#80s roger is too much to handle
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rogerika · 1 year ago
Oh God he is such a babe ❤️
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God, is there really only 9 more days of February?? BuckTommy Fluffebruary Day Nineteen: Slow Dancing. The song that's playing is "(Today I Met) The Boy I'm Going to Marry" by Darlene Love (aka Mrs. Roger Murtaugh for you 80s and 90s kids who grew up on Lethal Weapon movies). Give it a listen for the ~ambience~ if you're so inclined. Also, check out her singing it live in 2017, she sounds exactly the same. What a queen. Anyway, you can read this on AO3 over here. Tagging @bucktommyfluffebruary
The party is a combination anniversary party and reception do-over for Maddie and Howie, and Tommy is happy to say that he’s not on-call this time around. He wears a suit instead of turnouts, and he arrives at the venue before the party starts instead of showing up too late. He's actually quite early, because the DJ had a tire blow out on the way and had to change it on the side of the road, the caterers were doubling back because half the food was left in their kitchen, and Evan had texted with increasing amounts of sad emojis. So Tommy got ready early to lend a hand if need be. Evan had already been on-site helping with set-up and Jee-Yun wrangling, so he’s somewhere at the venue but nowhere to be seen.
“Hey!” Maddie calls, waving to Tommy when she spots him. She’s wearing a white dress again, but it’s a little lighter and more billowy to accommodate her growing belly. She looks beautiful and glowing, and Tommy tells her as much when he greets her with a kiss to her cheek. “I feel like I’m going to sweat through this, but thank you. I did not miss pregnancy hot flashes.”
“Do you need me to see if they can turn the air conditioning up?” Tommy asks, rubbing her upper back and feeling that she is, indeed, a little warm.
“Oh, my god, could you?” she asks gratefully.
Tommy goes to someone who works at the venue—the coordinator, it turns out—and kindly asks if the air conditioning can be turned up just a little, emphasizing that it’s for a pregnant woman.
“I’ll see what I can do,” the coordinator says with a tight smile. “They don’t want to overload the power here.”
“We can turn off most of the lights until the party starts,” Evan suggests from over Tommy’s shoulder.
The coordinator goes to handle that, and Tommy turns to greet his boyfriend. His boyfriend, who is in grey tweed trousers with a matching vest, a crisp white shirt with the sleeves carefully rolled up, and a black tie with a cross-hatch pattern. His boyfriend, who already looks beautiful in ratty old clothes and with boils on his face, let alone in this. He's breathtaking.
“Jesus,” Tommy says, resting his hand on Evan’s side and drawing him closer even as he tries to memorize everything about how he looks. “You look beautiful.”
“You’re looking pretty handsome yourself,” Evan murmurs, his fingers smoothing over the subtle pinstriping on Tommy’s grey suit. “We match.”
“We do,” Tommy agrees before kissing him.
The lights dim around them, and Tommy hears a fan kick on overhead and the distant sound of Maddie saying, “Oh, thank God.”
He laughs against Evan’s mouth before pulling away. “Need help with anything?”
“The DJ just got here, the caterers are five minutes out, so we just gotta test the audio and make sure the bartender’s ready.” Evan’s thumb and forefinger are rubbing against the fabric of Tommy’s tie. “I like this.”
“Wanna switch?”
Evan laughs, but Tommy’s already flipping his collar up and loosening his tie. He unfastens the clip and hands the whole thing over to Evan, who loops it around his wrist before removing his own tie and handing it to Tommy.
“You two are ridiculous, please stop stripping at my party,” Howie says as he passes by with his daughter on his shoulders. “Can you check with the DJ? We’re on our way to get this one and Mommy some juice at the bar.”
“You got it,” Tommy says, tightening his borrowed tie. “So?”
“Perfect,” Evan decides, kissing him again before tangling his fingers together and leading him toward the corner where the DJ looks to be plugging in the last of his stuff.
They pass Margaret, Phillip, the Lees, and Maddie on the way, and Tommy waves to them. They get a wave back from everyone but the Buckley parents, but he does get a smile and nod. It’s more than he would’ve expected, considering they’ve only met once at the previous “reception” a year before, and Tommy had been half-asleep with a plate of cake in his lap. They hadn't come back to California except for Christmas, which Tommy had missed because he was too busy being a single idiot. His opinion of them isn’t very high, he’s not surprised if it goes both ways.
“Might get loud!” Tommy warns over his shoulder.
“Nah, levels should be good already,” the DJ says, poking at his laptop. “I’ll check it now, though. You want music playing when people get here, right?”
“Yeah,” Evan says, peering over the guy’s shoulder. “And then their first dance song—”
“‘Islands in the Stream,’” the DJ confirms, and Evan nods. “Got it ready to go, just let me know when to queue it. Alright, firing it up.”
He hits something on the small mixer and loud surf music starts playing over the speakers.
“Sorry, I was playing a tiki bar party before this,” the DJ says, clicking a few things until a Beach Boys song starts playing. “Can you guys do me a favor and walk around, make sure it all sounds good? They did some late playlist requests, so I'm just adding all that in.”
“Yep,” Tommy says, tugging Evan away. “You go left, I’ll go right, we'll meet in the middle and come up through the dancefloor.”
“I love when you get tactical,” Evan sighs, kissing his hand before splitting off from him.
Tommy shakes his head and smiles as he walks around the edge of the space. It’s not huge, but it’s big enough to have a few speakers in carefully hidden spots. Everything sounds good, there’s no dead speakers or audio crackling or buzzing. When they meet in the back, they start walking toward the dancefloor just as the song changes, and Tommy glances over at Evan just as the first line filters through the speakers.
‘Today I met the boy I’m going to marry,’ Darlene Love croons.
“Hey,” Tommy says, resting a hand against Evan’s lower back. “The dancefloor’s kind of the most important area. We should check the whole thing.”
Evan looks over his shoulder at him, sees Tommy offer up his other hand, and his smile lights the whole room back up. He takes it and lets Tommy pull him close, his other hand resting on Tommy’s shoulder as Tommy’s settles on his waist.
“Do you know this song?” Tommy asks, and Evan shakes his head, his eyes soft as they meet Tommy’s. “It’s a classic. My aunt Judy—my dad’s big sister—used to play a record that had this on it.”
‘The boy whose life and dream and love I wanna share,’ she continues as Evan grins at him sunnily.
Tommy tries to lead them around as much of the dancefloor as possible, but he’s too caught up in Evan’s smile and his eyes and the way their hands and bodies fit together. As far as he can tell, the audio sounds perfect. Everything is…perfect.
“I hadn’t heard it in a really long time,” Tommy says softly. “And then I turned on the radio in my truck one day, and I heard it on an oldies station for the first time in, I don’t know, thirty years?”
“Bet it brought back some good memories,” Evan says, squeezing his shoulder gently.
“Yeah, it did,” Tommy agrees. “It was a pretty good day, actually. I’d just survived flying into a hurricane with these completely insane people from another firehouse.”
Evan’s lips part, and his eyes search Tommy’s. “Y-yeah?”
“Mhm,” he confirms. At the time, he hadn’t thought much of it, but now it feels like one of those things. Like a sign, a hint, an anvil to the head for him to pay attention.
‘With every kiss, ‘Oh, this is it,’ my heart keeps saying,’ she sings, and Tommy mouths the words to himself, smiling when Evan’s awed expression melts into a sweet smile as he ducks his head briefly. It’s one of his favorite things Evan does, like he’s shy about being happy, about having the most beautiful smile anyone’s ever seen.
“I think the first song I heard after that was a Motorhead song that Chimney played in his car on the way back to the station,” Evan admits, and Tommy laughs. “I like yours better.”
“Me, too,” Tommy says, pressing their temples together and inhaling the smell of him. He loves the way Evan’s cologne, shampoo, and deodorant mix together, because they smell like clean and water. He’s smelled like it ever since the day Tommy kissed him in his kitchen. Well, he probably smelled like it before, but it had been the first time Tommy had been in a position to notice. “You think we hit where all the speakers are?”
“Probably,” Evan says, turning his face just a bit so the tip of his nose brushes over Tommy’s cheek. “But we should wait until the end of the song just in case.”
Tommy hums in agreement and smiles when Evan’s lips ghost over his skin. He lifts his gaze to see Maddie pointing her phone at them, and she gives him a teary smile and a thumbs up when he catches her eye. Beside her, her mother is looking at them thoughtfully with something close to a smile on her face.
As the song fades out, Tommy carefully spins Evan and pulls him back against his chest with a smile, kissing his answering smile and nuzzling his nose against Evan’s.
“All good,” Evan calls to the DJ.
Later, when the party is in full swing, Tommy goes to ask the DJ if he can queue up Maddie and Howie’s song to play next, and he gets a business card slipped to him.
“I do regular wedding receptions, too,” the DJ, Todd, explains.
Tommy laughs. “Oh, we’re not—”
“Well, if you do,” he says, shrugging. “Do you want me to call them to the floor before I play it?”
“Uh, yeah,” Tommy says, looking down at the card and turning it over between his fingers. “Yeah, thanks.”
He pockets the card. Just in case.
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months ago
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📖"The Taste of You"
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 4002
Tags: Fresh AU, dark rom-com, dark!Bucky, pre-serum Steve, kidnapping, cannibalism, yandere/basement wife, meet cute-ish, gay sex n' stuff, ignoring of sexual boundaries, dub-con bordering on non-con, (mostly humorous) gore, (mostly humorous) body horror
Summary: Steve is so tired of the meat market that modern dating has become. Just when he's deleted all the apps and given up on ever finding Mr. Right, he meets the perfect guy at the grocery store.
A dark, cute, funny, fucked up, and very tasty love story.
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It's a Fresh AU. "If you can't handle the cannibalism, get out of the kitchen" ... or something like that
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10. Acquired Taste
Wait! I haven't read a previous chapter. Story Masterlist
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Bucky typically has two avenues, when it comes to acquiring new product.
1) Conduct recon, establish a relationship with her/him (though usually her), lure to a secluded location, incapacitate (usually via roofies)
2) Conduct recon, stab & grab on site (needle, not knife—jesus he’s not a monster)
Each avenue presents its own advantages and risks. Relationships and dates take more time and work, they don’t guarantee he’ll get the access he needs, and he runs the risk of someone else in the victim’s life learning about him before they’re disappeared. Stab & grab is by far his preferred method, but he has to be extremely mindful of security footage. Everything’s recorded these days, and in a city like New York, people live in each other’s pockets. Which method Bucky chooses usually comes down to how isolated the candidate’s life is. Carlo made his pick for who Bucky’s got to pay him with, so Bucky drives into the city early Monday to begin his reconnaissance process on Erica Buccanetti. He spends that Monday through Wednesday 7am-10pm, learning all about her.
Erica is twenty-nine. She’s a short, white, “curvy” woman of middling education who works at the DMV. Her job alone makes her deserving of what she’s going to get, Bucky thinks. Erica works Monday through Friday, gets in at 8:55, eats lunch at her desk, and clocks out no later than 4:50 every day. Erica goes to a gym after work and runs on the treadmill until she looks miserable and exhausted. Erica takes the train home to her duplex in Alphabet City, where she has a cat and drinks wine and…
Bucky tosses his binoculars aside, exasperated. “Dammit.”
Erica has three housemates. Fuck.
He can’t do a stab & grab when there are roommates, certainly not three. It’s too risky. Now he’ll have to put in the extra effort to try and run into her somehow, strike up a conversation, get a date or three.
He puts the car in gear and speeds down the block, eager to get on the highway and get home to Steve. He tunes the radio to an 80’s station he likes and taps out the beat as he navigates traffic.
This is the last time, he swears to himself, the absolute last time he lets a client pick their target. It’s too much pressure on Bucky, having to succeed with that one specific girl. Better to have a handful of potentials going, scoop up the one who makes herself the easiest victim. It’s not like most of them don’t do a bang up job of it.
Twenty-some years of “stranger danger” and true crime shows are usually enough to cement the “it won’t happen to me” mindset. Sometimes they’ll even find the right moment to throw out a lame, faux-suspicious “You’re not a serial killer, right?—haha just kidding!”
Bucky thinks it’s a hoot. Obviously these bitches don’t follow the eastern principle of karma.
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Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, he gets in very late, after midnight. But he still pops down to check on Steve. He brings them both a drink, hands Steve his, then slides down the far wall to sit. “Ugh.”
“How was your day, honey?” Steve asks. Sarcastically, but at least he’s making jokes.
“Long,” Bucky says, tipping back his old fashioned. They both like them. Maybe it’s become one of their things. “So for this payment, I let Carlo pick his girl,” he says, letting his eyes slip closed as he rolls out the tight muscles in his neck. “Stupid.” Steve is quiet for a long time, and Bucky suspects he’s staring at him. He doesn’t open his eyes to find out. “What?”
“Nothing,” Steve says. “Just … wondering about the logistics of it, I guess.” He’s quiet for another long moment, the ice clinking in his glass telling Bucky when he takes another sip, and then another. “So … are you bi?”
Bucky opens his eyes. “What?”
Steve shrugs. “You date them to get to them. Does that mean you’re into women?”
“Well …” Bucky is, but … “I prefer men,” he says. “By far. But the clients want women, so that’s what I supply. It’s pretend, Steve.”
Bucky narrows his eyes, sensing Steve’s judgment and not liking it. “I pretend to date them. Briefly. If I have to.”
Steve shrugs and looks away dismissively. “Seems kind of mean, to me.”
“It’s not!” Bucky scowls, straightening up from where he’s been sitting slumped against the wall. “I’m totally nice to them!”
Steve snorts. “Yeah, until you start harvesting their parts for food.”
Bucky glares at him. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this.”
