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Christianity Explained.
In Christianity Explained I will give you a complete walkthrough of the Christian faith from Genesis to Revelation. Christianity for beginners start with understanding the basics of the Christian faith. I’ll explain Christianity for non believers in an engaging, easy to understand and articulate narration.
I provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of Christianity's fundamental principles, beliefs, and practices. From the life and teachings of Jesus Christ to the significance of key biblical narratives, the video offers clarity on the core tenets that underpin Christian theology.
Whether for those new to Christianity or seeking a deeper understanding of the faith, this video serves as an invaluable resource, elucidating complex concepts with clarity and insight.
Through its accessible presentation and compelling storytelling, "Christianity Explained" illuminates the profound significance of this global religion, inviting viewers to contemplate its timeless truths and transformative power.
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Resurrection part 3: Daniel's "end of days" resurrection prophecy
We are continuing the third essay today in a four-part series on the topic of resurrection. So far in our exploration of this far-reaching topic, we have viewed instances of individual, bodily resurrections throughout the Bible. We also looked at what Yeshua taught about all the righteous throughout the history of Israel who were still considered as alive to God, since “God is not the God of the…
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Sixteen Spanish nuns have announced they are breaking from the Catholic Church and instead placing themselves under the authority of Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, a self-styled bishop who was excommunicated in 2019.
The 16 Poor Clare sisters, part of the Franciscan Order of Saint Clare, were based in the dioceses of Burgos and Vitoria in northern Spain.
The schism comes against the backdrop of conservative anger over the leadership of Pope Francis. In February, 90 Catholic clergymen and scholars wrote a letter to "all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church," urging them to oppose a document approved by the pontiff that allowed priests to bless same-sex couples. Earlier this month, Francis angered many American conservatives by describing efforts to prevent migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexican border as "madness."
The 16 nuns, led by Sister Isabel of the Trinity, announced their break from Catholic authorities in a five-page open letter published on their convent's website.
In the letter, Sister Isabel said Catholics have had to endure "the silence of our pastors," who "left their sheep alone and helpless to face the wolves."
Referring to the papacy, she added: "From the Throne of Peter we have been receiving contradiction, confusion and doublespeak, ambiguity, lack of clear doctrine, which is all the more necessary in stormy times, to hold the rudder more firmly.
"During this time the sisters, each in her own style, way and rhythm, have been contemplating a question, a doubt about the one who steers the Barque of Peter, and his closest collaborators. A doubt which, in time, became SCANDAL."
Newsweek has contacted the press office of the Holy See for comment by email.
Sister Isabel also said the Vatican prevented the community from selling an empty monastery in Derio, the proceeds of which were intended to pay for a new monastery in Orduña. She said the decision was a bid to control "traditionally minded communities and keep their real estate to sell."
The sister said the group would instead put itself under the authority of Sánchez-Franco, whom she styled a "legitimate bishop of the Holy Catholic Church" despite his excommunication by the Vatican.
She added: "They are going to call us heretics and schismatics, crazy, and many more very disagreeable and calumnious things, but don't believe them; at least this once, don't let them fool you."
In an attached 70-page document titled "Catholic Manifesto," the group said it recognized "H.H. Pius XII as the last valid Supreme Pontiff," adding that "the see of St. Peter is vacant and usurped."
In a broadcast on Spanish radio station COPE, Archbishop Mario Iceta of Burgos, under whose jurisdiction the 16 nuns fell, said when he first heard they were leaving, he "thought it was fake news," the Catholic News Agency reported.
He said the schism "seems absolutely wrong," adding that the church must see "if it is possible to heal it, cure it, reverse it" through dialogue with the nuns.
According to the Catholic News Agency, the archbishop added: "I don't know if they realize the profound consequences that this step has and that is why my option or my opinion is that this should not be done precipitously, let this media tidal wave pass, let's see if it's possible to establish a relationship with them and dialogue and look at these issues and give them time to reconsider this situation that seems so surprising and strange to me."
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found this other LIFE article about the Short Creek raid that is a fascinating read!
The Lonely Men of Short Creek They await trial as result of polygamy uproar
For men used to having as many as five women and 21 children around the house it was a lonely situation for the men of Short Creek, Ariz. Stolidly they ate a breakfast of oatmeal and fried eggs (above). They were still too stunned to comprehend what had happened. The Short Creekers are a "fundamentalist" heretical splinter of the Mormon Church, who live underneath vaulting red cliffs--the Towers of Tumurru,--in one of the most inaccessible parts of the US, 150 miles from the nearest railroad. They believe "in all the doctrines and covenants of Joseph Smith," including communal living and the famous 132nd section sanctioning polygamy, which the orthodox Mormon Church renounced in 1890. But last July the sovereign state of Arizona in the person of 200 state troopers--five troopers per Short Creek man--descended on the colony.
Without making a direct charge of polygamy, the troopers arrested the men on charges of conspiracy to violate a host of laws from statutory rape to misappropriation of school funds. Governor Howard Pyle accused the community of being "unalterably dedicated to the wicked theory that every maturing girl child (usually before she reached the age of 15) should be forced into multiple wifehood with men of all ages." While the Short Creek men were in jail, the state packed nearly all of the town's 85 women and 250 children 450 miles away to Phoenix. Then the 36 men were released on bail pending hearings on Sept. 28.
