#8w7 5w6 2w3
mistype360 · 2 months
questions to type yourself (enneagram edition)
how do you set boundaries with the world around you? (do you assert yourself, do you blend in, do you please others, etc etc)
how do you act during stress? (are you more positive, do you stay calm and try to be "objective," do you get emotional, etc etc)
how do you act in anger? do you experience it often?
how do you act in shame? do you experience it often?
how do you act in fear? do you experience it often?
how do you act in relation to others in conflict? (withdraw, go-with-the-flow, upfront, etc)
how do you "get what you want?" (more demanding + straightforward, believe it should be earned, focus on self, etc etc)
what is your coping mechanism? (do you distract yourself, do you try to act more neutral, stay in denial, try to rationalize, etc)
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4 and 6: Both Envy types
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This is a symbol from Sufi enneagram, which far predates Naranjo enneagram. It shows that 6 is the Envy type, NOT 4. However, later enneagram removed Envy from the 6 personality and attributed all Envy in the human psyche to 4. This should explain why so many 6s mistype as 4s.
In this post I will explain how 4s and 6s differently experience Envy. 4s experience Envy just as all types do, but a whole psychological complex based around Envy is 6, not 4.
4s are envious of people from a position of competing for attention. If they feel they have worked extremely hard to project a meaningful image of themselves and their story, and then you strut in and you appear to be more worthy of attention from their desired people than them... the 4 can become very insecure and envious of you. They will usually react by trying to peacock flamboyantly, trying to prove they are better, more worthy of attention than you, in their personal way (4 -> 2 response, displaying immense Pride in their image or ideal that they want to be recognized for, displaying how much more special, more worthy of attention they and their vision / story are).
6s are envious of people because they suppress so many of their desired behaviors and their very Faith in themselves, due to fear. They are always comparing themselves to others due to Doubting their own intuitions about what to embody. Doubt makes 6s lack Faith in their own abilities and intuitions and feel hopelessly incompetent. When they see people who don't suppress themselves as much, people who appear to have Faith in themselves and behave with the boldness the 6 secretly wants to embody, and most of all, people who are competent in the way the 6 wants to be competent, they can feel very envious and frustrated. Sometimes this Envy can manifest as hero-worship and trying to copy you as if you are an ideal set for them on TV, secretly hoping they will eventually surpass you. Sometimes Envy manifests as the 6 directly competing with you (both are 6 -> 3 responses).
Since 4 and 6 both disintegrate into an Image type that is competitive for attention, they get confused a lot. The way to distinguish between 4 and 6, is to distinguish between 2 and 3.
6 is disintegrating into a Competency, Attachment image type (3). 4 is disintegrating into an Optimist, Rejection image type (2).
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headlesstypo · 2 years
Type Examples
I have the unfortunate opportunity to be on personality database.  Here is a list of characters I have typed that I believe are good case studies for their enneagram core.  If anyone is ever interested in a more detailed write up of any of the characters, feel free to shoot me an ask and I can describe my thought process in more depth.  Some sections are stronger than others.  These sections will update regularly:
Enneagram 1
Enneagram 2
Enneagram 3
Enneagram 4
Enneagram 5
Enneagram 6
Enneagram 7
Enneagram 8
Enneagram 9
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
Clone OCs: Dawn Company
I made these guys waaay back in March (?) of last year and for some reason never posted them here-
Randomly I decided to go back to them because I think I stopped working on them simply because I couldn't decide on a name for the group/color scheme but I got ideas and the time/motivation to digitalize my initial doodles, so introducing Dawn Company!
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Dawn company specializes in relief missions and refugee relocation, so they typically don't see a lot of action. Doesn't mean they aren't prepared to handle the worst though! Debating whether or not they're part of the 187th (hence the purple), but we shall see.
Check out Dusk Company as well!
Closeups and brief Introductions under the cut!
