was always going to be the ending.” She squeezes his hands and smiles.
“I love you.” And she says it with the earnestness that won him over in the first place. “I’m glad we met each other.”
“Whether she likes it or not--I’m sure she does not like it--Konoha is always going to be home to her,” Ino says, lying back on the rooftop. 
Shikamaru works on dislodging a stick between two shingles.
“You don’t think she’ll follow her mentor’s steps and travel the world?”
“As an alcoholic with a gambling problem?” Ino raises a well groomed brow. 
“Right,” he says. 
She ignores him and flips on her front, resting a cheek on crossed arms. 
“I thought she’d like it out there,” she says, eyes downward. “I thought she’d love bossing people around and teaching the hospital staff and feeling important.” She frowns. “I thought she’d find herself in Suna and maybe stay for a few years or meet someone, or--” she cuts herself off by closing her eyes. 
“I just wanted her to forget about Naruto and Sasuke and you, honestly,” she finishes.
He feigns slumber, but Ino knows better.
“I’ve missed her so much,” she says while rolling her eyes. “I miss her and Tenten and Tsunade and I know even you miss her a little.”
She rolls towards him and splays an arm across his neck. “Ugh, she’s never going to leave the village for some hot foreign shinobi. What a bitch,” she says fondly.
“Such is life,” Shikamaru adds.
“Messy,” Ino counters.
“Hard,” he agrees.
Ino groans, “Troublesome.”
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dangara2610 · 8 months
(4/10) Teenager and Young adult Ulla -Part 4
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Oh no, I had delayed a lot and I had distracted too much, any way, shorter and faster ~
< Before
(Hahaha, me having random thoughts about Ulf and Ulla having a similar friends group to the Rugrats, Don would be playing Angelica's role but doesnt work because she is not an spoiled evil brat)
1.- Let's skip the subplot about how now in the school it looks like Ulf is too invested on getting way much more study time, and for the surprise, he isn't only researching whatever needs to get the homework done, but she's going with his own investigation about what is right and what is wrong at getting siblings separated or united, as he used to be with his twin sister.
2.- And that's how he develops a kind of obsession, or maybe a focus for a new specialty, about functional and dysfunctional families, siblings dynamics, information about twins is very little, and of course, at the Renaissance time they are living, he feels the hope about finding great philosophers and sciencists works
3. He finds interesting things, mostly documented siblings dynamics are about Greek mythology, Biblic texts, Grimm fairy tales, Prussian, Germanic , Roman and Baltic folklore, too little about twins, siblings with eternal mutual love, siblings killing each other out of envy, constant figth until they get a reconciliation, banned because of 1nc3st, total indifference form each other life, a patriotic feeling from sharing a root.
4.- He needs more, so, new tactic, interviews to all the neighborhood, more domestic perspective, is this a bad idea? what would be the worst? all the town gossiping on his back about how he wants to push his spoon on private lives? putting salt on family wounds?
Did I said I was going to skip the subplot and then say it anyway? Sorry my bad XD
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5.- The friends of the group noticed how Ulf stopped hanging out with them, and how Ulla tried to make Donnie join the friends group, but even like this, Don doesn't want to play their games.
6.- And now the friends group tell Ulla to make Ulf come back, why did he stopped hanging out anyway ? Ulla is not sure, they suggest that maybe he felt substituyed by Don and leaved, haha , that's not possible, he is unsubstituible, right?
7.- What was the last time they played together? Since meeting Don, but she felt like everything was like always, did she took his company for granted and didn't noticed she pushed him out of her quality time?
8.- She needs to find him and apologize, once in home, he is no where to be found, mom and dad say he was studying at the library, and after that, he would visit some neighbors for a research, she should stay at peace.
9.- So she waits while advancing at her own alchemy research, but feels at unease, what if he got in trouble?, before she gets a purse ready to search him out there, Don comes to her lab space to say she is bored and wanted to see what is that alchemy about.
10.- Ulla as she is, is happy to show Don, so they spend time with it, still unease, but kind of happy that Don finally shows more interest on her first interest, what if she doesn't ask again if refusing now? Ulf is smart and strong, he wouldn't put himself in danger.
11.- Don watches how Ulla time to time twitches her face with worry and then happyness again, and gets offended, what if Ulla in the deep doesn't want to teach her this alchemy stuff to avoid her from being smarter than her?
12.- Whatever, Don will keep her thoughts for herself, as she had done at all Mr Croix classes, feeling like this is not different, they think she is a lower life and a failure, younger kids from this town have more knowledge than her, a shame, but she has now a genius at home and she plans to squish the juice of these lemons.
13.- Ulla after running some samples joyfully with Don as her pupil, it's time to get her to do samples to test if she put attention, and yes, amazing tests, Ulla says that maybe tomorrow together they would read an "Hermes Trismegistus" book to try new reactions, but now, they should go outside.
14.- Don doesn't want to, she wants to spend more time learning more alchemy, so he asks Ulla to stay a continue, Ulla considers this, this is one of her favorite things, but the worry about Ulf cant be ignored, so she fights her desires with her 10 years old child mind, and takes a while, so Don gets more offended, and tells her to do whatever she wants, but she says it with kind of a sneer.
15.- So Ulla now worries about making Don angry and tries to apologize, as a pleaser she is kind of becoming, she offers Donnie to keep studying, but then it clicks in her mind , why is she giving more focus into stop Don to be angry at her for not spending time after she shopped spending time with Ulf for way too longer than this?
16.- What if Ulf is also angry at her? What if he doesn't like her as before ? Is she a bad sister for not noticing this before ? Is she an hypocrite for caring more for her new friend than her own twin brother who has been there for her his whole life ?
