#7th heaven season 1
bejustlikethem · 1 year
7th Heaven S01E02
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surelysilly · 2 months
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SuperPhantom Week 2024, go!
What: A week to celebrate the bestest crossover — Danny Phantom / Supernatural (TV 2005)! Fanfic, fanart, playlists/music, other multimedia or crafts, whatever you want, are all welcome! There are themed prompts for each day, so try to include it and more or as little as you want!
When: September 7th, 2024 - September 13th, 2024
Day 1: Sept. 7th - Divine / Impiety Day 2: Sept. 8th - Strange Day 3: Sept. 9th - Family / Outsider Day 4: Sept. 10th - Song (Fic) Day 5: Sept. 11th - Right / Left Day 6: Sept. 12th - Tools of the Trade Day 7: Sept. 13th - Free
*I will catch up on what I've missed in the following week to the best of my ability, but can't guarantee any swiftness. Submissions may show up the day after their prompt as I queue them up.
Sentence prompt for the week:
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
How: Post your works on Tumblr with the tags #superphantomweek2024 and #superphantom. I’ll reblog them here! Submissions to the week can also be added to this Ao3 Collection!
Just want everyone to have fun with this old little crossover here, so be free and be merry!!! <3
Below are extra details and information for each day.
Honorable mentions for extra brownie points:
Focus on side characters from either show! Last (few) season(s) nonsense Where do ghosts fit in the war between heaven and hell?
Day 1: Sept. 7th - Divine / Impiety
Do you think God lives in Heaven because He, too, lives in fear of what He's created Here on Earth? - Spy Kids 2
Divine: Angelic Presence, Angels, Grace, Holy, God(s), Wings, Pie, Fudge, Resurrection, Prophets
Impiety: Deals, Crossroads, Demon, Betrayal, Curse, Desecration, King of Hell, Abomination, Half-human (Nephilim, Cambion), Halfas (Half Angel & Half Ghost)
Day 2: Sept. 8th - Strange
There's something wrong with those boys... Something off about that house...
Too Many Eyes, Charade, Fleeting Glimpses, Veil, Death Defying, Midwestern Gothic, Limbo/Purgatory, Horror, Biblically Accurate, Ghosts, Weird Age Club
Day 3: Sept. 9th - Family / Outsider
This is about the blood of the covenant and the water of the womb, or neither or.
Family: Children, Childhood, Siblings, Old Friend, Blood, Fluff, Teamwork, Bonds
Outsider: Accidental Meeting, Secret, Outside POV, Found Footage, Ghost Facers, Wrongfully Accused, Strange Bedfellows, Incorrect Assumptions
Day 4: Sept. 10th - Song (Fic)
We've got a long road ahead of us... can't just sit in silence! Or can we...?
Mixtape, CD burn, Radio, Voice, Enochian, Ghost Speak, Silence, Lullaby
Day 5: Sept. 11th - Right / Left
The usual canon divergence, even canon compliance... or something even further removed!
Right: Time Travel, Pre-canon, The End AU, It's a Terrible Life AU
Left: Roleswap, Fantasy AU, Sci-fi, Multi-Crossover
Day 6: Sept. 12th - Tools of the Trade
These vary by profession. What are yours?
Overshadowing, Shot gun, Blade, Salt Circle, Trap, Ghost Portal, Ectoplasm, Impala, Feton AV, Cold Iron, Disguise, Fire, Possession, Wail, Monster of the Week, Summoning
Day 7: Sept. 13th - (Team) Free (Will)
New beginnings. Final endings. Let's do it all over again, it's only just getting started. Or is it?
Friday the 13th, Unlucky, Carry On My Wayward Son, Thrill, whatever you want!
*Take what you like, leave what you don't; these are all just extra suggestions for each day to help get the brain wrinkling up! Send any questions my way~
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spuffybot · 7 months
I just did a watch of Welcome to the Hellmouth and The Harvest. There’s so many amazing little things happening in those first two episodes.
1. The Music: there is so much 90s sitcom music happening. Especially at the end of The Harvest when they avert the apocalypse and it’s just Giles, Buffy, Xander, and Willow reflecting on what happened. The music sounds like it’s from an episode of 7th Heaven.
2. Everything David Boreanaz is doing is hysterical. You can tell it’s one of baby’s first real acting gigs. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, his arms are swinging inexplicably, and he makes standing still look so painfully awkward.
3. The Wardrobe: We get some of the best and worst looks in these two episodes and it’s quite frankly, iconic. Buffy’s first day of school look literally defined a generation. However her first night at The Bronze look??? What is happening here? And let’s not even get started on Angels shiny plush velvet jacket. He’s giving hot topic vampire.
4. The Lighting: I love how dark season 1 is, it’s a total vibe and I have so much nostalgia for watching this show when it was first on TV. But there are scenes that are actually impossible to see (the opening sequence for example) and there’s a moment in The Harvest where Buffy shatters a window and you can just see where the prosthetics are glued to Luke’s face.
5. The Prosthetics: If you didn’t know, they changed the prosthetics because they were so hard to talk in! Darla is impossible to understand half the time and they had to change some of Jesse’s lines because he couldn’t say “s” words.
6. Darla x The Mythology: ok so obviously we know Darla goes on a journey. It’s funny to look back at these initial episodes and see her behaving in ways that feel out of character. She doesn’t seem to know much about Slayers. She’s easily defeated by some holy water and a cross (wielded by Willow and Giles of all people.) She’s deferential to Luke in a way that makes her seem higher in rank than a fledgling but certainly not the 500 year old vampire we come to know. There’s also so many small mythology things that don’t make the cut or are evolved over time. Giles has seemingly never encountered many supernatural creatures and is unaware of what a Hellmouth is. Vampires eyes glow in the dark and they have talon like nails. Buffy’s stakes look like coffee table legs. I love seeing how the show grows beyond these beginnings.