“Yeah maybe we shouldn’t.” Steve sniffs and looks away. “Not exactly great to hear all about how my boyfriend’s a serial killer.”
Bucky brightens up some at the word ‘boyfriend’. “I’m not, you know. A serial killer.”
Steve’s eyebrows raise sky high. “Oh really? So what would you call it when you kill people, ya know, serially?”
“I don’t get a thrill out of murdering them,” Bucky insists. “I keep them alive as long as I can.”
“I’m sure they appreciate that so much.”
“I keep them comfortable!” Bucky defends. “This is a nice place! I give them gourmet food, they’re on tons of pain meds. They don’t feel a thing.” Steve isn’t even looking at him now, and Bucky’s mood sinks. “... They’re not nice people, Steve,” he says darkly. "They deserve a hell of a lot less than what I afford them.” He watches Steve for a reaction, but doesn’t get one.
Steve just tosses back the end of his drink and fishes out the cherry. He pulls it off the stem with his teeth, chewing it while staring Bucky down. “Done,” he says, pushing the glass in Bucky’s direction.
It’s like he’s saying the conversation’s done too. Bucky sighs and shoves up to standing. He goes over and picks the glass up and gives Steve a long, rueful look. “Eileen,” he eventually says.
“The woman in the other room." He nods out towards the hallway. “The one you saw. Her name was Eileen. And that’s whose kidney I had for dinner the other night.” Steve’s eyes widen a little, and Bucky smiles placidly. “Yeah. Good old Eileen. She was thirty two you know. Divorced but seeing someone new. She had a daughter. Cute kid: Tracy. She’s like, seven, eight? Has freckles and pigtails, likes Pokémon.” Bucky shrugs, then lets the mild expression slide right off his face. “Eileen was letting the new boyfriend rape her.” He gets satisfaction from the way that Steve’s eyes widen further and his lips part without a comeback. “Hm, yeah.” Bucky throws back the end of his drink and crunches down on the pieces of ice that float into his mouth. “So, Steve, when I tell you that you really shouldn’t feel bad for these people? You really shouldn’t.”
He turns and leaves before Steve can think of any other arguments. It’s good, Bucky thinks. It’ll give him time to think. Bucky didn’t come to grips with all of this overnight, after all. He can’t expect Steve to, either.
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In the basement, Steve has lots of time to think. In fact that’s all he does other than sleep. He thinks about the chances of anybody ever finding him here, figures they’re probably low. Bucky’s done this before, maybe dozens of times. He knows how to get away with it. Steve thinks a lot about that, about how there are a bunch of rich as fuck cannibals out in the world, just existing and merrily eating people. How Bucky eats people and thinks that it’s totally fine. How he likes the taste of eating people. It’s nuts.
Steve does wonder, sometimes. What’s it taste like? He feels halfway sick with himself when the thought occurs, but it does occur. It must taste good, he thinks, to warrant such effort and risk. It must taste really damned good. At least to Bucky and his rich friends it does. Steve is sure he’ll never find out for himself. He wouldn’t be able to stomach it.
He thinks about the women who came before him, about how they must’ve felt, trapped down here while Bucky slowly sold off their meat. How many have there been? Steve wonders. And what were their crimes that got them sentenced to this? How did Bucky know they were bad? Steve can’t figure it out, but he also can’t forget what Bucky told him so seriously about Eileen the other night. It sits in his mind, coloring his memory differently. Now when he thinks of Eileen lying on the floor of her cell, begging him for help, he doesn’t feel as much pity for her as he used to. He doesn’t feel as much horror when he remembers her limbless torso wriggling pathetically under the sheet.
Bucky could be lying of course, just making it up so that Steve will accept him more readily. But somehow Steve doesn’t think so. Bucky’d had this look in his eyes when he said it. He’d looked vindictive, and vindicated. Steve shivers as he remembers it. Bucky truly does not have any compunctions about what he does, and he expects Steve to come around to it. Steve doesn’t think he can do that. He’s just hoping against hope that he can pretend long enough to convince Bucky. Long enough until he can get his chance for escape and take it.
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He thinks about Carlo, working on the cell down the hallway. Steve doesn’t see him much at all, just hears the sounds of his tools whirring, the smell of fresh wood being sawed, concrete being poured, him taking a piss in one of the other cells' toilets every few hours.
At first Steve does wonder what he might be able to say to try and entice the man to help him escape. But he settles on a big fat nothing. There’s nothing Steve could offer him to get him to take that risk, no way. And it’d be too big a gamble to try anyways. He doesn’t want Carlo to alert Bucky to his attempts at scheming, which Bucky warned Carlo would do if Steve acted up. So Steve keeps his mouth shut when the man arrives and departs each day.
Carlo doesn’t say anything to him. He probably figures that Steve’s dead meat anyway.
Steve considers that maybe he is, and Bucky’s just lying to him to keep him calm. Maybe Bucky tells all the women that they have a chance for survival, if only they’re good and don’t act up.
It’s fucked, but Steve imagines Bucky doing it—taking little pieces from him until there’s nothing left to do but put an end to him. He imagines Bucky kissing him lovingly, then injecting something into his veins and harvesting his internal organs. He imagines Bucky working in the attractive kitchen upstairs; humming a tune, cutting Steve up, pan searing his kidneys and eating them with a Beaujolais.
Steve wonders if he’d taste any different than everyone else Bucky’s ever eaten. Probably not.
Stringy, he thinks, looking down and assessing his arms and legs and torso with a novel sort of appreciation. Steve’s so thin and so tough, he’d probably make a horrible meal.
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He plans it out meticulously, just like he always does. But even after all these years (fifteen, to be exact) he still gets that nervous feeling every time he makes his move. Stab & grabs don’t get to him nearly as much. Those are easy, impersonal. It’s the women he has to introduce himself to and flirt with and feign interest in and good intentions for that cause the nerves. He’d call them butterflies, but that seems cruel to compare his meet/capture/kill nerves to first date nerves. When he met Steve, it was a whole other feeling. What he’s about to do now isn’t the same, it’s not innocent like that, and he doesn’t need to pretend that it is.
Bucky knows he’s actually like, the perfect guy for this. He’s good looking and a natural flirt, excellent at making conversation and getting people to like him and to want to open up to him. Women tend to feel instinctively safe around him, so normally he’s guaranteed success in the “meet cute” department. It’s just that ... well …
He’s getting on in age these days, alright? He’s a—very damn handsome—37 years old now, and unfortunately for him, his clients’ tastes tend to stay the same, meaning the pervy old leches keep wanting their women rare at 20-ish. Bucky still has a very high success rate, but there’ve been a few college-aged girls who he approached wrong and they turned their noses up at him.
But he dyes his greys now, okay? He does the whole skincare regime, does Botox (conservatively—he’s got taste). And he’s learned to dumb himself down a bit when he’s going after the younger ones; talk a little smoother, a little less cultured, dress more age-appropriate. Turtlenecks apparently send off the wrong vibe. Unless the girl is into the whole Daddy thing, then it works in his favor.
Anyway, it’s not that big of an issue. All he has to do is flash his car or casually wear a Rolex on a date and even the most dimwitted or discerning potentials fall all over him. Bucky could give straight guys lessons, he swears.
He drives into the city wearing joggers and sneakers and a too-tight tee shirt, hair artfully tousled and earbuds draped around his neck in show. He goes into the gym, into the locker room, spritzes water around his hairline and the neck of his tee shirt, then bumps into her outside—when she’s on her way in, not out. No woman feels sexy after a workout (at least not the kind Erica is torturing herself with)—and exclaims in concern when she stumbles. Ohmygod, I’m so sorry! He grabs her forearm and lets the other hand brush over her waist as he “makes sure she doesn’t fall”. Are you okay?
Her eyes catch on his smile and his biceps right away, so Bucky's confidence is bolstered. He spends the next twelve minutes flirting with her, telling her his name (James), and how glad he is that he at least bumped into the prettiest girl at the gym (not true). Her eyes light up when he mentions that he’s a doctor, and shortly after that he’s typing his burner cell number into her phone. I put myself down as ‘handsome stranger whom you’re definitely gonna call’.
She titters at his joke and smiles, obviously tickled pink as they’re saying goodbye. “Yeah. I’ll um, I’ll call you. Maybe we could meet up for drinks or something?”
“Great!” Bucky shoots her a wink to seal the deal and jogs off down the block. He stops once he’s around the corner and starts walking at a normal pace back to his car. He hums a tune to himself, pleased at how easy that’d been. Now he can get home and probably not have to go out again until Saturday. If Erica’s as easy as he thinks she is, he shouldn’t have to go on many, if any, other dates.
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“Hey.” Bucky knocks on the doorframe as he slides it open. He steps in, head tilted, cautious smile playing at his lips.
Unfairly handsome, Steve thinks. Those women don’t stand a chance. “Hey.”
“I was hoping you’d still be awake. Wanted to say goodnight.”
“You get her number?” Steve asks. Because he knows that’s what today was—bump into Erica day.
Bucky seems wary, but he comes in and engages anyway. Steve almost feels bad for him. “Yeah,” Bucky says, toeing at the carpet. “Taking her out on Saturday.”
Steve rolls his eyes, scoffing. “‘Taking her out’, yeah.” He sees the hurt flash across Bucky’s face though, and feels bad about it. Ridiculous, but he still feels bad. “Sorry,” he mumbles, looking away. What else is he supposed to say? I understand? He can’t say that when Bucky’s holding him prisoner in his basement. Steve’s literally chained to the floor right now.
He sighs again, disappointed. He’s never been so disappointed in anything in his life. He fucking aches with it. Enough to cry, sometimes, if he thinks enough about Bucky’s smile over a martini glass, his bad dance moves in Steve’s apartment, his body in Steve’s bed. What they'd had together, how it'd felt like they were building something, something to look forward to. Steve bites his tongue so he doesn’t start tearing up when Bucky’s standing there. He doesn’t want to look like another weak victim, even though he knows he is. “You seemed like such a nice guy,” he murmurs, not looking at him.
Bucky comes over and kneels down in front of him. He looks so sad. “Hey,” he says softly, reaching out to palm the side of Steve’s face. He hums when Steve lets his eyes slip closed and leans into it.
Crazy, what a little bit of isolation will make you feel, Steve thinks.
“I miss you, Steve. I promise you this isn’t going to last forever.” When Steve just breathes silently, Bucky strokes his thumb over his cheek. Steve shivers. “Hey, would you want to go on a date with me?”
Steve’s eyes open. “What?”
Bucky smiles softly. “A date. You’ve been so good this whole time, and I miss you.” He leans forward and pecks a kiss to his lips. It’s brief, but it still makes Steve’s lips tingle. “I miss spending time with you.” Bucky’s eyes flick over his face. “So how about it, huh? You want to come up and just hang out one night? I can make us something. We’ll have drinks, maybe watch a movie?”
Steve blinks, feeling so odd at being asked a question like that. One of the things he thinks about to pass the time is what he and Bucky might be doing right now, in their new relationship, if Steve hadn’t opened the basement door. “A movie?” he repeats softly. The idea of getting to leave this boring room for anything is tempting. Steve wants to escape of course, but even if he knew he couldn’t, he still thinks it’d be nice to get to do something. Even if it’s with Bucky. “Yeah,” he breathes, hopeful. He hasn’t been allowed upstairs in days, not since he took a shower. “M-maybe I could …” he cuts himself off, remembering how Bucky had taken advantage of the last time, how he’d touched him. And Steve was weak. He’d let him do it.
“Maybe what?” Bucky asks, looking so kind. He always does, like he’s just a kind, caring guy who also happens to keep Steve chained in his basement. “Steve? What were you going to say?”
Steve smiles and shakes his head. “Mm, nevermind.” He doesn’t need a shower. “Nothing.”
Bucky seems unhappy about whatever Steve’s not saying, but he doesn’t press him any further. He takes a deep breath and stands back up. “I won’t be out so late anymore,” he tells him. “Just a trip or two more to the city. You can have your real meals back again, no more of this junk food.”
Steve nods. Bucky’s left him with plenty of snacks these past few days, but Steve has missed the hot meals. He’s missed seeing Bucky three times a day, even missed the attention Bucky gives him when he’s eating. “Okay,” he says.
Bucky stands there for a long minute, staring at him. Steve keeps his eyes on the carpet but he can feel the weight of Bucky’s gaze. Eventually he hears Bucky sigh, then leave through the door. Steve looks up to try and catch sight of him on the way out, but he’s already moved on down the hall.
That night Steve falls asleep thinking about what it’ll be like, once there’s another person in the basement with him.
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Bucky meets her for the aforementioned drinks. He’s dressed nicely, in a black button down and slacks and nice shoes. He wears the Rolex, because Erica’s got three housemates so flashing his wealth at her can’t hurt. He greets her with a smile and a hug at the bar, and they both settle in and order their drinks. Bucky asks her about her life, quickly figures out that she’s body conscious and makes sneaky little comments about how he likes a woman that doesn’t slip right through his fingers. She eats that shit up, and before Bucky knows it, she’s excusing herself for the bathroom and leaving her third cocktail behind.
Too fucking easy.
Bucky picks up both their drinks and informs the bartender that they’ll be moving over to that table in the dark corner over there. The bartender gives him a nod, and Bucky nods back. He can’t have the guy seeing it, when he slips the roofie in her drink.
He’s learned to crush them up into a Splenda packet. It masks the bitterness and then if he does get caught, it just looks like he’s sweetening the drink. Erica returns from the restroom and he flags her down to their new spot. “More privacy,” he purrs at her, and she giggles and sits down next to him.
