#7th stand user chaos mode
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7su-r · 2 years ago
MOD: 7th Stand User: R
Download it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mN49EvprHEzvJmUvwvQvUEidZF17aubk/view?usp=drive_link A QoL mod of 7th stand user, based on version 2.6 with the colors from DX! Some gameplay elements have been altered to make it a bit more accessible for those that are not into old-school RPG's! If changes some aspects of the game that some players find frustrating, such as random encounters. This mod focuses on QoL and does not add new events or story elements.
• Colors from DX! HUGE thanks to Pythagasaurus13, the creator of DX, for letting me use these. Note that some colors have been adjusted a bit, generally to make it easier to tell different characters apart. • Water tiles no longer have a "flashing" effect and the screen flashing effects of certain battle animations have been toned down. • No random encounters. All enemies appear as characters on the map now! (The only exceptions are Caravan's pocket dimension and the Debug Room.) • Skills that can only be learned from staying at a hotel will now longer unlock randomly. Instead, they are guaranteed to be unlocked if you meet the requirements. • Several endings now allow you to enter the Dev Room: Betrayal End, Mad World End, Good Josuke End and the Unrest End. • Items show you how much HP/SP they restore. • XP gained from staying at hotels has been rebalanced. • Food (the type that can't be used in battle) will heal the K.O. status. Additionally, food at hotels now recovers a bit more. • Option to do a "fresh start" rather than a new game+. This is very similar to just starting a new game, but you keep your completion counts and special unlocks. • A whole bunch of bugfixes. (And maybe even some brand new bugs 🙃) • More small adjustements that are not listed here! Q&A Q: I already have a save file, can I use that? A: Yes! Just copy your save[number].lsd into the 7SU-R folder. But make sure to back up your original save just in case. Q: Does it work on EasyRPG? A: Yes! Q: I found a bug, eediot. A: DM it to me! I'll fix it. Don't be afraid to mention small graphical errors either. Q: I have a suggestion! A: DM it to me! But keep in mind: This mod does not aim to add new content and I do not want to change character dialogue. (Unless you believe something is mistranslated) Q: Can I still use the wiki? A: Most of the guides on the wiki will still work for 7SU-R, but a couple of details might be different.
Q: Are the Chaos Mode / Ballin' updates included? A: Yes, thanks to KKM's help, the mod is currently up to date with 2.6's Ballin' update. Q: Is the story any different? A: Nope! There are only some spelling errors and a couple of minor dialogue changes to reflect the QoL changes.
Q: The game is stuck in a tiny frame in the corner of the screen. A: If your screen is only in the corner then right click the application and then go to properties. Go to compatibility and then click Change High DPI setting. At the bottom it will say Override high DPI scaling behavior. Click the check box and make sure what's under it says application. Then restart the game.
Q: I have another issue... A: Check the FAQ on the 7th stand wiki.
Credits: Clayman for creating 7th stand user. KKM for creating the 2.6 translation as well as YellowCardinals & MaudDuke for creating the earlier translations. Pythagasaurus13 for coloring DX. The 7th stand wiki Discord for helping with testing, especially BreakDude who picked out a ton of small errors.
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legitimatesatanspawn · 1 year ago
Could I ask where you were able to get/download that Jojo fangame? I don't think I've ever seen it around before :^000
The specific version I'm playing is 7th Stand User R, which is a mod of version 2.6.
There's a couple ways I know of to go look for it.
There's the masterpost on Reddit: Link to r/7thjojo This link leads to a google download link.
There's a link in the 7th Stand User wiki: Link to 7th Stand User Wiki's FAQ This one goes to Mega.nz.
The latest one here is version 2.48, while the first one in English was 2.45E. There is 2.5.3, an updated version of 2.48, that adds in Chaos mode and alt endings. 2.6 does bug fixes, new areas, a new minigame, and more "Chaos Mode" NG+ stuff.
Version R adds the color from DX and QoL like field encounters instead of random encounters, items show how much they heal, fixing up the hotel...
There's a blog here for the first English translation of 7th Stand User.
Also there's the fan sequel in the works, although the previous demo is at the time of writing this is not available. There's supposed to be another shared.
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iamnotobnoxius · 4 years ago
Joey, i love you, but I don't think you're cut out for this kind of work.
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robo-milky · 4 years ago
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Last panel says it all
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sheeppop · 2 years ago
your 7th stand user art singlehandedly got me back into the game and i’m having a blast playing through chaos mode for the first time :>
AWWW thank you!!! SLAAAYYYYY great to know people are still into it!!!
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shadylightning · 4 years ago
So like, I know there’s probably only three people who actually care about JoJo 7th stand user, but like after chaos mode and all that, I really wanna see like, a fan fiction about the player’s journey with like, Rainbow and stuff. Like I’ve only seen one chaos mode fanfic and that one didn’t get any Rainbow love in it... I just like, want a fanfic where there’s like, not only Seventh’s interactions with the party but also like Rainbow with the gang? And like their journey together would be so fun to see, and all the other shit you could have with like, the Revenge scenario, or just small wacky stuff could be so fun... pls someone indulge and make some sorta series about it I am... please...
