#8th infantry battalion
bignaz8 · 4 months
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“You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you…” With these words, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the “Order of the Day” just before the 1944 Allied assault on Normandy Beach. It’s been 80 years since that historic day, and less than one percent of Americans who served in WWII are still alive. However, the impact of their service and sacrifice will live on forever.
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Code named Operation Overlord, planning for D-Day began after France fell to the Nazis in 1940. It involved Allies from several countries and was the largest amphibious invasion in military history. As H-Hour approached (5:30 a.m. local time) on June 6, 1944, demolition teams had already blasted out underwater obstacles planted by German forces. Rangers were already scaling the cliffs to knock out coastal guns, and American and British airborne divisions had been dropped in hedgerows behind the beaches overnight. Soon, the first waves of Infantry would hit the beach.
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Leonard T. Schroeder, Jr. served in the 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry, Fourth Division, where he was the commanding officer of Company F. 
He has the distinction of being the first man ashore at Utah Beach, the first beachhead, landing fewer than 60 seconds after H-Hour. Recalling the day, Schroeder said that Allied aircraft had bombed the beach heavily, creating craters that could be used as cover. Some of those craters were offshore and hidden by water. When Schroeder’s landing craft pulled ashore, he jumped off and into a water-filled crater six feet deep. He came up sputtering and struggled to rush ashore. Working his way up the beach, he was wounded by shrapnel but continued to fight. He commanded his company for three hours before collapsing into unconsciousness. He woke up at an aid station and was later evacuated to England. Schroeder received the Silver Star.
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Pvt. Carlton W. Barrett served in the 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division and participated in the Normandy Invasion. His unit was in the third wave of Allied soldiers to come ashore at Omaha Beach, landing at about 10:00 a.m. Germans had planted mines on the beach about a foot apart, and the beach was strewn with bodies of soldiers. Barrett landed under heavy enemy fire, wading through neck-deep water. He noticed fellow soldiers around him floundering in the water and rushed to save them from drowning. Once on the beach, Barrett carried dispatches back and forth along the exposed beach while under heavy fire. He also carried wounded soldiers to an offshore evacuation boat. For his dauntless courage, Barrett was awarded the Medal of Honor.
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The Allies landed over 160,000 troops on June 6, 1944, with an estimated 10,000 casualties, more than half of which were American. Today, a visit to the Normandy American Cemetery is the final resting place for 9,387 Americans and a sobering reminder of selfless service and the ultimate sacrifice made 80 years ago. 
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qsycomplainsalot · 2 years
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Oil on canvas, Charles Louis Mozin
The Capture of the Dutch Fleet at Den Helder, 23rd of January 1795
  In which the French armed forces demonstrates that not having the best navy can in fact be okay.
  The French Revolution in 1789, followed by the imprisonment and then execution of Louis the XVIth in 1793, led to most major autocratic powers in Europe declaring war on France to restore the status quo. France was thus engaged on multiple fronts by many of its neighbors which, surprisingly, at the time included Austria through their ownership of the Southern Netherlands. Both Netherlandses had witnessed failed republican uprisings in the previous decades, and as such the new France Republic pushed through the Austrian Netherlands to declare war on the -nominally only- Republic of United Netherlands in the North.
The “Battle”
  After two years of campaign the combined efforts of the French revolutionary army and Dutch patriots had all but closed this front of the war, and the French commander of the Army of the North was garrisoned in Amsterdam when he caught wind of the Dutch fleet being anchored at the mouth of the Zuiderzee bay, just north of there. Due to temperatures averaging -10°C in the past weeks, the entire bay had frozen over, which he decided to use to his advantage.   He immediately sent Dutch patriot Gnl. Jan Willem de Winter at the head of about two hundred men from the French 8th Hussar and the 3rd Battalion of Belgian Skirmishers, also raised from sympathizers to the republican cause. Muffling the sound of their horses’ hooves with cloth and arriving during the night each with a Belgian infantryman riding with them, the hussars sneaked on the entire Dutch fleet frozen at anchor and captured it without a fight.
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  In a single cavalry charge the French Republic had captured five ships-of-the-line, three frigates, six corvettes and several merchantmen with crew, for a total of about 850 guns. This is one of only two recorded instances of a cavalry force charging and capturing ships in a battle and one of few instances where having light infantry ride as voltigeurs proved to be even remotely useful. There is debate whether the Dutch sailors and marines would have actually resisted capture however, as the Netherlands had essentially already been knocked out of the war by then and might have been ordered to surrender, which the French may have known as well. It is hard to discern the truth of the matter when what was two hundred men sent to secure a fleet that may have already been surrendered to them gets painted as a full army corps marching in tight formation on the ice.   In any case, a squadron of hussars captured a fleet of ships and that’s awesome.
  Following the capture of the fleet, the evacuation of the remaining Allied troops to other fronts or England and finally the surrender of the Austrian duchy of Luxembourg, the Dutch Patriot party were given the reins of the Netherlands renamed as the Batavian Republic - more or less a puppet state and the future Netherlands - while the Austrian Netherlands - future Belgium - and Luxembourg were incorporated in the French Republic as new departments.   The captured fleet was ransomed back to the Batavian Republic in exchange of a small loan of a hundred million guilders.
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Weary GIs take a brief rest on a slope in the Hurtgen forest in Germany. Left to right, Pfc. Maurice Berzon, Buffalo, N.Y., S/Sgt. Bernard Spurr, Newark, Ohio, and S/Sgt. Harold Glessler, Ashland, Pa. All are from Company I, 3rd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. 18 November, 1944.
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tpmmpt-1 · 6 months
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M4A3E8 Sherman Tank Of Company B, 72nd Tank Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division, fires its 76mm gun at enemy bunkers on Napalm Ridge, in support of the 8th ROK Division. Photograph is dated 11 May 1952.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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William Angus was born 28th February 1888 at Polkemmet Rows, Cappers, Armadale.
Note some sources say this brave man was born in Carlulke, others give Armadale, he certainly spent a large chunk of his life in South Lanarkshire town. where a commemorative stone was unveiled in his honour in 2015.
On leaving school Angus worked in the nearby coal mines before earning a modest living as a footballer at several clubs, 1914 he was with Wishaw Thistle when war broke out and as a member of local Carluke Territorial battalion of the Highland Light Infantry, he was mobilised immediately.
William Angus was transferred to the 8th Royal Scots, the first Territorial battalion to join the Expeditionary Force. 8th Royal Scots had suffered a great many casualties and were in urgent need of replacements. He was serving as a lance-corporal in this battalion when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.
On 12th June 1915 at Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée, France Lance-Corporal Angus voluntarily left his trench to rescue a wounded officer, fellow Carluke man Lieutenant James Martin, who was lying within a few yards of the enemy’s position and had been injured by a mine. To do this he had to travel through 64 metres in no-man’s land under heavy bomb and rifle fire, and received about 40 wounds, some of them being very serious, including the loss of his left eye, losing part of his foot and calf. His commanding officer said there had been no braver deed in the history of the army.
When asked why he had risked death to carry out such a mercy mission, he replied:
“I have to go back to Carluke. I cannot return if I left someone from Carluke to die here.”
40 wounds, can you imagine that?!
