#76k wtf.......
akiisame · 7 months
Wtf is up with Diasomnia chapter???? First we have to fight this Malleus wannabe before we even get to explore this level, and then some random stage has 76k how????
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Like, look at this dude, they omit solo Malleus stage so they put him XD
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Look at this 🫨
Rip my saved retry tickets
Okay update guys, there is solo Malleus stage! It's hidden right beneath Crowley, and he has 10k hp!
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esorxy · 8 months
remembering all the insanely long marauders fics ive brainrotted over because i kinda forgot all of them. roughly in the order i read them.
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers?
355k, jegulus wolfstar rosekiller. post war (ended by regulus) where they just hang around grimmauld place all day. i literally cant remember anything that happened. but i liked how they stayed home and didnt go outside, because i relate to that. it was alternating chapters between post war and pre war, honestly i dont even know it was just so much relationship angst and regulus being incredibly competent and hurt.
All The Young Dudes
526k, the character development and buildup, its like the level of the actual series without the annual voldemort attack. i was DESTROYED by the ending, it lived in my brain rent free for like a week. why did it have to be canon compliant???! the way they spent so much time pining, so much time apart, and so little time together. but that theyre literal soulmates, which is so sad for grant (he suffered true emotional damage) lmfao. I guess this is the basis (canon??) of marauders era
we can be heroes, for ever and ever
102k alternate happy ending to atyd - yes PLEASE this is what i needed to heal the pain after reading atyd.
624k. lowkey feel the same way towards this as atyd, except it didnt live in my brain rent free for a week. in that i respect that it's good and got heartbroken when everyone died and they didn't get their happy ending, but it did get me into jegulus so I'm not complaining. IDK it's just sad, but i love regulus and evan and cerci. even though i deadass can't remember anything else.
crimson rivers
865k actually SOBBING this fic is everything. so much plot and so much hurt, it is amazing and painful and intense. it has the most picturesque scenes, beautiful happy ending. but i did kinda get sick of it near the end cos its so fuckin long, and i was not into the girls in the fic so i was kinda cbs
holding onto the self
76k and it was so good i felt so sad for sirius. this is the type of fic which makes me jaw drop and suck in breath like poor baby honestly. no summary needed cos ill never forget what its about lmfao....
just lovers
321k fake dating au. this is GREAT. its so light hearted which is a great change from the akckdjebakzj. this is the climb to the top for regulus being my favourite character. lowkey can't remember shit but i liked it and i need more fics like it because it was creative and there's not much room for that in marauders verse
only the brave
645k and The fic of my dreams. this is everything and i loved every second of it. every character is so great, and it got me into pandalily!!! perfect amount of hurt (a lot), and such good plot. it has every ship i like, i was like drowning in a hot spring of happiness while reading this
147k, oh it's so creative and new. it was so suspenseful cos we got 0 answers, and the fic is deadass incomplete wtf!! i love how everyone is sad but mostly rational. the jegulus was really really nice, and i liked how the cruciatus was made out to be a big deal so the hurt/comfort is better. i feel like the plot is better than the delivery
wolfstar my one true pair, jegulus my second true pair, evan®ulus has a special place in my heart, marauders fanfiction a permanent space in my mind for at least the next few weeks
new edit: shit! i forgot to update and i read so many more long fics and can barely remember them now
311k i cant even remember anything that happened ... except i liked the dynamic between narcissa and regulus, and narcissa is so damn pretty. this was the one where regulus made james and sirius go with him to the cave, and then james had to force him to drink the potion, so much angst arghhhh.
all along there was some invisible string (tying you to me)
103k spiderman AU + high school and all i can say that its an original setting... the pining was great, and the spiderman kiss!! but other than that like it was good, i guess
I adored you madly, extravagantly, absurdly
243k Victorian AU with arranged marriage trans regulus. I loved regulus' character, he was so spiteful and petty but also down bad, and jegulus matched so perfectly together. i want his life so bad because his literal job was being married, like deadass he didnt do shit all day except read, play with his cats and pine for his husband...
a violent kind of spin
212k not going to lie, my favourite/most striking parts of this fic were the $h scenes... and i just finished it last night so I dont even have an excuse. james asking sirius to turn around and not even waiting for him to do it??? oml hes unhinged and it was so well written. the bathtub scene when he was on a timer and then just walked out like everything was fine!!! help it was so angsty im in love. i feel like i speedran this fic and didnt read it properly, which is probably accurate
Im not gonna teach him how to dance with you
122k. rosekiller is the BEST. i love the whole plot tbh and it was so well paced. love that for evan because nobody else is gonna keep by with barty's crazy. i would have liked it more if it had crack undertones but yknow whatever, cant have everything. i thoroughly enjoyed all the romantic tension in the leadup, the way they were both so in love im gone.
