#808s insane
random-cattai · 6 months
Lets all admit,
Chai WOULD be that annoying brother/uncle who starts telling stories in the Mic pass during the Wedding Dinner to the point Peppermint would tell/gesture to "Kill it", and Chai would be left standing talking to only those around him till he realizes then loudly goes "HEY!"
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sick-ada · 5 months
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rain world au notes for my agent 8s. cb is a purposed organism with some natural intimidation (like a less powerful vulture mask) while bubbles is just a normal slugcat with slightly higher than average movement stats. like a bit better than hunter but not rivulet levels. neither of them remember anything abt their pasts and assume theyre siblings
they're trying to escape the structure of the iterator Thrice Accepted Return (commander tartar) with the help of overseers from PRL and MRNA (i havent thought of full names yet lmaoo)
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psychangels · 1 year
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808impz · 1 year
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rogueddie · 8 months
Warmth and Safety T | 808 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is the heartbeat I can feel when I hug him
Steve knows he should be in his own hospital room. Not only so other people can visit too, but because of how his head spins as he struggles to walk down the corridor.
The white walls are too clinical, too metalic. They look nothing like the Russians underground lair, but mixed with the sharp stench of bleach and medicine? It's mixing into a cruel cocktail that has his instincts screaming for Robin.
He pushes forward, gritting his teeth and- trying- to ignore the memories trying to haunt him.
"Steve," Eddie greets, when he finally makes it through the door into his room, sounding exhausted. "What the hell, man?"
"I'm fine," Steve lies, hating how breathless he sounds. He sags into the chair next to Eddies bed, grimacing. "Just need a minute... catch my breath. There's, like, so many stairs."
Eddie is silent for a long moment, but Steve can feel his eyes boring into his head.
"Wh- you shouldn't be here, man!" Eddie says. He sounds too exhausted for the stern tone to have any effect. "The nurses have told you already. You need to heal. You can't do that if you're dragging yourself around to... I don't know, check on us?"
"I need to make sure you're ok."
"We're in a hospital. We're as ok as we can get."
"I get that, but..."
The clock chimes, the earth rumbling as the town reads apart, Dustin's screams...
"Yeah, I know," Eddie sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I understand, alright? But you need to cut this shit out."
"I can't."
"I need to know that you're alive. I need to know. It's not enough to hear that you're ok, I need to see it. I need to, Eds."
"Jesus Christ," he throws his head back, sighing heavy and dramatically.
But then he lifts his head, smirking a little as he opens an arm out towards him, beckoning him closer.
"Come here, big boy, let me give you a hug."
Steve rolls his eyes, but he does as he told, standing up so he was shuffle to the bed.
"You don't have to say it all creepy, man, you'll give me ideas."
"Promise?" Eddie wiggles his eyebrows. But his playfulness quickly morphs into exasperation again when he huffs out, "just sit down, Steve, come on, come here."
It takes a lot of gesturing and, eventually, slight man handling, but eventually Eddie gets Steve to lay down next to him. He tugs Steve's head down so his ear is resting on his chest and, with some hesitation, he curls an arm around Eddie's waist.
He can feel his heartbeat, thumping against his ear, matching the beeping of the monitor.
"There," Eddie mumbles, brushing his fingers down Steve's spine. "Better, right?"
"... yeah."
His heart is pounding, almost as much as Eddie's is. It's only a little reassuring that Eddie is just as nervous as him- he can only hope it's for the same reason.
"You need to take care of yourself too," Eddie continues. "Who's gonna run around after those brats of you don't heal right? Me? I'm a bad influence, Stevie, you know I'll make 'em worse."
"You'd do great, they love you."
"Noooo," he squeezes Steve a little tighter, whining as high as he can get his voice to go. "Please, I'm begging, I'll go insane if I have to deal with them alone!"
"Now you know how I feel."
"God, I wish I didn't," Eddie sighs, turning serious again so fast that Steve feels like he's getting whiplash. "This whole thing is fucked. Those kids are only, like, fifteen."
