#7kpp secret santa 2020
altairtalisman · 2 years
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Hey @quilleth, I'm your Secret Santa for @fyeah7kpp's 7KPP Secret Santa 2022
Above is a coffee shop AU Noah/Hamin shown from Elisabeth's IG story, didn't really know what Noah would use for his IG handle so I went with some basic handle based on his interests
Below the cut is... I'm just going to label it as an extra that I tossed in
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A small ramble that I'll dump here but I can't believe I was lucky enough to get you for Secret Santa, I've always wanted a reason to express my gratitude for Midsummer Exchange 2020
I went through your stories and this line from Autumn Sonatine Chapter 2:
Hamin pulled off a scarf and carefully arranged and tied it over Noah’s head, “let’s start with getting you dressed properly.”
It just made me feel the fluff between these two so I drew this scene, decided to use the scarf in Noah's design because might as well make the Jiyelese attire more suited to what pirates would wear
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teaandinanity · 4 years
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Hi @anisedreams! I was your secret santa for the exchange this year. I tried to draw Lady Layla and Clarmont - I hope I did them justice!
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good-morning-warren · 4 years
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@teaandinanity Hello! I was your SS, I tried my and at Valeriya, hope you like it!
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
7KPP Secret Santa 2020
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Hello, my dears!
2020 has been a long, troubling year for many of us (especially right now with the election for our US citizens) but I’m proud of you all for making it through! Now that we’re once again nearing winter holiday season, I thought it’d be fun and hopefully relaxing to kick off another round of Secret Santa/holiday gift exchange for the fandom! (For some gift ideas or just to see what cool and creative presents people have made, feel free to check out last year’s collection, found here!)
As with last year, if you’re interested in participating, please fill out this Google Spreadsheet. In order to give everyone time to draw names and create gifts, I’m planning on closing the sign-up on November 21st, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST, so please try to at least sign your name up by then. I hope to be able to have the drawing all set up a few days after that. As before, the gift exchange posting day will be tentatively scheduled for January 1st, 2021, but we can check in as the time gets closer to get a better idea of how people are looking.
I leave guidelines for the gifts open for each participant. The only thing I ask is to try and avoid alpha content spoilers so everyone can enjoy the gifts without having to worry about whether or not there are spoilers.
If you have any questions or concerns, please send me an ask either here or to @ravenclawnerd​ (my main tumblr) and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
-Mod Tina
Disclaimer: Just as before, I am in no way affiliated with Aly other than having an appreciation for the game and this is not any sort of “official” gift exchange. That being said, it’s been a long, exhausting year and we could all use some cheer!
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angstmongertina · 4 years
His Lady Pirate
Happy posting day, @makarias-mom! I hope you had a wonderful winter holiday, and a great Friday! Also, I hope this is IC for your girl and that you enjoy it! <3
Disclaimer: I am definitely making broadly sweeping guesses about what’s up with Jasper because he’s a mysterious one and we know very little about him lol.
After years of living on Vail Isle and multiple rounds of serving as a butler during the seven year summits, Jasper had been fairly certain that precious little could take him by surprise anymore. He had witnessed the slow decay of the summits’ influence, the widening schisms not only among the various kingdoms but also within his own people, and the varying and contrasting delegates sent to represent the kingdoms, all with their own personalities, strength, and goals. He knew of the clashes between the kingdoms, the fundamental philosophical opposition between Arland and Jiyel, the impatience and intolerance of Wellin and Skalt. The infighting within Revaire and the long-simmering anger between Hise and Corval. He and his people had spent years, decades, understanding the conflicts that threatened to boil up once more across the kingdoms, and the young lords and ladies caught up within them. He had prepared himself, just as he had every time, armed with knowledge of his delegate, with a keen understanding on the most recent state of the world. He knew that his assigned lady, as with most of the other attendees, was, in most eyes, nothing more than one of a set of pawns or bystanders, but no doubt had grit and determination, if she had been so eager to attend the Summit.
And yet, even so, Lady Erin of Hise had managed to take him entirely by surprise.
It was a strange thing. She should have been, by all accounts, just another lady from Hise, trained, as many of their delegates were, in both sailing and etiquette, though with perhaps more of the latter than was entirely typical, no doubt on account of her proper Wellish father. There was nothing signaling that it would be an assignment that would be unlike that of any other summit, nothing indicating the maelstrom that would descend upon his neatly, carefully organized life, eroding all his pillars of beliefs, turning those familiar weights and expectations from his position into shackles.
