every-tome · 1 year
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corvianbard · 2 months
With death comes a paradise At the end of a whale's song. May this genesis bloom to entice All that is of constant competition.
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exotic-indians · 1 year
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apocalyptic-lamp-001 · 7 months
what do you think of scp 6504?
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kenyatradedata · 2 years
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sexylonestar · 7 months
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Nylon # 6504
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whywishesarehorses · 7 months
BLM Mustangs for Sale - Litchfield Facility Mares
These horses are part of the March 2024 auction.
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6504/ last modified 2007-05-03 22:39:20
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toritelling · 1 year
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Summer update of Evergreen Island 🌺🌴
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ao3feed-weddie · 5 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ToyBVLm by theburningbentley “Do you think we might be in Hell?” he asks Father Martin. The priest doesn’t even stall in his painting, lathering what Waylon hopes is red paint up onto the dirty walls. “Oh absolutely not, my son” he says happily, “whatever makes you say that?” “The death?” Waylon suggests wryly, “maybe the dismemberment?” ___________________ Waylon Park finds himself in a timeloop. Words: 6504, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Outlast (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Eddie Gluskin, Waylon Park, Jeremy Blaire Relationships: Eddie Gluskin/Waylon Park Additional Tags: Time Loop, Jeremy Blaire Being an Asshole, Implied/Referenced Suicide, i don't know what other tags to put read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ToyBVLm
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malec-ao3feed · 4 months
A quiet interlude
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zaSpRuK by ToTheStarsWriting Alec and Magnus get a chance to go on their first (fourth) official date Words: 6504, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Hiding Under My Skin - Malec version Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: First Dates, Confident Alec Lightwood, Sort Of, more than typical canon, flirty Magnus, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Alec Lightwood Is a Nice Thing, so is Magnus, Flirting, Boats and Ships, Swimming, Tooth-Rotting Fluff read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zaSpRuK
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she-karev · 9 months
First Date (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev's Sister Imagine)
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Chapters: Four of Four
Age Rating: 12+
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev's Sister)
AN: Here’s the final chapter of this story guys don’t worry there will be a resolve from the cliffhanger and I hope it satisfies you. The GIF above is Amber with Andrew after she comes to a decision whether she can tell him about her past or not.
Warning: There is a tiny bit of smut at the end!
Summary: Amber tries to decide if she can trust Andrew with her secret and goes to Jo for advice while Andrew tries to figure out why Amber is so defensive.
Words: 6504
Andrew enters the elevator ready to start the day when a hand stops the elevator doors from closing and he see’s that it’s Amber. She stands there in her red t shirt, black leather jacket and jeans. They lock eyes both still reeling from yesterday but Amber snaps out of it and enters pressing a button. They both take a moment alone in that small, enclosed space.
He clears his throat, “Hey.”
Amber doesn’t look at him, “Hi.” She looked more uncomfortable than him even though he was the one who told her about his scars and she responded by leaving.
“…Amber, I don’t know you that well and yet I shared a big secret of mine to you. I’m just making sure you understand I don’t want anyone else here to know about it. I need to know your not just gonna-”
“Don’t worry I’m not gonna tell anyone.” She says it in a duh tone like it is completely obvious.
“I don’t mean to assume it’s just I remember intern gossip and I was a fairly popular subject when I first started if you can recall.”
“I’m not gonna say anything hell I don’t have anyone to say it to, I don’t have any friends.”
Andrew raises an eyebrow at that comment, “Not one?”
Amber straightens her jacket, “No I don’t, I have nothing in common with them and they don’t want to be friends with what they assume is a spoiled scary Barbie who got here thanks to her brother. And you know I didn’t ask you to tell me your life story. I’m sorry if you were expecting one back to figure out why I’m so messed up but that’s on you not me.” The way she dismissively says it causes him to glare at her and pull the stop button causing Amber to numbly say with a blank face, “I had a feeling.”
Andrew sighs, “I didn’t tell you to get a rise out of you or because I want to know what nightmare you went through out some sick curiosity.”
Amber growls under her breath and faces him with a vicious glint in her ice-cold eyes, “Then why did you?”
