dottie-n-stripes · 3 months
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it's dottie's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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maximusboltaqon · 4 months
random assortment of headcanons bc ive been thinking about them too much lately:
-blackagar didn't get his first haircut until he was like, 9-10. he just had long kind of unruly hair for most of his childhood. he had absolutely no idea how to properly care for it (and obviously nobody bothered to help much on that front). after intergrating back in society + getting w medusa, he's considered growing it out again, but never commited to doing so.
-i think he does let it get a bit longer post his mini series/doti, but never to its previous length
-prior to developing sign language, bb spent a LOT of time communicating through notes. he has really neat and clear handwriting because of it.
-this handwriting skill resulted in their parenting having bb teach maximus how to write (at least to some extent), and although maximus' isn't as good, their handwriting is very similar. mostly due to their parents constant pushing for both of them to be better.
-maximus' handwriting has deterioted a lot over the years because of the technology in attilan making it pretty obsolete long before they were learning it as kids. post The Fall, it's also a bit shaky due to the prosthetics.
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inkforhumanhands · 10 months
For the end-of-year book ask game, #4 #9 #24 & #25? <3
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
I read my first James Baldwin this year (Giovanni's Room)! I'd like to read more at some point probably but I'm also trying broaden my horizons a bit and read from all over instead of sticking to one author.
9. Did you get into any new genres?
Actually yes! I made it a point to read a few nonfiction books that weren't memoirs this year. I read Making Things Perfectly Queer by Alexander Doty which is one I've had my eye on ever since Film Theory in undergrad. Other notable reads include The Number Ones: Twenty Chart-Topping Hits That Reveal the History of Pop Music by Tom Breihan, who's one of my favorite music bloggers on Stereogum, and A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders, which is a fantastic primer in things that matter when writing a short story!
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
Nope, mostly because I have issues not finishing things. But if I was normal I probably would have put down House of Hunger because I really didn't like it. Nona the Ninth of the Locked Tomb series also wound up irritating me beyond belief-- listening to the audiobook helped me get through it a bit better.
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
I've been trying to figure this out, haha. My goal this year was 10 books and now that I've got slightly better library access I've been able to get through 20 (so far). So I might up the goal to 20 for next year and see if I can perform similarly. As for genre and stuff like that, I've already been trying to do a mix of fiction, nonfiction, and classics but I've also been letting the whimsy take me, so I might not specify beyond that really.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
A stranger lured the 9-year-old boy off a Chicago playground into an alley with the promise of giving him a treat. Then, in a gang hit that made national headlines for its brutality, he fatally shot the child in the head.
Five months after the horrific slaying, prosecutors said the boy's father, Pierre Stokes − in an act of revenge − shot the girlfriend of one of the men responsible for his son’s death, and her two adult nephews.
Now, exactly seven years later, Stokes faces life in prison.
At the time, prosecutors said, Stokes' crime was the latest in a years-long gang war involving multiple family members being targeted, injured and slain on each side of the battle that began in at least 2015.
After deliberating for several hours, a Cook County on Oct. 26 jury found the boy's father guilt of attempted murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and a gun charge in connection to the March 2016 triple shooting.
A park, a basketball and an alley execution
Tyshawn Lee, 9, was sitting on a swing at the park down the street from his grandmother's house on Nov. 2, 2015, when a man approached him, dribbled his basketball, and offered to buy him a juice box.
The man, who would later be identified as Dwright Boone Doty, then led Tyshawn to an alley, where police said he shot the child in the head several times at close range.
“It was one of the most evil things I’ve ever seen,” the Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Roman Catholic priest who presided over the boy’s funeral Mass, told the Associated Press after the killing. “I was over there and to see a young boy laying in an alley next to a garbage can with his basketball a few feet away, this assassination of a 9-year-old child took violence in Chicago to a new low.”
In October 2019, Doty was found guilty of first-degree murder in the boy's death. Illinois Department of Correction records show Doty remained housed Wednesday at the Pontiac Correctional Center where he is serving a 90-year sentencing for the crime.
'Vigilante justice is not justice'
Investigators said Tyshawn was executed by gang members to send a message to his father, who prosecutors said was an alleged member of a rival gang.  Tyshawn's killing drew national media attention and highlighted ongoing savage warring factions in the Chicago area.
Stokes' crime took place months after Tyshawn's death, when he encountered Doty's girlfriend, "looked straight at her, threatened her and fired six shots," according to the Chicago Tribune.
“Vigilante justice is not justice,” Assistant State’s Attorney Melanie Matias told the jury during closing arguments of Stokes' trial at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, the outlet reported. “Street justice is not justice.”
The motive
Prosecutors said Doty and fellow gang member Corey Morgan − also convicted for his role in Tyshawn death − believed Stokes’ was responsible for an October 2015 shooting that killed Morgan’s 25-year-old brother and injured Morgan's mother.
Initially, prosecutors said, the plan was to kill Tyshawn's grandmother to send a message to Stokes before the boy was targeted.
Shell casings at the crime scene and the gun used in the boy's killing would eventually be linked back to Morgan and his brother who purchased the gun from a man in New Mexico.
Morgan was sentenced to 65 years in prison for his role in Tyshawn's death and another co-defendant, Kevin Edwards − the getaway driver − pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in exchange for a 25-year prison sentence.
DA: Stokes faces 31 years to life
Online records showed Stokes remained jailed without bond Thursday.
A Cook County District Attorney's Office spokesperson told USA TODAY Stokes faces 31 years to life when he is sentenced.
Sentencing is set for Nov. 20th.