They continue to flirt and talk about pithy little topics until he can tell that she’s starting to feel the effects. “Hey,” he says, not wanting her to be stumbling before they leave the bar. “I know this is fast but… I dunno, I just really like you.” He says it all bashful, like he’s embarrassed of himself, and she eats that up, too. “Would you maybe wanna go back to my place? We could have another drink, talk and listen to some music, or…”
He trails off, and she gives him an enthusiastic, “Sure, okay!” sloppy at the edges from how the drugs are creeping into her system now. She hasn’t realized it yet. Bucky has to get her out of this public place before she does.
“Great,” he says, smiling. He offers her his arm like a gentleman (and to make sure she’s steady enough on her feet to not draw attention), and she simpers and holds onto him and they head out. Bucky sees her recognizing the type of car that he drives as he opens the door for her and she gets in. She tucks her lips in like she’s trying to keep herself from outright grinning, which makes Bucky chuckle as he slides into the driver’s side and shuts his door. “Buckle up,” he tells her sweetly. “Wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”
She giggles and obeys, and Bucky thinks about how she’ll probably be so easy, in the basement. Girls like her just want to be loved and approved of so badly. She’ll probably go from the Depression stage to Acceptance so fast, it’ll make his head spin. He’s glad. It’s always easiest for those girls. They suffer the least. And despite the fact that Bucky knows about Erica and her little brother who died under “suspicious circumstances” in 2009, he still doesn’t want to torture her. He’s not a sadist.
He’s karma.
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She’s still conscious when they get on the highway, enough to look out the window and make a cute little confused noise. “Mm. You said your place’sin Tr’becca?” she slurs.
Bucky smiles and pats her hand. “Yeah. But I’m taking you somewhere else.”
It’s cute, how she pouts and tries to protest that. Bucky’s almost tempted to say something right then and there. But he doesn’t. He always likes to save the Big Reveal for when they’re settled in their rooms and fully sober. He likes to have a drink in hand, be relaxed in something comfortable. Really settle in for the show.
“Just close your eyes,” he soothes her, watching her fade out. “We’ll be there soon.” She passes out and Bucky smirks, thinking about how she’s about to get hers.
Because Karma’s not a bitch.
It’s a plastic surgeon who likes to cook.
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fishedeyelenz · 2 years ago
Billy Lenz headcanons 2
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Part two baby let's go
TW: child abuse, animal death again :( though I don't really get into the details of either of it
Grew up in a kind of suburban/rural like area, not totally isolated but definitely a bit remote, so a lot of things that happened in the Lenz household went unnoticed by the wider community
Lived close by to a pig farm as a child, hearing their grunts and squeals all day and all night. He quickly adopted the sounds, and now grunting and squealing and snorting are a stim to him. Though, because of this he often got compared to pigs by his family as a child :( he did sometimes sneak away to the pig farm to look at the pigs to get away from his house
Had a crooked broken nose. He either got it broken by one of his parents or Agnes broke it in self defense
As stated in the last part, he loves movies, and one of his absolute favorite ones is the shining. Jack Nicholson is one of his favorite actors, and he watched most of his filmography- exept one flew over the cuckoo's nest. He can't handle that one, it's too real for him
Likes those adult oriented animated movies that came out during the 70's-80's like Fritz the cat, Fantastic planet, Rock and rule, and so on. He also very much enjoys who framed Roger rabbit and cool world, though not really for their technical breakthroughs (perv)
I can see him also appreciating eastern block animated films if he ever got his hands on them, like Russian fairy tale animated films and early Hungarian folk tales, János vitéz etc.
Last unicorn enjoyer but prefers the book to the animated movie (though he enjoys both)
Doesn't really like Disney animated movies though (exept for Roger rabbit). The ones that came out during his adulthood were too "kiddie" for his tastes, and the ones from his childhood trigger him greatly
Has Italian heritage
Hates hippies, though likes a couple of bands that can be considered to make hippie/stoner music like Pink Floyd and the Doors
Yes he relates to Pink from the acclaimed concept album/rock opera movie Pink Floyd's The Wall why do you ask
Every weed is scary weed to him, don't let this man bake
Cat's are his favorite animal, aside from pigs, and he would feed the local stray cats as a child
Would honestly be catkin in a modern au
Garfield is his favorite mediocre but cute Saturday morning comic strip <3 he relates to Jon a lot
Doesn't like children, they freak him out, he would never want to have children and that's for the best
Has an appreciation for naive/amateur/outsider art, and he himself does make his own collages and drawings from time to time, whenever he's mentally stable enough to do that. His works are crude, both technically and thematically, and there is a very morbid quality to them. One of his great inspirations is Henry Darger
Has hoarder tendencies
Loves soft things, like blankets, pillows and plushies. His nest in the attic is like the most comfortable pillow fort there is
Yes the plushies are stolen directly from children
Honestly has his own collection of small, tinny , insignificant shinny things he found/stole. If he ever gets his own place his house would look like Howl Movingcastles room just more... Dirty and covered in cat hair
Liked to lay out all the things he stole from the girls in the sorority house on the attic floor, and admire his spoils from time to time
Yes he is a panty snatcher why do you ask
Doesn't like people staring/looking at him, though he himself has a staring problem
Is afraid of dogs, he got bitten by a stray dog one time when he ran away from home when he was just three years old. A stranger who just so happened to be passing by saw what was happening and defended him, killing the dog in the process. Then he took Billy right back to his family home, like any good Samaritan would. Sometimes Billy's nightmares have bloody, gaping black dogs in them.
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thedurvin · 1 year ago
Just watched the live-action "Speed Racer" movie after hearing how it's a cult classic among people that saw it as kids in the 2000s
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It was definitely a kids movie intended for the same audience as "Spy Kids", but it was better than I expected. It was a beautiful movie that really made the best of the era's CGI, and despite the chaotic pacing and cameras did a much better job of making sure you could actually tell what was happening than, say, the live-action Transformers movies. If we're getting back to movies that Stick To The Bit, this definitely did that, even if it might have benefited from some of the actors actually hamming it up more--Roger Allam might have been too classy an actor to play the villain when they really needed more of a Tim Curry.
Also it felt like it might have been one of the last family-friendly-adventure movies before they all started feeling interchangeable, ya know, with the Whedon dialog and the identical plot timing and the "that just happened!" and the "awk-waaaard" and the "nailed it!" Like okay the chunky kid talking to the camera and his chimp sidekick* felt like some bad cliche 80s comic relief, but they were part of the show, how many ways are there to handle those characters at all
* also "Nope" apparently burned something into me because I kept wishing they would not put that kid so close to that chimp
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Hello, I'm a humble fanfiction reader from the ancient times, when there was only a fanfiction.net, and I just came by to tell you, how much I adore your One Piece Stories. They really help me to calm down before sleeping and make me smile when my little world is crumbling. ❤️ I saw your post about the voices telling you lies and I would like to help, or at least distract you. 😉 So, here are my silly questions for you:
1. If you were a pizza, what kind of pizza would you be?
2. If you could choose a new color for the sky, what color would you choose and why?
3. If the One Piece was a cookie, do you think Luffy would eat it? 🤔
4. Captain Kid vs. Magneto, who would win?
5. Why are planets round-ish? Only wrong answers please.
6. What is your take on fake-pockets on pants?
7. If you could talk to people for the rest of your life in only one way, what would you choose:
a) rap-batteling
b) Musical singing
c) binary code
d) R2D2 beep-bops?
8. If you were a pirate, what would you call your crew?
9. Kiss-Marry-Kill: Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Pennywise? (I know, that's a hard one.)
10. Bite Shanks in the buttcheek or suck on Mihawks toe?
Ok, that's it for now. I hope it helps, Love. Stay strong, I'm rooting for you! ❤️
HELLO FELLOW FANFIC VETERAN ♥️♥️♥️ I still have an account on fanfiction.net. Not active in the least bit, but it's there, with earlier iterations of some of my fanfics here, from when I was in my mid-teens. Sometimes I like to go read them and have a little cringe for old times' sake.
I'm always so glad to hear that any of my work offers comfort in anyway. I write partly as a comfort to myself, and it's the same reason I started sharing it here after being inactive in the fan fiction community for over a decade. Was still writing, I just figured out over time that I garnered more enjoyment out of writing for myself than for an audience, and only started posting again once I learned that I can write for myself and still share it with others.
The asshole voices significantly settled down after I put my metal playlist on full blast and laid down with my headphones on. There's just a lot going on right now and my brain was being way too loud about it. I actually finished a chapter last night but it was just...ugh. Couldn't focus enough to edit or type my author notes.
1. New York style pepperoni, no question. I love pizza in all its forms, but being from New York (originally, and I want to go back so bad I curse my family for ever moving to this hell-state) the classics win out.
2. Green. Because planet Namek.
3. He would not hesitate for even a SECOND. And to be totally fair neither would I.
4. Magneto, particularly Ian McKellan's Magneto. You do not F around with super-villain-Gandalf, I do not care who you are.
5. The round shape of planets is a natural defense mechanism against black holes, which are far less likely to swallow spherical planets because they prefer...a square meal AHAHAHAHAAA okay sorry that was fcking awful i'll stop now
6. Fake pockets are the root of all evil. Especially fake pockets that are just deep enough for me to catch them on my kitchen cabinet/drawer handles.
7. Definitely beep-boops, no contest.
8. I am a pirate though okay, like that's my crew's jolly roger there above my masterlist, I'm just not the captain or a crew officer or anyone important, probably a janitor or something, anyway yeah Hurricane Pirates
9. Kiss Pennywise (1990 It was my first ever horror movie ♥️), Marry Freddie (he's hilarious and I love him), kill Mikey (it's not that I DON'T enjoy the Halloween movies, just not as much as other 80s slashers)
10. I cannot handle feet, but I will more than happily bite Shanks on the ass, and I somehow doubt he would complain.
This has been delightful thank you so much, I was even able to develop a gods-awful planet joke out of it that I will be subjecting absolutely everyone to ♥️ ❤️
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twerkstallion · 2 years ago
character hard mode questions: 5 for wetley . this is hard because he doesnt have pockets but imagine if he does. and also 17 and 34 for roger? por favor?
5.) On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
hes a purse guy. not in the literal sense, but like, in the over-prepared, carrying way too much shit sense. hes got chapstick, and an unopened one in case anyone needs it. cash, change, gum (fruit and mint), bandaids, neosporin, a metro card, the phone number of the nearest 3 gucci store managers, a tire patch kit, moisturizer, a couple allen wrenches, etc. if he was Worse:tm: than he already was, hed have a burner phone and unopened cigarettes too. luckily he isnt at that stage yet, if he ever gets there. he definitely carries things for himself, but does spend a great deal of time thinking about others.
17.) What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
i wanna say something like an action figure. 80's or 90's hard plastic. like a teenage mutant ninja turtle or transformer or my little pony. he had a couple of them, probably still even has them in the attic at home. he may have also been a star wars kid to a degree.
34.) Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
this is a bit of a confusing question i may interpret it wrong but.. both? Roger is a fairly logical, smart, slightly out of the box guy. hes got a big job and can handle it, much like Westley. he likes to experiment a little, he sort of has to sometimes, but hes steadfast. not as stubborn as... other people, for sure, but he also wont immediately give up. hes gotta be the level headed one here anwyays.
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falcqns · 3 years ago
before i watch yours
i hate steve sm
rant tw
here’s the thing. i don’t hate steve. i love him. i think he’s a wonderful character, and was in the right virtually always.
but i HATE what he did to Bucky. you can say that Bucky was a grown man who didn’t need him but was he really?
think about it. the man was 106 after endgame. when he was drafted he was roughly 27/28 (not sure of the exact age). keep in mind, our bodies arent fully developed until we are 25, so this poor boy was just barely able to cope with what was going on physically.
now, lets think about what he went through.
80 years. 80 years of conditioning. conditioning is the scientific word for brainwashing, in a way (not always, conditioning can be a good thing, and its how we train animals to go to the bathroom outside, recognize certain code words, etc.). "the definition of conditioning is a behavioral process whereby a response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a given environment as a result of reinforcement, with reinforcement typically being a stimulus or reward for a desired response." (www.britannica.com)
in order to condition ones mind, a conditioned stimulus makes an organism react to something because it is related to something else.
an example of this is giving your dog a treat when they use the bathroom outside. before conditioning, the dog essentially only understands that the treat you are giving them is food, therefore the treat is the unconditioned stimulus, and them salivating is the unconditioned response. the neutral stimulus is using the bathroom outside, and then unconditioned response is no salivation from the dog, because to them, there is no correlation between the two.
so, whenever your dog uses the bathroom outside, they receive a treat, and the unconditioned stimulus triggers the unconditioned response. through conditioning, the dog begins to learn the correlation between the treat and using the bathroom, and soon enough going to the bathroom becomes the conditioned stimulus, and them salivating for a treat becomes the conditioned response.
we know that Natasha experienced psychological conditioning, so it is reasonable to believe that Bucky experienced the same. remember, a conditioned stimulus makes an organism react to something because it is related to something else.
we know that he went through horrific abuse and trauma whenever he was unfrozen, and another phenomenon that happens to our brain during something like that is that someone undergoes an event so traumatic that their brain literally cannot handle it, and basically the brain just deletes the memory because the pain and trauma are too much to deal with. You can ask them over and over about it or show them a video of it happening, but they just won’t remember. It’s a case in which their personal memory is fried. (https://www.quora.com/How-did-the-Hydra-scientists-brainwash-Bucky-Barnes-into-becoming-the-Winter-Soldier)
anyways, enough of the psychology part and back to Bucky bc im rambling.
