nazoltd · 1 year
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Buy Siemens 5SL6320-7YA
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kaobei-engineer · 17 days
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我未來的職涯應該只能一直被同事呼來喚去吧.... 「這邊有問題你改一下」 「改好了嗎」 「什麼時後可以改好」 「可以盡快嗎我要測試」 「測好了你可以滾了」 「這邊有問題你改一下」 無限循環 我已經當了聽命行事的程式碼工人當了10年了,真的很希望能有其他發展,但,都是我的奢望罷了。我的宿命,就是程式碼工人。
💖 純靠北工程師 官方 Discord 歡迎在這找到你的同溫層!
👉 https://discord.gg/tPhnrs2
💖 全平台留言、文章詳細內容
👉 https://init.engineer/cards/show/10306
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yaseminyildizsblog · 2 years
Kışlık 7yas çocuk kıyafeti olan var ise paylaşabilirmisiz?
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mutelelektrik · 2 years
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spiddek · 2 years
Liked on YouTube: The Best Sword in the Game | Elden Ring #18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3Rat-m-7YA
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egitimsetionline · 5 years
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🔹🔹 1⃣Bilgi ve Sipariş ⏩ @cocukrehberinet ⏩ @cocuk_gelisimi_atolyesi 2⃣WebSite: https://www.cocukgelisimiatolyesi.com/ 🔸🔸 🔻EYLÜL ayına ÖZEL🔻 🔖Kapıda Nakit Ödeme (+3 TL) 🔖Havale/Eft ile Ödeme 🔖75 TL üzeri siparişlerinizde KARGO bedeli ve KAPIDA ÖDEME ÜCRETİ yoktur. 🔹🔸 🔹🔸 #7yaş #hediyekutusu #hediyefikirleri #hediyefikri #hediyelikesya #cocukgelisimi #çocukeğitimi #lcwaikikicocuk #6yasoyuncaklari #cocukegitimi #6yaş #çocukluk #hediye🎁 #doğumgünühediyesi #7yasveuzerioyuncaklari #6yas #anneçocuk #6yaşetkinlikleri #7yas #hediyelikeşya #çocukkitabı #çocukkitapları #6yaşdoğumgünü #hediyesepeti #çocukgelişimiveeğitimi #7yaşında #7yaşdoğumgünü #hediyeci #6yaşında (Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wGzmunE59/?igshid=pynx3dtdv1ep
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pancostume · 5 years
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Nasıl güzel bir fotoğraf💕💕 @zeynep_feyzullah01 çok teşekkür ederiz 🙏💗 @pancostume 👉https://www.pankostum.com/seftali-renk--elbise #kizcocukelbise #cocukabiye #dogumgunupartisi #dogumgunuelbisesi #dugunelbisesi #partielbisesi #pudraelbise #kidswears #mevlütelbisesi #bebekelbiseleri #1yas #2yas #3yas #4yas #5yas #6yas #7yas #8yas #dogumgunukonsepti #dogumgunu #nedimeelbise https://www.instagram.com/p/ByvW0avgUJr/?igshid=1q1z1u36atnfu
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strifelees · 5 years
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Survey results are in! seven years apart will be covering @twentyonepilots song #MyBlood next. #music #video #musiclove #newmusic #nowplaying #radio #beat #beats #artist #alternative #art #song #7YA https://www.instagram.com/p/B1i9yWLAhxL/?igshid=19i7wsihkmnle
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theneverchild · 4 years
MAMA MAME and her dark and twisties
A lot fo the shit that MAME writes is dark, twisted, and to put it lightly, fucked. It’s really hard to 100% support some of the shit that she writes but I think the reason I stay is because it honestly adds a little bit of reality to the situation. 
Life isn’t all roses and humans aren’t perfect. 
An examply of this is KENGKLA. BOY NEEDS HELP! But like, he does love Techno in his own psychotic way and we see a little bit of Type trying to help Techno put how “monopolising” and manipulative of Techno he is into perspective, and tries to help loosen his control. This is definitely something I’m looking forward to in 7 Years After. 