“I wanted to make you feel just a little bit better after what happened at the game. Was I curious about why you had a panic attack? Yeah. Did I want to pressure you into telling me? No. The reason I told you about my dad was because you were so sure I was like the other guys you’ve dated and I was gonna run. Because of that you were gonna call this off before it even got started, I wanted you to know a little about me and get past this perfect image you have of me because I am not perfect. I have my flaws like you and I have baggage like you, if you think everyone else had it better than you let me tell you the hard truth, you’re not the only one who had a crappy childhood. You’re just letting it drag you down more than most would.”
Amber’s glare turns angrier, “Excuse me? You don’t know anything about me just because you saw me naked once doesn’t give you an all access pass to everything Amber Karev. If you knew half the stuff, I went through you would be marveling at how I am still standing. I worked hard to get away from that crap and I don’t need some guy telling me that I haven’t and I don’t need to talk about it with after one booty call. You choose to tell me your secret and I’m choosing not to tell you mine and I am not gonna spill it to anyone. I’m not as crazy as I looked that night DeLuca.” Amber pushes the button and faces the elevator door still fuming. Andrew is frustrated at this lack of progress and faces the door too.
“You know what?” Andrew starts, “Maybe your right about us not being compatible after all.”
The doors open and Amber exits, leaving Andrew behind with his frustration turning to sadness over the end of something before it even began.
I walk down the hall in a brisk manner focused on getting through the day. It’s been 24 hours since I walked out of Andrew’s place after he told me about his dad and I have felt like crap run over twice since then.
I wish he was just a normal guy who doesn’t express his feelings, it’s usually the girls who are complained for that. I also know that he wouldn’t have felt like sharing his story if I didn’t have a panic attack due to my fucked-up past. I’m both mad at myself for starting this and mad at him for escalating it and trying to get me to open up.
It’s an impossible situation and I just hope he’s not hard on me for the next five years I’m here while he’s my boss. But who knows, maybe he’ll go somewhere else when he passes his boards. The idea should make me hopeful but him possibly leaving also makes me sad. This day is gonna suck.
I walk inside the locker rooms and see the others talking and I ignore them. It’s safe to say that my relationship with them is neutral. They don’t engage in small talk with me and I don’t either, it’s better this way because I have been told I make a horrible friend. The words used most to describe me were ‘rude’, ‘mean’, and sometimes ‘bitchy’. I think it’s because the girls at my private high school were spoiled brats who were jealous, I got the top spot in volleyball and was elected as salutatorian. I was better than them and smarter and they steered clear because they were petty and mean. I think the same applies to these guys except they think I’m some legacy kid who used her connections with her surgeon brother to get into this program. Honestly, it’s better than them gaping at how the freakshow from the ghetto got to be a doctor.
I get into my scrubs and lab coat and head to the surgical floor where I do pre rounds with the others. We go over the patients and their medical history and I’m sent to Jo who is in the imaging room practicing on the virtual dissection table for a lap appy. I grab a tablet with the patient’s status leaving a nurse in her wake and walk down the hall when I spot Carina coming out of the MRI walking in the opposite direction a few feet away. I inhale and try to find another route but Carina spots me and approaches me before I can run.
“Don’t worry, Andrea is not with me.” Carina says with just a hint of venom in her voice.
I need to make it seem like I’m not in the loop again otherwise I’ll get reprimanded and I don’t want that now, “Um I don’t know what your-”
She stops me though calling me on my bull, “I know he told you about our papa and I know you walked out after that.” I look down trying to avoid eye contact, “And I know that there is something in your past keeping you from seeing him again even though he made it clear he doesn’t care what you’re hiding from him. He might be an idiot but he doesn’t deserve to be pushed around when he was just trying to help you.”
“I-I didn’t push him around I just-”
“I don’t know what your problem is, I don’t know you but I know my brother and I can tell you he is not someone that can be scared away. If you just try to break down your walls a little you’d be surprised at-” As if she was heaven sent Jo approaches us and faces me.
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you everywhere, do you have the latest on Mrs. Fogler?” Jo asks.