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17.- Donella now is alarmed, Ulla started crying shortly after offering more time here, seems like she got sad for no reason, and now she tries to get her to not cry, shush her, offer a hug, whatever, whenever a child cried back in Ingvarr, two things could happen : 1) Adults hitting the child to stop crying and endure whatever is happening, 2) Friends of such children hitting the one who made them cry in vengeance.
18.- In this place, adults are more caring, what if Ulla's parents hit her and kick her out their house for making her daughter cry?, but she did nothing to hurt her, then why? Her parents enter to the room rushing asking what happened, while the mom, Holda, scoops Ulla from Donella to hug her instead , Don explains that nobody is injured, but Ulla got sad for no reason.
19.- That sounds suspicious, nobody cries for nothing, then the answer comes, Ulla says she wants Ulf, she misses him, her mom assures her he is coming back soon, and she shouldn't miss him, both had breakfast and school together, Ulla answer is not that, but they hadn't been together a longer while.
20.- Ulf is back home, is not even dark outside, barely sunset, leaves his things at the living room and goes to the lab space to see what's the fuss about, Ulla runs to him to hug him, she tells him she is sorry for stopping spending time with him
22.- He says she shouldn't worry, everything is okey, (and according to dad's plan), she shouldn't be sad (but he is sad too) he loves her as a sister, and each one needs time to spends apart, Ulla ask if isn't he angry at her, he is not, and she answers an "I love you brother "
23.- Donella just doesn't understand what the heck is happening in front of her, rich kids and their picky problems for their delicate minds, now that he is home, dinner should be served, so everyone should go and set the table
24.- Meanwhile they do this chore, Ulf tells how was his day, and he adds that during his research, he knocked at the door at three empty houses, maybe those are abandoned, so if Don stills wants to do as she said, there are three places, if she dropped that, is no problem too.
25.- Now dinner is served, and Don thanks him for the information, and she also thanks everyone for their hospitality and patience with her, Ulla also thanks her for being an amazing friend, the parents says she can stay more time, there is no need to rush, either way, she is welcome home anytime.
26.-Ulla adds she felt worry for Ulf, so, was everything all right on his research? He assures everything was fine, later he privately with his dad, would add that, all neighbors were kind, but when he went further away, some people where mean to him, and that scared him a little , but it was not big deal, dad offers to company him next time
27.- Ulf agrees and thanks him, he doesn't reveal this to his dad , but he also got some haunting histories about real life problems at the people interviewed talks, but he promised to keep quiet about those, confidentiality, a fine price for "free" knowledge, time to try a new adult skill , "keep secrets".
Tumblr media
Well, end of that arc, thanks for reading ;D
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freelanceexorcist · 3 months
I tagged one of my moots, but is it OK if I complete this myself? No? Too bad, I did.
FFVII spoilers and absolutely obnoxious length under the cut.
Character: Sephiroth, Compilation of FFVII and FFVII Remake trilogy
Do you project onto this character?
Not that I’m aware of.
2. Did you always like this character?
I discovered FFVII not long after Crisis Core came out, so I was late to the party. I was more into his aesthetic at first, but after taking in CC, I really went off over the complexity of the character. Back then, a lot of Big Bads in the media I consumed were straightforward villain types who were just there to menace everyone and be defeated at the end without much development. He was among the first antagonists I encountered who deployed the duality of being a bad, bad man who used to be a good one until he crossed a line he couldn’t easily come back from.
3. What first drew you to this character?
Not gonna lie, it was how he looked at first.
4. Did you initially dislike/hate this character?
5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man?
I think I would. I like well-rounded and complex characters. One of my other favorite characters is June Osborne from The Handmaid’s Tale (show canon). She’s a good person deep down and is nurturing to those who need her help, but when it comes to Gilead and its architects, she is ruthless to the point of being terrifying at times. She started out as someone who just wanted to go along to get along, both before and after the fall of the US, and life turned her into a badass.
6. Do you have any nicknames or pet names you use for this character?
I distinguish between the two apparently separate versions in the Remake trilogy as Glenniroth and Jenovaroth. Does that count? I also refer to teenage Sephiroth as Baby Seph.
7. Does the character’s age matter to you?
8. Does the character’s looks/design matter to you?
Absolutely. How can it not? He’s absurdly beautiful.
9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
Not really. I’ll have to think about that.
10. Do you see yourself in this character even without projecting?
I’m nowhere near that awesome.
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
Same way you fall in love in real life. You see someone and you’re like “damn.” Then you get to know them better and you’re theirs for life.
12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
As a matter of fact, I have an AU fic in the planning stages that works on the premise that he is removed from the library before he snaps but not before learning a thing or two about his past that really pisses him off. Vincent will be involved in this, but I’m not sure how yet. Because he doesn’t snap and burn Nibelheim, Shinra does it for him.
Professor Hojo’s plan all along was to destroy the town, imprison the survivors and experiment on them, and that’s why he got there so quickly and was seemingly immediately ready to get started. Anyone else in the town would be killed to keep them from telling anyone what they witnessed. He wanted Sephiroth to lose it and do what SOLDIERs do best and destroy shit. When that didn’t happen, he had to improvise and call in a strike team to get the job done (with President Shinra’s blessing of course). The cover story would be that the town was attacked by monsters that were infecting the villagers and the attack was the equivalent of the army nuking a city to contain the zombie apocalypse. With deepest regret, we must announce that our beloved Sephiroth was lost to us in this attack.