Another example is the 7 Years After book as a whole. TYpe isn’t perfect, yes he’s grown a lot but some of the shit that goes down in 7YA is really hard to swallow and quite frankly I really hope they water it down in the series because it’s going to be a tough pill to swallow. 
ANother example is the seemingly innocent forced contact between Tharn and Type at the start of series 1. The only reason this issue hasn’t dissuaded me from adoring this series is because 1) it contributes to their character growth, and 2) I don’t know if I would have such a large issue with it if it were a straight drama and Type hadn’t clearly verbalised that the thought of homsexuality disgusted him and made him uncomfortable. While I know I’d still have an issue with it in a straight drama, I just don’t know if (unfortunately) I’d have as much of an issue as I do. 
However, all this being said, as dark and psychotic as this show and series does get, I think it does add a sense of realism as not everything can progress in a way that is viewable through rose coloured glasses. Quite frankly people are dark and twisted, and they will put you out of your comfort zone, the question that determines my comfortability with this kind of portrayal in media is the effect it has on the relationship and it’s intended use. 
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obsidianschild · 4 years
WIP Title Game
Tagged by: @kingquentin
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Omg, even when I have titles, they're bad:
7YA (this is what I'm currently posting)
A Piece of My Soul
Hidden Truths
I Remember You
I didn't check to see who has been tagged! @autumnennui @r-dtoblack @eidetictelekinetic
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blessed-9 · 5 years
Glelt 7ya
اوفف ليش
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
Oh so this is because of 7YA Kelly saying no to the second date.
Also, I was about to be like “WHERE ARE CLAIRE’S SONS!!!!!” and then I saw them in the bg. 
Also where’s Bortus?
Also, the Kaylon wiped out half the galaxy. They’re Thanos. But Artificial Lifeforms.
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mutelelektrik · 2 years
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ryniahat-blog · 5 years
The most frequent jet collection lifetime gets you appear and truly feel drowsy readily. Along with the pollutants and toxins slip your own normal splendor and also make you age more rapidly. As a way to beat the signals of growing older and lose yourself by the fatigue it's shrewd and wise that you opt set for spa treatments that'll revive your body and mind in moments.
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egitimsetionline · 6 years
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Domino Trafik İşaretleri Oyunu
Domino Trafik İşaretleri Oyunu | 7+ Yaş Grubu
Amaç: Eldeki kartları ilk bitiren oyuncu olmak
Kutu İçeriği: 45 adet oyun kartı ve oyun kılavuzu
Oyuncu Sayısı: 2-5
Menşei: Türkiye
* Domino Trafik oyunu Avrupa Birliği Oyun Mevzuatlarına uygundur.
Trafik işaretlerinin öğrenilmesi çocuklar için çok önemli. Erken yaşta trafik işaretlerini öğrenen bir çocuk trafikte yaya olarak da daha dikkatli olur. Domino Trafik oyununun amacı da trafik işaretlerini eğlenceli hale getirerek çocuklara öğretmektir.
#akıloyunları #8yaşında #jandarmatrafik #trafikverket #isaret #oyuncakbebek #trafiksigortası #oyuncaksepeti #trafikişaretleri #oyunarkadaşı #trafik #7yasveuzerioyuncaklari #sagliklioyuncak #amigurumioyuncak #egiticioyuncak #8yaş #7yas #sağlıklıoyuncak #dominoonline #oyunzamanı #domino #trafikhayattır #işaret #7yaş #işaretdili #7yasinda #trafikpolisi #7yaşında
@cocuk_gelisimi_atolyesi @cocukrehberinet Domino Trafik İşaretleri Oyunu
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lovegabbygatsby · 3 years
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7 years apart. This one is actually 8, I can't believe they still sell the same costume. #7YA #7yearsapart #B2G #mtf #M2F #transdorable #transbeautydaily #tgirl #maide #frenchmaid (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQml4xEnGD_oUiQDzzv0icjWBtebtpbHsGlmFA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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