Angus was awarded the VC for his bravery in August that year at Buckingham Palace, when the King commented on his 40 injuries, Angus was said to have answered “Aye, sir, but only 13 were serious.”.
Due to his injuries he was no longer fit for active duty and was transferred to Cameronians on recruitment duties and promoted to Sergeant. He was invalided out of the Army in 1917 and started a haulage business, he later became president of Carluke Rovers, where he was known simply as “The VC”., a position he held until his death. Each year of his life, he received a telegram of thanks from the family of the man he rescued.
William Angus VC died just two days after the 44th anniversary of his brave deed. His last annual telegram of thanks from the Martin family was delivered to him in hospital.
William Angus' medals on display at the National War Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle.
You can read a wee bit more detail about William here http://www.vconline.org.uk/william-angus-vc/4585925970.html
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herprivateswe · 1 month
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Sgt Patrick Hennessey, 5617, 8th Battalion Prince Albert's Somerset Light Infantry.
KIA 1st July 1916. From Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales
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Tank Training
U.S. Army photo by Capt. Dan Yarnall
Army M1A2 Abrams tank crews assigned to the 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, supporting 4th Infantry Division, zero their tank cannons in preparation for a live-fire qualification at Pabrade Training Area, Lithuania, Aug. 12, 2023.
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 2 years
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Three soldiers from the U.S. Army's Battery C, 28th Field Artillery Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, prepare to fire a 155mm shell on New Year's Eve in 1944. The shell is inscribed with the words, "FOR ADOLPH, UNHAPPY NEW YEAR."
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davidshawnsown · 4 months
SAVANNAH BANANAS UKRAINE ONE-SHOT 1: Danny "Do It All" Hosley, the all-around infantryman
(AN: As the Savannah Bananas began their 2024 season as a pro barnstorming team - 3rd overall in this configuration, 2nd full time and the 8th of their history, it came at the heels of a massive roster overhaul in the offseason, and the fact that for the first time the organization will be hosting events at 6 MLB stadiums with a 3rd joining the two already active franchises of the wider organization come May. They have filled Minute Maid Park in Houston to huge reception and come this April, their presence has had expanded with the first games broadcast on Bally Sports platforms. To honor these boys in yellow who have won the hearts of a nation and people around the world, in salute to the forthcoming launch of the Firefighters team and to ensure also that the fans of this stellar team also know as well the need to help Ukraine be supported in its time of need - given that there are Ukrainian American communities that call the Hostess City home - the series I began in Discord of one shots featruing the Bananas and their players is now also present here on Tumblr - for the sake of the fanfic writers and other writers here. These stories, set in the Ukrainian frontlines, will give the readers the idea of how important the defense of Ukraine is to the overall well being of the world. As a footnote, the recent incident involving members of the Russian press will be included.)
TW: violence, language, war scenes
The smoke of exploded vehicles have time and again punctuated Ukraine's north east since the 716th Savannah Infantry Regiment's 1st and 2nd Battalions arrived in the fall of 2023 to help reinforce this vital part of the frontline.
Carrying not just vital aid to the frontline soldiers and also medical and ordnance supplies but also even additional reinforcements from their home city in the form of an artillery battalion and an infantry battalion based there as well as volunteers for the repairs of crucial arms and vehicular equipment, they have helped in the defense of the frontline from repeated Russian attacks from either the regular armed forces but also from the militias from both Russia itself and its autonomous republics in the Donbass.
Among those who have had helped was a young man from Vienna, Virginia and had been trained as an EMT in college - newly promoted sergeant Danny Hosley of 1st platoon, A Company of the 1st Battalion, who has been their all around soldier cum infantryman since he accepted the offer of joining the regiment in December 2022. His medical training has also made him the platoon's medical first responder for not just his men but also for the Ukrainians fighting with him in the front, in which the regimental medical unit has been grateful for the quick response that saved a lot of lives in the field. Thus he has been called as "Danny Do It All" by all those in A Company since he arrived at the front - also because alongside his rifle and EMT proficiency, he has been an expert in the machine gun, grenade launcher and ATGMs, as well as MANPADs. He's already set to be platoon sergeant with 1st Platoon in the future, already a backup to SFC Malachi Mitchell, already company first sergeant for A Company. And his actions have earned the praise not only only his company commander, 1LT Bill LeRoy, but also his battalion CO Tyler Gillum and XO Adam Virant.
These actions have earned him a Defense of Ukraine Medal and other medals and decorations by the Ukrainian and US governments, as well as recognition by the people of his hometown.
Over the past months since his deployment, his efforts have resulted in the death of many Russians and those from Cuba, Nepal and African countries, as well as the destruction of tens of Russian and allied military vehicles as well as UAVs and helicopters. No wonder these kills are openly brandished but only in the Strykers the 1st Battalion 716th has had accompained in their Ukrainian campaign.
Last February, he was with 1LT Dan Oberst as he risked his life saving SGT Taj Porter from certain death. Over the past few months whenever elements of A Company of the 1st Battalion were in certain life threatening situations, Hosley was the one who was with them looking at their safety and well being all the way, including a young lieutenant from Oklahoma, 1LT Jocelyn Alo, a graduate of the local ROTC unit, who joined the company last year.
Once more his will and ability would be tested.
1340h EEDT
Reports of yet another Russian column have unnerved the 1st Battalion command in their OP in the frontline. Yesterday it's the 169th Assault Infantry Brigade that was threatening the lines to the north - a new Russian raising that is part of the 25th Army and is the first of many that had been raised as part of an ongoing revival of the Russian Shock Corps - the rapid response infantry units that have gained notoreity and fame during the Second World War as part of the vanguard echeleon of ground forces formations. The brigade is armed with BTR-70s and the T-62 Chollma. This time it's the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division (Motorized Rifles) of the 20th Army that is threatening the frontline alongside 2 BARS battalions and a battalion of LPR militia from the 4th Mechanized Infantry Brigade II Guards Corps - represented by battalions of the 237th Armored Regiment with its T-54/55s and T-62s, as well as BMP-2s and older BMP-1s. Of the foreign equipment, they use the WZ-551 Type 90 and the Shin'heung light tank, as well as BTR-80 Chunma, a North Korean unlicensed version of the vehicle, while there has been at least a battery of the Chinese made PCL-99 towed field gun in the artillery battalion. The BARS battalions are armed partly with Dongfeng Mengshi MRAPs and the UAZ-66.
This time the call was from elements of the 1st Presidential Infantry Brigade "Storm" of the National Guard, as well as from the 66th Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the UGF, reporting that elements of the 3rd Mechanized were planning a renewed company level operation given the situation in the US regarding continued aid to the AFU and its wartime auxillaries. Ever the mobile commitment to the defense of the northeast, the 1st and 2nd battalions of the 716th moved north while the two affilated battalions remained as they were. Since December 1st Platoon had been carrying 1LT Joe Lytle with it as he, 1LT Dakota McFadden and two others have been gearing up for the expansion of the company to five rifle platoons with McFadden slated to take charge of the 3rd as its current commander will have his platoon reflagged to the 4th as part of this. As of this week he called up SGT Jacob Teston from 1st platoon to be a future part of his team as well as SGT Emmanuel Rosario from 2nd platoon.
