#7kpp avalie
fyeah7kpp · 11 days
Yuletide 2024 Nominations!
Hello, my dears!
It's the time of year again to nominate the 7KPP characters for Yuletide! For those who are unfamiliar, Yuletide is a yearly fanfiction gift exchange for small fandoms (fewer than 1000 works in English) on AO3, where the fandoms and characters that can be requested are nominated by users. You can find more information about it on the AO3 collection or on their Dreamwidth.
Nominations are currently open, for both fandoms and for characters. 7KPP will definitely be nominated but individual characters to request will also need to be nominated, so we're putting together a list to keep track of which characters have already been nominated, and who we have yet to nominate!
Note that you do not have to participate in the gift exchange itself to nominate, though you do have to have an AO3 account! You also do not have to nominate to participate, so if you're interested in the future, please feel free to hop in and join the fun!
Nominations are open through September 20 at 9 am UTC!
Please reply/reblog this post/message me to let me know who you are nominating and I will update the post accordingly so we can keep as careful track as we can! Also, people who don't have AO3 accounts who want to suggest additional characters to add to the list who I may have forgotten are welcome to!
Much love to everyone, and I'm sorry for the long absence! We will hopefully get an announcement about 7KPP Week out soon!
-Mod Tina
Information about current nomination statuses under the cut!
Updated as of 9/11/24.
Spoken For Characters: Jiyel Scholar, Jasper, Matchmaker, Sayra, Falon, Jaslen, Yvette, Woodly, Gisette, Avalie, Ria, Rebel MC, Widow MC, Princess MC, Court Lady MC, Countess MC, Clarmont, Lisle, Emmett, Zarad, Jarrod, Kade, Blain, Mrs. White
To be Nominated Characters: Pirate MC, Anaele, Penelope, Hamin, Cordelia, Lyon, Katyia, Sterlyn, Aamir, Constance, Leala, Adalric, Imogen, Estelle, Greer, Jorges, Lord Chancellor Torren Han-Lyle (Arland ambassador), Viscount Herschel (Wellin ambassador), Marchioness Iris Patricia Valentine (Revaire ambassador), Lady Nasira (Corval ambassador), Captain Nike (Hise ambassador), Minister Cato (Jiyel ambassador), Speaker Andel (Skalt ambassador)
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faejilly · 1 year
once upon a time I was doing a gift exchange for 7kpp and nothing I wrote work so I did a fanmix and made some TEA instead! (Did you like any of the tea, @awaylaughing? I don't recall) and then today, for no apparent reason, I was looping Hozier and feeling bad about how I keep wanting to write but then don't actually do it... and found a Sheltered Princess/Emmett thing from the POV's of the Chaperones in my WIP folder and finished it! Because Brains! Are Crazy-Cakes! (affectionate) Please Enjoy some observations re: Princess Wilhelmina Temperance of Arland and her Earl.
Emmett had known that he would see her.
Of course The Princess would be here. Even before Katyia herself, this is exactly what Arland Princesses always did. Who they always were.
He'd even known it would be difficult, was aware of his own weaknesses, his own flaws, but he hadn't realized it would hit him so hard, just seeing her walk into the Main Hall, seeing the Skalt Lady approach, watching other people see – her. See her, the way no one else in Arland ever had. The Princess was a wonderful young lady, of course everyone else would eventually see it too. It wasn't as if he didn't want her to succeed, didn't want people to know how amazing she was. He just –
It hurt, a little, to know that he would probably never have his friend by his side again, to know that there had never been a chance that he would, despite how fondly he remembered her, how much he'd looked forward to seeing her again, even if just at formal events at Court.
This was worse than Court.
This was going to be good-bye, and he hadn't even managed to say hello yet.
He was afraid that she'd see his worry and think he wasn't pleased to see her, wasn't always happy at the thought of her.
But then she came toward him, and he was glad enough at the sight of pleased recognition she didn't try to hide that he forgot about the future entirely and smiled at the present instead.
It was quite entertaining to realize that he’d been wrong about the Arland Princess. That didn’t happen to Woodly very often. But here she was, holding her own quite successfully through the formal introductions, alert and observant and with a smile almost as engaging as his own niece’s.
He’d dismissed her entirely at the Welcome Feast, convinced she was an even paler and quieter echo of her sister, the one who’d let herself be sold to Corval despite being smart enough to recognize how pleasant her soon-to-be-husband wasn’t.
To be fair, if Penelope had been of an age with Constance, the King and Queen might very well have tried to do the same with her, and Penelope would undoubtedly have agreed, despite also being smart enough to recognize a man who wouldn’t care a bit for her own preferences in the least. (Sometimes Woodly despaired of his sister’s sense, but that was neither here nor there.) Lisle would have fought it though, so it was well that hadn’t been an option.
But here young Princess Wilhelmina was, exquisitely formal with the one deeply unpirate-like Hisean, then listening to the Skalt Princess to call her Mina without looking the least bit upset by the informality. Penelope adored her, which required a bit of a gentle touch, and yet she was vibrant enough that neither the actual pirates nor the Corvali thought her dull. Even the Jiyel delegates were willing to converse with her, and Duke Lyon didn’t like anyone, and Lady Avalie only liked people she could play with.
She was singularly useless for any of the games Woodly himself liked to play, of course, but she was, nonetheless, a singular and effective delegate for Arland. Much more useful than that Earl, who refused to allow an unkind word about anyone, regardless of how much they might deserve it.
Would wonders never cease. An Arland Princess with a hint of a spine.
This Summit was certainly never boring.
Yvette thought her Princess deserved better. Such a bright young woman ought to be able to reach for more than her status as a gift Arland would bestow upon an ally who was willing to put up with her. (Perhaps they all deserved better than Summit machinations and noble politics, but that was a question for future generations to answer, not a single Duchess in her private thoughts.)
The Princess was quiet and polite, exactly as she had been trained to be. But she caught the eye, shone with her own inner light, a light that was already brighter than it had been at the Welcome Feast, and she’d handled that particular challenge with grace, deprecation, and a surprisingly charismatic and self-aware touch of humor, even when that young Zarad had dragged her into a highly inappropriate dance in front of everyone.
Constance would have been so proud of Mina if she’d seen it. Not that Yvette allowed herself to consider Princess Constance too often; that led to worrying about how she was doing, trapped at Prince Aamir’s side.
Yvette swallowed a sigh, and made sure her hands stayed loose in her lap, no tension visible anywhere in her body, even as she had to fight not to squint against the light of a rising sun. She’d managed to place herself outside the stable before anyone else, but the chaperones and servants and delegates would be here soon for the ride, and she could not let her worry show. Not for Arland or the Summit, past, present or future, not for the Princess as Princess or simply as a young lady in a difficult place.