Nothing until she arrived on the isle in a whirlwind of personality and determination.
From the beginning, she had shown herself, her true self, if not to everyone, but at least to them. To Ria and Sayra. To him. She treated her servants with kindness and respect, something that was not altogether unusual for the Hisean delegates, but it was one thing to be unaccustomed to servants and quite another to treat them, to treat him, as she did, inviting them to her events and reaching out to them and befriending them, seeing them not as servants but as people, friends. Even Sayra, cautious and withdrawn though she so often was, had softened around Lady Erin, drawn to her light, a helpless moth to her bright flame.
Just as he was.
And even beyond that… she was too curious by far, had an unnatural talent in finding out information that it were better she didn’t know, often for her own good. While he didn’t follow her at every moment of every day, he saw enough, knew enough, to know that she had a tendency to go where she perhaps ought not, to snoop on information that could be dangerous to glean. After all, she had heard him, had she not? Had overheard his conversation with the Dowager Countess and who only knew how many others.
Guided only by the dim torches and the weight of the tray in his grasp, he stepped into her room, turning to ensure that the door clicked shut silently behind him. With a light sigh, so quiet that he himself could scarcely hear it, he ran a hand through his hair. So early in the morning, so that the sun had only just begun to peek over the horizon, he could allow himself a brief departure from formality, safe in the knowledge that, at such a time, not even she would be able to see him.
No, indeed, between her tireless work to defend Imogen in the upcoming farce of a trial and her pursuit of her own personal interests, she was doubtless far too exhausted to wake up at such an hour, even for her seemingly boundless energy.
With another, marginally heavier sigh, he carefully placed the heavy tray on the table before turning, his gaze drawn inexorably towards the bed, though not even he could be sure if he wished for or feared to find her awake, the reminder of just the previous day, of the understanding and connection and something more, something that he wouldn’t—that he couldn’t, not now, not like this—put name to, echoing through his mind.
Judging from the dull twinge in his chest, it was disappointment that won out.
He shook his head, hands balling into fists at his side. It was, he was, foolish to even think of what had transpired. Foolish for him to even enter her room so early, before the dawn’s light had served to cut through the night’s dangerous mystique. And even so, he could do nothing to tear his gaze from the strands of dark hair, normally styled neatly under Ria’s skillful fingers, that fell across her face, from the soft curve of her mouth, in slumber, still rather than curled into a friendly grin or set in a determined line… or pursed, gentle and concerned, when she looked at him.
She was a delegate at the Summit, had goals and ambitions and a life beyond the seven weeks spent on Vail Isle, spent with him. He knew that, knew that it was all only a pleasant daydream, one that he had no time for, even if she had taken his advice into account, even if she did seem to search him out, time and time again—
Closing his eyes, he drew a deep breath, letting it out slowly, but still he couldn’t seem to turn away from her sleeping form, couldn’t do anything to combat his awareness of her, the gentle rise and fall of her chest, the soft, peaceful rhythm of her breathing. The comforting warmth that, even in spite of the ever-present mantle of his duty, seemed to lift the weight of the week from his shoulders, at least for a few minutes…
A faint creak cut through his thoughts and he barely resisted the urge to jump. Instead, he whipped around, the tension returning so quickly that his body winced, only to freeze as a familiar voice drifted from the doorway.
Letting out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding, he inclined his head, taking the time to set his expression back to neutrality. “Ria.” His gaze darted to the taller figure waiting behind her. “And Sayra. Good morning.”
“Good morning.” The faint light from the hallway cast Ria’s face into shadow, but even so, he could picture the crease in her brow as she stepped closer. “You’re here early. Is everything all right?”
Ignoring the intensity of Sayra’s own knowing look behind her, he forced his face into a facsimile of a smile. “As well as they could be, all things considered.”
Her lips pursed into a faint frown. “I suppose so. After all…”
“I know.”
He hesitated, resting a light hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off, forcing cheerfulness back onto her face. “But I believe in Lady Erin.”
Glancing back towards the bed, he felt his mouth relax into a more genuine smile. “As do I.”
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quilleth · 4 years
Happy holidays @distracteddaydreams​ ! I had a fun time trying to play with some of the characters I haven’t written before for you! I’m now thinking perhaps I should try to do more with Avalie in the future- her parts were quite fun to write! Because I’m me and had to be extra about the flowers mentioned: Daisies for innocence, gentians for sweetness, marigolds/ calendula for happiness, and pink roses for friendship.