That earlier morning the 1st and 2nd Battalions took up positions in Nevske, Krasnorichenske Township in Svatove District, wherein they would assist the 66th Mechanized and the 106th Territorial Defense Brigade to the north of their positions, as well as a battalion of the 4th Armored Brigade to the west of them. Their mission was to patrol the area and halt possible Russian and DPR/LPR advances on the front. Well-armed and well equipped they would face the brunt of any Russian advance on their sector as well as of their allies while helping their Ukrainian brothers everywhere on the front as Russia is moving even more into their lines in the south while trying in the north to capture Chasiv Yar city in Kharkiv Oblast. They would man the positions each of the village.
As usual, CPTs Dalton Mauldin, Andy Archer and Reese Alexiades as well as SGT Brandon Crosby and 1LT Christian Dearman of 1st Platoon, newly promoted sergeant Tanner Thomas, SGTs Garrett DeClue and Dustin Baber and CPLs Garret Delano and Riyan Rodriguez of 2nd platoon had their GoPros ready to share the stories of their struggles to the American people attached to their helmets. Hosley himself had filmed some footage for the regimental social media outlets and his personals. The two platoons are more known for their TikTok viral antics and video footage over the past few years.
"So you're filming today Hoz?" Mauldin asked.
"Negative corporal."
"Got that sir. Already doing as usual, I want to let Nashville know that Ukraine badly needs the help in the form of weapons to defend its lands against Russia."
"Have you sent the petitions to your federal Congress members, Dalt?"
"Affirmative sir."
"I'm sure the rest of everyone here has been doing their job. And Breland?"
"Already in the Czech Republic now but still active helping the Ukrainian cause."
"Same for me here," added Archer, who has been for the past months since arriving in Ukraine the platoon's main marksman and sniper.
"You sure those French will keep their promises to be in Ukraine?"
"They will one day, Danny."
As the men of 1st and 2nd Battalions 716th Savannah stayed on their combat positions, they keep watch, aware that Russia - and the Donbass militias under its command would any time attack them and move towards the by now undersupplied Ukrainian lines, their plight having been shared to Americans as part of their efforts to help in the ongoing discussion on vital weapons aid to the country in Congress.
"ENEMY SPOTTED" was the call of 1LT Alou having relayed the call of the 1st Battalion's Ukrainian liason officer. He had informed her that it is surely the 237th.
"Here they come," added 1LT Bill LeRoy. "Open fire when ready Able. I know Gillum will give the fire order when he's ready."
Elements of the Russian 237th had been advancing as company level vanguard echelons attempting a breakthrough of the Ukrainian lines - exactly why the 716th had to move across to plug any holes in the defense whenever there would be an oncoming threat on the lines. This is before any main element of the regiment would arrive alongside the BARS reserves. Recon elements as usual were escorting the advance party and the vanguard detachments with vehicle-mounted infantry on the T-54/55s and the BTR-80 Chunma-D.
Ever the combat ready rifleman cum heavy weapons specialist, Hosley, having dropped his M4, began to load up his Javellin MPATS alongside SGT Michael Deeb on his NLAW, awaiting the order from his superiors and higher ups while elements of regimental command was in their original positions alongside parts of the battalion's servicemen while COL Eric Byrnes was with the rest on the field.
"Colonel, Tyler here from 1st Battalion. Russians about to begin intrusion operations. The Ukrainian liason with us told us its the 234th Armored Regiment of the Russian 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division coming at our lines," Tyler called his commanding officer on his walkie talkie.
"Noted LTC. On my orders, open fire when you think you're ready."
"Affirmative sir."
"Has Jesse called up from Savannah now that he's back there with Emily and the kids?"
"Yes. Our colonel in chief, Jesse Cole, has been informed via telephone on this. It's time we start the clock, he said. We need to fight them now that they are getting closer to our lines."
"Got that Brynes, Gillum out. Boom."
"Byrnes out."
"Calling A Company command," Tyler then called Bill. "Be ready to open fire when these Russians are on your sights."
"We're damn ready, sir."
Tyler called on the rest of the battalion and the cannon company to be ready for the upcoming onslaught by these Russians - as usual in a mix of old and new combat gear and armaments.
"In a few moments fire when ready boys," LTC Adam Virant called to the boys thru his walkie talkie. "These Russians will taste the fire of our guns."
Back in the line, Hosley had already loaded up his Javellin and began to aim at the lead T-55 leading the Russian advance party as it slowly moved towards the positions the two battalions of the 716th Savannah were.
"You ready?" CPL Deaundre "DJ" Roberts - soon slated to be promoted to Sergeant - asked him.
Hosley replied to him, "I'm just ready to do what it takes Corporal Roberts. We're doing what we can do for Ukraine at this point."
"Got that sarge."
"I'm ready too," added CPL Brandon Crosby.
"Same, sarge," added SGT Gabe Howell.
Immediately the fire order was issued from Byrnes, leading Gillum - on the part of 1st Battalion - to give the signal to fire upon the force.
"SHOWTIME! Open fire boys!"
"Order recieved," Bill replied. "A Company, light them up, fire!"
"Roger that Bill, let's do this, Slava Ukraini," his XO, 1LT Kyle Luigs, responded. "Heroyam Slava!" was everyone's usual response.
And the firefight began. Before any Russian would disembark from their vehicle, the bullets began to hit, killing anyone riding on the top of armored vehicles as tank desants in keeping with the old Russian tradition dating from the Second World War. And as always, Hosley's Javellin had hit the lead tank of the convoy.
"Tank has been hit, boys."
"Well done Danny!" replied CPL Ethan Skuija.
And the explosions kept coming. Grenade launchers and MPATS firing on the advance party, as well as the work of the field cannoniers of the gun company, practically disabled most of the force, with a few on the retreat as most of them were killed or wounded by American gunfire, soon joined by elements of an armored company from the 4th Armored Brigade armed with T-72s.
And Archer had shot some of the men at a distance, ever the able sniper he is.
Cries of "Surrender!" would ring out later, but most of the surviving lads were defiant, ready to die for Russia rather than giving up their arms. And they were met by rifle fire from the Americans, bleeding to their deaths.
"GET DOWN" echoed from no less than 1LT Josh Reddick. A grenade launcher had been fired on A Company's positions, but no one was hurt, the Russian carrying it would later run away from the battleground back to his battalion group.
"You okay DJ?" Danny asked.
"Yes sir, I'm alright."
"Same here Sarge, damn that grenade launcher man almost got us killed," added CPL Christian Vazquez from 2nd Platoon. This would be seconded by 1LT Sammy Claycamp, Major Mike Vavasis' assistant and the delegate for the 2nd Platoon as well as advisor to its commanding staff.
"You fine, Jonesy?" He radioed SGT Eric Jones Jr.
"Yes, I'm fine sarge, and so too is Lieutenant LeRoy."
"I'm sure Kyle and the other officers are alright."
"That's an afffirmative, thank God none of them were shot."