All the young dudes - Sirius' Perspective
628k, let me tell you, canon has no right being that sad, and the beloved author just fed off that like a parasite. i should have expected how this fanfic would destroy me, but the delivery made it so much more painful. i sobbed reading the Halloween and Azkaban chapters. and sirius,,, like why did you have to be so angry all the time. and so obsessed with remus from day 1. it was great. although like halfway through i just felt like ... wolfstar is so basic. jegulus once jegulus forever i guess.
whatever our souls are made of
157k hanahaki where we really gotta work for the happy ending. OML it was so beautifully sad. reggie 💔💔. sirius said nobody on the earth deserves his baby brother, but if he had to pick someone, it would be James 😭😭 I'm a broken man
oml i havent updated in 2 months... its ok i didnt read that much cos i was too tired with uni and work. anyway i found all my fics through tiktok, tumblr, or thru the author cos this gold mine is too big sorry chief. which is like. someone recommended this following fic :skull:
I'm not okay (I solemnly swear)
107k and unfinished :000 cant believe it i read something unfinished but when i read the tags i was like ok yeah im in. my secret is that i read fics like these!!! and most of them are not well written but this one is. and so was that other one about sirius but it was only like 78k so i didnt write it up. anyway poor reggie is going through it, and idk if its ever getting finished cos the poor author might be going through it too. additional note: idk if this is the one but bestie has so many problems like get help fr.
the veil of secrecy
100k but its unfinished and let me tell nobody i was devastated. omg it was so sad so the summary is after reggie defected voldymouldy found out and like --- got all his remaining horcruxes and stuffed them inside his chest and abdominal cavity in some crazy ass surgery. and then he sewed his mouth shut and broke his fingers and kept him around him like some porcelain doll/pet and thats the punishment????? oml how do u think of that... anyway so he dissociates into his fabric walls of occlumency so voldy doesnt know where the locket is. ok whatever they escape and he falls in love with jamie idk. its unfinished.
to the boy who...
238k its similar to the previous one (written by the same author ibbsterkisster) and i found it to read to cope with the first one not being finished. yes this is like 3x as long sighs we all know how it is. anyway its similar except reggie is like his boy toy instead... which is even worse. anyway i cant remember anything about the jegulus but i DO remember that evan was so sweet (as he is) he like stroked the bruise on reggies wrist very gently :facepalm: and that scene lives rent free in my brain.
blood on my shirt, heart in my hand
22k and id just like to say, this is the kind of horror that i like. its kinda a mystery at first but its not so creepy, and the jegulus endgame is stronger than a bulletproof vest. so james is having dreams which are vaguely murderous, and when he wakes up the events like kinda match up. turns out hes like having some repetitive dissociative episode every night at 12.37am and getting up to murder people. and after the first time reggie was just like 'well if ur in then im in too' and straight up helps him murder people ?!? i loved it. murder husbands.
the long game
250k and this is the most unique fic youll get here. modern high school au where reggie is like this god genius talented painter and they work on a musical set together, and reggie gets an art show and idk why this stood out to me but he drew like a green soft and a purple cushion and was like... this represents me and evan, cos were ok separately but great together. i read this so long ago i cant even remember what i thought of it
jealousy, jealousy
85k + unfinished again!! anyway so bartylus fake date so james and evan can get jealous and then they both end up together. i just remember it was so cute because they would just hug each other like constantly all the time, and cry at the smallest inconvenience, then their friend/boyfriend would go and lie with them in bed and hug them and that was like a very significant portion of it. and im not even complaining this is the type of physical affection they deserve
pathological people pleaser
114k but it passed so fast?!?! james is so fuckin unstable man like get a therapist. ok i actually enjoyed this so much because for some reason i was really into horror (it was literally 2 days ago) and this wasnt horror but they did not reveal like why james was so fucked, and which parts of his narration were unreliable until quite a bit in. also there was more than a month gap between me bookmarking this one and the last one and like i dont even know what i did with myself??? (actually i lied i read more fanfiction i just forgot i did cos i forgot to bookmark it) (summary: summer holiday where starchaser fall in love also effie died in a car crash on the way to james after he called and was like mom im gonna kms. ok but it was really well written and full of suspense)
237k and i just finished it so its fresh in my mind (for once) ok now that i think about it i have no idea why regulus lived that first time... maybe i didnt read closely enough but like when fics are that long i kinda just miss some stuff or forget it and they all blur together anyway. ok so firstly i want a story of james and regulus in this universe when they were still at hogwarts because like having a secret relationship for 2 years and also doing drugs.. just the hurt comfort ahhh maybe without all the hurt and yelling but whatever. cant have it all. anyway this was so well written i always like narcissa tbh. glad james and regulus sorted out their shit eventually even though it took so. fucking. long. anyway yikes (summary: reggie lives after the cave and they go horcrux hunting and kill voldy but then reggie fucks off to america and becomes a drug addict again but comes back, and james has anger issues but only when it comes to regulus anyway they kept hurting each other that i didnt even feel sad anymore when it happened) addition: oml reggie being an addict + nic in beautiful boy the stars aligned finally i get some visual scenes in this fandom
doing a word count sum of the above and its: 6 million and 476 thousand...
meetings that start in the dark
656k and oml i was SEMI HOOKED. honestly like why did it take them so fucking long to get back together like the moment Voldemort dropped dead James should have been unable to stay away from regulus. anyway love how they're obsessed with each other, love how Luna and Harry are playing matchmaker. and i especially love how Sirius was the lame embarrassing parent ahah. also the amount of bs evan has to put up with from reg and barty... jesus christ i loved them in this except for how he was buff girl no evan is a twink and this fic wont change my mind
sometimes, running away does solve all your problems
15k so reggie literally walks out of his house and his parents dont even notice and he runs away and meets james and they live together it was perfect omfg i loved it so so so much. it had the same sad, resigned tone as the dsmp fics that i was obsessed with before and would reread over and over. and the small village quiet life is a dream
27 club
27k and why was it so heavy oml like i didn't sign up for this sadness. ok so reggie is DEAD but before that he and James were like lovers and drug buddies but also lacked healthy communication. james is like bye imma get clean without u, the literal love of my life. the whole thing was so sad because it would be like one bit of 'oh and they were in love and making music' and then another bit of 'james was mourning so hard he couldnt get out of bed'. it was lowkey magical to read except for how hes dead.