“Oh, forgive me, your highness. I didn’t think to find you here,” Lisle said stopping in the archway of the gazebo as he spotted not his sister but Princess Cordelia.
She glanced up, hurriedly hiding her work in her lap, before replying, “There is no need to apologize, Prince Lisle. The gazebo is open for everyone after all. Were you expecting to meet someone here? I can go somewhere else if so.”
“No, please. I’d hate to disrupt your work. I was just looking for my sister. She likes to come here sometimes, so I thought perhaps I’d find her here.”
“I haven’t seen her yet today, but she did say she might be here this afternoon when I spoke to her yesterday,” Cordelia said. “You’re welcome to stay and wait for her if you’d like.”
“Are you certain? I’d hate to disturb your work.”
Cordelia smiled, more amused than her usual polite smile. “If I can manage to work in the midst of all the noise and merrymaking that so often happens back home, I think I could manage it with you around. Perhaps even you and Princess Penelope both.”
Lisle chuckled. “Very well then.” He sat on an opposite bench, enjoying the relative peace and quiet. “Pen mentioned that you were skilled with a needle. She was quite impressed.”
“She’s too kind, I’m sure. It is something to pass the time, though, and I like getting to see things come together as I go, even though it’s more decorative than practical.”
“Something doesn’t need to be practical to be worth the time or effort spent on it,” Lisle said philosophically. “Life would be awfully dull if it did.”
“I suppose that is true,” Cordelia mused, pulling her needle through the fabric in her hands before brightening a little. “Perhaps, since you are here, you could help me with something.”
Eying the needlework, Lisle gave her a wry smile, “I will admit that embroidery is not one of my skills, your highness, unfortunately.”
She shook her head. “That isn’t what I meant. Since your sister admired my project the other day, I offered to make her something as well, but I wasn’t sure what colors to use.”
Lisle thought for a moment before replying, “Well, she is very fond of flowers, so I would suggest colors based on those.”
“Are there any particular ones she might like?”
“Daisies and gentians I think. And marigolds and pink roses, too. At least those always seemed to be the ones she picked from the gardens. Though I’m sure she would be delighted with anything you made for her.”
“I do hope she’ll like it.”
Both looked up at the sound of footsteps.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Avalie asked, smiling her usual enigmatic smile.
“Not at all,” Lisle replied.
“I was asking Prince Lisle for his opinion on what colors to use for a monogram for Penelope.”
“I had heard you were proficient with needlework, Princess. How thoughtful of you to make something for other people. I should find that rather tiring, I think,” Avalie replied.
“It is a thoughtful gesture,” Lisle said, standing to bow.
“Oh please, your highness,” Avalie tittered. “You needn’t stand on ceremony on my behalf. I was simply looking for a quiet place to read.” Letting some annoyance show past her usual mask of polite amusement, she added, “There seems to be some sort of commotion going on inside the castle today, though it seems I am not the only one seeking solace in the outdoors to avoid it.”
“You’re welcome to read here, if you would like, Lady Avalie,” Cordelia said courteously.
“Thank you, I think I shall,” Avalie replied, settling onto another seat and making no move to pull out her book. Instead, she asked, “Do you often make things for others, Princess Cordelia?”
Cordelia wove the needle through the hem of the fabric she was working on and set the hoop aside. “I do enjoy making things for others sometimes.  It can be much more personal that way, I think. And what of you?”
“Me? Oh no. It takes so much more time that way, and I must admit to the failing of enjoying more immediate gratification, on the occasion I decide to give a gift to someone.” Tilting her head, she shrugged slightly. “A grave flaw, I am sure, do you not agree, Prince Lisle?”
“Enjoying giving someone a gift, whether hand made or otherwise doesn’t seem a flaw to me.”
“You are diplomatic as ever, your highness,” Avalie replied, hiding her smile behind her hand.
The quiet of the gazebo was once again disturbed by a cheerful voice calling, “Oh there you are, brother! I’m sorry to keep you waiting!” Penelope came rushing around the corner, her heavy skirts caught up in one hand. “I couldn’t find one of my slippers, and then there was such a to do in the halls that I got delayed. Oh hello, Cordelia, Lady Avalie. How are you today?”
“Hello, Penelope,” Cordelia replied smiling.
“I suppose it is a good thing I came outside when I did then,” Avalie said.
Lisle, frowning, greeted his sister by scolding her lightly, “You shouldn’t rush around so, Pen. You could get hurt.