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thehours2002 · 2 years
diva reading list for nerds below the cut
1.     Cold War Femme: Lesbianism, National Identity, and Hollywood Cinema by Robert J. Corber
2.     Heavenly Bodies: Film Stars and Society by Richard Dyer
3.     Stars by Richard Dyer
4.     Stardom: Industry of Desire, edited by Christine Gledhill
5.     The Queen's Throat: Opera, Homosexuality, and the Mystery of Desire by Wayne Koestenbaum
6.     The Diva's Mouth: Body, Voice, Prima Donna Politics by Susan J. Leonardi and Rebecca A. Pope
7.     The Celebrity Culture Reader by David P. Marshall
8.     Divas on Screen: Black Women in American Film by Mia Mask
9.     Moving Performances: Divas, Iconicity, and Remembering the Modern Stage by Jeanne Scheper
10.  Star-Gazing: Hollywood Cinema and Female Spectatorship by Jackie Stacey
11.  Screen Dreams: Fantasising Lesbians in Film by Clare Whatling
12.  “Fabulous! Divas, Part 1,” an issue of Camera Obscura, edited by Alexander Doty
13.  “Fabulous! Divas, Part 2,” an issue of Camera Obscura, edited by Alexander Doty
Book Chapters
1.     “Judy Garland and Others: Notes on Idolization and Derision” by Michael Bronski from Lavender Culture
2.     “A Polemical Introduction; or, The Ghost of Greta Garbo” from The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture by Terry Castle
3.     “In Praise of Brigitte Fassbaender (A Musical Emanation)” from The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture by Terry Castle
4.     “Keeping the Celebrity Flame Flickering: Reality Television Celebrities on Broadway and Fan Interaction Through Digital Media” by Emily Clark from iBroadway: Musical Theatre in the Digital Age
5.     “Judy on the Net: Garland, Camp, and Contemporary Fandom” from Incongruous Entertainment: Camp, Cultural Value, and the MGM Musical by Steven Cohan
6.     “The Lady Is a Camp: Glamour, Star Turns, and the Boys in the Chorus” from Incongruous Entertainment: Camp, Cultural Value, and the MGM Musical by Steven Cohan
7.     “First a Star: Elizabeth Taylor” from Only Entertainment by Richard Dyer
8.     “Four Films of Lana Turner” from Only Entertainment by Richard Dyer
9.     “The Singing Sixties: Rethinking the Julie Andrews Roadshow Musical” by Brett Farmer from The Sound of Musicals
10.  “Re-Examining Stardom: Questions of Texts, Bodies and Performance” by Christine Geraghty from Reinventing Film Studies
11.  “How Do You Solve a ‘Problem’ like Maria von Poppins?” by Peter Kemp from Musicals: Hollywood and Beyond
12.  “ ‘A Cutie With More Than Beauty’: Audrey Hepburn, the Hollywood Musical and Funny Face” by Peter Kramer from Musicals: Hollywood and Beyond
13.  “Divas or Anti-Divas? The Act and Woman of the Year” from Kander and Ebb by James Leve
14.  “Kiss of the Spiderwoman: Sex, Politics, and the Diva Musical” from Kander and Ebb by James Leve
15.  “Ginger Rogers and Gay Men? Queer Film Studies, Richard Dyer, and Diva Worship” by David Lugowski from Screening Genders
16.  “A Few of My Favorite Things: Movie Stars and the Soundtrack of Broadway” from Broadway to Main Street: How Show Tunes Enchanted America by Laurence Maslon
17.  “Queer Jewish Divas: Jewishness and Queerness in the Life and Performance of Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, and Olga Guillot” by Moshe Morad from Mazal Tov, Amigos! Jews and Popular Music in the Americas
18.  “Reading as an Opera Queen” by Mitchell Morris from Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship
19.  “Divas and Divos” by Hilary Poriss from The Oxford Handbook of Opera
20.  “Stars and Fans” by Holley Replogle-Wong from The Oxford Handbook of The American Musical
21.  “The Sexual Bonds of Racial Stardom: Asian American Femme Fatales in Hollywood” from The Hypersexuality of Race: Performing Asian/American Women on Screen and Scene by Celine Parreñas Shimizu
22.  “ ‘Dreamgirls Will Make You Happy’: The Pleasures of Voice and Body” from Studying Musical Theatre: Theory and Practice by Millie Taylor and Dominic Symonds
23.  “Having a Ball with Dottie: Queering Female Stardom from MGM to Todd Haynes” by Noah Tsika from Reframing Todd Haynes: Feminism’s Indelible Mark
24.  “A Matchless Melange of Mirth and Melody: The Stars of The Passing Shows” by Jonas Westover from The Shuberts and Their Passing Shows: The Untold Tale of Ziegfeld's Rivals
25.  “The Streisand Musical” by Pamela Robertson Wojcik from The Sound of Musicals
26.  “Actors’ Biography and Mythmaking: The Example of Edmund Kean” by Leigh Wood from Interpreting the Theatrical Past: Essays in the Historiography of Performance
1.     “Made in Movieland: Imitation, Agency, and Girl Movie Fandom in the 1910s” by Diana W. Anselmo
2.     “ ‘A Legend in Her Own Time’: Lauren Bacall, Aging Stardom, and Cultural Memory in Applause” by Sara Bakerman
3.     “The Virtuoso’s Stage: A Theatrical Topos” by Gabriele Brandstetter
4.     “ ‘The world belongs to the young?’: Age and the Golden Age Diva in Coco (1969) and Applause (1970) by Maya Cantu
5.     “Beyoncé’s Slay Trick: The Performance of Black Camp and its Intersectional Politics” by Constantine Chatzipapatheodoridis
6.     “ ‘What has she actually done??!’: Gay Men, Diva Worship, and the Paratextualization of Gay-Rights Support” by Jimmy Draper
7.     “Embracing Excess: The Queer Feminist Power of Musical Theatre Diva Roles” by Michelle Dvoskin
8.     “The Fabulous Sublimity of Gay Diva Worship” by Brett Farmer
9.     “Greta Garbo and Silent Cinema: The Actress As Art Deco Icon” by Lucy Fischer
10.  “I Had a Dream: Rose's Turn, Musical Theatre and the Star Effigy” by Jason Fitzgerald
11.  “The Romance of Monsters: Theorizing the Virtuoso Body” by Judith Hamera
12.  “The Death of Camp: Gay Men and Hollywood Diva Worship, from Reverence to Ridicule” by Daniel Harris
13.  “Diva Worship and the Sonic Search for Queer Utopia” by Craig Jennex
14.  “The True Voice of Whitney Houston: Commodification, Authenticity, and African American Superstardom” by Jaap Kooijman
15.  “Fierce, Fabulous, and In/Famous: Beyoncé as Black Diva” by Jaap Kooijman
16.  “Divafication: The Deification of Modern Female Pop Stars” by Linda Lister
17.  “Stepping out of Line: (Re)claiming the Diva for the Dancers of Broadway” by Dustyn Martincich
18.  “Feeling and the Filmed Body: Judy Garland and the Kinesics of Suffering” by Adrienne L. McLean
19.  “ ‘Can You Handle My Truth?’: Authenticity and the Celebrity Star Image” by Erin Meyers
20.  “ ‘Queer for Uncle Sam’: Anita's Latina Diva Citizenship in West Side Story” by Deborah Paredez
21.  “Diva Relations in The Color Purple, the 2015 Broadway Revival” by Deborah Paredez
22.  “The Interpellations of Interpolation; or, The Disintegrating Female Musical Body” by Bradley Rogers
23.  “Katherine Dunham: The Crossing and [con]Fusion of Borders by Broadway’s Original Diasporic Dance Diva” by Pamyla Stiehl
24.  “Desire in Evidence” by Stacy Wolf
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wutbju · 9 months
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Althea J. Wright of Waupaca, age 77, passed away surrounded by love on Monday, February 27, 2023.