you missed my heart
100k and omfg im in shock tbh. like what the actual fuck. I'm in shock in an "im unsettled and creeped out" way. i don't even know why because ive read serial killer jegulus fics before and it was all peachy, but maybe this one was so creepy because we were in the dark, and the killing isn't unrealistic and romanticised. James was so smitten with regulus too I'm crying i was actually convinced that reggie wasn't the killer. i need soft regulus fluff to cope with this. to erase the image of reggie being a psychopath. omg Sirius after finding out the truth.. poor boy was like catatonic. I'm never reading unhappy ending fics again I've become weak my heart can't take it
I'm going to start including the shorter fanfics that i read and are memorable as well because i don't discriminate
which means i have a lot of catching up to do
the moment and the sound
29k so james runs away with harry to escape voldemort and meets reggie by chance. they live together and james is like straight up depressed. i liked this fic but also forgot what it was like.
raise hell
30k it's basically about them being angels and demons and working together to idk stop the world from ending. i liked the tone of the fic in that everyone was like set in their ways and was like wtf at everyone else but also i wish it was longer and there was more about each person's like representation like Sirius being the angel of justice. also it was so funny regulus the angel of diligence and James the demon of lust.
63k and omg it was so well written but i was so confused the whole time cos i have no literary ability. like regulus being a straight up unreliable narrator?!?! deadass in shock half the time reading this tbh
calm before the storm
51k and i could draw a graph of the shock factor of this fic and it would look like a staircase with 3 steps. at the start it was so happy and cute and i was like omg why did i click on this again and then sirius dies and james loses his memory and reggie is like fucked up that's the first step up and then they heal whatever but then reggie straight up starts murdering people and making a show out of it i read it all like 😳😳. unhinged fr, and also everyone tried to kts at least once like besties go see a therapist please
pink lemonade
121k band tour au where they sing (i think mostly) arctic monkeys songs and kudos because the lyrics all fit so well to whatever clown ass miscommunication situation jegulus have going on. it was relationship angst and maybe i would have enjoyed it more if i read it earlier but rn i need action and thrill. i was like to my irl friend like miscommunication angst isn't enough for me anymore i need murder and she was like girl wtf.
75k basically jegulus were roommates in juvenile detection and they had such a deep soul connection in the 2 months and then never reconnected until like 9 years later. ok anyway my favourite part was James and how he was so unhinged. like literally provoking bullies so they hurt him is his form of sh... girl get a grip honestly but also respect for the idgaf factor
36k so james gets possessed by a ??demon called mercy and reg is an exorcist... so its very obvious what drew me into this. anyway james lives at regs house while hes figuring out what the fuck is wrong with him and they just ??? fall in love. ok slow burn was not really burning at all more like a ticking bomb but the horror was cute. also i found it at night and then read it all at like 8-9am in the morning before getting out of bed so i cant remember it but it was well written and the demon was lowkey cute too he was just out for drama which i can relate
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New Year, New Status Post
I’m in denial about it being 2024 but I am happy with the writing progress I’ve made! Time for a new status post to keep you informed and keep me honest.
As always, please note that original works are taking priority over fic as sad as I’m sure that makes all of you, and an additional note since it’s become a thing again: I don’t take prompts or do fic commissions.
Now let’s see what masochism I’m subjecting myself to this year!
Original Works:
First draft of Pack (standalone)
First draft of War (sequel to Pestilence)
First draft of Leitmotif book one
Buddie F&F AU - FINISHED - 62k
Mads WTF Is This Mystery Show Rarepair (shhh take my hand trust me come with me on this little adventure) - FINISHED - 76k
The 118 Plays D&D - in progress, 15k written
Platonic Sugar Baby Buddie AU (I swear it makes sense!!!) - in progress, 3/22 chapters written
Xedgin Established Relationship Dungeon Crawl from Hell - in progress, 10k written, don't even look at me
Halloween fics are already picked out, yes, I'm insane. Tommy/Buck/Eddie fics WILL be written but most likely AFTER the season ends, I'm sorry, April-May is just absolutely insane for me in real life.
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aiiwa · 3 years
Pls drop some mcu fic recommendations 👀👀
i got you !! also please read warnings and tags by before reading. all of these series are completed works only. bucky and cap only.
the things we’ve done — 42 chapters, 160k words.
um yeah i literally just finished reading this. it’s insanely well written, has me full on sobbing and deeply in love with one man only. the plot is fucking amazing too.
sunrise — 14 chapters, 64k words.