Most especially not for her poor darling Earl, who she knew was painfully aware that half the Isle could tell that he was hopelessly in love with his Princess, by far the least eligible match for either of them to attempt here at this Summit.
Katyia would probably have insisted they be matched regardless; this time Yvette had to swallow a smile at the thought. Perhaps, somehow, even without Katyia, they’d manage a small bit of happiness, at least for awhile.
Yvette’s smile escaped her control, that thought too sweet to entirely dismiss.
Perhaps she had more hope left in her bones for this Summit than she’d thought.
Falon thought the boat race was the least painful activity of the Summit. It required actual effort and forethought and tactics from the delegates, and did not require he make small-talk about things he couldn��t possibly know anything about, and wouldn’t want to chatter about even if he did.
A Hisean team always won it, of course, but it was interesting to watch what the other delegates decided to do. Did they choose to forego it entirely and network among the spectators? Did they back Hise and their easy victory? Did they put on a show of their own boat, costumes or decorations or fancy tricks to draw the eye? Did they fight for that second place spot, did they try and make Hise work for their victory?
It was fascinating, and a good way to see how all the different delegations were starting to relate to each other, an idea of who could work with who, who might be able to reach a hand across a bargaining table by the end of the Summit and have someone grasp it back.
He had never expected two of the Hise delegates to agree to back an Arlish Captain though. One who had somehow managed to entice his damnable Duke out of the library to participate! And a Wellin Princess. It was the most cosmopolitan ship in the competition.
And then it won.
Hise lost.
Hise lost the boat race to Arland.
Falon didn’t know what to do with that. He couldn’t figure out what it meant, it was too improbable to have even considered it as a possible conclusion. Falon was so disconcerted, he didn’t even manage to catch Lyon before he retreated back inside after the race. Not that it would probably have worked, but Falon didn’t even manage to try.
He did manage to congratulate the rest of the team however, and he didn’t think he sounded nearly as bewildered as he felt.
On the one hand, it was good that there were delegates with the strength of will and character to actually make things happen.
On the other, he had a feeling he was going to spend the next five weeks wishing he’d been assigned as Chaperone for a less interesting Summit.
Jaslen loved the Matchmaker’s breakfast. The only real chance anyone had to see what of the Matchmaker’s opinions she was willing to let be seen in public, and so close to the one banquet at the Summit that still held so tightly to Katyia’s dreams rather than everyone else’s fears; there was always something to learn about how well the behind-the-scenes maneuvering was going.
Plus the delegates were always so delightfully chaotic, the stresses of the Summit and the anticipation of the remaining weeks only getting worse…
When Jaslen had flitted through the dining hall prior to any of the delegates arriving, she’d thought placing the poor Arland Princess in between the Revaire Prince and that idiot Blain was uncharacteristically cruel of the Matchmaker. She had no patience for incompetence, but she didn’t usually twist the knife after (metaphorically) stabbing some delegate who hadn’t impressed her.
But then breakfast actually happened, and Wilhelmina was fine! Calm and polite even while her seatmates bickered and everyone stared at her; she even smiled at that Earl of hers without appearing at all self-conscious when she escaped after Blain’s unsubtle attack.
It was such a nice surprise. Jaslen might have underestimated the Princess, but she wasn’t wrong about the Matchmaker, and that would have been disturbing, after all these years.
Watching Blain fumble his way through the Summit was excruciating enough for one year, she didn’t need to add an absolute failure in her usually impeccable people skills on top of that.
This really was the best morning. She wished she could be a chaperone for every Summit.
Jasper had been quite honored to realize he was assigned to Princess Wilhelmina of Arland herself. The Princesses were always such lovely guests, dutiful but seldom dull, young and hopeful and exactly the sort of people Katyia had most wanted to help.
He met his Princess and she was a joy to serve. Not just for the Summit or his duty or Arland, but for herself, complete and entire. He wished her well, and he saw her rise to every occasion, and for all he knew he could not take the credit, he was so proud.
But it was tinged with fear, not just for the Summit, or the Isle, and definitely not for Arland, but for her and her countryman, her childhood friend, Yvette's young assistant, Earl Emmett of Arland. He was as kind and dutiful as any Arlish Lord could have ever desired, and every time he smiled Jasper could see the Princess light up, and yet.
And yet.
They were both of Arland, and had been excessively well trained. Earl Emmet had traveled enough to be able to bring home a bride from anywhere and be kind to her in a way she'd understand, and the Princess. Well. The Princesses of Arland always left.
And then the night of the Matchmaker’s banquet he almost missed it, distracted by everything else that had happened (everything that shouldn’t have happened). He barely made himself settle before the Matchmaker stood, but he managed it just in time, standing quiet in his shadows as she began her announcement.
Which included the love match of Princess Wilhelmina of Arland to Earl Emmet of Arland.
There was an instant of total silence in the Hall, regardless of the number of people, regardless of servants and cutlery and food and conversation, regardless of high ceilings and the usual whispers of acoustics designed specifically to pick up everything so it would be almost impossible to overhear any one thing out of all the rest beyond one’s seatmate.
Arland to Arland.
Jasper’s eyes closed, and he didn’t know if it was joy or shock, horror or hope. He opened them to the much more familiar incoherence of a room full of whispering delegations, not a single person without an opinion on that match.
Arland to Arland.
He let himself smile, just a little, and let himself imagine it, a Summit that celebrated a match like that, Arland to Arland, for love and happiness rather than politics and duty.
Mina was sure she was blushing, but she’d noticed the shock after the Matchmaker’s announcement, heard the whispers a moment later, and she couldn’t quite contain it.
She also couldn’t hold in the lift of outright glee at hearing their names announced like that, one after the other. She had no idea how they were going to make this work, but oh, she didn’t regret a moment of choosing her best friend to be her partner, to be her future, no matter what anyone else thought of it. Not even her parents.
And she knew, every time she saw him, every time she thought of him, every time he smiled, or ducked his head, or pushed his sleeves up his arm as if this time they were going to stay, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that Emmett didn’t regret it either.
They only managed one quick moment before they were sent their separate ways, but she could live through a dozen more Summits, and she’d never forget the brilliance of his smile in that moment. Proof, if she’d needed it, that it was worth every effort over the next four weeks to keep him with her, to keep herself with him, to make it out the other side of this Summit
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quilleth · 4 years
Happy holidays @distracteddaydreams​ ! I had a fun time trying to play with some of the characters I haven’t written before for you! I’m now thinking perhaps I should try to do more with Avalie in the future- her parts were quite fun to write! Because I’m me and had to be extra about the flowers mentioned: Daisies for innocence, gentians for sweetness, marigolds/ calendula for happiness, and pink roses for friendship.
“Oh, forgive me, your highness. I didn’t think to find you here,” Lisle said stopping in the archway of the gazebo as he spotted not his sister but Princess Cordelia.