She was born in Rockford, Illinois on April 28, 1945 to the late Robert and Esther (Robinson) Smith. On December 23, 1974 she married David Wright at Harlem Methodist Church in Rockford, Illinois. Althea was a member of Wild Rose Baptist Church.
She received a bachelor’s degree in education from Bob Jones University, and spent many years teaching children. Later she went on to attain a master’s degree in library science from UW Madison. She spent her final working years before retirement as a library media specialist at Doty and Langlade elementary schools in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Teaching children and enchanting them with her love of books & reading was one of her greatest joys.
Her life’s ambition was to have babies, watch them grow up, and surround herself with grandchildren. Althea spent spring & summer days in her country garden, bringing flowers to full bloom with her magical green fingers. She was a bright, strong woman with a surprise spunk underneath her red hair & freckled sweetness. Althea invested her deepest love in her family all the way to the end.
She will be sadly missed by her husband David; children: Amanda and Clifton, grandchildren: Griffin, Jamison, and Rebel, siblings: Billy and Margaret, nephews, nieces, extended family, friends, past students, and her cat Suzie. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a beloved unborn infant, siblings Arletta, Burt, Lois, Rachel; her in laws Fran & Carl Wright, and many pets that she adored.
The Memorial Service will be on Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 3 p.m. at the Maple Crest Funeral Home. Friends and family may gather on Thursday from 1 p.m. until the time of the service. There will be a reception with nourishment at Wild Rose Baptist Church immediately after the service.
Althea loved the brightest flowers-especially giant roses, hydrangeas, tulips. She compared her strength to the delicate & powerful purple saxifrage flower. In her happiest days, she traveled the world with her husband David. One of her favorite dreams come true was surrounding herself in the flowers of Keukenhof, the largest flower garden in the world.
In honor of Althea’s love for all the beautiful things, please feel free to bring one of your favorite flowers to place around her urn at the service. In celebration of Althea’s love for vibrant spring colors, traditional black attire is not required
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Small College Basketball Tidbits
As we approach Christmas, I simply wanted to jot down some interesting observations and notes from the first several weeks of the season.  In no particular order, here goes:
-  Langston is a remarkable story.  Last year, the Lions went 1-27. After the season, Coach Chris Wright was hired as the new Head Coach, after leading Talladega to the NAIA National Championship game.  Langston overhauled the roster, and is now 13-0 on the season.  Just incredible!
-  After Emporia State knocked off #1 ranked Northwest Missouri State, the Hornets have now defeated NW MO State in three consecutive games.  Last year - in a season when NW MO State won their record-setting 3rd consecutive NCAA Division II National Championship, Emporia State swept the Bearcats in two regular season games.  Congratulations to Coach Craig Doty, who has won two NJCAA National Championships and an NAIA National Championship in his young career.
-  Last season, Young Harris was 6-21.  Thus far this season, the Mountain Lions are 10-0 thus far.  Congratulations to Coach Jeremy Currier and the Young Harris team.
-  The University of St. Joseph is an incredible story in NCAA Division III basketball.  In only their fourth year as a basketball program - started by Coach Jim Calhoun - the Blue Jays are now the #1 ranked team in NCAA Division III basketball.  Now led by Coach Glen Miller, St. Joseph is now 9-0.  Coach Glen Miller has the unique distinction of leading two different NCAA Division III teams to the #1 ranking in Division III basketball (he also lead Connecticut College to the top spot during the 1988-89 season.  Coach Miller has also been the Head Coach at two different Ivy League schools: Penn & Brown.
-  Randolph-Macon, who won the 2022 NCAA Division III National Championship, has now won a remarkable 53 straight home games.  Incredible!
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pinerprogressive · 2 years
Troy kipper
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The Gamecocks got it right back after Foster forced a fumble and Zacch Pickens recovered. Doty had the ball knocked out of his hand and the Trojans recovered. South Carolina held again, forced a punt, and again tried to drive for the game-clinching score. Went from excited for the play we had, then mad, then relief,” Lindsey said. “You talk about emotional rollercoaster, golly. He easily out-paced the rest of the field for a touchdown, except Brown flipped the ball to the referee a split-second before he crossed the goal line and it rolled out of bounds. The ball again tumbled to the turf and Brown picked it up and began running. Staley retrieved it and tried to run, but was tripped. The Gamecocks’ Jaylan Foster sacked Powell on a safety blitz and the ball squirted loose. Troy set up for a third-and-9 on the next possession. The Gamecocks forced a punt but Ahmarean Brown muffed the catch. Then after an interception by South Carolina’s Jahmar Brown was wiped by a booth review, the nuttiness began. The Gamecocks blocked a Troy punt in the third quarter but only got a field goal out of a possession starting at the Trojans’ 23-yard line. The Gamecocks still haven’t found a solution for their sputtering running game, but quarterback Luke Doty completed 20 of 34 passes for 255 yards and a touchdown with no interceptions and one fumble. At the end of the day, we can’t put the ball on the ground.” “We matched their intensity, we matched their physicality, I thought. Seemed to be the difference,” Troy coach Chip Lindsey said. “The key to the game, obviously, the turnovers. Yet the Trojans (2-3) wouldn’t go away and South Carolina’s inability to take advantage of its numerous chances to score helped Troy stay in it. The Gamecocks (3-2) led 17-7 at halftime after Spaulding’s return. “I don’t know about you guys, I feel like I aged about 40 years during that game,” said South Carolina coach Shane Beamer, who saw his Gamecocks score one defensive TD and should have scored another. White booted a 37-yard field goal in the fourth quarter with just over two minutes left to make it a two-possession lead and Damani Staley intercepted Taylor Powell with less than 30 seconds to play. The Gamecocks have scored one rushing touchdown in five games.īut as long as the Gamecocks' defense can pick up the slack, as they did with their third touchdown of the year against Troy, they can continue to work on it without feeling too bad.ĭavid Spaulding returned an interception 74 yards for a touchdown, Parker White kicked three field goals and South Carolina overcame several mistakes in the second half to hold off the Trojans 23-14 on Saturday. (AP) (AP) - South Carolina’s offensive consternation still isn’t cured.