Sephiroth’s lack of mental break and survival was a lucky break for Hojo, because he would be able to get his S-cell samples directly from the tap. So orders were given to take him down, severely wounding but not killing him, which would make him easier to handle. He’s ridiculously strong and fast, but he’s not immune to nor can he dodge bullets.
So truss him up, stick him in a mako tube and give him a cocktail of drugs that act as a sort of Lotus Eater Machine where he’s stuck inside his head living the life he though he would have lived if he had successfully deserted from Shinra. It would keep him docile because he would think it was real. But as with any similar scenario, he would eventually realize that none of it is real and that would snap him out of it. He’d bust out, find Zack and Cloud on his way out the door and off they’d go, but not back to Midgar. Zack would head there, but Sephiroth would take Cloud north because he heard that the healers up there know how to alleviate mako poisoning.
Yeah, it’s a work in progress…
At this point, I was thinking of having Sephiroth as the protagonist who travels the world along with other characters he scoops up along the way and Aerith as the deuteragonist in Midgar with Zack, Tifa and Avalanche. Eventually the two groups would meet up.
It’s going to be a series of multi-chapter stories patterned after the “seasons” of a TV show, and each chapter being the “episodes” connected by a story arc. I don’t know how many there will be yet, it will end when I run out of story to tell.
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
Probably scenes from the premise described above.
14. Are you physically attracted to this character?
How can you not be? He’s a total smokeshow.
15. Are your thoughts surrounding this character usually sexual, non-sexual, or a mix of both?
Mix of both, but mostly on the non-sexual end of the spectrum.
16. Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely?
No. Not yet, anyway.
17. Have you ever felt physical pain over this character? (ex: physical heartache).
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
Oh, both, but with peace being the ultimate outcome no matter what happens.
19. Does this character serve as a stress ball/ security blanket for you? Something you run to after a bad day to feel safe or happier?
20. Do you feel affectionate towards this character?
I’ll have to think about that one.
21. Are your feelings about this character platonic, romantic, or familial? All of these feelings at once maybe?
Familial toward Baby Seph. I just want to kidnap this kid, send him to school, encourage him to make friends and play video games while I make him lots of pasta as my army of robot snipers protects him. Eat some more pasta, Baby Seph, you look thin.
I suppose my feelings toward the adult version are platonic even though I find him ridiculously attractive. I don’t imagine myself with him, but when I get the occasional hankering for seeing him paired up, I’m partial to Sephiroth/Aerith, maybe Sephiroth/Genesis if the canon dynamics are preserved and I’ve even seen Sephiroth/Tifa done very well.
22. Do you think you will always love this character?
It certainly seems that way now. I’ve loved him since 2007 or so even with very little new content and I seriously doubt there will be no new content after the trilogy ends because Square Enix can practically print their own money thanks in part to him.
23. Has this character permanently altered or impacted your psyche in a way you won’t forget?
If that’s a way of saying I’ve got permanent Sephiroth brain rot, then yes.
24. Do you ever dream about this character? If so, describe a dream you once had about them.
I can’t say I have. I don’t dream much and when I do it’s usually about me and my mom fighting. They say dreams about dead loved ones are them coming back to visit, and it’s just like her to use the opportunity to give me a hard time.
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not?
Gen fics, but the occasional pairing as well. I’m partial to ones that take place pre-Nibelheim and show the “slice of life” scenarios with or without the rest of the Himbo Holy Trinity or Zack. AU fics where Nibelheim is averted and his life goes in a different direction. AU fics where he does do a Face-Heel Turn but works with various other main characters because he’s acting out of Enlightened Self-Interest (the fic Epiphany on AO3 does a great job of portraying him this way but unfortunately it appears to have been abandoned by the authors).
I tend to avoid the ones where he’s portrayed as the usual monstrous villain. I can get that from canon and I haven’t seen many where the author goes outside the lines.
26. If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding?
Sephiroth Needs a Hug, Sane Sephiroth, AU, Alternate Timeline are usually included. I exclude many of the pairings, but only because it makes for more efficient scrolling when gen fic is what I’m most interested in. I don’t bother to exclude the rare ones for that reason, because there aren’t many of those.
27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to?
When I get a yen for it, I’m partial to Sephiroth/Aerith. I’ve even seen Sephiroth/Tifa done very well. I could even get into a Sephiroth/Original Character ship if the OC is an actual functional character and not an obvious self-insert. Nothing against that, I’m just a little allergic because of all the blatant Mary Sues running around back in the day.
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why?
Sometimes, but I keep it to myself. It’s just aggravating when people seem to deliberately misread him and act personally offended when he gets any kind of character development because they want to stay forever mad at him for killing Aerith. Like, any new developments for him don’t negate the existence of the original game, folks. I don’t even bother checking if anything on TV Tropes gets updated regarding him, because that place is crawling with those types. And don’t even get me started on those people who accuse you of Draco in Leather Pants-ing him anytime they see a take that isn’t “he’s evil and I hate him!” And then there are the folks who feel the need to point out his bad deeds any time they see a fan gushing over him. We all saw the same media, chief, we know what he did. Do you want us to call 911 over it?
29. Do you affectionately bully this character?
30. Are you especially sensitive about this character?
A little bit, but I keep that to myself as well.
31. Are you ashamed of liking this character?
HELL no. I wear my Sephiroth brain rot like the Medal of Honor.
32. If you could make this character a meal, what would you make them?
Shrimp scampi. I hear he likes seafood and pasta. I’ve also heard that if you and someone else both eat something with a lot of garlic, you won’t smell each other’s garlic breath. If we have to shack up until we could sound the All Clear on the breath front…
33. Are you “blinded by love” for this character or do you accept any flaws they may have?
Mass murder aside, I embrace his flaws. Flaws make for a well-rounded and complex character.
34. Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life?
The opposite happens, actually. You know those posts I make sometimes where I have Sephiroth losing his shpadoinkles not because of anything he read in the library but because he finally had enough of That Fuckwit from Field Services’ emails and Teams messages and ridiculous demands? All of those have happened in my professional life. If you hear about a small town in Southwestern Pennsylvania burning to the ground*, it’s because I stopped writing posts like that.
*No, I would never do something like that in real life. Most likely not. The fate of hundreds is in your hands, Fuckwit from Field Services.
35. Has this character ever prevented you from sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about them?
Nah, thinking about the plot bunnies hopping through my head that were inspired by him is my melatonin.
36. Do you feel a spiritual/soulmate connection with this character?
No, I tend not to do that with fictional characters, even ones I’m as obsessed with as Sephiroth.
37. Is your love for this character a secret from people you know in real life?
Yes, but mostly because no one I know in real life knows who the hell he is. Most of them have heard of Final Fantasy, but that’s about as far as it goes.
38. Do you tend to joke more about dying or killing for this character? Both? What causes the distinction?
Neither. I mostly joke about him losing his shit because of fictional versions of one or two incredibly aggravating and demanding work colleagues. For the sake of me continuing to receive a paycheck and staying out of prison, this will be my outlet when Janice and Keith are on a roll.
39. Do you feel lovesick over this character?
No, he’s not real.
40. Are you very empathetic towards this character? When they feel a certain way in the story, do you feel those emotions too?
Yes, definitely.
41. Do you prefer to interact with this character directly via self-insert/reader type content? Or do you enjoy seeing them mostly with other characters in the story and/or your OCs?
I don’t consume much Sephiroth/Reader content, but I’ll have to check it out. As for OCs, the story I’m thinking about will have three prominent OCs and yes, they will also be products of Project S. In my idea, there were originally 10 S-types including Sephiroth. Two of them didn’t survive infancy and four were lost in various battles during the war. The remaining three are scattered to the four winds when the story starts. They and Sephiroth are connected in a way that they can sense each other but can’t pinpoint a precise location. I’m playing with the idea of a romance between him and one of them, but whether that gets included depends on how it will enrich the plot or move it forward.
42. If you could, would you write this character a song or poem?
I suck at poetry or songwriting, but get me speculating about something related to him or his place in the story and I could go on for hours.
43. What type of weather makes you think of this character?
Hot weather, because I HC that he doesn’t like it. Which made me come up with the following scenario of the Himbo Holy Trinity and Zack goofing off on a message forum one day:
Angeal: Seph, you need to take a vacation. How about a few days in Costa del Sol?
Sephiroth: Too hot.
Zack: hot damn…
Angeal: And my band ‘bout that money, break it down
Genesis: Girls, hit your hallelujah
Zack: Woo!
Sephiroth: *posts video of Uptown Funk* And if I have to have that song in my head for the rest of the day, so do all of you.
44. Which season makes you think of this character?
Hm, I haven’t thought about that.
45. Do you feel as if you are intimately familiar with this character?
A little. Enough that I can recognize subtle things about him.
46. How much do bad interpretations of this character upset you?
Not upset so much as aggravated. Some takes seem so deliberately bad that it’s so obvious they’re comically exaggerating his bad traits just so they can continue to hate him for killing Aerith.
47. Does this character ever make you laugh sincerely?
@rottenpumpkin13 ’s takes on his and the boys’ shenanigans sure have me laughing out loud most of the time!
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
I love the Remake trilogy’s design for him. Everything about it is just *chef’s kiss*
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
Pre-library, the way he showed such kindness and protectiveness to the people whose safety he was responsible for. The look on his face after he failed to save that security officer and the way he shook his head after he put the mission on hold to look for him and had to report that he wasn’t found was heartbreaking.
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
This song really makes me think of him. I deliberately chose the Limp Bizkit cover over the original version from The Who because the cover adds a new verse that I think describes him very well (apologies in advance for any unskippable ads).
No one knows what it’s like to be mistreated
To be defeated
Behind blue eyes
No one knows how to say that they’re sorry
And don’t worry
I’m not telling lies
But a verse from the original that isn’t in the cover fits as well
If my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
If I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool
If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
If I shiver please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat
Oh, and did you know that Behind Blue Eyes was originally written as part of a rock opera Pete Townshend wrote after Tommy? It was called Lifehouse. There were a few live shows at the Young Vic Theater, but the project was eventually aborted and some of the songs from it ended up on other albums. Behind Blue Eyes was on Who’s Next.
In the rock opera, the song was sung by Jumbo, the main antagonist, a dictator who tightly controlled the entertainment that the public consumed, and rock and roll was considered barbaric. The hero was the leader of a resistance group who embraced rock and roll and tried to push it to the masses.
Behind Blue Eyes is sung by the antagonist when he realizes that he’s seen as the villain when up until that point, he though his intentions were good. It’s described as a first-person lament.
Sound like someone we know? Sure it does.
Anyway, this is more than long enough. Thank you for sticking around if you’ve made it this far and I hope the rest of your day/evening is peaceful.
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sunscreenstudies · 2 years
Iconic Things My Coding Professors Have Said (Part 5 - still going strong!)