The men walked from behind bars into their lonely town. Heaviest of their burdens was the state's disclosure of its intention not merely to wipe out the community but to place the children as state welfare charges in suitable Mormon homes. The men's religion forbids them to show anger, but one finally burst out, "what we are worried about is that we are never going to see our children again."
Legal questions, an elder's grave, an empty schoolhouse
Eighty-four-year-old Joseph Smith Jessop, named for the founder of the Mormon Church, was in a way a symbol of the small cooperative colonies believing in polygamy which have cropped up persistently in the Southwest despite efforts to stamp them out. He had 22 children between the ages of 64 and 4, 112 grandchildren and 147 great-grandchildren. As an elder of Short Creek's "United Effort" community, Patriarch Jessop helped direct the pooling and division of all earnings from the communally owned sawmill, dairy herd, cannery, 2500 acres of crop land and $35,000 in farm equipment. The shock of the arrest was too much for the staunch old Mormon. A month after the raid, heartbroken, he died and his huge family gathered around to do him honor.
In proceeding against the rest of the men of Short Creek, Arizona faced a tricky legal problem. Since the Short Creekers avoided civil marriage ceremonies, it is difficult to convict them of polygamy. The state therefore devised the plan of charging the Short Creekers with numerous other violations, for which the prosecution will demand heavy fines with the design of bankrupting the colony. Its investigators are collecting evidence, they say, to prove many women were reluctant participants in plural unions--for example, that one girl of 17 was almost forced to marry a 70-year-old. But the Short Creekers deny these charges and are preparing to defend themselves on constitutional grounds. One of them, a University of Utah graduate, says "The Bill of Rights says we can worship God as we please. My religion is not abridging the rights of others. Whose is the next religion that is going to become unpopular?"
Death of a patriarch added to Short Creek's sadness.
Joseph Smith Jessop, a founder of the colony, posed with youngest child Mabel Ann, 4, after release from jail. He said then, "This will probably be my last picture." A week later he died. Last week 101 members of his immediate family attended his funeral (center) and his sons dug his grave. At the funeral a son, Virgil Jessop, gave the eulogy: "this man has left nothing of his worldly worth, but he has left far more than most people of God's work. There isn't another man in the US that can boast this man's posterity…Grandpa has received a martyr's crown."
#mormonposting tag#for those of you who don't know the people in short creek were sort of the precursors to flds#short creek is now called colorado city/hildale and it's where flds is centered
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In the wake of the publishers’ success, other parts of the Internet Archive have become a tempting target. Universal, Sony, Arista and other music companies sued the archive in New York on Friday, saying it “unabashedly seeks to provide free and unlimited access to music for everyone, regardless of copyright.” The plaintiffs cite 2,749 violations, all recorded with an antiquated format used before 1959, for which they are asking $150,000 each. “Now the Washington lawyers want to destroy a digital collection of scratchy 78 r.p.m. records, 70 to 120 years old, built by dedicated preservationists in 2006,” Mr. Kahle said. “Who benefits?”
Well that sucks.
This is a tricky one, honestly. What the IA did was pretty clearly not lawful, regardless of whether it was right or good. So even if the petition somehow wins over the publishers, IA would still be operating indefinitely in a “hope we don’t get sued” gray zone, which is not where we want to be. The underlying law for copyright and fair use (in general, but especially for digital works) is kind of fucked and needs to be sorted out.
The idea that scanning the full text of a book—for the sole purpose of sharing with multiple other readers—could be transformative is obvious nonsense on the face of it, but apparently that’s where precedent is now:
This led the Ninth Circuit to be the first court to make the equation highly beneficial to public = transformative, and as the Supreme Court explained in Campbell, the more transformative a derivative use the more likely the use is to be a fair use.
It makes no sense for that to fall under the “transformative” consideration!! Fair use is already determined by a holistic weighing of several factors, and transformativity was not one of them—it was added as a dimension of the first factor as part of later judgements. Just add “public benefit” as an additional dimension!
Meanwhile, First Sale Doctrine doesn’t always apply to digital works because (1) you’d have to actually transfer the file, not just copy it (even if you destroy your own copy at the same time! bonkers!); and (2) software companies try to weasel out of it by “licensing” you their stuff instead of actually “selling” it:
Courts have struggled and taken dramatically different approaches to sort out when only a license was granted to the end user as compared to ownership. Most of these cases involved software-licensing agreements. In general, courts look beneath the surface of the agreements to conclude whether the agreements create a licensing relationship or if they amount to, in substance, sales subject to first sale doctrine under §109(a). Thus, specifying that the agreement grants only a "license" is necessary to create the licensing relationship, but not sufficient. Other terms of the agreement should be consistent with such a licensing relationship.
Obviously digital goods are very different from physical goods, making First Sale Doctrine a lot worse for creators in a digital world than a physical one, but the always-license-never-own situation we’ve come to instead is also terrible, just in the other direction.
Anyway, the Internet Archive can still appeal to the Supreme Court, who I’m sure will butcher the interpretation further if they take it up. Maybe if we get a solidly progressive congress (plus Harris) they can improve the laws, but I’m not holding my breath.
This is absolutely catastrophic.
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Why do Christians accept this account? Josephus was a Jew, and a Pharisees. Josephus was not a Christian, and had many reasons to embellish his account, or to even outright lie. Yet lots, many "Christians" believe the Temple was left without one stone standing upon another in 70 ad. Since then people believe in this false Rapture doctrine, and a seven year tribulation, that only came into the church in the 1800's. Matthew 24 is quite clear, "immediately following the Tribulation of those days." Anyway I'm just curious. Feel free to respond, either here or on my Facebook page.
