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Kabhi Kabhi Ittefaq Se Written Update 💫 - The Unexpected Meeting 🌆 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1511091211-kabhi-kabhi-ittefaq-se-written-update-%F0%9F%92%AB-the?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=btowncelebrity Kabhi Kabhi Ittefaq Se is a heartwarming story about Aarya, a small-town girl, whose life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Arjun under the most unlikely circumstances. From a chance encounter to a deep, unspoken connection, their journey together reveals how fate can bring two people together in the most magical and unpredictable ways. Filled with moments of serendipity and love, this story celebrates the beauty of life's unexpected twists.
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don't blame me
love made me crazy
Fandom: Love By Chance
Pairing: TinPete
Rating: M
Warnings: Cheating/Affair
The aftermath. Four hearts break. Two relationships end and one begins. Sometimes, they all learn, some people's happiness comes at the cost of others. Sequel of i did something bad (but why does it feel so good)
Read on AO3
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The LoveByChance Podcast delves into the fascinating realm of love and connection, celebrating the unexpected moments that lead to unforgettable relationships. Each episode explores serendipitous encounters, showcasing real-life stories of chance meetings, accidental encounters, and surprising twists of fate that brought people together.
Listeners are drawn into a world where love happens in the most unexpected places—a shared cab ride, a misplaced text, or a coincidental event at a bustling city café. The podcast weaves these tales with heartfelt interviews, providing a platform for individuals to share their journeys of vulnerability, hope, and joy.
In addition to the inspiring narratives, the LoveByChance Podcast often includes expert insights into the dynamics of human connection and the psychological factors that make these chance moments so impactful. Engaging storytelling is paired with practical advice for those seeking to embrace spontaneity in their quest for love.
Whether you're a hopeless romantic or a skeptic seeking inspiration, LoveByChance Podcast offers a unique perspective on love’s unpredictability. Tune in for a dose of heartwarming tales and a reminder that sometimes, love finds you when you least expect it.
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BLs That Heal
Tough times all around so #FujinHaven did an informal survey of BLs fans find healing, help them feel better about themselves, more calm and optimistic
The titles,grouped by theme, are rich in emotions and intimacy; inspiring; absorbing; cathartic and humorous too
Healing for those dealing with loss, shame and grief:
#Egoist 🇯🇵
#EternalYesterday 🇯🇵
#GameBoysTheSeries 🇵🇭
#HesComingToMe 🇹🇭
#OneRoomAngel 🇯🇵

Oxytocin drips:
#MySchoolPresident 🇹🇭
#HIStory3Trapped 🇹🇼
#CherryMagic 🇯🇵
#ALeagueOfNobleman 🇨🇳

Serotonin boosters:
#LoveSick 🇹🇭
#AdvanceBravely 🇨🇳
#LoveInTranslation 🇹🇭
#Addicted 🇨🇳

Soft Tops:
#SemanticError 🇰🇷
#MyRide 🇹🇭
#LoveByChance 🇹🇭
#SecretCrushOnYou 🇹🇭

Can’t cry but really want to cry and it will all be worth it:
#KillerAndHealer 🇨🇳
#NirvanaInFire 🇨🇳
#TheUntamed 🇨🇳
#ToSirWithLove 🇹🇭
#HanhPhucXaBay 🇻🇳
#UntilWeMeetAgain 🇹🇭

Visuals and Vibes:
#DinosaurLove 🇹🇭
#MrCinderella 🇻🇳
#BoysLockdown 🇵🇭
#2Gether 🇹🇭
#HelloStranger 🇵🇭

Lots of laughs and smiles:
#WinterBegonia 🇨🇳
#BonAppetit 🇰🇷
#StupidGenius 🇻🇳
#BoyNextDoor 🇰🇷