Soon enough the damage would be seen: 2 T-62 Chollma-2s, 6 BTR-80 Chunma-Ds, 2 BMP-1s and 2 WZ-551 Type 90s, plus a squad of UAZ-66 and GAZ Tigers. Majority of the advance party got killed in the operation, and not one of 1st and 2nd Battalions' personnel were killed for now or even wounded. Only a few gave up their AK-12 and AK-74s in the presence of the Americans, and thus would be handed over to the Ukrainian liason team of 1st Battalion 716th to be interrogated.
"There's more where that's coming from," Hosley said.
"That's right Hoz," 1LT Ryan Cox replied, stating that there would be a bigger column coming from that regiment as well as expected BARS battalions backing them up , in addition to another battalion this time from yet another from the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division: the 252nd Mechanized Infantry Regiment, as well as attached field artillery elements using SPGs and MLRS, coming at the rear. This is the reason why the UGF's 66th Mech Inf Brigade deployed some field artillery batteries from its field artillery regiment to back them up as well as the cannon companies of the 1st and 2nd Battalions - the latter a new raising to complement that of the former's and armed similarly. Their late arrival helped a lot in the destruction of the Russian advance party.
Radioing him, no less than 1st platoon CO 1LT Jackson Olson asked of him: "You destroyed some of these Russian and foreign tanks again Hoz?"
"Just doing my job as always."
"You better get that Javellin refilled time after time. There's more coming up, sarge."
"Yes lieutenant." After this he loaded up that Javellin again with the help of some members of the company.
"You've done well sarge," added sergeant Jones Jr. from 1st squad. "You still destroying these Russian vehicles?"
"Affirmative. I'm sure that our ammo's enough for these and we're still helping the nearly ammo-starved Ukrainians."
"You've become more determined these past weeks," said CPL Noah Bridges.
"I have been, corporal, not just to serve and defend, but to save more lives."
And indeed more came of these Russian vehicles and those imported to the country to serve their needs. But the artillery and armor of the Ukrainian units that reinforced their lines had helped them defeat the intruders time and again. The kill count and destroyed vehicles kept growing, as despite the cries of the charging Russians the Americans - with a little help from those in Ukraine who know the territory more - continued to maul those Russians of the vanguard column and those of the main force - as per the traditional assault strategy that had been adapted many times during the ongoing invasion - as company rather than battalion level assault parties for the former rather that of the latter ad-hoc formation. Even Russian and Chinese UAV's of the regiment's unmanned systems company were no match for electronic warfare and defensive efforts by Americans and Ukranians.
"Oh S__t. Damn grenade again!" Hosley shouted to his squadmates.
This time it missed them.
Afterwards, as the bomb went off, he was lying on the ground with 1LT Dan Oberst whom he helped save lives recently.
"That was close, Dan."
"Sarge, it almost got us killed," he replied as both stood up.
"Hey Stilits," then radioing SGT Dakota Albritton, "has the Strykers fired their targets and are being resupplied?"
"Yes Danny, and thank heavens none of them have been hit so far."
And the remmants of the attack would later pull back, at a high cost to their failed operation.
As the firefight continued on, no less than CPL Connor Higgins - who had been with 1st Platoon last year and got transferred to the 2nd on the urging of Major Vavasis - had radioed the sergeant - as he was informed of that by CPL Zack "Philly" Philips, who had also been with said unit and joined the same time as Higgins in 2023. After their training in Savannah and Kovel, they were deployed joining with the rest of A Company that summer.
"Big Butter here, Sarge we got an injury here on 2nd Platoon."
"Who's that corporal?"
"SSGT Jason Swan. Their platoon sergeant. Was a part of your platoon in 2022."
"Squad assignment?"
"Is that combat related?"
"Affirmative Hosley. I am calling a medic here, please be there."
"Got ya Butter. Danny Do-It-All out."
"Big Butter out, good luck."
Hosley then informed 1LT Cox, "Know this guy?"
"Affirmative Hoz, served with him early in 2022."
"Got that, gonna be saving him before a medic arrives, Coxy."
"Hosley," said SSGT Mitchell, "be safe out there, make sure Swan is out of the line and being treated."
"Got it sarge."
Dropping his Javellin and getting his first aid kit ready and prepared, he rushed to 2nd platoon's lines at once with his M4 on his hands notwitstanding enemy gunfire and cannon fire from tanks and armored vehicles. But before that, he gave that Javellin to CPL David Ray "DR" Meadows from 3rd Squad, fully loaded up and with instructions to clearly fire at any Russian vehicle approaching their defenses.
"Glad you arrived in time," said 1LT Sammy Claycamp as he arrived at where 2nd platoon's being stationed in the field. "Higgins had called ya regarding Staff Sergeant Swan's injuries, these were on the hamstring on his legs due to a grenade sharpnel wound sustained thanks to these Russians who have been advancing towards 1st Battalion."
"Thanks Sam. Able to help him if I can, I must do."
"HOSLEY!" Higgins shouted at him as he approached the wounded but screaming staff sergeant. "Glad you made it."
"Doing my best as usual. Where's 1st squad commander?"
"That's SGT Achuff, I am asking him now to provide covering fire."
"Noted sarge."
"So what happened?"
"1LT Cornett informed me that Swanny got hit by grenade sharpnel to his hammy while firing on the advancing Russians because they threw a damn grenade on our lines.. He's been screaming in pain ever since and I'm glad sergeants Bloomer and Baber have been helping him."
"Got that Big Butter, I want covering fire now."
"Consider this done, sarge, I am calling Chase for this."
The order already given, Sergeant Hosley began to treat the staff sergeant with first aid, removing the sharpnel and ensuring that the torniquet and bandages applied as quickly to stop the bleeding caused by the sharpnel to his hamstring as the medical team arrived to assist.
"F_ck, what happened Swan?"
"Those Russians, they launched a grenade on our lines and I was thrown into the ground from having to stand up with Baber and the rest of the boys, with shapnel on my hammy."
"Better now?"
"Thanks Sarge. I would be lying bleeding and dead here in this freaking ground if not for you."
"Affirmative staff sergeant. It's time to get you out of the line. Here, take my hand."
"Thanks Danny."
"Is that one of the guys from 1st Platoon?" asked a stunned SGT Tanner Thomas, the 3rd squad commander, after seeing what had just happened.
Corporal Higgins, who served with Hosley last year, said the affirmative. Indeed it was Danny helping out no matter what with the help of the medical contingent assigned to the company.
Swan was helped by Hosley and some members of the A Company medical team as well as CPL Garrett DeClue and SGTs Baber and Bryson Bloomer and 1LT Jake Skole to stand as he was being medevac'd away from the frontline, holding his arm around the sergeant as he was being whisked away towards a Humvee combat ambulance awaiting him. Notwitstanding flying bullets and the loud gunfire and vehicular fire from the 716th's Strykers and the guns of the cannon company of 1st Battalion providing defensive fires support against the swarms of Russians rushing to break the Ukrainian defensive lines, Swan is now being finally pulled out.
Putting him on the strecher on the Humvee ambulance once they all came, he called up his company commanding officer on his radio.
"Lieutenant LeRoy, Danny Do-It-All here. Another wounded of our company finally set to be medevac'd out of the frontline."
"Great job sergeant Hosley. You have proven that you can truly do it all, for our city of Savannah and our nation."
"Thanks sir, gonna be back on the lines if I can Bill."