Steve saying "i'm with you til the end of the line" in CATWS broke all that conditioning, and the brain just burying the information. whether Bucky understood in the moment what was happening or not, you can see, so clearly, the moment the conditioning leaves, and he recognizes Steve, even for the tiniest of moments.
he recognizes that this person is important to him, and he shouldn't be hurting him. he should be fighting side by side with him. he should be protecting him, just like he had been conditioned to do through simply being friends with Steve Rogers since childhood.
he was conditioned, through being friends with Steve to protect him, and he knew that he had to save him. he drags him out of the river, onto the river bank, and as soon as he's sure Steve is alive, he sees an opportunity to escape the terror, trauma, and abuse, and he runs for his life.
somehow (not entirely sure how), he makes it to Romania. working for a living, and barely surviving was another thing conditioned into him from an early age, and i believe it broke HYDRA's conditioning that much more. he was able to almost revert back to his 27/28 year old mindset, and focus on rebuilding his life.
then Steve shows up again, and he's thrown back into a fight. all he knew for 80 years before this was abuse, conditioning, and fighting. he didn't know rest, and he didn't know peace, and theres a very slim chance that he found that in Romania.
he loses his arm again, in what i can only imagine was a much more painful way (some of the wires were bound right onto his muscles and nerves) than on the train, considering he probably passed out from the g force of the fall, and doesnt remember his arm actually coming off.
finally, he makes it to Wakanda, and he fully reverts to his 28 year old self. he's in Wakanda for 2 years, so mentally, he ages to 30. keep in mind, the only familiar person he knows is Steve.
then, he fights again. he doesn't want to, but at that point it's pretty much expected of him, he thinks, so he does it without question. they lose, and he's gone for 5 years.
it's not 5 years for him, we all saw what it was like when Yelena dusted in Hawkeye. it was less than a second, and he was 5 years in the future, and fighting again. there was no mental aging there, but he's barely understanding whats going on (if at all) but again, he thinks its expected of him, so he continues and he wins.
they win, and i can only imagine the amount of relief he felt in that moment, and then immediate sadness because he cant express that happiness, and Steve just lost Tony, someone important to him, whether he likes to admit it or not.
the funeral happens, and no matter how uncomfortable it is, he bears it, knowing that after this, he and Steve will be free together, and he will be able to piece his life together after 80 years, with the only person who feels like home anymore.
whether or not Steve spoke to him doesn't matter. at some point, he realizes he's losing Steve. he realizes he's going to be on his own again, and expected to fight and make it on his own, when he literally has no idea how to. he's been pardoned, but that doesn't help the fact that he legally hasn't existed since 1945. Steve, however, has. Steve has an income, a place to stay, a life. Bucky doesn't have that, and for once in his life and friendship with Steve, Steve is the one taking care of him. or so he thought.
Steve leaves, and he's utterly abandoned. he knows no one in this century, and he's assuming his entire family is dead. his best friend/soulmate left him, and he's alone again. he doesn't have anything, and yet he is expected to present himself like he has everything when his everything is gone.
remember, mentally, he is 30. he was 27/28 when he was drafted, and was mentally 30 when he was fully free. at least he still has the shield, right?
Sam hands it to the Smithsonian, and the government assigns a new Captain America, when Bucky was the one who kept the first Captain America alive.
the last thing he now has of Steve's is that tiny little notebook. a small book, no more than 200 pages. thats it.
a book is all he has left of Steve Rogers, when all he truly needed from Steve was Steve himself.
he needed him to be there to support him. he needed him to be there to understand, because mentally, Steve was older than him by that point.
Steve was freed from the ice in 2011, and he left in 2023. in that time, he aged 12 years, both physically and mentally, making him 38 in endgame, 8 years older than Bucky. Bucky wasn't freed until 2014, 3 years after Steve.
he may have been 106, but he was still young. too young for all the terrors he experienced. too young to be fighting for almost 90 years, and far too young to be abandoned by the only person he would stare death in the face multiple times for.
Steve is a wonderful character, but what him leaving did to Bucky was downright uncalled for, and i can't even blame Steve/Chris for it (theres absolutely no way Chris is actually okay with it by the way. i would love to know his actual feelings), i FULLY blame the russos/feige.
they could have had him in an off screen role in tfatws. they could have kept him as the one helping bucky through his trauma, not dr r*ynor.
both their characters deserved better, but especially Bucky. we all saw how sweet and innocent he was before the war, and its a damn crime we wont see that side to him ever again, because he was ONLY ever like that with Steve.
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sergeantbuckybarnes · 4 years ago
serendipity // bucky barnes
Summary: You end up stuck in 1942 without a way to come back, but when you meet the young and charming version of Bucky Barnes, do you really want to go back to the present?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: mentions of cheating, reader is a bitch, sad bucky, angst, fluff, lack of ‘40s knowledge
A/N: As always, please remember English is not my first language. Also, thanks to @coffee-books-music​ for proofreading this!
divider by @firefly-graphics​
previous part | series masterlist | main masterlist
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Red. Everything went red. Your vision blurred as a flame curled in the pit of your stomach. You enter the building with a firm step, walking through the hallways, anger building inside you, trying to take over the sadness you didn’t want to feel. Your phone vibrated in the pocket of your jeans, you reach for it only to see the name of your sister on the screen. Memories weighed down on you, but you would not allow yourself to break down anymore. Instead, your heart turned ice cold and slunk into the shadows as your brain took complete control. You screamed in frustration and threw the phone against the nearest wall. How dare she call you? You took a deep breath and tried to calm down.
“Are you okay?” a voice called from behind you. You turned to face a man you had never seen before. He was tall, with long dark hair for his shoulders and piercing steel-blue eyes. His face changed once he saw you, going from worried to shocked.
“Y/N?” he asked cautiously, his voice was so soft, with a hidden hope you didn’t catch on.
“Do I know you?” you asked, not really caring for him, but getting annoyed for how he was looking at you.
“Is it really you?” he asked again, not believing what his eyes were seeing. Maybe so much brainwashing had really messed with him.
“Look dude, it’s really not a good time,” you wanted to leave, but he grabbed your arm, not forcefully, but with enough force for you not to have the chance to leave. You yanked your arm from his grasp and realized that where his left arm was supposed to be, there was, instead, a metal arm. Who the fuck was this guy?
“Don’t touch me,” you rebuked. Waves of fury rolled off you as the blood rose to your cheeks. The term anger barely even touched the tip of the volcano that you so clearly were in that moment.
He took a step back, not wanting to upset you even more, but he could not help himself, he needed to know if it was really you. He wished it was really you.
“Y/N, Bucky? What’s going on here?” the voice of Steve Rogers flooded your ears, and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Ask your friend,” you said before giving a not-so-friendly glare to the guy before picking the pieces of your phone and making your way to your room, leaving the men behind you.
You groaned in frustration against the pillow. You were such a bitch when you met him. There were times when your brain fries up. It was no excuse you know; you owned your behavior. It was like a trigger flicked inside you. Your emotions turned cold, fearful, anxious... You back away, flee or strike out at someone. Those are the moments where you’re not proud of who you are. You fail to be the warrior you were always told you were born to be. Instead, you show the frightened child within, damaged and afraid, the one still hiding from the monsters under the bed. You knew these are things you have to work on. You had spent so much time caring for others, pouring out love without measure, yet never receiving it in return. So like a stupid child, you hold out for love.
Now you understand why Bucky acted so weird around you that day in the compound. He remembered you. He remembered you from that night in the dance hall. But… how could he? It hadn’t happened yet. Well, technically yes, but at the same time, no.
“What are you thinking about?” Wanda pulled out from your thoughts, you turned your head to look at her.
“Nothing,” you lied.
“Y/N, we’ve known each other for a long time, I can tell when you’re lying.”
After a few minutes in silence you finally speak up, “I was thinking about the first day I met Bucky,” the tone of your voice betraying you.
“Y/N, you just find out your fiancé cheated on you with your sister. It’s normal you acted the way you did. You were angry.”
“And what about the other times?” you sat up and faced your best friend. “I had been nothing but mean to him.”
That morning you woke up later than usual so when you entered the kitchen, the breakfast was long gone. You groaned, you really needed a coffee.
“Sorry kiddo,” Tony patted your back before leaving the room. Sam and Steve made their way to the gym. Wanda and Nat were chatting on the counter, and the new guy was standing a few steps away from them looking at you. Again.
“Do you have some problem with me?” you asked annoyed, alarming the girls of your presence. They turned to look at you. “You are always staring at me.”
“S-sorry,” he muttered, tearing his gaze away from you. You rolled your eyes and made your way to your friends. “Here,” he offered you a mug of coffee. “It’s still warm.”
You looked at him confused, “You always drink a cup of coffee in the mornings, so when I noticed you weren’t coming anytime soon, I poured one for you in case you would come out later,” Nat and Wanda shared a smile on their faces, melting at how sweet the former winter soldier was being.
Your reaction was very different, though. “I want nothing from you,” and you left the kitchen, leaving the guy with a heartbreaking look on his face, and a shocking one on both of your friends’.
“You can do nothing to change the past, what has happened has happened. But you can change from now on.”
“You think I still have time?”
“You’ll have to try”
You had hurt Bucky so much; you took out all the anger you felt inside you on him. It was unfair. No matter how badly you treated him, he always sent a smile your way, he had been nothing but nice to you. You were a horrible person.
Everyone had their reasons for being how they were. Some people get past their troubles and grow mature, others get stuck in a sort of basic mode of fear and reactions, loving responses becoming absent or portioned out for personal gain. You were the latter type.
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This had been the ninth time you checked to see if Wanda was really asleep. You felt like you were sixteen again and you were sneaking out of your house to meet your boyfriend. But you needed to go to the dance hall, needed to see if he would still be there.
You made the pillows form the shape of your body and covered them with the duvet, and you tiptoed out the room.
You walked through the Brooklyn streets one more time, those streets, so familiar but at the same time, so different to you. You spotted the dance hall you were in last night. The night where you met Bucky, and you danced with him…. you kissed him. Immediately, you felt the heat rising to your cheeks when you remembered the feeling of his soft lips on yours. You. brushed your thumb across your lips and a smile crept its way across your face.
You searched through the club, looking for the soldier. What if he wasn’t here tonight? What if he had already met someone else, and he’s dancing with them? You disliked the pit that formed in your stomach when your head was clouded with the thought of Bucky with someone else, holding them the same way that he had held you, showing them that beautiful smile of his….. his lips on someone else’s.
“Looking for someone, doll?” you turned around at the sound of his voice, even though you hastily left last night with no explanation, he didn’t seem mad about it, his face still plastered the same smile.
“You’re going shy on me now, doll?” he asked, “What happened the previous night? Never had a dame running away from me so fast,” he joked.
You chuckled lightly, “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, no worries,”
The same song that you danced to last night started playing, your eyes caught a few couples starting moving to the music. When you turned to look at Bucky again, he had his head tilted to one side and a hopeful smile playing on his lips.
You stretched out your arm to him, “Shall we?”
He didn’t think twice and took your hand in his. “So, what made you come back?” he asked. His hands were on your hips and your arms wrapped loosely around his neck, just like last night while you swayed to the music.
“I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to dance to our song one more time.” you were feeling pretty bold, and you liked it, and by the grin forming on Bucky’s face, you were sure he liked it too.
“Our song?”
You hummed. “That’s our song. So you can’t dance it with anyone else,” you replied, “Just me.”
He chuckled, “I have no problem with that, doll.”
As you both kept swaying to the music, you leaned towards his body and let your head rest on his chest. You felt the way his heartbeat quickened and smiled, knowing you were the cause for it. All of your thoughts stopped. It was like your heart took over your head when you were with him. You realized that you never felt this way when you were in Jake’s arms.
You wanted a love that was passionate and determined, fire with earth, yet was also a serenity soul that you could dwell in forever. When the song finally ended, you felt his intense gaze on you, and your insecurity took over, “Is everything okay?” you asked looking at him.
“If I kissed you now, would you run away from me again?”
You laughed, and shook your head, “No, not again.”
“Promise? Because my heart wouldn’t be able to handle it again.”
You looked into his blue eyes, and you cursed yourself for not realizing before how beautiful his eyes were… every piece of him was beautiful. He was a masterpiece. You didn’t answer his question, but instead, you stood on your tiptoes and closed the gap between the two of you before he could say anything else.
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“I’m telling you, it’s her.” Bucky was losing his nerves to the disbelief of his best friend.
“Buck, it’s been over 80 years, there’s no way it’s her.”
You were the exact same replica of the woman that stole his heart back in 1942 in that dance hall. It was you. He was sure about that. No matter how crazy it would have sounded.
If he and Steve were still here, why couldn’t you be too?
“Alright, then why didn't she recognize you?” Steve wasn’t trying to be mean, he knew his friend really loved that girl since the second she bumped into him. But he also knew that the chances of it being the same person were slim. Maybe you were her granddaughter. But that wasn’t an option Bucky could consider.
“I don’t know,” the soldier didn’t have an explanation for that. Maybe they had brainwashed you the same way they did with him and you forgot about your past… about him? If that was the case, he would try his best to make you remember. “But I will not lose her again.”
He wouldn’t give up on you. Not again.
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blackhakumen · 3 years ago
Mini Fanfic #927: Snow Chameleon (Sonic)
1:34 p.m. Outside of The Rabbits and Chaotix's Household........
Charmy: (Adjusting the "Snowman" In Front of him) Add a few more buttons down here aaaaaaand....(Gets Back Up on his Feet With a Bright Smile on his Face) Vola! You're 80% close to completion, Espio!
Espio: (Gives Charmy a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Having hs Body Inside of the Snowman's Body) So this is my punishment for losing a round or two of the game to you?
Charmy: That's right. (Starts Smirking Confidently) And I must say that you are looking mighty good as a Snow Chameleon right now.
Espio: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Snow Chameleon?
Charmy: Yeah, you know? Half Chameleon, Half Snowman? It's a completely original concept I made up last night.
Espio: I see......('Sigh') Still, I'll admit that your skills in the Naruto Ultimate game are worth the praise. At least compared to mine poor attempts....