Naturally, she stuck her tongue out at him, “I am perfectly fine, as you see.” She flushed slightly and looked to Cordelia and Avalie, saying, “I  didn’t expect to see you here, or I might not have shouted. I hope I didn’t disturb you!”
“We were just discussing you, in a round about sort of way, as a matter of fact,” Avalie replied.
Quick to intercede, Lisle said, “Cordelia was talking about making a monogram for you, actually.”
“Oh, really?! How lovely!” Penelope exclaimed. “Though you really don’t have to!”
“I’m happy to, really.”
“With such a grateful recipient, Princess Cordelia, I can see why you might enjoy making things, now,” Avalie said, watching the others curiously.
“Oh, do you embroider too, Lady Avalie?” Penelope asked.
“Not that I would share with others, certainly.”
“Me neither,” Penelope sighed in response.
“But you do draw some interesting portraits,” Lisle said, trying not to smile.
Penelope narrowed her eyes at him. “You said you got rid of that.”
“I did, by your request,” Lisle replied, losing the battle to control his teasing smile.
“Hmph.” Penelope rolled her eyes at him.
“Drawing is certainly a useful skill,” Avalie said, eyes sparkling with mischief. “I would enjoy seeing your work, Princess.”
“Oh! Oh, my dear brother was simply jesting, I am afraid,” Penelope answered, shifting slightly. “I am not actually a very good portrait artist either.”
“I’m sure your work is lovely,” Cordelia said, smiling.
“That’s awfully kind of you to say,” Penelope replied, a little shyly. “Why were you looking for me, by the way, Lisle?”
“I meant to see if you wanted to go for a walk. I know you wanted to see the gardens more, but didn’t wish to go alone. And besides, you’d need someone to carry all your pickings for you.”
“Oh, that would be nice. Would you care to join us, Cordelia, Lady Avalie?” Penelope asked the other women.
Cordelia had already tucked her work away into a small work bag and stood. “I suppose a walk could be nice, and I have been sitting here for longer than I expect no doubt. What of you, Lady Avalie?”
With a shrug, Avalie stood as well, a sly smile on her lips, “How could I possibly refuse such an offer? It should prove more entertaining than my book anyway.”
“Very well then. Shall we, ladies?” Lisle said, turning towards to gardens. It wasn’t how he’d planned to spend the afternoon, but things at the Summit were often full of such surprises.
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awaylaughing · 4 years
hello @ravenclawnerd - I started this in fits and starts in mid December, and then lost my comp for most of January which is why it ended up a bit shorter than planned! If I get the two scenes I imagined but couldn’t make work to behave, I might throw some late follow up oneshots your way in the near future we’ll see how life shakes out.
Either way - since we both have a Temperance, I thought I would give yours a go! I hope her narrative voice is okay, and that you enjoy this very little piece of writing!
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anisedreams · 4 years
Stained Glass Variation of the Truth
Read here.
Or: If I time it right, the thunder breaks. Revaire Widow/Jasper.
I have to apologise for the lateness of my gift fic for @awaylaughing . This fic was borne out of coffee, frustration, sleeplessness and just me being a trash person. I think I started it in various spurts during the holiday season (and then was relieved when the deadline was pushed because I still hadn’t come up with anything good and also work. Nonstop work). 
My week off started and I wrote and deleted documents in spurts because they all sucked. I kept writing ~1000-2000 words and then deleting because I hated them.
And then I listened to Neptune by Sleeping at Last (a.k.a. one of the most beautiful love songs) and I was like, eff yeah, I can do this. Which resulted in a four hour frenzy of writing followed by a two hour period of editing, and I missed sleep for this because night shift has my clock all out of whack, and now I’ll shut up because I need a nap.
I hope the story was worth the wait! Thank you for letting me play with Aurora, and apologies if I took the character in ways you don’t like (DM me and I’ll edit it to your satisfaction)!
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
7KPP Secret Santa 2020 Masterpost
As with last year, here’s a masterpost of all of the gifts that were exchanged this year for easy access! Thank you again to everyone for participating! Well done on all of the gifts!
For Queen: SP/Hamin fanfiction by @altairtalisman
For Quilleth: Widow/Lyon fanfiction by @mendedwings
For Tea: Widow fanart by @makarias-mom
For Anise: Court Lady/Clarmont fanart by @teaandinanity
For Alyssa: Hise/Jasper fanfiction by @ravenclawnerd
For X: Gisette/Scholar fanfiction and commissioned fanart by @distracteddaydreams
For Tina: SP fanfiction by @awaylaughing
For Day: Avalie, Lisle, Penelope, and Cordelia fanfiction by @quilleth
For Away: Widow/Jasper fanfiction by @anisedreams
Enjoy looking through everything!