I nod, “Yes it’s all right here in the system here you go.” I hand Jo the tablet but she doesn’t walk away instead she tells me something that catches me off guard.
“Okay let’s go over the plan so you can assist me in there.” Jo walks away and I stand there frozen from shock and she notices, “Did I stutter come on!” I snap out of it give a mumbled excuse me to Carina and follow Jo to the imaging room where it’s just the two of us.
“I gotta say I’m surprised I’m scheduled to assist today I thought it would be too early for me.”
“Yeah it is and that’s why your not.” Jo’s words deflate me in disappointment, “I just thought you needed to get away from Carina DeLuca because the way I see it she’s mad at you about something. It’s either you walked out of her masturbation research.”
“I wouldn’t do that in front of her for all the money in the world.” I clarify.
“Or it could be that your first date with her brother was a bust and she’s mad at you on his behalf. Since you denied the first one it should be that.”
“Your good you know that?” I’m impressed, she’s pretty and smart, I wonder what my brother did to get her.
“I know that but we’re not talking about me right now. Look I get it if you don’t feel comfortable talking about it with me right now, we can just hang out here for the next hour because I figure Carina is outside waiting to call on my bluff. So we’ll just sit here in silence until you can go.”
I exhale in relief, “Thank you.” I sit at one of the desks and Jo takes a seat next to me scrolling through the tablet going over the chart. We sit there for a few minutes and I feel the tension growing as I realize I do need to talk about this with someone. I need an outsider’s perspective and it can’t be Andrew or Carina or Alex…maybe it can be her. I mean she probably has a messed up past like me based on how she’s hiding from her abusive ex. If that doesn’t scream issues, I don’t know what does.
I sigh and confess, “We had our first date two nights ago.”
Jo looks up surprised that I’m initiating with her and puts the tablet down to face me, “How bad was it?”
I groan, “Well how bad do you think having a full-blown anxiety attack in front of your date is at the bad date scale?”
“You had a panic attack?” I nod, “Are you okay?”
I find it endearing she’s concerned for me and feel more comfortable with her, “Aside from the crippling shame and humiliation I’m great.”
“Well how did DeLuca react? Did he leave you after that?” Her expression turns dark, “Did he do something? Do I need to tell his sister off for you? Because I can I have been told my verbal lashes are the best.” I chuckle at her request; she looks like a Disney princess so I don’t know if she would do that but it’s sweet, she would offer.
“That won’t be necessary he…he was a complete gentleman. He breathed with me and helped me calm down. He was caring, he was attentive, he never left my side. After I calmed down he walked with me back to his place because it was closer and let me sleep in his bed. I felt safe in his presence and he never tried anything in my vulnerable state.”
Jo crinkles her eyebrows confused, “And that’s bad because…”
“Because I knew there was gonna come a time I would have to tell him about why I have panic attacks. I would have to tell him it was because my foster mom locked me in a trunk for two days after I broke a lamp. And then I would have to explain I was in foster care because my mom was at a mental hospital at the time because she smashed her car into a pole when she skipped her meds. And that will open crap event after crap event and-”
“And he’ll run faster than you can say call me?” Jo looks at me in sympathy, “Believe me you are talking to the right person for this. I know a thing or two about what you’ve been through.”
I scoff at her, “Yeah? Did your mom space out while your brother tried to kill you?”
“No, my mom left me at a fire station when I was baby and I never stayed in foster homes longer than three months.” I look at her astonished by her story and almost can’t believe it.
“Really?” I ask.
“Yeah, and it got so bad I resorted to living in my car when I turned 16.”
“Oof and I thought I had it rough. Did you ever go dumpster diving?”
Jo rolls her eyes, “Alex asked me the same thing and yes I have once or twice. You try making a homecooked meal in your car slash house.”
“I’m not gonna ask what you did in the glove box because I feel that’s too personal.”
Jo laughs at my comment, “Anyway whatever your feeling with DeLuca right now I think I’ve been through it with Alex so come on tell me.”
For the first time in a long time I feel like I have someone who can relate to me because she’s right. She must have felt shame over her past and held off on telling people here and guys she dated before Alex. If anything she’s probably the closest thing to a girlfriend I’ve ever had, the kind you can gossip with and bitch about your boyfriends to so I decide to try that with her, “He’s kind, he’s forgiving and he is so pretty. Why did he have to ruin it by sharing his baggage with me?”