"you shouldn't be too worried about warnings. You should be very worried about errors, but warnings are usually there to be ignored"
Student: "could you please reiterate your conclusion for that last graph?"   Prof: "sure! the conclusion is, this graph is a mess"
"this is the library that you will love and curse time after time again and again"
"the larger the sample, the more even the distribution, OR the prettier the distribution. the same thing should be applied to people but often it is not because humanity sucks"
Prof: "We had a stdent in the first year who's now driving a really fancy car all because we taught her R"    Student: "A really fancy car?"   Prof: "REALLY fancy. That's my way of saying now she's rich. You think she'd give me the fancy car for teaching her but no. You're welcome, Rebecca"
"we're never really sure when something is an outlier, that's usually a very ad-hoc decision"
"its been three years since i last used chalk on a blackboard because of covid. now i finally feel like i'm living again, using chalk without care, using chalk with, if i may be so bold, utter abandon"
"There's new types of statistics now. You might have heard of bayesian statistics. That's very popular right now, and very hipster"
Prof 1: "Let's see what the dimensions of the smallest book in this dataset is. And it's... zero?"   *prof 2 nods*   Prof 1: "how?!"   *prof 2 stops nodding*   Prof 2: "... i think there's a problem with our dataset"   Prof 1: "yeah, so do I, but you were nodding VERY confidently so I was worried I was going insane"
"so if you want to read more about this article yourself, i've included the link to this lovely helpful website called "callingbullshit.org". it truly is one of a kind"
“probability was invented by gamblers, and i am very good at probability. make of that, what you will"
Student: "Why is it called the mode?"   Prof: "What do you mean?"   Student: "Why is the mode called the mode"   *silence, then professor gives a long drawn-out sigh*   Prof: "the term mode originates with Karl Pearson in 1895. Pearson uses the term mode interchangeably with maximum-ordinate. in one of his research logs, he says I have found it convenient to use the term mode for the abscissa corresponding to the ordinate of maximum frequency-”   *fifteen minutes of explination later*   Prof: “... every single year someone asks that question, so i just learned off the wikipedia answer to it”
"the mean and median may seem rather arbitary and, in many ways, they are because it's difficult to say where they came from mathemtically speaking, but a mean in particular has a very instinctual meaning... especially in gambling. A LOT of statistics comes from gambling”
"this formula looks complicated and i know i promised we wouldn't do any meth- MATH, any MATH"
"You see how these python notebooks are full of little jokes? humor is very important to maintain sanity in coding"
PPT Slide: "Do NOT use pie charts. If you use pie charts, then I will fail you. Thanks in advance."   Prof 1: "... okay then. I actually didn't write this, is this is a pet peeves of yours, Prof 2?"   Prof 2: "No. No no no. This isn’t a pet peeve, THIS is based on scientific facts"   Prof 1: "What type of science tells you to never use pie charts?"   Prof 2: "My science. They're the comic sans of statistics!"
"if you know nothing about machine learning then this will be a life changing course for you, but everything with me is life changing- NOPE. i heard it as soon as i said it, please don’t report me"
"the line here is... well, it's doing its best, but its not really suceeding, is it? ... much like half of this class"
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7  | Part 8
Part 9  | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
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castleaudios · 1 year
Why hello there Castle 👀 I came to ask more questions 🤩🤌 Let’s start shall we:
1) (This probably already has been answered) Let’s say there is a situation where Ranger goes to the library. As we know the ‘magical books’ only show to those who are registered (from what I understood). But what would happen if our dear Ranger stumbled upon the magical section? Would he have to know what they are looking for or would they just brush it off?
2) What can you tell us about Dewdrop? There’s only so little we can go off now and I need to finish their backstory in my head :)
3) This isn’t a question BUT I totally imagine that when Beth shifts she is at the exact eye level with the Seer and it is the cutest thing I could think off. Anyway…
4) How long do you plan on torturing Ranger (and your audience)? In other words, when are we getting some romantics steps in the relationship between them and Claire? Will we get there before summer?
5) I want to hear some headcannons for our Open-wielder. Shoot them at me.
Now on to the more technical side of your recordings. We love some personal questions (if you don’t feel comfortable answering sth just skip, no pressure)
6) How long does it take you to write a script? I swear I had so many difficult moments while writing my own. Could use some tips if anything :)
7) Do you often re-write a script even if it’s almost finished?
8) What mic do you use? I will not believe it is some headphones mic.
9) What programs do you use for editing? And how does the process look like?
10) Do you usually record the audio and then add sound effects or do you make sound effects whilst recording?
I think that’s it for now. I will come back in the morning. More questions. Yay :)
But seriously I can bet that your ‘question box’ is overflowing rn. Hope you have a great day/night! <3
Hi Max!
The books in the library have a glamor over them that make them undetectable to non-wielders. Dear and Rose see through the glamor because of their magic being made apart of the magical coding (This is the best phrasing I can think of at the moment). If the Ranger happened to pick up a book without looking and it was magical, there is an additional ward placed on every book that a wielder must "unlock" in order to read, otherwise the words on the pages will blur and cascade off the reader's mind. A similar ward is laid over Glenwood as a whole to prevent suspicion. Many cities with a high population of magic beings use these types of wards to lay undetected by non-wielders without completely blocking them out.
Dewdrop was born and raised on the West coast studying water elemental magic with a focus in botany. They met Chloe while they were studying and come to move to Glenwood with her after a few years of dating. Since they didn't have much family left on the coast, it was easy for them to pack up and leave. They do a lot of work with taking samples of flora and fauna, studying the ecosystem around the park, and keeping track of the natural waterxystems. Because they spend a lot of time bending over and taking an endless amount of notes, it leads to a lot of chronic pain which Chloe does her best to help with. They are an absolute little shit.