Enjoy the list and check out the first feminist reviews of live-action BL at Fujin Haven blog https://fujinhaven.portfolial.com
#BLsThatHeal#egoist#eternal yesterday#gameboys the series#he’s coming to me#one room Angel#my school president#history3 trapped#cherry magic#a league of nobleman#lovesick#advance bravely#love in translation#addicted#semantic error#my ride#love by chance#unforgotten night#secret crush on you#killer and healer#nirvana in fire#the untamed#to sir with love#khun chai#Hanh Phuc Xa bay#until we meet again#dinosaur love#mr Cinderella#boys lockdown#2Gether
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A diagram to try and explain the Tharntype-LovebyChance-Don'tSayNo universe
#tharntype#love by chance#a chance to love#thai bl#bl series#shipping#relationship chart#don't say no the series
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Job : Breathe if you think I’m handsome
Pete: delete this fucking post Tin is turning blue
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I absolutely love Tin's satisfied smile when Can still couldn't remember his surname even after hearing it twice already. It's a small but crucial sign to him that maybe, just maybe Can is a person who FINALLY doesn't interact with him only because of his famous surname.
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Favorites BL couples 💕
#tharntype#mewgulf#mew suppasit#gulf kanawut#why r u the series#zeesaint#zee pruk#saint#dark blue kiss the series#kiss me again#kaopete#taynew#tay tawan#new#saifahzon#tommy sittichok#jimmy#lovebychance#tincan#meanplan#thai bl#loveislove#gay couple
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Never Fallen from Quite This High
[PROMPT: one-shot about Can being jealous and Tin dealing with that. From: Maoshi over at Ao3 THANK YOU <3] They were friends, damn near best friends.
At least, to everyone else they were. It wasn’t exactly how he wanted it, but while Can adjusted to the idea of having a boyfriend (though two months in Tin wasn’t sure how much adjusting he needed) and while he adjusted to having something he was terrified Tul would try to harm, they were keeping their relationship quiet. There were only a few people that didn’t seem to believe that was all they were, Pete of course was forever questioning what was going on between them, and with Pete came his Thai Program boyfriend who didn’t seem to like it when Pete questioned it, but he could sense him watching. Protecting. Ridiculous, since he’d ruin anyone who so much as touched a single hair on Can’s head. Unfortunately for everyone else, the threat was not only real, Tin had the means to do it and enough hurt buried in him to do so without remorse. Can was the only thing that kept him together, his life line, the one person who stomped out the raging fires before they could spread, offering calm instead and all he needed was to look at him to find peace.
He hated it being a secret, but there was one benefit that came along with it. Can jealous was just about the cutest thing he’d ever seen in his life. He had no cause to be jealous, his heart was Can’s, he’d already made it very clear that he was head-over-heels in love with him, much to Can's embarrassment. That had been cute as well, and so he said it whenever he was sure no one was listening, just to see the way Can’s face would heat up, watch him slap his hands over his face… and every now and again announce that he thought he was going to shit over it.
The jealousy came in different forms, it came whenever a girl was a bit too persistent in trying to get his number. Somehow the news always reached Can’s ears, and he most certainly didn’t find a way to make sure it did. He’d later find his boyfriend waiting for him, a pout already formed on his lips, his arms crossed in frustration.
It sometimes came simply because his little sister seemed to think there was something going on between him and Pete. Can hated the way she shipped them, even when Tin tried to point out that it was actually kind of funny that while she was shipping him with Pete, he was making out with her older brother just outside of her notice. After being denied so many kisses, after Can tried so hard to fight against them… they could hardly keep their lips off of each other now. It made hiding the relationship difficult, but he got a thrill out of seeing just how far they could push it before they got caught. He had a suspicion that Can did too. That or he was just far too jealous to stop it. Which was exactly how they’d ended up kissing just under the football stands, around the corner from where she was talking about how cute Pete was. Can had initiated that kiss, he’d practically attacked his mouth, and thus far it was one of Tin’s top five favorites that they’d shared.