“What do you mean?” Jo asks.
I groan, “I freaked out about him seeing me freaking out and I wanted to give him an out but he wouldn’t take it. He tried to make me feel better by telling me about his own complicated past and I walked away. Now we’re at work and I am making him feel bad about opening his heart to me this early so I wouldn’t feel like crap. Why did I do that?” I ask genuinely because I don’t understand why I keep pushing him away and rejecting his kindness.
“It’s simple you have trust issues and your pushing him away by being extra mean to him.” Jo states.
“I do not have trust issues.”
Jo chuckles darkly, “Your father abandoned you; your mom traumatized you and your brother tried to kill you. How could you not have trust issues?”
I groan, “Great now you’re calling me out on it too.”
“He said it too huh?”
I nod and bitterly say, “Yeah he thinks that I’m letting my past drag me down and I got mad at him but if you say I’m doing it too then it must be true.”
Jo looks at me in sympathy, “I’ve known DeLuca for a while now and I can honestly tell you he’s one of the rare good guys. If he told you about his past it’s not because he’s expecting anything in return.”
“I don’t know what to do. A part of me wants to walk away but I’ll feel bad for harboring a secret he trusted me with and giving nothing back. But if I do tell him chances are he’ll get scared and never talk to me again and we both carry each other’s horrible secret in horrible silence.”
“Have you considered that maybe you tell him and he’ll be okay with it and want to see you again?” Jo asks, causing me to chuckle bitterly in response.
“Men don’t like girls with baggage.”
Jo scoffs in disbelief, “Everybody has baggage.”
“No everybody else has carry on I have so much baggage airport security couldn’t keep track and I couldn’t afford the checked bags.” I make an airport metaphor to emphasize my crap.
“Okay…I’ll admit you have more than most but so what? That’s life we all have crap to deal with and all we can do is find someone who can deal with it. I know it’s still early for you guys but don’t you think you owe it to him to prove he can handle your crap? I mean he trusted you with his secret, shouldn’t you give him a chance to prove he can be trusted with yours too?”
I look at Jo in thought knowing she is right. DeLuca took a chance and told me about his messed-up childhood out of kindness. The least I could do is give him a chance to earn my trust and tell him about my checked bags. I ask Jo one more thing before I can come to this decision.
“What happens if I decide he can’t be trusted?”
Jo holds my hand, “Then he sucks big time.” I chuckle, “And you find another hot guy who has emotional baggage like you. I mean in this messed up world and in your generation their a dime a dozen.”
I look at Jo softened by her advice, even though I still don't feel like I can trust Andrew I start to feel like I can trust Jo from now on.
After finishing his shift Andrew gets his backpack and walks down the hall passing Alex by the monitor. Alex looks up and notices him and checks something by DeLuca.
“DeLuca before you go did you schedule Kimmy’s brain scan for next month?”
Andrew pauses and face Alex, “Yeah she’s scheduled for the 13th.”
“Great thanks have a good night.” Alex says, turning back to the monitor.
Andrew turns to leave but his instincts make him stay. He wants to know if Amber truly does want him to stay away from her and the only source of information is her brother. So he turns back around and sighs trying to find the right words. Alex notices and looks up confused.
“What is it?”
“…Can I ask you something? It’s about Amber.”
Alex suddenly gets uncomfortable talking about his sister with her one-night stand, “As long as it’s not bedroom related go.”
“I tried to make her feel better but she still treats me like crap. I tell her maybe we’re not compatible like she suggested but I didn’t really mean it. Amber is being pushy. She doesn’t want to tell me anything and no matter what I tell her she’s thinks I’m gonna cut and run if she gives me a little tidbit about her life before coming here. So she tells me we shouldn’t see each other anymore and that I can find someone else. Can you give me any insight on that? Am I being dumb holding onto hope and should just cut my loses while I still can?”
Alex rubs the back of his neck and groans at DeLuca asking for advice who realizes what he is saying and shakes his head.