Charmy: Well, not to brag or anything, but I'm a pretty quick learner when comes to these types of games. I can teach ya a thing or two if you want.
Espio: I have been wanting to improve my skills in video games for a while now....(Simply Nodded) Very well. I accept your offer.
Charmy: (Smiles Brightly) Sweet! (Points at Himself With Confidents in his Eyes) With your Charmy Sensei's guidance, you'll be a pro gamer in no time!
Espio: (Raised an Eyebrow) Charmy-Sensei?
Charmy: Yep. I thought about that one last night too! You like?
Espio: It's..... something. Just don't expect me to call you that too often.
Charmy: (Shrugs) Sounds good to me.
'Doors Open'
Cream: (Happily Rushes Out of the House With Cheese Floating Next to Her) Boys!~ We're back!~
Cheese: (Holds a Hat and Scarf in his Hands) Chao Chao Chao!~
Cream: We don't have a top hat of our own in the house just yet, but we did found this very lovely summer hat for you to wear instead.
Cheese: Chao Chao. (Starts Putting the Hat on Espio's Head Before Wrapping the Scarf Around Him) Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao.
Cream: Awwwww~ (Pulls a Mirror Handle in Front of Espio) We told you that you would make a pretty Snow Chameleon, Espio~
Cheese: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Chao Chao.
Espio: (Takes a Look in the Mirror of Himself) Hm....I do look fairly good in this unusual style. (Turns to the Duo) You did well, you two. I would pat your heads if my hands weren't buried already in this body of snow.
Cream: (Giggles Softly) It's quite already, Espio. But now that mentioned it, how are you doing in there? Are you feeling cold and shivery in anyway?
Espio: A little, but not too much for me to develop a cold. I'll be just, Cream.
Cream: ('Sigh') Alright....if you insist. (Gives Espio a Firm, (Cute) Pouty Look on her Face) But be sure to come out of there if you do, okay?
Espio: (Chuckles Very Lightly While Nodding in Agreement) Roger that.
Vanilla: Kids! (Walks Out of the House Along With Vector) Your Hot Cocos are ready!~
Vector: Yeah and what's with the opened doo- (Eyes Widened While Hearing Vanilla's Gasps at What is in Front of the Two of Them) No way.....
Espio: (Turns to the Surprised Couple) Ah. Vector, mother, fancy seeing you here. I would wave hello, but.... you know.
Charmy: We gotcha, buddy! (Moves One of the Wooden Hands Up and Down While Cream Does the Same)
Espio: ('Sigh') Wasn't really necessary to begin with, but thanks anyways, you two....
Vanilla: (Immediately Puts on a Motherly Glare While Placing her Hands on her Hips) Cheese Rabbit, Charmy Bee, and Cream Annabelle Rabbit! Why on Green Earth is your brother inside that body of snow!?
Vector: (Already Snickering) Yeah and why does he look like he's about to take a vacation trip to the Bahamas or something? Hey, you need your sunglasses there, Frosty?
Cream: You like? Espio is playing the role of our brave Snow Chameleon.
Charmy: (Starts Smirking Again) This was after I beat him in a few games of Naruto with my pro gaming skills.
Vector: Espio the Snow Chameleon, huh? (Snickers Again) Nice.
Vanilla: (Turns to her Boyfriend With a Pout) Vector!
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Sorry, sorry. I know we're supposed to take this seriously and all, but you gotta admit, he kinda looks hilarious as a snowman, you know?
Vanilla: (Place her Elbow on her Other Arm and Hand on her Chin in an Unsure Fashion) Mmrm....Well, he does look a tad bit silly.....(Turns Espio) Espio, are you sure you're going to be okay in there? I know you're mostly cold-blooded and everything, but-
Espio: You have nothing to fear here, mother. I may not have much movement in the schemeof things, but I can assure that as I keep my balance, I'll be just fine- (Suddenly Falls Face Down on the Snowy Ground Down Along With the Body of Snow)
Espio: ('Groans in a Bit of Pain and Coldness')
Vector/Cream/Charmy/Cheese: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock and Horror) ('GASPS') ESPIO!/CHAO CHAO!!
Vanilla: MY BABY!!!!
Few Minutes Later in Espio's Room.......
Espio: (Covered Up in the Bed With a Wrapped Warm Towel On the Top of his Forehead) Ah..Ah....AHHHHH CHOO! (Sneezes on a Hanker Chift With a Sigh) Note to mental self: Never accept a challenge from Charmy. Or from anyone else for that matter.....
Vanilla: (Walks in the Room While Hold a Food Tray in her Hand) We made you a bowl of chicken noodles soup, sweetie.
Cream: (Follows Behind her and Everyone Else With a Cup of Hot Coco) And we reheated your Hot Coco for you.
Cheese: Chao Chao Chao.
Espio: (Gently Receives the Cup of Hot Coco From Cream's Hand Before Taking a Sip of It) ('Sigh') As refreshing as always....
Vector: How you holding up there, champ?
Espio: The warmth and recovery is going smoothly thanks to your efforts. I apologize for giving you all a scare earlier.
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) There's no need for you to apologize, honey. (Takes the Warm Towel Away from Espio's Forehead) As long as you're in here safe and sound, then that's all it really matters. (Kiss the Top of Espio's Forehead) But I really wished you didn't agree to be in the snowman earlier. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?
Espio: Yes, but....to be frank, it's not the worst cold related scenario I've been through so far.
Everyone: It wasn't?/ Chao Chao Chao?
Espio: Nope. (Smiles a bit Sheepishly) Oddly enough, when I was a lot younger, it was first time I learned the essence of meditation. So naturally, I decided to meditate in various surroundings: on top trees, during rainy, sometimes snowy days, I even tried meditating under a cold waterfall once.
Cream/Cheese: (Eyes Widened in Awe) Woooooah......
Charmy: Sick!
Vector: Sheesh, Espio. I know that you wanna be a ninja and all, but did you had to take drastic measures like that?
Espio: You'd be surprised how careless and reckless I was in my younger years. (Takes Another Sip of his Coco)
Vanilla: (Already Gives Espio a Pout, Disappointed Look on her Face While Mumbling)
Espio: (Eyes Widened at the Sight of his Mother's Stare) B-But rest assured! Master has already scolded and disciplined me during those times. So there's really no need for you to worry, mother.
Vanilla: (Stares at Espio For a Brief Second Before Sighing in a Bit of Defeat) I'll take your word for it. Just promise me you won't do something like that anymore, okay? (Turns to Three of Her Other Children) That goes for the three of you as well.
Vector: (Turns to the Trio While Crossing his Arms) Yeah, it's all fun and games until one of you ends up getting hurt or sick. So, no more of that, alright?
Cream: Yes, Mom and Mr. Vector.
Cheese: Chao Chao.
Charmy: ('Sigh') We'll try to be more responsible next time.....Unless....
Everyone: CHARMY!
Charmy: I'm joking! I'm joking! I promise I won't do anything like that again!
Vanilla: Thank you.
Story Idea Inspired by the Talented @rechicken-and-waffles
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rogerika · 2 years ago
How can you resist that charming smile? 🥴
Cuties 🥰
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credit to rogslover over on IG (x)
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emitheduck · 4 years ago
So. We're Soulmates? (Bucky x Reader)
A/N: my first soulmate AU, and I figured it was finally time, and bucky deserved one lol. no spoilers whatsoever
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Soulmate AU where you have your soulmate’s birthday tattooed on your arm ---
March 10th, 1917.
(Y/n) had always thought, there was no possible way that the universe had ever, ever gotten her soulmate’s birthday right. When everyone was celebrating that their soulmate was around the same age as them, she got to look down in horror as she could practically see her soulmate’s life fly by. There was legitimately no possible way that her soulmate would even still be alive.
The rules of the soulmate were strange, and no one ever understood them or questioned them. It was found out sometime in the 80s that the dates on peoples forearms weren’t random--but the birthday of their soulmate. Because the universe was a cosmic nightmare, when someone’s soulmate died, the numbers went with them.
That’s what made this so strange.
Either (Y/n)’s soulmate was hanging onto life support, or the universe had fucked up and decided it was going to trick her into thinking she could find happiness like everyone else.
She had these feelings up until she got the faithful call one day, that she had landed the job with SHIELD and found out that she would be working in the helicarrier during the attack on New York. And that’s how she met Steve Rogers.
“You know, it’s kind of funny.” Steve sighed with a chuckle, shaking his head as he followed (Y/n) who was leading him to where he would be staying.
“What is?” She asked as she typed in the access code for one of the doors as they walked.
“The number on your arm. That’s my friend’s birthday.” Steve was smirking as he walked into his room. “I mean, it was his birthday.”
(Y/n) looked down at the date on her arm and sighed, her hand instinctively covering the date. “You sure he’s dead? Not some hundred-year-old veteran in a nursing home that you haven’t checked in on or something?” She was trying her best to not sound horrible for joking about his friend's death, but he seemed almost amused by her banter.
“Last I checked, he’s dead. I watched him fall off the train and everything.” He told her as he sat down on the edge of his bed. “His name was Bucky.” He told her as she turned around to leave, watching her stop for a moment to listen before she left.
Steve’s words always lingered in the back of her mind ever since that day on the helicarrier. She had seen the Bucky memorial spot in the museum, and the day she found out that he was alive, she would never forget (mostly because when it happened, she had dropped the bottle of wine she was holding on the floor and spent hours picking up tiny shards of glass).
The year was now 2023. Five years after the blip, and (Y/n) now fully retired from SHIELD. She left on good terms, but the years of working were just exhausting. Especially now that she came back after vanishing for five years and had to rebuild her life all over again. At least they were respectful, and were happy to give her the pay that she had missed out on.
It was hard enough having to deal with knowing all your close friends sacrificed themselves for the whole world, and not being able to do anything about it. That was the reason that kept her up most nights. The guilt of feeling like she could have done something, but never got the chance to, was the hardest feeling.
That’s what led (Y/n) to walking aimlessly around the grocery store at almost 2am. When she couldn’t sleep, sometimes the best thing to do was walk around pushing the cart and praying that the LED lights would calm her down enough to go home and face the empty apartment.
What she didn’t expect was turning the corner of the frozen section and crashing her cart into someone elses. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” (Y/n) apologize as she looked at the man in front of her. “I should have been looking. I guess I’m just tired.”
“I’m probably just tired too.” He chuckled, pulling his cart away from hers. Both the carts were empty anway. “You come here to walk around at night too?”
“How could you tell?” (Y/n) laughed, running a hand through her hair as she looked him over. He looked familiar, and knowing her luck he was some assassin that was stalking her, and came here to finish the job.
He motioned to their empty carts with a bob of his head. “Something about just pushing the carts around and listening to the crappy music makes me feel better too.” He smirked as he never broke eye contact. “Also, people normally buy food when they’re shopping.”
(Y/n) sighed, nodding. “You caught me. I’m just here to wander.”
“It’s okay. I am too. Sometimes staring at the TV isn’t enough.” He mumbled, shaking his head as he broke eye contact to look where his hands were gripping the handle of the cart. “Sorry, I’m just rambling I guess.”
“No, I get it.” She laughed it off, knowing it was late and sometimes people just kept talking when they were tired. “My names (Y/n).” She smiled, holding out her hand for him to shake.
He seemed to hesitate, but reached out and shook her hand. “My name’s Bucky.”
She could feel her mouth go dry. “Bucky?” There was just no, possible way that this was the man who has been in the back of her mind for years on end.
“I’m guessing you know who I am.” He muttered, already preparing himself to turn around and forget this interaction never happened. “Sorry, I should go.”
“Wait! No, I didn’t mean it like that.” (Y/n) exclaimed as she held her hands out to stop him from leaving. “I just have heard so much about you--not the way you think, it sounds so weird. I talked to Steve about you once, way back before the battle of New York.”
She peaked his interest at the mention of Steve. “You knew Steve?”
(Y/n) nodded. “He told me all about you. Look, I even have your birthday on my arm.” She told him, lifting up her sleeve to show him the date on her arm, watching his eyes go wide out of shock. “Steve liked to always tease me that I had your birthday, and I always told him that I probably had some old man, sitting in some hospital bed, decaying before our eyes. Wow, I am rambling, I am so sorry. I should leave.” She was bright red as she decided to just leave her cart where it was and accept the humiliation and leave.
“No, you don’t have to go.” Bucky told her, gently grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving. “I guess now that you showed me yours, I’ll show you mine.” He grinned as he let go of her arm, using his left hand to pull up his long sleeve. There on his arm, in bold black numbers was (Y/n)’s birthday clear as day.
“Do you maybe want to go get coffee at that 24 hour place across the street? We might have a bit we need to talk about.” She was dumbfounded. Steve would always tease and joke, telling her that Bucky was her soulmate just because it was the same birthday on her arm. But due to the fact that he was presumed dead for so long, (Y/n) never thought anything of it.
“Are you going to come inside? I’ve been holding the door open for almost a minute.” Bucky asked, laughing a little uncomfortably as he watched the woman just stand at the door of the diner. She didn’t even remember the walk to get there.
(Y/n) blinked, rubbing her eyes as she nodded and walked inside. The sign said seat yourself, and she found a nice seat by the window for the two of them. “Sorry. I guess I’m just a little speechless.”
He chuckled as he shifted in the booth. “I’ll be honest. Me too.”
“So. We’re soulmates.” She shrugged, feeling uncertain of herself. Finding her soulmate was never the first thing on her mind, because she never actually thought that she would find him. Sure, the universe also had a way of making the two cross paths at some point, but because of the age, she never cared.
“When I used to see the date on my arm, I thought it was a joke.” He told her, mumbling that he wanted a coffee when the waiter walked over and asked what they wanted. “She wants a coffee. Two cream, one sugar.” He said as the other man nodded and walked away.