OKAY THIS IS MY FAVE LIKE LITERALLY TOP THREE, the way bucky views the reader in this is just so lovely. it also made me sob a ha ha <33.
the witness — 21 chapters, 85k words.
by any other name — 30 chapters, 160k words.
by the same author as sunrise. amazing amazing. again, i really love how bucky sees reader wahhhh. again, peter in this makes me so soft wtf.
it all started with — 8 chapters, 110k words.
another incredibly well written series. i love the relationship dynamics between everyone (but it has miscommunication which leads to misunderstanding and y’all know how i feel about that :(( ) still love it tho.
subterfuge — 27 chapters, 74k words.
i love the plot of this one so so much ahhh. i wish i was big brained like reader and i love barb / bab in this. once you read you’ll know heheheh.
vacant mirrors — 10 chapters, 50k words.
okay i also loved the plot of this so much ahhh.
three moons ranch — 23 chapters, 93k words.
OKAY LISTEN READ THIS ONE FR. BIKER BUCKY???? GTFO IM IN LOVE WHAT THE FUCKSKSLSLA. htg this fic sent me into a whirlpool of wanting to fuck biker!bucky til no tomorrow. BUT it’s actually a lovely series, top three for sure.
winter’s shadow— 47 chapters, 65k words.
i love this concept shsisksksl.
safe with me — 16 chapters, 83k words.
i love bucky n reader’s relationship in this, the banter and everything heheheheh. good plot line too esp w bodyguard bucky mmm.
a love that never leaves — 13 chapters, 73k words.
this was so amazing ahhhh, emotional rollercoaster but it’s so sweet and mmm.
take it back — 35 chapters, 194k words.
okay now listen to me THIS FIC BROUGHT ME SO MUCH PAIN N TURMOIL LIKE IT HURT ME TO READ BUT ITS SO FUCKING AMAZING THAT I COULD NOT STOP. happy ending at the end but the real happy ending would be if i could beat the reader’s sister and throw her ass into the ocean. if you read this come and rant to me about it because hsiskskslsls.
the spark within — 24 chapters, 76k words.
this was the first ever completed series i read. one of my all time favourites hands down, the plot is so good wtf and just the whole emotional side of it near the end i cried for real.
doctor doctor — 20 chapters, 70k words.
PLEASE READ WARNINGS FOR THIS FIC ESPECIALLY. uh yeah, this series fucked me up so bad. the pain, trauma and just the emotions in general. the ending is satisfying if you push through, but damn my baby yn went through it with this one. this fic has extremely dark themes, but includes mob boss! steve.
mixology — 13 chapters, 40k words.
this was really cute hsjsjsks.
to walk together — 26 chapters, 93k words.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. i had dreams of this fic, and honestly have the urge to find more like this ahhh.
best of both worlds hehehehe some of them have stucky moments but may end with only one character i just can’t remember which ones sorry.
don’t sit under the apple tree (with anyone but me) — 43 chapters, 143k words.
this was honestly a favourite of mine to read. i’m obsessed with this concept. and we love a powerful woman heheheheh. i htg ranted about this fic to my best guy mate and he was like shit that sounds lit and it is.
coming home — 20 chapters, 58k words.
imagine being an assassin with bucky and being titled “the silver fox” IM SORRY BUT THATS SO LIT AHSKSKSLSL i loved this one too. made me a bit sad but it’s okay heheheh.
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tracer85s · 4 years
yizhan fic rec (2)
part 1
glute bridges by sunstainedsheets
[explicit, 29k, complete]
personal trainer and dancer yibo and graphic designer xiao zhan. GYM AU omg i love this. xiao zhan signs up for a gym membership and personal training sessions where he’s totally not ogling his coach. there’s also a scene with xiao zhan attempting to converse with yibo in korean that got me cackling lmao, our resident koreaboo indeed. it was also great to see mentor yibo here, it reminded me of his prod 101 days when he was so intimidating as a mentor, also... very sexy. anyway i adore this, they’re just thirsting over each other, especially yibo checking out the zhass, it’s okay bobo we’ve all been there
i’d wear gucci for you by Anonymous
[teen and up, 16k, complete]
abo au where alpha yibo and omega xiao zhan are photographed going into xiao zhan’s apartment together so they’re forced to pretend that they’re mated to prevent a scandal. this has become my favourite fics because i’m an absolute sucker for fake/pretend relationships and the way the writer incorporated canon stuff like yibo answering interview questions for xiao zhan ugh guys i love this fic. when yibo was so exasperated near the end and said “i’m wearing gucci for you” & waving his hand i really lost it. JUST READ THIS I PROMISE IT’S A GOOD READ
if you would only let you by gdgdbaby
[explicit, 32k, complete]
ah where do i even start with this one? xiao zhan gets drunk and texts yibo, yibo shows up at his house and whisks him away on a road trip. i felt so much emotions reading this fic, everything was so raw and it really deals with the pressures of being famous and homophobia. this is a super realistic fic and there’s a lot of emotional hurt/comfort, you’ll literally end up wanting to wrap these two in a big blanket and just protect them from the world (lol like we don’t already want to do that). my absolute favourite part was the confession scene, like it was so messy and funny, and it’s just so them, especially the pokemon part lmao. this art is based on that scene and it’s exactly how i imagined it 🥺 this is just so well written and it’s one of my favs!
love in the time of coding by theivoryflute
[explicit, 26k, complete]
hacker yibo and cyber security engineer xiao zhan. yibo cyber flirts with xiao zhan and also flirts with him in real life. *SCREAMS* i never thought we’d have a hacker au in the fandom but i’ve been blessed, this was literally the cutest online romance fic with a bunch of mutual pining. my favourite dialogue is “the whiplash from wanting to ride yibo to wanting to coddle him was severe” i’m literally wheezing, this is a perfect representation of the fandom, also the usernames that yibo picked got me cackling there’s one in particular that made me laugh, you’ll know what it is when you see it so go read this gem!