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Did Christmas Copy the Sun God's Birthday?
Did Christmas Copy the Sun God's Birthday? The answer is unequivocably "YES!"  The Biblical basis of thecult of Mithra is expressed in the first verse of the 19th chapter of the 19th Book of the Old Testament, This is a literary reference to the Metonic cycle of the Solar year, wherein the sun travels through the zodiac and comes to within 20 minutes of its starting coordinates 19 years after it started, West Point has a ditty Plebes have to learn that includes the phrase "the great celestial movement by which time is usually recorded:.  During this 19 year solar cycle, there are 7 solar years with 13 full moons, This is the basis of Daniel 7:13 , The year 70 AD was selected in reference to what became Daniel 7 in 1551 AD, when the versification of the mundane numerology of chapter and verse was added by the collaboration of  Robert Estienne, a typesetter, with the Holy Spirit to simplify access to the literature of the Bible. The triangulation of Daniel 7:13 with Mark 13 and Revelation 13 is the literary validation of the God Hypothesis of the Torah and all things Jesus, Where ever there was a Mithra cult in prximity to a Roman garrison, there was a secret society of stoic Christian centurions who were justified by the Talking Cross of the Gospel of Peter, This stoic Christian society was the enabling incubator for the Epicuriean Christianity of Pax Romana and Pauline Theology, The Tlaking Cross was the primary purpose of Pilate's euangelion to TIberius cited by Tertullian in Book V. Apology, The contents of the Gospel of Peter was conveyed to Peter by Cornelius during the debriefing off-statge in Acts 10, The Gospel of Pete is the only example of Bart "Giggles" Ehrman's oral tradition in the Synoptic Gospels, The rest of his thesis that the Gospel of Mark is derivative of Pauline Theology is Marxist/Jesus Seminar bullshit. 'Hebrews is the intelligence finding of Theolphilus regarding the Talking Cross of  Pilate's euangelion and is a stoic manifesto of the secret Roman Christian society of the Praetorian Guards,  The connection of Pauline Theology to thi manifesto and the Talking Cross is the epistemological/numerological  link of Romans 13:1 - 7 and Hebrews 13:17, with the doubling of the 1317 numerology which adds up to 12, a quorum of the Holy Spirit, numerologically, The Apostle's Creed is the stoic summary and Christian manifesto of Hebrews, The Nicene Creed is the Epicurean summary of Hebrews, Tertullian was a stoic and his alleged apostasy was a protest against the infiltration of the Epicurean impulse into Christian doctrine, He was wrong. Ther is an epistemological thread that runs as stratight as a  laser from the Persian Magi to the Free  Mason Lodge 22 of George Washinton  overlooking Alexandria, Virginia, Washington DC is laid out 4 square to the earth based on the Base 60 numerology of the Rose Compas of the PErsian Magi, right out of Revelation. Jesus' upgrade of Moses's Shema in Mark 12: 29 - 31 fully embraces the Greek theory of knowledge with its addition of "mind" to the elements of heart, soul and strength, making it 4 squate to the Greek elements of Fire = Heart, Water = Soul, Air = Mind, and Earth = Strength. In addition, there is an epistemological thread that runs straight as a laser from the Talking Cross to the 19th Amendment and Apollo 11. The 19th Amendment reveals the blasphemy of the Dobbs decision and the heresy of all things Pro-Life Megi-Chruch Calvinism of Christian Nationalism, Christianity is a totally Pagan celebration of  Genesis 1:1 and The One in Revelation 4:2. Enjoy the party, Amen,
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A) This is obviously a redictio ad absurdum. They're not advocating mass murder, they're saying that you are inadvertently advocating mass abortions, by way of a philosophical system in which mass abortions fall out as a natural imperative, and then post-hoc arguing 'but also abortions are bad don't do them.'
B) "Utilitarianism is fake" isn't an answer to people who notice you're making the concrete claim that some people go to heaven, some people go to hell, and that the former is infinitely good while the latter is infinitely bad. Getting infinitely good outcomes and avoiding infinitely bad outcomes overrides all other concerns, that's what the words 'infinitely', 'good', and 'bad' mean.
C) The core elements of Catholic (and most Christian) doctrine assure us that most living people go to hell. About 70% die unbaptized, given current religious demographics. The actual, material outcome of being born is that your existence is infinitely bad, most of the time. The actual, material outcome of being aborted is that your existence is infinitely good, every time.
D) By extension, if a group of mass abortionists (or even infanticides) cause themselves to go to hell, and also cause billions of people to go to heaven who wouldn't otherwise, the actual, material outcome is that they have dramatically increased the fraction of infinitely good existences and dramatically reduced the fraction of infinitely bad existences.
E) You state a concern that God would prevent this. We have a lower bound on the volume of mass murder that God does not prevent, set by the megadeaths of WW2 and the artificial famines of communist states; we have not tested 'billions dead' yet, but we have reached 'about a hundred million' and that effort continued unhindered. Hence, statistically, mass abortions could probably cause a minimum of something like 70 million people to experience infinitely good outcomes that would otherwise be infinitely bad- that is, 70% of the 100 million abortions or infanticides- without provoking miraculous intervention. (Assuming that God values all souls equally.) More, if you focused your efforts in India, East Asia, the Middle East, or North Africa, where Christians are underrepresented. Many more, if the hemoclysm of the early 20th century was not near the threshold that would provoke divine censure.