“How did you know my coffee order?” She asked with a raise of her eyebrow.
Bucky opened his mouth like he was about to speak but sighed. “I legit have no idea. My brain was working for me, and it just came out.”
(Y/n) laughed. “I mean, we’re cosmically linked so it does make sense.” The coffee was set down in front of them and she smiled as she held onto the mug. “Is this when I ask if you can tell me about yourself?”
“Where do I start?” He asked as he set his coffee down after taking a sip. “My name is James Buchanan Barnes, but I go by Bucky. James is only for when shit hits the fan I guess.”
“I think I prefer Bucky.” She smiled, watching as his cheeks turned red for a moment.
“What about you Doll? What fun thing do you have to tell me?” Bucky asked her with a smirk, making it her turn to blush.
“I worked for SHIELD, that’s where I met Steve. But then there was that time we found out that Hydra was inside of SHIELD, and technically you tried to kill me.” She pointed out, watching as he put his head down in shame. “But that’s all in the past now. I’m not that person anymore.”
He took a sip of his coffee before he spoke. “What changed?”
(Y/n) sighed, shaking her head as she held onto her coffee mug for warmth. “I was pretty close with Steve and Natasha. Tony helped me get the job at SHIELD, too. Three people that I looked up to more than anything, were gone before I ever got a chance to say goodbye.” She told him, knowing that there would be no more tears left to cry. Her tear-ducts seemed to stop working after she had cried for days straight that they were gone.
“I wasn’t very close to anyone but Steve, but I do understand how you feel.” He told her, leaning across the table to rest a hand on her shoulder. “Do you live in the city?”
“I live pretty close to Hell’s Kitchen.” She told him, watching as he nodded. “I’m guessing you live in Brooklyn?”
He looked a little surprised, but still smiled. “How could you tell?”
She smiled back, a little shy. “Some part of me just knew, but the other part of me heard Steve talk about Brooklyn all the time. He loved it there, and I guess I thought you did too.”
“It’s definitely still amazing, but a lot has changed. I’m still getting used to it all.” Bucky confessed, putting down some money for the coffee as they both finished and stood up from the table.
(Y/n) checked her phone and sighed at the time. 3:30 in the morning, and there was no way she was going to sleep now. Now, she was going to ride the train and hope that the rocking of the subway would be enough to turn her mind off for a while. “I should get going. It’s getting late, and I’m taking the train back.”
He nodded, seeming a little uneasy that she was about to leave. “Do you maybe want my number? We could meet up someday, maybe get to know eachother better?”
She grinned as she handed him her phone. “Put your number in.” She told him as they traded phones, smirking as she put in her contact. “I put my information as (Y/n)-Soulmate, just in case you seemed to forget.”
“Oh trust me, I don’t think I’ll ever forget.” Bucky chuckled as he looked at her contact. “Promise you’ll call?”
“Considering the fact I’ve known you for a few hours, and I’m already completely head-over-heels for you, I don’t think you have to worry.” (Y/n) told him, leaning up and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Bye for now, but not bye forever.”
Bucky was grinning like an idiot, and he knew it. “I like the sound of that. I still just can’t believe I found you after all these years.”
“You better believe it, because you’re going to be seeing a lot more of me from now on.”
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whimsicallyenchantedrose · 3 years ago
Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 162: The Intruder
Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 162: The Intruder
Pairing:  Captain Swan
Summary:   A  series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Killian Jones and    Emma Swan and the relationship that makes us all swoon. Will contain    both canon and AU stories. My contribution to Operation Rainbow Kisses    and Unicorn Stickers (aka, my attempt to drown out the season 4 finale    angst with ridiculous levels of fluff.)
Other Chapters: ( 1) (2)  ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) (6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156) (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174)
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Emma sighed in contentment as she stepped beneath the shower head and let the warm, steamy water wash over her.  It was cold in Storybrooke.  Winter would be here before they knew it.  (Just regular, ordinary winter this time, rather than the artificial kind brought on by snow queens).
What a strange life she led, she thought to herself with a chuckle as she began lathering her hair.  Up until the final battle two weeks ago, it felt like they never had a dull moment--or really any kind of moment to just be without a new crisis staring them in the face.
The fact was, the last two weeks had just been ordinary, the residents of her town simply going about their everyday lives, living and pursuing their happy endings.  In years past, when she’d craved the adrenaline rush of catching and taking down a mark, such a life--a life where the most excitement she normally got at work was dealing with the dwarves pranking each other--would have sounded unbearably dull and boring, but now... Well, now she wouldn’t give up her life for anything in this world or any other.
She could hear Killian puttering around the kitchen downstairs, no doubt still trying to make sense of their quick heating box (aka the microwave), and she smiled, feeling the quick rush of love and desire she always felt when she thought of him.  She knew they were still in their honeymoon phase (quite literally, as they were only two weeks out from their wedding), and their relationship would inevitably settle into something more comfortable and less fiery, but she was determined to enjoy every last moment of the honeymoon while it lasted.  (And truthfully, she couldn’t imagine the fire ever truly going out between them.)
After the final battle, when the dust settled and everyone began looking forward to whatever came next, Henry had opted to take his stuff and stay with Regina and Zelena for a few weeks--partly because he wanted to be there for his other mom as she finally had the time to properly grieve Robin, and partly because Emma and Killian’s PDA was too much for him to handle.
They’d talked about taking a proper honeymoon--maybe boarding the Jolly Roger and taking her somewhere warm and tropical--but in the end, they decided they’d rather simply stay home and enjoy some peace and quiet--not to mention some sizzling hot alone time.
Thoughts of their latest bout of said sizzling hot alone time filled her mind, and it was enough to make her blush.  The things her husband could do with his one hand and hook…
Suddenly, Emma felt a distinctly unpleasant prickling at her neck, a premonition.  Something was off.  Slowly, she turned around in the shower, the dread pooling in her stomach as she realized what was wrong.
She was not alone.
Killian exclaimed in triumph as he pulled the perfectly heated omelette from the miniature quick heating box.  It had taken quite a bit of trial and error--and no small amount of cursing--to get the hang of the modern “convenience”, but now that he had, he was more than willing to admit the device’s usefulness. 
He was just on the point of doing battle with his next kitchen appliance--the toaster--when he heard it: his wife’s frantic scream from the direction of their bathroom.
Heart in his throat, Killian clicked on his hook and took the stairs three at a time, adrenaline surging as he tried to guess what horror he might walk in on.
What manner of villain was it who’d made the unutterably stupid decision to attack his wife in their very home?  It didn’t matter; if that villain had touched a hair on Emma’s head, Killian would take great pleasure in forgetting his redemption and sending the bastard to hell where he belonged.
Killian slammed the bathroom door open, taking a fighting stance and looking around for the threat he faced. 
His brow furrowed.  All he saw was his wife standing just outside the spray of the shower, soapy water dripping from her delectable body onto the linoleum of the bathroom floor.
“Don’t just stand there!” she said, voice tight and high pitched.  “Kill it!”
Killian followed the direction of her pointing finger, and barked out a laugh.  She’d been joined in the shower by a villain, no doubt--but this one was of the eight-legged variety.  A spider dangled by a single, delicate string, blinking back at them in apparent confusion.
Still laughing, Killian made quick work of the intruder, smashing the creature with his hook and then sending him to a most noxious, watery grave down the toilet.
“Has my fair maiden any other dragons about who need slaying?” he asked, wiping away tears of laughter.
“Shut up,” she said, crossing her arms and glaring at him ferociously.  “I’ve never been a fan of spiders, alright?  Anything with that many legs creeps me out.”
“Always happy to be of assistance, darling,” he chuckled.
“Killian, if you breathe a word of this to anyone, I’ll divorce you,” she said fiercely.
He leaned in, one arm on the wall on the other side of her head.  Slowly he grinned again--sinfully--before closing the distance between them and kissing her senseless.  “No, I don’t believe you will, love.  If you divorce me, who will be around to kill the spiders for you?”
She laughed then, swatting at him playfully.  “Would you shut up and let me give you your reward for coming to my rescue?”
His eyebrow quirked in sudden interest.  “Aye?  And just what might that reward be?”
She leaned in and whispered something in his ear that had him grinning, piquing both his interest and other parts of his anatomy.  “You have my word, love.  Not a word of this to anyone.”
--Hi everyone and happy Friday!  The muse has been very uncooperative lately, and it seems like I’ve barely been able to write anything over the last month or two, but then I had a truly terrifying experience and decided it needed to be turned into CS fluff (as nearly everything can be).  Yes, that’s right.  This very scenario happened to me.  I was minding my own business one morning while showering, and all of the sudden, I turn around to find myself joined by a spider.  Unlike the story, however, I had no handsome one-handed pirate to come to my aid, so naturally, I did the only reasonable thing.  I noped out of the shower as quickly as humanly possible, praying the 8-legged menace would be gone the next time I ventured into the bathroom. (What?  You didn’t think I’d willingly get close enough to the beast to actually kill it, did you?)
--I’ve long ago learned my lesson not to promise any “up next”.  I’ve missed writing fluff, though, and maybe if the muse cooperates I’ll write something Thanksgiving related next week to mark the holiday. No promises!  (But if you have any holiday related fluffy ideas you’d particularly like to see feel free to send them my way.)
                                                                               NEXT CHAPTER-->
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obsessivelollipoplalala · 3 years ago
It's a shame interviewers often asked Freddie dumb questions, or didn't make him at ease, and he couldn't really talk freely about everything if he wanted to because *gestures broadly* Society. He rightfully hated the press, but he was sometimes very open about his feelings and just really good at chatting about music and things in general. His interviews with David Wiggs, for example, who he trusted, are all great and insightful and interesting. I just wish we had more occasions to hear him talk about things.
Yeah, agreed. I think there’s a noticeable difference between Freddie interviews in the 70s and 80s. He seemed much more open and willing to joke around in the 70s, but after years of the press saying terrible things about him, he closed off quite a bit in the 80s and had more of a persona. I think Roger said that Freddie’s attitude was like, “oh, they think I’m an arsehole? I’ll act even worse then 😈” I think this is where a lot of misconceptions about Freddie being arrogant come from, since he often acted quite flippant in 80s interviews, though I also think his dry sense of humor was misinterpreted at times, too. Like you said, he could still be open with interviewers he trusted. There were times when he was more open in interviews than people give him credit for, like talking about how he couldn’t handle another emotional scar or he’d wake up in the night, afraid of being alone. I wish we’d gotten more interviews where he talked about this stuff or joked around more, too
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justreadingfics · 5 years ago
It’s a Deal (Chapter 2)
Chapter Summary: You did make a deal.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 5.5k
Warnings:+18 only, smut, sex deprived reader, boytoy!Bucky, mention to break ups, mention to bad sexual experiences, casual sex, opened relationship.
A/N: You guys and all the feedback you’re giving to this story are just my everything. Thank you for your patience, if you follow my stories for a while you all know I’m a slow writer and not even social distancing seems to be changing that. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated. I was going to close the tag list for this series at 70, but you’ve been really amazing, so I’m extending it to 80 spots for now. All I ask of you is, if you’re tagged and liked what you read, please leave me a nice little comment.  Thank you, @lesqui​ 
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 Saturday mornings have always been like any other morning to you. Waking up early, making some black coffee and fixing up something quick to eat . Then checking up on your schedule for the day, which more times than you dare to count consisted of working from home and that’s it. Nothing special.  
But this Saturday morning is nothing like the other ones, this morning has actually already passed since you wake up past noon, a lot later than you’re used to, take a long bath with all the pampering accessories you found in your bathroom - something you hadn’t done in a very long time- plaster your face with a moisturizing mask you’ve bought on a late night online shopping spree and has never used, wrap your body in a robe, your hair in a towel and go to the kitchen to make your usual black coffee but also a few chocolate pancakes as a treat to the atypical hunger making your stomach groan loudly.
ThisSaturday is nothing like the other ones because you have the memory, on your mind and your whole body, of three fantastic orgasms you were gifted with the night before. If it was up to you, Bucky Barnes and his sinful tongue would get all the awards in the world.
While you hum a soft tune and flip your pancakes, the night before replays like a movie on your mind, taking small giggles out of you and causing a warm rush to creep up your neck. The man sure knows his game, touching all the right places, playing with your body just perfectly, luring you into a very much needed and longed ecstasy.  On top of that, he was nothing but generous and seemed to get himself off by getting you off and, now that you’re thinking about it, a man acting that way in bed is something entirely new to you.
You have to send Natasha a present, maybe that expensive vodka she’s always drinking…
The memory of your friend quickly fades and the sinful picture of Bucky Barnes’s face between your legs pops back into your mind as you drop the pancakes on a plate and sit by the counter to devour them with your coffee. What a night you had. The whole no strings attached situation makes it even more… enjoyable, you dare say, much more than you thought it would be. There is no dwelling on whether you should text him to say hello, or call him, no need to hold back who you really are or what you really want in favor to make a good impression, nor to think about meeting friends, family, no fear of disappointments from both sides… it was just plain good old sex, which you’ve realized it’s all you need and are looking for.
You hum at the sweet taste of the pancake and take a sip from your coffee. There’s no worries in your mind, no regrets, nothing like that. Except for one thought: the fact you didn’t even get to see his cock. The bulge alone grinding against you was already impressive enough to make your mouth water… Everything was amazing, more than perfect, actually, and left you completely spent and utterly satisfied, more than you’ve been in a long time, if you’re going to be honest with yourself. But now you only get to imagine how it would be if you two had gotten to the whole package, the real deal…
You had thought about that night as a one-time occurrence, something to take your edge off and move on, but...  He did propose a deal… And you did take said deal… to call him if you needed anything… You stare dreamily ahead as you take a fork filled with pancake to your mouth and flashes of the feeling of his bulge pressed against your back, grinding on your core take over your senses… it took your breath away then and just the memory is making a number on your lungs.