Steve hesitates for a moment, before whispering, "I was sixteen, when this all started. Back in 83.x
"Yeah, it's... I don't know. Like, I know it's horrible, but I like it when it's like this. Everyone in one place, knowing that there's doctors and shit nearby."
"That's not horrible. You know they're being cared for."
"Yeah, but it's worse this time. Like... I keep thinking that one day I'll wake up and we won't have made it. This will be some stupid dream and you and Max..."
"We're still here," Eddie brings a hand up to his head, brushing his hair back. "You can feel it, right? I'm right here. We're not going anywhere."
Steve nods, closing his eyes so he can focus on Eddie's heartbeat.
"You know I love seeing you, right? Just... at least get a wheelchair or something. Please?"
Something is his chest cracks at how Eddie's voice breaks, how pained and desperate he sounds.
"Ok. I can do a wheelchair."
"Good. You start taking care of yourself and we can do this everyday."
"Yeah," Eddie whispers, hand finally coming to a stop, cupping his cheek. "Yeah, I promise. Whenever and for however long you need. I'll be right here."
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
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If you picked this pile, you have to go with source on this one. Your path isn't linear, and neither are you. Protection is granted whichever path you choose to walk. Gifts will start to show itself more soon for people who picked this one. These gifts could be known but you've kept them hidden, or they are starting to grow and you can feel and see them much better. Boldness is a theme for this group because it helps you shine bright like a light bulb, you'll stick out like a green thumb and the soul mates and partnerships connected to your life path/ hearts desires will become a growing opportunity. Work on this, and by the spring/summer months you'll see a noticeable difference in your income and your way of life as a whole.
Themes: Bunnies, River banks, Walks at the park, Cool outfits, Divine ephiphanies.
Numbers: 333, 211, 316, 411, 414, 666, 999
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If you picked this pile, you'll be having a soul mate connection of a life time. This isn't no ordinary love, this person has known you from many different worlds besides this one. It's an opening of the heart for this group. It's asking you to take a leap of faith as there is a sense of newness coming around the corner with this partner. Enjoy the experience with bonding with a soul just as deep as you. There is nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. Bliss is an ethereal feeling that makes the high feel worthwhile. This is a strong partnership ready to overgo intense feelings of the path they've chosen in order to grow on a deeper soul level.
Themes : Lovers, Channeler, Divine Timing, Peace of Mind, Glory, Special Occasions, Romantic
Numbers: 444, 212, 222, 333, 555, 999
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Going outside and getting some fresh air. Bonding with nature and the tides. Exploring the open zones in your area. There's so much to see if you look around. Traveler. Take that train or that bus, where will you go next? Seek for more. The journey is in the pineal gland (third eye), you have to want this. You have to focus and just go for it. Be bold and be righteous. In times of traveling, you will have protection around your aura. Mystical experiences could be noted during this time as the veil is insightly thin right now.
Taking a trip can help cut off old ends and dying partnerships will seize to exist in the next few months. You have to go within and just go with the flow my love. Take the chance, it'll be worth it in the end.
Themes : Adventure, Travel, Oceans, Beaches, 'Narley dude', Making a move, Going slow, Captivating energy.
Numbers: 616, 555, 777, 888, 909
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If you picked this pile, it is necessary for you to lay low for a while. Your vibration is a little more sensitive than usual. If you picked this group you could possibly be an empath. Also take note that you should consider doing any energy cleanses as needed for your energy to get a boost. Just stay out of drama, gossip and focus on journaling any emotions that make you feel stagnant, sad, depressed, angry, etc. Working on your shadow and inner needs will be substantial for your growth in the later years. So being more secretive on this type of work will be the best choice. You could be a light for other people and could be called into the spotlight for healing. Sensual energy is in your aura waiting to be fully tapped in. You are gracious, please remember. Venus energy is surrounding your being. Look at the stars, and look back at yourself. Remember you are your worst enemy at times, but you can always be better than today.
Themes: 'Shhh, I heard she's got problems', gossip, hear say, crying out loud, making space for yourself and for others, being insane.'