"You better be Danny, these Russians are throwing the rest of these conscripts and some veterans and reservists into 1st Battalion lines by companies and battalions. But take courage, we will win."
"Affirmative, I hope you inform Tyler. Danny Do-It-All out."
"Cowboy Kyle," he then informed his XO, "Swan being medevac'd as he speak. Another life saved thanks to my efforts."
"Great job sarge, you better get back to the lines ASAP."
"Affirmative lieutenant."
Then he looked on to Swan and to the medical staff as well as SGT Bloomer who chose to accompany him.
"Stay safe my friend, I will be back in the front. Will see you soon, sarge."
"Thanks for saving my life, Danny. I owe my life and that of the company to you, just as you help saved Dan Oberst before."
"Just doin' what I have to do."
"A pleasure to have you here in this company, sarge."
Looking to SGT Bloomer he said, "Bryson, take good care of your squad leader, he will surely be OK once it's over."
"Thanks sergeant Hosley for everything. You have been a hero to all of us here."
"You're welcome Bloomer."
Danny left the ambulance before it wheeled off and returned thru 2nd platoon lines back to his parent unit, having fetched the same guys who helped Jason on his medevac back to the lines.
While on the way, he was greeted by 1LT Dalton Cornett.
"Thanks Danny for saving Swanny's life."
"Was my pleasure to have done my sworn duty to my country and the city of Savannah, for the sake of Ukraine and the free world. Will always be ready to fight and save lives for this call, DC."
"Will always remember this day and others Hosley. Your work and efforts will be the in minds of the 716th for years to come."
"Just one guy doing his job, sir."
Meanwhile LTC Gillum had informed COL Byrnes of Hosley's heroism via radio. It stunned him and LTC Nate King.
"He's done it again?!!"
"He ain't called Danny Do-It-All for nothing Eric. He saved another of our men in the field."
"Indeed he has time and time again, as well as helped Ukrainians who have been wounded."
"There's no doubt about it Byrnsie. His heroic actions have earned our respect and admiration but above all else, his work has indeed minted our nation with pride and honor in the duty he has done in helping our allies abroad."
As this happened, Hosley returned to his platoon and this time got the Stinger from one of the Strykers, awaiting to attack any incoming Russian UAV system. Loading it up, it detected an ongoing UAV already doing recon work of the line for the Russians. This time a Ukrainian rifle company from the 66th Brigade joined them.
Missile goes off, boom. The enemy UAV falls down from the sky, destroyed.
"Another unmanned system down," he radios Bill. As usual, he's greeted by cheers.
And yet another enemy UAV - this time an attack one planning to drop a grenade - gets destroyed too thanks to his efforts.
Just a few - around 5 UAVs - are already out of service by day's end.
His efforts and those of A Company would help 1st and 2nd Battalions 716th to defeat yet another Russian intrusion of the Ukrainian defensive lines in Svatove District that day, as the operation had by now clearly failed, resulting in victory for the Americans and their Ukrainian allies and the withdrawal of the Russian forces from their stated advances towards the defensive lines Ukrainians have been holding since late 2022.
Just tens of Russians out of battalions of regulars and militias would surrender that afternoon as the rest either fled or were killed or wounded by American and Ukrainian gunfire. In around two and a half hours, the 1st and 2nd battalions 716th Savannah repulsed the enemy intrusion into the Ukrainian lines, with losing tens of personel of their units as opposed to the hundreds of Russians and their LPR allies who perished. A Company only had wounded and injuried personnel so far. For the Russians a lot of armored vehicles and tanks as well as a few 2S3 SPGs were destroyed that afternoon adding to the toll as opposed to none for the Americans and three BTR-70s and one T-72 of the Ukrainians destroyed.
"There's more that will come soon from these Russians, lads," told the sergeant, "but take courage. We must win no matter what the cost, for the sake of Ukraine and her people."
"A-f__king right Hoz," replied SGT Jones. "That's the right thing to do now. Especially that there's still a lot to do regarding that aid package by Congress."
"Let's hope that Ukraine get's the aid it has needed desperately."
"That's the one right thing," added CPL Alex Pierce of 2nd squad. Ukraine, he says, needs that military aid more than ever and he agrees that Congress must now pass that aid package.
"The same for me and the rest of us," added SGT Matt Malatesta.
"I'm sure my Congress representatives know," Hosley replied, "that our efforts will help them realize that more than ever before in our history, Ukraine needs to be assisted in this fight."
Later on, after Tyler has reflected on the few deaths from 1st Battalion that day, he turned on LeRoy and his A Company men proud of what they did that day against throngs of advancing armed Russian soldiers and militiamen.
"These past years since I was appointed battalion XO and now as your commanding officer... I have never ever doubted that you guys are still fighting hard these past two years and have made this battalion proud. No single one of you guys have been killed - just injuries temporarily limiting your numbers, but the strength has still remained after so long in Ukraine. Well done boys. I'm sure Jessie and Eric are damn proud of what you all displayed today. But not only them and the people of Savannah, and all Americans, are proud of what you all did. It's has been always the Ukrainian people, who have been time and again grateful for the assistance you all did no matter what in the defense of their homeland. Bill, you and Kyle and the men of A Company have once more shown their worth in defending our nation and its interests abroad. As you guys have time and again have written to your local representatives and senators of Congress regarding the funding needed for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters for access to arms, ammunitions and weapons systems needed to defend that nation against the Russian invasion, I have my confidence that funding will soon be passed. And your efforts here in Ukraine have shown them that we must not let down our overseas allies and must be standing stand by stand with them. Once more, mission accomplished boys. Don't give up yet, we have to defend our Ukrainian brothers time and again till the end."
"Thanks Colonel Gillum," Bill replied. "And one more thing, sir, Danny-Do-It-All has done it again, saving one of our guys from 2nd Platoon from certain death."
"Sergeant Hosley," the LTC replied, "we've been ever proud of you once more. You've proven do be the all around man your company has needed in times of extreme necessity in the battlefield."
"My pleasure Tyler."
Turning to CPL Andy Archer, he said, "Thanks for covering our arses."
"Just doing what we swore to do, " he replied.
"And Hoz," added SGT Tanner Thomas, "thanks for saving one of our guys out there. You surely have risked everything for these medevacs these past few weeks, right?"
He replied, "That's the job I prepared for when I was in the USA training to be an paramedic. And I'm ready to save more lives soon. T'was a pleasure to have done just that today."
News came to 1st Battalion CP that an operation they did in coordination with the 1st and 12th National Guard Infantry Brigades in cooperation with the 108th Territorial Brigade TDFU had resulted in the defeat of a battalion from the Tajikstan-based 201st Military Base and company sized elements coming from the 7th (LPR) Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the II Guards Army Corps. But there's more to that.
A Russian military correspondent working for Star TV, the official TV station of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, named MAJ Evgeniy Polovodov, who over the past two years contributed to Russia-1 and Channel One news broadcasts and current affairs programming of the invasion of Ukraine by the Armed Forces of Russia, had been KIA by an Ukrainian UAV attack on him and his camera crews alongside their military escorts in the Serebransky Forest area - exactly within the wide area of operations the 716th Savannah had been stationed and been covering in support of the Ukrainian forces since last year. Thankfully his cameraman survived.