She glanced up, hurriedly hiding her work in her lap, before replying, “There is no need to apologize, Prince Lisle. The gazebo is open for everyone after all. Were you expecting to meet someone here? I can go somewhere else if so.”
“No, please. I’d hate to disrupt your work. I was just looking for my sister. She likes to come here sometimes, so I thought perhaps I’d find her here.”
“I haven’t seen her yet today, but she did say she might be here this afternoon when I spoke to her yesterday,” Cordelia said. “You’re welcome to stay and wait for her if you’d like.”
“Are you certain? I’d hate to disturb your work.”
Cordelia smiled, more amused than her usual polite smile. “If I can manage to work in the midst of all the noise and merrymaking that so often happens back home, I think I could manage it with you around. Perhaps even you and Princess Penelope both.”
Lisle chuckled. “Very well then.” He sat on an opposite bench, enjoying the relative peace and quiet. “Pen mentioned that you were skilled with a needle. She was quite impressed.”
“She’s too kind, I’m sure. It is something to pass the time, though, and I like getting to see things come together as I go, even though it’s more decorative than practical.”
“Something doesn’t need to be practical to be worth the time or effort spent on it,” Lisle said philosophically. “Life would be awfully dull if it did.”
“I suppose that is true,” Cordelia mused, pulling her needle through the fabric in her hands before brightening a little. “Perhaps, since you are here, you could help me with something.”
Eying the needlework, Lisle gave her a wry smile, “I will admit that embroidery is not one of my skills, your highness, unfortunately.”
She shook her head. “That isn’t what I meant. Since your sister admired my project the other day, I offered to make her something as well, but I wasn’t sure what colors to use.”
Lisle thought for a moment before replying, “Well, she is very fond of flowers, so I would suggest colors based on those.”
“Are there any particular ones she might like?”
“Daisies and gentians I think. And marigolds and pink roses, too. At least those always seemed to be the ones she picked from the gardens. Though I’m sure she would be delighted with anything you made for her.”
“I do hope she’ll like it.”
Both looked up at the sound of footsteps.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Avalie asked, smiling her usual enigmatic smile.
“Not at all,” Lisle replied.
“I was asking Prince Lisle for his opinion on what colors to use for a monogram for Penelope.”
“I had heard you were proficient with needlework, Princess. How thoughtful of you to make something for other people. I should find that rather tiring, I think,” Avalie replied.
“It is a thoughtful gesture,” Lisle said, standing to bow.
“Oh please, your highness,” Avalie tittered. “You needn’t stand on ceremony on my behalf. I was simply looking for a quiet place to read.” Letting some annoyance show past her usual mask of polite amusement, she added, “There seems to be some sort of commotion going on inside the castle today, though it seems I am not the only one seeking solace in the outdoors to avoid it.”
“You’re welcome to read here, if you would like, Lady Avalie,” Cordelia said courteously.
“Thank you, I think I shall,” Avalie replied, settling onto another seat and making no move to pull out her book. Instead, she asked, “Do you often make things for others, Princess Cordelia?”
Cordelia wove the needle through the hem of the fabric she was working on and set the hoop aside. “I do enjoy making things for others sometimes.  It can be much more personal that way, I think. And what of you?”
“Me? Oh no. It takes so much more time that way, and I must admit to the failing of enjoying more immediate gratification, on the occasion I decide to give a gift to someone.” Tilting her head, she shrugged slightly. “A grave flaw, I am sure, do you not agree, Prince Lisle?”
“Enjoying giving someone a gift, whether hand made or otherwise doesn’t seem a flaw to me.”
“You are diplomatic as ever, your highness,” Avalie replied, hiding her smile behind her hand.
The quiet of the gazebo was once again disturbed by a cheerful voice calling, “Oh there you are, brother! I’m sorry to keep you waiting!” Penelope came rushing around the corner, her heavy skirts caught up in one hand. “I couldn’t find one of my slippers, and then there was such a to do in the halls that I got delayed. Oh hello, Cordelia, Lady Avalie. How are you today?”
“Hello, Penelope,” Cordelia replied smiling.
“I suppose it is a good thing I came outside when I did then,” Avalie said.
Lisle, frowning, greeted his sister by scolding her lightly, “You shouldn’t rush around so, Pen. You could get hurt.
Naturally, she stuck her tongue out at him, “I am perfectly fine, as you see.” She flushed slightly and looked to Cordelia and Avalie, saying, “I  didn’t expect to see you here, or I might not have shouted. I hope I didn’t disturb you!”
“We were just discussing you, in a round about sort of way, as a matter of fact,” Avalie replied.
Quick to intercede, Lisle said, “Cordelia was talking about making a monogram for you, actually.”
“Oh, really?! How lovely!” Penelope exclaimed. “Though you really don’t have to!”
“I’m happy to, really.”
“With such a grateful recipient, Princess Cordelia, I can see why you might enjoy making things, now,” Avalie said, watching the others curiously.
“Oh, do you embroider too, Lady Avalie?” Penelope asked.
“Not that I would share with others, certainly.”
“Me neither,” Penelope sighed in response.
“But you do draw some interesting portraits,” Lisle said, trying not to smile.
Penelope narrowed her eyes at him. “You said you got rid of that.”
“I did, by your request,” Lisle replied, losing the battle to control his teasing smile.
“Hmph.” Penelope rolled her eyes at him.
“Drawing is certainly a useful skill,” Avalie said, eyes sparkling with mischief. “I would enjoy seeing your work, Princess.”
“Oh! Oh, my dear brother was simply jesting, I am afraid,” Penelope answered, shifting slightly. “I am not actually a very good portrait artist either.”
“I’m sure your work is lovely,” Cordelia said, smiling.
“That’s awfully kind of you to say,” Penelope replied, a little shyly. “Why were you looking for me, by the way, Lisle?”
“I meant to see if you wanted to go for a walk. I know you wanted to see the gardens more, but didn’t wish to go alone. And besides, you’d need someone to carry all your pickings for you.”
“Oh, that would be nice. Would you care to join us, Cordelia, Lady Avalie?” Penelope asked the other women.
Cordelia had already tucked her work away into a small work bag and stood. “I suppose a walk could be nice, and I have been sitting here for longer than I expect no doubt. What of you, Lady Avalie?”
With a shrug, Avalie stood as well, a sly smile on her lips, “How could I possibly refuse such an offer? It should prove more entertaining than my book anyway.”
“Very well then. Shall we, ladies?” Lisle said, turning towards to gardens. It wasn’t how he’d planned to spend the afternoon, but things at the Summit were often full of such surprises.
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Avalie: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad?
