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biomic · 10 months ago
if you had to join a sentai team what color would you want your costume to be?
this shade of blue
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melondy-rose · 2 months ago
Last Song: The Impression That I Get by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Favorite Color: Baby Pink but like any pastels
Last Movie: The Muppets Christmas Carol
Last Book: If we are counting Fanfic I've Met You Once Before... by KazimaKuwabara not counting fanfic its Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Spicy Sweet Savory: Savory
Last Googled: Is Morton's Nature Seasoning discontinued Look I use this seasoning as my main seasoning and it's so hard to get right now. It was the only seasonings my parents used growing up and now I use other seasonings as well but I NEED that on in my cabinets
Current Obsession: Final Fantasy XIV, Danny Phantom x DC, diamond dot art, legos ( the tiny off brand ones because I am not made of money) and a little Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) (my sister got me the complete series for Christmas and I've made it through season one)
Looking Forward To: My Sister's birthday she is coming to visit me and we are doing crafts and then local-ish comicon in March
Hmm okay let's see... No pressure @antisocial-soupcan @lexosaurus @spacedace @dp-marvel94 @koschei-the-ginger @she-a-nice
Ten people I'd like to know better
1. Last song: Royal Pain by The Eels
2. Favorite color: I like all colors but generally prefer shades of purple
3. Last movie: Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024)
4. Last book: Young Men In Love: A Queer Romance anthology (a series of beautiful comics, recommended!)
5. Sweet, spicy or savory: Savory
6. Last thing i googled: phenakistoscope (blame exams lol)
7. Current obsession: switching between Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, Stardew Valley and "now how do I get back into reading"
8. Looking forward to: well I was looking forward to the end of my exams and it is here 😌
Tags (+whoever sees this, feel free to ignore): @hey-sherry @fuckyeahfreeimmortal @onceinawhilemoon @spiteful-crow @queriesntheories @ambersky0319 @screw-u-vaanu @peonyblossom @anerdynerd @gutmeats
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acerikus · 2 years ago
I just had a thought about deltarune, sometimes older buildings have underground passages connecting each other, with hometown seeming out of the way I wouldn’t be surprised if it some of the buildings like maybe the school or church were older than others, perhaps with passages connecting one or both to the bunker. I definitely think the grand dark fountain will somehow end up sealed so maybe an old passage in the closet will lead to the bunker
Oooooh, yeah that could be really interesting! And with how suspicious water has been getting, I wonder if the ocean could tie into that too... Some of those passages going towards the beach, or perhaps even under it? It'd be kinda neat to explore underneath hometown in a later chapter or something... And thinking back to chapter 1, the entry point into the closet was... Really, really damn creepy. It'd be cool if we got to go back around there again at some point and find some new secrets - a potential passageway heading over that way could be extremely cool.
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demilypyro · 4 years ago
I like to imagine that people underestimating your skills happens to Demily too. Where angels and demons look at her and go “oh that demon is obviously weak, just look at how she acts” meanwhile Demily is strong enough to blow up the moon or something if she ever actually wanted to do so.
Demily secret postgame superboss
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completelyinfallible · 5 years ago
What’s your opinion of phule?
he should’ve gotten more spotlight tbh
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pixxyofice · 11 months ago
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Universe rolls worst loop ever (its awkward as hell), is asked to stop (it doesnt)
one thought i had about isat as that an everyone looping au would provide a bit of a support system for each other, but an au where each person is going through their own loops before all being shoved into one loop during their act 4s sounds fun. by act 4, everyone is so tired but trying hard to not seem suspicious. so i imagine there being a paranoia spiral as everyone is trying to follow the script and not seem too strong. that said, Siffrin not being included in the loops seems painfully fun
Ohhh very good isat looping au thoughts... act 4 with everyone in an act 4 mindscape sounds fun and stressful for everybody involved!! Somebody notices I think.
The support network through the loops before they figure out that they want to keep traveling together being the foundational wish...
And then leaving siffrin out seems to be angst heaven :(
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skelimagines · 5 years ago
Ut and uf mains plus outcodes react to seeing a clone of themselves attacking their s/o
Sorry, but we now have a 6 character limit, and that exceeds it. ~Mod Feral
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punch-ghost · 4 years ago
A tumblr called yellowcardinals translated the chaos mode for 7th stand user. There are some minor text issues but it’s still good stuff.