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nottonki · 2 years
Mirage men
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#Mirage men full
#Mirage men trial
#Mirage men tv
#Mirage men full
This is a special, extended 2-disc version including the full length feature, 8-page booklet with essays by the filmmakers on ‘The Genesis of Mirage Men’, ‘Tricksters, Saucers and Cyber Magicians’, ‘The Enigma of Richard Doty’ and ‘The Unreliable Narrator’, and over an hour of previously unseen additional material, comprising of 22 short films giving background history, extra interviews and an exclusive Urthona music video. Now, for the first time, some of those behind these operations, and their victims, speak out, revealing a true story that is part Manchurian Candidate and part Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Anomalist and a host of other magazines and journals. Mark Pilkington and John Lundberg, based on their best-selling book, uncover a 60 year-old story stranger than any conspiracy thriller. Mirage Men draws viewers into a saucer-shaped hall of mirrors, a shadow-world where every lie contains elements of the truth, and the truth is far stranger than the UFO believers, or their detractors, would have you believe.
#Mirage men tv
In doing so they spawned a mythology so powerful that it captivated and warped many brilliant minds, including several of their own. Mark Pilkington has written for the Guardian, Fortean Times, Sight & Sound, the Wire, Frieze, the. Mirage Men on Pluto TV Documentaries 1hr 25 min MIRAGE MEN takes you on a journey through the badlands and backwaters of America. UFOs: weapons of mass deception… For over 60 years teams within the US Air Force and Intelligence services exploited and manipulated beliefs about UFOs and ET visitations as part of their counterintelligence programmes. In UFOlogy today, the term Mirage Men is understood to signify supposed shadowy government agents who, for inscrutable reasons, are allegedly tricking the. How the US government created a myth that took over the world. Wonderfully weird and provocative – Boing Boing Our famous fish and chips restaurant brings people to the Helmsdale from all. La Mirage Restaurant is opened by Nancy Sinclair and become very famous with pink decor and novelist Barbara Cartland as seen on TV. With a fresh, funny and objective approach, Pilkington is the ideal guide to steer us through these strange territories, where nothing is quite as it seems and reality is just a matter of managing perceptions.By John Lundberg, Mark Pilkington, Roland Denning, Kypros Kyprianou The North’s Premier Restaurant teamed up with proprietor Haydar Baran, headchefs Don Sinclair and Elma Booth.
#Mirage men trial
(Tom Thorne Novels) Paperback 29 July 2010 by Mark Pilkington (Author) 104 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle Edition £3.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook £0.00 Free with your Audible trial Paperback £9.09 9 Used from £5.18 15 New from £7. Meanwhile he has to deal with his own uncertainties, the suspicions of the UFO community and a partner who is starting to believe that conspiracy theorists might be right after all. Mirage Men: A Journey into Disinformation, Paranoia and UFOs. As a result he began to suspect that, instead of covering up stories of crashed flying saucers, alien contacts and secret underground bases, the US intelligence agencies had actually been promoting them all along. Along the way he discovers that the truth about flying saucers is stranger and more complex than either the ufologists or debunkers would have us believe.Īs he crossed the US meeting intelligence agents, disinformation specialists and UFO hunters Pilkington was confronted with a dizzying array of ever more outrageous claims and counter claims. Through the fascinating account of their quest Mark Pilkington reveals the long history of UFOria and its parallels in little known tales from the murky worlds of espionage, psychological warfare and advanced military technology. Seeking the truth about UFOs in America, Mark Pilkington and John Lundberg uncover a 60 year-old story stranger than any conspiracy thriller.
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ralfmaximus · 3 years
Officers responded to the [Little Caesars] on Cedar Bluff Rd around 9 p.m. on Nov. 5 where witnesses said the suspect, later identified as Charles Doty Jr. became angry after being told about the wait and asked for free breadsticks. An incident report states he then left the store to wait and returned with an AK-47 in hand, demanding the pizza immediately.
Another person in the store who had already gotten their order handed Doty her pepperoni pizza and he fled the scene before police arrived.
Asshole wants his pizza now, waves his AK-47 around to make it cook faster. Police ended up arresting him, and now he’ll end up with $50K in fines and up to 60 years in prison for aggravated assault & attempted kidnapping, because employees tried to leave the place when they saw his gun. 
Note that this happened the same week Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted for shooting two people dead with a similar weapon.
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sportsconvergence · 3 years
Week One Picks
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Welcome to 2021 College Football!
Week One features intriguing story lines – two games in Charlotte that could be among the best games of the weekend, one game that will set the tone for a new regime, and two more that could spell trouble for coaches trying to stay employed.
It all starts this Thursday night.
Appalachian State over East Carolina (Thursday) – This is one of the Charlotte match-ups that could be an enjoyable one to watch.  The Mountaineers return 17 starters from a team that went 9-3 in the Sun Belt last year.  Chase Brice, the former Clemson Tiger, takes over at quarterback after a forgettable year as Duke’s starter.  Can he rebound from his 2020 performance – mainly avoiding throwing the ball to the wrong team?  Having a strong running game, talented receivers, and a veteran offensive line should make life easier for him this year.  The stout App defense will be tested by a high flying Pirate offense, but should be able to hold up.  This one may be decided late – I like the Mountaineers to prevail on the new artificial surface at Bank of America Stadium.
Duke over Charlotte (Friday) – This game, being played in Richardson Stadium on the Charlotte campus, is a must win for David Cutcliffe if he has any hope of continuing as head coach in Durham.   Usually, you would think a match-up between ACC and Conference USA would be an automatic win for the team from the Power Five conference.  But this is a big opportunity for Will Healy and the 49ers to make some noise.  The teams are pretty evenly matched and I expect another down to the wire finish.  I’ll go with Duke, but won’t be shocked if it goes the other way.
Michigan over Western Michigan – Saturday at Noon at the Big House.  An automatic win for the Wolverines and beleaguered Jim Harbaugh?  Not so fast!  The Broncos are the favorites in the “Mighty MAC” this year and may be pesky enough to push this game into the fourth quarter.  If they do, and if Cade McNamara isn’t getting the job done as Wolverine quarterback, and if the defense continues to be unprepared to stop a modern offense, a loss by the home team would not be out of the question.  That would most certainly slam the door shut on the Harbaugh era.  I don’t THINK it will happen, but I expect this to be much closer than Maize and Blue Nation would like.