Lyon: Malcontended, disgruntled, miserable, desolated
MC: Smad
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jiyel · 7 years
happy holidays to @mer-birdman​! what’s up ira i’m your secret santa for the @7kppsecretsanta thing! hope u enjoy even though I’m posting barely in time for christmas! prompt: delegates & april fool’s day (this doesn’t fit into the canon timeline i have no idea what’s happening) (this doesn’t even have a bunch of the delegates i’m so sorry)
The Day of Fools, the Day of Tricksters
Lyon checks the calendar, a fluttering sense of panic and a sour tang rising up in the back of his throat. He runs a finger across the numbers as he counts the days, muttering under his breath, and—
“Oh no,” he says softly, horrified. Oh no. He has even less time than he thought he did. Today’s the last day he has before every bit of order within this castle breaks down, before chaos and anarchy deck the halls and shrieking peals of laughter echo through the air.
He gathers up his things, shoving books and scrolls and notes in his bag with a brisk, hurried pace, rushing past the table where he’d spent most of his time at the Summit, rushing towards his one refuge, the one place he knows will remain untouched in the coming day of madness that he has neither the energy nor the desire to brave.
Lyon makes his way into the very heart of the library to the fort that he’d been carefully constructing for the past few days. Here, no one will find him.
No one will drag him out to socialize and converse with people whose minds are always a few steps behind, with people whose thoughts are always caught up in gossip and intrigue and secrets. No one will play tricks on him and turn him into the fool that he feels like he is at court. No one will dump glitter in his hair or salt in his tea or, or do anything to him.
Lyon nestles into the space he’d carved out for himself and closes his eyes, glad to be away from it all. He has enough to hold out here for a week, definitely enough to outlast the twenty-four hours of pranks and suffering that he knows is coming.
He’s certain that some among the delegates will enjoy the Day of Fools. And he’s okay with that, mostly. They can have their fun. They can have all the fun they want, just as long it’s far away from him, his books, and the quiet of the library.
Avalie drops a pair of sugar cubes into her already sickly sweet tea, a delicate smile tilting up the corners of her mouth, and she thinks: Oh, I am going to have fun with this.
She had thought the Summit would be amusing, a diversion, something that would keep her on her toes, but no. What she had been expecting was drama, politics, the best of the best of the best competing against each other for love and reputation and alliances. What she got, for the most part, were sweaty-handed, fumbling men who couldn’t take their eyes off her mouth, her neck, her hands and waist.
But the next day promises much more: opportunities to toy with her fellow delegates, an evershifting landscape of chaos, and chances to observe the true creativity and cleverness of those at the Summit, all with a minimal risk of permanent maiming or death!
“Lady Avalie?” Gisette asks as she butters a muffin with a small, sharp blade and surgical precision.
“Yes, Princess Gisette?” Avalie says, her mind a million miles away and whirling with plans and ideas. She could, oh she could move all the furniture just a bit to the left— she’s done that before, it’s fairly effective. Or… something else?
“I was just wondering if you were feeling alright,” says Gisette, perfectly pleasant and perfectly nasty. “You look a little out of sorts. Is the stress and the pressures of the Summit getting to you, Lady Avalie?”
“I’m perfectly alright, thank you for asking,” Avalie responds, smiling sweetly. She could always resort to something basic like the classic salt and sugar switch, but that required no finesse at all. No grace! No elegance! She sips her tea, and says, “I’m just thinking. It’s quite a common look on most people, although considering the company you tend to keep, I’d understand if you didn’t recognize it immediately.”
Gisette raises her eyebrows at that and takes a sip of her tea. “Then I suppose I’ll have to remedy that. I wouldn’t suppose you would be available tomorrow, Lady Avalie?”
Avalie dips her head apologetically. “I’m afraid I’ll be rather occupied all day. A shame, since your company is always such a pleasure, Princess. Although my schedule is a little less busy for the rest of the week, so perhaps then?”
She could fake a murder! The planning and coordination it would take… the materials and the knowledge… And in such a tight timeframe as well. What a challenge! Avalie hides a catlike smile behind her cup of tea.
“I can’t wait.”
Hamin hums as he surveys the rings and necklaces he’s got all laid out on the vanity. It’s a big day, a Big Day, and he’s got to be all appropriately dolled up for it.
He holds up a shiny gold ring embedded with dozens of tiny rubies. Or maybe it was paste? He shrugs and throws it over his shoulder. “Boring.”
It’s the Day of Tricksters, which is objectively the funnest and funniest day out of the whole year, and as the Prince of Pirates, Hamin has to live it up and be just as flashy. No, flashier. More’s always better.
But fashion aside, Hamin’s been looking forward to today for ages. Well, more like a couple of weeks, but with all the damn etiquette lessons his stuffy butler’d been hammering into his head, it had felt like years.
He’s honestly so excited he can’t see straight, not that he ever could, in the first place, really, but yeah. It’ll all be like a breath of fresh air, like that first gasping gulp of good, beautiful air you get just when you think you’re going to drown to death under an unforgiving sea of uptight nobles and salad forks, and what a poor death that would be.
Hamin slips on his rings and necklaces, admiring his tacky jewelry and flashy, colorful scarves in the mirror before sliding out the door with his supplies and into the hall. He whistles as he walks, and he’s whistling up until he crashes into someone else.
“Oh, oof,” the person mutters, sounding just a bit like a kicked puppy. He looks up and Hamin recognizes him. It’s the Arlish earl, Emmet or something. Emmet or something blinks wide blue eyes up at Hamin and says, stumbling over his words a bit, “I’m so sorry! Are you alright, Prince Hamin? Or, uh, Hamin? If that’s what you prefer?”
“Hamin is fine.” He grins and rocks back on his heels, subtly kicking his bag of glitter, gunpowder, and various other things behind him. “I’m not much of a prince by your countries standards anyway, Sunshine.” Ah, yes, the tried-and-true tactic of giving someone a nickname to avoid admitting that you have no idea what they’re called. Classic.
“Well then, Hamin, I’m glad!” Sunshine smiles at him before glancing downwards in confusion. “What’s that behind your back, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Hamin feels his casual smirk tighten in panic. “It’s, uh, it’s nothing. Just some stuff I’m bringing to my cousin, who I should be seeing now, so I’m going to get going.”
He’s preparing to dash away, one foot already sliding out with exaggerated slowness when Sunshine stops and says, “Oh! Are you planning a prank?”
Hamin turns back and says, slow, “That depends.” He can see a glint of mischief, of interest in those pretty, blue eyes, and he’s bored. Hamin’s willing to let someone in on his game if Sunshine is interested. He’s got nothing to lose and a partner-in-crime to gain, and he’s played worse odds before.
“Depends on whether I would be interested in helping out?” Sunshine says hopefully, cocking his head. “Because I, uh, would. I really would be interesting in lending you a hand.” He gives Hamin a thumbs up and beams.