Peace & Love by ella_minnow
[explicit, 51k, complete]
my favourite writer is back again with this baby! idol dance captain xiao zhan and non-famous dancer yibo!!! ARE WE KIDDING? slow burn sdoc au? I’M SO IN WTF. guys listen to me. yibo has a low ponytail and arm tattoos *goes feral* one of my favourite scenes from this fic is when xiao zhan had to convince yibo to join his team (bro. he didn’t even have to try) because yibo says “no, Xiao-laoshi. I would of course never leave you.” i’m screeching, totally gave me tgcf hua cheng vibes. my absolute favourite scene, however, is when yibo says xiao zhan doesn’t have to worry about sending him home because he’s going to win everything... like... the sheer bde this man exudes in real life and fiction... very sexy of him. i also love how this showcases how well they work together and of course the *whispers* celebratory sex!
Hyacinth by stickyriceu
[explicit, 76k, complete]
racer yibo celebrates after a competition and meets hyacinth’s number one host, zhan-er. slow burn with LOTS of pining and angst. i finished this in one sitting and i’m still screaming over it, it’s so good!!! genuinely felt my soul leave my body reading this because zhan zhan with shoulder length hair? tied up in a messy bun? *SCREECHES* everyone go read and get your angst on, don’t worry, there’s a happy ending ;)
Song of the Sea by LaMachina17
[explicit, 48k, complete]
mermaid xiao zhan and pirate yibo !!! xiao zhan meets yibo and has one very exciting night with him so he ends up following him aboard their pirate ship! i’m literally on my knees praising this fic. i will re-read this until i die, it’s perfect. AND THEY’RE CAT DADS IN THIS FIC TOO. seriously i don’t need to say anything else go read this gem
The Dragons by MadFilaments
[explicit, 31k, complete]
xiao zhan is his village’s marriage offering to dragon lord yibo. are you kidding me? shapeshifter yibo? arranged marriage fic? YES. this is one of my favourites, i always re-read it because the way their relationship just naturally progresses in the story warms my heart 😩 AND they call each other husband and i just *melts* they’re ! so ! domestic ! there’s angst but it’s not too bad and i’m in love with yibo’s speech about how dragons love forever *cries*
golden hour by Deinde
[explicit, 35k, complete]
professional snowboarder yibo teaches actor xiao zhan how to snowboard in a show! OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO GOOD *SCREAMS* it’s literally just them flirting and being absolutely thirsty for each other, especially in the photoshoot scene dear lord. i’m so annoying, this fic tab has been open in my safari for forever and i forgot about it until i watched ddu’s snow sports episode so don’t do the same thing as me and go! read! this! fic! immediately!
Falling In Love by beeswaxing
[mature, 65k, complete]
celebrities yibo and xiao zhan star in a we got married/hello baby inspired reality show! oh my god. the domestic fluff in this i am reeling, THIS IS JUST ADORABLE. this is definitely the domestic kid fic i so desperately needed 😭 and the way the writer added in those canon bjyx details is just perfect, everyone go read this please!!
Legend of the Jade Rabbit: The Musical by emma_screams
[explicit, 12k, complete]
high school au with lion hybrid yibo and bunny hybrid xiao zhan. this fic has musicals! it’s really quite fluffy, yibo literally calls zhan zhan “bunny gege” and i’m just *SCREECHING* also i love protective yibo 😭 i really love this it’s so cute & has a very refreshing plot!
pick me, pick me up by domeeneec
[mature, 10k, complete]
college/uni wrong number au where xiao zhan keeps accidentally calling yibo to bail him out of his bad dates and yibo ends up becoming his “personal dating assistant” this was the FLUFFIEST. although there is some light angst when xiao zhan drunk dials yibo and cries about not being able to find love, but i swear this is super soft and fluffy!!! READ THIS FOR SEROTONIN
Ruby and Gold by aces_low
[explicit, 16k, complete]
mob boss xiao zhan and his trophy husband yibo. HELLO? MURD3R HUSBANDS YIZHAN? this was such a fun read! trigger warnings for blood and violence though so look out for those! yizhan will literally not hesitate to beat you tf up in this fic they’re so badass here but they’re so soft with each other. xiao zhan literally calls yibo gǒu zǎizǎi and tiánxīn i am. Melting. also there’s a proposal. it’s unromantic but still so romantic, i love it. i also saw this art and i think this would be how they look in the fic
To Be Human by purplemonster
[teen and up, 19k, complete]
humanoid yibo and ceo xiao zhan. xiao zhan tests out his company’s newest creation and falls in love along the way. android aus always hurt me so. good. and this one’s not an exception. it’s pretty slow burn and definitely angst-y but it has a happy ending! i love the domesticity, i have no idea why i love grocery scenes so much? but anyway this is perfect for a rainy day and you’ll coo at the ending
Falling by brooklinegirl
[explicit, 42k, complete]
yb and xz behind the scenes while filming. this was such a melancholic read for me (even though there’s so much papapa) because they pine SO HARD at the start, don’t get me wrong though, it’s also cute because there’s so much canon flirting!but my heart really broke when filming was ending and yb’s thoughts were “We could run away together. Miss our flights. Stay here in Hengdian, or fuck it, go somewhere where no one knows us and just...” *sobs* pls go read!!!