Ya can't avoid the puppy dog eyes if they're at eye level with you
I promise I don't want to torture you all for that much longer! Ranger, I kind of want to torture a lil bit longer, but not you guys! We'll start see the two of them getting closer in the next few audios, especially as the poacher arc comes to an end. I can't give a proper deadline, but it should be soon.
Wielder is someone who greatly underestimates their own potential while simultaneously holding themself to impossibly high standards. They're close to completing their independent studies at the library and soon won't be an employee. At any given moment they have 5-7 books in their bag. They have been to Rose's house before to visit ex-scale-ibur and he loves to crawl into their hoodies.
Technical questions!! Let's do it!!
6. I usually break up writing my script over a few days since I find it really hard to sit down and focus for long periods of time. On top of that, I'll do a mock improv of the audio in my voice memo app then upload that audio onto a word document using the dictation feature. I'll edit and polish the script from that which is really helpful for editing and refining the content of the script itself.
7. Absolutely. I've had scripts that I've written, edited, recorded, and then completely tossed because it didn't match what I needed it to.
8. I use a USB Blue Yeti mic! Though I am hoping to upgrade that soon, I'd love to get an XLR mic eventually.
9. & 10. Up until recently I used Audacity for editing my audios, now I'm starting to learn Reaper. In terms of videos, I use Veed.io. Normally I'll record, clean up the doubles and outtakes, flatten the background noise and then use Epidemic Sound to round up any SFX I need that I don't already have downloaded on a hard drive. I edit the pacing of the audio as I include the sound effects and background noise so it all flows together. Additionally I'll make my own SFX while recording so I don't have to waste time looking for the perfect audio file online. Depending on the audio, the while process takes a few hours. I've had days where I wrote, recorded, edited, and then posted an audio in a single day. SFX are usually the last thing I add before making the thumbnail and background image for the video itself. I'll listen back to the audio to make sure I didn't miss anything while I use Canva, but sometimes that leads to me leaving in a double take because I'm too focused on something else. I do need to get better at that but that's pretty much my entire process!
Thank you for all the kind questions! Sorry it took a while to answer but hopefully this offered some insight!
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months
File: The Invasion of Godzilla
Original Creator: @jacob.animation
Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jacob.animation
Code Name: The Gojira Plague/ When Godzilla Breaks
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: No samples of SCP-AFA are to be contained in any way by anyone other than the Department of the Impossible. Mobile Task Force Sigma-3 "Bibliographers" and Mobile Task Force Tau-9 "Bookworms" are to report any SCP-AFA instances they encounter to the Serpents Hand or Entities of Interest: the Librarians. It is the Foundation's best interest to allow them to deal with it and not interfere or attempt to contain.
Any SCP-AFA instance that makes it into our world much be exterminated at once. The area of its destruction must then be quarantined, the quarantine area must be at least 70 meters in diameter. Radiation Absorption Towers must be placed, and the area must be scanned to ensure all radiation is being delt with and no SCP-AFA flesh is still active. The Cover story is to be that chemical terrorists have spilled chemicals in the area. Once the area is confirmed free of SCP-AFA growth and infection the area is to be quarantined for an additional 30 days before allowing civilians back into the area, if the area was originally owned by civilians. 
Description: SCP-AFA is the mutant living flesh of SCP-ABQ. The flesh is extremely hostile and mutagenic able to grow into its own fleshy instance of SCP-ABQ of various sizes and hazardous abilities. Though this can be perceived as rather confusing since SCP-ABQ is known to regenerate but can't make his flesh come to life. Furthermore, he is considered an ally of humanity that would never allow any Titan or himself to harm human life. This is because SCP-AFA is from another reality, one where the Foundation doesn't exist and has a completely different SCP-ABQ. 
From this reality SCP-ABQ is a mutant monster that was given birth to the radiation of the bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It absorbed the radiation and grew in size and power; it was also thanks to the radiation it gained the anomalous ability to not only regenerate but adapt to any form of damage or obstacle it comes across. It eventually gained the anomalous ability to reproduce asexually but it failed to lay a single egg as humanity fought it. Instead, it mutated even more and gained the anomalous ability to turn any part of its body into its own anomalous monster. This is what gave birth to SCP-AFA. 
Unfortunately, this was only the start of the terror, not only was its separated flesh able to turn into their own mutating monsters but the radiation became infectious. Any living organism that became infected with this radiation will mutate into an SCP-AFA instance. They will still have a basic resemblance of what they once where but overall, they will be an entirely different monster. Their bodies will grow bigger, they will have slimy and scaley skin, grow the signature Godzilla spikes on their back, and have an insatiable hunger for all noninfected organisms. These creatures regularly fuse with SCP-AFA flesh or eat it to grow bigger and stronger, thus they are referred to as SCP-AFA-1 instances. 
Unfortunately, SCP-AFA-1 instances have the same properties as SCP-AFA flesh in that they regenerate quickly from damage and can be split into two separate instances. Though unlike SCP-AFA instances which are normally just blobs of flesh, SCP-AFA-1 instances retain the characteristics and abilities of their hosts, using these traits to become unique apex predators regardless of what they were before infection. It was because of this that they were able to wipe out their entire world in the span of a few short years. The only reason the Foundation knows any of this was thanks to books that tell the story of SCP-AFA and its world within the Wanderer's Library. 