“Okay, yeah, sure.” Hamin shrugs, beckoning the other guy to come closer.
“Wait, really?” Sunshine’s eyes widen.
“Yeah, really,” Hamin says, “So come closer so I can tell you what I’m planning.”
Sunshine nods and leans in as Hamin, in a low, conspiratorial voice, whispers, “So I’ve been messing around in the days leading up to this. Little things. Glitter in hair, salt in tea, little firecrackers in corners you wouldn’t expect, you know, the basics. But that was all just preparing for my grand finale, which is like, a combination of all those, but more.”
“The more the merrier!” Sunshine chimes in.
“Exactly.” Hamin nods approvingly and slings an arm around the other man’s shoulders. “C’mon. Walk with me.”
Penelope watches Cordelia knot the rope with strong, sure fingers, and feels her heart flutter in her chest.
Cordelia was always so strong and capable, so smart and polite. Penelope wishes so much that her heart aches that she could be like her, or something like that. Probably. Maybe?
“-And you pull it through this loop here and tighten it to finish,” finishes Cordelia, her hands following through with a smooth kind of grace that Penelope can’t take her eyes away from.
“Um, yeah!” Penelope says as she tries to pretend that she was totally paying attention to Cordelia’s lesson on ‘How to Set Up a Snare Trap Prank for Dummies,’ and not, well, you know, Cordelia herself. “It’s very impressive how you know all this, Cordelia! How did you learn how to do this?” She beams nervously at her friend.
Thankfully, Cordelia smiles back. “I learned back… back home, in Hise. We all learn how to tie knots as children, for the nets and the rigging. And the traps,” she pauses and her eyes flit downwards, avoiding Penelope’s. “I learned how to rig traps when I took up embroidery.”
Embroidery…? Snares…? Penelope’s confusion must’ve shown on her face since Cordelia winces and carries on her explanation.
“In Hise, sewing is a common skill. But for a family so tied up in piracy rather than trading or craftsmanship, using that skill for something other than repairing clothes or sails is, well it’s a bit embarrassing and shameful. So when I took up an interest in embroidery, there were quite a few people around my age who took offense to that. They followed me around, pestering me about it, until I decided enough was enough and caught them all in traps and left them hanging to teach them a lesson.”
Penelope feels her jaw drop a little. Cordelia really was an amazing person. Penelope never knew that she had such a side to her, but instead of scaring off Penelope, it just made Cordelia all the more interesting and clever. “Cordelia, that was very brave of you!” Penelope says, her cheeks flushing as she babbles. “I could never have done something like that.”
Cordelia flushes and says with faltering composure, “Thanks. I mean, thank you, Penelope, but it really wasn’t much.”
“Oh, but it seems like quite a lot to me,” says Penelope. “What happened to those people afterwards? You let them down right after, right?”
Cordelia stops and nods slowly. She smiles, her eyes flicking away. “Yes. I definitely did.”
Penelope beams, and pauses. She and Cordelia whip their heads around in unison to the distant sound of an explosion.
Penelope gasps, pressing a hand to her chest. “Oh my God! What was that?” She turns to see Cordelia groan and press a hand to her forehead.
“Don’t let it worry you, Penelope,” Cordelia says, her hand still pressed to her face. “It’s just my cousin.”
#7kpp#7kpp secret santa#lyon#hamin#gisette#avalie#cordelia#penelope#emmet#mine#hfhfhhsdhf i had more planned but u kno guess whose computers a loser tht restarted nd didnt save the doc!#i might write the other bits so hmu if u want them#but yeah! enjoy my garbage tier jokey writing nd probably ooc characterzation!#but man hoenstly the funniest thing is how extra lyon is like. hes ttreating it like its theapocalypse what a man whatta man#avalies an asshole cat nd she just wants to have fun#spoiler alert she fakes a murder she fakes lyons murder no one can find him anyway#lyon was also th victim of hamins pranks prior to the day in casu u hadnt noticed ! it was like. one line tht implied it but yeah.#sucks to be duke lyon ig#i lvoe interpreting hamin as a spicy hot mess who's making it all up on the spot so there u go he's a spicy hot mess who's making it all up#on the spot in this ur welcome uwu#there was also gonna b a segment about zarad setting fire on something bc i love interpreting ppl to be spicy hot messes but u know!#got deleted sad reacts#nd penelope a spicy hot gay mess and i adore her#shes a lesbian!! literally says men make her uncomofrtable#LITERALLY NAMES SOME OF THE MOST MASCULINE MEN AS MAKING HER UNCOMOFTABKE#pen bby me 2 honestly#im a lesbian nd u know what men r the worst they make me so uneasy!#but yeah. cordelia. man. cordelia has 0 chill but acts like she has super chill nd i love her like? she cld 100% totally murder u nd b fine#w tht what a gal @cordelia im in lvoe  w u#anyway im gonna shut up now!
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teaandinanity · 7 years
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Hating a thing doesn’t mean you have to be bad at it.
Of my seven existing 7KPP characters, four are going for Zarad, and the funniest of those is Demetria of Holt. I LOVE the way her background-specific internal monologue and external dialog mesh with the snappy repartee of the romance. 
I also feel like she makes this face a lot.
Demi’s most used emoticon would totally be :\
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ellebeebee · 7 years
So, Sabine played Serah in the play, and I just can’t help but imagine her and Zarad adding yet another problem onto the mess that is that production.  Like, guys.  C’mon.  Stop that.
1257 words, Revaire!MC/Zarad, week 5 spoilers, G
Clarmont had a splitting headache.
He imagined the chopping block in the wood yard back home felt much as he did, with an unseen axe rhythmically pounding out a jig into his brain.  He had never been much prone to headaches, but he’d slept poorly and for only a few hours last night.  And he’d missed breakfast.  And he was most likely about to begin balding over recent stresses.
On top of that-- although he would never question the endeavors of  the esteemed chaperones-- this theatrical was a mess.
Delegates milled about.  A few actually put on some pretense of working-- the costumers playing with thread as they chatted in circles with gowns and suits in their laps, the actors waving about scripts to emphasize their points about last night’s dinner.  Most did not even make such efforts and directed the staff to fetch all necessary implements for tea.  As well as comfier chairs.
He sighed.
“Lord Clarmont, there you are.”
He turned. “Lady Avalie.”
Avalie approached with her pleased cat’s smile and a trail of tinkling bells. “Come, the main cast is rehearsing backstage.”
She put an iron hand into the crook of his arm, leading him away.  Clarmont obediently followed.  At least it was darker backstage.  And quieter.  Unfortunately, it was also in better supply of Revairan royals; Princess Gisette glanced up as Avalie swept the red velvet curtains apart and practically shoved Clarmont before her.  The pale princess’s eyes roved over them, found them wanting, and returned to the script in her hands.