What’s Your Emergency? by bluefloral
[general, 2k, complete]
police officer yibo and single father xiao zhan! yuan, xiao zhan’s son calls 911 for help with his math homework and officer yibo helps him 🥺 this was such an adorable short read!
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idlikeanextrasmall · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Fanfiction
(these are just my favorites of favorites compiled into one place, ongoing list)
First, shameless plug:
Gas Leak, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING!
iwaoi, bokuaka, kuroken, M
this ones mine… its self indulgent. heist fic, hurt/comfort, sort of six of crows au. check it out!
Alright now my favs:
In Another Life, 23k, major character death
bokuaka, T
its just here bc i cry everytime i read it hahahaha *dies*
Where Worlds Collide and Days Are Dark, 42k, major character death/graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, M
skyfall au and i love action/violence lmao
Unravel, 253k, graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, bokuaka, kuroken, daisuga (equally divided), M
zombie au, very long, insanely action packed, GAH ITS SO GOOD
The Loyalty of a Traitor, 76k, graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, E
mf yakuza au, very intense, also deathbelle ofc
Drowning in the Depths, 30k, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING
bokuaka, M
HAHA pirates also prince akaashi. very good
Wild Misadventures, 79k
kuroken, E
this is the only kuroken fic i’ve ever read but it was good so,, kuroo and kenma go on a cabin vacation/adventure
Shiver, 16k
iwaoi, T
this is one of the first ones I read I think, it’s been a while but it was stellar
Desperado, 82k
iwaoi, M
this felt incomplete without it, tbh this fic: not long enough, rate 11/10
Behind Bricks, 60k
bokuaka, E
angst, akaashi is a prostitue, spoiler alert bokuto clocks a guy in the face at one point that’s why I read it (read tags for more pls)
Night Call, 127k, graphic dep. of violence/rape/non-con, INCOMPLETE
iwaoi, E
ok bigger warnings on this one: there are parts of this that are written really beautifully and the world building is pretty insane. However, it’s stuck at 9/14 chapters and is also heartbreaking. pls read the tags/summary for tw and more info bc it is very intense.
How Kuroo Found Kenma, 37k
kuroken, E
It’s really cute guys oh my god
Moral Ambiguity, 16k
iwaoi, E
gahhh serial killer stuff i reread this one a lot
(Don’t) Touch Me, 17k
bokuaka, E
pretty sure this was one of the first haikyuu fics I ever read, anyways angst angst angst but also happy ending :)
the chrysanthemum looking glass, 75k, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING
iwaoi, M
this is underrated. anyways royalty au prince oikawa guard iwa you know the drill
Symphonic Hearts, 236k
bokuaka, E
ok you have to trust me,, it starts so good and then just keeps getting better. fluff and angst is v well balanced imo (there’s A LOT of both)
Is There Somewhere, 13k
Tsukkiyama, E
I literally just discovered how good tsukkiyama is wtf. anyways, tadashi’s a singer w an abusive bf and tsukishima is a gov.t hacker. one night stand type beat
Time, 5k
iwaoi, E
this is actually the loveliest thing you’ll ever read so uh go read it right now
Snow in May, 80k, graphic dep. of violence, major ch. death
iwaoi, bokuaka, kuroken, kagehina (equally divided), M
so this is the first fic to make me cry since in another life, it actually broke me. fully broke me. but also one of the best things i read, anyways check tags if u try it pls
Seasons of Love, 101k
kuroken, bokuaka, E
this is one of the best fics i’ve read lmao. i think it does a really great job of encompassing the characters, and not feeding into fanon and stereotypes!! very cute go read it rn
Just a Taste, 213k, graphic dep. of violence,
bokuaka, some kurotsuki, M
STOP THIS IS SO GOOD. it’s very well written, a lot of angst, but the fluff balances it out. does have mature themes so pls read tags :’)
Take Me To Church, 43k
iwaoi, M
american au, post iwaizumi being a delinquent and oikawa has homophobic parents. very coming of age, this is the american highschool fic of my dreams
Gunmetal Blue, 197k
daisuga, bokuaka, iwaoi, kuroken, matsuhana (screen time kinda goes in that order but good amnt of each), E
this ones an absolute whirlwind idek. very good though go read it. military, ptsd, action but like so much fun. updates veryyy slowly, also has a great playlist that i just listen to for fun like all the time now?