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Commander Prince:
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- He's a little stuck up so of course he's named something pretentious
- Always trying to one up other Commanders (he's not very liked but he could care less) - 8W7 on Enneagram
- Nobody tell anyone he has a soft spot
- Constantly stressed by his need to perform and outdo others (hence why he's already graying)
- People who don't know him will probably think he's annoying as hell but once you get close to him, he's actually not that bad
- High maintenance clone so he doesn't mind being in charge of relief missions and what not
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- Earned his name after shattering his tailbone when he ran backward into a parked gunship (has never lived it down)
- You can call him 'TB' for short or 'T-Bone'
- 2w1 on Enneagram
- Big old sweetheart though
- Their strategist and resident babysitter because he's good with kids (as much as he doesn't want to admit it)
Kes + Spice:
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- Kes just thought the name was cool (maybe it's short for 'Kessel' idk)
- Spice is sugar and spice and everything nice, so it's a fitting name for him (does he do the drug? who knows.)
- Kes is a 1W2 on the Enneagram
- Spice is a 7W6 on the Enneagram
- Spice is always trying to get Kes to lighten up a little since Kes tends to take things a little too seriously
- Kes just wants to sleep and get missions done
- Yes, Kes is already graying (Spice has offered to dye it, Kes refuses)
- Spice is their sharpshooter
ARC Trooper Spider:
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- Got his name/scars from a spider droid
- Is partially blind in the left eye
- Dyes hair that color
- 2W3 on the Enneagram
- A cool older vod kind of guy, he's someone you can and want to look up to
- Will call you out on your bullshit though
- You don't want to get on his bad side, he'll make your life a living hell if you do
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- Name is loosely inspired by 'octopus' because he tends to multitask
- Their "technical" guy
- 5W6 on the Enneagram
- Can and will talk your ear off if you let him (about anything and everything)
- Super organized and will go a little crazy when his brothers mess up his things or leave stuff lying around the barracks
- Voice of reason (hardly anyone listens to him though)
Yara + Mav:
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- Yara is a medic and is named after a plant
- Mav is a pilot; his name is short for "Maverick"
- Yara once saved Mav's life and now Mav feels indebted to him (even though Yara insists he was just doing his job and wishes Mav would just leave him alone)
- Yara is a 2W1 on the Enneagram
- Mav is a 7W8 on the Enneagram
- Mav would kin Lightning McQueen probably
- Got both of their scars in the same accident; Mav from blaster shots and Yara from a vibroknife
- Got his name because he spends a lot of time in the medbay
- Has the worst luck (but it somehow still alive??) and is very accident prone
- 6W7 on the Enneagram
- High pain tolerance thankfully
- A little bit of a nervous wreck but he's doing his best
- Honestly could be a medic himself with how much time he spends in the medbay watching stuff being performed on him
- Big sweetheart though and cares a lot for his brothers
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mordenandmerry · 6 months
I got bored so here’s all tma character’s enneagram numbers :)
Also yes all of them are the unhealthy versions of their types because this is the Magnus Archives
- Jon is a SCREAMING 5 because look at him. Fucking look at him. Probably 5w6 though.
- Martin is a 2w3. That man is very loyal and will put other people’s needs over his own but can also be very manipulative and aggressive when stressed.
- Jonah!Elias seems like an unhealthy 3w2 which is probably why I hate him :)
- Tim is definitely an 8w7 that covers his 8 with his 7 wing until s2
- Sasha wasn’t there for long but I’d say she’s a 1. I couldn’t say what her wing is, but 9 and 2 would fit.
- Melanie is an 8. She doesn’t even really need wings because DAMN is she an 8.
- Basira is a 6w5. She’s incredibly loyal, but very analytical.
- Daisy is an 8w9. She’s a very reserved person at times and sees both sides, but will gladly challenge people when necessary and go off at people (and also murder people but we don’t talk about that)
- Georgie is a 6w5. She somehow manages to keep a group of people alive through the apocalypse. She’s also a nerd for research.