I’m excited to continue watching season 1. I almost always skip straight to School Hard in any rewatch of the series and it’s so much fun to revisit these early episodes.
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Jessica Biel - 7th Heaven Season 1 Promotional Photoshoot (1996)
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al-zel · 3 months
Explaining every H:SR characters name, Part 1-- The Astral Express Crew!
I’ll put a symbol →(!!!) on every section that has a potential spoiler.
Stelle: A shortened version of the French name Estelle, meaning “star”. This name was derived from the Latin word “stella”. As for how it applies to the character, I’m sure it’s meant to show that the trailblazers true place is among the astral express exploring the cosmos. It might also be a reference to the Stellarons appearance.
Caelus: Derived from the Latin word “caelum”, Caelus is a name that means “sky” or “the heavens”. This name also belonged to the Roman god of the sky. It’s a little more convoluted than Stelle’s more straightforward name, but I think it holds the same narrative meaning as Caelus (the god) has heavy ties to the planet Jupiter, fitting the space theme. It's also the most yellow planet aside from Venus, (which is more associated with the color green due to how it appears in the sky anyway).
March 7th, DH, WY, and Himeko under cut!!
(!!!!) March 7th: It is the day March was found, but the specific date can bring some symbolism to mind. The month of march signals the beginning of of spring, a season full of new growth and revival from the stasis that winter brings. This fits into March’s character arc in her companion quest, as the garden of recollection locks away her past, essentially saying that It’s not something March should be remembering or looking for, implying something awful or traumatizing has happened to her. This shows that without those memories, March may have turned from a cold, "icy" character into a warmer, healthier one. 7 is also a lucky number, as it was very lucky that March has survived so long drifting in space and frozen, even if it was in 6 phase ice.
(!!!) Dan Heng: The character 丹 (Dān) simply means red, although it can also be pellet, powder, or cinnabar. I think this is mainly to tie in with Dan Heng’s maple leaf theme. The character 恒 (Heng) means “constant” or “persistent”, a nod to Dan Heng’s collected and steady nature compared to his eccentric companions. It may also be a reference to Dan Heng’s rebirths as a Vidyadhara or the number of years he spent inside of the Shackling Prison as Dan Feng.
Welt Yang: “Welt” is said to be the “name of the world”, but it’s really just the German word for world. “Yang” (杨) is Welt’s mother’s surname, meaning willow, poplar, or aspen, all three of them different trees. I don’t think that either of these names imply anything about Welt’s story, aside from the mantle of "welt" given to him by Welt Joyce, whoch is another post altogether. I think they highlight his responsible, powerful, and thoughtful character, as well as his sentimentality.
(!!!) (Welt Yang) Joachim Nokianvirtanen: Joachim is an abridged or contracted form of the biblical name Jehoiachin or Jehoiakim. They mean "Yaweh will establish" and "raised by Yaweh" respectively. Yaweh is a name of the Hebrew god, with possible roots to the old Semitic root הוה (hawah), meaning "to be" or "to become." This name is a probable reference to Welt inheriting his mentors Herrscher core and becoming the second Herrscher of Reason. His surname, Nokianvirtanen, is not an actual last name, but a mix of two names. The first part, Nokian, is a town in Finland. The second, Virtanen, is a common surname in finland derived from the word "virta", meaning "stream." I don't interpret this surname to have any meaning aside from establishing that Welt is (not confirmed outright, but heavily implied to be) ethnically half Finnish and half Chinese.
(!!!) Himeko Murata (無量塔姫子): Her first name is comprised of the characters 姫 (hime), meaning princess, and 子 (ko), meaning child. Put the whole thing together and it means "princess child", though I'm sure I didn't have to tell you that! I think it's less about her personality and story (especially in regards to Honkai Impact 3rd), but I think it represents her parents live for her, particularly her father's, as he's the one we know most about. The characters for her last name are-- 無 (Mu; nothing/nothingness), 量 (Ra(?); measurement, but with two connotations. First, it can mean a measurement, like weight or quantity, or it can mean "to measure" by estimate or actual documentation, or "to consider."), and 塔 (Ta; pagoda, tower, steeple). I think the most important part of her name is that last part-- in both universes, Himeko acts as a rock or mentor figure to many characters, being a motherly/older sister type towards the young trio of the express, and a teacher and squad leader toward Kiana, Mei, and Bronya, going as far as to strap a bomb to Mei's heart to keep her powers in check (with Mei's consent) should she lose control. 
And that's the Astral Express crew! I'm going by groups of characters divided into: Stellaron Hunters, Herta's Space Station, Belobog, The Xianzhou Loufu, and Penacony! (Characters are ordered by introduction. Characters will be put where they were first shown, despite their relevance in other places. Dr. Ratio, for example, will be put with the HSS characters instead of the Penacony category.)
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boycottthechosen · 8 months
Boycott the Chosen
We are a community of fans calling for likeminded others to boycott The Chosen as a result of the response (or lack thereof) to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine. We were all excited for the new season. Many of us were planning to attend theatre screenings of the premier. But we cannot support a show about the life of a revolutionary Palestinian man when its creators won't speak up for the Palestinian people. We are asking fans to
1. Boycott the series. This involves not attending theatre screenings, refunding tickets where possible, and not watching season four.