F) The claim 'but abortionists and their collaborators are bad people' coexists with these claims, but does not refute them; they are a direct extension of core Catholic doctrines. It is consistent with Catholic belief to note that these mass abortionists would change the world in such a way as to cause 70 million infinitely good outcomes and avert 70 million infinitely bad outcomes. It is also consistent with Catholic belief to say that this would make them bad people, and that they would probably go to hell for it.
G) In Catholic doctrine, 'trying to be a good person' and pursuing a life of virtue does not cause you to enter heaven, even if maximally successful. A person who does the right thing (for example, by not killing a hundred million babies), does not thereby avert the outcome where their existence is infinitely bad. Catholic doctrine states that people are quite likely to go to hell after the mass murder of hundreds of millions of babies, but it also tells us that they were probably going to hell anyway.
H) I'm not sure why you're arguing that "babies are not sinless" unless you're also arguing that infants and unborn fetuses sometimes go to hell? If it is your understanding of Catholic doctrine that hell contains some number of babies, I would suggest that this should be said explicitly, if only because it's such an obviously strong argument against abortion among those who share your religion! If abortion and miscarriage may condemn the unbaptized fetus to hell, then this is a tremendously important fact to communicate to expectant mothers.

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Jesus, after making his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and before the Passover meal, taught in the temple of the holy city, and there he prophesied about the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, a prophecy that was probably fulfilled during the regency of the emperor Vespasian in Rome in the year 70 AD, and with these words Jesus referred to the fact: "As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down" Luke 21:6. But then Jesus also prophesied about times that have not yet been fulfilled and that are probably related to his second coming, and this is how the Lord Jesus referred to these times: "Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands" Luke 21:10-11. These times described by Jesus have a great similarity with other prophecies such as those of Nostradamus, a French clairvoyant. And this prophecy made by Jesus is of great importance, because the doctrine of the Kingdom of God, the dominion or empire of God's perfections, also includes the resolution of the problem of sin and error in humanity. Jesus prophesied in order to alert his followers and train them in that eschatological hope that has to be realized at some future time. This is why Jesus delved deeper into what would happen in these times yet to be fulfilled with these words: "Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken" Luke 21:26. For Jesus, these times of difficulties would serve to test the true followers of the Kingdom from the false ones, and thus save those chosen by God.

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Croatia is to deliver scores of old tanks and armoured vehicles to embattled Ukraine, helping Kyiv to defend itself against the Russian invasion while upgrading its own domestic military capabilities, a military analyst told BIRN.
The Croatian and German Defence Ministers, Ivan Anusic and Boris Pistorius, signed a letter of intent in Berlin on Monday to deliver the Cold War-era tanks and armoured vehicles to Ukraine and receive in exchange modern German Leopard 2A8 tanks.
“Germany will give financial support to that project,” said Pistorius, who thanked Croatia for participating in the Defence Contact Group for Ukraine.
“We have agreed to exchange our technology for Western technology: 30 M84 battle tanks and 30 M80 infantry combat vehicles will be sent to Ukraine by the end of the year,” Anusic said..”Germany will take this delivery as an advance for the purchase of up to 50 tanks of the latest generation 2A8, which will begin to be manufactured,” he added, noting that the first deliveries of German tanks are expected in 2026.
Slavko Baric, a retired lieutenant general of the Croatian Army and lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences, told BIRN that the aid to Ukraine is significant.
“Those tanks were once at the very top when it comes to cannon, maneuverability and armour. Regardless of the fact that the tank is a certain number of years old, it is still a significantly improved version,” Baric said, noting that the Croatian M84 can compete with almost all the tanks currently used by Russia.
He emphasized also that the M84 has been in use in Ukraine for a long time. “This means that the adaptation of crews is much shorter,” Baric said.
“It won’t bring a decisive advantage but it will make it possible to close gaps that have arisen. On the entire front, an incredible number of tanks and infantry combat vehicles are damaged and destroyed on one side and the other, so it is extremely important to have the possibility to fill the gap for those tanks that are missing,” he added.
According to unofficial information, Croatia has about 70 M84 tanks and 50 are in good condition and ready for use. Ten are deemed not worth repairing and another ten will be repaired. The intention is for all these tanks to be sent to Ukraine and replaced by Leopards.
The German minister said the move was another step towards the harmonization of armed systems within NATO, but also to the strengthening of German industry.
General Baric called the acquisition of Leopard tanks a big step forward. “We’re purchasing tanks with the best performance. Now it is important that we work on a new doctrine of use, and that … is the essence of everything. We have to think about air-ground use of forces and their integration,” Baric said. “This raises the Croatian Army to a new level,” he added.
After Croatia’s war 1991-5 for independence from the former Yugoslavia ended, the Croatian army was armed mainly with captured Soviet-type weapons. It has since modernized most of its equipment. The old 7.62mm Kalashnikov caliber gave way to the NATO-standard 5.56mm, ageing MiG-21s were replaced with French Dassault Rafale fighter jets, and now the country is phasing out its cohort of Soviet-era tanks.
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Legalities of Creating Music Covers: What Every Artist Needs to Know
Creating music covers can be an exciting journey for musicians to express their artistry and connect with an audience by reinterpreting well-known songs. However, one often overlooked but crucial part of creating music covers is understanding the legal landscape, particularly copyright laws, which can affect how and where artists share their work. Ignoring or misunderstanding these laws can lead to complex legal issues, including copyright claims, content removal, or even financial penalties. In this article, we’ll walk through everything you need to know about copyright, fair use, and obtaining licenses when creating music covers, ensuring that your creative journey stays safe, legal, and respectful to original artists.