You sure have a need now.
Glimpsing your phone over the balcony, you reach for it, loving you don’t have to care whether it is too soon or not to do what you’re about to do…but a new message pops up on the screen as soon as you unlock it. Natasha letting you know she was sent away for a mission with Steve Rogers but should go back in a week and wanted to schedule dinner for you to tell her everything… You type her a quick answer, agreeing on dinner, before tapping on the brand new contact of your list, added by Natasha Romanoff herself.
Bucky “Soft Tongue” Barnes.  
You’ll change it. Eventually…
“So… my place this time, huh?”
The smirk on Bucky’s lips is cocksure enough to make you take a long sip of the beer he offered you, while he lazily leans his elbow on the backrest of his sofa, supporting his head on his hand. You're thankful for the alcohol and for the fact that, this time, he hasn’t gone straight to business. Yes, you’ve been feeling bold and excited in having those kinds of encounters with a - hot as fuck - guy you barely knew. But this is new, and you know you must be careful and gentle to yourself, so it doesn’t blow up in your face eventually. Thankfully, Bucky seems to read the situation just fine since he’s been in cue with your rhythm from the very first moment.  
“Did you have any other plans?” you ask, biting your lower lip and hoping your presence isn’t actually a bother.
“I was happy to see your text.” Even if his answer is kind of vague considering your question, it eases the tension on your shoulders at his wide and comforting smile, “We did make a deal…” His voice is a tone lower as he peeks at you from under his lashes, taking his beer to his lips.
You take in a deep breath as your gaze drops to his lips, “Yes, we did.” You gulp, as your body tightens, feeling the rise of the tension in the air, enhanced by flashes of last night when you two settled said deal. 
His chuckle is a tad dark and laced with mischief and oh, man it makes your skin tingles when he drags his body just an inch closer, his beautiful blue eyes fastened on you.
“Ahm, Bucky… can I ask you something?” You try not to let your voice come out too small, as the heat of his body rolls off to yours and makes your core flutter.
“How does this work?”  
He frowns as his head tilts a bit sideward, “This what?”
“This… ahm,” you clear your throat, “Deal…  I mean, I’m pretty interested, pretty, pretty interested.” You stress the word and your eyes widen a bit at the honesty slipping out of your lips, but you realize that’s actually how being around Bucky has made you feel, giving his own honesty behavior with you, just like now when he expresses no kind of reaction that would make you feel embarrassed or anything of that nature, so you let yourself continue, “But you must know I’ve got out of a relationship recently. It was really serious …10 years.” You chuckle when he huffs and takes a sip of his beer, “Anyway, I’m not really sure how to handle this.” You gesture between you two, “Should we establish any sort of rules, or something?” You shrug questioningly. Every single movie you saw or book you read where the characters had a deal like that they ended up establishing some rules, you’re not sure if that’s what you’re supposed to do here, but…
“Rules?” His whole face scrunches up, “Let me tell you something, sweetheart,” he lets out a long exhale, “My entire life, all I did was to follow damn rules. Even to this day, I have to follow them all the time in my job, whether is from the fucking government, the pain in my ass which is Stark or Fury and, believe me, even from the giant asshole of my best friend who’s pretty jacked up now but was nothing than a skinny angry ass, like, yesterday… Yeah, you know the punk, don’t you?” He smiles when you hold back a laugh, “It’s all about rules, rules, rules… I have to endure them when it comes to work, but I don’t like them in my personal life.”
He smiles that dazzling smile and you can’t help to offer him a small one, too. You see where he’s coming from. Given what you know of his life, he lived a very strict, military life ever since an early age in the 30’s. You don’t even have to elaborate on what happened next and everything he endured… now he’s part of the damn Avengers… Just like that, you start to get a bit more of Bucky Barnes and why he seems to live his life so lightly and freely now…
“Listen…” he continues, after taking a sip from his beer, “Let’s just have some fun… I loved spending time with you last night, I love that you’re here now and I love even more the prospects of tonight…” He smirks and you gulp down at the promise that comes with it, “I just wanna enjoy our time together, I don’t need rules to do that.” He pauses, as his face turns a bit more serious, differing from the light demeanor he’s been showing so far, “Do you wanna set any rules, though?”
You ponder his question. You did bring the subject up, because that’s what you think you should’ve done, but, now that you think about it, nothing comes to your mind. You kinda love his philosophy. No overthinking, just fun and no rules… “No, actually. I can’t think of anything,’ you decide.
“Great.” He smiles and nods, before his face turns serious again, “There’s one thing I need to clear up, though.” He stops and looks deeply into your eyes, as waiting for your consent before continuing.
“Oh, alright.” You encourage him to elaborate.
“As much as I’m looking forward to getting to know you and spending time with you, there’s absolutely no prospect of this turning into some kind of romantic relationship. See, I like the way I live my life too much and chances are I won’t be exclusive to you,” he says fixing his gaze on yours as if gauging your reaction to what his words, “What I’m saying is if I feel like it, I’ll have sex with other people and I highly encourage you to do the same if that’s something you want. The serum made me immune to any disease, but I’m obviously not against protection,” he adds and you feel your cheeks burning, it still blows you away how comfortably he talks about sex and how blatantly honest he is. You like and are getting used to it, but you’re just not there yet, “We can be friends, or not, we can just fuck our brains out, but we won’t go further than that. I need to know you’re aware and consenting on this, I need to know you’re on the same vibe as mine before we continue… having fun together.” He speaks seriously, but you see the tiny and suggestive curl on his lips when he finishes and waits for your answer.
You let out a small laugh under your breath, “I wouldn’t stress about it… I’m still in love with my boyfriend, to be honest. So, don’t worry about me wanting to turn this into something ahm… romantical.” You wave your hand between the two of you.  
“Uh, ok,” He raises a brow and nods, pondering your response, “We’re cool then?” He checks again.
“We’re cool,” You nod and raise your beer.
He promptly bumps his bottle to yours as you seal your deal with a toast and a shared smile.
“So, still in love with him, huh?” He asks, absentmindedly, after you two take a sip from the beer, “Was it a bad break up?”
“Not really,” you answer, looking down at your finger circling the rim of the bottle, “I just wasn’t expecting it… I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him… it was settled.” You shrug, “And then, nothing was certain anymore. I’m sorry,” you quickly add, shaking your head with a tight smile on your lips. The last thing you want is to talk about Eddie. And you’re pretty sure that’s not what Bucky expects from the night, either.
“Hey.” He hooks his finger under your chin, lifting it up so you look back at him, “No rules remember? We can talk, we’re not sex robots or anything.”
Your head falls back when you laugh, “Alright.” You nod as he smiles at you, “But I don’t really want to talk about my breakup, now.”
He nods back, accepting your position, “Can I ask you something?” He’s the one to talk again after you two drink from the beer, “Last night,” he continues when you give him your consent, “When I went down on you. Was that the first time?”
There he goes again, talking so freely... You don’t feel your cheeks burning this time, though.
“No,” you answer, and he lifts his eyebrows, showing a bit of surprise at the answer, “It was the second, actually…” You’re quick to add, tightening your lips, “That obvious, huh?” You laugh quietly as your shoulders drop a bit.  
Bucky shrugs, “It’s just that you seemed a bit self-conscious about it…” He brings his bottle to his lips, but stops it midair, “At first…” he smirks at you once again and winks.  
You let out a small chuckle, looking down, playing with the almost empty bottle in your hands, “And I was…” You turn your body to face him, folding your legs on his sofa and leaning your arm on his backrest. It might be the alcohol, or just his laid-back and comforting presence that makes you want to share it with him, “You see, I’ve dated Eddie since college and he was my first…you know?” You bit on your lower lip as he nods at you to continue, nothing changing on his expression at the information, “And what happened was that he was never really a fan of that… we tried once, years ago and that was it… I knew he was grossed out by it, so I never asked him again.”
Clearing your throat, you look away, bringing you your beer to your lips to conceal any sign of embarrassment your face might indicate, you can’t believe you just shared that with him, you know how pitiful that sounds and what a turn off that must be. You’re there to have sex and are sharing how unexperienced you are? Not cool.
You feel his eyes fixed on you, and, when your gaze is attracted to his like a magnet, the pity you thought you would see on his face just isn’t there. Instead, it’s something entirely different you catch on his expression and his eyes. Never parting his focus from you, he puts his beer on the center table and reaches for yours, placing it next to his. He drags his body closer, and his smell – no cologne, just his own manly smell with a hint of what must be a fancy shampoo-  fills in your nostrils, making you breathe in deeply the inebriant scent, “You know what came to my mind while I was listening to you?”
The sultry tone in his voice is almost hypnotic as your lips part and your gaze drops to his, “What?” you murmur.
“Last night…” He licks his lips before drawing his lower one between his teeth, “Your taste…” He leans forward, brushing his lips on your earlobe, causing your breath to hitch in your throat, “Your shaky legs around my shoulders…” His flash hand finds your knee before sneaking up your thigh, carrying goosebumps on its way, “And those sinful sounds you made while I had your pussy in my mouth.” He grabs your earlobe in a gentle bite at the same time his wandering hand grabs harshly the flesh of your thigh underneath your dress, pulling a breathy whine out of you.
He drags his lips to yours and the kiss is sensual, slow moves of his tongue against yours as his lips are a soft and breathtaking caress. You realize you would be willing to spend the whole night just like that… kissing him, as your tongue laces around his and he lures you to melt into him… But he seems to have other plans in mind. You can’t help but seek his lips again as he parts them from yours.  
“And this is what thinking about all of that does to me…” Boring his blue, now darker than ever, eyes on yours he grabs your hand from your lap and brings it to the bulge in his pants.
You gasp at the sensation in your hand as he guides your hand with his to brush the firm and large hardness. Everything about the situation is sexy and makes you light in your head and hot in your body: the way he moans as you move your hand, his warm breath slipping from his parted lips and fanning over yours, how his eyes flutter for just a second before fixing on yours again, his scent, his shameless words… 
“Just to think about eating your pussy…the mere thought of it…. Fuck, it turns me on,” he whispers and lets go of your hand, allowing it to move on its own as he lunges at you again, kissing and nibbling your lips a lot harder than the first time
You kiss him back fiercely while keeping your hand on his cock, palming it through his jeans. You already can tell how thick he is and a fluttering sensation bubbles down your lower belly as the desire to feel his cock inside you takes over your senses and makes you weak in your legs.
“Shit, I can’t wait to do that again…” He drags his lips down your collarbone, whispering between kisses and licks on your skin, “But right now, what I want is to feel your pussy around my cock. Is that what you want, too?”
“Oh, yeah,” you promptly answer, eyelashes fluttering shut at the thought as you press your hand harder against his hardness and digs your finger on his loose locks, “I want it… I want this cock so bad.”
“Bedroom,” he announces, swiftly getting up and pulling you with him.
By the time you get to his bedroom, he already has his shirt off and you’re only in your set of black lingerie, discarded clothes and shoes left on the short way from the living room. Peppering kisses down his neck, you unbutton and unzips his jeans.  
“Holy fuck.” It slips out of you in a breath when you look down and takes sight of his cock bobbing between you two as you pull his pants along with his underwear down his legs.
It’s big… and thick… and beautiful, you dare say…"Wow," it slips out of you unannounced as you keep staring down and you hear a chuckle from him, a tad too smug chuckle, because he damn well knows… of course, he does.
As he proceeds to ravish your neck, grabbing two handfuls of your ass through your underwear, you can’t help but wrap your fingers around him. You can’t take your eyes off your hand playing slowly with it, entranced by how thick and hard he is, anticipating the feeling of him inside you as you swipe your thumb over the tip...
“Stop, stop.” The rasped plea takes you out of your reverie as his forehead falls on your shoulder and his hand stops yours, “I’ll come all over your hand if you keep that up,’ he explains, laying a kiss on the crook of your neck.
You chuckle and bring your arms to circle his broad shoulders instead, peppering kisses on his stubbled jaw.
“Let’s go to bed, or this will be over too soon.” You can hear the smile on his lips as he squeezes your ass and steps out of his bunched jeans and underwear, guiding you to his bed.
Through kisses, licks, bites, and wandering hands on each other, he lays you down and positions himself hovering you after unhooking and taking off your bra with the same expertise from the night before. He focuses on your breasts, sucking each one of them with intense hunger before shifting on his knees, leaving your breasts and whole body burning for his touch.
He moves towards the nightstand and opens the drawer to get a condom. The position gives you a prime view of his fully erected cock. The little dark path turning into the well-trimmed little hairs right above it shows you how careful he is with himself and the thought of your tongue running down on it pops into your mind and sparks the electricity running down your inside. On its own will, your hand snakes down your stomach till your clothed mound.   
A particularly loud sigh of you is what catches Bucky’s attention as he rips the package with his teeth. His eyes drop to where your hand rubs you covered pussy and his cock twitches at the vision.
“Shit… yeah, touch yourself….” He breathes, as he rolls off the latex around his cock.
You promptly slide your fingers under your underwear and find out how wet you are. You draw gentle circles on your clit, never taking your eyes off his burly and beautiful figure, the tightness in your core is a crescendo as you catch every little detail of his perfect body and his hooded eyes on you.
Still kneeling on the mattress, he positions himself in front of your opened legs, but just stays there, hypnotized by the spot where you touch yourself, placing his hands on your knees and spreading your legs wider for him, his pupils growing darker and darker with lust.