2. Delete The Chosen app
3. Donate to our fundraiser for Medical Aid Palestine. We are not expecting many donations, but every little helps
Simon Peter is fundraising for Medical Aid for Palestinians (justgiving.com)
Approximately 1,200 Israelis were killed on October 7th. Since then, approximately 25, 000 Palestinians have been killed. If you as a Christian were disturbed by the violence on October 7th you should also be appalled by the ongoing violence against the innocent civilians of Palestine. If Jesus were alive in Palestine today he would be in the middle of a warzone, facing displacement, famine, and death. It is unconscionable to profit from the life of a Jewish Palestinian while ignoring the ongoing violence.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the Earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called the Sons of God.
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/boycottchosen
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joeymerenset · 4 months
Void’s Romance Club blog Introduction
You can call me Joey, online I use the nickname Void, I use any pronouns but tend to prefer she/they (I’m still figuring that out,) I’m pan and polyamorous
I’m from Palestine and that is not up for your personal interpretation. It is a fact, and if you do not support Palestine, block me.
I’m obsessed with Romance club, my other interests include writing, analyzing literature and media, learning theology and culture, and making art, mostly by drawing but I do other things as well.
I speak Arabic, English and despite having learned French in school all my life, I only know the basics. Trying to learn it on my own time now.
Romance club facts:
I play Romance Club on three accounts because I cannot decide on love interests to save my life. 🥲
My first story on RC was The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire. My favorites are PSI and Song of the Crimson Nile.
I’d love to make friends/ find Romance Club mutuals, you can ask for my discord.
What Romance Club stories I’ve played, in order of my first to latest:
The Flower From Tiamat’s Fire
Status: on my 6th playthrough
Love Interest: Kingu
Path: Fire
Kali: Call of Darkness
Status: on my 4th playthrough
Love Interest: Ratan
Path: Loyalty, Kindness of the Goddess. Now playing on Independence path
Heaven’s Secret
Status: Completed
Love Interest: Malbonte
Path: Harmony Bearer, Path of Malbonte
Heaven’s Secret 2
Status: Completed
Love Interest: Malbonte (plan to play on other account for Hunger)
Path: Composure
Rage of the Titans
Status: Completed
Love Interest: Murphy
Path: Divinity
The Desert Rose
Status: Season 3, Ep 6
Love Interest: Adil
Path: Rebellion, The Desert Flower
Song of the Crimson Nile
First account:
Status: Season 2, Ep 6 (caught up to latest update)
Love Interest: Undecided, waiting for Anubis
Path: Honesty, Necromancy
Second account:
Status: Season 2, Ep 5
Love Interest: Set
Path: Cunning, Oneiromancy
Kali: Flame of Samsara
First account:
Status: Season 2, Ep 2
Love Interest: Ram
Path: Pride, Legacy
Second account:
Status: Season 1, Ep 5
Love Interest: Saraswati
Path: Passion, Freedom
First account:
Status: Completed, on my 7th playthrough (Replaying S3 for a bad ending)
Love Interest: Ivo
Path: Control, Form
Second account:
Status: Season 2, Ep 10
Love Interest: Kay
Path: Impulse, Form
Third account:
Status: Completed, on my 2nd playthrough (Replaying for middle ending)
Love Interest: Jonas
Path: Control, Form
Status: Previously reached the end of season 2 before making a second account, panicked when I couldn’t choose a love interest, and replayed the whole thing. Currently on Season 1, Ep 7
Love Interest: Liam (will play on other accounts for Bert and Rob)
Path: Emperor
Astrea’s Broken Heart
Status: Season 1, Episode 5
Love Interest: Undecided (will probably play on multiple accounts for Mikael, Raphael and Felonia)
Path: Faith
W: Time Catcher
Status: Season 1, Ep 7
Love Interest: Shen? (I'm falling hard for Onyx and Tallis)
Path: Moon Heiress
Legend of the Willow
Status: Was previously about to end season 2, forgot too many plot points. Now just began replaying
Love Interest: Kazu (Will probably play on other accounts for other love interests)
Path: Coldness, The Pearl Fox
Status: Just started, Season 1 Ep 2
Love Interest: Threxia
Path: Pride
I will continue to update this list as I keep going.
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d1sheclectic · 10 months
the fact that crowley and aziraphale have been speaking in modern day english since the garden of eden will never not be interesting to me. you could argue that they’re communicating in a tongue only comprehensible to celestial (?) beings which is thus being converted into english for the sake of simplicity (because we’re watching the show), yet there are a myriad of instances in which common english idioms, expressions, and euphemisms would have been lost in translation if they were not, in fact, just speaking english. The earliest recorded use of english i said to have been around the 5th to 7th century A.D, but even then, the language hadn’t yet developed into the language we know today. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
As I was doing research concerning exactly what it is we know about linguistics in good omens, I came across an old ask on Neil Gaiman’s account which answers several of my questions, but incites just as many.
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It makes most sense as both of these possibilities. This confirms 2 things:
1) Lead Balloons were somehow apart of God’s ineffable plan???
2) There’s a language spoken by angels and demons, and we are most probably only hearing a translation.
The amount of possibilities this opens up is insane. It makes you wonder what nuances are being lost in translation. It makes you wonder whether they have their own slangs and expressions both in the up and in the down. It makes you wonder whether there are different dialects of this supposed language.
But it’s impossible that Crowley and Aziraphale are never speaking english. And if they by some slim possibility really aren’t, does that mean that there are cuss words in both heaven and hell which have equivalencies to the ones we have?