The Fugitives, 190k, graphic dep. of violence
ok ready? iwaoi, bokuaka, daisuga, kagehina, kuroken, asanoya, tsukkiyama (equally divided), E
magic! kind of fantasy! iwaoi/kuroken/kagehina enemies to lovers (specifically iwaoi)! very long and good! also insane world building i was shocked
here comes your man, 8k
iwaoi, daisuga, T
just makes you all warm and fuzzy, it’s a series too! go read :)
long nights, no peace, 18k, graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, E
HAVSHBSJA y’a know how I’m really into action packed violence and fluff? Yeahhh. Pacific rim au which I have never seen but it didn’t matter so go read
Envy for Solid Ground, 9k
iwaoi, E
This is just… car accident, amputation, recovery, so much love. Ok go read it ready go
surfacing, 45k
bokuaka, E
THIS ONE IS so sad and so sweet and so lovely.
rich boy, poor boy, 107k
iwaoi, M
Mmm yeah yeah strangers to lovers economic difference and Oikawa is lowk socially inept mmm yeah yep
my castles in the sky are tumbling down, 73k, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING
iwaoi, M
there are exactly 2 fics I constantly long for updates from. One is drowning in the depths, and the second is this. Enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, royalty au. :)
snowfall, 31k
iwaoi, M
this is what I’ve been searching for all my life. This one. figure skater/hockey player and fake dating
maybe we could be enough, 9.5k
iwaoi, M
friends to lovers
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kingcl0ut · 5 years
Maybe if I stop getting distracted every five minutes I can write an hour and a half’s worth of content by the end of this week but my brain lichrally cannot focus on one thing for over ten minutes this is why it’s taken me two months to write 17k words lol 😳 somehow this summer I rlly wrote 36k words in like a month like- wtf it took me over a year to write 76k for psionics how the hell did I do that and why the hell was it actually good
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mofer · 6 years
5 Weird Instagram Accounts You Should Check Out
5 Weird Instagram Accounts Worth Following
People all over the world upload photos to Instagram every day. However, there are a huge number of those photos that would fit into the category of weird to WTF. Today, we are here to show you 5 weird Instagram accounts worth following to get out of boredom.
Before we start though, let us explain how this is going to be ranked. We will start with the least bizarre account at number 5 to the most bizarre at number one. So bear with us and get ready to check out some of the weirdest Instagram accounts you have ever seen.
Bruno Pontiroli
Bruno Pontiroli is an artist based in Paris whose Instagram account showcases painting of animals in impossible positions. Currently, the French artist’s Instagram account has over 76k followers and some of his paintings are printed on T-shirts. In fact, celebrities such as Jim Carrey and Charlie Hunnam have worn T-Shirts with his designs on it.
Mr. Hands Up
Andrew Stoletov is better known on Instagram as Mr. Hands up – and this guy does exactly what he promises. Stoletov uploads Instagram photos where he simply poses in all kind of scenarios with his hands up. He currently has over 8k followers.
He also has a YouTube channel called Socks Crasher. Of course, his channel is also as weird as his Instagram account, but his videos on YouTube are a bit more varied. In fact, he uploads content of himself doing different things, from work out routines to playing basketball. But, where is the weird in that? Well, during his videos he ends up crashing socks. Evidently, he likes to do weird stuff.
Baddie Winkle
Baddie Winkle is a 90-year-old woman who knows that it’s never too late to live our lives. In fact, the elder woman has become some sort of a celebrity by showing us how good her life is, through Instagram. Currently, she has over 3.6 million followers and posts photos of her just living the life in colorful clothes and good company.
Seeing an elderly woman doing what she does is slightly bizarre. However, she states that people need to own their identity and be who they are. Of course, this is exactly what she does.
Benzank is an Instagram account where we can find pretty bizarre photos. Nevertheless, such photos are actually a form of art. But here’s the thing. Many people would simply look at them and kind of wonder what they actually represent.
Benzank’s photos on Instagram are somewhat weird, yet art to some eyes. Most of them are portraits of humans being anything but humans. If that makes any kind of sense. In fact, there are just a handful of photos where we can see a face. But, the scenes captured in the photos make up for it.
Basically, Benzank’s account shows us a combination of weirdness and art.
Combo Photo
Combo Photo is an Instagram account run by artist Stephen Mcmennamy, with over 385k followers. This account also shows us a weird collection of photos and a form of art at the same time. There are over 640 posts showcasing combinations of photos such as a chili and heels, a banana and a pencil, and much more.
The post 5 Weird Instagram Accounts You Should Check Out appeared first on Becoming Instafamous.
Source: https://becoming.instafamous.pro/weird-instagram-accounts/
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instafamouspro · 6 years
5 Weird Instagram Accounts You Should Check Out
5 Weird Instagram Accounts Worth Following
People all over the world upload photos to Instagram every day. However, there are a huge number of those photos that would fit into the category of weird to WTF. Today, we are here to show you 5 weird Instagram accounts worth following to get out of boredom.
Before we start though, let us explain how this is going to be ranked. We will start with the least bizarre account at number 5 to the most bizarre at number one. So bear with us and get ready to check out some of the weirdest Instagram accounts you have ever seen.
Bruno Pontiroli
Bruno Pontiroli is an artist based in Paris whose Instagram account showcases painting of animals in impossible positions. Currently, the French artist’s Instagram account has over 76k followers and some of his paintings are printed on T-shirts. In fact, celebrities such as Jim Carrey and Charlie Hunnam have worn T-Shirts with his designs on it.
Mr. Hands Up
Andrew Stoletov is better known on Instagram as Mr. Hands up – and this guy does exactly what he promises. Stoletov uploads Instagram photos where he simply poses in all kind of scenarios with his hands up. He currently has over 8k followers.