SCP-AFA was discovered in 2023 when an MTF unit from Sigma-3 found a book containing depictions of SCP-ABQ. However, it turned out to actually be an instance from another world that would be the progenitor of SCP-AFA. Afterwards every so often in our world there have been sightings of SCP-AFA blobs and SCP-AFA-1 instances getting into our world and killing innocent people. Thankfully the situation has always proven containable but the fact that [data expunged] incidents have happened since then is quite concerning. Especially when SCP-AFA instances are so difficult to kill. Theoretically it is possible to contain them but due to the massive risk and many hazards, containment has been discouraged by all Foundation staff. Instead, any further testing, research, and especially containment is to be left with the Department of the Impossible; if anyone can do it, its them.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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soundswe · 3 months
Download Karanyi Sounds – Analog Nightmares for Vintage
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Karanyi Sounds presents Analog Nightmares, a virtual instrument that transports you to the captivating world of retro synthesis. Explore the rich tapestry of analog soundscapes, where warm basslines, lush pads, and gritty leads reign supreme. Whether you're a seasoned synth aficionado or a newcomer to the realm of electronic music, Analog Nightmares offers a treasure trove of vintage-inspired sounds to ignite your creativity and elevate your productions.
Analog Nightmares meticulously captures the essence of classic Karanyi Sounds – Analog Nightmares Download analog synthesizers, blending authentic samples with modern processing techniques to deliver a sonic palette that's both timeless and cutting-edge. From the warm, pulsating tones of yesteryear to the edgy, distorted textures of tomorrow, each sound is infused with the character and charm of vintage hardware, inviting you to explore new sonic horizons and push the boundaries of your musical imagination.
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sourpatchsquids · 10 months
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Hi I hate that this sounds so much like a fucking ad but I need to tell as many people as possible. FM8 is currently on sale for $10 USD on pluginboutique.
Sale ends at the end of 9/3, possibly GMT, i dunno the time zone they use. It was on sale for this price for the entirety of August so it'll likely go on sale for a similar price again if you see this and it's not the current date anymore. Since it's one of the included parts of Komplete 14, having FM8 alone will qualify you for the Komplete 14 Standard Crossgrade Price. For all those wondering what that entails:
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It means this. From my frantic state ive gathered that Komplete 14 gets you: Kontakt 7: This is THE standard for making music in a DAW. Its got everything, sampled instruments, solid effects, synth production. For reference, Kontakt 7 alone is $299 USD. So for $30 more (buying FM8 and then the markup for Crossgrade), you get The Rest of Komplete 14: Go check out the page for it, its full access to the free library you would get when downloading Komplete Kontrol, and a bunch more high quality sampled instruments to play with. I'm not gonna sit here and list it all, it's on the product page. MELODYNE 5 APPARENTLY??(Normally $99USD): It isn't listed on the product page but I got Melodyne 5 Essentials as part of it, which will help so much for my transcribing work. Nectar 3 (normally $249USD): Also not listed on the product page. I've heard rave reviews of this program but ive never looked too deep into it. Basically what i've heard is "If you do vocals, at all, you want this." A PluginAlliance Voucher for a plug-in discount to $29.99 USD A $25 Voucher on the Native Instruments Store
So to summarize: Buy this plugin for $10 to get Kontakt 7 plus everything else in Komplete 14 for over $200 less than base price.
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luvcraze · 3 months
Ideas for Local Places Couples can Enjoy Together
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1. Botanical Gardens:
Explore the beauty of nature together by visiting a local botanical garden. Take romantic strolls through lush gardens, admire colorful flowers, and enjoy peaceful moments surrounded by greenery.
2. Local Parks:
Spend quality time together in a nearby park. Pack a picnic and enjoy a meal outdoors, go for a leisurely walk or bike ride, or simply relax on a blanket and watch the world go by.
3. Scenic Lookouts:
Seek out scenic viewpoints or lookout points in your area where you can enjoy breathtaking views together. Whether it's a hilltop, a rooftop terrace, or a waterfront promenade, watching the sunset or city lights can be incredibly romantic.
4. Cafés and Coffee Shops:
Discover cozy cafés and coffee shops in your neighborhood where you can enjoy intimate conversations over cups of coffee or tea. Find a quiet corner, sip your favorite beverages, and savor sweet treats together.
5. Local Wineries or Breweries:
Take a tour of a nearby winery or brewery and sample local wines or craft beers. Learn about the production process, indulge in tastings, and toast to your relationship with a glass of your favorite beverage.
6. Art Galleries or Museums:
Get cultured together by visiting local art galleries or museums. Appreciate the beauty of paintings, sculptures, and exhibits, and discuss your favorite pieces with each other.
7. Farmers' Markets:
Explore farmers' markets in your area and enjoy browsing fresh produce, artisanal goods, and handmade crafts. Sample local delicacies, pick out ingredients for a romantic dinner at home, and support local vendors.
8. Outdoor Concerts or Events:
Check out outdoor concerts, festivals, or events happening in your community. Enjoy live music, performances, or cultural celebrations together under the open sky.
9. Historic Sites or Landmarks:
Learn about the history of your local area by visiting historic sites, landmarks, or heritage buildings. Take guided tours, explore architectural wonders, and immerse yourselves in the stories of the past.
10. Cooking Classes or Workshops:
Sign up for cooking classes or workshops together and learn new culinary skills. Whether it's baking bread, making pasta, or mastering sushi rolls, cooking together can be a fun and rewarding experience.
11. Hiking Trails:
Explore nearby hiking trails or nature reserves and enjoy outdoor adventures together. Take in scenic views, breathe in fresh air, and bond over shared experiences in nature.
12. Beaches or Lakes:
Spend a day at the beach or lake soaking up the sun and enjoying water activities such as swimming, paddleboarding, or kayaking. Pack a beach bag with snacks, sunscreen, and towels for a relaxing day by the water.
13. Bookstores or Libraries:
Get lost in the aisles of a local bookstore or library and discover new reads together. Browse through shelves of books, share recommendations, and find cozy nooks to read aloud to each other.