Here’s some rapid fire ones:
Gertrude is 1w2, Peter Lukas is a 9w1, Gerry’s a 4, Simon’s a 7, Nikola Orsinov is a 3w4
I love the enneagram please debate with me over this or if you don’t know about the enneagram please research it.
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thealisflore · 1 month
Marionetta MBTI & Enneagram Types (from PDB)
I included the two highest MBTi and Enneagram types for each character
6w5, 1w2
9w1, 7w6
7w8, 8w7
5w6, 2w3
9w1, 6w7
What do you think?
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rknchan · 6 months
pretty cures as enneatypes!
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(typings are not taken from personality database, these are my opinions on precure's enneatypes and they might differ from yours)
e1 - madoka kaguya (sp 1w9) & minami kaido (so 1w2) e2 - megumi aino (so 2w1) & erika kurumi (sp 2w3) e3 - kirara amanogawa (so?3w2) & miki aono (so 3w2) e4 - homare kagayaki (sp 4w5) e5 - yuri tsukikage (sx 5w4) & ruru amour (sp 5w6) e6 - setsuna higashi (so 6w5) & hime shirayuki (sp 6w7) e7 - hikaru hoshina (sx 7w6) & love momozono (so 7w8) e8 - nagisa misumi (so 8w7) e9 - yuko omori (so 9w1) & hikari kujou (sx 9w1)
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yourbelgianthings · 11 months
enneatyping taz pcs for the seasons i’ve finished!
(plus steeplechase, i’m not fully done but far enough in i feel like i know the characters well enough for this)
taako taaco: 4w3
magnus burnsides: 1w2
merle highchurch: 9w1
duck newton: 2w1
aubrey little: 9w8
ned chicane: 3w2
arlo thacker: 5w4
amber gris: 6w5
devo la main: 8w7
zoox anthellae: 7w6
beef punchley: 2w3
montrose pretty: 3w4
emerich dreadway: 5w6
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mbti-party · 1 year
mbti types
enneagram wings
moral alignments
lawful good
neutral good
chaotic good
lawful neutral
true neutral
chaotic neutral
lawful evil
neutral evil
chaotic evil
western zodiac signs
chinese zodiac signs
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goblinsofdiscord · 6 months
Goblins of Discord 👹 Enneagram Type Database 🤓
All typings have a corresponding youtube video (linked). Many more on their way. Please note, that some of these are likely to change a bit in the future.
I’ll probably update a handful of older ones soon, as my understanding of the Enneagram has evolved since some of them were made (and is still deepening). This obsession is all-consuming and I won’t stop until I can psychically intuit every single type + instinct combination on sight, within 10 seconds and am rebirthed into my next form as the 🧞‍♀️👁️ human pixie frequency diviner of the apocalypse. 😈 🔥
If you think you’ve found a weirdo type and might want to join a typing call, DM larissa on the goblinsofdiscord instagram, or post the type below in the comments.
🍄 👀 If you want to book a typing call or submit an introvert video (of you or someone you know) to be picked over, spitroasted, impression’ed on, click here.
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Enneagram Type 1
John Waters 🗑️✝️ 1w2 7w6 4w3 so/sx 💖💧🧚‍♂️ The Pope of Trash
Jamie Lee Curtis 🎃 1w2 36 so/sx 👹 The Horny Karen
Nasim Aghdam 🐅 1w9 7w6 4w5 so/sp 💥 Triple Frustration Threat
Quentin Crisp 🎀 ✨ 1w9 4w3 7w6 so/sx 🦚 Trailblazing Peacock
Enneagram Type 2
Pamela Des Barres 🌼 2w3 7w6 9w1 so/sx ☀️ Flowerchild Supergroupie
Big Edie (Grey Gardens) ✝️🐈‍⬛ 2w1 6w7 8w9 sx/so 🍸 Mother Diva
Enneagram Type 3
Lucy Lawless ⚔️ 3w2 8w7 5w6 so/sx ⚔️ watch
Montel Williams 👄 3w2 6w7 8w7 so/sp ⚔️ watch
Jensen Ackles 👻 3w2 6w7 8w9 sp/so ⭐ watch
Corey Feldman 🎩 3w2 6w7 9w1 sp/sx ★Ascension Millennium
David Fincher 🎥 3w4 5w6 8w7 sp/so 📦 What's in his Box?