South Carolina over Eastern Illinois – The Shane Beamer era kicks off with a win Saturday night in the W-B. Who will play quarterback for the Gamecocks?  Considering the opposition is the woeful Panther squad from Eastern Illinois (one of the worst teams in FCS), it really won’t matter.  The home team has vastly superior talent and a desire to make a statement after a 2-8 campaign in 2020. Beamer would like for Luke Doty to get some live game reps before East Carolina, but it’s better to play it safe and rest him if he’s not 100% healed.  Ultimately, any of the quarterbacks on the Gamecock roster should be sufficient to get the job done against the Panthers.  This should be a good depth building game for a rebuilding program.
Clemson over Georgia – I had originally penciled this in as a Bulldog victory, but that was before the injury bug started decimating their roster in pre-season camp. Also, upon further reflection, I was reminded that Clemson seems to thrive whenever they play in Bank of America Stadium.  The Tiger defense is absolutely loaded and their offense should quickly get up to speed – maybe not enough to forget about Trevor Lawrence and Travis Etienne, but certainly more than enough to get the job done.  This should be the best game of the weekend, and I think the Tigers will emerge on top as their defense stymies the Bulldogs in the 4th quarter.
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feuillesmortes · 4 years
End of year asks: 9,14,18. It's almost over!
Gosh, it is almost over, isn’t it? Thank you for sending this ask 🕊🌹
end of the year ask
9) Best month for you this year?
Incredibly, April! I say ‘incredibly’ because it was the month I presented my master’s thesis to my thesis committee (and an audience) and took my viva voce — it sounds terrifying (and it was) but it was so good to finally put that fear behind me. I was dealing with so much stress and anxiety. Besides my own regular medication I was leaning heavily on clonazepam pills (there were moments I couldn’t really breathe) After it was all over I could just... live. 
14) Favorite book you read this year?
Definitely Mark Doty’s poetry collection Fire to Fire: New and Collected Poems. He’s an absolute fave now, his poetry just exudes so much sensibility and grief.
18) A memorable meal this year?
Unfortunately, I can’t say/remember any memorable meal based on taste alone. In fact, if I can be candid, I’ve been trying to find joy in eating again for the last couple of years. But! I guess I should say my birthday dinner was pretty memorable, shouldn’t I? It was right before lockdown and I and some friends (+ a couple of relatives) ate in an Italian restaurant (I remember some delicious vegetarian gnocchi and some great rosé wine but what I really enjoyed was the company).
Thank you for sending this ask! It’s great for self-reflection 👼🕊x
end of the year ask
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miraculousgemscc · 4 years
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While being locked up at home, I've been working on this Brindleton Bay “override” save. This is a save in which I rebuilt/renovated all of the lots in Brindleton Bay. Whilst thinking of how to approach this, I knew that this world was New England inspired (Maine, coasts/beaches of New Hampshire and Massachusetts). While using pictures I’ve taken as a reference, the houses/lots exteriors fit the Cape Cod, homey, and overall what you would probably see in New England.
There are a total of 16 Lots (8 residential, 8 venues) and 10 New Townies (3 are Currently Not Living in the Sims World)
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1) Adilynn Gillian-Regans
Adilynn moved out from her best friend's house to Brindleton Bay after the death of her mothers years ago. Her mother Demi was assassinated when she was a young child by an unknown killer. Struggling to cope the lost of her lover, Adilynn's sole surviving parent disappeared and hasn't been seen since. With being a substitute teacher and dealing with some strange entity occurring in her body, will the memories of her mothers resurface?
2) Doty
Dianna Doty is a famous at-home gardener. She grows her own vegetables and sells them along with using them to whip up some tasty dishes.
3) Connor-Braxton
The Connor-Braxtons are your atypical family. Elise was pregnant with Mason as an early young adult while she lived in the city. She met Kirk online and since then the two have been talking and got close. Paisley and Mason get along well even though their polar opposites. Mason loves blue and pink and Paisley is just like Elise. Before getting married, the couple brought Emilia into the world. Years later, Emilia got herself into a sticky situation. How long will she be able to hide her secret?
4) Berkshire
The Berkshire name have been around for centuries. Emilio and Marion moved to Brindleton Bay when their daughter Phoenix was a toddler. Through the years, Phoenix and her parents have clashed. With the addition of Emilio's parents, will the family be able to continue their legacy and keep their secret covered?
5) Hanson
Recently married, the Hansons have not only just adopted two girls but also moved into a new house! Not knowing anyone in town, the Hansons will have to try and juggle taking care of a newborn as well as their three other kids plus adjusting to their new dream jobs. Will Spyro's albinism keep him from spending quality time outside with his children? Will Bria and Spyro be able to pay the rent on time?
6) Tanager Siblings
Winston and Cassandra moved out from their humble home in Windenburg to the coasts of Brindleton Bay. Having grown up in a large family, the two feel a sense of relief and serenity as they embark into young adult. Winston is the oldest and the genius out of his five siblings; Cassandra was the rebellious and irresponsible one. After Cassandra moved into Winston's home, will the two opposites be able to remain civil like before?
7) Barroso-Newell-Sansalone
Alex Barroso's life fell apart when she ended up pregnant with Miwa as a teen. Two men and four children later, Alex has been juggling multiple jobs and moving from house to house for many years. One day she was offered a job as a teaching assistant at Brindleton Bay's local school. Alex accepted, hoping that her dreams of becoming a music teacher are finally going to come through! But will having no college degree and raising four kids get in the way of achieving her dreams?
8) Residential Lot (20x20)
Bedlington Boathouse
1 bed, 1 bath
9) Sporting Space (30x20)
Generic  (§17,950)
lot is used for training your dogs or chilling with your furry friends
10) Ragdoll DBA's (20x20)
Generic  (§162,738)
Once a part of the pet food cannery next door, this warehouse has since been converted into one of the finest DBA's around. This lot can be changed to: a restaurant, lounge, bar, karoke bar, or retail store.
11) Club Calico (40x30)
Generic  (§219,519)
Previously an exclusive yacht club for only the richest citizens of Brindleton Bay, a recent decree by Mayor Whiskers opened up this wedding locale for public use. The Club Calico may also be used for proms or any other formal and luxurious gatherings.
12) It’s A Good Park (40x40)
Park  (§106,708)
play area for kids and toddlers
performing stage and food stands
13) Mighty Havens Hospital (20x15)
Vet Clinic  (§68,223)
modern build
14) Fishy's Bar and Boating (20x15)
Bar  (§64,199)
quaint bar with a (non-functional) boat registration building for fishermen to check in before they go out to sea
15) Brindleton Library (40x30)
Library  (§112,538)
fun, bright colors with a floral outdoor area
toddler and child friendly
16) Deadgrass Discoveries (30x30)
Museum (§119,059)
science area for kids
grills and cafe, indoor and outdoor seating
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televinita · 4 years
Top 100 Books*
(*As apparently determined by me years ago at age 19, the last age at which I could possibly have determined such a list, in whatever order I thought of them. It is very subjective and based entirely on my personal favorite 5-star books up to that point. It has no rules about how many times an author can appear, and “100″ is a loose guideline, given that sequels and sometimes even series books are counted under 1 number. Not all of the books on this list have held up, but a surprising number of them have.)