Numbers: 808, 222, 111, 777, 711, 303, 313
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bqstqnbruin · 1 month
Nico Hischier Teacher AU
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Hello here's another one (I am so bored waiting for my school year to start and I still have a week and a half send me suggestions if you have them)
Teacher AU Series
Warnings: swearing
WC: 808
“Ugh, fuck me.”
“Last night wasn’t enough?.”
Blake playfully smacks Nico on the chest, pulling a laugh from him. They rub their face, letting out a groan that matched the pitch of Nico’s alarm that had woken them both up from the sleep they finally got. It felt way too early to be waking up, but that was more due to the fact that they and Nico had been awake until at least three am the night before. “Thank god it’s a dress down day.”
Nico rolls out of bed, Blake following suit. Fridays had so much potential to be a teacher's favorite and least favorite days of the week; it was almost the weekend, but the students were more insane than other days, they could dress down thanks to enough teachers annoying admin about it, but it made dressing back up for the next Monday even worse.
“What are you wearing today?” Nico asks, wrapping his arms around Blake’s waist. 
“One of the school sweatshirts, probably,” they say, trying to break free to get ready despite Nico’s kisses trailing down their neck. “We have to get ready if I want to head back to my place and grab my stuff before school.”
Nico pouts, stepping back from them. “We could just drive in together.” 
“We both know that the students will never shut up if they find out we’re dating.”
“Mmmm,” he hums, his arms back around them like they never left. “The math teacher and the English teacher dating, how scandalous.” 
“Stop it,” they tease, grabbing the sweatshirt with their school logo on it and throwing it over their head. “I’ll see you at school.”
Nico pulls them in for a kiss, whining when they pull away and practically run out the door with their bag. 
Getting to school was a fight, trying to get through traffic of multiple other campuses before reaching the one they taught at. It was Friday, they just had to get through Friday. 
First period went by without issue. The students were being a little weird while Blake was texting, but that was nothing unusual for a Friday. It was the pre-weekend anticipation that they were feeling. 
The students acted weird all day, Blake sending a text to Nico only to have him confirm it was more than just the Weekend Weirdness. Last period finally came, the longest day seeming even longer because of the students.
“Teacher Garner?” one of their students pipes up right before the last bell was supposed to ring. 
Blake looks up from their computer, Piper, one of the quieter students in the class standing in front of their desk, the rest of the class silent behind her. “What’s up?”
“Are you and Mr. H dating?” 
Blake could feel the color draining from their face. They had discussed at length together that they were not going to tell anyone at work that they were together, that they had been together, for nearly a year and a half now. Part of it was because they didn’t want the students to pry in their personal lives, the other part because they simply didn’t think it was anyone’s business. They weren’t breaking any rules, they just didn’t want people prying. “Why would you ask that?”
“You’re wearing his sweatshirt,” Piper says, pointing to Blake’s arm, where Nico’s last name was stitched into the bicep.
“Oh, we must have switched ours when we took them off at the faculty meeting the other day. You know how hot the library can get,” they try to pass it off, the bell ringing before Piper can say anything else. The students behind her were quietly laughing, filing out of the room as Blake told them to have a good weekend. 
They hid out in their room, hoping they could leave as soon as the pick up lines were out. 
“Hey,” Blake hears their classroom door open, Nico poking his head in. “Are you ok?”
Blake makes a face, trying to figure out what they were feeling. “You heard?”
“As soon as first period ended, I had students in my room asking me about you.” 
Blake felt their heart race, thinking back to them texting Nico earlier in the day and him not mentioning that. “And what did you say?”
“We must have switched sweatshirts at the faculty meeting.”
Blake let out a sigh of relief, both of them unknowing saying the same thing to their students. “We spend too much time together.”
Nico smiles, looking behind his shoulder to make sure the door was closed before reaching for Blake’s hand. “I don’t think we spend enough time together.”
“And how do you propose we fix that problem?” 
“I think we should finally move in together.” 