Bret Easton Ellis 😍🗡️ 3w4 5w6 8w9 so/sp 🖤🚬 American Psycho
Whitney Houston 🖤 3w4 6w7 9w1 sx/so 🥀 Queen of the Night
Gregg Araki 🚬 3w4 6w7 9w8 so/sx 👄 The Doomed Enneagram
Nicole Kidman 👠 3w4 6w7 1w9 👠 watch
Emma Roberts 🫖 3w4 6w7 1w2 so/sp 🍰 watch
Belinda Carlistle 🔥 3w4 1w9 7w8 🔥 sp/so watch
Caroline Calloway 💸 3w4 7w6 9w1 so/sx ✨ Happy Scammerversary
Enneagram 4
Vivien Leigh 🌹 4w3 6w7 9w1 so/sx 🥀 Making Fours Dramatic Again
Winona Ryder 🥀 Enneagram 4w3 6w7 9w1 sp/so 🥀 The OG Sadgirl
Jeff Buckley 🥀 4w5 6w7 9w1 sx/so 💔 watch
Enneagram Type 5
Anna Khachiyan 🧠🕳️ 5w4 9w8 4w3 so/sp 🚬 watch
Shirley Jackson 🥃 5w4 📓 livestream slop job
Sam Bankman-Fried 🤓 5w6 9w8 3w4 spso 💩 Gaslighting Nerd
Enneagram Type 6
Larry David 🍋 6w5 1w9 4w3 so/sp 😒 Miserable F*ck
Lauryn Hill 😇 6w5 8w9 2w1 so/sp 🎤 Gonna Find You..
Julia Ducournau 🚗 6w5 9w1 4w3 💋 Baby, I Like it Raw
Caroline Ellison 🧠 6w7 1w2 3w2 sp/so 🖖 Polycule Pick-Me
Robert Crumb 🤡 6w7 4w5 1w2 💦 The Sex Weasel
David Icke 🦎 6w7 9w1 3w2 so/sp 👁️👽 The Passion of 6
Daniel Clowes 👻 6w7 9w1 4w3 so/sp ✒️ Like a Velvet Glove
Phil Ochs 🎸 6w7 9w1 4w5 so/sp 💧 The Misunderstood Folk Hero
Dylan Moran ☘️ 6w7 9w1 4w3 sp/so 🤴 watch
Mia Goth 🍯 6w7 9w1 2w3 sp/sx 😇 Strange Angel
Sean Baker 🍊 6w7 9w1 3w2 so/sp ☀️ Red’s Rocket
Enneagram Type 7
Josephine Baker 💃🏽 7w6 28 so/sx 🎶 Shine on, Queen
Little Edie (Grey Gardens) 🧚‍♀️ 7w6 9w1 4w3 so/sx ⭐ 🩸 Fallen Star
Florence Welch ✨ 7w6 4w3 9w1 sp/so 🧚‍♀️ Chaotic Pixie Queen
Theo Von 🍆 7w6 9w8 4w5 sp/so 🐀 The Rat King
Danny Elfman 💀 7w6 9w1 4w5 so/sp 🎃 Dead Man’s Party
Johnette Napolitano 🩸 7w6 8w9 4w5 sp/sx 🐍 Concrete Blonde
Vincent Gallo 👹 7w6 4w5 8w9 sp/sx 😈 Horny Goblin
Heidi Fleiss 🐍🦜 7w8 1w9 3w4 spsx 🍑🚬 Hollywood Madam
Eartha Kitt 😻🐈‍⬛ 7w8 4w3 1w2 sx/so 🐈‍⬛😿 Cat Woman
Enneagram Type 8
Robin Quivers 😈😇 8w7 6w7 2w1 so/sp 💋 Glorious Narcissist
Ma Anand Sheela 😎 8w9 2w1 6w5 so/sp 💧 I Love B*tches
Glenn Danzig 🦇 8w9 6w7 4w5 sx/so ☠️ Prince of Darkness
Sylvia Brown 🔮 8w9 7w8 4w5 sp/so 🧿 watch
Enneagram Type 9
Rachel Dolezal 🐑 9w8 62 sp/so🌹 Mother Issues
Kathy Bates 🍯 9w8 62 sp/so 🩸 Sweet Misery
Shelley Duvall 🍯 9w1 6w7 2w3 sp/so 🐑 The Saccharine Sacrificial Lamb
Keith Moon 💥 9w8 7w6 3w4 sp/so 🌙 Wild Man