Understanding Copyright and How It Affects Music Covers
Copyright is a form of legal protection given to the creators of original works, including music. When a song is copyrighted, the owner has exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, and make derivative works from that song. This means that without permission, creating music covers could violate copyright law, especially if you plan to distribute or monetize them.
Key Aspects of Copyright for Covers:
Exclusive Rights: The song’s copyright owner holds the exclusive rights to any reproduction or distribution.
Derivative Works: Covers are typically considered derivative works, meaning they can only be legally shared with permission from the copyright holder.
Length of Copyright: Copyright on most songs lasts 70 years after the death of the creator, but it can vary based on when and where the song was created.
What Is Fair Use and How Does It Apply to Covers?
Fair use is a doctrine that allows for limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner, but it’s generally complex to apply to creating music covers. In some cases, artists believe that altering a song or performing it for educational purposes falls under fair use, but this isn’t always legally accurate.
When Fair Use Might Apply:
Educational Purposes: Covers made solely for educational or commentary purposes might fall under fair use but often face challenges.
Transformative Use: If a cover significantly transforms the song with a new meaning or style, it may qualify as fair use, but this is typically a gray area.
Non-Commercial Use: Covers that are not monetized and are used in personal or non-commercial settings may sometimes be safer, but fair use is rarely guaranteed.
Example: A college music student may create a cover as part of a school assignment, which might qualify as educational fair use. However, this does not extend to public platforms if monetization is enabled.
What Is a Mechanical License, and Why Do You Need It?
For most cases, musicians creating music covers will need a mechanical license, which grants permission to reproduce and distribute copyrighted music. This license is essential if you plan to share your covers on platforms like YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music, especially when there is any form of revenue generation.
How to Obtain a Mechanical License:
Identify the Song’s Publisher: Use resources like ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC to locate the music’s publisher.
Use Licensing Services: Services like Harry Fox Agency, Songfile, or Easy Song Licensing offer mechanical licenses for a fee.
Consider YouTube’s Content ID: For covers on YouTube, the platform may automatically license the song if the copyright holder allows, but it may also claim any ad revenue generated from your video.
Example: If you plan to cover a popular song on YouTube, acquiring a mechanical license ensures you can legally publish and potentially monetize the cover.
Licensing for Different Platforms
Each platform has unique rules regarding music covers, making it essential to understand their policies. Here’s a quick guide to the requirements on some of the most popular platforms for sharing music covers:
Content ID System: YouTube’s automated Content ID system matches your cover with copyrighted material. If a match is found, YouTube may place ads on your video, with revenue going to the original copyright owner.
Revenue Sharing: Some copyright holders allow revenue sharing, where a portion of ad revenue from your cover goes to them.
Manual Licensing: A mechanical license can help protect your cover, but you may still need permission from the copyright owner.
Spotify and Apple Music:
Mechanical License Required: Both platforms require mechanical licenses for covers. Unlike YouTube, there is less flexibility here, as these platforms are strictly for streaming audio.
Distribution Services: Many distribution services, such as TuneCore, DistroKid, and CD Baby, offer cover song licensing for these platforms.
TikTok and Instagram:
Short Clips: Short cover clips may fall into a gray area, but if they’re over a certain length, copyright holders may still issue claims.
Sound Catalogs: Both platforms have built-in sound catalogs, which sometimes include pre-licensed covers or original songs available for use in short videos.
Steps to Ensure Legal Compliance When Creating Music Covers
To keep your creative journey safe and avoid any unwanted legal issues, follow these steps when creating music covers:
Research the Copyright Status: Before covering a song, check its copyright status. Some older songs may be in the public domain, allowing free use.
Obtain a Mechanical License: If the song is copyrighted and you intend to distribute it publicly, secure a license through services like Easy Song Licensing.
Use Content ID When Necessary: If you’re covering a song on YouTube, Content ID may automatically protect you, but it’s safer to get a mechanical license.
Avoid Unauthorized Monetization: Only monetize your cover if you have secured the proper licenses and permissions.
Example: Suppose you’re creating a music cover of a contemporary pop song for YouTube. Acquiring a mechanical license ensures that you’re covered legally, even if YouTube’s Content ID system detects the original copyrighted material.
Consequences of Copyright Violations
Failing to respect copyright laws when creating music covers can have significant repercussions, ranging from content removal to legal disputes. Here are some common issues musicians face:
Content Removal: Platforms like YouTube or Instagram can remove your cover if the copyright owner files a claim.
Revenue Loss: Copyright holders can claim revenue from your cover if you didn’t obtain the correct license.
Legal Penalties: Repeated or severe copyright infringements may lead to legal action or financial penalties.
Example: In 2019, several YouTube cover artists reported demonetized videos or channel strikes because they uploaded covers without securing proper licenses.
Tips for Avoiding Copyright Issues in Music Covers
Be Transparent with Copyright Holders: Communicating with copyright holders can sometimes result in permissions or licensing agreements.
Add a Disclaimer: While it won’t protect you legally, including a disclaimer about copyright shows respect for the original work.
Consider Royalty-Free Music: Using royalty-free music tracks can allow you to reinterpret popular sounds without legal risks.
Follow Platform Guidelines: Every platform has unique copyright guidelines. Familiarize yourself with them to avoid copyright conflicts.