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new-wave-cosmos-nova · 4 years ago
7th Stand User Mod: Giorno Giovanna
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To the 3 people who play 7th Stand User, I've begun modding in a Giorno Giovanna Disc using RPG Maker 2000.
I've been hard at work for a few days, and already I can list some big changes I've made to the game to make the route unique.
-Giorno is the protagonist, and he was spirited back to the year 1987 and joins the crusaders.
-This will be a modded version of 7th Stand User v 2.48, and because I had rewired the beginning, it will be impossible to play normally as one of clayman's protagonists or access chaos mode. I tried, I really did, to find a way to get the 2.53 chaos mode update opened with RPG maker 2000, but it seems nigh on impossible to do so.
-Coco Jumbo, the turtle with the secret room featured in Vento Aureo, will be a mechanic. By completing a small sidequest in Japan, Coco Jumbo can be added into your inventory, and be used in the field at any time. It's a warp to a safe room, where you can see unique events with the crusaders. Rolling Stones will not spawn here, so it can be abused to avoid a sticky situation. It may also host some unique events depending on where you are in the story, so it might be a good idea to check in every once in a while!
-Coco Jumbo also comes with another feature, that I'm sure we all needed but didnt know we wanted: By taking a nap in the bed, Giorno can be temporarily benched while you get to control the crusaders! To those who have played the vanilla version and remember how tedious it was to level up your party members one at a time, fret no longer! There may be exclusive events around the world you might only get to see as a certain character, or duo of characters, so this is a feature I hope brings a breath of fresh air to 7th Stand User.
-You may be thinking, will Giorno only be able to get one or two endings? Will he be locked out of the submarine route? ...You'll have to see for yourselves. Have you ever wondered what would Giorno think if he ever met his father? Or if he met Vins? >;)
All in all I'm excited to announce this project and whenever it gets completed, I hope lots of people can play and enjoy my first mod! I'm not sure when a release will be possible, but hopefully within the coming months it will be ready to launch!
If it only took me a few days to create Coco Jumbo and polish up Japan with exclusive events, so I think I'm on a good pace.
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harcove · 4 years ago
I love that in chaos mode of the 7th Stand User theres a chance in your game to be related to Caesar/the Zeppeli's like... fuck that's cool
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yellowcardinals · 5 years ago
7th Stand User: Chaos mode update.
So 7SU is a pretty awesome fan game made by Clayman, but for a while there’s been an update called “Chaos mode” that adds some more stuff, which hasn’t been translated. Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to translate it, with the generous help of some anons reporting bugs and issues.
Besides some minor things, I think i’ve added everything to it, or at least everything noteworthy.
Biggest issue is you’ll probably need a Japanese RTP 2000 if you want the game to work. I genuinely  don’t know how to solve or fix it, sorry.
Pic bellow can show you how to do that.
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With that said, thanks to Super Bonk for the original translation, and Chaosanon for getting the ball rolling for this. Worse case scenario, somebody can take this can improve on it. 
Edit: Fixed a 7/11 bug in Singapore that a bunch of gibberish, should be good now. Also fixed some stuff that could mess things up in Cairo.Also made it so that trying to do the other endings besides the crusaders didn’t loop in a soft lock. Also it should hopefully stop looping you at Speedwagon’s part if you have Josuke’s disk.
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lordsenorslowmo · 4 years ago
I really have to get back to playing 7th Stand User, I stopped awhile ago before I could start a proper Chaos Mode playthrough
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punch-ghost · 4 years ago
A tumblr called yellowcardinals translated the chaos mode for 7th stand user. There are some minor text issues but it’s still good stuff.
Sweet, I’ll have to re-download it , thank you ! <3
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princesshalfdemon · 4 years ago
a tumblr called yellowcardinals translated chaos mode for 7th stand user, it does need the updated map0282 just to let you know
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aqours-remade · 6 years ago
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hey so good news for those of you waiting on Chaos Mode in 7th Stand User since the original translator appears to be MIA: someone on 4meme appears to be translating it
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burntuakrisp · 4 years ago
just wanted to tell you that 7th stand user's chaos mode got translated by a tumblr called yellowcardinals
Oh that’s great!!!! I don’t know if I’ll play it (I can’t handle stress) but I’ll be sure to check it out.
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7thjojotranslator · 7 years ago
7th Stand User Translation Ready For Takeoff!
After a few months of translating parts of the 7th Stand User, I added some modifications to the 7th Stand User.
The scene where Jotaro is slashed on the staircase on his way to school has been translated. You also have to opportunity to fight Steely Dan (This is normally exclusive to the yet to be translated beta Chaos Mode, but was added in an early release)
Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/76dzk7pvdpb6v13/The_7th_Stand_User.zip
Wiki: http://7thjojo.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
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harcove · 4 years ago
there’s some stuff you gotta do to get it to work like the Japanese RPT thing, but that tumblr I linked should explain most of it through their blog.
Can't believe I only found out about the 7th Stand User game today and I cant stop playing it bro like...
Finally my dreams of joining the Stardust Crusaders and befriending them? It's coming true bitch.
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