“You know what never mind I am sorry this was a mistake just forget I said anything.” Andrew turns around to leave until Alex speaks up.
“Listen I have pushed people away when they got too close too and it wasn’t for fun. I was angry and I came from a tough life and I didn’t take help from anyone because I was so used to disappointment.” Alex shakes his head at his former self before continuing, “I’m not gonna give you the specifics but I can tell you that Amber had a tough life too and she’s probably doing the same thing I’m doing.”
“Well, that’s great.” Andrew says bitterly.
“Look all I can tell you is this. I’m not the right person to ask about her for reasons she is too scared to tell anyone right now. If anything you have a better relationship with her than I do and she only met you a few months ago.”
Andrew sighs and his eyes take a dark glint, “Yeah well she’s not really…receptive of me right now.”
Alex shakes his head at his sister’s behavior, “I’m not gonna tell you how her mind works man because I barely know. All I can say is…talk to her and make her feel safe so she won’t feel like pushing you away so much.” Andrew looks away in thought as his advice sinks in and leaves the floor to Alex’s relief. However, a nagging idea is at the back of his mind and he groans, “Damn it.”
I’m in the locker rooms alone changing back in my casual wear from this morning. After my talk with Jo, I spent the rest of the day in the pit patching up booboo’s and applying gauze not even doing surgery or even being inside an O.R. I feel like I wasted 8 years of school just to help day drunks vomit and skateboarders untape bandages. On the bright side I didn’t run into either of the DeLuca’s so my shame spiral didn’t get worse. I hear a knock on the door and turns to find Alex entering the room and groan at the unfortunate timing for him to come just when I’m about to leave. It’s like he knew I was on the verge of a breakdown and came to push.
“What do you want?” I ask dismissively as I gather my things in my backpack.
“I don’t know what you did to make DeLuca so conflicted this early in your relationship but I’m here to tell you to fix your crap before you make it worse.” I turn to glare at Alex, I can’t believe he has the nerve to tell me to fix my crap when he was a part of that crap in the beginning.
“You know there are so many things wrong with me taking relationship advice from you when the trouble of us starting had to do with you beating him to a bloody pulp.”
Alex just nods, “Yeah your right I made my bed that night and I regret it all the time but with that being said you don’t have to push him away after he moved past that. I don’t know exactly what’s going on with you two but I’m guessing it’s because your scared he’s gonna run when you tell him about mom and Aaron.”
I widened my eyes at him infuriated that he would bring it up at our workplace. I look around to make sure we’re really alone and close the door for more privacy, “It is way too early for that and I know it’s not fair when he told me his own horror movie life to make me feel better but I can’t do it.”
“Well your gonna have to eventually, if not with him then with the next guy you want to date. It’s inevitable so you might as well get it over with.” He says it so easily and I roll my eyes at him.
“Okay this is none of your business.”
Alex chuckles lightly, “Yeah your right it really isn’t but guess what your boyfriend is making it my business by coming to me for insight into my sister I haven’t seen in 8 years.”
I shake my head in shock at this new information, “He came to you?”
“Yeah and it’s because you’re doing what I did when I first started dating Izzie. You’re pushing him away and making the choice for him and that’s not fair to him. I have had to come a long way to overcome that mindset before I lost the friends I miraculously made here and I’m making sure you don’t make the same mistakes as me.”
I chuckle darkly at him, “Okay you know what we both screwed up our relationships Alex I have heard the stories including how your ex-wife walked in on you and a nurse when you two were dating.” I state that moment of his life to make it clear he is not the right person to give this advice to me but he doesn’t budge.
“Your right I did that and that is why I am here telling you maybe you should do this one differently.” I look at him curiously, “Not telling him about our family it’s a problem and you should fix it. Just tell him like he told you and hope he reacts differently than the others.”
I sigh and see my brother’s point in this unfortunately and I decide to ask him, “And what if he reacts the same?”
Alex looks at me in sympathy, “Then he’s an idiot and he’s not as good a guy as you thought.” I look down in thought, “Advice time is over I’m going home, talk to the Italian. It’s the opposite I would do at your age let that be motivation enough and you won’t end up like me intern year. Good night.”