A Company's 1st Platoon had been discussing the newly released footage from Russia-1's Vesti newscast regarding said Ukrainian UAV attack from a day before.
"Do you think," CPL Alex Ziegler, who had been just been newly promoted to the rank after two years in the ranks of A Company and fighting alongside fellow Americans and Ukrainians in Ukraine against the Russians as a part of 1st Platoon, asked Hosley, "that our UAV section led by the valiant SGT Reese who also handles our video footage for Public Affairs and the military and civilian personnel working together made that attack possible?"
"Don't know yet," Hosley replied, but he stated that there mighty be a possibly they have done the impossible job - what no one expected would happen to a Russian military press crew and that if proven true these men and women would be rewarded for a job well done.
@kiinghanalister @travisdermotts @lukeexplorer @mercedesmone
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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Official photo releasted on the occassion of Prince Hashim bin Al Hussein’s 42nd birthday, who was born on June 10, 1981 (8th of Shaban, 1401 Hijri) to the late King Hussein bin Talal and Queen Noor.
He is a 41st generation direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammad and the youngest brother of King Abdullah II. Prince Hashim completed his primary education in Amman and later graduated from high school in the United States in 1999.
In 1999, he attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom, from which he graduated in 2000, commissioning as a second lieutenant in the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army. He received several awards, including an award for the best aggregate mark in his academic studies for non-British officers.
Prince Hashim graduated with distinction from Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service on August 12, 2005, and subsequently completed his higher education in Quran studies at Balqa Applied University in Jordan, graduating on September 5, 2006. On December 1, 2014, he also earned a master’s degree in Defence Studies from King’s College London in the United Kingdom.
During Prince Hashim’s career in the military, he rose through the ranks of the Special Operations Command, serving in all three of its branches Special Forces, Counterterrorism, and the Rangers. In 2015, he was assigned command of the 61st Royal Rangers Battalion (Al Maghaweer) which is specialised in urban, desert, and advanced mountain operations. Prince Hashim’s last active military role was as adviser to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Special Forces and Rapid Reaction Forces.
During his military career, Prince Hashim completed his Platoon Commanders’ Battle Course in the US at Fort Benning in 2007, where he achieved the best marks among international officers taking part in the training. In 2009, Prince Hashim participated in and successfully completed the Infantry Company Commanders Course in the UAE during which he achieved the highest level of academic excellence, and in 2014 he attended the Advanced Command and Staff College in England (ACSC17) and successfully completed it, earning his Post Staff College (Joint) PSCJ.
On January 12, 2017, a Royal Decree was issued appointing Prince Hashim as His Majesty’s Chief Royal Councillor, and he continued his service until his resignation in September 2020.
Prince Hashim has been sworn in as Regent on several occasions and accompanied King Abdullah II on several official functions.
Prince Hashim is the head of Alfaris International Horseback Archery Championship and is a proficient blade-smith. He also enjoys hiking.
His Royal Highness is fluent in Arabic and English. He studied Hebrew in university and he is a student of the Turkish language.
On January 6, 2006, Prince Hashim married Princess Fahdah and they have five children: Their Royal Highnesses Prince Al Hussein born in June 2015, Prince Al Hassan born in October 2019, Princess Haalah born in April 2007, Princess Raiyah born in July 2008 and Princess Aliyah born in November 2011.
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argumate · 1 year
Ongoing localized Russian offensive operations near Avdiivka likely demonstrate the ability of Russian forces to learn and apply tactical battlefield lessons in Ukraine. Russian forces launched localized attacks towards Avdiivka after intensive artillery preparation of the battlefield in the early hours of October 10, and geolocated footage from October 10 and 11 confirms that Russian troops advanced southwest of Avdiivka near Sieverne and northwest of Avdiivka near Stepove and Krasnohorivka. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that a grouping of up to three Russian battalions with tank and armored vehicle support intensified offensive operations near Avdiivka. Ukrainian General Staff Spokesperson Andrii Kovavlev clarified that these battalions are part of three motorized rifle brigades of the Southern Military District’s 8th Combined Arms Army.
Russian sources celebrated Russian advances in this area and outlined several adaptations that suggest that Russian forces are applying lessons learned from operations in southern Ukraine to other sectors of the front. A Russian artillery battalion commander who is reportedly fighting in the area claimed that Russian forces are paying significant attention to counterbattery combat. Another source who also claimed to be fighting in the area reported that Russian forces are using electronic warfare (EW) systems, conducting sound artillery preparation of the battlefield, and are demonstrating “clear interaction” between command headquarters, assault groups, aerial reconnaissance, and artillery elements. The milblogger noted that Russian forces are not employing human wave-style “meat” assaults, and several Russian sources amplified footage of Russian armored vehicles leading a breakthrough along roadways towards Ukrainian positions, followed by infantry columns.
the war continues
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Hello I'm Antonio Balagbis from Sulat Eatern Samar, 22 years of age a former criminology student and a ROTC officer graduate. Wayback 2019 I'm the one who acknowledge as the best Platoon leader during sport fest in the campus. Anyway, this is my first time starting a Tumblr blog. I am excited to be joining this vibrant community and sharing my thoughts, experiences, and interests.
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Rebuilding lives
I'm also a volunteer Army Reservist during the typhoon Odette in Southern leyte together with 8RCDG PA and 802nd Infantry brigade PA.
Troops from the Philippine Army's 802nd Infantry Brigade continued efforts for the rehabilitation and relief assistance to the families affected by the recent Typhoon "Odette" in Southern Leyte.
On January 8, 2022, soldiers from the 14th Infantry Battalion assisted in the distribution of relief goods to the residents of Brgy. Inolinan, San Ricardo, Southern Leyte. Meanwhile, troops from the 8th Regional Community Defense Group (8RCDG) of Army Reserve Command, and the Disaster Response Units of 8th Post Engineer Detachment facilitated the distribution of the 700 galvanized iron sheets and nails donated by Aqualine Construction Company, further assisted the residents in the construction of their damaged houses in Brgy. Magallanes, Limasawa.
Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner Jr. lauds the troops for their ceaseless efforts in helping the suffering communities from the aftermath of Typhoon "Odette". Being one with them gives hope to get them back on the track of their lives.
“I commend our soldiers who are staying in the frontlines to help our people get back on their daily lives. Rest assured that as you support our communities, your Philippine Army is also ready to support you in your endeavors,” said Lt. Gen. Brawner. | Philippine Army
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#Rebuilding Lives | Army continues rehabilitation and relief efforts
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M10 Tank Destroyers of B Company, 644th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, entering the German city of Duren on 24 February 1945
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Thoughts at 7pm...
I tag my books in Calibre with people and places and things I think will come up again and again across books. 
This can be a slow and agonizing process, but I find that I keep coming back to it over and over again, because I’ll read a book years later that mentions a battle on Hill 488 and think... fuck, what book was it that I read about that from someone else’s perspective?!!?!? 
Tags help with that. 