Still, he smiled, per usual.  He would have to be particularly careful this week.  Especially if this headache persisted.  At least Princess Jaslen had given him the part of Sir Horus, and not the partner to Gisette’s Vienna.  No, his Serah stood a few paces away, giggling with Prince Armand.
Zarad spotted him. “Here he is, our esrtwhile knight.”
He gave an overdone bow to Clarmont, with a fluttering flourish with the script in his hand.  Beside him, Lady Sabine was giving the prince a look that would be disapproving but for the curl at her lips.
“Really, enough, you--”
“Now, dear,” Zarad stated, turning back to her with serious eyes. “I know it will be hard to part from me for even a moment.  But we must all make our sacrifices for this important production.  Perhaps the most important work of our lives.”
“I see you still persist in this bad habit of speaking for everyone,” Sabine said. “But I suppose it would be the most important work in the life of an incorrigible flirt.”
The two of them had been like this for over four weeks now.  The glances and the laughter and the verbal dances gradually culminating in the Matchmaker’s approval a week past.  The pair seemed unable to look away from each other; after the previous week’s tribulations, one could hardly blame them.  To the side, Gisette wore a pleasant expression that, on close inspection, was entirely unpleasant.
Zarad winked.  “Now, now.  We’re not alone; don’t flirt too much lest we become a nuisance among good society.  And you must remember to be better to Sir Horus than you are to me.  Not everyone shares my magnanimous nature.”
Clarmont cleared his throat. “I’m sure Lady Sabine will be quite fine.”
“Yes, of course,” Avalie interjected.  She clapped a hand to her clipboard for emphasis. “We’ve some of the finest of our delegates here, all eager to collaborate in a show of international harmony.  Yes?”
They all smiled back at her, with various levels of thinly veiled sarcasm.
Avalie smiled as well. “Lovely!  Now.  A bit of rehearsing is due, yes?”
The four leads collected themselves and moved about the backstage area at Avalie’s direction.  They read from their scripts in slightly stilted voices as they tried to match their actions to the lines.  Clamont wasn’t a frequent theatre-goer, but even he could tell this was a disaster waiting to happen with amateurs like themselves given a week’s notice to practice.  Still, Zarad amused with his over-performing and his sidebars.  Gisette seemed committed to appearing to her best, even if at the expense of engaging with the rest of them.  And Sabine took on the role of sweet Serah with infectious cheer, helping him along with a twinkle in her eyes.
And yet it quickly became clear there was a problem.
In act two, scene one, Vienna brings Serah to visit the queen, conveniently at the same time that Sir Horus and Prince Armand attend to her.  Zarad slouched in a chair, beside an empty chair representing his absent aunt, with a bored expression not entirely affected.  His sidebars and interest had fallen off as their collective confusion impeded their lines.  Horus stood beyond the queen and the prince, practically stuttering platitudes to Serah.
At the moment Serah moved to go to him, with her own starry eyes and blushing compliments, Clarmont saw as Armand’s head turned with her passing and a new expression flit over his features.  As Sabine passed by with flowered sashes from her bustle trailing lightly, Zarad reached out a hand.
And tugged.
Sabine yelped. “What--”
She stumbled backward inelegantly, arms windmilling.  Regaining her feet, she whirled to glared at Zarad and his carefully blasé expression.
“You see, dear Horus, my bosom companion?” he said. “What a clumsy girl.  Utterly unfit to be a match to such a fine knight as yourself.”
Momentarily annoyed, Sabine schooled herself back into character. “Oh, Your Highness, do forgive me.  How terribly silly of me to trip like that.  I know you are such a good soul you would never hold that against me, and what a splendid friend you are, to consider Sir Horus so much.”
Clarmont coughed and quickly interjected, trying to steer back to the actual lines and away from the looks Serah was shooting at Armand.  Vienna’s cool smile had become decidedly icy.
And then, in the fourth act when Lady Matterly creates the first mess between the couples, Serah, with a very much un-Serah-like gleam in her eye, oversold her entreaty to Prince Armand on her cousin’s behalf.  She begged him to give Vienna another chance, her hand on his arm turning into a closer lingering against his side.  Her hand reached up to trail against his jaw as she gave her best pure-as-sugar-Serah-pout.
Swallowing, Armand agreed to reconsider his opinions.
And then somehow, the confessional scenes in the fifth act got side-tracked at the mere two lines Armand and Serah were supposed to exchange, which turned into entire monologues about women like stars and men like vain and empty-headed birds-- parrots even, that repeated certain lines.
“Perhaps,” Princess Gisette said. “Certain roles should be switched.  Clearly, there is an imbalance in this casting.”
She idly pushed a single lock of pale hair from her face with one of those pleasant-unpleasant smiles of hers.
Avale tapped on her clipboard with her own beatific smile. “Any changes can be addressed to Princess Jaslen.  Yourself.  Otherwise, I would advise all of us to commit our lines to memory.  Surely such a task will be considered worthy and enjoyable as it will prevent embarrassment all of us delegates.”
Clarmont agreed readily.  The troublesome couple did as well, albeit with completely unabashed smiles and conspiratorial glances at each other.
Clarmont still had a headache, and now all these lines to remember on top of everything else.  But he had the feeling this play would be anything but boring.  A disaster, yes.  But boring?
He highly doubted that.
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just-jammin · 3 years
Obscure huh? Hmm… it’s not really that obscure, since it’s easy to find the wiki on it but I think it’s pretty unheard of.
Okay, could you try drawing Avalie from 7KPP?
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honestly, it was kinda fun to draw her!
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leahazel · 4 years
It’s Yuletide noms season!
I nominated Anaele, Gisette, Ria and Avalie.
@faejilly, @quilleth
Tag anyone who you think might be interested. You can nom without signing up, if that makes a difference (I’ve done it in the past).
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Second thing to come out of yesterday’s stream - long overdue fanart for Lady Avalie ♥ P.S.: I love her
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
7KPP Secret Santa 2020 Masterpost
As with last year, here’s a masterpost of all of the gifts that were exchanged this year for easy access! Thank you again to everyone for participating! Well done on all of the gifts!
For Queen: SP/Hamin fanfiction by @altairtalisman
For Quilleth: Widow/Lyon fanfiction by @mendedwings
For Tea: Widow fanart by @makarias-mom
For Anise: Court Lady/Clarmont fanart by @teaandinanity
For Alyssa: Hise/Jasper fanfiction by @ravenclawnerd
For X: Gisette/Scholar fanfiction and commissioned fanart by @distracteddaydreams
For Tina: SP fanfiction by @awaylaughing
For Day: Avalie, Lisle, Penelope, and Cordelia fanfiction by @quilleth
For Away: Widow/Jasper fanfiction by @anisedreams
Enjoy looking through everything!