Sophie Thatcher 🩸 9w8 7w6 4w5 sx/sp🧚‍♀️ Grime Fairy
Dash Nekrasova 🕯 9w8 4w3 7w6 sx/so 🚬 watch
Nathan Fielder 🕳️ 9w8 5w6 3w2 sp/so 🤡 watch
Cazzie David 🦝 9w8 6w7 4w5 sp/so 🦝 Sad Sack
Charles Burns 🕳️ 9w1 5w6 3w4 so/sp 🕳️ watch
David Cronenberg 📺 9w1 5w4 3w4 so/sx 👄 Dream Daddy
Jessica Lange 🦢 9w1 63 so/sp 🦢 watch
John Galliano 🧵 9w1 4w3 7w6 sx/sp 🪡 Objet D'Art
Tyler Gaca 👻 9w1 7w6 4w3 so/sx 🍯 Ghosthoney
Chuck Palahniuk 🧞‍♂️ 9w1 7w6 4w3 so/sp 😈 All Hail the God
Corey Haim 🍍 9w1 7w6 3w2 sx/so 💔 Heartbreaker
Anna Biller ☠️🔮 9w1 4w3 7w6 so/sx 💖⚗️ The Love Witch
Frank James 💅 9w1 3w4 6w7 so/sp 🔪 watch
👯✨ Twins ✨👯
Lori & George (formerly Reba) 🤠 🤩
Lori: 6w7 9w1 3w2 sp/so
George (Reba): 9w1 3w4 6w7 so/sp
Carmen & Lupita 🦋🧙🏽
Carmen 6w7 9w1 3w2 sp/so
Lupita 9w8 7w6 3w4 sp/so
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Similarities between Reactive types
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4 and 6
Envy, Inadequacy. "The grass is always greener on the other side. That other person is always more competent and capable than me. That other person deserves attention more than me, fuck fuck fuck." 6s are the original Envy type, NOT 4. Read one of my many posts about this.
Conscious fear of abandonment.
Fear of not being good enough, fear of not being chosen as the first option (ties into envy and inadequacy). Both 4 and 6 disintegrate into Image types who are competitive for attention, over-comparing themselves to others, and concerned with being good enough to impress others (4 -> 2 and 6 -> 3).
Needing to be understood, feeling persecuted because everyone misunderstands their inner world of thoughts and feelings, and feeling fragile and anxious and betrayed when they share themselves but are not understood by others. This is true for 8s as well, but the interpersonal neediness is not as conscious with 8s. 4s and 6s are more conscious of their interpersonal neediness than 8s, because they both disintegrate into image types whilst 8 is disintegrating into a head type.
Seeking to understand other people's secret identities and motivations, and reveal these secret identities and motivations to them, as a way of deepening your connection.