I don’t tag everything, or everyone... just stuff I have a feeling will come up over and over, and yet for a single book I’ll end up with this:
Averell Harriman, Bess Clements Abell, Camp David, Catoctin Mountains MD, CH-34 Choctaw, CH-46 Sea Knight, Chaplain, CIA, CIDG, From LAPL, General Herman Nickerson, General Samuel B. Griffith, General William Westmoreland, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, John F. Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr, Maryland, North Korea, Okinawa, Okinawa - Northern Training Area (NTA), Robert McNamara, Soviet FROG-3 Missile, SpecOps, US Capitol Building, USA 3rd Infantry Regiment, USAF Kadena Airbase, USAID John Paul Vann, USMC, USMC 12th Marines, USMC 1st Force Recon Co, USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Brisbane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Circumstance (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Club Car (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Countersign (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Killer Kane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Swift Scout (Vietnam War), USMC 1st MarDiv, USMC 1st Marine Air Wing, USMC 1st Marines, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1 - F Co, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1 - E Co, USMC 1st Recon Bn, USMC 1st Recon Bn - E Co, USMC 1st Tank Bn, USMC 26th Marines, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26 - F Co, USMC 2LT Paul Young, USMC 3rd Marines, USMC 3rd Marines - 2/3, USMC 5th Marines, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5 - F Co, USMC 7th Marines, USMC 7th Marines - 1/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7 - G Co, USMC 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, USMC Air Observers - Black Coats (Vietnam War), USMC Camp Hansen, USMC Camp Pendleton, USMC Camp Schwab, USMC Col. Andrew Finlayson, USMC Force Recon, USMC LtCol Alex Lee, USMC Marine Barracks Washington (8th and I), USMC Scout Dogs, USMC SgtMaj Maurice J. Jacques, USMC The Basic School, USMC Washington Barracks Guard Co., USN Corpsman, USN LCDR Ray Stubbe (Chaplain), USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USNA, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM A Shau Valley, VNM A Vuong River, VNM An Bang, VNM An Hoa, VNM An Long, VNM An Son, VNM Antenna Valley, VNM Ap Ba, VNM Arizona Territory, VNM Ba Na Mountain, VNM Base Area 112, VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Khe Sanh (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Hansen, VNM Camp Reasoner, VNM Charlie Med, VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Col de Ba Lien, VNM Command and Control North/FOB-1 (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Da Son, VNM Dam Cao Hai Bay, VNM Dong Nhut Mountain, VNM DRV NVA 2nd Division, VNM DRV NVA 320th Reconnaissance Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 368th Artillery (Rocket) Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 3rd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 402nd Sapper Battalion, VNM Elephant Valley, VNM Freedom Hill PX, VNM Happy Valley, VNM Hiep Duc, VNM Hill 170, VNM Hill 199, VNM Hill 203, VNM Hill 224, VNM Hill 324, VNM Hill 327, VNM Hill 35, VNM Hill 372, VNM Hill 381, VNM Hill 387, VNM Hill 406, VNM Hill 417, VNM Hill 441, VNM Hill 452, VNM Hill 454, VNM Hill 478, VNM Hill 498, VNM Hill 502, VNM Hill 537, VNM Hill 575 (Tam Dieo Mountain), VNM Hill 582 (Kon Chay Mountain), VNM Hill 592, VNM Hill 594, VNM Hill 623, VNM Hill 678, VNM Hill 749, VNM Hill 800, VNM Hill 89, VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail, VNM Hoi An Thuong, VNM Hon Cau Mountain, VNM Hue, VNM Khe Dienne River, VNM Khe Gio tributary, VNM Khuong Dai, VNM Loc Tu, VNM LZ Finch, VNM MEDCAP, VNM Mortar Valley, VNM Nam O Bridge, VNM Ninh Dinh, VNM Ninh Khanh, VNM Ninh Long, VNM Nong Son Coal Mine, VNM Nui Ba Hoa, VNM Nui Chom, VNM Nui Nhu, VNM Nui Son Ga (Charlie Ridge), VNM Ong Thu Slope, VNM Operation Arizona (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Calhoun (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Claxon (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Knox (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Pecos (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Snoopy (People Sniffer) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union I (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union II (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Wheeler (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Phouc Ly, VNM Phouc Tuong, VNM Phouc Tuong (Dogpatch), VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Gia Pass, VNM Phu Loc, VNM Quang Duc Duc, VNM Quang Nam Province, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Que Son Mountains, VNM Que Son Valley, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 545, VNM RVN RVNP CSDB PRU Provincial Reconnaissance Units (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon, VNM Song Cu De, VNM Song Ly Ly, VNM Song Thu Bon, VNM Song Tinh Yen, VNM Song Vu Gia, VNM Song Yang, VNM Tam Kho, VNM Tam Talou Tributary, VNM Thach Bich, VNM The Enchanted Forest, VNM The Garden of Eden, VNM Thua Thien Province, VNM Thuan Long, VNM Thuong Duc, VNM Ti Tau Mountain, VNM Trang Bang, VNM Trao Hamlet, VNM Tu Phu, VNM US MACVSOG (1964-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG Road Runner Teams (Vietnam War), VNM USMC AHCB An Hoa Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM USMC Combined Action Platoon, VNM USMC KSCB Khe Sanh Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Yellow Brick Road, Washington D.C
Thankfully I can easily use calibre’s tag search function to grab what I need!
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scotianostra · 2 years
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William Angus  was born 28th February 1888 at Polkemmet Rows, Cappers, Armadale.
Note some sources say this brave man was born in Carlulke, others give Armadale, he certainly spent a large chunk of his life in South Lanarkshire town. where  a commemorative stone was unveiled in his honour in 2015.
On leaving school Angus worked in the nearby coal mines before earning a modest living as a footballer at several clubs, 1914 he was with Wishaw Thistle when war broke out and as a member of local Carluke Territorial battalion of the Highland Light Infantry, he was mobilised immediately.
William Angus was transferred to the 8th Royal Scots, the first Territorial battalion to join the Expeditionary Force. 8th Royal Scots had suffered a great many casualties and were in urgent need of replacements. He was serving as a lance-corporal in this battalion when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.
On 12th June 1915 at Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée, France Lance-Corporal Angus voluntarily left his trench to rescue a wounded officer, fellow Carluke man Lieutenant James Martin, who was lying within a few yards of the enemy’s position and had been injured by a mine. To do this he had to travel through 64 metres in no-man’s land under heavy bomb and rifle fire, and received about 40 wounds, some of them being very serious, including the loss of his left eye, losing part of his foot and calf. His commanding officer said there had been no braver deed in the history of the army.
When asked why he had risked death to carry out such a mercy mission, he replied:
“I have to go back to Carluke. I cannot return if I left someone from Carluke to die here.”
40 wounds, can you imagine that?! Angus was awarded the VC for his bravery in August that year at Buckingham Palace, when the King commented on his 40 injuries, Angus was said to have answered “Aye, sir, but only 13 were serious.”.
Due to his injuries he was no longer fit for active duty and was transferred to Cameronians on recruitment duties and promoted to Sergeant.  He was invalided out of the Army in 1917 and started a haulage business, he later became president of Carluke Rovers, where he was known simply as “The VC”., a position he held until his death. Each year of his life, he received a telegram of thanks from the family of the man he rescued.
William Angus VC died just two days after the 44th anniversary of his brave deed. His last annual telegram of thanks from the Martin family was delivered to him in hospital.