1. Black Beauty --Anna Sewell 2. The Incredible Journey --Sheila Burnford 3. San Domingo: Medicine Hat Stallion--Marguerite Henry) 4. X-Files novel: Ruins --Kevin Anderson (2020 note: YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. I will defend its inclusion still, tbh) 5. Harry Potter (whole series) -- J.K. Rowling 6. Firebringer -- John Clement-Davies 7. The Sight -- John Clement-Davies 8. The Mystery of Pony Hollow (& sequel The Mystery of Pony Hollow Panda) -- Lynn Hall 9. Wild Magic (quartet) -- Tamora Pierce 10. Final Grades -- Anita Heyman 11. Golden Sovereign -- Dorothy Lyons 12. Wild Horse Summer -- Hope Ryden 13. The Best Little Girl in the World -- Steven Levenkron 14. The Ark (& sequel, Rowan Farm) -- Margot Benery-Isbert 15. Shadow Horse -- Allison Hart 16. Wild Animals I Have Known -- Ernest Thompson Seton 17. Beautiful Joe -- (Margaret) Marshall Saunders 18. Jane Eyre -- Charlotte Bronte 19. Charlotte's Web -- EB White 20. Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) -- Antoine de Saint Exupery 21. Little Women -- Louisa May Alcott 22. The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) -- Roald Dahl 23. Touching Spirit Bear -- Ben Mikaelsen 24. A Horse Called Dragon (& sequels) -- Lynn Hall 25. Silver Chief: Dog of the North - Jack O'Brien 26. Snow Dog - Jim Kjelgaard 27. Buff: A Collie -- Albert Payson Terhune 28. Julie of the Wolves -- Jean Craighead-George 29. Vulpes the Red Fox -- Jean Craighead-George 30. The Perilous Gard -- Elizabeth Marie Pope 31. Summer Pony -- Jean Slaughter Doty 32. The Boxcar Children (series) - Gertrude Chandler Warner 33. The Bear -- James Oliver Curwood 34. Moccasin Trail -- Eloise Jarvis McGraw 35. Quest for Courage -- Stormy Rodolph 36. Lad: A Dog -- Albert Payson Terhune 37. Dog of the High Sierras -- Albert Payson Terhune 38. Sign of the Beaver -- Elizabeth George Speare 39. Little House on the Prairie (series) -- Laura Ingalls Wilder 40. Nop's Trials -- Donald McCaig 41. Bel Ria -- Sheila Burnford 42. The Scarlet Letter -- Nathaniel Hawthorne 43. Comanche of the Seventh  - Margaret Leighton 44. Whinny of the Wild Horses --Amy C. Laundrie 45. Multiple Choice -- Janet Tashjian 46. Black Unicorn -- Tanith Lee 47. Broken Chords -- Barbara Snow Gilbert 48. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic -- Betty McDonald 49. Shamrock Queen (Always Reddy) -- Marguerite Henry 50. Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West -- Marguerite Henry 51. Black Gold -- Marguerite Henry 52. Brighty of the Grand Canyon -- Marguerite Henry 53. White Fang -- Jack London 54. Call of the Wild -- Jack London 55. Gentle Ben -- Walt Morey 56. Bambi -- Felix Salten 57. Shiloh -- Phyllis Reynolds Naylor 58. The Velveteen Rabbit - Margery Williams Biano 59. The Last Unicorn -- Peter S. Beale 60. The Witch of Blackbird Pond - Elizabeth George Speare 61. Dr. Dolittle - Hugh Lofting 62. Outlaw Red -- Jim Kjelgaard 63. Island of the Blue Dolphins -- Scott O'Dell 64. Anne of Green Gables -- Anne M. Montgomery 65. Heidi - Johanna Spyri 66. Wuthering Heights -- Emily Bronte 67. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew -- Margaret Sidney 68. Peter Pan -- J.M. Barrie 69. All Creatures Great and Small (quartet) - James Herriot 70. The Little White Horse -- Elizabeth Goudge 71. Tomorrow, When the War Began -- John Marsden 72. Candy - Kevin Brooks (2020 Me: but...literally why?) 73. After - Francine Prose 74. What Happened to Lani Garver - Carol Plum-Ucci 75. A Girl of the Limberlost - Gene Stratton Porter 76. A Rose for Melinda - Lurlene McDaniel (2020 Me: *SCREECHING*) 77. Briar Rose - Jane Yolen 78. Go Ask Alice - anonymous (2020 Me: *SCREECHING INTENSIFIES*) 79. The White Horse - Cynthia D. Grant 80. Goodbye, Mr. Chips - James Hilton 81. Lord of the Kill - Theodore Taylor 82. Leaving Fishers - Margaret Peterson Haddix 83. Pop Princess - Rachel Cohn 84. Make Lemonade - Virginia Euwer Wolff 85. Catwings - Ursula K. Le Guin 86. Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey - Margaret Peterson Haddix 87. The Hunger Scream - Ivy Ruckman 88. Blind Beauty - K.M. Peyton 89. The Pig-Out Blues - Jan Greenberg 90. It All Began With Jane Eyre - Sheila Greenwald 91. The Great Pony Hassle - Nancy Springer 92. Thunderwith - Libby Hawthorn 93. Smoky the Cow Horse - Will James 94. Wait Till Helen Comes - Mary Downing Hahn 95. When The Dolls Woke - Marjorie Filley Stover 96. The Cat Who Went to Heaven - Elizabeth Coatsworth 97. Golden Dog - Mary Elwyn Pratchett 98. The Seventh One - Elizabeth Yates 99. 101 Dalmatians - Dodie Smith 100. A Northern Light - Jennifer Donnelly
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loquaciousquark · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E73 (Aug. 6, 2019)
Gooooooood evening good evening good evening all! @eponymous-rose is off packing for a cross-country move (as if THAT’S an excuse), so here I am isntead to lay waste to all you love. 
Tonight’s preroll: Sam’s costume from the liveshow getting dunked in acid.
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Tonight’s guests: Laura Bailey & Sam Riegel, in a fully human and normal tshirt and jeans. Everyone oohs and ahs over Laura’s adorable live show outfit; Sam waits eagerly for equal attention. And waits, and waits...