Alex leaves the room and I’m left standing there reeling from his talk. Damn it he was right; I need to fix this and try to make this right if I can. I’m gonna go through this with another guy I might date and he’s gonna want to know more about me and where I come from. It’s inevitable and I need to get ahead of this before he finds out another way. At least this way I can control the narrative and he hears it from my point of view. I groan and put my backpack on before exiting the lockers.
Andrew is sitting on the couch at Owen Hunt's house binging on some Netflix show he just chose randomly. He’s trying to get past that awful day with pop culture but so far, it’s not working. He knows he should just move on he’s only known Amber for a collective three days but in that short time he never felt more alive with anyone. Even when she’s being rude and challenging, he still finds himself wanting to be around her and get to know her more.
She makes him laugh and she makes him want to go to baseball games and let her sleep in his bed after a panic attack. He knows an anxiety attack should turn him off but it wasn’t her fault and he’s pretty relieved she’s not so perfect because he was afraid she would leave when she figured out he wasn’t. Although ironically she left for the exact opposite because she thought he was too perfect to handle her secret. As he continues to mope, he hears a knock on the door and opens it surprised to find Amber on the other side this time with a remorseful look instead of an angry one.
“Hi…Can we talk?” Amber asks carefully and Andrew moves to let her in and she inhales deeply, “Do you have any alcohol?”
Andrew points at the six pack from the coffee table he was using, “I have beer.”
Amber exhales in relief, “Great.” She uncaps the bottle and drinks it for a few seconds to gain liquid courage, “You are surprisingly kind and generous. I try to push you away so you could leave after glimpsing me at my worst and yet you didn’t, instead you stayed and took care of me. You didn’t have to do that and yet you did and…you told me something about yourself so I wouldn’t feel alone in my suffering. You did not deserve the things I said to you this morning and you were right I am letting my past drag me down so I’m gonna try to move past that and…tell you why I am so afraid to give you a chance.”
Andrew shakes his head, “You don’t have to do this.”
Amber swallows, “I know…but I want to because your gonna know eventually they all do and I am gonna give you the choice to leave instead of taking it from you.” Amber sighs and takes a sip from her beer, “You may want to sit down for this and should I.” They both sit in the armchairs facing each other by the bookshelves.
Amber takes a deep breath before starting her story, “My mom is a paranoid schizophrenic, she was diagnosed before I was born and it has made me and my brother’s life hell. Alex was the one who took care of everything he fed us and took us to school and made sure we were alive because my mom skipped her meds and she would lay in bed for days because it was so bad. It was just the four of us in that house because my dad left when I was 2 and I’m glad he wasn’t there growing up like he was with my brothers. He was a junkie who liked to hit his family when things didn’t go his way. He even smashed my fingers with a toilet seat when I had an accident and after that Alex gave him the beating of his life and he left after he was discharged.” Andrew just sits there with a blank face trying not to let his anger towards her dad show, “Alex couldn’t handle that crap anymore so he left me with mom and Aaron when I was 10. Before he left we had to go into foster care from time to time because my mom either staying in bed or making a scene at the grocery store caught CPS’s attention. The good ones ignored me and the bad ones…” Amber sips her beer again before continuing, “The worst was the woman who locked me in a trunk for two days after I broke a lamp of hers. I was 7 and she warned me it would happen but my foster brother was pushing me around and I was knocked against the drawer and…it broke. He blamed me of course and…” Amber feels tears coming as she’s taken back to the small, dark space and can still remember how hungry she got and how dry her mouth was from dehydration, “It would’ve been longer but thankfully a social worker did a wellness check and found me passed out in that awful trunk. My panic attacks started from that awful time.” Andrew looks at her in sympathy, “Remember when I told you that night, we met that I was attacked by someone and I was beaten up?”
Andrew says, “Yeah.”