William Angus' medals on display at the National War Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle.
You can read a wee bit more detail about William here http://www.vconline.org.uk/william-angus-vc/4585925970.html
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casbooks · 2 years
Books of 2023
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Book 5 of 2023
Title: Killer Kane Authors: Andrew R. Finlayson ISBN: 9780786477012 Tags: 1968 Washington D.C Riots, Averell Harriman, Bess Clements Abell, Camp David, Catoctin Mountains MD, CH-34 Choctaw, CH-46 Sea Knight, CIA, CIDG, From LAPL, General Herman Nickerson, General Samuel B. Griffith, General William Westmoreland, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, John F. Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr, Maryland, North Korea, Okinawa, Okinawa - Northern Training Area (NTA), Robert McNamara, Soviet FROG-3 Missile, SpecOps, US Capitol Building, USA 3rd Infantry Regiment, USAF Kadena Airbase, USAID John Paul Vann, USMC, USMC 12th Marines, USMC 1st Force Recon Co, USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Brisbane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Circumstance (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Club Car (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Countersign (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Killer Kane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Swift Scout (Vietnam War), USMC 1st MarDiv, USMC 1st Marine Air Wing, USMC 1st Marines, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1 - F Co, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1 - E Co, USMC 1st Recon Bn, USMC 1st Recon Bn - E Co, USMC 1st Tank Bn, USMC 26th Marines, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26 - F Co, USMC 3rd Marines, USMC 3rd Marines - 2/3, USMC 5th Marines, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5 - F Co, USMC 7th Marines, USMC 7th Marines - 1/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7 - G Co, USMC 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, USMC Air Observers - Black Coats (Vietnam War), USMC Camp Hansen, USMC Camp Pendleton, USMC Camp Schwab, USMC Force Recon, USMC Marine Barracks Washington (8th and I), USMC Scout Dogs, USMC The Basic School, USMC Washington Barracks Guard Co., USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USNA, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM A Shau Valley, VNM A Vuong River, VNM An Bang, VNM An Hoa, VNM An Long, VNM An Son, VNM Antenna Valley, VNM Ap Ba, VNM Arizona Territory, VNM Ba Na Mountain, VNM Base Area 112, VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Khe Sanh (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Hansen, VNM Camp Reasoner, VNM Charlie Med, VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Col de Ba Lien, VNM Command and Control North/FOB-1 (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Da Son, VNM Dam Cao Hai Bay, VNM Dong Nhut Mountain, VNM DRV NVA 2nd Division, VNM DRV NVA 320th Reconnaissance Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 368th Artillery (Rocket) Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 3rd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 402nd Sapper Battalion, VNM Elephant Valley, VNM Freedom Hill PX, VNM Happy Valley, VNM Hiep Duc, VNM Hill 170, VNM Hill 199, VNM Hill 203, VNM Hill 224, VNM Hill 324, VNM Hill 327, VNM Hill 35, VNM Hill 372, VNM Hill 381, VNM Hill 387, VNM Hill 406, VNM Hill 417, VNM Hill 441, VNM Hill 452, VNM Hill 454, VNM Hill 478, VNM Hill 498, VNM Hill 502, VNM Hill 537, VNM Hill 575 (Tam Dieo Mountain), VNM Hill 582 (Kon Chay Mountain), VNM Hill 592, VNM Hill 594, VNM Hill 623, VNM Hill 678, VNM Hill 749, VNM Hill 800, VNM Hill 89, VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail, VNM Hoi An Thuong, VNM Hon Cau Mountain, VNM Hue, VNM Khe Dienne River, VNM Khe Gio tributary, VNM Khuong Dai, VNM Loc Tu, VNM LZ Finch, VNM MEDCAP, VNM Mortar Valley, VNM Nam O Bridge, VNM Ninh Dinh, VNM Ninh Khanh, VNM Ninh Long, VNM Nong Son Coal Mine, VNM Nui Ba Hoa, VNM Nui Chom, VNM Nui Nhu, VNM Nui Son Ga (Charlie Ridge), VNM Ong Thu Slope, VNM Operation Arizona (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Calhoun (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Claxon (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Knox (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Pecos (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Snoopy (People Sniffer) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union I (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union II (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Wheeler (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Phouc Ly, VNM Phouc Tuong, VNM Phouc Tuong (Dogpatch), VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Gia Pass, VNM Phu Loc, VNM Quang Duc Duc, VNM Quang Nam Province, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Que Son Mountains, VNM Que Son Valley, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 545, VNM RVN RVNP CSDB PRU Provincial Reconnaissance Units (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon, VNM Song Cu De, VNM Song Ly Ly, VNM Song Thu Bon, VNM Song Tinh Yen, VNM Song Vu Gia, VNM Song Yang, VNM Tam Kho, VNM Tam Talou Tributary, VNM Thach Bich, VNM The Enchanted Forest, VNM The Garden of Eden, VNM Thua Thien Province, VNM Thuan Long, VNM Thuong Duc, VNM Ti Tau Mountain, VNM Trang Bang, VNM Trao Hamlet, VNM Tu Phu, VNM US MACVSOG (1964-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG Road Runner Teams (Vietnam War), VNM USMC AHCB An Hoa Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM USMC Combined Action Platoon, VNM USMC KSCB Khe Sanh Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Yellow Brick Road, Washington D.C Rating: 5 stars Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Specops.Marine Recon
  The leader of one of the most successful U. S. Marine long range reconnaissance teams during the Vietnam War, Andrew Finlayson recounts his team's experiences in the year leading up to the Tet Offensive of 1968. Using primary sources, such as Marine Corps unit histories and his own weekly letters home, he presents a highly personal account of the dangerous missions conducted by this team of young Marines as they searched for North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong units in such dangerous locales as Elephant Valley, the Enchanted Forest, Charlie Ridge, Happy Valley and the Que Son Mountains.   In numerous close contacts with the enemy, the team (code-name Killer Kane) fights for its survival against desperate odds, narrowly escaping death time and again. The book gives vivid descriptions of the life of recon Marines when they are not on patrol, the beauty of the landscape they traverse, and several of the author's Vietnamese friends. It also explains in detail the preparations for, and the conduct of, a successful long range reconnaissance patrol.
Finlayson has a very particular point of view on the war, and warfare. Throughout the book, he is constantly made aware that his actions and behaviors are both dangerous and obsessive. Yet, even though he acknowledges it, and says he takes it to heart, he still has the narcissistic bent to ignore them and feel that his way is the right way. 
That’s both a positive and a negative.
His teams brought the war to the enemy and were immensely productive as far as kills and intelligence gathered. At the same time, they were in many ways reckless and dangerous. 
God loves a fool and who dares wins are basically how he operates.
Overall though, the book gives you great insight into HIS way of running recon teams, and how Team Killer Kane/Swift Scout operated, the gear they took, the places they operated in, and who the people were. His writing style is quick paced and gives you a good sense of his thoughts and emotions and allows you to understand where his head was at and what he experienced.
While there were a few errors, especially in regards to keeping track of a persons rank (one page they’re corporal, next they’re a sergeant), and the weapons (carrying my m-14, and had 5 magazines of 5.56mm), the book is well done. 
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