Tonight’s announcements: Huge thanks to everyone who came out to the live show in Indy last weekend (I was there! It was great!). Laura talks about everyone singing the theme on the intro. Sam sent his entire costume back with Dani so he wouldn’t get stopped in the airport. Poor Dani! Season 3 of Between the Sheets, featuring Amanda Palmer, is up for Twitch subs now and will be up on YT on Wednesday. CR is headed to Austin, TX, for a live show on Sept. 23! Everyone talks about how Doty will definitely, definitely be in this show: The Adventures of the Darrington Brigade, ft. the return of Sam as Taryon. Sam says he already has something in mind for his costume; everyone else will be playing new characters. Laura’s got an idea for a backup character for Jester, but BWF advises her not to use this for the live show since Jester will def be dead in less than 20 episodes. Go to critrole.com/events for more.
Episode 73: Uthodurn, which is not spelled at all like I thought
CR Stats! Nott dealt 124 damage this episode, only 23 of which was friendly fire. Sam: “You know, he just needs to get out of the fucking way.” Nott rolled her 50th nat 20, resulting in a 43 stealth check. Laura and Sam quietly talk about Sam’s tendency to touch everyone else’s dice as opposed to his “playing fairly.” Sam also laments he’s lost his dustbuster in the studio somewhere after the last bit. Jester is tied with Beau at 9 for the most HDYWTDTs. Jester also played her 50th prank this episode: creating the ballpeen hammer as an offering to the Allhammer.
Laura thinks part of Jester’s new anger in battle is part of losing Yasha, especially when she disappeared right in front of her and Jester wasn’t able to help her at all. “Jester mammoth-raged.” Laura raves about being a mammoth & talks about needing to work on her elephant noise. Both Laura and Sam fail miserably at making the noise.
Sam slowly drinks a shot. It’s... a thing.
We have a close-up of Sam’s nail polish, which was done for the live show. He doesn’t own nail polish remover, it turns out.
Nott will talk to Cad about the explosive arrow whenever Cad brings it up. First, Cad was invisible & therefore at fault because he couldn’t be seen; the second part of the blame goes to Laura Bailey, who leaned over and told Sam right before his turn he had to kill this thing right now. The explosive arrow was the best thing he had; Sam accepts one part of the blame for forgetting it would be fire. Sam & Laura agree the bolt should have had some thunder/force damage associated with it because of the concussive blast. (Hilariously, my father presented this precise argument to me with GREAT VIGOR right after this episode aired.)
Jester’s call to the Traveler was just in the heat of the moment. All of her power comes from him, so Jester calls out to him (and Laura thinks it cool) when she gets a big oomph. Sam wonders aloud if her powers genuinely come from the Traveler or not. Laura: “I mean...as far as she knows.” Sam’s also distracted that the question card had a straight-up name on it rather than a username.
Sam considers the outcome of the election a win, since he’s one of the bi-Presidents of D&D Beyond until further notice. “It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you get there.” Laura asks if he thinks about it being a hollow win when he goes to sleep. Sam: “Do I look like the kind of person to have thoughts as I’m falling asleep?”
Nott’s usage of the pistol’s single shot was pure pettiness. Sam thought Nott had a shot because she’s acrobatic & fast & has some tricks, and he just didn’t want Beau to win. Making loud noises & drawing attention didn’t even cross my mind.
Jester was very proud of Fjord making those strength checks, but she wasn’t surprised. “He’s very strong, even though he looks like he’s not.” Laura thinks it’s funny and poetic that Travis rolled so well after ditching his sword/powers.
Travis has three sets of dice. Liam has a bunch of sets, but they’re all red (says Laura, offended). Laura only used purple dice at the live show because of how she was dressed.
Cosplay of the Week: a great Scanlan cosplay with Ioun’s third eye by @cxptaingrayson.
Sam realizes something that’s been holding back the Nott-Fjord relationship is that Nott has always been a little suspicious of Fjord. Now that he’s “talking like a real weirdo” and is still brave, braver than before, she can trust him more.
Laura’s asked about Jester’s conflict between healing & DPS. Laura: “Do you think Jester asked to be a fucking healer?” When they were deciding their characters, Laura was originally going to be a warlock with the Traveler as her patron; then Travis was like, warlock! What a cool class! Can I have it? And Laura said sure, she’ll be a cleric, that sounds cool. “And now he got rid of his fucking patron! Who knows if he’s going to be a warlock anymore? What a waste of a warlock!” She likes being a cleric--but even from Jester’s very first inception she’s always been a healer who hates healing. Brian: “She’s a battle Mercy.” She’s not regretful she healed Beau; the reason Laura didn’t immediately heal her is that she thought from Matt’s face that the remorhaz was very close to death, closer than it actually was. She confirms Jester is Chaotic Neutral.
Brian tells Laura he texted Travis to tell him Laura accused him of stealing the warlock class. Laura: “YOU DID NOT!” Brian: “You said it on the air!!”
Travis, via text to BWF, apparently in all caps: “I WAS CHANGING RONIN. YES I STOLE WARLOCK.”
Nott’s teasing of a powerless Fjord is 100% just because she thinks it’s funny. Sam: “There’s not really a deep reason to it. They tease each other all the time. Why would that change just because he tossed his sword in the lava?”
Laura needs to do research on other animals she can become since she enjoyed the mammoth (and giant eagle) so much. Sam keeps a list of flying creatures Laura can turn into because Laura struggles looking it up and often keys it into her D&D Beyond app before she’s even started. BWF: “This is uncharacteristically unselfish.” Sam: “Well, Laura is--I love her. Laura is pure harp music and I would do anything for her.”
Their environments are just getting better and better for Nott in terms of how goblins are seen. She’s given up the mask now, but it’s nice to have people look and not scream.
Both Sam & Laura pause to fan over the design of Uthodurn. It’s way cooler than either the Empire or Dynasty to them right now.
Laura points out that Nott has been fairly outgoing lately; it’s been a while since anyone said “you’re a goblin, stone her!” She’s beginning to come out of her shell as she gets used to her body (not that she likes it in any way), but it’s a development from Veth’s original shyness. She’s also drunk a lot; Sam says this will continue until he gets more Laura Bailey speeches.
BWF still has Laura’s copy of Game of Thrones, which he borrowed in 2011. Laura doesn’t listen to books on tape because she likes the inflections in her own head.
Fanart of the Week: a cool grouping of portraits of the M9 by @dylanbydoodles.