“Imagine what the students will say when they see us driving in together.”
“Let them talk all they want.”
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soothinglee · 15 days
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| shitty 808s - kim jongseob x gn! reader - 1.2k wc✔︎
my notes⎯ sorry for not writing in a bit- I got hit by a scooter and lost hearing in my left eye. anyway- enjoy! (ilovejongseobsm). also the reader is younger than jongseob- so they're the maknae! warnings⎯ lowercase intended, cursing, not really proofread, I don't know jackshit about making music- I do make it just for fun but I don't know it on a professional level. songs⎯ "take you there x no bs" | dj short and "trillions" | alicia keys
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“dude this sounds like shit.”
“it’s literally only 808s. it’s not going to sound good.”
“tell that to carti.”
jongseob groans and relaxes his body into the creaky studio chair. from where he's at; body slouches and neck bent, he feebly grabs for the mouse, each time he reaches he just barely misses it- giving a pitiful grunt every time.
you slap his hand away playfully, scooting your chair over in his place to play with the track. in the 30 minutes you've been in the studio you only managed the 808s. ass, in your opinion but something to start the song off as a base.
"what are you doing?" he mutters, looking towards the desktop screen. the black background of the software lights up every time you move around tracks. the purple and blue sections reflect off his glasses, "stop pressing stuff, you're gonna mess it up."
a scoff leaves your lips absentmindedly, choosing to replace the pre-made 808s with a original. you play it back for a spilt second- nodding to yourself feeling content in your work.
"you should be thankful I'm helping you," you start, adding a few high hats some measures into the song, "today is my off day and youngji just came out with a new episode."
he rolls his eyes and reaches over to grab his water bottle, he uncaps it and throws the lid on your lap. you make no effort to move it, "you would've had to come in eventually. jiung needed you today to record your verse."
you reach over to twitch your hand infront of his bottle, as if faking him out. he jerks his body away from you quickly, the water shakes in his hand- some even coming from the top and onto his sweater.
"bro." it comes out weak and quiet, a frown forming on his lips but you're quick to talk over him;
"for him, I wouldn't have complained. it's different when I have to do it because it's scheduled then come in to help someone work on his song." you spilt the back ground voices you added from files and slip in theo's guitar solo along with a 4 bar bass drum.
at this point you haven't listened to what has been added, jongseob still hogging the headphones. though you have enough confidence in yourself, and as one of the main producers, to know that the song will be somewhat decent- and way better than whatever he had before.
"what even is your inspo?"
"'bambi', baekhyun."
he makes a face, "sexy, no?"
you shrug, clicking around on the application to add some reverb, "piece will love it, fnc will tolerate it, intak will be happy. what more is there?"
he doesn't respond.
the difference between the software when jongseob had it compared to it in your hands is insane. infront of you the screen decorated with rainbows of colors, the static lines tracking the sound range from lengths and size. it's beautiful.
you feel a heavy weight on your left arm and look down to see jongseob leaning on you, he lets out a tired breath, and reaches up to fiddle with the loose string on your sleeve.
"are you almost done yet? you're hogging my equipment and I have other stuff I need to do."
"is all you do is complain?" you ask, titling the song with a random phrase and saving it, "because if that's the case I'll just get keeho."
his grip on your sleeve tightens as he tenses. for some reason jongseob is afraid of keeho- the latter always picking on him and fighting him. you would ask why and how it started but in all honesty, you couldn't really care.
"no no no, it's okay. you can keep working."
a proud smirk graces your lips as you reach over to slip the headphones off his head. he lets you, reaching forward to give you better access, smiling when he feels your hands pat down the mess they left.
you bend down slightly, apologizing when his head falls from your shoulder, and blindly reach for the tower to unplug the cord from its socket. "alright," you mess with the setting once more, turning the volume up enough so it can be heard. "you ready?"
jongseob yawns, "about time." you smack him upside the head.
the song is only about 3 minutes long, but in that three minutes it sounded wonderful. even though you were on playing around with it, something to keep jongseob satisfied until he could figure out what he really wanted to do with it, you think it could actually be the final product.
as the song plays you would take a look at his face to gauge his opinion. he seemed to like it; bobbing his head with the melody, a soft smile on his lips. it made you feel somewhat better about missing youngjis' show.