-Mod Tina
P.S. If anyone has any ideas for other events we can do this year, please let me know!
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
7KPP Secret Santa 2020 Logistics
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Hello, my dears! I’m finally here with the logistics post. My apologies for the delay; I’ve been pretty out of it with the passage of time this winter break, and I had finals and stuff until the 22nd.
Anyway, in light of some chatter on the Discord and my own personal severe case of procrastination, we will be delaying the deadline/posting day until January 15th, 2021. I’m sorry for the late notification, if you have been rushing to get your present ready, but hopefully this extra time will be helpful for everyone!
Now, the general logistics:
What: The Actual Gift Exchange Part Where: Here on tumblr.com! When: January 15th, 2021, at whatever time in whichever timezone you live in. The posts will be a bit scattered over the course of the day, but that’ll make it a bit of a surprise when your gift gets posted/seen! How: When posting, please mention (with the @ so they get a notification) of the person you’re gifting, if you can. If you can’t mention them (which happens occasionally, thanks tumblr), then try to send them an ask to let them know it’s been posted. Please use the tag “7kpp secret santa 2020″ or “7kpp secret santa” when posting, since I’ll be tracking those tags so I can reblog all the gifts here!
As before, please don’t stress about your gift! The hope is to spread cheer around, particularly with 2020 the way that it was, so this isn’t supposed to be stressful in any way!
I hope everyone had a safe and peaceful holiday season and I wish you all an early happy new year! Looking forward to seeing all of the gifts!
-Mod Tina
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altairtalisman · 4 years
Hey @mendedwings, I got you for the 7KPP Secret Santa held by @fyeah7kpp! Sorry that I didn’t post my story directly on a Tumblr post, it’s over 5k and I assure you that it’ll crash if I do.
I apologise for not portraying Sadie correctly, and honestly, I completely forgot how Hamin’s route went past his first date so... I had to come up past that event haha...
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
No giant image to catch attention this time, but happy Monday! A reminder that posting day is scheduled for January 15th (this Friday)! Hope you guys are doing well! <3
-Mod Tina
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
Name Drawing Time!
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Hello, my dears! Sorry I’m a few days late (this weekend turned out to be really busy with homework), but sign-ups are now closed for 7KPP Secret Santa 2020 and it is time to draw your names! Thank you to everyone who signed up!
If you have signed up, you can find the link to draw your name here! Don’t forget to check out the signup spreadsheet for information about your person. (Note that I am keeping it open for edits so you can add additional information if you want, but no new people will be added to the drawing.) It looks like everyone is happy to use tumblr to be reached, so let’s share our works that way.
I’ll be making a separate post with the details about logistics as the time gets closer, but as with last year, we’ll schedule a tentative posting day of New Year’s Day. Of course, this is variable and I’ll do my best to check in on everyone to make sure that the timeline looks reasonable.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an ask! And if you feel like you want your person to post any additional information, feel free to send me an ask on anon and I can reach out to whomever you want.
Have fun and happy early holidays!
-Mod Tina
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
Happy Posting Day!
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Hello, my dears! I know I’m a little bit late for those of you not in the US but I hope your Friday is/has been going well!
Today is posting day, so please try to get your present posted at some point today (no time required and in whatever time zone works for you)! As a reminder, please mention your giftee if you can, and tag your post with “7kpp secret santa” or “7kpp secret santa 2020″ and I’ll do my best to reblog them all as I see them!
That being said, I’ve been having some difficulties with tag tracking today, so if I miss your post, feel free to poke me, either here or on my personal tumblr (@ravenclawnerd​) and I’ll be sure to go look for it.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful winter holidays, and I can’t wait to see all of the gifts!
-Mod Tina
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
Happy New Year!
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May this year be peaceful and calm.
Also, reminder for everyone participating in Secret Santa that the posting day has been postponed until January 15th. You still have time to get your gifts completed!
I love you all!
-Mod Tina
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
Hey, guys
I’m not making this a formal post because I wanted to check in with everyone for Secret Santa first. So how are you all feeling? Is the deadline of New Year’s Day looking too close? Would extra time be helpful?
Also, in the spirit of sharing, if you’re feeling good, feel free to update with cheerful things too! We could all use more positivity this year.
Please take care of yourselves and happy holidays! <3
-Mod Tina
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