Creating music covers can be an incredible way for artists to share their talent, explore their creativity, and connect with fans. However, understanding the legal aspects is essential to avoid potential copyright issues that could disrupt your artistic journey. By following the steps above and respecting copyright laws, you can enjoy the process of creating music covers without legal complications. Remember, a mechanical license, fair use awareness, and adherence to platform policies are keys to keeping your covers legal and ensuring you stay focused on what matters most—sharing your passion for music.
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Good morning.
Our detour through John's Good News now at an end, today we return to Mark's account of Jesus's ministry. Hot on the heels of his miracle of the multiplication of the loaves – and, as John would have it, the controversy that arose afterward – Jesus finds himself pulled into a different sort of controversy about food.
This argument will prove to be so frustrating to Jesus that, after he says his say, he'll leave Jewish territory entirely, aiming to hide from the crowds in Syro-Phoenecian Tyre.
But, as we've recently seen from John, Jesus is no stranger to frustrating arguments, nor to being misunderstood. Why is this particular argument what finally breaks his patience?
Let's first talk about the specific rule that kicks off this controversy: washing your hands before meals. In our time, this is fairly normal, to avoid getting germs inside you. In Jesus's time… insisting on it was a Jewish peculiarity. It seems to have derived from the Mosaic rules for the Temple priests, slowly expanded upon by concentric doctrinal safety fences until they included everyone. There's some confusion as to the timeline, however; modern Jewish reckoning says that the universally applicable mandate to wash before meals was invented after the Second Temple's destruction in 70 AD, adapting a Temple-related commandment which was to be "permanent", "from generation to generation" to a world where there was no Temple at all. And yet somehow Mark – writing in 75 AD at the latest – seemed to think it was already a long-established tradition during Jesus's ministry.
So this seems like an innocuous rule for Jesus to get so hung up on when people ask him why his disciples don't always follow it. He could easily turn around to his disciples and say, "hey, the Rabbis are the religious authorities for now, so do what they say", like he later would in Matthew's account. Or else he could have, like the Apostles eventually did, argued that those followers of his were covered under Noachide rather than Mosaic law.
But Jesus chose, instead, to put up a fight about the doctrine itself, as a proxy battle about Rabbinical extrapolations of God's law in general. And the fight he puts up is strange. He doesn't challenge their reasoning, as other rabbis might. Rather, he goes straight to the results of the reasoning, giving – in the full version of the encounter – an example of how Talmudic precedents (which were, at the time, oral rather than written) create a "letter of the law" that can contradict the law's spirit.
This is, after all, the weakness of a covenant based on statutes and decrees. It becomes easy to focus on the rules themselves, rather than remaining concerned with understanding the underlying principles which gave rise to those rules. Combine with that a practice of interpreting and extrapolating on those rules as caselaw, and you can quickly find that these minor deviations have multiplied to leave you hopelessly lost.
So Jesus bypasses the legalistic arguments, the arguments based on interpretation, and skips straight to the results. That's his approach to doctrine generally: skip to the results and use that to assess whether the process was correct. "By their fruits you shall know them."
And from here he goes one step further, and argues – though quietly – that even parts of the Mosaic law have outlived their service to that principle, to the purpose of the law that Moses himself provides today (i.e. "that you may live, and may enter into the land which God is giving you"). And this is the part that frustrates him: nobody – not the scholars he was arguing with, not the crowds, not even his own inner circle, fresh from their miraculous tour of the region – seems ready to go that far. Even when Jesus gives a more explicit hint as what he's saying, the Apostles don't seem to get the gist; the meaning of his words are added only in a parenthetical by Mark, who was writing decades later, long after the letter from Jerusalem that loosened this law more explicitly.
If part of Jesus's role was to move us from a covenant of statues and decrees, to the covenant of "God's logic is written in our hearts", that failure to even consider that the law might not be absolute must have been an incredibly frustrating experience. No wonder he wanted to throw up his hands and leave for a faraway region where there'd be no-one to argue with.
But… this deadly tendency which Jesus criticizes today… it's a problem for us Christians as well. We may not have Talmudic case law, but we absolutely have our own ironclad, human-derived doctrines, and without even the Jewish escape hatch of pikuach nefesh, of "most of the Law is suspended when necessary to save a specific human life, because the purpose of the law is that we might live".
So we should not take Jesus's words today as any kind of mark of Christian superiority. Rather – as always, when Jesus criticizes the religious authorities of his time – we should imagine him talking about the authorities of our time, and apply his warnings to our own religious dogmas and practices.
What fruit do they bear? Are they doctrines of life, or death? Are they still relevant to what's really important, or have they gotten so tied up in metaphysical inside baseball that they've got nothing to do with the outside world anymore?
Because only when we get this right can we become the sort of people Moses imagines, who the world can look at and recognize that there's something greater than ourselves behind what we're doing. Only then can we "welcome the word that has been planted in us", as the correspondent James urges us today. Only then can we transcend a legalistic covenant of statutes and become God's own people, his law written in our hearts.