"okay, what do you think?" you ask as the beat fades out, you pause it so it doesn't play again and turn your body towards him, knees knocking each other.
he doesn't say anything for a minute, staring at the poster on the wall behind your head. his face is back to neutral. you think about snapping your fingers infront of his face to wake him up.
after a while he takes in a breath and says, “buns, actual buns.”
“you’re only saying that because it’s not jiung working on the song.”
he doesn't say anything but nods in agreement. there's a cheeky smirk on his face. "if that's the case, I'll just delete the song." you move the mouse to press erase before a hand catches you before you do.
"don't." he says, a mild glint in his eye as he pries your fingers from the mouse. he gently places your hand back in your lap while maintaining eye contact, moving the device to his side of the table.
"so it's not 'buns'?" you ask, the smirk back on your face.
he hesitates and then says, "no it's still ass, but why would I delete it just to start over, waste of time."
you laugh and go to answer but your phone vibrating catches you off guard. you use your face to open it to read the message;
멘토르 (mentor) come to floor 4 pls, we're ready for you :)
"uh oh," the chair beneath you slides backward as you stand up to collect your belonging. the bottle cap falls from your lap as you hand jongseob his headphones, "duty calls, i'll be gone for about an hour or two, if you need me, don't. I'll be busy."
he laughs, watching as you put on your shoes. you places a kiss on his head as you retreat for the door. you hear the clicking of a mouse and muffled music from behind you.
as soon as you reach for the door knob a voice calls out. "yeah?"
jongseob, hood pulled back so that you can see the bangs of his brown hair, his glasses that reflect the sparkle in his eyes, and the big smile on his face says, "I know I give you shit but thank you. you saved me a lot of trouble."
you smile back at your elder, a content look matching his own, "hey, anytime."
you close the door and head towards the elevator.
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⎯if you want to be apart of my taglist let me know!
→ thank you for reading!
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runthepockets · 5 months
Idec about emo music or whatever but what mcr fan hurt you so bad that you have this giant grudge against them lmao? Mcr isn't gonna hurt you I promise
They're a poser band and always have been. In the past they buy up all these tickets to shows with MCR on the bill and then dip immediately after their sets are over and don't support the other bands.
I'm routinely meeting MCR fans who exclusively listen to that band and nother elss. I try to show those fuckers anything with blastbeats or 808s and their eyes glaze over. It is literally the only band they care about and talk about. Doubly insane because Frank Iero and Gerard Way have a legitimate passion for all sorts of music. Their fans laude and parade these guys but don't even follow their example.
Their fans claim the front person is the gayest transest bravest person ever but all that motherfucker does is wear skirts onstage. I don't hear about them doing any activism or fundraising for trans kids who make up the bulk of their fanbase nor do they really do anything to make the scene more accomidating for their nonwhite fans, despite the fact that they're basically an Arena Rock Band.
Sorry I don't settle for scraps. Also, you're the one in my inbox riding my dick over an Arena Rock band that you claim not to care about, for free. Some black guy on the internet saying a band with annoying white fans doesn't do it for him isn't going to hurt you, I promise.
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ushiwhacka · 2 years
reiner braun + fem! reader | mdni | 808 words | established relationship, handcuffs, face sitting, pussy job, rough sex, creampie, overstimulation <3
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he looks so pretty like this, biceps bulging as he pulls against the fluffy pink handcuffs. golden eyes follow as your lips trail along his body, from the tip of his cock, to his muscular stomach covered by a layer of fat that’s just perfect to nip and bite at, the valley of his chest, up his thick neck, over his jaw. then, a slow kiss, your tongue sliding against his as you savour the taste of his mouth. you pull away with a playful glint in your eyes “i’m gonna sit on your face”.