-Mod Tina
P.S. If anyone has any ideas for other events we can do this year, please let me know!
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faejilly · 4 years
idk, ending the year with all the bits and bobs of 7kpp feels that I never quite got out there during Fictober, thanks to returning to work. Have Lady Hanako of Jiyel and General Falon. (We’re on a chaperones kick! Now I just need to manage something with Jaslen... 🤣)
Lady Hanako was inclined to feel some sympathy for General Falon.
She met him briefly before he departed for the Isle, leaving before the delegates themselves to prepare with the other Chaperones. He’d introduced himself, a stiff bow and a hint of a frown in his eyes, and she’d barely refrained from apologizing for her existence rather than introducing herself in turn. (But she wasn’t what any of them had planned for, and she knew exactly how little her people liked having their plans disrupted. She wasn’t thrilled by it either, after all.)
As a Chaperone he was supposed to be unbiased, to assist all the delegates. In theory, at least. In practice he was, of course, expected to aid Jiyel to the best of his ability, and Hana didn’t envy him that balancing act.
Especially not considering who he had to work with: Duke Lyon, whose disdain for the proceedings could be seen from the far side of the Corvali deserts, Lady Avalie, who was sharp enough to cut the rest of them to ribbons without getting a drop of blood on the toes of her very nice shoes, and herself, entirely unprepared and unexpected, with a title that was a bare courtesy, and very little of the usual expected training.
She hoped the other four delegates, who’d mostly avoided her on the voyage over as if afraid her own lack of preparation would somehow taint their own plans with her presumed incompetence, would refrain from causing any other problems for the General and Jiyel.
That inclination toward sympathy died at the Welcome Feast, when the General managed to somehow look down his nose at her and avoid her eyes at the same time and she realized he was already planning how to make the disastrous mistakes he expected of her not reflect back on him. Not a glimmer of intent to help the last minute addition could be seen in his expression or his posture; he was perhaps even better at long-distance disdain than Lyon.
He’d already decided that she wasn’t worth the effort. 
She barely refrained from stomping her foot and pouting, but she supposed that would just prove him right. She swept right past him, and greeted Princess Jaslen instead.
She was going to prove him so wrong, he was going to regret his behavior for years.
At least.
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quilleth · 4 years
Your Santa, back again. :D The last answers were very helpful, thank you! Now I'm curious who they get along with best aside from their LIs?
Aside from Jasper and her brother Noah, Elisabeth gets along best with Penelope and Lisle. She’s also pretty good friends with....most of the rest of the cast except for Jarrod, Blain, Gisette, and Avalie xD Avalie she’s just not particularly close to and isn’t really sure what to make of her, but she actively dislikes and avoids the other three.
Enid also gets along very well with Lisle, Penelope, Hamin, and Ana. She also gets along well with Avalie, likely much to their (and my) surprise.
Alvida is fairly shy, so her closest friends are Penelope and Cordelia, though she gets along ok with Avalie, and enjoys talking to Emmett as well.
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Avalie: Hey Lyon, look at this?
Lyon: ?
Avalie bites into all four kitkats at once:
Lyon: Nooooooo!
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angstmongertina · 5 years
Should You Fight Them: The 7KPP Edition
This smacked me over the head today and so I had to write them all out, featuring all the current LIs, the other main delegates, and your servants, organized by kingdom. Disclaimer: These are all my opinions and are not meant to be taken seriously.
Princess Ana
Oh, we all know Ana would love to fight you, and frankly, she’ll kick your ass but she’ll enjoy doing it, especially if you have some skill. Plus, if you’re a girl, she’ll be so proud of you for even trying some stuff that she’s tried to teach you and if you get a few blows in, even better. Heck, she might even consider it foreplay. Which, hey, if you’re into that sort of thing, then all the better for you. Basically, go for it, fight Ana, but know what you’re getting yourself into.
Prince Zarad
See, the thing about Zarad is that for all he says he can’t fight people off, we all know he’s full of shit. Being disingenuous is sort of his whole schtick, meaning if you sauntered in thinking you could knock him down in a single blow, he’d probably hand you your ass without even mussing his hair. Plus, the boy is super graceful so if nothing else, he’ll be able to keep moving enough that he’d probably tire you out and then be able to come in for the final blow. On the other hand, if you have a good sense of what you’re doing and can read him/hold your own, he’d probably genuinely enjoy it, so you know what? There are definitely worse things in the world than fighting Zarad.
Lord Blain
You can absolutely kick Blain’s ass. It wouldn’t even be hard, if the play was any indication. Just get one punch in on his pretty little face and he’d be too distraught to even stop you or fight back in any way. For that matter, you’d probably have much of Corval’s support if you did, and there is absolutely no doubt that Ana and Zarad would eat popcorn and shout encouragement from the sidelines. There would be virtually no ramifications and pretty much everyone would get a kick out of it. Obliterate Lord Blain.
Prince Hamin
Man, Hamin’s another case where you technically COULD fight Hamin and frankly, some people might even appreciate you stopping his nonsense for a bit—here’s looking at you, Cordelia and Jasper, but he’s also undoubtedly trained in fighting, and especially trained in Hisean fighting, which would never in a million years be entirely sportsmanly. All in all, he could probably take you pretty easily, though to his credit, he’d probably appreciate both your chutzpah and your giving him a story to tell in the future. Basically, fight Hamin if you really want to but be wary.
Princess Cordelia
The thing about Cordelia is that while she may look like a proper princess and have the lineage of one, she was also raised in Hise and no doubt has the training of one. My dude. My pal. She may be restrained and unerringly polite but we all know that if you mess with her, she could probably hold her own and then ruin your entire life later with her usual polite smile and without ever stepping out of the bounds of propriety. A word to the wise: Do not fuck with Princess Cordelia.
Earl Emmett
Really? You want to fight Emmett, of all people? Come on, dude, I know it’d be an easy fight for anyone but what’s the point? It’d be like kicking a puppy. All he cares about is your happiness. You wouldn’t even feel good about beating him after you finished because of how unfair of a fight it is. Hell, he’d probably let you kick his ass while you’re at it, especially if you give him any indication that you think he deserves it. So yeah, sure, you could definitely do it and win, but at what cost?
Duke Lyon
With Lyon, it’s a bit tricky. On the one hand, the guy barely eats or gets his head out of a book, so I don’t think he’d be too hard to take on. Sure, he might have his height going for him but a good blow to the knees will probably bring him down to your level and then it can’t possibly be too hard. On the other hand, the boy has read A Lot and he’s probably learned something about self-defense from them, so if you let him get his bearings and actually think about things, you might have a bit more trouble, especially, I would guess, if you threaten books in any way. He’s a pretty quick thinker, after all. Basically, it’s probably doable but there’s no guarantee you��ll get out completely unscathed.