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(via (93) PelegrĂn Castillo: No es una crisis de Venezuela, es una crisis del continente - YouTube)
Solomon "Gugenheim" DOCTRINE 🎨🖼️🎶🥿 Washington you have no choice/1823/ 2013 chavista✝️ religion ⛪ is no different than 70 AD ROME 410 AD ⛪✝️ and JESUS. CHAVEZ the MARTIR ✝️ It is a psychological invasion of the Americas psyche ✝️ by the MADURO 🧑 🚌 government ⛪ immigration as a weapon same as ROME 410 AD. Creating instability crimes confusion deceases drug traffic and corruption killing the enemy from the inside. "Psychological cancer" biometric passports cutting up citizens from freedom Wall Street might think 🏦🤑🤣 is a good deal to have the bus driver 🚌 MADURO however 🤔 is cancer in progress January 6 one example. Guaido another. Now you have MARIA 🩱 Corina 🥿 MACHADO 💪 1811 the liberator of the contient 🌎 on a women decade. China was not around in 1492🌎 in 2024 they are they are the 🗝 to the riddle of peace ✌ 🌎🌍🌏 Making Oceania at Peace with East Asia & EURASIA. Maduro goes to florida a home next to restaurant 🍴 a bus 🚌 and problem solve..🛡️⚔️⚖️
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Muse profile: Hayato Kiyori (AU)
The Puppeteer
Basic Details:
Name: Kiyori Hayato
Age: 70
Title: Father of demons
Speices: Human/Devil gene carrier
Fighting Style: Shitō-ryū style Karate
Gender: Male
Occupation: Patriarch of the Kiyori Clan, Ceo of Kiyori Pharmaceuticals
Faith: Shinto (publicly), Azzael doctrine (secretly)
Birthday: 26th December
Likes: Power, Azzael, Scylla, Ayame, manipulating others, Tea, Forest Bathing, Safiya's smile.
Dislikes: Humanity, Safiya leaving him, The Hachijo clan, The Kazama clan, weakness.
Appearance Details:
Hair colour: Brown (silver-black in devil form)
Eye colour: Brown (Red in devil form)
Skintone: Pale to light Tan depending on the season. (Faded grey with red markings in devil form)
Height: 6ft
Weight: 77.6kg
Country of Origin: Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese
Deeper Details:
Hayato outwardly appears to be the model Japanese citizen, he is polite, community focused, a dutiful father, husband and a sucessful business man. Underneath the facade however lays heart of ice. With his children, even his most cherished eldest daughter being nothing but tools upon which he can use to free his god.
Hayato cares for nobody but himself, manipulating everyone around him. Viewing humanity as lesser to those of "divine blood" like the fellow ckanswho accepted Azazel's gift. He will do anything to achive his desires, even murder. All while smiling affibly.
Hayato was born to the Kiyori clan, a family that can trace their linage back thousands upon thousands of years. Loyal servants of Azzael. They were blessed with the Devil gene. Though they internally called it the divine blood. Throughout his life, Hayato was both pampered and trained to become the linchpin that would start the end of humanity's reign and signal the return of Azzael. A duty he took to heart, viewing humanity as a plight, too ignorant, bigoted and defiling the earth with their greed.
To accomplish this sacred duty he married a beautiful heriess and Dambe boxer named Safiya, she wasn't like other humans in his eyes. Brace, selfless and with a kind heart. Her strength merely added to her beauty. Wooing her woth his dreams of a peaceful without mentioning humanity's destruction. The pair married in their twenties. Sometime later, they a daughter named Ayame. The start of and a head of his brand new army. Viewing children born from his pairing with Safiya as too perfect to waste however. Meant that he haf to find some way of filling the expendable ranks without wasting his perfect children's lives.
So Hayato hatched a plan to further his plot. Aware of the Hachijo clan's faileures. he baited a business and martal arts rival, Heihachi Mishima. Faslely claiming that it was he who placed the devil inside of the late Kazumi and Kazuya and would place devils in everyone the greedy man loved. Enraged Heihachi took the taunt personally, but wanting the power of devils for himself targeted Hayato, who allowed himself to be captured and researched for a year, before breaking out and taking the children that were sired by the experiments as his own. Further deepening the hatred Heihachi had for the man. Yet unable to act openly less he reveal his own misdeeds. Though he gained his army, Safiya learnt of his intentions. Disgusted and horrfied. She fled with whoever she could save. Much to Hayato's sorrow. For he couldn't bear to hurt her. Not that it matterd. She, in his eyes would return in time. It was their destiny.
For the next 20 years Hayato would raise his children to become loyal soilders, all while placing his eldest by the side of Kazuya Mishima, encouraging the darkness in his heart.
Now Hayato waits in the shadows, for the compilation of his plans.
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a quote from Tertullian stands out this afternoon
...; if they had habitually loved their neighbour -- that is, themselves -- they would not have believed the persuasion of the serpent, ... ~ from Chapter II - The Law Anterior to Moses
the following from al-jazeera
Victims of Majdal Shams strike were not Israelis but Syrians The Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari has condemned the strike on Majdal Shams saying that the victims were Israeli citizens. Mouin Rabbani, an analyst at the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies in Montreal, said the statement was incorrect. “The victims were not Israelis, they were Syrians,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the Golan Heights were occupied by Israel in 1967 but that the Druze population there does not hold Israeli citizenship. Israel claimed the attack was carried out by Hezbollah, which the group has denied. “Israel has for months been threatening a major offensive in Lebanon and the Israeli public also feels strongly that the government should deal with the threat of Hezbollah before a new school year begins in September,” Rabbani said. It is “entirely plausible”, the analyst added, that the strike will trigger an escalation, for which Netanyahu may have gotten a green-light from the US during his trip to Washington.
also today:
and of course they've already blamed Iran for the Olympic train arsons/sabotage, so conveniently. it's far from difficult to see where this all is going, and never had been difficult.
maybe I'll write a little about Guatemala in the eighties tomorrow, or neo-libs and neo-cons and the lack of repercussions in the noughties and prior. shock doctrine, it's not just for economics. it's done as a matter of routine.
words ©spacetree 2024
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Artists Research - '60s and '70s Zeitgeist
America in the 1960s and '70s was an era of social upheaval: civil rights protests, the Cold War, the Vietnam war, etc.