“Well…I left out some details. I knew the guy who attacked me…it was my brother, my older brother, Aaron and the reason he attacked me was because he inherited our mom’s disease.” Amber feels more tears coming and wipes them away with her sleeve, “When I was 16 he came back from a long night on the road, came into my bedroom, locked the door and tried to strangle me with a nightgown.” Amber does breathing exercises so the memories don’t take her back to that night and after a few moments she continues, “My mother couldn’t hear my screams or she could she was too spaced out from not taking her meds…again. I would have died if I didn’t bash his head in with my bedside lamp and ran out as fast as I could. I tried to get out of the house but he caught me by my hair and…he punched me in the face so hard and so many times I needed a maxillofacial surgeon to come in from Des Moines because my jaw was dislocated and I had to drink my food for the next month.” Amber sighs as she finishes the worst of it, “My past is ugly, it’s messy and I have done everything I can to run from it. I understand if this is too much and…I don’t expect you to stick around so if you want to go just go and I’ll be fine. I’ve survived worse and I can survive this.”
Andrew exhales and leans forward stroking his chin in thought, “…I’m-I’m processing, it’s a lot so just give me a minute.” Amber nods and stays quiet as he processes for about 20 seconds before inhaling and face her, “First of all thank you for telling me, I know it was hard. Second you were right it is a miracle your still standing knowing your full story and third…I’m not going anywhere.”
Amber looks at him shocked, “Didn’t you hear what I just said?”
Andrew holds her hand and looks at her in awe, “Yeah and it is messy and I get why you felt I couldn’t handle it but I can. I don’t care about your baggage Karev, none of that was your fault and you shouldn’t punish yourself for it. I just care that you were comfortable enough to tell me and gave me a choice here. You know things about me and I know things about you so…can we finally move forward so I can take you on an actual date? I feel like I owe you one.”
Amber’s eyes glisten at his confession and she pulls him toward her and kisses him gratefully. They passionately kiss for a few moments before they stand up. Amber takes her jacket off as she kisses him and they pause so she can take his shirt off. Amber moves his lips to her neck causing her to moan and he takes her shirt off leaving them both half naked in the living room.
Amber runs her hands all over his body marveling at his muscles as he roams his hands over her soft pale skin and curves. Andrew guides her to the coach where she lays under him and moans as he rains kissed along her collar bone and the swell of her breasts before moving back to take her jeans off and sits back marveling at her lean body in a black push up bra and black panties.
“God you are gorgeous.” Andrew says in a breathy tone.
Amber is impatient and sits up, “Less talking more sexing.” Amber pulls him back on top of her by his belt and he chuckles and does as she requested on the couch.
I lie on my stomach on the floor of the living room with the blanket only covering me from the waist below leaving my back exposed for DeLuca to stroke with his fingers as he lies on his side. He has a lazy gaze in him as he strokes as if this is his favorite past time. He’s covered by the blanket as well after our love making on the couch we moved to sleep on the floor. We both woke up this morning sated despite the floor possibly messing up our spines.
I couldn’t care less about it because this moment of us just looking at each other and relaxing in each other’s presence is enough to forget it. I have my head on one of the throw pillows and gaze at this man who is still here. I was afraid when I woke up he would be gone but he’s not instead he’s here and I’m letting him stroke my back.
Andrew stops the moment as he asks me, “Why did you decide to get into medicine?”
I sigh and prop myself up on my elbows as I lie on my stomach, “I wanted to use the part of my brain that was healthy. After…that I was afraid I would be next so I decided to become a doctor so I would never get lost in my own head and let that awful part of my genes take me. I always do sudoku in the morning and I made sure Jen sees the friend I hang out with so I don’t end up like Russel Crowe in A Beautiful Mind.”
Andrew props himself on his elbow and we face each other fully, “I’m guessing it’s not your favorite movie then.”
I grin at him, “No it isn’t. We’re already deep into each other’s life so I’m not gonna give you my fake favorite movie I told you.”
Andrew’s eyes narrow in amusement, “It's not Evil Dead 2?”
“I told you it’s Evil Dead 2 and I like that movie but my favorite…is Legally Blonde.” I finish with a wince and Andrew chuckles.
“Well that’s definitely unexpected but I can kind of see it. A hot blonde trying to make her way into a respectable profession, it’s kind of like you.”
I chuckle, “Yeah I think I skipped the part where Elle had to overcome a crazy neglectful mom, a junkie dad, an absent brother and a crazy brother.”