reiner kisses your soft thighs, leaving little bite marks behind. he revels in your little gasps and moans when he sucks your puffy lips into his mouth. he could stay like this for hours, enveloped by the heady scent of your pussy, feeling the weight of your body on top of him. but more than anything he wants to watch you fall apart for him, legs shaking and body covered in a sheen of sweat. he slides his tongue through the velvety folds of your cunt and the vibrations of his low hums send your back arching and heat pooling low in your belly. he worships your pussy, knows every little spot that makes your thighs tighten around his face, knows just how to suck your clit,  and then flicks his tongue over it in a way that drives you absolutely insane. drunk on your essence, he lifts his head to further smother himself in your heat. and he’s so obsessed with the way your hole clenches around nothing, the way it’s leaking and creamy from his touch. 
you pull his hair as you frantically grind your pussy on his face, breath hitching every time his nose hits your clit. your moans obscenely loud and his face and chest a wet mess but you really don’t care at all. he doesn’t even get a warning when you cum all over him. 
“fuck, baby,” he plants a sloppy kiss on your swollen cunt “you taste so sweet”. 
he looks even prettier now. face flushed and glossy with your juices. and you had promised to be nice, but it’s such a hard promise to keep when you have him all to yourself like this. so you decide to be naughty instead. 
“reiner,” his cock feels so good under your pussy as you sit on top of him. “do you want me to put it inside?” 
he knows you’re teasing, but it’s worth a shot. “yeah,” he almost chokes on his words because, fuck, you look so good with your hair messed up and lips all swollen from biting them. and all he can think about is pressing your knees to your chest and fucking you silly. 
you giggle in return, “but i want to do this.” and you start grinding your hips at a pace that is almost excruciatingly slow. “it feels-” a breathy moan escapes your parted lips as your clit bumps against the tip of his cock “it feels so good. you’re so hard.” 
nails digging into his abs, you push your chest out just to tease him more. and his cock twitches every time your eyes roll back. and every time you moan. and every time he’s close to cumming you lift yourself off of him whispering in his ear how he’s making such a mess for you. how he looks so cute when he’s desperate.
the veins in his arms are popping out and his muscles straining as he pulls at the restraints. but with the way your legs are shaking, he knows you won’t last much longer. and the moment you unlock those handcuffs he has you face down on the bed, big hands spreading you open as he buries himself inside you in just one thrust. he presses down at the small of your back, his grip nearly bruising as he starts pounding into you. and you feel as if all the air has been knocked out of your lungs. 
“is this what you wanted?” his breath hot against your ear, tone unusually serious. “has this greedy little pussy not had enough?” reiner has never spoken to you like this. and he’s never fucked you this hard. his pace so brutal that all you can do is whine and drool on the sheets as he splits you open on his length. “does she want more?” and with every thrust you slide further down, your limbs limp and giving out underneath the heavy weight of his body. 
he fucks you until his cock feels raw, and his grunts turn hoarse and breathless against your neck. his cock twitching as he spills inside you, all sticky and warm and fills you to the brim. and he’s still panting as he presses a kiss on your cheek.
“i’ll carry you around tomorrow.”
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thank you for reading! interaction is very much appreciated! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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prickly-paprikash · 6 months
Beyoncé proves once again that the inability to transition from one genre to another is a pure fucking skill issue.
Of course she has millions to sink into excellent producers, the best features, top-tier marketing, etc. That is of course an element that cannot be discounted, but then again there are so many artists of her calibre and prestige that could not make the jump. MGK's purely pathetic pop punk album is as dull as it is redundant. Drake's venture into house/dance and hip-hop fusion was embarrassingly boring. Fall Out Boy's earnest attempt at electro and synth rock was forgettable and at worst really painful to sit through and listen to. These guys also have enough money to reach out and grab the best writers, composers, features, you name it. Not to the level of Beyoncé, but their resources will definitely get the job done.