Thanks to Ley, the jealousy even came when he talked to Pete. Did Tin talk to him perhaps just a bit more to get a rise out of Can? Certainly not. Of course not. He wouldn’t ever. It benefited Pete as well, at least, because as they stood talking, and in truth they were only talking about a project they had to work on together, he could see both Can and Ae out of the corner of his eyes, both with clenched fists, both pointedly staring and not discussing what they were angry about. Can because he couldn’t, Ae because well… who knew, he didn’t try to understand Pete’s little boyfriend.
“When you finish your portion of the information gathering, can you email it to me? I’ll put it together with mine and then we can figure it out from there?” Pete’s voice broke him out of his thoughts, and he offered an indifferent nod of his head.
“I’m almost done, I’ll get it to you tomorrow,” he shrugged, checking his phone as he glanced towards Can, who was now facing away, his hand pointing towards the field as he spoke with Pete’s boyfriend. Pete himself cheerfully agreed that getting his part of the assignment the next day worked, but something else had his attention, his hand over his mouth as he stifled the laughter that was shaking his shoulders. “What is it, now?” He questioned, his voice bored - he didn’t actually care, in truth, but he figured Pete was probably going to tell him anyway. Whatever was making him laugh was on his phone, Pete’s eyes were locked on it.
“Are you very sure you and Can aren’t… you know… together?” The words were giggled, an actual damn giggle. His eyes roamed back over to where the guy that actually was his boyfriend stood, his back was still facing away. But he noted that Can also had his phone in hand. Tin slowly looked back to Pete’s phone as his curiosity piqued. What did Can’s crazy ass do now?
“Last I checked we were not, as I’ve told you before. He’s a good friend.” That didn’t seem to put a stop to the flow of giggles, they only increased as Pete handed his phone over for Tin to look at, instagram already pulled up on it’s screen.
“Scroll back up a bit, Can… find Can,” it didn’t take long, it never did, he had his profile picture, his account name committed to memory. It was Tin now biting back a laugh, a picture of him and Can that they’d taken just after one of his games showing as his latest update. There wasn’t anything about it that screamed that they were dating, his arm was around Can, and he was actually smiling for a change while Can positively beamed. What did make it seem like something was going on was the caption, and the fact that Lemon had not only been tagged but had commented demanding an explanation that Can argued against.
The caption said nothing more than MY friend, the word my in all caps as though he was trying to prove a point. Lemon tagged just beside it. The comments below were a small sibling argument that had Tin stuck biting the side of his hand as he read it, both to stop the smile and to keep himself grounded.
“Something wrong, Cantaloupe?” He questioned as they made their way into his bedroom, his boyfriend immediately dropping his bag unceremoniously on the floor and flopping himself dramatically on his bed. He knew what was wrong, he’d known earlier in the day from his actions, from the picture he’d posted where Ley had demanded to know why he cared who she shipped him with. The pout hadn’t left his lips since, and Tin only saw one real solution. As far as he was concerned, Tul could go straight to hell, it wasn’t like he’d ever allow him near Can anyway. Therefore, the metaphorical ball was left with Can, he could either send it towards the goal - the goal that let everyone know they were together, that they were in love even if Can had yet to utter the words, or he could keep dribbling the ball and allowing his jealousy to grow.
Tin, for his part, was very much hoping he’d be the strong football player he knew he was and kick that ball as hard as he could towards the net.
“You’re MY boyfriend! Not Ai’Pete’s! Or anyone else's, it makes me so mad,” he could see that, and though he tried to sympathize with the man laying on his bed, he couldn’t help but smile as he kicked his legs wildly in frustration, the loud oiiiiii sounding through the air.
“All yours, forever, so what’s the problem?” He was egging it on just slightly, pretending he didn’t know the problem, but of course he did. Still, Tin sat down beside where Can lay, raising his eyebrows as he was glared at.