It’s funny to think about when Aziraphale and Crowley may have transitioned from speaking in their “native” languages to just plain old english, since there is no doubt in my mind they were doing so in the later millenias. Crowley was probably so conflicted as to how to speak to Jim in season 2. Funny to think about whether he’d often fumble with his languages because the situation was just so darn confusing. Does all of heaven and hell eventually just completely forget about the language they used to speak? What ae the logistics here?
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kwebtv · 11 months
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TV Guide  -  November 2 - 8, 1963
Wilfred Bailey Everett Bixby III (January 22, 1934 – November 21, 1993) professionally known as Bill Bixby, Film and television actor, director, producer, and frequent game-show panellist.
Bixby's career spanned more than three decades, including appearances on stage, in films, and on television series. He is known for his roles in the CBS sitcom My Favorite Martian as Tim O'Hara, in the ABC sitcom The Courtship of Eddie's Father as Tom Corbett, in the NBC crime drama series The Magician as stage Illusionist Anthony Blake, and the CBS science-fiction drama series The Incredible Hulk as Dr. David Banner.  He also worked with Mariette Hartley in his final series, Goodnight, Beantown,  (Wikipedia)
Herman Raymond Walston (November 2, 1914 – January 1, 2001) was an American actor and comedian, well known as the title character on My Favorite Martian. His other major film, television, and stage roles included Luther Billis (South Pacific), Mr. Applegate (Damn Yankees), Orville J. Spooner (Kiss Me, Stupid), J. J. Singleton (The Sting), Poopdeck Pappy (Popeye), Mr. Hand (Fast Times at Ridgemont High), Candy (Of Mice and Men), Glen Bateman (The Stand), and Judge Henry Bone (Picket Fences).
The success of My Favorite Martian typecast Walston and he had difficulty finding serious roles after the show's cancellation. He returned to character actor status in the 1970s and 1980s, and guest starred in such series as Custer, The Wild Wild West, Love, American Style, The Rookies, Mission: Impossible, Ellery Queen, The Six Million Dollar Man, Little House on the Prairie, and The Incredible Hulk, again with Bixby, in which Walston played Jasper the Magician in an episode called "My Favorite Magician".
In 1984, Walston played a judge on an episode of Night Court. Six years later, he made a guest appearance on an episode of L.A. Law. He later was hired for the role of Judge Henry Bone on Picket Fences; the character was originally a recurring role, but Walston proved to be so popular the character was later upgraded to a starring role.
He appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation as Boothby, head groundskeeper at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, and reprised the role twice on Star Trek: Voyager.
In 1988, he guest starred in an episode of the popular horror-fantasy show Friday the 13th: the Series, as a bitter, elderly comic-book artist who uses a demonically cursed comic book to transform himself into a killer robot and murder his erstwhile enemies. 
Walston received three Emmy Award nominations for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for his work on Picket Fences, winning twice, in 1995 and 1996. CBS cancelled the show after four seasons in 1996. Walston made a guest appearance in an episode of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman entitled "Remember Me", in which he portrayed the father of Jake Slicker, who was stricken with Alzheimer's disease.
Walston played Grandfather Walter Addams in Addams Family Reunion (1998).  He appeared in the Touched by an Angel episode, "The Face on the Barroom Floor", which aired on October 15, 2000.
Walston made a cameo in the 7th Heaven episode, "One Hundred", which aired on January 29, 2001, four weeks after his death. (Wikipedia)
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amanda-melly · 1 year
My Good Omens Season 3 fan project
I spent most of my day fleshing out "my 3rd season of good omens" and I have to say I'm pretty damn proud of it. It's structured in 6 episodes and all.
I don't know if I'll have the time and patience to type everything. I wrote it on a notebook. I'd actually prefer to make a podcast or maybe a video narrating everything, but I guess people prefer to go to AO3 or something like that...
Some "spoilers" of my headcanon:
* hilarious scene of Crowley doing confession in a cathedral in Oxford to get a chance to talk to the priest (Crowley wears a full body raincoat and extra padded boots).
* Aziraphale starts the story overseeing the 7 angels practice playing their trumpets (they need to be ready for when the 7th seal is broken) as part of the insufferably useless corporate routine the metatron imposed on him. Another one is supervising incense production. Lots of incence in the book of revelation.
* there's a crown court hearing/ trial taking place at Oxford (that's a real thing and real name, I didn't make it up) that moves the plot forward. There are 12 jurors as a reference to the 12 apostles (that's the real number of jurors for these cases). The trial at Oxford triggers flashbacks to Crowley's trial. Back in Crowley's trial, Aziraphale tries to testify in his favor but the heads of Heaven, especially the metatron, subvert everything he says to make Crowley (Starmaker back then) look guilty. An angel - none other than Pre-Fall Dagon - comes in as accusation witness, Crowley says hey, you rebelled too! And dagon says they were a special spy infiltrated under superior orders and all their actions will be pardoned in exchange for them testifying. Dagon's testimony seals Crowley's destiny, and later, once all the rebels have been sentenced, Heaven sentences Dagon to hell anyway claiming the deal was invalid because of some ridiculous technicality. Season 1 was a chase story, season 2 was a mystery story, season 3 is a trial story (not exclusively, of course, but it's important. The whole theme of the second coming is Christ judging everyone, one by one. There's no escaping the "judgement" theme here) (I'm a lawyer so I'm pretty confident to approach this theme).