The Queen herself manages to produce a quality country album that simply does not miss while remaining commercially successful. Beyoncé's Renaissance showed us firsthand that she has the ability to hop between genres like their nothing, and she does it again in Act II. She manages to silence those who would treat her as an outcast to Country, due in no small part to bigotry. (But when Elvis did it no one bats a fucking eye and he gets all the flowers decades after his death. Gets a movie too.)
It is just insane to me how Beyoncé is one of the truly few artists who have such a large following and a storied career, without ever sacrificing artistic integrity for commercial success.
It's also so nice to see Country be interwoven and trap beats and 808's Post-Lil Nas X while carrying with it the prestige that Beyoncé seems to radiate relentlessly.
Cannot wait for the third act of this new era of the Queen Bee.
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cgtg · 5 months
another doseone-led band i found in the last couple weeks. anticon moment
god this guy is prolific. sry 4 the ramble incoming
reason i havent been rly doing music recs lately is bc ive jusd been fucking hardcore delving into doseone's music repertoire again r0fl. stumbled onto this album "for hero: for fool" & its a huge fav atm. ive been trying 2 find info about the instrumentation on these but all ive found for sure ( so far ) is that they used a roland TR-808 and jel's got his AKAI MPC 2000XL. both visible in live performances
the way jel plays in this, its so fuckin active & immersed & percussive i cant stop watching. the first song (middleclass stomp) is all on beat machine, then the second song (middleclass kill) also uses a drum set (thats jordan dalrymple behind the kit there, switches from guitar to drum on the second song.)
jel on the drum machine, he is insane, cannot rec him enough. he wos a producer on "center city", which is one of my fave sole songs & is in my junior spitfire playlist
the beat on "middleclass stomp" is amazing 2 me but this live version doesnt emphasize the *guitar* nearly as well tbh, which is maybe the most delicious part of the song, the way this song moves... peep it
they were rlly dead set on not being defined as hip-hop but its got all the trappings of hip-hop, or kinda is definitively a descendant of it. its a fucking amazing album dude. dose's ability 2 do such evocative & abstracted lyrics that are hard to follow but fucking. mesmerizing to dig into & tell such vivid stories. its unparalleled 2 me.
another fav from the album
rlly rlly nefarious sound i fucking ugh. evry time i listen to this song i start just bouncing like this guy does. esp when that "DROP THE GUTS" part hits
"he was spitting so casual"... teez mcgee points out how effortlessly he seems 2 just pump out bars & its so true . live on stage or in studio he is completely effortless, shockingly casual, all that in one take... & i cant even follow along w/o fumbling most words on my tongue, even when i know the lyrics well
this has been a rando certified autism moment if u read all of it... thanx u
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kapricore · 1 year
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808's Bumpin' Bass [Preview]
808 has such a massive fucking BASS its insane if you too wish to view some big robo cat dumpy early consider checking out my Patreon! (Includes a second front-facing pic as well!) https://www.patreon.com/Kapricore
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doedeertwelveinch · 22 days
i want to do an insane amount of molly and have what is wild sex from my perspective but is painfully normal sex from any normal persons pov while there’s an 808 speaker blasting trip hop in my ears.
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idreaminmugiwara · 10 months
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Major Spoilers for Whole Cake Island Arc
Turn back if you haven't gotten into the 800s!!! I'm about to give a TED talk about episode 808, which is arguably one of the most emotional episodes of One Piece.
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I FINALLY have my computer back!! Which means I can finally get to the myriad of posts I've been wanting to make over the past few days. I've been able to go from Zou to the beginning of Wano in record time and I have SO MANY THOUGHTS.
Starting with this episode right here.
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I had heard some hype about Sanji v Luffy but until I actually watched the episode, I hadn't been terribly excited. I (like many others) have very complicated feelings about Sanji. I loved him before Thriller Bark, after which his predatory nature became impossible to overlook and made the majority of scenes with him uncomfortable to sit through. I've had relationships with guys that seemed amazing save for the fact that they refused to acknowledge and appreciate boundaries around women and femmes, and I've watched those guys get away with their bullshit over and over because no one takes it fucking seriously. Sanji can be borderline triggering for me with the kind of abuse history that I have. With that out of the way....