Mutual neighbors of 5: will both have 5-ish traits. Namely: sense of observing rather than being truly involved, ability to be socially calculated, sense of helplessness and social isolation, social introversion, and social anxiety are common. This is more relevant for 4w5s and 6w5s than 4w3s and 6w7s.
4 and 8
Hyper-Individualism, expressed in dramatic emotional displays (the mutual 2 line has lots to do with this).
Feeling like you need to make your unique mark -- 8s do it to express anger / control and take over rooms when they feel the drive. It is instinct-based. 4s do it to get their image recognized and validated, to get an audience for a strong idealistic vision they have invested in producing and sharing. This all ties in to the mutual 2 line.
Seeking Catharsis.
Trying to "help" people who they see as repressed to express themselves more. Sometimes it's really help. Sometimes not.
Sense of being "thrown out of heaven" and rejected by God. 8s feel they are in a war with God, 4s feel that they are trying to impress God through their image and earn their way back into heaven. Read Enneagram of Holy Ideas for this one. It's eerily similar.
Mutual line to 2: will both have 2-ish traits. Namely: Emotions > Logic, wanting an audience to sit on the throne before and entertain, dramatic over-expressiveness of the emotions with an unconscious motive to seduce. This is present regardless of the 4 or 8's wings.
6 and 8
Truth-seeking, particularly regarding political events and views of external reality. Both types are likely to have unconventional political views, be activists, be part of niche ideological tribes, loudly and vocally seek to destroy the power / authority and make their anti-authority opinions heard.
"Wake up sheeple!"
Savior / hero complex. Both aspire to be heroes of the weak. Both will probably love guns or military in some way.
Sense of their own Incompetency. These types both disintegrate into Competency types (6 -> 3 and 8 -> 5) as they are overdosing on something the core type lacks -- a sense of valuing and nurturing its own Competency.
Seeking Competent people to enter into their lives so that they can outsource their Competency concerns to these people; again, this comes from 6 and 8 devaluing their own Competency.
Overt anger and reactivity towards people who don't act the way they want them to be acting.
Mutual neighbors of 7: will both have 7-ish traits. Namely: They are chaotic and expansive thinkers, fixated on freedom and the right to adventure, hard to follow in their expressions of thought, both lean towards being socially extroverted, the stuff about having very unconventional views about reality can be chalked up to the 7 wing. This is more relevant for 6w7s and 8w7s than 6w5s and 8w9s.
All Reactives
Contrarianism, going against the norm to challenge the norm. If authority or "the mainstream" tells me to do it, I might just find a reason to do the opposite!
"Rebel without a cause."
...seeking to become rebels with a cause, so getting involved with a bunch of retarded causes, and occasionally getting involved with revolutionary causes that are good and not retarded.
Adaptability to circumstance, in their triad of focus (mental, interpersonal, or physical). That's part of what "reactive" means.
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The Milgram characters’ Enneagrams!
In short, I disagree with most of their current placements on personality database so I made my own list :)
Es: 1w9  Jackalope: 8w7  Haruka: 3w4 (as opposed to 4w5) Yuno: 2w1 (as opposed to 3w2) Futa: 4w3 (as opposed to 6w7) Mu: 9w8 (as opposed to 2w3) Shidou: 5w6 Mahiru: 2w3  Kazui: 4w5 (as opposed to 6w5) Amane: 1w9 (as opposed to 9w1) Mikoto: 9w1  Kotoko: 8w9 (as opposed to 8w7)
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amateur-heretic · 2 years
The Extended Animix Tritype Theory of Enneagram v. 0.1
(Disclaimer: this is still pretty rough and ideas and content and are likely to change a lot)
This is an extension of the Tritype Enneagram theory created by Katherine Fauvre which identifies an archetype based off of an ordering of an Enneagram type in each of the heart, mind and gut centers of intelligence. I aim to capture dynamics of interpersonal compatibility and the relationship to the Intimate Other. The Intimate Other is not a singular person but that which both feels alien to oneself and contains a sense of wholeness. I built this framework from inspiration from Jungian psychoanalytic theory and other eclectic sources. The following description assumes people already have a firm grasp on Enneagram and Tritype theory. In the rest of this post I will be using "Dual Type" as a term to refer to one's single ideal complementary Enneagram type match, and "Tritype Dual" for one's ideal complementary Tritype match. A "valued type" is that one that shows up in ones extended typing. Wings can lead to quasi-valuing a type.