Sweet, I’ll have to re-download it , thank you ! <3
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kittymaverick · 4 years ago
I would bet that the master detective’s worst nightmare would be a delimar family reunion. Hopefully if that ever happened, some of the extended family is invited too, specifically charles’ grandfather Phineas Crown who could hopefully be convinced to do a repeat of that one dinner party he held for his crew that ended with the building burnt down
Oh yeah, the Dalimar family are generally terrible hosts. A family reunion would absolutely suck.
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princesshalfdemon · 5 years ago
have you ever made your own stand and if so what is it?
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i make stands all the time!!! i have a fanfic called Honoka’s Bizarre Adventure:  µ’s Is Unbreakable
so for that alone i’ve made 9 Stands for µ’s, and many more for other characters; and on some of my RP muses i have dedicated JJBA verses where i’ve made Stands for them! i LOOOOOOOOVE making Stands!!!!
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the-nysh · 5 years ago
You know it’s probably unlikely but I hope the unwilling guide monster survives the events of the monster association raid
Ooh yes, this poor guy?! (Dubbed ‘Evil Mike’ by fans)
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It’s true, he’s just had bad luck caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, unwillingly helping out Saitama and Flash as he gets comically dragged along to their whims~ That by now it’d be pretty sad if he gets absorbed by Orochi or meets another unflattering end. :’)) We’ll see if ONE’s got any mercy plans for him to somehow make it out of all this chaos unscathed! 
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genaleah · 5 years ago
What's your ao3 account, i think I remember reading a previous chapter of your stuff but I can't remember the name of the fic
The fic is called Wild Cards! Thanks to your reminder, I’ve gone back to fix some typos and add in a few illustrations! I was planning to do this when the next chapter dropped, but if people are still reading that first chapter, I figured it deserved a little touch-up.
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yunisverse · 6 years ago
I like the new version of toonkind but, there might want to be a time limit on the fumble items from hammerspace, a spyglass is worth 1000 gp, so making the fumble items disappear after a little time makes it a bit less abusable at least in the selling stuff department
Mm, true. A one-minute limit on objects pulled out feels about right. 
Also in case it wasn’t clear to anyone, the objects on the Hammerspace table are optional; originally, I envisioned it as just pulling a random item from the character’s normal inventory (because if you’re a Toonkind and are born with access to a pocket dimension of your own, why WOULDN’T you keep all your stuff there) but this table helps streamline the concept.
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silyabeeodess · 5 years ago
i totally imagine that in the fusionfall universe that katz, le quack, and the red guy from cow and chicken/i m weasel are running around somewhere, possibly trying to use fusion monsters for schemes of some kind
Possibly.  Not even all of the villains who’ve technically joined the Fusion Fighters have proven to be trustworthy--with Vilgax sabotaging Dexter’s and Mandark’s cannons to try to take Fuse’s tech for himself, Mojo Jojo wanting to use fusion matter to create superpowered minions, etc.--so those who haven’t proven themselves loyal to Earth are definitely under suspicion.  Granted, most aren’t actually going to side with Fuse since the destruction of Earth isn’t good for them either.  They’d either need a guarantee that they’d be spared after the war, accepting Earth’s destruction as a result, or would hunt for their own means of survival.  Though the trouble with trying to control fusion monsters would be breaking through the hivemind that Fuse already has over them: They’d either be trying to run experiments on the fusion monsters to break that control in place of their own or would “ally” with Fuse just so they could abuse that power.
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the-lightest-shadow · 5 years ago
Howdy, if you are taking art requests, could you please draw a homestuck troll wearing a tinfoil hat and a black hoodie that has the scorrius symbol from the extended zodiac on the hoodie? I'll leave the horn design up to you if you don't mind. I like your art style
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Gosh, I haven’t drawn a troll in so long. I hope this is what you were wanting, I had fun drawing them!
Buy my a coffee maybe?
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demilypyro · 5 years ago
Have you ever played any of the fire emblem games?
I’ve played tons of Awakening and Three Houses.
I’ve finished neither.
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