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Whole Cake Island Sanji feels almost like a different person than he did in Thriller Bark and Fishman Island. He ceases to be the token perv and becomes an extremely emotionally complex character in a way we haven't seen up until this point. Normally incredibly sarcastic and stoic in the face of drama and tension, he begins to crack at the seams. Being around his abusers brings out a side of him that I hadn't even imagined up until now. His fight with Luffy is EXTREMELY challenging to watch because this isn't about someone flexing their strength or winning a contest, it's about fucking trauma.
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It was difficult enough watching Luffy get the absolute shit kicked out of him by one of his dear friends. Then Sanji had to go and shatter Nami's heart. We've seen Nami (rightfully) slap the shit out of him before when he acts a fool towards women, but this literally hit different. The tears started falling for me after that "Sayonara." It felt so definite, so devastatingly conclusive. I don't think we've ever seen Nami angry like this before, not towards a crew member. As a viewer, I hadn't felt this uncomfortable since Luffy's falling out with Usopp.
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I could be wrong, but I think the only other time we've seen Sanji cry was when he was saying goodbye to Zeff at Baratie. One of the things I've always loved about One Piece is how little Oda holds back when it comes to allowing his characters to FEEL. Crying is normalized in this world, no matter what one's gender is. But Sanji is typically presented (much like Zoro) as the stoic butch, the cool as a cucumber James Bond type who doesn't seem nearly as affected as the rest of his compatriots by the crazy shit they go through. Seeing him break down as Luffy cried after him, reminding him of how much he cared about him and how he wouldn't give up on him was fucking powerful and gave Sanji some much needed development after over 800 episodes.
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Lastly, I just have to commend all the voice actors in this episode, particularly Hioraki Hirata and Mayumi Tanaka. The amount of nuance that went into these performances gives me goosebumps and cemented this as one of the most powerful episodes of One Piece for me. I wish this was the Sanji that could have stayed with us in Wano, but alas and alack. Watching this arc play out in Live Action is going to be absolutely insane.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
I leave on Monday and I want to finish Priory before I leave so I can take different book because this one will not last me the trip, and this week has just been:
My urge to read vs. My urge to watch the olympics.
The olympics win most often. I usually turn it on as background noise or just to see what’s on and end up watching. Idk watching sports is fun even if you don’t know the rules. I (semi-actively) watched most of the cycling race today (which lasts 6 hours). I don’t even really like the cycling but it’s basically our national sport and once our best guy decided it was time to win his second gold medal I could not stop watching (most stressful flat tire I have ever seen, but he still finished with a minute to spare).
Anyway, I am now at part sixth, which is 715/808. So I should finish tomorrow (more Olympics to follow tonight). I have words. I have many words. But I also have no time to scream cuz at this point it would take hours.
oh I hope you have fun wherever you're going!!! and yesss you're so close to being done I'm so glad, I can't wait for your eventual screams I'm genuinely so obsessed with that book
I've also been obsessively watching the olympics so I'm right with you there. congrats on your country's gold medal win for cycling!!! it's definitely fun having olympics on as background noise although I often get distracted from whatever I'm doing because I end up wanting to watch the events
the one thing I always tune into is women's gymnastics (unsurprisingly) but I've been having a lot of fun with the other events I've been checking out. I always love dipping my head into surfing and skateboard of course, and tennis OBVIOUSLY is a major one for me because tennis is the only sport I watch regularly outside of the olympics. but also I've been watching a lot of equestrian this year with my mom and it's been so fun. my mom used to do the kind of competitive eventing that's in the olympics (along with playing polo) and while she never went pro she was at a level where she could've if she wanted. so watching equestrian events with her is very fun because she just explains everything that's going on and what to look out for and how to tell if something is going right or wrong etc etc. suffice to say, equestrian sports are insanely precise and dangerous and get drastically overlooked by the public at large imo
anyway, highly recommend finding someone who knows a lot about a more niche olympic sport and watching events for that sport with them. you learn so much that way.
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