He also has a YouTube channel called Socks Crasher. Of course, his channel is also as weird as his Instagram account, but his videos on YouTube are a bit more varied. In fact, he uploads content of himself doing different things, from work out routines to playing basketball. But, where is the weird in that? Well, during his videos he ends up crashing socks. Evidently, he likes to do weird stuff.
Baddie Winkle
Baddie Winkle is a 90-year-old woman who knows that it’s never too late to live our lives. In fact, the elder woman has become some sort of a celebrity by showing us how good her life is, through Instagram. Currently, she has over 3.6 million followers and posts photos of her just living the life in colorful clothes and good company.
Seeing an elderly woman doing what she does is slightly bizarre. However, she states that people need to own their identity and be who they are. Of course, this is exactly what she does.
Benzank is an Instagram account where we can find pretty bizarre photos. Nevertheless, such photos are actually a form of art. But here’s the thing. Many people would simply look at them and kind of wonder what they actually represent.
Benzank’s photos on Instagram are somewhat weird, yet art to some eyes. Most of them are portraits of humans being anything but humans. If that makes any kind of sense. In fact, there are just a handful of photos where we can see a face. But, the scenes captured in the photos make up for it.
Basically, Benzank’s account shows us a combination of weirdness and art.
Combo Photo
Combo Photo is an Instagram account run by artist Stephen Mcmennamy, with over 385k followers. This account also shows us a weird collection of photos and a form of art at the same time. There are over 640 posts showcasing combinations of photos such as a chili and heels, a banana and a pencil, and much more.
The post 5 Weird Instagram Accounts You Should Check Out appeared first on Becoming Instafamous.
http://bit.ly/2SBqLen http://bit.ly/2rRcgHo January 05, 2019 at 12:30AM
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instafamouspro1 · 6 years
5 Weird Instagram Accounts You Should Check Out
5 Weird Instagram Accounts Worth Following
People all over the world upload photos to Instagram every day. However, there are a huge number of those photos that would fit into the category of weird to WTF. Today, we are here to show you 5 weird Instagram accounts worth following to get out of boredom.
Before we start though, let us explain how this is going to be ranked. We will start with the least bizarre account at number 5 to the most bizarre at number one. So bear with us and get ready to check out some of the weirdest Instagram accounts you have ever seen.
Bruno Pontiroli
Bruno Pontiroli is an artist based in Paris whose Instagram account showcases painting of animals in impossible positions. Currently, the French artist’s Instagram account has over 76k followers and some of his paintings are printed on T-shirts. In fact, celebrities such as Jim Carrey and Charlie Hunnam have worn T-Shirts with his designs on it.
Mr. Hands Up
Andrew Stoletov is better known on Instagram as Mr. Hands up – and this guy does exactly what he promises. Stoletov uploads Instagram photos where he simply poses in all kind of scenarios with his hands up. He currently has over 8k followers.
He also has a YouTube channel called Socks Crasher. Of course, his channel is also as weird as his Instagram account, but his videos on YouTube are a bit more varied. In fact, he uploads content of himself doing different things, from work out routines to playing basketball. But, where is the weird in that? Well, during his videos he ends up crashing socks. Evidently, he likes to do weird stuff.
Baddie Winkle
Baddie Winkle is a 90-year-old woman who knows that it’s never too late to live our lives. In fact, the elder woman has become some sort of a celebrity by showing us how good her life is, through Instagram. Currently, she has over 3.6 million followers and posts photos of her just living the life in colorful clothes and good company.
Seeing an elderly woman doing what she does is slightly bizarre. However, she states that people need to own their identity and be who they are. Of course, this is exactly what she does.
Benzank is an Instagram account where we can find pretty bizarre photos. Nevertheless, such photos are actually a form of art. But here’s the thing. Many people would simply look at them and kind of wonder what they actually represent.
Benzank’s photos on Instagram are somewhat weird, yet art to some eyes. Most of them are portraits of humans being anything but humans. If that makes any kind of sense. In fact, there are just a handful of photos where we can see a face. But, the scenes captured in the photos make up for it.
Basically, Benzank’s account shows us a combination of weirdness and art.
Combo Photo
Combo Photo is an Instagram account run by artist Stephen Mcmennamy, with over 385k followers. This account also shows us a weird collection of photos and a form of art at the same time. There are over 640 posts showcasing combinations of photos such as a chili and heels, a banana and a pencil, and much more.
The post 5 Weird Instagram Accounts You Should Check Out appeared first on Becoming Instafamous.
from Becoming Instafamous https://becoming.instafamous.pro/weird-instagram-accounts/
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kingsofeverything · 5 years
do you think a longer fic needs some kind of subplot to support it in order for it to be considered a well-rounded, good quality fic?
Okay, so I’m answering this with the idea that my longer fics are well-rounded and good quality 🙈 But no, I don’t! I thought about it and then the whole MOTORCYCLE LOUIS thing happened and Don’t Want Shelter is 76k, which I feel like is longish, and there are no side/subplots. Heading for Limbo doesn’t really have any side/subplots either (does it?)
I think subplots are useful and interesting sometimes, but I don’t think they’re necessary. Just depends on the type of story you want to tell.
(let’s be real idk wtf I’m talking about 99% of the time so I could be wrong here and I’ll tag Nic to be sure @louandhazaf and maybe we’ll talk about this in the @roseanddaggerpodcast!)
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