14. Food Trucks or Street Food Markets:
Seek out food trucks or street food markets in your area and embark on a culinary adventure together. Sample a variety of dishes from different vendors and enjoy a casual and delicious dining experience.
15. Local Theaters or Performing Arts Centers:
Support local arts and culture by attending performances at theaters or performing arts centers in your community. Enjoy live theater productions, concerts, or dance performances for a memorable date night.
16. Farm-to-Table Restaurants:
Dine at farm-to-table restaurants or farm-to-fork eateries that showcase locally sourced ingredients and seasonal menus. Experience the flavors of your region while supporting sustainable and eco-friendly dining establishments.
17. Community Gardens or Urban Farms:
Volunteer or visit community gardens or urban farms in your area and get your hands dirty together. Help plant, tend to, or harvest fruits and vegetables while learning about sustainable gardening practices.
18. DIY Workshops or Classes:
Take part in DIY workshops or classes that interest both of you, such as pottery, painting, photography, or home decor. Get creative together and unleash your artistic talents while learning new skills.
19. Historical Walking Tours:
Join historical walking tours or heritage trails led by local guides and explore the rich history of your city or town. Discover hidden gems, architectural landmarks, and fascinating stories from the past.
20. Outdoor Yoga or Fitness Classes:
Attend outdoor yoga or fitness classes held in parks or green spaces in your area. Stretch, sweat, and strengthen your bodies together while enjoying the beauty of the outdoors and staying active as a couple.
These local date ideas offer couples the opportunity to bond, connect, have fun, explore, and create cherished memories without having to travel far from home. Strengthening their relationship right in their own backyard. Whether it's exploring nature, supporting local businesses, or learning new skills, there's no shortage of ways to enjoy quality time together in your local area.
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popculturelib · 4 months
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Special Collection 3: Display Photos
A 3-box collection of 8" x 10" black and white photographs of window displays from the Best & Co. store in New York City from 1933-1934 (taken by Worsinger Photo, NYC). The displays garnered the Socrates' High Award of the Year (an advertising campaign competition) in 1934, defeating department stores around the country. Photographs of the display manager, Richard Terhune, and his assistant, Mary Clark, are included as well as information on the competition in Modern Display from October 1934 (Vol. 9, No. 1). Included here are a few samples from the collection. They show the range of products the store offered - from the everyday to the glamorous.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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nickelstudy · 9 months
My JLPT N1 Study Method (& Plan)
As my introduction said, I'm trying to pass N1 by the next JLPT exam which is in this December! In this post, I will share how I study or prepare for N1
Books I Bought
Nihongo Sou Matome Vocabulary N1
TRY! 日本語能力試験N1
GO! JLPT N1 Grammar(Translated from Shin Kanzen Master i hate the renaming sm)
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They are translated into Thai.
If you want to improve your Japanese understanding, people might recommend buying the Japanese version when you are at an intermediate level. But personally, I can completely understand it better when it's explained in my mother tongue, hence the reason why I bought them (plus I'm broke)
I bought them 2 months ago!
I start with TRY! and Sou Matome by reading the vocabs first from Sou Matome, then move on to TRY! doing their exercise as much as my brain can handle, usually not over a chapter.
Here's what my notebook looks like
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As you can see, nothing fancy– just a pencil and a sticky note. I write words I don't or barely understand at the top of every page. As for the sticky note, it's for the words from the seventh day of Sou Matome that I can't remember their meanings. You might notice I didn't write their meanings. It's because I want to challenge myself to recall their meanings without relying on written translations.
I also READ the TRY! book in advance, so I'm always ahead of my actual exercise. Why you may ask? It came from when I read the N4 book. I always carried it everywhere because reading it was fun! So I'm trying to keep up this habit (despite taking more effort than before). When I read sample sentences, I try to translate them into Thai by myself before looking at the translations, because I want to practice my interpretation/translation skills too! (It'll definitely be useful in the future).
After finishing TRY! I will start reading GO! JLPT. Hopefully, I can finish this before the exam date.
OH! One thing I forgot to mention, I haven't done the listening exercises in TRY!. The reason is simple, it's a bit of a hassle to use a DVD player so I want to do them altogether when I am done reading GO! JLPT. I use Kanji Study (Play Store only) for studying Kanji. Right now, I'm studying secondary 3's kanjis. Believe it or not, it has been a year since I started learning secondary 3 and never managed to make progress.
Future Plans
There can be a rare case where I finish these books earlier than I expect so here's what I should do (by that, I mean you definitely should because god those books don't cover the skill adequately)
日本語能力試験 対策問題&必点整理 読解 N1 This book is incredible imo, because it explains the answers to every question which made me thoroughly understand it when I was studying for N2
Shin Kanzen Master 聴解 N1
These will be the books I borrow from my university's library. They are in Japanese too that's why I love borrowing from here! I think the CD resource can be found online because that's what I did for N2.
Lastly, if there is still time I'll take a mock exam from the official JLPT handbook.
AAAA Thank you for reading again. I will try to use this blog for archiving my knowledge and stuff like this more. See you in the next post!
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mioritic · 2 years
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Items from Ernst Jünger’s library, as exhibited at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach in 2011′s “Ernst Jünger: Arbeiter am Abgrund”
Binders labelled “Snakes”, “Cutouts”, “Beetles”, “Travel”, etc.
Doodles in the 13 y.o. Jünger’s 1908-9 calendar
Notebook with plant samples
Plant samples pasted into the manuscript for Eumeswil
A portion of Jünger’s beetle collection
via Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
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