* did you know that Milton Keynes was designated as a new town in 1967? Do you know what else happened in 1967 in season 1? And do you know that both Crowley and Aziraphale took credit for Milton Keynes to their respective head offices, in the book? Put 2+2 together and we get an amazing flashback including Aziraphale and Crowley's first ever dinner at the Ritz! (for reasons I already explained in another post, no, they don't kiss before the s2 scene, so hold your horses).
* possibly a flashback of Aziraphale and Crowley during the wars of religion in Wales that serves to showcase some of their conversations trying to understand Christ's message and why humans misanderstand him so much. It's included for a number of reasons: we need to have something in Wales for Michael Sheen (now that David Tennant got to do his Scottish accent!) plus they really should talk about how ironic and tragic it is that so many people have killed each other over religious differences concerning Christ's message of peace and love among all persons and all peoples. Including the commandment of not killing each other. Seems to have gone right past people somehow. (this flashback also helps to give us some lighthearted Aziracrow early on, because Aziraphale and Crowley only really hit it off again by the end of episode 3 and only really get back together in episode 4).
* a new human character named Abel J. Ryuss has an important role as well. His full name is Abel James Ryuss. We get some 4 ou 5 new human characters that are important to the plot.
* Crowley kind of calls attention on a new human prophet and "outs" him as a prophet by accident and the dude ends up becoming a famous influencer - aka the modern equivalent of a prophet.
* the story begins with 4 out of 7 of the apocalypse seals already broken (aka the 4 riders of the apocalypse). When the 5th seal breaks, the dead arise. When the 6th seal breaks, in episode 5, Gabriel and Beelzebub return. But they're foreshadowed in episode 4 by the appearance of a blue bird with a fly flying around it in a tree in the background.
* the trio of angels: Michael, Uriel and Saraquiel each makes very different choices and have very different endings. One is irrelevant, one is killed and one ends up as the supreme archangel.
* heaven has at least 3 different factions with different agendas working to their own ends simultaneously. Hell has 2.
* catastrophical destruction followed by huge battle.
* In the end Gabriel and Beelzebub become consultants.
* careful with those to claim to speak for God.
* a marriage at south downs - and it's not Crowley and Aziraphale's! It's another couple we love. Aziraphale and Crowley needed a reason to go to south downs in the first place. Then they can take a walk and stumble upon a lovely cottage that just happens to be for sale.
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taruchisguide · 8 months
A3! 7th Anniversary: Revival Token Choices
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A visual and text chart of all the cards available in this year's anniversary revival token pool. Earned tokens can be used up until February 14 13:59 JST. Thank you and shout out to An, who helped translate Chikage's SR, Tenma's R, and Reni's SSR titles for me!
Twitter Version Here
↓↓↓ Text version below!  ↓↓↓    
🌸 Spring Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌸
Sakuya Sakuma: The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons (Act 12 Advancement Campaign), Packing Crimson Tomatoes (YABATAN VEGETABLE), Gentle Oni's Weapon (ONISAN KOCHIRA)
Masumi Usui: Sweet Ripe ☆ Spring Fruit (SUMMER VACATION Collection), Rumored Lady (La Vie En Rose), Promising Young Employee (SPRING SUIT COLLECTION)
Tsuzuru Minagi: Captive Fairy (Fairy in the Bottle), Huggy Bear (Welcome to the Bear Shop), Oriental Note (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE)
Itaru Chigasaki: Delinquent Upperclassman Behind the School (Nostalgic Gymnasium zwei), Puppet of Uro (ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTION), Night's Farewell (All aboard!)
Citron: Childhood Friend's Caretaker (SCHOOL UNIFORM COLLECTION), Accessorized with Flowering Dogwood (SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION), Spirited Arrow (Thus Begins the Horseback Archery)
Chikage Utsuki: Tailor-made (Graceful tailor), One Hundred Gazes (Summer Hyakki Yagyo), Hit the Target! Perfect (Hat Trick)
🌻 Summer Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌻
Tenma Sumeragi: Determined Move-in Day (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition), Happy and Joyful Mariachi (To the Person I Want to See, but Can’t), Your Magnificent Self in the Endless Summer (Thinking of You Under the Light Crimson)
Yuki Rurikawa: Audacious×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!), Stockings and Stilettos (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION), Rose Quartz Palette (Beautiful eyes)
Muku Sakisaka: Makeup: Ice (Yummy☆Cosmetics), Aquamarine Dream (Beautiful eyes), Curiosity Guide (Jurassic Memoir)
Misumi Ikaruga: Prodigy Top Dancer (Welcome to BURLESQUE), Exhilarating Back Shot (Kiss Shot), The Floral Prince (fairy-tale kingdom)
Kazunari Miyoshi: The Cat's and My Secret (Sunday With a Cat), Wink When the Rain Pauses (In the Sky After the Rain), Dance of Prayer (Dancer of Rituals)
Kumon Hyodo: Jump In! Parkour (3,2,1, START!), Mischievous Fairy (Fairy in the Bottle), Underclassman's Assignment (Nostalgic Gymnasium)
🍁 Autumn Troupe Revival Token Cards 🍁
Banri Settsu: The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons (Act 11 Advancement Campaign), Gaze of the Taiko Player (World's No. 1 Ohina-sama), Delicious Assortment (BOUQUET CREPE)
Juza Hyodo: Novice Photographer (June Tuxedo), Elated Cigar Box (Hyakka Ryouran), A Single Breakthrough Skill (Majestic Magic Teacher)
Taichi Nanao: Smile☆Decoration (Toppings of Your Choice), My Ideal Way to Soak (Midsummer Paradise), Emperor Penguin's Invitation (WHITE WINTER COLLECTION)
Omi Fushimi: Grateful to This Once-In-a-Lifetime Experience (Farewell!), Kitsune Waiter (The Ayakashi Ryokan is Open), Run around the field. (Us Back Then)
Sakyo Furuichi: Seize Your Fate (EnDgame StuDy), Master of the Royal Palace (Beautiful Country), Magical☆Keemun (Magical Toys)
Azami Izumida: The Pleasure of Battle (SURVIVAL STRATEGY), Tub-Washed Laundry Method (WASH & DRY), Unique Sole (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION)
❄️ Winter Troupe Revival Token Cards ❄️
Tsumugi Tsukioka: Renewed Move-in Day (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition), Blessed Ribbon Wands (June Promise), The Shirt's a Perfect Match (VELUDO WINTER COLLECTION)
Tasuku Takato: Astride a Noble Steed (Thus Begins the Horseback Archery), Focusing on a Single Point (Hat Trick), Hunter of Justice (Many Many Candy)
Hisoka Mikage: Admired by All the Students in School (Nostalgic Gymnasium), KING・OF・PUMPKIN (AUTUMN HALLOWEEN COLLECTION), Yappy Ventriloquist Pillow (Hyakka Ryouran)
Homare Arisugawa: Sense Ruler (Tarot of Fate), The ABC of a Man who Can (Night Walker), Bubbly and Jittery (NOSTALGIA)
Azuma Yukishiro: Empress Beauty (Heaven's Arcana), Tempting Chocolate (99% CACAO:HOLIC), Sexy×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!)