American culture played a big role in defining global culture.
Post-WWII America
The early 1960s in America was a post-WW2 era: during and immediately after World War II, most of the mainstream western art was patriotic and optimistic, rallying countries around the idea of a robust, victorious nation.
During WW2, many women were encouraged and empowered to enter the work force due to all the men being away to fight in the war. The country was declining in manpower, so the solution was to completely change established gender roles, and in essence, change what it meant to be a woman. This is why we see many ads and such from this era that appear 'feminist' in their efforts to encourage women to join the workforce. Being a working woman who contributed to the war effort now meant that you were a patriot and a good American, and more than anything, a good woman.
However, once the war was over, the nation no longer had any need for women in the work force. They did however need to increase their population due to the casualties of war. So they shifted back to traditional gender roles. Once again, popular culture started advertising and advocating for women to stay at home and take care of the kids. This was presented as a woman's innate role in life, and to not fulfil it meant to not be a good woman.
War, Politics, and social change
The Cold War also defined much of the 1960s from the end of WW2 to to the collapse of communism. Proxy wars were being raged by both the US to the USSR.
This clash between communism and capitalism gave rise to the Red Scare in America. This was propaganda aimed at vilifying and creating fear of communism and the Soviet Union.
It also gave rise to the Truman Doctrine: a Cold War foreign policy set forth by President Harry S Truman, which stated that the US would give aid to any country that was supposedly under the threat of communism.
This doctrine in turn caused America's involvement in the Vietnam war. Many American youth protested this, which gave rise to the hippie movement of the 70s.
The Cuban Missile Crisis - This was the closest the Cold War came to becoming an all out war, or even worse, a nuclear war.
Hippie culture from the 1960s continued on, but the peaceful protests of the last generation took on a more demanding and often violent note. The Cold War continues, propelling innovation. The consumer culture of the 1950s and 60s had lead to debt and the 70s experienced a recession that caused a disillusion with optimism and structures of authority. The idea of a single style for most people disappeared and a multidude of trends appeared across all levels of society.
This was a time of great social change. This was when civil rights movements were in full swing. (poverty, segregation, feminism, gay/trans rights, etc.).
pop culture
In 1960, nearly half of America's population is under 18 years old. It's a young society, and the most affluent generation in U.S. history.
Definitive reads of the decade include To Kill a Mockingbird and Valley of the Dolls.
The Beatles are heard everywhere: pocket-sized transistor radios, eight-track stereos in cars, and portable record players. Everyone with a radio can sing along to the thrilling quality of stereo FM broadcasts. Although Elvis works hard to keep up, music is changing for good. The brightest stars are linked to the British Invasion, and the Motown and San Francisco sounds.
Mainstream religion is on the wane, except in growing evangelicalism and the new kind of relaxed non-denominational churches. In '66, the TIME cover story will actually ask "Is God Dead?" By the end of the decade.
Drug use was very popular. students and youth drawn to the counterculture experimented with drugs such as LSD and marijuana.
TV is the new craze. Color TV arrives in the early '60s and is embraced far more rapidly than the old black-and-white sets. By the end of the decade, 95 percent of homes have at least one TV.
The 1960s and 70s was also a time of great technological advancements. Especially in America, new innovations were constantly being made. Much of the technology we enjoy today was made during this boom.
Due to the explosion of television and cable, the film industry experienced an all time low. To combat this, the industry invested in magnifying celebrity culture and the allure of fame, bringing about the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame Stars.
This was still when celebrity culture was new.
Music played a big role in this anti establishment culture. For example, punk and rock subcultures in the '60s and then disco in the '70s were largely a counter-cultural space. they were spaces of respite where marginalised people could be free from social barriers for just one night. It must be noted that the punk and rock subcultures originated from the youth of Britain.
Art movements in the 1960s was also very anti-establishment. with the rise of consumerism and the start of late stage capitalism, 60s artists were crucial to the emergence of social, political movements that defined this time. popular art styles in the 1960s included minimalism, conceptual art, psychedelic art, and pop art. the growth of consumerist culture and the increasing commodification of art caused many artists to revolt through their utilisation of commercial materials (especially in their imagery), emphasis on technique, and presentation of their art through installations/scluptures that were free and easily accessible to the public. while this was in part to rebel against abstract expressionism and the art world's institutions, it was, on a larger scale, a movement against everything the western world stood for. (eg: Andy Warhol, Ana Mendieta, Gordon Matta-Clarke)
Postmodernism emerged in response to modernism. it developed out of a skeptisicm for realism and the ideological systems that kept current systems of authority in power. It was a rejection of the idealism of the Modernist era and explored contradiction, juxtaposition and dystopia.
Postmodernism developed out of society’s realization that though they had been fighting for rights and freedoms for decades, the world was plagued with inequity. Systems weren’t changing to improve most people’s lives quickly enough. The 70s were not a time of optimism but more a time of anger and cynicism based on the ongoing suffering of so many areas of society. Artists were rejecting expected structures just as society was rejecting traditional expectations.
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