“No one knows! Ley has people thinking you might be with Pete! Then there’s that girl that’s always talking to you. I heard someone ask someone else if you were dating her and they said they thought you might be! But you aren’t!” Tin reached a hand out, gently cupping Can’s face as he leaned down, brushing his lips over his.
“So tell the world. Correct your post, I’m not your friend Can.” Can lay in silence, Tin’s face staying quite close as he watched his expression shift. Wide eyes turned to determination, and though Can never said the words, he wore his emotions clearly on his face. He wanted to hear those three words so badly, but seeing the love written there plain as day was enough. For now.
“Will you take a picture with me, Tin?”
“You don’t even have to ask. You just have to send it to me.” Can’s phone was in his hand the moment he said he would, the camera opened. What Tin had expected was the typical picture they so often took, side by side, eyes turned towards the camera (though admittedly, more often than not, his own eyes ended up on Can), one of them with a wide smile and the other with the smallest of smiles. Tin started to sit up for that very picture, surprised as he was pulled back down, Can’s lips crashing into his, his fingers immediately tangling in his hair. The picture was forgotten, his eyes falling shut as he eagerly returned the kiss, as he breathed him in. The shutter sound as a picture was taken was what caused him to break away, his eyes on Can’s phone as he saw a picture of them kissing up on the screen.
Before anything else, Can pulled up his texts, sending the picture to Tin before he pulled up instagram. Not only did he feel complete shock, but a wave of relief watching his boyfriend post a picture of them kissing, a caption this time in all caps that only said MY BOYFRIEND with not only Ley tagged, but him this time. He felt a surge of pride, of love, as he watched the smile that spread over Can’s face. Tin moved to lay beside him, his own phone in his hand as he saved the picture, and before Can could stop him, posted it to his own instagram.
Except his caption was a bit more.
I love you, Cantaloupe.
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Love by chance season 2!! OMG! My Tin and Can are sooo adorable!
#tincan#meanplan#2wish#lovebychanceseries#lovebychance#a chance to love#meanpiravich#planrathavit#不期而爱#doodle#sketch#illustration#digitalart#drawing#fanart
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Favorite main couple in BL?
Ae & Pete
Love By Chance
I like to think of Ae as demisexual, he certainly comes off that way during the course of the narrative. Love By Chance is probably my biggest comfort watch, just the AePete story arc.
What stopped LBC being a fav all round? The TumTar and (WORSE) KlaTechno subplots. They are both pretty revolting.
I can take or leave TinCan.
But AePete is EVERYTHING. It’s so good.
They are so impossibly soft and sweet with each other and the conflicts thrown up between them are honest to the characters so neither of them ever come off as stupid (side eyes FighterTutor).
The MAME universe has some serious issues, but Ae and Pete aren’t one of them.
Look I watch A LOT of BL and this is the only one I’ve ever seen with reference to lube use. For that alone they should be on top of every list.
(See what I did there?)

Honorable mention to Pete & Kao.
Exactly the opposite of Ae & Pete in every way.
But so unbelievably lovable and it’s just plain fun to watch Tay and New fuck off on screen together.
#AePete#LoveByChance#love by chance#ae_pete#lbc#30 day bl drama challenge#thai BL#thaiBL#asianBL#asian BL drama#demisexual#petekao#taynew
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Just gonna leave this here...
#I am your king 2#2 moons 2#still 2gether#together with me#my day the series#history 2: crossing the line#lovebychance#tharn type the series#i am your king series season2#Instagram
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Anyone else feel like their going to end RamKing like they did with TinCan! I’m hoping I’m wrong!
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#2gether the series#2gether#tine#sarawat#teamsarawatwives#tine x sarawat#win#bright#bright vachirawit#brightwin#lovebychance#pete x Ae#tharntype#tharn x type#sotus#sotuss#sotus the series#kongpob#arthit#kongpob x arthit#blseries
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a beleza todinha nele 🥰
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