“Yeah I think I did too.” Andrew chuckles and continues stroking my back, “So what happens now?”
I grin, “Well later your gonna pick another place for us to have a proper date. I wouldn’t do a picnic because I hate the outdoors so a nice restaurant or a movie theater is a good rebound. I’ll give you a few days to decide but for now…” I give him a sexy grin and move to straddle him with him getting full view of me naked, he looks at me wide eyes clearly marveling at my body even in this bright light, “Let’s keep getting to know each other.”
Andrew sits up so we’re face to face, “A great way to start the morning.” We kiss again and it lasts for a few moments until we hear the door opening. I shriek in horror and Andrew moves fast so I am under him instead so the couch can cover us from whoever walked in. Andrew immediately covers me with the blanket and calls out to whoever walked in, “Oh my god! Please tell me you didn’t see anything!”
“Uh no I didn’t see anything.” I recognize the shocked voice as the chief of trauma Dr. Owen Hunt and my face burns with shame and embarrassment. I pull the blanket over my head to hide myself. Andrew is covering his private area with the throw pillow as I hog the blanket. I hear Hunt clear his throat and say, “DeLuca you have a room with a lock use that next time.”
Andrew sounds horrified, “Yeah, yeah will do I will do that from now on I promise a-and I’ll disinfect the couch.”
“Actually, I decided right now to buy a new one.” Hunt says with disgust, “I’ll get out of your way just be dressed by the time I wake up.” Hunt yells out as he walks away, “The same goes for you too Karev.”
“Yes sir!” I confirm awkwardly. I pull the blanket away as soon as Hunt closes his bedroom door and glare at Andrew who shrugs still holding the pillow. I groan at another doctor interrupting us and get up to find my underwear.
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pom-hello · 11 months
at the end of every september
Beta-read by the lovely and incomparable @myriad-of-things! Go check out their fics :)
Summary (excerpt included below):
In March, George falls in love, drenched in flinty sunlight and clear, cold air; in the waned warmth at the end of September, he tries to come to terms with it.
It’s not something he can do alone, he finds, especially when his head is aching, he can’t get warm no matter what he does, and he just needs someone there.
Link: AO3
Status: 1/1 chapter up; complete
Pairings/characters: DreamNotFound
Word count: 6504 (lol that's more than 10 Common Apps)
Genre and rating: Romance, hurt/comfort, angst
“Hello? Hey, George, you okay?” Dream’s voice is quiet; speakerphone is off. Even so, George feels a pang at the concern in his voice, laid out so plainly. So honestly.
George swallows hard and holds the phone up to his ear. Something nameless swims in the pit of his stomach, and it’s making his hands shake. Drying up the words on his tongue.
“Yeah,” he finally manages. “I…”
“Hold on, you don’t sound okay. Are you sick?” Dream asks. There is something like the sound of wind in the background, beneath his words.
“Think I’m”—he clears his throat violently—“coming down with something.” A pause. “You…shouldn’t.”
“Shouldn’t? Shouldn’t what?”
“Shouldn’t come here. Shouldn’t be here.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “Don’t wanna give it to you.”
Silence on the other end of the line. Then Dream laughs lightly.
“I don’t care about that,” he says, like it is a foregone conclusion. “You know my immune system is stacked. I haven’t been sick since high school.”
“It’s too far,” George protests weakly. “Too much trouble.”
More of that light laugh. “Too much trouble? Not for you. Never for you. George, do you want me to be there?”
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Conrail 6504 by John Shine Via Flickr: A pair of Conrail SD40-2's are rear pushers on an Eastbound manifest train as a Westbound rolls downhill as seen from the Route 53 overpass at Cresson, PA in July of 1986.
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sexylonestar · 7 months
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Sock # 6504
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heinzschumi · 1 year
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Fresh fashionable haircut for the summer.
Call: 0207 352 6504.
By Appointment only.
31 Thurloe Street, South Kensington,
London, SW7 2LQ.
Photo by Heinz Schumi.
All rights reserved 2023©️.
#hair #haircut #haircutsouthkensington
#hairinspiration #hairinspo
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