Animix is a term I coined as a gender expansive alternative for the Jungian Anima/Animus. It originally was framed as the archetype of all that which is the opposite binary gender in a person. Described as having a compensatory relationship with the persona, it serves as the connection from the Ego to the personal and collective subconscious. It can be a source of great spiritual and cognitive inspiration and fortitude.  When people come into conscious relation with it, it is often a source of profound balance and wholeness. I reinterpret Animix to refer to a gender expansive Intimate Other, rather than assigning certain traits as feminine or masculine. The Intimate Other is that which one has felt they have always known, but is mysterious and set apart.
There have been many attempts to describe patterns of Enneagram compatibility. Most of what I have seen describe types having unique dynamics with other types but not extensive recommendations of which are more or less complementary. Though this may be true in terms of there being no universal optimums for a single type, on an individual level people do have strong preferences. And these preferences are more than external taste, they form an organizing axis within that person in which much of their sense of wholeness and core motivations in relation to the world lay.
Typing Framework 
An exploratory framework for Animix extended typing has people freely rank the types they're attracted to energetically within themselves and others. This is done within two different variables. The first being Synchrony this is perceived internally as a feeling of a calm, smooth distribution and intensity of expectations across time. The second being Activation as a feeling of energy, arousal, and potentiation. A high amount of both Synchrony and Activation with another person's fixes is what helps create a foundation for an engaging, stable, and pleasant connection.
A concise typing has people identify a single fix for each center.
For example my exploratory Animix extended typing is from most to least resonant:
Animix Head Synchrony: 7w6, 5w6, 6w7, 6w5, 7w8, 5w4
Animix Head Activation: 7w6, 7w8, 6w7, 6w5, 5w6, 5w4
Animix Heart Synchrony: 3w4, 2w1, 2w3, 4w5, 4w3, 3w2, 
Animix Heart Activation: 3w4, 3w2, 4w5, 4w3, 2w1, 2w3
Animix Gut Synchrony: 8w9, 1w9, 9w1, 1w2, 9w8, 8w7
Animix Gut Activation: 8w9, 8w7, 1w2, 1w9, 9w8, 9w1
My concise Animix Extended Tritype typing is:
6w7 2w3 1w9 7w6 3w4 8w9
My Animix Dual Ttype would be 
8w9 3w4 7w6 1w9 2w3 6w7
The below section has guidelines to help explore Synchrony and Activation.
Synchrony, Activation and Wings
I operate off the basis that people have a particular wing in each fix. Wings serve as differentiation about energetic and narrative directionality. This extends to one's Animix Tritype fixes as well. A person having the non preferred wing is experienced as complementarity activating but unpleasantly dyssynchronous. If there is another type with the same wing as the Animix fix, e.g 1w9 and 8w9, it is seen as pleasantly synchronous but less complementarity activating. The adjacent type with reversed type and wing may also be perceived as alluring but somewhat peculiar and also asynchronous e.g 2w3 and 3w2. I'm currently unsure how types like 4w5 at the edge of a center fit within this to lacking one of the adjacent types most types have.
Which of the Hornevian Groups a wing belongs to also influences synchrony. A similar Hornevian Trend to the core type(compliant being more similar to aggressive than withdrawn) or similar direction of difference between the main type and the wing can lead to potentially more synchrony. 
The two examples below are the same direction of difference. Hornevian Trends of away and against being opposites and Towards being in-between. 