They apparently threw an election party after the D&D Beyond President reveal. Sam talks about convincing the Lyft driver on the way back that it was a swinger’s party in the most ridiculous way possible. Poor Indianapolis.
Nott & Veth’s relationship is getting very complicated. Sam says they’re beginning to blend a little together, but he’s now coming to realize there’s a part of Nott deep down that is deeply scared of going back to Veth & losing her rogue abilities, her adventuring; she wants to be herself again for sure, since her body is definitely wrong, but she’s beginning to fear the loss of some of what Nott is now.
BWF sincerely thanks Sam for the effort and thought he puts into his character. Sam sincerely thanks him. It’s a lovely moment.
Jester’s slip about Fjord’s powers was deliberate on Laura’s part but accidental on Jester’s. Everyone’s a little worried about Fjord without powers, even though he proved himself in the remorhaz fight. She thinks the slipup happened because Jester wasn’t on guard--because Fjord had done so well in the fight, she’d forgotten.
So far, Nott’s choice to leave the family behind in Nicodranus is worth it; no one’s died and they’re making headway on their goals.
BWF: “The Mighty Nein: no one’s died-ish.”
Apparently Matt owns the building they’re filming in? I missed part of this and genuinely can’t tell if it’s a joke.
BWF talks about how Liam, Matt, & Travis have all been genuinely mad at him before. Matt and Travis were mad; Liam was just disappointed.
How did Sam lose the election? He doesn’t think it’s because of him or anything he did. He thinks there’s a demographic shift in America; the electoral college hurt him; both he and Liam ran the campaigns they wanted. Liam’s was serious issues & serious passion, while Sam farted around for three months. BWF asked Adam Bradford at D&D Beyond, who’s the General Manager, about the results; apparently the pie chart was VASTLY in favor of Liam with only the tiniest sliver for Sam. Laura thinks it’s because Sam’s done nothing but troll Sam for five years and this was their chance to troll him back. Sam: “To that I say: good job.”
Dani & Max both voted for Sam. Laura didn’t vote. BWF voted for Liam. Chris forgot there was a vote. Zach voted for Liam.
Sam talks about the game they play, the app for D&D Beyond, and how the whole campaign allowed him to shine a spotlight on himself. “I didn’t get as many votes as Liam, but I got a lot of attention.”
Everyone loved this last live show. Laura legit loved wearing her dress; Travis & Liam looked great. Tal looked normal. Brian marvels at his own tattoos. He and Tal went through a lot of ideas before they committed to the bag situation--he sent it to Jaimie Alexander before the show happened so she could vet it. Ha! “Her response was 25 crying emojis and ‘please send this to my boyfriend.’“
Reminder: Mica Burton, Overwatch League host (and daughter of Levar Burton), will be guest-starring on Critical Role this coming Thursday.
And we’re out! Is it Thursday yet?
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ayeonz · 5 years
My Top 20 Kpop Songs of 2019
youtube / spotify
i measured this list by flawlessness, impact on my self, what it meant for the group and a refusal to allow one group to appear twice
best albums will be posted soon
20. Coming Home - NCT U
Literally I have heard this two times and it's already in my top 20. Three cheers for late arrivals. These boys killed it, NEVER underestimate NCT's vocal line.
19. Q&A - Cherry Bullet
My heartbeat goes bonkers when this plays. I will never be over it. One of the best debuts this year.
18. Final Kiss - IZ
Pure J-rock-style bliss. It's SO good I lose my mind, takes me back to the emo days... The instrumental reminds me of the bands I used to listen to and it's still catchy.
17. Pink Magic - Yesung
Pure, sweet, floaty, dreamy, retro magic. This song just sounds pink. It makes me want to close my eyes and just lie back.
16. SSFWL - Oh My Girl
Admittedly it took me a minute to get into this song, but when it clicked, dear god it fucking CLICKED. This song feels like you're flying in the clouds, way above the world, filled with love. And the tulle dresses are to die for. I'm a sucker for a good "lalala" too.
15. Deja Vu - Dreamcatcher
The way this song switches so easily between ballad and rock song is indescribably gorgeous. Couple this with the hype I was riding after seeing them live and it's an instant love.
14. BByong - SATURDAY
Anyone who knows me knows that this HAS to be on my list. Was it the best song released this year? No. It's not even their best song. But this marks the time where I went, you know what fuck it I'm throwing my wallet at everything they do and I did and I love them so much I hope they make it- Haneul's rap destroyed the rap game, go home.
13. What Are You Waiting For - Anda x R.Tee
This beat does not AGE. I'm still not tired of it. It's so unique. I love the choreo, I love Anda, I love the MV.
12. MIROH - Stray Kids
I love the arrangement, the beat feels nostalgic while also going hard and the MV is so pretty.
11. You Calling My Name - GOT7
This came out of NOWHERE. I'm not even that interested in GOT7 but the moment I heard this I was hooked. It's so interesting, simple and quiet, it commands your attention.
10. Midnight Aria - ARIAZ
This is Butterfly and Girl Front's younger sibling. It's such a good debut, they've earned my DOTY daesang (debut of the year).
9. LION - (G)I-DLE
I didn't want to include this for a while. I've been very distant from I-DLE this year after it became clear that their CA concept was not going to go away... but I have to admit I loved this song. It's so commanding and strong and catchy. I love the shouty high notes Minnie does before the second chorus, so much.
8. Passionate Love - Kang Xiwon
This song is so high because not only does the chorus go hard, but because she deserves it. Her company got bought out like a week before her comeback and the MV was lost but they went ahead anyway but the song is SO GOOD.
7. Butterfly - LOONA
I could not make a top 20 2019 list without this. It has had such a huge impact on so many people, from the inclusive MV, to the powerful choreography, unique instrumental, the way it ties into the LOONAverse, telling us we are all part of this together. Choerry Gowon rap supreme
6. Picky Picky - Weki Meki
Musical innovation at its finest! I can't believe this wasn't their first win.
5. SUPER Clap - Super Junior
I didn't say this but Super Junior always releases REALLY good music, this being their best to date.
4. Quit - FT ISLAND
Everyone else shut the fuck up, this is how you ballad.
3. As You Wish - WJSN
Literally I have no idea how this ended up so high so quickly, but I realised a few days ago just how much this song deserves this place. The choreography is just as good too.
2. RED-SUN (021) - GWSN
Just listen to it, like, I don't need to elaborate. This song does NOT let up. As soon as the pre-chorus starts, you can feel yourself about to be fucking THROWN ACROSS THE ROOM-
I love him so much and I'm so fucking proud of him.
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