Lady Avalie
Dear god, if you have any sense of self-preservation, be careful around Avalie. She is one of the most cunning people on this entire list and definitely one of the most determined. If you don’t have a healthy fear of Lady Avalie, you’re either very brave or very foolish. Or both. Sure, she might not look all too physically imposing but I dare you to try and tell me that she can’t outthink you in the time it takes you to even plan your first move. And then she’d probably find a way to spin it to her own benefit and completely destroy you in the same breath, all with that bright sparkle and unreadable expression. Beware of Avalie.
Prince Lisle
I’m sorry, but what are you even doing? Seriously, you want to fight Lisle? Whatever did he do to you? The poor boy wouldn’t hurt a fly and is so dutiful that he puts his kingdom over his heart without blinking. I mean, yeah, he’s so proper and gentle and soft-spoken that he could probably be pretty easy to beat in a fight, especially if you fight dirty, but it’s like taking candy from a baby but worse because the baby at least might have annoyed you by crying or something and Lisle could never have done anything to you! For shame!
Princess Penelope
Look, Penelope is one of the few people on this list you should fight LESS than Lisle. How could you ever do that to her? All she wants is to make friends and you want to come to blows with her? DUDE. She’d probably just look at you and not even make any move to defend herself. Do you really think you could handle that on your conscience? And then you’d have to deal with Lisle and probably all of Wellin while we’re at it. And you know what? You’d have to deal with me as well. How DARE you even consider it. HOW DARE.
Stranger Danger Grand Duke Woodly
On one hand, Woodly is getting on there in age and doesn’t seem like the most fit person in the world, considering he seems much more inclined to getting things done by manipulation and communication. In that sense, his physical prowess won’t be the best. However, that age doubtless also comes with plenty of experience and we already know he likes messing with people just to see what happens so he probably also has that sort of mindset, as well as a group of people he could probably manipulate into protecting him. But also, I understand, it’s just so damn TEMPTING. So go ahead, give Stranger Danger that punch you’ve been tempted to deliver, but be careful; it’s probably harder than it looks.
The thing about Sayra is that she’s cautious and knows her own strengths. This means that she may not have the same training as some people but she doubtless can hold her own if she needs to. She also has the guts to stand up for what is right, so if you so much as threaten the other servants, you will invoke her righteous wrath and if nothing else, she’ll be able to hold you off until support arrives… and it will. Do not fight Sayra unless you want the world—or, at least, the entirety of Vail Isle—to know your mistake.
Okay, let’s get one thing straight, here. How dare you even THINK about fighting Ria? What has she ever done to you except love and support you? I mean, yeah, you would almost definitely kick her ass, no matter how much background in fighting you have, but like. This is Ria we’re talking about. HOW DARE YOU? So yeah, you’d win, but at what cost? Plus, you’d have Sayra and Jasper after your ass and you’d absolutely deserve it YOU ACTUAL MONSTER.
Excuse me, are you crazy? This is Jasper we’re talking about, your own butler. If anyone here has been unerringly on your side, doing his best to help you through anything, it’s Jasper. Also, this guy is a beast? He’s utterly unflappable. He can take on arguing/fighting delegates outside your door without breaking a sweat. The man could probably handedly destroy someone in a fisticuffs and then show up at your door without having so much as spilled a drop of tea, and you think you can take him? Think again. Besides, you’d have the narrator on your ass and given everything they know, that’s probably an absolutely terrible position to be in. Do NOT fight Jasper.
Lord Clarmont
You know what? I would say that Clarmont would definitely be able to at least hold his own against you, but it really depends on the situation. I mean, the boy is preparing to help lead a revolution against the current leaders of Revaire. He’s got to know some combat, and I doubt it’s the particularly honorable kind. On the other hand, though, Clarmont can be a total gentleman so like. If he likes you, he might just let you win, or at the very least, go a lot easier on you. Probably grinning and giving you advice as if it were a sparring match, damn the guy and his good heart. But also, he’s so sweet? Why would you fight Clarmont? Hasn’t he already gone through enough in his life? Don’t fight Clarmont.
Princess Gisette
I feel like when it comes to Gisette, the phrase “appearances can be deceiving” is very very appropriate. Sure, she might seem like a strong wind might blow her over, but she’s survived being Jarrude’s sibling for years and almost definitely has had a part in the Revairan overthrow. She has all the manipulative skills of Woodly or Avalie with no morality and the added bonus of probably being constantly underestimated. Hell, if she catches wind of what you’re planning, she might even preemptively pay someone to take you out before you’re even an actual thorn in her side. All in all, be very cautious, lest she destroy you without so much as a warning.
Jarrude Prince Jarrod
Please for the love of god, fight Jarrude. It is your moral obligation. Do it for us all. Punch him in his stupid smug face, knee him in the groin, and take him down a peg or ten. Oh, sure, the boy probably does know how to fight and absolutely has anger issues that would make him extremely violent, not to mention you might have the entire Revairan army after your ass as you try to escape, but look me in the eyes and tell me it wouldn’t be worth it. That’s right, you can’t. Because it would ABSOLUTELY be worth it. BE OUR CHAMPION AND FIGHT JARRUDE.
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lineartsy · 5 years
Hello! 7KPP Secret Santa here! Yes, again, sorry. I sent a message to your main blog but I realized that you might have linked this one because you check it more so! Just wondering whether I could get more information about your characters. They sound lovely and I'd love to know more about them. :D
Oooh hey! How are you? :D
I’m so sorry I haven’t seen your ask before! And yes, I check this one more often. This week has been hectic so I just checked this one. Sorry again!! Nonetheless, reading your message and thinking about 7KPP just made my day brighter!! And thank you so much! <3 So, I’m organizing more info about them here, so it’s easier for you to check :D And of course if you wanna talk about them some more, I’m right here too~
As for your questions, I mostly ship my Arland MC with Lyon and Clarmont. Lyon is a darling and I love all that fluff and teasing and how supportive he is. Clarmont because I’m super hyped for his plot and I think his ambitions and Helena’s desires are quite aligned :3 also, he’s awesome and sweet. They both push her to become more independent I think, and I really, really love thinking about how much she is growing with them around. My Widow is deeply interested in Zarad, their interactions are gold and I can’t resist. I also love her friendship? with Avalie. I wanna mention this because those are the relationships I like the most when playing with her. I will update her profile between today and tomorrow so you can check it out <3
My Helena is really sweet, charming, eloquent and surprisingly honest. My Widow - Dominique - in the other hand, is more reserved, has good insight and is ethical. She doesn’t open up herself easily. Thanks for the message and, feel free to send me some more anytime :D I’m excited! Hope I can help you a little bit. <3 Take care and have a good day! ~~ 
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