Compliant -> Withdrawn
Aggressive -> Withdrawn 
People who possess the same fix may be perceived in a sibling-like manner. That is to say a diffused connection, and familiar with shared values. 
The closer the Hornevian group a core type belongs to compared with a valued(especially Animix fix) type the more activating a type may be. 
There are correlations but no rules for which types people have as Animix fixes.
However, the Tritype fix ordering for the Animix Tritype are reversed. For example if your ordering is head-heart-gut, your Animix Tritype ordering will be gut-heart-head.
The tertiary fix tends to be somatically experienced as alien and energetically easily dispersed. Resonance with energy of the dual type of that complementary center, whether it be from personal activities or connection with others, can elicit a sense of vibrant awe-inspiring wholeness. This sense of resonance with underactivated parts of oneself extends to all types of complementary center.
Animix fixes can be homogeneous with ones Ego fixes, i.e. same types in each center. They may also be heterogeneous and drastically different. It is interesting to explore why Enneagram may allow for homogeneous or heterogeneous complementary pairs unlike other personality systems like Attitudinal Psyche or Socionics. I suspect this is because Enneagram describes flows and transformations of narrative. This is in contrast to other typology systems being lopsided, symmetric, functional units that require particular responses mechanically for effective allostasis.
The fixes are ordered and can be referred to as by their numeric ordering, and borrowing a concept from Socionics(https://wikisocion.github.io/content/dimensionality.html) have the following dimensional strengths 
As conscious structuring of ones one core motivations:
Primary: 4d
Secondary: 3d
Tertiary: 2d
As unconscious structuring of compensatory, idealized, and Intimate Other archetypes
Quarternary: 3d
Quinary: 2d
Senary: 1d
In the case that one's ego types and ones animix types are the same it is important to recognize dimensionality is directed towards consciousness and particulars in one's Ego fixes, and in one's Animix fixes, the personal and collective unconsciousness and archetypes.
Despite requiring some baseline knowledge about Enneagram, it's a worthy practice to type oneself in this theory fairly early on in one's Enneagram exploration journey. Beyond interpersonal compatibility, it has a lot of uses for spiritual and psychological empowerment. It may make sense to leave wings until one has a firm grasp on the system. If people don't find it intuitive it may make sense to focus on getting a stronger grasp of the core types and their own and other's Tritypes. 
There is a requisite amount of necessary life exploration and  personal growth to be able to type oneself in this system. A lot of people are attracted towards types that they associate with pain and frustration because of traumatic or disempowering life experiences. Rather than ideally typing based off of what feels enlivening. Conversely positive experiences with people where compatibility is socially situational or in context of other fixes, compatible neurodivergence, or other personality types also skews a sense of affinity with a type.
I hope people find this framework helpful for personal reflection and I'm eager to hear thoughts or relevant experiences others may have ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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The main faceclaims for gen 3 of my verse, circa 2033.
Related to the gang:
Max Parker as Caleb Hyde (born 2015, Leah and James's son, and Eric, Donna, Jackie, and Hyde's grandson. INTP, 5w6, Pisces.)
Sadie Sink as Abigail "Abbie" Hyde/Olivia "Liv" Hyde (born 2017, identical twins; Leah and James's daughters, and Eric, Donna, Jackie, and Hyde's granddaughters. ESTJ, 3w4, Scorpio and INTJ, 5w6, Scorpio.)
Christopher Briney as Declan Wilson (born 2016, Becca's son, and Jackie and Hyde's grandson. ENTP, 8w7, Sagittarius).
Spencer List as Wyatt Fitzpatrick (born 2017, Hannah's son, and Kelso and Brooke's grandson. ESTP, 7w8, Taurus.)
Not related to the gang:
Madison Bailey as Michelle "Mikki" Huxley (born 2015. ISTJ, 6w5, Aquarius.)
Kelsey Chow as Lily Jeong (born 2017. ESFJ, 2w3, Virgo.)
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svvy2003 · 8 months
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