Guy: Roses et chocolat (Moment of Bliss), The Ultimate Pair (Graceful tailor), Smart LIVE! (Our 2nd LIVE)
🎭 Other Revival Token Cards 🎭
Isuke Matsukawa: No SSR, No SR, The Prince of April 1st (April Fool's 2017)
Ken Sakoda: The Newcomer Host of April 1st (April Fool's 2018), No SR, No R
Yuzo Kashima: The Champion of April 1st (April Fool's 2019), No SR, No R
Tetsuro Iwai: April Fool's Carpenter (April Fool's 2020), No SR, No R
Kaya Mizuno: The Company President of April 1st (April Fool's 2021), No SR, No R
Madoka Ikaruga: Wizard of April First (April Fool's 2022), No SR, No R
Reni Kamikizaka: Us on April 1st (April Fool's 2023), No SR, No R
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bejustlikethem · 1 year
7th Heaven S01E02
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90's sassy magazine
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imdonnalynn · 10 months
The Complete Dutton Family Tree from the 1st generation to its 7th.
Yellowstone, 1923 and 1883 Explained
The first thing you think of when you here Yellowstone...Dutton.
2nd Generation - 1883
・Mary Abel (2nd generation) ・1st unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・2nd unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・3rd unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・4th unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・5th unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・6th unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・Elsa Dutton (2nd generation) ・John Dutton Sr. (2nd generation)
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1883; 1923 (narration only) ・Wife to Sam "Commanche Warrior" ・Daughter to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Sister to John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Niece to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Aunt to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-aunt to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV April 9, 1865 - 1883 (18) Succumb to sepsis days after being shot with a dirty arrowhead through her abdomen. (1883 Season 1, Episode 10 "This Is Not Your Heaven")
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1883 ・Husband to Elsa Dutton ・Son-in-law to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Brother-in-law to John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton), and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Nephew to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Uncle to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-uncle to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - ???? It is unknown how or when Sam dies.
2nd Generation - 1923
・John Dutton Sr. (2nd generation) ・Emma Dutton (2nd generation) ・Spencer Dutton (2nd generation) ・Alexandra Dutton (2nd generation)
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1883, 1923, Yellowstone (flashbacks) ・Husband to Emma Dutton ・Son to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Brother to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Nephew to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Father to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Grandfather to unnamed micarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton), ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV June 23, 1877 - August 28, 1923 (46) Shot to death by Banner Creighton over land/lamb dispute. (1923 Season 1, Episode 3 "The War Has Come Home")
Special Note: He is the only Dutton to be in all series' in some capacity as his character John Dutton Sr.
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1923 ・Wife to John Dutton Sr. ・Daughter-in-law to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Sister-in-law to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Niece to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Mother to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Grandmother to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - August 31, 1923 Suicide by self-inflicted gunshot to the head three days after her husband John Dutton Sr. is shot and killed in a land/lamb dispute by Banner Creighton. (1923 Season 1, Episode 4 "War and the Turquoise Tide")
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1923; Yellowstone (flashbacks) ・Husband to Alexandra Dutton ・Son to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Brother to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior") and John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) ・Nephew to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Uncle to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-Uncle to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV 1889 - ???? (34) As of 1923 Season 1, Episode 8 "Nothing Left to Lose" he is still alive.
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1923 ・Wife to Spencer Dutton ・Daughter-in-law to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Sister-in-law to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior") John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) ・Niece to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Aunt to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-aunt to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - ???? As of 1923 Season 1, Episode 8 "Nothing Left to Lose" she is still alive.
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1883 ・Daughter to Henry and Claire Dutton ・Niece to James Dillard Dutton (Margaret Dutton) and Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton) ・Cousin to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Second Cousin to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Third Cousin to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV 1867 - 1883 (16) Shot and killed during a raid on their camp in Texas headed to Oregon. (1883 Season 1, Episode 2 "Behind Us, A Cliff")
6 Unnamed Deceased Children of Henry and Claire Dutton
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1883 (mentioned only) ・Children to Henry and Claire Dutton ・Nieces/Nephews to James Dillard Dutton (Margaret Dutton) and Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton) ・Cousins to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Second Cousins to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Third Cousins to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - ???? It is unknown how and when all six children died, but it was before 1883.