You sigh and moan at the pleasure brought by your fingers, but the exposed situation you are in and the sight of him staring down so hungrily at your pussy prompts the tight coils flaming inside you. Just a couple of days and you’re finding out a few things you had no idea about yourself. One of them is that you actually love that kind of filthy exposition. It feels wrong and intimate and fucking sexy.  
He grips his cock, giving it a few slow strokes and it’s all a sweet torture that you can’t take anymore.
“Bucky…Please, fuck me.” Your voice comes out laced in a mix of plea and guttural groan you didn’t know you had in you.
Dark eyes flick to yours. “Oh, yeah? Do you want me to fuck you?” he teases, showing no mercy to your desperation.
“Hard…” you correct him, gritting your teeth, “I want you to fuck me hard.”
His eyes widen and his chest moves up when he sucks in a breath. You’re really that eager that you can’t control your words anymore, but you love the effect it has on him. He pulls your fingers from under the lace of your underwear and leans down to bring them to his mouth. Your lips part at the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen, his eyes fluttering shut as he moans sucking the two fingers clean. Your taste seems to stir something in him and the world around you spins when big strong hands turn you over roughly.
“On your fours,” he growls. The grasp of his hands on your ass tugs at your core.
You promptly comply, getting yourself in the position he wants you in as he keeps himself behind you. You yelp when he swiftly pulls your underwear down your knees, the lace stretching around them as he spreads your legs. Looking from over your shoulder you watch him cursing under his breath and gripping the base of his impossibly hard cock and guiding it to your slit, coating his hardness with your arousal.
“Holy fuck,” you whisper as the hardness brushes against your clit.
“In a second…” He smirks when his gaze crosses yours.  He leans over and pushes your back down, positioning your ass in the air as you lay your head on his pillow. Bucky grabs your hand and guides it to your pussy.
He doesn’t need to say what he wants you to do as your fingers quickly start working on your clit and he aligns himself with your entrance. He pushes the tip in and it knocks the air out of your lungs as you brace yourself on his pillows with your unoccupied hand, speeding up the finger on your clit.  Bucky groans as he pushes himself in, inch by inch. You’re soaking wet and he doesn’t find much resistance, but it’s been a year for you, so you’re very aware of the stretch on his way in.
“Shit,” you wheeze, loving how full you feel when he’s all his way in, both of his hands grasping your hips tightly.  
“Oh, damn, you feel amazing.” He groans and you clench around him, “Oooo, someone has a praise kink, huh?” A teasing tone in his words.
Do you? You wouldn’t know… all you know is how your whole body and mind respond to having him inside you and how his sultry words make your head dizzy. It’s an aching and floating sensation all at once.  You feel light and heavy and hot and eager for him to move.
Like he’s reading your mind, he starts his pace. His fat cock stretches your walls at every jerk of his hips, increasing in rhythm as it feels easier for him to slide in and out of you. It doesn’t take long before he’s pounding into you, a punishing hold on your hips to keep you steady enough to him. Being the discoverer of your weakness, he punctuates every pound with grunted words of praise, telling how good and wet you feel around his cock. 
He feels good, too. He feels so damn good, his cock brushing and hitting all of the sweetest spots inside you, the sound of skin slapping against skin... Your mind is a fuzz and your head sinks into his pillow, muffling your moans as you just take it, your body moving along with his powerful thrusts. The coil that’s been twisting your lower belly getting tighter and tighter. You want to come on his cock so bad, you press your fingers hard against your sensitive numb.
“Fuck, yeah, work on that clit, I wanna feel you soaking that cock,” Bucky coos, curling an arm around your stomach and, when you notice, you’re on your knees with your back to his chest. Slick skin burns against slick skin as he drags his metal hand over yours on your pussy, guiding your finger in a different direction, making you gasp at the new sensation the subtle shift brings.
“Oh, God.” You can’t and don’t want to hold back anymore as it’s all more than you can handle and the tightness inside your belly washes over your core in sheer ecstasy. Your back arches and your head falls back on his shoulder as you cry out a mindblowing orgasm.
“Shh,” he whispers in your ear, slowing down his pace, “That’s it, oh fuck,” he curses at the feel of your cunt gripping his cock.
Your senses aren’t fully functioning yet when he pulls out, throws you back on the mattress and flips you over, swiftly taking off the underwear that was stretched around your knees. A delicious smile curls your lips at all the manhandling because you want more and he’s giving it to you, driving himself inside you again, lifting your legs with his forearms, resting them over his shoulders and not holding back on the almost inhuman speed as he thrusts his hips.
He leans over, captures your lips and you curl your arms around his neck as he fucks you. Hard. Just like you said you wanted him to. You had no idea you were so flexible but what a way to find out, having the hottest guy you’ve ever met balls deep -really deep - into you while his tongue curls around yours.
Parting his lips from yours he releases your legs and they promptly wrap them around his hips as he supports himself with his forearms on each side of you and arches his back and to allow him to drag his lips to ravish your breasts, which he seems pretty fond of already. You push his thrusts impossibly harder and deeper with your feet as he alternates from sucking one and the other, licking and grazing his teeth around your sensitive nipples, your vision blanking at the light pain mixed with the pleasure he’s giving to you with his mouth and his damn perfect cock inside you. He doesn't give you time to cool down from the last orgasm as your mind freezes, focusing solely on the dazzling sensations in your body.  
“So fucking sexy.” The praise reverberates through your skin and it really seems to be a kink of yours as, joined with the expert roll of his hips, he brings you to another orgasm. A smaller one compared to the first, but powerful enough to make your body shake and to coax a series of moans out of you.
Bucky lets your breast go with a popping sound after a particularly hard suck and shifts back to his knees. 
Still in the daze of your second orgasm, a weak sound leaves your lips through panting breathing as your hips leave the mattress when, pulling your legs straighten up together and keeping them securely against his chest with one arm, he pounds into you until an guttural grunt rolls from his lungs and his hips still. He shoves his hips into yours a couple of times, deep and powerful,, spilling his own pleasure into the condom, before letting your legs loose and pulling out. The sensitivity etches a hiss out of you before his body drops next to yours. 
For a while, all that fills the room is the sound of sharp pants from both of you. In the past year, you came to think to think that maybe sex wasn’t that important to you and that maybe it wouldn’t matter if it happened or not…What a damn fool. 
You do like sex. Love it, actually. And it is fucking amazing and important to you, no doubt of that, you realize while your eyes shut and you allow yourself to drown into the delicious ache that covers your muscles while aftershocks of your orgasms cause occasional spasms all over your body.
“Holy shit.” Bucky’s the first one to speak, still fighting to breathe, “That was-”
“Fucking amazing,” you complete, breathing hard, but with a blissful smile on your lips you tilt your head towards him, “Thank you, Bucky. You have no idea how much I needed this.” You add, too deep in your daze to care whether you sound pathetic or not.
He laughs loudly and the corner of his eyes crinkle with it, “My pleasure, beautiful, my pleasure.”
A few more moments pass with both of you laying there and enjoying the after state of what you just did until the mattress moves when he gets up.
You gather your strength to lift your head enough to watch him walking towards the bathroom, rolling off the condom out of his semi hard cock.
As you’re alone in his bed, that’s when an awkward feeling freezes up your chest in contrast to the heat you’ve surrendered to so far. What the hell are you supposed to do now? Do you leave? Do you stay? Can you take a shower? You could definitely use one… You know he said no rules and you agreed, but some guidance would suit you pretty well right now.  
“Hey,” his voice takes you out of your own mind puzzle, “Your turn.” A soft towel is thrown at your face.
You grab it in your hands and look up at him with a glare. He’s laughing as he walks towards you, still butt naked, and your glare quickly dissipates into a playful one. “The bathroom is all yours now. There is liquid soap, shampoo and other stuff there if you need them,” he offers casually, sitting by the corner of the bed, “I’m starving, Chinese sounds good?”
You sit, too, holding the towel in your hand, “Yeah,” you frown before nodding “Sure, Chinese sounds great, actually.”
“Alrighty, then.” He taps on the mattress and gets up. You gaze falls down to his perky butt cheeks moving as he walks towards the door. He stops by the frame and looks back at you with that mischievous look of his, “Then, I’ll be ready for dessert.” He darts out that sinful tongue of his and runs it over his lips.  
The brief awkward coldness you felt is replaced by a flush of a welcoming heat creeping up your body.
You smirk back at him, “Can’t wait.”  
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istansamwilsonbish · 3 years ago
I kinda Hate how Bucky/Stucky Stans Gun at Steve for Endgame. So....Imma give my unasked for opinion cause I felt like it. So lets look at all the things they say and Imma just break it down or whatever.
This is just my opinion and my thoughts by the way. If you wanna be mad at Rogers, go ahead.
"Why didn't Steve take Bucky with him?"
Because that would be stupid. I'm just gonna lay it out there that it would be fucking stupid.
For one PSTD wasn't a something used as a diagnosis until the 80s(According to my googling.) Also Mental illness and issues weren't handled very well in the 30s and 40s. Certainly not as well as in modern day. As we have seen in FATWS, Bucky can be extremely hostile, He has a lot of guilt, he is antisocial, and he still has nightmares from his time as the Winter Soldier. As much as I hate Raynor, Bucky needed a Therapist.
I do not believe the mental health care in the 40s would be sufficient enough to help Bucky through all the things he has going on. Yeah he would have Steve. Thats a start but....Steve is not Bucky's care taker.
Even if Steve didn't get with Peggy, Steve would have found someone else and moved on. And No I don't believe Steve would have been okay with just being with Bucky his whole life. Ship what you want. But going off canon alone, there is nothing that tells me personally that Steve would have gone after a romantic relationship with Bucky. Certainly not in a time period where it wasn't okay to be Gay. That being said, At one point Steve is going to be too focused on himself and can't hold Bucky's hand.
To Me, Bucky going back is just leaving Bucky with bad mental health in a different time period. Where he can't get the help needed.
"Steve is a bad friend because he Left Bucky"
No. Bucky is a grown ass man. Steve isn't his care taker.
It is very important to be there for our friends but it more important to be there for ourselves. Steve has fought alongside Bucky, He fought for Bucky, He saved Bucky twice, he got Bucky fully Pardoned. Those are things great friends do. Would it have been nice if Steve stayed and helped Bucky even more? Yeah. But that's not what Steve wanted. Why should Steve continue in a path he doesn't want? Yes Bucky is has friend but Steve's wants and personal feelings need to come first. Steve isn't living his life for Bucky.
And I'm sure Bucky wouldn't have wanted him too.
I refuse to believe that Bucky would have wanted his best friend to be unhappy. Bucky loves Steve like a brother. He has protected Steve and Steve has protected him. If Bucky knew that Steve wanted to be with Peggy, Bucky was gonna tell him to shut up and go. Would it hurt Bucky in the moment? Yes of course. But I honestly believe that it would hurt him even more if he found out Steve gave up what he wanted just for Bucky.
"Peggy didn't need Steve/Peggy Moved. She didn't love Steve."
Your point is? My husband doesn't need me. My husband wants me around. He wants to have a life with me.
Love and relationships aren't about needing someone in my eyes. It about openly wanting and caring for another person. When you feel like you need someone in your life....it can get really toxic real fast.
Secondly Bucky didn't need Steve. As we see in FATWS, Bucky managed just fine without him. Of course this was with the help of Sam. Bucky needed a friend. And that didn't have to be Steve. I will admit that maybe Steve would have helped it move smoother. But who knows.
Also Peggy thought the mans was dead. The fuck? Of course she was going to move on. The hell did yall expect her to do?
"Steve messed up Peggy's life. She was already married."
Okay I'll give you that. That's fair. But again I think we will agree to disagree.
Personally I think that Steve was Peggy's Husband the whole time. This was something that was reconned in and Imma explain that a little more later.
But Think about this. If Steve went back in time and stayed with Peggy. He had to have changed something and made a new timeline. Which we know from Loki is a Big No-No and it will land in the TVA. And as we know from Loki, The whole time Heist was a situation that was supposed to happen. If Steve going back to Peggy wasn't supposed to happen, he would have been nabbed by TVA agents way before he could come back and give the Sam the Shield.
In both Loki and FATWS we have no evidence to believe that Steve was taken in it any point of time. And yes Steve is missing from FATWS but it really doesn't make sense that they would have grabbed old Steve and not reset the timeline.
So I think that the husband Peggy had was Steve. He probably changed his name due to the fact everyone thought he was dead. He wasn't at the funeral because he knew his younger self would have been there.
"Why didn't Steve save Bucky earlier?"
In Loki, we learned about the timekeepers and timelines. If you fuck up the timeline you end up in the TVA. According to the Timekeepers, everything that's happened to Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Tony and all his other friends were supposed to happen. So if Steve were to change it, he would have most likely messed up the Timeline. Which gets him sent to the TVA.
Of course Steve didn't know that. But Chris Evans appears to be done with playing Cap so there would be no point to Marvel doing that. Its would just create a weird plot hole. That they can't fix in a natural way.
Final Thoughts?
Marvel did give me Sam Wilson as the new Cap. And I am so grateful. But they fumbled with Steve Rogers. Even I can admit that.
Remember when it mentioned that Steve being Peggy's husband/Steve going back to her was probably added last moment? Yeah because of how its written. Its not that its made no sense, its that yall explained it weird in the movie and after. So for one Endgame was Followed by FATWS, Steve is MIA the whole time. Then you have Loki, where the Timelines and TVA were put into the mix. Which could have cleared Steve a bit. Just drop a little throw away line or something more than the Time Heist. Because I don't think these situations were that closely linked. Yes Cap was putting the Stones back but he went rouge so.....
Secondly it can be assumed that Steve talked to Bucky about this before hand. But the exact opposite can be assumed too. Which is why people get even more made at him.
This scene could have really been more about how Steve finally just picked himself and his friends supported him. But it comes off as more selfish and self centered when you looked at it from different angles.
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