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UNKNOWN RELATIVE Based on the date this was a 2nd generation family member. Had they been born in 1863 that would put them at the age of 20 in 1883. ・Cara Dutton and Jacob Dutton never had any children according to Jack Dutton. We don't see them around the ranch and Cara is constantly corresponding to Spencer Dutton begging him to come home, not a distant son we haven't seen yet. ・Claire Dutton had no remaining children when Mary Abel died it's why she killed herself instead of continuing on. ・That leaves James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton possibly having a child that didn't travel with them? They could have stayed in Tennessee or been overseas with Jacob and Cara in Ireland or Scotland. This option seems to be the only option that has any chance of making sense. March 16, 1863 - ???? Unknown the who, what, where, when and why this Dutton family member existed.
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frazzledsoul · 1 month
So let's talk about my favorite arcane subject... historical TV ratings! In this case, historical Gilmore Girls ratings in the aughts.
As a reminder, everything discussed here will be in the 18-49 demo preferred by advertisers. Also, the WB/CW were less universally available than the other networks, so their numbers were lower.
In the debut season of Gilmore Girls, the highest rated show was Survivor, with a demo rating of 16.9.
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As you can see, all WB shows are towards the bottom of the chart. Gilmore Girls had a 2.5 demo rating, 8th in the network and 127th total out of 157 shows. The top rated show on the WB was 7th Heaven, with a demo rating of 4.4.
So respectable but not a smash hit.
Why was the show on several times a week? Well, it originally aired on Thursday, during the same time slot as Friends (5th ranked with a 12.6 demo rating) so the network wanted to give it another shot. During that first season, they used to air a recap after the first half of the show in case people switched over after watching Friends.
The highest rated show overall was Friends, with a 15.0 demo rating.
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Ah, season 2. Jess Mariano enters the scene and the show starts to develop its core identity as Love Triangle Central. It rises to third ranked on the network (bested by 7th Heaven and Smallville) and 115th overall and goes up to a 3.23 demo rating.
Oh, the power of a bad boy who can read. He will transfix many for decades to come.
The highest ranked show overall was CSI with a 16.1 demo rating.
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Season 3 is the last season we have Jess full-time and the only Literati season. We also briefly enjoy the company of Twilight Dad. The show maintains it's popularity but nothing much changes: it's still outranked by 7th Heaven and Smallville, goes a little lower in rank overall to 121th overall, and maintains a 3.23 demo rating.
Gilmore Girls: Beginnings was a time slot where they aired episodes from S1 on Sunday nights. The show was not yet syndicated and streaming didn't exist yet: you couldn't buy DVDS until 2004. This was the only way to see old episodes. Even so, it wasn't that popular.
We lose the boyfriends at the end of the season, and things take a turn for the worse.
American Idol was the top rated show with a 10.7 demo rating.
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Season 4 is the season of Single Rory, who ASP tells us we should adore more than the boyfriends.
Unfortunately, ASP also chose to give her scintillating plotlines about urine mints, arguing over a study tree, and begging for attention from a guy she meets in the laundry room. Lorelai's time is mostly taken up by Jason Stiles and his fascinating insurance saga. The viewers were bored. The show slipped to 6th in rank on the network and 128th overall, lost almost half of its viewers, and went down to a 1.7 in the demo rating.
ASP regrouped, brought the boyfriends back in, got rid of Jason, and finally hooked Luke and Lorelai up. The episodes near the end of the season are considered some of the best of the series. The show allegedly was close to getting canceled.
Quality wise, I think there are a lot of nice episodes here and there, but overall the season drags because there are far more interesting things going on with the supporting characters than the mains. Jess is as emo as he ever is and his hair is fabulous.
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The top rated show for the year was American Idol with an 11.1 demo rating.
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The show was on an upswing in season 5. We have to put up with Dean for a while, but Rory's attention strays (again) to yet another bad boy who can read and Logan brings a lot more energy and more interesting storylines to the show. We also have the glory days of Luke and Lorelai as a couple.
The show rises to #1 on the WB, finally outranking 7th Heaven and Smallville. It ranks 120th overall and the demo rating goes up to 2.0. The show's ratings will never be as high as they were during the Jess seasons.
Jess is not in season 5, as he was busy moving to Philly and becoming awesome. Milo shows up on American Dreams as yet another bad boy, yet his fresh-faced love interest in that show seizes the moment and not only fucks him but runs away with him, too. Meg Pryor at least knows how to take advantage of her opportunities.
American Dreams had slightly better ratings than Gilmore Girls but because it was a network show (and had insanely expensive music rights) it was canceled.
The top rated show (again) was American Idol with a demo rating of 12.9
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Oh, season 6. The season of disappointment, thwarted dreams, and Jess Mariano reinventing himself as a hipster dreamboat.
The show remained popular, tying for first place in the network with Smallville and Beauty and the Geek (the reality show version of The Big Bang Theory). The demo rating stayed at 2.0 and the show ranked 110th overall.
Supernatural (the show Jared is most known for) debuts in 5th with a 1.6 demo rating. It will become quite the phenomenon over the next 15 years and spawn many stans of its own.
Milo's show The Bedford Diaries isn't too popular, but he also films the Rocky sequel and is cast in Heroes. He's on to bigger and better things, as is Jess, who is now a stable, successful author and business owner and hotter than ever, while Rory is stuck in a holding pattern of indecisiveness and bad decisions. Oh, well. The population of Philly awaits, son. Start your slut era in style.
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Y'all will be shocked to find out that the top rated show of the year again was American Idol again with a 12.3 demo rating.
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Oh, season 7. The new writers tried, I guess. ASP had pretty much destroyed Luke and Lorelai as a couple and also set her sights on almost every other character, too. So we're left with a devastated Luke, the specter of Christopher on the horizon, and Rory once again embroiled in love triangle drama.
The WB and UPN had combined into a single network, so the show has more competition, but I think a lot of people just gave up.
The show went down to its S4 series low of 1.7, ranked 4th behind America's Next Top Model and Beauty and the Geek. It ranked 122nd for the year and was canceled. There were negotiations for a 13-episode season 8 (with Matt Czuchry as a regular cast member) but they fell through. I think if that season had happened, Luke and Lorelai would have gotten married/had a baby and Rory and Logan would have been endgame. We would not have seen Jess again, because Milo was too busy elsewhere.
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Heroes was the 7th ranked show overall that year and the top rated show on NBC. It has a demo rating of 6.4, over three times as high as Gilmore Girls and almost twice as high as Gilmore Girls at its height. There was a ton of water-cooler chat about the show during that time: it was pretty much everywhere.
There's been a lot of chatter on this site about ASP having big plans for Jess in S7, that she was going to have Rory cheat on Logan with Jess again and Milo only said no because he hated the new writers. There's never been any indication any of that is true because why wouldn't he move on to another job with more money, prestige, and attention? It was wise of him to leave and better for both Milo and Jess in the end.
So what have we learned here, other than that Frazzled has weird hobbies? Well, mainly that season 4 almost killed the show, the show's glory days truly were the first three seasons, and that I was not alone in rage quitting the show in 2006. All good lessons to keep in mind.
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Jessica Biel & Barry Watson - 7th Heaven Season 1 Promotional Photoshoot (1996)
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sylvarantii · 5 months
Being a fan of crossovers, this movie was pretty exciting for me to check out. Definitely didn't disappoint!
Lupin the III vs Detective Conan: The Movie is sort of one I wasn't sure how to feel about since I think I've only watched maybe one season of Lupin and it was definitely one of the more "modern" seasons.
That said, while I knew what to expect considering I do at least know the general direction the series takes, I feel it's fair to warn people who aren't familiar with the series to tread lightly.
To sum it up, it's, well, raunchy. There's sex jokes and lots of seeing women in provocative ways (especially Fujiko, my god that woman is the poster girl of extremely sexual women, even in this movie). Tons of cleavage. A bathing scene. It's very adult. Haha.
Which normally isn't a problem, but...I wasn't too fond of the fact Haibara got dragged into it. I just think when you're discussing certain things about the woman body and it's addressed toward a child (regardless of how old she is mentally) it feels a little wrong. Especially with an adult implyingly getting handsy with said child while making said comment.
So just...keep that in mind if you're like me and you're a little put off by it.
The humor of the series was a very good addition to this movie. I really do enjoy some of the gags of the Lupin series and it certainly delivered in this movie.
The characters were all really fun. I think my favorites were Jigan and Inspector Zenigatta.
I love Conan and Jigan's little playful banter of "being father and son". It was very precious.
By the way, there was a tv special before this one (Same name, just doesn't have "the movie" added on in the title). I would highly recommend watching it first as it provides a lot of context for the movie. Not to mention they do bring up some things from the tv special in the movie.
That said, you CAN watch the movie without the context. It's not like it's hard to follow otherwise.
I also want to say that Satou was an absolute delight in this movie. I love how she's willing to admit Lupin was her first childhood crush, but has no issues taking him down. She's hilarious and I just really enjoyed her in this movie. I kind of wish there could've been more of her.
It's rather funny to me as well that you can easily pick out which designer was doing which of the background and side characters. Like, I do think the Lupin series and Detective Conan mesh pretty well, but there are VERY MUCH artistic differences between the two that can be spotted at a glance.
Now before I add this to the rankings, I would like to note I'm not going to add a movie number to it since technically "Dimensional Sniper" is considered the 18th movie. But since this one came out after the last one, I figured I'd watch and write a little something up.
1.) The Raven Chaser (13th Movie)
2.) The Fourteenth Target (2nd Movie)
3.) The Lost Ship in the Sky (14th Movie)
4.) The Time Bombed Skyscraper (1st Movie)
5.) Magician of the Silver Sky (8th Movie)
6.) Captured in Her Eyes (4th Movie)
7.) Crossroad in the Ancient Capital (7th Movie)/Lupin the III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
8.) Quarter of Silence (15th Movie)
9.) The Phantom of Baker Street (6th Movie)
10.) Countdown to Heaven (5th Movie)
11.) Strategy Above the Depths (9th Movie)
12.) The Private Eyes' Requiem (10th Movie)
13.) Full Score of Fear (12th Movie)
14.) The Eleventh Striker (16th Movie)
15.) The Wizard of the Last Century (3rd Movie)
16.) Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure (11th Movie)
17.) Private Eye in the Distant Sea (17th Movie)
Perhaps it doesn't make a lot of sense, but for some reason, it just feels best to give it tie status with another movie. It could just be laziness on my part so as not to have to fix the numbers, but I kind of feel like this is the way to go.
Especially since it feels almost like an unofficial official part of the Detective Conan Movie saga.
I don't really expect anyone to know what I'm talking about, I already know how confusing I must sound.
Either way, ending notes, great movie! Highly recommend when you just want a fun watch to give you a few laughs
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